#Hashmat and Sons
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knowledgepronto · 5 years ago
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New Zealand Beat India | 1ST SEMI-FINAL | ICC CRICKET WORLD CUP 2019 | 10 July 2019 New Zealand Beat India | 1ST SEMI-FINAL | ICC CRICKET WORLD CUP 2019 | 10 July 2019
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dailypakistan2day-blog · 6 years ago
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SAMAA NEWS LIVE SAMAA TV is Pakistan’s first private satellite news channel that provides live transmission simultaneously from five cities of Pakistan: Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Quetta and Peshawar.
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aadii2050 · 5 years ago
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Hashmat & Sons Returns Episode 14 Promo https://youtu.be/30xMYIz1_K8 Subscribe our channel for more videos Like Share Comment & Subscribe #HashmatAndSonsReturns #shughaltvofficial #entertainment (at Karachi, Pakistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBDezKznbTF/?igshid=d437sknfbk18
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technologyinfosec · 5 years ago
'Evergreen': Afghan Elvis's legacy endures, decades after death
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Sporting a black quiff and sideburns, Ahmad Zahir sang of love and heartbreak in liberal 1970s Kabul - a city now plagued by war and suffering, but where the popularity of Afghanistan's "Elvis" remains undimmed 40 years after his death. Zahir - the son of a former prime minister with a penchant for brandy and his red Mercedes - rose to fame in an era when the capital hummed with Western tourists and women strolled through the streets in high heels. "Everybody loved him," 73-year-old Safiullah Sobat, a long-time friend of Zahir, told AFP news agency. Zahir - an ethnic Pashtun - played concerts in various locations across the country and had fans among all ethnic groups in Afghanistan, which is far more polarised now than at the height of his fame. "Today we see ethnic rivalries have sadly increased but Ahmad Zahir's music is still connecting people," explains Basir Burhan, a 30-year-old amateur musician. Wherever you go in Afghanistan, he said, "if there is music, there'll definitely be one Ahmad Zahir song playing". Former DJ Zubair Rezaee, 27, described Zahir as "evergreen". He endures because when "you listen to his songs ... you think they are for you, at any time, at any place". "The wars, the changes in society and a different generation, nothing has affected the quality of his songs," he said.
Rumours and secrets
The 1960s and 70s are remembered as a golden age of music for Afghanistan, when young musicians were mostly influenced by Indian classics and would flock to Radio Kabul - the only radio broadcaster at the time - to record hits at their studio. Zahir's best-known works were inspired by Persian poets like Rumi and Hafiz, and he sang mostly in Dari or Afghan Persian. "At night-time, girls would come outside his house and honk the horn of their cars." But on the day of his 33rd birthday in 1979, Zahir was found dead in his car in mysterious circumstances. His death - much like his life - has become a part of folklore. In Afghanistan today, where space for music and dance has shrunk under the shadow of war, music channels still play his songs daily and fans - even those born decades after his death - continue to snap up his albums and join Facebook groups created in his honour. "His songs will touch your heart no matter what mood you are in, happy or sad," says Hashmat, who goes by one name and is the manager of 'Ahmad Zahir's Cottage', a colourful restaurant in downtown Kabul. The 26-year-old welcomes his customers - mostly young couples - with tea, a hookah pipe and most importantly, their hero's songs. But he did not shy away from covering Western greats such as France's Enrico Macias and, of course, Elvis Presley. "At a time when singers shaking their bodies or dancing on stage was seen as awkward, he appeared on stage and screen doing exactly that," said Zahir's friend Sobat, who also runs Ahmad Zahir's Art and Culture Centre in Kabul. "He was talking about Elvis a lot and when you look at his hairstyle, his clothes, the way he moved his body in concerts, you realise he was inspired by Elvis." Over the decades since his death, conflicting accounts have surfaced about whether Zahir - who recorded more than 20 albums in his short life - was killed or died in a car accident. The official line was that he was killed in a crash near the Salang Pass, north of Kabul. But many maintain the communist regime assassinated him after his songs became increasingly critical, or because of rumours he had a secret affair with the daughter of the then prime minister. Sobat believes he was murdered. "When I saw his body in the coffin, there was hole in his forehead with signs of burns. He was shot at close range," he said. Years of war have followed and under the Taliban, who banned music, his grave in Kabul was desecrated. But it has been rebuilt and since then, every June 14, his birthday, pilgrims have flocked to Shohada-e-Salehin cemetery on the southern edge of Kabul to lay flowers on his grave and play one of his last memorable songs. "My death shall arrive one day/ In a spring bright with waves of light/ Oh, perhaps my lovers at midnight/ lay wreaths on my sorrow grave," the lyrics read. Read the full article
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mediawatchpk · 7 years ago
Eid-ul-Azha Special,Hashmat & Sons
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xlnc1 · 5 years ago
Waris - Episode 9
Waris – Episode 9
Waris – PTV Drama Serial
A Pakistani feudal lord (zamindar), Chaudhry Hashmat rules his fiefdom, Sikandarpur with an iron grip. Along with his son Chaudhry Yaqub and two grandsons Chaudhry Anwar Ali and Chaudhry Niaz Ali (sons of his deceased son, Chaudhry Ghulam Ali), he struggles to hold on to his land, (Sikanderpur) which is the proposed site for a dam. The…
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paktalktv · 6 years ago
Download ARY Digital App:http://l.ead.me/bauBrY Namak Paray is the unique story of a family where each family member has a unique, quick-witted and comic style. The drama depicts an uneducated daughter-in-law creating chaos in the house. A dominating mother-in-law who’s trying to put the house in-order and faces resistance from her. Along with the father and son trying to make things better. Malik Jawad, played by the talented, Faizan Shaikh is an innocent son and husband who is trying to keep a balance between both relationships. Uroosa, played by Maham Amir is a bossy, outspoken and uneducated girl who is always trying to control every situation. The veteran actress, Gul e Rana played the character of Shaista Begum who is the real big boss of the house with all matters under her control. Malik Hashmat, played by Ismail Tara is a simple man who has surrendered against his wife’s will. The drama also delineates both homemakers conspiring against each other, with Malik Sahab trying to teach his son some important lessons. Directed By: Rana Rizwan Written By: Wajih Warsi Cast : Ismail Tara, Gul e Rana, Faizan Shaikh, Maham Amir. This potpourri of an abundance of fights, love and unlimited fun is starting on the 2nd of November and the spectators will be able to watch Namak Paray every Friday at 7:00 PM, only on ARY Digital. #Namakparay #FaizanShaikh #MahamAmir The post Namak Paray Episode 26 | Teaser | – ARY Digital Drama appeared first on PakTalkTV.
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saazewatan · 6 years ago
Hashmat Amini – Dokhtarake Gul Mora | NEW AFGHAN SONG
Hashmat Amini – Dokhtarake Gul Mora | NEW AFGHAN SONG
New Upload – Afghan Son from Hashmat Amini called ” Dokhtarake Gul Mora”. Afghan Songs, live Music Videos your favorite Afghan Star and muche more Music & Entertainment from Afghanistan on our Social Networks. Subscribe now to our Channel by pressing the Link below: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Vs6MbCofVs0RP6LjWeQmw?sub_confirmation=1For infos like Songtitle,…
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knowledgepronto · 5 years ago
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1st-Semi-Final | India vs Newzealand | Zorh ka Jorh | SAMAA TV | 09 July 2019 1st-Semi-Final | India vs Newzealand | Zorh ka Jorh | SAMAA TV | 09 July 2019
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reseau-actu · 6 years ago
Un kamikaze s'est fait exploser à l'intérieur d'un club de sport dans un quartier majoritairement chiite de Kaboul, alors qu'une voiture piégée a explosé peu après l'arrivée des secours et de la presse.
Au moins vingt personnes, dont deux journalistes accourus sur les lieux, ont été tuées ce mercredi dans un double attentat dans un club de sport de Kaboul, faisant également 70 blessés. La première explosion s'est produite vers 18 heures locales (13H30 GMT) dans le quartier chiite de Dashti Barchy dans l'ouest de la capitale, selon un porte-parole du ministère de l'Intérieur, Najib Danish. L'attaque n'a pas été revendiquée dans l'immédiat mais la minorité chiite d'Afghanistan a été fréquemment visée par le groupe État islamique dans le passé.
«Selon nos informations, l'explosion a été causée par un kamikaze», a indiqué le porte-parole de la police, Hashmat Stanikzai. Il a fait sauter sa charge explosive à l'intérieur d'un gymnase où s'entraînaient des lutteurs, le Maiwand club. Le responsable de la salle de sport, Pahlawan Shir, joint par l'AFP, a indiqué que le kamikaze avait «tué les gardes à l'entrée de la salle avant de déclencher sa charge explosive». Cet attentat suicide a été suivi peu après par l'explosion d'une voiture piégée à proximité des secours qui s'affairaient autour des blessés et des journalistes arrivés sur les lieux. «La seconde explosion est survenue à l'entrée du Maiwand club», a précisé le porte-parole du ministère de l'Intérieur, M. Danish.
Le bilan «pourrait s'aggraver»
À ce moment, «il y avait des forces de sécurité, de la foule et des journalistes» sur les lieux, a indiqué M. Stanikzai. Selon lui, «des journalistes ont été tués et d'autres blessés». La chaîne de télévision afghane Tolo News a confirmé le décès de deux de ses journalistes, un reporter et un cameraman. Selon un centre des soutiens aux médias en Afghanistan, le NAI, quatre autres journalistes ont été blessés. Selon une source sécuritaire, le bilan «pourrait s'aggraver».
Le dernier attentat à l'encontre de la communauté chiite de Kaboul remonte au 15 août. Il avait coûté la vie à 37 personnes dans un centre de préparation aux examens d'entrée à l'université. Il avait été revendiqué par le groupe État islamique.
Projet d'attentat
L'attentat de mercredi survient au lendemain de l'annonce par les talibans de la mort de Jalaluddin Haqqani, fondateur du réseau insurgé éponyme, allié des talibans et accusé ces dernières années de très nombreux attentats suicides ayant fait des centaines de victimes civiles en Afghanistan. Selon les talibans, Haqqani a succombé aux suites d'une longue maladie. Le réseau insurgé est depuis plusieurs années dirigé par son fils Sirajuddin. Analystes et diplomates estiment que son décès n'aura guère d'impact sur les activités du réseau et que les attentats vont continuer.
» LIRE AUSSI - Afghanistan: mort du puissant chef du réseau Haqqani
Plus tôt mercredi, la police a par ailleurs indiqué avoir arrêté onze membres du réseau Haqqani qui détenaient des explosifs et qui projetaient de commettre un attentat, selon les services de renseignement afghans.
Le double attentat de mercredi s'est produit alors que les États-Unis viennent d'annoncer la nomination du diplomate d'origine afghane Zalmay Khalilzad à la tête des efforts américains pour rétablir la paix en Afghanistan. Figure de la diplomatie américaine et du camp néoconservateur sous le président George W. Bush, Zalmay Khalilzad fut ambassadeur à Kaboul, à Bagdad et aux Nations unies.
Les États-Unis, engagés depuis 17 ans dans la guerre en Afghanistan, ont intensifié ces derniers mois leurs efforts diplomatiques pour amener les talibans à négocier. Le secrétaire d'État américain Mike Pompeo a effectué mercredi une brève visite au Pakistan pour tenter de réchauffer des relations diplomatiques très conflictuelles et tenter de convaincre Islamabad de participer aux efforts de paix en Afghanistan, pour lesquels Washington estime que le Pakistan peut jouer un rôle clé.
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pakistantalkshow · 7 years ago
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Bun Kabab Wala | Hashmat & Sons | SAMAA TV | 15 Oct 2017
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mediawatchpk · 7 years ago
Hashu Prank | B4Bakao | Hashmat & Sons
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xlnc1 · 5 years ago
Waris - Episode 8
Waris – Episode 8
Waris – PTV Drama Serial
A Pakistani feudal lord (zamindar), Chaudhry Hashmat rules his fiefdom, Sikandarpur with an iron grip. Along with his son Chaudhry Yaqub and two grandsons Chaudhry Anwar Ali and Chaudhry Niaz Ali (sons of his deceased son, Chaudhry Ghulam Ali), he struggles to hold on to his land, (Sikanderpur) which is the proposed site for a dam. The…
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paktalktv · 6 years ago
Download ARY Digital App:http://l.ead.me/bauBrY Namak Paray is the unique story of a family where each family member has a unique, quick-witted and comic style. The drama depicts an uneducated daughter-in-law creating chaos in the house. A dominating mother-in-law who’s trying to put the house in-order and faces resistance from her. Along with the father and son trying to make things better. Malik Jawad, played by the talented, Faizan Shaikh is an innocent son and husband who is trying to keep a balance between both relationships. Uroosa, played by Maham Amir is a bossy, outspoken and uneducated girl who is always trying to control every situation. The veteran actress, Gul e Rana played the character of Shaista Begum who is the real big boss of the house with all matters under her control. Malik Hashmat, played by Ismail Tara is a simple man who has surrendered against his wife’s will. The drama also delineates both homemakers conspiring against each other, with Malik Sahab trying to teach his son some important lessons. Directed By: Rana Rizwan Written By: Wajih Warsi Cast : Ismail Tara, Gul e Rana, Faizan Shaikh, Maham Amir. This potpourri of an abundance of fights, love and unlimited fun is starting on the 2nd of November and the spectators will be able to watch Namak Paray every Friday at 7:00 PM, only on ARY Digital. #Namakparay #FaizanShaikh #MahamAmir The post Namak Paray Episode 25 – 19th April 2019 – ARY Digital Drama appeared first on PakTalkTV.
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kummanodans-blog · 7 years ago
Hashmat & Sons SAMAA TV 13 Aug 2017
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siasiexpress · 8 years ago
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Hashmat & Sons – 2nd April 2017 – Comedy Show http://dlvr.it/NnQ6Xx
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