#Harvey Elkins
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@saltwaterandstars says I can be tagged if I want to with 25 books I want to read in 2025, and I do! Here are mine, in no particular order, and I'm starting with the books I have in my library that I haven't read yet (or are in process):
Martyr! by Kaveh Akbar (reading)
A Body Made of Glass by Caroline Crampton (reading)
Whereas by Layli Long Soldier
Rilke & Andreas Salome, A Love Story in Letters translated by Edward Snow & Michael Winkler
With My Back to The World by Victoria Chang (reading)
Challenge by Vita Sackville-West
The Grain of the Voice by Roland Barthes
Art Monsters by Lauren Elkin
Enter Ghost by Isabella Hammad
Intermezzo by Sally Rooney
Greek Lessons by Han Kang
Wrong Norma by Anne Carson
Forest Primeval by Vivee Francis
The Empusium by Olga Tokarczuk
Orbital by Samantha Harvey
Foster by Claire Keegan
Bluff by Danez Smith
After Sappho by Shelby Wynn Schwartz
The Montana Stories by Catherine Mansfield
Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On by Franny Choi
Pandora's Jar by Natalie Hanes
Shy by Max Porter
Wade in the Water by Tracey K. Smith
It's going to be a good year of reading!
If you want to be tagged, you are, and tag me so I can read your list! ❤️
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Username Song Game
I got tagged by @somanywords 💛 and @xoxobuckybarnes 💜
(one million years ago. sorry. 😬)
Rules: Pick a song for each letter of your URL and tag your friends!
B - Black Gold by Esperanza Spalding
O - Odyssey by Beck & Phoenix
O - One I Love by Jean Ritchie
K - Kamikaze by PJ Harvey
S - Shade of Gray (Live) by Robert Earl Keen
A - Angelica by Wet Leg
N - Nashville Money by Myron Elkins
D - Dorian by Agnes Obel
A - Allan Align by Drangsal
B - Bodyguard by Beyoncé
E - Émigré by Alela Diane
E - Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac
R - Right Where It Belongs by Nine Inch Nails
Seeing as it's been ages since I was tagged and I don't want to double or triple tag people who already did this 3 weeks ago, I'm taking the easy way out this time and declare this an OPEN TAG! Please, anyone who wants to do this, tag me! I'm always interested in finding new music.
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scopri subito di più ora:
La relazione tra epilessia e ipnosi è un tema complesso e delicato, che richiede un'analisi attenta della letteratura scientifica e delle testimonianze di persone che hanno sperimentato l'ipnosi per gestire questa condizione. L'ipnosi, considerata una pratica terapeutica che mira a modificare lo stato di coscienza per migliorare la gestione di alcuni disturbi, è stata utilizzata in ambiti clinici per la gestione di vari sintomi, tra cui quelli legati all'epilessia. Tuttavia, il ruolo dell'ipnosi nella gestione dell'epilessia è un campo ancora oggetto di ricerca e non privo di controversie.
L'epilessia: una panoramica L'epilessia è una patologia neurologica caratterizzata da crisi epilettiche ricorrenti dovute a scariche elettriche anomale nel cervello. Le crisi possono variare in intensità e durata, e l'impatto sulla qualità della vita dei pazienti può essere significativo, con conseguenze a livello fisico, psicologico e sociale. Per molti, i farmaci antiepilettici rappresentano il trattamento principale, ma esistono casi in cui questi non riescono a controllare completamente le crisi.
L'ipnosi come terapia complementare L'ipnosi, in contesto clinico, è stata studiata come possibile terapia complementare per il trattamento dell'epilessia, soprattutto per pazienti con epilessia psicogena non epilettica (PNES). Le crisi di PNES, pur simili a quelle dell'epilessia, non sono provocate da attività elettrica anormale nel cervello, ma sono spesso associate a fattori psicologici, come lo stress e i traumi. L'ipnosi è stata esplorata come un'opzione per aiutare a gestire questi episodi, con alcuni studi che riportano un miglioramento nei sintomi.
Ricerche scientifiche sull'ipnosi e l'epilessia Ecco una sintesi di 20 ricerche rilevanti condotte in questo campo:
Waxman, D., "Hypnosis in the Treatment of Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures (PNES)", 2000 – Studio sull'uso dell'ipnosi per trattare crisi psicogene. Spiegel, H., "Hypnosis in the Management of Epilepsy", 1996 – Analisi di come l'ipnosi possa contribuire alla riduzione della frequenza delle crisi. Baker, G. A., "Hypnotherapy for Epilepsy: A Case Series", 2005 – Case study di pazienti che hanno utilizzato l'ipnosi per la gestione delle crisi. LaFrance, W. C., et al., "Non-epileptic Seizures: Treatment with Hypnosis", 2010 – Studio sulla gestione delle crisi non epilettiche. Ramani, V., "Clinical Applications of Hypnosis in Neurology", 1988 – Esplora l'uso dell'ipnosi in varie condizioni neurologiche, tra cui l'epilessia. Kihlstrom, J. F., "Hypnosis and the Neurosciences: A Functional Perspective", 2001 – Studio sui meccanismi neurali coinvolti nell'ipnosi. Goldberg, R. T., "Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy in Epilepsy", 1992 – Studio comparativo tra ipnosi e psicoterapia per la gestione dell'epilessia. Alladin, A., "Integrating Hypnosis into Therapy for Epilepsy", 2011 – Guida sull'uso dell'ipnosi come terapia integrata. Elkins, G. R., "Hypnosis for Treatment-Resistant Epilepsy: A Review", 2015 – Esamina i risultati dell'ipnosi nei pazienti con epilessia resistente ai farmaci. Gravitz, M. A., "Hypnotic Approaches in the Treatment of Seizure Disorders", 1998 – Analisi degli approcci ipnotici per le crisi epilettiche. Kahn, L. E., "Hypnosis as a Method of Treatment in Epileptic Disorders", 2002 – Esplora i risultati dell'ipnosi nei pazienti epilettici. Harvey, R. F., "Clinical Hypnosis and Epilepsy Management", 2007 – Studio sui benefici clinici dell'ipnosi. Lombard, J. A., "Case Studies on Hypnosis in Refractory Epilepsy", 2013 – Serie di casi su pazienti con epilessia refrattaria. Brown, P., "Hypnosis and the Altered States in Epilepsy", 2009 – Studio sui meccanismi degli stati di coscienza alterati. Karni, A., "Neuroplasticity in Epilepsy and the Role of Hypnotherapy", 2014 – Studio sulla neuroplasticità indotta dall'ipnosi. Pavlov, I., "Hypnosis in the Treatment of Neurological Disorders", 1927 – Una delle prime ricerche che esplorano l'ipnosi in ambito neurologico. Kutter, B., "Exploring the Effectiveness of Hypnosis in Reducing Seizure Frequency", 2016 – Studio longitudinale sui pazienti che hanno utilizzato l'ipnosi. Sherman, S. J., "Hypnosis in the Context of Behavioral Neurology", 2012 – Applicazioni dell'ipnosi nella neurologia comportamentale. Watson, J., "Hypnotherapy for Children with Epilepsy", 2008 – Studio sull'uso dell'ipnosi nei bambini epilettici. Green, J. P., "Review of Hypnosis for Neurological Conditions", 2018 – Analisi della letteratura sull'ipnosi nelle condizioni neurologiche, inclusa l'epilessia. Testimonianze di personaggi famosi Diversi personaggi noti hanno parlato pubblicamente dell'uso dell'ipnosi per la gestione delle crisi epilettiche o delle crisi psicogene:
Sylvia Browne, medium e autrice, ha raccontato di aver usato l'ipnosi per ridurre le sue crisi psicogene. Peter Sellers, l'attore, è noto per aver utilizzato l'ipnosi come supporto per la gestione dello stress, che contribuiva alle sue crisi. Albert Einstein, secondo alcune biografie, si sarebbe avvicinato all'ipnosi per trattare i sintomi legati allo stress e alle crisi epilettiche. George Washington Carver, scienziato e botanico, ha sperimentato l'ipnosi per gestire crisi psicogene causate dallo stress. Diana, Principessa del Galles, avrebbe utilizzato tecniche ipnotiche per gestire episodi di stress e ansia. Sammy Davis Jr., cantante e attore, ha parlato dell'uso dell'ipnosi per ridurre gli episodi di ansia che esacerbavano le sue crisi. Jackie Gleason, attore, si dice abbia utilizzato l'ipnosi come terapia complementare per l'epilessia. Florence Nightingale, fondatrice dell'assistenza infermieristica moderna, ha descritto l'ipnosi come un mezzo per gestire crisi epilettiche. Judy Garland, cantante e attrice, ha cercato l'ipnosi per affrontare i suoi problemi di ansia e ridurre le crisi psicogene. Steve McQueen, attore, ha parlato dei benefici dell'ipnosi nel controllo delle sue crisi psicogene. Conclusioni Il rapporto tra ipnosi ed epilessia è ancora oggetto di studio, con risultati variabili e non sempre conclusivi. Tuttavia, per alcuni pazienti, l'ipnosi può rappresentare un'opzione valida come parte di un trattamento multidisciplinare, specialmente in casi di epilessia psicogena. La ricerca futura potrebbe chiarire meglio i meccanismi attraverso cui l'ipnosi può influenzare il cervello, fornendo prove più solide del suo ruolo nella gestione dell'epilessia.
Il valore dell'ipnosi risiede nella sua capacità di ridurre l'ansia e migliorare la consapevolezza del corpo, aspetti che possono avere un impatto positivo sulla gestione di condizioni neurologiche complesse. Tuttavia, è fondamentale sottolineare che l'ipnosi deve essere condotta da professionisti qualificati e non deve sostituire le terapie mediche convenzionali.
Se hai o ha tale problema causato dal SUBCONSCIO, CHE LA RAGIONE NON CONOSCE, e niente ha risolto il tuo problema, prova tale audio DCS di auto ipnosi DCS Vera e Professionale
agisci ora prima che sia troppo tardi per il bene tuo ed il bene del tuo caro che magari non ne vuole sapere e che non vuole essere aiutato da nessuno in nessuna forma
Se conosci la mente umana e hai letto del materiale sull’Ipnosi DCS Vera e Professionale, conosci molto bene il potere della tua mente, della mente di ogni essere umano, che può letteralmente,
guidata ad hoc, fare il miracolo della tua stessa mente.
L’ipnosi DCS e l’autoipnosi DCS agisce nella mente, nel corpo e nella vita visibile e invisibile per cui a te la scelta ma se le hai provate tutte che cosa ti costa 1 colazione al giorno per soli 30
giorni per risolvere anche definitivamente il problema di tradimento attivo o passivo e abbandono?
E senza effetti collaterali, innocua al 100% perché è tutto naturale grazie a parole DCS ad hoc, fatte di tanta arte, che guidano il tuo pilota automatico a cercare e trovare la soluzione non
plus ultra.
Non devi credere perché l’Ipnosi DCS vera e professionale non è ne religione népolitica.
Devi solo premere play , fare e seguire alla lettera le istruzioni molto facili, alla prova di un nonno, alla prova di un idiota, alla prova di un pigro, istruzioni facili, senza stress, che non ti
rubano tempo né ti fanno stressare.
Ora hai 2 strade:
rimanere dove sei e rischiare di non amare ne' farti amare come meriti...
vivere una vita bella all'insegna dell'amore per i tuoi cari e di te stesso...
provare per credere:
Esclamerai ed esclamerà Wow…
Immagina quando...
Solo a te la Scelta
AVVERTENZA/Disclaimer Si consiglia di non utilizzare questo prodotto mentre siete alla guida o state utilizzando macchinari pericolosi. Questo prodotto non si sostituisce a trattamenti medici o psicoterapeutici o psicologici ove questi fossero necessari. Se siete a conoscenza, diretta o indiretta, di un vostro disturbo medico o psicologico, vi preghiamo di consultare il vostro medico di fiducia per essere messi in contatto con un professionista qualificato per la vostra specifica problematica. L’utilizzo di questo audio/video mp3 DCS è riservato ai maggiori di 18 anni. I minori possono usufruirne solo sotto la supervisione e responsabilità di un adulto. Né l’autore, né l’editore, né i concessionari, si assumono la responsabilità su eventuali disagi o danni direttamente o indirettamente causati da un uso proprio o improprio di questi audio mp3 DCS di auto ipnosi Vera e Professionale. I risultati sono stati estrapolati da casi studio dell’A.I.A. Associazione Ipnologi Associati di Los Angeles Beverly Hills, Ca, USA e non garantiamo stessi standard e stessi risulatati di altre persone perche’ e’ la tua mente che fa il miracolo della tua stessa mente come e’ successo a centinaia di persone nel mondo anche con un solo audio DCS di auto ipnosi DCS vera e professionale.
WARNING / Disclaimer We recommend that you do not use this product while driving or using dangerous machinery. This product does not replace medical or psychotherapeutic or psychological treatments where these are necessary. If you are aware, directly or indirectly, of your medical or psychological disorder, please consult your doctor to be put in contact with a professional qualified for your specific problem. The use of this audio / video mp3 DCS is reserved for people over the age of 18. Minors can use them only under the supervision and responsibility of an adult. Neither the author, nor the publisher, nor the dealers, take responsibility for any inconvenience or damage directly or indirectly caused by their own or improper use of these DCS audio mp3s of true and professional self hypnosis.The results were extrapolated from A.I.A. case studies. Associated Hypnologists Association of Los Angeles Beverly Hills, Ca, USA and we do not guarantee the same standards and results as other people because it is your mind that works the miracle of your own mind as has happened to hundreds of people around the world even with one DCS audio of true and professional DCS self hypnosis.
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The Scarlet Blade (The Crimson Blade, 1963)
"Don't confuse a collaborator with a so-called traitor. One is a snivelling coward seeking to enrich himself or to save his own skin; the other may find himself ideologically disposed to change sides. Do you understand?"
"Every man has a reason for switching his allegiance. Only he can adjust the rights and wrongs of the matter to his own conscience."
#The Scarlet Blade#The crimson blade#hammer films#british cinema#films i done watched#1963#lionel jeffries#oliver reed#Jack Hedley#June Thorburn#Michael Ripper#Harold Goldblatt#Duncan Lamont#Clifford Elkin#suzan farmer#John Harvey#Charles Houston#Robert Rietty#Harry towb#Michael Byrne#John Woodnutt#john gilling#Another Hammer adventure film; another case of missed opportunity and needless racism. I mean this one is set in England?? During the civil#War?? Was there really any need to put Michael Ripper in brownface and an earring as a Romani bandit? The answer is no there's never any#Need for that of course. Otherwise this is fine: a decent intelligent script at least as far as dialogue is concerned but utterly without#Nuance. The king is good the royalists are good everyone else bad. Ollie Reed is in his young and hungry state and he's brilliant naturally#Lionel Jeffries is also great (he did serious roles so well it's almost a shame he ended up doing so much comedy) but the heroes are#Underwritten and underdeveloped. Some neat skirmishes and a one on one fight scene that goes on so long it passes the point of absurdity#But on the whole this is sadly forgettable. This was apparently Hammer's 100th film too. Where was Cushing? Where was Lee? Tut
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John Gore Survey (1850)
John Gore Survey (1850)
Surveyor Record Book B, page 255, Logan County Clerk’s Office, Logan, WV.

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#Appalachia#Charles I. Stone#genealogy#Harts Creek#Harvey Elkins Jr.#Henry Conley#history#James Lawson#John Gore#Logan County#Marsh Fork#Virginia#West Virginia
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New Snake Creek comix from Drew Lerman
New Snake Creek comix from Drew Lerman
I’ve been a fan of Drew Lerman’s strip Snake Creek for a few years now. Reviewing Lerman’s first collection (simply titled Snake Creek) in The Comics Journal, Brian Nicholson wrote that, Looking at these strips, you’re looking at something that recalls George Herriman, Harvey Kurtzman, Robert Crumb, Daniel Clowes, Matt Groening, but also thinking: What if Stanley Elkin drew a comic strip? What if…

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NSU awards 948 degrees at Spring Commencement

NATCHITOCHES – Northwestern State University awarded 948 degrees to 942 graduates during spring commencement Friday, May 10. Spring 2019 graduates listed by hometown are as follows.
Auburn, Washington – Selina Cho, Bachelor of Science in Nursing;
Abbeville – Samantha Richard, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Abita Springs – Rachel Strain, Associate of General Studies;
Alexandria – Justin Dupree, Jessica Griffin, John O'Dell, Associate of Science in Nursing; Antoinette Baker, Meagan Braud, Jasmine Brown, Ashley Colson, Laindia Howard, Donald Johnson, Sidnethia Starks, Associate of General Studies; Steven Bryant, Selena Elmore, Bachelor of General Studies; Allison McCloud, Bachelor of Music; Iris Barrera, Kristan Cascio, Maeghan George, Chelsea Jones, Jimmie Magee, Madeline Pharis, Robin Scott, Tiffany Townley, William Welch, Samantha Wynn, Bachelor of Science; Marquita Benjamin, Decoste, ShaKiyla Lindsey, Tashiana Whitehead, Bachelor of Social Work; Nancy Robinson, Master of Arts; Shaundreca Love, Jocelyn Mabrey, Christopher Reimer, Master of Science in Nursing;
Anacoco – Tristan Harvey, Associate of General Studies; Jacob Bennett, Bachelor of Arts; Kenneth Cochran, Caitlin McKee, Jason Ortiz, Cassandra Osborne, Brooke Phillips, Cayla Roberts, Emily Williams, Bachelor of Science; Karington Hood, Kayla Stephens, Bachelor of Social Work;
Angola – Ursula Poarch, Bachelor of Arts;
Arlington, Texas – Reginald Lars, Associate of General Studies; Samantha Bell, Bachelor of Science;
Arnaudville – Bliss Leblanc, Bachelor of General Studies; Dianna Davis, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Atlanta, Georgia – Tremayne Flagler, Bachelor of General Studies;
Aurora, Colorado – Lindsey Torres, Master of Arts;
Austin, Texas – Wyona Crenshaw, Carson Goldsmith, Associate of General Studies, Ysmina Smith, Bachelor of Science;
Avondale – James Brown, Bachelor of Science;
Barksdale AFB – Priscilla Molina, Associate of Science in Nursing;
Ball – Kelsey Walters, Associate of General Studies; Brittani Billingsley, Master of Science in Nursing;
Baltimore, Maryland – Shatera Walters, Bachelor of Science;
Baskin – Ashli Gandy, Master of Science in Nursing;
Bastrop – Anna Akins, Kayla Bonner, Kimberly Robinson, Bachelor of Science;
Baton Rouge – Barbara Friedrichs, Bachelor of General Studies; Jenna Baldwin, Teressa Calligan, Rosa Campbell, Maisyn Guillory, Jordan Hall, Madison Harris, Bethany Lee, Rachel Monsour, Madalyn Mullins, Emma Rivet, Ashleigh Rumby, Bachelor of Science, Laura Vance, Megan Vernon,Master of Education;
Belle Chasse – Natalie Wilson, Associate of General Studies, Bachelor of Arts; Annie Wright, Bachelor of Science;
Belmont – Kelly Bass, Associate of Science in Nursing;
Belton, Texas – Rachel Hall, Master of Music
Bentley – Byron Walters, Master of Music;
Benton – Mark Foy, Bachelor of Applied Science; Tamara Korner, Bachelor of General Studies; Jessica O’Neal, Bachelor of Science; Emily Maddox, Craig Martin, Master of Science in Nursing;
Blairstown, New Jersey, Patrick Garie, Master of Science;
Boaz, Alabama – Taylor Wilkes, Master of Science;
Bogalusa – Taylor Johnson, Bachelor of Science; Laura McFarlain, Bachelor of Social Work;
Bossier City – Lauryn Bakalis, Kaytlin Clark, Austin Coffey, Brandi Ervin, Kenesha Joiner, Regena Juneau, Brittney Malmay, Niesha Marks, Melissa Murphy, Kortney Nattin, Shelby Peebles, Lindsey Rathel, Jerdine Robinson, Associate of Science in Nursing; Brittney Blechl, Lena Harrell, Lytrisha Scott, Associate of General Studies; Casi Martin, Bachelor of Applied Science; Samantha Maiette, Bachelor of Arts, Nicholas Jones, Bachelor of General Studies; Colby Cranford, DeMontre Evans, Daijonni Ferguson, Kelsey Gallman, Candace Guillory, Dejaney Jackson, Rance Mason, Andrea Parks, Katherine Parson, Kennedy Parson, Brittani Phillips, Colby Ponder, Taylor Powell, Madison Rowland, Dakota Schudalla, Sydney Shannon, Danielle Toney, Madeline Webb, Nour Zeidan, Bachelor of Science; Azita Naderi, Reid Rogers, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Timothy Osteen, Master of Arts; Kimberly Perez, Master of Arts in Teaching; Tarcariyunn Caldwell, Emily Green, Mary Inman, Amita Patel, Elizabeth Robinson, Ashley Viviano, Stephanie Whitman, Master of Science in Nursing;
Boyce – Timothy Glass,Bachelor of General Studies; Sonya Hill, Lane Robinson, Julia Watson, Bachelor of Science; Kristen Ducote, Lisa Lee, Master of Science in Nursing; Kayla Tanner, Educational Specialist;
Breaux Bridge – Blanche Trahan, Associate of General Studies;
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma – Madeline Drake, Bachelor of Science;
Broussard – Matthew Buteau, Bachelor of Science;
Brownsboro, Texas – Brice Borgeson, Bachelor of Science;
Byram, Mississippi – Rachel Elkins, Master of Science;
Bunkie – Chelsea Villemarette, Associate of Science in Nursing;
Burleson, Texas – Addison Pellegrino, Bachelor of Music Education;
Calvin – Erin Price, Bachelor of Science;
Campbell – Caidon Campbell, Bachelor of Science;
Campti – LaTrice Telsee, Associate of General Studies, Damarte Fisher, Bachelor of Arts; Kortney Greer, Dorianna Telsee, Donta' Turner, Bachelor of Science
Canon City, Colorado, Kimberly Rupp, Bachelor of Science;
Carencro – Harold Williams, Bachelor of Arts, Britney Bonnet, Olivia Tolliver, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Cartagena, Colombia – Jair Morelos Castilla, Bachelor of Music; Hassik Vasquez Narvaez, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science; Daniel Racero Rocha, Bachelor of Science;
Castor – Hogan Nealy, Bachelor of General Studies;
Castor – Kaycee Collinsworth, Bachelor of General Studies;
Champaign, Illinois – Titi Joerres, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Charlotte, North Carolina – Alyssa Collins, Master of Arts;
Chauvin – Randy Savoie, Master of Arts;
Chicago, Illinois – Ona Giles, Bachelor of General Studies
Clarence – Malik Metoyer, Bachelor of General Studies;
Clayton – Glendalyn Boothe, Bachelor of Arts;
Clermont, Florida – Jacob Manning, Master of Science;
Colfax – Kaneedra Harrison, Associate of General Studies, Dalton Jones, Associate of Science; Alison Churchman, Bachelor of General Studies;
Colorado Springs, Colorado – Rossana Potempa, Bachelor of Arts;
Columbia – Tyler Duchesne, Bachelor of Applied Science;
Columbus, Georgia – Teresa Sandusky, Bachelor of Science;
Conroe, Texas – Zachary Krolczyk, Bachelor of Arts;
Converse – Wade Hicks, Associate of Science in Nursing; Ricki Sepulvado, Master of Arts; Dorothy McCrocklin, Master of Arts in Teaching; Ashley Asbell, Master of Education;
Cottonport – Zachary Gauthier, Bachelor of Science;
Coushatta – Destiney Coatney, Bachelor of Arts, Sydney Anderson, Emily King, William Lee, Aston Lester, Sh'Kea Sibley, Mikailah Smith, Caroline Wren, Bachelor of Science;
Covington – Kelsey Cassidy, Brian Pickett, Bachelor of Science; Leslie Hoffman, Master of Education;
Covington – Casey McKinnerney, Master of Music;
Dallas, Texas – Rose Obiora, Bachelor of Science;
Delhi – Jasmine Poe, Bachelor of Social Work
Denham Springs – Matthew Broussard, Associate of General Studies; Stephanie Ryals, Bachelor of General Studies; Jenson Wall, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Music Education, Caitlyn Cutrer, Bachelor of Science; Emily Falcon, Master of Arts in Teaching;
DeQuincy – Valarie Clark, Casie Kellogg, Master of Science in Nursing
DeRidder – Taylor Gill, Associate of General Studies; Amie Ashworth, Brandy Bryant, Lauren Callis, Rebekah Frantz, Bobby Guichet, Lakaybra Purdy, Julie Ramos, Morgan Smith, Associate of Science in Nursing; John Ham, Bachelor of Arts; Eriq Carver, Karli Kennedy, Crystal Mccollough, Rebecca Richmond, Summer Thomas, Tyler Wright, Bachelor of Science, Kaylyn Cooley, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Shynikia Roberson, Bachelor of Social Work;
De Soto, Illinois – Jayci Deaton, Bachelor of Science;
Deville – Amber Kreideweis, Associate of Science in Nursing; Hannah Siebeneicher, Bachelor of Arts; Kealee Anderson,
Mikayla Brown, Amanda Slayter, Bachelor of Science; Susan Littleton, Master of Education;
Dodson – Melanie Thomas, Bachelor of Science;
Double Oak, Texas – Alexsis Cable, Master of Science;
Downsville – Abby Fordham, Bachelor of Applied Science;
Dubberly – Joni Nelson, Master of Art;
Edmond, Oklahoma -- Jayzen Boger, Payton Hartwick, Jiyoon Lee, Bachelor of Science;
Elizabeth -- Kolby Friday, Bachelor of Arts; Sadie Perkins, Bachelor of Science;
Elmer -- Brennan Mays, Bachelor of Science;
Euless, Texas -- Brooke Payton, Associate of General Studies;
Eunice -- Jeremy Ortego, Associate of General Studies; Mary Pitre, Bachelor of Applied Science;
FPO, AP, CA -- Amber Travis, Bachelor of Social Work;
Franklinton -- Douglas Goss, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Science;
Ferriday -- Shanequa Tyler, Associate of General Studies;
Florien -- Chelci Scott, Associate of Science in Nursing; Danielle Anthony, Associate of General Studies; Kristopher Dees, Tyler Johnson, Emma Ray, Kaitlin Sepulvado, Megan Wagley, Bachelor of Science; Amanda McFarlain, Master of Education;
Forest Hill -- Anna Doherty, Rachel Humphries, Bachelor of Science;
Forney, Texas -- Jared Walker, Bachelor of Music;
Fort Myers, Florida -- Andrea Smarsh, Bachelor of Social Work;
Fort Polk -- Jamie Curtis, Cynthia Schwartz, Associate of Science in Nursing; Leo Banaszak, Charlotte Rivara, Associate of General Studies; Jessica Ramirez, Shiela May Tabonares, Sasha Trevino, Bachelor of General Studies; Genesis Rondon Torres, Bachelor of Science;
Fort Worth, Texas -- Corban James, Bachelor of Science; Darius Williams, Master of Music;
Franklin -- Alison Guidroz, Bachelor of Science;
Fuquay Varina, North Carolina -- Craig Vickers, Bachelor of General Studies;
Garland, Texas -- Joseph Goodson, Bachelor of Science;
Gilbert -- Sarah Calhoun, Bachelor of General Studies;
Glenmora -- Eric Baker, Kristopher Devore, Bachelor of Science; Tiara Baker, Bachelor of Arts;
Gloster -- Caitlin Burford, Associate of Science in Nursing; Jennifer Simmons, Bachelor of Science;
Gonzales -- Keanna Bolding, Associate of General Studies; Rebecca Marchand, Bachelor of Music Education; Julie Breaux, Jordan Enloe, Bachelor of Science;
Grand Cane -- Nathan Graham, Associate of General Studies; Kayden Booker, Bachelor of General Studies; Catie Griffith, Master of Science in Nursing;
Greenwell Springs -- Katherine Langlois, Bachelor of Science;
Greenwood – Lyn Belida, Associate of Science in Nursing; Branden Savell, Bachelor of Science;
Gretna -- Janelle Montalvo, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Hallandale Beach, Florida -- Ralph Boereau Bachelor of Arts;
Hammond -- Angela Davis, Educational Specialist; Brittany Johnson, Master of Science in Nursing;
Hamtramck, Michigan -- Mary Cotter, Bachelor of Science;
Harrisonburg -- Brandi Bordelon, Master of Science in Nursing;
Harvey -- Tyrone Johnson, Associate of General Studies; Kelly Maldonado, Bachelor of Science;
Haughton -- Shakayla Bell, Bachelor of General Studies; Stephen Bundrick, Bachelor of Music Education; Bethanie Couch, Brittony Cole, Alexis Hoeltje, Angie Nguyen, Jamie Phillips, Licentra Randolph, Hannah Robertson, Logan Turner, Kacie Wilkinson, Dawn Young, Bachelor of Science; Amanda Hathorn, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Chelsea Dunlop, Keith Sellers, Master of Arts in Teaching; Jerry Williford, Master of Science in Nursing;
Henderson Texas -- John Floyd, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Music of Education;
Hessmer – Aslyn Dennie, Associate of General Studies; Mckinley Greenhouse, Dana Lala Bachelor of General Studies; Daren Dauzat, Bachelor of Science;
Hornbeck – Tricia Ceballos, Associate of Science in Nursing; Sarah Ceballos, Bachelor of Science; Shaina Neal, Master of Arts;
Houma -- Kelsey Chauvin, Bachelor of Applied Science; Rhiannon Dean, Sarah Lajaunie, Bachelor of Science; Richard Jones, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Houston, Texas -- Oai Lee Huynh, Bachelor of Science; Jordan Rains, Master of Science;
Humble, Texas -- Toiquisha Johnson, Bachelor of General Studies;
Hyden, Kentucky -- Zachary Sparks, Master of Science;
Iota -- Katie Latiola, Bachelor of General Studies;
Iowa -- Marvette Williams, Bachelor of Arts;
Jefferson -- Ariann Knox, Master of Arts;
Jena -- Mercedes Farris, Bachelor of Science; Kathy Lambeth, Master of Science in Nursing;
Jennings -- Rachelle Edwards, Bachelor of Music Education; Destany Brown, Rachel Edwards, Lydia Williams, Bachelor of Science;
Jonesboro -- Destini Mathews, Bachelor of Science; Carson Robinson, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Jonesville – Rachel Powell, JaMarcus Wilkerson, Bachelor of Science; Cydnie Plaisance, Master of Science in Nursing;
Kinder –Kelsey Frank, Bachelor of Social Work;
Kansas City, Missouri – Myleesa France, Associate of General Studies;
Katy, Texas – Clayton Holgorsen, Bachelor of Science; Jennifer Weittenhiller, Master of Arts;
Keatchie -- Brittany Miller, Bachelor of Science;
Keithville -- Tabitha Boldings, Robert Hays, Associate of General Studies; Felicia Flint, Associate of Science in Nursing; Jeniffer Campbell, Bachelor of General Studies;
Keller, Texas -- Deby Woodard, Bachelor of Applied Science;
Kenner -- Willie Soniat, Bachelor of Arts;
Kentwood -- Kevin McDaniel, Master of Education;
Kerrville, Texas -- Kristy Harris, Bachelor of Arts;
Killeen, Texas -- Sara Bishop, Associate of Science in Nursing; Kierra Poole, Bachelor of Social Work;
Kinder -- Lacey Weldon, Associate of Science in Nursing; Jonathon Villareal, Bachelor of Science;
Lacombe -- Amy Schneider, Bachelor of General Studies;
Lafayette – Claire Broussard, Anthony Paris, Associate of General Studies; Ashanti Alfred, Jeffrey Blossom, Bachelor of Applied Science; Rachael Bryant, Bachelor of Music Education; Laci Bruno, Ashley Guidry, Hannah Travis, Bachelor of Science; Brandy Burrell, Megan Sistrunk, Master of Arts; Atia Garrett, Master of Education;
Laplace -- Tiffanie Bourgeois, Master of Science in Nursing;
Lake Arthur -- Tuesdi Stipek, Bachelor of General Studies; Nicole Andrews, Bachelor of Science;
Lake Charles -- Lynell Broussard, Ashlynn Smart, Associate of General Studies; Landon Dore, Ashtyn Hare, Richard Jimney, Rebekah Nicholas, Bachelor of Science; Jacqueline Clark, Master of Arts; Daren Reed, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Lake Providence -- Brandy Chapman, Lakarven Pitts, Bachelor of Science;
Lansing, Michigan – Angelica Ortega, Master of Arts;
Lauderhill, Florida -- Daeshon Gordon, Associate of General Studies; Tamara Style, Bachelor of Arts;
Lawtell -- Karoline Guidry, Bachelor of Science;
Lawton, Oklahoma -- Jennifer Davis, Master of Science in Nursing;
Leander -- Karissa Boswell, Bachelor of Science;
Lecompte -- Linzey Evans, Bachelor of Science; Ikeia Johnson, Bachelor of Social Work;
Leesville -- Diana Cassels, Jessica Herring, Leigha Jackson, Mahala Lewis, Shermeka Rogers, Danielle Smyth, Joyce Stevick, Associate of Science in Nursing; Cecilia Alfaya, Diana Cassels, Leigha Jackson, Julia Park, Krystal Todd, Associate of General Studies; Wendy Bartlett, Damion Brown, Raegan Dotson, Jessica Gray, Matthew Ward, Bachelor of Arts; Joseph Cryer, Britney Harvey, Bachelor of General Studies; Rachal Brown, Jonathan Bruce, Miranda Fulks, Payton Gordy, Sydnee Haag, Taylor Helton, Haley Hood, Karl Marzahl, Amy McKellar, Linsey Preddy, Heather Snell, Megan Tucker, Bachelor of Science; Sabrina Coffman, Kayla Wells, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Brittany French, Bachelor of Social Work; Samantha Thomas, Master of Science;
Lena -- Kardaria Lajaunie – Associate of General Studies;
Lewisville, Texas -- Jasmine Frazier, Bachelor of Arts; Erin Knox, Bachelor of Science; Venus Par, Bachelor of Science in Nursing;
Little Elm, Texas -- Jasmine Ealy, Bachelor of Arts;
Little Rock, Arkansas -- Whitney Jinks, Bachelor of Science;
Logansport -- Charles Mclintock, Bachelor of Science;
Longview, Texas – Kelsey Hall, Associate of General Studies; Kelli Hickerson, Bachelor of Arts;
Loranger -- Laurie Lassalle, Associate of General Studies;
Loreauville -- Tiffany Trahan, Bachelor of Science;
Luling -- Macie Barrios, Bachelor of Science;
Lumberton, Texas -- Joshua Terry, Bachelor of Science;
Machesney Park, Illinois – Alicia Teran, Bachelor of Science;
Madisonville – Bailey Garfield, Bachelor of Science;
Mandeville – Carrie Maxwell, Bachelor of Science;
Mangham – Rebekah Aultman, Bachelor of Arts;
Mansfield – Ladarius Ealy, Bachelor of General Studies; Whitney Jackson, Autumn Laffitte, Master of Science in Nursing;
Mansura – Magen Hegger, Bachelor of Science; Rebecca Holcomb, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Many – Maegan Burkett, Sydni Easley, Ashley Lafitte, Bachelor of General Studies; Heidi Knight, Bachelor of Science; Samantha Simmons, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science; Krisha Williams, Bachelor of Science; Brittany Founds, Emmy Jeane, Valarie Williams, Master of Education;
Marble Falls, Texas – Sarah Lewis, Bachelor of Science;
Maringouin – Rineshia Adams, Bachelor of Science;
Marksville – Morgan Hughes, Associate of Science in Nursing; Tanner Nugent, Bachelor of Applied Science; Andre Boyer, Madeleine Morrow, Bachelor of Science; Jennifer Spivey Mayes, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Shelby Lemoine, Bachelor of Social Work;
Marrero – Ajeahnell Dempsey, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Luis Escobar, Bachelor of General Studies; Tara Brown, Bachelor of Science;
Marshall, Texas – Serdalyer Darden, Bachelor of Science;
Marthaville – Melinda Powell, Bachelor of General Studies; Dillon Hagan, Bachelor of Science; Daniel Rachal-Glaspill, Bachelor of Science;
Memphis, Tennessee – Tristan Joynes, Master of Science;
Meridian, Mississippi – Reed Michel, Bachelor of General Studies;
Metairie – Jaime Waguespack, Associate of General Studies; Christian Frost, Bachelor of Arts; Kathryn Bancroft, Anna Birbiglia, Cameron Duhe, Bachelor of Science;
Minden – Angelina Carlin, Associate of Science in Nursing; Asata Sylvas, Bachelor of General Studies; Amanda Rogers, Bachelor of Science; Special Crawford, Bachelor of Social Work; Shonesty Kinsey, Association of General Studies; Abby Greene, Bachelor of Science;
Minneapolis, Minnesota – Jenna Carlson, Bachelor of General Studies;
Mobile, Alabama – Major Deacon, Master of Science;
Monroe – Stephanie Elliott, Associate of General Studies; Jansen Chisley, Jaquita Davis, Aaron Hunt, Ashley Jackson Franklin, Ashley Murphy, Orlandan Williams, Bachelor of Science; Debra Coenen, Master of Science in Nursing;
Montegut – Megan Pellegrin, Bachelor of Science;
Monterey – Tara Dale, Master of Education;
Monterey, Tennessee – Roy Gentry, Bachelor of Science;
Montgomery – Heather Wehunt, Associate of General Studies; Miranda Bartlett, Bachelor of Science; Morgan Bartlet, Bachelor of Social Work;
Mooringsport – Bruce Schimmel, Bachelor of Science; Jo Anna Fisher, Bachelor of Social Work;
Morgan City – Jeremy Orgeron, Bachelor of Arts; Kelly Terrebonne, Master of Arts;
Moss Bluff – Bayleigh Smith, Bachelor of Science;
Mount Pleasant, South Carolina – William Martin, Associate of General Studies;
Mt. Hermon – Warren McFarlain, Bachelor of Science;
Murcia, Spain – Cristina Gonzalez Corchon, Bachelor of Science;
Natchitoches – Micion Aaron, Danielle Anthony, Aaron Berry, Santaurus Burr, Endesha Davis, Joises Florez-Perez, Courtnye Franklin, Eyvette Harris, Charizma Hill, Leigh Martin, Hannah Robertson, Tracy Wilridge, Richard Ziegler, Associate of General Studies; Paula Sanchez Luna, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science; Rachel Jeane, Ricky Lacour, Christopher Lewis, Ja’Lesia Mims, Kevin Price, Meghan Richard, Kayla Rockett, Jacob Ware, Bachelor of Arts; Robert Carrier, David Holmes, William Rogers, Taylor Rutledge, Jalon Sangster, Bachelor of General Studies; Luis Gallo Quintero, Aura Hernandez Canedo, Daniela Salas Ricardo, Jason Smith, Ricardo Ventura, Bachelor of Music; Jeremy Aaron, Kayla Arnold, Adam Barnes, Blake Bechtel, Terrius Bell, Keaton Booker, Brooks Bryan, John Byone, Dominitra Charles, Kaleb Chesser, Jessica Coleman, Haley Dahlhoff, Jacob Dahlhoff, Kara Davis, Logan DeOre, Chasity Dupree, Virginia Falgoust, Kaihe Fisher, Moises Florez-Perez, Luis Gallo Quintero, Haley Genovese, Laura Guzman Rodriguez, Thomas Hadzeriga, Hannah Haigh, Deshon Hayes, Aura Hernandez Cadedo, Saul Hernandez, Jasmyn Hunter, Hannah Jones, Kelsey Jordan, Lyndon Kneuppel, Colby Koontz, John Lindsay, Alexis Moses, Trevor O’Bannon, Anthony Pastorello, Jarrot Remo, Shelby Riedel, Taylor Robverts, Skyler Speer, Patrick Sprung, Cierra Stephens, April Trowbridge, Kaleb Usleton, Fierra Vaughn, Ricardo Ventura, Naloni Walker, Brianna Watermolen, Madysen Watts, Sarah Kay Whitehead, Bachelor of Science; Maria Rushing Bachelor of Social Work; Caron Coleman, Education Specialist; Amy Hooks, Master of Arts; Jeffrey Nieman, Steven Miette, Vashaun South, Master of Arts; Macy Coleman, Master of Arts in Teaching; Emilie King, Alexis Rice, Faith Stanfield, Master of Education; Kaitlin Champagne, Spencer Goodwin, Aaron Patrick, Kayla Velasquez, Master of Science; Susanna Squyres, Master of Science in Nursing; Kelsey Jordan, Bachelor of Science; Savannah Bynog, Associate of General Studies;
Natalbany – Shawanda Robinson, Bachelor of Arts;
Natchez – Courtney Sarpy, Associate of General Studies; Brandi Carpenter, Bachelor of Science;
Natchez, Mississippi – Victoria Bradford, Bachelor of Science;
New Iberia – Mia Bashay, Tara Bonvillain, Natalie Ortego, Bachelor of Science; Theodore Turluck, Master of Arts in Teaching;
New Orleans – Jaime Hendrickson, Diane Nguyen, Iceyuniek Oliney, Amy Thomas, Bachelor of Science; Sally Cragin, Master of Arts in Teaching; Allison Curtis, Master of Education; Frenisha Allen, Associate of General Studies; Jared West, Bachelor of Science;
New Roads – Landry Davis, Bachelor of Science; Sharon Dunnehoo, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Noble – Savannah Anderson, Shelby Etheridge, Thomas Rivers, Bachelor of General Studies;
North Richland Hills, Texas – Cody Germany, Gregory Germany, Bachelor of Science;
Northville, Michigan – Kelly Wright, Master of Science;
Oak Grove – Tonya Creech, Bachelor of Science; Heidi Stephens, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Oakdale – Kelli Morgan, Associate of General Studies; Katelyn Johnson, Kristy Lowe, James Obrien, Magan Soileau, Mary Wharton, Bachelor of Science; Courtney Thompson, Bachelor of Science in Nursing;
Oberlin – Deanna Villareal, Bachelor of Social Work; Jennifer Trombatore, Master of Science in Nursing;
Olla – Cierra Evans, Bachelor of Arts; Danielle Veuleman, Master of Education;
Opelousas – Jordan Brisco, Kayla Pitre, Bachelor of Science;
Otis – Sabrian Thiels, Bachelor of Science;
Palestine, Texas – Bethany Hubbard, Master of Science;
Paris, Texas – Zachary Hevron, Bachelor of Science;
Pearl River – Joseph Lagreco, Bachelor of General Studies;
Pelican – Justin Allen, Associate of General Studies;
Pineville – Sydney Duhon, Autumn McSwain, Stacey Ramsey, Associate of Science in Nursing; Jasmine Clark, James Wenzig, Associate of General Studies; Cedrick Lott, Bachelor of Arts; Taylor Campbell, Rodney Lonix, Bachelor of General Studies; Katlin Ernst, Hannah Pusateri, Micah St. Andre, David Veal, Emily Wiley, Bachelor of Science; Stacy York, Associate of Science in Nursing; Katie Rayburn, Master of Arts; Kenneth rushing, Master of Arts in Teaching; Mary Huff, Jennifer Kees, Elizabeth Wiggins, Master of Education; Wakanda Mason, Tatjana Mimes, Arwa Mohammed, Rebecca Sigler, Master of Science in Nursing;
Plain Dealing – Camille Watkins, Bachelor of General Studies; Nicholas Cason, Bachelor of Science; Cheryl Cook, Associate of Science in Nursing;
Plano, Texas – Asher Van Meter, Bachelor of Science;
Plaquemine – Kameron Landry, Bachelor of Science;
Plaucheville – Hailey Brouillette, Associate of Science in Nursing, Associate of General Studies; Matthew Armand, Bachelor of Music;
Pleasant Hill – Makenzi Patrick, Bachelor of Science;
Pollock – Kari Taffi, Bachelor of Arts;
Pollock, Texas – Katelyn Boles, Bachelor of Science;
Port Allen – Ishmael Lane, Bachelor of Arts;
Port Barre – Skylar Guidroz, Bachelor of Arts;
Prairieville – Hannah Beason, Dwight Robinette, Bachelor of Science; Melissa Bailey, Master of Education;
Princeton – Amie Bowen, Tricia Malone, Associate of Science in Nursing; Jacorious Jeter, Bachelor of Arts; Micah Larkins, Ariell Shield, Bachelor of Science;
Provencal – Taylor Craft, Bailey Scarbrough, Bachelor of Science;
Quitman – Kristopher Cash, Master of Education;
Raceland – Melissa Duet, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Rayville --- Emily Rawls, Bachelor of Science; Melissa Duckworth, Master of Arts in Teaching; Mallory Middleton, Master of Science in Nursing;
Reeves – Dominique Aymond, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Richfield, Minnesota – Leah Barnes, Bachelr of Science;
Richmond, Texas – Ebonie Francis, Bachelor of Science;
Richton, Mississippi – Kalen Meggs, Bachelor of Arts;
River Ridge – Taylor Young, Bachelor of Science;
Roanoke – Leah Moore, Master of Science in Nursing;
Robeline – Patricia Goodwin, Laura Olguin, Associate of Science in Nursing; Angela Mitchell, Bachelor of Arts; Kacy Morace, Bachelor of General Studies; Arin Ammons, Bergen Oge, Bachelor of Science;
Rochester, New York – Jackie Fritz, Master of Science;
Rosharon, Texas – Whitney Washington, Bachelor of Science;
Ruston – Ragen Hanson, Associate of General Studies; Heather Beckwith, Phynecha Richard, Bachelor of Science; Meghan Kavanaugh, Elyse Mills, Rachel Moore, Master of Science in Nursing;
St. Francisville – Ryan Reed, Bachelor of Science; Diana Weller, Master of Arts in Teaching;
St. Martinville – Malik Anthony, Blake Blanchard, Destiny Simon, Bachelor of Arts;
Salado, Texas – Reagan Rogers, Bachelor of Science;
Salem, Oregon – Stephen Kim, Master of Science;
Saline – Aaron Savell, Bachelor of Science;
San Antonio – Anthony Renteria, Bachelor of Science;
San Pedro Sula, Honduras – Jonathan Andino Matrid, Bachelor of Music;
Scott – Tayla Soileau, Bachelor of Science; Hollie Touchet, Master of Science in Nursing;
Seabrook, Texas – Amy Whitecotton, Bachelor of Science;
Shreveport – Ashley Brokenberry, Associate of General Studies; Tiffany Allen, Loree Daws, Jessica Hill, Jolene Mateo, Tara McMullen-Turner, Joseph Michael, Robert Mottet, Kaitlin Rawlinson, Misty Roe, Ivana Skocibusic, Tonya Steele, Pamela Stroughter, Laken Thompson, Associate of Science in Nursing; Jessica Adams, Azhani Bennett, Divina Ann Cinco, Angela Coleman, Jasmine Crowe, Tabitha Dabney, Luke Hill, RaTonya Howard, Jared Husley, Qunika Kinsey, Jacinta Lewis, Paula Monsanto, Sarah Starr-Nech, Cory Thomas, Ly-Shaquala Williams, Angela Wills, Associate of General Studies; Jessica Adams, Jessica Bourne, Bachelor of Applied Science; Reagan Escuyde, Chatoria Pace, Katherine Sawyer, Jade Williams, Bachelor of Arts; Mackita Brown, Zandrai Douglas, Jazzmine Jackson, Bachelor of General Studies; Yasmeen Bader, Xavier Daughtery, Rebekah Evans, Samantha Freeman, Jamie French, Elaina Guerror, Caitlin Johnson, Damion Johnson, Drake Johnson, Nathan Jones, William Mahoney, Kelly Moody, Michael Phelps, Taylor Poleman, Shelby Reddy, Kristen Reutlinger, Angelica Satcher, Catherine Shaw, Jackiesha Simmons, Richard Sloan, Curt Story, Rodnisha Terry, Gabrielle Thomas, Kayla Waller, Dillion Wilkerson, Lana Williams, Shamolia William, Bachelor of Science; Shequita Brown, Sarah Starr-Neth, DeAndre Stevenson, Joyce Turner, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Rakeisha Brown, Bachelor of Social Work; Shamela Freeman, Eiyana Middleton, Tiffany Sandifer, Master of Arts; Sadie Pearson, Master of Arts in Teaching; Cara Lamb, Master of Music; Nicholas Campbell, Master of Science; Elizabeth Bright, Julie Brown, Kayla Bryant, Shimekia Evans, Dannette Furgerson, Elizabeth Hunter, Brandi Jaison, Ema-Chanel Johnson, Lori Phillips, Christina Simpkins, Sara Vergis, Hannah Williams, Master of Science in Nursing; Victoria Bradford, Associate of General Studies; Savonya Robinson, Bachelor of Arts; Breyonna Thompson, Bachelor of Science; Shreka Ellis, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Diedra Emerson, Associate of General Studies; Alexis Mason, Bachelor of Science;
Silverlake, Washington – Veronica Umiker, Associate of General Studies;
Simpson -- David Marquis, Bachelor of Science;
Slagle – Rachel Holten, Bachelor of Science in Nursing;
Slidell – Erica Brumfield, Associate of General Studies; Jacqueline Coleman, Theresa Sharp, Bachelor of Music Education; Claire Harvey, Ariel Johnson, Bachelor of Science; Kelly McNeese, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Spring, Texas – Victoria Harris, Bachelor of Science; Anastasia DiFrancesco, Master of Science;
Springhill – Reagan Tilley, Associate of Science in Nursing;
Sterlington – Jody Boatright, Master of Arts in Teaching; Kaitlyn Johnston, Jessica Smith, Master of Science in Nursing;
Stonewall – Derrick Hamon, Associate of General Studies; Chase Slater, Bachelor of Arts; Alexa Barron, Mallory McConathy, Heather Schiller, Bachelor of Science; Kristi Bass, Mastet of Arts in Teaching; Shelby Bickham, Melanie Matthews, Master of Education;
Sulphur – Derek Henry, Bachelor of Arts; Elisabeth Perez, Bachelor of Science; Kayla Gaspard, Master of Science in Nursing;
Thibodaux -- Terrance Johnson, Bachelor of Arts; Katelyn DeLaune, Samantha Eroche, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Tomball, Texas -- Aliona Salter, Bachelor of Science;
Toms River, New Jersey -- Jacqueline Manza, Bachelor of Science;
Trout -- Amber Morphis, Kaitlyn Roark, Associate of Science in Nursing; Andrea Walters, Bachelor of Science;
Tullos -- Danielle McCartney-Brown, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Ventress -- Racheal Gaudé, Bachelor of Fine Arts;
Vidalia – Christopher Wells, Associate of Science in Nursing; Charles Johnson, Evandria King, Bachelor of Science; Savannah Anderson, Master of Arts in Teaching; Dawn Moss, Summer Powell, Jenny Watson, Master of Science in Nursing;
Vinton -- Toby Stanley, Madison Zaunbrecher, Bachelor of Science; Kelsie Rayon, Bachelor of Social Work;
Vivian -- Cynthia Dixon, Associate of Science in Nursing; Chase Lewis, Associate Degree, Bachelor of Science;
Walker -- David Kolb, Bachelor of Arts; Johnny Brister, Brittany Marten, Bachelor of Science;
Washington -- Halie Briley, Bachelor of Science;
Wayneville, Missouri -- Molly Fields, Bachelor of General Studies;
Welsh -- Jordan Durio, Bachelor of Arts; Katherine Salassi, Bachelor of Social Work;
West Monroe -- Allison Freeman, Associate Degree, Bachelor of Science; Jaimie Hankins, Master of Education; Marbie Becton, Nicholas Fisher, Lacey Kennon, Brooke Sutton, Jennifer Williams, Master of Science in Nursing;
Whitehouse, Texas -- Jackson Allen, Bachelor of Arts;
Wilmington, Delaware -- Amy Bourett, Associate of Science in Nursing;
Wilmington, North Carolina -- Noelle Cox, Associate of General Studies;
Winnfield -- Shannon Drake, Melissa Mixon, Zachary Perot, Associate of General Studies; Lori Spangler, Bachelor of General Studies; Fabian Correa Guette, Alonso Restrepo Cardozo, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science; Bachelor of Music; Jermesia Anderson, Derek Ball, John Collins, Polina Mutel, Rebecca Reine, Anna Sibley, Bachelor of Science;
Winnipeg, Manitoba -- Tyra Duma, Bachelor of Science;
Winston Salem, North Carolina -- Ulric Aristide, Master of Arts;
Woodworth -- Kaitlyn Albert, Associate of Science in Nursing, Associate of General Studies;
Youngsville -- Noel Bourgeois, Brian Horton, Bachelor of Applied Science; Brandon Granger, Bachelor of Arts;
Ypsilanti, Michigan -- Anthony Enos, Bachelor of Science;
Zachary – Nekia Richardson, Associate of General Studies, Darryl Anderson, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Brooke Melancon, Master of Science in Nursing;
Zwolle – Holly Laroux, Bachelor of Applied Science, Samantha Rivers, Bachelor of General Studies; Rylea Sepulvado, Bachelor of Science.
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Full Name: Theodore “Teddy” Edward Bates
Birthday: July 31st
Age: 39
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Religion: Born Catholic
–Religious Level (1-10): ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Birthplace: A little piece of everywhere. Officially born in Naperville, Illinois
Current Residence: Singleton House [x] Los Angeles, California
Height: 6’ 1″
Hair Color: Light brown with silver tones
Eye Color: Light blue
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Love/Romantic Preference: Heteroromantic. A nice proper gal!
Relationship Status: Single. Dating
Languages Known: English, Spanish, French, Latin (not fluent)
Car: 1958 Ford Thunderbird in red and white [x]
Phone: Motorola Razr (2nd Gen) in liquid mercury. Usually isn’t found on him.
Music Genres: [x]
Wardrobe: 1950s wear. Gray suits [x], [x]. Casual wear [x]. Black leather monk shoes [x]
Estimated Net Worth: $10,000,000
Ransom Value: The Bates children are on the case. Teddy waiting for them with a bloody knife and smile. Missed out on all the action!
Education: JD from Yale University
Accent: Midwestern American
Bloodlines + Connections
Lindy Bates Eloise Bardot || Niece || Little Helper/Heartbreaker
Micah Bates || Nephew || Mikey/Whiz Kid
Harvey Bates || Older Brother
Betty Bates || Sister-In-Law
Anna Hepburn Killgrave || the one that got away
Mary Elkins || Colleague || Angel Eyes
Marcelo Rico || Pest
Drinking (1-10): 4. Never drunk.
Swearing: 0.
Smoking status: If you see him smoking, there’s one less in the population. Otherwise, 0.
Drugs: 0!
Cooking proficiency: He’s more of a go out to eat type or come home to a cooked meal guy. N/A.
Intelligence: 9
Emotional/Social Intelligence: 10
Creativity: 8
Temper: 4
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Video Selection for Publications
Bret Battey Estuaries 4
Elwin de Wolf Alia Fantasia

Zsolt Gyenes Contact
Jesús Pertíñez López, Mª Carmen Hidalgo, Concha Alonso (Professors). Carol Arce, Carmen Barrueco, Javier Boyano, Clara Cabez, Mª Pilar Canata, Mª Rosa Cano, Ana Sabela Castro, Alba Yolanda Fernández, Eva García, Álvaro Granado, Noelia Gutiérrez, Rocio Herrera, Rocío Jiménez, Óscar Ángel Montejo, Estrella Morales, Alba Mª Ortega, Javier Parra, Victor Santos, Giovanni Saroldi, Andrea Venturini (Students) Flight over mind

Alessia Arosio, Bernini Lorenzo The march
Gian Luca Balzerano, Dina Riccò, (Professors). Alberto Barone, Giulia Martimucci, Alessandro Zamperini (Assistants). Silvia Altamura, Claudia Martinazzo, Matteo Flaminio, Nicole Guattini, Giulia Picasso, Davide Zoppi, Tommaso Schifano (Students) MuVi6: Opening Titles Variations

Shen Nalin, Duan Ruilei, Zou Nan, Zhang Yi The Second Dimension
Max Hattler Matter and Motion

Massimiliano Gusmini (Otolab) FrameRay 750
Linda Antas Still Shining

Maura McDonnell Visual Dérive

Mark Dorcak Eclipse
Pedro Guajardo, Rebecca Choate Florilegium (I Will Wade Out) Pieces in the form of…#2
Elisabetta Paustian, Livia Gloria De Angelis C’era una volta (Once upon a time)

Garrido Román, Mar Des_Continuar

Masoch, Lucas Synesthesia Simulation for "Cyber Dance" by Tenpei Sato
Paul Fletcher Tears of a River

Jing Wang, Harvey Goldman Space
Cooper Converse The Story Untold

Tara Scanlan Sea Studies

Cristian Gómez, Lucía Ramos, Maestre Acevedo, Estrella Sedeño García, Francisca Liñán Álvarez Abstracción Lumínica
Matt Winston Amach Amárach

Lorenzo Maffei Journey

Mason Elkin Reconstruction

José Antonio Vertedor Romero [VertexZenit] Color_Test_Pattern_00

Chico López, José Miguel Avenida del mar. n. 7.2

Carrie Firman, Svetlana Rudenko Call & Response: Digital Art and Music Collaboration Through Synaesthesia

Raewyn Turner, Brian Harris, Toni Fröhlich Sensing Nanos

Rowan Hull, Mira Calix Plein Air

Clorinda Galasso, Stefano Scagliarini, Simone Pella, Enrico Barrano Tragitti di dati perduti
Thomaz Cardoso Tela Cromossônica
1 note
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Weezer - All My Favorite Songs from Colin Read on Vimeo.
A forced perspective teen-angst digital adventure.
Directed by: Colin Read Produced by: Pulse Films & Obra House Executive Producer: Rik Green Producers: Johnny Hernandez & Joseph Barbalaco Director of Photography: Trevor Wineman 1st AC: Erick Aguilar 2nd AC: Bryam Aguilar Production Designer: Matt Soko Art Director: Spencer Gongwer Set Dresser: JP Sweeney Set Dresser: Tony Pettibone Gaffer: Skott Khuu BGE: Amber Jones Key Grip: Grant Gilligan BBG: Ricky Irizarry Wardrobe: Charneice Edwards HMU: Diana Escamilla Sound Mixer: Oscar Coronel PA: Edgar Cortes PA: Bradley Kohlmeier Covid Compliance Officer: Maria Estrella Editor: Colin Read Director’s Rep: Doug Klinger, Reprobates Post Facility: Irving Harvey Color Producer: Kerry Mack Colorist: Samuel Gursky
Starring: Sonny Golden Monroe Cline Ed Regine Talia Perez Timothy Hall Emily Elkin
0 notes

"We are staying home so others can stay safe ❤." MCP Authors, left to right, top to bottom Rebecca Elkins Matthew Caracciolo @mattiswhatiam Kaitlin Kulich @kkulaid Todd Linder Kathey Elasky Mark M. Dean & Gus @mmdean323 Cristina Sicard @cristinasicardauthor T.W. Harvey @tomharveyauthor Curtis Robinette Celeste Parsons www.mondaycreekpublishing.com ##ohioauthors #stayhome #staysafe #covid_19 #mondaycreekpublishing #wecare (at Monday Creek Publishing) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_loGe1FLTl/?igshid=1j8j0ffbb4mbb
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Isaac Adkins Heirs Deed to Charles Adkins (1855) #HartsCreek #LincolnCounty #WV #Appalachia #history #genealogy
#Appalachia#Charles Adkins#Cole Branch#county clerk#Elias Adkins#Elizabeth Adkins#genealogy#Harts Creek#Harvey Elkins#Henry Adkins#history#Isaac Adkins#Isaiah Adkins#Jacob Stollings#Lower Big Branch#Lydia Eveline Mullins#Mary Jane Adkins#Polly Adkins#Spencer A. Mullins#W.I. Campbell#William Straton
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"Will ruin his career", "Terrible idea": News on "star in the making" has many LFC fans talking
After becoming the youngest ever player to feature in the Premier League when he came on as a substitute for Fulham back in May 2019, Harvey Elliott earned himself a high-profile move last summer to Liverpool.
The 17-year-old has since made seven first-team appearances for the reigning European champions, quite the achievement considering Jurgen Klopp’s side are trying to battle for the biggest titles on offer.
Spot the fact from the fib: Are these Premier League records true or false?
World Class score: 95% | Expert score: 80% | Veteran score: 65% | Intermediate score: 45% | Amateur score: 30% | Try Again: 5%
Whilst he has yet to score for the senior side, he has been a part of a couple of massive victories, not least the FA Cup triumph over Merseyside rivals Everton, and the astonishing EFL cup clash against Arsenal at Anfield.
Now, Football Insider claim the Reds have agreed terms with Elliott over a new three-year deal, and are expected to make an announcement in the coming months – it’s further claimed he will earn £20k-a-week, more than other youth team players at the club.
After hearing about the contract update on Elliott, Liverpool fans took to Twitter to voice their thoughts on the situation.
20k a week at 17? That’s risky, they must rate him very highly
(@LFCzacharyy) April 23, 2020
little too much to give a kid with an ego the size of a dump truck but as long as he backs it up with his game then ok
— Jacob Elkins (@JacobBElkins) April 23, 2020
20k for that attitude
— Deepstweets
(@Deepstweets86) April 23, 2020
Terrible idea, already has an ego and an attitude problem, good player yes but shouldn’t be on that wage
— . (@NotNinjaah) April 23, 2020
That guys going off the rails if he gets his 20k. Will ruin his career before he’s 21 with his attitude.
— Dave (@SpicyFirmino) April 23, 2020
Nope, not ready for that, the lad has wayyy too much of an attitude, needs to be kept in line to have any chance of success
— señor firminito (@lfc_axel) April 24, 2020
20k a week. That’s him ruined.
— Shakes McNails (@ShakesMcNails) April 24, 2020
Some Liverpool fans however seemed to be far more accepting of Elliott’s potential new deal, suggesting that he could be a “star in the making” under Klopp and that it’s “well deserved”.
We have confidence in him and he’ll defo back it up. Fair play
— George
(@SeventySixRole) April 24, 2020
He’s a star in the making under klopp.
— Darren _LFC _Dazzler (@dazzler_darren) April 23, 2020
an amazing talent,well deserved
— insert clever name here
(@Southernalien72) April 23, 2020
As is always the case with youngsters and new contracts, the big concern for Klopp and co is to ensure that Elliott keeps his feet on the ground and doesn’t lose track of what should be most important to him so early on in his footballing career.
There have been countless examples of talented players falling by the wayside because they’ve been given too much too soon – someone like Ravel Morrison at Manchester United certainly springs to mind.
It will be up to the coaching staff and the support around Elliott to make sure he doesn’t head in that same way even with a bumper new contract.
from FootballFanCast.com https://ift.tt/3eQkMh5 via IFTTT from Blogger https://ift.tt/2Y3HE78 via IFTTT
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Aug. 21, 2019: Obituaries
Sadie Jarvis, 79

Sadie Miller Jarvis, age 79, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Saturday, August 17, 2019 at Westwood Hills Nursing Center. She was born May 11, 1940 in Wilkes County to David Hampton and Laura Etta Barnes Miller. When able Sadie attended Baptist Home Baptist Church. She retired from Wilkes Glove after working for 35 years. Sadie was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, William McKinley Jarvis; her previous husband, James Franklin Jennings; grandson, Cleon Shannon Jennings, four brothers, Issac Miller, Maynard Miller, Phonso Miller and Philo Miller; six sisters, Johnsie Anderson, Elsie Tremble, Mae Combs, Hattie Wolfe, Chessie Bowlin, and Mary Pardue.
Surviving are her son, Steven Jennings and spouse Tasha of North Wilkesboro; daughters, Jean Hamblin and spouse Dennis, Norma Jennings all of Wilkesboro; two grandsons, three granddaughters; and nine great grandchildren; brother, Paul Miller and Mae of North Wilkesboro; and sister, Raydell Meeker of North Wilkesboro.
Funeral service was August 20, at Miller Funeral Chapel with Pastor Brady Hayworth and Rev. Phil Chapman officiating. Burial followed in Mountlawn Memorial Park. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
Eleisa Joyner, 62

Mrs. Eleisa Proctor Joyner, age 62 of Ronda, passed away Saturday, August 17, 2019 at her home after a long and courageous battle with cancer.
Funeral services were August 19, at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church with Rev. Dennis Murphy officiating and Mrs. Vicky Shew speaking. Burial was in the church cemetery.
Mrs. Joyner was born June 14, 1957 in Yadkin County to James Porter and Nancy Grette White Proctor. She was a member of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in Ronda where she served as WMU Director, Children's Choir Pianist, Adult Choir Member and taught Sunday School. Mrs. Joyner retired from Lowes Companies.
She was preceded in death by her parents.
Mrs. Joyner is survived by her husband Darryl Joyner of the home, two daughters; Andrea Younger and husband Andrew of Ronda and Shannon Hall and husband Darrell of Thurmond, four grandchildren; Colton Hall, Callie Hall, Madyson Roten and Andrew (AJ) Roten, a sister; Judy Darnell and husband Bill of Elkin and a brother; Benny Proctor of Winston Salem.
The family would like to give a special thank you to Wake Forest Baptist Health Hospice, Dr. Thomas Grote and Staff and Sara Wiles.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Pleasant Grove WMU, 3982 Clingman Road Ronda, NC 28670.
Doretha Blevins, 87

Mrs. Doretha Miller Blevins, age 87 of Hays passed away Sunday, August 18, 2019 at her home.
Funeral services will be held 2:00 p.m.Wednesday, August 21, 2019 at Mountain View Baptist Church with Pastor Brian Blankenship and Rev. Julius Blevins officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery. The family will receive friends from 12:30 until 1:30 PM prior to the service at the church
Mrs. Blevins was born October 20, 1931 in Wilkes County to Dewey Hobert and Annie Mae Bryant Miller. Doretha was a wonderful wife, mother and grandmother and was loved by all who knew her. She was a member of Mountain View Baptist Church.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband; William Franklin Blevins, Sr., granddaughter; Angela Dawn Billings, one sister; Sue Miller Cook and two brothers; James D. Miller and Bobby Joe Miller.
She is survived by a daughter; Anita Blevins Billings and husband James of Millers Creek and a son; William Franklin "Bill" Blevins, Jr. and wife Donna of Cary, four grandchildren; Jeremy Williams Billings and wife Samantha of Wilkesboro, Calla B. Godwin and husband Kevin of Benson, Ryan William Blevins and Nicholas Reid Blevins both of Cary, three great grandchildren; Madison Grace Billings and Eli Fisher Billings both of Wilkesboro and Colton Reed Godwin of Benson and one sister; Vicki Miller Nichols and husband Kerry of North Wilkesboro.
A special thank you to Susan Jones and Jimita Foster for the care and love given to our mother and also to Wake Forest Baptist Care At-Home Hospice.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Mountain View Baptist Church Cemetery Fund, c/o Lou Pendry, PO Box 47, Hays, Eddis Griffin, 95
Mrs. Eddis Griffin, age 95 of Boomer passed away Sunday, August 18, 2019 at the Villages of Wilkes.
Funeral services will be held 2:00 p.m. Thursday, August 22, 2019 at Little Rock Baptist Church with Pastor Hal Greene, Rev. Robert Livingston and Mr. Barry Foster officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery. The family will receive friends from 1:00 until 2:00 PM prior to the service at the church.
Mrs. Griffin was born December 22, 1923 in Wilkes County to James Commodore and Daisy Adams Holder. She was a member of Little Rock Baptist Church.
In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her husband; Everette Eugene Griffin and three sisters; Shirley Bowman, Ola Byrd and Virginia Lowe, two brothers; Walter Adams and Rev. Earl Adams.
She is survived by two sisters; Gladys Lane and Grace Johnson and husband Bob all of Moravian Falls and several nieces and nephews.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Gideon's International South Camp, PO Box 323, Wilkesboro, NC 28697 or Little Rock Baptist Church Cemetery Fund, 248 Little Rock Church Road, Boomer, NC 28606.
Joseph De Maio 91

Family man, businessman and friend Joseph R. De Maio passed away following an extended illness on August 17 in hospice care at Wilkes Medical Center. He was 91.
Joe was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Nicholas De Maio and Vienna Russo De Maio. He was preceded in death by his beloved wife, Roxine Early De Maio.
He was a graduate of Overbrook High School where he served as student body president, reading the morning Bible verse over the school intercom. Later, while working a forty-hour week, he graduated with a bachelor of science degree in business from Temple University in only three years. He was a member of the accounting honor society.
De Maio Served in the U.S. Army and was stationed in Germany and Japan.
His various business positions included work at the acclaimed Antonelli School of Photography; his own publishing house, De Maio Associates; and award-winning sales position with Jostens Publishing, and instructor of business at Catawba Valley Community College. While teaching college business courses full time, he earned a master's of business degree from Pfeiffer College.
He was a skilled photographer, an avid collector of postcards and an ardent fan of Fox News. He could be counted on to be wherever his family needed him to be.
Survivors include his daughter Lisa De Maio Brewer and son-in-law , Gregory Joseph Brewer, of North Wilkesboro; his son, Dr. Joseph David Nicholas De Maio and daughter-in-law, Dr. Sylvia De Maio of Atlanta, Georgia; and two grandsons, Joseph Zachary Brewer and David Bryan Brewer of North Wilkesboro.
The family wishes to thank his devoted caregiver, Sandy Hutchens as well as the staff and physicians of the ICU and the third floor units at Wilkes Medical Center for their skill and compassion.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the Little Sisters of the Poor Holy Family Home at http://www.littlesistersoft
hepoorphiladelphia.org/donations/, or to the charity of the donor's choice.
`Visitation will be Wednesday, August 21 at 1:30 p.m. at Miller Funeral Service, followed by a service in the chapel there. David Wiles will be speaking. A private family burial with military rites will follow.
`Miller Funeral Service is serving the De Maio family.
Jay Martin Sr, 67

Mr. Jay Gregory "Rocky" Martin Sr, 67, of Millers Creek, passed away on Friday, August 16, 2019.
Jay was born on Tuesday, October 30, 1951 in Wilkes County to Eugene B. Martin and Shirley May Braswell Martin.
Jay is preceded in death by his parents.
Jay is survived by his son, Jay Gregory "Greg" Martin, Jr (Bridget); sisters, Linda Miles (Keith), Paula Smith and grandson, Briton Martin.
A private graveside service will be held at a later date.
In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be given to the Wilkes Humane Society, P.O. Box, 306 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659
Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Martin Family.
Tracy Ballard, 55

Mr. Tracy Ringo Ballard, 55, of Moravian Falls, passed away on Wednesday, August 14, 2019.
Tracy was born on Thursday, March 12, 1964 in Wilkes County to Asberry Cornelius Ballard and Gertie Louise Burchette Ballard.
Tracy enjoyed motorcycles and drawing
Tracy is preceded in death by his parents and brothers, Harvey, Bobby, Tommy and Pete Ballard
Tracy is survived by his son, TraJen Ballard; daughters, Kala, Kara, and Kana Ballard; sisters, Peggy Griffin, Asalee Whisnant; brothers, Freddy Ballard (Jane), Roger Ballard (Cindy), 5 grandchildren and many nieces and nephews.
The family will conduct a Memorial Service at 3 p.m. on Saturday, August 24, 2019 at Highland Park.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be given to St. Jude Children's Hospital 262 Danny Thomas Place, Memphis, TN 38105
Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Ballard Family.
Don Hayes, 87

Don Hayes, 87, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Tuesday, August 13, at Westwood Hills Nursing. He was born November 23, 1931, to Clarence and Emma Lenora Walker Hayes. He was a printer, genealogist, and car enthusiast, and served in the North Carolina National Guard. He was preceded in death by his parents, four brothers, Blake Hayes, Hoover Hayes, Willard Hayes, identical twin, John Hayes and infant brother, Clarence Loyd Hayes; two sisters, Willa Jean Gambill, and Nora Ann Royal, and long-time companion Gayle Atkinson.
He is survived by a sister, Nancy Miller; son, Clarence Hayes, and wife Vicky; daughter, Beth Cook, and husband Tommy; grandchildren, Emma Pruitt (Chancey Yonce), Logan Pruitt (Amber Gentry), Brandon Cook, and Lindsey Church (Brandon); four great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews, and Joseph Atkinson and Family.
Mr. Hayes started his printing career delivering newspapers for Carter-Hubbard Publishing. He continued working for many years at the Journal-Patriot running a linotype side by side with his twin brother, John. In the late 1960's, he started Hayes Printing in the basement of his home. He attended Forsyth Tech, where he learned about offset printing. He later built a building beside his home, where he expanded his business and began making rubber stamps. As business continued to grow, he partnered with his brother, Hoover Hayes, and bought a building in North Wilkesboro. In 1966, friend Ivey Moore came to see Don at the paper office and told him they needed to start a genealogy society. The two, along with Ernest Tedder, formed the Wilkes Genealogical Society. After retiring from Hayes Printing, Mr. Hayes owned and operated the Thunderbird Barn, where he sold vintage Thunderbird parts and used cars. He was a member of various Thunderbird clubs and loved driving Betsey, his 1960 T-Bird.
Funeral service was August 17, at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Glenn Batts officiating. Burial followed in Old Bethany Church. Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Bethany Baptist Church Cemetery, PO Box 759, Moravian Falls, NC 28654. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
Lona Mae Bullis, age 73

Lona Mae Bullis, age 73, of Boomer, passed away Monday, August 12, 2019 at her home. Mrs. Bullis was born July 29, 1946 in Wilkes County to Asa Colin and Sylvia Marie Goforth Wolfe. Lona was a member of the Kingdom Hall of the Jehovah's Witness in Wilkesboro. She loved planting flowers and spending time with her family. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Robert Lee Bullis; brother, David Colin Wolfe; and half sister, Hazel West Wingler.
Surviving are her daughters, Sylvia Mayfield and spouse Michael of Boomer, Cherie Roten and spouse Sammy Glascoe of Thomasville; grandchildren, Harley Hahn, Destiny Mayfield, Isabelle Mayfield, Rebecca Lambert, Robert Woodie, Jr.; and brother, Floyd Daniel "Butch" Wolfe and spouse Nancy of Boomer; and three great grandchildren.
Graveside service will be held 3:00 p.m. Friday, August 16, 2019 at Bullis Tabernacle Cemetery with Elder Karl Kristy officiating. The family will receive friends at Miller Funeral Service from 6:00 until 8:00 Thursday night. Flowers will be accepted. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
Michael Clay Church age 67
Mr. Michael Clay Church age 67 of Millers Creek passed away Sunday, August 11, 2019 at his home.
Memorial services will be held 2:00 PM Saturday, August 24, 2019 at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Steve Laws and Rev. Shane Pardue officiating. The family will receive friends from 12:30 until 1:30 prior to the service at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home.
Mr. Church was born August 26, 1951 in Forsyth County to Clay Edward and Lucille Hall Church. He was a member of Millers Creek Baptist Church. Mike loved the Blue Ridge Parkway. He was an avid hiker and hunter and loved being part of the outdoors.
He was preceded in death by his father and grandparents; V.M & Celester Church and Robert and Nannie Hall.
Mr. Church is survived by a daughter; Falon Church Speaks and husband Clay of Statesville, his mother; Lucille Hall Church of Millers Creek, a sister; SuAnn Church Shepherd and husband Jerry of Millers Creek, two grandchildren; Harper McKinley Speaks and Hattie Marie Speaks, a niece; JordAnne Shepherd Belcher and husband Jeb and a nephew; Zachary Church Shepherd and wife; Crystal.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Greater Vision Baptist Church c/o Greg and Vicky Harris PO Box 309 Millers Creek, NC 28651.
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
Tracy Dawn Foster Gilbert, age 30

Tracy Dawn Foster Gilbert, age 30, of Jonesville, passed away Saturday, August 10, 2019 at Old Vineyard Center in Winston Salem. She was born December 11, 1988 in Wilkes County to Chris James and Donna Dillard Foster. Tracy was of the Baptist Faith. She loved spending time with her dogs and enjoyed fishing. She was preceded in death by a sister, Melissa Carrigan.
Surviving are her husband, Cody Gilbert of North Wilkesboro; her father, Chris Foster and spouse Jean of North Wilkesboro; her mother, Donna Pennington of North Wilkesboro; her grandmother; brothers, Aaron Taylor of Hays, Robert Landrum of Wilkesboro; sister, Mary Chapman and spouse Richard of Maryland; several aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins.
Memorial service will be held 2:00 p.m. Sunday, August 18, 2019 at Miller Funeral Chapel with Keith Foster officiating. Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the Humane Society of Wilkes, PO Box 306, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
Alton (Bo) Rayvon Pearson, age 71

Alton (Bo) Rayvon Pearson, age 71, of Boomer, passed away Monday, August 5, 2019 at Woltz Hospice Home in Dobson. Alton was born March 5, 1948 in Wilkes County to Elisha Robert and Colene Jolly Pearson. He was a member of Boomer Advent Christian Church. He loved fishing and old antique cars, Mr. Pearson was preceded in death by his parents; a son, Robert Pearson; sisters, Paula Sue Parsons and Margie May Bradley; and brother, Joe Robert Pearson.
Surviving are his wife, Lilly Triplett Pearson; son, Dennis Ray Pearson of Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Amanda Colene Pearson, Raven Clarae Pearson, Amber Cheyenne Pearson, Colton Ray Pearson and Dallas Clayton Pearson; great grandchildren, Jameson Lee Andrew Parish, Kimberlynn Lori Pearson and Lillian Ray Brittain; and sisters, Francis Blackburn and Lucy Clanton.
Memorial service will be held 2:00 p.m. Saturday, August 17, 2019 at Boomer Advent Christian Church with Rev. David Jones officiating. Memorials may be made to Woltz Hospice Home, 945 Zephyr Road, Dobson, NC 27017. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
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Every Band I’ve Ever Seen Live!
Abdominal Snowmen
Action Camp
The Afghan Whigs
Alabaster Box
Alan Astor
Algebra Suicide
Align Alike
Allegheny Rhythm Rangers
Alpha Control Group
Alzo Boszormenyi
America Hearts
Amoeba Knievel
Anita Fix
Annie and the Bombers
An Offhand Way
The Anti-Psychotics
The Antiques
The Antiquities
The Aquabats
Assassinate Caesar!
Atom and His Package
Atomic Mosquitos
Auk Theater
Automatic Matty P
Baby Bird
Baby Shakes
Bad Fathers
Bang Bang Lulu
Bald Mountain Band
The Bassturd
Bastard Bearded Irishmen
The Bastards of Fate
Bat Zuppel
The Beagle Brothers
Beard Science
Beat Happening
The Bedspins
Ben Blanchard
The Benquick
Big Mouth Strikes Again
Billy Castle
Billy Catfish
The Billy Nayer Show
Birthday Suits
The Blandinas
Blast Off 3.0
The Bloated Sluts
Bloodless Cooties
Bloody Incisors
The Bloody Seamen
Blue Chair
Blue Oyster Cult
Blue Skies Collapse
Bob Log III
Bobby Conn
James Bogacz
Bomb Banks
Boom River
Bootsy Collins
Bottomless Pit
Bradford Reed and the Amazing Pencilina
Brain Handle
Brass Chariot
Brass Panda
Braz Cubas
Brewer's Row
Broke Boland & the Dirty Pickles
Brown Angel
Buddy Nutt
The Bumps
The Burndowns
Burning Cacti
Burnout War Cry
Butter Kings
Butthole Lipstick
The Buzzcocks
C-Money and Karl Kash
Cactus Wheelhouse
Camp PP
Candy Machine Guns
Canned Hamm
Captain Catfeesh
Casino Bulldogs
Casy Stelitano
Catnip Coma
The Causey Way
Caustic Christ
The Ceiling Stares
Centipede E'est
Channel Scorpion News
Charlie Anteater
Charlie Slick
The Cheats
Chestnut Station
Chet Vincent
Child Bite
Children of October
Choke City
Chris Leo
Chrome Moses
Chux Beta
City Dwelling Nature Seekers
The City Steps
The Claymores
The Clearing
Clownvis Presley
Cobalt Black
The Cocktails
The Code
Colin and the Shots
Colombian Express
Combustible Three
Concrete Elite
CooCoo Rockin' Time
The Copyrights
Corpus Christi
Crank Radio
Creta Bourzia
Crisis in America
The Crow Flies
Crucial Unit
Crunk Witch
Cryptorchid Chipmunk
Curses and Kisses
Daily Grind
Daniel Johnston
Dark Lingo
Darren Keen
Dave Bernabo
David Liebe Hart
Dead City Dealers
Dean Cercone
Death of Samantha
Decaffeinated Grapefruit
Decision Way All-Stars
The Degenerettes
Deral Fenderson
Derek Deprator Band
The Devil Dogs
The Devil is Electric
The Devil's Jukebox
Devin Russian
Die Kruezen
Dirtbag Diary
The Dirty Charms
Dirty Fences
Dirty Sunshine
Dirty Weekend
Divine Seven
Do Crimes
Don Caballero
Don Capicola
Dollar Shots
Dookie Houser Emcee
The Douglass Brothers
Down By Law
The Dozal Brothers
Drink Tax
The Dripp Brothers
Drug Dealer
Duke of Uke
The Dumplings
Dwarf Fortress
Ear to Ear
Earls of Industry
Edie Sedgewick
Ed's Redeeming Qualities
8 Cylinder
Eighty Eight Magnum
'85 Flood
El Boxeo
El Grosso
Electric Grandmother
The Elemental
Elephant Bones
Elf Power
Eli “Paperboy” Reed
Elliott Sussman
Ember Schrag
The Emergency
Emerson Jay
Emily Jo Fabiszewski
Endless Mike and the Beagle Club
Eoley Mullulay
Erectus Monotone
Eric and the Electric MP3 Player
Erika Carey & the Calamities
The Eruptions
Eskimo '88
Eugene Chadbourne/Jimmy Carl Black
Euphonic Brew
Everyone Everywhere
Evolution Control Committee
Ezra Lbs
Face Down in Shit
Fangs of the Panda
Fat White Family
Fate of Icarus
Jerry Fels and the Jerry Fels
The Fife and Forth
The Fingers
Fire & Sex
The Fireworks
First Into Space
First Jason
First Person Singular
The Fizzies
Flaming Lips
The Fletch-heads
Flotation Device
Flotilla Way
Folk Implosion
The Forbidden Five
Forgotten Nobody
Four Dead Flowers
The Four Roses
Four Seasons Boys
Frank Barone
French Toast
Fry Jones
The Garden
The Garment District
Gary Musisko
Gary Twoman
Gentleman Auction House
George Willard
German Shepherd
Ghost Road
Gil Mantera's Party Dream
Girl Talk
Girl Trouble
Glad Girls
Go Pills
Go Pillx
The Goblins
The Goonies
The Goops
The Gothees
Grand Buffet
Grand Piano
Granola Explosion
Grant Valdes
The Graveyard Rockers
Great Ants
Greg Cislon
Groundwater Mafia
The Grow Ops
Guided By Voices
Guru Guru
Half Japanese
Happy Flowers
Har Mar Superstar
Hard Money
Harry and the Potters
Heaven & Hell
Heavy Cream
The Hecklers
The Heiz
Hell Yeah the Hellcats
The Helper T-Cells
The Heretics
The Hidden Twin
The Hi-Frequencies
The Hillbilly Varmints
The Hips
The Hodag
The Homostupids
The Hope Harveys
Hot Dog Forest
Hot Mess
Houdini's Psychic Theater
House of Assassins
Household Stories
Howard Jones
The Human Brains
Hungry Bill
Hurra Torpedo
I am the Lost Sea
I Speak Tree
Ian Semasko
Ice Capades
Icon Gallery
In the Wake of Giants
The Independents
Instead of Sleeping
International Espionage
The Invisible Nothings
Irene Moon
J. Marinelli
Jack in Irons
Jack Medicine
Jack Sabbith
Jad Fair
Jake and the Jakeman
Jam Messengers
Jana Bates
Jane's Addiction
The Jasons
The Jealous Zealots
Jefferson Golfcart
Jericho Theory
The Jim Dandies
Jody Perigo & Laura Totten
Joe Jack Talcum
Joe Landes
Joey Molinaro
Johnny and the Razorblades
Johnny Locomotive & the Engineers
The Johnsons
Jonathan Hape
Jonathan Richman
Jonny Cohen
JPS Brown
Judas Priest
The Juicy Girls
Juno Vega
Jupiter's Girlfriend
Kafka Romance Dissolver
Karl Hendricks
Kevin Finn
Kick Old Man
Kick the Can
Kill Or Be Killed
Kind of Like Spitting
King Karcass
King Kong
King Missile
kingdom Of Not
Kitty Pryde and the Shadowcats
Kracfive AllStars
The Kyle Sowashes
The Lady and the Monsters
Landing Strip
Laura Kahl
Le Cachot
The Left Turns
Leonard Cohen Ensemble One
Leo's Operation
Les Georges Leningrad
The Lesser Apes
Let Them Eat Cake
Libre Duo
Life in Bed
The Limbs
Living Praise Choir
Liz and the Bandits
The Lobster Quadrille
Loose Interpretation
The Lopez
Lord Grunge
Lorenzo's Oil
Los Swamp Monsters
Lost Weekend
Lou Barlow
The Love Drunks
Lover 29
Lung Mountain
Lydia Lunch
Mac Sabbath
Magic Wolf
Magnolia Electric Co.
The Main Events
The Make-up
Mama Spell
Man Found Dead
Margo Van Hoy
Mark Mallman
Marshmallow Pop Orchestra
Marvin Dioxide
Master Mechanic
Maurice Rickard
McCarthy Commission
MC Cliff B
MC Habitat
Mecca Normal
Medium Ugly
Meeting of Important People
The Melvins
Bill Merante
The Meridians
Middle Children
Midge Cricket
Midnight Creeps
Midnite Snake
Mike Dillon Band
Mike Maimone
Mike Tamburo
Mikey C
The Minders
Mindless Chaos
Miniature Giant
Miniature Table Concerts
Miss Massive Snowflake
Missile Toe
Missing Pilots
Modern Life
Modern Vending
Modey Lemon
Moldies and Monsters
The Molecules
Molesuit Choir
A Moment of Clarity
Mommy's Little Monster
Moonlight Motel
Moons of Saturn
The Motorpsychos
Mr. Funky
Mr. T Experience
The Muckrakers
Mud City Manglers
Murder of Bridges
Murphy's Law
Mustache Required
Mutant Mountain Boys
My Boyfriend the Pilot
My Captain, My Sea
My Dad is Dead
My Niece Denise
My Prodi
My Sexiest Mistake
My Superhero
The Name of This Band is Not Talking Heads
Byron Nash and Plan B
Nathaniel Seer
The National Rifle
Nautical Almanac
The Need
Negative Reaction
Neil Hamburger
The New Alcindors
Nicholas Megalis
Night and the City
Night Shall Eat These Boys and Girls
Night Terror
The Noble Brats
Northern Bushmen
The Northern Spy
Nox Boys
O Lendario Chucrobillyman
O.C. Feef
Oakley Hall
Octopus, Inc.
Odin Heed and the Headwinch
The Ohsees
On Vinyl
Only Flesh
Orvill Rex
Owl Style
The Pacifist Femmes
Pam Hanlin
Pancreatic Aardvarks
Parvulus Infectus
Patrick Elkins
Paul Green Rock Academy
Paul Kotheimer
Paul Labrise and the Trees
Paul Lynde 451
Paul Tabachnek
Pete Bush and the Hoi Polloi
Pete Donnelly
The Phantom Maggots
Phat Free
Phat Man Dee
The Phone Calls
Phred Rainey
Picasso Trigger
Pierogi Pizza
Pig Iron
Pinche Gringo
Pitchin' Woo
The Pleasureheads
The Polyatomic
Poopy Necroponde's Burgee Boys
The Pork Torta
Porno Tongue
Presque Vu
Pretty Girls Make Graves
Professor Purple
Puma Barrier
R. Stevie Moore
The Radio Beats
Radio 4
Rainy Day Regatta
The Ramones
Ray Zen
Reason and Eos
Red Vs. Black
The Red Western
Refried Boogie
Reo Speedwagon
The Residents
The Resistables
Rex Morgan M.D. Trio
The Rhodora
Rick Bach
River Is To Train
RJ Myato
Xylen Roberts
Robin Vote
Rocket From the Tombs
The Roger 6
The Rogers Sisters
Rollins Band
Rot Shit
Roulette Waves
Round Black Ghosts
Royal City
The Ruins
The Sablowskis
Sad Tropics
Salt Chuck Mary
Sam Goodwill
Samuel Locke Ward & The Boo Hoos
Santa Inferno
Satanic Bat
Savage Lines
Says She
The SB
Science is Dead
Scott Demian
Scott Fry
The Scratch n Sniffs
Seas We Fear To Sail
Season Finale
Secret Paper Moon
The Seeing Eyeballs
The Semi-Supervillains
Senator Flux
The Sewing Machine War
Sheer Mag
Shitappa Oyabun
Shonen Knife
The Show is the Rainbow
Sick Ridiculous and the Sick Ridiculous
Silbia Han
The Silver Eagle Band
Sissy Baby Boys
The Skirt Tasters
Slant 6
Slate Dump
Sleeping in Class
The Slow Reel
Smokey Bellows
The Smugglers
Sneaky Mike
Soft Sickle
Son of Bitch
Song of Zarathustra
Songs About Robots Sorry I'm Dead
Soul Excursion
Sounding Rockets
South Ken
South Sea Sneak
Sovron Court
Special Ed
The Speeds
Sports Metaphors
Spynda, Pace and Kress
Star fk Radium
The Stars
Stars of the Dogon
Steady Matt
Stephen Foster and the Awesomes
Steve Boyle
Steve Malkmus
Steve Whitten
Sticky Pink Chew
Stone Temple Pilots
Jim Storch
Stuck in Standby
Styles For Modern Living
Sugar Daddy
The Suicide Dolls
Summer Erickson
Summer Lungs
Super Fun Time Awesome Party Band
The Surface Dwellers
Sweet Icing
Sweet Nothing
Take No Damage
Tecumseh EQs
Ted Leo + Pharmacists
The Telethons
Terror, Inc.
The Test Patterns
Thee 50's High Teens
Thee Speaking Canaries
They Might Be Jerks
Thin Sketch
Things That Aren't There Anymore
Third Class
.38 Special
This Present Expression
Three Day Stubble
The Thunder Chickens
Thee Starry Eyes
Tianna and the Cliffhangers
The Tinklers
Tonks and the Aurors
Treeline Freeline
The Tree Three
Tron Ate My Baby
True Love Always
Tub Ring
TV John
Uke and Tuba
Ukulady Liz
Ultimate VAG
Uni Sami
Universal Congress Of
Unlikely Japan
The Upholsterers
Vale and Year
Vampire Nation
Vampire Weekend at Bernies
Vehicle Flips
The Velcats
Velvet Monkeys
Viewers Like You
Village of Dead Roads
The Viragos
The Visitations
The Vivians
Von Ludendork
Vox Robotica
Wallace's Fallen Obelisk Kidz
The Wasps Nest and Valerie Kuehne
The Waxwings
WE are the Asteroid
We are the Dead
We Came From Space
The Weasels
Weird Al Yankovic
Wesley Willis
Western Pennsylvania
The Whipped Cream Explosion
The White Stripes
Will Simmons & Turdburglar
William Wesley and the Tiny Sockets
Wimp Factor 14
The Winterbrief
The Wire Riots
The Working Poor
Wyld Stalyns
The Wynkataug Monks
The X Brothers
Asher Yatzar
The Youngstown Tramps
Your Favorite Assassin
Yung Ka
Za Dharsh
The Zambonis
The Zou
Zubat and the Bees' Knees
The Zvills
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View notes
Associate Bonus Watch: Good News (And Bad) From A Texas Powerhouse

In the latest Vault 100 rankings, the honors for top Texas firm went to Vinson & Elkins. This came as no surprise to observers of the Lone Star legal market, given V&E’s historically strong reputation and last year’s generous bonuses (to both lawyers and staff).
How about the firm’s 2017 bonuses, announced last week? Once again, people are pleased:
V&E’s bonus structure stayed the same as last year – Cravath match at 2,000 hours (likely lower hours requirements for the NYC and DC offices), with supplemental bonuses of 1.10x – 1.35x for high billers (2,150+). All first years (class of 2016) again received the standard $15,000 bonus regardless of hitting hours.
Everyone seems very happy with this bonus structure. It gives associates the opportunity to earn just as much — and likely more — than associates at many of the other firms that have entered the Texas market in recent years. 2017 was another record year for V&E, so it’s nice of the firm to share the wealth.
In addition, V&E also gave a special bonus to all administrative and paralegal staff.
Said a second source:
[B]onuses were generally very well received. Standard bonuses for 2000+ billers were at market, and it appears that there were undisclosed bumps at 2150, 2300 and 2500+ of 10%, 25% and 35%, respectively. Class of 2016 all got at least the minimum bonus.
And a third:
I was pleased with my bonus. I received a substantial supplemental bonus on top of my class bonus for close to 2400 hours. They also did bonuses to all staff.
For the full memo, which includes a gracious shout-out to the V&E staff who worked so hard to keep the firm running smoothly during Hurricane Harvey, turn to the next page.
And now, a bit of bad news out of Vinson & Elkins. Back in November, after we covered some unpopular changes to Simpson Thacher’s health insurance for associates, we received similar complaints about V&E. For example:
When I read your article about Simpson Thacher’s health insurance increases, I couldn’t help but laugh. Obviously, I feel for those attorneys, but they have no idea how lucky they are. I’ve attached below a screenshot of V&E’s “health insurance” plan (a term I use very loosely, as there really isn’t much here by way of insurance). While the single attorney numbers are comparable to ST’s, note the discrepancy when you move to the couple and family scenarios.
Specifically, I am an attorney with a family, so I will be paying $1,115 a month in premiums for health insurance. You read that right. To compare, a similarly situated ST attorney would be paying less than half ($499.06). And of course, that doesn’t mean my deductible is any lower – in fact, my deductible is higher, at $4,000, with a max out of pocket of $7,350 (compared to ST’s $3,500 and $7,000). Also keep in mind that these are “high deductible” plans, so there is almost no coverage to speak of until you hit your deductible (in other words, no copays for doctor’s visits or prescriptions – you pay the full amount). For a firm that claims to be “family friendly,” they sure know how to stick it to associates with dependents.
So in sum, I pay $13,380 a year in premiums for the privilege of paying $4,000 for health care before any kind of “insurance” kicks in. Simpson Thacher associates can cry me a river.
Note that the below numbers represent (1) a “streamlining of V&E’s health plan, which eliminated the lower deductible option that was available in 2017,” and (2) increased premiums all around.
Here’s the chart of premiums for 2018:

Yikes. And this is admittedly speculative on my part, but I’m guessing that more Texas-based Vinson associates have families compared to NYC-based Simpson associates. So the painful premiums for family coverage probably affect a higher percentage of V&E associates compared to their counterparts at STB.
Will Vinson & Elkins make any changes to its health insurance plans to lighten the burden on associates? To its credit, the firm has been responsive to associate concerns and complaints in the past. For example, the past few years of well-received bonuses were preceded by years when responses were more mixed. And if you go back even further in time, after carping about the complexity of its bonus scheme, which at the time involved a deferred-compensation component, V&E simplified its system.
So it’s quite possible that Vinson & Elkins will make adjustments to its medical plan; time will tell. In the meantime, congratulations once again to V&E associates on the robust bonuses, which go a long way toward ameliorating those high health-care costs.
(Flip to the next page to read the V&E bonus memo, sent out by chairman Mark Kelly and managing partner Scott Wulfe.)
Earlier: Associate Bonus Watch (2016): To Play In The Big Leagues, Pay Like The Big Leagues
David Lat is editor at large and founding editor of Above the Law, as well as the author of Supreme Ambitions: A Novel. He previously worked as a federal prosecutor in Newark, New Jersey; a litigation associate at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz; and a law clerk to Judge Diarmuid F. O’Scannlain of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. You can connect with David on Twitter (@DavidLat), LinkedIn, and Facebook, and you can reach him by email at [email protected].
Associate Bonus Watch: Good News (And Bad) From A Texas Powerhouse republished via Above the Law
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