#Harriett Tinker
pwrn51 · 2 years
3 Golden Pearls and why they are important
3 Golden Pearls and why they are important
    Today’s guest is Dr. Allen Lycka who is a highly successful dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon, International Keynote Speaker, TedxSpeaker, Life-changing coach, 3x Best-selling Author, and International Best-selling Author, Virtual and In Person Program Provider, Mentor, and Trainer, and Host of “How to live Fantastic Life Podcast. Dr. Lycka co-authored the book, “THE SECRETS TO LIVING A…
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axdently · 1 year
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(Coco Jones, she/her human) to Harriette Charmworth, the whole world looks like an open page. with a leap of faith, their skills in SPELLCASTING grows a little stronger. for TWENTY NINE years, they have survived a world of magic with both their EFFERVESCENCE and SENSITIVITY. they work as a WAITRESS in her family’s restaurant, but if they could change their fate, they’d want to CREATE A HAPPY LIFE FOR HER SON 
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harriette was born in the world with two other girls, Annabelle and Jodette. of the triplets, harriette was born last.  the two other sisters, it has been surmised, fought their way out of the womb ( to be first ), while Harriette, lost and scared, stayed behind for twenty whole minutes.
though mostly working as a team to thwart their fathers and school teachers, the girls would soon learn to fight for their own. harriette being the youngest, however, would always fall behind.
her kindness and naivety would always, it seemed, be taken advantage of. and only when others would pick on her did she have the support of her sisters.
and though mostly fighting over toys and attention, the triplets would grow older and fight over other things. harriette always wanted mirror time– so much so that her father, in his tinkering ways, would offer to enchant her one of marvel– something he’d never truly finish.
the finer things in life, of course, caused the youngest to obsess over her appearance. she wanted to look the best to get the best, and when boys were entered into that equation isolation would fester even longer to create the smallest wedges in the alliance between the sisters. 
Harriette grew into, to put kindly, a boy crazy nutcase. she loved romance– she loved expressing her heart on her sleeve and she loved being wrapped up in those tiny love spells her imagination would create. unfortunately many of harriette’s suitors would replace the pillars of support her sisters’ created.
her previous ex, Taja, caused a LOT of drama in her life and unfortunately nearly ruined her life.
her family is everything to her and it’s taken her twenty-nine years, becoming a single mother, and a shared family owned business to accept this.
still, the beaming smile on her face and happy go-lucky attitude contrast the alligator tears she often succumbs to in her bath time lounges and secluded feeding nights.
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Talon vs boredom and how he entertains himself
Let me cry over my firstborn son
Tal’s hobbies include drawing/sketching, carving small wooden figures (usually animals, some are for his son, some are left for children to find), and he’s pretty good at both of these?  He also likes tinkering down in the Undercroft and messing around with shit with Dagna.  After something exploded, Harriett protests this loudly.  If the Chargers are around, he’ll drink with them, or play cards with Varric.  He also spends a fair bit of time with Bandit, and does his best to be his primary caretaker despite Dennet being horse master.  He’ll often take Bandit out on rides around the surrounding areas of Skyhold and explore if he’s got an afternoon off or w/e.  
When all else fails, he and Sera find or make trouble to get into and prank people.  It’s best for everyone if they don’t get bored together.
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her auntie hilda liked to wear plaid dresses a lot that she would only take in for alterations if they ripped or tore
they had a basement through a door in the living room
the house was originally quite rural. it had a field across from it and later more houses were built alongside it and they saw their first trucker this way while loungingnin the dead strawlike grass and talking across the street from the five houses. they were second from the left. there were power lines on the field side of the road. the road bent to their right on that day at a sort of stop intersection and then continued on in a weird way to either side of a big green field of trees and marshes but it dried out and got chopped down to just the trees and fenced in with chainlink by 1971-3
the house was a craftsman style but not really. it uad siding everywhere and was a bluegrey lead paint colour mixed with white.
her name was??? lillian roberta wardner or gardner??? or something. hilda was actually a harriett but death became you if you said that to her!!! she was a smart, shrewd woman.
lillian's mother was elizabeth roberta. her grandma was gramma roberta day. her dad was arthur brockshaw steven wardner???
lilli has two cousins, dean who was a round-faced young man of 14 and maryanne who was adorable and had long black curls and was 7
god i hope i see them again
their basement had a table of things dating back to thr 1840s and shelves and so much more of dress boxes and shirt boxes and old cameras and jewellery and don't forget that old radio with the masking tape on where CBC was
and how uncle roy who is hilda's step brother but brother really had an experimental colour tv in the 1940s he was tinkering with and it really astonished us all but stopped working soon enough later and we never had one again until 1971 or 72 or so but the shops with all the dresses and tailors and stuff had some by the late 1960s. roy smoked cigars and had his pants up to his natural waise which made mathilde his daughter ROAR with laughter. she was born 2 days before mary
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