#He didn't have to/shouldn't have done any of this
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Parenting 101

To Claudia: Do you have a minute?
Billie sent the message to her 'like a sister-in-law' who's out shopping right now with her wife. Ever since you and Billie got together, you and Claudia have become such close friends.
Billie almost didn't want to leave their bed this morning for being so tired last night. Both of them stayed up because their children just wouldn't go to sleep. Well, it was Billie's fault because she gave their six-year-old daughter and almost three year old son dessert before bed time.
You told her that giving them sugar at night will only lead to a lack of sleep for the whole family because of an increased energy level.
But Billie, being none the wiser at the moment and also because she always gives in when it comes to her children, reasons that it's just two spoons of ice cream. Then there they were, their firstborn, Bea, who can now sleep in her pink and white painted room alone, was with you, her mommy dozing off while the little girl was busy playing with her toys.
And Billie, in the adjacent room with their son, Kai, who was just laying down on his bed, but his eyes were still wide awake.
Not until Bea got tired and passed out on her bed beside you while their little boy slowly fell asleep after some rounds of his favorite 'night night' song. Both women tiptoed their way out of their children's bedroom.
"Gosh, that's a lot of energy for a six-year-old." You grunted as you settled down on the bed, while your wife was putting on an oversized shirt before getting in and cuddling with you.
"I'm not allowed to feed them ever again, am I?" She asked you whose eyes were half closed, your head resting on Billie's chest.
You hummed, burrowing your head deeper into Billie's neck, the scent of vanilla body wash that she uses and Billie's particular smell, comforting her that it could lull her to sleep.
You hummed. "You're still allowed, love. But if you insist on giving them even just a pinch of whatever sweet food you have before bedtime ever again, you're not gonna get any kind of sugar from me."
"Copy that, ma'am." Billie mumbled, tilting her head down, kissing the crown of your head while you let out soft snores, her arm tightly draped around your body.
Her phone vibrated over the counter.
"Hey, what's up?" Claudia's voice whispered on the phone.
"Are you guys almost done with your shopping?" Billie asked, biting her lower lip.
She hears Claudia excuse herself, then she hears some rustling on the other line— "Yeah, just about. Are you okay?"
"I need your help," Billie said frantically, not even bothering to greet her best friend.
Claudia stood confused inside the washroom. If this is something urgent shouldn't she be calling her wife first? She thought. "Whatever for?"
"Y/n's ganna kill me. Can you stall her for a few hours? I just need to take the kids somewhere."
"What in the bloody hell had happened?"
"I'll send you a text. Just hold her off for a bit, okay? Thank you!"
Claudia's phone chimed, and she opened Billie's text. Her eyes widened, shaking her head. "Fucking hell.." she mumbled. Before putting her phone back in her pocket and going back to where you were.
The house is quiet.
Like awfully quiet,
Billie was in Bea's room, putting away the freshly dried and neatly folded clothes of her daughter, putting them back in her closet.
She left them in the playroom, as they watched their favourite tv show while she did the laundry. But there's a monitor installed in their laundry room, so she can see them. Smiling when she heard her son mumble gibberish words to her sister.
He can talk, oh so adorably. He even gets silly sometimes, mimicking the words what his parents and sister were saying as they talk to him. When their son was born, you and Billie thought Bea was going to have a hard time adjusting to the newest addition to their family.
Afraid that their daughter would feel neglected because the newborn child will need more of their attention; but Bea was doing so great as a big sister though, she's been very ecstatic to meet her baby brother, always wanted to stay close to her mom and watch her feed Kai and sometimes help her mom by holding the feeding bottle for his brother's formula.
Her little brother fascinated Bea, always touching his cheeks and his tiny hands. Talking to him like her brother's understanding of her incoherent ramblings. Makes their parents happy and proud.
It's just so fulfilling to watch their family growing, since you and your wife grew up with siblings (or not), it's the greatest feeling to see that their has someone too.
When asked if she wanted another one, she always says why not, because it's been her dream to have a huge family of her own and how lovely would that be, because she's ganna be sharing it with the love of her life.
Everyone loves their darling boy as much as they love Bea. Their auntie Claudia and uncle Finneas were a huge spoiler, buying them things that they thought, especially Bea might like because Kai is still young and she's sure that when he grows up a bit, Claudia and Finneas will definitely spoil him the same.
Your daughter has taken a liking to arts and crafts. It's her and Billie's bonding time whenever Billie asks to do it with her. May it be some drawings, watercolour paintings, the mother and daughter even create cute cards, using colour pens.
And now, Billie is in a huge dilemma. After she finished folding her daughter's clothes, she went back down for another load, this time for her and your laundry.
But it's odd that it's awfully quiet upstairs.
"I'll just move you here, okay? Just sit there." Bea told her brother. "This won't hurt, okay?"
"Kay, Bea.." the toddler answered.
Billie furrowed her eyebrows, because she could hear some rustling on the speaker.
"Oh, Kai, don't move." The little girl said.
After loading hers and your clothes, she ran upstairs to the master bedroom to have a quick change of her shirt into a cleaner one, before checking on the children because she feels sweaty and her shirt has got dirty after cleaning up a little in the house while waiting for her laundry to be finished.
She ties her lustrous hair into a loose bun. Noticing that it has got longer again when she just got trimmed last month. Summer in Los Angeles is really hot, that's why whenever they go for a walk in the oark and she knows that she's ganna follow her running kids around, it's not ideal to have her hair down for how hot the temperature was outside.
Bea has long hair too, loves it when her mommy braids her hair and their youngest hasn't got his first haircut. You wanted to keep it growing, beautiful curls that she always tied into a topknot. Showing her son's ample cheeks and the face that has the spitting image of her wife. Both of their kids are actually the carbon copy of Billie and honestly, you can't complain because you love it.
"Baby? What are you up to?"
Billie asks.
She hears Kai giggle again. "tickles, Bea." He said.
"Oh, no," the big sister mumbled.
Then Kai started crying.
Just in time, their mother opened the door wide which was already ajar when she left them. She can hear her son crying. Billie stopped on her tracks, staring wide-eyes at the mess.
Kai was sitting atop one of his sister's chairs that she uses when she plays tea parties with her mothers. Her big sister is behind him, giving her brother a haircut.
Billie gasped at the curly hairs on the floor, then back to her son. Glorious and shiny curls now on the floor and the haircut- Your mummy's going to kill me. She inwardly thought. Not only has her daughter given her little brother a haircut, there's also a slime sticking on his hair.
"Hi, momma." The boy stopped crying, noticing their mother. But there were tear tracks still visible on his pink cheeks. The older child popped up behind her brother and Billie almost fell off the floor.
Her daughter is staring at her, chewing ay her lower lip nervously. It's just like you when she's nervous about something. Right hand holds a pair of zigzag scissors in her hands. Half of her beautiful dark brown hsir is missing from her head.
"Hello, momma."
Billie blinked as her children alternately. There was a chunk of hair missing on her son's head and Bea's bangs had been cut, zigzag patterns visible to it. It was only a tiny scissors that's inckuded in the art materials they got for her. She didn't think that the stupid scissors and could cut two beautiful hairs.
Fucking hell. She closes her eyes. Two things, she could get mad and make it worse because she'll make Kai cry more or she will remain calm and think of an impossible solution on how to fix this mess,
First thing she does is check the time on her phone. Trying to ascertain what to do next as she wills herself to calm down, becaude the damage has been done, and it's not like she could just glue their hair back together, and then it'd okay. She winced at the slime dangling from her son's hair.
"Lord almighty." She mumbled.
She took the pair of scissors from her daughter's hand. "Okay, darling, momma's ganna ask you something. But you have to be honest with me, okay?"
Almond eyes stared at her, lips pouting, almost ready to cry because she could see that her mother looked so serious. "You're not in trouble, darling." Not yet. Why do you think you need to cut yours and your brother's hair?"
Lips quivering, "b-because I want the hair auntie Claudia has."
Claudia, who had a haircut recently, Billie closed her eyes and heaved a deep sigh. Of course. Her daughter loves her auntie Claudia, at this early age she even wants her wardrobe to be like hers. Leather jackets, sweaters, cool pants and all.
She just wished that her daughter would just use her markers and give herself several tattoos on herself just like Billie's, so then Billie could just scrub them off with soap during bath time but the hair. Not the freaking hair!
She stood up and turned the lights on to see how much damage this impromptu haircut session has made to her children's beautiful locks.
"You ganna fix it, mom?" Her daughter, who's probably thinking she's out of trouble, asks her coolly. "But you is not a hair person, momma." She pondered.
Billie dosen't know if she's going to cry or laugh at her daughter's antics. "No, i'm not and I can't tape it back to your head and don't even get me started on that slime in your brother's hair."
"Momma." Tiny voice calls for her again.
"Yes, my darling."
"You have long hair too.
"How come?"
"Because I haven't cut it yet." And because your mummy likes it, says it's sexy.
She sighed again and called the inspiration for her daughter's new haircut, Claudia. She asked her to stall her wife for a few hours. Her only solution is to bring them to her hairdresser and see if it's still salvageable.
But before she changes her children's clothes and leaves the house, she opens her phone's camera and takes several photographs, sending it to her 'sister-in-law'. With the caption "Because she wants the hair Auntie Claudia has. Fucking hell."
Billie looks at the picture. This might come in handy one day when they grow up and so she could show this to their mummy when she comes home later.
Both kids sat in their car, and booster seats inside her SUV and pulled out of the driveway.
It's a mini spa-day for her children. When they entered the salon, her hairdresser already noticed what was happening. "Uh-oh." She said and all Billie could do was nod her head,
Haircut for Kai was easy. The hairdresser used a razor and went on with it. Giving his son a faux hawk haircut. And her daughter, no other option but to cut it into a blunt bob haircut with bangs.
Billie smiled because her kid's new hairdo actually looks good on them. She kisses her son's cheek, still looking at his new haircut. "Look at your hair, darling. There in the mirror. You like?"
"I wike, momma. No moh slime?"
Her son clapped his hand.
"No more." She beamed,
But then she could hear her daughter sniffling. "Mrs Eilish.." the hairdresser calls for her and she walks over to her daughter, who is now crying.
"Honey, why are you crying? Something wrong?"
She sniffled again. "I want my hair back, momma. I want hair like yours!"
"But, darling, your hair is nice, too. See, you look beautiful, and it's short, like Auntie Claudia's."
"No! I want my hair to be like yours, momma!" Fat tears streamed down her face.
Billie could't think of another solution, because her daughter will actually cry until they get home and it feels like this day had been long enough,
"Bea, how about momma getting a haircut like yours, hm? Momma will cut her hair too. Would that be okay with you? We're gonna be the same. Yes?"
She stopped crying and turned quiet, as if thinking thoroughly.
"Like mine?"
"Okay, momma." Her daughter smiled.
And the haircut she gets. Billie was just hoping that her wife would still find her beautiful with short hair. This is her first time again in a very long time to have her hair cut this short. The two of them, with Billie, are short wolf cut now.
"Wow, momma you look pretty."
"Do I, now? That's very sweet of you, peanut. Thank you."
She looks at herself in the mirror, and it's not that bad.
Billie received a text from Claudia letting her know you were on your way home now. She replied it's fine and that they're home now sending her kid's new haircuts.
"Kids looked beautiful and dashing on their new 'dos. Ha! So proud of my Bea, glad that she LOVES how cool my hair is!😎 And you brought back the wolf cut, i see. Looks good on you! See you soon pls! Love. Xx"
When you arrived at home, the house was quiet. But you can smell delicious food being cooked in the kitchen.
"Love?" You called, taking your stilettos off. After the shopping was over, Claudia asked if she could come with you to pick some new furniture for her newly finished house near them.
Although you wanted to go home after the shopping, you opted to go with Claudia, to check out if there's something you'd like to get in the shop.
You put your purse on the couch and went sauntering towards the kitchen. "Love? You in here?" You stood still by the kitchen when you saw a woman with short hair, her back facing you, rummaging through something into the sink.
Billie didn't tell you they'll be having someone over and you didn't know who it was. You didn't want to think about why there was another woman in your house with your wife and while your children are home with them.
You clears your throat. "Uh, hello. Can I help you?"
The woman in front of you shakes their head, still not facing you.
"Um.. Miss? Are you a friend of my wife?" stressing 'my wife' just in case. It's not that you didn't trust your wife, you trust her with all your heart and with your life, it's just the other people around that admire your beautiful wife that you didn't.
"Hello?" she calls again.
The woman slowly turns around to face you and your eyes widen like saucers, in shock to see your wife's long, lustrous hair cut in short like a wolf cut.
"Hi, love." Billie started. Staring at her wife's astounded expression.
"Hey." You mumbled, eye furrowed, looking directly at her.
They could hear the padding of little feet running into the kitchen. "Hi mummy!" Bea greeted you, hugging your midsection. You looked down and gasped. Your daughter has short hair now too.
What the hell?!
The behind, a chubby little hand tugged on your pants, as if you weren't feeling a wave of shock enough, your darling boy's curls are gone too.
"We got a haircut!" Bea exclaimed to her mummy.
"I can see that," was all you could reply to your daughter, eyes back to your now short haired wife.
"You wike, mummy?" The boy asks you adorably.
Kneeling in front of your kids, running your hand through their hair. "Hi buddy, can you please help your brother sit on the sofa in the lounge and watch T.V?" You asks, kissing both of them on their round cheeks.
"Let's go, Kai." The six-year-old said, holding her little brother's hand
Now it was just you and your wife in the kitchen.
"I see you and the kids had a spa day." You said, walking close to where Billis is standing by the counter.
Billie chews on her lower lip, tilting her head down. Sad, thinking that what if you don't like how she looks. "Yeah. You don't like my hair, do you? I-I can go back to the salon tommorow and ask if I could get hair extensions or something-"
Full lips cut her rambling short, kissing her deeply. Billie closes her eyes when she feels long fingers tugging on her shoulders, toned arms locking her closer to you. She couldn't help but moan into the kiss, returning her wife's kisses with fervour.
When they pulled away, Billie's anxiousness dissipated. "I thought you didn't like this new look."
"God, baby. Even if you shave your hair bald, I don't care. You'd still look beautiful. This hair looks sexy. Though I'll miss playing with your long hair, I love this. Fuck, I even thought that there's another woman in my kitchen wearing my wife's shirt."
Billie looped her arms around your waist, their faces, nose, and mouth touching. "Well, this hair is of use then. What do you say about role playing when Claudia takes the kids this weekend? Where it's just you and me. Anything you like,". She whispered, before leaning in one more time for a deeper and hungrier kiss.
"Mummy! Kai and I are hungwy!!!" they hear Bea yelled by the lounge, making the parents stop making out in the kitchen.
Both women chuckled at their daughter. "Now, wifey, can you fill me in on why suddenly my boy's beautiful curls and my daughter's long hair are now chopped off, and she now has bangs that led you into cutting your hair short as well?"
"Well, it started when your daughter thought it would be super cool to have Auntie Claudia's hair..."
#📨—sev yapping#billie eilish x reader#billie eilish#billie eilish fluff#billie eilish imagine#billie eilish x y/n#billie ellish lyrics#billie#billie fanfic#billie eilish smut#billie x reader#billie eilish x fem!reader#billie eilish x female reader#billie eilish x you#eilish#lesbian#wlw#fanfic
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Uncredited Photographer German Anit-fscist Intellectuals Walter Benjamin and Bertolt Brecht Playing Chess While in Exile, Skovsbostrand, Denmark 1934
I am the neighbor. The one who turned him in. We don't want an agitator here in our building.
When we hung out the swastika, He didn't hang one out. When we asked him why he didn't, He asked us if we had any room in our little apartment Where we live with four children, for a flag pole. When we told him that we believed in the future, He laughed.
We didn't like that they beat him up In the stairwell. And tore up his jacket, too. They shouldn't have done that. None of us have a lot of jackets.
At least he is gone now, and the building is quiet. We have enough worries, so It's important to at least have peace and quiet.
Of course we see how some folks Look the other way, when they meet us. But those who took him away, say That we did the right thing.
-- Bertolt Brecht, "The Neighbor" 1934
Ich bin der Nachbar. Ich habe ihn angezeigt. Wir wollen in unserem Haus Keinen Hetzer haben.
Als wir die Hakenkreuzfahne heraushängten Hat er keine herausgehängt Als wir ihn dazu aufforderten Hat er uns gefragt, ob wir in unserer Stube In der wir mit vier Kindern wohnen Noch Platz haben für eine Fahnenstange. Als wir sagten, daß wir wieder an die Zukunft glaubten Hat er gelacht.
Daß sie ihn auf der Treppe geschlagen haben Hat uns nicht gefallen. Sie haben ihm den Kittel zerrissen. Das wäre nicht nötig gewesen. So viele Kittel Hat keiner von uns.
Aber jetzt ist er wenigstens weg und im Haus herrscht Ruhe. Wir haben genug Sorgen im Kopf, da Muß wenigstens Ruhe herrschen.
Wir sehen schon, einige Leute Schauen weg, wenn sie uns begegnen. Aber Die ihn abgeholt haben, sagen Daß wir uns richtig verhalten haben.
-- Bertolt Brecht, "Der Nachbar" 1934
"...There is no document of civilization which is not at the same time a document of barbarism..." Walter Benjamin, "Theses on the Philosophy of History" from Thesis VII 1940
"...Es ist niemals ein Dokument der Kultur, ohne zugleich ein solches der Barbarei zu sein..." Walter Benjamin, "Über den Begriff der Geschichte" von These VII 1940
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Shauna closes her eyes sometimes and sees the 25th reunion again. Coming in for the quarter-of-a-century celebration of being a state champion. She hasn't played soccer since then. Not that anybody cares. The world moved on.
Taissa drives her there– she lives somewhere else, of course, somewhere far away, but Tai paid for her plane ticket over because she wanted her to be there with the rest of the team. Even Allie, who didn't make it, but gets to be in the photos with them anyway. Tai is still married to Simone here, but when Van shows up to the reunion, still talking about VHS tapes and muttering about the insane Ohio weather, there's lingering gazes and wonders of what could have been if she'd just been a little braver a little sooner. Shauna wonders if she'd have the same look when she sees Jeff, but when she does, she's just happy that he found someone nice, smiles politely at the pictures of his kids on his phone. So, no, there's no regrets there. After all, it was never about him.
Tai and Van weren't the only lesbians on the team, of course. Turns out the gay jock sterotype was right about most of them, she thinks with a snort. Crystal– or, Kristin, apparently– actually ended up married to Misty fucking Quigley of all people. Apparently they'd ended up at the same college, Kristin had gotten her into the theatre department, and now she performs for a community Shakespeare company while Misty works ER and does some "reddit investigations" on the side. Shauna wonders if she should apologize to Misty for how they all treated her as kids– yeah, she was a bit awkward and liked to peel wings off of bugs while waiting for practice to be over, but they'd been a bit cruel. Misty doesn't seem to remember, though, instead hugging her instantly as if they'd just seen each other yesterday, instead of spending twenty-five years apart.
Then there's Natalie. While they all liked Natalie and thought of her as a friend, they'd all kind of expected her to burn out. She hadn't had any college plans, and was already getting high off her ass at parties and drunk inbetween classes. But here she was, smiling and chatting with Mari. She told Shauna that she'd gone through two stints in rehab before reuniting with Lottie, who'd become a psychiatrist instead of the business major her parents had expected. Lottie had let her move into her house while she recovered, and now here they were, married with a daughter, while Natalie coached the soccer team at the same High School they'd used to play at. Lottie was in an intense discussion with Laura Lee when Shauna found her that night; apparently Laura Lee had become the head of a charity to help queer religious people, and Lottie thought the clinic she worked for might want to keep them in mind.
Coach Martinez's son was there– Travis, she thinks? Yeah, that was right. Apparently he'd gone through a few career paths, and now worked on a farm and was dating a waitress from nearest coffee shop. He trades information with Akilah, who's a vet who lives on her own farm with her extended family. She has horses and kids and a few books on animal care that've done well-enough. She goes to sit by Natalie and Mari, the latter of whom jokes that she's technically a vet, too, as humans are a type of animal. "You probably shouldn't call your kids animals," Natalie quips at the pediatrician, who laughs brightly. Her, Gen, and Laura Lee had all become professional soccer players for a while, but she'd gone back to school after a bad fall, and was now one of the best doctors in her field.
Shauna didn't know the Junior Varsity team as well as the others, but it's nice to see they're doing well. Melissa has a wife, daughters, and a bundle of cats. She's insisting to Gen right now that Buttercup was named after the princess, not the powerpuff girl, while Gen laughs at how insistent she seems about this. She's a coach now, too, though across the country from them– she says that Natalie should be lucky that their teams don't clash, and Natalie says the same, a competitive gleam in both their eyes. Rachel Goldman was a secretary until her daughters convinced her to post some of her fluting videos on YouTube, and now she made enough money off of cover songs and guest appearances that she was able to quit her job and focus on her music. Britt is a video game designer, and Robin's a science fiction author. Allie Stevens is a journalist, which Shauna thinks is perfect. She was pretty nosy in high school.
Then she sees Jackie. Jackie, her hair still perfectly-styled, her dress immaculate. She makes her way over to Shauna, and Shauna doesn't know what to say. They haven't spoken since their blow-up after the match. When Shauna told Jackie she was going to a different college. When neither of them were able to acknowledge how they actually felt about each other. They'd figured it out by now, of course, with a rainbow pin stuck to Jackie's bag since she'd found herself alone at college and a ring on her finger for some woman who faded into the crowd behind them.
"Well?" Jackie asks, tilting her head. "What's my job, then? Do I still play soccer? I wasn't very good at it, though. Just at getting people to work together. Maybe I'm an HR manager. Something boring like that. You knew I'd be boring, didn't you? How about you? What do you do?"
Shauna thinks of a million responses, none of which she can imagine herself saying.
"How about you? What's your job in this wonderful, perfect future? Did you ever have a plan for what you'd be in this world? Any ideas? You wanted to go to Brown and be successful, but in what? What was your plan? Or did you just want to get away from me?"
Shauna thinks about when she'd applied to Brown. Thinks about telling Jackie at a celebration of their win, or at a graduation party, or just some random teenage get-together. She never imagines Jackie taking it well.
"Did you ever have any idea who you'd be without me?" Jackie leans close, and whispers in her ear, "Or do you think the woods would always be calling to you?"
Shauna feels a chill in the air, and they're not standing in a high school gymnasium anymore. They're where they were always meant to be, in the deep snow, surrounded by trees.
"It was always the wilderness, wasn't it? This was always it for you. You didn't have any other choice."
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The fact that everything turned out well in the Blood Rite doesn't mean that Rhysand and Cassian shouldn't have done more to remove Nesta,Gwyn and Emerie from it.Couldn't they reason with the Illyrians that with two non Illyrians participating the rules of the Rite have been violated and ask them to allow them to remove them?I don't get Cassian's view that he wouldn't prevent her from saving herself.Nesta didn't choose to be there and there's also Gwyn,who can't even go outside and now she's in danger of facing male violence again.However at least Cassian doesn't secretly wish for Nesta to be harmed, I'm not so sure about Rhysand.Cassian perhaps doesn't grasp the concept of someone not choosing to fight,because fighting for him means the only path to glory,but Rhysand has shown that he perceives Nesta as a threat.Nesta is way too powerful,she doesn't yield to him and on top of that Amren has convinced him that Nesta could use her newly discovered power of creating weapons against him.He's shown he doesn't value her safety much compared to others,given that he sends her to dangerous missions while traumatized and after a couple weeks of training.If Nesta died Feyre would get over it eventually with the help of her new family and as for Cassian Rhysand doesn't seem to know Nesta is his mate yet.He probably thinks it's just an infatuation, especially given that he believes Nesta to be horrible and therefore probably not capable of inspiring deep feelings.Rhysand however would get rid of someone he feels threatened by and there's no question that he has no qualms about getting rid of any possible threat.
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what was he thinking to begin with?!
just because they had some moment of intimacy the day before, it didn't really mean he could be all friendly and cozy all of the sudden. rule that he actually forgot. after all, caleb is not fully familiar with rafayel, he doesn't even know if he likes contact or not. but to be honest, he seems so fragile, caleb feels dumb for not thinking about it before acting. it was in the blink of the eye, caleb not even having time to react as soon as he hears the thump hitting against the wall. he grimaces at the sudden back pain, realizing that the god was actually not that fragile as he initially thought.
his breath knocked out of him for a moment, and for the most fleeting second, a wave of anger surged through the captain. his jaw tightens, as purple eyes start narrowing into a sharp slit. oh well. rafayel definitely possessed more strength than he showed, and it shouldn't be surprised considered how lemurians easily killed a horde of men months ago. can he even do this under water? he is unsure, but his instincts start to take over. his eyes glow faintly as a blue color flares to life around his gripped hands, the water arounf them rippling unnaturally as he tries to concentrate. considering the environment, he should be able to use his gift in here as well, but requiring even more concentration as the surroundings and pressure of water are unknown. it was when a subtle shift in pressure spread, like a silent command. with a simple flick of his wrist, the water surrounding them responds to his will, surging outward in an invisible sphere. the force is not harsh, though, be cause it's not mean to harm. but it's firm, like a protective barrier pushing everything in its path away, including rafayel's strong pressure against him.
caleb stood his ground, his body steady against the swirling water as he controls his evol again to stop any possible harming consequence, however, his own clothes appear to be rippled in the current, almost as if he was caught in some sort of storm as he decides to direct any harming movement to himself instead of rafayel. "seriously?!" caleb snaps, his voice cold. "you think tossing me around like a rag doll is the best way to handle this? do you even know what you’re do—?!" yet he notices the previous fear in his eyes, and his stiff body. despite the threats, this was a relieved memory to him. the distant look in his ethereal blue eyes said it all. so caleb stops in his tracks, his anger fully dissipating when he realizes that his own actions were wrong, yet something, very deep in his heart, starting to grow. a sense of protection.
"rafayel..." he murmurs softly, his voice softening with each syllable as the sharpness of his gaze dulls, instead being replaced by concern as he realized what he has done. "you're scared, aren't you? about... whatever is haunting you." he lets out a sigh, calming now completely and bearing with the weight of his impulsive acts. he decides to step closer, but cautiously this time. "hey, i get it." he adds, gently. "i know what it's like to feel trapped in a moment you can't escape. to lash out because it feels like the only way to protect yourself." because he just experimented as well. "i'm sorry. i should have been more mindful." he knows he is no fortune teller, but considering what rafayel told him yesterday about being betrayed, he assumes it's from that experience. even though he knows he should simply stop assuming and directly ask. but the subject appears... sensitive at the moment. "i'm not your enemy." his eyes lock onto rafayel's, filled with a mix of exasperation and empathy. caleb values loyalty after all, and safety among other things. the need to protect it's not an impulse, it's a calling to him. and watching rafayel's struggle immediately awakens a fierce sense of protectiveness in him. he feels responsible, suddenly getting the idea that he is the only one who can shield rafayel from the world and his own inner turmoil. a little bit of hero complex, but there's also guilt in his heart for pushing boundaries so fast and a growing attachment that quickly developed.
caleb hesitates, but finally reaches out. his hand hovering just above rafayel's shoulder, not touching him, waiting for his response. "do you think i'll let anyone, or anything— even myself, hurt you? no chance. you're mine to protect now." his words weaver with emotions as eyes soften, still maintaining a fierce determination burned within them. "i'll take care of you. whether you like it or not. you can push me, fight me, hell— even throw me against every wall in this place. but i'm not leaving you alone. i won't let anyone touch you." his lips twitch into a faint, bittersweet smile, the possessiveness in his tone full of genuine care. "so go ahead. throw your tantrum, hurt me, devour me. kill me as many times as you want. but when you're done, you'll still find me here like a pesky, naggy gege." he sighs again, crouching in front of rafayel and lowering his head, as proof of his newfound devotion. "always, my little seashell."
Death had never been what he feared.
To Caleb, who was cursed with immortality, the thought of fearing death seemed to bring a bitter taste and sigh. He wonders if it was due to his human origins, to regard death in such distaste while desiring it for an end. Growing up and watching rituals of farewells to those who pass, those who were lost at sea, Rafayel had never seen any Lemurians regard it as something tragic. Of course, their loved ones were in despair of losing their other half, pearlescent tears dripping from their eyes. But to them, there was the unsaid fact that one day they would reunite once more, truly becoming one as they merge with the endless depths of the sea. There was always hope for the future where they would never have to let go. Reincarnation and rebirth weren't a far-fetched tale amongst them either, some believing that the Sea God's power would lead their souls back to Whalefall City after their souls paid respect to the sea. Rafayel himself had no clue if that was true because he had done nothing of the sort.
When he is left to sleep alone, he doesn't bother to wonder why he always seems to leave and run about. Instead, he's sleeping in. Rafayel was never someone who lacked sleep- he quite loved taking naps for leisure and sleeping in till late hours of the day when he was free. So this wasn't all that abnormal for him; to enjoy his soft bed, the peace and quiet of his large bed chamber with the serene light cascading in through the tall windows through blinds and hanging shells. His soft breaths are the only sound aside from the few popping bubbles that formed as air crashed in the water, and the rustling of fabric when he shifts once to get comfortable after he sends his emissary out the door.
Rather than a lack of self-perseverance, he simply didn't think of Caleb as a threat.
"Seashell." The voice is gentle, a whisper near him that he believes is part of his dreams if not for how unfamiliar the nickname was. No one called him so familiarly, not with a nickname or endearment, not when he wasn't the child of a specific Lemurian, but merely taken in; the child of the ocean and flames itself. Even the elders spoke to him by name, called him 'child', and his friends and people called him by titles as the God of Tides or by his name: Rafayel. So he decides to leave it be, enjoying the warmth of staying in his bed instead of paying mind to the outside world. His dreams were a pleasant blanket of fun memories, of the pretty golden sun and pink clouds, the purple of the night sky, and stars that streamed across the expanse.
Then, there is a crash against his back and he thinks the wall caved in on him. His breath stutters, brows creasing as he realizes he's not in any mortal danger, he's more warm like the star fell and he's being crushed under its weight and light. He wants to grumble but he's still stuck in the realm between sleep and wakefulness. It was not a real threat, as his body would've reacted by pure instinct- he should have understood this but he couldn't in his sleep-addled state. Instead, he blearily realizes someone's breath is breathing against him, a hushed, deep voice that whispers alluringly against his skin and into his ear. Then fingers caress his face, brushing his hair away as if admiring his face and tracing his features. If he were more awake, if he were less dazed and more in control, he might have noticed that he was being teased. Instead, he feels the warm breath and feels his body tremble and gasp, a sudden clench of his chest in fear as his muscles stiffen in panic.
He's caught. He's being held down. A man- a human is holding him down.
One blink and the body over him is aggressively flung off his bed by an unseen force, crushed against the wall facing the foot of the bed. A ragged, trembling breath escapes his lungs and both eyes an ephemeral blue once more as clear water keeps the man pinned to the wall, unable to control the force of it in his surprise. It took two even breaths before he kicked off a pillow that landed on his feet at the force of him rising, stepping off the bed. His power fluctuates, the pressure on the human growing softer but not enough to budge, just a constant wall unperceivable to a human's sight keeping him sealed like a seaweed-wrapped fish ready to grill.
"Here I thought you knew some decent manners."
His voice is even, but he can still feel his heart thundering in his chest, arms crossed over his chest as he peers up at the pinned man with an icy gaze. "Do humans not have a sense of personal space? Is your sense of self-preservation that low now that you've lost the ability to die? If you poke a shark, it will bite." Rafayel reaches out, hands wrapping around the wrists pinned firmly against the wall, squeezing it as he gets close. "You did mention how you would like to be eaten..." His voice lowers an octave, and with each word there is an alluring tone underlying the ice, his gaze like claws gently carressing its prey until the time was right to devour. "Is this your way of begging for it?" Sharp black nails dig into his wrists as his voice grows deep with anger, a warning. A threat. "Immortality may save you from death, but there are more painful things than a welcone end. You should know this best."
#inardescere#( muse; caleb. )#( inardescere; rafayel. )#( verse; myth. )#congrats you unlocked brainwashed/colonel caleb and gege in one round#Kinda want them to like angry makeout or something ngl BRKEISB
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They drive me insaaaaaaane !!!!!!!!!!!!
#The pale king considers it a sacrifice!!!!#For hollow!!!!!!#Dedicates a fountain in the center of his city to Hollow#The totems in the path of PAIN#THE PATH OF PAIN IN GENERALLL#THE WORLDSENSE SPELL#HE LOVED HIS CHILDDD!!!!!#He didn't have to/shouldn't have done any of this#!!!!#If Hollow was truly an empty vessel none of it should matter#But it mattered to the pale king his child always mattered AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA#And he was loved in return :')#They drive me LITERALLY INSANE!!!!!!!#They are so messed up#hollow knight#hk thk#hk pv#hk the pure vessel#the pale king#Yes I do recognize that PK was not at all a good father#And was quite horrible in many ways obviously#And this relationship was really messed up but listen#That's what's makes it so interesting#It's what drives me insane#!!!
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And because I recently read the Chocolate Box...Please enjoy one of the only things I feel like the show did right with this particular story...
Poirot looking super dapper in his Belgian police uniform:
The cut of this uniform is very flattering on him, I must say...especially with the way it accentuates his chest, his waist, and his ''''''''seat''''''''
And I love the design on the collar/sleeves. Very fancy/official
also. please look at his very silly official hat
Gotta say. Hugh Fraser may have been the eye candy of this show, but. David Suchet sure knows how to be pretty, too
#I may. just. have a thing for men in uniform#that might be what is going on here#add to that the fact that I am pansexual and it creates the recipe for 'oh no everyone's hot' disease#Although.... Funny enough. With apologies to Philip Jackson. Inspector Japp is. not my type#so I suppose it would be more accurate to say it creates the recipe for 'oh no *almost* everyone is hot' disease#anyway speaking of uniforms. and because I am a nerd. I think it would be funny to draw Poirot in a Starfleet uniform.#Although it would have to be one of the 2330s ones because any of the other eras just wouldn't do his sense of style justice#Although if I were to be real. I don't see him actually *being* in Starfleet. Like maaybe? he was a long time ago and now he's '''retired''#I DO see him as an El Aurian ambassador that gets called in for investigations a LOT#(and let's be real him being El Aurian would certainly explain him just straight up not aging in canon)#Anyway maybe he gets called in all the time because Admiral Japp can't get anything done without him#And he meets Hastings because Japp calls him in to investigate some happenings aboard Captain Hastings' ship#And Ambassador Poirot may or may not be a thorn in Captain Hastings' side for a VERY brief time#until he clears Capt. Hastings' good name and enlists his help in the investigation. and he just slips right past Hastings' defences#Like. 'oh you put up walls so that people can't get to know you? what walls? I didn't see any'#And by the end Captain Hastings starts to think.#'oh no. I think. I think I like him. Oh NO. I think I REALLY LIKE him. OH NO'#And the Investigation is over and Hastings is having a crisis like. 'how do I ask him not to leave. Am I allowed to do that?'#'But I'm the captain I shouldn't be asking him to stay. Wait but I'm the captain so technically I'm the only one who *CAN* ask him to stay'#'*internal screaming*'#But then maybe Ambassador Poirot decides on his own that he'd like to stick around on Hastings' ship for a while. Act as a 'consultant'.#And Hastings is relieved like 'oh thank god. I won't have to say goodbye to him. wait. but like. not because. I want him or anything. what?#and First Officer Lemon is giving him the KNOWINGEST LOOK OF ALL TIME#(and. side note. we all know that First Officer Felicity Lemon would run THE tightest ship ever. So you can jot that down)#wow I accidentally unexpectedly made an AU in the tags again. Well. That was fun. Thanks for reading if you stuck around#5.6 The Chocolate Box#watching poirot#poirot#Hercule Poirot#agatha christie’s poirot
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Adam felt the shift. It stopped him in his tracks. He quickly spun around, pure fear and disbelief written all over his face.
Adam: What- what did you do?
Lucifer smiled softly: You're free, now. You're mine, Adam.
Adam: Yours? YOURS?! I'm not YOURS! I'm Val's! You- do you have any idea what you've done?! I have a deal with him-! I have a LIFE with him-!
Lucifer: Doing porn isn't a life, Adam!
Adam: For me, it is! I owe him! He helped me when I woke up in this shit hole-! He's looked out for me-! He loves me!
Lucifer: How do you know that?!
Adam: He tells me, asshole! Every fucking day! Every night!
Lucifer: Damn it, Adam! Look at what he did to Angel!
Adam: That's Angel's problem! Not mine-! I'm better than Angel! In every fucking way! No one misses him. His regulars are MY regulars! They love me! Just like Val does- they love me! S-Someone finally loves me- and you have to ruin it! Like Lilith- like Eve! Why can't you just let me be fucking happy?!
Lucifer glares: This isn't happiness, Adam.
Adam: What, you lean that in your depression cave?
Lucifer: ...That's not fair, Adam. At all.
Adam: Yeah? Well I don't think it's fair you making decisions for me-!
Lucifer: You know what? Fine! You want to go back to him? See how much he really fucking loves you? Well, go ahead, Adam! When you've had it with him killing you over and over, don't come crawling back here!
Adam: I won't need to crawl back to you, not fucking ever! I haven't needed you since Eden! And look how quickly you fucking left, huh?!
The Devil sighed when Adam stormed off. He'll be back. He knows he will. The only thing Lucifer doesn't know is what condition he'll be in.
Adam ignored all of the calls from his coworkers, telling him he should leave. He shouldn't have come back. What the he'll happened in his apartment.
But the closer he got to Val's door, the more his nerves sung, and his skin twitched.
He could hear Val's voice. He was so close.
The his office door swung open, and his love stood in the doorway, staring Adam down with his pink eyes.
Val: Oh, look who came back to me~.
Adam smiled: I-I'm sorry, daddy- I didn't want-.
Vox: No fucking way!
The sinner stopped when Vox came into view. Why is he here?
Vox: Wow, Val. He is as dumb as you say~. You've made a horrible mistake, "stardust".
The two overlords laugh, making Adam's blood run cold. But Val wouldn't hurt him, not after he explained everything.
Adam: D-Daddy-.
Val: Shut up, whore! Get the fuck inside my offcie- NOW!
The sinner runs in, having to squeeze past the two overlords. When he does, Val pushes him inside and slams the door.
((⚠️tw: aduse⚠️))
Before he could turn around, he screamed, feeling multiple cold, metal rods stabbing into his skin. His body froze and spasmed as he fell to the floor.
Electricity courses through him, his jaw clenched shut, his teeth cutting into his tongue, making blood fill his mouth.
Vox cut the electricity, giving Adam a few seconds before starting it again.
Soon, he couldn't even tell when Vox turned it off. He could still feel it coursing through him.
Val: Fucking little cunt! That fucking princess, stealing my fucking sluts!
Adam jumped when Val grabbed his hair, and pulled his head up: But don't worry, baby. She won't be getting you. Not a fucking chance~. You won't fucking live long enough to FUCKING leave here!
((⚠️tw: Valentino and literally everything⚠️
Adam stumbled into the staff bathroom. He made a silent prayer that it was empty. He could feel his legs giving way, his whole body shaking and sweating. His outfit felt tight and suffocating.
Stumbling to the sink, Adam used his arms to hold himself up. He hated looking in the mirror, even in Heaven, but now? After what he's become? Nearly every mirror in his apartment was smashed, he couldn't look at himself. At the mess of a stranger he's become.
But, he had to fix his make-up, so he would grin and bear it.
He felt like he was going to be sick as he braced himself.
Looking up into the mirror, he felt like he was looking at a stranger. His pupils were blown wide. He looked like he hadn't slept in days- which wasn't a lie. He felt like a stranger.
Adam jumped when he heard the door open, the noise from the club deafening him for a second before the door closed.
Valentino: Ah, there you are, baby~.
He hated how his heart skipped a beat hearing that it was Valentino. Adam leaned into the moths touch when he came up next to him.
Valentino: And here I thought you were running away~.
Adam: N-No, daddy. Just-.
Valentino: Shh, baby boy. I know what you need. I can see it written all over you~.
The first man's mouth watered when the mother held up a little baggie of white powder. Adam's eyes followed it as Val waved it in front of his face.
Valentino: Hm, I'm not sure if you deserve it, darling. You owe me so much already!
Adam panicked: I-I'll pay you back, daddy- I promise! I just... I just need-.
Valentino: Time? Money? Work~?
Adam: W-Work- daddy. More- work.
The first man gasped as the moth grabbed his jaw and pulled him into a kiss. Adam wanted to push him away, but he couldn't. Deep down, he didn't want to. He moaned as Val's saliva coated his mouth and ran down his throat.
Valentino: Work can be arranged, baby~. So, you want daddy's stardust~?
Adam: P-Please, daddy- please.
Valentino: Fuck, I love it when you beg~. Mm, just this once, Addie.
Adam felt his heart race, and his palms got sweaty as Valentino cut a small line of powder before handing him a little paper tube.
He hated how many times he's done this. He doesn't even need to think about it. Snorting up the drug, he breathed a sigh of relief. Closing his eyes, Adam moaned, and she felt that horrible shaking go away.
Valentino: Good boy... now, get your loose ass back out there.
He nodded and kissed Val on the cheek before making his way to the door.
Valentino: Oh, and Adam?
Turning around, Adam smiled sweetly at Val: Yeah, daddy?
Valentino: Come see me when your shifts finished, I think we need some... personal time~.
Adam almost moaned at the thought.
He opened the door and smiled when everyone cheered. Adam knew everyone wanted to fuck him, it felt... good. Familiar. Like Heaven. His own personal Heaven.
Valentino: Go get em, baby~.
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You still cling to naive ideals. I learned, at a very young age, the only currency worth anything in this world is power.
#aliasedit#alias#irina derevko#lena olin#userthing#tvarchive#alexander khasinau#arvin sloane#gerard cuvee#jack bristow#cuvee x irina#irina x jack#irina x khasinau#irina x sloane#myedit#irina wants power to make up for all the countless times she felt powerless.#khasinau is different from others in such way that there's no indication that he held any kind of power over her in the 'present'.#her decision to kill him wasn't based on emotions; wasn't based on a disagreement or because he crossed a line he shouldn't have.#it only had to be done to put sark into power (read: to put her personal pet project who's easier to control into power).#and that decision says more about her relationship with sark than about her relationship with khasinau at the time of his death.#but the potential for khasinau to betray her was always there. at least in irina's mind.#the potential to seize the control he once had over her and her life back. and she made sure that potential died with him.#because the idea of surrendering to the cia with him on the outside -#the idea of putting her life in his hands for the first time in twenty years - wasn't something she could accept. understandable!#still - i can't get over how it's something she could accept with sark.#how khasinau's experience or their shared history of more than 35 years;#how they've clearly reached an understanding in all those years or how she made him the face of her own organization;#none of that mattered in the end. she still couldn't rely on him fully.#and she didn't trust him enough to catch her after her (carefully constructed and planned) fall.#poi's root voice: i knew you boys would catch me! well irina only knew that for certain about sark.
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hanne (trying to recall a fun childhood story): did you tell them about the zipline
matthias: i did tell them about the zipline
jesper: he told us about the zipline
hanne: then why do you all look so upset
wylan: sorry, to clarify, are you referencing the zipline designed to kill children?
hanne and matthias at the same time, still not sure why people don't think that the zipline story is funny: yes
nina, walking back into the room after getting a glass of water: why does everyone suddenly look so concerned did matthias bring up his childhood summer camp's illegal fucking zipline again
#this is how i feel hanne and matthias are in any modern au#matthias is like remember when we got left after school for 3 hours and had to walk home and hanne is like haha yeah#and everyone is like i'm sorry fucking WHAT#and matthias is like yeah! we saw some rare birds on the walk home#hanne i think is more aware how deeply fucked this all is but is also like. well what can i do about it now#i'm not gonna call my parents that's for damn sure#kaz like also matthias and hanne stop telling fucked up stories about your childhood. they actually do make me laugh#but only because it's funny to imagine child matthias suffering#if only child me while suffering had known child matthias was suffering at the same time. that would've been my sole joy in life#matthias: that's... really beautiful#kaz: i will kill us both#soc headcanon#grishaverse headcanon#matthias helvar#hanne brum#something about the machine designed to kill children to me was like. matthias has done this and didn't realize he shouldn't have
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ive never had such an emotional rollercoaster of a day what the fuck
#a good thing made me lose it this time jhbvhdhj#i got a worrying text from my dad just before my lecture started so i left#cue minor breakdown in the corridor#professor definitely saw me leave because i was at the front in the middle#i just emailed him to apologise - he doesn't know me but i wanted to say i didn't mean to be rude#also said i enjoyed his lectures#he replied and his email says-#'I shouldn't say this but going by your coursework you are doing very well indeed'#then well done and 'i didnt just say that' dfjhbjhdfvgh#that's. nice#for context- he always jokes about awkward silences in his lectures because he asks questions and insists on an answer#i said i enjoyed the lectures despite any awkward silences#and he was saying i can talk to him privately if i have questions (bc he knows people don't like to talk sometimes)#hence . led on to the coursework comment#idk why i'm sharing this i'm just trying to bask in a win for once#marks aren't released yet so that's very good news#because it was a mechanical engineering report#and i don't do mechanical engineering#so i struggled#apparently the struggle paid off#thinking about how hard i would smash this degree if i didnt have parents acting up ffs#i will thank my professor for the news i definitely didn't just hear from him#and i won't tell him he just kind of handed me the strength to maybe survive the rest of today#thank u professor martin#i will rate your module so well in the end of module survey
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young michael jackson makes me understand why princesses get locked in towers
#this kid needs dragon security#can i be the prince but also the one who imprisons him#it's a nice tower btw it's very nice. it's for his own good#i don't think i've ever experienced this level of jealousy over a celebrity before#he's also in the tower bc if i can't have him...#oh . oh boy. i shouldn't say any more#people say diana ross groomed him and i just wanna say nah she didn't. and i would've done a better job grooming him if i were her#that's right. i'm a bad person
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y'all I went on twitter for the first time in three days and people are trying to cancel First? bffr
#first kanaphan#first isn't the best singer and he knows it#he knows and shares his insecurities all the time#what lj said was obviously a joke with friends - maybe she just shouldn't have done while filming#she didn't deserve any hate#BUT NOW people are doing a complete 360 to defend her from mean comments and THEY ARE LEAVING COMMENTS BEING SHITTY TO FIRST???#LIKE WHAT?? because he left emojis on her apology tweet???#I am actually laughing#some of them literally stanning p3d0s and saying first is a bad guy#come on
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also. re: neil gaiman. for all the people wondering, "what if the celebrity I like turns out to be like him?" I just want to say a few more things-
now is a good time to evaluate your relationships with celebrities or internet personalities. this is just like, a healthy thing to do in general; I do it on a regular basis when considering the celebrities whose work I like. take a minute to think about how you feel about those people, and ask yourself how personal your attachment is to them. if you feel attached to them as you would a friend, family member, or partner, you may need to confront that.
if a celebrity you like turns out to have done something reprehensible, that doesn't make you a bad person for liking them in the past. you likely didn't know. if you loved neil gaiman's writing, and even if you still do, you don't have to feel guilty about it. however, you may want to reevaluate continuing to support them financially.
I deliberately said "celebrities whose work I like" earlier, because that's an important distinction to make- a celebrity's work is just their job. you can admire their work, and it can be very important to you, but at the end of the day, they are not their work. people will talk about "separating the art from the artist" when someone does something awful like gaiman, but I think this might even apply to celebrities you admire. for instance, I'm a big fan of tom waits' music. he has a very entertaining stage persona and is an extremely talented artist. as far as I'm aware, tom waits hasn't had any major controversies. but even so, it's important for me to remember that I adore tom waits' artistry, not tom waits himself. I do not want to become personally attached to someone I do not know.
just because neil gaiman did something awful, or because any number of celebrities did something awful, doesn't mean that you should be automatically suspicious of the ones that don't have allegations against them. it does mean that you should be wary of how you should attach to them, but it doesn't do to be paranoid about, for example, david tennant, because you were wounded by neil gaiman's actions. it does mean that you shouldn't form a parasocial attachment to david tennant (or anyone else), but it doesn't mean that he's also secretly an abuser, too.
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Gojo Satoru x pregnant!reader
protective!Satoru, fluff, a lil angst, mention of feeling guilty, implied heavy symptoms experienced by the reader

"it's ok, baby. i've got it." Satoru says as he approaches your slouched form over the sink, washing the dishes as you try to get something done and make yourself useful.
you've been feeling guilty during the past month or so, feeling like you were a burden to him, thinking that you would never live up to his expectations. now he has to take care of you. and as time goes by, it will get even worse as your pregnancy progresses. but he's a busy man with heavy responsibilities. you'd be only holding him back. you torture yourself with these thoughts every day.
"oh, thanks. i'll go clean up the living room and do the laundry then." you respond with a forced smile, trying to mask the guilt that's been gnawing at you for a while as you try to keep yourself from falling over out of dizziness.
"what? no, wait! i'll do it after i wash the dishes. you go get some rest. you've done enough." he retorts while gently grabbing your arm, voice slightly raised to stop you immediately.
he is in utter disbelief at your behavior. you should be resting right now, tucked in beneath the soft sheets peacefully. you shouldn't worry your pretty little head about anything, he thinks.
"i haven't done anything all day." you utter in a faintly frustrated tone, mostly at yourself.
"and that's exactly how it should be." he replies with a nod, "now go to bed before i drag you there myself." he adds, maintaining a playful tone, a soft smile adorning his features as he drinks in your beauty. you're already glowing. but considering how observant he is, he senses your discomfort immediately like he can actually feel the gloom and sorrow you're feeling right now like a mother hen.
"what is it, baby? tell me." he murmurs as he walks up to you and pulls you into him by your hips, shining blue eyes staring at you as he awaits a response.
his hand rests on your side as the other cups your jaw, his thumb swiping over your cheek that could be dampened any moment now as you feel tears threatening to spill.
"i'm so sorry." you whisper breathily, voice slightly quivering with the lump in your throat as you look up into his glowing eyes.
"for what?" he asks, confusion evident on his features.
"for being weak. i'm so sorry to disappoint you." you finally spill out the words that have been weighing heavily on your chest as the tears cascade down your glossy eyes.
"disappoint me? i don't understand... why are you crying, love?" he mutters with a shake of his head, his confusion growing even more by your words as his fingers swipe over your cheeks to wipe away the stray tears.
"you're literally the strongest and you're stuck with me. i'm barely even showing yet and i'm feeling extreme fatigue. i've been sleeping all day for the past month cause i can't do anything. and because of the symptoms, i'll probably have to quit my job." you ramble about the thoughts that have been pulling you down all this time.
"wait, wait, wait! how long have you been feeling like this?" he questions with widened eyes baring into your soul.
"eversince we found out i was pregnant. i can't stop feeling guilty about disappointing you." you reply quietly, almost embarrassed to admit it. of course you know you're being irrational. it's all natural to be tired during this time and need help, but you just can't help it.
"you've been feeling like this all this time and you didn't tell me anything?" he blurts out almost too aggressively to his liking, "sorry. didn't mean it to come out that way." he quickly apologizes after witnessing the slight flinch on your part.
how could he not see it? you've been trying to do the chores like regular, pushing yourself to your limit both in the house and on your job until he swoops in and takes the weight off your shoulders. now he starts to blame himself for not finding out sooner and letting you wallow in your own sadness and guilt all alone.
"you're not weak, baby. you're doing the one thing that i can't possibly ever do. the one thing that the strongest can't do. and what does that make you? huh? you're literally the strongest of all, babe. i can't even fathom what you're going through and you're doing amazing-", "i'm barely functioning." you cut him off.
"i'm not done yet, babe." he says playfully before continuing, "you're doing amazing, honey. you sleep not because you can't do anything else but because you need it. you're carrying our child for fuck's sake. a literal human's life is growing inside you and of course it takes its toll on you. and i'm right here beside you every step of the way." he finishes his loving speech with a tender kiss on your forehead as his strong arms wrap around your now slightly shaking form as you sob, utterly moved by his words and also the hormones.
"thank you, Satoru. i really appreciate it. you always know what to say when i'm feeling down." your words are cut off by loud sobs but he patiently waits for you to finish as he rubs your back soothingly while nuzzling his face in your neck.
"any time, baby. i love you." he whispers in your ear, "i love you too, toru." you say back, continuing to sob in his arms for a while before you eventually calm down and he guides you to bed, encouraging you to take some much-needed rest.
"and don't worry about your job. you can take some time off or quit altogether. i have more than enough to pay for our family and the next generations to come-", "ok, stop bragging!" you chuckle, "i'm just saying, baby. i've been dying to spoil you. now's my chance. let me take care of you. you don't have to go through this alone. in fact, i won't even let you." he chuckles lightly and crashes his lips onto yours, pulling away with a loud smack as you both lay in bed, limbs tangled together, "you already spoil me." you mention with a slight pout, "and i'm gonna do it even more. you deserve it, baby. don't worry about anything. i've got it." he says while softly caressing your cheek, admiring your glowing beauty illuminated by the faint bedside light.
you slowly start to feel the sleep creeping in and drift away into a slumber as you mumble a quiet 'thank you', curling into Satoru's side as he holds you so lovingly while you think to yourself how you've been blessed with the best, most loving and supportive partner anyone could ever ask for.
#gojo#gojo satoru#satoru gojo#gojo x reader#satoru x reader#gojo satoru x reader#gojo satoru x you#satoru gojo x reader#gojo x you#gojo x y/n#jujutsu gojo#jjk gojo#jjk fanfic#jjk fluff#jjk x reader#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen x you#gojo fluff#anime
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Nightwing gets a sidekick introducing: "Batboy"
Continuation of this post: "Danny has Bat wings"
Dick tries to tell himself that he's better then Bruce. He's not going around taking young orphaned boys with unique abilities willy-nilly. No, he very careful. Besides this is first- well second sidekick.
He's doing a public service anyways. You can't have a kid with giant bat wings just falling from buildings. If Nightwing hadn't stepped in to stop those goons trying to catch the kid and sell him then who knows what would have happened. What if they tried to cut off his wings and turn the boy into a bloody trophy for the Bats?
There are many villains in Bludhaven who'd take the boy out or take him in. Dick already had a sinking feeling that Heartless would try his hand at killing the kid after all he targets the weak and helpless like a coward.
It was easy enough to convince the boy to be his friend. Dick did have natural charm and charisma after all. All it took was a meal from batburger and a fruit cup to get the kid to open up.
Danny (apparently his family gave him a normal name) didn't live with his family anymore due to ideological differences. That difference was that they thought he shouldn't exist anymore and wanted to turn him into an experiment. Poor kid didn't even get to finish his freshman year of school before he had to leave. He was a small town vigilante for a few months before the incident.
Dick saw an opportunity but was subtle about it. He invited the kid to live with him until he got his education. Its also totally ethical because the kid was a vigilante already.
Everything kind of went by quickly. Dick had done everything possible to hide Danny until he could come up with a plan of how to tell everyone.
True Dick didn't "need" a sidekick but come on, look at him! He's a boy with bat wings! Dick could put a little cowl on him and dress him up like Batman. I mean he's not a dog but it would be funny. The irony there, the bird-themed hero now had a bat-themed sidekick. That is the universe's way of sending a message.
After training Danny Dick learned that the kid had an endless supply of energy and ADHD that rivaled his own at that age. The kid also couldn't fly, it was actually closer to gliding which was still useful but he kind of looked like a flying squirrel when he jumped off ledges.
The term issue with taking Danny in was that Dick was still a Wayne and while he could hide the kid while he was swinging through Bludhaven, Dick Grayson could not.
Danny could hide his wings like they weren't even there whenever he wanted to look human. Which was a start, next he needed a new identity. One that wouldn't tip anyone off.
Dick needed to pull some strings without alerting Barbara or Tim. A new name was forged: "Daniel Nightingale" (Dick patted himself on the back for that one).
With that Dick was ready to let Danny out in the field. For the most part, Danny was as reliable as any Robin if not a bit crazy. Danny was way too charming for his own good but also completely feral. The public adored the domino-masked kid in his green and black costume. Danny didn't wear a cape because of his wings so he used them as a cloak.
When citizens saw them in public they'd offer the kid fruit cups and candies just to get close enough to see his wings. The people of Bludhaven were also excited to have their own version of Robin since Gotham had so many. Also, the kid was so marketable. Look at the way his wings flapped when he was excited.
Danny's or more specifically "Batboy's" presence would not go unnoticed.
Well, this can't end well.
Welp. Dick should have expected this. He couldn't even be upset. He doesn't regret anything that he's done.
Danny was still in bed, actually it was a hammock which was more comfortable for a bat. Dick wondered if he could sleep upside down. The kid was comfortable here and probably better off here than in Gotham. Once the adoption goes public however things will get complicated. Danny may end up Bludhaven's sweetheart or outcast. He'll probably end up fine...probably.
#dc x dp prompt#dpxdc#dp x dc prompt#dc x dp#danny fenton#dick grayson#nightwing#danny phantom#barbara gordon#damian wayne#batman
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