sarcasticcynic · 6 years
“U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration has ordered scientists employed by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) to stop acquiring new human fetal tissue for experiments ... The suspension, imposed this past September without a public announcement, came as the government launched a review of all fetal tissue research funded by the federal government. ... The order expands the scope of the Trump administration’s interventions into federally funded research that uses human fetal tissue from elective abortions, which is legal but fiercely opposed by antiabortion groups.”
Why would the Trump administration do such a thing?
“Congressional Republicans have tried to ban all fetal tissue research for years to appease the religious right. ... The ban has long been a goal of the anti-abortion industry and has been part of the most recent attacks on Planned Parenthood. The group was falsely accused of selling aborted fetuses earlier this year.”
Ah. As usual, Trump is happy to order via executive fiat what Congress refuses to enact into law. But surely saying this “shuts down HIV cure research” is an exaggeration, no?
“‘We were all poised to go and then the bombshell was dropped,’ says HIV researcher Warner Greene, director of the Gladstone Center for HIV Cure Research in San Francisco, California, who was collaborating with an NIH laboratory that received the order. Researcher Kim Hasenkrug had prepared humanized mice for a trial of an antibody that the researchers believed—based on promising lab dish studies—might prevent HIV from establishing reservoirs in the human body. ... On 11 September, Hasenkrug informed Greene and Thomas Packard, a postdoctoral student of Greene’s, that he had obtained needed reagents and the mice were ready. Packard responded that they were excited at the prospect of getting the study started, and would immediately send Hasenkrug a batch of the antibodies. ‘I’ll not be able to get [the antibodies] on the 3 PM FedEx today, but I’ll ship [the antibodies] to you tomorrow, so you should have it on Thursday,’ Packard wrote in an email. On 28 September, however, Greene received a message from Hasenkrug that left him stunned. The email, which bore the subject line ‘HHS directive,’ read in part: ‘[HHS] has directed me to discontinue procuring fetal tissue from ABR, the only source for us. I think that they are the only provider of fetal tissue for scientists in the nation who don’t have direct access to aborted fetal tissue. This effectively stops all of our research to discover a cure for HIV.’ Hasenkrug had not yet launched the experiment, Greene says, and his supplies of existing mice were too small to conduct the repeated experiments required to reach convincing scientific conclusions.”
Guess not. Well, maybe it’s only temporary.
“The NIH’s actions have already slowed down progress on a cure. ‘If we were given the green light right now, it would probably take us a year to get back in the position we were in when the ban was put in place.’”
Hmm. Sucks for all those gay people, amiright? Good thing it won’t impact religious conservatives who devoutly support Trump and the GOP!
“A third laboratory at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is also affected by the agency’s temporary ban on acquiring new human fetal tissue ... The third laboratory is at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), which is pursuing a ‘project on cancer immunotherapy, which will need tissue by January 31.’”
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Trump’s Ban On the Use of Fetal Tissue Delays Coronavirus Vaccine Research
A recent report by Washington Post’s Amy Goldstein, states that immunologist Kim Hasenkrug wants to test potential treatments for Covid-19 in mice using “humanized lungs.” Officials at the Department of Health and Human Services are not allowing the research because using donated fetal tissue from abortions was banned last year by the Trump administration.
Government scientists will be barred from conducting research using donated fetal tissue the Trump administration announced on Wednesday, dealing a major blow to scientists who say it is an irreplaceable part of ongoing scientific research.
Trump Administration Bans Government Scientists From Using Fetal Tissue – Jun 6, 2019
Fetal tissue from abortions is used to create mice with human tissue suitable for medical testing. The research Kim Hasenkrug proposed reportedly aims to use mice with implanted fetal lung tissue, then infecting the mice with coronavirus strains similar to CoVID-19, and then testing for successful treatments for CoVID-19.
Recommended: How to Eliminate IBS, IBD, Leaky Gut 
Humanized mice have been key to developing several important medical treatments for diseases like the Zika virus or HIV/AIDS, which was Hasenkrug’s previous research focus. The calculation is simple. You can’t test certain treatments without humanized mice, and you can’t get humanized mice without fetal tissue.
… The calculation is simple. You can’t test certain treatments without humanized mice, and you can’t get humanized mice without fetal tissue.
Coronavirus treatment research is being held up by Trump’s ban on the use of fetal tissue
The Washington Post reported that Kim Hasenkrug at the NIH Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Montana has been appealing for “nearly a month” to get approval for the experiments using fetal tissue.
Regarding the proposal, a spokesperson for the Department of Health and Human Services told CNA “no decision has been made.”
Related: How Plumbing Eradicated Disease
Trump’s Ban On the Use of Fetal Tissue Delays Coronavirus Vaccine Research was originally published on Organic Lifestyle Magazine
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cattarattat · 6 years
"Scientists are speaking out against a directive by the Trump administration that has shut down research into a cure for HIV.
A scientist who was supposed to supply mice that have been modified with human fetal tissue for an HIV study emailed researchers that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) 'has directed me to discontinue procuring fetal tissue.'
'This effectively stops all of our research to discover a cure for HIV,' he wrote.
A 'pause' on research that uses aborted fetal tissue, something Christian conservatives strongly oppose, was announced by the Trump administration this past September. The move will affect numerous biomedical research programs.
Congressional Republicans have tried to ban all fetal tissue research for years to appease the religious right. 85 Republican House members wrote a letter to the head of the FDA asking for a ban on fetal tissue research shortly before the 'pause' was announced.
The ban has long been a goal of the anti-abortion industry and has been part of the most recent attacks on Planned Parenthood. The group was falsely accused of selling aborted fetuses earlier this year.
In a statement, the NIH (National Institutes of Health; U. S. Government) (parenthetical mine) said that there is only a 'pause in place' on the research, which is 'an action NIH thought was prudent given the examination of these procurements.'
'We were all poised to go and then the bombshell was dropped,' said Warner Greene, director of the Gladstone Center for HIV Cure Research. Greene was about to collaborate with the Montana lab on HIV research when the project came to a halt.
'The decision completely knocked our collaboration off the rails. We were devastated.'
The study would have relied on fetal tissue donated by women who have had legal abortions in order to produce 'humanized mice,' mice that have human-like immune systems, according to Science. The mice have been used for years for research in infectious diseases, including HIV.
Mice are one of the few non-human animals that can be infected with HIV, which makes them key to testing HIV medication.
Researchers at the lab were going to test a promising antibody they developed to prevent HIV from developing reservoirs, which are cells infected with HIV but are not producing the virus. These cells aren’t affected by currently available HIV medication.
'You spend your life trying to do good experiments and organize your science carefully, and suddenly, at the whim of some politicians in Washington, D.C., they remove a critical piece of your scientific armamentarium,' Greene said.
On September 28, researcher Kim Hasenkrug, who was supposed to provide humanized mice for Greene’s study on the HIV antibody, sent an email to Greene explaining that HHS told them to stop using fetal tissue.
[HHS] has directed me to discontinue procuring fetal tissue from ABR, the only source for us. I think that they are the only provider of fetal tissue for scientists in the nation who don’t have direct access to aborted fetal tissue. This effectively stops all of our research to discover a cure for HIV.
'The mice were ready,' Greene said. 'Just as we’d shipped antibody [to Montana], we were ready to go, and boom, the rug was pulled out from underneath us.'
It is unclear whether non-NIH labs that receive NIH funding will also be banned from using fetal tissue. If so, even more research will be affected.
'Everything I am doing involves humanized mice. It would shut my lab down if we were not able to use fetal tissues,' said Jerome Zack, who has used humanized mice for 25 years to study HIV at UCLA.
But Greene said that the NIH’s actions have already slowed down progress on a cure.
'If we were given the green light right now, it would probably take us a year to get back in the position we were in when the ban was put in place,' he said.
Earlier this year, the Department of Health and Human Services announced a new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division that would handle complaints from health care providers who did not want to take part in an abortion or treat transgender people."
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pro-city-consulting · 6 years
Die Pro City Consulting UG stellt heute die Firma Hasenkrug aus Dietzhölztal vor.
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moreese2g3-blog · 13 years
Ah I like, I like Tony!!
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bradscottfitness-blog · 13 years
Check out this post People from the thorns!
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zegnarfol · 13 years
Another drop of dew falls--powered up kiteboarding!--and Tony will nourish the fields once more.
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mogulcomic-blog-blog · 13 years
A powerful message from Tony!!
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kelso123-blog · 13 years
Take a lookANTANDROY People from the thorns !
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Check this out...ANTANDROY People from the thorns !
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mogulcomic-blog-blog · 13 years
Great post from Tony!
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kelso123-blog · 13 years
Take a lookAre you a "Matcher", a "Mismatcher"?!
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Check this out...Are you a "Matcher", a "Mismatcher"?!
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mogulcomic-blog-blog · 13 years
Great post from Tony!
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Check this out...How do you get powered up? !
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mogulcomic-blog-blog · 13 years
Great post from Tony!
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