#Having big life evolving thoughts in the middle of the night
bloggingismyagression · 4 months
oh how id love yo live in a supportive supportive household But y’know one day
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art · 5 months
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Creator Spotlight: @themetalhiro
Hi, I’m Metal! I’m a freelance artist from good ol’ New Jersey. My favorite things to work with are a lot of bright colors, exaggerated poses, and candid scenarios. I try to farm sensible chuckles whenever I can, so I’m also big into comics. I love making them about my life, and the media I’m into, and one day I’d like to publish my own series!  Thank you to everyone who has gotten me this far!!
Check out Metal's interview below!
Did you originally have a background in art? If not, how did you start?
I guess so! It’s funny, I don’t remember a single time in my life that I wasn’t drawing as a hobby… somewhere in middle school (a little late, I know.) I put the pieces together that animated movies were made by artists, and that it wasn’t just for fun, they were paid to do it. The moment I discovered people could be paid to make art, I decided I would do that, too. Now I’m here!
How has your style developed over the years?
I think the best way to answer this would be with an example! Over the last few years, I have made more of an effort to draw more intentionally, which sounds silly. Now, I put more thought into my poses and step out of my comfort zone with shape language and composition. I had a phase where I drew everyone with a huge, perfectly circular head and no nose. That definitely did not lend much variety...
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Which 3 famous artists (dead or alive) would you invite to your dinner party?
Ack! I’m so terrible at history! I’d love to give a well-thought-out answer about fine artists of old, but I don't think we’d have much in common… Most artists I admire and who have driven me forward creatively are the people behind comics I’ve read. Andrew Hussie, Bryan Lee O’Malley, Eiichiro Oda... these guys have inspired me greatly and had a heavy influence in developing my art style and sense of humor. I’d love to ask them questions about their processes and upcoming projects. I think it would make for an entertaining night!
Over the years as an artist, what were your biggest inspirations behind your creativity?
Outside of pure aesthetics like searing bright colors, layered clothing, and loud noises…. the best and most inspiring moments in my life were those surrounded by friends and loved ones! I cherish the hell out of memories of hanging around in fun locations, trying weird food together, and impromptu midnight walks... so I try my best to capture that atmosphere and my own memories in my work when I can, even if I’m imposing fictional characters on top of them. That’s always the core of it.
What is a medium that you have always been intrigued by but would never use yourself?
I would never permanently refuse a medium, but every time I pick up clay, I’m like a baby using its hands for the first time. Absolutely dreadful. If one day I could make and paint a figurine like the ones I admire in videos, that would be awesome... But for now, I’m not counting on it.
How do you want to evolve as a creator?
I’ve had an absolute blast drawing fanart over the years, and it’s certainly played a massive role in my growth as an artist. But my dream has always been to publish my own stories for y'all to enjoy! I have lots of worlds I want to introduce to you before I’m old and gray. I want to get faster, work harder, and get better at drawing interesting settings so I can get the wheels turning as soon as possible. I also want to stop avoiding the color blue like a coward.
What do you wish you knew when you first started out creating art that you know now?
Pay your taxes quarterly. Tablets will break at the exact moment you need them most, so have a spare. Wear your blue light glasses. You’re going to need to wear a brace on every joint on the right side of your body. It can be lonely sitting at your desk all day. The car on the side of the road that costs $1000 cash….. don’t trust it!!!
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Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
@cranity—They use absolutely beautiful colors and weighty line work. Everything looks so sharp and clean! I wanna put it all up on my wall!
@vewn—Their ability to crank out quality short films and illustrations packed with detail is incredible. The off-kilter perspective they use really sells disorientation and catches your attention like nothing else.
@nelnal—They have absolutely banger character designs again and again, I can’t believe one person’s mind can come up with so many creative ideas!
@jinx88kc—They have a beautiful and recognizable style, and the way they incorporate animation into their illustrations sometimes is SO cool!
Thanks for stopping by, Metal! For more of Metal’s work, follow their Tumblr, @themetalhiro! If you haven't seen their Meet the Artist piece, be sure to check it out here!
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DÉPAYSEMENT // drabble.
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Mini drabble of how the reader's life was before she ended up back in the past! chapter seven will be out on Saturday!
You looked at the clock and it read 3AM, you yawn before closing your laptop, turning off the your phone and closing all the books and notes, before arraging them properly and going to lay on your bed, sleeping hitting you immediately since the day was extremely exhausting.
They gave you a lot of work, understanding the concepts in physics took a lot of work and imagination, it isn't simple at all, and with it accompanied the many numericals you spent past 2 hours solving, practicing and revising.
When a normal person is asked to describe what motion is, they would reply with "oh when something is moving" which isn't wrong but in physics you had to be exactly precise.
"The change of position of an object with respect to time"
Yeah you had no idea why you took up this subject.
You woke up at 6AM, it was a weekend, you had nothing planned so you decided to sleep some more and woke up later at 11AM and got of your bed, making yourself a quick breakfast before going to shower.
You sat down at your desk again, with many post-it notes attached to the wall, and you looked at your notes from the night and chuckled at how messy they looked, before revising them, re doing all the sums you got wrong, you were done with physics and moved on to chemistry and biology.
You had no idea why you decided to take subjects that absolutely had no relation combined together, unless it was a pair. But here you were suffering the consequences.
The entire day was spent studying at your desk, getting up to do other chores inbetween, eating lunch, dinner before you decided you didn't want to pull all nighter again so you slept early.
You planned to go to a museum tomorrow, since it was nearby and you wanted to take your mind off of studying so much, you know it was getting to you when you started dreaming about those physics formulas.
You woke up and it was a Sunday, you quickly got ready and drove to the musuem nearby, it was a 15 minute drive, you parked your car in the underground parking slots before going up, it was big museum, that held everything, the prominent historical pieces of Westeros. It came no surprise to you that it was owened by Targaryens, most of the history was their legacy after all.
You walked inside and took in all the pieces, the statues which were crafted, all the paintings, the jewelry, the weapons, the armor of the time, and you were extremely fascinated with each and everything.
Then you came across the iconic green dress which alicent hightower wore when she silently delcared war, and next to it was rhaenyra's black gown and dragon riding gear. You imagined how funny it is, to have something you wore be put in a museum hundered of years later, your eyes drifted to the next piece to them, the many wine collection cups of Aegon II Targaryen, and the Conqerors crown and the outfit he was coronated in it.
You remember learning about them in highschool, such a tragedy the dance of dragons was which set off the extinction of dragons, who didn't fully go extinct, but rather evolved into smaller beings.
And then your breath hitched in your throat when you spotted a sapphire, placed in the middle of a red cushion, with glass protecting it and you looked at it with awe, you smiled and thought how beautiful it was and then your eye drifted to the painting of the person who owned the sapphire.
Aemond Targaryen, The One-eyed prince, The Kinslayer.
You were caught in a daze like state as you stared at the painting of his, his eye boring in your soul, as if he was able to see you too, the detail of his iris and the sapphire in the art, his accentuated jawline, everything.
You didn't even noticed it but you felt a tear slip down your cheek for an odd reason, which you quickly wiped away, you had gotten something in your eye, a dust speck.
You looked at the clothing which was displayed, it was his riding gear, all black and leather.
And then your eyes trailed off to the painting next to him, your breath caught in your throat as you looked at it.
The depiction of the battle above God's eye.
"So beautiful." You admired the art and the details, how Daemon Targaryen seemed to be jumping from his mount, Aiming his black sister sword at Aemond Targaryen before inevitably shoving it into his goodeye before they both fell into the water.
You didn't know how you felt about it.
The art was beautiful, yes, but for an odd reason, you felt as if you were watching someone you loved dearly die in front of you.
You quickly shrugged off the feeling before moving on and looking at other pieces.
You couldn't avoid the feeling of doom gnawing at your stomach, when you looked at his painting again, your chest tightening before your eyes landed on the sapphire. Eyes darting back and forth as you tried to control your breathing.
It was off-putting.
And so you decided to leave the museum, unable to avoid the feeling of anxiety you felt, as you drove back home. You probably that it was because you had a test tomorrow, and you convinced yourself that was exactly the reason.
When you got home, a small ping alerted you.
A notification.
A text from your classmate.
C1: “They are conducting a time travel experiment next weekend, anyone interested in joining?”
C2: “meh, not really, it has failed so many times before, literally a waste of time.”
You felt delighted at the thought, you knew time travel was impossible but you know you would learn a lot of things if you part took in the experiment, you'd be able to understand the concept of time, if it is ever possible to bend it, you remember Einstein saying that time travel was indeed possible, but only in one direction, which is moving forward, his famous formula confirms it, but going behind? backward? would it even be possible? Of course not! The idea was so silly to you.
You didn't want to pass up an opportunity of learning so with shaky hands, you typed in the message.
“I'm in.”
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brighteststar707 · 9 months
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Request for the blogiversary event for @princessjung!
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Naturally Gravitating Closer Together
✦ GE Saeran x Fem!MC
✦ Words: 784
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It is a fact well-known amongst the members of the RFA that if you are looking for Saeran, you will always find his love close by. It started as a joke, but it has proven true more often than not.  
From the outside, they resemble two magnets, always drawn back to each other when pulled apart. It started out as a genuine fear of losing each other when they were dealing with his father and all the dangers surrounding them. Even when things looked dire, they had each other, and being close was a way to reassure themselves of each other’s safety.
At least they could hold on to each other when everything else was hanging in the balance.
It has since evolved into being about the simple comfort they can provide each other. They might not be in danger anymore (even though that fear is taking some time to unlearn), but they still feel a need to be close to each other. Put them in a room – an RFA meeting, for example – and even if they start on opposite sides of the room, they will subconsciously drift back towards each other and meet again in the middle.
It’s something the RFA like to tease them about, but even they can’t deny the happiness radiating from the two of them. It’s almost contagious. 
From Saeran's perspective, they feel more like two puzzle pieces, incomplete unless they are together. Sure, they can function by themselves, but the absence of the other will always be in the back of their minds, an unpleasant emptiness that can only be filled by the presence of their love. 
So, they are always together – or on their way to each other.
This was true the first time they met, when the RFA found the two of them sitting together, holding hands. They didn’t once leave each other’s side as they introduced themselves officially.  
This was true throughout the hunt for Saeyoung, when there was a table in the surveillance room at C&R that was theirs in all but name (often claimed by their set of matching mugs and stack of papers). For hours they’d sit there and pore over the information they were receiving and discussing different courses of action, shuffling closer every hour until they were touching. At the end of each day, the chairs would always end up together on one side of the table.
This was true even after they rescued Saeyoung, when they were making efforts to leave the past behind them and move forward into a life that they could shape for themselves. Even though their new home had enough rooms for them all to have their own spaces, they were rarely apart.
If Saeran was cooking something, it wouldn’t take long for her to appear by his side, offering to help and sneaking little bites of the dishes he was making. On movie nights, despite the sofa being big enough for them both to stretch out on, they always end up tucked up against each other (and often asleep under their pile of blankets). Even out in the garden, they could be found working together and admiring the fruits of their labour.
It’s subtle, but when they are apart, they still look for each other. Whether it’s reaching for each other out of habit and grasping empty air or subconsciously looking for them in a crowd.
Saeran can read her like a book. He thinks it’s cute when she tries to be subtle and hide her thoughts, but he can tell what she’s thinking from just the look on her face. They have developed a language of their own, love expressed through reassuring touches to remind them that they are not alone.
All it takes is a glance that asks are you alright? And her squeezing his hand to say I’m okay.
There is comfort in being able to understand each other so well. He knows her tells, just as she knows his. The little signs she gives when she's uncomfortable or struggling. He wastes no time getting to her when he notices that she's upset and wraps her in his arms. He may not be able to solve all her problems for her, much as he wishes he could. But she nestles against his chest and in some ways it's enough to have each other to hold on to.
In the good times and in the bad. There is one thing they can trust, and it's that where one goes, the other won't be far behind.
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w3r3theli0nshunt · 3 months
Intertwined Destinies
Simon ‘ghost’ Riley x Noora (fem!reader)
Part IIIIIII (7): Matter of time
Summary: You, Eleonoora Lintu, born in Finland were forced to be taken away due to the war. However, you thought your life would be miserable and full of despair until a military man gets full custody of you and you meet your childhood sweetheart, Simon Riley. You two become best friends, both of you living a miserable life. That is until you get taken away by Finnish soldiers, separating you and your best friend. It’s been over 20 years until the two of you meet again. Now being adults, you have much more than friendship in mind
Cw! Blood, mild violence, cruelty, pregnancy, mentions of su!cide, reader is called Noora, happy ending :)
It’s been a week since Leo died. It’s been a long week filled with different kinds of emotions that were bottled up then spit out until they became unbearable. You still don’t understand that Leo’s no more and that he’ll never return, you never expected to feel this empty, to miss him like crazy and that it all hurt all the same. And you don’t know how many sleepless nights have gone while you couldn’t stop thinking of the different kind of outcomes. What if you never rejected Leo, would he still be alive now? If you rushed to him and grabbed him before he could make the jump. It all echoed in your mind and bounced between your conscious and well being. This was changing you, but only for a while.
Simon had been with you through it all. Through the pain and grief, holding you close to him whenever you broke down, making love passionately in the middle of the night and cuddling you all throughout. It’s been comforting, it’s been healing for you. You’re slowly forgetting the immense loss and despair, for it to evolve into all but a bad memory and a heartbreak. Simon made sure to remind you that it wasn’t your fault and that you shouldn’t blame yourself for it, which you finally believed in after a while, when you had moved on.
Simon nagged at you for share his apartment when you were off duty with him as yours were in Finland, making you sort of homeless. You agreed with him, and Simon couldn’t help but let a genuine smile flicker across his face as he was excited to share his apartment with you, living far away from base and danger. Just living like civilians for once, for a very few occasions.
When you first entered his apartment, you stared in shock by how clean and perfectly organised was. And the fact that it felt really homely and cosy was not what you expected from Simon. Simon couldn’t wait for a second before he carried you towards the bed, engaging in sex with you with you happily obliged to. The sheets were sticking to the both yous bodies with the sweat as glue. You felt Simon’s huge arms holding you tight against him and you could hear him snore into your scalp, which made you giggle silently before shutting your eyes to succumb to sleep.
Simon had woken up before you, gently removing his arms from you, giving you a kiss on the temple before he got dressed. He made breakfast and ate, saving the leftovers for you to eat when you would wake up, he wrote a note that said that he was in town for groceries and would be back soon and put it right on the counter, putting a tissue holder behind it to angle it up towards the bedroom. Then he grabbed his car keys and drove into town.
He had gotten the groceries before he passed a jewellery shop, which caused him to abruptly stop in the middle of the trottoir, staring at the shop window. Simon walked into the shop after he had left the grocery bags in the car to give him free hands. He gazed around the shop before spotting the engagement ring section which really set him in a stupor. Simon wanted to marry you and build a family with you, he loved you so much it almost ached - in a good way. He pictured you in a beautiful wedding dress, walking down the aisle to him with a big smile that he returned. Then the priest naming you husband and wife, that would be the best line in his whole world. Getting to call you his wife and wearing matching rings that indicated that you were married to Simon, and that you’re his and he’s yours. Oh gosh, how he ached to be married to you while you’re carrying his child.
Even if children were a painful reminder of his nephew ,Joseph, his dead brother’s son, he wanted one. He wanted to breed a child with you, he wondered which features of the two of you your child would get. But the thought of you carrying his child made his heart swell with both happiness and longing, longing to hold a child again. But also the thought of your breasts swelling with milk made him shamelessly harden right in the jewellery shop. Simon pictured him caressing your pregnant belly while lying in bed, when he’s playing with your child and hearing the laughter from it, when you take family pictures together and how the child’s room would look, how it would be decorated. If it would be decorated with unicorns or dinosaurs, pink or blue, dollhouses or cars. It was only when the shopkeeper patted him on the shoulder, he was pulled out of the stupor and into the reality. The reality of you neither being married or have a child.
Meanwhile, you woke up. You sensed the cold sheets beside you that were usually warmed by Simon, you felt a little tense knowing he wasn’t beside you. But you couldn’t think when you suddenly felt ill and nauseous. Your throat tightened uncomfortably and your stomach rumbled like crazy, you hurriedly towards the toilet. Pulling up the seats, before puking into the toilet bowl. Your knees were sore by sitting there for about ten minutes while you were puking a lot. When the nausea had quieted down a bit, you flushed the toilet and slammed it shut before making your way into the kitchen. You read the note on the counter with a sigh of relief, but it didn’t stop the worrying about your sudden nausea.
You ate the leftovers that Simon had left for you, surprising you with his excellent cooking skills -even though it was just a toast with scrambled eggs and bacon on the side. You heard the door click and you’re met with Simon’s huge figure with grocery bags taking up his hands. Simon placed them on the kitchen counter before pulling you into a long, gentle kiss.
“Good morning, Simon. You’re out early” You teased while taking the last bite of the toast.
“Just felt it was time to fill up the fridge” Simon said as he began unpacking the groceries.
“What’s that?” You said curiously while pointing at a red velvet box that were half visible as it was placed behind a grocery bag. Simon quickly grabbed it and stuffed it in his pocket.
“Just trash……I forgot to throw” Simon said defensively. He seemed a little tense than usual, you thought to yourself.
You just shrugged it off and cleaned of the dishes and placing them back into the cabinets. You felt the nausea coming back again, you carefully placed the plate back in the cabinet. You put your hand above your mouth and gagged. Simon looked worried as he stopped unpacking the groceries to focus on you.
“What’s wrong?…..love?” Simon asked, the worry being obvious.
But before you could answer, you hurried back into the bathroom to puke into the toilet bowl again and Simon ran after you. He held your hair while you threw up and offered some affirmations in order to soothe you of your anxious.
“Have you gotten sick?” Simon asked while looking puzzled.
“No, I don’t think so. It’s been like this since I woke up” You panted before going through another round of puking.
Simon questioned himself and tried to put the pieces together. It couldn’t be a flu or an infection. Confused and desperate, Simon pulled out his phone with one hand while the other continued to hold onto your hair. He called his mate that worked in the infirmary at base, searching for the answers there.
“This is Ghost. I need your help, mate. It’s about Noora, she’s sick”
“Hey, ghost. Could you maybe explain what’s wrong with her so I can paint a picture?”
“She’s vomiting nonstop and she said she feels very nauseous. Is this a flu or some other contagious shit?”
“Hmmm, when did she last have her period?”
“What? How am I supposed-“ Simon shifted to you.
“Noora, when did you last have your period?”
“It’s been two months since I’ve got it” You said after doing some thinking.
“Two months” Simon repeated.
“Anything else wrong?”
Simon repeated the nurse’s question to you and you had to think thoroughly again which was impossible, because of the nausea and the brutal fatigue that fogged your mind.
“I’m not sure….I keep getting heartburn and my skin itches sometimes” You said which Simon repeated.
“Let me talk with my colleagues and I’ll call you back soon. They are more of an expert than I am and I’m sure they can clarify my suspicions”
“Suspicions?” Simon repeated in confusion.
“Well, to me, these are symptoms of pregnancy, but I’ll need my colleagues to clarify if I’m correct”
As soon as those words entered his ear and got processed by his brain, a huge smile popped up on his face. His heart started beating in a rapid pace, his heart was beating with hope. If he was lucky, then one of his dreams were about to come true. But he was trying not to get his hopes up high yet, but he kept on praying and hoping that you were carrying his child. And as soon as he hung up on the nurse, he was impatient. Seconds felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours and hours felt like days.
And as soon as the ring signal went off, Simon rushed to pick up, which gave him more adrenaline than the battlefield.
“Congratulations, Simon, you’re going to be a dad”
Simon couldn’t believe those words. It all felt untrue, it all felt like a dream and his smile was close to cracking his face open. He was going to be a dad, he was going to have a child with you, the person he loved more than anything, even his military life. But he bought a pregnancy test just to be sure that he’s not being met with false hope. And when the test came out positive, he couldn’t help but hug you and kiss you to death. He couldn’t help himself, since the happiness took its tolls on him and made him out of control. But Simon was also scared. Scared that he’ll fuck up like his father did, scared that he’ll be a bad dad. The feeling of both uncertainty and undeniable happiness was suffocating him, more than he’d like. But he was going to keep it cool, for your sake.
You were also happy. You’re carrying the child of the person you loved the most in the whole world. And every time you and Simon bought gender neutral baby clothes, you couldn’t help but shed smiles in adoration to the small baby clothes. Simon struggled with building the baby crib and he cursed out of frustration which you giggled to. You went to ultra sound and saw the little baby that was forming inside of your stomach, you and Simon cried happy tears staring at the screen while held your hand. The bump on your stomach grew bigger and bigger and Simon loved placing his ears against your stomach to feel the small kicks from your belly. He even gave kisses to the stomach while talking to the child inside and you giggling.
When the child was big enough to determine which gender it is, you found out that you and Simon were having a baby boy. You and Simon were discussing names, he wanted to name your child ‘Alex’ while you wanted to name him ‘Joel’ it was a huge dilemma but you two settled for ‘Joel’ at last.
You were eight months pregnant, until you got called back to base by Price. The mission was reaching its end and there was one last move needed so he gathered all of the people. You were anxious about going back to the military while being highly pregnant, so was Simon. But you were going to put up with it anyways. Simon promised to retire from the military after the mission, allowing you two living a safe and civilian life, and being able to raise your baby.
The mission was going smoothly, than any of you thought. Despite being in love and pregnant, you still had that fire in you. The fire that yet burned strong, the sisu in you. You were going to fight, for your unborn child and beloved Simon. You finally saw sense when your mom had told you while you were in a coma to let people in and that love is what makes you stronger. Damn right, she was right. You felt a different kind of strength in you. You were now fighting for love and your future, instead of blood and destruction. The ice cold shell that were once burying your heart, had melted and drained away, now your heart was breathing and beating freely as it pleased.
You could finally breathe out in relief and relax your tensed muscles as the mission finally ended in success. The whole base noticed your large bump that was the proof of your pregnancy. They all congratulated you and Simon. Soap and Gaz loved talking to the bump and feel as unborn Joel kicked against their hands, making them laugh out.
“He got the same fire in his belly as his momma” Soap laughed as you did the same.
You entered the captain’s office with Simon to confirm your retirement and he instantly reacted to the large bump on your stomach as he stood up from his chair. But you recognised the captain a bit, now that you weren’t lying to yourself anymore. You took a good look at every inch of his features. It was David’s, your dad, your first ever dad. You teared up.
“Me and my girl wants to retire from the military, I’m sure you can see why” Simon said while caressing your large bump.
“I-uhm. Of course, that’s fine..” Captain David’s said while rummaging through his desk, then shelves to pull out two papers.
“You’ll need to sign these”
Simon and you signed the papers before turning to leave, but you stopped to look back at the captain.
“Dad?” You said, that caused a strong reaction from the captain as he instantly started shedding tears and you instantly understood that it was what he was to you before, that’s the spot he had in your heart before.
“My child, I’ve missed being a dad to you” David’s said before pulling you into a hug, which you returned with now tears shedding on your cheeks.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry for being heartless towards you. I’ve missed having a dad” You said while crying into your dad’s shirt.
You pulled away, grabbing his hand to place on your bump. He could feel the small little kicks.
“That’s is your grandson” You said.
“I’ll- I’ll be a grandpa, oh gods”
“But a great one. Me and Simon will visit base as often as we can so you can meet little Joel” You said while giving your dad a reassuring squeeze on his hand on your bump, before pulling away and offering a smile.
“I’ll see you soon again, dad” You said while walking out.
David’s felt whole again, like his heart was being plastered together again. He was not only getting to be a dad again, but also a grandpa. He couldn’t be any more happier and he’s excited for the little boy’s arrival into the world. But he got his daughter back and that was all he ever asked for.
Your water broke so Simon speed drove through red lights and traffic. You gave birth to baby Joel and both you and Simon cried tears of happiness. Simon didn’t wanna hold baby Joel as he was scared that he was going to break him. Baby Joel reminded you somewhat of Simon, he’s inherited Simon’s chocolate brown eyes and blonde hair, while baby Joel inherited some of your facial features. He was the perfect mixture between you and Simon. You fed baby Joel to ease his hunger and it felt strange, that your son was finally here in your arms. But the happiness you felt was incomparable to everything else.
“Simon, do you wanna hold him?” You asked, exhaustion causing your eyes to close and open, your voice low.
“I-I dont think I should. I don’t wanna break him”
“You won’t, come here. I’ll show you how to hold him” Simon walked closer to you and gently put his hands under Joel, ready to lift him up but still unsure how.
“One hand is supporting Joel’s head and the other hand on his back. When you’ve got him in your arms, wrap him inside of them, make sure it’s not too tight” You said and Simon slowly and gently followed your instructions.
Simon held baby Joel in his arms for the first time. Simon couldn’t believe it, that his son was finally here. He stared at Joel’s face, seeing he got his daddy’s eyes and hair colour and mommy’s facial features mixed with his own. Simon is happy, unbelievably happy, he’s never been this happy in his life, not since he held Joseph, his nephew.
Simon sat down with baby Joel in his arms on a chair, very close to your hospital bed. You looked at both of them with adoration, the way Simon smiled and almost cried again and the way baby Joel was on the verge of falling asleep in Simon’s arms. Simon gained confidence and proudly cradled your son in his arms. A little while after baby Joel fell asleep in Simon’s arms and you could see the way Simon admired Joel’s cute sleeping face and small light snores.
“He’s perfect” Simon said, on the verge of tears as the happiness was too immense. He lowered his face to kiss Joel’s round cheeks. You smiled at them, but you got tired and drifted off soon after. You dreamt sweet dreams, for once.
Baby Joel was born one month ago, but for you and Simon it felt like it was yesterday. You two couldn’t believe that your son was growing up so fast. You brought baby Joel to base so he could visit your dad, like you promised, but also your friends. Soap insisted on holding baby Joel while you were catching up with everyone else, which you and Simon obliged to. Soap was after all signed as Joel’s godfather, because he was Simon’s closest friend.
“What a handsome lass you are” Soap giggled as he tickled Joel on his stomach, which made Joel burst out laughing. Baby Joel’s laughter got everyone staring in adoration, like puppies at him, but Joel enjoyed the attention.
Your dad also got to hold baby Joel and he couldn’t believe that he’s now a grandpa too, it was all he could ever ask for.
“He’s the perfect mixture of you and Simon” Your dad said in admiration.
“He definitely is, but he’s got the fire in the belly like his momma” Simon giggled.
“Yeah, but he’s got his daddy’s temper” You giggled.
The reunion was interrupted when someone burst into the room with panic.
“Captain Silvester is here!” He screamed.
You felt a knot in your stomach. It’s your captain, Finnish captain. He’s probably here to collect his soldiers, but you wouldn’t let him take you away. You gave baby Joel to Gaz, telling him to keep Joel with him somewhere safe and secluded in case, as you, Simon, your dad and Soap headed outside to meet Captain Silvester. You clenched your fists as soon as you laid eyes on his face as he walked out from the aviation with six other soldiers tailing behind him.
“Noora, we’ve come for you and Leo and you David’s, we have a deal, lend us the money” He said with a smug look that disgusted you. His eyes were searching around you for Leo.
“Where’s that dammed idiot? Is he dead yet?” Captain laughed mockingly.
He crossed the line. Of course he wouldn’t care about Leo if he’s dead. All he was here for was the money. But this could be your chance to sever your part in his military. You’ve learned the hard way of what cruelty and loneliness does to a person, what it did to Leo. How it ate from him, how it killed him.
“Yes….he’s dead and it’s all because of your shitty rules ‘vulnerability is weakness’ my ass!” You lashed out at him, facing his shocked expression at your rebellion.
“You serve ME and you address me as Captain and you obey my rules”
“You don’t deserve it, you’re a heartless and cruel man. You think you’re a god amongst the soldiers, a fallen saint, but all you are is a pathetic man who’s never felt anything besides arrogance. Do you know why a huge amount of your soldiers die so often? It’s because they don’t wanna live anymore!They don’t wanna live a life that’s miserable, that puts them through and endless cycle of suffering. Because of you!”
You’re doing this for Leo and for Silvester’s soldiers, giving them time to rethink their choices, making them open their eyes. You can see their terrified faces, you can sense that they see sense in your words and that it scares them. Just one more push and they’ll leave Silvester.
“Excuse me! We strive for a future, and love weakens a person. Love is what gets you killed” Silvester said, almost tearing up. He knows that you’re right, but he’s in a deep state of denial. He can’t handle the truth, neither the immense guilt that he’s been killing his soldiers for so long.
“You’re wrong. Love is what makes you stronger, love is what keeps you fighting, love is what gives you a meaning to live” You could see the soldiers faces flicker with realisation, they know exactly what you mean and they understand that it’s what they want. A meaning, a fighting will.
“You’re selfish because you’re killing your own soldiers for your own benefits, that’s not fitting of a Captain. That’s not worthy of respect”
Silvester’s face changed from uncertainty to anger. He was angry at your words, that you spoke of the harsh truth that he’s been shoving away.
“Soldiers, kill them quickly” Silvester ordered.
Simon instantly pulled you close to him so he could protect you, afraid for your safety, more than his own. A fear flickered on your face as you suddenly thought about Joel. What will happen to him if you die? Will he be safe with Gaz if they started shooting?
Your worries eased a little as you saw the soldiers that stood before you falter. They didn’t raise their guns, neither touch them. They didn’t wanna use them, they didn’t wanna kill. They didn’t wanna be as cruel and ruthless like Silvester. Silvester looked angrily at them.
“Fire! What the hell are you waiting for?” He screamed, but they didn’t oblige to his command and he grew impatient.
“Fine, I’ll do it myself” He said, reloading a gun and aimed at you before a loud shot was heard and he fell limp against the ground revealing one of his soldiers holding a gun.
Blood pooled around him, painting the grass red. His lungs were gasping after air. But before he could grab his gun that laid beside him, a foot tramped on his hand to prevent him from reaching any further, causing him to scream out in pain. It was the same man who shot him. The man was fuming with anger.
“This is for my little sister who died because of you!” The man screamed and fired a last bullet at Silvester’s head, ending his life quickly. The man then turned his attention to you, giving you a nod that contained of gratitude and respect, which you returned as the man saved your life.
“What happens now? Who will we serve?” A woman from the back asked. She sounded concerned, but also excited.
You watched in relief as the soldiers ripped of their emotionless, cruel mask and became vulnerable, proudly doing it. You also felt relief that Silvester was dead and there wasn’t going to be any demonstrations to how cruel he could be. You sigh in relief and hug Simon tightly.
“You can join me. I will return your respect, I will care for your wellbeing and you can love just anyone you want. Vulnerability has no limits here” Your dad spoke up while approaching them, shaking their hands.
“You can call me David’s”
“I’ll happily join you then, David’s” The man smiled and the others screamed out ‘me too’
David’s happily took in all of the six and their wellbeing suddenly increased by this interaction. It warmed your heart that you could save them and that they already felt happiness. David’s really needed more people in his team and they were all trained with different skills and proficiencies that would come handy. Simon gave you a kiss on the forehead.
“I’m so proud of you, love. You’re a hero” Simon said.
You smiled up at him “Let’s go get our Joel”
One day, you had put Joel to sleep in his crib and you went down to take care of the dishes. Simon had a plan, one that you were unaware of. He sneaked behind you like a phantom thinking you didn’t notice him as you were standing at the sink with your back facing him.
“What are you up to? I know you’re there” You giggled as you turned around to meet his displeased look.
“Why are you always so damn perceptive” He scoffed and you laughed.
“That’s what the military does to you” You offered him a genuine smile, that kind that shoots through your heart like a Cupid with an arrow.
You finished the dishes and walked up to him, standing on your tippy toes to give him a kiss on the cheek. But suddenly, Simon kneels on the floor, making you confused at first.
“Simon, what are y-“ You started before he pulled out that velvet red box you saw months ago. Your mind changed from confused to excited in an instant. Simon opened the box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring inside that almost blinded you with its shine. Your heart beat sped up as Simon gently held on of your hands and the box in another.
“Noora…” He started before coughing to ease the lump of nervousness in his throat “Will you be mine forever and all that kind of shit?”
You laughed with excitement “Stupid, I was already yours years ago”
Simon’s face filled with hope and joy as he stared with his brown eyes into yours that shined like stars in a night sky. He drowned in yours, leaving his mouth wide open, unable to speak. He’s floating in space.
“But yes, I’ll marry you, Simon” You said while jumping up and down while holding his hand. But he was unresponsive and it was funny. He didn’t move at all, he was a statue.
“Simon, I call you from earth” You teased, but nothing happened, so you had to take matters into your own hands.
You kissed him passionately and he came down to earth again, giving in, but taking the lead - again. When you felt that he was conscious again, you pulled away and Simon wasted no time in sliding the ring on your finger and standing up again. He scooped you up in his arms as he smiled widely, like his face would crack. He started walking with you in his arms.
“Where are you taking us?” You asked.
“We’re going to try for a daughter, wife” Simon said bluntly, leaving you amazed that he called you wife despite you two only being fiancés.
“But we’re not married ye-“ You said before Simon cut you off.
“Hush, wife, you’re spoiling the fun” Simon teased and you scoffed.
“We can’t even, not when Joel’s sleeping in the same room”
“I always prepare. That’s what the military does to you” Simon teased as he pulled you into a room that had rose petals scattered all around and lit candles - in the bathroom. You and Simon literally had sex in the bathtub, against the cold porcelain. You two could barely fit in the bathtub together as Simon’s large as build was too big to fit you both. You had to literally sit on his lap while grinding against him as it was impossible to lay down. Simon peppered you with marks, from your neck to chest as you grind on his hard cock.
Few weeks later the pregnancy test was positive. You were pregnant with your second child and this time it was a girl you were expecting. You and Simon agreed to name the baby girl after your dead mom, which healed you in some way.
You and Simon got married a year later at base. One year old Joel was running around in his small tuxedo while you held your baby girl in your arms. Soap, Gaz and Price were Simon’s best men as he couldn’t choose one. Your dad was the one to walk you down the aisle, proud of his daughter and proud of his two grand-babies. And as soon as the priest pronounced you and Simon husband and wife, Simon pulled you into a long passionate kiss, not giving a damn about how long it took for him to let go. You happily obliged, now being the happiest woman alive. Simon being the happiest man alive.
The end (thank you for reading my first series. It means a lot. Love u 💙
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kiwi2229 · 11 months
The universe
(Sirius Black / Remus Lupin | 1 264 words)
Written for Sirius’ birthday <3
Everyone in Hogwarts knew what the date today was. 3rd of November. That only means one thing- the birthday of one and only Sirius Orion Black. Every year the Marauders made sure to do something special on this day. This year they charmed every statue to bow when Sirius walked around them and wished him happy birthday. All thanks to Peter’s idea, Remus’ research and James’ spell work. What didn’t change every year was a party in the Gryffindor Tower. It became famous over the years and students from other houses wanted to attend. It was more work to accommodate all of the people, but fortunately, professors looked the other way for one night and let it slip, as long as their silencing charms worked and underaged students did not drink alcohol.
Remus was watching his friend shining in the middle of the crowd, laughing loudly and just being the centre of attention. Someone would call him a star as his name suggested. But not Remus. Because a star is not enough to capture Sirius. No, Sirius is not just bright and warm. He has his dark cold parts which no one bothers to look at. Meteors are parts of broken planets that others consider waste, but they couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s evidence of the history the universe went through. Things that are broken to make something new. To never stop evolving. He is all the chaos that you can’t believe can work together, but it all works in harmony. 
No, Sirius is not a star. For Remus, he is the universe. With all the darkness and light, the broken pieces and beautiful constellation patterns, all the noise of creation and silence of emptiness. He surrounds Remus with his infinity. Is it even possible to not love the universe in all its glory? Remus never tried. He never wanted to. It felt like he was destined to fall in love with him. But Remus is not stupid or naïve enough to expect the universe to love him back. No, but he is lucky enough to witness from his distant corner the life itself as Sirius dances and talks and shares little mischief glances with James and periodically looks in his direction to check Remus is still standing there.
It's hours later when Remus comes back from the restroom and can’t find the birthday boy anywhere in the middle of the crowd. He waits a little longer but when his friend doesn’t show up, he makes his way upstairs. He peeks in their dorm, but it’s empty. His gaze lands on the cracked open window at the very back at the end of the corridor.
The rooftop is drowned in the darkness of the night but a little bit to the left perched on the small spot is sitting Sirius, his head tilted to the sky his legs firmly tugged underneath him.
“Pads?” Remus asks tearing the boy from his thoughts. Sirius quickly turns to him and as soon as his eyes lie on Remus his startled expression changes to smile. “Is everything alright? Why are you not at the party?” Remus continues.
“I just wanted to be alone for a moment,” Sirius explains as he gestures to the empty space in front of him and Remus mentally kicks himself for intruding.
“Oh, sorry. I’m gonna leave you to it, then.” Remus is ready to close the window when Sirius calls for him again.
“No, join me?”
“But you wanted to be alone.”
“I can be alone and with you,” Sirius explains and adds when Remus doesn’t make the move to climb out of the window. “Please? I like having you around.”
Remus climbs to the small roof spot and sits beside his friend. The spot is not too big, so they are sitting pressed against each other. Remus is aware of every inch of his body that is touching Sirius. He takes out a pack of cigarettes and offers it to his friend. “I’m gonna share one with you, Moons.”
They smoke and Sirius has once again the distant look in his eyes. Remus is sure he is losing his mind because he is convinced that every time Sirius takes the cigarette from him, his gaze lingers on him a little longer, and the brush of their fingers is a little slower.
Sirius takes a long drag from the cigarette and tilts his head as he blows the smoke out. “Sometimes I think I don’t deserve any of this,” Sirius whispers suddenly. A secret shared under the cloak of the night. “All of the people who came here today, all of whom talked to me, don't really know me. If they did, they wouldn't bother with me.”
Remus thinks how utterly wrong Sirius is. They might not truly know Sirius. He hides parts of himself too well only offering the perfectly polished parts. But that’s their loss. Because as much as Remus loves the outgoing happy part of Sirius, he also loves all of the other parts. He doesn’t love Sirius despite them, but because of them.
“I know you,” Remus says and waits for Sirius to agree with that statement. “And I don’t see anything I don’t like.” Remus can’t make out what the look on Sirius’ face means. He caught a glimpse of surprise, a soft smile and sadness.
“You say you don’t deserve anything? I say you deserve everything you want. Name it and I will get it for you. It’s that easy.” The moment Remus says this he realises that he might be drunk. He wouldn’t say this sober. He is not bold enough to speak the truth.
Sirius’ gaze is searching Remus’ face and Remus could swear he stares at his lips longer than friends would. “That easy, Moons?” Sirius asks his voice deep as he wraps his lips around every syllable. Remus holds his breath and nods slowly burning under Sirius’ gaze.
“What if the thing I want is someone. Someone who is too good for me, who I’m sure deserves everything in the world and I’m not sure I can manage to give it to them.”
Remus lowers his gaze refusing to let the sadness show in his face. But that’s how it goes, the universe will fall in love with someone else and Remus will watch. “They would be lucky to have you. Anyone would be lucky to have you and that is everything.”
There is a long pause when everything stays still. The coldness of the air surrounding Remus is breached by a hot hand on his cheek urging him to look up. He sucks a sharp breath as he looks into Sirius’ face. “All I have to do is ask, you said. Okay. So, this is me. Asking. For the one person I want.”
For a moment Remus can’t comprehend that Sirius means him. It doesn’t feel real. It can’t be real. But Sirius is still looking at him, his hand still cupping Remus’ chin. He nods slowly afraid he would somehow ruin the moment if he moved too quickly. But Sirius is moving towards him, and Remus can feel his hot breath on his lips right before Sirius kisses him.
Remus is sure this is how the Big Bang felt like. Everything packed in a single shiny moment. Everything that ever was and ever will be captured at the touch of their lips. Because kissing Sirius is like touching the universe itself. Glorious and infinite. They are the centre of the world right there on the roof of Grifindoor Tower.
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uncle-dusknoir · 4 months
[A video is uploaded! Dated for late in the night on Saturday.
... Though it's more of a voice log. The screen never varies from a feed of the night sky, the large waxing moon brightening the evening. Occasionally, a shiny Misdreavus wearing a King's Rock might bob overhead, or one of the three Shuppet Basil brought along, but that's not the important part of the video.
Instead, Basil's voice is heard, saying a word or maybe just finishing a sentence. (For ease of reading, her dialogue's in blue for this exchange.)
"... grounded?"
"That's it."
Sounds like... Derek @misdreavusmishap, maybe? His voice sounds off; as if he's trying to hold onto it, but it keeps drifting up into almost a more cartoon villain tone.
Zee of @ladyzee-oddityhunter responds:
"You or her?" Her voice is the furthest from the camera.
A beat.
Basil sucks in a breath; before asking, a bit hesitantly: "Derek. Can you tell me about your misdreavus again?"
"About what, specifically..?"
A beat. She had to think for a second.
"How did you meet the couple?"
"...I met them around the time I started my island trials. They er. Always floated around in our "backyard" so to say.. I thought I was special for being able to barely see them through their daytime camouflage at the time, which, I now realize is, likely quite common, and just. Started offering them scare-dates. kept them fed."
You could almost hear a bit of a smile coming into Derek's voice.
"And eventually they decided that was good enough. And felt safe enough to evolve in my vicinity."
"Scare dates..." Basil replied with a laugh that slipped into more of a giggle. "Hmh. We would have been friends as kids, i think. But i was usually the one scaring the other kids..."
As the conversation continues, she sounds slightly more comfortable. There's still that slight bit of hesitation; as if she doesn't know if she even SHOULD be talking; but she still does.
"I imagine it was a word-of-mouth thing afterwards... the two of the vouching for you to the mass haunts of other misdreavus?"
The lighter tone carries over to Derek's voice; "hmhm, right, I was an easy source of food, so naturally they'd want to share with the rest of each other. I ah... ... hate to admit it, but I wasn't exactly the toughest fear source then, either," he laughed, and thought for a moment. "... we might've. I feel like we share enough interests."
"Fed off you as a kid so much that they feel bad about doing so now," she replied. You could almost hear her grinning. "Makes enough sense, though. Little kids are easy to scare, no... what's the.... object permanence, i think. No life experience."
The camera jostles as she adjusts her position slightly. She's gone from trying to satiate a wild animal to just having a conversation with her (slightly more dangerous than usual) friend.
"Reminds me of when i was in middle school... one time i found this big ass pelipper skeleton in the woods, took one of my friends at the time to see it. Screamed loud enough you could hear it back in Undella, i had to write her an apology. even though she said yes when I asked if she wanted to see..."
"Oh my," Derek laughed; "... I think I've only seen diagrams of Pelipper skeletons. I would've wanted to see, I believe." He sounds like he's starting to tire.
(An offended little "chwaw??" sound chirps out from what might be @pokeglitchden Simon's Pelipper, Gilligan.)
Basil keeps talking. It's about the only thing she can do.
"I don't doubt i'd be able to find another one back on that route... route thirteen, Unova. Right above Undella Town. The wild Absol hunted them down sometimes, but i think they preferred the wild swellow. less of a... watery taste, if i had to guess."
A beat of thought, just for half a moment.
"Maybe sometime after this all clears up, we could visit. It's not Alola, but it is a lot warmer on the east coast of Unova during summer than Icirrus, tucked in the mountains. Sometimes there'd be a swarm of shuppet around there, too. Wonder if that was foreshadowing anything."
A long beat as Basil waits for Derek to respond. When he does, he sounds like he's on the verge of falling asleep.
"... yeah, I would imagine Absol likely wouldn't...
appreciate the decreased savor..."
The silence is heavy as Derek, presumably, drifts away into sleep.
"... G'night, Derek."
There's finally some movement in the video as Basil's skirt swings over the camera; looks like she's standing up. She stands there, still, for a moment as Simon's voice chimes in.
"Right... We'll... fix this tomorrow."
The video ends as Basil steps above the camera, headed off... somewhere.]
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luvidove · 16 days
Under the Cherry Blossoms
Pairing one- Jay!exboyfriend x Y/N!reader
Pairing two- Heeseung!Roomate x Y/N!reader
Features- Jake from ENHYPEN
w/c : 3.2k
Warning: Fluff, Angst, breakup, reader gets sad supa sad. None of the people I’ve used for this small story has nothing to do with this in real life! Purely fiction (besides my personal experiences that I’ve slipped in here). ALSO THIS IS NOT PROOFREAD I WROTE THIS AT A CAFE PLS I’M SORRY.
A/N- I hope you guys like this short story! I decided to write this as I’ve been dwelling on it for a while and I thought I’d write something short for my big project!
What is this about?-
Amidst academic pressures and personal turmoil, your close relationship with your once caring boyfriend, Jay, turns to a dramatic confrontation in the middle of a storm. Stranded and overwhelmed, you find solace in your roommate’s unwavering support. Seeking a fresh start, you both visit a botanical garden where you plant cherry blossom seeds, symbolizing each other’s growth and the start of a new chapter. As you navigate you evolving relationship, you and Heeseung discover the beauty of a love that blossoms from genuine care and understanding.
This year has taken a toll on you. The demands of school have drained your energy, leaving little time for anything else. Your friendships have faded into the background, and your relationship has been stretched thin. Your boyfriend has become increasingly frustrated, feeling neglected and pushed aside. Tonight, as you both stood in the middle of a deserted street, he finally snapped.
“I’m tired of this!” he yelled, his voice cutting through the night. “You never have time for me anymore. It’s always about your studies.”
You tried to explain, your words tumbling out in a desperate attempt to make him understand. “I’m just trying to survive this semester. You know how important this is to me Jay.”
“Do you even still want me? Have I not done enough for your stupid head?” He asked, eyebrows furrowed, staying his frustration.
You look at him in disbelief. “ Yes, of course I do. I love you!” You reach for his hand, but he snatches it to his side in disgust.
“You know what- fine! I already had someone better than you if something happened between us. Glad I was right…you make me sick.” He stressed.
You were appalled. His anger boiled over, and before you could say anything more, he turned and walked away, leaving you standing there, stunned and alone.
The sky had been threatening all day, and now, as if on cue, the heavens opened up, drenching you in a sudden downpour. Thunder rumbled ominously above, and you realized with a sinking feeling that you were miles away from your apartment, stranded in an unfamiliar part of the city.
You were supposed to be heading to a nice restaurant for your date with your now ex boyfriend. Though, it all changed when you replied to an email from your teacher.
You pulled out your phone, your hands trembling as you scrolled through your contacts. You hesitated when you reached your boyfriend’s name, your thumb hovering over the call button. But doubt crept in, and you quickly locked your phone and shut it off, unable to bring yourself to reach out to him.
This part of the city was unfamiliar, almost rural, and far from clean. You felt a shiver of unease crawl up your spine as you looked around, the rain blurring your vision. No buses or taxis would come here, not at this hour, not in this weather. You were completely alone. You sat down on the curb of the street, pondering about your next decision.
You needed to think, to find a way out of this. But as the storm raged on, all you could do was stand there, lost and uncertain, wondering how everything had gone so wrong..
"It's past curfew... where is she?" I mutter, my voice tinged with worry as I glance at the clock. I've called her twelve times already, each unanswered ring only heightening my anxiety. Our mutual friend, Jake, who’s been over for hours now, has called her too. But there's been no response—no sign of where she might be.
"Okay, do you know where she usually goes?" I ask him, trying to keep the panic from creeping into my voice.
He looks at me, his expression mirroring my concern. "You know she’s always in the library, but it’s closed now. She wouldn’t be in there. The cafés she goes to are closed, too."
I sigh, running a hand through my hair in frustration. "Alright then... get in my car. I’ll grab my keys and unlock the door for you."
He nods, quickly heading to the front door. I snatch my keys off the kitchen counter, my heart pounding as I follow him out, locking the door behind me. The night air feels heavy with the weight of the unknown, each step towards the car echoing in the silence. I unlock the car, and we both slide in, the quiet inside almost suffocating.
“Shouldn’t we try one more time?” he suggests, his voice hesitant but hopeful.
I hesitate, considering his suggestion. "Yeah, I guess we should. I don’t want to go to the police only to find out she’s back at the house."
With a deep breath, I pull out my phone and dial her number again. The phone rings once... then twice... and a third time. Each unanswered ring feels like a punch to the gut, the silence on the other end growing more oppressive with every passing second.
You bounce your leg nervously, head hung low, as you sit on the side of the road. The smell of rain on the pavement fills the air, mingling with the faint scent of food from street vendors that have long since closed for the night. The streetlights cast hazy reflections on the wet ground, the neon signs flickering in the puddles. You had searched desperately for shelter, but every door was locked, every building dark. Now, all you could do was sit in defeat, shame weighing heavily on your expression.
You shiver, the cold seeping through my drenched clothes, and I can’t help but wonder what I should do next. You fumble for my phone, hands trembling as you turn it on. The screen lights up, revealing 46 missed calls from your roommate.
You quickly unlock my phone and dial his number. It rings only once before he picks up.
“Fuck, are you okay? Where are you?” he demands, his voice edged with panic.
“I’m… uh, I don’t know,” You reply weakly, your voice cracking as you cough hard, the chill getting to me.
“Y/N, are you okay? Send me your location,” he urges, worry lacing his tone.
“I’m fine, just… please hurry,” You manage to say, your throat raw.
“Don’t worry, I will,” he promises, his voice softer now, but still strained with concern. “Please, please be okay.”
“I’ll end the call now…” You suggest, your exhaustion overwhelming.
“No,” he interrupts, his tone firm. “Stay on the phone with me until we get there.”
You nod, even though he can’t see you, and mutter an “okay.” But as the minutes tick by, the steady hum of the rain and the sound of his voice slowly lull you into a heavy, dreamless sleep. Still sitting by the road, the phone slips from your hand, Your grip loosening as exhaustion takes over completely.
The rain continues to fall in sheets, the storm showing no signs of letting up. Heeseung’s voice is a steady murmur through the phone, but you can barely make out the words as sleep pulls you under. Everything blurs—the cold, the wetness, the ache in your bones. The world feels distant, like it’s slipping away.
Suddenly, a harsh sound breaks through your haze, pulling you back to the edge of consciousness. It takes a moment to realize it's the sound of a car approaching. The tires splash through puddles as the vehicle comes closer, headlights piercing through the darkness. You blink groggily, trying to shake off the fog in your mind.
"Y/N!" a voice shouts, cutting through the noise of the storm. You struggle to focus, lifting your head just as the car screeches to a stop a few feet away. The driver’s side door flies open, and through the rain, you see Heeseung running toward you, his expression a mix of panic and relief.
He drops to his knees beside me, ignoring the puddles soaking through his clothes. "Hey, hey, stay with me," he says, his voice gentle but urgent as he brushes a wet strand of hair from your face. His touch is warm, grounding you in the moment. "Come on, Y/N, wake up."
You blink slowly, your vision clearing just enough to see the worry etched on his face. "You came..." you mumble, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Of course I did," he replies, his tone softening. "I’m here now. Let’s get you out of this rain."
He carefully helps you to your feet, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to support your weight. You're unsteady, your legs barely holding you up, but he’s strong and steady, guiding you to the car. As he opens the passenger door and helps you inside, you can’t help but feel a wave of relief wash over you, the warmth of the car a stark contrast to the chill outside.
Jake, sitting in the backseat, leans forward, concern written all over his face. "You look awful, you okay?" he asks, his voice tight.
You nod weakly, trying to muster a reassuring smile, ignoring his small comment to tear you out of this trance. "Yeah... just cold," you reply, though your words are shaky. Suddenly, your body shivers hard.
Heeseung slides into the driver’s seat, glancing at you before starting the car. He hands you a soft and fluffy blanket that he grabbed out of his trunk. "We’ll be home soon," he says, his voice filled with determination as he pulls away from the curb. "I’ll get you warm and dry, okay? Just hang in there."
The car’s heater hums to life, filling the space with warmth. You lean back against the seat, your eyes heavy, but this time it’s a different kind of exhaustion. You know you’re safe now, and the fear and tension that had gripped you all night begin to fade.
As the car speeds through the rain-soaked streets, you find yourself drifting in and out of sleep, his voice and the steady rhythm of the windshield wipers lulling you into a peaceful, dreamless rest. Before you fully succumb to sleep, you feel his hand gently squeeze yours, a silent reassurance that he’s there, and that he’s not going anywhere.
The next morning, you wake up in your own bed, the familiar scent of your sheets providing a sense of comfort. For a moment, the events of the previous night feel like a distant memory, a bad dream. But as you stir, you notice the faint sound of someone moving around in your apartment.
Your head pounding hard, your body weak. Though, you continue the need travel out of your room.
You sit up, still groggy, and see a glass of water and a bottle of painkillers on your nightstand. The sight brings a small smile to your face. Your mind flashes back to the way Heeseung took care of you last night, the way he held you close as if you were the most important thing in the world.
Curious and a little nervous, you swing your legs over the side of the bed and stand up, noticing you’re dressed in one of your comfiest hoodies—not what you were wearing last night. Did he...? The thought brings a flush to your cheeks.
You walk into the living room, finding Heeseung in the kitchen, making breakfast. The smell of coffee and something savory fills the air. He looks up as you enter, a soft smile tugging at his lips.
"Hey, you’re awake," he says, his tone gentle. "How are you feeling?"
"Better, thanks to you," you reply, feeling a warmth in your chest. "I, uh... I don’t remember much after you picked me up."
He nods, setting a plate of food on the table. "You fell asleep pretty quickly. I didn’t want to wake you, so I just brought you home, changed you into something more comfortable, and let you rest."
You think for a bit. “What about Jake?” You ask.
He smiles slightly. “Oh I had dropped him off at his house before coming here. He’s deathly worried about you, so you should shoot him a text when you feel like it.” He replies.
"Thank you," you say, your voice quieter now, more vulnerable. "I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t come."
He walks over to you, his expression softening as he reaches out to gently brush a strand of hair from your face, just like he did the night before. "You don’t have to thank me. I’d do it again in a heartbeat."
For a moment, the two of you stand there, close enough to feel the warmth radiating from each other. There’s an unspoken connection, something that’s always been there but never fully acknowledged. The intensity of the night has brought it to the surface, and now, standing in the morning light, it feels impossible to ignore.
You look up at him, searching his eyes for something—confirmation, maybe, that what you’re feeling isn’t one-sided. He seems to sense it too, his gaze flicking down to your lips before quickly meeting your eyes again. The moment stretches, thick with anticipation, until finally, he breaks the silence.
"Last night made me realize something," he says, his voice low and earnest. "I care about you, Y/N. More than I’ve been willing to admit, even to myself. When I couldn’t reach you, I was... scared. Not just because you were in trouble, but because the thought of losing you... it was too much."
His words hang in the air, a confession that feels both overwhelming and perfect in its timing. You feel your heart race, but it’s not from fear or anxiety this time—it’s from the realization that you feel the same.
"I care about you too," you admit, your voice steady despite the nervous flutter in your chest. "More than I’ve let myself admit. Last night... I realized how much you mean to me."
His hand finds yours, fingers intertwining with yours in a way that feels natural, like something you’ve both been waiting for. "So, what do we do now?" he asks, his voice soft but filled with hope.
You smile, a real, genuine smile that lights up your face. "I think we take it one step at a time. Together."
And with that, the two of you share a quiet, tender moment, your hands still entwined, both of you silently agreeing that this is the beginning of something new, something worth exploring. The storm from the night before is gone, replaced by the warmth of the morning sun and the promise of what could be.
The days after that stormy night seem brighter, as if the world itself is reflecting the new chapter that has opened in your life. Your relationship with Heeseung has grown into something deeper, more meaningful. It’s not just the late-night conversations or the way he seems to understand you better than anyone else—it’s the way he makes you feel like you’re part of something bigger, something important.
One weekend, you both decide to escape the city and spend a day at a nearby botanical garden, a peaceful place where you can relax and take in the beauty of nature. The garden is full of vibrant flowers and tall, ancient trees that provide a canopy of shade. The air is fresh, carrying the subtle scents of blooming roses and jasmine.
As you walk along the winding paths, you talk about your plans for the future—your dreams, your ambitions, and the things that scare you. The conversation flows easily, like it always does with him, but today, there’s an undercurrent of something more, a shared understanding that the future is something you’re starting to envision together.
You come across a small, secluded area of the garden, where a single bench sits under a flowering cherry tree. The petals fall gently around you, carried by a light breeze. He leads you to the bench, and you both sit down, taking in the peaceful surroundings.
“This place is beautiful,” you say, your voice soft as you lean back and close your eyes, letting the warmth of the sun wash over you.
“It is,” he agrees, but when you open your eyes and look at him, you see that he’s not looking at the garden—he’s looking at you, a small, thoughtful smile on his lips.
You feel your heart skip a beat, the quiet moment between you filled with something unspoken yet powerful. “What?” you ask, a little self-conscious under his gaze.
He shakes his head slightly, still smiling. “I was just thinking about how much has changed since that night,” he says. “And how glad I am that we’re here now.”
“Me too,” you reply, your voice warm with sincerity.
There’s a brief silence, comfortable and full of meaning, before he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small packet of seeds. You look at him curiously as he hands them to you.
“What are these?” you ask, turning the packet over in your hands.
“They’re seeds for cherry blossom trees,” he explains. “I thought we could plant them together. As a way to mark this new beginning.”
Your heart swells at the gesture, and you feel a rush of affection for him. “I love that idea,” you say, smiling brightly.
Together, you find a small patch of earth nearby. He kneels down beside you as you carefully dig a shallow hole and place the seeds in the ground. As you cover them with soil, you both look at each other, sharing a quiet, meaningful glance.
“This is just the start,” he says softly, his hand brushing against yours. “We’re planting something that will grow, just like us.”
You nod, your chest tight with emotion. “Something beautiful,” you add, your voice barely above a whisper.
He smiles, leaning in closer, his eyes filled with warmth and hope. “Yeah, something beautiful.”
As you finish planting the seeds, you sit back, feeling a sense of accomplishment and hope. The garden, with its blooming flowers and gentle breeze, feels like a perfect setting for this moment—a symbol of your new beginning.
You both rise from the ground, and he takes your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “We’ll come back and see how they’re growing,” he says with a smile. “Just like we’ll keep growing together.”
You nod, your heart full. “I’m looking forward to it,” you reply. “To everything that comes next.”
You walk back through the garden, hand in hand, the future ahead of you filled with promise. As the sun begins to set, casting a warm glow over the world, you feel a deep sense of contentment. The uncertainties that once loomed large now seem smaller, overshadowed by the comfort of knowing you have each other.
When you finally leave the garden and head back to the city, the world feels different—brighter, more hopeful. The path before you might still be uncertain, but it’s a journey you’re excited to embark on together.
As you look over at him, his face illuminated by the soft glow of the evening light, you realize that no matter what challenges come your way, you’re ready to face them. Because now, you have something real, something beautiful to hold on to.
And with that thought, you step into the future with a heart full of hope and a deep sense of connection, knowing that whatever lies ahead, you’re not facing it alone.
THE END SUCKERS!! Jk jk I love you guys! I do apologize, as 3k words is NOT short :(
Though, I do hope you enjoyed this small (sorry) story!
BONUS! Fav song of the day!
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pheita · 1 year
My current projects as of December 2023
The Rewriting Gig
A historical fantasy romance between two pirate captains who both want the same treasure. Follow the #somsoc for more
The Continue Writing Gig
A high fantasy queer story with a gay romance and the start of a bigger series. (That spawned so many side things I need to untangle this) Follow #blood night or #cursed blood series and #sojan for more
Unnamed Fantasy Werewolf story
Kasia is the alpha's niece and one of the pack's guards. When the hunters come back from a hunt with orphaned twins that survived the attack on their caravan, something makes her take them in and become their adoptive mother. Little did she know trouble would start some years later when a group of hunters from another pack come into their territory wounded and scattered into the winds, bringing her mate into the pack but also information about who her adoptive children are. Soon Kasia finds herself tangled in pack politics, an unusual mate constellation, and the truth about the shifter wars decades ago. In the middle of all this: Her adoptive children, who somehow are the ones everything evolves around.
Unnamed fantasy story
When Emersyn was a child, she got a strange blessing from some wandering stranger her parents sheltered she deemed a curse all her life, up until the night the adventurer group she joined for money stumbled into some old caves they never should have set foot inside..
Her blessing proves to be more than she thought, and Emersyn finds herself face to face with dragons when legends say all of them died centuries ago. The legends strangely forgot to mention that dragons were able to take human form, and now she has to deal with a flirty dragon who tries to win her over and his little sister while trying to keep everyone alive.
If you like any of my writing, consider buying me a coffee
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stvnmvrsh · 1 year
sacrifice (eat me up) - enhypen
Colona was even more beautiful at night than in the day Stan thought. The hot sun faded, the busy crowd thinned, and the loud voices of people silenced. All was still in the night, except for Stan, who had just run out of his family's two-story Tudor house. He had just gotten into another fistfight with his sister, Shelly.
Ignoring his mother's piercing shrieks for him to come back, Stan picked up his pace. He ran as fast as his little ten-year-old legs carried him. Not daring to look back, he let his feet slap the ground and push him out of the town gates, over the train tracks, and deep into the pastures. His lungs were on fire. Chest heaving, he wondered if he could stay at Kenny's little cottage, but decided against it as he didn't want Mr. and Mrs. McCormick to telephone his mother and father. Plus, he didn't want to disturb him or his siblings.
He passed up Kenny's house and trudged into the woods. He wasn't afraid to enter the eerie grounds, he's hunted with his uncle plenty. As his boots crunched the unpaved floor, he watched as the fireflies' danced around aimlessly. Soft, yellow, and full of life. Pushing past the trees, he traced their thick trunks. After he felt like his legs could fall off, he sat on a flat boulder. He paid no mind to the cold rock underneath his bottom. He closed his eyes and listened to the chirping of crickets, breathing in the wood's distinctive scent. Stan's face drew into a content smile, happy to find a place he could finally relax.
His smile fizzled out when he remembered he had to go home eventually. He looked back towards the city and remembered his sister's cruel fist. He tugged his collar out to peer into his shirt, already seeing the familiar mottled red color forming on his stomach. He didn't want to face his family quite yet. He concluded if he was going to get scolded, he might as well stay out the whole night. Decision made, he weaved his way into the depths of the evergreens.
He took his time, listening to the sounds of insects flitting around. Just as he's about to turn around, his eyes zero in on a small clearing in the middle of thick foliage. It was easy to miss if you weren't looking for it, just big enough for a person to slip into.
He heard his uncle Jimbo's voice in his head; "Best not to venture o'er there, Stanley. I've heard bad rumors. Not worth your own life, so I never bothered."
But Stan was curious then, just as he is now. He straightened the navy blue newsboy hat atop his head and walked straight through. Puzzled but cautious, he keeps his footsteps as light as he can. As he progressed, his surroundings slowly evolved. Inhaling deeply, the musky smell of leaves withered away and was replaced by a rich pine aroma. The earthen turf turned into fine Indian ricegrass. What once was barren was colorful and flowery shrubbery, their perfume potent and sweet. Large boulders and rocks are now stone statues, tall as pillars. Delicate and airy bluebells, columbine, and arrowleaf littering the area are a welcome sight. What could be so dangerous here?
Around three miles in, that's when Stan sees it. He follows a stepstone path of Venitian grey sandstone to a dip in the valley. An impressive deep royal blue Victorian Eastlake estate stood compellingly. Thick pine trees, a large, calm lake, and neatly trimmed hedges surrounded the area. A small greenhouse to the far left housed various herbs and flowers, so plentiful and lush. There was a quaint, yet enviable vegetable garden. Stan was beyond belief. He'd never seen anything more marvelous in his life. Everything was so breathtaking, it didn't make sense to have it all hidden away.
"What are you doing here?"
Stan just about pissed his trousers. The stranger's eyes were as startling as his entrance. Beguiling poison apple green eyes asses him with interest.
"I was just walking around and I stumbled onto this place. I didn't know this was private property, I'll take my leave now!" Stan blurted out hurriedly, not wanting to cause another problem. Ready to back away, he was stopped by a firm grasp on his forearm. This stranger was ice cold. He was released as quickly as he was caught, as if the stranger realized how offputting the action was.
"A little rude to be upon a stranger's house and not introduce yourself, don't you think? What's your name?" the boy asked with his head cocked to the side, indifferent to Stan's fear.
Unsuredly, he humored him. "Name's Stanley Marsh, but you can call me Stan."
"Hello, Stan. My name is Kyle." He extended a hand out, his milky skin almost looked like it was glittering in the moon's light. He smiled secretively like he knew something Stan didn't. He took his own sweaty palm and shook his frigid hand in greeting.
"Do you know how to play chess, Stan?"
He was still wary, but time and time again, his curiosity peaked. He just knew Kyle would be delighted to entertain him.
"A little."
"Come. Play with me." He waved his hand over to a stone picnic table nearby, a chessboard atop it.
While making their way to the table, Stan used the opportunity to study Kyle. His hair was shiny, his curly blood-orange hair peeking out of a rabbit fur ushanka. His nose was strong, like an eagle's. A juniper-colored suit jacket atop a starched white button-up was paired with short trousers. Stan grew shy as he saw Kyle's head turn back towards him. He looked really pretty.
After they were seated, Kyle let him pick between the black and white pieces. Stan flipped the board so that the white pieces were facing him.
"Care to wager? Whoever wins this game gets to ask all the questions they would like. Are you in?" Kyle grins at his queen in between his thumb and pointer, admiring the piece.
"And how do I know you won't lie to me?" Stan asks, pulling his woolen jacket across himself tighter as the breeze picked up slightly.
"Trust me." Stan waited for any malicious intentions to make themselves known, but he sensed nothing. Still, he felt like Kyle was trying to convey another message.
"You're on."
White knight moves to f3, attacking the black pawn on e5.
Kyle smirks and moves his pawn to d6 and captures Stan's knight. Stan allows his poker face to remain as he threatens Kyle's king on g8 by moving his queen to h5.
Stan sneaks a glance across the table.
Stan sees his opening as Kyle is flustered, and escapes check by moving his king to g6. Stan finishes the game, checking the king with his queen to g6.
"Checkmate!" Stan exclaimed, victorious.
Kyle was only momentarily stunned, recovering quickly from his defeat as he smiled toothily at Stan.
"Hey, Kyle?"
"Your teeth are-" Stan didn't bother to finish his sentence. He couldn't stop his blood from pumping erratically at the sight of Kyle's fluorescent stare. Feeling like the very prey he hunted with his uncle, his hands were pressed against the cement bench, ready to jump up and run. This time, away from him.
"Don't tell me someone as clever as you do not know."
Kyle parted his mouth further, and there was no denying it. Seemingly out of nowhere, his short canines elongated past his plush bottom lip. Bone-colored, they looked to be needle-sharp and nearly fragile. Stan was almost scared they were going to puncture straight through Kyle's flawless skin.
Stan groaned internally. Of course, he would be worried about the supposed monster and not his own well-being!
"Are you going to kill me now?" Stan hated that his voice sounded so pathetic.
Stan clenched his jaw, growing irritated. "What are you playing at?"
"I thought we were friends." Kyle tilted his head, honestly perplexed.
"Like hell! We can't be friends! You're a-"
"Vampire?" His fingers drummed the table, but his gaze never left Stan.
"Yes! Exactly, you said it yourself."
"And why not? I sensed you ever since your feet hit the ground in this domain. I could have killed you without you even knowing. You could have easily run away by now. Yet you're still here, having a civilized conversation with a monster like me. We played chess together. You trusted me. I think that's plenty enough reason to be friends." Kyle fired back.
"Why do you want this so bad?" The question left Stan's mouth before he could stuff it back inside.
There was a tense silence like Kyle was afraid of his question.
"You found me. My father says that those who are worthy can find us. I thought we could be friends."
Kyle, who was self-assured and full of confidence, now couldn't even look at him. He was now focused on the tranquil lake, seemingly miles away. Stan knew it was over for him the minute he felt his guard falter.
"I won."
Kyle's head snapped towards Stan, but he didn't flinch.
"I won, so I get to ask you all the questions I want, remember?" His sapphire orbs took in Kyle's weighty expression.
"You're not leaving?"
"I've decided I want to stay here with my friend." He knew what it was like to be lonely and not have anyone. To be surrounded by people you're supposed to rely on but are unable to. If he could help it, Stan wanted to be there for him.
Stan didn't know if he'd made the right decision, but Kyle laughed. It sounded like Stan was in church with his family, the choir members singing. Kyle's laugh sounded like his favorite song; he never wanted to stop listening. He never knew a vampire could be so angelic.
Stan continued to bombard him with question upon question, Kyle was nearly taken aback by the sheer inquisitiveness he possessed.
"My parents are Gerald and Shiela Broflovski. My adoptive brother's name is Issac, but we just call him Ike. My parents immigrated from Polska to New Netherlands, but my mother wanted to move, thus our living here. My father used ancient magic to make the entrance visible to any living being that had no wish to kill us, people who were worthy of befriending. Before you ask, even though we are who we are, we only consume animal blood."
In the shade of the moon, with the lulling whispers of the cool wind, they revealed their lives on the table. Stan could not comprehend why, but he felt compelled to tell Kyle everything. Never before feeling so seen, he couldn't shut up. His family, his hardships, his pain. Oddly, Kyle reciprocated. He learned about his overbearing mother, his father's high expectations, and the discord between him and his brother.
Kyle's ears twitched, lips pursing. "My mother is calling for me."
Stan followed the direction of his movement, looking towards the house. He could have sworn he saw a woman passing by one of the various elaborate stained glass windows.
"The light will fall upon us soon, you should return home." Kyle held Stan's hand like it was a butterfly on his finger.
"Lest you want to be in deeper trouble." Right. He completely forgot about his dilemma. Scurrying to leave, once again he was stopped.
"I will be here." When he spun around, Kyle was already looking at him, smiling mirthfully.
He's a darling.
Stan didn't know if it was because he was naturally charming, or if it was a side effect of vampirism, but it was working on him.
"I will come back," Stan replied, matching his grin, praying Kyle couldn't hear his heartbeat too loud.
It was well past sunrise, but early enough so that Stan wasn't late to school when he walked back into town. After returning home from school, he was confronted by his parents. He got quite the scolding, his parents forcing him to apologize to Shelly. The only thought that got him through was seeing Kyle again.
After that night, like clockwork, Stan snuck out and returned to the hidden woods every other night. Despite his inner terrors, the Broflovski family welcomed him kindly. Mrs. Broflovski had her reservations as he was human, but once Stan won her over she thought of him as one of her own. They were all delighted that Stan was an open-minded human and accommodated him, having Stan's favorite foods and water around, a prepared bathroom, and even a spot at the dinner table. Dusk turned into twilight, and twilight turned into dawn. The two grew closer and closer, chasing each other through the flowers, retelling stories in Kyle's treehouse, sharing snacks in the kitchen, playing with Ike, it didn't matter. Together they felt a little more whole than they were when apart.
"Can you sing me that song again, Stan?" Kyle requested, wading his toes and sitting at the edge of the shallow end of the lake. Stan, who was dozing off in Kyle's lap, mumbled a small noise of agreement. He cleared his throat a couple of times before inhaling slowly.
"Amazing grace how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost, but now I'm found Was blind but now I see
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear And grace my fears relieved How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed"
There were only so many things Kyle experienced throughout his sheltered life. He went game hunting for his own bear, subdued adult humans who wanted to massacre his family, and even braved a blizzard to search for Ike who got swept away as he discovered his flight ability. He doesn't ever recall being serenaded by anyone if you could even call it that. By no means was Stan the perfect singer. His voice, although young, was raspy. It was low and gravelly, almost like he was growling.
Listening to Stan, he had to check if he was floating from how light he felt. His voice is beautiful. Stan is beautiful. He could hear the richness of his tone, it made him wonder if this is what standing in the summer sun felt like. Warm, peaceful, and soothing, like sleeping in his parent's bed when he was a fledgling.
He opened his eyes when he realized Stan had stopped singing.
"You know, for an unalive being, your eyes are so full of life," Stan observed, reaching a hand to rest his fingertips on the right side of Kyle's jaw. Looking into Kyle's eyes made him feel like he was searching through a forest in the springtime. Teeming with bright green color, a breath of wild nature.
"That's very funny, as you who are filled with life energy have a gaze so dull and blank." Kyle retorted.
Stan allowed his hand to drop as he shifted his head in Kyle's lap.
"I feel the most alive when I'm with you."
Kyle froze. If he had a heart, he was sure it would be doing somersaults and cartwheels. His stomach flips at the sincerity in his words. He doesn't know why, but Stan has him in some kind of hold he can't break free from. It's so strange how someone could come stumbling into your life and make you feel so strongly, but Kyle wouldn't change it for anything.
"Thank you. That means quite a lot to me."
Stan could never get tired of Kyle's smile. It filled him with so much happiness, it drove him mad. Makes him think he could spend forever with him.
"Wait for me here," Kyle broke the cushy quiet, perturbed look on his face.
"Something up?" Stan asks, but he receives no answer as Kyle speeds away.
Kyle met his father halfway.
"Son, where is your companion?" Gerald inquires, an edge to his tone.
"Just by the lake. May I ask what this is about?" Kyle holds his arms out from his sides as if he could block him in the open space from getting closer.
"The village is searching the woods for him, he must leave now." The creases on Gerald's forehead deepen as he urges his son.
"The magic is supposed to stop them, I don't see why he has to go. He is safe here with us!"
Gerald knew he was going to meet resistance, but it didn't make it any easier. "This is too dangerous. The woods are supposed to be kept empty to guarantee our safety. The more people there are, the likelihood that someone is able to find the entrance increases. We may not like it, but Stan must leave and never return to prevent another incident like this."
"Pa! What are you saying? I can protect us! I'm ten years old, I'm not a little kid anymore! I don't want Stan to go! He's my best friend, he can't!" Distraught, Kyle didn't want to argue with his father. He grew antsy as he strained his ears to listen to the human crowd.
"Don't be foolish, Kyle. You know how this will end, worst case scenario. Stan gives us up, they find us, and we let them kill us, unless you're prepared to take on a whole town of humans. It is easy to slaughter but impossible to be the same afterward. You would have to kill children, ones even younger than you and Ike. I don't wish it upon you, even more so, us. Do you understand me now?"
"Stan would never do that! Please!" Kyle's eyes pricked with tears, not liking the odds of the outcomes playing through his head.
Behind the trunk of a nearby tree, Stan clamps his hands over his mouth to conceal his shock. Unsatisfied with his question unanswered and concerned for Kyle, he followed as quickly as he could. Thoughts that he should have stayed put were diminished as Sheila appears in front of him. Today her dress was claret satin, her heeled ankle boots white. Her ginger hair was in an immaculate updo, and her makeup was perfectly applied. Somberly she brushes a pine needle off his jacket and straightens the collar of his shirt.
"I don't want to go, Mrs. B." He whispered, face already wet with tears.
"We don't want you to go either, sweetheart." She smothers him in an embrace and flies to the estate. She whisks him into the kitchen where the rest of the Broflovski's were gathered and placed him into a chair.
"Stan!" Kyle engulfs him in a hug, their arms bolting to hold each other. The air was so dense, you'd need a butcher knife to cut through it easily.
"You are aware of what is happening, yes, son?" Gerald's cornflower orbs trained on Stan.
Stan just nods meekly over Kyle's shoulder, not wanting to let go. Ike forces himself in between the two boy's legs and does his best to be included in the hug. Sheila busies herself by rummaging in the cupboards.
"There is one more thing we need to do before you leave us tonight." Gerald continues, locking eyes with his wife. Sheila presents what she was searching for in the cupboards. She opened the dropper cap of a black glass bottle no bigger than her pointer finger.
"This is water from the Lethe."
Stan could feel the Broflovski brothers clutching him so tight, he almost couldn't breathe.
"Lethe, Greek meaning "oblivion". The Lethe, the river of forgetfulness. One drop can erase your most recent memories. One mouthful erases your whole life."
The bottle absolutely horrified every being in the house.
"Why, father?" Enchanting and fetching Kyle was no more. He was arctic, intransigent.
Releasing Stan and Ike, he stepped before them. Once again, his arms spread wide, as if to shield them.
"We don't have to do this, do we?" Kyle faced his father, chin tucked in, eyes blazing verdant.
"We don't have a choice, Kyle!" Gerald finally lost his composure.
"You think I take pleasure in this? I didn't think I would ever, in my existence, have to do this! We are monstrous leeches to mankind. Parasites, killers, inhumane. I don't know how, but Stan has broken the boundaries. Now, we must all pay the price."
Stan placed a hand on the small of Kyle's back to try to soothe him. "It's okay, Kyle."
Stan straightens his back, "I'll do it."
"Stan?" Kyle slumped to the tiled floor crestfallen, but he knew Stan was too.
"I started this whole mess. Now, I'll be the one to clean it up. I'm just one person. If I can warrant this family's safety, I won't hesitate to."
They knew Stan had meant to slacken the chains of their intertwined lives, but he had only secured them further.
He leveled himself to hold both of Kyle's frosty hands. "I thought it was just my rotten luck, I always get myself into trouble. Now, I think of it as fate. I was destined to meet you. I don't think any amount of Lethe will erase you from me. I won't let it."
As he stood to make his way to Shiela, Deja vu stuck him as Kyle grabbed hold of his forearm. Just like they first met. This time, he didn't let go.
"What if you forget me? Us?"
"That's impossible. I can't."
"How are you unmistaken?" Kyle's brows furrowed in cynicism.
"I didn't want to admit it too early, but seeing as this moment is all I have, I shall tell you. I love you."
It was like there was no one else in the room. Unabashed, Stan proclaimed his love.
"I didn't want to let you in, to see me for who I am. I'm just me, plain and ordinary. You made me feel special when really it is you who are special. Your eyes sparkle when you speak about your family. As you handle the flowers in the greenhouse, you make sure to be extra gentle. I would argue besides your strength, your mind is your might. After that first game of chess, I have always lost to you. Of course, I can never forget how you make me want to give you my heart."
They were all in awe of Stan, misty eyes all around the room. He was right. He was just one human. Crazy though, how one person can change your life.
"I'm ready."
After wiping her face with a tissue, Shiela cups his chin gently. She pulls the dropper from the bottle. The liquid inside was snowy white.
"Are you sure, maleńki?"
He doesn't respond right away, preoccupied with scanning the faces of the Broflovski's. Ike is weeping softly into his father's shoulder. Gerald does his best to give him an encouraging smile, but he too was putting on a brave front.
Lastly, the reason Stan felt good about his decision. Kyle's lengthy lashes are plastered with tears. He wanted to smooth out the frown lines on his face, but he was too far. Stan tried his best to drink in Kyle's silhouette. He wishes he could engrave Kyle into his brain so he could never have to forget him.
"Can I hold you before I go?"
Kyle has no second thoughts as he closes the distance, pulling Stan's hands through his curls. Stan thought this is what heaven might look like.
"I love you, too," Kyle murmured as if it were just something they would share. On the spur of the moment, Kyle unfastened his favorite brooch from his breast and pinned it inside Stan's jacket.
"Just once more," Stan begged, tracing Kyle's cheek.
Kyle would never refuse. "I love you."
One drop hits his tongue, cool and sweet. Stan's eyes shut like a babe who has been rocked to slumber. It has been done.
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chocolate-failure · 1 month
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Idk... I went to the ateez concert and really enjoyed it. I dressed up and looked nice. I worked really hard on the fit and made alterations to stuff I bought, it was mostly light sewing but I feel like my hair alone is a feat to most. I do my own hair and I'm exceedingly proud of this particular style. I used a technique where you feed in additional hair in the braid as you're braiding for the first time and it came out really nice. I did a really good job and put a bunch of effort and thought into the outfit.
Yet I feel fucking horrible.
I saw my ribs for the first time in a long ass time this past weekend. Not just when I raise my arms cuz of course that doesn't count. It was ungodly fucking hot and of course I ended up not eating anything all day and having limited water cuz the venue makes it hard af to stay hydrated after they call you in and line you up. But it's kinda wild to think 163lbs/74kg is when my ribs are visible. I'm a large mfkr. Not crazy big but big enough to feel dysphoric surrounded by a bunch of tiny people who wish they were as big as me. I think that's part of the reason the VAV concert had me so fuckin stressed. I was also stressed cuz I was looking these dudes in the eye when I remember them being so much taller than me. I could've honestly cried. I haven't felt so ugly and oafish since middle school.
But I can see my ribs.
And that should be the only thing that matters, right? Idk... it feels like anytime I'm perceived by the world I want to fuckin die? Like being in the world and being known is so goddamn distressing. Someone took a pic of my car that went semi-viral which was p cool cuz I thought noone gave a shit about the things I did and made and think they do but as far as I understand I don't matter. Which like I kind of assumed but I got a lil excited to know that ppl thought my car looked cool that maybe idk ppl would be interested in other stuff I did and made. That was dumb. I'm not dumb but I have exceedingly dumb thoughts. I feel like that makes me a dumb person but I am constantly reminded that it doesn't. I don't know how. Not truly. I get that there is nuance and that life happens on a spectrum but at some point you get enough "dumb dumb" points that you're just a "dumb dumb".
I keep putting this down but the words in my head are circling, threatening to suffocate me within an inch of my life.
I've been on the cusp of screaming for decades.
I'm sick. I've been in bed for the past 3 days and I hate it. Since covid I get sick at the drop of a hat. Makes wanting to enter the world even less attractive when it poses a significant threat to both my mental and physical health. I do think I'd like to die. But like just so that I can't continue living this life. I hate this planet. I thought last night if aliens came and asked me if all of humankind should be eradicated, what would I say. I don't think we've done good for this planet outside of what we've done for ourselves, and I don't think our impact on ourselves is at a net positive. I don't think it's a matter of whether we deserve it, we never did and that's not the point. But I do think I'd be kind of an asshole to keep people from doing all the things they'd been planning for and anticipating. But being as mentally ill as I am I'm certainly not in a position to be making sweeping decisions for all of us. I'm not even sure if I'm one of us...
I know I don't matter, but it stings a little to be reminded so bluntly. I feel the need to reinvent myself. Recede into the shadows, form my fucking chrysalis, and emerge covered on my own shit. And not so much reinvent as evolve, but how much evolving can an individual inact before life's fabric rubs thin?
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thosewildcharms · 2 years
i was tagged by @theyarebothgunshot to talk about 8 shows to get to know me. thank you for tagging me! putting this under the cut because i ramble.
In no particular order:
1: the oc/gossip girl: yeah okay i’m cheating right off the bat by conflating these two but i don’t care it makes sense! besides being from the same creator/production team, i think in many ways they are natural inverses of each other (west coast/east coast, new money/old money, evolving beyond what people expect of you vs buying into your own propaganda etc). listen i am a sucker for teen dramas, always have been and always will be, and i think these two changed the game in a BIG way. neither are thee mothership of the genre (i think that goes to beverly hills 90210???) but they are both so compelling in different ways and i very often find myself thinking about them (also in very different ways) years after watching them, and subconsciously compare characters on other shows to the main cast of each and they always fall short (you will never be blair waldorf you will never be seth cohen etc). plus the soundtracks! incredible. i can talk about the oc in particular for days and how it has what every other teen show secretly needs (sandy cohen) but this is already too long and i need to shut up.
2. miranda (bbc): listen. LISTEN. i re-watch this show every year without fail. it is the ultimate cozy feel good show that also somehow punches me in the face with how much of an Experience it is. i can’t describe to you what it was like watching this silly little comedy for the first time, getting sucker punched so thoroughly (in the best way) over and over and then to finally have the most satisfying conclusion i could have imagined. references from this show take up a not-insignificant amount of my vocabulary and i quote it daily. it’s so good. i love it so much.
3. friday night lights: anyone who has watched this show knows why. it’s so hard to explain, it’s just good. as someone who has never given even the slightest shit about any sports game of any kind, i think the highest compliment i could give this show is that it made me cry about football more than once. the only people i know who don’t love this show simply have not seen it (actually, people don’t talk about this show enough anymore?? that’s so sad). when i think of my favorite shows, i always have to include fnl because it’s just so sincerely excellent. i own two fnl t-shirts and i will gush about it unprompted if you give me even the tiniest window to do so. texas forever, clear eyes full hearts etc. micheal b jordan you will always be vince howard to ME.
4. gilmore girls: this one actually surprises even me because i never talk about it on tumblr dot com lol but i literally have it on as background noise as i type and it’s almost always my default when i just want to put something on that’s comforting. it’s weird because i can’t really say i LIKE the show as a whole but it’s so cozy (at least the first five seasons) and i do have a LOT of opinions about it, but in a kind of low-stakes way where it’s fun to think about instead rage-inducing. it’s strangely enough, something i can talk about for hours (and often do) without even realizing it.
5. smallville: oh my god the way i was obsessed with this show in middle school lmaoo the way it’s not technically GOOD but also it kind of is? full disclosure i’ve only seen the last few seasons like, once but i used to have the first five or six seasons practically MEMORIZED. it’s a good time, and while i don’t know much about the superman comics (or any comics) it’s my....favorite? iteration of superman that i’ve seen? idk, i thought tom welling and kristin kreuk were the two most beautiful people i’ve ever seen in my life and i loved watching them make out. also michael rosembaum was an incredible lex luthor and i stand by that. i also find myself talking about this show a lot in real life.
6. lost: one thing about me is that i WILL go off about how the lost finale was good actually and NO they were not dead the entire time you idiot -  at any given opportunity. it IS one of the five petty, inconsequential hills i will die on. it’s a good show with a good and fitting ending FIGHT ME ABOUT IT. also sawyer/juliet supremacy their reunion scene in the finale is the scene i compare all other romantic scenes to. nothing compares. scene of all time.
7. hey arnold: i know it’s a cartoon shut up! but consider this: it’s beautiful and good. i legitimately watch it all the time because it’s so funny and melancholy and sad and smart and the soundtrack slaps. also finally getting the jungle movie (which was a conclusion to a HUGE cliffhanger from my childhood) was proof that sometimes you can get closure, actually! this happened before reboots became unnecessary and exhausting leave me alone
8. supernatural: i watched this show after thee november fifth and it accidentally became my whole personality. i don’t even know.
honorable mentions: selfie abc (if you haven’t heard me whine about how it’s the one show in the world i actually want a reboot for you simply haven’t known me long enough); my mad fat diary (i will be thinking about finn writing ‘i love you’ on rae’s back for the rest of my life), ugly betty (i just love it a lot)
tagging: @bisansastarks @buttobstacle @mmaddens @richonnies @dwcas, @coachlasso @wordybee @ilarual @hauntedpearl @burgundyshoes @someoldlady @that-gender-bender @bananaleaves @korralone and anyone else who sees this and would like to do it!
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achillesmonochrome · 2 years
Sada headcanons~
(Executive Dysfunction is kicking my ass so I did this instead.)
A bunch of headcanons about Professor Sada, these headcanons are from "With what we know about canon we could deduce-" to "because I said so." Don't take any of these too seriously.
Her mother was young when she got pregnant, and because she didn't feel ready to be a mother, she decided to give her for adoption. However for legal issues she got delayed being available as a baby, ending up bouncing on the foster system instead.
Her first pokemon was a Larvesta. Everyone thought it was dumb because it takes so long to evolve, and she stuck to her decision even more just to prove everyone wrong.
Her favourite flower are roses, is also her favourite fragrance.
Was rocking a half-shaved hairstyle in her teenage years, and complained a lot to Turo when she was asked to change it once she went into the field.
She constantly got into fights when she was in school; a lot of times she was placed in homes with too many kids fighting for attention, making her get into the habit of fighting other kids, mostly to avoid trying to look weak.
Gym rat, she listens to audio books of readings of her own documents while she is working out; insisting that it helps her to think.
Can't stay awake too late, even if she tries she eventually goes out like a light. Turo used to make fun of her for it. In return, Sada made fun of his 'raccoon eyes' (the man is a night owl and often has insomnia.)
Likes golden jewellery the most.
Loud, very loud. She learned how to module her voice once she became an adult, but even to her last year of school she was told in presentations "Miss Sada, I appreciate the enthusiasm but you don't need to yell."
A Perfectionist, she also gets easily envious of other people that are better than her.
Her favourite type are dragons.
She had the Scarlet book since she was a little girl, and it has been one of the few possessions she has been able to keep.
Neither of them knew it, but Sada is actually Iono's aunt. (Yes, I have an explanation as to how in-universe. I am not writing that little story because feels too long. If you want to know the reason why I made it this way, is because both of them have fangs.)
Socially inept, her passion and beauty normally makes up for it, at least in most social settings. She never had many friends.
Feral Bisexual.
Was best friend's with Juliana's/Florian's mom in middle school (Yes, I know they are suppose to be from Galar, I have an explanation for it. I am just not giving the long version here.)
Can't cook to save her life; she never had anyone teaching her, and when she had the chance to learn on her own lost patience often, or ended up focusing in something else. Survives out of healthy smoothies and some take out. Knows a few tricks to make a mean ramen though.
Likes outdoors; when she has the chance she would study outside under the sun, and preferred sights with nice views (the lighthouse lab is right beside the ocean, the office that is now Clavell's has big windows even if is technically a lab.)
Very loopy when she doesn't sleep, and was always the give away about her inability to stay up too late.
Can speak Spanish.
Likes spicy food.
Multiple times, has taken Turo on her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. She will deliberately walk him in front of people if possible just to say "See how ridiculous this is? Go to sleep at a decent hour next time nerd."
(Yes, she is a nerd, yes, she still calls Turo that.)
Can quote the Scarlet book with ease, she has memorized the biographies of the members of that expedition, as well as absorbed every detail about the Area Zero that she could find.
Both her and Turo were squealing in glee at the idea of going to Area Zero. During their first time being down, they quoted to each other their respective books. (Yes I also have an explanation for this, and I will post about it soon.)
Had fantasized about seeing different events from the past (the ancient pokemon times, the expedition to the Area Zero, before her mother gave her up- etc.)
Was young when she got pregnant with Arven, low twenties young I mean.
Speaks to her Larvesta (now Volcarona) like it is a puppy.
Really good dancer.
That's it for now? I may talk about Turo's soon, though I have less than with Sada to be honest.
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moonbloom226 · 9 months
Random thought in the middle of the night became a large jumble of ideas.
Decided to make my own dnd race.
Human/elf like beings, with fur, thin prehensile tails, and more animal like legs with the backwards knees.
Most of the species hunt for sport, often collecting bones from the prey they've taken down, though a few have decided to permanently stay back and live a more peaceful life as traders and gatherers for supplies for their people.
Families that are traders often tend to be smaller with weaker legs and smaller natural weapons like claws and teeth. While hunters are larger, with stronger legs for running and bigger teeth and claws. However, that doesn't stop those evolved for one job, deciding to do the other.
Hunters often keep their first trophies to commemorate their first successful hunt, no matter how big or small it was. (Just imagine a young child bringing a dead mouse they caught back home to proud parents.) Often live out in the forests in villages.
Fur colours range from normal skin tones to shades of black and white. Some even dye parts of their fur for decoration.
They can live hundreds of years if they are careful, but they become adults around 25-26 years old.
(Might need to draw it at some point)
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allnightlongzine · 1 year
Role Models: My Chemical Romance Showed Glass Beach a Healthy Kind of Angst
The LA band pays tribute to their emo heroes.
Glass Beach | June 28, 2021 | talkhouse.com
I think we all got into My Chemical Romance in middle school or high school. My cousin went to college in another town, and she had been dating this guy who sort of got me into playing guitar. I would go over there, and the thing I loved about visiting them is they would let me stay up all night just doing whatever I wanted. And I was a kid, so I had unlimited energy. This was on the very cusp of when MTV was phasing out music videos, and I remember staying up one night and seeing a bunch of videos — I had no idea what they were called, but there was this one with a very pretty lady in a church dancing down an aisle. I later found out that was “Helena” by My Chemical Romance.
From there, I scoured YouTube for every song that I could find of theirs. I liked them, but it was my first burst of getting into them. The moment it went from, Oh, this is a really cool rock band, to, I think this might legitimately be a big influence on me for the rest of my life, was when I was 13: The Black Parade came out, and that was the same year I found out my mom had cancer. Songs like “Welcome to the Black Parade,” and another one that doesn’t get talked about as much called “Disenchanted,” were super powerful, because they were all about dealing with the process of death and grief and the idea of what you’re leaving behind. It made me think about my mom and it got me through a lot of tough shit. From that point forward, I knew My Chem was one of my favorite emo bands of all time.
There was a bit where they were definitely a guilty pleasure band for me. When I was first getting into the emo scene, the line was always, “Oh, I like emo, but not like My Chemical Romance. Like real emo.” I always liked them though, and I think recently we’ve come into an era where guilty pleasures are barely a thing, and anyone into emo is willing to listen to any kind of emo — even the mall emo stuff that was written off basically just because teenage girls liked it.
Most artists are subject to the mentality that if you don’t have stuff figured out by the time you’re 25, you’re screwed and you’ve gotta resign yourself to this life of not doing anything you dreamed of. I remember going through a phase as a teenager where I would look up, When did these guys get big? I have to get big by the time these guys did, otherwise I’m not on the right path! And My Chem started when Gerard Way was 24. By the time that “I’m Not Okay” came out, Ray Toro was almost 30. As a kid I was like, Oh, my god! I’ve got more time than I thought! It definitely helped me toward the mentality that just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean you have to stop pursuing your dreams. Especially the ones that people view as childlike, which sadly I think is how music is viewed by many. Like, “Oh, you and your little band!” You mean, the thing I do for a living?
I think of the bands I liked at that time, and My Chem is the band I liked the most and never stopped liking. Part of that could be that they did take a six-year break to stop releasing music, so they never released bad music. But also, I think that there are a lot of mature themes in their music, beyond just that they talk about death. The emotions that they write from are so heavy and full — the older I get listening to it, there’s more to connect to. When you go back a look at the way My Chem started and how their music has evolved, there’s so much that you hear change as they were growing up as people.
If you listen to a song like “I’m Not Okay” and this song by Black Veil Brides called “Knives and Pens” — on the surface, they seem the same, but “I’m Not Okay” feels a whole lot more like a personal introspection rather than this get-back-at-the-world-because-you’re-an-outcast thing. It feels like, “Yeah, I’m an outcast, but I kind of just want to express that — and I don’t care if I get back at the world, I just want to be okay.” It’s a healthier way of processing it. There’s a level of depth that My Chem achieved that a lot of similar bands didn’t quite hit the right chord on. It also doesn’t seem to glorify the idea of being overtly depressed. That’s one line that I feel like some emo music had trouble with, the line between accepting and expressing real feelings of sadness and turmoil in yourself, and beginning to glorify the idea of depression.
There was this aspect of the emo subculture at the time of embracing the feminine. I think that’s a big part of why the look and the culture as a whole were so stigmatized at the time. The 2000s were a fucked up time, being involved in the Iraq war and the prevailing attitude of “being strong and getting back at the people who hurt us” — this whole culture of toxic masculinity. Emo was a reaction to that: Allowing yourself to embrace the “feminine” side and be sad about the violence going on. Allowing yourself to mourn and accept tragedy for what it is, rather than acting like the response to tragedy and death and bad things has to be a violent one.
The feminine expression probably connected to what a lot of queer youth were feeling at the time, whether they fully realized it or not. A few years ago, Gerard Way said some non-binary-y things — I’m still not entirely clear as to what extent he may identify as non-binary, but he expressed a relationship with gender that is not totally aligned with the binary, surprising no one and inspiring a lot of people. I will say, a lot of non-binary people maybe jumped on it too hard and claimed him as a non-binary icon, and saying “Gerard is using they/them pronouns,” which he never said. So there is a point to where I think people got a little too excited and took his own agency away — which is not nearly as harmful as the counter to it — but I think that just kind of speaks to those feelings of inspiring people to express their feminine sides and be more vulnerable. Being okay with having these emotional thoughts and thinking about your own emotions critically and feeling it, I think, often can lead to gender discovery.
Just being able to say “I’m not okay” was very powerful for a lot of people. Especially queer people, whether they knew it or not. Even if you have internalized homophobia, or transphobia as a trans person, that can be a powerful step towards being comfortable in your own body. If you’re raised in a very conservative household and taught your entire life that being trans is a bad thing, and you realized that you’re trans at some point, there has to be a mourning period for the way that you existed before that point.
I think The Black Parade especially hits on those feelings. They say, “Though you’re broken and defeated, your weary widow marches on” — it isn’t “I am depressed, I am sad, I regret who I am and that defeats me.” It’s “I see all of these things, I see the mistakes, I see the failure and the things that could hold me back; I accept what they are and that they do hurt me and that it is difficult, and I will then continue forward.” That kind of falls in line with the way we’ve talk about queer people forever. I feel like My Chemical Romance is a more nuanced and effective It Gets Better campaign.
I think it’s important to see your depression and negativity reflected, and feel seen in that way. The last line of “Famous Last Words” is “I’m not afraid to keep on living, I’m not afraid to walk this world alone.” Not that queer and trans people end up walking alone after coming out, but sometimes it can feel like that. It’s such a powerful message for that record to go out on — you can still live on and find joy in life even if you’re the only one left.
As told to Annie Fell
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dracyoola · 2 months
Cat Hybrid Felix Fanfic
This story was what I started writing before it evolved and became one of my favorite stories to write, Nocturnal (But Not By Choice).
The original idea I was playing with, was of Felix being the only human in a K-Pop group of all hybrids, then he goes missing, gets captured and made into a hybrid as well, before escaping and making his way back to the dorm. This idea evolved and grew into my what is now my fanfic, Nocturnal, which is posted on A03.
I may or may not come back to this story and write some more to it. If I do, I think it would probably end up being a long one shot.
Cat Hybrid Felix Fanfic
In today's society, hybrids were fairly common. There were people who were regular humans and there were people who were shifters; people born with the ability to shift into an animal form. When shifters and humans had children together, there was usually fifty percent chance of their children being hybrids, a twenty five percent chance of them being human and a twenty five percent chance of them being a shifter as well.
Felix was nothing special, as far as he was concerned. He was a regular human, with dreams of becoming a K-Pop Idol. He knew his dreams were pretty big and near impossible to reach, especially at this point in time. Hybrids were all the rage and K-Pop companies were looking to only promote all hybrid groups. There was no way Felix, a normal human, would get into any company, let alone an idol group.
Even with his chances being so slim, Felix left his home in Australia and flew to South Korea to chase his dream. When he auditioned for JYP Entertainment, he was surprised when he got in. They loved his voice and said his control of his body while dancing was impressive. So even though they were looking for hybrids, he was still given a shot.
It was at the company where he met Chan. Chan was a wolf hybrid with grey ears and a fluffy grey tail and he was the kindest person Felix had ever met. It was hard not to like Chan, especially since he was also from Australia. They bonded quickly and became close and once Chan heard Felix sing, heard the range of his voice, he knew he wanted Felix to be in his group. He had to have him join.
The problem was that Stray Kids was meant to be an all hybrid group. Company execs didn't want a human debuting with the group, no matter how good the other members of Stray Kids thought he was. They'd all become smitten with the human when they first met him. It was impossible not to. He was so kind and caring and full of life. They all immediately took to him and wanted him to join the group.
Chan fought tooth and nail to get them to let Felix debut in the group with them. Tons of arguements, threats to leave the company… Chan was willing to do whatever it took. He refused to even consider debuting if Felix wasn't part of the group. Eventually, the execs gave in. They told Chan that he was foolish, that no one would listen to their music, that they'd totally flop. Chan didn't care to hear it. All he cared about was that Felix would finally get to debut with Stray Kids.
Fast forward a couple years and Stray Kids is dominating the music scene. All of the members revel in it, feeling like it's a big middle finger to the company execs, who said it was a horrible idea to debut an all hybrid group with a human member. Little did they know, that was exactly what drew interest to them, in a market that was quickly becoming oversaturated with hybrid idol groups.
Fans were drawn the to only human member of Stray Kids. His deep voice, his sunny personality. He definitely drew in a lot of human fans, who appreciated him and felt recognized and heard.
Things were going great… until Felix went missing.
Felix was at their dorm when they all went to sleep for the night, then he was gone the next morning. He wasn't answering his phone and the members started to get worried. They notified the company, who in turn notified the authorities and a search was launched. They called Felix's family and friends back in Australia, but he wasn't there, either. The search was ongoing, with news spreading about his disappearance. Fans rallied together, forming their own search parties to try and find their beloved idol. The rest of Stray Kids, though distraught, were touched by their fan's neverending tenacity in trying to find their missing band mate.
Three months passed with no sign of Felix.
Until one night, he showed up at the dorm. There was a weak knock on the front door, followed by the sound of something hitting the floor.
Jisung looked up from the TV in the living room, one small, brown ear twitching towards the door. He got up, his fluffy brown tail curling up against his back and crept over to the door. Upon opening it, Jisung cried out in shock.
Jisung rushed to help the boy inside, who was crumpled onto the floor outside the dorm. He let the front door slide shut behind them. Felix's clothes were torn and dirty and worn out looking. He was wearing grey sweatpants and a grey sweatshirt, with white slippers on his feet. He had a black beanie on his head. His skin was dirty, long hair a mess.
Jisung helped him over to the couch, helping him to sit down. "Felix, baby, can you hear me?"
"Mmm…" Felix muttered, finally opening his eyes and looking to Jisung. "Sungie?"
Jisung was in awe of Felix's eyes. They were no longer brown, but a gorgeous blue color. No, they had to be contacts. People's eye colors don't just change of their own accord.
"I'm here, baby," Jisung sniffled, pulling Felix into his arms. "Felix… are you okay? God, what happened to you?"
"I finally escaped," Felix whimpered, burying his face into Jisung's neck, hot tears landing on his skin. "I finally got away."
"Away from who?" Jisung asked in alarm, eyes wide. "Felix, what is going on? Who did you escape from?"
"The scientists," Felix cried, clutching onto Jisung. "They hurt me, did bad things to me… treated me like a science experiment."
"Okay, okay, baby. It's okay now, you're safe. I promise. We're gonna keep you safe. We should get you cleaned up and get you some food, okay? I'll call the others so they can come home," Jisung said softly, helping Felix to stand up once his crying quieted down.
He led Felix to the bathroom, stepping inside with him and starting up the shower. "Alright, I'll help you shower, okay Lix?"
"No!" Felix whimpered, backing away from Jisung slightly. "No. I-I can do it myself."
"Are you sure?" Jisung asked, frowning.
Felix sniffled and nodded. "Yes. I can do it."
Jisung relented. "Okay. Call me if you need help, okay?"
Felix nodded, waiting for Jisung to leave. He really didn't want Jisung to leave but he also didn't want Jisung to see what he really was now. A freak. A science experiment.
Felix locked the bathroom door, sniffling again. He pulled off his beanie, freeing the fluffy white cat ears from their confines. Felix moved them around a little, relieved that they were no longer trapped under the beanie. He pulled his shirt off, before taking his pants off, his fluffy white cat tail feeling better after being in the confines of his pants.
He looked at himself in the mirror, tears filling his eyes. He never asked for this. He should've known better. When that lady stopped him on the street, asking what is favorite animal was, he should've been more wary.
"Cats," he told her with a smile, intending to go about his business after that, but he never made it to the convenience store that night.
Now here he was, after three long months of torture and being experimented on like some kind of specimen… he was a cat hybrid.
Felix crumbled onto the floor, sobs wracking his small form. Jisung was at the door in an instant, knocking on it. "Felix? Are you okay? Can I come in?"
Felix didn't answer. He couldn't, even if he wanted to. After a few minutes, his cat ears picked up on the sound of the door unlocking. Jisung hurried into the room, looking worried. He gasped as he took in Felix's appearance. He was a hybrid. But… how? He'd been human before he went missing.
Oh no.
Jisung felt something twist in his stomach, his mind putting together the missing pieces. Jisung fell to the floor beside Felix, pulling the boy into his arms and craddling him close.
"It's okay, Lix. I'm here. You're safe now."
After some time, Felix finally calmed down enough to let Jisung help him take a shower and get cleaned off. Jisung helped towel dry Felix's body, before using the hair dryer to dry off the fur of his tail, leaving soft and fluffy once more. Felix looked so sad and tired, like he was exhausted. Jisung had a million questions he wanted to ask but he knew Felix needed his rest, first and foremost. He gave Felix some of his own clothes to wear, which included shorts that were designed to accommodate a hybrid's tail and a t-shirt.
"Do you want to rest, Lixie?" Jisung asked softly, taking Felix's hand in his own.
Felix nodded quietly. "I'm so tired, Sungie. I don't know when I last got a good night's sleep."
Jisung frowned at that. "Well, you'll get one tonight. Come on, come stay in my room. I won't let the others bother you, I promise."
"Thanks," Felix whispered, following after Jisung.
Jisung got Felix into his bed, settled in and comfy. He heard the front door beep, signaling that the others were home. He caressed Felix's cheek gently, smiling as he snored softly. Jisung got up and left the room, closing the door behind himself, before going to greet the others.
"Hannie," Minho smiled, scooping the squirrel hybrid up in a big hug, purring softly and nosing against his neck, scenting him.
"Hey baby," Jisung smiled, hugging the cat hybrid back. "Guys? Um… can we all go into the living room? There's something I need to tell you."
Once everyone was in the living room and sitting down, Jisung bit his bottom lip and hugged his fluffy tail close to his chest. Minho looked concerned.
"What's wrong, jagi?" he asked, watching Jisung curiously.
Jisung took a breath. "Felix is here. He… He was at the door. I don't know what he's been through but I got him showered and he's in bed, sleeping now. He said something about escaping from scientists? Who treated him like an experiment?" Jisung paused, trying to collect himself, before he continued. "He… He's a hybrid now. I… I don't know how or if it has to do with the scientists he was talking about but… he's a hybrid. Like us."
"I want to see him," Chan said, standing up. The rest of the members remained quiet, taking in what Jisung was saying. Jisung nodded quietly, before getting up and leading Chan down the hallway to his room, where Felix was in bed, resting.
Jisung opened the door for Chan and stepped aside to let him in. Chan stepped into the room, his breath catching in his throat. It really was Felix. He was here, he was safe. Chan went over to the bed, sitting on the edge of it, unable to stop the tears that fell. He stroked Felix's hair gently, lightly brushing his fingers over the admittedly cute cat ears atop his head. One of them twitched a little, startling him.
Jisung closed the door, leaving them alone for the time being, while trying to answer any questions the others might have.
Chan didn't understand how Felix could be a hybrid now. He was human. You were either born a hybrid or not. You didn't suddenly become one. Chan laid down beside Felix, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him close, burying his face into Felix's neck. None of that mattered right now. Felix was home, he was safe. That's all that mattered.
When Felix awoke later on, he was warm and comfortable. He couldn't remember the last time he woke up feeling so content. It seemed like ages ago. Looking over, he couldn't help but smile and tear up as he saw Chan, fast asleep beside him, arms wrapped around Felix's waist. Felix snuggled closer to him, sighing softly and letting sleep overtake him once more.
It was about a week before Felix felt comfortable enough telling the others what had happened. His memory was fuzzy at best, unable to remember everything, but he told them what he could remember.
"All I really remember was walking to the convenience store one night, then some woman stopped me and asked me what my favorite animal was, then I was hit on the back of the head and knocked out," Felix started, fidgeting with his fluffy white tail, while he sat beside Chan on the sofa, the rest of the members gathered around. "When I woke up, I was in some kind of operating room, like at a hospital. Only it looked weird, I guess. They… they drugged me, I think. Everything is so blurry. I remember seeing like… a table across the room. There was a big kind of cat on it. It looked like a normal cat only like a really big breed, I guess. There were people around it, doing stuff to it. Then they gave me anesthetic and knocked me out again."
Felix paused, swallowing hard, tears threatening to spill. "W-When I woke up again, I… I looked like this," he sniffled, wiping his eyes. "My head was hurting where they… a-attached the ears. My back was hurting where they attached the tail. They wouldn't answer any of my questions. They ignored me. They had people come in every few hours to check on me. It lasted a couple weeks. They were checking to see how… how I was healing, I think."
Felix sniffled, taking another deep breath, before continuing. "They started doing tests. Seeing if I could move the ears or the tail. Seeing if I could hear from the new ears. I-I finally got away when there was a security breach. All the doors were unlocked. I followed another group of pe-hybrids. People like me. We escaped together."
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