#He said Percy would get with Oliver by December of their fifth year
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How the Gryffindor Quidditch Team Found Out About Perciver
All of the Gryffindor Quidditch team and Percy (who was roped into a game) are sitting around a table in the common room, sans Harry
Katie: Never have I ever kissed a guy
Angelina, Katie, Fred, and Oliver took shots.
Oliver gave Percy a Look™
Percy sighed and took a shot.
Angelina: WHEN, Percy?
Percy shrugs and refills his glass
Alicia: Never have I ever kissed a guy at this table
Katie and Oliver take shots.
Alicia: Katie? Really?
Katie: (changing subject) Percy?
Percy: Yeah?
Katie: Didn't you just refill your glass? It's empty.
Percy started blushing.
Percy: No... I didn't....
George: Never have I ever kissed Perce.
Oliver gave Percy another look, then downed another shot.
Angelina: Wow...
Fred reached into his pocket and handed ten galleons to a grinning George.
#perciver#percy weasley#oliver wood#George won the bet#He said Percy would get with Oliver by December of their fifth year#Fred said by May#They kinda already knew but yeah
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Pairing: Marcus Flint x Oliver Wood
Summary: Flint’s been acting off, Oliver noticed. And everyone is far too excited that he’s going to find out his soulmate’s name.
Words: 3,857
a/n: Set in the same soulmate au universe as a Deamus I wrote in case you wanted to read that too.
Oliver wasn't entirely sure when it started but at some point in his fifth year, Flint started acting off. He seemed to avoid picking petty fights for the most part. All he'd really done that year was try to get his team's practice time even though he'd booked it for his team. It was just like Flint to use Snape's favouritism to get their practice time.
But that was it. He hadn't had much encounters with him since. And they wouldn't really as Flint was a year ahead of him. But any time they were near each other, Flint would avoid looking at him. He used to make a big show out of egging him on, trying to get to his short temper and riling him up. That was their relationship. Not pretending like he didn't exist. Maybe it was just his new way to piss him off.
There were more important things to worry about than Flint anyway. His seventeenth birthday was coming up and that'll mean his soulmates name will be someplace on his skin in their handwriting. He was excited but he wouldn't let it distract him from Quidditch.
Of course, he did have the natural curiosity of wondering who his soulmate could be. He’d thought about it plenty of times, eyeing person to person. Percy’s birthday had passed and Oliver had some blind panic it was him but Percy had told him it was some girl named Audrey, so he quickly forgot about it. His own birthday was still a couple of weeks away, and the nerves were kind of building up. He wondered if he already knew them, or if there would be some time until he met. It’d be weird asking each person he encountered with his soulmates name what the name etched onto their skin was. But maybe that was half the journey.
He did wonder what it’d mean if it was someone he already knew. If they were someone he was already close to or another name to him. If they’d already had their mark and hadn’t told them out of the rational fear who they thought their soulmate was, wasn’t actually who they thought it was. But the universe had some plan, and he’d find his soulmate surely.
But despite that, Quidditch was his main focus. They’d won against Slytherin in the first game. It was Flint’s own fault for replacing Higgs for the Malfoy kid simply for Nimbus 2001s, pip squeak didn’t even realise the Snitch was right next to his head while he was tormenting Harry. Flint had a go at Malfoy for that, likely regretting his decision. Oliver had tried to goad him for that but he was always met with a narrowed eyes and a cold glare. His cunning grey eyes were perfect for that. With the trollish appearance. The joke that Flint had troll blood was nothing new. Even remarks that stated pity for his soulmate. It was the most common jab at him but he deflected them easily. He wouldn’t expect Flint to give a damn about what he looked like or what people thought of him. Oliver would be lying if he said he didn’t find that at least a little admirable. Flint’s ability to not care about other’s opinions was the type of thing he wished he was able to have the capacity to do.
Uh, aside from that he was an insufferable git. But it was confusing how he’d seemed to forget that their relationship was jeers and arguments and spats, leading to eye rolls from their teams. It was routine, it was their normal. Taking that out just felt so out of place. Especially since Flint seemed to be normal in every other aspect. Barrelling down the corridor, not caring if he slammed into someone. Bludging in the corridors between classes, and probably when he was supposed to be in class. Cackling with his fellow Slytherins. Directing Trip Jinx’s at other students, usually Gryffindors. The same Flint he’d seen since his first year. Typical Slytherin bully archetype, the kind his father groaned about in his youth. Slytherin were definitely the sorts that cared about their housemates rather than everyone else. Oliver figured the ‘you’ll make your true friends’ spoke a lot of truth. He just didn’t understand why being a wanker seemed to be part of that.
Nevertheless, he just continued with his day as usual. He made his way to Potions with Percy, dodging first years rushing to class and half listening to Percy ramble about the essay he had to write for Astronomy. Oliver was too bust rehearsing plays in his head to listen completely. He knew Percy preferred someone to talk at rather than someone to listen, so it was a win-win for them. Oliver wasn’t the best listener in the world.
He heard laughter and his eyes drifted to where Flint was sitting with Shunpike. They were eating Every Flavour Beans, laughing when the other gaged at a gross flavour. He could recognise Flint’s laugh anywhere. Deep and a little maniacal. Like he was laughing at something that was a bad tasting bean.
He could see those stupid piercings glimmering. The stud in his brow, ring in his septum, and the multiple in his ears. It was just like Flint to get piercings while they were still at school. Not that they looked bad, they suited him.
He thought about sending a goad, try to stir him up a little. It was still weird to pass Flint without some sort of jab. He searched his mind for some sort of crude remark, something to get a response that was more than a glare.
“Oliver,” Percy’s voice cut in. He glanced at Shunpike giving him a questioning look. “Leave it.”
“Leave what?” he asked, raising his brow at him.
“Leave stirring Flint up for later, last thing you two need is to get into a brawl leading to detention.”
They’d already passed Flint and his Shunpike so there was no point in going back. A brawl could be saved for another time.
“We should do something for your birthday,” Alicia said, buttering her toast.
“Like what?” Oliver asked, getting some strawberries to put on his pancakes. Alicia, Katie, and Angelina were sat across from him, Percy on his side.
“We could go to the Three Broomsticks,” Katie said. “Have a get together and all.”
He shrugged, giving a small nod. They were making it a bigger deal than it was, sure this year was more meaningful than others but he didn’t want to put too much emphasis on it. He just wanted to get it over and done with, just find out his soulmates stupid name. His birthday wasn’t until that Monday anyway, and the Hogsmeade trip was only on the Saturday. Everyone else seemed far more excited about him getting his soulmate than he was. He wasn’t not curious but why did who the universe has decided was perfect for him so important?
He put up with it though, they meant well. He was the first on their squad to get their soulmate. They weren’t on the team when Charlie turned seventeen but he hadn’t gotten a mark, and he seemed to be okay with it. Charlie said something about not being interested in being with anyone anyway. Oliver had a shameless crush on him in his earlier years so that did break his heart a little, even though he knew it’d never happen in the first place.
Still, they were far too excited. It’s like they were expecting his soulmate to just appear in front of him when he turned seventeen.
When he had to get to class with Percy he felt something hit the back of his head. He glanced back and saw a crumpled bit of parchment on the floor, and afar he could see Flint snickering with is Shunpike. Oliver rolled his eyes and went to walk away but he heard Percy mutter, “Pick it up, you know he won’t.”
He huffed and picked up the stupid piece of scrunched parchment. He stretched it out see the note scrawled in absolute chicken scratch on it.
He looked back at Flint and saw the amused look on his face. He rolled his eye and shoved it into his pocket.
Oliver mostly in his own head while they all went out for his birthday. It was fun spending time with everyone at the three broomsticks but for some reason that’s when it really hit him he’d be finding out who his soulmate was soon. It was a little exciting, he guessed. Even if all he got was a name. He was a little curious if he already knew them. He was even more curious if his soulmate already knew.
He left the Three Broomsticks with Percy, trudging through the early December snow. Percy went into his typical mode of talking at Oliver while Oliver let himself get into his own head. He tried to think of the best ways for the team to practice while it was snowing.
At least he was until a snowball hit him in the back of the head.
He heard Flint’s familiar laugh and rolled his eyes, doing his best to ignore him. And he would’ve been successful if he hadn’t heard the crunching of snow. Despite Percy’s mutters to just ignore him, he turned to see Flint walking up to him. It was fucked he was a little happy he was paying attention to him and not ignoring him.
“What do you want Flint?” he grumbled. “Or did you just want to throw shit at me again?”
He gave him a grin, his crooked teeth clear. It wasn’t meant to be friendly, it was meant to stir him up. Oliver almost smiled. There was the normal between them. There was the goading he was used to. “What? I needed to get your attention somehow.” He rocked on his heels, his hands in his pockets. “What are you two Gryffindors up to anyway?”
“Just when to the Three Broomsticks for my birthday,” Oliver shrugged.
Something flashed in Flint’s eyes, the teasing smile wiping off his face. “It’s your birthday?”
“Monday,” he corrected.
“Some people meet up with friends Flint, some of us have them,” Percy said behind him. “Where’s Shunpike?”
Flint shrugged. “Studying.”
“And why aren’t you?” Oliver asked, raising his brow. It was just so damn typical of Flint to give little care to school.
“Gotta work on plays to make sure we win the cup, Wood.”
Yeah, that sounded like Flint. “Don’t even know how you can read your plays when five year olds have better hand writing than you.”
Flint frowned. His grey eyes weren’t piercing, they were unsure. “Whatever Wood, just make sure your plays are at least a little good enough for when we kick your arse.”
Before he could shoot anything back, Flint turned and left.
Well he guessed Flint was back to how he previously was.
“What’s with him?” Percy asked when he turned back to him, Percy looking curiously over his shoulder at the direction Flint had walked.
“That’s what I’ve been trying to say,” he said. “He’s been acting off.”
“Why do you care though?” Percy asked. “It’s weird but why does it matter if he’s acting weird?”
Because they’d had an argumentative relationship since he joined the team in his second year. Because it only got more intense when he became captain the previous year. Because Flint was a confrontational person but that seemed to shift at some point. Because this wasn’t the normal he was used to with him.
“I don’t know,” he settled on. “Unlike him.”
“Yeah but who cares.”
He nodded. Yeah, who cared?
Percy had already gone to sleep so Oliver was on his own as he waited for his soulmate’s name to appear. It was coming on to 12am and he was waiting for the prickle on his skin, as if that part of his body had fallen asleep.
It was weird how his mind ran through all the possible people it could be. So many names popped into his mind as he waited patiently. He thought of people who hadn’t turned seventeen yet, who could possibly be his soulmate. A piece of him did hope he was the first to know, to not have a soulmate who waited for him get his own. But that was a common theme. It could really be anyone. Probably someone who could handle his passion for Quidditch, even better, someone who was just as passionate. He couldn’t think of someone in his life that’d fit that mould.
He felt the skin on the inner side of his left forearm prickle. His heart raced, waiting for the prickle to cease, too scared to look until it was over. Even when it went away, he was too nervous to look, sweat prickling on his forehead.
He knew he had to though.
He took a deep breath and pulled up his sleeve to see the mark. It was clear in the dim light.
Even then he felt like he had to have misread it. He couldn’t be seeing what he thought. He gaped at his arm, staring at the familiar chicken scratch of a mark.
Oliver tried to figure out what he was going to do. He had to confront Flint about this.
He knew. The bastard knew for god knew how long. And he hadn’t fucking told him.
At least his behaviour finally made sense. They were fucking soulmates.
The universe had a sick sense of humour.
When he was walking to class with Percy, Flint was in his usual spot with Shunpike. He had to stop himself from giving him a look, to indicate he knew. To tell him about the stupid mark he could practically feel burning on his skin.
But he kept his eyes forward, not letting them stray. As much as he wanted to. To just have the chance to yell his frustrations at him.
But as if the bastard read his mind he felt something land in his pocket. Something that definitely was a piece of parchment. He glanced over his shoulder slightly back at Flint. His wand was out but he seemed to be listening to something Shunpike was saying.
He turned away and took out the piece of parchment. Percy was rambling about something so he was distracted enough to read the note.
He carefully unfolded it and in the same scrawl on his arm was one simple line.
Meet me in the seventh floor’s left corridor at six
He knew he knew.
The corridors weren’t as warm as the common room, Oliver almost went back to his room to lay under the sheets in its warmth, just not wanting to face him. But he had to. Of course he had to.
He wasn’t sure why he chose the seventh floor, he had to get up from the dungeons. Maybe it was because it was so out of the way.
He found him fidgeting in the corridor, clearly too nervous to even attempt to keep still. He cleared his throat to get his attention and he saw him jump. Flint’s grey eyes stared at him. Not cold. Not cunning. Not intimidating.
Scared. Soft. Unsure. That’s what he was getting from those all too familiar eyes.
He opened his mouth to speak but Flint got there first. “There’s uh… a room we can go to.”
Before Oliver could reply, Flint turned to go further down the corridor. Confused, he followed him, and stopped when he saw a doorway forming.
Room of Requirement. He’d heard rumours of it but it seemed too unreal to be true. Flint opened the door and Oliver hastily followed, not sure exactly what to expect.
What he saw was a love seat by a fireplace, a blanket placed over the back of the loveseat. It was ready for two people to cuddle and forget the world. Maybe that was what they needed.
When he closed the door behind him, he forced himself to look at Flint. Flint at the same nervous stance, fidgeting on his feet. The only virtue was the warmth of the fireplace but something in him was pushing him to pull Flint onto the love seat, wrap the blanket around the two of them and cuddle, not thinking of anything else in the world.
But maybe working things out should come first. If they did. He still wasn’t sure if he wanted to.
The silence between them was deafening, the tension thick. He wanted to yell at him for not telling him but he couldn’t bring himself to. Flint just looked… soft, vulnerable, even a little guilty. So he let him break the silence.
“Happy birthday.” He spoke softly, clearly wanting to tread the waters lightly. But he didn’t want to stall, he wanted to get right to what they were here for.
“You knew.” He knew his tone was harsh but this was the closest to yelling he was going to get. He couldn’t bother to use the energy.
“Fine,” he huffed, finally addressing what they were there for. “I knew.”
“And you didn’t tell me?”
Flint took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he did. “What did you expect me to say, Wood?”
“Something! Not avoid me and make it very fucking obvious something was off.”
“So you wanted me to go up to you and tell you ‘hey, I know you hate my guts and all but we’re soulmates’.”
He swallowed. “I don’t hate you.” Because it was true. He didn’t hate the guy. He was annoyed by him and he knew exactly how to stir him up but he didn’t hate him.
“Well, I don’t hate you ether,” Flint replied, clearly surprised by his response. “But still, us? It’s…” he trailed off.
He nodded. “Universe has a sick sense of humour.”
Flint snorted. “Yeah,” he replied. “Sure you would’ve liked a better soulmate.”
“You’re not… awful,” he replied, scratching the back of his neck.
“You know I hear what people say about me,” he said. “Pitying my soulmate and all.”
“You don’t seem particularly hurt by it,” he replied, cocking his head to the side.
He shrugged. “I don’t really care what people think of me,” he said. “People can say what they want. I look bad with the piercings, I look like I have troll blood, I don’t care. I don’t care about the people who say it so why should I care what they think?”
He expected it from Flint, he really did. And he liked that about Flint a lot.
“Look, we don’t have to be together, I did just want to talk this out,” Flint said. “I uh… I get if you don’t really want to be with me.”
Oliver licked his lips. “I didn’t say that, it’s just real surprising I guess.”
A small smile tugged on his lips. “Me part or bloke part.”
He returned the smile. “Bloke part fine, I’m gay anyway.”
“Oh good,” he laughed lightly. “That saves a step.”
Oliver licked his lips. “Guess I need to wrap my head around it being you. You’ve had far more time to process than I have.”
Flint chewed his lip. “Bringing that up again, great,” he coughed awkwardly. “I’m sorry, should’ve said that before. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I know it’s a piss poor excuse but I had a difficult time processing it. Plus, you aren’t too bad on the eyes so I didn’t know how’d I got you.”
His cheeks tinted a little pink at the unexpected compliment. “Well, you’re not as bad looking as everyone says.”
He felt a little pride when he saw the smallest of smiles accompanied by pink cheeks on Flint’s face. “Well that’s nice to hear,” he cleared his throat. “Where was you soulmate mark? Mine’s on my collarbone.” He tugged the collar of his robe and in his hand writing he saw his name right over the bone.
“Mine’s on my forearm,” he said and pulled his sleeve up to show him the mark.
“Merlin my hand writing is bad,” Flint laughed when he leaned forward to it.
“Couldn’t be at least a little neat?” he teased, small smile on his lips when he pulled his sleeve down.
“Well sweetheart I’m dyslexic, we tend to not have the best hand writing in the world.”
He ignored the surprising pet name in exchange for the new information. “You’re dyslexic?”
“Yeah, my mums a muggle born and my aunt picked up on it.”
“Wait, you’re a half blood?”
An amused smile crossed his lips. “Yeah, pissed off my dad’s side of the family.”
“Seem to be learning a lot about you tonight,” Oliver said.
“Well, you don’t know a lot about me to begin with. And I don’t really know much about you.”
The love seat ended up being useful. They didn’t do anything physical really, just talked and let their knees press together, allowing themselves to actually get to know each other.
He’d loved cats ever since he was five.
His favourite subject was Potions since it was so hands on.
He wanted to play for Montrose and dreamed of playing for England.
His valued friendship above everything.
Oliver was coming to realise there was so little he knew about Flint but he was also someone he could listen to forever.
The Room of Requirement became a sort of meeting place for them. They got the cosy room each time, that particular night there was a bottle of champagne when he got to the room. Marcus was already there and smiled when he saw him.
“Did you sneak that in?” Oliver asked, sitting next to him on the love seat, nodding towards the champagne.
He shook his head. “No, it was here when I got here. Want some?”
He smiled and nodded and Marcus leaned forward to pour the two glasses sat on the table. He handed the glass to him and he smiled taking a sip.
It’d been a weird few weeks. They were taking it slow, trying to get used to the idea they’re apparently destined for each other before really jumping to snogging. They hadn’t told anyone they were soulmates yet. They weren’t really sure when they would.
That didn’t really matter. Because he could only focus on Marcus. Marcus playing with his hair. Marcus shuffling closer to press his lips to his neck. Oliver smiled and turned his head to him, nudging his nose against his.
Gently, their lips found their way between each other and it felt like the most natural thing in the world. He let his fingers find their way to his hair as Marcus pulled him to his lap, holding him gently on the hips.
He couldn’t concentrate on anything but the fact Marcus’s tongue was in his mouth.
And nothing felt more right.
Percy and the team’s shocked faces when he told the was something Oliver will find amusing for probably the rest of his life.
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By Moonlight and Sunrises: Chapter 10 - Sunrises
Story Title - By Moonlight and Sunrises (ffn link)
Story Description - There was no awkwardness. No need to fill the empty space with words because the space wasn’t empty. There was something - inaudible, invisible, of course, but there was something there anyways. “How can I possibly want to kiss a woman whose name I don’t even know?” Percy finally asked, breaking the silence.
Story Rating - teen (T)
Story Characters - Percy Weasley, Audrey Shacklebolt, George Weasley, Keegan Shacklebolt (OMC), Sabina Kopitar (OFC), Oliver Wood, Kingsely Shacklebolt, Zhara Shacklebolt (OFC), Kristopher Shacklebolt (OMC), Kelsey Rowle (OFC), Thorfinn Rowle, Molly Weasley I, Arthur Weasley
Story Pairings - Percy/Audrey
Chapter - 10) Sunrises
12 September 1999
"Hey - Prophet owl's here!"
As George opened the window, a small tawny owl swooped into the kitchen and dropped the rolled up newspaper in the middle of the dining table, which was covered in dishes and cutlery leftover from the large breakfast. The week following the attack at the Shacklebolt Estate had been a hectic one. Percy, Audrey, and the whole Shacklebolt family had constantly been in and out of the Wizengamot giving testimonies and journalists were all over the place. However, Kingsley was doing everything in his power to get the trial expedited and over with as soon as possible.
In the midst of testimonies, however, many Order secrets had begun to come out to the public - namely, Percy's involvement. It was unavoidable once Percy was sitting in the Wizengamot and being asked whether he had had any previous encounters with the accused, and the onslaught of questions that had followed had been a nightmare. Fortunately, though, Audrey had been by his side the whole time, just like when he had told his family.
Still, when Percy had received the letter from Rita Skeeter requesting an interview, he had been reluctant. That is, until Audrey made a good point: he could control his story, or he could let the old bag gab away however she wanted. Now, as the Burrow was filled with silence, the headline ominously stared back at him.
"Well, she certainly embellished," Percy declared, breaking the silence.
"Could be worse," Audrey said optimistically. She nodded towards the newspaper and added, "Do the honours, Perce."
Everyone in the small kitchen - Molly, Arthur, George, Ron, and Hermione - intently stared at Percy, then back at the newspaper in anticipation. With a deep breath, Percy reached forward and unrolled the paper.
"'Once upon a time, the name Percy Weasley would have meant less than nothing to all households of the wizarding world - ' wow, really, that's how she's going to start?" Percy began to read.
"Keep goin', you need to be brought down a couple pegs," George urged jokingly.
With a sigh, Percy continued, "' - but today I have the honour of introducing you to the Order of the Phoenix's bravest hero. Here follow the tales of a man that has given up more than most for the sake of doing the good thing for all magical kind.' And then it just goes on about some missions I did."
"Perce," Ron started with a serious tone, "for twenty-three years, you have been nothing but a pompous prat, but now - now - you act modest. What bloody missions?"
"Well the first one she talks about is the one where I stopped that last decree Umbridge wanted to get passed, back when she was Headmistress," Percy explained. "It was the one allowing physical punishment of students but Fudge never got it because, uh, I may have replaced it with a rather embarrassing letter bearing Umbridge's forged signature."
"Perfect, prudish Percival Weasley, did you just confess to damaging Ministry property and forging an official's signature?" George exclaimed sarcastically.
"Settle down, would you?" Percy grumbled. "Then it goes on about how I smuggled a muggle-born and his family out of the Ministry."
"The McConnells," Audrey intervened. "Keegan and I received them on the other end of the portkey."
"Wait - really?" Percy asked as he turned to look at Audrey in shock. "Blimey, we had a lot of close calls," he added observantly.
"You mean Gregor McConnell?" Arthur asked. "He... he pushed me out of the way of a blast when we were at Hogwarts."
Audrey glanced at Percy and smiled when she saw the look on his face. She could tell he was trying to down-play the article, but he seemed proud. He had a glint in his eye that she hadn't seen before. When he glanced her way, he didn't hesitate to return her smile.
"The, uh, last part actually talks about the mission that Audrey and her brother did, and how she saved my bloody neck," Percy continued, looking back down at the newspaper in his hands, a wide grin still on his face. "And then it ends with, 'While the war may be over, the list of heroes we must thank for their sacrifices continues to grow. Today, you can add Percy Weasley to that list: a perfect example of selflessness and bravery. Tune in - ' Oh, bloody hell."
"What's wrong?" Audrey asked curiously. She leaned in to get a better look at the article and rolled her eyes as she got a glimpse of the words.
Percy rolled his eyes and continued, "'Tune in next week for the hot gossip on his hero belle, Audrey Shacklebolt. There is more to this pureblood princess and her hero spy than meets the eye.'"
"Ugh, she even bloody rhymed it," Ron said with disgust, "Classic Rita Skeeter, ladies and gentlemen."
"Well, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it," Audrey declared tiredly. "For now, enjoy being a hero, Percy. You earned it."
"Skeeter or not," Molly started, leaning across the table to grab the newspaper from Percy, "this is getting framed and put in the living room."
"Nestled right alongside all of Percy's other awards," George teased as Molly promptly left the kitchen with Arthur following closely behind. "I call it 'The Shrine of Humongous Bighead.'"
As everyone else began to disperse and leave the kitchen, Percy leaned in towards Audrey, a mild look of annoyance on his face, and explained, "He means Head Boy."
"Oh, I know," Audrey replied with a smirk, "Him and Fred pretended like they didn't know who I was talking about if I didn't use that nickname for all of our fifth year. So - "
"So you're familiar," Percy interrupted with a sigh. Although he sounded annoyed, Audrey could see a small smile cracking his glare.
Leaning in closer, Audrey whispered, "You know, if you still have that badge, I think it would still look rather good on you."
"You want to me to wear my Hogwarts uniform?" Percy asked in confusion.
"I meant just the badge."
"I like where your head's at."
31 December 1999
Percy cleaned his glasses for possibly the tenth time in the last half hour, then gently perched them on his face again as he looked in the mirror in his old childhood bedroom. He had managed to tame his curly red hair for the night, and had put on his best set of dress robes. Deciding that this would be his final inspection, Percy gave himself a satisfied nod before opening the door to enter the chaos that was filling the rest of the Burrow.
Almost instantly, Percy was surrounded by the shouting and noise of his family attempting to get ready for the big New Year's Eve party that the Shacklebolts were hosting. He was nervous for the event, although not because it meant he would be facing Audrey's whole family. After Kelsey had been taken care of and things had settled down, Percy had actually regularly kept in touch with Audrey's parents. By all accounts, it seemed that he had made a good impression on them, and he couldn't be any happier.
When Percy's eyes found Ginny and George in the living room playing Exploding Snap, however, his happiness did fall a few steps.
"Hey! You two!" he exclaimed, storming towards his siblings. "You're not even dressed!"
"Ah yes, thank you, Captain Obvious," George bit back with a smirk. "Don't get your knickers in a twist - we'll go change now."
"This was a task for an hour ago!" Percy shouted as George and Ginny rolled their eyes at him and trudged their way upstairs.
Looking around rather frantically, Percy called out, "Ron! Harry!"
"I've got them!" Hermione shouted back. Deciding that she was probably the only other responsible person in the whole house, Percy considered that handled and went into the kitchen to join his older brothers.
Bill and Fleur stood by the window, seemingly calm in the midst of the loud house. Fleur was now sporting a visible baby bump, which had resulted in Molly being even more overbearing than usual; however, for the first time ever, Fleur seemed to be enjoying the attention her mother-in-law was giving her. Sitting at the dining table, Charlie was deep in conversation with his new girlfriend, a witch that he worked with in Romania by the name of Raluca. Admittedly, Charlie not showing up alone for the first Christmas ever had been the highlight of everyone's holidays.
For now, anyways.
Feeling a strong hand on his shoulder, Percy turned his head to see Arthur standing beside him. "How're you feeling, Perce?" his father asked with a grin.
"Nervous - definitely nervous," Percy replied, "but excited."
"That's a good sign," Arthur said reassuringly.
Percy nodded as his father left to extract Molly from Fleur's side. Looking down at his watch, the panic set in again. "People! We're already running late!" Percy shouted.
"Oi, relax," George grumbled as he entered the kitchen, fully dressed, "Haven't seen you this worked up since you graduated."
Percy only rolled his eyes at George, but he felt the smile spreading across his face as the rest of his family filled the small kitchen of the Burrow. The last time he remembered his whole family, Harry and Hermione included, crowded together in the Burrow like this had been Fred's funeral. Now, for the first time in a while, it was for a happy reason.
"All right, be clear when you're in the Floo: Shacklebolt Estate, Hornsea."
Audrey instinctively turned her head as she heard the roar of the Floo, considerably softer when covered up by the loud music playing in the main hall. She excused herself from her father's side as she made her way out of the hall and started to head towards the study.
She quickly stopped by her old bedroom, giving herself one final look-over in the mirror. She had left her hair down, wavy and swaying with every movement. Her gown was a deep burgundy colour and form-fitting. The sleeves were simple lace of the same colour and the dress left her back entirely bare all the way down to her waist. Except for the healed scar running diagonally across her back, she looked exactly how she had looked that night seven months ago.
The night her and Percy had first kissed.
With a satisfied nod, Audrey made her way to the study once more. As soon as she entered, she found the room full with the whole Weasley family. Audrey met Percy's eyes and he started heading towards her, the room growing quiet. She could see the surprise on his face as he recognized the dress. The grin he was sporting was contagious.
"This is... you look beautiful," Percy finally said.
"Thank you," Audrey replied with a proud smile, "you're looking rather dapper yourself."
"People are in the room!" George piped in as he popped up behind Percy and gave his older brother a much too strong pat on the back.
Percy rolled his eyes at George's outburst but Audrey only laughed and took hold of Percy's hand. "Well in that case, follow me," she declared.
With Percy by her side, Audrey led everyone back to the main hall, the sounds of music and conversation getting louder with each step. Everyone was visibly filled with awe as they entered the hall. The ceiling was covered in garlands of silver flowers. Large wreaths hung on the wall and beautiful glass vases of poinsettias were at the centre of each table. A Charmed mistletoe was zooming around the room, coming to an abrupt stop over its next pair of victims: Keegan and Daphne. Dramatic as always, Keegan dipped her down as if dancing before kissing her, earning a loud chorus of 'whoop's from his co-workers.
"Welcome to the Shacklebolts' New Year's Eve party!" Audrey introduced as she turned to face the rest of the Weasley family. "Make yourself at home."
One by one, everyone began to disperse as they recognized old friends or simply felt like joining in on the dancing. Soon enough, only Percy and Audrey were left standing together.
"This is amazing," Percy said as he looked around the room.
"You don't want to know how stressful it was to be around my mum this last month," Audrey replied, "but it looks like it paid off."
"Ah, just who I was looking for!"
Audrey and Percy turned around at the sound of Lucinda's voice. Of course, Audrey should have known that her grandmother wouldn't be one to wait around for Audrey to come to her - rather, Lucinda was a fan of taking matters into her own hands.
"Well, Audrey, please introduce us," the older woman said pointedly.
"Percy, meet my grandmother, Lucinda. Gran, this is Percy, my boyfriend," Audrey introduced with a smile.
"Pleased to finally meet you dear," Lucinda said as she shook Percy's hand. "Kris speaks of you very highly."
"I am truly happy to hear that," Percy replied politely.
"So polite," Lucinda noted as she looked Audrey's way, as if that would mean Percy was out of earshot. Taking a step back and looking at the couple with a proud smile, she added, "Now go enjoy yourselves!"
Hooking her arm with Percy's, Audrey chuckled at her grandmother and led him into the party. With a wave of her wand, two glasses of champagne floated towards her and Percy and they each took a glass as they continued walking. "Gran can be a lot, but she means well," Audrey said with a shrug.
"If you think that's a lot, wait 'til you meet Muriel," Percy replied with a shake of his head. "Besides, I kind of like that my biggest worry is being bombarded by your grandmother."
"Well, when you put it that way, we've definitely fried bigger fish," Audrey admitted. It really was nice, for the first time ever, to not feel like she had to watch her back at every turn.
As the couple made their way around the large room, they stopped a few times to talk to several people they both recognized from work. It felt so natural to be by Percy's side even for the simplest conversations, and Audrey found herself enjoying introducing him to the rest of her family. Soon enough, Audrey spotted Sabina and made her way over to her best friend with Percy in tow.
"Sab! I'm so glad you're here," Audrey said as she went to hug her friend.
"Aye, glad to be here. Nice to see you again, too, Percy," she greeted, looking around rather frantically.
"Likewise," Percy replied slowly. "You all right?"
Sabina sighed heavily and met Audrey's eyes. "I've got a situation," she declared. "Your dad told my dad to feel free to bring the team."
Audrey frowned in confusion at her friend. Every year her parents had held this party, her father had always extended an invitation to the Quidditch team that Sab's father coached, Puddlemere United. "Like he always does," Audrey said slowly.
"Merlin's crotchless thong, I need to be more hammered," Sabina muttered, quickly downing her champagne right after and summoning another glass.
"Oh, look - I didn't know Oliver would be here," Percy said as he spotted his friend just entering the hall. He moved to wave him over but Sabina quickly smacked his arm down.
"Are you mad?" she hissed. Shaking her head, she added, "Jebemti, I need to get out of here."
Without another word, Sabina disappeared into the crowd of the party. "Well, it's never good when she starts swearing in Slovenian," Audrey declared as she looked up at Percy.
"What was that all about?" he asked curiously.
"I have a feeling we'll find out eventually," Audrey replied as she watched Sabina disappear into the crowd. "Still wanna go say hi to Oliver?" she asked.
"Actually... I was thinking we could get some fresh air," Percy said, feeling a surge of courage run through him.
"I'd like that," Audrey replied with a smile.
The couple made their way towards the double doors leading out onto a large balcony that overlooked the sea. The area was sealed with Heating Charms to keep out the cold winter breeze, but the view was still breathtaking. A starry sky hung over the strong sea waves rolling onto the beach. Audrey set her champagne glass down on the stone ledge of the balcony as she looked out at the seaside, a small smile of contentment on her face. She felt calm and happy. These were the moments she wished would never end.
"Remember the last time we were alone on a balcony together?" Audrey asked, the smile on her face widening as she continued looking out at the view.
"That's actually exactly what I was thinking about."
Turning to look at Percy, Audrey frowned in confusion when she didn't immediately see him next to her. When she turned around and her eyes finally landed on him, her jaw dropped slightly and her eyes widened in surprise. She felt her breath hitch as she looked down at Percy, down on one knee in front of her with an open ring box in his hand and an incredibly wide grin on his face.
"Audrey Shacklebolt, I want to stargaze with you for the rest of my life, wherever we are," Percy started. "Will you marry me?"
"Will I - ? Yes! Yes!" Audrey replied excitedly, smiling uncontrollably.
Percy quickly got up and put the engagement ring on Audrey's finger then, without a moment's hesitation, wrapped his arm around her waist to bring her close and kiss her. Audrey quickly kissed him back, hands grabbing at his dress robes to pull him even closer. This was a moment that would last forever.
1 January 2000
"Look at that - made it to sunrise."
Audrey blinked rapidly in the hopes that it would make her feel more awake as she took in the first sign of light between the clouds. After the excitement of their engagement and the thrill of the countdown, Audrey and Percy had decided to stay up to see the first sunrise of the year. They had situated themselves on a bench in the gardens, with plenty of blankets, coffee, hot chocolate, and some strong Heating Charms. Overall, Percy was much better at dealing with sleep deprivation than she was.
"First sunrise of the year," Audrey said with a smile. "First sunrise as your fiancée."
With his arm around her waist, Percy gave her a light squeeze and a kiss on the cheek. "I like the sound of that," he said.
"You know what else sounds nice?" Audrey started as she looked over at Percy. "Audrey Weasley sounds pretty nice."
Percy returned Audrey's wide smile. "It sounds perfect," he said quietly.
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