#He is so perfect with Pepa😭
isabelasflowersblog · 2 years
I am late but ¥Feliz Cunpleaños to Felix Madrigal! I made this edit for a character series on Instagram a month ago but never posted it here so here you go.
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I added Camilo as Felix because why not?😁
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jacarandaaaas · 10 days
What you hate about each Encanto character and what you love about each Encanto character?
oh this is such a fun ask! a hard question as I love all the madrigals and the fact they’re so flawed makes them more fun to follow!
alma: i love her commitment, how she vowed to protect all these people even sacrificing her own needs to provide for others, how she promised these people a place of refudge and was always there to provide.
dislike: An obvious one here but I dislike how controlling alma can be, how her need for perfection can blind her and lead her to disregarding her own families feelings as well as her own! Her generally dismissing a lot of the problems of her family like telling pepa to control her emotions or not realizing how hurtful her comments are to mirabel.
pepa: i love how emotional she is! when pepa loves she loves with her entire heart she pours her all into every interaction and she wears her heart on her sleeve! she’s so compassionate! pepa truly is an open book and I love her for it!
dislike: i would probably say how she can get irrational very quickly and cause situations to elevate fast! Although I really can’t blame her for this based on the circumstances!
julieta: i always describe julieta as warm and i feel like no other word can capture her comforting nature and gentleness. I just love her warmth and her soothing energy!
dislike: I would say how she tends to coddle mirabel a lot. I know it comes from a place of love but you can see it doesn’t help mirabel and only makes her feel more insecure because julieta doesn’t understand her.
bruno: for bruno I would say I love how selfless he is. It’s a big thing to sacrifice your own sanity like that for someone else and it’s touching how much he truly cares about mirabel to want to protect her like that.
dislike: i would have to say how he’s timid a lot of the time. It’s sad to see him become so resigned and almost accept his fate and stay in the walls possibly forever. He had no fight left in him.
felix: I adore how felix is just the epitome of life of the party! he’s so uplifting and I love how he never gives out to pepa for her emotions. He’s the best at cheering people up and a sunshine in everyone’s lives!
dislike: about felix? that’s hard to say I feel like we don’t see enough of him for me to really base my answer on anything so I’m just gonna say how he told pepa about the vision at dinner😭 dude that was the worst idea!!
agustín: i love how supportive he is! He continuously supports julieta he runs after luisa when she’s upset and he promises mirabel he would hide the vision to protect her! the fact both he and julieta tried to go after her when she ran for the candle too! He also fiercely stands up for mirabel in such an iconic way and he doesn’t back down!
dislike: I would have to say how he can often hammer in the fact he is also unexceptional to try relate to mirabel but it makes the situation worse.
isabela: I love how loyal isa is. She was doing everything for the sake of the family and was willing to sign her entire life away just to keep them happy. Her loyalty knows no limits and I just feel it’s such a defining trait for her.
dislike: probably how smug she can be at times a key example being the apologize scene! it is funny but it’s also infuriating how smug she was making mirabel apologize for something she didn’t even do. Also how she tells mirabel to shut up and her general rude remarks to her!
dolores: for dolores I would say I love how attentive she is! small scene but how she immediately notices alma needs help and goes to offer her support! She notices the small details even without her super hearing! Like how she points out how mariano talks loud even though she hears everyone’s voice his always stuck out to her <3
dislike: probably how she blurts stuff out without thinking it through! like we know she was trying to be helpful when she told the kids mirabel doesn’t have a gift but she didn’t consider how mirabel would feel about that.
luisa: I love how kind luisa is! she was always willing to lend a hand to the people who need her even when they absolutely could deal with a lot of issues themselves! She’s also very sensitive and soft and I love when she allows herself to be vulnerable!
dislike: this might be unexpected but for dislike i would have to say how she kept ignoring mirabel when she wanted to talk. I understand she was stressed and mirabels being irritating but she could atleast look at her, mirabels already ignored a lot already and all she wanted was to talk to her sister about an issue.
camilo: like how mirabel says in the opening song I love how camilo won’t stop until he makes people smile! whether it be through his humor or his compassion I get the impression he would always be there for people. the scene where he comforts pepa is such a key example of this!
dislike: he can be a bit too blunt at times where it’s definitely not called for! he also has a tendency to exaggerate the truth for dramatic effect!
mirabel: have always said this and always will mirabels core trait is her empathy! Her ability to see others perspectives and empathize with them is so important! I always think of the “I need you” scene as a key example of this. She put aside her own feelings and focused on supporting antonio making sure he’s ok! how when she learns of the other madrigals struggles she tries her best to help them or comfort them! empathy is such a strong defining trait for her!
dislike: when it comes to mirabels negative traits I would have to say her stubbornness is the most prominent. the entire scene in isabelas room is proof of this she would have rathered let that house collapse than apologize or even listen to isabelas struggles the fact she was supportive and empathic to everyone’s issues but isas (at first) she was too stubborn to put aside her issues with isa! but also her recklessness and impulsiveness tie into this as well.
antonio: I love everything about him he’s so sweet and caring and I love how he returns the support mirabel gave to him! he always believed in her and was her biggest supporter and best friend! also how offered his plushie to comfort bruno when he was nervous! antonio is just such a caring kid!
dislike: nothing literally nothing how can u dislike this baby?
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ffb6c1lover · 10 months
The Madrigals and Anxiety
so, I think it's not a controversial statement to say that anxiety runs in the family... what I find oddly cute is that a lot of nervous ticks or outbursts are very similar to those of other family members, but let's proceed with order.
Alma, Isabela
Alma had it hard. I think homegirl is the culprit, but she probably had an anxious gene in her before everything.
do we need to explain what her anxiety looks like? absolute perfectionism to the point of insanity so people won't turn on her, constantly making Bruno check the future for possible dangers, self-soothing behaviours (asking Pedro for help, wearing the mourning shawl), always needing to keep a watchful eye on everyone, you name it.
The perfectionism moved straight through to Isabela. There's a whole song about not meeting expectations, so I don't think I need to go fruther into it.
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Pepa is another obvious one. Her anxiety is palpable throughout most of the movie and it is, unlike her mum, mostly related to things that are not life-or-death situations (Antonio's party needing to be perfect).
She is constantly seen spiralling and using self-soothing rituals (hair touching, "clear skies"), often to no avail.
Her mood swings and irritability outbursts are also proof of anxiety.
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Before you come at me!! He clearly has OCD... It's in the script so it was meant like this. And I know people say he was just superstitious, but I come from a very superstitious culture and it's not like that 😭
I can prove it!!
Throwing salt. It is usually done after you have spilled it. Bruno had not spilled any salt before the throwing over the shoulder. It is an act that is meant to cancel bad luck from an extremely specific action that he had not done.
Knock knock knock knock knock knock on wood. You are supposed to knock twice, say it once, only after someone has said something good you don't wanna jinx or bad you wanna prevent. Bruno hasn't been talking to anyone in 10 years, it's just a ritual to him at this point OR it's a reaction to his own thoughts. Superstitious people don't do things based on their thoughts: that's OCD. Also the number of knocks and the one on the head is oddly specific and not related to any superstitious beliefs as far as I'm aware.
Fingers crossed. Again, you do that when you are hoping for something good, but nothing happened he might want to cross his fingers for, it's just another ritual. Also, all of these rituals are kind of contradicting each other (hoping for something/trying to prevent something), he's just trying to bring as much good luck as possible.
I'm not saying he is not superstitious, he very much is, but his superstition pathologized to the point of becoming an illness. This is not how someone who's simply superstitious acts.
He also has a generally nervous attitude and lots of self-soothing movements, like the rubbing his arm we'll get to later.
The only other explanation could be that he thinks he is the bad luck, but that still does not explain things like the crossed fingers.
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Julieta, Camilo, Mirabel
They don't look like they struggle a lot with anxiety (I am only talking about the actual condition, not genuine worry that has a reason of being like Casita breaking or not receiving a gift). They are all very accustomed to dealing with anxious family members though and they are good at it.
Mirabel is probably the more anxious among the three, but she is also an incredible supporter for Toñito, who's not getting his own section simply because his fear was very much justified, but for a literal 5yo his anxiety shows great promise of becoming just like his mum's.
Honourable mention in this section goes to FĂ©lix and AgustĂŹn, we stan some supportive husbands and fathers.
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My baby. The first time we see her as being relevant plot-wise is literally because her eye was twitching. Her character arc is learning to chill. I rest my case.
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Now, Dolores is a bit trickier, because she is not as loud as the rest of her family. She does always seem to be extremely on edge though and she is often doubting herself (she stopped believing someone was in the walls despite hearing Bruno for 10+ years because they told her it was not possible).
I don't know whether it's canon or if I've read too much fanfiction, but her room is supposed to have some degree of soundproofing, that she doesn't use because she needs to hear if her family needs help (Luisa's eye twitch).
The similar twitches and anxious responses
The arm-rub of Luisa and Bruno (+ supportive sisters <3<3<3<3<3)
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The hand movement while screaming, like mother like daughter
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gamerbearmira · 4 months
đŸŒ»That Dazzlings AU has me thinking! So, you said you don't know if Alma is a good or bad person in this AU, so what if she doesn't know because she honestly was never let in on the fact that the "gifts" have an additional curse to them. She just notices that her babies have lockets when the Casita was created or when they turn 5 (whenever you decide), but she doesn't truly understand what they mean. Alma maybe realizing that her babies react to emotions more than other kids might, and finds their musical talent as they grow. But maybe she was so stressed in the beginning since, ya know, that she doesn't truly make the connections. And as they grow, her triplets figure out to maybe hide this, and as she's a first time mother without a great indication of how normal kids are supposed to act, the kids never get really caught. Maybe also helped by the triplets deciding to only in emergencies use their abilities against their loved ones, because even evil people can care for people close to them (let us not forget that maniacs can have loving families, and these are far more minor than those).
When the grandkids come along, I like the idea of then not having control either, the triplets sorta taking it in turns to support their kids. Bruno getting more than he needs and giving it to his sisters when they are napping is an image I love, because strong Pepa and perfect Juli don't ask him for help,but he knows when his sisters need more emotional fuel. Just seeing that they gave too much to his nieces and nephews and making up for it when they don't ask him. And maybe him utilizing the already created image of "bad luck Bruno" in these moments. A more bitter man taking a shred of revenge on these people who so often take his visions as cursed deciding to take their suffering and turn it into help for his family is something that itches well at my brain.
Sorry if the rant went somewhere y'all weren't wanting it to, or if it was too much. Just liking the idea of sinister Madrigals, not quite evil but certainly not the prisms of perfection they try to be in canon.
REALLLLL I LOVE THAT <33 I was leaning towards oblivious Alma lmao 😭 but it makes sense! I mean like you said, she's a new parent. She might have been a babysitter in the past but like these are HER kids its its not a one time thing. She's already busy enough as it is, so she's sorta only half keeping an eye on them and they seem fine most of the time. I think they would get the lockets at 5, gift or no gift, it doesn't matter. It's a curse, ain't NOBODY safe 💀💀 and yeah, I'm sure they figured out fast how to use them and what they had to do. Wasn't hard for them, and they were in it for each other, and their family, everyone else is just gonna have to suck it up (not that anyone truly realizes what they're doing).
ALSO STRONG PEPA AND PERFECT JULIETA I'M CRYING :((( Bruno knows that they'll deny his help if he just goes up and asks if they need more energy. But he sees how drained they are and takes any chances. Also I like your idea of him basically capitalizing on the whole "Bad Luck Bruno" thing, I was wondering if he would use that to his advantage. He probably has purposely bad vision. Like imagine he ends up figuring out how to tilt the scales and make them bad 🩅🩅 I mean I doubt he'd leave in this au. Hell, Mirabel's failed ceremony only fueled him and the others. Imagine how much power they got that day 😛
ALSO PLEASE. I LOVE THE IDEAS KEEP THEM COMING...If you want of course. I know there's a whole lotta people with awesome ideas, and for this au no less??? Don't be shy đŸ€­đŸ€­ I also like the idea of. Pretty morally gray Madrigals. Maybe even power humger like the Dazzlings. Mfs WILL be adored❗❗❗
They're so...😔
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immortalme123 · 2 years
i just write this to cheer myself since every story i read, yn is 140-150cm tall😭 and i am 173cm herself-
And i actually found out that camilo is 162cm-
So yeah, i will make reader 175 cm tall- and in this story y'all dating btw cause I am lazy to write story from the start💀😅😅😭😭😭
I will write headcanons and one shot maybe
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-he hates and loves the fact that you are taller than him
-he try to tip-toe to kiss you but you were too tall for him so he have to ask you- and let me tell you, he will be blushing mess
-he love to hug you and listen to your heartbeat 💓
-antonie and him sometimes ask you to piggyback
-and when pepa saw you two first time, she see herself and Felix in you guys and she almost cried✹
-he loves to hold your hand when you guys doing your chores or walking around and he told you that he won't get lost if he hold your hand.
-he thinks you are kinda scary when you mad
-when you first met His family, everyone was shocked and happy that camilo have loved who will care for him and love him.
-felix was proud and pepa was little crying and adored you but when you guys first met Like at market or during her chores, she was kinda suspicious of you and snappy now she loves you like her own daughter, Bruno thinks your great but keep little distance of you since you are way taller than him, even tho he live with luisa- and Isabela likes to tease you both to end (with Dolores)
-you think your gonna get bullied because your tall? Oh heck nah you easily can win whoever try to hurt you or camilo-
-he loves to wrap his arms around your waist and you put your head on his head (this sound weird)
-he sometimes cling in to you while you doing your chores
-you have to look little down to look at his face, and he have to look up
-he whine about how his neck hurt from looking up but he isn't complaining tho-your just so pretty
-he always say your pretty and some cheesy stuff
-if you are insecure about your height, oh boy he GONNE lecture you and told you how amazing you are and your height make it better for hour or maybe more
-you and Luisa kinda get along since you guys are tall duo in town
-if he is in bad moon, he just hug you from behind or headbutt your back to let you know
Short story:
"AYYYY amor!" You head voice behind you and that voice belong to only camilo madrigal, your boyfriend.
"oh hey love" you opened your arms and he jumped in to it, clinging to you and putting his head at your chest
"ughhh i missed you..it's like it's been years!!!!" He whined, you laughed softly "but it's been only 1 hour?-" he rolled his eyes and hugged you thigter.
"amor....u-uh can i kiss you?" He was embarrassed to ask that but he was kinda getting used to it, you bent over and he cupped your face and kisses also while tip-toe. Y'all didn't realize pepa and Felix were spying on you guys-
"aren't they perfect mi amor?" Felix said holding his wife hand, and wiping her tear
"oh yes....they are perfect....they remind of us while we were teenagers.." pepa smiled lovingly at us, and there was little cloud
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littlespoonevan · 4 months
Now I’m thinking about Buck making something for Eddie for his birthday, like learning and perfecting a new recipe, maybe something Pepa or abuela could teach him to make and then starting a recipe book with all the special ones as a sort of scrapbook style thing with pictures and everything that they could add from then on birthdays and anniversaries and such.
My first thought of what Eddie would give to Buck was a St Christopher medal but I could also see him doing that shortly after they get together and not necessarily waiting for Buck’s birthday to roll around but sadly I can’t think of anything else right now.
buck making a scrapbook-style recipe book of all their important meals are you jOKING that's literally so sweet and romantic i'm 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 and omg omg what if
what if he pROPOSED by putting in a recipe for a wedding cake?!?!?!?!?!? and then eddie finds it (bc buck left i open on the kitchen counter) and calls out for buck being like 'what's this' and when he comes into the living room buck is down on one knee??????????
sakdfjaskj anon, you have actually just unlocked something in me here omg i'll never recover from this idea đŸ˜đŸ˜­đŸ„°đŸ„čâ€ïžđŸ’žđŸ©·đŸ’–
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evostar · 5 months
Okay new au yall, It’s been stuck in my head and I needed to get it out 😭
Basically a what if Dolores and Antonio were adopted by pepa and Felix, also gaining Camilo as sibling!
It’s set 12 years before the canon time so Dolores and Isabela are 9, Luisa is 7, Camilo and mirabel are 4, Antonio gets age swap and is 1 year old! The triplets, their spouses and Alma are also younger ofc!
And in this au they get their gifts of the age of 8, gifts like strength, weather manipulation, hearing etc. can be turned off and on by command and they still help the community but not like get forced into it, they do it if they want to
I already did an chapter so enjoy reading it!! :D
(Also here if you can’t read it on ao3) enjoy!
-Persiguiendo la luz-
~Chapter 1~
Isabela was happily walking around the town, she finished her chores earlier the day so she roams around the town, of course only near where julieta was. She wasn’t “old enough” to be able to walk alone in town yet, she didnt complain much about it but it did bother her since Isabela considers herself a big girl. She’s gonna be 10 years old next year! And that’s pretty much a big age, right?
She was walking around with a mission, she was allowed to be in certain places alone and freely, she would describe it as fun
if only she had friends. Isabela has a hard time making friends, most of them turn out to be only mean people, so it’s her mission to find the perfect friend.
After an hour of her search Isabela started to get frustrated, she hadn’t found any luck. She made her way back to her mother’s stand and sat down next to where julieta stood. Julieta noticed her daughter’s sad face “what’s wrong mija?” She asked. Isabela pouted “I can’t find a single good friend.” She mumbled. Julieta smiled “Don’t just give up mija, im sure just with a bit of patience and a bit more searching you will find a friend. Just search a little more, for me?“ Isabela looked up to julieta and stood up with a huff. “Okay Mami but only because you said it.“ she said.
So Isabela searched for half an hour till she finally found the perfect friend
in the forest near casita, the person wasn’t in the forest deep, she was still visible but you wouldn’t notice her that easily. Before Isabela approached this person she wanted to spy a bit. This girl had mixed skin which had some injuries, dark brown curls that seemed to be damaged, brown eyes that looked pure, and a soft face that reminded her of her mama, its a bit funny because this girl resembled her tia more than her mother. The girl wasn’t alone, there was a little boy too. He had dark skin like his tio and his curls were the same. Dark and tight, but like the girl, he also had injuries and damaged curls. Maybe they were just clumsy like her papi, she didnt think too much about it of course.
After her spying she decided that its time to intoduce herself. She made her way to them with a big smile. “Hello!“ Isabela said, the girl got startled by the voice and stared at Isabela with fear for a second before she calmed down. “Uhm..hi?“ she raised an eyebrow. “Im Isabela, what’s your name?“ she asked. “Dolores.“ she avoided eye contact.
Dolores was a bit akward if isabela‘s honest but it’s probably because she‘s shy, right? “And who‘s that?“ Isabela pointed to the little boy. “That’s my brother, Antonio.“ she waved his hand to Isabela with a smile. Isabela smiled too, he was adorable and calm..unlike her primo who was a nightmare. “I have a primo! Not exactly a brother but he‘s pretty much like a brother to me. But hes annoying.“ Isabela sat down. “How old are you?“ she asked. Dolores thought for a second. She asks a lot of questions. “i think..nine..“ she said. She thinks that she‘s nine?? Doesn’t she know her own age? Isabela thought. “And Antonio?“ “He‘s a year old“ welp she answered that fast.
“Well im nine too!!“ isabela exclaimed. The two girls talked for a bit and the more they talked the more Dolores opened up, yet it was obvious she was keeping a lot of stuff a secret. Dolores also talked more about her brother than herself but Isabela didnt mind, it made her happy so why should she complain?
They talked for two fully hours till julieta called Isabela for dinner. “Awh
i need to go
i guess i will see you tomorrow..“ Isabela pouted, Dolores seemed sad too. They were about tot part ways when Isabela forgot to mention something “Wait!“ she shouted, dolores squeaked but turned around. She gets scared easily
 Isabela thought again.
“We are friends right?“ She asked. Dolores smiled softly, “of course!!“ she peeped. Isabela waved and ran towards casita. She finally has a friend!! Not to mention a pretty good one too!! Julieta was already waiting for Isabela at the door. “Mami!! Mami!! I made a friend!!!“ Isabela shouted. “That’s great sweetheart!! I always tell you-“ “patience is always the answer, i know Mami“ Isabela continued. “Right.. Let‘s go before the food gets cold.“ they went inside and joined the family. Isabela announced that she had friends and her family were really happy for her. Isabela hardly makes friends mostly because most of them are using her for her gift. That’s why this time she made sure not to tell Dolores about her gift just incase, it also seemed like Dolores didnt know anything about her family at all.
Isabela talked a lot about her friend, well in this case friends. She’s pretty sure that Antonio is considered her friend too. After the dinner she went to bath, Agustín read her a story about two brave animals, isabela fell asleep happily this night.
Since that day on Isabela’s and dolores‘s friendship grew, not only that but the madrigal‘s curiosity also grew. They really wanted to meet Dolores and Antonio but everytime Isabela asks Dolores if she can come over she refuses. Months have passed and it was now 5 months into their friendship.
From all of the madrigals, pepa was the one with the most curiosity, she happily heard Isabela’s story about them, and she decided that it was the day that maybe she gets to meet Isabela’s friend for the first time!! Mostly it was also because she didnt want isabela to be with bad kids. But the other reason was also because of a quite thing isabela always mentions.
Apparently they are clumsy a lot, not clumsy but that’s what isabela calls it. They often get injuries and it seems like Dolores has an excuse for every single one. Pepa is suspecting abuse, she doesnt straight up go to the girl and say it obviously, she wanted to take things slowly.
Isabela was guiding pepa to their hangout spot, aka the spot where they first meet. She was really excited to introduce pepa to Dolores. Dolores was already with Antonio under the tree, he was sleeping with an blanket on the floor next to her, she kept a hand on his back. And she just stared into the void. “Dolores!!!“ isabela yelled as she ran up to her. Dolores turned to her with a smile and stood up. She opened her arms and Isabela happily hugged her tightly. Pepa chuckled, they seemed to be best friends for life, literally.
Pepa noticed how dolores quickly was alerted when she saw her, she took a step back as if she was protecting Antonio. “Dolores, this is my tia pepa!!“ isabela clarified. “Tia, this is Dolores and Antonio, my best friends!!“ Dolores smiled a bit at the names. But then turned to pepa with the most serious face a 9 year old could have. They stared at eachother for some seconds and in those seconds pepa studied them, it was true that they had injuries, their hair doesnt seemed to be taken care of, they were clean, and they were adorable. “Well hello!! I heard so much about you two, i really wanted to meet you guys.“ pepa spoke. The girl still was silent, she was staring deeply into pepa‘s eyes and pepa started to get nervous. Isabela scotched closer to pepa and whispered “Dolores isn’t great with adults, she said she finds them Lousy“ Ah..that makes sense
.does it?
“Hello.“ Dolores mumbled. Pepa lit up, so she does speak! Not much but that was enough for pepa. “Well why dont you guys talk while i rather just listen for now.“ pepa suggested. “Okay!!“ isabela beamed. They sat down and it didnt take long for Isabela and Dolores to pick up their long talks again. Dolores had a soft voice and a soft face for sure. And it wasn’t just Dolores who was adorable, Antonio was adorable too, his face reminded her of Felix.
2 hours went by, pepa was amazed by how much they could talk, maybe this was the reason isabela became quieter at home. At some moment Antonio started to fuss a bit. Dolores noticed fastly, she picked him up and positioned him on her lap. He calmed down a bit but still fussed at something. “I think he might be a hungry..“ isabela mentioned. “He must be“ Dolores said. “Speaking of hungry!! Isabela its lunch time.“ pepa said. Isabela frowned, she wanted to talk more with her friend! Maybe..“Tia!! Could Dolores have lunch with us???“ She pleaded. “Of course she can!“ Pepa smiled. However Dolores did not look so pleased about it. Isabela already knew what Dolores was gonna say so she made sure to put her best act on.
.pleaseeeeee???“ Isabela turned over to Dolores with puppy eyes. “Uhm
“ she muttered. She wasn’t that sure to go over to them yet, they are a big family and Dolores didnt want to meet that many. But she glanced over to Antonio who‘s starting to fuss more every second. “Okay fine..“ she said.
Isabela was thrilled, it was her first time having a friend over!! Dolores took the blanket and wrapped Antonio around her torso with it. Pretty smart. Pepa noted to herself. They made their way to the casita and Dolores was amazed by the house. It was really big and very colorful. Pepa was about to enter the house till she stopped them. She knew Isabela didnt want Dolores to know about their gifts, that’s a first but what about casita? “Wait here girls, i just need to do something quickly.“ pepa said. The girls waited while pepa went inside the house, luckily everyone was here already. Some of them were preparing the table and the other half was in the kitchen. So she took the ones in the dinning room over the kitchen to announce them about their guest.
“Okay, so isabela is having her friend over and we need to make some rules.“ pepa firmly said. Everyone went silent over the mention of them. “I’m pretty sure its exciting that Isabela is having someone over for the first time but she made it clear not to use our gifts and we all know for what reason..“ she grimaced. “This means you too casita, we cant show her any magic.“ pepa demanded. The house moved the tiles into a frown. “Okay we all got that clear?“ they all nodded their heads and went back to the preparations.
Pepa came back and took them inside. The further into the house made Dolores in a awh. The house was beautiful, Antonio also stared around curiously. “You have a pretty house isa!!“ Dolores complimented. “Thank you!!“ she replied. Antonio babbled something which they giggled at. “I take it he likes the house too?“ pepa smiled. “Seems so“ dolores looked down at him. They went into their garden where the table is, usually it wasn’t there but neither of them said anything. The other madrigals were already waiting for them and Dolores held her breath, Antonio started to get a bit overwhelmed. Dolores held his hand and Isabela held dolores‘s hand as if they could feel eachother‘s nervousness. Dolores maybe had heard about them but she never knew them. If she was correct they were called the madrigals.
They sat down in the middle, dolores sat between Isabela and pepa. Next to pepa was Felix and alma. Next to Isabela was julieta and Bruno. Opposite of them were AgustĂ­n, Camilo, Mirabel and Luisa. Isabela checked if her friend was okay and Dolores was really nervous so she put her arm behind Dolores, a way of saying that shes here. It calmed Dolores down but her nervousness was stilll eating her up. Pepa wanted to help too but she only knows Dolores a day and she doesnt think it will end up well.
The table was silent. Some of the others were nervous too. “Why are you guys so quiet, didnt u want to meet dolores?“ mirabel said bluntly, Felix started to crack up at her comment, the others tried not to make the situation worse as it was. Dolores saw how they were nervous, maybe this isn’t gonna end up bad. Pepa cuckled, “You’re right, maybe we should introduce ourself firstly?“ she suggested. “That’s a great idea! Why dont i start?“ Alma joined the conversation. Dolores turned to her direction,“ im alma madrigal“ alma
that name was familiar..oh! It’s the woman that her mothers swears about, often calling her selfish and a stuck up bitch. But for Dolores she seemed sweet, that doesnt mean she will trust them suddenly though.
Each madrgial introduced herself, so did dolores and Antonio, well Dolores for Antonio. They started to eat before they made it akward again, the children talked while eating, Bruno and Agustín were the only adults talking. Julieta and Alma noticed how Dolores fed Antonio first, she didnt even eat a single bite. However julieta was really impressed on how well Antonio was behaving, he didnt refuse a single bite and he didnt even make a mess. If she did the same with infant Mirabel or Camilo there would’ve been some stuff thrown at her face.
“Aren’t you gonna eat too?“ Isabela asked Dolores. “I am, i just need to make sure Antonio eats.“ She replied. Isabela thought for some seconds, and now that shes thinking about it, Dolores always has Antonio with her, she never saw Dolores without Antonio, and Antonio is more than 1 year old now. Not to mention Isabela was actually there when he did his first steps!! But Dolores often prefers to carry him around. Not only that too but, aren’t parents suppose to be taking care of the little ones? She always saw how her mama, papa, tia and tio took care of mirabel and Camilo, sometimes it was Abuela and tio Bruno too. She of course makes sure they are okay too but Dolores is acting like them when it comes to Antonio.
“Dolores, may i ask you something?“ Isabela spoke. Dolores noticed that something was off and turned to her. “Sure.“ she said. “Do u have parents?“ Isabela blurted and the table fell silence, besides for the little ones. Dolores face turned into confusion, why would Isabela ask her that? “What?“ she said. “Do you have parents?“ Isabela repeated. Now the table truely was silent. The adults started to panic a bit. “Yea i do, why are u asking?“ she questions. “Well you always take care of Antonio but aren’t your parents suppose to do it?“ she make a point. Dolores‘s eyes squinted, she purses her lips and doesnt say anything, but she seems to be mad. “Plus, you never talk about them!“ Isabela continues. “I like to take care of antonio.“ Dolores says. Isabela starts to notice that dolores‘s is angry, but why?
They stare at eachother for a bit, till Antonio broke the silence. He started to wave his hands around a lot. It seems like he didnt like it when they were like this. Dolores held his hand to calm him down but it didnt seem to work. Dolores started to get frustrated, maybe this was a bad idea at all. “I’m sorry i asked if you have parents Dolores..maybe it wasn’t a good question..“ Isabela apologized, she looked down at her plate. Antonio stopped fussing and Dolores started to feel bad. She shouldn’t taken that tone with her.
Dolores wanted to say she was sorry too but no words came out of her. So she just took Isabela’s hand and hoped she understood. Isabela did indeed understand her, and sqeeze Dolores’s hand. Sometimes Dolores would just shut down and it happened often so Isabela and Dolores’s started to understand eachother with just looks or body language. “Do you two have telepathy or is it just me?“ Bruno suddenly said. The girls started to giggle and some of the others laughed too.
“Looks like Antonio doesnt like seeing you guys like that.“ pepa confessed. Dolores had a sad smile on her face, “He doesn’t like it when people are mad or sad.“ she said. “What if he is mad or sad?“ Camilo questions. “Well then he makes sure everyone’s knows it“ she laughed. Camilo giggled at the answer. She was getting more comfortable with them and it was noticeable.
After lunch Isabela, Dolores and Antonio went back to their spot, but some have followed them. Isabela and Dolores sat down and dolores noticeded the noises behind Isabela, so she fixed her gaze into the bush and saw at least 3 people there. “I think someone followed us, or some people in this case.“ she said as she pointed them out. Isabela turned around and already knew who it was. “You guys are bad at hiding“ Isabela sighed, and they started to come out of the bush. “I told you this wasn’t a good idea Camilo“ Luisa said, as she helped mirabel to get out. He just ignored Luisa‘s comment and turned to face Isabela with puppy eyes. I wonder where he got that from..Dolores thought. “Can we please be with you guysss??? It’s so boring in casita!!“ he whined. Isabela glanced at Dolores for an answer and she shrugged. “Fine but dont annoy us Camilo!“ she snarled. Camilo gave her an evil grin before sitting down. Luisa and mirabel joined them.
They started to talk at some point. Some time passed by and Dolores saw how mirabel was focused on Antonio. She whispered something to Antonio and he started to wave at mirabel. Mirabel lit up brightly and smiled a lot. “How did u get him to do that!?“ she sputtered. “He started to randomly wave at people and if i tell him to wave at someone certain he just does“ Dolores said. Dolores started to ramble about Antonio to mirabel and Isabela started to get jealousy. Mirabel was really focused and Dolores loves to talk about antonio so Isabela feels like they could go for hours and hours about him.
Isabela crossed her arms and frowned. Her little sister is stealing her friend!! “Dolores!! Do you wanna go around town for a bit?“ Isabela interrupted them up. Dolores stopped talking and turned to Isabela. “Sure!! Will your family go too?“ she asked. She pursed her lip “uh no, i dont think its safe for them.“ she replied. “Cmon!!“ she said and took Dolores’s hand. “Wait isa!!“ Luisa shouted but they were already gone. “I dont think Mami allowed isa to go to town alone..“ Luisa reminded them. “Uh oh..“ mirabel and Camilo said in unison. “We should go get Mami!“ mirabel said, so they ran inside casita to tell julieta, lets say she wasn’t pleased by the news.
Isabela wandered around the town with Dolores, dolores had a worried face so Isabela asked what was wrong. “Aren’t you not allowed to go alone? I dont want to get you in trouble isa..“ she mumbled. And that’s when they stopped walking. “I totally forgot!!“ she said. All that jealousy made Isabela forget about it, all she wanted to do is get dolores away from mirabel so she would stop stealing her away but that really backfired on her.
Isabela started to panic, so she tried to look around to see where she ran off but the more she looked around the more she started to panic. She ran of almost to the other side of the town!! How did she not even notice!! Dolores realized that Isabela started to panic so she tried to calm her down. “Isa, its okay, i dont think your mom will be mad.“ she says. “It’s not even that!! I dont know where we are!! We are completely lost and its all because of me!!“ she tearing up. Dolores hugged Isabela, “its okay, i know where we are. I can bring us back“ she says. “Really!?“ “Really.“
Isabela was so happy that she had a friend like Dolores, she was really smart! Halfway trough their walk to casita Isabela asked, “How did u know the way?“ “My house was nearby, well its a bit further away but i mostly know the city of wandering around.“ she said as if it was nothing. That far!!?? Isabela thought. So that means that everytime she comes here it takes her a long time! And all that just to be with her? “You dont need to walk this far just to be with me Dolores“ Isabela turned to face Dolores with a sad face. “It’s okay, i enjoy walking plus i always come here!! I like it“ she hummed. Man..there’s a lot about Dolores she doesnt know yet..
When they arrived at casita alma quickly informed Felix to let julieta know Isabela was here and it only took some minutes for julieta to come from town and hug Isabela. She then proceeded to scold her but then hug her again. Dolores watched the scene confusingly. Why was julieta so worried about Isabela?? She just went to town for a little bit, and the hug? She was trying to think of an moment her mother hugged her like that but nothing came to her head.
It was getting darker so Dolores decided to go home early today, she was just waiting Isabela. After julieta hugged Isabela to death, she started to walk towards Dolores. Dolores stiffened up, she knew she was gonna get a scolding from this too, why shouldn’t she? Julieta kneeled down and Dolores saw a smile instead of an angry face. “Thank you a lot for helping Isabela, dolores.“ she thanked her. This woman’s voice is really soft..
Dolores‘s eyes widen, is that it? No screaming, no saying names, just that? “Dolores?“ julieta said. “Uh..right..you‘re welcome..“ she quickly looked over to Isabela to avoid eye contact. “See you then Isa..“ she waved and Isabela waved back.
While Dolores was walking back home, she had a weird feeling in her stomach, like..as if she was really happy about something. She hoped that she wont ever loose this feeling.
If y’all have any questions about this au I gladly answer them :D thanks for readingg
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prosperdemeter2 · 1 year
I never knew just how much I needed perspective flips from the rewrite series until I just read them lol. These characters are so
perfectly messy and human the way you write them and I absolutely love it. Just like Maddie alone. The way I wanted to just go uggg in the her pov for the Eddie asking about Daniel moment. But then wanted to high five and cheer for her in the other one where she told Bobby not to dare try and mess up buddies relationships after the bombing. Brilliant.
Anywho, while I can’t stand her in it, Can I ask for a perspective flip for Shannon in chapter 2 of collision please? đŸ„č
Gosh! This was a complicated one lmao. Let it be known that, for the canon of the series, I will probably never be going into Shannon’s POV again 😅 (not that I'm frustrated or anything about it. She was just TOUGH to write).
As for your words up top: omg pls you're so sweet 😭 I try so hard to write characters that are flawed but so deserving of love - I hope as the story goes on you gain some sympathy for a Maddie that's learning and trying to be better now.
collision chapter two
Eddie’s house was
 quaint. It wasn’t what Shannon would have chosen for their family, if he had ever bothered to ask her, but it was what he had chosen. She supposed she shouldn’t have been surprised, Eddie had always been fond of the smaller things in life. He didn’t enjoy extravagant, he had fought her tooth and nail over getting a new car when they were still together, citing medical bills and a future fund that he’d rather be putting his pension into. He had to have been making enough in his career as a public servant (and with his retirement from the Army), so Shannon didn’t really understand why he was still living in his small, two bedroom, one story house. But it wasn’t her concern how Eddie spent his money anymore. 
At least, not when it came to this. 
“Good morning, sweetheart.” Harvey kissed her cheek like he always did, like she was a work of art, and gently tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. She preened - Eddie had never touched her like that, he had never spoiled her the way Harvey did, with pride and reverence. Harvey was better, everyone in her life told her that (Shannon had known that when they had first slept together - Harvey was perfect, safe
Shannon hated Eddie’s little house. 
It was too clean, too lived in, too decorated. He had a calendar on the refrigerator that didn’t have his handwriting on it, stuffed behind Christopher’s messy color pencil drawings and report card boasting all A’s. He had a list of emergency phone numbers taped on the counter next to a landline and Shannon’s name wasn’t even on it - the list went: Buck, Carla, Bisabuela, Tia Pepa, Maddie, Captain Nash, Athena Grant, Karen Wilson, Tia Adriana. The list was obviously for Christopher, just like the shower chair and the rails in the bathroom she had spotted earlier. It was a good thing he already had those in place, Shannon had noted with a derisive snort, considering his boyfriend needed them just as much lately (if the way he was slowly moving the night before said anything). 
Shannon glanced over her shoulder and towards the locked door at the end of it - Christopher was still in the bathroom, he had paused briefly outside of the door that clearly belonged to his father’s bedroom but Shannon had waved him along. I’ll make breakfast, she had said with a smile. 
Christopher always liked waffles. She was sure Eddie had the ingredients to toss those together, although she didn’t see a waffle maker anywhere. Maybe she should interrupt the two of them, like she had thought of doing the night before just for the laugh of it all (imagine, Shannon scoffed. Helena would have had Eddie’s head, and Shannon’s, if she had ever caught them doing what Shannon had caught him doing the night before.). She could imagine it, really. She didn’t know what they were doing behind that door, really, except she knew, from her own wealth of experience, just how good at bedroom activities Eddie was. They’d probably be lost in each other, like Shannon had noticed they so often were. Her knocking on the door, sharp and loud, would have them springing apart. If she laughed loud enough, she could picture the perfect bright red Eddie’s cheeks would turn - it used to mean that they would be having a very entertaining romp in the sheets themselves, but Shannon had long ago grown to enjoy the lead up to the main event just as much. Eddie was easy to rile up, fun to do too, and ever since he had served her those divorce papers? Shannon thought he deserved a bit of embarrassment every now and then. “Can I have cereal?” Christopher interrupted her thoughts with a blink of innocence. 
Shannon flinched. “I’m going to make waffles.” 
Christopher frowned. “Okay,” he shrugged. “Can I have cereal still?” 
“Your mother,” Harvey intervened when Shannon merely bristled in her spot. “Is going to make waffles.” 
“I don’t want waffles.” Christopher argued petulantly. He had always done that - it had driven Shannon insane when he was little. Clearly, Eddie had picked up where his parents had left off when it came to catering to Christopher’s every want and need. “Dad says I can have cereal so long as I have fruit too.” 
“Well, dad’s not up.” Shannon said in a forced light tone. Dad said, dad said, dad said. It was all she had heard the day before until they had gotten back home and then Christopher had sat himself next to Buck on the floor all night until it was time for bed. Shannon had offered him the side of the couch closest to her, Christopher had always been a cuddler and Shannon had, genuinely, missed having his small body pressed tightly against hers. Christopher had declined, though, but she hadn’t missed the way he had cuddled up next to Buck’s side instead. Perhaps she should have offered him her seat, the man had just gotten out of his full leg cast not too long ago, but there had been a bit of vindictive joy in watching him wince as he straightened out his leg to rest on the rug. “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” She winked over her shoulder at Christopher’s little, tired face, and turned back to the cabinets with a frown. 
“Dad -.” It was like Christopher had summoned him. 
The door opened and shut on the other end of the hallway and Shannon
 she had always been attuned to Eddie. She knew the cadence of his footsteps, the way he breathed, the way he would first look for Christopher and then look for her. Only it took longer than Shannon remembered it ever taking for Eddie to look in her direction - the door clicked shut behind him and his hair was a mess (and he had a small bruise, sucked into the skin of his collarbone that Shannon couldn’t help staring at when his shirt slipped down enough for her to see it. It wasn’t jealousy so much as rage. Eddie had belonged to her for the longest time, she had been the only person he had ever slept with, his first and only for so long. Any mark he had on his skin used to be because she put it there. And now she was competing. With a man who made Eddie laugh and, and
 she was mostly ambivalent towards Eddie’s boyfriend, except that she wasn’t. She couldn’t help but think of how different things would have been if he hadn’t been around, if she hadn’t waited so long. Eddie’s face would have flashed with that anger again at something she said and it would have ended the way it always did, Shannon’s nails leaving a trail down his back and her mouth sucking a bruise into his skin). “Morning, Eddie.” Harvey greeted kindly. 
Shannon shook herself. She was happy, she was going to marry the most wonderful man, she had her son back (on Eddie’s terms, though. Shannon didn’t have Christopher so much as have time with him). “Morning.” Eddie waved, though, cordial and polite as always. Shannon could remember the way he used to touch her, soft hands on her hips as he walked by. He used to wrap himself around her, duck his nose into her shoulder and hold on while he woke up. 
He bypassed her completely and instead lingered over Christopher, pressing a kiss to the crown of his head and breathing in against his curls. 
What happened to the man she had married, she wondered. Where had she lost him? “Buenos días, bud.” Shannon gripped his cabinet handle tighter. 
She had always been jealous of the relationship Eddie had with Christopher. It was always so easy, so second nature with the two of them. Shannon had to work every second of every day to be a mother, to remember what it was she was supposed to be doing to keep Christopher happy and healthy and Eddie
 Eddie just knew how to do it. And it didn’t make any sense to her, really! Eddie hadn’t had parents the way Shannon had - Ramon had been gone most of his childhood and Helena had thrust him into the role of man of the house much too early. He had always been good at it, though. Surprisingly tender even when Shannon had wanted him at his hardest. It only got worse one Christopher was born - Eddie was careful not to yell, he had cried the first time he had held him, Shannon had caught him singing Christopher to sleep, once, when he was on leave. He loved being a father and Christopher, obviously, adored having him as one. 
Christopher tipped his head back to rest it on Eddie’s chest, staring up at him like he always had - like Eddie was the hero in every story he ever made up. He beamed and leaned up, pressing his own kiss to the corner of Eddie’s scratchy, unshaven jaw (Shannon had always hated it when he looked like this. Unshaven, just rolled out of bed, face unwashed and hair still a mess. She preferred Eddie put together.). “Buenos días, dad!” 
That was another thing. Shannon hated the whole
 Spanish thing. It was like they were trying to shove her out. When they were in Texas, Eddie and sisters would go on a whole rant in Spanish back and forth and Shannon would be left just trying to pick up on context clues. Helena had tried to translate what she could, and Sophia had always explained it after the matter. You could try to learn, Adriana had said with her nose in the air like always. Eddie had apologized, though, when Shannon had pointed out feeling left out of family conversations. 
Clearly, though, he was still insisting on teaching Christopher the language. She wondered if it bothered Eddie’s new partner too, or if Buck was perfect with that too. Shannon rolled her eyes at the thought, the man probably spoke Spanish himself. It was like Eddie had created him in a lab - young, tall, handsome, strong, stupid and yet, somehow, smart. She had noticed Eddie staring at certain kinds of men over the years, Buck certainly fit Eddie’s preference better than Shannon ever could. Eddie hugged Christopher from behind, smiled at him in a way that made a portion of her anger with him disappear, and rested his chin on Christopher’s bony shoulder. “¿Cómo era antes de que empezara a llover?” 
She scowled again. 
Of course. 
Eddie clearly wanted to ask Christopher something that she wouldn’t understand in order to keep their secrets. It was like he was plotting against her - Christopher fought her at every corner, he didn’t seem all that interested in doing anything but argue with Harvey, and if she had to hear one more time about just how great Eddie’s boyfriend was she was going to wring her own neck. “It was okay. We didn’t get smores, though.” Christopher explained. 
Eddie frowned and clocked Christopher’s disappointment immediately. “We can make some with bisabuela?” 
“In the backyard?” 
“Or we can make them in the oven here.” Christopher smiled excitedly and hummed, his little body shaking with excitement. 
Shannon closed the cabinet a little too hard and opened the next one - full of plates and ceramic bowls that were all mismatched and clearly second hand (but a good brand of second hand, she noted. The kind that could be microwaved and put in the oven if needed without even chipping the paint. Eddie’s family didn’t use those.). “Shannon,” Eddie called to her with that edge to her voice that told her that he was starting to get frustrated with her. She frowned at it - frustrated at her? She hadn’t even done anything yet but try and feed their child. “I’ll make breakfast.”
Shannon almost laughed. “You can’t cook.” She smirked over her shoulder at him. 
The last time Eddie had tried to cook he had managed to undercook chicken after leaving it in the oven for half an hour. Eddie rolled his eyes at her and something like a sharp satisfaction spiked in her belly. He was annoyed, good. “Dad makes eggs!” Christopher defended with a strong frown. “And
 and crepes with bisabuela.” 
Bisabuela. Isabel Diaz had always been Eddie’s biggest enabler. She called him pet names and kissed his cheeks and pulled him into tight, long hugs. Isabel had told Shannon, very seriously, that Eddie was special. That he had a special heart that deserved to be taken care of. That he was soft, and that softness was his strength. Shannon had always been
 uneasy around the woman. It was like she could see right through her and was just waiting for Shannon to make a mistake. “You can always have cereal.” Eddie said dryly, standing up and nudging her out of the way and towards the table. 
Her skin burned where his arm had touched hers. It had been
 a long time since Eddie had touched her and things between them had always felt like a raging fire. It was an addictive feeling, even if Harvey’s hand on her wrist felt calm and cooling. “I thought you would have bought more.” Because his cabinets had been nearly empty, his refrigerator had been full of health food and pineapple juice, his freezer with meats and meatless substitutions. 
“It’s not like we expected company.” Eddie countered and grabbed the eggs out of the refrigerator, scowling at the milk like they had personally insulted him. 
Shannon could feel it, the fire growing between them, threatening to come to a head. She wondered how it would blow up, now that the bedroom wasn’t an option for them. “Harvey doesn’t like eggs.” She stuck her chin in the air and said. 
“Then he can have cereal.” Dismissive. 
Shannon bristled in frustration. Eddie had gotten so boring over the years. He had stopped arguing with her a week before she had left, but when she had shown back up he had shown her that he still had that passion inside of him. 
She wanted to taste it again. All of him was hers, he had vowed that a long time ago. It didn’t matter what a piece of paper said, anymore. He had belonged to her since they were twelve. He could have his fun, but he’d be back. He would always come back. “He -.” Harvey’s hand covered over Shannon’s shoulder. 
“It’s okay, Shannon.” He said with a bright, cordial smile. “I don’t mind cereal.” 
Shannon’s building excitement faded when Eddie turned back around, his face carefully expressionless.  “Cereal’s on the fridge.” He said with a nod and turned towards the oven. 
Something in her stirred. Anger, annoyance, arousal. 
Eddie was always so much more fun when he decided to play petty. 
Shannon carefully sat down beside Harvey with a small smirk. Oh, if he wanted to play, they could play. 
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texasbama · 1 year
After the perfect domesticity of Buddie this week it is going to be hilarious watching Eddie waste his time on these failed dates. It will never be more obvious to everyone that the most chemistry he has is with Buck.
Right!! And they literally gave nothing away in the promo for next week either. I wonder what the sneak peeks will be..
Gonna be interesting to see how this goes cause its proven that Eddie and Buck only have eyes for each other.
.Last night I very briefly had the thought that Pepa will set him up on some dates that will be duds and then the ep will end with him somehow running into Marisol and his final scene being a date with her.
I almost started crying so I figured I’d share it with yall. 😭 hopefully nothing like that happensïżœïżœđŸ„ŽđŸ„ŽđŸ„Ž
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camilosgirlfriend · 3 years
hello again, i really love your writing so here i am with another request 😭😭
basically fluffy camilo x fem!reader at one of the kids of encanto’s birthday parties held either in casita or in the actual market place, either way everyone is there and the reader is dancing among the children (she got lessons from isabela) and isabela, dolores, and pepa push camilo to get over his puppy crush and ask reader to dance and eventually he gets comfortable again and they dance together
i’m imagining either to soldier, poet, king or the kingdom dance from tangled
and the reader wearing this skirt
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tysm if you get to this
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camilo for your troubles <3
this prompt >> AND HELLO AGAINN :))
Feel The Music, Baby.
camilo madrigal x fem!reader
the way your hips swung, your hair moved and the skirt you were wearing blew in the wind had him caught in a daze. the girl— that girl. the one that he’s loved since he was 13, only being able to stare from afar, was now just so close. your smile widened as you picked up a child who was at your feet and spun around with him in your arms. giggles erupted from his mouth as he slung his arms onto your neck, shimmying his hips a little in your arms. the child who was in your arms was put down right as the song ended so you could get water. you walked away from the crowd and into the kitchen at the madrigal house.
“you’re drooling.” dolores said in a teasing manner, eating her food. “what?— what, no i am not dolores.” camilo huffed, wiping his mouth just to make sure she was lying. “if you like her so much, why dont you just make out with her.” mirabel laughed, made fake kissing faces at camilo. “cállate mira!” “camilo!” pepa came out of the kitchen with a few plates and water. camilo stomped his foot, causing mirabel to laugh even harder. “primito, do you really think she doesn’t like you?” isabela asked, interjecting herself into the conversation. “we’ve— only ever talked once.” “well! i am her dance teacher. and she tells me everything.” isabela smirked, leaning on the table they sat at. “and i hear everything. hm.” “okay, okay. stop teasing your brother dolores. he has enough on his mind. pobrecito.” pepa said in sympathy, getting his hair away from his face. camilos face obviously turned red as he covered his face. “well, what does she say!” “in order to tell you, you have to get over it, locito. just dance with her.” camilo sighed, putting his head down. “if i do will you tell me.” he replied, his voice muffled. “yes!” dolores and isabela said at the same time. he lifted his head and rolled his eyes. “fine.” camilo stood up and walked back to the center where the girl of his dreams was. he made his way through the crowd and towards the edge where he saw her twirling a small girl with braids around. he cleared his throat and walked up to her, putting his hand out. “care to dance, amor?” he asked slyly, watching as she turned her head. “claro!” she accepted happily, grabbing his hand. almost immediately he spun her around, prompting a gasp and a laugh come from her. “asi camilo!” camilo heard his father say, turning around to him.
“you’re a very good dancer camilo.” y/n beamed as she got her coat off the wall. “gracias hermosa.” he responded with a laugh. y/n smiled and pulled his cheek to her, pecking it softly. “see you tomorrow!” y/n let his face go and walked away and out of the house. mirabel, isabela, pepa, and dolores waited until y/n was far enough. “camilo!!” they squealed, running up to him. “oh she was so beautiful, shes perfect for the family!” pepa continued, fixing his hair. “you were beautiful! your feet were moving in sync and your hand placements were just right!” “y/n agrees.” dolores exclaimed before giggling. “okay, okay okay! can you just tell me what she says now?” camilo asks putting his hands on his hips. “fine!” isabela burst and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the kitchen and sitting him down. “so..?” he says, leaning onto the table. “she says, how she wants so badly to talk to you. how every chance she gets she admires you
 and how you take her breath away anytime your eyes meet.” isabela pouts, putting her hand to her heart “how adorable.” she whines before smiling again. “she’s talking now.. she says she almost passed out tonight. she loved the way you looked at her. her sister says shes so in.” dolores continues, as she put her hand to her heart. “she says.. how badly she wishes you liked her back.” “but i do like her back!” camilo says, looking at his sister with puppy dog eyes. “lo sabemos, principe.” pepa replied. “how about tomorrow, we invite y/n to dinner?” pepa asks smiling at her middle child. “yeah.. yeah that works.” he smiled back at his mother.
that morning, camilo woke up extra early just to wake everyone up and get ready. he knocked on luisas door, then dolores, then mirabel, his moms, his aunts, his brothers, isabelas and abuelas. he had already gotten everything prepped for tía julieta and was rushing everyone. “mirabel, you’re going to y/ns house to invire her, dolores and isabela you’re helping tia! and mamá, just relax today. okay?” camilo shouted out orders before rushing into the kitchen. “everything looks good here tía!” he exclaimed and walked out and attempted to go up the stairs before something held him back. “camilo?” antonio peeped as camilo looked down. “yes antonio?” “don’t mess tonight up, please? i like y/n, she always plays with me and if you ruin it she won’t want to play with me anymore
andshesmyfavoritepersontoplaywith!” antonio complained all in one breath before pulling away. “i will not ruin tonight for us antonito.” camilo ran a hand through his brothers curls and smiled before walking upstairs.
camilo spent the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon in his room, pondering on what to say and how to say it. “camilo! y/n’s coming!” isabela yells from the kitchen, putting the final plate of food down. “ya voy!” he responds, getting off his bed and running out of his room. not before one last check in the mirror. camilo moved his strands and pat down his clothes before rushing out. the door rung and he sprung for it immediately, holding the door knob. “sit down everyone, hurry! i dont want us to look like hooligans infront of y/n!” he yelled before swinging the door open. “mirabel, y/n!” camilo laughed in a fake way and hugged mirabel, leading them both inside. “wow, this all looks amazing..” y/n said amused. camilo pushed a chair out right infront of him. y/n smiled and nodded and sat herself down, pushing her chair in. camilo walked around the table and sitting down, smiling immediately.
it had only been 10 minutes since everyone started eating and dolores was staring very hard at camilo, trying to not to spill his secret at the dinner table. “dolores, why are your ears so big?“ camilo asked in a teasing manner, as he always did. “why do you like y/n.” “dolores!” “what?” y/n questioned. “you do?” she looked at him. “okay, everyone go to the kitchen!” pepa sighed out, rushing everyone away from the table. “why did you never tell me camilo?” “well.. because youre just so beautiful and i couldn’t bring myself to do it.” he sighed out as they both stood up. “i know you watch me dance.” y/n chuckled with a smile. “you’re such a puppy amor.” she giggled. “everyone always says that!” he sighed out in frustration. but he was happy. now he knew the girl of his dreams liked him too.
i overwrote oops sorry i didnt even do it right i just cant write dancing im so bad at it 😭😭 anyways im super tired so mmm đŸ€˜
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movetobiimos · 3 years
your blog is seriously amazing omg and I just discovered it 😭 if you are currently taking requests, could you please do some headcanons about bruno madrigal visiting his son that was born after he left? Like the reader didn’t know she was pregnant and he hears and watches her giving birth to their son and visits the newborn during the night or even gets his rats to deliver little gifts to the child as a way to make him know he’s proud of him and is so damn sorry he can’t be around? Just some dad!bruno fluff, because this man deserves a family and way more loveđŸ„ș
:: mi hermoso niño. Bruno
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── bruno visiting his son headcanons
── Awee thank you for the lovely compliment!! I hope you enjoy this hehehe! But yes dad bruno is such a wholesome thing like omg i want to cryy ahhhh “8(>/////<)8” Heheh sending all my love to you and bruno!! (>^w^>)💚
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꒰ෆ꒱ Bruno wished he didn’t leave you behind. But he couldn’t help but feel as if it was necessary because he was a curse to the family.
꒰ෆ꒱ However he couldn’t leave his family behind so he lived inside the walls.
꒰ෆ꒱ When you found out he left you sobbed hours and hours, Julieta and Pepa would come and comfort you. You appreciate it yes but you just couldn’t help but feel more and more sad each day.
꒰ෆ꒱ Later on you found out you were pregnant all this time.
꒰ෆ꒱ Julieta, Pepa, and everyone was shocked to hear..even Bruno too (considering the fact that he is living inside the walls)
꒰ෆ꒱ Bruno would secretly leave the walls at night just to watch you sleep singing a small sweet melody as he watches you and his son sleep peacefully.
꒰ෆ꒱ he couldn’t help but admire how he has some traits from the both of you. Bruno’s big rounded eyes, how the color of the eyes matches yours, and the ways the curls represented him. He was in love of how perfect his son became.
꒰ෆ꒱ As days go by your son starts receiving gifts and he would tell you. This surprises you because he would always tell you whenever he wakes up he sees little notes or treats near him.
꒰ෆ꒱ Bruno would usually ask his friendly rats to watch over you and him. And every time the rats come back and tells him that you both are doing fine he shows a huge proud smile.
꒰ෆ꒱ there are times when he just feels terrible. He wishes that he can visit you and his son, he just wants to give you both a huge hug. But sadly he couldn’t.
꒰ෆ꒱ You understand why he left, but it still hurts how he left all of a sudden. When your son asked more about Bruno it made your heart shattered.
꒰ෆ꒱ “MamĂĄ when do you think papĂĄ will come back home with us.”
꒰ෆ꒱ When Bruno heard that his heart too did shattered, he wished that he can leave the walls and tell him he’s right here.
꒰ෆ꒱ Sadly you would simply say, “PapĂĄ needs more time for himself, one day he might come back.”
꒰ෆ꒱ Again at night Bruno will still visit you and leave you and his son something. He will leave a loving kiss ok your head, for a minute you thought it was a dream but turns out it wasn’t.
꒰ෆ꒱ When you found a your favorite flower besides you, you realize that he haven’t left.
꒰ෆ꒱ And everything clicked, he was somewhere around Encanto, the gifts he kept leaving for his son. It was a show of gratitude that he was proud.
꒰ෆ꒱ “Mi amor wherever you are, please come back..”
꒰ෆ꒱ “One day mi vida.” And with that he promise to keep his word. He was always there for his son and you. One day he’ll be back.
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kinschi · 3 years
A minor complication in having biracial children is learning care for them that doesn't relate to yourself and learning on the go to a degree. So Felix perfect husband and all spending 9 months of pregnancy and several months of baby without much hair to do yet using himself as the dummy to let Pepa figure out hair stuff for their little ones. Felix suffering weeks of braids and beads and curls. Because he loves them.
OMG THAT IS SO CUTE!!! 😭 FĂ©lix being the best dad and husband that he is probably had a different hairstyle every day. And imagine him also practicing to do hairstyles on himself and fails so he goes to the ladies in town to help him out. So when Dolores is born both her parents are ready to do her hair and Dolores always loves it when they do!
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glitternightingale · 2 years
K here's an ask lol:
(I literally have no idea what debate topics to ask but I wanted to help your craving anyway so enjoy the first thing that popped in my head 😭😭:)
How do you think AgustĂ­n and FĂ©lix popped the question 👀👀👀 we gotta have AgustĂ­n losing the ring about 5000 times, I mean-come on
K, this turned into two ficlets, apparently!
AgustĂ­n and Julieta:
AgustĂ­n has planned a grand proposal for months and has been wanting to ask the love of his life, Julieta, for years. And after so much effort (booking the perfect location, getting nice and dignified clothes -- he was going to ask a Madrigal, after all-- and chasing the ring he had commissioned through the entire town) he sat down to play some tunes on the old piano, trying to calm himself for the big finale the following day.
There was no way he would let any accidents happen. His squad consisting of FĂ©lix, Pepa, and Bruno would make sure of it.
He was so immersed in his song that he didn't notice how Julieta stepped up behind him until she hugged his shoulders and nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck.
"The song of our hearts," she whispered and slid around the stool to join him, pressing her legs against his, "Just the two of us."
AgustĂ­n's cheeks heated up and he reached for her hand, his other never leaving the keys and continuing the melody that connected them.
Then Julieta faced him, a tender smile on her face and her big brown eyes filled to the brim with love.
"Will you marry me?" she asked suddenly and squeezed his hand with this fraction of self-doubt his perfect Julieta always carried.
And although this surprise question hit AgustĂ­n like a brick as he pressed his hand flat on the most dissonant keys possible, killing the mood, Julieta didn't mind one bit.
She pulled his shocked and flushed face near when he stuttered out an overly eager "Yes!", sealing their fate with a deep kiss.
FĂ©lix and Pepa
It was an open secret that today was the day Pepa Madrigal would finally get engaged (the true proposal had been made in the privacy of a ruffled bed meant for two, some claimed).
The entirety of the Encanto knew and the villagers had decorated their houses, cleaned the streets, and prepared "ÂĄFelicidades!" posters to greet the couple for when they returned from the magical lake.
The sun was hot and the sky clear and that's how they knew their Weather Princess was in high spirits.
"Ay, Pepita," FĂ©lix spoke slowly and bent his knee, gazing up at the fiery goddess he had pledged his soul to the moment they had met.
Pepa's face was split in a wide, anticipating grin as she held a handkerchief, almost crushing it with her bare strength. She had been giggling the whole way to the romantic location and been giddier than ever before.
But as FĂ©lix revealed the sparkling stone of the ring he presented to her, telling her how he loved her unconditionally and eternally, tears of joy sprang loose in her eyes and she quieted her sobs.
"Will you marry m--" FĂ©lix asked but was cut off by Pepa when she pulled his stocky body up into a passionate kiss that squeezed the air out of his lungs.
Just how he had wished it to happen in his most beautiful dreams.
Then heavy rain poured on them like the relentless current of a fresh spring, drenching their garments and matting their hair as the lovers laughed with each other, their wet lips glued together.
The villagers' posters were ruined, the ink they had used diluted and completely unreadable, but their meaning stayed the same.
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slasherstories123 · 3 years
Hello! I just read the slashers with a S/o that can grow flowers can I get the same Slashers but this time their s/o has powers like Pepa Madrigal, please? And thank you ☀🌈
Bubba, Billy, and Jason with a S/O who has powers like Pepa Madrigal,
Tagslist: @brxwrvth @slash3rl0v3r @dootys @callmemeelah @fluffy-little-demon
A/N: alright I watched the movie Encanto a while back so now I know how the gifts work this time 😅
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Bubba Sawyer
You have powers? He’s never seen anyone like you! He thought that the only people who had powers were characters in fairy tails!
When you explain to him how your powers work he’ll be EXTRA careful, he doesn’t want to make you worried or sad or mad, it’ll rain!
If chop top or nubbins bush your buttons Bubba is the first to stop them, knowing what will happen if they go too far.
He remembers when you made a thunderstorm happen because you were angry at the fact that a victim hurt him
Took him a LONG time to reassure you that he was okay and to calm you down so the thunderstorm could stop.
He’a glad that you haven’t had a hurricane yet, that would be a DISASTER! You’re surprised that he’s still with you even though you practically can control the weather based on how you feel or what emotion your having
Like I said he doesn’t mind at all, he likes it! He could care less about your powers! When you’re happy he’ll just cup your face in his hands and will boop your nose with his masked nose
He’ll also pick you up and sing you around in the sunlight!
Billy Loomis
“Bull crap”.. Yep that’s the first thing he said when you told him, “That stuff is only in fairy tails, I thought you knew this,”
He’ll have a surprised look on his face when he finds out that you were telling the truth, it was true!?
He thinks that it’s cool! You can control weather based on your emotion, he thought having powers were in fairy tails,
One time he saw you make a snow storm because you were stressed out about something, and cause of that he learned to take your emotion seriously.
If anyone messes with you they’ll get a death glare, and they’ll get struck by lightning depending on how angry they make you 😅
Heck, When you met Stu he even said that you must have came out of a fairy tail because no human can have powers
 or so he thinks
When you’re happy he’ll kiss you on the forehead with a tender smile on his face, seeing you smile makes him smile too❀
Jason Voorhees
He literally calls you Mother Nature
 yep that’s your nickname Mother Nature, he thinks it’s cute!
You both are now the King and Queen of nature! Everyone bow down to them!👿
Jason doesn’t want to push your buttons, seeing you having any emotion other emotion besides happiness breaks his heart
The victims on the other hand
 if they see you they’ll either ask for help or will try to attack you *cue the victim getting struck by lightning*
Pamela thinks you’re perfect for her son and will literally fangirl over you two
He remembers when you tried to get away from the victims but they wouldn’t leave you alone so you got angry and caused a thunderstorm,
“Calm down would ya!?” A men yelled, you tried to think happy thoughts, but his yelling made things worse “I’m trying my best alright!? You’re lucky it’s not a hurricane!”
Y/N this is why Jason wants you to STAY in the cabin when there’s victims around. It’s too risky for you!đŸ˜€
When you’re happy this man will put you in a back crushing bear hug, if you don’t agree then FIGHT ME ( im joking I mean no harm)😭
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gamerbearmira · 1 year
Ghost seer Mirabel is super cool! I imagine she'd be the golden child of the family instead of Isabela, since she gives Abuela the chance to communicate with Pedro, what do you think her room and outfit would look like? I feel like she'd have a lighter shade of blue with more white and gold, giving her an almost angelic color palette, the people of Encanto would definitely consider her an angel in the same way Isabela is in canon, maybe her room could have similar angelic theming?
RIGHT???? So rad
But I’m. Yes, probably. I’d guess. I mean she can literally talk to Pedro, who is virtually Alma’s whole reason for all this. But hey, at least Isabela isn’t forced to be perfect, and thus not forced to be married to Mariano. So, that means Dolores can get with him. Also, I guess since Isabela isn:t perfect, Dolores isn’t necessarily in her shadow anymore either lmao. Camilo would still probably be close. I also imagine Mirabel went to Bruno a lot (cause he has no reason to leave lmao), cause seeing all those dead people kind freaked her out when it really settled in. And Bruno’s got bout the closest gift to her.
And yeah⁉ I think when she was younger, she would have a lot more white over gold. Like her dress was made to make her look like she was a little cloud almost. She also only had her gift on her clothing. But as she got older, she had more candle motifs put into her clothes (Julieta and AgustĂ­n refused to let Alma put pressure on a small 5 year old girl for being the next candle holder). Mirabel really wanted to embroider her skirt, but Alma heavily suggest (insisted) she do it in gold/pale yellow. Worked for Mirabel.
I??? Don’t know why I chose closed eyes, but yeah. Open eyes kinda freaked me out, so I closed them. Gives it a more gentle, approachable feel. Also, she begged Alma to have pink earrings and pink shoes. Sure, she kept the green glasses (her 5 year old logic was that the blue was for her side of the family, yellow/gold was for Pepa, her green glasses for Bruno, and the pinkish shoes was for her abuela. Alma let it slide 😭)
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Also since her gift involves one of the senses, sight, I think her door might have open eyes. You know, like how Dolores’ is hearing, and Bruno’s is also sight? Yeahhhhh sumn like that.
Her room is like. Above the clouds. Imagine an airplane flying above the clouds; that’s basically what it’s like. You might think creepy cemetery vibes with all the dead people, but it’s the opposite. You’d be surprised how calm and relaxed dead people are. Coming from heaven to visit family members vibes.
Y’all, I’m not an architect or an interior designer so. Don’t look too hard. The depth is probs off đŸ‘č
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marvel-m-lee · 3 years
Okay but like the whole line “Bruno walked in with a mischievous grin” has just as many sung syllables as “Bruno walked in with a ticklish grin” and I cant stop picturing poor flustered Rat Man getting bonding/payback for the wedding tickles from Pepa (and maybe FĂ©lix too)
Wedding Revenge
Words: 3956
Fandom: Encanto
Warning: um- tickles? Sadness- falling down stairs?
Summary: *Prompt* Bruno is looking at some family photos for a little too long when his sister decides to come help, then she and her husband decide to get a little revenge for their wedding day.
A/N: this is my oldest prompt I believe- so my deepest apologies 😭 I think about it a lot PFFT, been working on this like all week along with another one sO yAy. But no seriously I'm so sorry- I have like 20 prompts rn and just LOVE this one and it's so old 😭💀 anyway, hope you enjoy, I'm so sorry pfft-
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Bruno was standing in the balcony hallway in the house, looking up at the wall at all the different family photo's everyone had put up after the casita fell.
There were all the photos of Abuela with the kids at their doors, there were photo's of the children growing up, like this little photo of Dolores, Camilo and Antonio all leaning on each others heads from eldest to youngest, there was photo's of the girls too, though Isabela and Mirabel were both sitting on top of Luisa's muscles. There were more photo's of the triplets, photo's of Pedro and the wedding photo's from both his sisters weddings, and more.
Bruno was looking at Pepa's wedding photos in particular, how the sky was full of clouds and some of the buildings messed up from the hurricane. Everyone was smiling awkwardly but also seemed genuinely happy. Bruno couldn't help but look at his sisters face.
Pepa seemed over the moon, rain or no rain. Felix stood next to her, love in his eyes with a bright smile, just as Pepa.
Bruno looked down slightly, he couldn't help but feel sorry for what he did. He didnt realise she had blamed him all this time for it, he never meant to ruin her wedding day. He was just so frightened of doing so that he did.
Bruno kicked the wall gently out of frustration, forgetting it was alive, the tiles beneath him began to spin and wobble, knocking him over on his butt.
"Sorry Casita-" Bruno didn't get up though, he couldn't. He felt too useless and stupid. He kept telling himself he ruined their wedding day, that was supposed to be the one perfect day.
"Hey Bruno?" Bruno looked up to see his ginger sister standing above him, looking down at him awkwardly with a smile. She extended a hand, Bruno taking it awkwardly.
"Hey Pepa- I was just- um" Bruno pointed his fingers in two different directions, trying to figure out a lie or a way to go. Pepa raised an eyebrow and put a hand on her hip.
"Looking at the pictures? Bruno you've been staring at them for the past twenty minutes, Felix walked by ten minutes ago and told me" Pepa sighed, but smiled at her younger triplet to show him she wasn't mad.
"Come on, Juileta's made food again"
"I- um... okay" Bruno looked at the photo and then to his sister; did she still blame him? Did she still think he meant to do so?
As they walked, Bruno decided to apologise for what was on his mind.
"I'm sorry"
Pepa laughed, "yeah, I heard that. What for? Staring at photo's?" She joked, teasing her little brother.
"For ruining your wedding day" Pepa stopped in her tracks just before the stairs and turned to see her little brother, fumbling with his fingers and hiding under his hood for comfort.
Pepa sighed at him, of course she never blamed him- not really anyway. She couldn't stand seeing him look so upset, and knew that no matter what she did he wouldn't believe her.
"Bruno- I'm sorry, you never ruined my wedding day" Pepa tried to comfort him and put a hand on his shoulder, but no matter what she said, Bruno wouldn't believe it. Just mumbling and nodding, obviously not taking it to heart.
"Still... I'm sorry" Bruno shrugged and looked down, embarrassed with himself and his actions. Pepa looked at her brother, and pulled his hood down gently, bringing him in for a hug.
"It's not your fault, my wedding day was wonderful Bruno. With or without rain" Bruno let out a long sigh, still not believing her but leaning into the hug anyway.
"Don't apologise" Pepa smiled at him, she wished she could make all the bad thoughts go away, so he could remember all the good about that day.  Sure the wind and rain made it messy but Pepa wouldn't change the day for the world. She was so happy walking down that aisle, ready to be wed to the man she loved most and would get to spend her whole life with.
That's when she got an idea, she smirked at her brother who was looking away, trying not to make eye contact.
"But you know... I never got my revenge for that" pepa teased, Bruno jumped, thinking she was serious and about to panic but noticed the mischievous look in her eye and smirk in her face.
The man knew the look all too well, and couldn't help the awkward lopsided smile that landed on his face.
Bruno backed up a little, a hand up and one behind him so he wouldn't bump into anything, "P-Pepa- I'm not sure- this?- um-"
Pepa followed, her grin getting wider. "Come on Bruno, what's wrong? A little revenge won't hurt"
"Nohoho- I mehean it won't but it will- pepa!" Bruno couldn't concentrate on his words as he fumbled over his sisters teasing.
Pepa stopped for a moment and shrugged, "You're right"
"It'll tickle" with that she pounced on him and began attacking his sides, sending him into a fit of giggles and squeals, scrunching up his face and wiggling back and forth.
"Pehehpa!! Waahahahit I saihaid I'm SOHORRYYYY" Bruno squealed as his sister fluttered a hand around his neck, making him scrunch up tighter and whither around.
"Sorry Bruno, I'm getting revenge! Also this is so much fun" she teased, wiggling two fingers gently on the top of his belly, making him squeal at the light teasing touches, then throw his head back in a fit of giggles as she attacked his sides again.
Pepa then decided to attack his hips, making the prophet yell and flop around like a fish, he tried to hide behind his face to help shut himself up as she continued to squeeze and torture his sides.
Bruno thrashed and squealed at all the devilish tickles, desperately trying to get away even though he loved it so much. After a few moments though he had thrashed around so much he fell down the stairs-
Luckily- or not- the Casita changed the stairs into a slide so he'd be safe. Bruno couldn't think straight so he screamed when he suddenly began to pick up spead and almost go flying down the stairs.
Bruno tried to focus but the ghostly tickles mixed with giggles and pacing speed all seemed to go much too fast for Bruno to handle.
Then Bruno felt as he bumped into someone, luckily they were strong enough to have stopped a whole collision but even so, Bruno let out a few giggles but was ultimately panicking incase Pepa started the attack again and that he'd hurt someone.
As Bruno jumped up he looked up at whoever had seemingly caught him to check if they were okay. The prophet let out a sigh though when he heard and saw his in-law laugh as he helped him up.
"You alright there Bruno?" FĂ©lix chuckled, looking from his in-law to his wife elwho had a smirk on her face, walking down the stairs.
The three were in the center of the casita, meaning FĂ©lix could look up and see the sky and how the sun seemed to shine brighter as mischief fogged the air.
Bruno let out a nervous giggle as he didn't want to admit what was going on, but his face was blushing red and nervous giggles were sprewing as his sister came closer and closer to the two.
"Do you remember our wedding mi vida?" FĂ©lix raised an eyebrow at his wife, confused yet grinning as he looked at Bruno.
"Do you remember how Bruno walked in with a mischievous grin?" Pepa put a hand on her hip as the two looked at Bruno who could see his life flashing before his very eyes. He turned but FĂ©lix grabbed his wrist gently, keeping him there and making his blush grow, knowing what was to happen.
"Pehepa- FĂ©lix- I- I'm really sorry-"
"Now how can someone so ticklish be so daring?" The single word was enough to break Bruno entirely, he couldn't help how he turned into a tomato and cringed.
For a moment there was a silence as the three looked across form one another, but again Pepa spoke, "I think its time for a little revenge"
The ginger smirked, looking from her husband to her brother with a large grin, hand on hip.
FĂ©lix was still holding Bruno's wrist, and turned to him with a mischievous look. He didn't expect this to happen today but he was no way complaining about wrecking his in-law yet again after all this time!
"Mi Vida... you're right! But is Bruno as ticklish as he used to be?" He asked, obviously teasing because it seemed everyone had tickled him since he'd been back, FĂ©lix just hadn't gotten the chance too yet.
"Oh yeah, Brurito could never NOT be ticklish" Pepa replied, both of them watching as Bruno stood like a child, hiding behind his hair and one hand being held by FĂ©lix, his face bright red and biting on his lips to conceal his giggles.
A part of him hated this but the other part loved it, loved how they were doing this just to show their love to him, just so he could smile.
"Pepa! FĂ©lix! Plehease-" Bruno tried to pull away, but it was obvious he didn't want to escape, effortlessly pulling his arm from FĂ©lix who suddenly got a little tighter, the smirk growing on his face. Bruno noticed this and automatically began to fight a little harder now, surprised as he saw his in-laws grin grow even bigger as he was suddenly thrown into his arms.
"You're right Amor, but I need to double check" Bruno was placed in a very strange position very quickly, FĂ©lix was now suddenly holding both his wrists to his chest with one hand and Bruno was leaning on him, his sides and stomach exposed other than his clothes and ruana.
"Waiait- WAIAIAT FÉHELIX!" Within seconds, without giving Bruno a moment to realise what had happened, FĂ©lix was working his way around his waist, poking and prodding, squeezing and teasing him endlessly. Bruno made plenty of different noises, squeaks, squeals, giggles, splutters, all full of flustered words begging FĂ©lix.
FĂ©lix was loving this though! He had forgotten how fun it was to tickle Bruno, and continued to play him like am instrument he'd been practicing his whole life, making the poor man sing beneath his fingers.
FĂ©lix pretended to gasp and look at his wife with awe, "Pepa!" He whispered excitedly, not stopping his tickles, poking his brothers sides repeatedly with each word he spoke.
"I forgot how fun it is to tickle your Brother Mi Vida" FĂ©lix laughed along with Bruno as he let out new squeaks and flooded into a river of adorable giggles.
"NOHOHOOO it's nohot!" Bruno whined whilst giggling, shaking his head gently, his hair tickling him on accident as he tried to hide his blushing face.
"Well how would you know? You've never done it!" Pepa asked, walking over and helping her brother by tickling his other side and belly with her hands.
Bruno shook and squealed, surprised at more hands as he giggled like crazy, kicking out beneath him for a hot second.
"Mmm?" Pepa continued her assault as of nothing was happening to her laughing Brother.
FĂ©lix laughed along with him, knowing how devilish his wife could be. "Why didn't we do this on our wedding day? This revenge is long over due!" FĂ©lix happily decided to blow a rasberry into the man's neck, making Bruno screech and begin to fight back a lot more, kicking out and swerving in his hold.
Bruno threw his head forward and burst out laughing, he couldn't take the tickles and teases, and could feel his face heating up. He knew it could easily be so much worse but this alone was killing him, fogging his mind of anything and everything- almost.
Pepa saw how happy Bruno seened to be and decided to move it up a notch.
"Hey Amor, do you remember where Brunito here is most ticklish?" She asked, walking two of her fingers around her brothers belly and up his sides, FĂ©lix stopping so they could both hear the giggles this action caused.
"Pehehepaha Pleheheaseee- stahahp ihiht!" Bruno begged, unable to stop the pleas that came from his mouth along with the giggles which interrupted them. The poor prophet would twitch under the two fingers which walked along his skin, prodding him along with the teases.
FĂ©lix didn't answer but grinned, prompting his wife to go on. "Wellll~ if you tickle him somewhere particular, he screams! Like a little girl-" pepa giggled to herself a Bruno whined and gasped offendedly, only joking with his sister.
"For example if I give him a tiny squeeze right hereeee-" Bruno's eyes went wide before shutting tightly, squealing and bursting out into loud bubbly laughter and kicking out beneath him. As Pepa was saying, she demonstrated giving his bottom rib a little squeeze and began to wiggle a finger between the bottom rib and one next to it, causing an electric reaction from her brother.
"PEPAAA PEPA WAIT WAIT" Bruno couldn't hold back his begging and couldn't stand as she continued to wiggle and rub her finger between his ribs, occasionally giving it a squeeze. FĂ©lix laughed at this, teasing his in law.
"Aw Bruno! You're yelling! Thar must be a bad spot right?"
"YEAHAHAHA YEAH YEAH IT ISSSS PEPA!" Bruno wasnt even thinking straight, just thrashing around as Pepa gave him little to no mercy, attacking this tiny spot on his death spot. It was halfway between tolerable and intolerable and he couldn't stand it, yet still loving the attention and love from his sister and brother in law.
"Oh you heard him Pepa, it's a bad spot! Gotta help him" with that, FĂ©lix lifted Bruno's hands above his head, making the prophet squeal as he suddenly felt hid sisters hand waddle up and down his ribs, playing some kind of xylophone.
"NO NOHOHO NO NO THAT DOESNT HEHEHELPPPP" Bruno shouted through squeals of laughter, shaking his head between his arms as he leaned into FĂ©lix even more as to escape Pepa's hand. This was a terrible mistake as FĂ©lix had pulled his arms up to access his ribs, ready to attack and wiggling his fingers as Bruno practically leaned into the tickles, making him squeal again and jump back into Pepa's.
Suddenly both hands had attached themselves to his ribs and it quickly became torture for Bruno as he bucked and yelped, laughing away at the fingers which tickled him silly.
Bruno tried to beg but with each one Pepa would move her other hand to another part of his body and give it a squeeze.
"PLEHAHESSESASEEE-" A squeeze to his hip.
"WAHAIT NO-" A poke to his belly button.
"IHIHIM SORRY IM SORRY PLEASE!" With each plea he would just be adding another hand into the equation and his smile just became brighter and brighter.
"You should have thought about that before our wedding day" FĂ©lix teased.
"Then staring at our photos on the wall and feeling sorry for yourself? Bruno were practically begging for us to tickle you!" Pepa also teased, shaking her head and adding another hand to his ribs to make her younger brother screech.
"AGH-" Bruno burst out into happy loud laughter, something he wasn't all that used to yet, even with tickling it was usually forced- not that it wasn't now, but even if they had stopped he felt like he could continue laughing like this, happy to be with them and be loud and be- himself.
The poor mam could no longer talk but only laugh and screech out incoherent words in which no one understood other than them being pleas.
After a while Félix had decided to work his way up into one of Bruno's armpits, making the rat man jump again, pulling away as much as he could. 
Bruno's laughter began to mould yet again and he would make some mix of loud laughter and giggly bubbly laughter as FĂ©lix dived deep into his armpits, causing him to practically give up and shake his head going limp on him. Luckily FĂ©lix was very strong and could see how much Bruno had been enjoying this so saw it as a good sign, but what he did next broke Bruno.
FĂ©lix whispered something in Bruno's ear, his hair and FĂ©lix's breath tickling his ears. Bruno shook his head excessively and kicked out beneath them, unable to keep in his reactions as he squeaked then dell back into his pattern of giggly loud hearty laughter.
Pepa watched this and laughed with him and FĂ©lix, emjoying the bonding time.
"I think there's one last thing we have to do Amor" FĂ©lix teased, now gently dragging his hand up and down Bruno's side while he was left to giggle as Pepa stopped to tickle his neck, earning a few squeaks.
"Pleheheaseee stahap!" Bruno giggled like a mad man, twitching away from the hand under his ruana, dragging itself all around and scrunching to trap his sisters fingers, which only continued to tickle him in the new position.
Speaking of new positions, it didn't take much to get Bruno laying on the floor, Pepa only had to tickle his knee's and squeeze his thighs to make him drop quicker than a bolt of lightning.
From there it didn't take long to have the youngest triplet on the floor with his ruana lifted above his head so he could barely see and his shirt shoved up revealing his belly.
It took a moment for Bruno to realise what was going on and he quickly tried to scramble up and get the ruana off his face but as he did he only revealed his incredible reaction to his older sister laying a fat rasberry right above his belly button, sending vibrations tingling across his skin as he screeched, pulling the ruana back up to hide at least half of his fave while kicking out the opposite side.
Bruno thought that would be it and right as he thought it was over another vibration followed, the exact same spot but this time it was FĂ©lix who was known for his incredible raspberries. Bruno always feared them when he was younger, and much the same now- only he'd forgotten over the years that had faded, now he was quickly reminded once again.
Bruno deprately screeched at the top of his lungs, flopping and covering his face with his hands as not to attack anyone on accident.
Bruno once again thought that would be it, they both had a go each, BUT NOPE. Now they were both blowing raspberries and giving him tiny kisses and pokes all over his belly, this- this somehow sent him somewhere I can not describe to you.
Bruno didn't realise how bad it could get, he knew Pepa was a nightmare- he'd grown up with her and she was always the ruthless teasy one- and he knew FĂ©lix was also someone to fear, they'd been friends for years now and so of course he got a taste of his in law's destruction. But together? Oh together... every heard of the phrase stronger together?
Well they weren't just strong. They shattered him. Ate him up and left nothing no crumbs.
Bruno was instantly sent into silent laughter and screeched and squealed, kicking the floor and unable to stop himself any further as his mind clouded and tears began to form. Pepa and FĂ©lix both smiled at him, not having seen him with such a big smile in so long.
Bruno tried to push at their heads but each time he did the other would then attack with another rasberry, making him screech and automatically move to protect himself from the other. The three were acting like they were in their 20's again and they all loved it.
Bruno had no words, no laughter, no voice left in him by the end of it, nor did he have a mind honestly. The two let up once he'd given up trying to fight back and smirked at him, he had closed his eyes and had a bright red face with a big dumb smile.
For a moment the younger didn't even move, making FĂ©lix and Pepa wonder if they'd actually killed him-
"That's what happens when you mess with a brides wedding day hermano" Pepa teased, proud of herself but also wanting to make sure he wasn't dead.
After a moment the two heard Bruno let out a giggly sigh and removed his arm which had been resting over his face. He smiled and giggled at his sisters statement, pushing himself up and hugging himself to rid off all the tingly feeling on his skin.
Bruno shivered but looked up at his sister and brother in law. He couldn't help but giggled a little more and the two awed at his bright cherry red face.
"Sohorry Pepa, Sohorry FĂ©lix... thank you" the last part was a lot quieter and he had to look away, but they heard it, and they knew Bruno needed it.
Pepa giggled and threw herself at Bruno on her knees, wrapping her arms around his neck, almost taking him down again.
"It's fine corazĂłn-" Pepa gave Bruno a tight hug, FĂ©lix sitting down with them and hugging him too. When they pulled away FĂ©lix put a hand on Bruno's knee, comforting him.
"We never blamed you for our wedding hermano" He explained, smiling at Bruno. Bruno looked confused for a moment.
"But- your song?-"
"Ay, Ay," FĂ©lix waved his other hand, as though shoving the thought away with a smile, "That's because Pepa couldn't truely think of anything you'd done wrong" He smirked at his wife who was staring at him with a wide mouth, jokingly.
Pepa turned to Bruno, "SĂ­- Bruno my wedding day was incredible, and I wouldn't change a moment of it, even if it was a hurricane, I'm with the man I love-" Pepa looked over at FĂ©lix and smiled, "and my familia" she turned back to Bruno and swiftly pulled him into another hug, surprising him.
FĂ©lix then began to rub Bruno's knee's, and honestky to no ones surprise the man burst out into tiny giggle, narely able to keep himself compsed for a matter of seconds. Pepa pulled out of the hug but smirked, and rolled her eyes as she teased Bruno about how ticklish he is.
"You're a little giggle mechine hermano, tickle tickle~" she teased, adding to fluttering some fingers around his neck and ears. Bruno burst out into loud childlike giggles and began to shake, swatting away his sisters hand and shaking his leg neneath FĂ©lix as an idication to stop.
The married couple laughed with Bruno, giving up now and the three just laughing together happily.
The whole scene ended with one big hug, Bruno couldn't believe how long he'd been worried over their wedding day... they had happily explained to Bruno how much they loved that day, and how much he meant to them. He honestly couldn't believe it but he promised he'd try.
Well it was more like Pepa whining to Julieta that Bruno wouldn't accept he was loved and the two wrecked him silly- but Bruno wasnt complaining. He loved them, and they loved him.
On top of that FĂ©lix had told AgustĂ­n ALLLLLL about the little tickle attack on Bruno so for the third time that day Bruno had another wrecking-
"Oh mierda-"
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