#Haus gift
dykelittlemy · 2 years
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My Sibuna Secret Santa for @lovelyamneris ! I drew the 3 iterations of Sibuna, I hope you like it! <3 
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ch-1-mera · 10 months
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Bug man... Ft poscas
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hausoffurey · 5 months
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For the Disney Diva 🖤✨❤️
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girlbob-boypants · 2 months
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amirisqueer · 2 years
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OLD 2019 ART
Alolan Pride
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gutachter · 10 months
Haus-Sanierung: Warnung vor Asbest-Welle
Fürstenfeldbruck: „..Die Gewerkschaft IG Bau warnt vor einer „Asbest-Welle“. Hausbesitzer und Baufirmen stehen vor einer großen Herausforderung. Das Gift versteckt sich in Rohren, Fassadenverkleidungen oder Dacheindeckungen. Von den 50ern bis in die frühen 90er war Asbest oft das Mittel der Wahl beim Bau von Häusern. Das Material galt als chemisch sehr beständig, unempfindlich gegen Hitze und…
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sunnylighter · 4 months
I read your ninjago series x movie fic (GiGAU) and I really love it, just recently got back to ninjago and have been searching through ao3 for good fics. Your fic was really good–no–great! I like how you wrote it.
I'm also here to inform you that you've been in a hiatus for a year.
Anyways, got any good ninjago series x movie fics you can recommend? Or any great fics in particular? (Mostly the series x movie fic) I'm pretty desperate ;u;
Yeah, and it will probably be a while yet before I get back to it. I'm burned out on Ninjago right now, but I'll get back to it eventually. It helps I haven't watched a good few of the more recent seasons, so there will be new stuff for me to sink my teeth into when I get back to it.
As for fic Recommendations:
My Dad is Bad but Still Family, by KayHau. This was written by my beta reader, and was a big chunk of what inspired me to write my fics. It's more of a merging of the movie and series, but it is very good. Kay Hau also wrote a series of gift-fics for the Grass is Greener which are canon to the AU, so check her out. Basically, in a mash-up of movie and show canon, what would happen if Lloyd had been raised by his dad, only to find he had a great destiny to fulfill.
Summoning Gone Wrong, by Doctor_Who_Fan85 is a funny take on what would have happened if in season 8 of the show, Harumi summoned Movie Garmadon instead of the undead one from the show. I beta-read this one, and it was fun to do.
That's Ninja Swag (It's Nothing New) by Fabro-de-omres (Fabro). It's a reincarnation fic. A 'What if the Movie Ninja are the reincarnations of the Show Ninja in the far future and start regaining their past memories' fic. I highly recommend it for the feels.
Of course, no series-movie crossover fic is complete without Same People, But Not Really, by @KittyDemon9000. What if Kai got sent to the Movie-verse, and how long would it take him to adopt all the Movie Ninja? It's a really great one, and I can't recommend it enough.
Enter the Ninjaverse by BionicStars. I didn't finish this one, but it's about the return of the Time Twins and Lloyd chasing them across the multi-verse to stop them.
Switched! also by Doctor_Who_Fan85. Another Show Lloyd and Movie Lloyd switcharoo. Poor boys.
Tantamount by Bamboosauce. Using the Tornado of Creation to stop the Oni sends the Show Ninja rocketing into the Movie-verse. There's not much to it, but I enjoy seeing the Movie Ninja freak out about it.
It's Me (Version 2-point-0) by lloydskywalkers. Okay, all the previous ones are on AO3, but this one is on Fanfiction.Net. It is honestly one of my favorites, and what first got me thinking about crossing over the show and the movie in any meaningful way. It's a oneshot that was written before March of the Oni came out, and has the author's imagining of how the oni could be. When one of the Oni come after Show Lloyd and drag him through the multi-verse, he ends up landing on his movie counterpart, and the two work together to avoid their murderous Oni Aunt.
That's all the ones I can find in my Bookmarks list on AO3 and FF. More may have come out since I burned out on Ninjago, so keep your eyes open. I hope you enjoy my recommendations.
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deckthehaus · 9 months
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Thank you to everyone who participated in Deck the Haus 2023! Without further ado, here are our wonderful creators!
advent by montrealmadison ( @montrealmadison )
Alone This Holiday by EarlGayTea711
call of the champions by nostalgicplant ( @ohyoufool )
Can You Crash a Party If You Have an Invite, How to Go Home with a Man, and Other Things in Kent Parson's Search History by hwaelweg ( @thoughtsofthegirlwiththecurl )
Cardinal by iknowwhyulikeoscarwilde
(Do It on My) Twin Bed by hwaelweg ( @thoughtsofthegirlwiththecurl )
Early Memories by Lutzgocelly ( @lutzgocelly )
Holiday Spirits by bonepicker ( @siocliath )
I’ll Be Home For Christmas by RabbitRunnah ( @doggernaut )
“It’s Just a Little Snow…” by coluanprime ( @abeansblog )
It Started at the Office by JustLookFrightenedAndScuttle ( @justlookfrightened )
Merry and Bright by iknowwhyulikeoscarwilde
Pre-Christmas Epiphany by JustLookFrightenedAndScuttle ( @justlookfrightened )
Safe Places by EarlGayTea711
so, kiss me by cricketnationrise ( @cricketnationrise )
[podfic] The Pond, Jan. 25 by misswhimsy ( @missanniewhimsy )
The darkest evening of the year by Lutzgocelly ( @lutzgocelly )
The Gift That Keeps on Giving by bonepicker ( @siocliath )
The Mating Rituals of Samwell Men’s Hockey by iknowwhyulikeoscarwilde
Ugly Christmas Sweater by impulsewriter ( @transwicky )
We’ll tell our stories on these walls by Lutzgocelly ( @lutzgocelly )
Please let us know if there are any mistakes on the tumblr handles so we can update the post! Happy New Year!
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cricketnationrise · 9 months
500 Followers Ficlet Fest 🎉🎉🎉
First of all, I gotta level with y'all. I skipped the 400 followers one, but I swear I had a good reason! (I had to write my FTH fics.) So I was going to wait until the new year for it, and then I hit 500 on the literal last six hours of 2023 and fucked that right up.
We're doing a bit bigger of a fest to make up for it, and also because holy cow what a milestone.
Previous fests are on AO3 here, here, and here if you want examples or to check what you've prompted in previous years. Read on for instructions/rules to get your very own ficlet!
Come into my ask box and drop the following:
a time stamp (ex: 3:46pm or 18:21)
a location (ex: haus kitchen, the linden tree, New Hope, The Spotted Custard…)
a character (ex: Lardo, Bea Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Keladry of Mindelan, Alexia Tarabotti…) ((more characters may appear at my own whim but not guaranteed))
a song title/lyric for vibes [OPTIONAL]
a rating (G, T, M, E) [OPTIONAL] aka, 1, 2, and 3 are required, 4 and 5 are not
and ye shall receive:
At least 500 shiny custom Cricket words! just for you! because you're great! and I love you!
some rules:
You have to be following me. Seriously. It's a fest of ficlets for followers.
Don't submit on anon. No name, no ficlet. So, submit as yourself or sign your anons. Easy peasy.
Only one prompt per person.
If you have an AO3 handle, let me know what it is so I can gift your ficlet to you properly on there!
Prompts will be accepted through January 31, 2024
I can't wait to see what y'all come up with! 💜🦗
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the-deal-breaker · 5 months
I figured out why I like HuaXin. Also reason for you to like HuaXin
1. They are both fan boys.
Hua Cheng: Just so your aware, if I had the chance I would leave you for Xie Lian.
Feng Xin:
Yin yu: 😶‍🌫️
Feng Xin: Fair. As long as you know I'll do the same.
2. No one would want them together
Feng xin: Does anyone object to this relationship?
Mu Qing: How could we not!
Hua Cheng: Overruled.
3. The scene would be so much funnier.
Hua Cheng: This was gift from my beloved wife, what does Gege think?
Xie Lian: oh wel--
Feng Xin: Stop calling me that fucker! I am not a wife!
Hau Cheng laughing: I have a certificate that says otherwise.
Xie Lian:.... FENG XIN?!
Feng Xin, Hua Cheng: ...
Feng Xin *Panicking*: He actually stole that pearl
4. This one is more of a headcanon but.
Feng Xin: Sex is werid,
Hua Cheng:
Feng Xin: I mean I get that's how people make children but besides from that why would you do it?
Hua Cheng: Your the god of lust.
Feng Xin: Yeah I don't like that either,
(Some where on the ace spectrum Feng Xin + I don't wanna know about that Hua Cheng)
5. Their relationship time line in my mind
Strangers - travel buddies - Fanboys - kidnap form heaven - Whatever they have going on.
Edit: how could I forget!
Follows any orders given Feng Xin + slightly controlling Calamity Hua Cheng
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tomionefinds · 5 months
hi can u rec tomione/volmione fics written in tom/voldemort's pov
Hi Anon:
Some of these alternate between Tom and another, but Tom's POV is excellent in them. - Haus
Tom just Tom by Ciule
E | Complete | 118k
Lord Voldemort slithered out of the Veil on New Year's Eve in the year 2000. Still bent on world domination, he decided that Golden Girl Granger would be the perfect accessory on his arm.
A Summer Storm, Ephemeral by alpha_exodus
M | One-Shot | 6k
In the middle of summer 1943, Tom meets a girl.
Limerence by devdevlin
M | Complete | 17k
It does not surprise him at all to know that Hermione Granger has come to think herself half in love with him. But it is not to last, and it is that night, on the night of the school's annual Hallowe'en dinner, that he knows that Hermione Granger's opinion of him is about to rapidly shift. And how could it not? Because at his feet, there is a dead body and she... She has seen it.
A Wind from Nowhere by Elywyngirlie
M | Two shot | 7k
She is ripped from time, fleeting, only moments of bonding, before hurtling back to her time. He thinks magic is gifting him to her. She thinks only of survival.
Jealousy, Jealousy by Spork_in_the_Road
M | One-Shot | 9k
“Sorry, I’m just—how does Weasley impact you?” Abraxas asked. “Because—” and this was trying Tom’s patience more than he thought it would “—if Hermione and I are in constant comparison, and if we are consistently regarded as ‘so similar,’ then Weasley is an unacceptable romantic option.” “Wait. You don’t want Granger to date Weasley,” Rosier said, “because you wouldn’t date Weasley?” Tom pinched the bridge of his nose, the beginnings of a headache budding behind his eyes, not sure why he was still having this conversation. -------- Wherein Tom is jealous but also deep in denial, Hermione is dating the wrong guy, Ron is being kind of an ass, and Tom's friends are chaotic morons.
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Very proud of my den
Entirely nm! Has taken me multiple years of logging in sporadically to farm items (stairs from grahms workshop, square hedges from the easter egg hunt thing, etc) to get to this point and im unbelievably happy. Shout-out to a friend who gifted the wood flooring.
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Haus :3
EDIT: check out my jamblr specific blog @jaminthoseanimals
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soft-mafia · 3 months
One Piece Descendants AU
Vanhelsing Judas & Alice
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Ok so I scrapped my old AU because I thought this was better and less convoluted and more within the canon of One Piece lol
Lemme start yapping
(TW - horror-ish content, blood drinking, cannibalism, pseudo-vampirism, murder, violence. Just dark topics all around, don’t like don’t read. This is really edgy and campy btw)
*edit: forgot to put the last names before the first names*
Judas and Alice - the children of Buggy the Clown. Both grew up in the same orphanage up until the age of six when Alice started a fire. While the other children, including Judas, were sent off to different orphanages, Alice was put into the asylum where she lived until the age of 18.
Judas, when he became too old to continue living in the orphanage he was sent to, became the servant of the town’s pastor. The pastor considered Judas’ nose as “the mark of the devil” and would make him wear a cloth around his face to cover it up. Judas was treated as an unsightly abomination and was confined to the church. Judas would often sneak out and one night he fell in love with a woman who he started a secret relationship with. Once news of their relationship broke out, the woman was burnt at the stake for “witchcraft”(being in love with Judas). Judas felt responsible for her death and let the guilt consume him until he truly began to believe he was a monster being punished for his crimes of a past life. Believing he was a monster, he killed the pastor in his sleep and drank his blood. Eventually Judas founded the “Haus of Oculus”, a cult where members go on murder sprees, drinking people’s blood and cannibalizing civilians.
Alice, spending most of her life in the asylum, had created her own world she would escape to, often times being unable to distinguish reality from fantasy. Once being discharged by Buggy, she struggled to adjust, trying to go back to her “wonderland”, however it was beginning to slip from her mind quickly. While her fantasies always stayed with her, she realized that she could never truly go back. However, her experiences in wonderland gave her a new outlook on the real world. Alice saw the world as corrupt, and saw humanity as a poison. In her eyes, the great pirate era was the cause of all suffering and pain, and the only way to put an end to that was to destroy humanity entirely. After being gifted a Siren Crystal, Alice can use her voice through song to hypnotize people into violently rioting, brutalizing both marines and civilians and destroying the cities around them. After her mother’s death, Alice found and ate the Frankenstein fruit.
Vanhelsing Judas
Age: 19
Height: 5’8, 172.7 cm
Devil Fruit: N/A
Fun fact: His favorite food besides human flesh is Parmesan crusted lamb chops
Vanhelsing Alice
Age: 19
Height: 5’4, 162.6 cm
Devil Fruit: Hito Hito no mi, Model: Frankenstein
Fun fact: Alice was trained classically as an opera singer
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riolupaws · 6 months
Pokémon Sun and Moon + Ultra Sun and Moon Supporting Cast Headcanons (mostly the Aether family oops)
TW : Abuse and an Eating Disorder mention. Proceed with caution. [It is talking about healing though :) ]
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Once he ran from home he definitely tried the hardest he could to not be recognizable as a part of the Aether family. Absolutely acne-scarred and tried to look grimey on purpose.
In USUM, after the main events he frequently writes to Lillie. Gladion isn’t sure how to feel about Lusamine, granted the only time they met after years was to save Lillie, but he wants to make sure she’s okay.
Gladion got into photography just for the sake of showing Lillie. He’s not very good at it, he used to hate pictures because of Lusamine, but he tries to go on adventures for Lillie and to send those pictures to her in his letters.
Gladion is aroace. He realized that romance wasn’t what he wanted, he just wanted companionship. He still is self-critical and wonders if he’s just thinking too hard, but he tries better to understand himself as more than something to spite Lusamine.
She tries to take care of Lusamine, but it’s hard to really take care of herself due to caring about her momma more than her own quality of life. She does take the time to visit Lusamine with gifts every so often and on major holidays.
Post-game (both USUM and SM) she’s started recovering from anorexia. Hau is a huge support for her and is always by her side :)
Lillie attempts to go to Trainer’s School, but finds it overwhelming, so she takes half of her classes online and half in person. She’s actively trying to fully incorporate into school with the help of Professor Kukui.
Still dedicated to becoming Kahuna, Hau’s realized he wants to be Kahuna for his own life, and not to be to Hala’s expectations.
Guzma is a mentor to Hau! He admires Guzma’s strength and guts. Being the grandson of Kahuna Hala was hard for Guzma at first, but it’s come to help both of them understand one another’s perspectives.
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vikasgarden · 1 year
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❝ Open the bloom of your heart and become a gift of beauty to the world.❞
Vika Rae ⸻ Die Beschützerin aus dem Bach.
Es war einmal, vor gar nicht allzu langer Zeit, da erbte eine junge Frau einen verwunschenen Garten. Die Pflanzen in diesem Garten hatten allerlei Kräfte und sahen dazu auch noch unfassbar gut aus. Jeder, der die Schwelle des Tores überwand, wurde eingehüllt von dem süßen, unwiderstehlichen Duft der Blüten. Besucher ließen sich gern dazu hinreißen, auf der Terrasse neben dem Haus Platz zu nehmen, ein Glas Wasser aufgehübscht mit Zitronen- und Limettenscheiben, sowie etwas Minze zu trinken und den Ausblick zu genießen. 
Wer will, der konnte während der sonnigen Tage im sonst so verregneten Schottland ein Bad im Weiher am Rande des Grundstücks nehmen. Oder einen Spaziergang durch die Blumen, vorbei an ein paar Nutzpflanzen und Obstbäumen machen. Vielleicht ließ sich ja auch eine der streunenden Katzen auf dem Schoß des Besuches nieder und brachte ihn dazu die Zeit zu vergessen, während die liebste Stelle hinterm Ohr der Katze gekrault wurde. Manch anderer packte sogar mit an. Immerhin mussten die Gänse gefüttert, die ältere Golden Retriever Dame gebürstet, Unkraut gezupft und Blumen zum Verkauf vorbereitet werden. 
Doch Gartenarbeit konnte so erholsam für die Seele sein! Manch einer der Besucher sprach davon, dass man sein altes Leben beinahe vergaß. Alle Probleme, all der Unmut und der Stress, waren wie weggeblasen. Es war heilsam den Bienen bei ihrer Arbeit zuzusehen und der Stimme der Besitzerin des Gartens zu lauschen. 
Doch hin und wieder geschah es, dass ein Besucher selbst herausfand, dass mit seinen Gedanken und Gefühlen gespielt wurde. Nicht immer war dieser Umstand willkommen. Nicht immer wollten die Besucher vergessen. Denn wer sind wir denn schon ohne unsere Erinnerungen? 
Dafür gab es aber auch andere, die gern zurückkommen würden. Die sich erneut und in vollstem Bewusstsein dem Vergessen hingeben und das Leben in vollen Zügen genießen wollten. 
Leider ist das kaum möglich. 
Ein Besuch im Garten ist meist nur temporär. Man tritt über die Schwelle, man vergisst und genießt und dann verlässt man den Garten wieder. Erinnert sich, fragt sich, wo die Zeit geblieben ist und eilt dem Terminkalender nach. Der Garten ist eine eigene Welt. Der Garten lässt Raum und Zeit verschwinden. 
Doch nichts wäre der Garten ohne die Besitzerin, die ihn mit diesen Fähigkeiten tränkt.
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|| carrd ˟ currently open for plotting ☽ ✶ ⸻ ˟
OOC: Writing in german is highly preffered. I'm crossover and multiverse-friendly. I'd love to visit your world! Please read my #Rules on my carrd for more informations and trigger warnings. 21+ - MDNI! Let me know if you'd like me to write first!
Mostly inspired by The Snow Queen from Hans Christian Andersen.
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bus-halte-folie · 19 days
Ich hab jetzt schon ein paar Posts über die saisonale September/Oktober-Plage der Nosferatuspinnen gesehen. Bei uns im warmen bewaldeten Süden haben wir das Problem schon etwas länger und konnten uns damit so halbwegs arrangieren. Ein paar Hinweise für Oomfs in nördlicheren Regionen die sie jetzt langsam auch bei sich entdecken:
Inhaltswarnung für Arachnophobiker*innen: Keine Bilder aber detaillierte Beschreibung von unangenehmem Spinnenverhalten.
Die Dinger sind dumm. Sehr dumm. Das führt dazu dass man sie leicht fangen kann aber auch zu unerwartetem Verhalten wie zum Beispiel dass sie auf euch zurennen statt von euch weg. Das erschreckt jeden erstmal, seid darauf vorbereitet.
Denen fehlt irgendwie der Überlebensinstinkt der Hauswinkelspinne, ich weiss auch nicht. No thoughts, head empty.
Das führt auch dazu dass sie Menschen irgendwie nicht als Gefahr wahrnehmen, als Riesen die sie zerquetschen könnten. Deswegen krabbeln sie auch schonmal ins Bett. Jeppp... Sorry Leute. 😶 Mir ist bisher keine Spiders-Georg-Situation bekannt, da kann ich euch beruhigen, nur rücken sie einem schon ziemlich auf die Pelle. Meine arme Mutter hat öfter welche im Bett, sie mögen die Wärme. Durchsucht abends euer Schlafzimmer! Macht das Deckenlicht nochmal an, rüttelt die Kissen auf, guckt gründlich hinter aufgehängten Bildern, Spiegeln, etc.
Im Vergleich zu anderen Spinnen, die Fangnetze bauen und dort auf Beute lauern, sind Nosferatus Jäger und mögen Bodennähe. Das heisst nicht dass sie nie an der Decke chillen aber passt auch auf eure Füße auf! Die Dinger sind schnell und, wie gesagt, dumm. Und sie beißen. Das Gift ist nicht gefährlich, nur schmerzhaft. Es sind bisher keine medizinischen Notfälle bekannt aber beobachtet die Bisstelle und geht zum Arzt wenn etwas sein sollte, vor allem Allergiker*innen.
Falls ihr ein Zeitungsrohr draußen habt oder einen Briefkasten in ländlicher Gegend, passt auf bei der Post. Manchmal suchen sie Schutz da drin, meine Familie hat schon welche in der Zeitung ins Haus gebracht.
Falls ihr eine entdeckt, Glas und Karte geht ganz prima. Sie lassen sich vergleichsweise gut einfangen und raustragen weil sie bei zuviel Licht schlecht sehen. Wer es aushält kann sich das gefangene Tier auch mal genauer anschauen ob es wirklich eine Nosferatu ist. Ich fotografier meine Fänge gern aber nicht jeder ist so irre.
Und damit kommen wir zum letzten Punkt: Sie sind nachtaktiv. Das heisst passt beim Lüften zur Dämmerung auf und holt euch am Besten ein Mückennetz, auch in höheren Stockwerken. Ich hatte schonmal eine im dritten Stock auf meinem Kopfkissen. Wie dreist.
Viel Glück euch allen und sorry an alle Spinnenphobiker*innen, das wird keine leichte Zeit für euch. 🫤 Ich wünsch euch starke Nerven und dass sie lieber den Nachbarn mit Deutschlandflagge besuchen als euch.
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