#Happy holly wishes
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slugass · 9 months
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Ampoo is all jollied up bc it's the chrismas and he is loved
(he took them off after the pic bc he tries to be careful with his electricity, and he doesn’t wanna burn the little hats)
[IMG ID: Crudely drawn ms paint fanart of Ampoo, a boy with a purple electrical plug for a head, wearing his long sleeved purple and pink striped shirt.
He is looking up because he has little santa hats covering both of his prongs.
He is putting his hands together and has a big smile on his face. He is also blushing.
One of his eyes is dilated. He is surrounded by white sparkles on a pastel baby blue background. /IMG ID]
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hillwoodhouse · 2 years
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🎄🎶 Have a holly jolly Christmas 🎶🎄
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phantomram-b00 · 11 months
Oh boy I got another headcanon today. This time with Ineffable bureaucracy since they definitely deserve their flowers after that W in the finale.
And also that they’re adorable af 🤭
Anyway, so considering Beelzebub favorite song is Everday, and Beelzebub gave him a cute fly. Gabriel was able to get ticket to an fair or amusement park because he saw they got rollercoaster (nudge nudge) as a surprise for them.
“You…got this for us?” Beelzebub would say giving a cheeky smile. “Didn’t take you for a amusement park, you surprise me everyday Archangel”
“W-well, I just thought since you got me something and you really like roller coasters“ he stumbles in his word as his face grows redder. “A-and You know, I just thought it would be nice if me and y-you would l-like to check out this humanly designed a-attractions these human invented a-“
“Of course I’ll love to go Gabe.” They chuckled as their face too grows red.
And then they go, Gabriel is in awe with how colorful the park is with there decor and almost all rigged games with cute plushies as Beelzebub talks about them. And they both raved as they play their rigged games; Gabriel starts to realize just how much he beginning to love humanity.. how could they destroy something so precious, so beautiful. And to see Beelzebub smile that glows it wash away his own worries back home. As long as they were both having fun, that all that matters in this moment. And to think they could destroy this planet.
Then, after using countless miracles to win prizes and consuming delectable park foods Beelzebub look up and smiles.
“Oi! Gabe! Check out this beauty. Think you can handle this one Angel?” Beelzebub daringly with hints of mischief in their tone as Gabriel look to see a rollercoaster ride with more loops than any halos manufactured. At least according to Gabriel’s view.
“Pfft, you insult me” he spoke to retort to amuse their banter with a smile. “You’re on.”
They ran to the rollercoaster and Gabriel start to feel his heart beating in an irregular fashion as they wait in line. ‘it’s fine! It’s fine! It’s fine!’ He repeats in his mind as they wait in line. Though the more he repeats the more he shakes. The more he look at the rollercoaster the more he’s shakes about having to deal with paperwork heaven forbid something happens. ‘It’s fine! It’s all fine! Don’t worry, you’ve dealt with worse things. I-I mean you even fight in the Great War all those millennia ago! It’s fine! It’s fine!’
Then they get to the front, Beelzebub look at Gabriel’s Violet shaking eyes. Their raise an eyebrow before
“Gabe, you alright?” They asked making a soft smile with a more soften look.
“O-oh! Yeah Pfft totally.” Gabriel shakes his head looking away from their gaze. “Sorry, I don’t know what’s happening.”
“Let me guess, heart beating faster than the speed of light? Shaking? And thoughts going fast?” Gabriel hesitates before nodding. “Hm. Angel, you might be scared.”
“Scared? Me? Can’t be. I’m an archangel. How can I be frighten over this death trap.” Gabriel’s shaky laugh was all that needed to be said.
“You know. We don’t have to go. it was a silly dare. I may be a demon but I won’t even put the lower class demons through this torture. Though, that can be interesting to suggest to the dark council” Beelzebub snicker at the last sentence. But Gabriel can tell they’re being genuine.
“N-no. I’m willing to do it, j-just. What can be another way to help me not f-feel this..”
“Fear?” Gabe nodded again. “Well, from what I’ve understand with the complexity of these humans. You either can expose yourself and go through it. Or as the humans bravely say “face your fears” or whatever nonsense” Gabriel got confused. “Yeah human are very confusing, yet so crafty with their craftsmanship. But another is..singing while facing your fears.”
“Singing? Singing. Y-yes! Let try that.”
Beelzebub thinks as the rollercoaster came at a halt as the previous riders began jumping off. They didn’t know what can be a song that they know can soothe the poor supreme archangel’s fear. At least not the one they were thinking about with song from Metallica to fast pace instrumental music from the strings of electric guitars. Then the idea clicked, of course. ‘Buddy Holly do your work!’ They thought as they and the rest of the riders began sitting.
“Everyday it’s-a getting closer” Beelzebub sang as they begging to pull down the handles. Gabriel smiles.
“Going faster than a rollercoaster” Gabriel sang back as he reached to hold Beelzebub hand.
“Love like yours will surely come my way” they both sing looking at their eyes. The world stop for a short moment as they look at each other with reddish face.
“A-hey A-hey- Aaaaa!” Gabriel shouted as the rollercoaster blasted off and Beelzebub couldn’t help but chuckles. And soon. Gabriel’s fear also washed away. But not because the song calmed him but Beelzebub laughs was enough to make sure they’re okay.
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lieximhuman · 2 years
Why do murderers (in anime) always have hand kinks?
Im looking at you, Yoshikage Kira and Amane Yugi.
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bellsandwishes · 2 years
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hollenka99 · 8 months
Tłusty Czwartek :D
Not having access to pączki D:
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kaxxooo · 2 years
ahhhh eah and mh dolls at the thrift!!! tag talks :D
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thecupidwitch · 26 days
Magickal Properties of Trees
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Acacia: purity, air, and used in initiations, psychic workings, and protection.
Alder: resurrection, rebirth, and fire.
Almond: divination, clairvoyance, wisdom, money, loans, business.
Apple: healing, prosperity, love, peace, happiness and perpetual youth.
Apricot: love
Ash: healing, protection and sea magic
Aspen: Used for phyllomancy (divination by leaf rustling) and for protection.
Birch: new beginnings and births, protection, fertility, purifications and blessings.
Cedar: purification, prosperity, and longevity, spirituality, self control.
Coconut: purity, chastity, healing
Cypress: easing losses, healing, past life workings, and protection. Represents earth.
Elder: healing, love, protection, and prosperity.
Elm: female powers, protection.
Eucalyptus: healing
Fig: fertility, strength, energy, health
Fir: youth, vitality, prosperity magic.
Hawthorn: female sexuality, cleansing, marriage, love and protection.
Hazel: fertility, divination, marriage, protection, reconciliation.
Holly: protection
Juniper: protection, cleansing
Lemon: divination, healing, chastity, neutrality
Linden: Used for prophesies and protection.
Maple: Used for love and divination.
Oak: Used for healing, strength, protection, masculinity and for fertility magic. Represents fire.
Mulberry: knowledge, divination, wisdom, the will
Olive: peace, fruitfulness, security, money, marriage, fidelity
Orange: love, marriage
Palm: Used for male fertility, strength, and virility.
Pine: Symbolizes immortality and represents earth. Pine cones represent fertility. Used for purification, health, fortune, fertility, and prosperity.
Rowan: Used for protection, healing, and strength. Represents fire.
Willow: Represents water. Used in moon, wishing magic, healing, protection, enchantments, and easy delivery of babies.
Tip Jar
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omniscientmagnifica · 9 months
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Doodled the coolest guy around! Tho this isn't super holly jolly, I still wish everyone a Happy Holidays!!
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suuuupernovaaa · 1 month
The Book Seller - Azriel X f!OC (Part 2/3)
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Summary: Azriel and his mate get to know each other.
Content Warnings: None.
Part 1, Part 3
“Mate,” Azriel breathed, his golden eyes attached to mine, and my shoulders stiffened.
Strong hands lifted Nyx from my grasp, and I could not break away even to check who took him as the shadowsinger’s gaze held mine.
The room was silent, and I could feel all eyes on us as I took a step towards the beautiful, frozen man before me.
“I’m… Holly,” I said quietly, as if I had forgotten for a moment, my own name. It felt like I’d forgotten everything except the amber of his eyes, the thick lines of his brows, and the way his hands twitched at his sides.
His eyes swept over me, and I took in the sharpness of his jaw, his cheekbones, how wide his shoulders were, and the giant Illyrian wings attached to his surely muscular back.
The Shadowsinger. Azriel. Rhysand’s brother. My mate. An imposing, threatening figure. A dark angel. A god before me.
He reached out then, as I stood only a foot or so away, and took a tendril of my dark, curly hair between his fingers. I held my breath to keep myself from leaning into his touch. I found myself wishing again, more fervently, that I had made myself more presentable for this evening - for him.
“It’s nice to meet you, Holly,” my mate said, his voice gravelly and deep, and it sent delicious chills up my spine to hear my name from between his lips. “I’m Azriel.”
Azriel. Azriel. Azriel. For a moment, it was the only word I knew.
The pulsating between us was a living thing. A mating bond. It seemed to sing, starting in my chest and growing outward, reaching something in his, and intertwining. I noticed then, the shadows around him, retreating into his form as my very soul reached for him.
I felt warm, nearly hot, and knew my cheeks were flushed, and my chest would be red too.
“Well, this is a surprise!” Cassian said, breaking the tension. I tore my eyes from Azriel long enough to glance at Cassian as his mate elbowed him in the side, and he laughed.
There was a glint in Nesta’s eye, something that told me maybe this was no surprise to her.
I turned back to Azriel, still at a loss for words. Never had I dreamed I would find a mate, and certainly not here, not with this male.
My siblings were married, but not mated, and all very happy. I’d hoped for something similar for myself, but nearing 200 years, and no one had sparked my interested. No matter how many dates I went on with men that were perfectly wonderful, second and third dates were rare. Relationships non-existent.
Now, I was grateful for it. No one could be so handsome as the man before me. He was the embodiment of power and grace, and I knew what he was capable of, there were whispers of what he’d done to protect us.
To protect everyone.
A fear crept into me then. I did not deserve him. I was no one. A book seller. I liked reading and plants and was not special or particularly strong. In no lifetime could I be worthy of someone like the man before me.
I glanced at Feyre and Nesta. Powerful women in their own right who had earned a spot here. Done amazing things for us.
My eyes fell to the floor, downcast, and within seconds, gentle fingers were under my chin, tilting my eyes back up to meet his.
“I did mean that it is very nice to meet you,” he offered again, as if he had read my mind.
Maybe he had.
I folded my hands together to keep from reaching out to touch him. I desperately wanted to feel his golden skin under my fingers.
“Are you hungry?” he asked, and all I could do was nod.
“Let’s sit!” Feyre said then, and I remembered everyone else in the room then, and a blush crept across my cheeks.
Azriel extended his arm, and I took it, my hand resting warmly on his forearm, and he escorted me to the table.
It felt silly as he pulled out a chair for me and I sat, ready for dinner as if the most pivotal, important event of my life so far was not currently unfolding.
I fiddled with the lovely place setting before me as Azriel took a seat next to me, and I turned to him, about to open my mouth and speak, when I realized everyone around the table was still staring at us.
Their eyes snapped away as I glanced around.
“Nesta, did I tell you what Nyx did this week?” Feyre said casually, and the table fell into easy conversation. A breath escaped my chest and my shoulders relaxed, and I turned then to see Azriel already looking at me.
“Tell me… about yourself,” he said quietly.
My eyes snapped away from him as a meal appeared on the table suddenly, and I yelped. Luckily, we were being ignored now, very purposefully, so no one noticed my embarrassing gasp. At least, no one let on if they had.
I was too anxious to eat anyway, as delicious as the roast looked.
“I own a book shop, right on the river,” I told him. He listened, nodding as he reached out and added various dishes to his plate. “My parents owned it long before me, and when they retired, I stepped up to take it. I’m the youngest of four, my siblings are all married and none of them wanted to run it but, well, I always did. I love books, and reading, and… plants,” I said with a nervous chuckle. I realized as I was talking, Azriel had started piling food on my plate as well, a little taste of everything. He nodded as if to encourage me to go on, so I did. I grabbed a roll from my plate and fiddled with it, eating here and there as we spoke.
I told him of my family, my nieces and nephews, how we had grown up and what a joy it was to be an aunt. How big and loud my family was, how they hovered over me as the youngest, and how precious our time together was to me.
“That’s why Nyx likes you. You’re a natural aunt,” he said, and I smiled.
“Besides books and plants, they are my greatest joy. When they get older, I hope one or two of them will want to help with the shop. Maybe I’ll run it forever.”
Finally, I turned my attention to the food on my plate as a comfortable silence settled over myself and the man next to me. As I ate, I looked around the room. I knew there were people missing - didn’t Feyre have a third sister? And what of Amren, the small demon turned fae who sometimes came into the shop with Nesta?
Maybe this was truly just an informal, family dinner. Feyre was feeding Nyx bits of food off her plate, and Nesta was chatting to the two of them about the boy’s latest accomplishments. Mor, Cassian and Rhysand were laughing joyously, though Cassian seemed to be the butt of the joke. The atmosphere was warm and calm. Though the setting was grand, the people here were as Nesta said - normal.
I turned to find Azriel staring again, and I blushed. “I’d like to see your store,” he said.
“Come tomorrow. We’re closed, I can show you the store. I live above it, in a small apartment.” My place was nothing compared to this grand home, just a one bedroom apartment, but it was my own and I would be happy to show him that part of me.
“Yes, I would love to.”
Feyre asked me about my shop then, and we joined the greater conversation at the table for the rest of dinner. Azriel was quieter than everyone else, often simply nodding or smiling in response to questions or comments, but I was subjected to an onslaught of questions about my work, family and hobbies.
Once or twice, his leg brushed mine under the table, or his fingers grazed mine by my place setting, and my heart leapt into my throat.
Eventually, the food was cleared, as was the wine, and the High Lord and Lady excused themselves to their home to put their child to bed, bidding us all a good night.
Mor followed soon, leaving Azriel and myself with Cassian and Nesta.
I stood, and Azriel followed suit. Nesta circled the table and approached, a cunning smile on her lips.
“I’m glad you joined us this evening,” she said coyly, and I could not help but laugh.
“I certainly am as well. I… don’t know what to say.”
She shook her head, and reached out to grasp my hand in hers. “That’s okay. I’m sure we’ll see each other soon. If you need to talk, you can find me.”
She turned to her mate then, and they parted with a sweet glance to each other. One I would have been jealous of just a few hours earlier.
Azriel stood next to me then, and I realized I did not know how I would get home. As if reading my mind once more, Azriel placed his arm on the small of my back, and led me outside once more.
The air was starting to chill, but it felt welcome. The nervousness of the last couple hours had caused my muscles to tense and my body to become hot, and I felt more relaxed in the chill air.
Velaris at night was something truly to behold from this high, and I gripped the stone railing to look over her. The lights twinkled beautifully, mixing with the stars, and I sighed.
“My shop is there, along the river,” I pointed in its general direction, and Azriel followed my gaze. “There are a couple tables out front. Sometimes before we open or after close, when it’s nice, it’s a perfect spot for coffee or tea. Or just reading. Listening to the water. It feels safe.”
Azriel nodded at me. “When you’re ready, I can fly you there.”
I blanched. “Fly?”
His wings spread out to an impossibly great length, and my mouth went dry. Of course he could fly with those things, but I hadn’t considered the possibility of joining him in that adventure quite yet.
“Oh my,” I whispered, and a soft laugh escaped him. The sound was lovely enough to distract me, just for a moment.
“Ready?” He opened his arms and with my heart thundering, I stepped into them. “Hold on,” he whispered. He wrapped strong arms around my waist, and I put mine around his neck.
It was the closest I’d been to him, and it clouded my mind and nearly intoxicated me. He smelled delicious, crisp and clean and sharp, and as he beat his wings in preparation for taking off, I clung tighter to him, pressing my face into his warm neck.
We soared then, feet on the ground one second and in the air the next, and I squeezed him so tight I wondered if he could breathe.
“You’re safe,” he said into my ear. “Look down.”
I shook my head, holding him tightly still, and his grip around my waist tightened, the wind whipping past us as we hurled through the air.
As soon as it began, it ended. Azriel landed with ease and grace, and I felt my feet hit the cobblestone ground I was so familiar with.
I took a deep, steadying breath, unwilling to let go just yet for fear I might fall over. I felt pleased to noticed that Azriel had not made to let go of me, either.
Loosening my hold on him but not letting go entirely, I looked up at him. “Thank you,” I said quietly, eyes wide and hair windswept, and he nodded.
Just behind him was my storefront.
“Do you want to come in now?” I asked, gesturing to the shop behind us. A chill swept over me as Azriel’s arms left my waist and he turned to my shop.
“Yes,” he said. I stepped around him, pulling the key from my pocket - thank the gods they’d not fallen out in our flight - and unlocked the creaky front door.
Stepping in, the moonlight from the large bay windows was enough to illuminate the store on such a clear night. Still, I lit some candles in the sconces on the wall as we entered silently into the store, to help us see.
I prattled on then about the store, the running of it, the organization, the two other girls in my employ, and the plants around the store.
Azriel, to his credit, listened to my boring goings on with a smile on his face all the while.
We reached the back of the store, where a set of stairs led to my home. Without thinking, I led him up and unlocked the apartment.
“I have tea, or wine if you prefer,” I said as I pushed open the wooden door, which scraped on the ground. “I need to fix that, it’s scratching my floors,” I said, absentmindedly, voicing a thought I had every time I heard that horrid scraping sound as I entered my home.
The apartment was small, a kitchen to the right, a bathroom to the left, and an open living space that held just a table and chairs, bed and two books shelves - and of course, plants.
“It isn’t much, I know,” I said, turning to the man behind me, to see him inspecting my door.
“Do you have tools?” he asked.
I shook my head. “No.”
He scowled. “I can fix the door tomorrow,” he said simply, and my heart leapt.
“You don’t have to.”
He turned to me, looking very serious, a dark shadow looming in my doorway.
“You are my mate, Holly, and I would like to prove worthy of the title, if you’ll allow me.”
My mouth was dry once again, my fingers trembling in my pockets. The thought that a man such as this would feel the need to prove himself to me was laughable.
“I don’t need you to prove yourself to me. I just want to… know you. I’ve talked your ear off today. Tomorrow, I’d like to learn about you. Whatever you’re willing to share.”
He bristled, just a little, but his caramel eyes did not leave mine, and finally, he nodded.
“Or tonight, if you’re not too tired. Not, I mean, not to be forward. I just feel, well, I’ve waited a long time. To meet you. Actually, I never thought I would meet you. And I don’t feel quite ready to say goodbye, even if it’s only until tomorrow.”
Before I was even done speaking, Azriel has crossed the room to stand before me, and just as he had when he was about to fly me home, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close, my body pressed flush to his.
Without hesitation, my arms went around his neck, my face pressed to his chest, and I took a deep, steadying breath. The racing thoughts in my head began to clear, as if his very presence was calming to me, and perhaps it was.
When he let go, we smiled at each other, for just a moment. “Tea?” I asked, and he nodded.
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thebibliosphere · 1 month
Hi! When/if you have time, may I ask what sort of stroller you have for Holly and if you like it very well? Or what features you like/don't like? I am wanting to get one for our two new foster kittens and am looking for personal recommendations over reviews.
The contrast between the old and newer pics of Holly always make me cry. I remember when you got her, and the transformation has been so amazing. It gives me such deep happiness every time I see her. She's such a radiantly happy little Muppet. Her smile could bring stars back to life.
Thank you. She’s the light of my life and I’m so happy we get to share her happiness with so many people.
They don’t make our model anymore, but this is the upgraded version
It’s the Every Yay stroller from Petco. We like ours a lot, and while the wheels are better suited to smooth sidewalks, it survives going off road for a bit at the park and renfaire.
One thing I wish our stroller had is a way for Holly to see us through the back when the hood is up, but it looks like this model added that.
I hope it works out well for the foster kittens if you decide to get it!
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hitokas-gf · 2 years
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happy new year. wishing you all good vibes <3
t. s. eliot / joyce liao / holly warburton / mary oliver / albert camus / richard siken / louise erdrich / wendy cope / keaton st. james / holly warburton
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batboyblog · 5 months
My Super Gay/Queer Reading List
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The Long Run by James Acker
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Another Dimension of Us by Mike Albo
Wonders of the Invisible World by Christopher Barzak
Alan Cole Is Not a Coward by Eric Bell
Alan Cole Doesn’t Dance by Eric Bell
The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan
Felix Yz by Lisa Bunker
Last Bus to Everland by Sophie Cameron
Dragging Mason County by Curtis Campbell
The House of Impossible Beauties by Joseph Cassara
Peter Darling by Austin Chant
Carry the Ocean by Heidi Cullinan
The Love Interest by Cale Dietrich
Half Bad by Sally Green
Half Wild by Sally Green
Half Lost by Sally Green
Heartbreak Boys by Simon James Green
Gay Club by Simon James Green
You’re the One That I Want by Simon James Green
We Contain Multitudes by Sarah Henstra
Totally Joe by James Howe
After School Activities by Dirk Hunter
At the Edge of the Universe by Shaun David Hutchinson
The Past and Other Things That Should Stay Buried by Shaun David Hutchinson
We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson
The Five Stages of Andrew Brawley by Shaun David Hutchinson
A Complicated Love Story Set in Space by Shaun David Hutchinson
The Boy Who Couldn’t Fly Straight by Jeff Jacobson
Haffling by Caleb James
The Lightning-Struck Heart by T.J. Klune
A Destiny of Dragons by T.J. Klune
The Consumption of Magic by T.J. Klune
A Wish Upon the Stars by T.J. Klune
The Extraordinaries by T.J. Klune
Flash Fire by T.J. Klune
Heat Wave by T.J. Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune
Openly Straight by Bill Konigsberg
The Bridge by Bill Konigsberg
Destination Unknown by Bill Konigsberg
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee
Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan
Every Day by David Levithan
Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan
Ryan and Avery by David Levithan
How to Repair a Mechanical Heart by J.C. Lillis
Take a Bow, Noah Mitchell by Tobias Madden
When Ryan Came Back by Devon McCormack
Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
Fraternity by Andy Mientus
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
The Art of Starving by Sam J. Miller
Hero by Perry Moore
I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson
More Than This by Patrick Ness
Junior Hero Blues by J.K. Pendragon
The City Beautiful by Aden Polydoros
When Everything Feels Like the Movies by Raziel Reid
Kens by Raziel Reid
Emmett by Lev A.C. Rosen
Jack of Hearts by Lev A.C. Rosen
Camp by Lev A.C. Rosen
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell
Rainbow Boys by Alex Sanchez
Rainbow High by Alex Sanchez
Rainbow Road by Alex Sanchez
So Hard to Say by Alex Sanchez
The 99 Boyfriends of Micah Summers by Adam Sass
The Darkness Outside Us by Eliot Schrefer
All Kinds of Other by James Sie
They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera
History Is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera
More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera
Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith
Freak Show by James St. James
Ray of Sunlight by Brynn Stein
The Dangerous Art of Blending In by Angelo Surmelis
366 Days by Kiyoshi Tanaka
The Language of Seabirds by Will Taylor
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
Wild and Crooked by Leah Thomas
Because You’ll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas
Spin Me Right Round by David Valdes
Always the Almost by Edward Underhill
Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White
Tumblr got rid of yellow so I couldn't do pride colors, sorry!
If you want help picking something out just send me an ask with what kind of thing you're looking for and I'll select something for you, and if you end up reading something because you saw this list, please let me know
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scealaiscoite · 2 years
flower language prompts ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🐚 ꒱
❀ calla lily (beauty) — “you’re so beautiful.”
❀ aloe (affection, also grief) — “i miss them so much.”
❀ basil (good wishes) — “i just want the best for you.”
❀ begonia (beware) — “just be careful, okay?”
❀ gardenia (secret love) — “i don’t love you any less just because no one else can see it.”
❀ red chrysanthemum (i love you) — “i love you. please don’t forget that.”
❀ red columbine (anxiety) — “can you hold my hand? please?”
❀ daffodil (unequaled love) — “no one will ever come close to you.”
❀ edelweiss (courage, devotion) — “touch them again and i promise, it will be the last thing you ever do.”
❀ candytuft (indifference) — “i said that i didn’t care, but i lied.”
❀ holly (domestic happiness) — “i never want to leave this bed.”
❀ myrtle (marriage) — “i can’t believe it. we’re really married!”
❀ oak (strength) — “you’re stronger than you think.”
❀ aster (symbol of love, daintiness) — “i’m not fragile, y’know.”
❀ arborvitae (unchanging friendship) — “i’ll always be here for you, no matter what.”
❀ blue salvia (i think of you) — “here. this made me think of you.”
❀ yarrow (everlasting love) — “i don’t think i’ll ever stop loving you.”
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mysunshinetemptress · 10 months
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You Promised
Disclaimer: angst
Leah Williamson x reader
To say you and your girlfriend played the same sport just at different levels was an understatement.
Leah played for Arsenal in the WSL and is Captain of the Lionesses on the international stage whereas you played for and Captained Newport Pagnell FC an East Midlands women’s regional football team.
Now you where proud to play for them every time you walked out onto the pitch it was like you had led out an army ready to battle for the next 90 minutes. Only it was a pitch in the back arse of no where and the changing rooms where prefabricated buildings and your subs bench wasn’t the most comfortable place to sit but you wouldn’t change it for the world this was your team.
Dating a world class football player who had captained the English women’s team to European champs meant that many people began to have opinions on her life and in turn yours, and most of the time it was about the different levels you both played at.
Both yourself and Leah grew up in Milton Keynes and although you where a life long Arsenal fan you hadn’t began playing till the later Leah’s of primary school, unlike Leah who had been playing at Arsenal since the age of 8. You had both met later in secondary school and a friendship soon blossomed, your parents would often find you both either playing, talking or watching football together, but it didn’t take you long to realise that you both played at different levels.
It had become something you where rather insecure about. Watching as Leah made her senior debut in 2014 you had also been chosen to play on the women’s first team but your success would have to wait as you celebrated Leah’s and you honestly didn’t care as long as Leah was living out her dream and happy you would never care to celebrate yours. That was until recently.
Leah had asked you out on the night of your 20th birthday stating she simply couldn’t wait anymore and if it meant fucking over an amazing friendship for an even better relationship she would do just that. The first four years had been blissful. Leah played at Arsenal and had won the WSL as well as the FA cup and each time she just had to look into the stands to see your gleaming smile telling her how proud of her you where. Leah had played on the youth squads for England but in Russia in 2018 you had stood next to her family to cheer her on as she made her senior debut, as well you where the first person she called after Sarina Wiegman had asked her to be captain of the Lionesses heading into the euros, ultimately you had been asked to become the Captain of Newport Pagnell the same day but not wanting to take away such a moment from her you kept it quite. You had been there at every match of the Euros and had ultimately burst into tears at the sound of the final whistle on the 31st of July grabbing Amanda as you both sobbed with pride for the English captain, who had jumped the barrier and ran up the steps to kiss you right after. You had been there to witness all of Leah’s best moments from the minute you met, but you had also been there to witness her hardest moments. You had been sat in the west stand of Leigh’s Sports Village with Amanda and Leah’s cousin Holly hair still wet from training when she had gone down. Amanda had immediately grabbed your arm out of instinct before you stood stating you would go check on her. You had found her tear stained lying on physios bed “oh darling.” Leah had immediately burst into tears once more at the sight of you before explaining what the medic team had told her. There wasn’t anything you could do but hold her and listen wishing for it all to be wrong. Sadly it didn’t workout that way and it had been announced your girlfriend had torn her ACL and would be unable to Captain her team at the World Cup this summer.
It had been a selfish wish one that you immediately felt guilty about but you had hoped with this forced break Leah might attend a few more of your matches, maybe meet the team and the girls who had become some of your best friends, normally she either had training or was playing in one herself whereas you had a job as a teacher and trained night and played on Sundays. But what you had really hoped for was to turn to see Leah standing beside the pitch cheering you on as your team played their final match of the season and one that could potentially see your team winning the league.
“Lee, my love.” You had walked through the front door expecting to find your girlfriend sitting on the couch typing away on her computer, instead you found her in the kitchen with Lia Walti “oh hey Wally .” Lia stood pulling you into a hug “Y/n how are you.” You smiled dropping you bag before picking up the girls cups and refilling them making one for your self “I’m good Wally tired but good how are you.” Leah grabbed your hand pulling you to the chair beside her resting her hand on your thigh “I’m good, thought I would come check on this one since I’m out for the rest of the season as a precaution.” You smiled “thank you, speaking of how is your ankle I watched it after it was hard to watch no idea how you did it.” Leah squeezed your leg “she’s just built different love, you have to be to play at our level.” You froze slightly at what Leah was implying but chose to ignore it instead asking Wally if she was staying for dinner.
You lay in bed head on Leah’s chest as she stroked your hair softly “Lee.” Leah hummed “I was wondering if you would come to my last match on the 27th kickoff is at 2pm.” Leah smiled “I’d love to my girl.” You squeezed her gently “only if you want to.” Leah kissed your head “I promise to be there my love I want to be there.” You kissed her jaw before settling back down content with Leah’s answer.
Leah was still asleep when you woke up Saturday morning getting all your things ready to head to meet the team for the last match of the season. You ran back up the stairs after making yourself breakfast before leaning over to kiss her head “I’ll see you shortly Lee.” You had taken your jersey from last season and left it on her night stand hoping she would wear it before running out the door.
The team had been on a high the minute you had all met at the clubhouse the excitement of the last match and potentially winning the league had set you all into a buzz as you all danced around the changing rooms getting ready to go out for warmups. “Anyone special coming Skip.” You turned looking to your best friend and teammate Tegan Mallor, you couldn’t help your cheeks get all read “oh is the wife making an appearance.” You laughed “she’s not my wife yet haven’t asked haven’t been asked but yes she told me she was coming as well as her Mum and cousins plus my parents.” The girls cheered at the thought of the Lioness captain coming to watch the final match.
Walking out on to the pitch for warmups you looked over to see your parents stood on the sidelines with Amanda,Holly,Ben,Jordan and a few others of the Williamson/Baker bunch it had made your heart swell at the sight you had grown up with no siblings and so Leah’s cousins and brother had taken on that mantle, but you couldn’t help but notice Leah wasn’t here yet. Putting it down to her being late you got on with training and put your captain head on ready to win.
The first half had gone terribly, the opposition had scored twice all in the span of 10 minutes of each other and you found the girls began to lose hope, you had never been more grateful for the half time whistle grabbing your team into the changing room and trying to hype them back up “what’s going on this isn’t the bunch of girls that where dancing around this morning we have 45 minutes to do this 45 that’s plenty of time turn it around come on.” The girls had jumped up and began running back out as the second half began. You turned looking to the sidelines hoping to catch your girlfriend but instead it had been the same group you had seen at training, Holly had caught your eye and shrugged letting you know she had no idea where Leah was.
The next 45 minutes flew in and your team had managed to tie the game but with a minute to go you had found yourself screaming for a cross in at the edge of the box from Tegan. The team held their breath as you sent a scream to the top right corner before they all piled on top of you screaming as the red blew the whistle stating the match was over and you had won both the match and the league. You all stood running to your family’s on the sidelines grabbing your dad into a hug as he cried “oh peanut I’m so proud that was amazing.” You squeezed him letting go as you hugged your mum before moving to Amanda “that was incredible darling no one deserves it more.” You pulled away thanking her before hugging everyone else “where’s Le.” Everyone froze “Go celebrate we will talk after.” You sighed shoulders sagging in disappointment “she promised.” Holly squeezed your arm “I’m sorry Y/n.” You shook your head “can I take him with me.” You turned asking Jordan if you could kidnap her son to help raise the trophy wanting to move away from their pitiful stares “want to go with Auntie Y/n buddy.” The baby simply smiled raising his hands for you to take him as you thanked Jordan and walked off to get your medal. “I’m going to kill her.” Holly punched Ben in the arm before Amanda spoke “you will have to get in line.”
You had been stood in the changing room dancing with the girls when Tegan had tapped you on the shoulder showing you her phone. You felt your stomach drop as you watched your girlfriend hobbling around the pitch at meadow park wearing a Rafaelle jersey as the girls shook hands and did their lap around. “I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up it was so stupid.” Tegan grabbed your arm “hey it’s her fault she let you down ok you asked her to be here and she said no promised you she would ok.” You nodded turning to pack you bags just wanting to get home and change before heading to Amanda’s house for dinner.
You had arrived at Amanda’s and where currently sat on the floor playing with Jordan’s son while you laughed and talked about your summer plans when Leah had walked through the door “Hey.” You ignored her calling out in the hall as you talked about what you where bringing to Ibiza with Holly as well as possible things to do with Ben, “I’m bringing four bikinis max but my mum wants me to bring a rash vest if we are going jet skiing this year Ben after I came back the same colour as a strawberry last time.” They all laughed as Amanda grabbed Leah from the hall taking in her appearance dressed in an Arsenal jersey “you are in big trouble missy.” Amanda didn’t get to say anything else as you walked in with Jack (made up the name) resting on your hip, you stopped watching as Leah turned a smile taking over her face “Hi gorgeous.” You turned looking to Amanda “we thought we would come ask if you needed a hand with anything.” Amanda walked over taking Jack from you “no all good darling, I’ll leave you both to talk.”
You sighed turning to check the food as Leah went to grab you hand “hey what’s going on.” You shook your head “you promised.” Leah looked at you confused “what.” “You promised me you would be there, I thought you would be there, do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to tell my teammates your coming and then not show up only to see you all over instagram at Meadow park Le.” Leah shook her head “what are you talking about be where Y/n I have no idea.” You cut her off scoffing “oh my god you didn’t even remember, your telling me you didn’t care enough to remember.” Leah was getting annoyed now “what are you talking about.” You huffed not wanting to raise your voice “my match, the final match of the season where i captained my childhood club to win the league the one I asked you to come to the one you promised you would only to never show.” Leah froze “Y/n.” You shook your head “I left my jersey out for you to wear to it, I thought since you where injured you might come to just one of my matches heck even the most important one but you stood me up to go see Arsenal at Meadow park.” Leah sighed “it was Rafa’s last game.” You rolled your eyes “it was the most important match of my career.” Leah scoffed “you don’t have a football career Y/n your a teacher that’s your career not football for crying out loud your acting like I missed a World Cup final or a match at the emirates I missed a match in a field where the toilets are porta potties,the teams stand on the sidelines at half time and a bunch of wannabes pros run around so sorry I chose to go a more exciting match to support my friend in her last one for an actual professional team.” You felt tears spring to your eyes begging them not to spill over “so supporting your own girlfriend..” Leah scoffed “come on Y/n seriously I get bored watching you play at least my matches aren’t mind numbing.” You froze as Leah slowly began to realise what she had said “y/n” “ no your right, I don’t think I can do this anymore Leah.” Leah looked at you confused “do what Y/n let me explain please.” You shook your head “I can’t be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t support me they way I support them it’s not fair and I’m so tired of it Leah I really am and I’m so sorry because no matter how much I love you because believe me I really do I can’t keep being the only one putting in the effort or support so I’m done.”You began to turn to walk back to the living room where you knew everyone could hear “Y/n.” You just shook your head walking into the room collecting your stuff as Leah walked in behind you “eh thank you for coming I’m so sorry I can’t stay for dinner I have eh I really have to go.” Amanda stood up not bothering to look at her daughter “Y/n.” You shook your head “it’s fine enjoy dinner I’ll see you later.” You brushed last Leah and headed straight out the front door. “Mum I.” Amanda shook her head “I don’t know who you are but you are not the girl I raised the girl I raised would have understood how important today was for her girlfriend she would have been rushing the pitch after watching her girlfriend score the winning goal, the girl I raised would have been there point blank.” Leah felt her eyes fill with tears “they won.” Holly nodded standing up “your girlfriend led a team who hadn’t won a game in ten years to wining the East Midlands league in a season and she scored the final goal.” Leah shook her head “I didn’t mean it.” Amanda laughed “I have known you long enough and so has Y/n to know that you did and you know she is insecure about not being enough for you as a human being and as someone who plays football yet you told her today right to her face that those fears where true. I’m sorry I can’t even look at you right now.”
Leah stood hopeless “Holly I…” Everyone stood up leaving the room as Leah was left to think about what she had said “oh god what have I done.”
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