#He just goes absolutley bananas
I can’t BELIEVE for the nights and days of life is over, I was starting to think that novel would last forever.
I hope you all are ready for the fact that it’s not over here on my blog, as my 5-5 ass is not done with it yet. In that respect, here are the chapter ten notes. No spoilers in the comments for me and any people who haven’t read yet, or are for some godforsaken reason, reading along with me.
And @mochalottie u are a queen and my favorite, I’m so sorry for taking so so long to read your work and being so bad at responding to your dms, I’m at the stage in adulting where every text from anyone seems like a monumental task lol. I’m trying to manage time better and respond better. It doesn’t help that I work in a high school so it blocks tumblr!!
Onto the for the nights and days of life chapter 10 notes! Happy Halloween all!
-The way I feel like my own children are growing up too fast when I hear that Spider and Neteyam aren’t sitting with Mo’at in the infirmary much anymore. 
-Ur fighting my Jake and Mo’at spend an insane amount of time gossiping headcanon. Ur simply spitting on it. Just think about it, just pICTURE it. Mo’at’s grinding up a paste and Jake sneaks in like “…Have your heard about what happened with Moe and Ninat?” and Mo’at goes “JAKE SULI I would never talk behind someone’s back. Tell me everything.”
-Hey, Neytiri being like unable to acknowledge Paz as Spider’s mom? Banger. It really gets to me. She’s like well fuck off that’s my kid all while doubting herself. But Mo’at's right baby Spider was Neytiri’s number one fan from day one, he was literally always a momma’s boy.
-Also because you mentioned the kids taking an afternoon nap, I wanted to take a moment to just highlight how hellish that year or so where Neteyam, Kiri, and Spider were done with naps and Lo’ak still needed them was. You know his ass threw the bIGGEST tantrum every time it was time for a nap and everyone else was still playing. He was enRAGED because no one has fomo like Lo’ak. The kid was feral, crying overtired tears simply insisting that he is absolutely not tired and does nOT NEED A NAP.
-Spider being in the sleeping pile is one of the things that makes my heart grow three sizes every time I read about it. But you made it 20 times worse by adding in that by himself he spreads out for safety but he feels safe in the pile, like I’ll kill myself.
-I literally can prove Spider always asks for banana fruit and I’m starting to become convinced it’s the only fruit he knows.
-Lol Norm and Max sitting on Earth absolutley fIGHTING over who has to tell Jake things are going BadTM. 
-Lol I just literally kNEW that Neteyam wanted to make Spider a present, and yet instead his gift to him was even more of a complex. 
-This is what both Jake and I thought of when Neytiri told him to keep his secrets:
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SHE QUOTED THAT MOVIE ALMOST BAR FOR BAR MAN, IF I WAS JAKE THAT WOULD’VE SENT MEEEE. When I was younger I used to have to share a bed with my cousin on family vacations, and I’m telling you bitch is possessed. She sleep walks and sleep talks, and sleep assaults me in my sleep. But one time she fucking quoted The Princess Bride and the next morning when I told her I loved that movie, she told me she’s never seen it. I have never felt more fear for my life. Picture Jake struggling to explain the plot of Lord of the Rings, his ass has seen it, his twin was a nerd. 
-Jake as soon as his child needs comfort: Oh fuck, I’M the only one here!
-Spider, like 7: I won’t be able to mate dad. Jake: I have to go. I’m not ready for this.
-HUMANS ARE BACK, time for things to get a little fucking sad. I know I’m ALMOST twenty chapters behind and you guys are already in it, but I’m just getting started baybeeee.
-Also I love Spider calling his parents Ma and Da, your Irishness has crept in.
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gnorx · 6 years
When my wee rabbit does a yawn
Me: haha look at that teeny wee mouth
When I give him one of the big treats I expect him to have to eat a piece at a time
Me: :0
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For the fruit ask thing, raspberry, passion fruit, strawberry, banana, and/or pomegranate.(you can choose to do any or all of them)
raspberry: favorite flower?
"Oh, that's easy", Julian cut in before Ty could answer. "Roses. Any type of rose. Big ones, tiny, little tea ones, colorful ones-"
"Uh, excuse you, this is 'Ask TIBERIUS', not 'Ask Julian'!"
"Well, am I wrong?"
passion fruit: how would you describe your style?
"Uhhhhh, babe?"
"Oh, so NOW you want me to answer," Julian huffed, ignoring Ty's grumbled 'sorry'. "Tailored. Fine taloring. Even his underware is sewn to his exact sizes! Which I find absolutley ridiculous!"
"Hey! I have good tastes!"
"Which is another way for you to say 'I'm RICH and FANCY'!"
"Well, you're not wrong. I just believe in looking good and investing in quality materials."
"Pfft. ANYWAYS! When he's not dressed sharp enough to kill in premium leathers and finely-spun silk, he usually goes about in leather leggings and a mid-thigh-length tunic...which probably still costs more than what most people make in a week."
"Weren't you checkin' out the ass party earlier today?"
"No comment."
strawberry: favorite desserts?
"'Ass' is not a dessert!"
"Okay fiiiiine. Chocolate-covered," Julian started to nod approvingly, "ass." He blinked in confusion before sighing in aggrivation.
"Well, at least it has something sweet."
banana: favorite horror movies?
"What's a 'movie'?"
(Modern!AU Ty doesn't really have a taste for horror movies, either, considering he pretty much went thru a real-life version of 'Apocolypse Now!' and 'Full Metal Jacket'.)
pomegranate: when do you feel the most confident?
"Um, always?"
"Wh-wh-wh-whah? 'MOSTLY'? In this house!? Julian, love, please, tell me, did you accidentally drink some of your cleaning agents?"
"Really, Ty? Remember when we broke up?"
"...please don't remind me. That was not a good month."
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"At one point my guru mahiraji was sitting there, and the servant of one of his devotees rushed in, and before he could say anything mahiraji said "I know that so and so had a heart attack and he's calling out to me, but I'm not gonna go". And they all said "oh, go".
The servant said "yes he did just have a heart attack, and they told me to come and get you because he's dying".
Then mahiraji picked up a banana and said "here give him this, he'll be alright". In India, if a guru gives a piece of fruit , if you're a 90 year old woman and you want to have a son and you get a mango, then 9 months later you've got it. Doesn't matter if you have all your ovaries gone. Doesn't matter. So they took the banana home, mashed it up and feed it to the guy. He takes the last bite and then he dies.
That's a bad story to tell about your guru on one level, but for me it's absolutley exquisite. Because all he said was "he'll be alright". It depends on where you're looking from. Which way healing goes. And it seems to me that doctors and nurses burn out a lot because they're attached to the fact that their patients shouldn't die. It's like saying fall shouldn't come. It's absurd. When you pitch yourself against the Dao, of course you're gonna burn out.
Until you say I will do my best as a healing agent, and then what happens happens, in the way of things. Then, suddenly there's peace in the way you do it. Otherwise, if you are attached to the fruits of your efforts like that, there's no way you're not gonna have to close your heart down because you can't handle losing so much. If you do lose, people do die. And it screws up their family life, their relation with their kids. It burns them our terribly."
"I will do my best as a healing agent, and then what happens happens, in the way of things. Then, suddenly there's peace in the way you do it. "
Ram dass. Reminding me constantly, in perfect timing, always. :)
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