#Hawaii 5-0 imagine
ficmesideways · 1 year
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Request for Anonymous Gif Source: Steve
Imagine being in a relationship with Steve and one day he asks you what your semi-colon tattoo means
------- Imagine -------
He had seen it before, but he had never really asked about it until now. You had been lazily tracing one of his tattoos with your finger as you lounged together when he gently took your hand and ran his own finger over the tattoo on your wrist. “I’ve been curious to ask,” he said lowly as he traced the dark ink on your skin. “What does this mean?”
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sxcretricciardo · 2 months
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here for you
The sun was setting over the picturesque beaches of Oahu, casting a warm glow over the island. Steve McGarrett, head of the Five-0 Task Force, had just wrapped up a long day. He was looking forward to a quiet evening with Y/N, his girlfriend. She worked for a secret government agency, and their relationship was often punctuated by periods of absence and secrecy, but they made it work.
As Steve poured himself a drink, his phone buzzed. It was Y/N. Smiling, he answered, "Hey, you. How's it going?"
There was a pause, and then he heard her voice, tense and hurried. "Steve, I don't have much time. I've been compromised. I have to go under. I just wanted to tell you that I love you."
His heart skipped a beat. "What? Y/N, what are you talking about? Where are you?"
"I can't say. It's too dangerous. Just... trust me. I’ll contact you when it’s safe."
"Y/N, wait!" But the line went dead.
Steve stood frozen for a moment, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Y/N was in danger, and he needed to find her. Without wasting a second, he called his team.
Within minutes, Danny Williams, Chin Ho Kelly, Kono Kalakaua, and Jerry Ortega assembled at headquarters. Steve briefed them on the situation.
"Y/N's been compromised and has gone under. We need to find her. Start pulling every contact, every lead. We don’t have much time."
The team sprang into action. Danny reached out to his contacts within law enforcement, while Chin and Kono scoured surveillance footage from various parts of the island. Jerry used his tech expertise to trace Y/N's last known locations and digital footprints.
Hours turned into a day, and the team worked tirelessly, driven by Steve's determination. They finally caught a break when Jerry intercepted a communication indicating that Y/N might be held in a storage unit on the outskirts of Honolulu.
Steve led the charge, with Danny, Chin, and Kono flanking him. They arrived at the storage facility, the place eerily quiet. Moving cautiously, they approached the designated unit. Steve's heart pounded in his chest as he forced the lock open.
Inside, they found Y/N, bound and bruised, but alive. Relief washed over Steve as he rushed to her side, carefully untying her restraints.
Just as Steve was about to lift her to her feet, a shadow moved in the corner of the unit. Steve barely had time to react before a burly man lunged at him. The kidnapper had been waiting, anticipating a rescue attempt.
Steve managed to sidestep the initial attack, but the kidnapper was strong and determined. They grappled, fists flying and grunts filling the air. Steve landed a solid punch to the man's jaw, but the kidnapper countered with a blow to Steve's midsection that knocked the wind out of him.
Y/N, though weak and still recovering from her ordeal, wasn't about to let Steve fight alone. She grabbed a metal rod from the floor and, summoning her remaining strength, swung it at the kidnapper's legs. The man stumbled, giving Steve the opening he needed.
With a swift and powerful move, Steve disarmed the kidnapper and subdued him, pinning him to the ground. Breathing heavily, he looked over at Y/N, who was leaning against the wall, exhausted but determined.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.
She nodded, managing a weak smile. "I am now."
Back at the Five-0 headquarters, Y/N received medical attention. Steve never left her side, his worry gradually easing now that she was safe. The team debriefed, planning their next moves to neutralize the threat that had endangered Y/N.
Later, as the night settled in, Steve and Y/N sat on the balcony of his house, overlooking the ocean. The ordeal had taken its toll, but they were together.
"Y/N," Steve began, breaking the comfortable silence. "I want you to join Five-0. I can't go through something like this again, not knowing where you are or if you're safe. I want you closer to me, where I can protect you."
She looked at him, seeing the earnestness in his eyes. "Steve, I don't know..."
"You'd be an incredible asset to the team. We could use someone with your skills. And more importantly, I need you here, with me."
Y/N smiled, a mix of exhaustion and affection in her eyes. "Alright, Steve. I'll join Five-0."
He pulled her into a tight embrace, the fear and worry of the past days melting away. They had faced danger and uncertainty, but in the end, their bond had only grown stronger. Together, they were ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.
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delulu-hours · 1 year
You make me happy
Pairing: Steve Mcgarrett x Latina!reader
Summary: Meeting your mom would be the last piece to complete the happiness you were currently feeling. You knew you mom was going to love Steve, even if he was worried about how the interaction would go. However, seeing it happen made you find a sense of comfort you needed.
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As you lovingly placed a hand on your baby bump, Steve stayed close by, gently supporting you with a comforting touch on your lower back. In the midst of the bustling crowd, a hint of nervousness fluttered in your stomach as you eagerly searched for the two cherished faces, long absent from your life. "Mija!" As you heard the loving Spanish accent, you couldn't help but turn away from Steve and divert your attention towards the older woman. Her black hair, now showing hints of gray, framed her face in soft curls. With a sweet smile that brought back fond memories, she hurried over to you, followed closely by your brother, whose face was also beaming with happiness. With enthusiasm, she hurried towards you. Your brother effortlessly rolled the luggage behind him while your mother wasted no time in enveloping you in a warm embrace. You couldn't help but smile as her arms wrapped around your neck and she showered your face with kisses. As her lips touched your face, you couldn't help but scrunch your nose, knowing how much she had longed for this moment.
"Mama," You wrapped your arms around her, rubbing her back as you kissed her cheek. "¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo estuvo tu vuelo? (how are you? how was your flight?)" As you shifted your gaze, a subtle movement at the edge of your vision captured your attention. Your eyes landed on your brother. To your surprise, he warmly embraced Steve, and you couldn't help but smile. It was evident that a unique bond existed between them, forged through their shared experiences as Navy SEALs.
"Estoy bien, chula. El vuelo no estuvo mal. (I'm fine, beautiful. The flight wasn't bad.)" She couldn't help but shift her gaze towards the bump between you, and gently placed her hand over it. A small smile formed on her face, and a glimmer of excitement sparkled in her eyes. Deep down, she was aware of your pregnancy, but witnessing it firsthand served as a gentle reminder of the beautiful reality unfolding before her. "¡Voy a ser abuela! (I'm gonna be a grandma!)" She gushed with excitement. "¡Mijo, ven mira! (Son, come look.)" As she guided your brother over, he playfully rolled his eyes, but there was a glimmer of excitement in his gaze as he quickly planted a kiss on your cheek.
"Hey, short stack." As your mom gently placed his hand over your baby bump, he gave you a warm greeting. His eyes briefly glanced down at his hand before meeting yours once again. "Five months, right?"
"Right." You placed a hand on his arm. Your brother knew how excited you were to have this baby. How life in Hawai'i was everything you wished and how his best man helped you adjust to life. You knew your brother wasn't happy about your relationship with Steve the first time he came to see your after a year and half of living here. In fact, he almost fought Steve when he saw you come outside in one of Steve's shirts that fitted you like a dress. It took a lot of convincing before your brother to warm up to the idea. "Mami," You reached out for your boyfriend. "I want to introduce to you my boyfriend." Your mom followed your gaze to the man who stood next to you. You watched as she took him in. "This is Steve Mcgarrett."
"Ma'am, it's an honor having you here." Steve held a hand out to her. Your mom-- on the other hand-- just pulled him into a hug that caught him off guard. You and your brother shared a laugh.
"¿Mija, cómo digo, es un placer conocerte? (daughter, how do i say it is nice to meet you?)" She pulled back from the hug as she looked at you. She moved her hands to grab him and Steve glanced over at you.
"Nice to meet you." You responded back. A thing about your mother was that she could understand English perfectly, her issue was speaking it. She struggled with certain works and she had a very thick accent when she spoke English. Something you did warn Steve about.
"Eh," She turned to look at him. "Nice to meet you," My brother and I gave each other a look. "Ehteben. (steven)" And then there it was. You smiled as you brother did his best not to laugh. Steve just smiled at your mom but you could see it in his eyes that he found her accent endearing. "¿Lo dije bien?" She looked over at you and your brother and you guys just nodded.
"This is for you." Steve placed the lei around your mom and she gasped. She commented on how the flowers were pretty and how he didn't have to. Steve just nodded but glanced over at you for help, unsure what your mom had said. You just mouthed thank you in which he replied with, "It's no issue at all."
Your mom insisted on cooking and having the rest of Steve's team over. She was in the kitchen, your brother forced to help her since she refused to let you do anything. Steve sat next to you. His arm over your shoulder as you snuggled into his side. "Your mom makes me question if I even learned anything during the three years we've dated." You let out an amused snort.
"Mi Amado, (my beloved)" You moved a bit to look up at him. "You have to remember that when I speak Spanish to you, I don't speak it as fast. My mom speaks it with a natural flow that makes it seem fast for you." You placed a hand on his thigh. "Besides, you're learning and that's all that matters." He was going to say more but the door opened and in came the team. "Hello!" You pushed yourself up, using the support of Steve, and hugged each person. "I'm sorry that this was last minute, my mom was very insistent that she cook for you all today." Danny waved you off. "La familia no es sólo quienes son de tu sangre, sino son los que nunca nos abandonan." A quote your mom lived by.
"Family is not only those who are of your blood but are those who never leave us." You said again but this time in English.
"I love your mom already." Danny handed Steve a case of beer.
"Well let me go a head and introduce you guys to my mom and brother." You motioned for them to follow behind you. "Also, I hope you guys are ready to try authentic Mexican food and take gain a couple pounds in the process." You teased but actually meant the part of gaining some weight. You already knew your mom was going to feed them to the point where they might end up in a food coma. "Mami. Mateo." Your mom and brother turned around. "I would like you guys to meet the rest of the team." As you introduced them, you weren't surprised that they had remembered your brother Mateo. Your mom on the other hand made sure to greet them all with a hug and a kiss on each cheek. She also insisted that they call her mom. None of them argued with her as she did her best to talk to them.
Just like that dinner was a hit. Everyone loved the food, Steve and a few others almost died on the salsa your mom made. You-- on the other hand-- didn't realize how much you had missed and craved her food. It had hit a spot and satisfied all the cravings you had. You sat out on the beach with everyone, your eyes looked around and landed on Steve who stood on the deck with your mom. Your eyes met, and he playfully winked at you, adding a delightful touch to the evening. Just as you were lost in that moment, Kono called out your name, capturing your attention once again.
Steve had gone in to get some more beers when your mom stopped him. "Mijo," Steve hummed in response as he looked at your mom. "Yo sé que no me vas entender, pero gracias por amar a mi hija. Por ser su roca y apoyo. Puedo ver en tus ojos la forma en que la amas tanto. (I know you won't understand me, but thank you for loving my daughter. For being your rock and support. I can see in your eyes the way you love her so much.)" She gently reached up and tenderly cupped his face, as Steve kindly bent his knees to make it more convenient for her. Confusion furrowed his brow as he struggled to comprehend every word she was saying. Despite the language barrier, he sensed an unmistakable warmth in her words. Tears welled up in her eyes, yet she continued to smile at him, displaying a tender expression in her gaze. "Puedo estar en paz sabiendo que ella está con un hombre que haría cualquier cosa por ella. Gracias. (I can be at peace knowing that she is with a man who would do anything for her. Thank you.)" He nodded, not knowing what else to do.
"Mami," Your voice caused Steve to glance at you. He could see your amusement as you neared. "¿Qué haces con mi novio? (What are you doing to my boyfriend?)" With a playful smirk in your voice, you stood by his side. Your mom affectionately planted a quick kiss on Steve's forehead before allowing him to stand tall. You affectionately placed an arm around him, looking at your mom. There was a happiness in her eyes, and you sensed that it was because she saw you at your happiest, especially since your dad passed away a decade ago.
"Nada, mija. (Nothing, daughter)" She grabbed your free hand in one of hers and took Steve's in her other one before bring them both together. "Estoy muy feliz por ti y agradecida. Agradecida de que me hayas bendecido con la oportunidad de ser abuela. (I am just happy for you and grateful. Grateful that you have given me this opputonity to be a grandma.)" She kisses the back of both your hands as she holds it with such care. "Le pido a dios que te mantenga en buenas manos y te bendiga con lo mejor. (I pray to God that he keeps you in good hands and blesses you with the best.)" You smiled softly at her, the stinging sensation of tears in your eyes as you tried your best not to cry.
"Gracias Mami. (thank you mom)" As you leaned in to kiss her cheek, she graced you with a final smile before joining the rest of the group. Your gaze shifted upward towards Steve, who gently brushed your cheeks. In that moment, tears had already welled up and begun to trickle down from your eyes.
"What she say?" He asked softly as you hugged him. You chin resting on his chest as you look up at him.
"She is thankful that you knocked me up." You playfully teased, eliciting a gentle chuckle from Steve that reverberated warmly in his chest. Affectionately, he brushed a few strands of hair behind your ear, and then tenderly rested his hand underneath it. "But she is glad that she knowns I am in good hands and that I'm happy." His thumb gently rubs your the apple of your cheeks. "That you make me happy and prays for the best to come and that we stay safe."
"Guess it's safe to say she likes me." He lowered his lips on to yours. Deep down, he felt a subtle nervousness creep in as he thought about meeting your mom for the first time. Despite his efforts to appear calm, you could tell how much he cared by the way he eagerly assisted you in preparing for the meeting. He simply wanted to make a great first impression and ensure that everything went smoothly.
"She adores you." You closed the space between you, kissing him softly. His lips moved against yours, and you felt him pull you closer. Or as close as he could with your baby bump between you. "You make me happy and that's all she truly cares about." You gave him another kiss. "But if she found out how reckless you are, she might have a heart attack," You felt him smirk against your lips.
"Well, I guess it'll be our little secret then." As his lips gently met yours, a playful spark flickered in his eyes. His hand tenderly brushed down your neck, applying a hint of pressure. It caused you to bite your lower lip in delight, a soft hum of pleasure escaping your lips. The mischievous glint in his eyes made the moment all the more exciting.
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blackterrae · 1 year
Ideas for Black!Reader Fic
I am going to try my hand again at writing. And I wanted to share some people and fandoms that I love. If you don’t know these shows/actors/franchises/movies/streamers I’m putting you on! For the following:
Princess Bride
Alice In Borderland
Johnny Depp- All his characters
Napoleon Dynamite
Cameron Monaghan- I know that there are fics out there but it’s only always his Jerome/Jeremiah roles never just him or Cal Kestis
Anthony Carrigan- I loved Anothy as Victor Zsasz
Paul Dano- There are Riddler fics but not as many for his other roles
The Entire Cast of Hawaii Five-0 (2010) - Don’t even get me started on how good this show is! And the cast looks amazing!
Chicago Med/Fire/PD- These shows have so much potential for fanfic storylines!
The Game (2006)- Has great potential for slow burns and fluffs.
Star Wars franchise (1977-present) - I know I said Cal Kestis but there are also other characters like Anakin, Luke, Obi Wan,Boba Fett (etc.)
NCIS franchise- I honestly love this franchise and it’s characters!
Any/All Sports Men- Jude Bellingham,Lewis Hamilton,LaMelo Ball,Allen Iverson(etc.)
Berleezy - He’s handsome and he’s funny!
Coryxkenshin- I literally love him and his videos!
Albert Aretz (Flamingo)- Look … he may be the epitome of mediocre white man but I like what I like!
AMP- Duke Dennis, Kai Cenat, Agent 00, ChrisNxtDoor,Davis, and Fanum ( all I gotta say is love a black man from infinity to infinity🗣️)
Beta Squad- A British YouTube/ streamer group!
SOMEBROS- Berleezy, Rico, ,PG, Joe (etc.)
WWE- come on now, do I even need to explain!!!
Four Brothers- All the cast but Garrett Hedland in particular!
Peacemaker - Don’t get me wrong I love Adrian Chase but I want to see just as much Peacemaker x black!reader fics because 2 words… JOHN CENA
MAWS- New animated Superman show! Love!
Smallville - The entire cast is hot! Tbh I fell hard for Tom Welling when I was younger when he was in Cheaper By The Dozen. Plus they literally whitewashed Vixen. COME ON! Vixen is a black female hero btw. She was also with Jon (Green Lantern) at one point.
Justice League/Justice League Unlimited (2001 and 2004)- I mean I literally can’t find any Jon Stewart x black!reader fics and he was with a BLACK WOMAN!
Warner Bros Franchise (minus the looney tunes & space jam)- There are lots of popular franchises that this company has from Fast & Furious to The Matrix!
Peaky Blinders- Saw a Tommy shelby x arms dealer black!female reader fic on my previous account but even then I couldn’t find it again on that account. So it’s gone with the wind. And the cast (i.e the actors and other characters they’ve portrayed). Example: Cillian Murphy as Johnathan Crane.
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The Bear
FBI (All)
The good doctor
Tiktokers: Vinnie hacker
Blue Bloods
Will Poulter- I haven’t really seen any Adam Warlock fics
Stranger Things
Cruel Intentions
Dave Lizewski
Eddie Redmayne
Macgyver (2016)
Fresh Prince of Belair
Guardians of the galaxy- Explanation? Do I really need one?
On My Block
Descendants (characters will be the actors age in real life.duh)- Love Boo-boo Stewart & Mitchell Hope!
Matt Rife
Joey Bragg (Liv &Maddie) - What can I say I love dorks!
The Boys- Haven’t seen that many fics about the characters and a black reader
Once Upon A Time- I love dark fairytales sometimes because they remind me that not every story has a happy ending and you have to learn from them. But this series is good for any theme really.
Walker Texas Ranger (1993)
Top Gun
Nicolas Galitzine
Magcon: Whether you saw their vines on YouTube or vine, you know who they are
Dolan Twins
Mission Impossible
Euphoria- Entire show has great storylines with the potential of drama in fics
Shameless- Especially Carl Gallagher and Lip Gallagher
Creed- Michael B Jordan need I say more
Keanu Reeves- There are very few fics about Keanu but I’ve seen a few of his John Wick x black!reader fics (chef’s kiss) but never see any of The Matrix Fics!Also Ted (Bill & Ted)
River Phoenix
Batman Beyond
Rider Strong
Danny Gonzalez
Timothée Chalamet
New York Undercover
Past-Present Singers & Rappers/ Groups -Bow Wow, Tupac, Lil Baby, Nelly, Omarion, Prince, Michael Jackson, Jon B,Usher, Central Cee, Måneskin, New Edition, BTS, James, PRETTYMUCH Bay, Daniel Caesar, October London, Steve Lacey, Artemas, YUNGBLUD, Andy Biersack,Eduardo Vega(etc.)
Anime(Any kind!)- Would love to see other shows, I know hunterxhunter,aot,one piece (etc.)
Bridgerton- There is very little Bridgerton stories catered around a black reader.
Marvel- Now that’s not to say that there aren’t any in fact there are many but I never see (Tobey Maguire Spider-Man stories and it seems like everyone tends to focus on the famous Marvel characters like The Avengers but not on other aspects like X-men or better yet, heroes that haven’t even gotten their own movie but are just as amazing like Squadron Supreme , it’s equivalent to DCU’s Justice League.
Secret Invasion- Not gonna lie , I’m feening for Gravik.😳
DCEU- Another franchise that pushes its other characters to the side. For example, Hush (Thomas Elliot) is literally the epitome of Bruce Wayne gone bad!
Ross Lynch- There are so many roles that Ross did so well in Like Teen Beach Movie or Sabrina.
Highschool Musical Franchise (2006- present ) I’m not just talking about HSMTS (2019), I mean even further back than that. I don’t see any Troy Bolton x black!reader and that’s crazy. I also can’t find any Zac Efron x black!reader
Interview with a Vampire (1994) and (2022)
Austin Butler- He did well in his role as Elvis!
Vikings - There are a good amount but still!
Saved By The Bell
The Goldbergs
Parks & Recreation
The Outsiders
Heart of Stone
New York Undercover (1994)
Addams Family
The Real Bros of Simi Valley (2017)
Think Like A Man (2012)
One on One (2001)
Scorpion (2014)
The King of Queens (1998)
G.I. Joe Franchise
Beware the Batman (2013)
Any and all Asian Idols/Actors
Seal Team
Mortal Combat
Bill and Ted
Detroit: Become Human
Will Trent
Tokyo Vice
Growing Pains
Graceful Family (Kdrama)[Any Asian Drama shows or movies would be great as well]
The Regime
Batman: The animated series
The Sympathizer
The Invitation
Hunger Games
Saved By the Bell
Eve (2003)
Rodrick Heffley
Jury Duty
Scoot Pilgrim vs the world
21 Jump Street
If anyone needs ideas for these franchises/movies/shows/actors , then holla at me! I got you!
Also add more to the list if anything that you would like to see comes to mind.
Also tag black writers who you want to see this!
@sheabuttahwrites @shinsouscatpisssmell @cocoamoonmalfoy @heathenarmyimagines @cinewhore @cocoamoonmalfoy @stxxllaaa @glitterjuju @lilvampirina @breanime @blackmissfrizzle @afro-hispwriter @stargirlfics @lavenderursa @clydesducktape @pettyprocrastination @theblvckvenus @plantvenuss @punani @n-slayaaaaa @infernalodie @halfofmysoulsblog @iridecsense @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @supremethunda @thekrazykeke @canumoveurseatup-no @hiatuswhore @avintagekiss24 @ohcaptains @iguessweallcrazyithinktho @xsapphirescrollsx @sunflowertuliplily @bakarilennox @batfamily14 @ramp-it-up @blackreaders-assemble @royallyprincesslilly @funnyexel @blackterrae @slashisms @artemisthewh0re @shelbydelrey @toocriticalharlow @v-era-18 @vampsired @queenimmadolla @sinnerlillith @greengoblinswifey @apocalypse-shuffle
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slutforsilverfoxes · 1 year
Eight Seconds
[Not quite an author’s note, but more so a confession: I went line dancing the other night… I wish it went like this 😮‍💨 This do be self-indulgent PWP below the cut :) ]
“I feel like an absolute schmuck. I look like an absolute schmuck. Cowboy hats aren’t meant to be worn this far west, it’s just not a good look,” Danny laments aloud, then catches his girlfriend’s eyes narrowed at his comment and quickly amends, “Except you, my dear, look absolutely adorable in yours.”
“That’s because you’ve got Jersey written all over your ugly mug,” his best friend ever so kindly informs him before taking a pull from his second beer of the night. “Gimme that.”
Steve takes the felt hat off of the blonde’s head and dons it himself instead, adjusting the brim low enough to hide the way his gaze is fixed on one young woman twirling around the dancefloor.
You throw your head back with a laugh as your current partner in the circle dance spins you to the next, and you take your new partner’s hand without missing a beat. Steve is absolutely mesmerized by the way you move so effortlessly, gliding between the complicated steps without a care in the world, your ponytail swinging in the same rhythm as your tempting hips.
“Hey,” Melissa yells to be heard over the pounding bass of the country song, nudging Steve hard enough to break him out of his trance. He turns to her and she lifts the brim of the hat before challenging, “Why don’t you get in there instead of ogling her all night, Commander?”
He’s grateful the flashing lights turn red at that moment to accompany the song change and graciously hide the heat creeping across his cheeks. “Am I being that obvious?”
“I’m surprised someone hasn’t put out a restraining order yet,” Danny’s quick to jibe. “Although I guess you’re meeting the requisite fifty feet.”
“You’re a riot,” the brunette grumbles under his breath before downing the rest of his beer. He twists around to place the empty bottle on the table, then turns back to find his view of the dancefloor blocked by a pair of jean shorts and a crop top sporting the skeletal head of a bull, if he’s not mistaken.
“Forgive me if I’m wrong,” your sweet voice settles over him like the Hawaii sunshine after a cool morning swim, “but y’all came out on a line dancing night and have yet to get to dancing.” A finger tips the brim of his hat even further up, and Steve comes face to face with the vision he’s been silently pining after all evening. He opens his mouth to answer, but finds himself speechless for quite possibly the first time in his adult life.
Thankfully, you fill the silence by chatting with Melissa, letting Steve bask in the touch of warm southern drawl woven around your words, and a different kind of heat floods his face this time thinking about what that sweet accent would sound like calling out his name tonight. He zones out while you prattle on, indulging in his decidedly not-safe-for-work fantasy and appreciating the way the cuff of your shorts sits snugly on your thick thighs just below the curve of your ass. Of all the things he’s been jealous of touching you tonight, denim takes the crown for being the most absurd.
“Commander Cupid,” Danny barks, roughly swatting at Steve’s shoulder to get his attention. “She’s talking to you, you putz.”
He clears his throat before turning his focus to you with an apologetic smile. “Got lost in my thoughts there,” he says by way of an explanation, and the twinkle of mirth in your eyes tells him you have a pretty good idea of just what those thoughts entailed.
“I asked if you wanted to come dance or just sit here watching me all night,” you repeat, one eyebrow cocked playfully.
“Oh, I, uh-” He knows he’s caught, and he lets out a soft laugh while shaking his head. “Totally busted, huh?”
“Tell you what,” you declare confidently, letting your hair fall loose from its elastic confine before palming the felt hat and settling it snugly on your head with a smirk. “I’ll make the decision for you.”
You start your journey back to the dance floor, clapping along to the kick drum announcing the beginning of that one Luke Bryan song that everybody always seems to know. You throw a wink over your shoulder and Steve stands to join you, pausing mid-step when Melissa hollers his name. He turns back to find an elated grin on her face, and she calls out, “Do you know the rule?”
Steve raises one eyebrow and shakes his head, curious.
“If you wear the hat…”
“...you ride the cowboy,” you exclaim breathlessly in the back of Steve’s Silverado, your thighs burning from exertion. “Never heard that one before?”
“Nu uh,” the brunette answers rather unintelligently, the second syllable morphing into a groan when you roll your hips against his, somehow slotting his length even deeper in your heat. His hands find your love handles of their own volition, kneading the soft, warm skin there while you mouth hungrily at the sharp planes of his stubbled jaw.
He plants his feet on the floor of his truck before using his bruising grip as leverage to buck up into you, your hips kissing with every thrust as his lips find yours once more. You moan into his awaiting mouth, every coherent thought in your head disappearing, replaced by a mantra of your devilish lover’s name.
“That’s it, baby,” Steve rumbles out his praise. “Take everything I give you like a good girl.”
“Fuck yes,” you cry out, your head falling back and giving him the opportunity to run his nose down your exposed throat, a light scraping of teeth following in its wake. “Bite me,” you plead, and he’s quick to obey, sinking his teeth into the dip where your neck and shoulder meet.
Your walls tighten around his cock at the pleasurable tinge of pain, forcing Steve to let out an involuntary whimper against your skin. You pull back with a gasp, cupping his cheeks between your two smaller hands and feeling his face grow hot beneath your fingertips. “Oh my god,” you manage to get out between incessant pants every time your hips meet. “Do that again.”
“You like th-” The incredulous question dies on his lips, cut off by another soft whimper when you intentionally flex your muscles around him.
“That’s the hottest thing I’ve ever heard come out of a man’s mouth,” you declare, excited by the new discovery. “Don’t you hold back on me now.”
He doesn’t.
Spurred on by your praise and just how fucking hot it is for someone else to order him around for once, Steve allows himself to be vocal, all manner of delicious sounds escaping his kiss-bitten lips while you ride him for everything he’s worth.
“That’s it, baby,” you echo his words from earlier with a positively dangerous grin. “Take everything I give you like a good boy.”
“Fuck,” he breathes out, his cock twitching in response to your overt display of dominance. This is new for him, too, and he decides at that moment that he’s going to have to explore this side of himself more often.
“What is it, Steve?” you ask, your taunt coated by your honey-sweetened accent. “You need to cum? Need to fill this little pussy up?” An unintelligible noise works its way up from low in his throat, and he stares up at you, dumbstruck. “Is that a ‘yes’?”
Steve nods desperately, not trusting his voice to form a response in a coherent manner.
“Oh, sweet boy,” you coo, carding your fingers through his hair, slowing down the torturous twisting of your hips, your other hand teasing your clit. He holds your thighs in a vice grip, his own quaking beneath your body in an attempt to stave off his impending orgasm. Then you tuck one finger under his chin and lift his gaze to yours, and the single syllable you utter shatters the last of his resolve. “Beg.”
Hot ropes of cum paint your walls as Steve lets out a debauched groan, his head falling back against the seat of the truck while you apply steady pressure to your clit, letting yourself crest over the edge moments after him.
You give Steve some time to recover, pressing gentle kisses to his sweaty skin and running your nails along his scalp until the heaving of his chest gives way to steadier breathing. “You okay, baby?”
“That-” He stops, shaking his head and opting to capture your lips in a tender kiss instead of voicing his feelings.
“I figured after the week you had, fighting with the FBI over jurisdiction on your case, you might like to give up control,” you offer by way of explanation, sinking further into his lap to rest your head in the crook of his neck.
“Yeah, you could say that,” your boyfriend laughs, in awe of your uncanny ability to read him so easily. His fingers trail up and down your spine and you settle into his warmth with a content sigh before cheekily adding, “Didn’t think you’d like it that much, though.”
A laugh rumbles out of him again and he admits, “I knew you were a switch, but I didn’t think I was, too.”
“Surprise,” you respond, and he feels your lips turn upward in a smile against his skin. “And here you and Danny were being resistant to line dancing. I told y’all it’s fun, didn’t I?”
He hums in agreement, then adds with a self-satisfied lilt to his voice, “Kind of you to save a horse tonight, sweetheart.”
You snort in response, clambering out of his lap to fix your clothes for the ride home. Finding the discarded cowboy hat in the truck’s passenger seat, you return it to its rightful spot on your boyfriend’s head. “I’ll turn you into a country boy, yet, Steve.”
[A/N (for realsies): Don’t ask where this came from, tbh I blame WhimperTok for r u i n i n g me. And I just know this big, tough man is secretly a lil slut who wants to be Commander outside the bedroom but Commanded™️ in the bedroom, u feel me? I may have to explore this more 👀]
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loveisfriendship · 1 year
The worst Valentines day… maybe?
Author’s Note: Hey everyone.
I watched Hawaii 5-0 a while back apparantly and it was the episode with the Valentines day stories and came up with this. Found this in my drafts.
You were sitting in the car with Lou as everyone was trying to find out, how Steve got the shiner and what your part was in it.
“You’re a Seal. I mean come on. How do you get a shiner like that?” Danny argues, making Lou laugh hysterically.
They argued back and forth and soon enough Lou, then Chin and lastly Danny explain why their Valentines day was miserable.
“You know what Danny?” you ask.
“What?” he asked annoyed.
“For someone who always makes fun of Steve and me, about how unromantic we are and how we are not able to show our feelings, your stunt with Melissa is really telling a lot about you.”
Lou was suppressing a smile and looked out the window.
“Yeah, of course.” Danny grumbled and you could hear a faint laugh from Steve.
“At least I don’t have a shiner.” Danny retorts, making Steve shut up.
“Come on now, guys. We have all told our stories. Now you need to tell us all what happened.” Kono interjects. You hear Steve sigh and then hear him mumble something.
“What was that?” Danny asks, before you can.
“I said, fine. Go ahead babe.” Steve answers, giving you permission to share the story. You also sigh, knowing where this is going to go.
“Fine, we had a wonderful evening. Steve took me out in the evening, we had a really awesome dinner. We went for a wonderful and super romantic walk on the beach…” you emphasize the word romantic, for Danny to hear, making everyone chuckle over the in-ears.
“And then we got home, and Steve led me in with my eyes closed. I didn’t know what was coming next, but he positioned me and told me to keep my eyes closed.” You explain, earning curious looks from Lou.
“I hope this is a family friendly version.” Danny remarks and followed by a quiet “Ow”, when Steve hits him.
“Anyway..” you move on. Well when I was allowed to open my eyes, Steve had hid and in front of me was a nerfgun.” And as you say the word nerfgun, everyone groans.
“You’re not serious?” Lou asks and you nod your head at him.
“You two are freaks.” Danny says and Kono and Chin agree. Lou also nodding his head along.
“Moving on!” you interrupt them all “We have a nerfgun hunt around the house. It was fun and a bit childish. And as soon as Steve was out of munition, which always happens to him first, he tackles me to the couch. I head him coming though but miscalculated my shot and…. Well….” You trail off and everyone erupts in laughter.
“Wait with the munition or with the gun?” Lou asks while laughing.
“Kinda both…” you say with a high pitched voice, raising your shoulders and mustering an guilty smile.
Everybody keeps laughing and Danny just concludes with a typical: “That’s why you don’t play with guns in the house.” Which makes them all laugh harder.
But before you can continue, your suspects move and you all get back to the case. But Steve and you are sure that this topic will come up again in the evening.
Taglist: @geeksareunique @fandomoniumflurry @rahma29417 @letsstarsfalling @fairchild21 @fungk17 @woodworthti666 @honestlyoriginalthing @evyiione @everygoodusernameistaken16 @littlewhiterose @reincarnated-ghost @princess76179 @damedoctoroftardis-blog @make-yourownmemories
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teruel-a-witch · 2 years
so we know how danny has trouble falling asleep/sleeping next to his gf in s5 but easily falls asleep next to steve? what if he developed an unhealthy coping mechanism of falling asleep in steve's bed whenever they (especially steve) had a near-death experience or when he was worried about him because the sound of steve's breathing was enough to calm him down?
what if one day after his insomnia and anxiety got bad enough he just came into steve's room in the middle of the night, plopped down on the bed next to him and when steve asked him what he was doing he just said 'trying to get some sleep, what does it look like I'm doing?' and promptly fell asleep. steve could only say 'o-kay' because he noticed how exhausted danny has been lately and that was it.
from then on it becomes sort of a calming ritual for danny, they don't talk about it, don't do anything but sleep, they barely touch at all, except for a couple of times when danny puts his hand on steve's heart. steve gets that danny needed to hear the steady beat.
their holding pattern could have gone on forever except one of the times danny crawled into his bed, steve is actually dating someone. that someone is not thrilled to 'surprise' their boyfriend only to find danny in his bed in the morning. especially after steve told them he didn't want to see them the night before because he wasn't feeling up to it. 'i accepted how weirdly close you are with your best friend but I draw the line at you cuddling in bed together when he's clearly got a thing for you'.
danny feels awful and cannot meet steve's eyes 'i'm sorry i ruined things for you, i was being selfish, i'm gonna go'.
steve stops him, something is nagging at him, he realizes it's that danny hasn't denied his now ex's assumption. 'please tell me if it's true, because if it is, you are the only person i ever want in my bed. i'm not sorry i got dumped if i don't have to almost die just to get a chance to fall asleep next to you.'
danny can't resist interjecting 'as happy as i am with this turn of events, could you tone it down with almost dying please?'
'i can promise i will try anything for you, babe'.
that night danny sleeps like a pleasantly exhausted log, too happy and tuckered out to smack steve for smugly calling himself 'doctor sleep'.
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fanficwritinggirl · 1 year
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Chapter 2 - The reunion (ka hui hou ana)
The flight to California was uneventful. Grace fell asleep within the first 20 minutes and Danny just sat thinking about how crazy this all was. Last night when he went to bed he thought that today was going to be like any other day, that he was going to wake up, get the kids their breakfast, say goodbye to Grace for the day, drop Charlie off to school and head to work where he would spend the day going through paperwork. But instead he was on a flight to California because the man that he may or may not have been in love with for 10 years decided to contact him after 2 years. When it was put that way he sounded like a complete and utter idiot and he blames Steve for that. I mean you spend 10 years with crazy, you end up crazy. But at the end of the day when it came to Steve, Danny couldn't help but run to him. Love makes you crazy.
Getting off of the flight, Danny and Grace were both exhausted but they grab their bags, grab some coffee because they both needed it, they knew it was going to be a long day. They rented a car because Grace said that it would be easier and if Danny was completely honest, he was too tired to argue with her, even with the coffee. The car drive took a little longer than anticipated because of traffic but then again it also may have been because Danny was stressing out. The closer he got the more nervous he got. It was his first time seeing Steve in 2 years and this mystry of why he was calling in the middle of the night asking him to come was making it worse.
Grace could see her dads hands gripping the steering wheel tighter, so she places her hand on his knee and gives him a smile. He looks over at her and give her a gentle smile.
"I know this is going to be hard for you but i'm here" she assures him and he just gives her a small smile before turning his attention back to the road. Grace turns her attention back to her phone as she sends a text to Tani telling her that they had arrived and would be reaching the hospital soon and would call later.
Having reached the hospital, the two spend longer sitting in the car trying to gather themselves then they would both like to admit but with a squeeze of each others hands they gathered the strength to walk in. Danny didnt know what to think having walked in but he just decided to focus on finding Steve.
They walk over towards the desk with friendly smiles on their faces. "Umm hi. So we were just wondering if you had anyone named Steve McGarrett come in here with a patient. We are some family" Danny explained. The receptionist looks at for a second before giving them a sad smile. "Umm yes i know who you are asking for. Mr McGarrett asked if you could meet him in the NICU" she says passing on the information. Danny and Grace looked at each other confused. Grace turns to the receptionist,"Did you say NICU" she asks and all the receptionist just nods. Danny grabs Graces hand and pulls her along with him as he walks.
"Thank you very much" he says to the receptionist before fully turning with Grace in tow. Danny looks at the signs pointing the, in the direction towards the NICU. The walk felt like an eternity, never ending. NICU, why would Steve be in the NICU Danny kept asking himself over and over again.
They reach the NICU and stop at the glass door knowing that they couldnt go in. "What do we do now" Grace asks, turning to Danny. Danny sighs pulling out his phone.
"I'll ring the number back" he says to her hitting the call button. The phone rings and rings and ring. No answer. Danny groans shoving the phone baack into his pocket. Grace sighs before turning to the doors again and then she sees him. Uncle Steve. God he looked bad. Large, heavy bags were under his eyes. His skin was pale and he looked exhausted.
"Danno" Grace says tapping him on the shoulder and thats when Danny sees him. He stopped breathing. He had thought about this for so long. What their reunion would be like if Steve ever returned. He never thought it was going to be in a hospital. Steve lifts his head and his step falters a little bit at the sight of the two of them and then he speeds up a little bit pushing the door open and coming face to face with them.
Danny and Steve just look at each other for what seems like forever. Graces eyes flickering between the two of them. "Steve" Danny lets the name slip out of his mouth and Steve cant help but crumble, breaking down sobbing and Danny grabs him, pulling him tightly into his embrace and holding him close. "Danno I..." Steve starts and Danno shakes his head.
"Hey im here now". Grace looks at the pair not knowing how to feel. Throughout this whole thing she had been so angry at Steve for leaving her Danno. For destroying him and the Ohana that they had created. But now as she stands and looks at him she feel any anger towards him but sorrow and also it made her relise how much she missed him.
Steves eyes flicher to her and he pulls back from Danny. "Gracie" he whispers and then she flings into his arm giving him the biggest hug. She was still mad at him but for now it could wait, she needed her uncle Steve. Danny wraps his arms around the pair of them and they both comfort the distraught man. Danny thought that seeing Steve again would make everything make sense but being here made him more confused if anything.
Steve pulled back from the pair and wiped his eyes. "God i missed you two" he says looking at them. Danny nods. "We know, its good to see you too" Danny says. Steve nods as tears come to his eyes again.
"God Danno. I dont know what the hell im gonna do". Danny grabs Steves hand and pulls him over to some chairs that were sitting in a corner.
"How about we start from the beginning okay" Grace says as they sit and Steve sighs. He looks at Danny. The only thing he can focus on his Dannys thumb rubbing over the back of his hand, giving him comfort that he so badly needed to utter the next words.
"I have a daughter". The breathe is taken out of him, peices of the jigsaw came together. That's why they were in the NICU. Steve was a dad. Steve had his own kid.
"What do you mean you have a daughter... How" Grace starts and Steve just turns and looks at Danny.
"It's Catherine," he says and Danny frowns.
"Catherine. What do you mean Catherine, I didn't know you two still kept in touch." Steve lets out a sigh and looks between the two.
"We met on the plane the day that I left and we started seeing each other again. It was great for a while and then we started having some issues about where we were going with the relationship. She wanted to stay in California and I wanted to go back to Hawaii" Steve reveals and Danny can't help but feel happy. Steve wanted to come back. Steve turned with tears in his eyes.
"God Danno I wanted to come back so much. I had a ticket booked and all," Steve runs his hands over his face. "But then Catherine rang me, she was sobbing and she told me she was pregnant. And i just i couldn't leave, I just couldn't" Steve says putting his head in his hands and leaning into Danny who wrapped his arms around him. Grace places a hand on Steves back and rubs his back a little. Danny places a kiss to his hair.
"Hey, its okay. I understand" Danny tells him and Steve just shakes a little bit before moving his hands away from his face.
"I went back to help her, and she said that she didnt want us to get back together just because of the baby, so we decided that i would be best if we co-parented. Then she started getting really bad morning sickness couldnt keep anything down, not even water. The doctor said that it was HG, hyperemesis gravidarum. She was in the hospital for weeks getting hydrated to make sure she was putting on weight. And after a while it got better and she was able to go home. I thought that was the end of it, that she would be fine. But then she turned out to have pretty much everything bad that you could get with a pregnancy. Gestational diabetes, high blood pressure. God she just had everything," Steve was getting weepier by the second.
"And then she called me on night saying that she thinks that she was having contractions. She was 30 weeks. I ran over to her house and took her here. They put her in for an emergancy c-section. God i only got to see my daughter for a few seconds before she was whisked away" Steve cries and Danny looks at Grace and they both are scared to know what happened next. #
"And Catherine. How is Catherine" Grace asks him and Steve shakes his head crying.
"She's dead". Grace and Danny look at each other not knowing what to say. It had been a few years since they had seen Catherine. And even though she broke Steves heart a time or two, they still liked her and cared for her, so her death was a little hard to process.
"Steve im so sorry" Danny whispers and Steve nods.
"I know. I mean i know that we werent together anymore but i still loved her. I mean it all just happened so fast".
"What happened" Grace asked, her hand still on Steve.
"Um... Doctors said that it was an accumilation of things. But that she had a heart attack and because of all of the stress that had been on her body the past few months it just wasnt strong enough". Danny sighs.
"Hows the baby doing. You said Catherine was 30 weeks".
"The baby..." Steve smiles and looks up at Danny.
"God she is perfect. Early but perfect," Danny cant help but smile. He was happy for Steve, he remembered the day that Grace was born and it was the happiest day of his life.
"She has got a long road ahead of her though. She still isnt fully developed and is going to be in the hospital for a few months but the doctor said that she is a fighter". Danny laughs.
"Trust me. With your and Catherines genes, wouldnt doubt it". Steve smiles. For the first time that day he actually felt some what happy. Like there was hope.
"Do you want to meet her" Steve asks them and both of them grin.
"We would love too man. But isnt there a rule on how many of us can be in there". Steve nods.
"Yeah i can have one other person come in with me so" he looks between the two of them. Danny looks at Grace and nods.
"You go first".
"Really," Grace asked, shocked that Danny didnt want to meet the baby before anyone else. Danny nods and takes out his phone.
"Yeah, i have a few people to update." Grace nods and looks at Steve.
"Lets go" she says standing up and taking Steves arm. The two walk through the door and for the first time that day Danny had time to himself. Time to let himself process what was happening. God Tani and Junior were going to be shocked. Everyone back in Hawaii was. But the one thing he did know was the he was going to be there for Steve.
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isaacxlaheysxanchor · 2 years
Gif Dump 10.6.22
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camembertlythere · 9 months
Man I miss pushing daisies sm 😭😭😭
This post brought to you by Anna friel in something else I watched this morning
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k-she-rambles · 10 months
I'm five chapters into Under Heaven and I need a movie yesterday
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ficmesideways · 2 years
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Request for Anonymous Gif Source: McDanno
Imagine being Steve's girlfriend and always teasing him whenever he and Danny bicker about how they seem more like a couple than you and Steve do
-------- Imagine --------
They had been bickering and sniping at each other and when the case was finally done, bad guy caught you where all sitting around the food truck dinner table as the made up. You couldn’t help the laugh that left you when they were dne and you tried to cover it with a sip of your beer. ”Something wrong babe?” Steve asked and when you didn’t reply he waved a hand at you. “You ok?”
“Oh, yeah. Just wasn’t sure if you were talking to me or Danny.” You said smiling again and standing. “I’m going to go get y’all some beers, it’s time to celebrate the happy couple making up.” You kissed Steve cheek as you walked past to let him know you were joking and walked toward the truck.
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glisten-inthedark · 4 months
Thanks to another mcdanno shipper I was rewatching the 5x15 episode of Hawaii 5-0 and I noticed that we can see the moment Danny figures out Steve is about to throw himself in the line of fire again but this time he just looks done. And I mean done.
He looks like he doesn't have any more fight in him anymore, and you know what sucks? Is that this is right after Matt was confirmed to be dead and Steve almost died at the hands of Wo Fat. In 5x07 Danny gets to that evil lair and we can see he thinks his partner, most of his entire universe alongside his children (did he already know about Charlie? Tbh I don't remember but anywho) is dead.
So by the time we get to 5x15, he just looks done with all of it. Done with Steve acting like his life doesn't matter, like it wouldn't kill Danny to lose him, like it wouldn't be a fate worse than death.
He doesn't even tell Steve to be careful, doesn't even scream and argue with him like he normally would.
Imagine being Danny. Finding someone you connect so deeply with, having this person be part of your heart walking metaphorically out of its chest, only for that person to act like you own fucking heart doesn't matter.
By this point it's almost like Danny wants to say: You love me? If you actually love me, please love yourself more because of you die, there's no point. To anything.
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delulu-hours · 1 year
Big idiot
Paring: Steve McGarrett x Latina!Reader
Summary: You always knew that Steve was a reckless idiot. One that you couldn't help but adore; however, sometimes you don't know what to do when he tries to hid things from you.
A/N: This take place in season 1 episode 24. There is some mild use of Spanish. It's not much but I hope you guys enjoy it. Much love
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"You, my friend," Danny's voice could be heard as the front door opened. "Are an idiot. " A smile pulled at my lips as I wiped my hands on a kitchen towel.
"This again?" Steve groaned, and I bit back a small laugh. "Danno, how many times have we gone through with this? My methods are efficient."
"Efficient?" Danny exclaimed. "Please, they are crazy. "
"You boys arguing again?" I left the kitchen and saw them standing close to the door. They both looked at me as I smiled at them, amused. "What happened this time?" I titled my head to the side and placed my hands on my hips.
"Y/N," Danny pointed at Steve, "A rational person who will agree with me." Steve ignored Danny's comment as he smiled at me. A twinkle in his blue-green eyes as he took three sizable strides, closing the gap between us.
"Hey there, beautiful." His hands found their way around my waist, and he pulled me close.
"Hola, handsome." I could hear a groan from Danny as I placed a quick kiss on Steve's cheek. "Now, why is Danny calling you crazy this time?"
"He's exaggerating." Steve pulled me to his side as he turned to look at Danny. He tilted his head a bit as he gave him a look. I noticed the frown that settled on Danny's lips.
"Is he now?" I raised an eyebrow as I looked back at Steve. "Danny, why is this man an idiot?" I stepped forward and out of Steve's hold as I looked back at Danny. He looked at me with his light blue eyes before he glanced behind me at the man who reached out for me; his fingers lightly touched my arm. He quickly avoided my gaze as he looked down a bit.
"Angel," Steve called for my attention, and that was how I knew this wasn't good. Whatever his idea was, he didn't want me to know.
"Danny," I wasn't going to budge. Steve wasn't going to tell me. He would brush it off, and Danny was the only one who would tell me out of the two. "I'm not gonna ask again."
"He wants to break into the Governor's mansion." Danny's voice was quiet that I barely missed what he was saying. I stood there as I felt their gaze on me and tried to process my thoughts. Process what Danny just said. I bit the inside of my cheek as everything started to make sense.
Steve had been on the edge ever since he started to receive those envelopes. Envelopes that were filled with the evidence his father had left him. Evidence that linked to his father's death. I took a deep breath before I nodded slightly. "I-" I cleared my throat, trying to figure out what to say. Did I have the right to say anything? Steve and I had only been together for six months. "Danny, would you like some fruit?" I decided to change the topic. "I was in the process of cutting the fruit if you like some." I brushed past Steve as I went back to the kitchen. I picked up the knife and returned to cutting half the watermelon I had left. I could hear their soft voices before Danny awkwardly came into the kitchen. He picked at the fruit before he placed a kiss on the side of my head.
"I'm gonna head out," He glanced behind me, and I kept cutting the watermelon. "I gotta do something." He snatched another piece, and I shook my head.
"Here," I looked through the cabinets and pulled out a Tupperware. "Take some with you." He gave me a small smile as I filled it with the mixture of fruit I had cut. "Yo no lo necesito todo. (I don't need it all)" I had been in the craving mood for some, feeling as if the day would end well.
"Thank you," He pulled me into a hug. "You are the best." I gave him a small smile and handed him the container before going back to cutting the bit of watermelon I had left. I was a little too into my thoughts as Danny's words repeated.
"Hijo de puta, (Son of a bitch)" I hissed as I pulled a finger back in pain. The blood slowly started to form around the cut on my finger as I brought it to my mouth.
"Are you okay?" Steve rushed into the kitchen, and I nodded. He pulled my finger out as he looked at my wound before dragging me to the bathroom. "Sit tight. Let me get the first aid kit." He glanced at the wound again as I sat on the toilet seat. He opened the mirror and pulled out the small first aid kit on the lower shelf. I stayed quiet as he moved to sit on the side of the tub. He grabbed my hand and began to work on it. "This might sting a bit." He mumbled as he opened the saline solution cloth and gently wiped the wound. I winced a bit but allowed him to clean the wound. It was quiet between us as he rubbed in some Neosporin and wrapped a band-aid around it.
"Thank you," I said softly as I watched him gently rub the band-aid. He looked up at me and sighed.
"Talk to me." He hooked his finger under my chin and had me meet his gaze. His thumb touched my lower lip as he held eye contact with me. His eyes searched my face, almost begging me to talk to him. To say something. I took a deep breath before closing my eyes.
"I don't like the idea of you breaking into the Governor's," I said softly. "You're doing something dangerous, Steve." I opened my eyes as I began to think of all the possible outcomes of his doing this. None of it went well.
"I have to do this." He cupped my cheeks, and I leaned into his touch. "Something is not right here, and I must find out." I couldn't help but frown as I placed my hands over his.
"I understand that amor," I bit my lower lip. "I understand that you need answers, pero why did you try to hide it from me?"
"To protect you." He answered back as he placed a soft kiss on my lips. "I didn't want you to worry about me, and I didn't want you to be in danger." He moved and placed a kiss on my forehead.
"Eres un idiota. (You're an idiot)" I pulled away from his touch. "You can't keep hiding things from me." I tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. "If this relationship is going to work, I need you to be honest with me. I understand that there are things you won't always be able to tell me, but I need to know what you can." I held his hands in mine as I looked down at them. "I can handle myself, but what will you do when I chase after you because you didn't tell me what you were doing?" The corner of his lips tugged downwards.
"I'm sorry." He held my hands tightly before he brought them up to his lips. He placed a kiss on the back of my knuckles. "You're right. No more secrets." He promised with another kiss on the back of my hand.
"You do what you have to do," I moved to cup his cheeks. "I will be here waiting for you to come back to me. That's all I ask for is that you return to me no matter where you go or what you do."
"I can do that." He flashed me a smile, which I returned with one of my own. " I will always do everything I can to return to you."
"Good." I moved forward and kissed him. His smile grew against my lips, and he pulled me into his lap. A laugh left his lips as I let out a slight surprised noise. "Steve!" I lightly smacked his shoulder before shaking my head at him. His beautiful ocean-blue eyes gleamed with contentment as the green specks seemed to glow a little more. He held me tightly by my waist as he looked up at me. I moved my arms around his shoulders and ran my fingers through his neck.
"You look beautiful today." His fingers moved up my shirt, touching the slightly exposed skin.
"Don't even think about it, buddy." I patted his shoulder as I pushed myself off his lap. "You're not gonna get that lucky today." He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head to the side as if this was a challenge for him. I shook my head and moved away from his touch, which caused him to stand up. "Steve, I'm serious." I pointed a finger at him and took a step back. He gave me that smile as if he wouldn't take me seriously. "Please," I gave him a slight pout, "I prepared some food so we could enjoy it."
"Only because you asked so nicely." He raised his hand as if he was giving to my demands. I smiled as I held his hand out to him.
"I had a huge craving for something fruity," He took my hand as I pulled him with me to the kitchen. "And I think I might have gone too overboard on the shopping." I could hear the small laugh he let lose from his nose as he took in the fruit I had yet to cut.
"Little?" He raised an eyebrow. I smiled as I bit my lip and plopped a mango into my mouth. I shrugged and held a melon up to his lips. He didn't fight it as he opened his mouth and took the piece. He let out a slight hum as he nodded.
"Good, right?" He reached for another piece. He mumbled as he shoved the other piece in his mouth. "So worth it then." I took a strawberry and bit into it; a small moan left my lips as the sweetness of the strawberry filled my tastebuds. Steve pulled me into a kiss, and I didn't fight him as I moved my arms around his neck. I pushed myself up on my tippy toes and leaned into him. I hummed into the kiss as I felt his tongue touch mine as he deepened the kiss. He pulled back and smiled as I clung to him.
"Definitely worth it." He winked at me. I bit my lip and shook my head as I pushed him away.
"You're a big idiot." I plopped the rest of the strawberry in my mouth.
"Your big idiot." He took another fruit.
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I broke
40 days
That's how many days left until season 7 premiere of 9-1-1. Just 40 days until my blorbos come back from war.
And I couldn't hold out
We're at least 2 years away from season 3 of Good Omens and probably 9 months away from season 3 of Heartstopper. Yes I am doing splendidly thanks for asking.
I couldn't take it anymore and started a new show, my brain need a new hyperfixation
Like an idiot, I chose Hawaii 5-0 because what could be better than a 10 season show ?
I'm 10 minutes into the first episode and already I'm putting clown makeup on 🤡. I swear I cannot get my brain to quit shoving dudes together. I seriously think I'm just lowkey delusional at this point
It's honestly so embarrassing of me but also they are gay. Gay
Sorry, nothing could get you to stay to run this operation ? Not even a task force to find the man who killed your father ? Not free reign over EVERYTHING ? PASS ?
But a hot hunk of man point a gun at you and suddenly you're interested ? Something (someone) changed your mind ? Gay
Oh what's that ? He's blond and buff and competent ? Oh he's witty ? Oh he's also bratty and you want to push him against a couple different surfaces ? Gay
Oh you feel like he can step to you and he's not interested in buttering you up or listening to you but obviously still respect you? Gay
Oh he had your back and saved your life ?
And as the petty ass man you are you "appointed" him your "partner" ?
Shameful Mr.Mcgarret
But also I woulda done the same
Now if I had a nickle for every show a hard, jaded brown hair brown eyes soldier was suddenly captivated by a blond bimbo (affectionate), I'd have two nickles (scratch that 4, forgot about GO and OFMD), which isn't a lot but it's strange that it's happened twice.
Anyway, imagine how unsurprised I was when I curiously looked on Tumblr to see if the two dudes from 5-0 was a hot item and saw this tag with thousands of people :)))
I guess this is my humble request for the McDanno fanbase to accept me as one of their own.
I promise to bring much delusion
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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goodnightmemes · 1 year
❛ The only thing you should ever say to the police is, "I want my lawyer." That's why I put it on the cookie. ❜
❛ Before you go, you should take some Hawaii 5-0 punch. It's just regular Hawaiian punch, but I gave it a snazzier name. ❜
❛ I might have to break up with him. Unless I get lucky and he just disappears. ❜
❛ I don't want to talk about the future, anyways. I'm all about living in the moment. ❜
❛ You're, like, holding on to me or whatever. That's, like, haunting 101. ❜
❛ I had to cut back the rations again. There's not much left. ❜
❛ The thought of you with someone else always scared me. But it also turned me on. ❜
❛ I'll make a solid kidnapper out of you yet. ❜
❛ There's no such thing as false hope. There's just hope. ❜
❛ I'm not scared of you. I'm never gonna be scared of you. ❜
❛ This is how you're choosing to say "I love you," for the first time? ❜
❛ You weren't the only smart one. You just liked to think you were. ❜
❛ What if my only way of dealing is to numb myself into oblivion? ❜
❛ They're too focused on their own shit to even notice that I'm gone. ❜
❛ Well...you're not a picture of normalcy yourself. ❜
❛ I can feel your heart beating. ❜
❛ Everyone has their role. ❜
❛ Stop reliving this! You're in the vise grip of your trauma. ❜
❛ Every time that you try to save someone, a lot of bad shit happens. ❜
❛ Serial killers love puzzles. It's a documented fact. ❜
❛ For fuck's sake, shut up! Don't you see how much damage you are doing? ❜
❛ I don't even know where you end and I begin. ❜
❛ Believe me, if I could relax about anything ever, I promise you, I would. ❜
❛ As I'm sure you can imagine, emotions can run high in a place like this. ❜
❛ You never know when you might need to leave the country sans passport. ❜
❛ It made me feel like...I didn't know what was going to happen. And I liked that. ❜
❛ You can't blame yourself. We all did it together. ❜
❛ Dude, I don't even remember what socks I put on today. ❜
❛ I guess I'd kind of do anything to see him again, you know? ❜
❛ Moving in with you means everything in my life changes. ❜
❛ I think shit is gonna get a lot worse out here. ❜
❛ Thing is...it's one thing to point a gun at a person. It's another thing to use it. ❜
❛ There's a look people get when they realize they're going to die. It's that one. ❜
❛ My hand wasn't shaking because I was afraid. It was shaking because of how badly I wanted to do this. ❜
❛ I'm gonna live how I want to. How I know I'm meant to. And I'm gonna be the person that I know I am. ❜
❛ They're all lucky to have you. It's pretty rare to have a friend who's relentlessly got your back. ❜
❛ In small towns, everyone knows who and where the weirdos are. ❜
❛ I don't normally hitchhike and...look like this. ❜
❛ I know that you're depressed. I know that you can't see it, but I can always tell. ❜
❛ Yes, I am still depressed because it's kind of a forever thing, but I'm doing real work. ❜
❛ And I swear to God, if you lie to me again…I am so fucking over secrets. Like, I can't. ❜
❛ Oh, my fucking God. So, you… you killed a person? ❜
❛ Maybe one day I can talk to you about it, but for now, can that just be enough? ❜
❛ I don't understand why you won't see what's right in front of you. ❜
❛ I'm sorry I disappointed you. I love you even when you try to control me. But I'm okay now! ❜
❛ I think we need to get you out of here. ❜
❛ But I just got here. I don't - I don't want to leave you. ❜
❛ As parents, it's part of our job. We have to protect her, we have to shield her from making the same shitty mistakes we made. To throw our fucking bodies in front of her if that's what we have to do. ❜
❛ No, you can't deny this anymore. There is something deep inside of you that is connected to all of this. ❜
❛ So, you gonna tell me why you're here, or are we just gonna pretend this isn't super weird? ❜
❛ I'm doing a fucking thing here. I don't need you getting in my way. ❜
❛ If I happen to mention sacrificing anything on an altar, well, just ignore that part, okay? Thanks. ❜
❛ Do you get how lucky we are? Some people never find someone they trust enough to share their deepest secrets. ❜
❛ You think I'm capable of murder? ❜
❛ You're charming and impulsive, which are traits of most serial killers. Only, you pull it off. ❜
❛ Look, all I'm trying to say is, I like you regardless of your extracurricular activities. ❜
❛ That's medication for me to mind my own business. You should take two. ❜
❛ Maybe you don't have to be dying to have regrets. ❜
❛ I'm mixing my pop culture metaphors 'cause I'm fucking upset! ❜
❛ I can't ask you for your help 'cause I don't want to hurt any more of the people I love. ❜
❛ You should know better than anyone we can't define a person based on their past. ❜
❛ I don't need your fucking prayers, I need you to have my back. ❜
❛ We weren't alone out there. ❜
❛ You should get the hell away from me. I'm poison. I ruin people. ❜
❛ We did so much fucked up shit out there. And, yeah, maybe it was to survive. Maybe. But I don't think we deserved to. ❜
❛ Women have been having babies for millions of years. You're gonna be fine. ❜
❛ The wilderness recognizes your sacrifice. And so do I. ❜
❛ The power of that place. The god of that place. We did terrible things in Its name. ❜
❛ It's all your fault. There's just something wrong with you. You always do this. ❜
❛ Aren't you probably the last person who should be giving me legal advice right now? ❜
❛ I know I have no right to ask you this, but truly, what is going on with you? ❜
❛ I just want to know you haven't given up on love. ❜
❛ Maybe I have given up on love. But don't flatter yourself. It's not because of you. ❜
❛ You know I don't deserve your friendship, right? I just hurt people. ❜
❛ Suffering is inevitable. And only by meeting it with compassion can we truly begin to grow. ❜
❛ I never even wanted to be a mom. ❜
❛ I did not start out a bad person. But in case you haven't noticed, life doesn't tend to turn out the way you think it will. ❜
❛ Oh, no. What happened? Fuck, are we going to jail? ❜
❛ It's you and me against the whole world. ❜
❛ You lost a lot of blood and you were unconscious. We thought we lost you. ❜
❛ I kept surviving all this shit that should've killed me, and I just...I figured it meant something. You know, like maybe it meant that I had some kind of purpose in all of this, but, uh...Yeah. I'm not fucking seeing it. ❜
❛ I need to know why the fuck I'm still here. ❜
❛ Shouldn't you be in therapy? ❜
❛ I'm not like you, okay? I don't think of killing as a joke. ❜
❛ I really am very grateful that your hobby seems to be figuring out how to be the perfect serial killer. ❜
❛ I've always kept my daughter at arm's length. I think just out of fear that she would...die, I guess. Or maybe that she was never even real to begin with. ❜
❛ I can't have another death on my hands. ❜
❛ I can't wait for you. I don't have that kind of time. ❜
❛ Tell me, is there anything of value in this life that doesn't come with risk? ❜
❛ Does a hunt that has no violence feed anyone? ❜
❛ What, do you want to casually reminisce about our time in fucking oblivion? ❜
❛ Well, if I'm repressing things I don't know about, I am very okay with never figuring it out. ❜
❛ I know there's a lot of pain. You need to let it out. ❜
❛ I don't understand. You measured the grave to the standard six feet? ❜
❛ You're lying to me. And I want to know why. ❜
❛ Maybe [name] dying wouldn't be the worst thing. ❜
❛ When they get a whiff of how much of a liar your mom is, they'll realize that the ❜ psychopath apple doesn't fall far from the fucked-up, man-eating tree. ❜
❛ So, this is what you've all been doing with your lives? Chasing blackmailers and murdering lovers? ❜
❛ I think we can agree that it's in everyone's best interest that [name] is gone. ❜
❛ If I die, don't waste my body. Promise me. ❜
❛ I thought you loved all of me, like I love all of you. ❜
❛ We put ourselves in danger for you. You've been using us! ❜
❛ I've been trying to fix...No. I have been telling myself that I've been trying to fix things and make the problems go away, but the truth is, I've just been doing stuff that makes it worse. ❜
❛ We're all pretty messed up. It's time we finally fucking talk about it. ❜
❛ This isn't something that therapies can fix. ❜
❛ I think that you might be taking this whole, like, cult leader persona thing... a tad far. ❜
❛ I never meant... I didn't want this. ❜
❛ You started this. It's done. And it's going to save all of our lives. ❜
❛ I appreciate you trying to teach me...forgiveness. It's a nice idea. ❜
❛ I let him die in my place. It was supposed to be me. ❜
❛ You're a good person. You really don't belong in this place. ❜
❛ I'm not ashamed. I'm glad I'm alive. And I don't think that any of us who are still here should feel ashamed of that. Ever. ❜
❛ That was a beautiful false confession. I could see it came out of real love. ❜
❛ You want to help me move this body? ❜
❛ It's up to you. You can submit. Or you can run. ❜
❛ You know there's no "it," right? It was just us. ❜
❛ I never wanted to be in charge. ❜
❛ No. I'm not supposed to be here. ❜
❛ This is exactly where we belong. We've been here for years. ❜
❛ It's not evil. Just hungry. Like us. ❜
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