#Haruki - mention ( twin sibling of Seiko / sibling of Darius )
vvolgarov · 4 years
I’m thinking about all of my neurodivergent characters and how they overall deal with their mental illnesses and whether It impacts them greatly or all of It is really in the middle. Or, really -- I’m in a rambley mood, so I will pretty much sputter anything that comes to mind.
I would say Barnaby, in comparison to Seiko has more ability to manage his ADHD (combined type) considering the fact he takes proper medication at the right dosage after trying out a few variations of medication prior and eventually finding one that is fitting best.
He has been medicated for quite a while, so there are very rare scenarios that one would end up seeing him behave irrationally or have a mental breakdown. The only thing that might occur is a rapid wave of anger that leads to him ranting everything that comes in mind.
While he may start off with expressing his agitation towards what someone did to him to lead him to that temperament, It would eventually steer to his annoyance towards Lada model cars -- then to anything else that he was ticked off over the last week. He just ... Really hates those models of cars. Thinks they’re stupid and difficult to fix.
Other that, he is a very hyper-fixated individual when It comes to his field as a mechanic. It’s UNKNOWN how many times he has reread the same pieces of literature, instruction manuals and engineering text books before he managed to memorize the good percentage of the information provided there and garnered a knack for constructing toys into old metal scraps or managing to fix even the most egregious types of auto-vehicles and manage to bring them out for a second life.
One day he wishes to have an apprentice that would be as dedicated as him to the field and he could teach them about auto-mechanics or even teach his student how to build toys out of scraps. It’s just ... Something for Barnaby about wanting to give toys for children so they could have something to play with.
In a way, this love for children and his want to make them happy comes from his guardian (in a way, adoptive- SECOND mother ) who learned how to do arts and crafts in the hopes to improve Barnaby’s development by opening up his creative mind from when he was very young. As you can see, the effort really paid off.
Seiko Valentis, along with his twin (a character no longer available for writing, but DOES exist) are autistic. They have inherited autism from their father who is a bio-engineer and was behind the ability to make their biological mother fertile enough to give birth to the twins.
Haruki Valentis -- A much shorter sibling and carrying the better gene of a snake person than a wolf, is the one that portrays their autism in a bit more subtle ways from now on. It was known that when Haruki resided with an adoptive family, he had mutism for quite some time and speech therapy was no of help up until he personally chose to be more communicative in later years.
His adoptive family were patient plenty with his development and aimed to make him rather comfortable -- and the young man gradually picked up on this fact and cooperated with his family. Now he has an internship at an office company that is oriented about graphic design and developing logo-tips, or animated animations for advertisements.
Seiko, on the other hand -- While he wasn’t deemed as the runt twin, his life came with trouble from the early beginning and his biological mother struggled with him the most. Her lack of patience to his development made him rather disinterested in being communicative even as a toddler, although eventually he naturally began to pick up words and speak. And, picked them up quite rapidly and caught up to his peers during kindergarten.
He only started to properly speak at the age of three (3), If not a bit when he was closer to becoming four (4) years old. The rest of the years he was relatively a behaved child, though had his moments of meltdowns when finding a situation too overwhelming to tolerate. Though with all those situations in mind, he wasn’t diagnosed up until the ripe age of 20.
All of his negative behaviors ended up being misinterpreted as a result of bad parenting -- His mother was impatience and was moody overall, she had time to bicker with him and Seiko was able to talk back without getting tired until he deemed the situation uninteresting or won the argument. This started to come around when he was eight (8) years old up until he was ten-eleven (10-11.)
Then, -- When a well-known scenario occured --
When he was given away for care by Jay’s hands, the boy became a timid shell of himself and was quite impacted by the abandonment. While Jay himself would say that the few months were difficult solely because the boy was aggressive and hostile, those reactions have stemmed out of fear and his only way of expressing the fear.
( Luckily for Seiko, his adoptive father eventually picked up on that by the help of his own family who are more better when It comes to raising youth. )
Once It became clear that anger was the key component to his expressiveness, eventually his adoptive parent, the family of his adoptive parent took their time and dedication to make him comfortable and lessen his negative reactions and have him express himself differently.
Had he not been taught this before a traumatic experience that would later have him diagnosed with PTSD (C-PTSD, to be precise), he would have dropped back to zero with a terrible state of his mental health. With good people raising after him -- while traumatized after the events, he relied on therapy plenty, was provided medication and Jay was willing to make his BEST to let the boy know he is safe under his wings.
EVEN when the wolf boy displayed delusion and depersonalization at the early stages, EVEN when Seiko ended up severely injuring Jay’s left hand that could have lead to him losing his ability have that hand function -- All was forgiven and the boy was met with warmth. Understanding. No matter how the Erblindet man internally found It all frustrating and was desperate for the mental health improvements from this young man.
In the end, It clearly worked around in the end. Seiko manages his mental health far more better and in no way autism interferes with his decision making, critical thinking. In fact, It benefited him to being able to fixate properly on his college years online and complete the course on economics and tourism.
It was a chosen field that he chose in the want to have some profession he could work for better pay and to make his adoptive father proud. (And, he did make him proud.)
At the very year, the only key issues he occasionally deals with is the depression aspect of PTSD and Autism. Often the depression makes him incapable of leaving his room for days, incapable of communication through voice and ending up relying on texting If he does want to say something.
Unsure whether the inability to communicate stems from mutism (what his twin sibling undergone) or It's simply done out of fear, fearing that his voice will attract the abuser. Nevermind the fact that he has no way in hurting Seiko anymore.
Other, less common symptoms are body armouring and delusion. There has been a relatively small chance his perception made him consider that he was being followed or being held by the person that hurt him -- This occurs when hanging out with his friends or embracing in a hug with them.
Body armouring simply means he completely tenses up his frame and lays down in a fetus position and cover his face with all muscles tensing up until dealing with exhaustion overtime.
Lastly --
Does Darius Valentis carry some form of mental illness, carry out the possibility of being autistic?
Short answer? No.
Long answer? Not exactly. He is the firstborn of the biological mother that he and the twins share, but their fathers are different. His own biological father does not inherit any form of mental illness that carries out through family.
The only gene he might carry is the greying in his early thirties. That's still irrelevant to the subject about being neurodivergent, the symptoms, the behaviours and more.
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