#Hangae 18
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esonetwork · 2 years ago
Hangar 18 | Episode 367
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/hangar-18/
Hangar 18 | Episode 367
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Jim discusses a 1980 sci-fi based on a classic UFO legend – “Hangar 18,” starring Gary Collins, Darren McGavin, James Hampton, Robert Vaughn, Joseph Campanella, Pamela Bellwood and Phillip Abbott. A satellite launched by the Space Shuttle, crashes into a UFO, forcing it to land on the desert. Two astronauts are blamed for the accident and attempt to find out what the government is hiding. Find out more on this episode of MONSTER ATTACK!, The Podcast Dedicated To Old Monster Movies.
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eddy25960 · 6 months ago
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Kawase Hasui
Spring Moon At Ninomiya Beach By, 1932
Hasui Kawase (May 18, 1883 – November 7, 1957) was a Japanese artist. He was one of the most prominent print designers of the shin-hanga ("new prints") movement.
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ys1204 · 2 years ago
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[展覧会のお知らせ] 東北の蕾Ⅷ 画廊企画 野瀬昌樹 金子美早紀 相馬祐子 真栄城理子 和田豊樹 小野寺唯 養清堂画廊@YoseidoGallery 2/27〜3/4 11:00〜18:00(最終日15:30) 先週に続き、ピュシスNEXTⅡより選抜展に参加となりました。 初日午後から在廊予定です。 よろしくお願い致します。 #art #printmaking #prints #hanga #銅版画 #木版画 #版画 #芸術 #養清堂画廊 #展覧会 #展覧会情報 #銀座 #アート #アート好きと繋がりたい (養清堂画廊) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpG0wTxS2BL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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steliosagapitos · 2 years ago
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      “Spring Moon At Ninomiya Beach”, 1932, by Kawase Hasui (Japanese artist, one of modern Japan's most important and prolific printmakers. He was a prominent designer of the shin-hanga movement, whose artists depicted traditional subjects with a style influenced by Western art; Born: May 18, 1883, Tokyo, Japan - Died: November 7, 1957, Tokyo, Japan).
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mia-japanese-korean · 3 years ago
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Print blocks (gendai hanga), Micah Schwaberow, second half 20th century, Minneapolis Institute of Art: Japanese and Korean Art
five carved wooden blocks, each with a different stage of woodblock print process; blocks mounted to wooden frame; at bottom center is the finished print of a baby's face enveloped in its mothers arms; mother is wearing green kimono with pink and white motif Size: 16 3/8 × 18 3/8 × 1 1/4 in. (41.59 × 46.67 × 3.18 cm) Medium: Wood
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voluntarismochilensis · 4 years ago
The Pepper Country (chile pero en ingles)
Comunas de Santiago de chile :Jamestone's comunnes , Pepper country
1= lo barnechea , The Basement
2= vitacura ,Big stone
3= las condes ,The countesses
4= Provicencia = Providence (pro-vuh-dns)
5= la reina = The queen
6= Ñuñua = Yellow flowers Pl
7= Macul = White clay Pl
8= peñalolen= sheaf Valley
9= La florida = The flowerful  
10= Puente alto = High Bridge
11: Pirque = Miners zone
12= Huechuraba = clay maker place
13= Conchalí = bright valley (brait valley)
14= Independencia= independence (in-duh-pen-dns)
15= Recoleta = isolated PL
16= Santiago centro = Jameshire
17: Quilicura = Threestone
18: Renca = Herb plains
19: Pudahuel = Puddle Pl
20: Maipú: Plowed (plawd) Pl
21:Padre hurtado : St.Bert
22: San Bernardo = St. Bernie
23: La pintana = DuckField
24: lo espejo = Mirror Pl
25: El bosque = The Forest
26: La cisterna = The cistern
27: San Ramón = Saint Raymond
28: La granja = Farmers Pl
29= San joaquin = St.Kim
30: San Miguel = St.Michael
31: PAC = P.H.B (Peter Handsome bristle)
32: Cerrillos = Small Hills
33: Estacion central = Central Station
34: Lo prado = The Meadows(meh-dowz)
35: Cerro navia = Asturian Hill
36: Quinta normal = Fifth Normal
-------------------------------------- comunas de la Region de valparaiso: pass to heaven comunnes
Petorca: The pecks district
-Petorca:Peck shire
-cabildo: Hall town
La ligua: Rising sun village
-papudo: Big chin
-Zapallar: Pumpkin Pl
-------------------------------------------- San felipe de aconcagua: St.Phill viewpoint district
-San felipe: St.Phill shire
-catemu: Bonny Pl
-llay llay: Windy Ville
-panquehue: Flowery city
-putaendo: Cold springs
-Santa maria: St.Marie -----------------
Brighton district
san esteban= St.Stephen
Los andes = brighton shire
calle larga= Boulevard Town
Rinconada= Corner town
-------------------------- Quillota = Moon River
-Nogales: Walnut grove
-La cruz: The cross
-La calera: Lime quarry
-Hijuelas: Litle castle
-Quillota: Moon shire
------------------------------ valparaiso = Pass to heaven
puchuncavi = Party town
quintero= Celtic ville
concon= Midnight beach
viña del mar: Vineyard beach
valparaiso: Heaven shire
casablanca: Whitehause
San ferndandez: Ferdy islands
-------------------------- San antonio = St.Toni
algarrobo : Carob beach
el quisco: Owlstone beach (owl , A-ul)
el tabo: Coven beach (coven= kuh-vn)
cartagena: Newtown beach
santo domingo: St.Dominick
Marga Marga= Flimsy grassland
-limache: Warlockstone
-Olmue: leafy Pl (Lify)
-villa alemana = German ville
-quilpue: turtledove Pl -------------------------------- Isla de pascua = Easter island
Terevaka = canoes Hills
hanga oteo= viewpoint bay
anakena= white cave
ovahe= Cliff bay
te pito kura : Healing sanctuary
papa vaka: Canoestone
poike: Echoes Pl
tongariki: Wind sanctuary
rano raraku: Grooved volcano
akahanga: sanctuary bay
vaihu: Hot waters Pl
vinapu: Cassanova bay
rano kau: Forest volcano
motu nui: Big island
orongo: Ceremonial village
ana kaitangata: Cannibals cave
hanga roa: Far bay
tahai: Sunset Pl
ana kakenga: Forbidden love cave
puna pau: Hats quarry
ana te pora: Canoes cave
ana te pahu: Urns sanctuary
ahu tapeu: Snake sanctuary
akivi: Ceremonial shrine
----------------- Region de tarapacá: Extended eagle state
iquique: Dream district
-iquique: Dream city
-alto hospicio: high hospice
-------------- Tamarugal: Prairie lands district
pozo almonte: Wells hills
camiña: Purple town
colchane: Grasstone
huara: Starstone
pica: Sandflower ville
------------- region de antofagasta: Hidden copper state
-antofagasta: Copper city
-mejillones: Mussels city
-sierra gorda: Fat saw city
-taltal: Night city
--------- El loa: Longest river district
-Calama: Water town
-Ollagüe: beatiful city
-san pedro de atacama: St.Peter
Tocopilla: big ravine
-tocopilla: Ravine city
-maria elena: Mia city
comerse el morro. ------------------- Region de atacama: Black duck state
Chañaral: Geoffroea district
-chañaral: Geoffroea Pl
-Diego de Almagro: Red clay city ----- Copiapó: Colour district
-Copiapó: Blue city
-Caldera: Red city
-Tierra amarilla: Yellow city ----- Huasco: Valley district
-Vallenar: Ballenary
-Alto del carmen: South valley
-Freirina: Warrior priests city
-Huasco city: North valley ------------------------------------ Peacefull waters State (region de coquimbo)
Choapa= Golden District
Salamanca: Romanstone
Los vilos: Lord Willow Beach
Canela: Sunshine City
Illapel: Golden City ----- Peaceful´s river District
-Coquimbo: Peaceful city
-Andacollo: Golden king
-la higuera: Figtree city
-la serena: Pacific city
-paihuano: Sunny city
-vicuña: Wool city ------ White District
-Ovalle: Valley City
-Combarbalá: Duck city
-Monte patria: Mountain City
-punitaqui: Stony city
-rio hurtado: River City -------------------------- Region del libertador general Bernardo O’higgins : O´higgins State
Cachapoal=Greenish district
Rancagua: Canestone
codegua: Water Place
coinco: Sandstone
coltauco: Frogstone
doñihue: Pea city
graneros: Farmerstone
las cabras: Goat city
machali: Witches city
malloa: White grey city
mostazal: Mustard Pl
olivar: Olive Pl
peumo: Sunrise city
pichidegua: Mousestone
quinta de ticoco: stony water
rengo: Brave city
requinoa: Stoneville
san vicente de tagua tagua: St.Enzo ----------- Cardenal caro: Charlestone District
Pichilemu: Little forest
la estrella: Star city
litueche: Whitefield
marchigue: Claysoil
navidad: Chrismastone
paredones: Walltown ---------- Colchagua= Holy District
San fernando: Saint Ferdy
Chepica: Grasstown
Chimbarongo: cloudystone
lolol: Crabstone
nancagua: Gunneraceae
palmilla: Palmtree city
peralillo: Litletrees Pl
placilla: Litle square
pumanque: Condors Pl
santa cruz: Holy cross -------------------------- Maule= Rain River state
Cauquenes= Fisher district
Cauquenes: Fisherstone
Chanco: Aquaprings
Pelluhue: Turtle city ----- curico= Blackwater district
Curicó: Blackwater city
Hualañé: Duck Place
Licantén: Gemstone
Molina: Millersburgh
Rauco: Grey city
Romeral: Rosemary
Sagrada familia: Holy family
Teno: Burghstone
Vichuquén: Snake City ----- Linares= Clothes district
Linares: Clothburgh
Clobún: Wholeburgh
longaví: Snakeburgh
parral: Vineburgh
retiro: Restburgh
san javier: Neu Hausen
villa alegre: Happy ville
yerbas buenas: Plant city --------- Talca= Stormy District
Talca: Stormy city
constitucion: Constitution
curepto: Windyburgh
empedrado: Stonyburgh
maule: Rainstone
pelarco: Frostburg
pencahue: Pumpkintown
rio claro: Clear river
san clemente: St.Clement
san rafael: St.Toby ------------------------------ region del Biobio= River gossip state
Arauco= Grey district
-Lebu: Riverburgh
-Arauco: Greyburgh
-Cañete: Fisherburgh
-Contulmo: Stone city
-Curanilahue: Fordstone
-Los Álamos: Poplarstone
-Tirúa: The Meeting Pl ---------- River gossip district
-Los Ángeles: The Angels
-Alto Bío Bío: Highland
-Antuco: Hotsprings
-Cabrero: Goatburgh
-Laja: Slabstone
-Mulchén: Hawkstone
-Nacimiento: Jesusburgh
-Negrete: Niggaburgh
-Quilaco: Treewater
-Quilleco: Waterstone
-San Rosendo: St.Rudesind
-Santa Bárbara: St.Barbie
-Tucapel: Mudstone
-Yumbel: Saint Lucy ---------- concepcion= Saint District
Concepcion: Marieburgh
Chiguayante: Cloudyburgh
Coronel: Fredburgh
Florida: Flowerstone
Hualpén: Beautiful view
Hualqui: Creekstone
Lota: Litlestone
Penco: Water city
San Pedro: Saint Peter
Santa juana: St.Hanna
Talcahuano: Stormystone
Tomé: Tommyburgh ---------------- Region de la Araucanía: Clay waterlands State
Cautin: Iron district
Temuco: Myrtales
Carehue: Neu Deutshland
Chol chol: Thistlestone
Cunco: Clearwater
cararrehue: Sanctuarystone
Freire: Fryburgh
Galvarino: Cornville
Lautaro: Eaglestone
loncoche: Maineville
melipeuco: Crystal Waters
nueva imperial: Imperial city
Padre las casas: Tollystone
Perquenco: Grubby waters
Pitrufquén: Lisperguer
Pucón: Mountains Pl
Saavedra: Old Port
Teodoro schmidt: Theoville
Toltén: Sea ​​waves
Vilcún: Snakestone
Villarica: Richville --------------------- Malleco: Terracotta District
Angol: Steep place
Collipulli: Colourlands
Curacautin: Meetingstone
Ercilla:New Euskadi
Lonquimay: Main River
lumaco: Shinyburgh
purén: Swamplands
renaico: Cavewater Pl
traguén: Waterfall Pl
victoria: Victoryburgh --------------------------------- Region de Los rios= The Rivers State
Ranco= Stormy district
La union: Spiritburgh
Futrono: Smoke Place
Lago ranco: Stormy Lake
Rio bueno: Good River ---------- Valdivia= Ford District
Valdivia: Fordburgh
Corral: Barnyard Pl
Lanco: Calm waters
Los lagos: Lake city
Máfil: Tree rivers
Mariquina: Family valley
Paillaco: Lonely waters
Panguipulli: Cougarlands --------- Region de Los lagos= The Lakes state
Chiloe= Seagull District
Castro: Celticstone
Ancud: Saint Karl
Chonchi: Blackstone
Curaco de velez: Ravenstone
Dalcahue: Shipstone
Puqueldon: Toughstone
Queilen: Cypresstone
Quellon: Aristotelia
Quemchi: Rustyburgh
Quinchao: Duckstone ------------ Llanquihue= Atlatis District
Puerto Montt: Montain Port
Calbuco: Bluewater
Cochamó: Dawnburgh
Fresia: Albas place
Frutillar: Strawberry
Los muermos: Maizeburgh
Llanquihue: New Atlanta
Maullin: FullWater
Puerto varas: Stickport ---------- Osorno: St.Matt
Osorno: Mattburgh
Puerto octay: Oxport
Purranque: Reedstone
puyehue: Fisherlake
Rio negro: Nigga River
San juan: St.Hans
San pablo: St.Paul ------------- Palena= Spider district
Chaiten: Rainy Place
Futuleufú: Bigger River
Palena: Spiderburgh -------------------------------- region de Aysén = Fjord lands State
Aysen: Fjordstone
Cisnes: Swanstone
Guaitecas: Sutherland ------ capitan pratt: Prattshire district
-Cochrane: Cochrane
-O´higgins: O´higgins
-Tortel: Deep waters ------- General Carrera: Joe Mike district
-Chile chico: Litle Pepper
-Rio ibañez: Johnson river ------------ Magellan state
Antartica: New Iceland district
Cabo de hornos: New Amsterdam
Antártica: Antarctica ----------------- Magallanes: Fern district
Punta arenas: Sandy Point
Laguna blanca: White lagoon
rio verde: Green river
San Gregorio: Saint Greg ---------- tierra del fuego:Firelands district
porvenir: Omenstone
Timaukel: Holyland --------- ultima esperanza: Hope district
puerto natales: Jesuslands
torres del paine: Fitzroy bush -------
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itsmarjudgelove · 5 years ago
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"The Lotus Pond at Shiba Benton Shrine" (1929, Shôwa by the great Kawase Hasui (川瀬 巴水, 18 May, 1883 – 7 November, 1957), who was one of the most prominent print designers of the shin-hanga (new prints) movement in early twentieth century Japan.
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nunugremlin · 5 years ago
RT @zhuanghongru: snow🌨️ Hasui Kawase (川瀬 巴水 Kawase Hasui, May 18, 1883 – November 7, 1957) was a Japanese artist. He was one of the most prominent print designers of the shin-hanga ("new prints") movement. https://t.co/auUCd6iCte
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thepastisalreadywritten · 4 years ago
Hasui Kawase (川瀬 巴水, Kawase Hasui, May 18, 1883 – November 7, 1957) was an artist, one of modern Japan's most important and prolific printmakers.
He was a prominent designer of the shin-hanga ("new prints") movement, whose artists depicted traditional subjects with a style influenced by Western art.
Hasui designed approximately 620 prints over a career that spanned nearly 40 forty years.
Towards the end of his life, the government recognized him as a Living National Treasure for his contribution to Japanese culture.
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Of Trees, Tenderness, and the Moon – the stunning vintage woodblock prints of Japanese artist Hasui Kawase.
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wintlink · 2 years ago
Josei moku hanga to
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Tranquil, quiet, and deliberately designed so that viewers may have contemplative experience the Japanese garden shares many of the same intentions as my work, and has become my subject matter as my evolution as an artist continues. As one thing leads to another, researching concepts of art and contemplation, quickly led me to the Japanese garden. But in the three-year process of producing Becoming Made, a documentary film in which I used the medium of film to replicate the look and feel of my prints, I came to understand that my work had evolved from being about place to expressing the calmness, contemplation, and deep reflection that place can evoke. Until recently, I have thought of my prints as being about place. I applied what I learned in Japan to my art practice back home in Michigan, focusing on landscape images of the Great Lakes region. About her work, Mary says "I learned the traditional methods of Japanese woodblock printmaking (mokuhanga) from Yoshisuke Funasaka in Tokyo under the auspices of a five-month-long Bunka- Cho Fellowship in I was drawn to study the mokuhanga process because of the non-toxic qualities of the water-based pigments used and because I was attracted to the principles of Japanese aesthetics including subtlety, austerity and naturalness. In addition to producing and exhibiting her art, Mary teaches and lectures, and in 2014 released her award-winning documentary film Becoming Made, which reveals her techniques and process. About the Cover Blanket 14.5 x 21 Moku Hanga Mary Brodbeck Kalamazoo, MI Mary Brodbeck earned her MFA from Western Michigan University in 1999 and remains in regular contact with her Japanese mentor, Yoshisuke Funaska. Our mission is to give relief printmakers the support they need to reach their printmaking goals. McClain s gathers the supplies woodcut, linocut, engraving, and monotype printmakers need from around the world. We continue to select merchandise of the highest quality from the most reputable Japanese manufacturers and dealers, many of whom practice crafts that have been handed down in their families for centuries. Best wishes to you from all of us at McClain's! Andrew, Ally, Josh, Alex and Daniel McClain's Printmaking Supplies Dedicated to the Art and Artists of Relief Printmaking For thirty eight years McClain s has imported tools and relief printmaking materials from Japan for artists and students. Bring out your sketch book, create an image that pleases you, transfer it to a block and get those chips flying. I hope the challenges of this coming year inspire you to make art in a form that you enjoy, which gives you a way to share your ideas and thoughts with others. If you are interested in hiring Daniel s sharpening services, you can contact him at or call I can tell you from personal experience that he does first-rate work. It was a great experience for Daniel, and he is eager to share that knowledge. He demonstrated sharpening techniques and how each tool can be shaped for a particular purpose. Watanabe grew up in his father s Chõchin (paper lantern) shop where every element of the Chõchin, from paper, bamboo frame, to hand carved bases were made. Watanabe in Japan where he got some firsthand pointers on sharpening. Last spring he visited master craftsman Mr. Daniel Jasa s sharpening business is up and running! Daniel continues to give demonstrations at local art colleges and teaches regular sharpening workshops. We will be at the Vendor Fair, so please do come by, say "hi!"and grab a handful of M&M's (wasn't it nice of Mars Inc. The Conference runs from March 15 th through the 18 th. Atlanta, Georgia is the location of this year's SGCI Conference, the biggest printmaking get-together in the country. Thank you so much for your support, it means so much to everyone who works at McClain's. The date on it is July That means McClain's has now been in business for thirty eight years! And it is all thanks to you. Ken McClain gave us boxes of materials he had found relating to his father's business and in one box was a typewritten price sheet, with hand-drawn pictures of tools, sharpening stones, baren, brushes, blocks and paper. 2 Dear Friends, I've always wondered what year Bob McClain started selling moku hanga and woodblock printmaking supplies in the U.S.
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winportables · 2 years ago
Portable JixiPix Premium Pack is a set of plugins, interface, installer, application for Photoshop, Elements, Lightroom and PaintShop Pro. With the help of this collection, you can expand the possibilities of your design programs and get your work done faster. The company's 18 handy tools are included in this package, and the tools in this program are used to create various edits on images, change color, and correct light and shadow, and so on. If you make multiple mistakes in a row, you can undo the corrections you made multiple times. It is possible to customize the settings of this program. There is a key to randomize photos. All types of Photoshop versions are supported, and you can easily run the plugin in this software package on Lightroom +4 and Corel PaintShop Pro X7 and x8 on Mac and Windows operating systems. Another supported feature is quick preview, which is used for retouching etc. With the Black and White tool in this collection, you can make your images professionally black and white. It is also possible to turn photos into artistic images with Sketch Artist. Features of Portable JixiPix Premium Pack: – There are 18 different products – Plugin compatible with Photoshop and Lightroom – Customize app settings – Shading correction and clear images. – Turn photos into works of art – Filtering on photos – Repeat undo operations in a row In this package, the following products will be available to you: – Aquarella– Haiku Artist– Artist Oil– Artist Sketch– Arton– Chalkspiration– Dramatic black and white– Grungetastic– Photo by Kyoobik– Moku Hanga– Color NIR– Pop Dot Comics– Portrait of the painter– Rainy Daze– Romantic photo– Simply HDR– Snow Daze– vintage scene OS: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista. 
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eddy25960 · 6 months ago
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'Dusk at Ushibori' [in Tokyo] (牛堀の夕暮), a 1930 woodblock print in an ōban tate-e format, by Kawase Hasui (川瀬 巴水, 18 May, 1883 – 7 November, 1957), one of the most prominent print designers of the shin-hanga (new prints) movement, published by Kawaguchi and Sakai.
Dimensions (h x w): 14 7/8 x 10 1/2 inches + margins
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traitor10 · 3 years ago
Ko nga tohu me nga whakaahua o Meta smartwatch kua whakaatuhia
Ko nga tohu me nga whakaahua o Meta smartwatch kua whakaatuhia
Mai i tera tau, kua puta nga korero e pa ana ki te whakawhanake i tetahi maataki atamai na Meta (ko Milan ingoa ingoa). Inaianei kua marama kua mutu te mahi a Meta i tenei mataaratanga i tenei wiki mo etahi take. I tenei ra, ko nga whakaahua tauira o tenei mataaratanga kua tukuna mo te wa tuatahi, e whakaatu mai ana i tana hoahoa me nga kamera takirua.
Ka kite koe i nga pikitia, ko te Meta smartwatch he tinana wetekina me nga patene e rua me nga kamera e rua. Ko tetahi o enei kaamera he kamera 5-megapixel e noho ana ki mua o te mataaratanga i roto i te taka kakari o te whakaaturanga. Ko tetahi atu he kamera 12-megapixel e mau ana ki te tuara o te mataaratanga ki te taha o nga pukoro hauora. Ko te tinana wetewete me te kamera takirua o tenei mataaratanga ka taea ki te tuhi whakaahua me nga riipene ataata ka kore te waea a te kaiwhakamahi i a ia.
Meta mataaratanga atamai
Ko te mataaratanga hei tautoko i te GPS, Wi-Fi me te hononga Ipurangi, me te tino motuhake mai i nga waea pukoro. Kei te whakaaro ano a Meta ki te whakawhanake i nga waahanga hou o ana taupānga Instagram, WhatsApp me Spotify.
Ko te Meta smartwatch ano hoki hei whakarato i nga kaiwhakamahi ki nga momo kaha tirotiro hauora me etahi atu tono penei i nga maramataka me nga taiwhanga whakaahua. Ko te ahua nei ka taea te 18 haora te roa o tenei mataaratanga me te kaitahuri kotahi. E ai ki te ripoata, i whakamahere a Meta ki te whakarewa i tana maataki atamai i te puna o 2023 mo te $349. Heoi, ko te ahua nei ko Meta, ahakoa ka mutu te hanga o tenei mataaratanga, ka whakatau ia ki te whakauru atu i etahi atu poroporo atamai a muri ake nei.
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crisksxs · 3 years ago
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Best Hit Single: Ulan, 214, Elisi
Isa sa mga bandang rock & alternative sa Pilipinas ang Rivermaya. Nabuo ito noong 1993 at lumikha ng mga patok na album at sikat na awitin sa larangan ng musikang Filipino sa loob ng sampung taon. Kaya naman simula pagkabata naririnig ko na ang mga kanta nila. Binansagan ang bandang Rivermaya bilang  “Banda ng Bayan” at naging inspirasyon sa mga bagong banda. Nakatanggap rin ng iba’t ibang parangal ang banda, na sikat sa kanilang mga awiting "Ulan", “Kisapmata”, “Elesi”, “Nerbyoso”, “214”, “Balisong” at marami pang iba. Napapansin ko sa ilan sa mga kanta nila ay patungkol sa buhay. Kasalukuyang binubuo nina Bamboo Mañalac Mike Elgar, Nathan Azarcon at Mark Escueta ang banda. Madaling naging hit ang unang album ng Rivermaya at naging golden pagkatapos, triple platinum. This album gave us the songs Ulan, 214 at Awit ng Kabataan. Ang kanilang tagumpay ay nagpatuloy sa kanilang pangalawa, at pangatlong album. Ngunit matapos magdesisyon si Bamboo na umatras sa banda noong 1998, nang maglaon ay ginawa ni Rico Blanco ang kanyang tungkulin bilang bokalista. Sa pamamagitan ni Rico bilang kanilang frontman, ang Rivermaya ay patuloy na sumikat sa industriya ng musika, na naglabas ng 6 pang mga album kasama si Rico bilang bokalista hanggang sa kanyang pag-alis noong 2007.Noong Oktobre 24, 2007, ang 18-anyos na si Jayson Fernandez ang nanalo at naging bagong miyembro ng Rivermaya. Noong Pebrero 2008, naglabas ang Rivermaya ng album pinamagatang "Buhay" na nglalaman ng kantang “Sugal ng Kapalaran” na sinulat ni Sergio. Si Fernandez at Sergio ang kumanta, habang si Elgar at Excueta ang nagsilbing pangalawang mangaawit. Noong Oktubre 2008, pagkatapos matagpuan ang ilang mga anomalyang pinansiyal ng banda, pinaalis ng banda ang kanilang matagal ng tagapamahala na si Lizza Nakpil. Kinasuhan siya ng estafa at binigyan ng Writ of Preliminary Injunction na nagbabawal sa kanya na makialam pa sa Rivermaya.Noong 31 Disyembre 2008 tumugtog ulit ang banda sa Singapore para sa Marina Bay New Year Countdown. Noong Setyembre, 2009, ang Rivermaya ay ang kauna-unahang bandang pinoy na naimbitahan na tumugtog sa tatlong magkakaibang entablado sa naganap na 2009 Formula 1 Grand Prix. Sa buwan at taong ding iyon, inalabas ng banda and kanilang ika-10 album na “Closest Thing to Heaven” na kabilang ang kantang “Dangal” na una nilang nilabas na kanta. Noong 22 Pebrero 2011, sinabi ng Rivermaya sa pamamagitan ng kanilang pahina sa Facebook na maglalabas sila ng music video pinamagatang “Remenis” at pormal na ipapakilala ang kanilang mga bagong myembro na sina Norby David at Ryan Peralta. Kahanga-hanga ang naging journey ng Rivermaya na halos nakaabot pa sila sa ibang bansa para kumanta para sa Marina Bay New Year Countdown.
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zhuanghongru · 7 years ago
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Hasui Kawase (川瀬 巴水, May 18, 1883 – November 7, 1957) was a Japanese artist. He was one of the most prominent print designers of the shin-hanga ("new prints") movement.
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itsmarjudgelove · 5 years ago
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"Boshu, Kamo River" [located in Kyōto Prefecture],1934, by Kawase Hasui (川瀬 巴水, 18 May, 1883 – 7 November, 1957), who was one of the most prominent print designers of the shin-hanga (new prints) art movement in early twentieth century Japan. Pubsisher: Watanabe Shōzaburō.
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