#He dual wields pistols too thats so cool
bathynom · 1 month
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Yuri appreciation post bc I absolutely adore him. Angers me how barren his wiki is.. so If anyone has some headcanons for this guy, I would LOVE to hear them!!
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robotnuts · 4 years
rvb season 6 commentary track fun facts
season 6 commentary facts :) click here to check out the other commentaries i’ve recapped!
the voice over the speaker in the first episode is actually martha from trocadero
there were 72-80 characters on screen in the beginning of ep 1 and they had to film like 4 different games and glue them together n it took em forever
they said the counselor’s va being an improv guy fits him because like the counselor hes great with the uncomfortable silence
the mcrib is huge in japan. mcdonalds sponsored the commentary
gus and geoff like to get drunk and entertain people at conventions while burnie is forced to actually do the boring shit. very grimmons + church core
halo 3′s theater mode allowed them to do way better camera movements but also they had to do all of the headbobbing and then go into theater mode to set it up and see if the eyeline matched and if the headbobbiing will work with the camera movements. they basically had to film it without looking through the camera
which also made having to do retakes hell because theyd have to go back in the game and set everything up again
but we got nice sweeping long shots and good cinematography from it so it was worth it
reconstruction has a lot of different themes: reconstructing the bgc, reconstructing the alpha, and also the reconstruction of the world after halo 3 and the director and chairman squabbling for power after the war has ended
they took 6 months to play around with halo 3 when it came out before doing reconstruction and they were able to find out every exploit and possibility and familiarize themselves with the maps so they could write the story
for example when the meta calls sarge on a hologram they were able to do that because they figured out that dual-wielding the pistols and then lowering the weapons makes the characters arms stick out like that
the tex/shelia is one of their favorites because threading in the dramatic moments in both adds resonance/emotion to the story and makes the humorous moments mean more as a break from the drama. also kathleens voice acting is fucking good but we all knew that
shelia’s va is called first take yomary because shes the best
they used the mongoose’s headlights to light the scenes 
wash’s worst throw ever of all time line was improved and shannon did a lot of that in general in order to keep wash from being boring
mark bellman is burnie’s brother in law meaning both theta and delta are voiced by church’s family (and elijah wood is possibly burnies long lost father)
they were anticipating the flamethrower as a weapon for years since it was cut from halo 1 and 2 and theyre stingy with using new weapons and then they wasted it on wash burning south’s body 
donut’s va was having a baby during season 6 and said “I was too busy fucking to be in the show”
south and washes vas are improv partners oh my god thats so cute,
the meta’s character design uses different pieces from different armor sets which meant it took a week of playing halo to unlock the armor combos on all the different characters
they also cut the meta’s armor changing as he steals parts from different freelancers and even considered using after effects to make his limbs different colors, which would have been cool. however they said they were planning on having him change helmets so im glad they didn’t
fans could see the games on xbox live and predict what characters were going to be in what eps so they made fake donut and tucker accounts to trick people. they ended up taking them offline completely whiich caused about 20 different small annoying problems
they already had the plans for the AI that were going to be revealed in s10.
(they also intentionally based the different AI on different types of alters in DID systems and tried to say that theta is a little and omega is a persecutor) 
the creepy we missed you delta line when the meta gets delta is theta speaking 
at this point their idea was that carolina was dead and that having two AIs had killed her
they filmed the church shots by using two takes and overlaying the opacity of the church shot but then someone on the forums guessed that they used poor camo to do it and they were like “fuck thats a way better idea lets do that”
they talked a lot about maps but they didn’t say which scenes used which maps so i don’t fucking know what they were talking about what is standoff
burnie blasted through it but it sounds like they were planning the alpha reveal since s3
they cut references to tex because they wanted reconstruction to be a stand alone piece and didnt want to confuse people by talking about her if they hadn’t seen 1-5. there was a scene where wash told church that tex was the one who went to break out the alpha and that helped convince him to stay and fight the meta
i showed my friend season 6 to start. he was super confused anyways it doesn’t make sense to start there. this was a bad call and i’m mad
people really thought that with two episodes left they were going to go find tucker due to his cameo at the end of s6
its the penultimate episode and they’re still fucking talking about McRibs
they couldn’t remove the HUD in normal halo gamemode for shots that didn’t need camerawork and this made it take 3x as long as when they used halo 2
burnie added two lines to the director to emphasize that theyre not there and controlling remotely and then when joel watched it he instantly thought that the director was a robot and was mad they didn’t hype up the reveal enough
the emp shutting down the vehicles is just someone offscreen shooting the cars with a plasma pistol
no matter whats going down or what conspiracy is happening, the reds are just the reds. the sun could explode and theyll still be the reds
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