#Harry styles comfort
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Wet the Bed
AN: i love writing these stories where something happens in the middle of the night to either y/n or their children. they're oddly comforting. i hope you enjoy. xoxo
This story contains: bed wetting, crying, comfort, mostly fluff
{ dadrry - husband!harry - soft!harry - au!harry }
word count- 1,173
Harry's son, Oliver, accidentally wets the bed in the middle of the night and is forced to wake up his dad for help.

The atmosphere in the house was quiet on this Thursday night. The only sounds that could be detected were the ticking of the large clock on the living room wall and the soft breaths of Harry as he slept alone in him and his wife's bed. (Y/n was on a business trip this week for her work and would return the following day.) Yet, at approximately three a.m., this peacefulness comes to an unexpected halt.
Down the hall from Y/n and Harry's bedroom was the room of their four-year-old son, Oliver. He'd been enjoying a restful sleep until he woke up to discover he'd accidentally wet himself. While Oliver is potty trained, he still experiences the occasional night-time mishap, an issue that Harry and his wife are trying to work on with their son. Since such accidents are a common part of childhood, they handle them with care and understanding.
Upon realizing that his pajama pants and bedding were wet with urine, Oliver's left with no choice but to climb out of his small twin size bed and walk to his parents' room down the hall. When he arrives at the door, he slowly turns the doorknob and steps into the darkened bedroom. Knowing his mum wasn't home, he quietly carries his tiny feet to his dad's side of the bed.
As Oliver stands beside the bed where Harry lies asleep, he realizes just how nervous he is about waking up his dad. Although Harry's never been anger when awakened in the middle of the night, the task still feels intimidating to his four year old self. Nevertheless, Oliver reaches out his small hand and begins to tap gently on his father's tattooed arm.
Harry jolts awake after feeling his arm being touched, and looks down to see his four year old son standing there. He sits up in bed and asks in a gravelly voice, "Ollie, what's the matter, baby? Got sick? Or had a bad dream?"
Oliver shakes his head no, now scared of his dad's reaction to the truth. He hadn't had an accident in almost six months and he's slightly older now. His dad might get upset with him.
"What is it, baby? Gotta tell daddy so I can help you."
Biting the bullet, Oliver replies quietly, "I had accident, daddy. Didn't mean to." Then out of nowhere, he starts crying, unable to control his young emotions.
Harry gets off the bed and kneels in front of Oliver, placing his hands gently on his son's shoulders. "Hey, it's okay. M' not mad or upset, baby. It's gonna be okay. Let's get you all cleaned up in your bathroom and I'll change your sheets, alright. Come on." He carefully reaches for Ollie's hand and guides him back to his room down the hall.
By the time they enter Oliver's bathroom, his crying has mostly stopped, though you could hear the occasional hiccup coming from his throat, and his eyelashes remained damp. Harry begin filling the bathtub up with warm water and helps Oliver remove his wet pajamas. Then after guiding his son into the warm bath water, he leaves the bathroom to change Ollie's soiled sheets.
Harry actually appreciates that it's only urine that dirtied Oliver's bedding tonight. He much prefers to change sheets that are stained with pee rather than those that've been soiled by vomit, a situation he's encountered on numerous occasions as a father so far. After replacing the wet sheets with a clean set, Harry returns to the bathroom to observe his son playing with the little mermaid dolls that he and Y/n had gifted him for Christmas, now serving as bath toys.
Oliver looks up at his father from his place in the bathtub and whines, "M' tired, daddy." It was three o'clock in the morning after all.
With a look of sympathy crossing his face, Harry kneels on the soft rug that's in front of the tub to help his son, Ollie, wash up. "I know, baby. Lets clean you off and then I'll tuck you back into bed." Oliver sits patiently in the bath water as his father uses his watermelon-scented body wash for kids to clean over his body. After that's done, he helps him step out of the bathtub and onto the bathmat to dry off. Ollie stands there, dripping and shivering, as his dad quickly grabs a towel from the stack located beneath the bathroom sink.
Harry softly acknowledges the cold, saying, "I know, I know. It's cold innit, baby" After drying Oliver off, he wraps him in the towel and lifts him effortlessly, before carrying him back to his bedroom to dress him in fresh clothing. Harry assists Ollie in putting on a dry pair of underwear and his Spiderman pajamas.
As Harry goes to place Oliver back into his now freshly made bed, the four year old begs, "Can I please sleep with you, daddy?"
Being aware that his son doesn't have a huge habit of sleeping with him and his wife, he nods in agreement. Oliver is generally good at sleeping in his own bed. So, on the rare occasions he does ask to join them, they usually agree. "Okay, buddy. Come on."
Harry gently lifts Oliver, now fully dressed, and proceeds from his son's room towards the bedroom he shares with his wife, right down the hall. Upon entering, he walks over to the king-sized bed and carefully places Ollie in the center before settling back into the covers on his side. After turning off the lamp, which makes the room envelop with darkness, he closes his eyes, preparing for sleep. However, he's interrupted by Oliver's small voice.
"Miss mummy."
Harry turns over to face his son and replies, "I know, baby. She'll be home tomorrow, though. The quicker we go back to sleep, the quicker we can see her, alright."
Ollie nods in understanding and demands, "Hold me, daddy."
Harry laughs before scooting closer to him to do just that. "Of course I'll hold you. Love you so much." He wraps his tattooed arms tightly around his four year old son's tiny body and they both begin to drift off to sleep.
The next morning, Y/n enters a quiet home, having just returned from her business trip. Although it's still somewhat early, she notes that Harry's normally awake by this time. Perhaps he had trouble falling asleep, she thinks to herself. She walks up the stairs and gently opens the door to their bedroom, discovering not only her husband peacefully sleeping on the bed, but also their son, Oliver.
Oliver was comfortably sprawled across Harry's chest, his tiny face nestled against his father's neck. Meanwhile, Harry lays spread-eagled in the middle of the bed. Y/n takes a moment to capture a quick photo with her phone before heading back downstairs, allowing her boys to enjoy some well-deserved rest. When they awake, she'll learn what occured in the middle of the night that created the need for that much needed sleep.
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My Masterlist Masterpost
#harry styles#harry styles blurb#harry styles fan fiction#dad!harry#dadrry#softrry#soft!harry#harry x son#harry styles comfort#harry styles fluff#fluff#blurb#husbandrry#husband!harry
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A Chance
A co-workers, enemies to friends piece for you guys!! Here's the Masterlist for this series!
Warnings: mentions of cheating, rude/snippy remarks, alcohol use
WC: like 3-4k?
If there was anyone that frustrated the living daylights out of you in the office, it was Harry. You swore that God had designed him with the sole purpose of irritating you. You didn’t hate him, you didn’t know him that well. But you didn’t get on well with him; you were just opposites and often times had opposing views or solutions for things. He wasn’t lazy but he distracted everyone all the time because he finished his work quite fast. Like now…
You bit your lip, trying to hold back from saying something as he and your cubicle neighbor, Adam, laughed loudly about something. It was hard to concentrate on your editing with this racket! Music distracted you instead of help you concentrate, so you didn’t want to put on headphones, you really needed the quiet. After another minute of their commotion you shot up from your seat and went over to the little stool you had against your shared wall with Adam and stepped on so you could peer over the division.
“Can you two shut it, please? I have a last minute thing to do and the deadline’s in an hour!” You implored with a frown on your face and they both glanced over to you, smiling fading.
“Yeah. Sorry, Y/N.”, “Sorry.” They both mumbled before you clambered down and went back to your seat.
Harry wasn’t a dick, if things got to a point like this, where you had to say something to him, he always apologized. You had no idea why you suddenly developed this dislike towards him, but you just did and you could tell it bothered him. You sighed when you heard two gentle knocks on the frosted glass sliding door of your divider.
“What?” You asked monotonously and when there was no response you rolled your chair over and opened it up, startling Harry who was scribbling on a sticky note now. “What is it, Harry?”
“Nothing, just wanted to apologize again for the noise.” He offered another apology and you just nodded once. “Ummm…so what piece are you editing?” He asked, taking a step closer to you and you sighed.
“Harry, all the time I waste chatting with you about work is time I could spend actually doing my work.” You pointed out and he nodded.
“Right.” He hummed with a tight lipped smile before he took off without another word. You bit your lip nervously, feeling a bit bad over the way you’d dealt with this situation. You’d been rude for no reason and seeing him leaving all defeated like that made you feel like shit.
“That was harsh.” Adam said, peering over the division and you glanced over at him and nodded.
“I know. I’ll make it right later.” You assured him and he smiled and nodded. You got on well with Adam, you wouldn’t say you were close but you were friends, he was the one that bought you the stool to be able to look over the 6 foot division between the two of you. You could have lunch or get drinks after work sometimes and carry conversations, and more importantly, you could hold each other accountable. Whether that was in your personal conversations or with things at work.
“Good.” He said and then went to sit down again.
With the peace and quiet you were able to finish editing before the hour deadline came and the most stressful part of your day was over. You hated when the did last minute changes or additions to the magazine but it was part of the job. You couldn’t imagine how much more stressful it’d be to work for the newspaper or even for the TV where changes could be made in real time! So you let go of that frustrating part of your morning and then went to lunch. You stopped by the coffee shop around the corner and got Harry an iced, Vanilla Cinnamon latte. It was the office favorite and the perfect peace offering. So you made your way over to Harry’s cubicle with the little note you had scribbled preemptively (you were hoping he was still on lunch because confrontation was hard) but you saw him sitting there just scrolling through his phone. You bit your lip and stuffed the note in your pocket before knocking on the frame of the sliding door.
“Harry?” You said as you knocked and he turned around. When he saw it was you, he straightened up.
“Hey, Y/N.” He greeted you with a half-smile.
“Hey.” You said nervously, “Ummm, s-sorry for being rude to you earlier. I was annoyed and I took it out on you and Adam.” You explained, “Well, mostly on you.” You added.
“That’s alright, last minute additions are a pain.” He said and you nodded, relieved at his understanding.
“Yeah…so I ummm, got you this.” You said extending the drink to him, “It’s the vanilla cinnamon one that everyone seems to love.” You shared and he smiled at you.
“Wow, thank you so much. You didn’t have to.” He thanked you and you shook your head.
“It’s nothing really.” You assured him, “Just a peace offering.” You said and he nodded.
“Well thanks again.”
“Yeah, you’re welcome. Sorry again for earlier.” You said before hurrying off to your desk.
It was maybe 20 minutes later when you went to the kitchenette to grab some more water when you saw two of the girls from campaigning sitting at the table in there. The one called Destiny looked giddier than ever as she sipped on a latte, a latte that when she set it down had Harry’s name written in black sharpie. He had regifted your peace offering?! You were livid and felt betrayed! Maybe you had pushed him too far this time and he disliked you now too! You couldn’t help it when you mouth opened to ask her about it.
“H-hey Destiny, did someone do a coffee run?” You asked her and she shook her head and smiled cheerfully.
“No, Harry got it for me over lunch. Said he knew I liked these. He’s so sweet!” She said and you were holding off an eye-twitch.
“Wow, so sweet.” You said and then rushed back out without your water. You started to storm over to his area but then stopped yourself. You didn’t like him and he clearly didn’t like you, which was fine. This was fine and yes, your feelings were hurt, but you’d done the same to him and well, a coffee was nothing compared to hurt feelings so you just trudged back to your desk and sat with a huff.
“What’s wrong?” You heard Adam ask from his cubicle.
“Nothing, just forgot to grab water before coming back.” You said and he hummed.
“I’ll be back…” you mumbled before heading back to the kitchen. You were filling up your water bottle when Harry walked in, humming a familiar little tune.
“Oh, hey Y/N!” He greeted you with pep and you turned to him.
“Harry. Did you enjoy your coffee?”
“I did, thank you! It’s not a favorite for nothing!” He said with a smile and you hummed.
“Well good. It’s a lot of people’s favorite here.” You said and he nodded with a smile, but he sensed the awkwardness emanating from you.
“Yeah, it is.” He smiled again as you held eye contact with him for a few seconds and you just walked out without another word.
It had been a few days and you were still upset that Harry had regifted the coffee you’d bought him. And more than that, it irked you that now he thought you were friends. He’d say hello everyone morning and you’d just respond half-heartedly. He knew better than to strike up conversation while you were in the zone, so to him this was just you acting like you always did. And to you, well he was just lying and being fake, which made you like him even less. All of this was affecting you far more than you cared to admit. It really struck you with awe just how easily he had the others fooled! It was around lunch time when you contacted your best friend, Nina, to see if she wanted to meet up for drinks she agreed and now you had something to look forward to for the rest of the work day.
It was 7 on the dot when you walked in to the bar you’d agreed upon. It was a little bit up-scale, so you’d gone home and changed and done up your makeup a little bit more. Thankfully, the bar top had two open spots so you hurried over and set your purse down on the empty stool to reserve it for Nina. It wasn’t odd that Nina was late, after she had her daughter she was constantly running 15-30 minutes behind everyone. It was annoying but you knew that being a mom was also annoying sometimes, it was a full-time thing, 365/24/7. No days off. Around the 32 minute mark you got a text from her stating that the baby had a fever and she couldn’t leave her with her boyfriend, who was also sick. You sighed and then raised your hand to get the bartender.
“Ready?” He asked as he walked over.
“Yeah, just the espresso martini.” You said.
“Got it. Open or closed tab?”
“Just leave it open.” You said and he nodded before taking your card and setting that up.
You texted Nina back and then just looked around the bar, it was more full now and there were people waiting to sit, so you decided now was a good time to remove your things from the neighboring high chair. And as you gave one more look around the room your eyes landed on none other than Harry Styles. He looked relieved to see you and started making his way over to you. You sighed and turned to face the bar again, but moments later you heard his voice.
“Y/N!” He greeted you.
“Harry.” You mumbled, staring straight ahead.
“Can I…touch you?” He asked and you whipped around quickly, thanking the interior designers that these chairs spun.
“Can I touch you, not in a creepy way! Just, like a hand on your waist or hip?” He asked.
“You may not.” You scoffed.
“Oh my god, please! I ran into my ex outside and she already has another boyfriend! I told her I was seeing someone too because I…felt sad and jealous that she moved on and when he gets here and she gets inside I don’t want to look like a fool.” He explained and you pouted a bit. You knew about about exes that made you feel bad about yourself.
“Fine.” You sighed, “This seat is not gonna be taken anymore so just hop on.” You mumbled and he thanked you as he sat.
“So did you get stood up?” He asked carefully.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, it was by my friend, not a date. Her baby is running a fever.”
“Oh, that’s too bad.”
“Yep.” You hummed and then moments later your drink came and Harry ordered the same. Which then reminded you of why you were so annoyed at him.
“Hey, I also wanted to ask, maybe this is not the time and place to have this conversation, but do you…have a problem with me?” He asked and you turned to him.
“Not really, I just…don’t mesh with you.” You said simply and he frowned. Everyone meshed with Harry. He was an air sign, he was freewheeling and fun and kind and creative!
“Well, why not?”
“I don’t know, I just don’t like your manner of doing things. Not that there’s anything wrong with it, I mean you’re getting things done and everyone likes the outcome of your work, it’s just the way you go about it. It doesn’t work for me. It’s not personal, Harry.”
“You make it personal though.” He said and you frowned.
“I don’t.”
“You do.” He insisted, “I’ve left it alone because you’re just how you are and everyone tells me that it’s not me, that you’re just…a certain way, but I don’t know you that well so…” he trailed off and you frowned.
“You talk about me to other people?”
“Sometimes…just to ask if they’ve heard you say anything about me, you know? Not to talk badly of you. But sometimes people come to me about it. I mean, it’s not like they don’t see the difference of how you treat them versus me.” He said and your brows furrowed. You thought your dislike towards him was discrete but everyone knew apparently.
“And everyone thinks I’m…a bitch?” You asked and he bit his lip nervously.
“I’ve never said that to anyone by the way, but people have…used that term from time to time.” He explained and you frowned, “I know we don’t know each other all that well but to me it just seems you’re just…a grump. Not a…well, you know.” He shrugged.
“Hey Harry!” You both heard and spun around to see who you presumed was his ex standing there with a tall man on her arm. She was breathtaking. You weren’t insecure about your looks all that often, but right now you were. You swear you’d seen this woman in some ad on the internet before.
“Hi Eden, nice to see you again.” He smiled.
“Yeah, we ran into each other outside.” She explained, “This is Gerard, my boyfriend.” She introduced him, “He models too.” She said and you and Harry both nodded.
“I’d imagine so!” Harry smiled easily. You were impressed at his composure after he admitted to you that he felt sad and jealous about this minutes before. Your irritation and insecurity would’ve flared far too easily and you would’ve made a fool of yourself. “Nice to meet you, Gerard.” He said extending his hand and shook it. “This is Y/N, my date tonight.” He said and then you felt Eden’s scrutinizing gaze down your face and body.
“Mmmm, kinda cute, I guess.” She said with a hint of snark and your eyes narrowed at her.
“Like those shoes!” You said with a sardonic smile and her mouth dropped open a bit, “We were kind of in the middle of an important conversation, so if you’re done trying to flaunt Gerard to your ex maybe it’s time you go find a seat.” You said and she just groaned and pulled Gerard along. Moments later Harry started laughing and you held back your smile as you turned back towards the bar.
“Oh, that was funny.” He chuckled, “Thanks for that.” He said to you with a smile and you maintained your serious facade.
“S’nothing, she was too condescending. And that poor man, being dragged into her games.”
“Either way, thank you. Standing up to her is not an easy feat.”
“Is that why you broke up?”
“Yeah…she was mean spirited and she cheated on me so-”
“Oh, that’s awful, Harry! I’m sorry.”
“Well at least she’s with him now and it wasn’t some rando.” He said and you shook your head.
“I guess but only an awful person betrays someone like that and it’s not worth you feeling sad or jealous over.” You stated firmly and glanced back at him and he was smiling a bit, “Or well…that’s my opinion about it.” You shrugged, sounding a bit less secure now that he was staring into your eyes.
“Well, thanks for that. I think I minimize it to…not feel so badly about it.” He explained and you hummed and reached for your drink again.
Everything you’d thought of Harry up until this point was the opposite of what he seemed to be. His constant need for socializing had you thinking he had no self awareness, but his priori statement made you realize that he did have it. Maybe you’d just judged him far too harshly for absolutely nothing. And well, no one likes to admit that they’re wrong…but you were wrong about him. But sadly, he wasn’t wrong about you and it made your smile fall.
“What’s wrong?” He asked you and you shook your head.
“It’s nothing.” You assured.
“Hey, tell me. The least I could do is listen after you retrieved my balls from the dragon guarding them.” He chuckled and you smirked, “Sorry for being crass but I mean…that’s what it was.” He said.
“I concluded that I have been wrong about you this whole time but you haven’t been wrong about me and that’s…it’s sad.” You said.
“It’s not like you’re a bad person. You’re just…irritable.” He said with a smile and you sighed.
“I try not to be…and like it’s not like in a condescending way. I don’t think I’m better than anyone else. I just…I’ve always had a hard time relating to other people. Like I’m not into the same things as everyone so I can’t join in on conversations a lot and it does upset me. But now everyone things I’m this kill joy and a raging bitch!” You said through a laugh of disbelief.
“I mean…what you did for me the other day? With the coffee?” He asked and then your smile fell again.
“You mean the coffee you regifted to Destiny?” You asked and he sighed. “I saw her with it in the kitchen. She said you bought it for her.” You said with an accusatory tone, “That…hurt my feelings.” You confessed. It felt like you were choking on sand, admitting that to him but it had been something you couldn’t move past.
“Okay, there’s an explanation.” Harry said, “I’m lactose intolerant and when I tried it I realized it wasn’t lactose free and I would get sick if I drank it. I didn’t want to throw it away and risk you seeing it in a garbage can. So I…gave it to the person who sat further away from you and told her a little white lie about it.” He explained and you couldn’t be upset at that.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”
“It’s alright. I appreciated the gesture though! A lot! I thought maybe that meant we could start to be a little more chummy, you know?”
“I thought so too until I saw you regifted it.” You said and he smiled.
“Yeah…I should’ve said something then or asked. But I just assumed you knew. Usually when we group order I’m the only other person who gets a cold brew black-”
“Oh! I’m the other person who orders that!” You said excitedly and he grinned.
“Yeah? I mean, good coffee doesn’t need anything in my opinion. It has a whole flavor profile on its own!”
“Agreed!” You concurred and he smiled.
“See, there’s one thing in common.” He added and you hummed and smiled.
The rest of the evening with Harry was pleasant. After all of the unpleasantness you’d put him though you picked up his tab too and assured him that next time he could get you and well, he was pleased that there’d be a next time.
Harry was glad you two had a breakthrough. He was walking back to his car and was feeling for his keys in his pockets when he realized they weren’t there. He circled back to the bar and no one had turned anything in and they weren’t where you two sat or in the bathroom. So he hurried out to his car and upon peering in with his phone light on he saw them sitting in the cup holder. He groaned as he recalled that he’d seen Eden walking down the sidewalk when he was about to get out of the car.
“Shit…” he mumbled and then dialed your number.
“Hey Harry!” You answered right away as you had just gotten to the intersection.
“Hey, I hate to do this but I locked my keys in my car and my insurance thing is in there too and if I call a random tow they’ll charge me an arm and a leg…”
“Yeah, no worries ummm, I can circle back I’m just down the street.” You assured, “Did you need to stay over as well?” You asked.
“Only if you’re fine with that! If not I could see who’s up and can let me crash!”
“No that’s alright, my couch is very comfy.” You assured him.
“Okay, thank you so much! I parked around the corner on 4th.”
“Okay, I’ll be there in a few.” You assured and hung up.
Minutes later he was getting into your car, thanking you profusely for helping him out. He was searching through his emails for his insurance agent’s contact to give him a call in the morning, and thankfully he found it. He explained it wasn’t any of the bigger insurance companies since those were too pricey. So he ran everything by this guy to ensure that things would get covered by his policy if and when he ran into any issues. You fully understood this and chatted about it a bit more until you were at your apartment.
Once you got in you assured him he could borrow some stuff from your ex boyfriend that’d been left behind and got him a spare toothbrush too and he went off to get showered and changed while you made up the couch for him. You waited for him to get out and then headed back out with two pillows.
“Hey, ummm soft or firm?” You asked him.
“Whichever one you don’t use.” He smiled.
“Oh no, I have like 6 pillows, you choose the one you prefer.” You assured.
“Firm, please.”
“Alright, here you are.” You said walking it over to him.
“Y/N, seriously, thank you for tonight. For all of it.” He said softly.
“Yeah, you’re welcome. It’s the least I can do after being a huge bitch to you for nothing.”
“It’s not because you’re trying to make things up to me. It’s because you’re a nice person.” He said and you smiled a bit and glanced away, “Hey, you are.”
“After everything I’ve done to you and how I’ve treated you, you believe that?”
“I do. I also believe in second chances.”
“Hopefully not with cheating exes…” you added with a timid smirk and he grinned.
“Yeah, definitely not.” He said, gaze still locked on yours. You felt this tension rising between you, it was all of the good things mixed with all the past irritations and it was making your brain cloudy. “Y/N?”
“How mad would you be if I tried to kiss you right now?” He asked and you couldn’t tell if he was kidding around or being sincere.
“Ummm…I don’t…know.” You got out nervously, “Let’s just get to bed.” You said and he nodded, “Goodnight, Harry.”
“Good night.” He responded and you hurried off to your bedroom. You also washed off your body and got ready for bed and as you finally settled in your phone pinged with a text message.
Harry Styles:
How do I turn off the light?
You smiled and got out of bed and went over to find him already cuddled up on the couch and he glanced over at you.
“Sorry couldn’t find the switch.”
“It’s on this remote.” You said reaching for it on the coffee table.
“Oh, fancy.”
“Right!” You grinned and handed it over. “You can change the settings too if you don’t want it pitch black.” You said and he nodded.
“Of course.” You said and started walking off before you stopped at the entrance of the hallway. You went back and leaned over him before kissing his cheek gently. His eyes fluttered shut and he smiled for a second before you pulled back. “Sorry.” You whispered.
“That’s alright.” He assured you and you bit your lip nervously before hurrying back down the hall. You closed the door and leaned back on it with a pounding heart and a smile on your face. You were so happy you had given him a chance tonight.
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husband!dad!Harry x fem!reader wc: 448
The smell of pancakes wafting through the air awoke Y/N from her peaceful sleep, rolling over to confirm her suspicions, she’s met with an empty spot, the blankets pushed back some leaving his side of the bed cold. She yawns as she rubs the sleep out of her eyes before standing up and throwing on her favorite fluffy robe. She walks out of her and Harry’s room and down the hall, walking slowly in an attempt not to make a sound so she can be nosy.
“Sh, bunny. We don’t wanna wake mommy yet.” Y/N can make out Harry’s voice as he gently scolds their youngest. She can hear her giggling as she responds with a quiet ‘yes sir’
Her curiosity gets the best of her causing her to step foot into the kitchen and seeing their two daughters and Harry standing by the counter, the youngest sporting some pancake batter on the tip of her nose which matches Harry who also seems to have some in his hair. She can’t help but to laugh causing them to turn to her, eager and happy smiles form on all their faces.
“Mummy! You’re supposed to be sleep!” Harry playfully scolds, standing back some so your daughters can give her a hug
“I was, just got cold without my heater cuddled up next to me.” She says with a laugh, hugging both of their kids tightly and giving them a soft kiss to their temples.
“G’morning my beautiful angels! Did you both sleep well?” They both nod excitedly before giving her another hug.
“Happy Mother’s Day mommy. We love you.” They say and she smiles brightly.
“Thank you my loves, I love you most.” She says and stands up only to ruffle their hair slightly. She walk over to Harry and he immediately embraces her in his arms.
“G’morning angel. Happy Mother’s Day my love.” He says and kisses her lightly only to be met with their kids yelling at them about how gross it is. They both laugh lightly at their children before Harry hands her a plate filled with various berries, a small stack of her favorite pancakes and eggs.
After they finish eating their breakfast, she attempts to wash her dish and Harry gently takes the plate while their children shake their heads, a small but determined serious face plastered on.
“You’re not raising a single finger to do anything my love. You do so much for us, let us do this for you. We have so much planned for you today. We love you.” Y/N’s heart swells with the amount of love she has for her amazing little family, and she can’t imagine what she would do without them.
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Can you do one where reader and him are best friends and he walks in on her changing and they both get really flustered? from his pov?
Delicate point of view
A/N: THANK YOU FOR THIS REQUEST!!! So sorry for not getting back to it!! My apps been buggy and hasn’t been showing me any submissions but it’s starting to work again!! I hope you didn’t have to wait too long for this… thank you for the support my loves. I adore each and every one of you!!
This as requested will be in Harry’s POV but I’ll be using ‘him’ I can just write easier that way instead of using ‘I’ and of course adding in ‘you/y/n’ whenever applicable. I hope that’s okay my love. Thank you again for the request!!
Pairings: Harry x insecure! Reader (decided it could make it more cute!!) exact weight/ body not specified to be all inclusive for different insecurities!!
©️ please do not copy or translate my work.
Harry had, had a busy day at the recording studio. He was a busy man with a busy schedule and sometimes it was impossible to spend time with those he loved however he had found some time to finally spend some time to relax with you— his best friend. You had been his friend for a long time, since childhood practically. You had both seen each other grow. He had seen you on your best days and worst days and had seen you grow into a mature beautiful woman. He always adored you, seeing you as the most gorgeous person ever but he never made any advances upon you. Not because he didn’t want to but because he didn’t know how you felt, you sometimes seemed like you wanted him but then at other points you seemed to not want him…. Whether that be due to insecurity or fear of something certain he couldn’t of been sure but gods did he wish he could be with you sometimes. You were both intimate people whom adored one another but nothing ever pushed you guys over the edge of dipping your toes into the depths of love.
He slowly pushed your front door open, he had sent you a message letting you know he was coming to yours for a bit and you were in the shower but your phone had been left on the messages so it indicated you had seen it so Harry walked into the home, quietly shutting the door behind him. He then began walking upstairs wandering into your room gently pushing the door open “y/n I’m here and—“ “HARRY!!” His words were cut off by your voice as you stood there wide eyed dressed in just your underwear and bra. “ohhhh… shit.” He cussed as you both stared at each other wide eyed, his eyes trailed up and down your body a flush of red covering his face his green eyes wide as he admired you thoroughly, he could’ve looked at you all day- admiring all the curves on your body. The tone of your skin… the way your skin looked so soft and delectable… it made his heart race. You genuinely looked perfect to him. His eyes continued scanning up and down your body, unable to look away. Harry had always been the perfect match for you, you were insecure and desperately needed someone to uplift you. Sometimes your weight and body in general scared you and Harry didn’t hesitate to- as your best friend- assure you that weight didn’t matter. Assure you that a real man or a real mature human being would love you as you were… but still right now you were scared shitless. What if he thought you were ugly? you were just unable to speak in general too shocked and rather horrified that your handsome best friend was here staring at you practically nude. Your mouth opened and closed over and over again like a fish, unable to get your words out until eventually— “Harry cover your eyes!!!” Came from your lips and Harry quickly threw a hand over his eyes his ring covered fingers covering his eyes “Jesus Christ y/n..” he chuckled shaking his head “don’t peak!! I swear to god harry,” his cheeks were flushed bright red and he only laughed keeping his eyes covered, “don’t laugh Harry oh my god!! How embarrassing. Oh my god my best friend just saw me nude!” He continued chuckling at your rambling and just for your comfort to make you more comfortable he turned around.
His hands rested on his hips as he stared at the door listening to you rummage around clearly trying to get dressed “I don’t know why you’re freaking out so much, y/n.” He spoke. “Because YOU Harry fucking styles!! My BEST FRIEND!! Saw me…. Nude! Saw my body!” He could see your shadow moving slightly proving your hands were moving about as you practically freaked out more. He laughed still bright red “not completely nude…” “Harry! Not the point!” His dimples appeared as he grinned.
He heard you groan slightly as you nearly tripped up from putting on your jeans so quickly, your hands trembling your face flushed and your eyes watering fearfully. Harry was genuinely the kindest human being ever but still it terrified you for him to see you like this. “You okay?” He asked and you nodded, before eventually remembering he couldn’t see you and murmuring a quiet “yeah.”
You pulled on your T-shirt as finally you were fully dressed again and Harry turned around looking at you with a small smile before his smile disappeared “hey… what’s the matter?” His brows furrowed concerned and he walked towards you only for you to step backwards “y/n… hey.” He reached out grabbing onto your trembling hands holding onto your hands securely before he brought your hands up to his lips pressing soft kisses to your hands “what’s wrong. You look like you’re about to cry,” he pointed out concerned for you watching as you tried to shy away but he gently cupped your cheek in his hand. He knew the look on your face, he wasn’t stupid, he saw the insecurity the way the fear and sadness flashed before your eyes and he exhaled softly “let me guess… you’re afraid I think you’re ugly?” His words hurt your heart and you looked at him, your lower lip trembling slightly giving him the answer he needed. Sure you were both only best friends but he was always so tender with you. “Darling… don’t be silly. You’re beautiful inside and out… and seeing you without clothes on…. You’re just more gorgeous.” He spoke with a reassuring smile. “Really?” And he nodded his head “of course really. Cant you see my face..?” He chuckled out and you took time to finally examine his face cheeks bright red, eyes glistening, and a wide smile on his face his dimples very apparent. “Oh…” you trailed off softly and he smiled before holding your face in his hands stroking his thumbs against your cheeks lovingly “you’re so so beautiful… the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
Soon in a rather intimate way Harry leaned in to press soft kisses against your forehead, before trailing the kisses down your cheeks, across your nose, to your other cheek and down to your chin gently avoiding your lips “every part of you. Your nose…. Your cheeks… your lips.. your eyes… your body. All of you is… perfection.” He always knew how you were insecure, how you tried to fit in how perfect you tried to be how the pressure of society was nowadays to have a “perfect” body and perfect face. “Do you really think I’m beautiful? Perfect?” You asked with teary eyes and he nodded his head slowly “of course.” He continued stroking his thumbs against your cheeks softly “I’ve told you before and I’ll tell you again… whatever you weigh. Whatever anybody weighs… to the right person… it doesn’t matter. It shouldn’t matter. But there’ll always be judgemental people out there… but no matter what my love… you’re beautiful…. Fuck what anyone else thinks. You’re my best friend and I think you’re perfect. I know you’re perfect.”
You smiled staring into his eyes watching as he began getting closer and closer until his lips were brushing against yours in a subtle kiss, as if making sure it was okay with you, but you didn’t respond— too shocked, but at you not pulling back, he took that as a yes and leaned in kissing you more deeply pressing his lips hard against yours but the tenderness remained, his hand caressing against your cheek, before eventually he pulled back after a singular kiss to look into your eyes “and… also…” his thumb brushed against your cheek “butterflies can’t see their wings, but they’re beautiful without knowing it.” His lips curved into a small smile as your smile slowly grew and you leaned in kissing him realising just how perfect you both were for each other… the butterflies within your stomach swirled desperately. Oh how you loved him and oh how he loved you.
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Broken Ring

“They won’t have to cut it off, right?” you whimpered, feeling your lower lip tremble as you gazed forlornly at the glistening gem on your ring finger. Your doctor assured you that swelling in hands and feet was common during pregnancy, but it still shocked you when you couldn’t wiggle your ring past your knuckle.
You called Harry in a panic, explaining tearfully that the ring was stuck on your finger.
“I’ll be home in thirty,” he consoled you. “Put some ice on it ‘til I get back, okay? Don’t worry about it, lovie. It will all work out.”
You followed his instructions, icing your inflamed finger diligently until he got home. Paying such close attention to your ring brought you back to the day Harry had proposed to you.
The sunlight streaming through the trees overhead and the sound of the water lapping at the shore was permanently etched in your mind. Harry had been so young, only twenty years old at the time of his proposal. Now he was almost thirty, and proud to be expecting his first child.
“I didn’t expect you to be home so soon,” you sniffled as he walked into the kitchen, scooping you out of your chair and into his lap.
“Neither did the cops,” he joked. “Let’s see your little finger. Did the ice help?”
You removed the wad of ice and soaked washcloths from your hand only to find your finger more swollen and purple than you had left it.
“Ouch,” Harry said softly, tracing his finger over the bruised skin. “It’s hot to the touch, dove. Is it painful to touch?”
You shook your head slowly, a wave of tears threatening to spill out of your eyes and onto your cheeks.
“Try to twist it off,” he suggested. “Slowly, gently, like a Chinese finger trap.”
You tried to twist the ring off fruitlessly, every ounce of hope in your body dwindling. Harry’s face twisted in dismay as it became obvious that the ring wasn’t budging.
He tried oiling the skin, icing it more, and even wrapping it with dental floss, but nothing could help the ring over your swollen knuckle.
You had never dreamed that the ring you grew to love and treasure so much would meet its end at the mercy of a jewelry saw at urgent care. It was of utmost importance to you because of all of the memories it held. Now it was just a severed stone and band in the bottom of a clear Ziplock bag that you gripped as if your life depended on it.
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” Harry murmured into your hair as you clutched the accessory to your chest and leaned into him for solace. “I’ll buy you another ring, whichever one you want.”
“But…” you stuttered, “it’s not the same.”
“You can keep this forever,” Harry said. “We can get the diamond changed into a necklace or even put on a different band.”
“It feels like a broken promise,” you argued. “I’m never without my wedding ring.”
“All you need is right here,” Harry finalized, tapping your chest ever so slightly. “You’ve got every part of me right there, forever and always.”
Taglist: @madybeth21 @fishingirl12 @sortingharryshairclip @groovychaosavenue @mrspeacem1nusone @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cayleyhannha-blog @whitemancumslut @xxrosebunny @hsdaydreaminghaze
#Harry styles#Harry styles blurb#Harry styles fanfiction#harry styles angst#Harry styles fluff#husband!harry#doctor!harry#Harry styles comfort#harry styles x plus size reader#harry styles x fem!reader#Harry styles au#dad!harry#dadrry#flutterfly alley#yellow 💛 heart
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cherry | h.s.
harry styles x famous!reader
warnings: sad? it's a rollercoaster
summary: how 'cherry' came to be
wc: 2.5k
a/n: can be read w/ baby or on its own
are we rlly surprised abt this? look at my user;)

'Don't you call him baby.'
Harry sat on his plush couch, telly on volume 11 as interviews from The Emmys went live.
"Here we have Y/N Y/L/N! Looking as gorgeous as ever! How are you?" the man asked as he kissed both of your cheeks.
Harry had to agree with the man. You were a stunning picture in a skintight iridescent gown that somehow left little and just enough to the imagination at the same time. The dainty silver accents adorning your ears and wrists, chest bare with a slight shimmer of something that wasn't sweat or glitter, but just pure radiance in Harry's eyes.
You adjusted your stance before answering, "Good, good. And yourself?"
"Fantastic! I hear you're nominated for three awards tonight! Congratulations! How do you feel about all of that?" Harry wasn't surprised by your achievements seeing as he kept his tabs on you ever since the breakup.
You nodded with a timid smile, "I am, yes. It's all a little nerve wracking if I'm being honest with you."
The man grinned before it looked like his attention had been stolen by someone else, "Oh look, there we have your knight in shining armour!"
The camera panned to Tom Holland walking in your direction. Harry forced himself to watch as Tom came to stand beside you and kissed your cheek with an arm around your waist. Even with the microphone being unable to pick up your voices, your small interaction could be read off your lips.
"Hello, darling." Tom's lips moved as he winked.
"Hi, baby." your smile was warm as you spoke.
Harry abruptly turned off his telly at that moment. Memories of that name being used to address him flooded his brain. He threw his head back against the cushions and let the sting wash over him. It'd been a little less than a year since you guys called it quits, but the wounds still bled.
'We're not talking lately.'
"Do you remember that promise we made?" you asked as Harry rested his forehead against your knees while your fingers ran through his hair.
You felt him nod as a tear rolled down your cheek for the hundredth time. "We'd always stay friends and support each other even if we don't last." he replied from below you on his knees while you were sat on the couch.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, "Can I adjust that promise?"
His movements seize the second the question left your lips. He lifted his head and met your glossy gaze with an equally bloodshot one.
"What do you mean?" his voice quivered in a way that made your heart shatter.
You slid your thumb along his cheekbone, "We need time apart to move on, ange. No communication while we deal with this. We can still support each other and love each other, but we need space in order to let each other go. Wouldn't you agree?"
Harry pondered on it for a moment before slightly nodding, "I guess so."
Neither of you said a word after that, just continuing to hold each other until the morning light came in and reminded you that everything still moves on even if you haven't.
'Don't you call him what you used to call me.'
July 23rd 2017:
"Baby, can you grab my purse for me, please?" you semi-shouted from the bottom of the stairs in your home.
Not a minute later, Harry came waltzing down towards you, "I wasn't sure which one you wanted today, so I took it upon myself to choose this one." he held up the Prada shoulder purse with a proud smile.
October 17th 2017:
"No." you deadpanned, but at his immediate frown you continued "Baby, I'm not dressing up as a socket so you can be the plug." you laughed incredulously at his suggestion.
Harry threw his hands in the air, "Come on! That would be the best costume ever!"
December 25th 2017:
"Happy Christmas, baby." you smiled at the man on your phone screen.
His lips turned down into a frown that somehow still looked like a smile, "Happy Christmas, darling. Wish we were together today."
January 1st 2018:
"Happy new year!" Harry screamed along with the room before turning to his love, "No one else I'd rather enter the year with." he smiled softly at you before meeting your lips with a kiss.
Confetti fell around you, champagne broke through the cheers with a 'pop' and yet, to you, it was silent, and there was no one there but him.
You broke apart still grinning, "Happy new year, baby."
'I, I confess I can tell that you are at your best. I'm selfish so I'm hating it.'
"And the Oscar for Best Actress goes to...!" Kevin Hart unfolded the envelope and immediately broke into a wide grin, "Y/N Y/L/N!"
The applause was immediate and deafening. You barely registered the first syllable of your name being called as everyone around you began to congratulate you and shower you with hugs.
You slowly made your way to the stage, being careful to not trip. You greeted Kevin with a hug as he handed you the award and your hands shook. As you stood in front of the mic, your mouth opened and closed like a fish.
"I-I- what?" you finally managed to sputter out as everyone chuckled.
You managed to get your wits about you and began to give out your thanks, while failing to notice the man in the audience who was holding back tears for you.
Jeff leaned over to Harry, "I know this is tough, but there will be cameras on you. Be careful of your expressions." he whispered as Harry momentarily shut his eyes and inhaled deeply.
Harry managed to plaster on a faux smile that would fool anyone else except you. He was ashamed of himself; he should be happy for you, he should've been on his feet cheering for you. But he couldn't. He refused to do that from 12 rows away when he should've been sat beside you. The smile on your face, the glow in your skin. All of it was something he hadn't seen since you were together and seeing it now only brought pain and sorrow to him.
He wished he had stayed home, but Jeff had convinced him that moping around in his home was only fuelling the rumours surrounding your break up, so he watched as you took your seat again and only when the next category was being announced did he excuse himself to the washroom and let the tears flow.
'I noticed that there's a piece of you in how I dress. Take it as a compliment.'
"Darling!" Harry's voice came booming from your temporarily shared home.
You sat on the couch in the living room and threw your head back, "Yes?!"
"Where's your striped jumper?!" he replied from your walk in closet.
You chose not to reply and instead left your seat to see what chaos he had caused. Upon entering your closet, there were piles of clothes on the floor and shoes tossed in every direction.
You chuckled, "What is going on?"
Harry's head snapped towards you, "I have an interview in 30 minutes and I need that jumper. Please, darling, help." he pouted at you.
You laughed a little more before walking out of the closet and pulling the sweater from a chair next to your bed. You cleared your throat while dangling the sweater from your finger and smirked, "Really should wear your glasses more often."
He covered his face with his hands as he realized he made a mess for no reason. As he took the jumper from your hands with a kiss to your lips and a thank you, you spoke again with a smile, "And get your own clothes."
"Why do that when I have you?" he grinned, "And don't touch any of the mess. I will clean it when I get back." his tone was serious but you struggled to hold in your laugh.
"I'll ju-"
"-No. Pinky promise you won't clean any of it." he held out his pinky with a raised brow.
You rolled your eyes before locking your finger with his. "Fine." the metal of the ruby ring on his finger that used to be yours was cold on your skin
He smiled as he kissed the place where your fingers interlocked and dashed out of the room with one last warning, "You pinky promised! No breaking it!"
"I, I just miss. I just miss your accent and your friends."
"Okay, Your Majesty." Harry mocked your RP accent for the thousandth time as you sat at Beachwood Cafe with Mitch, Sarah, Hazel and Max.
You gasped, "Would you stop that?! I do not sound like the Queen."
He was about to argue before Mitch chimed in, "Sorry, Y/L/N, but you kind of do." he giggled as he spoke.
Your jaw dropped as Harry started to laugh, "This is so unfair. I introduced you guys! You were my friends first! You're supposed to be on my side!"
They all started laughing together at your outburst as you rolled your eyes with a small smile.
"Did you know I still talk to them?"
Hazel was escorted to Harry's dressing room before his show in Vancouver while Max was in charge of finding parking.
Since it was her's and Max's hometown, Harry offered them tickets and backstage entry. It took a lot of debating with himself before he sent the text to Hazel, but his reasoning ultimately came down to not wanting to lose two friendships due to one relationship.
She took a moment to pause before knocking, and sighed a little when Harry looked up through the mirror with red, glassy eyes.
"What's going on, H?" she spoke softly as she entered the room and closed the door behind her.
Harry fully turned his chair around and felt his shoulders deflate, "Just miss her." he rolled his lips in between his teeth as a few tears managed to escape.
Hazel's heart fractured a bit in that moment as her phone started buzzing in her pocket with a call from you, "It's Y/N. Give me a minu-"
"-No. Please. I won't say anything. Can you put it on speaker?" he begged and although Hazel knew it was a bad idea she sighed before answering your call and following his request.
"Hey, Y/N/N!"
"Hi, are you at the show?" your voice ran through the room and Harry subconsciously leaned towards to the phone as if it would bring him closer to you.
Hazel suppressed a sigh from watching Harry before replying, "Yeah! It was really nice of him to invite us. What are you up to?"
"About to catch a flight to LA. Just wanted to make sure you got there safe." you laughed lightly through your lie and Harry's eyes automatically shut, trying to savour the sweet sound.
Hazel could hear your lie in your voice, but chose not to address it, "Yeah, Max is just finding parking right now. Why are you going to LA?"
Harry fought the urge to answer her question, forgetting that he wasn't supposed to know the answer.
You sighed slightly, "House hunting. Can't stay at Harry's anymore, so time to find my own place there."
Hazel nodded, forgetting that you couldn't see her before replying, "Oh. I see. Have you talked to H at all?"
Harry's head snapped up at his name being brought into the conversation.
"No, it's best if I don't." a mans voice was heard in the background before you spoke again, "Well, we're about to take off now. If you see him, wish him luck for me, will you?" your sadness was evident throughout your words.
Harry buried his head in his hands again as more tears escaped while Hazel replied, "Of course. Have a safe flight, Y/N/N. Love you, miss you."
"Thanks, love you and miss you too. Bye!" you blew a kiss into the phone before the dial tone was heard.
And for a moment, with his eyes shut, Harry allowed himself to imagine that those words were meant for his ears only.
"Does he take you walking 'round his parents gallery?"
"Hey, Haz," Tyler spoke up from the silence of the recording studio. They had just finished a long session and the rest of the team had already departed for the night, leaving Harry, Sammy and Tyler. "There's a new gallery opening on Saturday. Only there for a few nights. You wanna come with me and Sammy?"
Harry slowly turned in the spinning chair, "Sure. Whose gallery?" he bit into an apple as he finished speaking.
"Nikki Holland? Don't know who she is, but she's got some sick photos on Instagram." Tyler shrugged not noticing how Harry nearly choked on his fruit.
"Holland? As in Tom Holland's mum? Tom Holland as in Y/N's boyfriend, Tom Holland?" Sammy's eyes widened before he pulled out his own phone and went to Tom's instagram page. And sure enough, there was a post and a story of him promoting his mum's new gallery opening. "Just answered my own question." he rolled his lips between his teeth before chancing a glance at Harry.
Harry stared blankly at the floor before clearing his throat, "Probably not the best idea for me to show up there." he paused at their somber expressions, "Honestly, it's fine." he laughed lightly.
"Nah, we won't go either. Probably start rumours if we-"
"-Wait." Harry abruptly announced before reaching for the acoustic guitar on his left.
Tyler and Sammy shared a concerned expression with one another while Harry nervously fumbled with the strings of the instrument.
"Let me just- I just need to-" he struggled to find the right words to say, but there was no need.
Tyler shook his head and put his phone down, "Let's write it."
"Tu dors?" you frowned when your friend answered your call with a groggy voice.
She laughed lightly through the phone, "Oui. J'étais sur le point d'être."
"Oh, j'suis désolée."
She chuckled, "Ne t'en fais pas. Que s'est-il passé? A-t-il fait une demande en mariage?"
You sighed with a smile, thinking back on the day you spent with the lovely man behind you, "Bah non-"
"Je peux entendre le sourire effrayant dans ta voix. Que s'est-il passé?" she cut you off while mocking you.
You laughed loudly, "Nan, c'est pas important."
"Qu'avez-vous fait alors? Êtes-vous allé à la plage?"
You turned to look at Harry as he played a soft melody on a guitar. His eyes looked up to meet yours and he offered you a small grin that you returned, "Ouais, on a été à la plage, et maintenant on—"
She cut you off again with a loud laugh, "Allons prendre un verre et discuter. J'ai besoin de voir le sourire effrayant en personne."
You couldn't even deny her accusation. You were at the happiest you could be.
'Parfait! Allez!'
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I belong with you
summary: you fell asleep when watching a movie with Harry

Harry yawned as he was trying to reach his phone. Struggling to do so, he looked down only to see you sleeping right on his lap. “Love?” He whispered softly, leaning down to kiss your head, but you didn’t move.
You’d waited for Harry to come home from his songwriting session when you decided to have a movie night tonight. Quickly you went to the nearby store to get some snacks both of you could enjoy when drinking wine.
It took Harry an extra hour to get back to you so no wonder that you were now sound asleep. He didn’t wake you, instead he gently brushed your hair away from your face.
He could probably stay like this forever, holding you so close. Sometimes he would still wonder why you’d chosen him, when in reality you could be with anyone. You could see it in his eyes, they way he looks at you every day, with so much love and affection, like he really can’t believe that you’re real. But you could say the same about him. Seeing all the girls he has dated in the past you couldn’t help but be a little insecure, doubts flooding your mind especially at the beginning of your relationship.
“Hey, look at me, you’re perfect. You’re perfect to me and I would never ever want to be with anyone else. I belong with you, period,” he told you one night after you’d decided to share your insecurities with him. And Harry, being the perfect boyfriend, made them all go away, just like that.
Now, even when you weren’t looking, Harry’s eyes were still fixed on you, and only you. He let you sleep, having your head rested on his lap, enjoying every second of being able to appreciate your beauty.
like and reblog if you liked it and follow me to not miss my future content - I will very much appreciate it! Lots of love, A.
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NotaAutora: Amore seu pedido me inspirou a fazer uma mini série, espero que goste 💗
Frases: "Bem, me desculpe por ter me apaixonado por você, ok? Mas aconteceu e eu não posso fazer nada sobre isso.” “Você não entende? Você sempre foi apenas entretenimento para mim.” / Não me ame, por favor! Não faça isso. "
Sinopse: Uma cantora em ascensão embarca na maior oportunidade de sua vida: abrir os shows da nova turnê de Harry Styles. Três meses intensos, entre palcos e bastidores, prometem ser inesquecíveis, mas também carregam surpresas que podem mudar tudo.

90 dias em turnê...
Parte 1
O calor era sufocante, você podia sentir as gotas de suor se acumulando na base da sua nuca, mesmo antes de entrar no palco, o som da multidão fazia seu estômago revirar, não era a primeira vez que você se apresentava para uma plateia, mas nunca para um público tão grande.
Se alguém tivesse te dito anos atrás que você estaria prestes a abrir o primeiro show de Harry Styles em sua nova turnê pelos Estados Unidos você teria gargalhado só de imaginar, pareceria algo distante demais, quase absurdo.
Você se lembrava vividamente das noites em que cantava para meia dúzia de pessoas em bares pequenos, questionando se algum dia seu talento realmente seria reconhecido, mas no fim tudo seu esforço estava valendo a pena, o convite chegou de forma inesperada cinco semanas antes, virando sua rotina de cabeça para baixo, até agora você não sabia exatamente como o seu nome havia chegado até a equipe dele, talvez fosse uma recomendação ou apenas sorte, mas isso não importava, a oportunidade estava diante de você e sabia que precisava aproveitá-la.
O produtor havia dito que Harry queria conhecê-la antes do show, a ideia de encontrá-lo era surreal, mas você precisava manter o foco.
Se fazer ser reconhecida.
— S/n, é por aqui. — Chamou um assistente, gesticulando para que você o seguisse.
Você caminhou pelo corredor, quando a porta do camarim se abriu você o viu sentado com a postura relaxada, os olhos fixos em algo no celular, a camisa desabotoada revelava suas tatuagens, imagens que você já tinha visto inúmeras vezes em fotos, mas ao vivo era completamente diferente.
Tudo nele parecia diferente.
— Então você é a S/n? — Ele levantou os olhos, um sorriso surgindo em seu rosto.
— Sim, é um prazer conhecê-lo. — Você tentou manter a compostura.
— O prazer é meu. — Ele se levantou, estendendo a mão em sua direção. — Ouvi falar muito de você, estou curioso para ouvir sua apresentação.
— Espero que goste. — Você respondeu, lutando contra o nervosismo que ameaçava transparecer.
— Tenho certeza de que vou gostar.
Você queria poder ter mais tempo para conversar, talvez entender o porquê dele ter a escolhido, mas foi interrompida pelo assistente que avisava que o show estava prestes a começar.
— Boa sorte, S/n — Harry disse antes que você saísse.
A maneira como ele disse seu nome, com uma naturalidade estranha ficou ecoando na sua mente enquanto você se preparava para subir no palco.
As luzes diminuíram, o rugido da multidão aumentou, assim que os primeiros acordes da sua música começaram a ecoar pelo espaço você sentiu uma energia diferente tomar conta de você.
Nada mais importava além daquele momento.
Era quase impossível ignorar o peso da situação, Harry estava em algum lugar assistindo, mas você se recusou a deixar isso interferir, essa era a sua chance de provar que merecia estar ali.
Enquanto cantava, seu olhar deslizou uma vez para a lateral do palco, Styles estava com os braços cruzados e um pequeno sorriso no rosto, uma expressão de alguém que estava genuinamente interessado, foi apenas um segundo, mas o suficiente para fazer seu coração acelerar.
Quando terminou, os aplausos tomaram conta do espaço, tão altos que parecia que o próprio chão vibrava, era o som mais bonito que você já tinha ouvido, quase como se confirmasse que todo o seu esforço foi para aquele pequeno momento, a confirmação de que ali era exatamente o seu lugar.
Enquanto saía do palco seu coração ainda batia acelerado com toda a adrenalina, você mal teve tempo de processar tudo antes de ouvir o anúncio de que Harry estava prestes a subir.
O público reagiu com um entusiasmo, era impossível ignorar a forma como ele dominava o palco, como ele conectava com o público mesmo cantando para milhares de pessoas parecia que cada um ali sentia como se fosse o único na plateia.
Você ficou nos bastidores, observando como ele parecia completamente à vontade, não podia evitar se perguntar se algum dia conseguiria fazer aquilo com a mesma naturalidade.
Nos bastidores, a festa depois do show estava animada, todo mundo parecia relaxado e cheio de energia, comemorando o sucesso da primeira noite. Você acabou mantendo um pouco mais afastada segurando um copo e observando tudo de longe, não era o tipo de ambiente em que estava acostumada.
— Tá aproveitando a festa? — A voz grave surgiu ao seu lado, te tirando de seus pensamentos.
Você se virou, quase derrubando o copo ao perceber quem era.
Harry estava ali, a poucos centímetros de distância.
— Sim...
— Pareceu pouco convincente.
— É um diferente do que estou acostumada. — Confessou, tentando soar casual.
— Diferente como? — Ele sorriu, inclinando-se um pouco mais perto.
— Eu não esperava ver tanta gente assi, normalmente depois de um show só vou tomar uma cerveja com meus amigos. — Você deu de ombros, brincando com o copo em sua mão.
— Logo você acostuma com tudo isso — Afirmou, inclinando-se levemente para mais perto. - Com seu talento, você vai longe. — Você sentiu o coração acelerar com o elogio inesperado. — Você foi incrível hoje.
— Você sempre diz isso para os artistas que abrem seus shows?
Ele inclinou a cabeça, soltando um "Hmmm"
— Só quando é verdade. — O sorriso que ele deu em seguida fez você entender por que milhões de pessoas eram obcecadas por ele.
— Obrigada. — Por fim, conseguiu sussurrar, sentindo uma estranha empolgação, mas logo tratou de afastar esses pensamentos lembrando a si mesma que não estava ali para isso.
Você poderia até estar gostando da atenção dele, mas nada poderia tirar o foco de sua carreira nem mesmo um sorriso bonito.
— Eu tenho que ir, mas nos vemos amanhã, S/n.
— Até amanhã.
Enquanto você ficava ali, tentando processar tudo o que tinha acontecido em seu dia, seu celular vibrou em sua mão.
Era uma mensagem de um número desconhecido:
"Espero que você esteja pronta para os próximos três meses, acho que vamos nos divertir. - H."
Você soltou uma risada baixa, balançando a cabeça.
Ele não fazia ideia do quanto você estava focada em apenas trabalhar e provar seu valor.
Nada além disso.
Obrigado por ler até aqui 💗 O feedback através de um comentário é muito apreciado!
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literally just came up with this so suddenly but imagine plusiszereader being like an old member of the band or something. like she was apart of the love band back in 2021 but left just to do her own stuff BUT her and harry have been in a relationship since then. it’s obvi private but fans like absolutely love and miss her. then, for the final show when harry is doing the 10 minute ballad she comes out as one of the flute players for one last show and people just going nuts.
then at the end just a shit ton of love dovey stuff like them both crying and comforting each other cause its the final show.
Heart Song
read my other work here!
pairing: Harry Styles x plus size reader
*i say it's a plus size reader, but it is not something that i focus on explicitly in my fics, because your size should not define you. it will only come up if it comes into the story organically.*
word count: 1.7k
summary: as a former member of the Love on Tour band, and current girlfriend of Harry, he asks you to reprise your spot for the final show.
a/n: this was such a cute ask, thank you so much for sending it! this is the last final show fic i have planned for the time being. who knows what the future holds? i'm trying to catch up on asks, so if you're waiting on one that you've sent in, keep an eye out!
tags: @allthelovehes @ameerakane20 @ash-craze @bethanysnow @blue-ballad @blueraspberryreader @brightlightsinlife @creativelyeva @cute-as-ducks420 @deannaard @fanficismydrug @gem1712 @golden-hoax @gothmingguk @groovychaosavenue @hillzrry @iceebabies @indierockgirrl @jerseygirlinca @jng4kook @jooniesbabie @kaverichauhan @laurxn-robinson @lexiecamposv @likeapplejuicenpeach @lilfreakjez @mrs-anna-styles211994 @n0vaj3an @potterheadandsherlocked @rach2699 @ravenclawdirectioner @stylesfeverr @superchrystaldrug @tenaciousperfectionunknown @tiaamberxx @thechaoticjoy @theekyliepage @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @youknowwhaaat

You sit on the piano bench beside your boyfriend, at a complete loss for words at the song he just played for you. He had been so excited to show you what he was working on, he said that it was a song for his fans, that he wanted to play it for them at his last Love on Tour show.
“Is it… do you like it?” He asked tentatively.
“Baby, it’s so beautiful. No words?” He shook his head. “It’s perfect.”
He grins, his dimples making your heart melt. “Well, almost.” You give him a curious look. “It could use some accompaniment, perhaps a flute?” He said with a wink.
“Who, me?” Harry laughs at your reaction. “But I haven’t been in your band for a year and a half.”
He takes your hand in his. “And I’ve missed you every show. So have the rest of the band, and the fans too.”
“I don’t know, Harry.”
“Please, baby?” He pleaded. “This has been such a huge tour for me. For us. We fell in love on this tour, it would mean the world to me if you were by my side when it was ending.”
Your expression softened at his words, he was right. You had been hired to play in his band, and got so much more than you bargained for when the two of you fell for each other. You fell hard and fast, but before you knew it, you were saying goodbye to Love on Tour. You had only signed on temporarily, leaving to pursue some solo work. Just because you said goodbye to the tour, didn’t mean you were saying goodbye to Harry. The two of you maintained your relationship, keeping it out of the public eye, allowing Harry a modicum of privacy.
You let out a sarcastic sigh. “Well, I suppose I am going to be there anyway. I was looking forward to just being an audience member, but I guess I could pop onstage for a few minutes.”
Harry threw his arms around you, pulling you into his embrace. “I love you so much, thank you thank you thank you!”
After finishing Fine Line, Harry retreated to the backstage area to prepare for the encore. This was your cue to head back there yourself to prepare for his final song. Before you head into the changing area, you rush over to the wings, hoping to catch him before he goes back onstage.
You finally see him, he’s pacing, clearly trying to compose himself. You pause for a moment, debating whether or not you want to bother him, but when his eyes lock on yours you feel drawn to him like a magnet.
“How are you holding up?” You ask, brushing a loose curl out of his face.
He shakes his head, taking a deep breath. “It’s almost over.”
“I know baby,” you place your hand on his cheek, stroking gently. “You’ve still got a few more songs, go out there and give it everything you’ve got.”
“You’re still coming on for the finale?” He asks hopefully.
“It’s why I’m here,” you assure him. “I’m gonna run and go change real quick.”
“If I send someone to get your jumpsuit for you, do you think you could just throw it on here?” He pleads. “I need you close while I’m out there. You make me stronger.”
You smile softly, placing your lips against his in a soft kiss. “Whatever you need, Harry, always.”
He smiles gratefully, kissing you once more before running up to one of the production assistants, and instructing him to get your outfit and flute from his dressing room. He returns to you, taking your hands in his. “It’ll be here in a second. Thank you, my love.”
“Nothing to thank,” you say plainly. “Nowhere I’d rather be. Now get out there and knock ‘em dead.”
He brought your hands to his lips, kissing the backs of them, and headed back onstage. You followed as far as you could without being seen so that you could watch his final few songs. You looked on proudly as he gave his all.
You loved this man with all your heart but more than that, as a musician you admired him more than anything. His dedication to his craft, and his fans, was unwavering. Time and time again he would give himself to everyone, first with the heartfelt music he would write; and then dedicating nearly two years of his life to traveling the world in an effort to bring that music to his fans.
The PA that Harry had sent to retrieve your things promptly returned, handing you your things. You thanked him quickly, not wanting to take your eyes off of Harry. You slip your jumpsuit on over your clothes, and change into the custom Love on Tour adidas sneakers that had been made for the band.
Kiwi ended, and Harry waved and bowed to the crowd before running offstage and immediately into your arms.
“You were amazing, Harry. I’m so proud of you.” You whisper to him. You feel him nod against your neck in reply.
You allow him a few more moments of comfort before you know you need to set yourself on stage. The band had stayed out there, getting position for this final song. “Baby?” You ask softly, getting his attention as you step back from your embrace. “I’ve gotta get out there, you going to be okay?”
Harry nods, pulling you in for a quick kiss. “You’ll be close, yeah?”
You smile at him, placing a comforting hand on his cheek. “Right next to the piano.” You give him one last kiss and make your way to the stage.
You step out, smiling and nodding at your former bandmates, hearing the whispers and questions from the crowd start to pick up.
“Is that Y/N?”
“He must have asked her to come back for the last show.”
“But why is she only coming out now?”
The murmurs quickly turn to cheers when they realize that it is in fact you on stage. This meant that whatever was about to happen was definitely going to be something big. As you waited for Harry to re-emerge, you looked out over the crowd. You had been in the thick of it during the show, but seeing it from the stage was an entirely different experience.
As you were admiring the hordes of people who had come out just to see Harry, you were pulled from your thoughts by an eruption from the crowd. You looked to your left and watched Harry return to stage, quickly wiping away the remnants of the tears he had shed backstage.
He took a seat at the piano, looking up at you. When you looked back, you saw a storm of emotions, but mostly you saw vulnerability. Harry was never one to shy away from expressing emotions onstage, but this was different.
He spoke a few quick words in Italian before moving the microphone away and beginning to play. You had heard him play this song so many times since he had initially brought it to you a few weeks ago, but hearing it like this, as he intended it to be, was an unreal, once in a lifetime experience. The crowd of over one hundred thousand people were completely silent, everyone’s attention directed at Harry.
You felt a nudge, and your attention quickly turned to your right. You saw the rest of the band preparing to come in, and you remembered that you were there to do a job. Your time just being the supportive girlfriend was on pause, you had to be a musician now. You lifted your flute to your lips, and joined in, your eyes never leaving Harry.
Before long, the last note was played, and Harry stood from the piano. The crowd burst into cheers and applause like you’d never heard before. He bowed to the crowd before turning to face the band, mostly to express his gratitude to them, but you knew it was also a chance for him to compose himself.
His eyes locked on you, and he immediately started moving in your direction, wrapping you in his arms. You returned the embrace, rubbing soothing circles over the bejeweled fringe on his back.
“You did amazing, Harry.” You tell him. “This is all for you, go take it in. You deserve it.”
He pulls back and gives you a tearful smile before taking your hand and walking to the center of the stage, signaling for everyone else to join. The group takes a bow to thunderous applause. As you all stand, Harry steps forward, drinking in every second of the fanfare. He moved to either end of the stage, thanking the fans by waving and blowing kisses. When he returns to center stage, he pauses again this time dropping to his knees, his hands covering his face. Completely overwhelmed by the emotions of the moment.
Even though the band is sharing their own moment, hugging and congratulating each other, you are frozen in place, eyes locked on Harry. You were so focused on him that you didn’t even notice the tears streaming down your face.
When he finally stood, he gave the crowd one more smile and wave before turning to exit the stage. As soon as he turned around, he saw you and smiled walking straight for you. You both moved at the same time, cupping each other’s faces in your hands wiping the other’s tears away with your thumbs. Chuckling at the synchronized movements.
You pulled him into your arms, and his face immediately nuzzled into your neck. You could feel the moisture from the new tears dropping onto your skin.
“I’m so proud of you, Harry.” You coo. “It couldn’t have gone any better.”
He pulled back to look at you. “Thank you for being here.”
“Nowhere I’d rather be.” You state plainly. He smiles and starts leaning in toward your lips. You jerk back quickly. “Baby, we’re still onstage.”
“Don’t care,” he leans back in, pressing his lips to yours in a slow kiss.
You pull away with a smile. “Ready?”
He nodded silently, stepping out of your embrace and turning to the crowd one last time to blow them a final farewell kiss. He then took your hand and led you off the stage and into your new post-tour life.
#harry styles#harry styles x reader#harry styles x fem!reader#harry styles x plus size reader#harry styles headcannon#harry styles comfort#harry styles fluff#harry's house#love on tour#the final show#harry styles fanfic#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles fan fiction#harry edward styles#harry styles imagine#harry styles one shot#harry styles blurb#harry styles x you#harry styles x y/n
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Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Authors Note: Reminisce on the day our favourite golden retreiver entered Harry and Y/N's lives and the journey it took to get him. Thank you very much Japanrry and Bell the Shiba Inn for the Harry with dog content we've received this week it truly couldn't have come at a better time.
Word Count: 4K+
the middle of june 2020
“Jesus Christ, Y/N,” Harry let out a soft chuckle, reaching over to pull a couple of tissues from the box they had to keep on the coffee table, passing them over to Y/N who was cuddled up against Harry’s side as tear tracks ran down her face.
“Baby, it’s fine,” Harry’s hand rubbed soothingly up and down Y/N’s arm, “why y’crying? Look the dogs happy, he’s wagging his tail and the little old man’s happy he’s got a new mate,” Harry tried his best to point out that they were actually watching quite a sweet story unfold on the television.
“I know,” she wails as a sob wracked through her body.
“What is going on in your brain?” Harry laughs as he pries the scrunched-up tissue from the grip in her fist, sitting her upright on the couch and began to wipe away at her tears before pinching the tissue over her nose and allowing her to blow into it before wiping it away and dropping the tissue to the side.
“It’s just lovely isn’t it,” Y/N said through the remaining sniffles of her tears, “he lost his wife and was looking for a little pal and the dog’s owner died and now they ha-have ea-” she hiccups as a new stream of tears begins to cascade down her cheeks, “now they have each other,” she casts as her eyes up to the television to see Bill, the elderly widowed man, head home with his new dog who had grey whiskers littering his snout and face not dissimilar from his new owner, ready to see out their final years together.
“You’re so cute,” Harry cooed with an amused smile while turning the volume of the tv down as the blaringly loud ad break sounded out through their living room.
“Don’t make fun of me,” Y/N whines, palming the remaining tears away from staining her cheeks before burying herself back under Harry’s arm, her own reaching across his middle to tether herself to him.
“M’not, m’not, I promise,” he hummed, his thumb smoothing soft circles on her arm. “S’a nice idea, innit?” Harry said quietly, a few moments later.
“Wha’s that?” she asked slowly, tired from all the crying.
“Having a dog,” he murmured.
“Yeah?” Y/N tilted her head up to look at him, her nose brushing his jawline.
“Mhmm, a little furry mate to cuddle up with at night sounds right up my street,” he looks down at her, nose brushing against her forehead before pressing a soft kiss to her temple.
She sighs in contentment and leans into the brush of his lips, “what? Am I not cutting it anymore? I’ve not shaved my legs in a bit, I can be furry if that’s what you’re after,” she teased as Harry huffed out a laugh.
“Shut up,” he chuckled, “y’know what I mean, m’heart.”
“Mm, I do, it does sound a nice idea,” she hummed, eyes beginning to flutter with tiredness.
Three months had passed when the thought fluttered into Y/N’s head again. It had come and gone every so often, but this morning she woke up with the idea at the forefront of her mind. She padded down the stairs to find Harry in the kitchen, preparing their breakfast.
“Morning m’heart,” Harry spoke, handing her the coffee had had prepared for her the second he heard her shuffling around upstairs.
“Mmm, morning, thank you gorgeous,” she took a grateful sip before stretching up on her toes and pressing a kiss to his lips in greeting.
“Sleep good?” he asked as he began plating up her eggs for breakfast.
“Mhm, how was y’run?” she spoke through a yawn that slipped out.
“Was good, seen a golden retriever take a dive into the biggest puddle you’ve ever seen, the owner looked so fed up and was moaning his head off to the dog,” Harry laughed as he handed her over her plate before taking his own and setting up shop beside her as they had breakfast together.
Y/N thought it was funny he should mention dogs this morning and chose to bring her idea up now.
“D’you remember that thing y’said to me a few months ago?” she asked.
Harry nearly choked on his food as he laughed, he swallowed down before asking, “reckon y’could narrow that down for me, love? That’s a bit vague even for me to guess.”
“We were watching telly, an’ I had been crying…” she divulged.
“The dog programme?” Harry quirked his eyebrow as he took a mouthful of his own coffee.
“Mhm, and you mentioned something about it being a nice idea, having a little dog,” she gnawed on her lip.
“I did,” Harry said with a knowing smile, wanting to coax her into saying what she was thinking rather than him assuming.
“And… I guess, I was just wondering f’you were serious about that?”
“About what?” he put his fork down, spinning in his seat to face her, thumb pulling at her bottom lip to release it from the bite her teeth had on it.
“’Bout having a dog,” she spoke quietly.
“Yeah, I was serious,” he confirmed with a smile.
“I guess I was jus’ wondering if that’s something you would be thinking about having now, I guess… with me?” she finally asked.
“Miss Y/S/N, are you asking me to own a dog with you?” Harry asked in faux shock, a teasing lilt evident in his tone.
“Get fucked,” she whined at his teasing.
“Shh, of course I want that with you, jus’ didn’t realise you were thinking about that,” Harry speculated.
“Jus’ a little bit, it planted a seed when y’mentioned it and it keeps popping back up every so often, then you said about that dog on your run and I could just see you out running with our own dog,” she spilled.
“Sounds like a dream, doesn’t it?” Harry smiled.
“Yeah,” she sighed, content it had went over well.
“Why don’t we start having a look around, look up breeders and all that, see what we’re after?” he suggested.
“Uh well… I was thinking, why don’t we go visit a rescue place, know like the one out the other programme off the telly that always makes me cry?”
“Yeah, that’s the one,” Y/N nodded.
“Sounds perfect, sweets, why don’t we take a drive down at the start of next week? See what they say to it?”
“Really?” Y/N asked, struggling to hide the excitement from her voice.
“Yeah, think we’d make brilliant dog parents, we would definitely let our dog play in the puddles without moaning like the guy I saw this morning,” Harry said confidently.
“Yeah? Tell me that again when we’ve got a dog taking mud baths every other day for a laugh and you need to wash them up afterwards.”
21st of September 2020
Y/N couldn’t sit still in her seat as Harry drove them to south London. She would settle for a few minutes then a shit-eating grin would split across her face, her knee would bounce in a nervous excitement and the occasional wiggle of her hips as she tried to settle herself down, which Harry kept catching out the corner of his eye with an amused smile gracing his features.
“Jus’ remember we’re not for sure leaving with a dog today, I know you’re excited, I am too, but let’s just be realistic, we might not find our fit today, more importantly, the right dog might not find us,” Harry reached over to squeeze her bouncing knee as they began to drive over the Chelsea bridge, officially entering Battersea.
“No, I know, m’just so excited to see all the dogs and you’re right, they need to be the ones to pick us,” Y/N said nodding her head, glad they were on the same page of letting the dog that was meant to be theirs come to them on its own.
Harry pulled the car in to park, switched the engine off and turned to face his love, “we ready to do this?” he unfastened his seatbelt.
“This is a big step for us, isn’t it?” Y/N mirrored him, taking off her seatbelt.
“How do you mean?”
“Well getting a pet, s’quite big, isn’t it?” Y/N explained as if it was obvious.
“Y/N/N, we already own a house together, have done for nearly 8 months, I’m pretty sure we’re alright,” Harry joked, reaching over and tucking her loose hair back.
“Yeah, but a living, breathing being is a bit more than bricks and mortar is it not?” she leant into his touch before nudging his hand away with her head and taking his hand in her own.
“Well, the plants are doing alright,” Harry laughed, smoothing his thumb over her knuckles. “Is this a conversation we should’ve had before coming here? Are y’worried about us having to co-parent our future pet?” he asked.
“No, m’not worried… I don’t know,” she resigned with a sigh.
“’Cause y’know that’s not going to happen, I told you I was all in with you in our first year together,” Harry smiled fondly.
“Y’told me within the first few months,” she pointed out with a giggle.
“Exactly, we’ve got three years locked in the vault, a dog isn’t going to upend this, if anything I reckon, he’s going to solidify our future together even more,” Harry leant forward and placed a chaste kiss on the corner of her lips.
“You said he. Y’think we’re going to get a boy dog?” she breathed out.
“Mhm, got a feeling. Now c’mon, I feel like I can hear him calling out to me through all the barking,” Harry opened the driver’s door allowing the sound of all the barking from inside the rescue centre to flood into the car.
“Look H, this one is called Binx,” she pouted as a greyhound’s nose appeared through the gaps in the fence as Harry appeared beside her after talking to a few of the volunteers.
“She’s cute,” Harry said as he read over the information posted outside the dog’s area, “it says she doesn’t like a lot of people around her, m’not sure that’s a good fit for us, there’s constantly people in and out our house and we wouldn’t be able to take her with us a lot of the time,” Harry explained, sounding sad they would have to move on from the little beauty who was staring up at them.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Y/N said sadly. “Bye cutie,” she waved her hand at the wide-eyed greyhound who relaxed back down in her bed once her visitors moved on.
“So, the volunteer, said they have someone they think we’d like to meet,” Harry grasped her hand and lead her back to the blue painted desk at the front of the rescue centre, portraits of all their current dogs that are looking for homes hung on the wall behind the woman with the thick-rimmed glasses who was smiling brightly sat behind the desk.
‘Hiya love, welcome to Battersea,” the lady spoke, with a thick accent that Y/N guessed was from the West Country.
“Hi nice t’meet you, I’m Y/N,” she greeted the woman.
“I’m Bonnie, love, I was just chatting with y’fella here and I’ve got someone I think could be a fit for you guys, if you would like to meet him?” Y/N’s eyes gleamed in excitement as Harry jabbed her playfully in the side at the word ‘him’, his guess potentially coming true.
“Most definitely, we’d like to meet anyone that you think could be a fit for us,” Harry answered for them.
“Right then,” Bonnie stood with a groan, “right this way, let me just grab a handful of these first, he’s very food driven,” Bonnie laughed as she shoved some dog treats from the jar on the desk into her pocket, and lead the couple through a painted blue door to the side of the desk.
As soon as they entered the room, they heard a high-pitched squeak rather than a bark. A squeak that was trying to be a bark but wasn’t quite there yet. Bonnie stood to the side to reveal a fenced pen, where a rambunctious little pup was running in circles letting out his squeaky bark to greet his new visitors.
“Oh my fucking god,” Y/N breathed out under her breath, hand squeezing Harry’s tight as the approached the pen.
“So, this little baby, he’s not got a name yet we’ve just been calling him ‘boy’ is a fourteen-week golden retriever,” Bonnie told them as she quietened the puppy down with a few treats from her pocket.
“He’s so little,” Y/N cooed as she knelt down next to the pen as Harry sat cross-legged next to her, watching the dog explore his little pen.
“Was he born here, then?” Harry looked towards Bonnie, asking for more of the dog’s story.
“Uh no, this lad and his brothers and sisters have got a bit of a sad story actually, they were found on the 16thof June, in a bin bag dumped down by the river. We got them dropped off here and we worked out they were probably only a day old,” Bonnie said as she scratched the happy dog behind the ears.
“That’s awful,” Y/N gasped.
“Yeah, not the best start in life but they were all hand-reared by our volunteers, this little one by me, and believe me if I could take him permanently, I absolutely would,” Bonnie smiled at the golden retriever whose tail was wagging hard enough it was creating a draught.
“So, the rest of the litter?” Harry queried.
“Already found their forever’s, my little pal here was the smallest of the bunch, struggled to keep him with us right at the beginning but he’s here now waiting for his own turn to find forever,” Bonnie said as both Harry and Y/N pouted at the bright little light of a soul contained in the golden retriever sat in front of them as he nudged the volunteer’s hand for another treat. “Why don’t I open his pen up, we’ll let him out, let him have a good old sniff around the room and we’ll see if he takes to you guys, if he seems comfortable enough, I’ll slip out the room and let you have a little one to one with him,” Bonnie explained, handing over the remaining treats she had stuffed into her pockets into Harry and Y/N’s hands, “sound good?”
“Absolutely,” Harry agreed quickly.
“Yes please, I’d love t’meet him proper,” Y/N confirmed.
“Cracking,” and Bonnie bent down and lifted the small gate containing the dog into the pen and opened it wide for him to come out. His tiny head whipped round to see what Bonnie was up to, ears flopping at the movement as he began to run as fast as his legs could carry him out the gate.
The couple giggled as they watched him run laps around the room, stopping to sniff at every corner and crevice he came across. As soon as the puppy heard the couple on the floor giggling, he skidded to a halt and turned in place to look at them, tilting his head, his ears swishing with the movement. He approached the pair sitting on the floor, tripping over his paws that he was still growing into as he approached Y/N first circling around where she was knelt down.
“Hi baby boy,” she uttered, reaching her closed fist out to him, the treats contained inside, as his wet, black nose bumped against her hand, giving it a tentative lick, “I think I’ve got something you’re going to like hidden in there,” she began to withdraw her hand causing the golden dog to whine pitifully and follow her hand, reaching up towards her by placing his front paws up on her knees. Harry sat and watched the glow of happiness radiate from his girlfriend. She was generally a happy person but seeing her feed the dog his treats from her outstretched palm, Harry felt like he was witnessing something click into place inside of her. Like the little dog was the missing puzzle piece of her, of them. “You’re just the sweetest little sunshine aren’t you,” she giggled as the dog licked her palm free landing back on all four paws before he turned his attention to Harry’s cross-legged frame, tilting his head at the man.
“Hiya mate,” Harry murmured, holding his hand out letting the pup smell him first before leaving the safety blanket of Y/N. The couple were so engrossed in the puppy they didn’t even spot Bonnie, smiling knowingly, silently slip out of the room, closing the door behind her. Harry hand fed him a few treats, the dog shuffling forward so he was sat in front of him. Harry let his free hand come up and give the dog a few little scratches behind the ear as he watched Bonnie do earlier which made his little tail sweep the floor in happiness. Once he had finished his treats, the dog seemed perfectly happy in Harry’s company, so much so that he climbed straight in between Harry’s crossed legs and rest his head on Harry’s thigh, staring up at the happy couple.
“I think he likes you, H,” Y/N whispered, letting her hand smooth down the dogs back, her nails scratching lightly as Harry’s thumb smoothed up over his nose and forehead as the dog blinked heavily, his young body clearly tuckered out from all the excitement.
“Yeah, you think so?” Harry couldn’t tear his eyes away from his new best mate.
“Considering he climbed straight into your lap, I’m thinking yeah,” Y/N laughed as she let her head fall onto Harry’s shoulder.
“He seems pretty smitten with you too,” Harry pointed out, and sure enough, the dog, through his heavy eyes, was staring straight up at her.
They sat quietly in the peace, Harry’s lap warm with the weight of his tired little body, Y/N’s arm growing achy from its constant stroking down his back but she didn’t dare stop.
Bonnie shuffled back into the room, “well, my lovelies, how are we getting on?” as Y/N and Harry’s gazes snapped up to look at her, before both smiling softly and back down to their sleepy boy.
Harry had never been more grateful for the traffic that kept them driving well below the speed limit between south and north London. Their new four-legged baby was passed out in Y/N’s arms in the passenger seat as the slow rumble of the engine and Y/N’s constant pats and soothing words keep him asleep on the big scary car journey back to his new forever home.
“We’re going to need to think of a name,” Harry said softly as he chanced a look down at him as they stopped at a red light.
“Hm, any suggestions?” she asked.
“None at all, what did you call him at the rescue?” Harry switched gears as they finally made it through the traffic lights.
“Hm, sunshine I think, I can’t see us shouting Sunshine across the park,” she mused.
“Sunny? Or could be spelt S-O-N-N-Y?” Harry suggested.
“Fuck no, my auntie had a yappy little thing called Sonny when we were growing up and he was a little arsehole of a dog,” Y/N snorted.
“Sonnys off the list then, what else is like sunshine… sunflower, nope can’t have it look like m’dog’s named after my own song,” Harry proposed before cutting himself off just as quickly as Y/N giggled.
“Hm, Sunflower, s’like my favourite painting,” Y/N mentioned as an aside.
“The Van Gogh one, right?” Harry clarified.
“Vincent Van Gogh…” Harry said. “…Vincent… that’s cute,” Harry gave her a quick look.
“That is cute, reckon he looks like a Vincent too,” she peered down at their new baby.
“Loadsa nicknames from that too, Vince, Vinnie, Vin,” he listed.
“Vincent Styles, his proper Sunday name” Y/N nodded.
“My surname? Don’t want to double barrel it with yours?” Harry checked.
“Well m’hoping one day we’ll all have matching surnames,” she said shyly.
“Reckon that could be arranged, right Vincent?” he asked the dog who has stirred from his sleep.
“Okay, wait right there, wait, wait, wait,” Harry said quickly as he parked them up at home as he got out the car and ran round the front of it, throwing open the passenger door to Vince letting out a squeaky sort of bark at the sight of his new Dad. Harry reached in and took Vinnie straight from Y/N’s arms to carry the dog into his new home.
“Oi, you little fucker, don’t steal our dog from me,” Y/N laughed as she got out the car following Harry up their front door as he tried to fight the keys into the lock while keeping Vince close to his chest.
“He got loads of Mumma cuddles on the way home, s’my turn, right m’boy? Daddy gets a go now?” Harry spoke to the dog as he got a loving lick against his cheek as he passed Y/N the keys to let them in the house when he gave up trying to unlock the door. Before Y/N could slide the keys into the lock she took her phone and took a quick picture of Harry with his thumb up cradling a curious Vincent against his chest. His first picture with their boy.
Y/N rolled her eyes as she opened their front door, “welcome home Vincent,” she sang as Harry carried him inside.
“Welcome to your forever, Vincent,” Harry spoke as he set the dog down in the hallway where he immediately started sniffing and exploring, seemingly comforted by being surrounded by the scent of his new parents.
21st of September 2022
“Vince!” Y/N shouted across the park as Harry let out a loud whistle with his fingers between his lips. The dog turned to face them with a guilty looking expression on his face, his paw hovering over the biggest, muddiest puddle he was able to find in the park. “Don’t even think about it Mister,” Y/N warned calling after the dog, his paw inching closer to the murky water.
“Vincent, get your furry little arse back here, come see what Mum’s got for you,” Harry shouted this time, hoping to entice him away with the promise of a treat, and he did look tempted. Especially when Y/N rattled the treat bag but the promise of a big muddy puddle was just something too hard for him to fight.
“He’s going to jump in,” Y/N said with a sigh.
“He won’t, he won’t,” Harry tried to speak it into existence.
“He will,” and with one large splash their golden retriever turned into a brown, muddy retriever.
“For fuck’s sake,” they both groaned in unison as they watched Vincent roll onto his back to get himself thoroughly coated in the muddy water.
“I thought he was supposed to be food driven,” Harry whined as Vincent removed himself from his mud bath and gave an almighty shake.
“Oh, he is, with everything else, that died a death for mud baths after the first muddy puddle,” Y/N giggled, already knowing they’re going to have to deep clean their bathroom after Vince’s bath time later.
“You’re happy as a pig in shit, aren’t you?” Harry asked the dog as he trotted up to them, tail wagging happily, “yeah, you look like a pig in shit as well, mate.”
“Two years today, we’ve had you Vin, and you’re still driving me and Dad to the brink aren’t you,” Y/N cooed, giving him a treat anyway, he deserved it today.
“Wouldn’t change you for the world, m’boy,” Harry reached down to give him a scratch behind his ears, after all this time it was still his favourite scratch and pat to receive. Harry immediately regretting doing so as his hand came back caked in dirt.
“Happy gotcha day, Vincent,” Y/N cheered as the continued their walk as Vincent barked in response. This time a full, booming bark full of personality, so much different than the little squeaks he gave them two years ago.
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can you please write something about reader maybe finding harry's stash of sex toys. maybe he uses them during solo play but she doesn't know about that because they're new to dating and he hasn't shared that with her because he's scared she'll judge him. but when she finds them she has a million thoughts running in her head. not knowing if they were for him or if he uses them on other people. with a cute ending of her being super cool with him using sex toys and doesn't judge him.
Finding Harry's Secret Stash of Sex Toys (SMUT)
AN: love, love, love this idea! it was fun to write. i may, key word, MAY write a part 2 to this. no promises though. keep in mind any mentions of sexuality is purely fictional and not real. hope you all enjoy and don't forget to leave your feedback.
This story contains: periods, mentions of sex toys, sex, confrontation, anxiety, comfort, mentions of sexuality, fluff
{ boyfriend!harry - softrry - au!harry - bi!harry }
word count- 1,744
While searching Harry's bathroom drawers for a period product, you discover his stash of sex toys. After waiting about a week, you confront him with all the questions you have about your discovery.

You and Harry have been together for nearly two months. During this time, you've become well-acquainted with each other; however, they're still certain things that you don't know about one another. This isn't due to any effort in hiding information, but rather because those specific matters haven't yet been relevant in any of your discussions.
It's a Friday night, and you're at Harry's house for the evening. He had purchased a pizza, and the two of you were comfortably seated in his living room, savoring the pizza and sipping on wine. About an hour after eating, while watching a film, you excuse yourself to the bathroom. In the bathroom, you realize your periods started and you didn't have any period products with you.
Knowing Harry is a mature adult, you promptly step out of his downstairs bathroom and make your way back to the living room to ask if he by chance had anything for you to use. Otherwise, you'll have to go to the twenty-four hour shop down the street. "Um Harry, do you have a pad or tampon I could use? I’ve just started my period and forgot to bring anything." You linger there, feeling somewhat awkward as you await his answer.
Harry turns to you and replies with a gentle smile, "Yeah, of course. You can go to my bathroom upstairs and look in one of the drawers by the sink. I generally keep period products there for when I have female visitors." God created men, and then he created Harry as an apology, you conclude. He's so fucking thoughtful.
With a sigh of relief, you respond, "Thank you. I'll be quick." You hurry up the stairs and proceed to his bathroom with urgency, fully aware that you're currently free bleeding. Upon entering, you close the door and search through the drawers of his vanity to locate the pads and tampons.
The first drawer you open is filled with floss picks and an electric razor. The second drawer holds additional rolls of toilet paper. However, as you open the third drawer, you're met with an unexpected sight that leaves you speechless. You were hoping to find something to assist your period, but instead, you come across a selection of dildos and butt plugs. When you finally open the fourth drawer, you let out a sigh of relief upon finding the items you'd been searching for.
You take a tampon out and make your way to the toilet to insert it. After you're done, you wash your hands and let your thoughts return to the drawer that's filled with sex toys. Harry has never mentioned having any of these types of items. Despite the many times you've had sex, he's never proposed the idea of incorporating sex toys into the mix. Perhaps, he uses them for his own pleasure, or he might enjoy using them on partners. But if that's the case, why hasn't he brought that idea up to you before?
You make your way out of the bathroom before Harry has time to become concerned and head downstairs to resume the movie together. Upon your return to his side, he asks, "Is everythin' alright?" You had a weird expression on your face that he couldn't quite place.
Trying to play off what you've just seen, you reply, "Yep, yeah, I'm fine. Let's finish the film."
For the remainder of the night, you don't bring up what you discovered in his bathroom drawer, but it never leaves your mind. If anything, you're just curious as to why he has those items. You would never judge his reasoning.
A week has passed since that evening you discovered Harry's drawer containing phallic-shaped items and butt plugs. You've been looking for the right moment to bring it up, which has now finally presented itself.
Currently, you're in Harry's bed, having sex. He's on top of you, pounding you into the mattress, while your hands rest on his perfectly round bum. As he begins to thrust more vigorously, your hands slowly slide closer to his crack, and when you accidentally graze his sensitive hole, Harry almost collapses on top of you.
Seeing how much pleasure it caused him, you do it again, this time with purpose. "Oh fuck!" Harry curses as you rub your fingers over his puckered rim.
Taking a deep breath, you bravely ask, "Yeah, does that feel good? Like having your tight hole played with?"
With his forehead resting against your neck, Harry affirms with a nod and softly murmurs, "uh-hu." He only confesses this because it's clear that you're open to touching him there; otherwise, he would've refrained from sharing such information due to his fear of being judged.
Eventually, you get lost in your own pleasure and forget about touching his bum. That is, until you're laid lax on the bed, muscles weak from your orgasm, with Harry laying on top of you. As you both try and catch your breaths, you bite the bullet and ask the question that's been on your mind all week.
"So.... does those toys you have in your bathroom drawer have anything to do with you liking your ass played with?" You really hope your question doesn't come off as rude or too invasive. You're genuinely curious.
Harry's body goes rigid at your question. Then he sits up slightly, looking down at you with confusion. "What?"
With a hint of anxiety in your voice, you explain, "Um, it's just, the other night, while I was looking for a tampon in your bathroom, I opened the wrong drawer and discovered several dildos and butt plugs. I was just wondering whether those items were for your personal use or you use them on other people. But just so you know, I'm not judging you in any way, just curious is all."
Harry falls back down and buries his face in your warm skin, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over him at your accidental discovery of his sex toys. He usually stores them in his closet, but after cleaning them the other day, he had set them in the drawer to dry.
In truth, Harry does enjoy anal play. Ever since he began puberty and started to explore his body, he discovered the pleasurable sensations that can come from anal stimulation. A few years later, he recognized his bisexuality, which, although not directly connected to his enjoyment of anal play, is certainly a positive in the situation.
Unfortunately, he's only had a handful of male partners. Therefore, when he's not able to experience penetration from a real cock, he frequently utilizes one of the dildos he's purchased for himself.
When he was with women, Harry typically didn't mention his liking for having his ass played with, out of concern for being judged. There were a few instances in the past where they'd end up finding out, leading to a mix of reactions—some supportive and others quite judgmental. So, he opted to keep that aspect of himself hidden and relied on his toys for when he craved anal.
Now that you're aware of his secret, he's filled with dread at the thought of your rejection. Yet, he reckons that if you willingly touched his bum during sex, that implies you're not completely against it.
With his warm breath against your neck, Harry reveals, "Um..... yes, they're mine. When I was a teenager, I realized I enjoyed havin' my bum touched. I usually keep it to myself 'cause I've been judged for it before. So....... that's why I tend to use my toys when I am alone. Sorry for not tellin' you."
The quiver in his voice stirs a sadness within you. Him revealing his anxiety about your potential judgment and the criticisms he's endured in the past breaks your heart. You tenderly hold his face and elevate his chin so he can meet your eyes. "Harry, sweetheart, I would never think less of you for liking that. I suspect many men would enjoy anal if they gave it a chance."
You take a deep breath and continue, "I do have a question, though." Harry nods for you to go ahead, so you proceed to ask, "Have you ever used your toys with your girlfriends before? Like, have they used them on you?" If he's open to the idea, you would definitely be eager to make use of his toys on him. The image of fucking him anally with one of his dildos arouses you more than you care to admit.
"There've been one or two times I shared my likin' of anal with ex's who were particularly kind and acceptin', which I appreciated. But in most cases, my partners didn't last long enough after discoverin' my interest in anal play to allow the use of toys during sex. S'also why I keep my sexuality a secret. 'Cause people can be so judgemental."
"Sexuality?" you question cautiously, allowing Harry to explain at his own pace.
"Um yeah, think I was sixteen when I realized I liked boys and girls. So I reckon m' bisexual. But I've only had two male partners. S'why I have so many toys. But I wouldn't say my sexuality has anythin' to do with my likin' for anal, just a bonus I suppose."
You hold Harry tightly in your arms, hoping to express your appreciation for his courage in confiding in you. It's clear that he feels a sense of safety in doing so.
You become aware of his current vulnerability; he's still without clothes, his soft cock positioned between your legs, your bare body surrounding him. The love you feel for Harry is so big that you struggle to find the right words. You also refrain from voicing it aloud out of fear that it may be too early in your relationship to utter such sentiments. So instead, you mummer against his ear, "Thank you for telling me, Harry."
He's on the verge of tears due to your exceptional acceptance. Harry has long struggled to find a girlfriend who fully acknowledges his sexuality and kinks. In his past relationships with boyfriends, he was often judged for his enjoyment of hetero sex, while his experiences with girlfriends led to criticism for his interest in gay sex. This constant judgment made him feel as though he could never succeed in love. However, with you by his side, there's a chance that you'll offer him the love and acceptance that he's been longing for.
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.Gentle bath.
I hope y’all like it , do let me know!🌹

In a cozy and well-lit bathroom, the soft glow of scented candles illuminated the air.The calming notes of a gentle melody played in the background, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and comfort.
Y/N, feeling a mixture of exhaustion and gratitude, found herself at the center of this soothing scene, with her best friend Harry by her side, ready to offer his unwavering support.
Y/N had recently undergone a minor surgical procedure, and the recovery process had left her feeling drained and a bit vulnerable. Harry, being the dependable and caring friend he was, had come over to her place to help in any way he could. He suggested a warm bath to help ease her discomfort, and Y/N had gratefully agreed.
Sitting on the edge of the bathtub, Y/N looked up at Harry with a small, appreciative smile. "I can't believe you're doing this, Harry. You really didn't have to."
Harry returned the smile, his eyes warm and kind. "Hey, what are friends for? I'm here to take care of you, Y/N."
With gentle reassurance, Harry helped Y/N out of her robe, his movements considerate and respectful. He made sure she felt comfortable every step of the way, his focus solely on ensuring her well-being. As Y/N lowered herself into the warm water, a sigh of relief escaped her lips, the sensation of the water enveloping her tired body like a comforting embrace.
Harry took a seat on a small stool by the tub, his presence calming and reassuring. "How does the water feel?" he asked, his voice a soft murmur.
Y/N closed her eyes briefly, relishing the sensation. "It's wonderful. Thank you, Harry."
Harry's gaze never wavered from her, his eyes filled with a gentle concern. "Just relax and let the warm water do its magic. I'll be right here if you need anything."
With Harry's reassuring words echoing in her ears, Y/N leaned back, allowing herself to fully unwind. The warmth of the water seeped into her muscles, soothing away the tension and discomfort she had been feeling. It was a small yet significant act of kindness, a reminder of the deep bond of friendship they shared.
As Y/N closed her eyes and focused on the sound of her own breathing, Harry's presence became a steady anchor. His quiet companionship was a source of comfort, and Y/N felt a sense of gratitude wash over her. She couldn't have asked for a better friend to support her during this time.
After a while, Harry reached for a soft washcloth, gently wetting it before squeezing out the excess water. With delicate care, he began to cleanse Y/N's skin, his touch light and soothing. Y/N's eyes fluttered open, a mix of surprise and appreciation in her gaze.
"You really don't have to do this, Harry," she murmured, her voice touched by a mix of gratitude and vulnerability.
Harry's smile was gentle, his focus unwavering. "I want to, Y/N. You've always been there for me, and now it's my turn to take care of you."
Y/N's heart swelled with emotion, her eyes misting slightly. Harry's friendship meant the world to her, and his selflessness in this moment was a testament to the depth of their connection. As he continued his careful ministrations, a sense of trust settled over her, allowing her to fully embrace the vulnerability of the situation.
As the bath continued, Harry engaged Y/N in light-hearted conversation, their words flowing easily like the water that surrounded them. They reminisced about their shared memories, exchanged stories from their past adventures, and simply enjoyed each other's company. The atmosphere was one of comfort and camaraderie, a space where their souls could connect without pretense.
After a while, Harry reached for a pitcher of warm water, his touch gentle as he poured it over Y/N's shoulders, allowing the water to cascade down her back. The sensation was a soothing caress, and Y/N couldn't help but close her eyes, surrendering to the moment
"You're doing an amazing job at this," she whispered, her voice filled with appreciation.
Harry's response was accompanied by a soft chuckle. "Well, I've had my fair share of practice taking care of others."
As the bath continued, Y/N felt a deep sense of relaxation wash over her. The soothing water, combined with Harry's attentive care, created a cocoon of comfort that enveloped her entirely. It was a moment of vulnerability, of trust, and of genuine friendship that transcended words.
Eventually, the time came for Y/N to step out of the bath. With Harry's assistance, she rose from the water, and he wrapped a fluffy towel around her, his touch gentle and respectful. Y/N felt a sense of gratitude swell within her as she met his gaze, her eyes filled with unspoken appreciation.
"Thank you, Harry," she said, her voice soft but sincere. "For everything."
Harry's smile was warm, his eyes reflecting the depth of their friendship. "Anytime, Y/N. Remember, I'm just a call away."
As Y/N dressed in comfortable clothes, Harry remained by her side, offering his continued support. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, the ease of their interaction a testament to the years of friendship they had shared.
As they sat together in the living room, sharing a pizza and laughter, Y/N couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude. Harry's simple yet profound act of kindness had not only helped her physically but had also reaffirmed the strength of their bond. It was a friendship built on moments like these - moments of care, understanding, and unwavering support.
Conversation flowed effortlessly, ranging from lighthearted banter to deeper musings about life, dreams, and the beauty of their friendship. The hours seemed to slip away, and before they knew it, the clock had struck midnight.
"Looks like it's getting late," Y/N remarked, a yawn escaping her lips.
Harry nodded, his eyes twinkling. "I've got an idea. How about I make us a cup of tea, and we can continue our chat in the kitchen?"
Y/N's tired eyes lit up with appreciation. "That sounds perfect."
As Harry disappeared into the kitchen, Y/N took a moment to reflect on the events of the day. From the soothing bath to the heartfelt conversations, Harry's presence had been a constant source of comfort and care. She felt incredibly lucky to have a friend who knew her so well and was always there to lend a helping hand.
Harry returned with two steaming cups of tea, the fragrant aroma filling the air. They settled at the kitchen table, their conversation resumed as they sipped on their tea. It was a moment of connection, of shared experiences, and of genuine friendship that transcended the ordinary.
As the clock ticked on, a comfortable silence settled over them. Y/N rested her chin on her hand, her gaze fixed on Harry's thoughtful expression. "You know, Harry, I can't thank you enough for today. You've been so amazing."
Harry's smile was warm, his eyes holding a depth of emotion. "Y/N, you're one of the most important people in my life. Taking care of you is just what friends do."
Y/N felt her heart swell with emotion, her voice soft but sincere. "Well, I hope you know that you can always count on me too."
Their conversation gradually faded, and Y/N stifled another yawn. "I think it's time for bed," she admitted, a playful grin tugging at her lips.
Harry chuckled, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "Agreed. I'll take the couch."
Y/N shook her head, a determined glint in her eyes. "Nonsense. You're not sleeping on the couch. I've got a spare bedroom, and you're welcome to stay there."
Harry opened his mouth to protest, but the look in Y/N's eyes left no room for argument. With a resigned smile, he nodded. "Alright, spare bedroom it is."
As they walked down the hallway, Y/N couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude. Having Harry spend the night was the perfect way to end the day. She settled him in the spare bedroom, the soft light from the bedside lamp casting a warm glow.
"Here you go," Y/N said, gesturing to the room.
Harry smiled appreciatively, his eyes meeting hers. "Thank you, Y/N."
With a quiet goodnight, Y/N retreated to her own bedroom, a sense of contentment settling over her. She slipped under the covers, her thoughts filled with the events of the day and the presence of her wonderful friend just down the hall.
In the spare bedroom, Harry lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. The events of the day replayed in his mind, and he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of satisfaction. Taking care of Y/N had been a privilege, a reminder of the strength of their friendship.
As he closed his eyes, his thoughts drifted to the conversations they had shared, the laughter that had filled the air, and the unwavering support they offered each other. It was moments like these that made their friendship truly special, a bond that could weather any storm and emerge even stronger.
As sleep gradually claimed him, Harry's last conscious thought was a simple but heartfelt wish: that their friendship would continue to thrive, and that they would always be there for each other, sharing moments of care, laughter, and companionship that made life's journey a little sweeter.
And so, in the quiet of the night, Y/N and Harry drifted off to sleep, each heart filled with gratitude for the gift of friendship and the warmth of connection that they shared.
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Business Meeting
For Whatever It’s Worth, I Love You ⇨ Part 2.
Bad Day
Rewrite The Stars
The Feeling Came Late (But I’m Still Glad I Met You)
taking off his rings
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Take my medicine
Warnings: smut, face fucking, hair pulling, degradation, praise, female and male receiving, edging, drool/ spit.
A/N: as you wish anon… (; I enjoy how feral some of you all are because same… I went kinda feral with this one kinda just remembering how I heard medicine live. Who knew a man could make me scream so loud🤭🤭🤭 this one shot literally does not have a plot I just wrote and it came out… like this? Enjoy!
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” Harry’s voice was annoyed his brows raised as he kept his eyes on you. You and him had been in a fake “relationship” for over two months now and it was starting to get to you. You were both acting so lovey dovey, he was all over practically you all the time for publicity but in the end you never got anything. You never got touched. You never got kissed meaningfully. You only got your hand held which was just stupid. You didn’t want the sentimental things, you wanted to be put in your place— you wanted to lose control. You wanted Harry to control you.
“Are you really that daft Harry?” You raised your voice at him and he stared at you annoyed, his back straightening and he exhaled “do enlighten me darling.” He kept a stoic look on his face and you glared into his eyes, a few steps between you both but the tension remained thick. Constant. Never ending. “You hug me and touch me when we’re in front of the cameras and when we’re alone you act like… you act like this!” You waved your hands about, realisation settling upon Harry’s face as he studied you carefully. Were you really in need of being touched by him? How flattering.
“I don’t want our relationship to be fake! I want us to mean something! I don’t want to feel like a thing someone can pass around I just want to feel loved!” You were spiralling into a complete meltdown, practically yelling the same thing over and over again at him watching as he slowly got closer to you before his hand came up to cup against your cheek before he leaned in capturing your lips in a deep sensual kiss, his teeth nipping at your lower lip, as you melted into the kiss body dropping slightly as you tried to move into his body- wanting his lips upon yours forever. He then eventually pulled away, you breathing more soflty “we signed a contract, y/n…” “it hasn’t stopped you any other time.” You quickly bit back at the number of girls he had slept with and “fake relationships” he had, had.
He let out a small chuckle lightly stroking his thumb against your lower lip as he studied you carefully before he shook his head “you’re unbelievable.” He slowly pulled your lower lip down his own lips parting as he admired your pretty lips watching as your plump lip finally snapped back into place “Harry please…” you whispered his green eyes studying you carefully, analysing every part of you before he hummed- he really didn’t realise how much you needed him. How desperate you were for him. It was sweet really… cute even. “Please.” You whispered again and he smirked “please show me you love me even if you don’t mean it… please.”
He didn’t let you say another word as he kissed you deeply, your hands coming up to wrap around his neck, hands playing with his hair as he gripped onto your hips pulling your waist into him as he leaned you into the nearby wall the sound of heavy breathing and you both making out being the only sound audible for a while before Harry’s hand snuck into your hair grasping onto your hair so he could yank your head backwards lowering his lips to your throat as he scattered kisses against your skin keeping a tight grip on your hair as you whined softly feeling your pussy flutter desperately. “What do you want? What do you need, hm?” “You” you whispered desperately fully submitting yourself to him and a soft chuckle left his lips, before his grip on your hair loosened making you whine in disappointment,
“Down.” He commanded you, your eyes widening slightly that disappointment disappearing into nothingness as your knees practically buckled beneath you as you allowed yourself to fall to your knees gazing up at him through your lashes your eyes wide and hungry, desperate for him. You watched as he unbuckled his belt, before pulling his jeans down and his boxers as he took his cock into his hand beginning to pump up and down, pre-cum spilling out of the tip as you watched with wide excited eyes “you want me to fuck your face?” He questioned the lewd words making your body throb with excitement and you nodded desperately making him chuckle “use your words.” You blinked slightly dumbfounded “yes… please…”
He seemed satisfied with your words before he gripped onto your hair tightly grabbing a fistful of it and yanking it into a makeshift pony tail before he without even warning you slid his cock into your mouth- the head hitting the back of your throat making you gag and moan all at once, Harry groaning slightly as he tilted his head back in pleasure his eyes fluttering shut momentarily only to focus back down on you, tightening his grip before he began to move his hips along with your head, forcing your head to bob up and down over and over again as his hips moved in time with your head— every time your head moved forwards he’d thrust in deeper, drool practically escaping from your mouth as it dribbled down your chin as he continued to fuck your mouth his grip on your hair not letting up as you continued moaning desperately, one of your hands reaching down to begin to play with yourself as your body rocked with every movement of his, his eyes watching you
“You can play…” his words were gruff and commanding “but you can’t cum. Not until I tell you, you can.” You were a moaning gagging mess but still you listened, sliding two fingers into your pussy and pumping them in and out your slick wet cunt, your fingers easily pumping in and out Harry watching the pleasure build up within you and fuck was it beautiful, the way your mouth massaged his cock so well and the way your mouth was full and eyes rolling into the back of your head every so often had Harry weak at the knees and before he could’ve even stopped himself he was coming, hard right in your mouth, you moaning as he rode out his own orgasm yet his eyes remained watching you carefully watching as your hips bucked your moans growing louder, sending more vibrations through his cock “fuck-“ he tightened his grip on your hair watching as your face twisted and he pulled out of your mouth “stop.” He commanded your fingers halting before removing themselves from your aching heat “Harry please…” “shh. Good girl. Get up. Go lay down on the bed.”
You could barely stand but you did managed to with his help as you wobbled over to the bed, thighs trembling, before you collapsed down onto the bed, the bed creaking as Harry crawled towards you his hands instantly pressing against your thighs spreading your legs further apart as he lowered down to your heat which was clenching around nothing, desperate, he chuckled “needy hm?” You nodded fervently and Harry wasted no time in licking a strip up your pussy before he took your clit in between his lip, sucking and nipping as your hips bucked whines leaving your lips as you breathed heavily two of his fingers inserting into your pussy as he thrusted his fingers in and out of you curling them every so often at such an angle they continuously hit your G-spot over and over again, making your hips squirm and Buck your breathing heavy. Harry fluttered his tongue against your clit over and over again as you whined, him feeling the way you clenched around his fingers and he removed his fingers immediately “ah ah ah… patience y/n… patience…” he spoke before standing from the bed, making you whine, watching as he moved to crouch by the bed somerhing opening before you heard a familiar low buzzing seeing a familiar vibrator held in his hand
“Harry what the fuc-“ “mind your language, y/n. Shh… we’re in a relationship. We’re exploring one another aren’t we?” He chuckled softly before settling in between your thighs again the vibrator on the highest setting which instantly made it impossible to hold back, Harry holding it there with one hand his other hand tracing along your pussy as his tongue soon delved into your heat, tongue fucking you so deeply you were certain you were seeing stars— hell you couldn’t remember your own name at one point, screams and cries beginning to leave your lips as he kept the vibrator pressed to your clit “cum… cum right fucking now.” He demanded and as you let yourself go, Harry admired you, watching how beautiful you looked. How perfect you looked. And as he helped you ride your orgasm out he smirked slightly, until eventually your shaking thighs fell limp, your body relaxing- satisfied… eyes soon watching as he hovered above you, leaning down to capture your lips in a heated kiss
“I love you.” He murmured into your lips, before pulling back to look into your eyes “and I mean it… I always mean it.” He cupped your cheek in his hand before capturing your lips in another deep sensual kiss. Maybe this little fake relationship would turn into a much bigger problem for the both of you.
#x reader#harry styles x y/n#harry styles smut#harry edward styles#harry styles#yn#imagines#comfort#harry styles x you#harry styles comfort#harry styles angst#harry smut#harry styles story#smutty fanfiction#smut story#one direction#harry styles fic#harry angst#harry styles x yn#harry x you#harry x fem reader#harry x girlfriend#Harry x fake gf#fake gf#publicity stunt#harry styles cute#harry styles fanfiction#harry x reader#harry styles x fem!reader#harry styles x reader
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Tender love
Request: hi Amber, I was wondering whether you could write something comforting about Harry please? I’ve been struggling with my body image lately because I feel that I’ve put on too much weight and I’m just anxious and uncomfortable about myself and my body. But maybe a imagine could help? Your writing always helps so if you could it would be greatly appreciated.
A/N: hello lovely, thank you for this sweet request and your sweet words. I understand how difficulty body image is, I hope this brings you some comfort, although it might be hard treat yourself with kindness and respect. You deserve it. Don’t be so harsh on yourself. We’re all beautiful. Love yourself. All the love, Amber x
Trigger warnings: self hate/ body imagine issues. If you’re struggling with it please reach out, my DM’s are open. Feel free to message if you ever need someone to support you(:
Pairings: Harry styles x plus size fem! Reader
“Out with it,”
Harry’s voice cut through the silence of the movie, the credits rolling, your tired anxious eyes slowly moving to look at the man who you loved dearly “what?” Your voice was quiet, his green eyes piercing into your softer ones “somethings up. C’mon. Out with it. Tell me.” He spoke his tone worried as he studied you and you stared at him for a while before slowly looking away.
“Hey,” he gently reached out touching your cheek with his fingertips gently coaxing you to look at him again your now teary eyes focused on him and he offered an incredibly gentle smile “you can talk to me, love.” Your eyes searched his and he kept a soft gentle look on his face “it’s embarrassing though,” he gently shook his head “thats okay… that’s okay, darling. Embarrassing is okay. Talk to me.” He didn’t want to pressure you, of course he didn’t, but he knew if you didn’t talk soon enough you would end up bottling it all up until it became an overwhelming storm of emotions. He gently got closer to you his arm wrapping around your shoulders “you can tell me. You know you can.” He soothed lovingly watching as your eyes slowly met with his again before you sniffled leaning your head to rest against his chest feeling the soft thumping of his heart aching your head, the silence that engulfed the both of you was deafening, the type of silence when you get called out by the teacher in a room full of students and you don’t know the answer. All the students waiting to pry on every single one of your answers… but thankfully this time wasn’t that case… harry simply wanted to hear your issues just so he could take care of you. And finally, you spoke, “I’m ugly” those words alarmed the man his brows furrowing deeply “ugly? What do you mean by that?” He asked concerned “I’m just ugly… too ugly for you..-“ “ah ah… no… we don’t talk like that.” He gently held your cheek in his hand “we don’t talk like that y/n. We don’t talk down about ourselves…” he shook his head in disapproval “that’s nonsense, my love. Absolute nonsense.” He held you closer, trying to bring you comfort yet instead it made the tears clinging onto your eyelashes pour down your cheeks your shoulders jerking as soft sobs left your lips,
“Hey.. hey.. shhh. I’ve got you… I’ve got you.” His hand cupped the back of your head as he slowly rocked you back and forth in his embrace “where is this all coming from, hm?” He asked delicately his touch tender and caring. “Because-because I’m fat… I-I’m too big for you… I hate the way I look… I-I-I’m not good enough for you.” Those words alarmed Harry, his brows arching in pure disbelief and he pulled back to look at you, watching the tears trail down your cheeks “no. Y/n… no… look at me.” You slowly looked at him his face blurry from all the tears that stained your eyes “you’re perfect. In every single way. And I’m not just saying that… as soon as I laid my eyes on you I fell for you. For all of you. Those models on Instagram and on magazines and other websites and social media… they’re edited. Photoshopped. Sure some are real, but many are fake…” this man knew you like the back of his hand and you hated it but also loved it all at once. You didn’t even need to express the fact that social media had been playing on your mind, he already knew, it made him want to wrap you up in a blanket and protect you forever… “besides you can be a better model than them. Any day.” His voice was loving and caring and you smiled weakly “you’re just saying that…” you muttered and he raised his brows “No I am not just “saying that” I’m telling you the truth. You’re gorgeous. Inside out. I fell for you… you. Your personality. Your kindness. Not just your body… I love all of you. Like you love all of me. I love every single part of you… I adore you, y/n… you’re perfect and I will happily kiss every inch of you if it makes you believe me.” A blush formed on your cheeks and he smiled cheekily “I’m not bluffing. I will.” He spoke and you giggled the tear stains on your cheeks painting a picture of the pain you still held. Of course you had your good days and your bad days- good days being you adored how you looked, but on bad days you hated every single thing about yourself. About your existence.
“I don’t believe you.” You spoke teasingly, Harry’s brows raising before he chuckled “alrighty. I guess I’ll have to prove it to you then hm?” He spoke before he abruptly yet very gently pushed you down onto the couch so you were laying down against it, and he hovered just above you, his lips connecting with yours, locking with yours in an instant before he kissed down your cheek and to your neck, before he began trailing kisses down your body, his kisses soon stopping at your belly and he lightly lifted your T-shirt as he began peppering kisses all over your belly- soft squeals leaving your lips and you laughed pushing him away “nooo, it tickles!” He grinned up at you before kissing all the way back up to your face where he began kissing all over your face making you feel loved, giving you all the tender love possible before he planted a kiss onto your lips “I adore you and only you… do you believe me now?” A soft smile was on your lips and you nodded gently, you were a sweet sweet creature and he loved you more than words could describe. You gently cupped his cheek, kissing him again, melting into his lips and he smiled before you very teasingly and flirtatiously muttered: “thought you said you’d kiss every inch of me…”
The look he gave you said enough and he smirked before rolling his eyes playfully “that’s my girl…” he then chuckled lifting you up into his embrace as he carried you into your shared bedroom… oh how he was going to show you just how much you meant to him… he wouldn’t let you forget how he loved you. He’d make sure the negativity got released from your pretty head and instead got replaced with positivity… he was going to make sure you knew just how loved you truly were.
A/N: be kind to yourself. You matter.
Choose love. Give love. Give yourself some kindness. You matter. Much love, Amber x
#harry styles#harry styles comfort#imagines harry styles#harry edward styles#harry x you#harry x plus size reader#harry styles x reader#affirming myself#gentle reminder#we’re all beautiful#you’re beautiful#choose love#love yourself#be kind to your body#be kind to yourself#harry styles x y/n#comfort imagine#comfort#short story#short imagine#requested#requests open#learn to love yourself
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I heard you, i’m sending you a fluffy request! 🤣 #5 maybe with like a y/n on her period and a sweet/fluffy/comforting Harry 🤗
This couldn't have worked out better because I just started my period 🥲 thank you for listening 🫶
Your periods were never particularly easy like some people's were, you had always cramped and bled what felt like way too much on the first couple days, but you were used to it so you managed pretty well. But this time around this was not the case.
You woke up in the middle of the night and were suddenly assaulted with the worst cramps you had ever had in your life. You immediately got out of bed because you knew what would come next. As soon as you stood upright you felt the blood start to trickle out of you so you bolted to the bathroom, thankful that you had caught this before you soiled your bedding. Once you got that taken care of you took a painkiller and laid in bed willing the pill to kick in so that you could get back to sleep.
"Rise and shine, love of mine!" Harry burst into your room with so much energy it startled you awake and as you felt him sit beside you, you peeked up at him.
"Hi, what're you doing here?" you asked him groggily.
"We're going to Runyon with Glenne, Jeff, and Cam remember?" he asked you and you frowned.
"Oh...I completely for got." you groaned.
"S'alright, i'm only here this early because you said you didn't want to go if it got too hot."
"I did say that." you recalled and the sighed, "Baby, I'm sorry but I'm gonna flake on your guys, I got my period last night and I've hardly got any sleep from these cramps I've had." you explained and he pouted.
"I'm sorry, petal. I can flake on them too. Stay and look after you?" he offered. Of course you wanted him to stay, but he shouldn't have to bail on his friends.
"You can hike and then come back f'you want? I'm just gonna sleep." you assured him. After all, it was only a quarter to 7 now.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, baby. Go have fun and then come back." you assured him and he smiled at you. He loved how you always wanted him to spend time with his friends, it meant a lot to him that you were mindful of their time too, but you looked miserable right now. He could see the discomfort all over your face and then you winced and curled up for a few seconds before you sat up, "Move!" you said and he stood to give you space and you rushed into your ensuite and closed the door as best as you could before you just started to throw up.
There was nothing in your stomach to throw up, just bile, which was always the worst. But that cramp had hurt so badly it made you nauseous. You groaned before you wiped off your mouth and decided to just freshen up while you were in there. When you came back out with a fresh face and fresh breath Harry glanced up at you from his spot on the bed.
"I cancelled on them, baby. Look at you! I can't leave you like this." he shook his head and you smiled at his kindness, "Want me to make you some tea for your tummy?" he asked and you nodded as you stopped before him and dragged your fingers into his hair. You felt him kiss your sternum and you smiled, "Alright, get back into bed. I'll be back soon." he said and you let him go before crawling back under your covers.
You dozed off until Harry had returned with your tea. You were too lazy to sit up and you were sure it was boiling hot so you'd need to wait anyway so you made no move to get out from under your covers. He set the mug down on your nightstand before stripping off his shirt and going to the other side of the bed. You shivered when he lifted the covers and he smiled.
"You're such a drama queen, s'not that cold." he teased you and you smiled as you felt him come up behind you. He knew that you typically hated him touching anywhere near your stomach when you were on your period, but you needed the warmth now, "Want my hand over your tummy? Look, I'm really warm." he said as he put his hand on your leg.
"Mmhmm." you agreed and he smiled. You repositioned him a bit before relaxing in his hold, "Do you know why it's so bad this time?" he asked and you huffed.
"I'm wondering if it's because we stopped using condoms?" you said and he pouted, "I feel like my body knows and she's punishing me for not getting pregnant." you theorized and he chuckled, "Don't laugh after you asked me why!" you scolded with a chuckle.
"M'not making fun. S'just funny." he assured before kissing your shoulder tenderly, "But you're probably right. I noticed that after we stopped I started to come more." he shared and you giggled, "S'like they're throwing not so subtle hints our way." he chuckled and you did as well.
"Silly bodies..." you said softly and he hummed in agreement. You shifted a bit and he just ended up hugging his arms around you, making sure to have one of his arms against you for warmth. "I love you. Thank you for being so sweet to me." you whispered.
"I love you too, baby. Just want to make you feel looked after, y'always do it for me. S'about time I can return the gesture, y'deserve it." he said softly before kissing your head and letting you rest.
#harry styles#harry styles blurbs#harry styles comfort#harry styles fluff#boyfriend!harry#boyfriend!harry styles#harry x you#harry x y/n#harry styles x you#harry styles x y/n#picture prompts 2#0nlythrowharrybeaux
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