#Hashtag Bitch
the-smallest-star · 6 days
"Will do, love." She'd enjoy the milkshake, provided it was actually good, before doing what she came here to do.
The morning rush seemed to be going fine, waitresses taking care of their tables. The milkshake was fortunately cool and sweet as promised.
There seemed to be a heated discussion on the other end of the restaurant however, though it was really only the customer getting heated. A squeak was heard and the smash of a mug before a rather large looking sinner made his way back to seperate was was going on.
"Sapphire, go get cleaned up. I can see everything."
Washcloth in hand, Sapphire ducked into the ladies bathroom to try and clean up some of the mess staining her shirt. Looking in the mirror Sapphire grimaced. This was her good shirt too, she didn't have a spare with her other than her own shirt.
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"This isn't going to scrub off... I'll have to dig in the spare box." No one likes the spare box, it was musty and gross. But better than having coffee soaked against your chest.
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therainbowinhell · 7 months
@hashtag-bitch liked for a starter! [X]
Oh, huh. Charlie rarely had a reason to go visit the Vs after her small incident at Val's studio. In fact, after the incident she has tried to avoid it altogether to not get angrier about Angel's situation, but it was even weirder to get Velvette coming close to this side of the Pride Ring, so close to the hotel instead.
And so, the princess of Hell stared at the other after taking a small breath, hesitant to smile, but doing so nevertheless.
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"Didn't expect to see you around here."
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infernal-feminae · 7 months
@hashtag-bitch || x
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Crimson eyes narrowed at Velvette, her lip curling into a snarl. "I can handle you just fine." Carmilla hissed through gritted teeth, but even she didn't sound so sure of herself.
She loathed how easily Velvette was able to get under her skin. Years of discipline and practiced composure thrown away in a matter of minutes.
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heartsbitten · 7 months
@hashtag-bitch from
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" Stay your hostile intent demon. If I wanted to purge your soul I'd have done so already and in overwhelming numbers. Yet I am here alone. " swallowing her disgust for sinners and hell as a whole. Lute kept her sword in hand yet remained at a distance from the sinner before her. " I care not for your taste in clothing. I have come here for other matters that which require you to hear me out if you are willing. "
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fantasyconcrete · 6 days
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"Sup, Velvs." Kiran greeted the Overlord casually as she slithered into her office. "Who you need shot today?"
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Continued from X @greedandrebel
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"Zip it, I need to focus," Velvette said before suddenly starting to circle the sinner, even going so far as to give her a couple of pokes to make her stop slouching and stand up straight. After walking around the opossum a few times she'd finally stop in front of her, clearly looking up and down their body.
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Velvette would then take out her phone and take a picture of the sinner. "Alright love, here's the deal. I need a some new models due to losing some of my old ones. You come to the tower tomorrow, I'll have you try on some outfits, and if I think you're a good fit I'll hire you," the fashionista said before handing them a card. "This'll get you into my floor. If you show up I expect you there by ten in the morning, on the dot." With that said the Overlord would then walk away, not even giving them a chance to say anything.
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velvetwarfare · 7 months
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The clothes were gorgeous, Betty couldn’t lie there — it’s too bad she kept leaking streams on red on the expensive fabric Velvette was fitting her with.
“ Well, hey. At least the dress is already red, am I right? “
Betty exposes a cocky grin, audibly sniffing.
“ You know, you are cute when you are all pissy ~ .
Which is what, 90% of the time? “
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mothvalentino · 4 months
👙( she will be heavily scrutinising his choice as the local fashion guru of the group but - dgfdf)
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ཐིཋྀ "I bow to you, head fashionista~"
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lcftcult · 8 months
@hashtag-bitch || x
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What could she do? Black Star had an arsenal of skills, though they were mostly redundant to what someone of Velvette's status would desire, let alone care about. So the sinner furrowed her brows as she tried to come up with something, anything, that the Overlord would like.
She furrows her brows, looking thoughtful while her tail slowly swished from side to side. After a minute, Black Star thought of one of her special skills. Both her elbows are propped on the table and then she clasps her hands together. Following a hum, Black Star asks "do you.. like cookies?"
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"But I haven't shot anyone in a while now... "
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theashen-fox · 8 months
X - @hashtag-bitch
Ash nodded, removing a cigarette from his pocket and placing it between his lips. He then snapped his fingers in front of it, causing a small spark to light it up. He inhaled, then let the smoke drift out of his mouth as he said, “For an Overlord, you haven’t been overly hostile towards me. Many Sinners take their frustrations against the Hotel out on me when I go out. Figured you would have more cause than they did.”
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the-smallest-star · 6 days
"Mm, fuck it, get me a chocolate blast off." She shrugged turning her gaze back down to her phone not really bothered about the cost given who she was. "Thow whatever you think is good on it, as long as it's sweet I don't give a toss."
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"Sure thing! Should take less than five minutes." Velvette didn't seem like someone who wanted small talk, so Sapphire wouldn't force that. Tailor it to the customer.
And as promised, it was made in three, Sapphire setting it down. It had a spoon for the cream and chocolate chunks and sauce, and a straw for the rest. Classic diner style. "If you need anything else just let me or another member of staff know."
Least she wasn't dead. She'd heard rumors of Valentino at least shooting people for getting orders wrong... or if he'd forgotten what he ordered and insisted it was wrong. Thankfully, this was the first Vee to visit Burt's Burger Shack.
And she seemed to be the least problematic one, mostly due to disinterest of the people there.
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time-woods · 9 months
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not allowed to stay up late drawing because this is what ends up happening gayass kissingcanvas
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infernal-feminae · 15 hours
21 for the violence meme. (go. commit violence)
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
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Gotta agree with a couple of my moots that Alastor is overrated, or overhyped in this case. I know he's the show's cash cow but ever since the pilot dropped there has been an over saturation of him in the fandom and I've been over it for a long time. He's not a bad character by any means, but like, I feel like there are much more interesting characters in the show than him and they don't get as much attention from the fans.
For example, I personally, am MUCH more interested in Zestial as a character than Alastor.
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heartsbitten · 7 months
@hashtag-bitch trust building with lute ;;
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" Given the state of us being allies Velvette. It'd probably be best if we build trust between one another least our alliance be short lived. " while she didn't like the idea of having to build trust with a demon the exorcist knew well that an alliance of any sort is built upon trust rather hate. " I've done some thinking on the matter and I believe given your expertise. letting you style my hair and wardrobe might make for a fitting trust exercise at least for now. " brooding over the proposal Lute kept her typical stoic stance as she awaited the overlords response to her idea.
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fantasyconcrete · 8 months
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"I want in." Kiran replied sternly. "If the Vees are the only ones willing to actually try to fight this extermination shit and get revenge, then as far as I'm concerned you should be running Hell."
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