#Have led me to just realize oh shit. I could've just been this happy the whole time?
grokebaby · 8 months
Been thinking about it and honestly I've been feeling like I don't really wanna post about several ocs anymore
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carlplsrailme · 2 years
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭 | 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬
summary: getting caught kissing rick grimes son, by rick grimes is probably the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you.
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Carl Grimes x Fem!Reader
wc: 600
request: can you write something like carl and reader getting caught making out ITS BEEN ON MY MIND ALL DAU😭🙏🏾
cw: kissing, getting caught.
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The heat was prominent as you stood crossed armed in the middle of Alexandria's walls. The summer warmth collecting on your skin, nipping at your cheeks and nose while your warn out white tank and blue jeans didn't help your situation.
you watched as people ate their lunch and moved on, not hungry yourself. 
"I'd expect you to be down there eating by now, it's your favorite" you looked to the side to see Carl, long brown hair sitting on his shoulders as his smile, ah, more of a smirk held upbeat on his lips.
"yeah, well, not really in the mood right now..I'll have some later" you smiled, turning back as Carl laid his back on the wall as well
"ya'know, watching people eat isn't really that great of a hobby" he pried, you rolled your eyes as he pushed and pushed before you asked him what he really wanted
"I have new comic books, new ones we can read together!" he grinned like a little boy, you scoffed as you wore a smile back at him.
"you could've just led with that"
now, you sat crossed-legged on his bed. he tossed around his desk, talking to you about the new comics and all, you listened intently as he twirled around with a...gift in his hand?
pink paper wrapped a book-shaped figure with a thread tying into a bow. your furrowed brows were enough for him to realize how oblivious you were
"uh..this is for you.." he suddenly became shy, cheeks red and it wasn't from the suns rays coming from the window
"for me? why?" 
"ugh, just take it..it's a...present for you" you grabbed it and started to tear the paper off, slowly peeling away to see a book cover that was all too familiar
"oh my goodness, Carl! holy shit you really got it!" you squealed as you see the "1" on the cover, the book you've been trying to get for the longest time as you only had the other ones... except for the first one of course.
"yeah, well, I was on a run and uhm..it was just...there" yeah, it wasn't just there. he had to kill a small herd of walkers that were in the store just because he saw a glimpse of it through the window..but...he'd never tell you that
"that's amazing! thank you!" you kicked your feet liked a little girl as Carl became flustered at the pure sight of your happiness, something he doesn't get to see often
you ran up and gave him a hug, pulling away to look him in the eye, emotions getting the best of you as you contemplate finally acting on your feelings...and...you do.
you lean in and finally. fucking finally kiss him. his soft lips you've always looked at sucked into yours as your both held each other tight, soon you both found yourselves on the bed, with you on his lap, nothing sexual, just loveness and pureness.
you held his face as he held your waist, your head twisting as you attempt to kiss him even deeper, and then..
"Carl, you never-" Rick opened the door up, and with raw fear you tumbled off him and Rick watched with nothing but shock
"Oh..Oh...um..my bad" he walked back before closing the door, and then opening it just an inch before running down the stairs, you felt hot but not in the way before, hot with embarrassment
"I-I'm so sorry" Carl stuttered, upset and embarrassed that that was how your first kiss went
you burst out laughing as you tried to put yourself together, Carl joined you in a couple of seconds, your laugh too intoxicating not to. 
so maybe not the best first kiss, but certainly one to remember..
oh and, Rick gave the...talk right after to a very shameful Carl
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an: hiii guys! i haven't wrote fluff in a while <3 had kinda a bad day so this was really nice for me to write...ilysm! ♡
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tuiyla · 2 years
Your post about the You're Having My Baby moment made me remember how Kurt was directly involved with that which is my least favorite Kurt moment. If the Glee writers gave a shit about continuity and their characters, Kurt would have immediately regretted egging Finn on after realizing the consequences and apologized to Quinn. I also think should have invited Quinn to stay with him and Burt. Then Quinn could've had an organic seasons-long friendship with Kurt and Mercedes that had time to develop.
And the best part of this scenario would be Quinn could be angry at Finn because she wouldn't be relying on him for shelter anymore. I doubt the writers actually considered why Quinn wouldn't be angry towards Finn for that stunt because in their minds Finn could do no wrong and she was lying about the paternity so she had it coming. But it still makes sense that her being reliant on him completely right after he blew up her life would make it hard for her to deal with her feelings. Plus, she felt guilty about lying to Finn so she probably figured she deserved it. But I think in a different environment with a solid support system (Kurtcedes) she would have been able to let herself be angry and upset about it. Anyway, I definitely agree that Finn should've faced consequences for that dumbass stunt and I honestly think it was unrealistic that Kurt didn't feel guilty about using Quinn as a pawn to get to Finn. The other things he did (Rachel's makeover and introducing Barole) were minor and positive in comparison, but enabling Finn to ruin Quinn's life was a step too far and seeing the consequences in action definitely would've had an effect. As a gay teen in a conservative town with a masculine dad, I'm sure Kurt worried about ending up homeless before he came out, and playing a part in that happening to someone else would definitely mess him up.
Just to be clear, I don't think Kurt is as responsible for what happened as Finn. Kurt egged him on but Finn made the decision to do what he did. Finn should 100% have been held responsible for being an idiot who casually fucks up people's lives. I just think that the way things played out also did a disservice to Kurt's character because he showed no reaction to learning that something he helped facilitate led to his classmate losing her home and family.
Very sorry I'm only getting to this now but first off, thanks for all these thoughts! I was in fact hoping someone would wanna talk about You're Having My Baby haha.
I’m glad you bring Kurt’s part in it up because I think it’s my least favourite thing he’s ever done. One of the things I hated the most in this episode is how we’re pretending this is Finn’s truth to tell and that it’s good he got it off his chest. And Kurt was much more aware of the consequences than Finn and still egged him on. Something, ANYTHING from him after Quinn gets disowned as a result would have been nice. Oh to have had a Kuinn friendship. Especially because his comments about Quinn are again my least favourite parts of season 1 Kurt. I like that he’s flawed but let’s portray this whole situation as a flaw, too.
You know what the issue is, is that the show treats this as Finn’s storyline. The whole damn pregnancy in season 1A is about Finn, Will, Puck, Terri, and THEN about Quinn. Fucking ridiculous. And so you have things like Ballad, where Quinn’s suffering is secondary, her parents were bound to find out. Judy already knew by the time Finn started singing. But the thing that absolutely disgusts me is that it wasn’t Finn’s truth to tell. Quinn having lied to him doesn’t justify it and fuck Glee for never acknowledging how fucked up this was. Quinn was traumatized for life but I guess Finn felt lighter after having told the Fabrays so happy fucking days. I hate him.
But anyway, back to Kurt. Kuinncedes as a friendship trio would have made so much sense and could have developed so organically in season 1. I think it would have been so good for Kurt to be allowed to have that moment of realization and reach out. If only Glee viewed Quinn’s pain as valid. And yes, please allow her to be angry! She was so helpless from that moment on until she moved in with Mercedes. Having Kurt be a part of that storyline, especially because they had him get involved already in Ballad would really round it out. But again, the show doesn’t care about Quinn’s story. Boggles the mind that people think Quinn’s story was done well in season 1 but that’s a convo for another day.
So true about Kurt having a unique point of reference and feeling of empathy, too. Sure, Burt ended up being a thousand times better than Russell Fabray could ever be but Kurt still lived in fear for a while. In general I think it’s whack that Kurt is shown to be compassionate time and again but for some reason Kuinn interactions are almost always void of that. Whyyy Glee. I remember bringing up Kuinn a while back and annoying anons came out of the woodwork lol so maybe I won’t revive that conversation but suffice to say I’m really fucking mad at their 3x14 convo. It doesn’t represent either of them well and what they could have been.
At the end of the day, 100%, it was Finn’s fault and his stupid ass never faced any consequences so he just kept ignoring people’s agency and doing whatever the fuck he wanted while ruining lives. But I am glad you brought this up because it’s a super uncomfortable part of the story that Kurt knowingly egged him on and never had a moment of reflection after Quinn literally lost her home as a result. I don’t think what he did was necessarily a disservice because it’s a good flawed moment, very calculative and emblematic of his Slytherin self which shines the most in season 1. But I also agree that not having a moment of reflection did do him a disservice. Let Finn be the ass that he is, whatever, but not having even Kurt realize the weight of this clearly communicated that the narrative didn’t give two shits about Quinn. I could scream endlessly about how messed up this is.
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pollosky-in-blue · 3 years
s p o i l e r s
for And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
I just watched the film adaptables of And Then There Were None (the BBC series and the 1945's movie) and *cough*-
Why, tell me why they must always ship Vera and Lombard? In the book, it is clear there is no mutual attraction between them. Lombard did take a errrr.. liking to Vera but she didn't reciprocate. Her mind and heart and soul was always, always on Hugo - it was almost an obsession with her. She hangs herself because she reasoned "Hugo would've wanted it", she kills for him, she half lives in his memory. I don't see her falling heavily for Lombard while being so 'preoccupied'. Their chemistry was (in the book) that of two possible partners in crime or - of course - detection. Christie made them a cool duo, but not, for heaven's sake, not damned lovers!
The fucked up bit in the 1945 film is how they portrayed Vera Claythorne. A damsel in distress! Oh! A pretty secretarial lamb who needs to be watched over when it's dark and lonely! (God you ought to see the part where Lombard was watching her through the window for the whole goddamned night creepy shit). They ripped away her character, made her an object of male coveting and hooray look! A happy ending where they both fall in love and escape the island LEAVING EVERYONE ELSE STABBED, POISONED, CHOPPED TO PIECES AND THEY DON’T GET HELD UP BY THE POLICE? They'd obviously be the first and only suspects because the boatman couldn't have been on the island (he found em by the way) - no one could've been! How the heck do they get away with it??? Hmm??? Also, the obvious racism in titling the poem as "Ten Little Indians" in the movie kills me. Christie had the grace and good nature to use "Ten Little Soldiers" but oh no, not these colonial douchebags.
And they blatantly sexualized the entire chemistry between Vera and Lombard in the BBC series good god. You know that scene where Lombard is ridiculously shirtless (the towel being unnecessarily low at that) and just ogling and Vera's umm upper torso...? they killed her character then and there when she unfastens her robe with a sAuCy smirk.
Good god.
How many chances do you waste when you're building a female character? Not only did they destroy her essence in TWO DIFFERENT ADAPTATIONS but some people are actually fawning over it??? I am not going to get over a music video edit of vErA aNd LoMbArD hOlDiNg hands blah blah blah blah blah. Agatha Christie wrote some of the best female characters among her contemporaries. They had essence of their own, a mind of their own and oh these bastards go off and ruin it!!! The actual heck. Everyone in the book committed their own evil deeds, which eventually led to their deaths. Vera, was perhaps, the most deserving of the ordeal. That is if we are not distinguishing between the types and "levels" of their wrongdoings and the individual situations that inspired them. Sure, she killed a child in cold blood, for the hand in marriage to her beloved. But Lombard left twenty-one African men to die in the hands of some unmentioned danger (in the movie, it is said he kills them with his own hand but that is not so in the book). Is it indirect racism when Christie made Lombard die second to Vera? Well yes, leaving people to die and directly causing their death is quite comparable and I must be paranoid if I'm seeing this as racism but ah I'll wait for some opinions to roll by. I haven't found any analysis on this topic.
So yes, that escalated unexpectedly, I didn't even realize I was going off a tangent from my original statement but yes. Had to put this out there.
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shaggi · 3 years
if i could stop time, i would
info ; eren x reader ; soulmates ; 1.8k
content warning ; end of the world concept, mentions of not really wanting to live lol, gentle angst
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Day one. 72 hours until the world ends.
The world is going to shit. I know it is because I can hear the panicked buzz of mothers holding their children close and reassuring them as the news practically burned "we're all going to die" into our heads.
My fingers twitched as they held the dark blue fabric of my jeans. I'm terrified ㅡ as is the rest of the people watching the news ㅡ and it most definitely doesnt help when they plaster a large timer onto the screen counting down our days and hours left on our beloved blue planet.
"We never thought this day would come.. Ladies and gentlemen, we've reached the end of the chapter." The words echoed into the back of my mind. 'The end of the chapter'? I havent even really lived my life? I'm only seventeen.. I barely made it to graduation. I suck in a deep breath, filling my lungs fully before releasing the built up pressure.
Theres a burning sensation on my waterline, tears threatening to roll down my cheeks. My hands begin to shake when I think back to all the sleepless nights I spent not enjoying life. I took life for granted ㅡ and now it's going to end in three days. In seventy-two hours, it's all going to go away. That's not enough time to say all the things I didnt have a chance to say.
Wasted opportunities.
Wasted chances that I now no longer have control over.
My legs suddenly feel like spaghetti and walking seems like a foriegn topic to me. I just need to sit down, take a breather.
Who am I kidding. The storm inside me is raging on tonight and my hands have a handful of messy locks.
I catch glimpse of inked red calligraphy spelling out the name 'Eren' that is marked onto the inside of my forearm in small writing just an inch below my wrist. My heart swells with sadness.
The sense of realization settles in, practically telling me to 'let this sink in for a little'. I'm not ever going to get the chance to meet my soulmate. I'll never get the satisfaction of weaving their fingers with mine, to lay on the couch on cold winter nights with blankets drooped over our shoulders. Never get the chance to tell them I love them over and over again, to brush their hair behind their ears, grab them by the smooth skin of theirs and feel the fireworks of pressing my lips against their own.
I wont feel the sweet electricity course through me like people explained would happen when they touched their soulmate for the first time. I've spent seventeen years searching for this perfect person in the happiness of this little town. The universe promised a perfect person, they never promised me to meet them though.
The younger generations were lucky, for they werent born with marks. They werent tied to someone, so they dont have anything to lose other than the fact that they're too young to leave this world.
A crowd begins to pull outside, staring at the sky with both a mix of admiration and fear. The blue sky has begun to turn itself into a peach color. My town's happy vibe has now turned uneasy, scared, unsure.
That day, I walk home slowly when the sky begins to darken, taking the scenery of the autumn leaves disarray upon the concrete sidewalk. If the world is ending in three days, I'm going to make the most of it. Soak it up like a sponge. Do what I should've been doing these past seventeen years and love life for once ㅡ despite all the wrong. Despite the fact that I'll never graduate, and never meet my soulmate. I force myself to disregard the nagging thoughts that tug at my conscious.
I dont think about the fact that I'll never get a chance to buy my first apartment.
I dont think about how I wont be able to wake up every morning to make my significant other breakfast.
And I most certainly dont think about how I'll never be able to take my lovers hand at the alter and say with great pride, "I do."
Day 2. 48 hours until the world ends.
Today, I woke up early. Early enough that the sun still hasn't peaked over the clouds. They say that if you wake up early enough the day takes longer to end.
The aching pain in my chest never seems to cease. I laugh a little bitterly at the calander on the wall, I feel like its mocking me now. A part of me wants to rip the thing to shreds and scream until my throat is raw ㅡ but I said I'd make the best of these last days. So, I push these bitter thoughts from my mind and start up a warm shower.
Seventeen years of not wanting to be alive, and now I only have two days to live until the entire world completely goes to shit. Ironic, isn’t it? Why now am I so angry? The water is warm trickling down my bare body, as my shower thoughts continue treading forward to how I could make life better in less than forty-eight hours.
I walk down a different road today, deciding that routine wasnt necessary when the world is going to end in forty-eight hours. The countdown continues on nearby TVs, the bright white luminous against the dark morning sky.
It makes me feel anxious.
Destruction clouds my mind, but I bite my lip and hold my ground. This situation will not drive me crazy.
The town is a lot quieter than I expected, then again it's only 6 in the morning.
The day carries on just as any other day, the air seems heavier though. It's the night time that brings chaos.
You see, I've been walking around town all day blowing that last little bits of money I have on little things that have no purpose. The sky is the same sunset peach as it was yesterday, only barely hinting at a blue color.
There's a faint noise a few blocks from where I am standing, and at first I chose the ignore it. The yelling got louder and louder until I felt my feet pull like magnets to what was going on.
Chocolate hair, smooth tan skin shining under the soft orange of the sky, handfuls of someones shirt as this mystery man pinned some junky against the rough brick wall. His eyes held a killer glow, practically fuming from the ears. I was going to mind my own business, but then I saw the other strike at the brunette ㅡ and I dont know why, but I stepped in.
A surprise attack, a blow right to the face, maybe a minor bruise on my cheek from when the other decided to attack back ㅡ but soon he left. I turn my gaze back to the brunette who still sits on the floor, palms pressed into the concrete.
"I didnt need your help," he hissed, dusting his hands against the black fabric of his jeans.
"Oh you're welcome for saving your ass, wasnt a problem at all." My hand lifts to my face, pressing onto the bruise and wincing before squatting next to this stranger. "Is it bad? Let me see," The moment my hand makes contact with the others chin I feel the rush of electricity course through me.
Overwhelming is an understatement. Sweet emotions flooded through my mind but I can feel the pounding of fear in my veins, and bittersweet it was. When I retract my hand, I see that he's mirrored the exact expression I have; eyes blown wide, fear in the darks of his pupils.
"Eren..?" trying to keep my voice from cracking seems hard, and it comes out more like a whisper. This situation leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Where the hell has he been for seventeen years? Why is he just now showing up?
Eren immediately sprung to his feet, taking a few steps back with no words to say. I snatched at his left arm, pushing the sweaters sleeve up and over his forearm to see my name inked in blue against his paper skin. "So.. you're my soulmate?" I promise I didnt mean to make it sound disappointed ㅡ but in a way, I guess you could say I was.
So many questions raced through my mind; but the biggest question of all was why? Why now of all times we could've met? Why must I be gifted with the worst luck.
Eren isnt a bad person though, and in the few hours we've spent together I can tell you this; His favorite color is red, he lives with his mother and a girl that his family took in when they were very little - who he loves dearly, he can play guitar very well, he looks absolutely adorable with his hair tied up, and that's only the stuff he's told me within the first hour.
Words cannot express how much I wished we could have more time together, but the bright TV clocks continue to remind me that our time is running out.
"There's nothing more I'd rather do than to spend my last moments with you," Eren whispered, golden flecks in his beautiful ocean eyes. His hand was held in mine as the pained expression washed over his face. Somewhere in the conversation led us to this point of heartbreak. We both explained how we wanted nothing more than to meet earlier in life, but apparently the universe had a different plan.
The idea of parting with Eren now just seemed like a waste, and I'd much rather take my dying last breath next to the one I looked for my entire life. Falling in love is easy when you've got nothing to live for.
The walk back to my house is silent, but it's a comfortable silence, and we never seem to let go of each others hands. The house is quiet and dark when we enter.
The rest of the remaining night we have is spent cuddled under the thick blanket of mine, Eren held me close to his chest as we whisper sweet things that wont mean much in a few hours. Chaste kisses are showered over the male as I remind him of how I never stopped searching for him.
He studied my face, moving a strand of hair behind my ear before placing his palm onto my cheek and rubbing his thumb across the smoothness underneath my eye. I could feel my breath begin to shallow and my heart skip a beat. I loved the way his eyes sparkled under my dim-lit room, the way I could feel his heartbeat pulsing from how close we lay where, how steady his breathing was, and how gentle he caressed me.
Its bittersweet, and I never believed in the after life, but with him - maybe, just maybe, we will meet again in the next life.
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whole-lotta-hoes · 4 years
Whole Lotta Hoes| Crack Fanfic Mini Series
Episode One: Zeppelin Is No More
Episode Two: Looking For A Job
Episode Three:
Episode Four:
Episode Five:
This will cause you to lose a couple of brain cells and question your sanity. It will include a shit ton of weird shit and things that don't make sense at all. Do not read if you are not ready for any of this, read at your own risk.
John Paul Jones (Main character)
Robert Plant
Jimmy Page
John Bonham
Led Zeppelin is a band apparently. It's just a bunch of horny mother fuckers put together to make songs about sex. John Paul Jones was laying in bed with Robert Plant which he has no idea how that happened. He hoped nothing weird went down between them cause Jimmy Page would be so mad. oh jesus oh god you do not want to make that mother fucker mad. He'll literally turn you into a cheeseball and eat you. John got out of bed only to see that John Bonham was standing in the corner eating swedish fish gummies. He was not going to question it.
"Want some?" Bonzo asked him and he held one in his hand.
"I don't know you what the fuck!?" Jonesy yelled. He went to the baffroom and spotted jimmy trying to swim inside of the toilet. He believed he could do it if he tried hard enough.
"the oil supply demand is sky rocketing these days!" jimmy yelled as he got out of the toilet.
"Bitch do not touch me with your boo boo water," He warned him as he grabbed a toothbrush to use as a weapon. He learned how to make a knife with it in jail.
"Penis guitar playing is totes fun jonesy, you should try it," jimmie added. Oh mother fucker he is a heterosexual lad. Or that is what he said the other day when he ate some of robert's caramel popcorn. man he wondered how he even ended up in that stupid band. who's led and why does he have a zeppelin? you know some guy named their kid zeppelin but he claims that he didn't name him after the band. wait what were we talking about?
The band all decided to head to mcdonalds to eat happy meals. jimmy tickles.
"Guys! oh my god you will not believe it but britney is such a slut! ugh! can't believe she left me for a fish lookin' mother fucker-"
"No one gives a rats ass about your weird horny ass!" jimmy cut him off by yelling at robert. God damn that shithead has a huge ego but a small dick. Jonesy never understood why people liked him so much. He once stole his favorite pair of jojo siwa socks and claimed he never knew he owned any.
"You motherfuckers we're supposed to be going on tour!" Bonzo yelled as he swooped the food off the table.
"suck my asshole bonzo!" jim yelled.
"calm down pagey, he's just a meanie," robert added as he patted his head.
"y'all need to start realizing that no one likes you both!" jonesy snapped.
"shut up you're literally ugly and small and the bassist of led zeppelin and you look like heman with that stupid haircut of yours" Bonzo said as he ate jonesys burgers. damn that hurt.
"You know," jonesy began, "i don't need this job"
"what job?" robeet askes.
"shhhhh let the weirdo speak," jimmy said as he stuck his finger into his mouth.
"without me you will all suck asshole and no one will actually like led zeppelin," he explained.
the three slowly looked at each other and began to laugh their asses off at him.
"You act like you matter so much," robert added.
"shut up cheese cream! you're literally big and ugly and you look like you are 50 years old!" bonzo said as he drank his milk. that was funny. Jonesy felt his blood boil and grabbed his happy meal and stormed out.
It was the day of their shit concert. led zeppelin were backstage preparing to cause a dismother and set things on fire. preferably roberts underwear that pretty much doesn't exist in this case. the band stepped on stage and the crowd went wild.
"hello bananas-" That motherfucker fell forward into the drum set. oopsies. jimmy ran to him to make sure his hoe isn't dead or alive. fucking bon jovi.
"oh shit! robert plant is down!" he yelled. jonesy was absolutely done with them. they are nothing but a bunch of dumb fucks who ruin everything. He took out his laser penis and shot jimmy and robert to death.
"oh Motherfucker has a fucking laser pp! hija de su pinche madre!" jimmy yelled as he split in half. robert died again. bonzo just sat there blown away by the fact that that john paul jones just killed the front man and the guitarist of Led Zeppelin in front of millions of people. he was impressed.
"holy shit man you really-"
nope sorry but jonesy shot him too so he died. damn he could've let him live. meanie. oh wait im writing this so i could've.... ah man im too lazy to go back and fix it. too bad we're going with this plot now. Jonesy stepped off the stage and headed to the back.
"god dammit i hate everyone in this bloody world," he said to himself. he decided to hit the pub that was nearby to enjoy himself.
As he was sitting at the counter drinking something that is an alcoholic beverage. he began to spark ideas of what he could possibly do since led zeppelin died. He thought about starting a whole new band but he remembered that what caused him to kill led zeppelin. that was out of the shopping list for walmart. next was to steal money from the bank so he remains rich but he then realized that he is a famous musician and will get recognized quickly. fuck. he then thought of changing his hair to look less like heman cause that insult hurt.
"aha!" he shouted. He finally thought of something that could get him a shit ton of money. He drank the remaining drink from his cup and ran out of the pub.
he put on a thicc line of eyeliner, red lipstick, a black wig, fish nets leggings, high heeled boots, and earrings. oh man this is going to be hella great. His wife walked in to see what the fuck this small ass mothertrucker was up to this time. oh man i shat my pants.
"sweetie what the fuck are you doing!?" she yelled. Jonesy turned to look at her.
"led zeppelin is no more," he responded. She was so confused and wondered how the fuck she even ended up marrying heman. she had no idea what led zeppelin is no more meant and was hella concerned for his health.
"be back in a few days," he added as he broke his ankle trying to exit the house and rolled down the hill. oops it's not up the hill anymore. guess you could really say he went down hill. i hate myself so much. he walked down the sidewalk and ended up in someone's house. Motherfucker it's jimmy page's house. he stole his nice trousers or whatever those were. my teacher walked by as i wrote that btw. turns out they don't fit him cause jimmy is also a big hoe and jonesy isn't. shit. jimmy is embarrassing asf. that was pointless of him stealing so he stole his underwear. wait he wears those? imma look it up hold on. i didn't find anything about that so im just going to assume that he doesnt.
there was a picture of jimmy when he was with the yardbirbs and golly that is one ugly Motherfucker! he stole and stuffed it into his underwear. he got out of the house full of useless shit that he did not need at all. Then he forgot what he was doing. Jonesy continued walking down the street only to break his other ankle and rolled down the steep pathway. damn he's one dumb hoe bitch.
His laser penis was out of control. he just wanted to have a little me time but instead shot a whole through the wall of the motel be was staying in. god dammit. he removed his pp and switched it out with a normal pp. that's odd. his plan of overthrowing led zeppelin stressed him out. what else do you do when you're stressed? well can't say cause i ain't gotta peener. he got so bored. his days of not being in led zeppelin have been lame and was the worst idea he could even come up with. he didn't know what to do know. he can't just eat your grandma over and over again. he looked at himself through the mirror and oh my god I'm a sexy Motherfucker oh yeah bitch im THE BITCH. he needed to find something that'll keep him entertained for while.
babysitting was a bad idea. he got bitten by a bunch of goblins and gave him rabies. god i hate kids.
"hello motherfucker," jimmy said.
"Nah bitch that was just my twin brother Jamie Patricia Page," He added. "Bitch why are you dressed like a stripper?"
Oh yeah he forgot that was what he was going to do once he killed led zeppelin. he still can but now there's a little bitch with him named james patrick page.
"we should kill robert plant," jimny suggested.
"Bitch i already killed him, you're a little too late you duck whore," he responded.
turns out he didn't actually kill led zeppelin but instead killed their twin brothers.
"You want to overthrow led zeppelin into the trashcan?" Jonesy asked. "Thought that's what you and bert wanted to do...."
"Nah man.... percy is a very stupid penguin and is meanie.... he stole my jojo siwa socks," jimmy explained.
ah damn turns out robert plant is the villain of the story and should be died. he is too powerful. his hair will slice the fuck out of anyone.
"You got a plan?" Jonesy asked.
"i say we steal his pants and burn them and use them as an alternative to oil," he explained. damn science class. then this guy named bonzo showed up and began to beat them with his drum sticks.
"sorry but robert said to beat you both with them!" bonzo yelled back.
jonesy dug through his pants and took out a bunch of swedish fish gummies.
"hey look! fish gummies! come and get it boy!"
"bitch what the fuck I am not some stupid dog for you to be doing that time of shit you small Motherfucker heman lookin hoe short shit," bonzo said.
"GIMME GIMME OH SHIT!" he attacked Jonesy.
jimmy page the god of led zeppelin stood there watching while cheering them on fight fight fight! it got in here so he removed his trousers and threw them at bonzo which ended up knocking him out.
"oh shit! your pants are powerful! we can use it to kill percy!" Jonesy shouted.
"NO! JIMBERT MUST GO CANON!" Jimmy yelled and jumped out the window. all you heard was splash. that motherfucker jumped into the pool and is now wet. that's a disturbing image. Jonesy rolled his eyes and went back to doing whatever the fuck he was doing. it all of a sudden got really bright outside. oh the sun came out cause it was cloudy. but wait! Jonesy looked out the window and spotted robert plant heading towards him.
"IM THE GOLDEN GOD-" that motherfucker fell inside of the pool and sizzled. cual pinche golden god ese no mas anda haciendo puros desmadres y estupideces de mario.
that was the end of led zeppelin.
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wolferals · 4 years
👄 whiskey lips*👄
arón piper imagine
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„Hey y/n... shh wake up."
I was woken by someone shaking my shoulder.
It was Alvaro, I figured after opening my eyes and being hit by the sunlight right into em.
„Huh?" I asked tired and slowly sat up.
Thats when I realized I really had fallen asleep at the beach.
I slowly looked around and saw that the boys were gone.
„The guys are back at the house. You are burned."
He spoke in his cute accent.
I scanned my body and saw that, in fact, i was really red. Well I didnt use sunscreen because I just came down to the beach to bring Arón his phone which he had forgotten. Then we ended up splashing each other in the water and then I unfortunately fell asleep.
„Yeah. Uh thanks for waking me. Let's go."
I got up, grabbed my bag and walked next to Alvaro back up to the house Ally, their manager, had rented for us for a couple of days to get some rest from all the traveling lately.
„When did the guys leave?"
I asked Alvaro when we walked up the stairs.
„Like uhm... 10 minutes ago."
I nodded. „Okay."
Alvaro and I didnt really talk the rest of the walk. Not because we dont like each other, it was more because Alvaro was a rather shy guy and so was I. So no one ever started a conversation.
I do like Alvaro, but i feel like we just dont have too much in common.
When we arrived at the house I walked in first, directly to my room to immediately moisturize my skin from the already burned incident.
Then I took off my bikini and put on a comfy bra, a big shirt and some shorts before walking downstairs meeting the guys in the living room.
Arón, Itzan and Omar were shirtless, for whatever reason. I mean Miguel and Alvaro survived as well even tho they were wearing shirts.
„Hey sleeping beauty, uh damn u got burned."
Itzan said and put away his phone looking at me grinning.
„Didnt you use any sunscreen?"
Omar asked then and started laughing like crazy seeing my beetroot red face.
„Noo, because I never meant to fall asleep. Why didnt any of you wake me?"
-„Arón wanted to but we felt bad because you were sleeping like a baby."
Aw he wanted to wake me because Arón knew I would get burned, i told him before.
„Well..." was all I was able to say before Itzan pulled me down at my shorts making me sit next to him on the couch with me legs on his lap. „So girl, how you doin in general?"
Itzan grinned at me, then touching my cheek trying to feel up my sunburned skin.
„Im okay."
-„Can we watch a movie and order some food?"
I then suggested and looked at all the guys.
„Actually Omar cooked for us. But for a movie Im totally in. Lord of the Rings?"
Arón words made me smile. He remembered how much I loved Lord of the rings.
The rest of the guys apparently noticed mine and Arón's staring because they started making kissing noises and i heard stuff like „uhh guys hitting it off hard" of „Arón get her".
We all started laughing and Itzan grabbed my leg and said:"Yo Arón, she's my babe tho, u can have her but first u gotta pass me."
I hit him in the shoulder. Not for the „she's mine", for the „u can have her".
I've always seen Arón as an amazing guy. He's beautiful as hell, has the nicest personality ever, is caring and loving yet he hasnt had a good girlfriend at all.
Thats why he's mostly really awkward around me, he just doesnt know how to behave around a girl. Especially a girl that keeps staring at him, preserving his beauty.
„Alright let's watch a movie."
Miguel spoke and we set up the movie and Alvaro brought in the food spreading it within us.
About an hour into the first movie my head kept falling down and my eyes got really heavy. I felt bad because they were watching the movie because of me but i got so tired that I just got up and said:"I'm gonna go sleep. Nighty guys."
-„Ey! No kiss for papá?" Omar asked confused grabbing my arm.
„No way. You'll get a hug but thats it."
He seemed pissed but nodded. So I gave him a hug, said good night to the rest of the boys and headed upstairs.
The moment I opened the bathroom door I heard a „Wait"
from behind me.
„Arón." i smiled.
„Whats up?"
He came up to me and asked rather shyly:"Might I get a goodnight hug too?"
I smiled even wider from all his cuteness.
I took a step closer to him and pulled him in a nice warm hug. He put his arms around my waist and held me really close for a while, giving me the opportunity to inhale his sweet scent of the chocolate he had eaten before.
„Buenas noches y/n." he then whispered and smiled at me.
„Goodnight Arón." i giggled and entered the bathroom real quick.
I have never giggled from anything a guy has said.
What is he doing to me?
Without thinking about it, I got ready for bed. When I changed into my pants I noticed something in my back pocket.
It was a little note saying:"You looked pretty today."
Was that from Arón? But it seems more like something Miguel would say. I was wearing those pants sleeping at the beach, so everyone could've put it in my pocket tho...
I then walked to my room, snuggled into bed and watched some videos before putting my phone aside and turning off the lights.
I still heard the guys downstairs but I just ignored it and tried to sleep. Unfortunately I couldn't because they were talking really loud, so I slowly headed back downstairs.
„Hey uh guys?"
They all turned around to look at me.
„Could you please keep it down a little bit?"
They nodded and Alvaro said:"Of course y/n. Everything for you."
This led to even more noise coming from the guys.
All except Arón.
Where was he?
I went back to my room and kept staring into the dark, still thinking about the note. I dont know the guys' handwritings so it really could've been everyone.
And still i was wondering where Arón had been.
Something that second made me get up to walk to his room.
I knocked at the door lightly and got a „yeah" response.
I slowly opened the door and saw Arón sitting on his bed with a lot of polaroids in front of him.
„Hey?" he spoke, which sounded a little bit like a question. „I didnt know you collected polaroids."
Before he could answer I sat next to him on the bed, looking at the photos.
„Yeah uh my mom got me a polaroid camera for my birthday and i kind of like to capture moments on instant film."
This simple fact made me go crazy. I've always been a big fan of polaroid cameras, i had 4 to be honest:D
„Thats amazing."
I looked into his eyes and saw the sincere agreement in his brown puppy eyes.
„Can I take a picture of you?"
He then asked rather shyly and smiled at me.
I laughed a little embarrassed because i really hate it when people take pictures of me.
„O-okay." I answered and smiled back.
-„Smile for me." Arón took a camera and held it in front of me.
„No wait."
I laughed again and said:"Lets take one together."
He hesitated for a second but then agreed and I sat right next to him.
„Alright, ready?"
I looked at him smiling and nodded before looking back at the camera.
And the flash went off. Seconds later the instax wide film came out of the camera and I took it with my left hand.
„Dont shake it." Arón said.
I gave him a serious look and spoke:"I know. I have a polaroid myself."
He grinned, then took the picture out of my hand and we kept staring at it as it was developing.
When it was clear i started smiling. I was smiling into the camera while Arón stuck his tongue out looking at me.
It was honestly super cute.
„Here." He gave it back to me.
„You keep it."
I smiled ever wider but then said:"No its your film. You bought it, that shit is expensive."
Arón grinned again and then simply added:"No you keep the picture and in return we take some more with my phone, then i got some too."
Laughing I agreed. He took his phone and we started taking some selfies.
At first we really took it serious to take some pretty pictures but at some point we didnt care anymore and were just goofying around.
„I love this one." i laughed and scrolled through his phone.
I was having a lot of fun and I guess Arón did too because I have never seen this guy so happy. Laughing all the time and he literally got out of his comfort zone I could see that.
Usually he was really serious but right now he was relaxed and seemed to be happy.
Which made me happy since I knew about his past and all.
„Send them to me!" I laughed and looked at him as he was looking at the pictures himself. He was honestly so beautiful, jesus christ.
„Do u think the guys are still downstairs?"
He asked without looking up.
„Should we check?"
Arón and I then walked through the hallway. The guys made some noise so they were obviously still downstairs.
„Hey guys." I said and jumped onto the couch sitting next to Omar.
„I thought u wanted to sleep dude." He hit Arón in the leg as he sat down as well.
„Yeah but i couldnt. I met Y/n on the hallway when I went to the bathroom and we decided to join u guys again."
Wait what?
He really denied hanging out with me. Was he embarrassed?
„Nice. We actually wanted to hit this beach bar in 30. Do you guys want to come with us?"
Miguel spoke.
Im actually not a big fan of partying but right now i was bored as hell and since i love dancing, why not?
„Im in." i said.
All the boys looked at me in confusion because I usually never go out with me. They know how much I hate clubs and alcohol.
„Wow okay. Arónsky?"
Arón shook his head.
„Oh come on dude. Even y/n is going."
-„Nah I'm not in the mood to partying."
I looked at Arón and decided to work my female charme to make him go with us. „Aróny, please come with us. For me."
The guys started groaning again but Arón started laughing.
„Alright. But no one is going to make me drink anything tonight."
So we got up to get ready for the beach party event we saw a sign of.
„Back in the living room in 30 okay party people?"
Omar ordered and we all went into our rooms.
After 10 minutes of staring at my closet I decided to wear a boho dress Ive bought recently. Since it was very hot out still I only needed the dress and some shoes.
I then applied some make up, not too much though, and put my hair into a half up bun.
Then I went downstairs where I met Itzan looking just fine as always. I gasped because he looked so good. The loose shirt made him look even broader.
„Damn girl u look hot."
He grinned and put some dished into the sink.
„I could say the same about you Itzan."
He laughed a little and then came up to me.
„I like it, a lot actually."
He scanned my body, making me slightly uncomfortable.
„Thanks." i whispered and looked to the ground.
„Nah come on, look at me."
He lifted my chin with his thumb. When my eyes met his soft brown ones he smiled and mumbled:"You'll dance with me tonight, im telling you."
I laughed a little, of course I would dance with this guy. He's a god on the dance floor and I could learn a lot from him.
„Oyy guys." I immediately stepped back and turned around.
„Oh y/n lookin good!" Omar cheered and came down to us.
„Thanks." I smiled and then sat onto the couch with my phone in my hands.
„Alright I'm done." I heard Arón's voice coming from the stairs.
Fuck he looked good. Itzan looked hot, yeah, but Arón's outfit gave me chills everywhere.
„Wow." i whispered and looked at him.
Apparently I said it louder than i thought because Omar started making kissing noises again and Arón looked down slightly embarrassed.
„Chicos y Chica, estamos aquí."
Alvaro and Miguel ran downstairs looking good as well.
„Alright lets hit the party."
Itzan grabbed my hand and pulled me with him, outside the house.
„Jeez Itz. Chill. Im coming."
He laughed with his funny dirty laugh and started running down the stairs to the beach with me on his arm.
„Guys hurry up!" he yelled back to the guys who were just laughing at his eager running.
When we all had arrived at the bar we already heard some good latin music playing and people dancing.
„See u later guys, y/n follow me."
-„Wait what?"
Before I understood what was going on, Itzan had pulled me with him to the bar.
„Have a drink and then we'll dance." I laughed and nodded. „Alright, but only one. I hate being drunk."
Itzan knew that I hated it so he understood and ordered me a Sex on the beach. (Classic him:D)
For himself he got a Bacardi-Cola and some shot I didnt even know.
„And go." We chugged our drinks really fast and once the glasses were empty, he pulled me (again) to the dance floor. He started moving his hips right away and I was feeling a little uncomfortable but after a while I got more and more fluent in my motions and at some point Itzan and I were grinding against each other (in a non-sexual way tho) and I was having a lot of fun.
Itzan was such an amazing dancer and guy but still i had feelings for Arón and i definitely wanted to dance with him after that. Itzan spun me around so his stomach was touching my back. I could feel his abs just right and his breath against my neck.
„Me gusta como tu mueves tus caderas baby." he whispered in my ear giving me chills.
I didnt understand what he said since I dont speak Spanish yet he turned me on somehow.
But no! I like Arón, not Itzan.
„Do you want to get out of here hun?"
I immediately turned around and looked at Itzan who was biting his lower lip.
„Itz I'm sorry... But i honestly like Arón a lot and uh I dont want to hurt you, you're amazing at dancing but dont hate me for saying that."
He smiled and answered against the loud music:"I knew you liked him. Even though you're beautiful as hell and I'd love to have u as well. But im fine, you go girl. Get your man." Once I turned around I saw Arón dancing with a girl.
And it was not just dancing, they were basically all over each other. He met my eyes, looked at me for a second and then didnt even hesitate and grabbed her face to kiss her.
My mouth fell open and I stared at them kissing for a while before something in my brain reacted without thinking.
I turned back to Itzan and pressed my lips onto his. He kissed back immediately and i put both of my hands on his half exposed chest.
Then I turned us over so I could watch Arón in the corner of my eye. He did the same. We were kissing other people but staring into each others souls like we're crazy.
But he started it. And i wouldnt be ready to make him win. I pulled away from Itzan, bit my lower lip and said:“Lets go."
He grinned, grabbed my hand again and we left the party. I turned around, meeting Arón's look once again. He looked confused.
Well i wasnt planning on sleeping with Itzan, i just wanted Arón to believe i would.
We walked away from the beach party until I spoke:"Can we please just go somewhere else? I need to get away for a little." He looked at you in confusion but then seemed to read your face and nodded. „Claro." You two then made your way back to the house where your plan was to turn on some music and have your own party.
The second you had entered your bedroom to get changed, you heard the front door open and a girls laugh downstairs. Immediately you walked out the room again and looked down to see Arón kissing that same girl from the party. No, no, no! You swallowed and thought about it for a while but then decided to destroy this. You knew he was playing. Quickly you made your way downstairs and coughed to make them both look at you. „Hey." you spoke with a fake pissed tone. „Baby who the fuck is she?"
Arón looked at you confused. „Baby?" the girl asked and looked between the two of you.
„Your girlfriend?"
You then walked towards her and spoke:"Yes, bitch get the hell outta here."
Before saying anything else she left the house, looking very pissed.
„What the fuck y/n?" Arón walked up to you and grabbed your arm. For a bit you just looked at him and then did something you couldnt believe alcohol had made you do. You grabbed him by the neck and kissed him. Just like this. He kissed back but seemed to hesitate a bit.
The kiss didnt last too long because he pulled away eventually.
„You bitch." he spoke and it shocked you. His face was straight and he stepped back. But he then started to grin and you calmed down again. He didnt actually mean it.
„You did this shit with Itzan to make me jealous hm?" He came closer to you, making you step backwards. „Hm?" he asked again
You swallowed. He was so fucking hot.
He grinned and pushed you further backwards until your back hit the kitchen counter.
„Speechless much hm y/n?"
His cockiness turned you on.
You just shook your head. „No."
Before you knew, his whiskey lips were back on yours, making you close your eyes.
He basically owned you that moment. And it was all you wanted.
After pulling away he grabbed your hand and wanted to pull you out the house. „What are you-?"
He laughed and leaned down to whisper in your ear:"We're going back to the beach but this time you'll be grindin that ass on me alright?"
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etaerealjin · 4 years
promises || jikook
genre: fluff, angst (!!)
pairing: jimin x jungkook + the rest of bangtan
background: ex-lovers, wedding preparations, wedding planner, brokenhearted!pjm, angst, (a bit of homophobia will be present, not much).
word count: 3.7k
– [ those in italic are set in the past ]
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"Jimin!" A friend called out from behind the young man while he was folding the tripod used for the photobooth. He turned around and was soon engulfed in an embrace by his friend, Taehyung.
"Success!" They both say in unison and Tae soon helped him with wrapping up things. Of course, he's the one who arranged all of these so he's also in charge of cleaning up. Luckily, Taehyung was there to help him.
Ever since he was a college student, he's always dreamed of arranging events because it was his forté, and he really adored seeing people happy during their birthdays. His huge dislike was arranging funerals but of course he had to take those, for the money – but what he loved most is arranging weddings.
He thought, “If I can't have it, then might as well watch people fulfill my dreams for me.” Sure, he was an absolutely beautiful, handsome, amazing man but since he grew up in a highschool wherein gays or lesbians or bisexuals would often get bullied or made fun of because of their sexualities, he sulked and thought no one would ever wanna marry him, considering his sexuality.
He was gay and out, and he's absolutely proud of it. If it wasn't just for those homophobic people who bullied him back then. However, college changed his life. Taehyung was there ever since they were in middle school, and he's the only person who accepted Jimin in being gay, including his family also – but Tae stuck with Jimin through it all. From his rejections, to Jimin rejecting other people, from his first heartbreak, and his first boyfriend.
His first ex fucking boyfriend.
"My honeymoon would probably be at Los Angeles, I'll have him take pictures of me, and we'll spend a day in our hotel fucking, and then we'll stroll around and–" He got cut off when he heard a chuckle from behind, making it the reason why Taehyung had his eyes behind Jimin the whole time he was talking.
Jimin turned around to see Jeon, a varsity player who had – well, low grades, but he was a pretty fucking boy and he had manners, and he wasn't homophobic, and he's really skillfull with balls.
"So, spend a day in your hotel fucking and strolling around Los Angeles, huh?" Jungkook chuckled and sat beside Jimin cooly, but in the inside, he was going nuts and wanted to scream. He was so nervous but he got ahold of himself, unlike Jimin who had his eyes open wide.
It was just his fourth week of being a third-year college student, yes – he was now more out and proud of his sexuality but he didn't really like it when people confront him about it, especially boys, because he grew up being made fun of by them. He ended up just rolling his eyes and staring at Taehyung, completely ignoring the basketball player beside him, but his forehead creased when he saw Taehyung wink at him before leaving.
"Why not spent a day in my hotel – not fucking though, and lets stroll around the city for now?" Jungkook asked after a few minutes of silence, still stuttering through his words, but Jimin was left dumbfounded.
He wasn't going to make a decision anytime soon, and he thanked the bell for ringing. "Shoot, I still have basketball practice." Jungkook grew problematic, wanting to spend time with Jimin and wait for his answer, but also wanting to attend practice. "Can I borrow your phone?"
"Uh, yeah, of course." Jimin said while Jungkook stood up. Of course Jungkook knew Jimin wasn't going to give his number that fast, so he thought of another way to do that. "Just know I'm not giving you my nu–"
"I know, I need to call my mom."
Jimin bit the inside of his lips and waited for Jungkook to return the phone until he felt a tap on his shoulder. "Got it, see ya!" He shouted and sprinted off to the field with a wide smile on his face. Jimin got confused but he then scurried off to his recent calls, only to see his last dial was Jungkook, basically giving Jungkook his number which wasn't his intention at all.
"Wow, I despise basketball players who always get their way with anyone they want!"
Turns out, Jungkook wasn't that kind of player Jimin was expecting him to be.
He puffed his cheeks and let out a big breath, getting up from his couch and cutting of the hours he spent staring at his wallpaper and thinking about things and what could've been.
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He had a frown on his face, as always when he's alone, that got cut off and was soon replaced by panic when he heard his phone ring. He answered the call and was greeted with a loud "Hey!" from Hoseok, Taehyung's and his' friend who also helped him with his job.
"Lower your voice, bitchass–"
"Please, please, come to the office now, like right now!"
"Why? What happened?"
"Just go!" He heard two voices which were Taehyung's and Hobi's shout that in unison and his brows furrowed. He grabbed his keys in an instant and drove his car to the office. Jimin could say that he's a successful man now, he really is. There aren't much event planners and organizers in the city so when he started small, he already knew his goals and that it was gonna get attention. He's been with this job for a two years now and he loved it so much, considering that he's earning money for charity and he was working with his bestest friends.
Two years, yes – of course.
Somehow, Jimin was also not regretful with the part that he chose to fulfill his dreams despite what he went through. What they went through. There was a small part of him which was a bit thankful for the breakup, because if not, then he wouldn't be doing what he loved right now.
Was it even a breakup?
Was there even a breakup?
He pulled up in front of the office and went inside the building, taking the elevator to go upstairs. He hurried off to open the glass door but what he saw brought shock to his whole self.
By the back of the man sitting on the waiting sofa, who was reading magazines, he recognized who it was in an instant. It's been over two years but the memories still flashed by when he saw just a small look of the back of the man, Jeon Jungkook, his man. Used to be his man.
He stood there, stunned and didn’t know what to do but when he got to his senses, he realized how fast his heart was beating. All kinds of emotions rushed by him but he quickly got a hold of himself. He didn’t want to see Jungkook. He also didn’t want Jungkook to see him, well at least not right now.
He scurried off to the door behind the lobby only to be greeted with Hoseok's pitiful eyes and Taehyung biting his nails.
"Jimin.." Taehyung started and bit his lip. He let a deep breath out before starting his own apology speech but was cut off by Hoseok when he noticed how Taehyung was stuttering inaudible gibberish.
"Look, w-we didn't know that it was his voice. We didn't even know that it was him by the caller ID until he came here. With her. With a woman." Hobi started and fiddled with his fingers.
Jungkook and Jimin's breakup was a rather sensitive topic for them, including the fact that both Taehyung and Hoseok was there to witness how they both got ruined by each other. Though they tried getting them to work it out again, they all lost contact of Jungkook after that incident which led to Jimin being more devastated.
Jimin was silent. He didn't know how to react and what to even say, he wasn't hurt but there was a huge part of him that was nervous. He decided to gather his senses and breath out.
"Look, it's okay. I can face him. Why can't I? I mean, it's been two years and I was the one who caused this so..." He trailed off and unintentionally, his voice got muted on the last part. "Besides, it's not even a wedding. Who knows? It might be a – uh, a party! Or like, a funeral? Or a debut!"
"You don't have to do it if you can't."
"I can, Tae." He said and slowly placed his belongings on top of the table. He sighed and faced them, ready to talk to his ex-boyfriend and almost fiancé. He sighed and went behind Jungkook and the woman beside him and coughed, minding them of his presence while Taehyung and Hoseok stood behind him. 
“Oh, hi!” The girl who was sitting beside Jungkook stood up and stretched her hand out. “My name’s Park Jisoo, are you Mr. Park? The event organizer?"
The guy in the black leather jacket slowly turned around upon hearing the surname, and there, they locked eyes. Jimin felt his whole body weakening and he's still in a state of shock. Jungkook changed a lot over the few years, physically. He became more buff and well, hotter. Jimin wouldn't deny that. But that doesn't change the fact that he broke that man's heart.
"Oh yeah, this is Jungkook. My–"
"Oh yeah, I know. He called the office yesterday, right, Mr. Jeon?" Jungkook stood up and nodded. He didn't say a word, let alone know that Jimin already achieved his dreams of becoming an event organizer, let alone know that Jimin was the owner of the business they contacted.
Jimin let out a shaky breath and gestured his hands towards the table. Jisoo sat down across Jungkook and Jimin was in front of them. He got his notepad out, ready to take down notes, obviously hurting from the inside but he collected his shit and forced a smile.
"So what's the event? Like, is it a debut? Or a party? You know we do all kinds of–"
"It's a wedding."
And that was the time when Jimin shouldn't feel anything anymore, after two years, but he still did. What hurt him more is that the answer came from Jungkook's mouth.
"Our wedding."
"I want it here in Korea, Gguk." Jimin said as he dipped the paintbrush in the pot of brown paint, coloring the hair of the man in the painting.
"What? Why?"
"Don't you want to? I mean, Korea feels like home. It's where we came from. I don't want it to be a hassle for everyone to fly to another country just for a wedding."
Jungkook nodded and painted the sky, agreeing to Jimin's plans as he should and as he wanted to. After all, he's the aspiring organizer here so he knew what was right.
"I want to get married on a beach, babe. The aisle and the flowers should be pink, and the theme of the wedding should be floral. Oh! What if I wear something bright pink? But, Seokjin-hyung wouldn't like that, he'll say that it's his idea, right. I'll wear something baby pink, and you'll wear a white suit. It should be a windy day, we'll be saying our vows while the wind is–"
"Yes? I want our cake to be red velvet–"
"Look at me." Jimin turned around and locked eyes with Jungkook. "No matter what the wedding is gonna be like, I want it to be with you, okay?"
Jimin chuckled and held Jungkook's waist, tiptoeing and giving his lips a light peck. "Of course, who else would it–"
Jimin smiled and let out a shaky breath. "Yeah, promise."
I guess promises were meant to be broken after all. Jimin shut his eyes and drank the banana milk from his side table, biting his lip after that and letting out yet another deep breath from crying. His eyes were bloodshot and he had tear-stained cheeks that were puffy – and apparently, a broken heart.
Ever since that day, he spent most of his nights crying after arranging things for their wedding. Busy months had already passed ever since he promised himself that he wasn't going to cry about it, that he wasn't going to let it get to him, but again, promises were meant to be broken.
Taehyung even suggested that they shouldn't take the offer, but Jimin insisted, saying that he's fine and it'd be a good money for them, and that he loved doing the work – but in reality, he was hurting so fucking much. His heart would feel like it was being torn apart by every arrangement he was doing for the wedding – from the cake, to the place, to the the theme and to the location. It all hurt.
But he wanted to do it.
He really did. Maybe a way of accepting the consequences of his actions back then, and also to be with the love of his life for the last time before they go on their own ways. Jimin obviously had the worst path.
On a good note, Taehyung and Hoseok, even with Yoongi, Hoseok's boyfriend were all supporting Jimin's decisions and helping him. They had four months to arrange the wedding, and now they're only down to a week. It was all close to being finalized but the designs for the event still weren't fixed, and that's what Jimin is going to take care of today.
He started the engine and drove to the shop where he had to get designs, but as soon as he halted because of the stoplight, he received a text from an unknown number.
"Can you go to the beach?"
Jimin's forehead creased, but he instantly knew who it was. He gulped and left the message on read, turning the other way to go to the place since Jungkook and his fiancé might say something they want for the wedding. Though he knew it was going to hurt a lot, putting himself in between the two of them, but he endured that and kept in mind that after all of this, he's going to get money and well, at least, closure for himself.
He walked to the sandy beach and got confused when he saw Jungkook on the sand, sitting there alone. He wondered where his fiancé was but a part of him was somehow grateful. "Hey!" 
 Jungkook turned around after hearing Jimin and he stood up with an enlightened face. "Where's Jisoo? I though she'd be here because I was also about to–" 
 "Oh, n-no. It's just me. She's at home." Jungkook said and bit the inside of his lips upon seeing Jimin's expression. "Did you think that I made you come here because of the preparation?"
"Uh, yeah? What else could it be?" He gulped and shook his head lightly, staring over at the ocean in front of them and letting silence take over them once again. It was nothing for Jungkook. But, it was a lot for Jimin. He needed it. The love of his life's presence beside him, the wind hitting their faces and ruining their hair, and just the sound of the waves. That was enough for him to feel at peace, it was enough for him before they go on their own ways – before Jungkook gets married. Jimin obviously had the difficult path. 
 They looked at each other after saying that in unison. Jungkook chuckled and hugged himself, feeling cold. "You know, for achieving your dreams of becoming an event organizer. From the start, I knew you were gonna be successful." 
Jimin's whole face lit up at that. He was delighted inside. So happy because he wanted to hear that– he needed to hear that because Jungkook was the only one he wanted to receive it from. The side of his lip rose up but his gaze was still at the ocean, but inside, his heart was fluttering crazily. The last time he felt that was two years ago, and still from the same person. 
 "You too, I guess. On your engagement." He said even though a part of him wanted to say their engagement, which could have been. "So, uh – did you make me come here to congratulate me?" He chuckled. 
 "Oh, no! I uh– I wanted to give this." He rummaged in his pocket to bring out a box, and Jimin's face had an unexplainable expression. His lips parted and felt his heart weaken. 
 "You still have this?" He asked and gently grabbed the small pink velvet box from Jungkook's hand. 
 "Well, yeah. I-I thought it was beautiful and I didn't know what to do with it so I decided to.. yeah." Jimin nodded and stared at the box in silence before putting it inside his own pocket. He bit his lip and mustered up all the courage he had to say that one thing he's been dreading to say. 
 "Hey, I'm sorry." 
Jungkook chuckled, not sarcastically, but he really didn't know what to say. "Hyung, that was like two years ago. I wouldn't have proposed to Jisoo if I still haven't moved on from it, and you did too, r-right?" 
Jimin remained silent because he didn't want to lie. He didn't nod, he didn't shake his head, he didn't say anything. He just let the wind ruin their hair and they both remained silent. 
"Jungkook, I–"
"Shhhh, just follow me." He said and intertwined his fingers with Jimin's. They entered the small arch and Jungkook quietly got the bouquet from Namjoon. 
"Ready?" He removed the blindfold covering Jimin's eyes.
"Happy second anniversary, love." Jungkook said and handed Jimin the bouquet with pastel flowers. He was still in awe at what he saw and he was speechless, but he let Jungkook carry him away with his hand as they walked to the middle of the indoor garden with their friends circling around the room, all anticipating for what's next. 
Jungkook grabbed both of Jimin's hands and sighed deeply before beginning to say his short speech. "Jimin, I love you. I love you so much to the point that I want to give you every good thing on this earth but unfortunately, I can't – and the only good and pure thing I can give to you right now is myself." He said that while staring into Jimin's eyes, and he looked back with pure adoration as he felt tears coming. 
"When I met you it all just felt right, it felt like my problems came to an end, really. It felt like our red strings were connected, and yes, I did say that because I know how much you believe superstitions." Jungkook giggled and breathed deeply once again, slightly shaking. 
"I also know how much you hate it when people don't go straight to the point so, Park Jimin.." Jimin's face contorted into so much awe and adoration, but he still didn't know what to feel and how to describe everything. He felt his knees weaken more when he saw Jungkook get down on one knee.
"Make me the happiest man on earth? Wear a pink suit on a windy day in a beach here in Korea, and marry me?" He looked up at Jimin with hopeful, teary eyes and the latter looked back with his teary eyes as well. Soon enough, Jungkook's hopeful expression switched to a worried one when he heard Jimin sobbing hardly. 
Jimin took his hand back from Jungkook and covered his face, sobbing and crying hardly, enough for the whole room to hear and everyone in there started getting worried as well. 
"Baby, what's wrong?" 
"Jimin removed his hand from his face and wiped his tears a bit. "Jungkook, I love you, I really do, please trust me on that, but–" 
And that's when Jungkook knew what was about to come.
He bowed his head down, still on one knee. "I'm not ready for this."
"Yes!" Taehyung and Hoseok cheered in unison as Yoongi watched them from the side. "Jimin–"
His call was cut off when they all turned around to see Jimin sitting on the lobby couch, tracing a pink box with his fingers. They exchanged nervous expressions but Taehyung was the one to approach and the couple stayed behind. 
"Hey, the bake shop called me and said they just got stuck in traffic, but they're on their way now." Taehyung gently said and sat beside Jimin. 
"Oh, yeah! Thanks!" He said and kept the box inside his pocket, standing up to fix his white button-down. "Lets go? The event's starting." 
He then jogged out of the lobby and to the beach. He stopped at the side and Yoongi and Hoseok followed beside him. Taehyung was separated from them and he was one with the crowd because he's the wedding photographer, so the three stayed behind. 
They all watched in awe when the flower girls and ring bearers walked down the aisle, as well as the bridesmaids and Jungkook's best men, Namjoon and Seokjin.
Jimin felt like his world was crumbling down, but in reality, it was right there – fulfilling his dreams, their dreams, but with another person.
It hurt. It hurt so fucking much for Jimin to the point that he could no longer pretend to be happy. His lips started getting wobbly from the biting, his way of concealing his tears from coming out, until he no longer could and just let a tear fall out from his left eye. 
"For richer and for poorer, 'til death do us part." 
Jimin whispered that the same time Jungkook did through the microphone, feeling his whole self getting weak. He then got the small pink velvet box Jungkook gave him from his pocket. 
He got the ring out and slipped it on his own ring finger, watching how Jungkook slip another into his wife's. 
"You may now kiss the bride." Jimin heaved a huge breath and felt Yoongi's hand pat his shoulder, telling him something – and that is that he needed to let go now. 
 "Thank you." Jungkook mouthed swiftly which only the two of them knew. He forced a small smile through his miserable tears, and brought out two thumbs–ups.
A part of him didn't want to let go just yet, but he needed to. He needed to be happy for the love of his life, even if that happiness no longer included him.
 "Always have, always will."
inspired by: “the one that got away” by katy perry + “never not” by lauv.
rly rly satisfied with this one !! and i’m feeling angsty as fuck so :’)
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under-sengoku-skies · 5 years
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I'm back babey! This is it folks. Tomorrow's the day Ikemen Sengoku's Sasuke aka the love of my life gets his EN route. To celebrate, I wanted to look into the OG Sasuke. The mans our mans was named after.
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In honor of this momentus route release and reaching 200 followers I will delve deep into the lore of the man, the myth, the legend: Sarutobi Sasuke.
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The Sanada Ten Braves, aka juyushi (真田十勇士) or Ten Heroes of Sanada, are as you probably know after playing ikesen long enough a legendary group of ninjas that served Sanada Yukimura and were led by Sasuke. As for their names ya got...
Sarutobi Sasuke (猿飛佐助)
Kirigakure Saizo (霧隠才蔵)
Miyoshi Seikai (三好清海)
Miyoshi Isa (三好伊三)
Anayama Kousuke (穴山小助)
Unno Rokuro (海野六郎)
Kakei Juzo (筧十蔵)
Nezu Jinpaichi (根津甚八)
Mochizuki Rokuro (望月六郎)
Yuri Kamanosuke (由利鎌之助)
The story of the Sanada Ten Braves was first recorded in Tatsukawa Bunko (立川文庫), a series of children's books written during the Taisho period (大正時代, 1912-26). The stories that made up Tatsukawa Bunko were made up by professional storyteller Gyokushusai Tamada (玉秀斎玉田).
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So anyways, when you get down to it the OG Sasuke's character was thought to be a fusion of historical and fictional accounts of Ninja and the literary hero from Journey to The West, Sun Wukong: the monkey king. HOWEVER, recently there had been a lot more room for doubt that Sun Wukong was chosen as a model for Sasuke. There's also various other theories about real-life figures that could've been an inspiration. Ya got ninjas like Kozui Sasuke (上月佐助): master of Iga ninjutsu, Sarutobi Nisuke (猿飛仁助), or Mikumo Sasuke (三雲佐助) who was an extant Koga-ninja (甲賀忍者) who worked under the Toyotomi family if you've read Sasuke's JP route or spoilers for it then you're probably also freaking about this little easter egg.
The original Sasuke wasn't a whole lot like our ikesen Sasuke. He fit the general genki stereotype character with some mischief thrown in there to keep things interesting, and was an anti-hero who used his powers for good. Said powers were crazy Naruto-style jutsu.
So here's how things went down for Sasuke:
Deep in the mountains of Shinano (信濃) (now Nagano prefecture) born and raised, playing with monkeys (I mean it suits him, sarutobi literally means monkey jump) is how he spend most of his days (also probably where he got his "monkey-like agility"). Then one day he comes across a mysterious ninja master of Koga ninjutsu (甲賀忍術), allegedly while he was practice sparring with a tree, who laughs at his tree fighting and agrees to teach him some mad ninja skillz. Later he meets a theif who knows ninjutsu: Kirigakure Saizo. Honestly, this Saizo is a lot like his slbp counterpart. A sharp contrast to this Sasuke, who's basically just your average shonen protagonist. Obviously, they gotta become rivals. They battle it out and Sasuke ends up winning. After that the two of them join Yukimura's ninja avengers (the Braves). Seriously. Yuki is the Nick Fury to their avengers. They all have Naruto-esque superpowers. Eventually they fought for the Toyotomi army against Ieyasu at the siege of Osaka, only to lose. What happened to Sasuke and the Braves? Their fates were never revealed. What a shitty ending. But fear not! There's an alternate ending!... In which Sasuke gets his foot caught in a bear trap while trying to infiltrate Ieyasu's stronghold. Then he...... Realizes he couldn't complete his mission and he.... Kills himself. No happy ending here I guess, only ones that remind me of that one lyric from actual cannibal Shia LaBeouf.
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Tatsukawa Bunko began a ninja boom in Japanese pop culture. The forerunner of this was the character who would become synonymous with ninja: Sasuke. You've got...
Smol 80s Steven Universe Sasuke
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Yu-Gi-Oh card robo-Sasuke
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Mitsuhide-lookin Sasuke
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The OG wipeout style game show was LITERALLY CALLED SASUKE
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He is everywhere. There is no escape.
Disclaimer: I am not a historian, my japanese skills are mediocre at best, and I don't have access to like actual archives or anything. Pls correct me if anything I said here was wrong.
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