#He certainly CHOSE us WHILE we were yet sinners with stone hearts because He LOVES us
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awful lot of Christians on the world wide web very confident that James 1:13 is not true
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7 Visible Signs of our Love to God
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by Thomas Watson
Before all else let us remember, our love to God is a sign of his love to us. 'We love him because he first loved us.' I John 4: 19. By nature we have no love to God; we have hearts of stone. Ezek 36: 26. And how can any love be in hearts of stone? Our loving him is from his loving us. If the glass burn, it is because the sun has shone on it; so if our hearts burn in love, it is a sign the Sun of Righteousness has shone upon us.
The First Sign. If we love God, our desire will be after him. 'The desire of our soul is to thy name.' Isa 26: 8. He who loves God, breathes after communion with him. 'My soul thirsteth for the living God.' Psa 42: 2. Persons in love desire to be often conferring together. He who loves God, desires to be much in his presence; he loves the ordinances: they are the glass where the glory of God is resplendent; in the ordinances we meet with him whom our souls love; we have God's smiles and whispers, and some foretastes of heaven. Such as have no desire after ordinances, have no love to God.
The second visible sign is, that he who loves God cannot find contentment in any thing without him. Give a hypocrite who pretends to love God corn and wine, and he can be content without God; but a soul fired with love to God, cannot be without him. Lovers faint away if they have not a sight of the object loved. A gracious soul can do without health, but cannot do without God, who is the health of his countenance. Psa 43: 5. If God should say to a soul that entirely loves him, 'Take thy ease, swim in pleasure, solace thyself in the delights of the world; but thou shalt not enjoy my presence:' this would not content it. Nay, if God should say, 'I will let thee be taken up to heaven, but I will retire into another room, and thou shalt not see my face;' it would not content the soul. It is hell to be without God. The philosopher says there can be no gold without the influence of the sun; certainly there can be no golden joy in the soul without God's sweet presence and influence.
The third visible sign is that he who loves God, hates that which would separate between him and God, and that is sin. Sin makes God hide his face; it is like an incendiary, which parts chief friends; therefore, the keenness of a Christian's hatred is set against it. 'I hate every false way.' Psa 119: 128. Antipathies can never be reconciled; one cannot love health but he must hate poison; so we cannot love God but we must hate sin, which would destroy our communion with him.
The fourth visible sign is sympathy. Friends that love, grieve for the evils which befall each other. Homer, describing Agamemnon's grief, when he was forced to sacrifice his daughter, brings in all his friends weeping with him, and accompanying him to the sacrifice, in mourning. Lovers grieve together. If we have true love in our heart to God, we cannot but grieve for those things which grieve him; we shall lay to heart his dishonours; the luxury, drunkenness, contempt of God and religion. 'Rivers of waters run down mine eyes,' &c. Psa 119: 136. Some speak of the sins of others, and laugh at them; but they surely have no love to God who can laugh at that which grieves his Spirit! Does he love his father who can laugh to hear him reproached?
The fifth visible sign is, that he who loves God, labours to render him lovely to others. He not only admires God, but speaks in his praises, that he may allure and draw others to be in love with him. She that is in love will commend her lover. The lovesick spouse extols Christ, she makes a panegyrical oration of his worth, that she might persuade others to be in love with him. 'His head is as the most fine gold.' Cant 5: 11. True love to God cannot be silent, it will be eloquent in setting forth his renown. There is no better sign of loving God than to make him appear lovely, and to draw proselytes to him.
The sixth visible sign is, that he who loves God, weeps bitterly for his absence. Mary comes weeping, 'They have taken away my Lord.' John 20: 13. One cries, 'My health is gone!' another, 'My estate is gone!' but he who is a lover of God, cries out, 'My God is gone! I cannot enjoy him whom I love.' What can all worldly comforts do, when once God is absent? It is like a funeral banquet, where there is much meat, but no cheer. 'I went mourning without the sun.' Job 30: 28. If Rachel mourned greatly for the loss of her children, what vail or pencil can shadow out the sorrow of that Christian who has lost God's sweet presence? Such a soul pours forth floods of tears; and while it is lamenting, seems to say thus to God, 'Lord, thou art in heaven, hearing the melodious songs and triumph of angels; but I sit here in the valley of tears, weeping because thou art gone. Oh, when wilt thou come to me, and revive me with the light of thy countenance! Or, Lord, if thou wilt not come to me, let me come to thee, where I shall have a perpetual smile of thy face in heaven and shall never more complain, 'My beloved has withdrawn himself.'"
The seventh visible sign is, that he who loves God is willing to do and suffer for him. He subscribes to God's commands, he submits to his will. He subscribes to his commands. If God bids him mortify sin, love his enemies, be crucified to the world, he obeys. It is a vain thing for a man to say he loves God, and slight his commands. He submits to his will. If God would have him suffer for him, he does not dispute, but obeys. 'Love endureth all things.' 1 Cor 13: 7. Love made Christ suffer for us, and love will make us suffer for him. It is true that every Christian is not a martyr but he has a spirit of martyrdom in him; he has a disposition of mind to suffer, if God call him to it. 'I am ready to be offered.' 2 Tim 4: 6. Not only the sufferings were ready for Paul, but he was ready for the sufferings. Origin chose rather to live despised in Alexandria, than with Plotinus to deny the faith, and be great in the prince's favour. Rev 12: 11. Many say they love God, but will not suffer the loss of anything for him. If Christ should have said to us, 'I love you well, you are dear to me, but I cannot suffer for you, I cannot lay down my life for you,' we should have questioned his love very much; and may not the Lord question ours, when we pretend love to him, but will endure nothing for his sake?
Use one. What shall we say to those who have not a drachm of love in their hearts to God? They have their life from him, yet do not love him. He spreads their table every day, yet they do not love him. Sinners dread God as a judge, but do not love him as a father. All the strength in the angels cannot make the heart love God; judgements will not do it; omnipotent grace only can make a stony heart melt in love. How sad is it to be void of love to God. When the body is cold, and has no heat, it is a sign of death; so he is spiritually dead who has no heat of love in his heart to God. Shall such live with God that do not love him? Will God lay an enemy in his bosom? They shall be bound in chains of darkness who will not be drawn with cords of love.
Use two. Let us be persuaded to love God with all our heart and might. O let us take our love off from other things, and place it upon God. Love is the heart of religion, the fat of the offering; it is the grace which Christ inquires most after. 'Simon lovest thou me?' John 21: 15. Love makes all our services acceptable, it is the musk that perfumes them. It is not so much duty, as love to duty, God delights in; therefore serving and loving God are put together. Isa 56: 6. It is better to love him than to serve him; obedience without love, is like wine without the spirit. O then, be persuaded to love God with all your heart and might.
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shiaat · 7 years ago
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Extract from the sermon of Messenger of Allah(peace be upon him and his purified progeny) at #Ghadeer khum "...I testify for Him from my self because I am His Abd, and testify His Lordship, and I convey whatever He reveals to me, with the realization that if I do not do it such a hardship would come down on me which no one could repel from me even if he is bestower of big favour and friendly character, because there is no God except Him. Certainly He has informed me that which commandment is revealed to me, if I do not convey it then it is as I did not convey His Risalat, and Allah has given me surety that He will protect me from the evil of people, and Allah Himself is Sufficient and Generous, and He has revealed to me, “With the Ism of Allah the Gracious the Merciful, Ya Rasool, what has been sent down upon you from your Rabb convey it, and if you do not do it, then it is as you never conveyed Risalat, and Allah will protect you from the evil of the people” (al-Ma’ida, v67) ...And I expressed to Jibraeel (a.s.) that Allah Ta’ala should excuse me from conveying this message to you people. Because, O people, I certainly know that there is lack of Muttaqeen (pious ones) and hypocrites are in majority, and there is deceits & deception of sinners, and there are plots of mockers of Islam, whom Allah mentioned in His Book, “Whatever they say from their tongues, it is not in their hearts” and they consider it trivial, whereas it is very hard thing near Allah. And these people have tortured me again and again, so much so that they called me “Ear” and thought that I am like that, only due to this reason that I mostly keep Ali (asws) with me, and keep attention to him. So Allah Ta’ala revealed about it, “Those people who torture Nabi (sawaw) and say that he is only Ear, you say in reply to those people who consider you such that him being Ear is better for you people”, and if I wish to tell the names of those who say so, I can tell, and if I want to point towards them, I can do, and if I want to introduce (expose) them, I can do, but I am dealing these matters in honourable behaviour. And concerning this matter Allah is not pleased with me at all except that what order He has sent down to me, I should convey it, so Allah says, “Ya Rasool, what has been sent down upon you from your Rabb convey it, and if you do not do it, then it is as you never conveyed Risalat, and Allah will protect you from the evil of the people.” O people, know and understand that certainly Allah has appointed Ali (asws) as Wali and Imam for you, his obedience is made obligatory on Muhajireen & Ansaar, and on those who follow him in virtue, and on inhabitants of villages and cities, and on non-Arabians & Arabians, and on free and slave, and on every small & big, and on every white and black, and this order is applicable to all monotheists, and to accept his words is obligatory, his command will be executed. Whoever will oppose him, he is accursed(Mal’oon). Whoever will obey him, he is blessed, whoever will testify him, he is Momin, surely Allah forgave him (his sins) who listened and obeyed him. O people, this is the last occasion & place that I am appointing Ali (asws). So listen and obey, and accept the order of your Rabb, because Allah Azza wa Jalla is your God and your Wali (Guardian), after Him His Rasool Mohammad (sawaw) is your Wali who is addressing to you while standing, then after me with the order of Allah Who is your Rabb, Ali (asws) is your Wali and your Imam. Then Imamat is in those who are from his progeny until the day of Meeting with Allah(azwj) and His Rasool (sawaw). Nothing is Halaal except which Allah has declared Halaal, and nothing is Haraam except which Allah has declared Haraam. Allah has given me the knowledge of Halaal & Haraam, and I have given it to Ali (asws) the knowledge of the Book which my Rabb has bestowed me and the knowledge of Halaal and Haraam. O people, there is no such knowledge which Allah(swt) has not enclosed in my soul, and I have not given that to Imam-ul-Muttaqeen Ali (asws), there is no such knowledge which I have not taught Ali (asws), and he is the Imam-e-Mubeen (asws). O people, accept his superiority because Allah(swt) has bestowed him superiority, and accept his Walayat because Allah has appointed him. O people, he is Imam from Allah, and Allah does not accept anyone’s repentance who denies his Walayat, and will never forgive him. And this is the right of Allah that who opposes His order should deal with him in such way that to give him severe of severest punishment forever and for all the times. So avoid His opposition lest you go in Fire whose fuel is the people and stones which is prepared for the deniers. O people, by Allah, previous Prophets (as) and Messengers (as) were given good news about me, and I am the Last of the Prophets (as) & Messengers (as), and I am the Hujjat upon all the creations in the heavens and the earths, thus whoever doubts about it is Kafir, Kafir of previous ignorance. And whoever doubted about my this saying (Walayat-e-Ali (asws)) he doubted in my Risalat, and doubtful about it will go to Fire. O people, believe Ali (asws) superior because after me he is superior to all whether they are men or women. For our sake Allah sends down provisions (Rizq) and creations perpetuate for our sake as well. He is accursed, accursed, wrathed one, wrathed one who rejects my this saying and does not agree with it. Beware, Jibraeel (as) has conveyed this news from Allah(swt) that who keeps animosity with Ali (asws) and does not keep friendship with him, My Curse and My Wrath is on him. So every soul should ponder what he sends forward for tomorrow. Fear Allah and do not oppose Him, lest your feet slip after being steadfast. No doubt whatever you are doing Allah is Knowing. O people, he (Ali asws) is Janbullah, whom Allah has mentioned in His Book, “Alas, why I did shortfall concerning Janbullah” By Allah, no one will explain to you correctly the warnings in Quran and will not make clear its Tafseer for you except this personality whose hand I am holding and whom I am lifting and whose arm I am holding and am teaching you that for whomever I am Maola, for him is this Ali(asws) Maola, and he is Ali ibne Abi Talib (asws), my brother and my Wasi, and his being Wali is from Allah Azza wa Jalla, and He has sent down this commandment upon me. Then Rasool Allah (sawaw) raised Ali (asws) more high by holding his arm, so much that his feet came at the level of his knees. Although he was holding the hand of Amirul Momineen (asws) since that time when he mounted the pulpit. O Allah, You keep friendship with him who keeps friendship with him, and keep animosity to him who keeps animosity to him, and curse on him who denies him and opposes his right, and be wrathful to him who fights with him. O Allah, You have revealed it to me that Imamat is for Your Wali Ali (asws), and when I announced his superiority openly with which You perfected the Deen of Your servants and completed Your Favour upon them and chose Islam as Deen for them, then You said, “And who will adopt instead of Islam any Deen then nothing will be accepted from him and he will be among the losers in the Hereafter” (Aale Imran, verses 85), Ya Allah, I make You Witness that I have conveyed Your message. O people, this Ali (asws) helps me more than you all together, and is more rightful than you all near me, and is more near & beloved to me than you all, and Allah Azza wa Jalla and I both are pleased with him, and there is no verse related to Pleasure of Allah revealed which is not about him, and Allah did not address Momineen in any place but its real addressee is him, and there is no praising verse in Quran revealed which is not in his favour, and in Sura Hal Ata Allah has confirmed Jannah specifically for him, and did not reveal that Sura in any other’s favour except him, nor praised any one else in it except him. O people, every Nabi’s progeny is from himself, but my progeny (asws) is from Ali asws. O people, Iblees caused Adam (a.s.) to exit from Paradise due to enviousness. Thus you must not be jealous to Ali asws, otherwise your all deeds will be nullified, and your feet will stagger. Adam (as) was sent down on the earth due to one mistake, though he was chosen of Allah, then what will be your condition if you slip while you are only servant of Allah? No one keeps grudge with Ali (asws) except evil hearted, and no one loves Ali (asws) except pious one, and no one believes in him except pure Momin, and by Allah, He revealed Sura al-Asr only in favour of Ali (asws). O people, believe in Allah and His Rasool (sawaw) and that Noor which came down with him, before that We disfigure your faces then turn them toward back. O people, Noor from Allah Azza wa Jalla is in my self, then it is transferred to Ali (asws), then in his progeny until al-Qaim al-Mahdi (asws) who will take revenge for the right of Allah and for the right of all Momineen, because Allah has made us Hujjat on Muqassireen, enemies, opponents, usurpers, sinfuls, and unjust ones of all the worlds. O people, you do not show favour to us by accepting Islam otherwise Allah will be Wrathful upon you, and then punishment will strike you from Him, and He is looking for such people. O people, just after me there will be such Imams who will invite toward Fire, and they will not be helped on the day of Qiyamah. O people, no doubt, Allah and I both are immune to them. O people, certainly those Imams and their supporters and their Shias and their Muqallideen (followers) will be in the lowest level of the Hell, such is the evil residence of the arrogant ones. O people, I leave Imamat & Warasat (inheritor & owner of Deen) in my progeny (asws) until Qiyamah, and which thing I was commanded to convey that I have conveyed which is Hujjat (proof, authority) on every present and absent, and on everyone who is present here or is not present, and on everyone who has been born or who is not yet born. Thus who is present should convey it to the absent, and every father should preach (convey, Tableegh) Walayat to his son, this chain should continue until Qiyamah. And soon people will make a state by usurping. Beware, Curse of Allah is on usurpers and their companions. And O both parties, We will be free quickly to take your account (Hisaab) that time, then on both engulfing Fire and molten copper will be sent, so you both will not be able to stop it. O people, there is no such habitat (dwelling) which is not destroyed due to belying him (Ali asws), and similarly every habitat will be destroyed which does injustice, as Allah Azza wa Jalla has mentioned. And this Ali (asws) is your Imam and your Wali, and those are promises (covenants) of Allah and Allah fulfils His promise. O people, offer prayer and give Zakat as Allah Azza wa Jalla has commanded. If your time is extended and you do a mistake then this Ali (asws) is your Wali (Guardian), he will make (truth) clear for you, whom Allah Azza wa Jalla has appointed. O people, every Halaal which I have told you, and every Haraam from which I have forbidden you, certainly I will not step back from it nor will change it, so you remember it, guard it, and advise each other about it, and never change it nor alter it. Beware, I again repeat this thing. Beware, establish prayer and give Zakat, and command good and forbid evil. Beware, important thing about Amr-bil-Maroof and Nahi-anil-Munkir is that it should be done according to my words (saying, order), and convey this message to him who is not present here, and command him to accept my order, and forbid him to oppose my words, because this is command of Allah Azza wa Jalla and mine, and without Imam (asws) neither is Amr-bil-Maroof nor Nahi-anil-Munkir. O people, your number is more than that you pay allegiance to me one by one at this moment, but Allah has commanded me take testimony from your tongues for this matter that I have taken firm covenant of Ali (asws) being Amirul Momineen, and after him for those Imams (asws) who are from mine & his progeny, I have told you already that my progeny is from him (Ali asws). So you testify all together, “Whatever You (sawaw) have conveyed to us from our Rabb & your Rabb concerning Ali (asws) and concerning those Imams (asws) who are from his family and from his progeny, we have listened and we are happy with it, ready to obey. We pay allegiance to it with our heart, with soul, with tongue and with hand, we will live with it and die on it as well, and will be raised on it as well, and we will not make any change & alteration in it, nor will we doubt & suspect about it, and we will never turn away from this covenant, nor will break this undertaking (Pact), and we will obey Allah and you (sawaw) and obey Amirul Momineen Ali (asws) and Imams (asws) who are from his progeny, and whom you (sawaw) have mentioned that they are from your progeny and from him (Ali asws) after Hassan (asws) and Hussain (asws). O people, say that what I am telling you, and say Salam to Ali (asws) while addressing him Amirul Momineen, and say that as well, “We listen and obey, O our Rabb forgive us, and we will return only to You” and say this as well, “Every Praise is only for Allah Who guided us to this matter, and if Allah would not have guided us then we would not have been guided. O people, there are abundant merits of Ali ibne Abi Talib (asws) near Allah, and what He has revealed in Quran it is much more than that I could narrate in my one sermon at one place. Thus anyone who tells you those merits and make you understand then you should confirm it. O people, say only that thing, by saying which Allah is pleased with you. Then if you and all the inhabitants of earth become Kafir (denier of Walayat-e-Ali asws), you will not be able to cause any loss to Allah. Ya Allah, You pardon all Momineen, and send down Your Wrath on all Kafirs, and every Praise is for Allah the Rabb of the worlds. • [Tafseer of Al-Ma'ida : verses 3, al-Burhan, volume 2, page 376] #Ghadeer #khum #AliMawla #ALIUNWALLAH #wilayateAli
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henleybeachchurch-blog · 6 years ago
Reflection on John 8:1-11 FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT YEAR C
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All of us have a dark side to us that can be activated at any time given the circumstances to bring forth this darkness.  It can be shocking what we human beings are capable of doing to each other when we choose this darkness. At the same time, we have an extraordinary capacity for Love (Light), far beyond anything where our imaginations can take us. When we come to understand and EXPERIENCE this, it awakens us more fully to our human condition.  This ‘awakening’ does not excuse the evil we are capable of, in fact it will confront it both within ourselves and within the culture we belong to just as we see Jesus do in this Gospel.
Today’s Gospel gives us a powerful example of this.  The first thing to notice as Jesus confronts the religious culture of the day, is that Jesus emerged into the ‘day’ from a ‘night’ of prayer:  ‘Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.  At daybreak he appeared in the Temple’.  So, what is prayer?  It has numerous aspects. But primarily it is a relationship opening into Creative Consciousness. It is an openness to the unfolding Mystery of Life. It is a relationship that connects us into our Wholeness. It is our conscious ‘yes’ to grow in Love…..  If we consider prayer as a reward system or as a practice that keeps me rigidly faithful in my beliefs or that makes ‘me’ right and ‘you’ wrong with God and that is largely closed to difference, then it isn’t prayer we are participating in, it is our delusional ego in full flight. If we are truthful with ourselves we will probably know these two sides of what we call prayer, because true prayer grows us out of our narrowness and rigidity, towards the fullness of Love.
Hierarchical structures are extremely dangerous, yet they are all around us.  Why are they dangerous?  Because they have the potential to active our ‘dark’ side.  A ‘hierarchy’ tends to set itself apart and in doing so often gives birth to hypocrisy, division and ultimately war in all it guises.   These men in today’s Gospel are ready to kill this woman by stoning, because she was ‘caught in the very act of committing adultery…’  We do not know what Jesus wrote in the sand, but whatever it was, was enough to make them walk away from what they were about to do.  They too may well have been part of her/THEIR ‘adulterous’ actions.  And yet, it was the ‘woman’ who was to be stoned according to the Law, the men were exempt!  Because the ‘male’ was at the top of the hierarchical ladder they were somehow exempted from conviction. Hypocrisy, Hypocrisy…   Sadly, this can be typical of hierarchical structures.  It sets up the foundation of ��them’ and ‘us’.  Those on the top of the hierarchical structure can be shockingly blind to their own darkness, their own evil, as was the case in today’s Gospel.
The moment I/we consider myself/ourselves superior to ANYONE, or SET APART from anyone else, we are setting up a hierarchical structure that will ultimately lead to disaster and injustice.  We have seen this in recent times.  It seems to be the root of so many of our problems and the root of many evils present in our world today and in our history. Love NEVER operates out of a hierarchical structure, we see that so beautifully in Jesus today.  There is no condemnation of this woman, and once these men are confronted with their own ‘darkness’, nor can they ‘condemn’ either – they walk away ‘from the eldest down, until Jesus was left alone with the woman, who remained standing there.’  The one considered the sinner is the one who remains in the company of Jesus and the others just walk away from Jesus and from the woman they wanted to kill.  We can assume that Jesus brought the ‘Light’ into this woman’s life, while the ‘men’ chose to remain in their darkness by walking away from Jesus.
Our hierarchical institutions and attitudes, are in trouble all over the world, and so they should be.  The hierarchical Church perhaps being the most obvious for us currently.  If we turned this Gospel story around today and placed Jesus with those within the Church who have been ‘condemned’ over the years by a hierarchical Church leadership (and by many of the faithful), for their so called sinfulness on one side, and those doing the condemning on the other side, what might Jesus ‘write in the sand’ to the ‘accusers’ within this hierarchy?  Jesus might say:  Why have you remained SILENT as your hierarchical structures stood by and allowed the shocking abuse of my little children? Why have you placed enormous unjust burdens upon My people? Why do you condemn and judge on the grounds of sex and morals, when many among you in your privileged positions of power and authority regularly do not practice what you preach? Why have you persistently persecuted women and refused to acknowledge their various vocations?  Why do so many of you ‘walk around in long robes and love to be greeted respectfully….take the front seats in the synagogues/churches and the places of honour…. who devour the property of Widows/the poor and for show offer long prayers….’ yet you stand here and condemn these? Luke 20:45-47 Why, why, why…..  “If there is one among you who has not sinned, you be the first to cast these killing stones.” When we are obedient to non-accountable hierarchical structures, be they clerical or otherwise, and we choose to accept these structures and their often insidious ways, then we are most certainly throwing these killing stones. We cannot stand within hierarchical power and authority structures without constantly reminding each other (within community) of our own ‘darkness’.  NO ONE is EVER ‘SET APART’ (as the priestly caste proclaim) - we are ONE ‘WHOLENESS OF BEING' called to always grow Love.
Are those holding the power in these hierarchical structures (and the faithful who blindly affirm them or follow them) going to open their Hearts and come and embrace those whom they have condemned, or will they/we too walk away as the men did in our Gospel today, only to continue their/our hypocritical lives and condemning structures/ways?  Those who TRULY HEAR JESUS, will experience their Hearts turn around and then embrace those they have ‘condemned’.  They will also see the shocking injustices hierarchical structures so often create. It is the condemned one/s who are left ‘standing with’ Jesus, and experience a change in their life choices - a change in consciousness. This courageous woman chooses Love.  Can, or will we do the same?     
©Annemarie Reiner    
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