#Haru Nomura
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Christine in the ballet: Japan
-1- 野村玲子 (Ryoko Nomura) 1988
-2- 鈴木京子 (Kyoko Suzuki) 1995
-3- 鈴木京子 (Kyoko Suzuki) 1996
-4- 村田恵理子 (Eriko Murata) 2001-2003
-5- 五東由衣 (Yui Goto) 2002-2003
-6- 笠松はる (Haru Kasamatsu) 2012
-7- 笠松はる (Haru Kasamatsu) 2014
If anyone can correct or confirm the names I would be grateful as I have likely Mis-identified some of them.
Pictures from various souvenir brochures
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lazysublimeengineer · 6 months
the viscount who loves his princess - I
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Summary: “A new romance has bloomed in one enchanting night? Princess Senju and Viscount Mikey share a special night together under the radiant garden of the Palace.” Takeomi read loudly on the first page of broadside that morning.
Senju could only heave a deep breath before sipping the cup of Earl Grey slowly to her lips.
“You’ve been seeing Viscount Mikey without any chaperone? Lady Whistledown is having a field day with your scandals.” Haruchiyo snorted as he prepared a cup of coffee for himself.
“You know how Lady Whistledown is. So, stop believing her stories for a moment. It’s quite exaggerated sometimes. Besides, I am not going out with that fool! Hell freezes over that happens!” She exclaimed indignantly.
A chance encounter between the Viscount and the Princess which caused a rumor mill circulating in their town.
(A/N: This was supposed to be a sequel from that Doramitsu regency fic I’ve written a long time ago. But plot bunnies came out of me and decided that “oh hey wait a second. Why don’t we make a multichaptered crossover regency period fic series between Tokyo Revengers and Blue Lock in the world Bridgerton?” And here you go. This is the second part of this series with Maisenju as the main pairing. Takes place after the events of the first series of this fic, “sweet liaisons.” I don’t own anything from this franchise. Respective ownership belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura for this wonderful manga and Julia Quinn for this romantic book and series.)
“Senju! Are you done yet? You’re going to be late for the special occasion arranged by the Queen herself. It’s not a good image for a lady to be tardy.” Her older brother, Takeomi,   admonished her from downstairs while Senju struggled adjusting the straps of her corset inside her room.
“Give me a few minutes! This dress is bollocks! Why do I even have to wear this ridiculous thing in the first place?!” Senju exclaimed indignantly as she finally laced the straps successfully around her torso but not before holding her damn breath for a few minutes.
Jesus Christ.
Why do women like her must suffer from these societal expectations in the first place?
“It’s not that hard to put on the corset if you listen carefully to what the teacher has been teaching to you before!” Takeomi replied in exasperation. “Also, Haru get the carriage ready so that we won’t be late this evening!” He added.
“I’m on it!” Haruchiyo’s voice rang from the background.
Senju tuned them out and focused on putting the gown next to her body.
“If you’re not down here yet within a minute, I’ll go up there to see what’s the problem!” Takeomi’s annoying voice rang out again.
“Hold your horses! I’m done already!” Senju yelled back in exasperation.
With a one, last inspection on her frame and face in the mirror, she quickly went out and closed the door behind her and walked downstairs.
“Finally!” Takeomi exclaimed before he inspected her critically from head to toe.
“Not bad. Although next time try it with your hair down in curls. That seemed to be the thing these days.” He commented.
Senju rolled her eyes. “Oh hush. I tried my best in making a French braid for this occasion. The least you can do is take notice of them naturally.” She replied in a grumpy voice as she walked diligently inside the carriage.
They finally reached the palace wherein several guests and royal families were already present and going inside.
Senju grew nervous.
Even if she was naturally born confident and used to be under the scrutiny of other people, this was still different because she was facing the Queen at this event.
Her Majesty will choose tonight who will be crowned as the Diamond girl this year.
Senju had no patience for events like this. She’d rather go to the forest and hunt some wild boars or practice fencing while she’s at it.
But alas, if there were advantages in being born in an upper-class, royal family there were disadvantages as well.
Especially if she’s the only female sibling of the Akashi family and a princess, nonetheless.
The responsibility fell on her to carry their name in the social class and mingle herself with the ladies in the same social stratum and earn herself a status befitting of a princess and marry off an earl or duke for that matter.
Just the mere thought of those weighted responsibilities solely put upon her made her want to throw a fit and leave this place. But she kept her composure and calm.
‘This is just for tonight. Tomorrow you can do whatever you like.’ She chanted at herself as she took a deep breath and got ready.
“Okay remember what we’ve taught and practice beforehand.” Takeomi reminded her when he helped her in getting out of the carriage.
“Yes, my dear brother. You have reminded me of these several times already that I’ve lost count.” She deadpanned.
“This is for your own good and so that you won’t be making any mistakes.” The muffled voice of her other sibling, Haruchiyo said from behind her.
“Oh please. You’re the last person I should hear of this from you.” Senju groused.
“Stop with these childish acts you two.” Takeomi admonished them and Senju kept her mouth shut but not without a small pout gracing her features.
Nevertheless, upon arriving inside the palace, she quickly schooled her features into a pleasant smile and moved with a ladylike grace even though she felt her muscles stiffened at the strict movements of her body.
“Oh my. Princess Senju fancy seeing you here. You look lovely as always.” The light and feminine voice of Hina caught her attention and she beamed at her.
“You look breathtakingly beautiful as well, Lady Hina.” Senju complimented her in a sincere manner. It’s true that Hina was one of the loveliest ladies in their town. And one of the most graceful and dignified as well.
With her alabaster skin, slender frame, beautiful ginger locks and a beatific smile, who wouldn’t fall for her beauty and charms? It’s probably a normal day for her tending to her suitors who visited her abode every day.
Moreover, she wouldn’t be surprised if she earned the Diamond girl status from Her Majesty tonight.
“Oh, shush you... You still got a silver tongue beneath your mischievous nature.” Hina chuckled softly under her breath.
As she was about to respond, another familiar voice caught her attention and turned around to see the smiling face of Emma waving simply and approaching them.
“Princess Senju. Lady Hina. What a pleasant night it is to see you both here.”
“Same here Lady Emma. You’re looking lovely as always.” Senju replied smilingly. Unlike her brother, Mikey, Emma is a pleasant woman to be around and not infuriating. Senju wondered how she could tolerate her brother's impertinence daily.
“Why thank you. I do hope that my brother hasn’t been a nuisance to you lately.” Emma replied jokingly.
“Tell me about it. There hasn’t been a day when he wasn’t bothering me every time when we crossed paths around the city.” Senju replied with a small pout on her face as she took some glass of punch from the waiter who was circling around and giving them.
Emma chuckled softly under her breath. “Forgive my brother. It seems that he has a habit being like that with you.”
“Well, I would appreciate it if you can inform him that he needn’t to do that everyday.” Senju replied as she took a sip from the glass of punch.
Her eyes darted around when she heard some announcement in the middle of the stage.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. It’s our pleasure to have you here on this occasion for the annual event of Her Majesty choosing our precious Diamond for this year. As you may know we have gathered some reputable candidates to be crowned for tonight.” A male announcer said and the Queen finally appeared and was sitting down on her throne.
“Oh! It’s finally starting.” Senju uttered to herself and hastily put the glass of punch from the side of the table to make her way towards the direction wherein several female candidates were lined up from the corner.
The next few moments passed in a blur with the ladies performing one by one in front of the Queen with their practiced grace and dignity in front of her.
Senju watched in awe as the ladies before her performed a graceful dance and curtsied in front of the Queen. Hina and Emma’s performance were outstanding in her eyes and they moved as if it they were born for the role itself.
Her heart pounded and her anxiety spiked as her part will be coming soon.
She finally took a deep breath when it was her turn and tried to calm down her frayed nerves.
‘You got this Senju! Your brothers are watching so you need to get it together!’ Her mind tried to cheer for her.
As soon as it was her turn, her mind and body focus on the present situation beforehand and her movements, remembering on what was taught to her by her governess. Her movements were fluid and clear as she danced elegantly to the tune of a minuet which was a stately ballroom performed under the courts.
The audience watched her in rapt attention and captivation as she moved in a slow yet elegant manner against her assigned partner.
It was already nearing perfect when she accidentally stepped on her gown and stumbled down on the ground.
‘Oh bollocks! Why did it have to be now!’ Senju’s mind raced at her mistake before she quickly stood up as if nothing happened and resumed dancing the few remaining steps and tune of the piece.
She quickly bowed when she was finished and went to the side.
“You were great out there.” Emma whispered sincerely beside her.
“I’m glad that you think so even if I may have ruined it in the end.” Senju whispered back with a wry smile on her.
“Oh hush. Everyone makes a mistake. At the very least you’re still graceful at the end.”
Senju was about to reply when the announcer’s voice chimed in at the stage once again.
“Tonight we’ve seen these wonderful ladies with their immense talents of course. But only one can prevail. And for tonight’s Diamond coronation, Her Majesty is bestowing the crown to Lady Emma Sano of the Sano family.”
Emma’s eyes grew wide for a moment before a surprise yet victorious smile broke out from her lips.
Senju quickly hugged her before she let go. “Congratulations Lady Emma! You certainly deserved it. Now go get your crown up there.”
Emma hugged her back before she pulled away. “Thank you, Princess Senju.” She murmured before she made her way up the stage and accepted the crown bestowed by the Queen on her head.
Senju gave a round of applause amongst the crowd. There was no ill-feeling of envy or regret in her bones as she knew that there were other outstanding and well deserving ladies who much deserved it rather than her.
Nevertheless, there might be a lecture waiting for her back in the household from her older brother again of not trying her best.
Oh well.
Best of luck next time.
“Ah, finally. Some peace and quiet.” Senju sighed in contentment as she sat on the grassy field filled with small flowers. She took a quick detour and a needed break from the bustling crowd inside the palace.
Her eyes gazed upwards to the sky which was filled with countless stars that made up for the brilliant darkness tonight.
“I’m getting sleepy. Hopefully, the occasion will be over soon.” Senju mumbled to herself.
“It’s a good thing that the household princess doesn’t trip or bumped into someone with that tall heel of yours.” The familiar, idle voice sang from the background which made Senju ground her teeth and faced him with an exasperated smile on her face.
“If it isn’t the infamous viscount or should I say the manchild of the Sano household.” She quipped back, looking at him from head to toe with an unimpressed look on her face.
Although she inwardly admitted that Mikey looked dashing in a velvet crimson robe which had a circular cut, a pair of shiny, coal hued boots and a nice woolen white cloth inside his robes which leant him a regal, sophisticated aura despite his miniature height and youthful, vibrant face. Nevertheless, she wouldn’t admit that outwardly to him. His ego was huge enough like an inflated balloon and she didn’t want him to get the idea that she was disgustingly smitten towards him like of those other women who was besotted and would probably throw themselves at his feet if given a chance.
Senju was better than that and had more acquired tastes thank you very much.
“And you’re the infamous princess who moves like a man and curses like a sailor.” Mikey replied playfully.
“Have you ever heard of the word assertive and adventurous? I guess not when you’re used to women who threw themselves at you.” Senju snorted. “And what brings you here by the way?”
“Me? I’m just the dignified chaperone of my sister tonight considering that Ken has already resume his duties as a duke and travelled to another land away from here. And maybe I’m the good luck charm seeing that she won tonight!” Mikey replied with an impish grin on his face.
“Oh please. Don’t think highly of yourself. Lady Emma won because of her grace and efforts and not because of you or someone else.” She scoffed lightly.
“What can I say? Being successful and victorious runs in our blood.”
“God, I’m just speechless at your conceited nature.”
It made Mikey laugh in amusement while Senju rolled her eyes and looked away.
After a while, Mikey refrained from laughing until it was quiet between the two of them but only for a moment.
“Even if you didn’t get the coveted Diamond status from the royal family tonight, you’re still great on your own.” He said quietly.
His words made Senju turn around to face him before looking away, feeling the tips of her ears growing hot.
She needed to leave this place and away from this viscount who’s making her feel strange inside.
Senju tried to get up, but it proved to be a struggle due to the weight of her gown.
Her actions were noticed by Mikey who looked at her curiously.
“Where are you going?”
“Away from you.” She retorted. “It’s a lovely and peaceful night here before your presence has ruined it.” She added with a scoff before she tried to stand up again, but it was futile.
“Need some help?” He asked with a hint of amusement.
Senju glared at him before a deep sigh left her lips.
“Yes please.” She muttered as she accepted his offered hand and tried to stand up again but not before she lost her balance and toppled down.
Together they tumbled down on the grassy field with Senju laying on top of him while Mikey laid beneath her.
They looked at each other with wide eyes before Senju struggled to pull herself away from him, her cheeks burning in mortification.
And that’s how one of the maids from the palace found them in the garden under a compromising position.
‘Couldn’t this night get any better?’ She thought sardonically to herself.
The next day at the Akashi household...
“A new romance has bloomed in one enchanting night? Princess Senju and Viscount Mikey share a special night together under the radiant garden of the Palace.” Takeomi read loudly at the first page of broadside that morning.
Senju could only heaved a deep breath before sipping the cup of Earl Grey slowly to her lips.
“You’ve been seeing Viscount Mikey without any chaperone? Lady Whistledown is having a field day with your scandals.” Haruchiyo snorted as he prepared a cup of coffee for himself.
“You know how Lady Whistledown is. So stop believing her stories for a moment. It’s quite exaggerated sometimes. Besides, I am not going out with that fool! Hell freezes over that happens!” She exclaimed indignantly.
“Language.” Takeomi warned her.
“But it was an accident! I just stumbled upon him and—.” Senju stopped midway before getting up. “It’s no use. Just don’t pay attention to those bollocks.” She grumbled as she began walking out of the house.
“Where are you going young lady?” Takeomi asked.
“Just at the market. I may need to buy something to ease my growing vexation towards this nonsense. Don’t worry I’ll be back in a moment.” Senju didn’t wait for Takeomi’s response and took her hat, putting it on and leaving the house.
“Just let her go for now big brother. Senju is growing up and she’ll grow out of that phase.” Haru said casually.
“I can’t believe I’m dealing with you two.” Takeomi replied in resignation before shaking his head and focusing back on reading the next page of his broadside.
“Oh no I’m late! I need to deliver these parcels soon to Mrs. Springfield and—.” Takemichi’s hasty murmurs to himself and running across the street were cut off when he suddenly bumped into someone, resulting in his parcels falling to the ground and him stumbling on his feet.
“Can’t you see where you’re going you fool?” An exasperated voice caught his attention, and he was met by a young man who was dressed majestically and possessed an aura that screamed of royalty and wealth.
‘Is he a member of the royal family? If he is, then I should’ve known him! But it’s the first time I’ve seen his face around here.’ Takemichi’s thoughts raced inside his head as he tried to get up and bowed respectfully at him.
“My deepest apologies Sir! It’s not my intention to ruin your day in this city. I am just in a hurry to deliver these important parcels!” There was a tinge of regret and apology in his tone, but he still didn’t raise his head for fear of disrespecting him again.
“Do you know my name boy?” The man asked haughtily.
“N-no...” Takemichi stammered. Was he supposed to know him?
The man looked at him with a cruel amusement on his eyes and a complacent smile on his lips.
“Raise your head boy.” He ordered.
Takemichi quickly complied and stared into his eyes which were startingly deep blue. He possessed an aristocratic nose and a small yet perfectly shaped pair of lips. He tried not to be distracted by the arresting features of the man and tried to focus on the present situation at hand.
“I am an Earl. An Earl you foolishly bumped into. And for me to be able to forgive you, kneel before me and kiss my shoes.” The man remarked casually as he inspected his nails in a disinterested manner.
“P-pardon sir...?” Takemichi paled as he blinked at him owlishly.
“You heard me, right? Or your line of hearing has a defect too and I must need to repeat myself?” The man replied sardonically.
Before Takemichi could reply, a familiar, casual yet firm voice rang behind him which made him turn around and met the displeased expression of Chifuyu in front of him.
“Takemichi? Is this fellow bothering you?”
“Prince Chifuyu!” Takemichi gave a quick, respectful bow before standing up straight. “This is nothing that you should be worried about—.”
“Oh? Who is this interesting lad beside you hmm? It seems that she’s gotten up at the wrong side of the bed.” Kaiser cut him off silkily and asked in his usual airy voice.
“It’s Prince Chifuyu to you.” The blond glared at him and for his impertinent words.
“Oh, my bad. My name is Earl Michael Kaiser. But you can address me as Michael if you want.” Kaiser remarked with a playful wink thrown over his direction.
“I believed it is not appropriate to address you so casually when were not even acquiantances.” Chifuyu huffed. “Also, I would appreciate it if you stop harassing my friend and let him do whatever errands he needs to do today.” He added stonily.
Kaiser raised his hands placatingly. “I seek no trouble Prince Chifuyu. In fact, I’m getting acquianted with the citizens here seeing that I may stay here for awhile.”
Chifuyu was about to retort when the rushing footsteps from the background caught his attention and saw a young man with dark blue hair and dressed in a formal whiteshirt and light brown pants.
“My Lord! Where have you been? Your Grace has been looking for you!” He exclaimed when his eyes landed on the familiar figure of the royal prince which made him bow immediately.
“Good day Prince Chifuyu! Please forgive me for not being able to greet you first when I came here.” He said in an apologetic voice.
“Calm down Yoichi. I’m sure that my absence for a few minutes will not merit any hindrance or trouble to the events at all.” Kaiser remarked idly.
“Good day to you too Sir Yoichi. Are you with the Earl Kaiser?” He asked.
“Yes. I’m one of his advisors. And we’re here because we’ve been invited by the Queen for an event in this place.” Isagi replied when his eyes landed on the familiar figure of Takemichi whose eyes lit up in recognition but both kept their silence for the meantime.
“I see. It seems that the Earl has taking into a liking of this place seeing that he was already going for a stroll around the streets.” Chifuyu remarked.
“Indeed Prince Chifuyu. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we must be going on our way now.” Isagi replied in an apologetic voice.
“Of course. Don’t let us hold you both back.” Chifuyu replied in a congenial voice before he narrowed his gaze at Kaiser to which the other male smirked at him.
“We’ll be on our way then.” Isagi gave a quick respectful bow and shot a meaningful glance at Takemichi before he pulled the Earl away going back to their carriage and left them behind.
“That Earl is something else entirely.” Chifuyu said with a frown on his face. “He didn’t hurt you or anything Takemichi?”
Takemichi shook his head. “Not really. ‘Sides it’s quite my fault for bumping into him earlier. But I do appreciate your good timing. Now, I really need to go and deliver these items to Mrs. Springfield. See you later!” He quickly bid goodbye and ran off to the other side of the street.
Chifuyu watched him go, shaking his head a little before heading back to his own carriage and going back to the castle.
(A/N: Well, that’s wrap for the first chapter. The next and last chapter may take a while to be uploaded as I’m on a hectic schedule now with work. Hopefully, you’ll be patient enough to wait as it is. Reviews are amusing so let me hear them from you.)
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spicykaraage · 10 months
Tenipuri Complete Character Profile - Atsukyo Tohno
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Birthday: April 27th (Taurus)
Blood Type: AB
Birthplace: Aomori
Relatives: Grandmother, Father, Mother
High School: Unknown
Grade: Third Year
Committee: None
Strong Subjects: Medieval History
U-17 Training Camp Position & Rank: First String | No.8
World Cup Team: U-17 World Cup Japanese Representatives ➜ Medical Team
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Favorite Motto: “I have not come to call the righteous, but the sinners.”
Hobbies: Visiting museums, admiring the Black Paintings by Francisco Goya [TP]
Favorite Color: Magenta
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Favorite Book: Execution Methods from Around the World
Favorite Food: Apple pie, liver (fresh and dripping with blood)
Favorite Executioner: Johann-Charles Stephanopoulos
Preferred Type: A woman with a nice complexion
Ideal Date Spot: The Suzugamori and Kozukappara execution grounds
His Gift for a Special Person: “I’ll give my heart to you.”
Where He Wants to Travel: Place de la Concorde
What He Wants Most Right Now: Execution Methods from Around the World ➜ A Brazen Bull [23.5]
Dislikes: Going to the infirmary
Skills Outside of Tennis: Fashion (coordination [TP])
Routine During the World Cup: Rehabilitation
Height: 184cm
Weight: 70kg
Dominant Arm: Right
Vision: 1.4 Left & Right
Play Style: Aggressive Baseliner
Signature Moves: Execution Methods No. 1-13
Shot Dead
Buried Alive
Pear of Anguish
Colombian Necktie
Cement Shoes
Brazen Bull
Wicker Man
Saint Andrew’s Cross
Iron Maiden
Electric Chair
Favorite Brands:
Overall Rating: Speed: 5 / Power: 5 / Stamina: 4 / Mental: 4 / Technique: 7 / Total: 25
Kurobe Memo: “No opponent he faces escapes unscathed. Some may even say his ways are unsportsmanlike. However, I have not known anyone with as much passion and pride for their own way of playing tennis as he has.”
The Prince of Tennis II 10.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 09/04/2013
He has an old injury in his left knee due to overusing his “Executions”. He is currently out of commission and being treated at a hospital
He came up with his “Execution” techniques when he went to a family restaurant and had a deep discussion with an employee over executions not being permitted anymore. They went into great detail, and during their conversation Tohno had said “wouldn’t it be nice to stomp all over them and tear them to pieces!?”, which shocked an elderly woman sitting nearby
He is a fan of cowboys
He is named after Harukyo “Haru” Nomura, a professional female golfer
The Prince of Tennis II 23.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 05/02/2018
What’s in His Travel Bag: Toothpicks, pliers and clothespins // He had them during the First Stringers’ expedition as well. They’re supposedly used for terrifying reasons…
He can recite the four gospels of the Bible (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) by heart
His Executioner play style began due to people trying to take his food
The Prince of Tennis 20th Anniversary Book: Tenipuri Party | Publication Date: 08/02/2019
His ideal relationship is his own definition of “true love”: a bloody, bizarre and one-of-a-kind relationship
He visits a hair salon every two days
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otakebi-cam-wao · 11 months
Produce 101 Japan The Girls ep 5 - by a harowota in real time
this time written on my phone!
Part 1: Elimination????
i spoiled me w friends cuz i started to follow the eliminated trainees on insta and twitter as they started to appear and post but forgot anyways
group introduccions are always nice specially with funny/cute poses and or phrases or gimmicks, or whatever
Kassa took out her Anju chara there
Omg Ao Haru posing as アオハル
i want to talk bout the style changes
i got the same reaction to Shizuku's blonde hair, Kaela
Kaela is kinda troll, love that energy lol (i should stop talking bout the trainers and the MC of the whole show)
okay, let's start the beheadings?
Part 2: Dance Battle
i go for Nakasone cuz she's so mother but Yumeki is even a year younger than me
still Nakasone mother
oh so it depends of the year nice nice
let's see if i can recognize some (spoiled one)
2021? idk this one... ohhh the pd101 japan season 2
they're so happy
1985!!! no one thought they'd know Dacing Hero eat me up... okay
so cool Sakura (no gyaru)
2000!!!! RENAI REVOLUTION 21 OFC!!!!!!
Kassa didn't ran but danced from the class A side (my harowota hear is a bit dissapointed specially cuz Kokoro told her to go together and didn't)
Honoka and Rino? went to dance it
Nakasone proud somehow?
2010... heavy rotation ofc
Rimika did what i hoped Kassa did with rr21, ofc she knows it lol
almost everyone went running (good song and I don't like akb48, .... complex emotions with the video)
2020 ohhh.... it's kpop, i dunno, but it says wannabe
ohhh yumeki did the choreo
2023.... leap high was obvious lol
the ones who couldn't fit in the dance floor on their sides dancing ofc
now real battle by class, and genre (cute, sexy, wild)
they'll win sneakers!!!!
cute first
Sakura C class, Kagura F, Mana D, Rinon B, Yuuki A; wow Rinon mixed a bit of sexy i guess, cute Sakura... Mana cute but :/
Sexy now
Sae D, Honoka C, WOW NONOKA FROM F CLASS (awwww camera on baby Hina surprised, too much sexy for this baby to see(?)), Wow Moe B and Miu A they know for sure
okay i saw, Tsukushi (A), Ranka (F), Keiko (B) quickly
Keiko is wild indeed
now Ayano from C WOW
this is just time for the dancers of each class
Aruha nice!!!
nice Ranka
They're all so good, i go for Keiko or Aruha
mood Nakasone, OH MY GOD
B class!!! Dance queen Keiko!
the random leap high jump was amazing
awww Keiko's "minna aishiteru" after they thanked her
Part 3: ok now elimination? or well rankings
i know the one i was worrying bout got into the saved ones
oh 49th Mana (can't like her :c but let's go "grandma"), 48th Kanno Miyu, i shouldn't say these tbh... so I won't
iiiiiigh! Ranka got saved :/ she has Nomura Minami looks but her vibes throw me off a bit, good for her tho (I'm a supporter of everyone in some way)
okay, so i really clap clap Uchiyama Rin cuz of getting a bad throat and pulling such vocals
a twin (Mikoto) is in!!!! is the other twin (Kotone) in as well?
ahhh nice Yurara!!!! (I'm saying each position anyways somehow)
YESSSSSS THE OTHER INTP GIRL I LIKE (lower than how i like her but yes!!) HARUKA!!!! so cute and looks so ADHD (but shy) creature on the stage of the ones who passed!!!
words from some top 49 to 41 okay okay
lol Uchiyama, you're not allow to go back home soon...
cutie Yurara!!!!!
ok 40 to 31...
where's Kotone
Fujimoto Ayaka is the hard time seifuku no manequin team leader... right? ah yes deserved 36 with all that
... i don't like Rimika, idky but she passed
YOSHIDA HANA 33 DESERVED (obsessed with her "narcissistic my god i love it" from their love dive performance)
Husky voice 32?! MOMOKA YES!!! YES!!!! YES!!! (btw weird but interesting hair styling)
Miyu 31, she was such a nice neesan for her group, deserved
awwwww Ayaka u gonna make me cry, "pien" as S. Miu said in the mbti lab
a take bout an eliminated girl i remember
Ameri deserved better (cuz we can't vote overseas, and she knows it, liked a comment where she was told it was unfair to have eng subs but no overseas votes)
Part 4: social experiment in Korea?
the girls helping an small baby girl
ok, bby had to walk to them to talk, then they became nice nice nee-san
high queen knows korean, ofc; 3 minutes?
Jueri sensed it was a prank before the dokkiri daiseko paper was shown, nice
oh they know Korean cuz dramas lol
i feel like Ayaka might be the quick one to act?...
oh it was Rino
they started to play w bby
all got pranked and no one thought was the bby the prank
oh so Nana wants to be a teacher, she might react quicker, Tsuzumi will make her laugh i have the feeling
Nana immediately took her hand
all yelling to ask for her mom
ohhh an unrelated person got in so run for the prank paper
they're so noisy and are looking for the cameras lol!!!!
Miss Japan
so Mana decided to talk to staff while Chiharu takes care of her talking and playing
they decide to look for the mother nice
5 minutes looking around awwww Serina? pick her up to not get her tired
lol the prank paper
they laugh
so worried cuz bad at korean
Part 5: more ranking
30 to 21 ok
29 the gyaru!!!! nice
SAKATA KOTONE!!!!!!!!! 28!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!! MY F TO B GIRL!!!!! and good leader
Hina bby 25 she became the little chick already, she broke her egg shell
Kitazume Sakura 22, she was really cute, and powerful, deserved!
YUI 21!!!!! YES YES, LEADER NICE NEESAN, NICE VOCALS.... also the way she was holding hands with Koto waiting who would be 21st, CUTE
20 to 12 ohhhh a longer one
Joa 20, deserved, tho I don't like her enough, VERY VERY DESERVED!
Kokona chubby cheeks 19, surprised me on performance nice nice
idk if I'd vote for Tsukushi (18) to get higher, probs cuz mic incident
OWO RINON 17 amazing, I'm amazed, really deserved
Mena 16 is so deserved, she's so idol bright, she has that thing that makes you oshi her (not my oshi)
taking advantage of Kitazato Rio 15 to say... her new hairstyle makes me think a bit of Nishida Shiori from BEYOOOOONDS on her face
Keiko 12, yes you see her and you smile, she's so funny and amazing deserved
Mena talking so idol bright! so cute! so oshi-able
I'm so proud of bby Nagomi, wanna hug her
I'm at 1hr 19 minutes?! wow one hour more to watch yet
Part 6: members choose tops
top 3 personality
so 3 chose Honoka, she's funny the few things I've seen, i agree, she's ENFP, right? expected, she's top 3
Kokoro top 2 cuz nice nee-san and someone who listens, nice
top 1 is???? Moe ohhhhh, dunno what to say i think I haven't feel like I've focused a bity bit on her
top 2 beauties?
top 2 S. Miu i can see that very well, no comments tbf
yes Miu, as an eye lover(?) you have very beautiful eyes
lol she cringed at herself after that scene thingy
ohhh top 2 was a tie, makes sense
Sasaki Kokona, i agree she's captivating even if I don't want to look at her lol
okay top 1....!!!!
goddess vibe?!
Nano, yeah i agree, like damn girl is beautiful and captivating
she doesn't want to do the line thingy
the profile pics tho for Nano and Miu... not helping
Part 7: final rank?
so the 11 fitting the debut group?
yes the top 11
wait i know this, well I'm supposed to (i know top 1 tho)
Aita Rin top 11 was surprising (i have her in my top 11) so deserved as leader, hard worker, soul strength, team mindset, all, wanna hug her cuz i feel PROUD of her
Koto 10 is so amazing! so wow, no words just WOW feelings
AYANEEEEEEEEEEEE 9!!!!! I LOVE HER, SHE'S (with Momona) MY TOP 1!!!! my INTP tism creature looking songtress with huge off stage on stage gap girly!!!! YESSSSSS (her talking is so 🥹)
Nano 8 nice nice sleepy but nice beautiful nee-san
Sasaki Kokona 7 again captivating aura, no wonder she got so many votes
cute, she says she doesn't think is good enough for that rank
Tsuzumi 6 makes me so ajsjjsjsjshsj :D she's so cute energetic full of emotion bby and good performer... awwww she got so emotional towards AoHaru, so cute bby bright smile bby
Suzu 5 nice, she has a something i can see but don't get to my top 11
cute, just cute, no comments
i forgot the top 4-2 order, i know the ones there
Kaela hurry up!!!!
ofc Ran, Miu, Kokoro and Momona fight the 1st place (I know :D who has it) WHICH WAS THE ORDER!!!!
4 is?! Miu okay okay, so then... Ran, Kokoro Kassa, right?
Miu get out of my top cuz... idk... but maybe she was evily edited... so it feels like she's a diva (as some friends said) i want to think is all due to this edit, and being ISTP cold
Ran 3 right, i liked her a lot and a friends is doing propaganda for her
cute girl, amazing, like her low voice, she seems funny but not so WOW funny
so now is Kokoro, I just know that already
but nice that rebloom where fighting the top 1, starting with their idol performance
plus both (mainly Momona cuz time, i mean since she was 13 in angerme and 12 in hello pro kenshuusei, she has like 8 years experience!) are pros
"Kokoro-chan aishiteimasu" (not in shipping way) beautiful
i want what these two have
such strong friendship
so well, Momona 1, Kokoro 2, already knew that
they're like so proud of each other!!!!! mainly Kokoro of Momona
it feels so amazing to see Kassa going up those stairs to the 1st place seat!!!!
ok top 50 is missing, who got the cut position?!
4 fighting the place 50
oofff this is hard to see
Karen, Aruha, Shion and Misaki
i want them all (yes, i forgot who didn't got there that i follow on insta)
i think Shion didn't
how low was Jueri btw? (liked her voice)
ok 50th is?!
i wanted Aruha...
but it's okay
oh god, i feel so sad for the ones who didn't make it, i hope some angencies contact them soon
they all deserved to pass
wow, Jueri got 92nd going down 15 places
third INTP girly Tabuchi Miu got 86th (tbh, i didn't saw her a lot, but sad cuz INTP too)
AMELI 79? i swear if overseas have voted she would have made it to top 50
the Moron Anon (joke joke, her name is Moro Anon, such a weird name) 74th... sad cuz she surprised me at the group battle
Iyota Hana 71... ok
you're not telling me Fuka didn't make it cuz of a 10 places gap?! ... pien
Part 8: coments random cuz didn't pay attention to the thingy with songs at the end
Kassas short hair is beautiful, i wonder if she donated her hair again...
sadly they cant sns cuz rules... so we won't know... not yet
expecting what we'll see next week... or on thursday, deppending if I can't handle the need to watch...
I'm wondering why they can't change a bit more the twins' look, it's so hard to tell them apart
someone said one have thicker and other thinner bangs and I'm like "HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU KNOW THAT"
is sadder that whole groups got eliminated...
they became such good friends apparently
now i wonder what will happen if one twin is eliminated later
oh that's all...
there was a lot
well, eliminated B class girls at least get new sneakers
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itsuki-minamy · 1 year
"AYAKA – SIDE STORIES 11" (Part 04/04)
* List of Chapters
"Is there a system where you can't wake up unless you scream out loud from the bottom of your heart?"
Jingi was complaining in the middle of the life line.
He had enough time to cross his arms and frown because he was already used to it.
But it was another nightmare. It seemed like he was being sacrificed to quell the fire dragon, but the people around him were too dangerous. Especially Yukito.
"That's why everyone was so excited, damn it!"
Jingi has been wearing down little by little. Even when he dreams, he feels that his existence is gradually shrinking. At this rate, it won't be long until he is completely immersed in the life line.
"Oh, no. What I want to see is... that's right. It's fine, as always. Yukito is a little cheeky, but honest. And Momoko-san is kind and a little natural. And..."
Just one thing.
If he is allowed to dream in the truest sense.
"I guess I'd like to see Haru-nii and Aka-nii getting along like before."
Jingi closed his eyes, withdrew all the strength he had left in his mind and body, and surrendered to the flow of life. And while he slept, he had a new dream.
By the fourth time, it was much easier to realize that it was a dream and understand the situation. Rural landscape as far as the eye can see. White storm clouds and dazzling sunlight. Although there are slight variations in seasonality and timing, so far they have all appeared in the same location in Ninoshima.
(Maybe it's like the starting point of the game?)
And the two ladies in front of him.
(I guess those people are default characters too.)
The mission is to run.
"Tanaka Oba-chan, Nomura Oba-chan, hello!"
He ran between the two, greeting them.
"Oh, Jingi-chan."
"Hello. You're always in a good mood."
They both smiled and waved. He had a kind of premonition. He was sure that his wish would come true this time.
He was in a good mood with the pleasant (probably) summer scenery. He kept running all the way home, breathing lightly, stopping in front of the entrance and taking a few deep breaths.
After making sure that his breathing was normal, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and entered through the front door.
The first person he met in the hallway was Yukito.
He was a little nervous because in all of his dreams so far, Yukito had a terrible personality.
"Eh? Jingi-san, where have you been?"
He seemed like a normal Yukito, the same as always. He pouted and protested.
"You promised to watch me train in the morning! You drank too much yesterday too. I'm going to tell Kurama-san and Ibuki-san that you're being too casual too!"
A naive and sensitive boy. Even though he was hated and slapped, Jingi could see that he really respected him.
Without realizing it, Jingi extended his hand towards Yukito's head and was playing with his hair.
Yukito rolled his eyes and walked away. While he held his head with both hands...
"Hey, are you still drunk?"
He looked at Jingi accusingly. However, Jingi did not respond and looked for his next target.
He went to the kitchen and found Momoko cooking. She set the bowl she had been using to taste in the sink and looked at Jingi.
"Eh? Jingi-chan, are you back? Wait for me. Lunch will be ready soon."
Momoko Amamiya.
She is like an older sister who has always lovingly watched over Jingi. Without her, not only Jingi, but also Haruaki and Aka would have lived completely different lives.
Has he adequately expressed his gratitude to her?
He now deeply regretted it.
"Momoko-san, thank you as always."
Jingi took Momoko's hand and bowed cordially to her.
"I'm sorry."
He couldn't even apologize for passing away first. She must have cried a lot.
Momoko is kinder than anyone. Yukito too. He was sure that, although he complained, he cried profusely.
Suddenly, Jingi understood. The reason why Yukito and Momoko were so scary and abnormal in his dreams was because Jingi feared that from the bottom of his heart. Since they were such important members of the family, everything seemed to turn into a nightmare.
Momoko frowned and tilted her head slightly.
"You're drunk?"
She came to almost the same conclusion as Yukito. She glanced at Yukito, who followed Jingi, but Yukito simply shrugged, as if to say, "I don't know what's going on.".
Meanwhile, Jingi staggered towards the living room. He opened the sliding door and waited to see the scene he always wanted.
Haruaki and Aka.
Seeing his brothers get along.
"Hello, Jingi."
"What happened? Did something happen?"
Kurama Haruaki and Ibuki Aka were definitely there.
Two adults live in that house. Things like that haven't stopped since his teacher, Makoto Yanagi, passed away.
"Haru-nii, Aka-nii..."
Jingi's voice became hoarse with emotion and then he said:
"Then why are you both dressed like that?"
He asked, his face suddenly half serious.
"Eh? Are you acting really weird?"
Haruaki, who was only wearing a swimsuit and a T-shirt, looked at himself curiously. He usually wears the solemn costume of a priest, so seeing him in a simple figure with so much skin feels even more strange.
"We're going to the beach, so it's natural, right? You should hurry up and change your clothes."
Aka, who quickly put on his snorkel and underwater goggles, ordered Jingi to do that. Again, instead of the tight suit he always wears, he wears a t-shirt and navy pants.
Then the two began to talk happily about what they would do when they went to the beach.
"Alright, let's swim as hard as we can!"
Haruaki said as he turned his body around and did something similar to gymnastics.
"Let's use the harpoon to hit the fish, okay?"
Aka, who was trying to contain himself, but looked clearly more excited than usual, suggested that. Together, the two remembered their mission.
"Come on, Jingi, let's go!"
"Let's play as hard as we can!"
Sparkling eyes. The innocent smile of his childhood. However, both of them had the same faces and physiques as the adults. Jingi held back, trembling slightly.
His two brothers who had become adults pulled him left and right.
"They get along like before!"
Finally, he couldn't hold back any longer and snapped. The awakening trigger activated and Jingi woke up again.
Jingi finally lowered his head in despair. He realized that the energy that made up his consciousness was running out.
"Damn, I have so many incomprehensible dreams..."
He whispered that resentfully. He couldn't help but feel sleepy from before. As it was, he would break into small pieces and be swallowed by the flow of life energy.
The next time he falls asleep, he will never wake up again.
The last dream was the one that touched his heart the most.
Well, leaving aside Haruaki and Aka.
(That made me realize that I had a lot of unfinished things.)
He had more things to teach Yukito.
He wanted to thank Momoko.
Why couldn't he tell Haruaki and Aka to get along?
He wanted to hang out more with his bad friends. Enjoy a glass of sake while he enjoys the peaceful scenery of Ninoshima. Being able to go fishing or play pachinko.
He wanted to apologize for causing trouble for Inou.
He wanted to see everyone's faces.
He wanted to see them smile.
Tears fell. He bit his lip and let the tears fall. Suddenly, the words of his teacher Makoto Yanagi came to his mind. He commented on the qualities of his disciples as connections:
"Haruaki is, well, a genius. I guess it's a matter of lineage, but there's something he's born with. He'll be able to fly to the heights as easily as a gust of wind."
He continued.
"Aka is a theoretical person. One by one, he practices what he can't do and shapes it. Since he can see his surroundings clearly, I am sure there will be many people who will admire him in the future. He will surely become a pillar thick and strong that will never break."
Makoto laughed as Jingi asked, "What about me? What about me?"
"Maybe you don't have much talent. Even at this age, you're still lazy and, surprisingly, cowardly and careless."
That's what he said. Makoto pouted at Jingi.
"That's why you look more like me."
He ruffled Jingi's hair and stroked it with his large hand.
"Jingi. Even if the road is ugly, get up. Being in good shape is not the style of people like us."
In the middle of the life line, Jingi silently opened his eyes again.
"I understand... Master."
Even if he is in the mud...
Maybe it's a murky stream of life. Even if it's ugly...
(I'll hold on to life until the end!)
Jingi began scratching his hands and feet frantically. Imagining levitation, he did his best to hold on to his fading existence and began to swim frantically, aiming only for the top. Every time he felt like he was about to break, he thought about Yukito, Haruaki, Aka, Momoko and his master. The only thing he thought about was his family and his friends.
(Once again, just one more time.)
Then, with all his strength, he finally surfaced from the life line and took a deep breath.
However, the current is too fast and buoyancy is almost ineffective.
"Gaaak! Whoops!"
If he does not move his limbs with all his might, the flow of life force will engulf him in no time.
"Shit! Damn!"
At that moment, Jingi felt as if he heard the interesting voice of his master in his ear.
(Here, Jingi. It's time to take a breath. Good luck. I've prepared some help.)
Jingi regained his strength and crawled. Somehow he had a hunch. He was sure that a helping hand would be waiting for him when he swam there.
And what he saw was...
"Master! Is this?! This is it!"
It was a giant pipe protruding from the inside of the life line. It looked familiar. Although it is larger than the standard, it is definitely a masterpiece that master Makoto Yanagi loved. He felt so homesick that he felt like crying.
Jingi held on to the Kiseru and used his remaining strength to skillfully climb up the body.
Note: Kiseru is the Japanese term for the ancient Japanese pipe. Kiseru were used to smoke a wide variety of substances, including tobacco, cannabis and opium.
Then, he came to a place where he could maintain his posture and shouted as loud as he could.
He called to the being in which he had to believe the most.
"Help me!"
Beyond life.
He felt that he could see the face of a child who was destined to become a water dragon through a very faint slit that connected to that world.
Without hesitation, Sagawa Jingi decided to simply live.
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magpiejay1234 · 1 year
Let’s do the ZEXAL 2 repeat characters:
**Shouma Yamamato does V, Yamikawa, and Akira
**Sachi Kokuryu does Tron, and Sly (one of Lua’s schoolmates):
**Yuuko Sanpei does both Obomi, and Haruto:
**Satoshi Hino does Vector, Mani, and Kagurazaka:
**Ryouko Shiraishi does Haru, and Ponta:
**Tomoaki Maeno does Orbital 7, and Ukyo Kitano (Mr. Kay in dub):
**Aki Kanada does young Ryouga, Tokunosuke, Carly (after Episode 130), and Torunka:
**Miyu Irino (Sora from Kingdom Hearts) does Astral, and Number 96:
**MAMORU MIYANO does Daisuke, and Abidos:
**Yoshimasa Hosoya does IV, and Reiji:
**Mie Sonazaki does Umimi, and Sora:
**Daisuke Hirakawa does Charlie, and Durbe:
**Mitsuru Miyamoto does Kouji Satou (Mr. Stein in the dub), and Don Thousand:
**Yasuaki Takumi does both Michio, and Coyote:
**Takuya Eguchi does Shuuta, Yuuro, and Zuwijo:
**Ken Narita does Giese Hunter, and Jin:
**Anri Katsu does Mitsuo, and Wolf:
**Kenji Nomura does Demack, and Housaku (the Tomato guy):
As a general rule, a lot of characters who had bit roles in the past got more bit roles due to episodic nature of the show. Because ZEXAL had a huge budget, a lot of high profile actors are here for bit roles as glorified cameos.
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lightmelodyva · 1 year
What Everyone calls Haruka (She's 24 years old)
I was meaning to do this for a while. But now it's done and wow there's so many characters in this damn series...and then I added more. I don't think I missed anyone though.
-Shinsengumi- Hijikata: Shinomi Okita: Haruka or Ka-san Saito: Shinomi-san Heisuke: Ka-san (HE gave her the nickname of Ka-san) Harada: Haruka Nagakura: Haruka or Ka-san Kondou: Shinomi-kun Sanan: Shinomi-kun Gen: Haruka-san Yamazaki: Shinomi-san Shimada: Shinomi-san Takeda: Shinomi Souma: Shinomi-senpai Nomura: Shinomi-san Chizuru: Shinomi-san, Haruka-san Serizawa: Shinomi, Bakufu's Oni, Pretty Okuzume Ibuki: Shinomi-san or Haruka
-Others- Kosuzu: Shinomi-san Iba: Shinomi-san Motoyama: Shinomi-san Itou: Shinomi-Sama Miki: Shinomi Sakamoto: Shinomi or Haruka Nakaoka: Shinomi-san Otori: Haruka or Shinomi-san (Depends on Situation) Enomoto: Shinomi-san Takeko: Haruka Matsumoto: Shinomi-san
-Demons- Kazama: Shinomi Amagiri: Shinomi Shiranui: Ice Princess or Haruka Sen: Haruka-chan Kimigiku: Haruka-Sama (Haruka doesn't like it when she calls her that) Kodo: Shinomi-san Kaoru: Ane-san (this one is just Kaoru pissing her off) Miko: Haruka or Haruka-Sama (Depending on her role at the moment) Shota: Haruka-nee Daichi: Haruka Junichi: Haru-chan Kenji: Haruka-nee Himiko: Haruka Minato: Onee-san
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fukosukumoda · 1 year
*お知らせ* 野村春花さんのwebページにテキストを書きました。
野村春花さんは『 haru nomura 』として京都に自身のアトリエを構え、草木染めのかばんを制作されています。 野村さんの作業の様子を、写真家の堀井ヒロツグさんが季節ごとに記録し、写真とテキストでアトリエの風景を伝える「Story」というコンテンツ。 私もアトリエにお招きいただき、野村さんのお仕事を間近で拝見しながら、 また、日々、野村さんがそうしているように草花を摘みにゆき、一緒に布を染めたりもして、感じたことを言葉にしています。 堀井さんと私のふたつの視点と、写真と言葉、ふた通りの現しかたで、 野村さんのアトリエに流れている時間にそっと触れることができるのではないかなと思います。 WebデザインはStudio Kentaro Nakamura。デザイナーの小林加代子さんです。
ページを開くたびに文章と写真の位置が変化し、その時、その時で、違った景色を見ることができます。 今後、季節ごとに新しい写真と動画が追加されてゆくそうです。(いまからとても楽しみ○) haru nomura のホームページからご覧いただけます。 ぜひ(何度でも)のぞいてみてください。 ↓ https://haruka-nomura.info
Photo: 堀井ヒロツグ
Web Design: Studio Kentaro Nakamura/小林加代子  Writing: 粠田風子(すくもだ ふうこ)
*投稿した写真は haru nomura のホームページからお借りしています。
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kez19h · 2 years
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Gossip Ep. 3
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kaicons · 4 years
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★ balance unlimited icons ☆
• like or reblog if you use/save
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psycho-milker · 7 years
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The live-action adaptation of Antiquarian Bookshop Biblia's Case Files - ビブリア古書堂の事件手帖 is in the works! With a 2018 release date, the movie is directed by Mishima Yukiko and follows the everyday life of an eccentric, shy but passionate bibliophile named Shinokawa Shioriko (Kuroki Haru).
Full live-action details here: http://bit.ly/biblia-la
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sweet-pinkitty · 3 years
100Koi+ × Beauty navi
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Target beauty and AR acquisition character🔽
🧡Close contact drive date with boyfriend
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Takaomi Tsugaru | Seiji Goto, Subaru Ichiyanagi, Riki Yanase, Hiroshi Kirisawa, Jun Araki and Hikaru Aihara
💙To see the autumn leaves ♡ Travel date
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Toshiki Kasumi | Haru Shindo, Karno, Hideki Ishigami, Katsuyuki Kyobashi, Go Okubo, Yamato Kougami and Shusuke Asano
💛Pounding theme park date
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Ayumu Shinonome | Toru Kurosawa, Kyogoku Sentaro, Yosuke Sagara, Kota Igarashi, Sora Hirosue and Shiki Kurobane
💜Autumn night long night view cruise date
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Eisuke Ichinomiya | Soryu Oh, Ryoichi Hirose, Kazuomi Shido, Kei Soejima, Kyohei Rikudoh and Taki Kozaki
💗Adult Tipsy Bar Date
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Hyogo Kaga | Tadanobu Nomura, Taku Hayama, Tetsuya Hosho, Kazusa Hanai, Iori Enjo and Hiroki Eniwa
💚Autumn taste cafe tour date
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Jin Namba | Shin, Munechika Takado, Toma Kiriya, Tsumugu Kido, Seiya Fushimi and Bunta Kurimaki
💗Sex appeal hannari kimono date
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Takane Momochi | Shunichiro Tachibana, Soji Okita, Shinsaku Takasugi, Masashi Himuro, Shun Randoh and Akiyoshi Zaizen
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namikala · 7 years
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~Escape the Heat! Summer boys’ Yukata Matsuri~ event story
At Shields’ headquarters one day, Yuzuki invites you to a yukata party at the Cendrillon hotel that weekend.
On the day of the party, you arrive at the Cendrillon to find Yamato, Kirisawa, Roberto, Masamune and Yuzuki all dressed in yukatas. You think it really suits them and they in turn say you look nice in your yukata. Yuzuki then takes out a box of high quality somen (very thin white udon-like noodles that are usually eaten cold). Yamato gets quite excited when he sees the somen and then the boys soon decide to have ‘nagashi-somen’ (somen served in a long bamboo flume filled with cold, flowing water). They don’t have any dipping sauce though so Yamato says one of them will have to go buy the ingredients to make one. Everyone is reluctant to go, probably coz it’s way too hot outside… So they decide this by rock-paper-scissors. Yuzuki loses and you decide to accompany him. Yamato hands you a shopping list and sends you on your way.
There are many people dressed in yukatas as well outside the Cendrillon due to a matsuri nearby. Yuzuki has put on some shades in an attempt to hide his identity since he’s a celebrity. Then you run into Nomura who’s apparently out shopping after having a meal with a friend nearby. He thinks you’re both on a date and says he envies the two of you. He also thanks Yuzuki for helping him earlier in that event way back where Yuzuki was a police officer for a day (which I didn’t play as I was on holiday!). You tell him about the yukata party and how you’re on your way to the supermarket. Then Nomura gives you some of the onions he’s bought as they’re on your shopping list! XD Yuzuki invites him to the party as thanks. Nomura says he’ll stop by after he’s done with his chores.
You get to the supermarket and manage to get everything but the particular brand of bonito flakes Yamato wants… Then you and Yuzuki agree that you should try to find them as Yamato can get rather troublesome if you don’t get him all the ingredients he wants… ^^;; 
On your search for those bonito flakes, you come across a crowd of people in the streets who are apparently gathered there for a Jade guerrilla gig. Afraid that the people there might recognize Yuzuki, you decide to take a back alleyway. In that alleyway you come across a granny carrying a heap of shopping. She almost trips. You rush forward to help her just as someone else does the same. It turns out to be Haru! Then you see that Haru happens to be holding a pack of the bonito flakes you’re looking for! XD;;; This is turning out to be a scavenger hunt of sorts. He gives it to you and Yuzuki invites him to the party as well.
You head back to the Cendrillon with all the needed ingredients and find everything set up for the ‘nagashi-somen’. Nomura and Haru soon show up as well in yukatas and everyone has a great time eating the somen. After a while, everyone is full and unable to take another bite. Just then Satsuki appears. He’d heard about the party but wasn’t able to come earlier as he had work to do. He comes bearing a box of… Yuzuki kind of looks at it with dread as he recognizes it… for it turns out to be more somen! XD Everyone stares at it in shock for a moment then end up laughing. And the story ends here.��
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phantomchristinesuk · 4 years
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Elissa plain/gold patterned skirts:
1- Lina Mendes, Brazil 2018-2019
2- Sara Sarres, Brazil 2005-2007
3- Julia Möller, Spain 2002-2004
4- Elisabeth Berg, Sweden 1989-1991
5- Maria Kesselman West End 1986-1988
6- 野村玲子 (Ryoko Nomura), Japan 1988-1989
7- 苫田亜沙子 (Asako Tomada), Japan 2005-2018
8- 笠松はる (Haru Kasamatsu), Japan 2008-2014
9- 海沼千明 (Chiaki Kainuma), Japan 2020-current
Pictures: 1- A Broadway é Aqui/Luis Franco (edited by me), 2- Sara Sarres Facebook, 3- Julia Möller Facebook, 4/6/7/8- Operafantomet, 9- Shiki Theatre Company
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I’m Kobushi Factory’s
Minna no MinaMina Nomura Minami!! 
   Today is、Valentine’s day❤️
This year、I made brownies〜(*´꒳`*)
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The other day during a radio recording、
「I wonder what I should make〜?」
I wondered this aloud。
And that time、
Wada Sakurako-chan was next to me so、
「Heーy、Sako what do you think?」 
I asked her this!
And when I did、
「Brownies would be good!」
This、is what she replied so、
「Okay、I’ll make brownies!」
I decided this!!
It’ll be easy〜!!
I made them yesterday after my birthday event finished、so I’ll be a bit tired right!?I thought this but、on the contrary I was wide awake!!!
Whilst on the phone with Sako、I made them、、、笑笑lollol
Sako’s mother also helped me out!!
Thank you very much😊
Yesterday、everyone who came to my birthday event、did you eat my Minachocolate!?
Those of you who haven’t eaten it yet、please eat it today okay✨
I didn’t get any yesterday〜Everyone who’s saying this、
Here you go!!
You get my feelings。笑笑lollol
Please come and get some next year okay❤️
Kobushi Factory First Concert 2019 Haru Urara 〜GW Special〜
 Our first solo concert tour!!!!
 I’m really excited✨
 I’ve gotta train for our performances even more、and made it a stage where I have no regrets!!
 I’ll do my best!!
 Please come and play✨
 We’ll be waiting!
   Details are here↓
----- For reading my blog until the very end
            Thank you very much (*´∀`*)-----
Original - https://ameblo.jp/kobushi-factory/entry-12440192476.html
0 notes
🏀 Fun Times; Ryouta Kise (Sportember #015)
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📑 Table of Contents | ⚾ Challenge Post
Genre: Friendship, Comedy, Fluff, Slice of Life
Word Count: 2,864
Pairing: Reader x Kise
World: Kuroko no Basket
Prompt: “Come on, it’ll be fun!”
Sport: Basketball
Despite only being a first-year in high school, Kise was super popular as both a superstar athlete and a gorgeous model, racking up thousands of fans and followers. This fame led him to make friends in high places, befriending various celebrities and idols from all different countries, which he would often meet with during modeling trips or award ceremonies. He was only sixteen, but he was already a megastar.
And despite being his partner since his second year of middle school, you rarely joined him on these trips because fame and glamour just wasn’t the kind of life you wanted for yourself. You weren’t starstruck and meeting other celebrities just didn’t excite you because you knew, at their very core, they were still just human beings.
Kise understood this and didn’t often pressure you to join him, especially on those out of country trips, which you were thankful for. On the other side of the fence, you didn’t pressure him to indulge in your favorite things, either and, most importantly, you didn’t give him hell over the various beautiful models that he had befriended. You trusted him, just as he trusted you.
This time was a bit different, however.
Kise had just recently won an award for the best supporting actor, but he wasn’t able to attend the ceremony because he had an important basketball game that day and, while he loves being a model and actor, basketball was far more important. Because of this, one of his friends had accepted the award in his stead and they were meeting up this weekend, a small get together to celebrate.
The problem was that he really wanted you to join him, but you were hesitating because of the upcoming finals that you needed to study for.
“Please~?” Kise pouted as he plopped down into the desk in front of you, his arms folded across the back of the chair. None of the other third-years paid him any mind because they were used to his antics.
You frowned at his pleading look, trying to ignore those beautiful golden eyes of his. “I really need to study, Ryou.”
“But you’ve been doing nothing but studying! You should -”
Kasamatsu had come up behind him, smacking the boy with his notebook that he had rolled up just for the occasion. “We’re third-years, studying is important for us. Maybe you should try it sometime.”
You chuckled, resting your hand on top of Kise’s head when he whined, your fingers tangling in his blonde locks. “He’s right, you know. Just because you’re famous doesn’t mean you can slack on your studies. What are you going to do when we graduate?”
Kasamatsu huffed as he settled down in the desk beside your own. “Knowing him, he’ll probably still try to get us to help.”
“I will not!” Kise’s pout deepened as he leaned into your touch, reminding you of a kitten looking for affection. “Come on, Y/Nchhi, it’ll be fun, I promise!”
“Our definitions of fun are quite different.”
“A deal, then!”
“Eh?” You blinked in surprise at the sudden serious expression he was now sporting as he stood up, his palms flat on your desk.
“Let’s make a deal! If you go with me to the party, I’ll start taking my studies more seriously. We can even go on study dates.” He grinned, blonde hair swaying as he leaned a bit closer. “What do you say?”
“I say it’s a trap,” Kasamatsu shot you a look, crossing his arms over his chest.
“That’s why I didn’t ask you, senpai!” Kise stuck his tongue out at the older male, causing him to roll his eyes.
“Thank god for that.”
Kise’s golden eyes met yours and he gave you that beautiful smile that you couldn’t resist, his hand finding yours. “Pretty please, Y/Ncchi? I really want you there with me. It’s just a small gathering!”
Judging from your past experiences, you knew that when he said small, it would probably be around twenty people, give or take. Still, it had been a while since you had joined him for any of his parties or trips, and you had been so stressed out as of late. You may come to regret it, but you finally caved. “Alright, I’ll go.”
“Yes!” He threw his arms around your neck, plopping down onto your lap so he could hold you closely, his face nuzzling the side of your face. “Thank you so much. I love you~”
You chuckled, wrapping your arms around his waist. “I love you, too, ya dork.”
You pulled up to the large house that Kise had directed you toward, putting the car into park before turning off the engine. The blonde didn’t hesitate to leave the car, glancing back at you when you hesitated, giving you a reassuring smile. You pulled yourself from the car, eyes focused on the tall model that had just stepped out of the house, his bright red hair messy as if he had been running his hands through it. He was taller than Kise, his teal eyes shining under the porch light.
“There you are!” He pulled the younger male into a hug before his eyes landed on you, giving you a polite smile as he held his hand out. “Hello, I’m Kevin.”
You took his hand, amazed at how much bigger his hands were. “Ah, nice to meet you! I’m Y/N.” You had to catch yourself before introducing yourself as Kise’s partner because you weren’t sure if he wanted anyone to know about your relationship. A scandal could kill his career, after all, and you definitely didn’t want that.
But Kise had other ideas as he threw his arms around your neck, his cheek against yours as he smiled brightly. “They are my partner! Aren’t they gorgeous?”
Kevin laughed loudly. “They sure are, you got lucky, Kise! Now, let’s get inside before the neighbors complain again.”
‘Again?’, you wondered, glancing at the other houses. Even though it was only eight PM, most of the houses on the block were completely dark, the neighborhood quiet. It made you think of those internet guys that are famous only for partying and how much their neighbors hated them. Was this Kevin guy the same way? Oh lord, what if he was an e-boy? The thought made you cringe as you followed the blonde into the house.
Soft music was pumping throughout the house and you recognized the band as One Ok Rock, a group you had enjoyed on more than a couple of occasions. There were people in every room, but there didn’t seem to be more than ten, at least, and no one seemed to be acting too wild, though there were two identical-looking boys in the living room arguing over the chip bowl.
Kise snickered at the sight, bringing his hand to his mouth. “Those two never change.”
“Unfortunately,” Kevin sighed, waving his hand to keep following him into the kitchen where three others were standing around the island in the center of the room, chatting over red solo cups. “Guys, the guest of honor is finally here~”
“Kise!” A woman with orange-red hair jumped off her stool, throwing her arms around the blonde’s neck as she squealed happily, her curls bouncing wildly. “Congrats on winning the award!”
He returned the hug with a grin, lifting the female off her feet before setting her back down. “Thanks, Mya! I was happy to hear I had won.”
“It’s a shame you weren’t there,” she pulled away, pouting at him as her manicured hand rested upon her hip. “Everyone was so disappointed that you chose basketball over the award ceremony, especially when you had been nominated so many times!”
He sweatdropped, rubbing the back of his head. “Sorry to disappoint you, Mya. The game was super important, though!”
“Did you at least win?”
“Ah, well…”
“So you lost,” she deadpanned. “You chose the game over us and still lost.”
“Knock it off,” the navy-haired man rolled his eyes before gulping down the rest of his drink, shaking it toward the brunette girl beside him, who refilled it with a bottle of what you assumed to be alcohol. “He didn’t choose the game over us, he chose the game over the ceremony.”
“I can’t blame him,” the brunette chimed in with a sigh. “It was so boring. It’s the same thing every single time.”
“You guys are so ungrateful!” Mya whined, stomping her foot. “You’re lucky to even get nominated. I haven’t been nominated for anything in three years. It sucks.”
“Yet you still go, even knowing you’re not gonna win anything,” said the man, his matching navy eyes looking at her blankly. “Why even bother?”
The brunette snickered, covering it with her hand as she sent the other girl a knowing look. “Because she likes to accept it for people when they can’t make it.”
Mya’s cheeks darkened at the accusation. “T-That’s not it at all, Aiko!”
“Sure, sure.”
Kevin glanced at you before clearing his throat. “Kise, why don’t you introduce your partner, man.”
At the word partner, everyone’s eyes shot toward you, staring holes into your body and you gulped. You had never really felt insecure with yourself, happy with your appearance and personality, but being surrounded by so many beautiful people could make even the most overconfident of people feel at least a little insecure with themselves. You forced a smile, offering them a small wave. “H-Hello.” ‘Ugh, real cool, Y/N.’
Kise appeared at your side, smiling brightly as his hand slid into your own. “Guys, this is Y/N, the most beautiful, gorgeous, smart, kind person in the whole wide world!”
Aiko snorted. “Only you can sound like a ten-year-old when introducing your partner.”
“Rude!” He huffed at her, sticking his tongue out at her.
She ignored him, approaching you with a kind smile. “Hey, I’m Aiko Nomura. Nice to finally meet the person that was able to whip Kise so badly.”
“I am not whipped!”
“Su~re you’re not.”
The navy-haired boy looked over at you, taking a sip of his drink before introducing himself. “Haru Harukaze.”
You smiled at him, but it quickly died when the red-headed girl appeared in front of you, curls bouncing as she leaned toward you, eyes narrowed. You weren’t the tallest person in the world, but you still had at least a foot on her, yet she still managed to intimidate you as she stared into your eyes.
“Mya Ochaco,” she finally stated with a huff. “Let’s see how long you last.”
“Mya!” Kevin snapped, sending her a warning glare.
She looked as if she wanted to say something else, but she refrained, turning on her heel and heading for the doorway, only to pause and look back at Kise. “I’ll go get your trophy. I put it upstairs so the twin idiots wouldn’t break it.”
Kise nodded before turning his attention to you, a frown on his lips despite the smile you sent him. He could tell it was a bit forced and he worried that you were regretting your decision to come. Just as his lips parted to ask if you were okay, two arms slung around your neck, pulling you away from him.
“Oh, who is this, Kumo?”
“I don’t know, Kamu. I’ve never seen them before.”
“They’re pretty cute, don’t you think?”
“Very cute. Ne, are you single?”
“Have you ever dated twins before?” The last line was chorused between the two as they smirked at you, their salmon pink eyes shimmering with amusement at your surprised expression.
“They are not single!” Kise cried, swiping at them as if he were batting away mosquitoes. They didn’t release you until he actually smacked them on the forehead, his eyes burning with jealousy as he pulled you to his chest. “Y/Ncchi is mine, keep your hands off, you dogs!”
“Tsk, tsk, Kiro-kun. People aren’t property.” The boy on the right wagged his finger, throwing his arm around his brother’s shoulders.
“You should be ashamed of yourself, Kiro-chan.” The boy on the left clicked his tongue, his arm resting behind his brother’s lower back.
“Don’t call me that!” Kise huffed, using his body to shield you from the two. “You’re both demons!”
“That’s hurtful, Kiro-kun.”
“Words can be painful, Kiro-chan.”
“Do you speak to your partner like that?”
“I bet he does. They deserve better.”
“They definitely do. We should -”
Kevin came up behind them, smacking the pink-haired twins on the back of the head. “Will you two knock it off! This is why Kise never brings them around us.”
“You’re blaming us?” They chorused. “How rude!”
Though Kise’s eyes never strayed from the twins, his fingers started to trace up and down your arm, an attempt to comfort you if you needed it. “You’re the last people I wanted Y/Ncchi to meet!” He stuck his tongue out at them, which they returned with the added effect of pulling down the skin beneath their eye.
Mya re-entered the kitchen, taking a moment to examine the scene before stepping up to Kise with the trophy in her hand. “Here ya go, Kise!”
“Thank you!” His mood lifted as he took the trophy from her, keeping one arm around you as if scared that you would be swept away from him if he released you.
The bell rang, echoing throughout the house.
“The pizza’s here!” The twins chorused, rushing toward the front door. You could hear the struggling with one another as they ran down the hall, barking at one another. A crash followed soon after and Kevin groaned, chasing after them.
“Oi, you idiots! You’re paying for whatever you break!”
After getting the pizza, everyone gathered around the kitchen table, laughing and chatting with one another as they talked about their current and upcoming jobs. You remained silent, not having anything to add to the conversation, but you enjoyed the way they interacted with one another, picking on Kise or scolding the twins for bringing up something embarrassing. The aura within the room was warm and comfortable.
When everyone had finished eating, the group moved to the living room, crowding around the television and arguing over what movie they wanted to watch. While they were distracted, Kise slid onto the couch beside you, his hand sliding into yours before bringing it to his lips.
“Are you okay?” He questioned softly. “I know they can be… kind of overwhelming when you first meet them.”
“Definitely,” you agreed with a soft chuckle, squeezing his hand. “But they all seem pretty cool.”
“Do you regret coming with me?”
“I don’t.”
His golden eyes brightened up, his lips finding your cheek. “I’m so glad!”
“Hey, watch it!”
“No, you! I was here first!”
“I was born first!”
“By less than a minute!”
“Your point? Let it go!”
“No, you let go!”
“Guys, knock it off!” Kevin barked, trying to snatch the DVD that the twins were fighting over, but it slipped away from the three of them, flying across the room and hitting a giant, light pink vase sitting against the wall. The room went silent as it teetered back and forth before finally tipping over, shattering into a million pieces. “My grandma’s vase! That thing cost me a million yen!”
“A million?” Aiko wrinkled her nose. “For that ugly thing?”
Haru didn’t glance up from the TV as he flipped through the channels. “My mom recently bought one for two mil.”
“You guys are nuts. I could never spend that much on a vase,” she shook her head.
“No, you just spend a mil and a half on a guitar,” Mya snickered from behind her hand, making the taller girl blush.
“Yeah and what of it? At least I’m not spending five thousand on one shirt. Talk about a waste of money.”
“Excuse me?” Mya scowled, standing up from the other end of the couch. “It’s vintage, easily worth more but I waited until it was on sale because I’m frugal.”
Haru scoffed. “You don’t even know what that word means.”
“I do, too!”
“What is it, then?”
Haru sent Aiko a smirk. “See, I told you.”
“S-Shut up, Haru!”
You sweatdropped as the group continued to argue, unable to process the insane amounts of money that they spent as if it were nothing. “Babe, I think your friends are crazy…”
Kise laughed, nuzzling his face into your neck. “They are, but I love them. If only Kasamatsu-senpai would come, too, then I’d have all my family in one place!”
You hummed thoughtfully, running your fingers through his blonde hair. “If he met Mya and Aiko, I’m not so sure he would be conscious for long. You know how he is.”
“True,” he pouted, leaning into your touch. “Maybe he’ll grow out of it in college?”
Kise giggled at your lack of belief in the black-haired captain, unable to hide how happy he felt. He had wanted you to meet his friends for so long, the family he had made within the acting and modeling community and, with the exception of Mya, you seemed to get along well with them. It was all he could wish for.
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