#Han x female character
Deep End - Part 1
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available on Ao3 here
Part 1: 1.7k words
Characters: OFC Aura, Minho, Han
Summary: AU/ Minho is the new accountant at Aura's work, and he's got his sights set on her. But what happens when her ex Han comes back into the picture.
Workplace romance with a blast from the past for Aura.
Warnings for part 1: Course language, embarrassment. This is really just setting up the story. More warnings to come in the next parts.
Aura sat at her desk trying to concentrate on the audio list for this week’s podcasts that she was meant to be giving the go-ahead.
“Brazilian” exclaimed a voice over on the left. Was Hyunjin bringing up waxing again?
“He is definitely from South America.” he continued telling Binnie over on the right.
“You’re wrong, Hyunjin. He is Korean. He has a Korean name.” Binnie replied. Binnie was alway the voice of reason. Always observant and straight to the point.
“I wonder if he speaks Spanish?” Hyunjin raised his eyebrows hopefully. The two young men giggled like school girls. Hyunjin currently had a thing for men from South America.
Thats it, thought Aura. Who were they talking about? What had she missed?
“Who’s Brazilian?” Aura looked up from the screen. 
Hyunjin looked at Aura in a way that indicated that she must be working too hard if she didn’t know.
“The new guy for Accounts? They’ve got a new manager.” Hyunjin cooed.
“Oh, you mean Minho? Lee Minho. Or Minho Lee if you are in Australia. He’s Korean.” Aura offered.
“We know how Korean names work. Me and Jinnie are Korean if you haven’t forgotten.” Binnie reminded her. 
Aura rolled her eyes. She knew who Hyunjin was talking about. She hadn’t seen him yet but rumour had it that he was very business-like and mysterious, apparently. She saw his name in the group email of new starters and Meg in HR told her about “the handsome new Korean guy”. 
Hyunjin exasperated and huffed dramatically “No, Sarah said he is absolutely from Brazil! He just happens to have a Korean name.” he looked indignant “Or maybe he’s from Mexico, I don’t know.” He added losing his confidence. 
Aura shook her head at Hyunjin.
A sharp knock on their open door interrupted them before Aura had a chance to respond to Hyunjin’s absurdity.
All three looked up and Aura could swear she heard Hyunjin take in a quick breath from the surprise. 
A man Aura had never seen before, in his twenties, very handsome, clearly Asian, and serious looking, entered the room with a booklet of papers in his hand. 
Oh my God was this the man they were talking about? 
“Oh hello” Aura smiled and greeted the man. Act professional , she told herself. She waited for him to speak, to find out what he wanted. Hyunjin and Binnie sat smirking silently with keen expressions.
“Is this the podcast producing department?” he asked coldly. 
“Ah yes.” Aura continued to smile through gritted teeth. He strode across the office floor and stuck a hand full of papers at her.
“I believe these papers are yours. Your assistant must have put these in the accounts documentation.” He held out a what looked to be one of Aura’s clients podcast season playlists.
How the hell did they get there? Aura wondered. And what assistant? The didn’t have any assistants in her department. The penny dropped and Aura took a sideways glance at Hyunjin, who was awkwardly pretending to be busying himself in his folder. 
Aura looked back up at the man, thanked him kindly, and took the papers from his hand. Wordlessly, he headed back to the door, pausing in the doorway. He turned his head back and said coldly “My family is from Korea, by the way.” Then simply left. How much had he actually heard? But Aura noticed a hint of humour behind his expression even if he spoke with disdain. 
“Whooahh” Binnie let out that breathe, had he’d been holding it this whole time? 
Aura turned her gaze Hyunjin. He looked up. “What?” he shrugged and tried to sound innocent. 
“Oh my God, Hyunjin, I cant believe you took confidential client documentation that obviously would lead to this office, and planted it in his work! Do you know how unprofessional we look?” Aura tried so hard to sound stern, but her friend’s antics and the length he sometimes went with his elaborate plans always amused Aura and, to be honest, it’s one of the things she loved most about him. He’s got guts, that boy. Guts and a naivety, or was it immaturity? He was the newest of the trio, her, Binnie and Hyunjin. He fit their little team of three just perfectly. Aura chuckled to herself and turned her focus back to work.
“Well we got the info we needed.” Hyunjin chimed back, satisfied. 
“But now he must think we are gossips.” Binnie added. 
Aura and Hyunjin shook their heads smiling. 
Much to Hyunjin’s dismay, they didn’t see Minho for another two days, when it was time for a staff meeting.
“Okay, everyone. Listen up,” Christopher Bahng didn’t look, nor sound like a CEO, but he was the boss here at SKZ. He was young. The women loved him, so did the men, but he was always professional with his interactions. His suit made him look more “Mafia Gangster” than and “Office Boss”, but he was kind, fair and had one of the best sense of humours in the building. Everyone called him Chris.
“I want to introduce you to Minho Lee, our new Manager Accountant.” A buzz of hellos filled the room. Minho responded with curt nods, but held an expression that was hard to read.
“Shit, he’s cold looking isn’t he? Look how dark his eyes are.” whispered Felix, from IT. Hyunjin nodded in agreement. But Aura thought he looked more nervous than anything else. What could be interpreted as cold or having a “resting bitch face” as Hyunjin described it later, really didn’t seem that way to her at all. “Maybe he’s shy?” she offered her colleagues, but they seemed to think he looked indignant and snobby.
She watched Minho curiously. He was rather attractive. His sandy brown hair was perfectly styled. His suit looked quite expensive for a accounting manager. Her eyes drifted over his body. He seemed to be strong, but not buff like Binnie was. Hmmm. Yes, Aura liked what she saw.
“Put your tongue away, Aura.” Binnie smacked her in the arm. Aura quickly looked up from Minho’s chest to his face, locking eyes with him. Oh fuck. He’d caught her checking him out and he was staring at her. She felt her cheeks flush, and she cleared her throat returning her attention to their CEO pretending she knew what he was talking about.
It was 8.00pm. Everyone was gone for the night but Aura remained at her desk. She had to sort these last scheduling debacles out. What a fucking nightmare. But she was almost done.
“Okay” last one, she said to herself, and clicked the little x on her screen.
She leaned back in her chair, reached her hands over her head and let out a loud a squeal as she stretched her muscles.
Sitting back up, she grabbed her phone and popped on Spotify. As the music started up she opened up her podcast uploading software and began to queue the episodes she that needed to go out.
Feeling as though she was finally finished for the day, and since no one else was around, she thought she’d let her hair down so to speak and have a bit of a sing along - hairbrush-in-the-bedroom style. Well her office space was like a second home and she felt just as comfortable here as she does in her home. 
Exo’s “Love Shot” played loudly through her office. As the chorus began, Aura slid back her chair dramatically, and stood up theatrically and began to sing and dance the choreography, as sexy as she could.
But not everybody had gone home. Minho was working back too. His office lights low and in deep concentration. He was tired. He leaned back in his chair and let out a big sigh, closing his eyes. He turned back to his screen to continue with his work, when his concentration was disturbed.
Where the hell was that music coming from? Why the hell was anyone still here?
He got up from his chair and headed out of the office into the hallway. He wasn’t upset or angry, but he was intrigued. He passed the conference rooms stopping outside the source of where the music was coming from. The podcaster’s office. He stood at the glass window, quietly, and saw Aura body rolling like rent was due. Minho smirked and laughed quietly. She looked so happy. And fun. His eyes skimmed over her body, drinking in her curves. He found himself standing there longer than he intended. He knew she would be so embarrassed if she saw him, so he stayed quiet to watch. Aura came across as upfront, but kind, a little sarcastic, but not - this. This was amusing. This was sexy.
Should he walk in, interrupt? He wondered. He’d already walked in on her and the those men gossiping about his origins. She’d tried to play that so cool. He nearly didn’t say anything at all at the time. It really was none of their business where he was from. But he didn’t want to come across as difficult or cold. He wasn’t that way at all, even though that seemed to be people’s impression of him in the past.
He wondered if she knew that he had been well aware of the little plan of Hyunjin’s when he put their work in his pile of work? 
Aura was so absorbed in singing and dancing that she didn't notice the person looking through the glass window at her. The song was almost done when she turned and caught the slightest glimpse of a figure move past.
She stopped dead in her tracks, completely freaking out on the inside. Someone else was in the building, and that that someone could have seen her. Who was she kidding, there’s no way they didn’t seen her.
She quietly moved to the office entrance and poked her head around the door. There walking up the corridor in the shadows was Minho. Oh my fucking God. Aura could have died. Of all people why him? How much did he see? Oh fuck!
Embarrassed as all hell, Aura quickly turned off the music, packed up her things in record timing and stealthily crept out of the building. She wanted to shrivel up and die.
Read Part 2 here
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emojellyace08 · 1 year
Your presence alone radiates comfort. You're like the sun that he has been reaching for warmth even when times you're like the winter who's giving him shivers because of how closeted and blunt you are at times.
But your voice makes him calm and in peace. Your soft hands that ruffles his hair and pats his head makes him a bit sleepy. It shows that even you are somehow distant, you're like a burning fire who's willing to make in ease even in the most stressful times.
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imoosgnaj · 11 months
( 🍒 ) ... Soomi's Masterlist
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➜ ( about )﹐!
profile | background | playlist | facts | racha | pets
soomi's room | soomi's style | soomi's booklist | inside her bag
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➜ ( relationships )﹐!
w/ family | w/ friends | w/ Stray Kids | w/ other JYP artists
first impression
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➜ ( socials )﹐!
Bubble | Instagram | Tik Tok | Youtube
Live | Vlog
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➜ ( eras )﹐!
Mixtape | I am not | I am who | I am you | Clé 1: miroh | Clé 2: yellow wood | Clé: levanter | TOP | Go生 | In life | Noeasy | Oddinary | Maxident | 5-Star | 樂-STAR | Lose my breath | ATE
SKZ 2020 | SKZ 2021 | SKZ-replay
Singles | Japanese releases | English releases
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➜ ( contents )﹐!
skz code | 2kids room | 2kids show | 1kid's room | rachalog | kingdom: legendary war | Chinese New Year Special 2024
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➜ ( news )﹐!
dispatch | scandals
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➜ ( career )﹐!
SKZ-Replay | SKZ-Record | SKZ-Player | album | collaborations | acting | photoshoots | ambassador | concerts | fan meetings | award shows | magazines | met gala 2024
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skzfanf1cs · 3 months
'Stray Kids Academy' Masterlist
Read On AO3 here > link
A small series where a small group of people created characters as an excuse to date the Stray Kids members in a college setting.
General warnings : Chapters with explicit content will be tagged as such. More specific warnings will be added at the beginning of each chapter.
Pairings :
Bang Chan / Original Female Character > Levi Mitchell
Seo Changbin / Original Female Character > Luna Mitchell
Han Jisung / Original Male (afab) Character > Ezekiel Mitchell
Main Chapters [Word Count (so far) : 45,430]
Chapter 1 - This Was My Favorite Shirt
Chapter 2 - I Don't Forgive You
Chapter 3 - Rough Exterior
Chapter 4 - Cupid's Here
Chapter 5 - Drunken Mistakes [Explicit]
Chapter 6 - Making Up and Tattoos [Explicit]
Chapter 7 - I Need A Cold Shower [Explicit]
Chapter 8 - As Long As It Takes [Explicit]
Chapter 9 - Clubbing and Fighting
Chapter 10 - Later That Night...[Zeke and Jisung Edition] [Explicit]
Chapter 11 - [In Progress]
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stargazer-liz · 1 month
Serendipity (Poe Dameron x Original Female Character) Chapter III: Jawas, sand and a worried pilot
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The planet D'Qar, Outer Rim, 34 ABY
Poe hadn't seen her at breakfast. Most of his time in the cafeteria on D'Qar had been spent looking for the black haired young woman, expecting her to walk through the archway but that never happened. However, he had assumed she simply liked to sleep in or maybe she just hadn't been hungry. After all, they had shared a very late meal the night before. 
So he went on with his day and spent the morning doing some minor repairs on his X-Wing, trying to distract himself from his still missing droid. It worked well, even though he sometimes caught his thoughts drifting towards BeeBee-Ate, missing his distracting chirps. 
When he still hadn't seen her at noon, his feet automatically carried him to her room. Poe found no shame in admitting to himself that he missed her company. Sure, he had his squadron colleagues, yet Sora's presence felt incredibly calming and comfortable. He could feel there was a deep friendship blossoming between them and he wanted to water it.
He patiently knocked on her door, balancing his body on his heels. Surely she had to be awake by now. 
But there were no noises indicating anyone's presence behind the door. Drawing his brows together in confusion, Poe tried his luck again, only to be disappointed once more. Where had she gone to?
Of course, he could have just patiently waited for Sora to show herself somewhen during the day. Maybe she was just relaxing somewhere quiet on the base. D'Qar was safe, so there was nothing to worry about at all. 
Except he was Poe Dameron and patience was not his strong suit. Which is why minutes later, he was checking the hangars, scanning the small crowds for her face. He would recognize her soft, pale features and her strong, determined eyes even from a distant, especially if she kept her long, black waves open. Yeah, he would definitely notice her anywhere, he thought. Especially if she was wearing those tight trousers and leather jacket again. No need to dwell on that now though.
And he did see said dark blue leather jacket. Only not where he wanted to see it. 
The pilot found it draped on top of some crates in what they called the supply hangar. Picking it up, his gaze wandered through the space around him, searching for its new owner. But Sora was nowhere to be seen. He even called out to her and received no answer. And then he noticed the lack of spaceship in the hangar.
That's when worry began to seep into the pit of his stomach. What if she had left? Decided that she didn't like staying here, not even until her friend was back? 
But Poe knew that despite her past as a smuggler, she wouldn't have stolen one of their ships. Although they hadn't known each other for long, he was fully convinced that was not who she was. Distrustful. A thief. 
There was only one person who could provide him with an answer. Brain working on overdrive, he practically ran into the conference room, knowing that he would meet Leia there. Sure enough, the general locked eyes with him, pausing her talk with admiral Ackbar. Something on the pilot's face caused her to excuse herself from the admiral, ushering him and a few others out of the room until it was only the two of them left. 
"Poe, what can I do for you?" Her eyes briefly skipped towards the familiar jacket he carried in his hands and her lips pulled into a knowing smile. 
"Do you know where she is?" There was no need to mention the name. He knew Leia understood who he was talking about. 
The general knew in order to make Poe understand why Sora was off on a mission with her team, she had to tell him everything she knew about the smuggler. Turning on a hologram, Leia switched through a menu to open a file. The picture of a man and a woman he briefly remembered seeing a couple of times appeared before their eyes. He couldn't remember their names. They hadn't really spoken anything more than a couple of polite greetings with each other. And he didn't understand how they related to the matter at hand. 
"When Sora told me how she had ended up on Jakku, the story sounded very familiar," Leia admitted, skipping through the files until a report about an incident on Atrisia came up. "It took me a while till I remembered where I had heard it before. Two years ago, a former stormtrooper named Revan and his female companion Nyra Kess asked to join us. They were on the run from the First Order."
Poe still had no clue how the information was connected to the woman he was looking for, so he only nodded impatiently, motioning for Leia to continue. Where was this going?
"A few years after he had defected, Revan was caught in a small town on Atrisia. Thus, he became a prisoner waiting for his execution. Nyra had hired Sora to save him but the First Order arrived there at the same time as she did. She managed to free him but was badly wounded in the process. Revan and Sora's crewmate left thinking she was dead. Which, as you know, is not true, thanks to a brave unknown stormtrooper. Now, imagine their surprise when they saw each other again this morning."
Surprise and shock overcame Poe. Sora hadn't gone into detail when she had told him about herself. She had only mentioned that a mission had failed but not that the First Order had been involved and that they were the ones who had nearly killed her. How had things gotten so complicated so quickly?
However, she had willingly given up her life to save another. She was more suited for the Resistance than she likely thought. 
"Still, that doesn't explain why she is nowhere to be seen now," Poe found himself saying.
Leia turned off the hologram, clasping her hands behind her back. "Revan and Nyra have been working as smugglers for us ever since they joined, using her ship."
Suddenly, the pieces began to fit together, forming a completed puzzle inside his head. Of course. It made so much sense. And he was happy for her. Happy that she had found part of her old life again through the Resistance. 
And, most importantly, that she would stay.
Noticing the look of realization on his face, Leia smiled. "She will be a great leader to them and an even better addition for the Resistance as a whole. We need new repair parts for the X-Wings as soon as possible. We will need more supplies, weapons and other goods in the future as well. I don't think there is anyone more suited for the job than Team Phoenix."
Instinctively, he clutched her jacket a little tighter. Of course he agreed with Leia but not all of his worries had vanished. "And where exactly did you send them to?"
The planet Tatooine, Outer Rim, 34 ABY
"We can still turn back, you know? Act like the Jawas went extinct and their stuff had already been scavenged. Or maybe we could come up with a story about how they tried to kill us but we bravely fought them off and-"
"Would you just shut up already, Revan?" Nyra gritted her teeth, rolling her eyes in annoyance. "They aren't even that bad. I'd rather deal with hundreds of Jawas than with you right now."
"Excuse me? I'm a joy to be around."
"Only on special occasions."
"I'll remember that the next time you feel lonely at night again."
"Okay, that's enough," Sora intervened, done with the bickering duo. Whatever their relationship status was, they needed to get it together. At least as long as they were on a mission. "Just let me do the talking and we'll be fine."
She could already feel the sweat on her back, caused by the two blazing suns on the horizon. Sand whirled around their feet at the trio crossed the small distance between the Phoenix and the sand crawler. It hadn't been hard to track one down from the sky, the big brown vehicle easily spotted with the ships sensors. Maybe they'd be lucky and wouldn't even have to visit Tatooine's bigger settlements. 
At the sight of the three humans, a horde of tiny Jawas wearing brown, hooded robes approached them eagerly, more than a dozen pairs of orange glowing eyes peering up at them. 
The Jawa trade talk was one of the few languages Sora understood. She had dealt with the species many times in the past, so the skill had naturally developed over time. 
Nodding her head in greeting, Sora stepped to the front of their crew. "We've heard you have some spare ship components. Power compensators, plasma phase coils, shilo pins. What do you want for them?"
Jawas spoke incredibly fast but she managed to catch every important word, translating it to Revan and Nyra. "They said we need to bring them two horns of a canyon krayt dragon. They won't accept anything else." 
"See, I told you this was a bad idea. They're just trying to get us killed," Revan insisted, ignoring the offended sounds coming from the Jawas and the shushing noises Nyra was making.
Sora didn't like the deal either. Three people against a canyon krayt dragon didn't sound like they had high chances of winning. But they really didn't have a choice. Those ship parts were hard to get without paying high sums of credits, something the Resistance didn't have.
"It's a deal."
"You can't be serious? Kriff, you're actually serious." Groaning, Revan ran a hand through his hair, glaring at her. It only took seconds for the look to soften. "For the Resistance, right?"
Thankful that he understood why she had accepted and why this was important, she nodded. "Exactly."
"Alright, let's catch a dragon then." Excitement was audible in Nyra's voice. Clearly, she was happy about their upcoming adventure. 
Sora couldn't deny she was craving the adrenaline as well. Scavenging had been anything but exciting. Moreover, she was quite confident in their skills.
Locating the dangerous animal hadn't been hard at all, thanks to the hints the Jawas had given them. All they had to do was fly to the next settlement.
Parking the spacecraft behind a dune a little further away from the small village, the trio emerged from the hull of the ship and crouched on top of the dune. They carefully peeked over the sand, immediately seeing the terrifying creature. Although the predatory reptile was smaller than other species of dragons, it was still significantly larger than humans. Its light brown skin camouflaged it well out here in the desert. Multiple horns of various sizes were on its head as well as down the length of the back. Rows of razor sharp teeth were only waiting to bite into their next prey.
There was a tail of destruction in the middle of the small village. Screams echoed through the air as humans and other species alike ran from the dragon, desperately trying to seek shelter inside their homes. Or what was left of them.
"How the heck are we gonna kill this beast?" Sora asked, worriedly watching the creature's every movement. The people down there were utterly defenseless, so they had to act fast. But the more she combed her brain for a reasonable answer, the more clueless she felt. No weapon on the Phoenix was big enough to do any serious damage. 
"We can't risk shooting it with the ship's laser cannons," Nyra voiced her observations. "Not with how fast and unpredictable it's moving. We could accidentally kill someone."
"Agreed. You don't happen to have stored some explosives whilst I was gone?"
"Unfortunately not," Revan replied. Slowly, his lips pulled into a knowing grin. "But I do have a trap strong enough to stun this thing."
Not daring to question where he had gotten the unusual and likely expensive weapon from, Sora hummed appreciatively. "That's a good start. Could have mentioned it sooner, actually."
As it turned out, the weapon cupboard of the Phoenix had been expanded considerably, all thanks to Revan. Staring at various types of weapons she had never seen before, Sora worried she might pick one up and accidentally cause the ship to explode. "Kriff, where did you find all of these?"
"I raided the First Order's weaponry and hid them somewhere safe before I deserted." He was undeniably proud of himself. For good reason, she supposed. Rummaging through the deadly items, he picked up four strange looking devices. They were small but heavy cubes made out of some kind of metal. Overall, they didn't look like weapons. "We place them in a square around the dragon, set it off remotely and watch the magic happen."
Sora was a bit sceptic about it. Even if these things did manage to trap the creature, they would still need to kill it afterwards. Oh well, better think about that when they had actually made it that far.
Taking two of the small devices, she quickly stuffed them in the newly tied holster around her waist. "We need to act quick. Take care of yourself but get this done. Let's spread out." 
Motivation speeches weren't really her strong suit but her team didn't look like they needed one anyways. As determined as her, they took one cube each, shared a nod and vanished somewhere into town. 
Sora felt her pulse race in anticipation. Taking a deep breath, she watched the dragon draw dangerously closer towards a small hut in which four children were hiding. No.
She sprinted through the sand as fast as possible. The menacing creature opened its large mouth wide to let out a deafening roar that vibrated through her bones. Her breath hitched as its teeth sunk into the roof, ripping it off easily. Terrified screams sounded from within and through the windows, she could see the scared kids holding onto each other tightly. Kriff, she had to distract the dragon. One more bite and the children would be gone.
She was right behind the beast now. Putting two fingers into her mouth, Sora whistled loudly. "Hey big guy! Over here!" At the sound of her voice, it turned its head towards her, large eyes narrowing at the small human who dared to interrupt it from getting its meal. 
"Leave them alone!" Sora took the chance and whipped out her blaster, firing a single expert shot into its right eye. The dragon flinched, turning around fully with a loud pained roar. She had to duck under its tail, the sharp horns whipping past her much too close to her liking. 
It jammed one foot onto the ground and she had just a millisecond to stumble back or she would have become one with the ground underneath them. "Revan, Nyra, you need to hurry and place those traps. I could use a little help here," she yelled into the com link. 
"Already done. Give us a second!"
Firing her blaster randomly at every part of its body, Sora dogged dozens of sharp teeth multiple times, dancing around the dragon. She had to keep it where it was or else the traps would be useless. Still inside the hut which entrance was being guarded by the smuggler, the children watched the scene with wide eyes, each of them holding their breaths. 
Claws wrapped around her faster than she had anticipated. Her blaster fell from her hands which were currently being painfully pressed against her body. Her lungs burned as her feet dangled in the air. Sora was sure she heard at least one of her ribs cracking. Pained moans left her lips but wiggling her body only made it worse, so she held still. 
"Drop her now, you ugly thing!" 
An explosion ripped through the dragon's side and it roared loudly. Sora could see Revan standing a good distance away, another tiny round bomb in his hand reflecting the suns. "Took you long enough," she uttered.
Now very angry at the man who had caused a small wound on its hard skin, the creature threw Sora's body against one of the huts carelessly. The impact was painfully hard, knocking the breath out of her. For a hot minute, the young woman felt like her back had been snapped in two but then her head hit the surface and she blinked in and out of unconsciousness. The noises from the fight around her faded into nothing as everything became a blurry, distorted version of reality. 
Dank ferrik, she really had to train again. Her body wasn't used to this type of exercise anymore. Groaning, Sora dragged her body upwards using the wall as a crutch. The noises around her become louder again, but everything felt and sounded like she was underwater. Every breath she took was a painful stab in her chest, her likely broken ribs aching. She pushed the pain away for now and held her head, stumbling forwards as her sight slowly returned. 
Nyra and Revan were keeping the dragon busy, using any type of weapon they carried on their bodies. Blaster shots rang through the air, doing next to no damage at all. Nyra's gaze locked with hers and the older woman grimaced at the sight of her. "Kriff Sora, stay back!"
But she couldn't. There were two traps waiting to be set. For their survival. For the survival of the villagers. And for the Resistance. It was an easy job if she would just snap out of it.
So she did. Sora gathered herself and straightened her back, ignoring the pain in every part of her upper body. The first few steps she took were still unsure but then she was running again. The adrenaline was doing its job again. 
Nyra saw her and pointed a finger to a spot a few meters ahead of Sora. "Place one there and the other in a direct line on your other side. That should form a square," she screamed, simultaneously making sure the dragon kept its attention on her and Revan. 
Sora listened without hesitation. She practically threw the devise to its place on the ground, instantly moving back into the other direction. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Revan getting hit by the dragon's tail, throwing his body several feet through the air. 
"Oh you'll pay for that," Nyra yelled angrily, detaching what looked like a pen from her holster. With a klick against a tiny button two long blades extended from both sides, turning the pen into a spear. With a snarl, she ran at the creature and watched it open its mouth in anticipation, expecting to catch her body between the two rows of teeth. But she stopped abruptly and threw the sharp weapon with all of her strength into its mouth. The dragon let out loud sounds of protest, whipping his head around in every direction to get rid of the weapon impaled into its throat. 
Sora placed the last trap down and looked towards Revan, who was being assisted back onto his feet by Nyra. She had run towards him straight after her vengeful attack. "Do it now!"
The pair stumbled back as much as they could before Revan finally pushed a button on his wristband. Just as the spear fell from the dragon's mouth, thick blue glowing strings shot out of the traps, forming a square around the dragon. They wrapped around the defenseless beast like a fishing net, shooting bolts of electricity against it. 
The trio watched it wither in pain for a good while, but neither of them felt guilty for the torture they were causing it. All around them, curious heads peeked out from behind doors, warily eyeing the scene. They were still too scared to leave their shelter but Sora was more than fine with it. Less eyes on them meant less gossip spreading around and the Resistance certainly didn't need that. 
With a final roar, the dragon crumbled to the ground. It wasn't dead yet, only unconscious judging by the slow rise and fall of its chest. 
"So, how do we kill it?" Revan's arm was still wrapped around Nyra's shoulder but Sora could see that he was fine now and didn't actually need her help anymore. Neither of the two seemed to care about it though, both pointedly ignoring the obvious. 
"Don't worry about that." Carefully wiggling out of Revan's grip, Nyra went to retrieve her spear. It looked almost weightless in her hands as she approached the unconscious creature. Having felt Sora's curious eyes on the weapon, she turned and winked at her. "Beskar. Don't ask how I've got my hands on it. But this will surely pierce right through thick dragon skin and bones."
Kriff, Sora was just a tiny bit jealous. Mandalorian steel was rare and usually almost impossible to obtain for non-Mandalorians. However Nyra had managed to get it, it had to have been hard. She was definitely impressed. And she would ask again in the future.
Nyra let her eyes wander over the dragon in front of her, one hand stemmed against her hip. "Now, do you guys know where the heart of this thing is or do we just take a wild guess?"
"I'm gonna shower first!" Revan shouted, sprinting straight towards the refresher. 
Sora made sure to activate the autopilot once the Phoenix had entered hyperspace, the telltale bright blue colours surrounding them. The ship parts they had gotten in exchange for the dragons's horns were safely secured in the storage department.
"Ever heard the phrase 'Ladies first'?" Nyra yelled back from the seat beside the smuggler, rolling her eyes. "What a gentlemen." Huffing, she turned towards Sora, the annoyance visible on her face switching to concern. "Hey, you took quite a hit. Are you okay?"
"Just a few broken ribs. I'm fine." An obvious lie. Sora was sitting as straight and still as possible, trying not to move too much. Breathing alone put a strain on her ribs, pain radiating through her body with every inhale and exhale. It didn't help that her head felt like an AT-AT was trampling on it. But she'd been through worse and would make it through this just fine. The injuries were a natural byproduct of her job. 
Of course Nyra saw right through her. "You're not fooling anyone. The Resistance is a bit tight on medical supplies at the moment, so we don't have any bacta on board. Just hang in there Sora, okay?"
This was not an injury to waste bacta on anyways. Her ribs would heal on their own and with a bit of rest, her concussion would be gone in a couple of days anyways. "Really, I'm fine. Trust me, a blaster shot straight through your abdomen is way worse than this."
Nyra laughed. "True. Hey, you can shower next. You reek of dragon blood." Wrinkling her nose,  she sniffed the air and made a disgusted face.
"Like you smell any better."
"Yeah, but the longer I can annoy Revan with the stench, the better."
"You two are like kids when you're together," Sora chimed in, stating the obvious with a small smile. "Don't know how long I can stand sharing the same ship with you before I'll want to yeet myself into space."
"You'll get used to it, I promise."  
The cockpit was engulfed in silence, the two women processing what had happened during the last hours. Despite her injuries, Sora couldn't help but be happy. The thrill of fighting a dragon on a mission had been missed dearly. Finally,  excitement was present again in her life. However, killing any kind of creature never felt right, even such a deadly one. But they had saved lives, that was all that mattered.
"So, how does it feel to be back again? You know, up here," Nyra asked after a while, fingers picking at the dried blood on her arms with a disgusted expression. 
"Good." Sora nodded, lips pulled into a tender smile. "Awesome actually. This is basically all I've ever known. It's like living again."
The older woman next to her hummed, warm brown eyes locking with Sora's. "You know, I never had the chance to truly thank you for saving him. If I had known everything would escalate the way it did, I wouldn't have asked you to do it. But you did it nonetheless. So, thank you, Sora. For giving up everything and bringing him back to me. He's all I have left." Tears gathered in her eyes and a single one managed to escape, slowly traveling down her left cheek. Nyra gently laid her calloused hand on top Sora's. "I don't know what I would do without him. I...I..."
"You love him," Sora whispered, seeing past the hesitation. 
"I love him," Nyra admitted lowly. She took a deep breath, wiping the lone tear with the back of her free hand. "Kriff, I love that man. I do. But...It's...You know, it's..."
"It's complicated," Sora finished the sentence once again. The headstrong woman before her suddenly appeared tiny. Clearly, there was a deeper story behind the mystery that were Revan and Nyra. Between the former stormtrooper and the...Well, she wasn't actually sure who Nyra Kess really was. Back when her and Elijah had accepted the job offer, they hadn't shared any life stories. She had proved she had enough credits to pay and that was all that mattered. 
But it was different now and Sora wanted to get to know her new crewmates better. If they wanted to become a team, it was actually necessary. "That's what Revan told me as well. It's pretty obvious you like each other though. So why not make it official?"
Nyra sighed and leaned back in her seat, closing her eyes. "I still feel so guilty and I'm not sure that'll ever change."
Sora furrowed her brows, not quite understanding what she meant. "Guilty? For what?"
"Revan, he...he was part of the group raiding our Settlement on Corellia. The First Order was newly on the rise, so we had underestimated their danger. They vastly outnumbered us, so we surrendered to save ourselves. Each day, they wanted more and more resources. One day, my brother had enough. Him and some other villagers formed an elaborate plan against them. But they were betrayed by one of their own. The First Order slaughtered all of them except for my brother. They captured and tortured him for weeks. Injured him to the point of near death, only to heal him with bacta and start all over. It was a game for them. Entertainment."
Nyra stayed strong, refusing to shed any more tears. Sora was thankful for she wouldn't know how to console her anyways. It was a sad story but she had never been particularly good with reassuring words. So she simply let her talk.
"Revan couldn't keep on watching. So he tried to help my brother escape. It didn't work. He managed to give him enough time to write me one last letter. A goodbye. Then my brother begged him to end his life for good. He couldn't endure any more suffering. Revan ended his pain and then helped me leave Corellia. He's been on the run from the First Order ever since. We spent some time together on Pasaana but Revan couldn't stay on any planet for long. He left before the First Order could find him and therefore me as well. I put my hacking skills to use and became part of some underground group of criminals. We'd steal all sorts of valuable data from those associated with the First Order and travelled from planet to planet to avoid detection. It's what filled my pockets so well. And it's also how I got to know that Revan had been captured on Atrisia. I wanted to help him like he had helped my brother. It was just my luck you that you and I crossed paths. And well, you know the rest of the story."
Sora didn't know what to say. It was a lot to take in but some things were beginning to make sense. "And you'd feel guilty to be happy with him because he used to be part of the same people that tortured your brother, right?"
Nyra smiled sadly. "Right."
"But Revan proved he is nothing like them. In the end, your brother trusted him. I don't think he'd mind Revan to be your happiness." It was all Sora could offer. Nyra had to come to terms with it herself. She knew it would likely take some time but she had faith that the older woman would put her desires first in the end. 
"Maybe," Nyra mumbled, staring into the endless blue surrounding them. Sora could feel that she didn't want to talk about it anymore.
Loud screeching caught their attention and the two women turned their seats around at the noise. Revan entered the cockpit, sporting a pair of fresh clothes. He was rubbing his wet hair with a towel, singing a song Sora had never heard. His vocals were so off-key that she wanted to cover her ears to escape the horrible noises. 
"Please, stop it," she whined instead. "You sound like a screaming Jawa." Nyra laughed at that.
Revan gasped loudly, putting a hand on his chest. "I do not."
"Nah, Sora's right. Throw on a brown robe and you'd fit right in."
"Why do I feel like you two have already formed an alliance against me."
"Because we have." The two women answered at the same time.
Revan's gaze wandered between them. "You're going to be the death of me. I just know it."
Plopping down in a free seat, he put his hands behind his head, smirking at them. "By the way, I may or may not have used up the last warm water. Guess you have to wait for it to fill up again. Oops."
"The game's on, Revan," Nyra said and held up a hand, not having to wait long for Sora to give her a high five. "Better sleep with your eyes open all the time." 
Sora laughed, at ease with the situation. She almost forgot they were about to land at the base of the Resistance very soon. Where she was a part of a galactic war now. Where Rey and Elijah  were still gone somewhere. But also where more exciting missions were waiting for her. Where Poe was likely already waiting for her to tell him all about their mission on Tatooine. She was sure Leia had already filled the curious pilot in about her new job for the Resistance.
The ship rattled out of hyperspace softly and the green planet appeared behind the windows in front of them. 
"And we're back," Sora announced, readying their freighter for landing. "Activating communication. Team Phoenix approaching, permission to land."
The line stayed silent for a couple of seconds before an unfamiliar female voice responded. "Permission granted. Welcome back."
Sora landed the Phoenix gently, maneuvering it safely back into its hangar. Once the engine was shut down, Revan leaped out of his seat. To everyone's surprise, he went to her, offering her a hand. "You look like you need a crutch. Use me however you like." He smirked at her, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. 
Sora eyed his hand with raised brows and a small smile. "However I like, huh? I think the Phoenix needs some cleaning. So much dried dragon blood in her storage. Grab a sponge and get to work then. Oh, and unload our goods before that."
Revan's smile fell instantly. Nyra chuckled and he glared at her. "Fine, captain. You two better clean up yourself before some of the Resistance members decide to flee because of the smell."
Sora got to her feet, swallowing a pained groan at the ache in her ribs. She had to grip the back of her seat for support until the stars in her vision vanished again. Nyra followed suit, keeping close to her as the two left the ship. Their arms were pressed together. It was her way of supporting Sora without making it too obvious. Nyra would be ready in case Sora did need a crutch after all.
Only a minute later, it turned out she needed someone to hold her hair instead. Emptying the contents of her stomach into a couple of bushes hadn't been on her agenda but she was thankful that the grounds seemed to be void of any people. They had arrived in the middle of the night and the planet of D'Qar was engulfed in darkness once again. 
Behind her, Nyra kept a tight hold on her hair, stroking her back gently with her free hand. "I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty sure you have a concussion as well."
Wiping her mouth with her already dirty shirt, Sora grimaced before she turned towards the other woman. "I agree," she admitted, her eyes moving past Nyra as she noticed something unusual. "All of the X-Wings are gone." Poe's X-Wing was gone.
"What?" Nyra asked, furrowing her eyebrows in question. She followed Sora's gaze. "You're right. Maybe they're on a mission. C'mon, let's ask someone on our way to the infirmary. Don't give me that look. You will get a check-up, maybe even some bacta. We need you healthy and with full strength."
There was no escaping Nyra's determination, so Sora had no choice but to be dragged along. It did worry her a bit that they didn't cross paths with anyone. This didn't feel like a normal mission. Something must have happened while their team had been on Tatooine.
Entering the infirmary, they were greeted by a friendly looking woman in her fifties. Her dark shoulder length hair was streaked with grey and there were wrinkles around her gentle smile. "I'm Doctor Harter Kalonia. You must be our newest member Sora Park. Please, sit down and let me take a look at you."
The smuggler offered her an appreciative smile in return and followed her demand. 
"Hey, do you mind if I go ahead and get cleaned up? I really need that shower," Nyra asked.
"Sure, go ahead. I'll be fine on my own. Goodnight, Nyra." Sora replied without hesitation and waved her off. 
"Thanks. And goodnight. Take care." Waving at her one last time, Nyra hurried back through the doors, leaving Sora alone with the female doctor.
She leaned back on the infirmary bed and let doctor Kalonia do her work. Cold fingers pressed against her ribcage, causing her to groan in pain.
"You've got three broken ribs. I can apply some bacta spray to help the process but it will still take a couple of days for them to heal completely."
Sora hummed. "Aren't you low on medical supplies? I don't want to waste anything on non-life threatening injuries."
Doctor Kalonia laughed softly. "Bacta is indeed an expensive resource for us but the Resistance needs all of its members working on full strength. Without bacta, you won't be able to move properly for weeks. We can't have that."
It made sense, Sora couldn't deny that. "Guess Team Phoenix will have to stock up our supply soon then."
"That would be indeed very helpful. You should propose that idea to Leia, although I doubt she'd allow you to steal it. Now, please follow the flashlight with your eyes."
Sora did as she was told, wincing at the brightness and the headache that flared up instantly. "Not if we steal it from the First Order."
"I suppose not," Doctor Kalonia said, turning off the tiny flashlight. "And a concussion as well. The bacta will heal that within a day or two."
Her heels clicked against the linoleum floor as she walked towards a cabinet filled with medical supplies. Sora waited patiently whilst the doctor applied the bacta spray, the cold liquid numbing most of the pain almost instantly. "Where is everyone?" She finally asked. 
"Takodana. Not long after your departure, we received word that a certain droid and his brave new friends were in need of our help. The pilots and general Leia left immediately."
Sora sat up quickly, wincing when the fast movement caused the pain to worsen again. "BeeBee-Ate and Rey have been found? Are they okay? What happened?"
"Easy now," Doctor Kalonia said, putting her hands on Sora's shoulders. "There was a fight against the First Order. We know that BeeBee-Ate and the other members are already on their way back. As far as we know, there have been no casualties."
So Rey was safe, right? She had to be. And Poe too. 
A weight fell off her shoulders. Albeit, she was a bit sad she had missed an opportunity to kick some stormtroopers asses. But she also remembered that it was better if they thought her to be dead. 
Sora thanked Doctor Kalonia before she made her way back to her room. The bacta made it easier to move. However, it had also made her incredibly sleepy. She all but stumbled into her tiny refresher and quickly scrubbed off the dried blood in the shower. The hot water further eased her pain, so putting on some shirt to sleep in was relatively easy. Once done, she made sure to brush her teeth thoroughly and fell right into bed afterwards. The smuggler was sleeping like a stone not even a second later.
Poe was smiling from ear to ear. His day had been very eventful. The adrenaline from the fight against the First Order on Takodana was still running through his system. Nothing beat flying. Except for flying and eliminating the galaxy's enemies in the process. 
Next to him, Beebee-Ate was happily chirping. Poe was especially delighted to have his little droid by his side again. Flying without him hadn't been the same. And with him, they were now in possession of one half of a map that would lead them to Luke Skywalker. Unfortunately, that meant they had to look for the other half now, with no clue where to start. 
The pilot hadn't expected to see Finn again. Without a doubt, it had been the biggest surprise when the ex-stormtrooper had walked out of the Millennium Falcon. He was still very much thankful that Finn had saved his life and he saw much potential in him. 
Poe had left him with Leia who was eager to have a little chat with him. Which meant the pilot finally had time do what had been nagging him ever since he had landed. 
His feet had carried him towards Sora's room as if on autopilot, her leather jacket tightly clutched in his hands. He had made sure to take it from his room on the way. She'd need it back. She'd probably question we had taken it in the first place. And Poe was not sure he could provide an answer.
When no one had answered his knocking and the room behind the door stayed deathly silent, he opted to check the Phoenix next. Maybe her and her crew were still working on it. After all, the only information he had gotten from communication tower had been that Team Phoenix had arrived just before they had. It was likely that they were still unloading their cargo.
Poe stumbled, barely managing to not fall on his face. "Careful, buddy," he scolded his droid who had bumped into his calf and was now frantically rolling past him. "Hey, I'm just as excited to see her like you. Wait for me!"
BeeBee-Ate beeped happily. I bet she wants to see me more though.
"Now, don't get ahead of yourself. Sora and I are friends. She barely knows you."
I slept in her house. What did you do, huh?
With an offended scoff, Poe hurried after his droid. "I'll have you know that we were roomies as well. Wanna make a bet about who she missed more, buddy?
BeeBee-Ate agreed instantly, chirping determinedly. It sounded way too self-assured for Poe. If I win, I get to stay with her for a whole week. 
"A week?! C'mon, I need your help with my X-Wing. You'd let me do all the work alone?"
Poe grumbled unhappily. "Okay. But if I win, which I will by the way, you'll clean my room."
The pilot knew he didn't have to worry about losing anyways. Sora had barely spent time with his droid, why should she miss BeeBee-Ate more than him? Yeah, he'd win this bet easily. 
Once the Phoenix appeared before them, BeeBee-Ate didn't waste any time and barreled right up the open ramp, Poe following him at a slower pace. Voices echoed through the ship.
"I'm telling you, cold water alone won't get rid of dried blood. You need to scrub it with chemicals."
"And I'm telling you cold water and salt is all you need. Did you never have to clean up a murder scene?"
"No. No, I didn't."
"Well, then stay quiet and let the expert do it."
"Fine, I'll leave you to it then. Don't mind me watching though. I wanna see you fail."
"Can't wait to hear you admit you were wrong, sweetheart."
Poe was slightly worried now. Murder. Blood. That didn't sound good at all. Still, he followed the voices which lead him straight into the ship's storage department. Two heads turned towards him and the small droid by his side instantly. He'd seen them before in the cafeteria and then just this morning as holograms in Leia's office. But he had never actually talked to them. Nyra and Revan were their names, he thought, hoping he remembered correctly. 
The latter was crouched on the ground, a bloodied rag in his hands. He watched the pilot standing before him curiously, folding his arms across his chest. "And what might you be doing here?"
Poe's gaze wandered from him towards the woman sitting on a crate. She leaned casually against the wall behind her, swinging her legs back and forth. She only waved at him which he acknowledged with a simple nod. 
"Poe Dameron. I'm looking for Sora. Is she here?" He couldn't stop his eyes from searching the room. 
Something Revan noticed. And of course he knew who Poe Dameron was. A very handsome pilot, basically the Resistance's own superstar. Quite sure of his talents too, maybe a bit too much. There was a thin line between arrogance and confidence. 
But most importantly, the ex-stormtrooper knew he had been the one to accompany Sora to the base.
He shared a knowing look with Nyra, forming a silent plan with her. They were experts at communicating without words, probably better than with them actually- No, definitely. 
Quickly trying to look as solemn as possible, he gripped the rag tighter, fixing his gaze on the bloodied fabric. "Sora, she's...she's still in the infirmary. A dragon's grip is very tight, you know. They have sharp claws too. We hadn't seen it coming and the next thing we knew, she went flying."
Poe felt his heart sink all the way to the hard ground. No, it couldn't be. Numbly, he blinked at the dirty rag and all of the dried, deep red blood on the ground. A Dragon. Blood. So much blood. Hers? Claws. Infirmary. 
His thoughts were all over the place, his brain imagining a deeply hurt Sora laying in a bacta tank, various tubes connected to her fragile body. What the kriff had happened on Tatooine?
Poe didn't respond. He turned around and basically sprinted towards the infirmary, heart practically bursting out of his chest. BeeBee-Ate was hot on his trail, keeping up with his pace easily.  
He didn't hear the little giggle which left Revan's mouth. "Oh, he's whipped."
"Was this really necessary?" Nyra asked, raising her brows in question. 
"He needs a little push. Trust me, I know how a man's brain works." 
"You talk as if you actually have one."
The infirmary doors were nearly thrown out of their hinges as the pilot and his small companion entered the room. Doctor Kalonia flinched in surprise, dropping the supplies she was sorting into a cabinet. "Mister Dameron, what are you doing here? Do you require medical attention?"
Poe didn't even look at her, his eyes kept checking every corner around them. "Sora. Where is she?"
The female doctor was confused, watching him carefully. "I sent her to her room to rest. She'll be out of it for a while, I'm sure. Why do you..." But the pilot was already gone again. BeeBee-Ate beeped a small apology before he too vanished. 
Running through the empty corridors, Poe and the astromech arrived in front of Sora's room in the blink of an eye. At least they knew she was not laying in a bacta tank. It was something at least, but it didn't calm his anxiety in any way. 
BeeBee-Ate stuck out a tiny wired arm and knocked it against the door repeatedly. Ever the impatient man everyone knew he was, Poe rattled his knuckles against the steel door, not really caring about waking up the whole dorm. "Sora? Open up please." 
He needed to see her himself. Needed to make sure she wasn't half dead. It's what friends did, he told himself. 
The pilot had to wait a whole minute,  an actual kriffing minute, until a very groggy Sora finally opened the door. Indeed, it looked like she had just risen from the dead, her black hair still slightly damp but tangled everywhere. Her skin was even paler than usual and he could spot some bruises on her arms and her face. She wore nothing but a lilac oversized shirt that went to her mid thighs. The colour felt slightly unnatural to her but suited her incredibly well nonetheless. 
Poe didn't care about any of that at the moment. Gently pushing her back into the room, he invited himself inside, hearing the door close behind him and BeeBee-Ate who was beeping a full on rant continuously, like a mother-hen. Her leather jacket fell to the ground next to them.
"Poe? You're back," Sora whispered, eyes blinking against the dull pain in her head. 
"Tell me you're okay, princess." Very softly to avoid hurting her, he laid his hands on her shoulders, locking his desperate eyes with her sleepy ones.
"I..." She was confused, that much was obvious. His sudden appearance had likely overwhelmed her. Still, he wasn't sorry for his behavior, for his worry. "I'm fine, Poe. Just a couple broken ribs and a concussion. Nothing bacta can't heal." 
Her voice was a gentle whisper in his ears, toning down his concerns. Poe exhaled deeply, pulling Sora into his arms, careful not to crush her. One hand tangled in her hair, he rested her head above his heart, putting his chin atop of it. His other hand caressed her back slowly, using it as a method to calm himself down. 
Sora was stiff as a board at first, the affectionate gesture catching her off guard. Listening to his heartbeat seemed to loosen her and she relaxed against his warm body, wrapping her arms around his middle. 
Poe couldn't help but further lean into the hug. She felt so good in his arms, so warm and natural. His heart skipped a beat and in that moment, he knew he wanted this to be more than a friendship. Maybe this wasn't exactly the perfect timing but in this galaxy, the time would never be right. He just hoped that with time, she would feel the same. Maybe for once in his life, he would be patient. 
"Broken ribs and a concussion isn't what I'd call nothing. Your crew nearly sent me into cardiac arrest when they told me what happened."
"Revan is an idiot. Don't take him too serious next time," Sora mumbled against his shirt. Her eyes were closed again and her breath even. Poe could see she was already halfway asleep again. 
"Did everything work out on Takodana?"
Poe's hand lingered on her back, no longer caressing it. It came to him then that he still had to break the heartbreaking news to her. That her friend Rey had been captured by Kylo Ren. 
That could wait until tomorrow though, he decided. Sora needed to rest first. "I'll explain everything tomorrow. But, you can see for yourself." Loosening his hold just a bit, he nodded his head towards the still beeping droid who was knocking his round body into Poe's leg over and over again, desperately wanting to be acknowledged. "Ouch, buddy. Stop it."
BeeBee-Ate's presence finally registered in Sora's mind and she practically shoved Poe off her, now totally awake again. She crouched down as best as she could without disturbing her ribs. "BeeBee-Ate!" She exclaimed happily, caressing his little dome head. "It's so good to see you again. Are you alright?"
The droid chirped excitedly, spinning around in circles. He spoke so fast that Sora had a hard time catching everything. "Yes, I missed you too. Very much. You look good too, thank you."
It was as if the pilot didn't exist anymore. The two totally ignored him, so invested into their chat that they didn't feel the need to include him. "Of course I missed you more than this guy here. You're not even half as annoying as he is. Also, I could really use your help with the Phoenix. There are some things that need to be adjusted but my team and I can't do it alone. Thank you, you're so kind."
Poe couldn't help but glare at his droid. Especially as Sora gave him a quick hug and BeeBee-Ate dared to send him a smug thumbs up behind her back, using his expendable wired arm. I won the bet, it clearly said. The pilot rolled his eyes in annoyance, yet an affectionate smile threatened to appear on his lips. He liked that his droid and Sora got along so well.
When she released a tired yawn, guilt suddenly overcame him. He shouldn't have woken her up. Yet, he didn't regret it.
"You should get back to bed." He gently guided her towards her bed, giving her shoulder a little squeeze. She understood and laid back, grimacing at the pain surging through her upper body. Poe wanted to make it disappear but he knew the bacta would eventually do its job and she'd be back running around in a couple of days.
"Please tell me the dragon had it worse than you?" He whispered and sat down next to her, pulling the blanket up to her neck.
Sora chuckled lowly. "It's dead."
"Good." He watched her drift off, head lolling to the side. "Goodnight, Sora." Raising one hand, he let it travel through her hair, pulling it out of her face so it wouldn't bother her in her sleep. 
As quietly as possible him and BeeBee-Ate went to leave the room. He made sure to pick up her jacket and hung it on the small wardrobe, not forgetting to switch off the lights on their way out.
Sora woke up to soft knocking against her door. Once again. This time, it was much easier to sit up. The pain in her head had dulled down to a very bearable headache and she was sure that by the end of the day, it would be gone completely. Her ribs still ached with every movement but breathing was much easier now. All in all, there was nothing binding her to the bed.
Stretching her limbs as best as she could, she opened the door and was surprised to be greeted by BeeBee-Ate. Ah, so her encounter with the droid and a certain pilot hadn't been a dream after all. Somehow, that thought caused her to blush and she wanted to slap it off her face instantly.
"Good morning BeeBee-Ate. What brings you to me?" 
The droid chirped excitedly and proudly told her about the bet he had won. Sora chuckled at the revelation, shaking her head in endearment. "I'm glad to have you all for myself for a whole week too, buddy. We're gonna have so much fun together. You don't mind me rubbing it in Poe's face, do you?"
Not at all.
"Great. Let me get dressed and then we can grab something to eat. I'm starving. Maybe we can meet Rey there. Maker knows she needs to try the buffet here. She'll love it." She left the droid waiting in her bedroom, brushing her teeth and putting on new clothes in the refresher. 
BeeBee-Ate beeped sadly and explained what had happened on Takodana, causing Sora to quickly throw on a loose, slightly cropped white sweatshirt and a pair of black cargo pants. She left her hair down, brushing through the black waves and deeming it just fine that way. "What do you mean Rey is not here?" She asked, walking back into the room to look at the droid. Worry was beginning to seep into her thoughts. 
More sad beeps followed. This time, they had Sora cursing in languages she didn't even know she was capable of speaking. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and pinched her forehead. "So Kylo Ren is gonna use his stupid mind tricks to torture the map out of her? Great. Just great. We can never get a break, can't we? Well, guess we just have to kidnap her back then, don't we?"
BeeBee-Ate was concerned now. "No, nothing can stop me from trying, not even Leia. We'll find her and we'll get her back. Hey, you better not tell Poe about this, okay? I have a feeling he would definitely find a way to stop me."
The droid was hesitant to agree but knew she was right. Given his reaction last night, he'd probably lock her into her room if she dared to suggest sneaking onto a First Order ship with her tiny crew of three. And she highly doubted Leia would green-light a big mission to save one person from the tight clutches of non other than Kylo Ren, a powerful Jedi under the protection of Snoke and thousands of stormtroopers. Besides, with the second half of the map to Luke Skywalker missing, the Resistance had other things to worry about.
But she wouldn't let Kylo Ren touch a single strand of hair on her friend's head. Under no circumstances.
"C'mon, we'll discuss this with Nyra and Revan after breakfast," she said, quickly tying the laces of her black boots. "I need a cup of caf first. Or maybe two or three. Hey, what's my jacket doing here?" She was sure she had left it in the hangar before they had taken off. 
BeeBee-Ate innocently declared he had no idea either. Which simultaneously told her everything she needed to know. That Poe had brought it to her room. In her head, she imagined him finding it in an empty hangar. And because she already knew how curious and impatient he was, he had likely gone straight to Leia to get answers. 
Really, Poe was quite predictable when it didn't concern flying.
Sora raised her eyebrows at the astromech. "You're a bad liar." And apologetic beeping was his answer.
The two of them made their way through the corridors, seeing lots of people she had never seen before. They greeted her with friendly smiles and she gave her best to return most of them. The cafeteria was just beginning to fill with people slowly as her and BeeBee-Ate made their way to the buffet. It was still early in the morning. Filling her tray with more delicacies than she could probably stomach, she grabbed a big mug of caf as well. 
"Sora! Over here!" Shouting caused her to turn around, eyes wandering all over the room until they landed on a frantically waving Revan. Him and Nyra were occupying a table in one of the corners, their own trays filled to the brim. 
"Good morning," she mumbled and plopped down on a free chair in front of them. 
"Morning," Nyra returned, stuffing some fruits into her mouth. "How are you feeling?"
Sora waved her off, taking a sip from the hot beverage in her mug. "Way better. Give me one or two more days and I can slay another dragon."
"That's the spirit." Revan leaned back, plopping grapes into his mouth. "The Phoenix is shining again. No blood left anywhere." He winked at her. "Tell me, did you have a visitor last night? Soft curly hair, abs to die for and the flirtiest smile of the Resistance?"
The smuggler narrowed her eyes at him. "What did you tell him? He seemed like he thought I was on the brink of death."
Revan shrugged his shoulders, grinning smugly. "I might have exaggerated the truth a tiny bit. Honestly, can't really remember though. It's been a while."
"Sure. Anyways, this little guy here will help us this week. BeeBee-Ate, those are Nyra and Revan." Pointing at BeeBee-Ate who chirped happily in return and quickly explained why he was with them, she drank more caf, already feeling the effects. This was exactly what she had needed to sharpen her senses. The perfect base to form a plan on how to get Rey back.
"An apprentice? Nice," Nyra said, smiling at the droid. "Don't worry, after this week, you'd never even want to go back to that pilot of yours." Gaze locking on something behind Sora, she perked up and wiggled her eyebrows teasingly. "Isn't that right?"
Sora felt a soft squeeze on her shoulder before the empty chair next to her was pulled back. She knew who it was without looking, yet she couldn't help but sneak a look at him. The smile sent her way was returned but when Poe kept his gaze locked on her, she caught herself angling her body towards his, so it was easier to look at him whilst filling her stomach. 
"I was wondering where my droid was when I woke up. Guess he was eager to see you." The pilot glared at BeeBee-Ate but it was obviously fake. "Tell you what buddy, I'm not gonna miss you one bit the next seven days. I promise you that. So no need to act so smug."
Sora chuckled, silently agreeing with the astromech. "I don't mind sharing custody. You can visit anytime you want." Kriff, did she really just say that? She wanted to cringe badly.
Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Revan smirking at her, clearly enjoying where this was going. She just knew what kind of jokes where going through his head and she hoped he would keep them to himself. 
Unsurprisingly, he didn't.
"Talking about children already? Tell us, what did you do all alone in her room?"
She felt heat spreading across her cheeks and scolded herself for it. But the way Poe looked at her told her he thankfully wouldn't take Revan's bait. Instead, he spread his arm on the back of her chair, laying a calming hand against the top of her back. Now, a different kind of warmth tingled in her body. "What friends do is check up on each other. Which is all I did, mate." 
"Good. That means we can accept you as her 'friend', Poe Dameron." Revan had turned serious and that was all it took for Sora to understand what he was really hinting at. He was looking out for her. 
It was unusual, especially coming from him. She realized they had already grown much closer than she had anticipated. Normally, it would have been Elijah acting like a big brother. But things had turned out differently and now it seemed like Revan was trying to fill that role. Did he feel obligated to do it? Or had everything that had happened to them really caused a tight bond to form in such a short amount of time? 
She found herself leaning more towards the latter. It was nice to have close friends. Smart even. And rare. As a smuggler, she had always only had Elijah, and later only Rey. Never more than one friend at a time. This was definitely a good change.
"Hey Sora, not to alarm you or anything, but there is this guy staring at you," Nyra brought her back to the present. She was looking at someone behind Sora with narrowed eyes. "Like, really staring, I'm saying totally gobsmacked. It's like he's seeing a ghost."
Curious, Revan's gaze followed the direction Nyra's finger was pointing at. Both Poe and Sora turned around as well, wanting to see who she was talking about. 
Sure enough, as Sora locked eyes with a tall brown-skinned young man who was indeed staring at her like she was a ghost, the tray in his hands fell to the ground with a loud clatter. The noise instantly killed any conversation inside the cafeteria as all eyes went towards the scene. 
"You're alright, Finn?" Poe asked, looking at the tall handsome man he called his friend in concern. 
Ah, so that was the stormtrooper who had helped Poe escape from the First Order. The one the pilot had been shouting for when she found him in the desert on Jakku. Meaning he was also the man who had fled the planet with Rey and the Millennium Falcon. Sora was glad to see he was alive and well.  
Finn stayed as still as a statue, his eyes never leaving hers. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, he beat her to it, lips stretching into a relieved smile. And what he said did nothing but confuse her even more.
"You're alive. I can't believe it, you're alive."
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fandomzwriterk · 4 months
Anyone want to “Meet the Author behind the Insanity”?
Just ask any questions and I’ll answer no matter what (unless you know me IRL). It can be anything!
Pleaseeee don’t ask for a face reveal. I’ll take a picture of myself if you want but I’m covering my face if needed.
Have fun with questions my friends!
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celestialsister0918 · 10 months
Pinterest loves the Submissioner Gordon universe as much as I do.
Seriously my favorite story I will ever write. Claire and Jim are 🔥. Only woman in the world perfect for both Jim Gordon and Norman Stansfield. (I promise it makes sense. Go read!)
It’s been on my mind lately to turn this into an original work. No clue how to do it, but I want Claire famous lol.
For my MCU readers, I am almost done with my next Brutasha chapter. It’s been a long time coming, I know. I need to make a few tweaks though. It’s been really tough to write their reunion after Sakaar. I kinda understand (as much as I hate to admit it) why those dastardly Russo brothers struggled with it so much.
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shinigami-striker · 11 months
Jessica Straus as Juri Han | Tuesday, 11.14.2023
As of 2023, Jessica Straus has voiced Juri Han since Super Street Fighter IV in 2010, therefore making her one of the only few English voice actors/actresses to reprise her role by the time Street Fighter 6 was released ( 5 months and 12 days ago).
Super Street Fighter IV
Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition
Street Fighter X Tekken
Ultra Street Fighter IV
Street Fighter V
Street Fighter 6
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leehopehocarat · 9 months
You make my World Freeze 💙✨💫🫂
Chapter 1 | Mr. & Mrs. Tastebuds
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When one of your names is said in conversation, a beaming smile is sure to follow on each of your faces...
You and Han Jisung are best friends, soulmates, the literal Ying to each other's Yang.
But could you be more than that.....
Synopsis: Sarice had moved to Korea to continue to pursue an education at one of the best Universities there. Like any other day, she walks into the local cafe to get her regular "unique" order. When it turns out, it's not just unique to you, but to The 4th Gen Ace himself, Han Jisung; who just so happened to be standing next to her taking his order at the same time as you. From there a friendship bloomed, but other feelings trickled in that may put a thorn in her relationship with him.
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Sarice and Han Jisung
When one of their names are said by the other, or by someone else in conversation, a smile that beams brighter than actual light itself appears on each of their faces.
I had moved to Korea years ago to start university and begin pursuing an education in Korean History and language. Growing up in a place like NYC, discovering new cultures was a norm. But my love for learning and my naturally inquistive nature led me to being fascinated with details about any culture, and what made it unique.
So I decided after gaining a degree in Anthropology, it was time to go global. And Korea was number 1 on my list.
Now, I have been a fan of K Pop since 2NE1. CL stole my heart and I wouldn't even attempt to try to get it back from her. Then there was Shinee, Big Bang, Girls Generation, 4 Minute...... the list goes on!
As of today, my Ult Groups are Stray Kids, BTS, Ateez, and Seventeen. I found each of these groups in times in my life where I truly felt it was destiny for me to find them when I did. And for that reason, they all hold special places in my heart.
It was almost the end of my first year in uni. I was honestly expecting myself to struggle a lot, but I managed to pass my classes enough to keep my A- average!
I had gotten an earlier than usual start to my day to make sure I had a bit of extra time to just sit and chill at my new found favorite cafe. It's also conveniently a block away from campus, so it's a win win for me.
I walk inside the cafe and get hit with lavender, cinnamon, and ground coffee in my nostrils. I never get tired of feeling like I'm stepping into a quaint cottage with those scents in the air. Brick walls, stained cedar wood tile floors with matching tables and chairs, and an endless rotation of tropical plants. The cafe screams comfort corner, and it's why it's become my favorite.
I make my way to the cashier and am greeted by Lisa, who always somehow manages to be the one to be at the register when I come in the cafe and place my order. But I ain't complaining, cause I swear she put's magic in the Hazelnut Cold Brews when I order them. She's around my height (5'10"), an asymmetrical bob cut with a shego green color dye, and a slim built. She has a sweet and genuine smile, cause she really loves her job and it shows.
As if by a freak accident, as I'm telling my order to Lisa, a deep but soft voice says word for word my exact same order. It legit took me a moment to realize that my voice wasn't doubled but that there was someone next to me placing their order at the same time I was.
I stare bug eyed at Lisa and I was legit frozen. My social cues went out the window as my anxiety started kicking in. Lisa flashed a reassuring smile and gently motioned her head to the side, signaling for me to turn and look at whoever it was next to me. I took a shuddered deep breathe, and slowly turned to the left to get a look at who apparently, has the same taste in food as me. It was a man. Chocolate brown frays of hair were peeking out from under a black beanie. Black/Brown boba eyes that shined like the reflection of light off a creek in spring time. Cheeks that just made me want to pinch them, they were round and looked so soft (I didn't by the way, even though I REALLY wanted to). He wore an oversized, baggy, black distressed shirt, paired with baggy, flared bottom jeans, and chunky platform converse. My eyes made their way back up to his face, and I realized who I was standing in front of.
Han FUCKING Jisung!
1/3 of 3racha, the production, rapline and Ace of Stray Kids.
I was internally screaming!!
I didn't realize how zoned out I was until a small, deep toned chuckle left his lips.
"I-I I'm sorry. I-I just didn't t-think someone would have the same taste in coffee as me." I somehow manage to get those words out my lips, and I'm mentally slapping myself on the forehead for my stupid stuttering. My eyes went straight to the floor that I wish would just swallow me up at this point.
"Well......" He says with a pause. My head shoots up to see him looking at me with the warmest smile. "That just means we have superior taste buds." He had such a reassuring look in his eyes, that it melted away any bit of embarrasment that was settling in my body. With that, a small smile appears on my face.
"Well Mr. Superior Taste Buds......" I reach my hand over to grab my order from off the counter, that was actually sitting there ready for a few minutes already. "I have a bit of time to spare and would love to hear your take on food, care to join me?" My smile widens and I give him a wink. I DON'T KNOW WHERE THE FUCK THE WINK CAME FROM, BUT A BITCH WAS BEING BOLD THAT DAY.
His eyebrows shoot up and his eyes slightly widen at my sudden showing of boldness. He was quite impressed and deep down inside thankful that she made the first move, cause his heart was RACING.
A small smirk comes across his face. Keeping eye contact with me, he reaches his hand out to pick up his order from the counter. "That would be nice, Mrs. Superior Taste Buds." He winks back at me and puts his hand out for me to grab it.
With no hesitation, my hand finds it's way to his. As our palms touch, a warmth surged through my body and my cheeks felt hot. Now me being a black woman, I don't usually have a visible blush.
His thumb gently rubbed over my fingers and knuckles. "I'll take you to my favorite table to sit at." He turns towards the back of the cafe leading the way. I turn my head to quickly steal a look at Lisa who was SHOOK at what just happened in front of her eyes. "WE'RE TALKING ABOUT THIS TOMORROW" she silently mouths to me, and I give her a quick thumbs up, turning my head and my attention back to Han.
From that day at the cafe to 3 years later. I'm in my last year at university and best friends with Han Jisung.
Life has been nothing short of amazing, especially with gaining 7 brothers, aka the other members of Stray Kids. If I'm not hanging out with Han, I'm on facetime with Channie as he's in the studio and I'm studying, spamming Lee Know with Cat memes, roasting red carpet celebrity looks with I.N, having a personalized gym routine made by Changbin and having him occasionally join me in working out, trading obscure recipes with Felix and trying them out together, dance practice video calls with Hyunjin, and Seungmin volunteering himself to be my tutor while he tells me random Korean history facts. Needless to say, these boys have added so much to my life. But with that, there's a burden I've been carrying the whole time.
Han being an idol has its challenges, but we've created a system that still allows us to have quality time with each other. Today is one of the days where I get to chill with him in the studio. What he doesn't know is that I've surprised him with his favorite, his go to order from the cafe that we met at, along with a slice of chocolate cheesecake.
I make my way into the JYP building and greet the different staff members I bump into on the way to the floor the studio he's in is on. I finally make it to the elevator and immediately slump against the wall, a groan of a held in sigh leaves my mouth.
I've been in love with Han Jisung since we met in that damn cafe. It's grown into an overflowing bucket that always tries to make itself known when I'm around him, but I put a lid on it.
I really did try not to fall in love as quickly as I did but..... can you blame me?!?!?!
He laughs with his whole body but makes sure to land gentle touches on me when I'm sitting next to him during one of his laughing fits.
His eyes put fairy lights to shame, when he talks about anything he's passionate about. And it's always followed by deep conversations that I adore.
And he just always knows how I'm feeling; He's fucking psychic I swear!
He knows when to hold my hand, caress my cheek and brush strands of hair out of my face.
Time stops whenever I'm in his arms. He's my safe place.
On nights like tonight, I usually just sit in silence in the background working on assignments, while he's working on a song. Being in silence together is probably one of my favorite things I do with him. But tonight, if there is silence after my plan of pouring out my heart to him..... then I hope to God the earth actually swallows me whole this time.
Hey Guys!
This is my first time writing a story like this, and I'm honestly proud of myself for taking a step into trying something new for myself.
This story was inspired by a Character AI chat I actually have for Han, lol
I accept constructive criticism but rudeness will not be tolerated!
I hope you all enjoyed the story!
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marigoldcarnations · 1 year
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Teaser of a new fic I’m working on:)
Multichapter glasskitty <3
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eddieheart · 2 years
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Fandom: 911 (fox)
Pairings: eventual Buck x OC
Words: 773
Description: The 118 gets sent on an unusual call
"911, what's your emergency."
"It's my fucking neighbours again! There doing some satanic ritual in their yard! There's a huge fire which I know they don't have a permit for and they’re trespassing and they're naked! Come now!"
When the 118 drove up to the farmhouse they knew this would be a crazy call. People dancing around a fire naked, doing a satanic ritual? It was bound to turn out weirder than normal.
Buck was the first to hop out of the truck, he may be changed, but he was more than exited to see what was going on. The ambulance was called as a precaution in case they really were sacrificing somebody.
The group could see a pale light coming from beyond the trees and smoke rising above, they followed the light into the woods and behind the house, all the way out into a field shrouded by brush.
Buck peaked his head through the trees and couldn't believe his eyes. About 10, maybe more, women dressed in white gowns dancing around a bonfire. His eyes widened in wonder.
They all watched as a woman approached from afar, walking up to the women. Buck was amazed, she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen.
Fair skin, dark hair and even darker eyes. An effigy of sorts was held in her hands, a doll made of straw and decorated with bits of fabric. Their eyes never left her or the woman as she through the doll into the fire.
"C'mon guys, let's break this up. LAFD! We got a call about a fire!" Bobby yelled out.
The group of women broke out into whispers as the group trampled through the bush to get to the girls. The one who's thrown the doll was the first to step away and address the firefighters.
"There's a path to your right, you could've used that instead of trampling our trees to death." The women started to move away from the fire, whispering to each other and crowding around the fierce woman.
"I got this," Buck said as he gave Bobby a pat on the back and stepped in front of him. "We got a call about a group of naked women doing a satanic ritual around a huge fire with no permit on private property." He smirked at the brunet as he spoke.
A red headed girl behind her scoffed and pushed her way forward.
"Satanic! Really! Screw you bro! That is so-!" The brunet interrupted her and held a hand up in surrender to stop her from charging forward.
Buck flinched back, obviously he'd said the wrong thing. Bobby rubbed the bridge if his nose and rolled his eyes.
"Lilly! Let me." She spoke confidently before turning back to the offending party. "First of all, we aren’t satanists, we're pagan. Secondly, we are not and never will be naked, that's an accident waiting to happen. Thirdly, this fire has a permit and finally this is private property, our private property, we're allowed to be here."
"We're gonna need to see that permit." Bobby said sternly. The girl looked him up and down with her eyes, sizing him up.
"Fine, follow me, on the path this time." She said sharply. The whispering group of women waited for the other group to go first before all but two followed, staying to watch the fire.
The large group was ushered into a small farmhouse. The brunet girl was the first inside, quickly scampering into the kitchen, grabbing the permit off the kitchen table.
Buck just now noticed she had no shoes on, glancing around at the other women he notice they too were barefoot.
"Here you go sir, perfectly valid permit. Would you all like some tea?" She asked kindly, finally getting a chance to look at the group of intruders.
"No that alright we should be go-."
"I would love a cup of tea." Buck replied with a smile.
"Alright one cup of tea for..." she trailed off, waiting for his name.
"Buck, and you are?" He stepped forward, shaking her hand softly while smiling.
"Everyone calls me Magpie." The work seemed to stop and Buck gazed into her eyes, still holding her soft hand in his calloused one, they stared deeply into each other's eyes.
Their moment was interrupted by a yawl coming from behind them. Buck laughed nervously and took his hand back as a small grey and white cat entered the room.
"This is Pluto." She chuckled before turning away to the kitchen.
Hen and Chimney stared back at Buck judgementally, did he really have to flirt while they were on the job?
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Deep End - Part 3
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Part 3: 1.5k words approx
Available on Ao3 HERE
Characters: OFC Aura, Minho, Han
Summary: AU/ Minho is the new accountant at Aura's work, and he's got his sights set on her. But what happens when her ex Han comes back into the picture.
Workplace romance with a blast from the past for Aura.
Warnings for part 3: masturbation with sex toys, sexual fantasies, explicit language, mentions of alcoholism
Read Part 2 here
Aura got home at seven that evening. She’d recorded her Ateez episode in good time, picked up some take away dinner and now she craved a delicious bath.
Once settled into the hot water, Aura closed her eyes. Time to just relax.
Fucking hell. Aura’s eyes flicked open and she reached for her phone. It was the group chat.
Felix: Are you home yet? Did you eat?
Hyunjin: I’m tipsy, girl!!!!
Me: Yes, Mum. I’ve eaten. I’m home.
Binnie: What are you doing?
Me: I’m naked.
Hyunjin: TMI
Felix: Are you masturbating?
Me: What the actual fuck?
Felix: You know… kitten…
Me: I shouldn’t have told you anything. I hate you.
Me: Also. I love you. Stay safe boys.
Binnie: I can’t believe you left me to look after these babies.
Me: Sorry not sorry xxx
She put the phone to the side and leaned her back on the edge of the tub. Her hand rested on her thigh, the place Minho had put his hand on her that day. She closed her eyes. Surely it’d be okay to just imagine him? That’d be harmless, right?
She allowed her hand to slide along the front of her thigh and back down again, squeezing the flesh with her fingers. Aura imagined it was Minho’s hand. That he’d come up behind her in her office when she wasn’t looking. He snaked an arm around her waist and pressed himself against her ass. His other hand explored her thigh. Aura let out a sigh. “You shouldn’t be doing this Minho, someone might walk in.” She protested, yet she rubbed her body against the front of his body, against his erection.
“Shh, kitten. Don’t you worry about a thing. It won’t take me long to make you come.” He sneered in her ear.
Aura smiled in the tub as she let her imagination continue to run wild as her hands became Minho’s hands. In her mind, he reached down to the hem of her flowy dress and lifted it up so his hand could explore underneath. He explored her inner thigh, so softly, so gently, making his way further up her leg. “I bet your pussy is soaking wet right now?” He whispered. “And if it is, I’m gonna have to fuck you. Right here, right on your desk.”
Aura bit her lip and slowly moved her hand right up between her thighs, separating her labia and using a finger to stroke her clitoris. “So fucking wet, kitten.” She imagined his voice in her head when he discovered she wasn’t wearing any panties. She imagined him approving of how aroused she was for him, and that now he’d have to do something about it. Should it be punishment or reward? Aura couldn’t decide what direction she wanted to take the fantasy.
She reached up out of the bath tub to where she’d set down her dildo, and picked it up. She smirked. She knew what she wanted to do.
Minho released Aura from his grasp and walked around to her office chair. He had removed his trousers, magically, and sat in her chair with his enormous, throbbing cock beckoning her to come and fuck herself on it. Who was Aura to deny? She was wet, ready, and this was a fantasy. She sauntered around the desk and lifted her skirt giving him a full view of her pussy.
“Turn around, kitten.” He instructed. “Come sit on my cock.” Aura repositioned herself in the tub so she was kneeling on all fours. She took the dildo, placing it behind her and sunk down onto it. She cried out at how the dildo stretched her. She’d chosen her biggest one for this occasion. She wanted to imagine hard, raw, dirty sex. She wanted to feel as full and as stretched as she possibly could.
She imagined it was Minho’s cock she was lowering herself on. “Fuck, yes kitten. Just like that. Take it. Yes.” Aura began to slide up and down, rolling her hips, biting her lip. Harder. Faster. She imagined fucking Minho just like this. “You fuck me so well, Minho. Ahhh. Your cock feels so fucking good inside my pussy. Yes fuck me harder. I wanna come.”
“You’re such a little slut for me aren’t you, kitten. A bad little girl. Let me fuck that slutty attitude out of you, huh?”
Aura moved so she was more kneeling, and brought a hand around to frantically rub her clit as she fucked herself with her dildo. The knot in her stomach so tight now, her vagina gripping the dildo like a vice. “Fuck!” She choked as she took herself over the edge, panting, heart racing, eyes squeezed tight.
She felt she wasn’t quite finished, so she kept bouncing on the dildo and applying pressure to her clitoris. Harder, faster, relentless. She imagined Minho wasn’t going to let her stop until he fucked his cum right up into her. She came again. This time harder than the first. She cried out at the relief the the second orgasm brought, eventually slowing the pace and sliding off the dildo.
Holy shit. She leaned back against the side of the tub. She needed a minute to catch her breath. Masturbating hadn’t been that fun in a long time. “Thank you Minho, you can get back to work now.” She laughed to herself and closed her eyes until she’d recovered.
“Why won’t the fucking remote work.” Aura had sat down on her sofa later that eveining, ready to watch a new Kdrama that Hyunjin had insisted she watch. She smacked the remote a few times, but there was no life in it. Damn it. She’d have to go searching for batteries.
Begrudgingly, she knelt down in front of her TV unit and started the journey of rummaging through the unit’s drawers. The first two drawers seemed to be home to an entire civilisation of usb cables, but no batteries. She sat back on her ankles and sighed. Only six more drawers to check. She eventually got to the sixth drawer, because apparently she mustn’t own batteries, pulling it out and stopping dead.
Staring up at her from inside the drawer, a photo of herself and a young man in his early twenties. Han.
Aura frowned as she lifted the photo and the box underneath out of the drawer and placing it on the floor in front of her.
All thoughts of batteries forgotten, she repositioned herself to sit cross-legged on the carpet and lifted the lid of the box. Little trinkets and mementos from her various holidays, and photographs, so many fucking photos, from her trip with Han to England. She picked one up. It was of a selfie of herself and Han in London. It was from happier times, where their days were filled with laughter, conversation and incredible sex. Big beaming smiles and tired eyes from travel looked out at her from the photos. She barely recognised the pair.
It had been their first, and only, holiday together. She touched Han’s smiling face. Aura half smiled as she stared at the photo. Nostalgia crept into her chest. It was before Han started drinking everyday. The feelings inside Aura shifted to the usual sick, heavy feeling of dread whenever she thought about him and his drinking. This was supposed to be the first of many holidays together. They were supposed to make lots of happy memories together. 
Aura felt a sour taste in her mouth as she remembered the time when she booked and paid for their trip to New Zealand, only to find out Han didn’t have the money to pay for his half. She ended up going alone. She’d decided that next time he’d be able to contribute. How foolish of her.
All her holidays from then on were on her own, while Han stayed home drinking. Her trip to Paris, where everyone around her were couples in love. Sharing, making happy memories together. Couple selfies. Smiling. Kissing. Proposing even. Then there was Aura, by herself. Taking selfies of just her. No one to make a memory with, or share the new experiences with. She remembered sitting at a little alfresco cafe in Paris. A young British couple sat to her right. She could hear their conversation. The young man was confessing his love for the woman. He produced a ring. He was about to propose. Aura had wondered what it must be like to have someone so devoted and in love with them, just like this young man did for that woman. She wanted to share this experience with someone she loved and who loved her back.
She found herself looking at one of the selfies again. “I tried Han,” she sobbed, tears falling onto the photo. “You promised you’d stop… You promised you’d get help.” She looked at his chubby cheeks, and gummy smile, and she felt her heart breaking all over again.
Aura snapped out of her thoughts before she let the familiar feeling of guilt seep in, which inevitably it always did. She wanted to focus on present moment, not the shitty past. She quickly gathered all the photos, and trinkets, shoving them back in the box and putting it way, along with her memories of Han.
She went to bed but she couldn’t sleep.
Read Part 4 here
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lixiesfreckless · 1 month
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Breathless | h. j.
➸ synopsis: Was it dumb? Yes. But when has that ever stopped you and Jisung?
➸ starring: han jisung x female reader
➸ word count: 2.5k
➸ general content: best friend!jisung, accidental Friends With Benefits reference, both characters are dorks, jisung is kind of a menace(uncharacteristically good with women), smut
➸ warnings: sexual content, swearing, fingering, protected sex, very tame bondage
➸ rating: 18+ MA
➸ author’s note: watched FWB today and was gagged when the literal opening line of this fic was used in the movie in the exact same context. it came out in 2011! how does that even happen—anyways enjoy this old fic since it reminded me of it lolllll
♫ this fic has a soundtrack! Feel That - Junny
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“What the hell are we doing,” he giggled into your mouth, peeling off your outer layer as he pushed you into the comforter. Your hands fumbled with the buttons on his flannel, desperately trying to get rid of the unnecessary fabric between you two.
“I don’t know, but I kinda like it.”
It had all happened so fast; one moment you and Jisung were lazily watching whatever talk show that the tv program was playing and the next, you couldn’t keep your hands off of each other.
This was probably the most reckless decision you two had decided to make since you became friends in middle school. Why on earth would best friends be trying to undress each other in the late hours of the night?
“Wait.” You pushed him away slightly and let go of his shirt. “Is Hyunjin coming home anytime soon?”
“No.” Jisung chuckled, lifting the edges of your band tee. “Him and Seungmin are on Jeju Island, they won't be back until next week.” You nodded, raising your arms for him to take off the shirt before pulling his neck towards you again, resuming your heated kiss.
The rest of his buttons came undone quickly, your hands desperate to feel his burning skin under their fingertips. He leaned back to take the fabric off, chucking it to a random corner of his room, before freezing at the feeling of your hands tracing his abs.
“When did you get built Ji?” You whispered, staring at the subtle definition in his skin. A light scoff left his lips before he rolled his eyes, leaning forward to cage you with his toned arms.
“I’ve always been this way baby.” He raised an eyebrow, eyes trailing all over your exposed skin.
“Are you trying to be sexy?”
“Is it working?”
“Shut up and kiss me.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice, him attaching his lips to yours immediately and letting his hands roam your skin.
As much as you hated to admit it, you loved the way his fingers traced foreign trails up to your jawline. Touching you like this wasn’t something you had previously wished he did, but now you felt like you should have been doing this all along. His skin felt so warm on top of yours, your fingers pressing around the back of his neck to gain leverage into the kiss as he groaned in contentment.
Your bra came undone rather quickly, and you’re reminded that Jisung is somehow very experienced, a thought that made you visibly shudder under his fingertips.
“Wait,” you broke the kiss, and he took this opportunity to kiss your jawline, each press leaving you more and more desperate for his touch. “I don’t really know any of your likes or dislikes…in bed I mean.”
His lips hovered over your neck for a moment, as if he were trying to decide what he should and shouldn’t tell you.
“I like hair pulling and scratching,” he answered, lips pressing under your ear. “And don’t call me anything weird.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you nearly moaned, trying not to lose your mind over how his thumbs were dipping under the waistband of your jeans and massaging your hip bones just right.
“And you?”
You fell silent, face blooming red as you remembered what turned you on the most. And he noticed quickly, stopping his leisurely painting session on your neck at your reluctance.
“Hey, this is a two way street you know.” He pulled back to look you in the eyes, seemingly ignoring the beet red tone covering your cheeks. “I’d feel horrible if I overstepped-”
“I have a bondage kink-”
“I know what you said,” he laughed, leaning off of you to rest on his heels. “I’m just shocked that sweet little y/n likes being tied up-”
“Shut up,” you mumbled, looking away from the topless brat.
“If you insist.”
His leather belt came off next, nearly making you scream in both excitement and horror from his newfound knowledge about you. But he simply set it aside, climbing back over you and dipping back into your neck.
You instinctively let out a sigh as his lips went back to caressing your skin, his hands now smoothing their way up your waist as well as his teeth dragged against your collarbone.
“Hickeys?” He asked, though positive that you wouldn’t deny him the pleasure of doing so.
The boy wasted no time in landing one right at the curve of your breast, lips working hard to redden the skin underneath them to get the color he wanted. Your hands rushed to his head, holding him tight against you with tufts of his ash colored hair between your fingers.
He let himself relish the sensation of you tugging on his roots for a brief moment, humming against your skin before he stopped sucking, reaching for the belt that he left beside you.
You could feel your skin tingle as he removed your hands from his hair, holding them in one hand as he wrapped them with his belt with the other, before expertly tying them with the leather band. He then raised your arms so they were above your head on the pillows, leaving your torso completely at his mercy.
“Can you keep those there for me baby?” His voice had a sultry kind of quality to it; one that you couldn’t find in yourself to resist as you nodded breathlessly.
He then went back to the task at hand, licking and biting and sucking everywhere on your upper torso, making sure to leave enough marks for you to not think that what was happening was just a fever dream. And he made sure to revisit your lips every so often, swallowing all of your little moans every time he thought you’d earned it.
Working his way down, he tugged the rest of your bra off, letting it drop to the floor and kissing around your left nipple while flicking his thumb over the right. You gasped, immediately pulling on the belt restraint around your wrists.
“Sensitive, are we?” He smirked, and you’d sworn that if it were anyone else, you’d choke the hell out of them.
But this isn’t just anyone. This is Han Jisung, and guessing from the surprises this night had already brought, he’d probably like that.
So you settled for a moaned yes in response, and what a good decision that was; not even a second after he had his lips wrapped tight around your nipple while letting his fingers play with the other. Your back arched prettily off the comforter, pushing your chest further into his grasp as he chuckled against your skin.
Thighs pressing together as to provide yourself some friction, a senseless string of pleads left your mouth, begging Jisung to please get on with it because it felt like your body would burst into flames if he kept going. But he didn’t stop, no; the hand that was pulling against your nipple dipped lower to find the button on your jeans, a small indication that he did intend on going further tonight.
Even though you were already over the moon with what had happened already.
Whether he was being intentionally slow or it was just difficult to undo your jeans with one hand, you did not know; but he finally worked the button free, quickly pulling the zipper down afterwards to allow room for his hand that would need to fit inside momentarily.
“Let’s see what we’re working with here,'' he mumbled, smoothing his hand from your abdomen to the top of your underwear, pausing slightly to check for any hesitance before pressing on.
“Oh, god…already?” Your face couldn’t possibly have gotten any redder as he ran a lone finger along your slit, catching the wetness that pooled there immediately. “We’re just getting started-”
“Then hurry up, Ji,” you whined, clenching your thighs to get some friction.
He smiled, suddenly aware of his weak spot for your begging before finally adding friction to the place where you wanted it most.
This wasn’t his first time pleasuring a woman– you were aware of that much –but it took him a minute to figure out what you liked and where you were the most sensitive, essentially playing with you until you made the right sounds. Once he started getting it right however, it finally dawned on you just how much trouble you were in, your chest heaving and toes curling at his ministrations.
It wasn’t long before he changed the game, bringing two fingers inside of you and curling them just so, and an obscenely loud moan left your mouth to his delight.
“Good?” He questioned, wanting to make sure that he wasn’t moving too fast for you as he leisurely pulled his fingers out.
“G-Good, don’t stop-” You were cut off by another moan, and decided to give up on speech altogether as you felt another bubble up in your chest.
He took it a step further, lightly leaving pecks across your bruised chest, and then a step further, purposefully pressing his palm against your clit every time he delved into your core.
Not only was it good, it was also unfair and even embarrassing, considering how quickly he was bringing you to your peak.
He had you twisting, clenching, whimpering and writhing under his grasp within three minutes, and even if he stopped it wouldn’t prevent the white wave of euphoria that was approaching.
“God, Jisung, I-”
You broke under him right then and there, shaking and gasping as your release overtook you in blissful waves of pleasure. Jisung helped you through it, pressing his fingers into you until your moans turned into whimpers and your shaking into trembling.
It took you forever to completely come down from your high, but Jisung used this time to get himself ready, leaning back on his heels and unzipping his own pants as you tried to catch your breath. You could almost feel him smiling at you before you opened your eyes, chest still heaving as he flashed that shit-eating grin in your direction.
“That good, huh?” he chuckled, pulling his pants and boxers down just enough so his length could spring free.
“Oh fuck me.”
“One step ahead of you.”
A cold shiver ran up your spine as you finally registered what he was doing, your core clenching on nothing despite it being only a minute since you came. In any other situation, you would have snapped back at him for being so snarky, but with the hollow feeling in your core being somewhat uncomfortable, you figured that keeping your mouth shut would have him filling you faster.
One condom later and you were seconds away from the anticipated moment, watching through lidded eyes as he carefully brought your wrists down to untie them. Your pants were next to come off, and his soon followed, but only halfway; you assumed that your impatience had finally caught up to him.
And you couldn’t even blame him—he looked painfully hard after the show you had put on for him.
He pumped himself only three times before leaning over you again, and then a strange look crossed his face as he froze.
“Wait, I’m okay to do this right?” He asked, looking between your eyes and where your hips met. “I just realized I never asked-”
“Han Jisung if you won’t I will,” you pleaded, urging him on, and he gave you a crooked smile before drawing in a deep breath.
He pushed inside of you slowly, ignoring every painful urge he had to quickly bottom out inside you and alleviate the burning need in his lower abdomen. A string of hushed curses left your mouth; this wasn’t your first time, but it might as well have been with how much the feeling of being stretched out was overwhelming you.
He made it to the end with a small whimper, dipping his head forward into your shoulder as he tried to steady himself.
“Can I move?”
“Knock yourself out,” You whispered, eyes squeezed shut from the sensation of adjusting to him fully.
He started out slow, each drag of his cock against your walls eliciting a low whine from you as he rolled his hips against yours. One hand pinned your hips to the bed, while the other held him up next to your head, giving him the option to lean down and capture the skin of your neck between his teeth whenever he pleased.
“You feel so good, fuck,” he groaned, grinding deeper into your core with every thrust. At his words, you could only pull his face down to meet yours, silencing him with a kiss in hopes that he would talk less. Otherwise, his pleasure-ridden voice alone would bring you to climax.
He happily kissed away all of your moans and whimpers, sucking on your bottom lip until you both were panting too much to keep a cohesive liplock.
His hips were starting to slam against yours now, that erotic sound of skin on skin slapping finally reverberating around the room and joining the chorus of your moans. Your toes curled, body barely able to process the pleasure building inside of you as moans helplessly tumbled out of your lips.
“Tell me what I h-have to do to get you there,” he choked out, worried that he might not get you to finish again in time.
“Fingers- ah, please-”
He knew exactly what you meant, moving the hand that was on your hip to your clit and gently rubbing it in the way that had you moaning his name before.
His breaths became heavy and his thrusts started to lose their rhythm; both things that you were sure were signs of his release drawing near, but you could barely focus on that when yours was practically hurtling toward you, threatening to spill you over the edge before he broke.
“Jisung, I c-can’t—” Words finally left you as you felt your whole body start to tense up, and Jisung let out a loud moan from the sudden tightening around his length.
“Come. Come all over me baby,” He whispered breathlessly, using the last bit of his stamina to thrust harder into you, until you couldn’t take it for another second.
You came undone for the second time that night, shaking and moaning beneath him as he pounded into you twice more, before he caved as well, just barely holding himself off of you as he emptied his load into the condom. Careful to not wait until he was too soft, he pulled his length out of you, subsequently falling onto the sheets next to you as he caught his breath.
“So I take it we’re not just friends?” He mused, a cheeky grin poking out from under the sheets. You slapped his back playfully, rolling away from him before he caught your hips with his hands, pulling you flush against his warm chest.
“Shut the fuck up.”
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skzfanf1cs · 3 months
Stray Kids Academy - Chapter 4 : Cupid's Here
Series Masterlist
Main Pairing [This Chapter] : All Pairings
Warnings : beach day (stay hydrated guys), brief mentions of anxiety, awkward flirting, mentions of 'friends with benefits' relationship
Word Count : 3,710
The Mitchells
It was a record high for the early fall. The AC unit in the apartment had decided to keel over and die. Maintenance wouldn’t be able to come by until tomorrow.
“I’m dying.” Zeke was laying on the floor in nothing but his boxers, sweat coating his exposed skin.
Luna was sticking her head in the refrigerator before moving to the freezer. “I’m in hell. I’m literally in hell.”
Levi walked to the freezer, pushing Luna out of the way, took out the ice tray, walked back over to Zeke, and poured the contents onto him. “Live. We all have to live with this.”
Zeke jumped up in surprise as the ice hit his chest. “Jesus.” Then, he left the ice on his stomach. “Actually, get more ice. I’m starting to cool down now.”
Luna went to sit back down on the couch before grabbing a magazine and started fanning herself with it. Then, she perked up. “We should go to the beach.”
After hearing this, Zeke perked up as well. “Yes, absolutely.” The two looked over at Levi. “Can we go? Please?”
Levi looked over at her twin and younger brother before rolling her eyes. “Fine.”
Faster than they had moved all day, the three siblings quickly grabbed their beach supplies and put on their swimsuits under some clothes. Then, they were off, walking to the nearest beach.
Once they got there, they noticed it was completely packed. Of course, it would be packed. The siblings went to find a spot, until Levi noticed Chan in the distance.
“Shit.” She cursed under her breath and started to walk away. Chan was cute, really cute. But, she also yelled at him a couple weeks ago. But, also also, he fixed it.
Did she want to see him? Yes, but also no. Not really.
“Hey, it’s the music nerds!” Zeke’s eyes were definitely on Jisung, though. He grabbed onto Levi before making their way towards Chan and the rest of his crew, Luna trailing behind them.
Felix was the first of the boys to notice the siblings. He smiled widely and waved. This obviously caught the attention of the rest of the crew.
Changbin quickly goes up to greet the three of them. “We didn’t know you guys were gonna be here. You should join us!”
“What a great idea!” Zeke pulled Levi closer to the group. Luna stayed behind and was ogling Changbin’s body - not as discreetly as she might think she was.
“Hey, Lover Boy!” Minho and Jisung looked over at Zeke. Jisung suddenly looked freaked out and quickly hid behind Minho.
“Hey, Zeke.” Minho answered back, trying to pull Jisung out from behind him.
“Hey, there. Mon Amour.” Zeke looked behind Minho once he was close enough to the two men. “Whatcha doin’ back there?”
“O-Oh. Um.” Jisung looked at Zeke over Minho’s shoulder, but was obviously still using Minho as a shield. “So, this beach. Am I right?”
Jisung was obviously uncomfortable, but Zeke couldn’t quite pinpoint why. He then noticed Jisung’s body language. He had his arms crossed over his bare chest and was now looking away from Zeke, his breaths starting to become uneven.
Zeke quickly looked around the sand and found a shirt. “Hey, you probably dropped this.” He picked up the black fabric and tossed it over to Jisung before walking over to greet the others. They could talk later when Jisung wasn’t obviously uncomfortable.
Levi made her way towards Seungmin and Jeongin. “Hey. Pup, Smiley. You’re wearing sunscreen, right? You know, we have a game coming up and, frankly, I’m gonna need you to not suck because you hurt from a sunburn.
Levi was the manager of their college’s baseball team and she took her job very seriously.
Seungmin and Jeongin looked at each other before slowly reaching into their bags and producing a bottle of sunscreen.
“That’s what I thought.” She then looked over and saw Hyunjin over on his towel with his camera. He was probably going to take pictures for his social media accounts. She walked up to him. “Need any help with that?”
“Yes.” Hyunjin stood up and raised his sunglasses to the top of his head. “You’re a lifesaver.”
Changbin and Luna
Luna had to pry her eyes from Changbin’s chest and quickly turned to find a spot to put her towel down. She just wanted to read her book in peace. But, as she was putting down her towel, Changbin appeared again.
“Hey, how you doin’, beautiful?” Changbin put his hands on his hips and puffed out his chest. He still felt the need to impress this girl. They hadn’t talked in a few days and Luna’s rough exterior was back in full force.
She just rolled her eyes. “I was doing fine.”
“Cool, cool.” Changbin’s smile widened. “Are you hungry? Cause, I’m hungry. And we brought food. You want to eat some? With me?” He shimmies his shoulders a bit. “Together?”
She looked at him up and down, still frowning. Though, she was trying her best not to blush right now. “No.”
“Cool, cool.” Changbin nods his head slightly. “I’m gonna go get some.” And he puts up the finger guns. “Be right back.”
He runs over to the food where Seungmin and Jeongin were already digging into the fruit and chips. Seungmin gives him a look. “What are you even doing over there?”
“I’m flirting.” Changbin digs through the basket of food, trying to find the perfect snack.
“Ew.” Jeongin and Seungmin speak at the same time.
“You two are children, you wouldn’t understand.” Changbin proceeds to grab several snacks from candy to sandwiches. He looks over at Seungmin. “A child who makes goo-goo eyes at Levi and she won’t even give you the time of day.” Then over at Jeongin. “And, Jeongin, the Baby-Bread act can only get you so far.
“I can flirt just as good as you can.” Jeongin puts a comforting hand on Seungmin’s shoulder, who suddenly finds his food very interesting to look at.
“Oh, yeah?” Go for it then.” Changbin challenged. “Go flirt with someone.”
Jeongin stood up, whipped off the thin fabric of his tank top, and walked over to Luna. She had finally placed down her towel and umbrella, brought out a book, and was peacefully reading. “Hey.”
“Oh, hey Jeongin.” Luna put on a small smile, placing a bookmark in her book before setting it aside. “What’s up?”
Jeongin took a seat next to her. “Just wanted to see how you’re doing.”
“Well, that’s sweet of you.” Luna decided to humor the younger man, giving him a gentle smile. “How are you doing today?”
“Better now that you’re here.”
Luna lets out a laugh, playfully hitting his shoulder. She found his flirting attempts adorable. “Oh, you.”
On the side, Changbin’s fist clenched over a half eaten sandwich. She never laughed at him like that. But, Jeongin was able to make her laugh after just ten seconds of talking to her.
“I think he just stole your girl.” Seungmin said with a smug look on his face.
Jisung and Zeke
Jisung was sitting on the beach, watching Zeke rough-house with the other boys. A few minutes ago, Zeke had discarded the thin white button-up he was wearing. Now, he was completely shirtless. And Jisung couldn’t get enough of the view.
Jisung knew Zeke hung out with Chan and Changbin at the gym from time to time. But, now he was seeing the results of it.
He was lean, thin muscles lined his biceps. Small splatters of freckles dusted his shoulders and chest. The thin top surgery scars under his pecs were prominent against his pale skin, but Jisung knew Zeke didn’t care. His eyes started to travel lower, from his ribcage, to his stomach-
That’s when Minho’s hand ran across Jisung’s field of vision. “Hey, buddy. You’re staring.”
“I am not.”
“You’re still staring.” Minho put his face in front of Jisung’s, blocking his view. Jisung nearly jumped out of his skin at the closeness of Minho’s face. “Stop acting so desperate. Let him come to you.”
“But, what if he doesn’t come to me?” Jisung’s shoulders sank.
Minho gave him a look. “He will. I know he will.” He patted Jisung’s face before getting out of his face, letting Jisung continue to look over at Zeke.
Zeke was glazing over at Jisung now. He made a heart with his hands towards Jisung and nodded his head at him. Jisung quickly brought his knees up to his chest and hid his head in his knees. His face was warm, but he couldn’t help but smile.
“And, I want my shirt back.” Minho bumped Jisung’s shoulder.
“No way.” Jisung clung onto the collar of the black fabric. His heart was still racing when Zeke gave him the shirt, just because he noticed Jisung was panicking. He normally wasn’t self conscious about his body, but the thought of Zeke maybe comparing him to someone like Chan or Changbin made him panic a little. “He gave it to me. Get your own shirt.”
“I will.” Then, Minho suddenly tackled Jisung and tried to get the shirt over his head. Jisung struggled as hard as he could until he was finally free, shirt still intact.
Jisung quickly stood up and started running away. He looked back to see if Minho was chasing him. Seeing that Minho still hadn’t gotten up yet, Jisung quickly turned his head around again. Suddenly, his forehead hit something really hard, disorienting him and making him fall down.
His eyes shot open when he realized he was surrounded by water. He didn’t even notice he’d stepped into the water till now. And now, he couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t even swim up to resurface if he wanted to.
Jisung felt arms around his chest as he was pulled up out of the water. His arms instinctively wrapped around his savior and he breathed in fresh air. He opened his eyes to see his was face to face with Zeke, who also was soaking wet.
“Hey, there.” Zeke gave him a pained smile. “You know, you have a really hard head.” He brought a hand up from Jisung’s body to rub his forehead. But, his other hand lowered to Jisung’s waist.
Jisung unwrapped his arms from Zeke’s torso, his hands lightly resting on Zeke’s chest. “Y-Yeah…so do you.” He managed to say. His head was spinning.
“You were flailing around there, I was a little worried.” Zeke gave him a concerned look.
Jisung lowered his head slightly, his face ablaze. “Yeah, I can’t swim.” He mumbled. “So, I freaked out a bit.”
Zeke gave him a sad smile. He wrapped both his arms around Jisung’s waist, then rested his chin on Jisung’s shoulder. “It’s okay now.”
He didn’t feel the need to mention that they were standing in water that was barely up to their knees. Jisung was already embarrassed, Zeke didn’t want to make him feel worse.
Bang Chan and Levi
Chan watched silently as Levi and Hyunjin were huddled together on his towel, examining all the photos they had taken on his camera.
He felt a pang of jealousy crawl up his throat. He found out recently that the two were dating and he just didn’t like the idea of them being together. But, he also hated that he wasn’t happy for his friend for being in, what seemed like, a good relationship.
He shook his head and tried to have fun with everyone else. But, a lot of things have apparently happened while he was spacing out.
Felix was building sandcastles next to Minho, who was drawing cat faces in the sand.
Changbin was pouting as he watched Jeongin talk to Luna.
Jisung was now soaking wet as he sat back down on his towel in the sand with Zeke, both icing their foreheads.
He just sighed and went to sit next to Seungmin. Maybe he’s just hungry?
“What’s up with you?” Seungmin said as he sat down next to him and reached into the bag or a sandwich.
“Nothing’s up with me.” Chan said as he bit into the sandwich.
“It’s Levi, isn’t it.” Seungmin stated as he looked over at Levi and Hyunjin. “You like her, don’t you?”
Chan’s face heated up slightly. “It wouldn’t matter if I did, she’s dating Hyunjin.”
Seungmin gave Chan a weird look. “Dating? No. Levi doesn’t date.”
Chan looked confused. “But, you said they were dating?”
“No, I said ‘I’m surprised you don’t hear them’. They just fuck.” Seungmin rolled his eyes. “Like I said, she doesn’t date.”
Chan frowns slightly. “Why doesn’t she date?”
“That’s not my story to tell.”
Changbin suddenly sat next to Seungmin. “You talking about Levi?” Then, he threw an arm around Chan. “You know, I think I could set you two up. I’m basically cupid.”
“You are not cupid.” Seungmin rolls his eyes. “You can’t even get your own girl to like you.”
“I’m working on it.” Changbin stated and turned back to Chan. “But, seriously. I will hook you up.”
“But, she doesn’t date. Do you know why that is?” Chan asked.
“Oh, no clue. And, don’t worry about the ‘no dating’ thing. Cupid’s got this.”
Hyunjin and Levi were still huddled together. After going through all the pictures, Hyunjin looks back at the group to see Chan and Changbin looking over at them.
“So, Chan’s been staring at you a lot lately.” He started to say. “Should I be worried?”
“What? No.” Levi said. “You know I don’t date.”
“Yeah, but you did say he was hot the last time you were drunk. Amongst other things.” He playfully bumped his shoulder against Levi’s.
“Yeah, I was drunk.” Levi rolled her eyes. “I don’t say accurate things when I’m drunk.”
“Drunk words are often sober thoughts.” Hyunjin joked. Then he looked over at Chan again. “He’s still staring. And, he looks kind of sad.”
“Well, tell him to stop.” Levi refused to look over at Chan.
“Okay.” Hyunjin started to get up before Levi quickly grabs his arm and pulls him back down. He smirks. “So, you do care.”
Levi’s face heats up. Son of a bitch.
“Well, if you decide you want to date.” Hyunjin gives her a smile. “Just let me know.”
It was later in the day. Chan was standing on the shore, his feet in the water as he looked out at the sunset. He heard someone step up beside him and was surprised to find Levi there.
“You were staring earlier.” She stated as she also looked out at the sunset.
“No, I wasn’t.” Chan tried to deflect.
“Yes, you were.” Levi finally looked over at him. “Why?”
Chan’s face heated up again. “There was a bee.”
Levi blinked. “A bee?”
“Yeah, in your hair.” Chan knew that Levi knew it was a lie. But, he still couldn’t look at her.
She turned her body towards him. “Why don’t you tell me why you were really staring.”
“It’s because he likes you.” Changbin was suddenly behind them. As soon as the words left his mouth, he sprinted off.
Chan couldn’t help but laugh. “He’s really taking this cupid thing seriously.”
“Cupid thing?” Levi laughed.
“Yeah. He’s convinced he’s a matchmaker now.” Chan shook his head. He knew it was ridiculous, but some part of him really wanted it to work.
Levi laughed. Chan could listen to that sound all day. “If anyone could be a matchmaker, I guess it would be him.”
Then, it was silent after their laughter died down. “Can I ask you something?” Levi asked Chan as she looked him in the eyes. He nodded. “Why was it so important for you to have me forgive you?”
Chan sighed. “How do I explain this?” He mumbled before he started again. “I didn’t do it for me. Being angry at someone takes a lot out of you, doesn’t it? Seungmin used to hold a lot of grudges and he was miserable.”
Levi raised an eyebrow. “So, you got me snacks and flowers just so I wouldn’t be miserable being mad at you?”
“I just don’t like seeing people I care about be miserable.”
Levi’s eyes widened slightly. “So, you care about me now?”
“What? No.” Chan’s face heated up and he spoke without thinking.
“So, you don’t care about me?”
“Well, yes and no.” Chan pinched the bridge of his nose. “I mean I do, but-”
“He’s so in love with you!” Changbin sprints by them with a giggle.
Chan covers his red face. This was going horribly wrong. Even if Changbin was enjoying himself with this cupid bit, it now made Chan want to strangle him.
Levi saw how flustered and frustrated Chan was getting. She needed to change the subject. “You know.” She started. “Maybe, I’ll let you buy me a coffee one of these days.”
Was that too flirty? She wasn’t sure.
Chan lowered his hands and looked over at her. Once Levi thought she made a mistake, Chan suddenly smiles at her. “I don’t need your permission to buy you things. If I was going to buy you something, I’d just do it.”
It was now Levi’s turn to cover her face in embarrassment. But, she couldn’t help but smile. “You’re such a cliche.”
Jisung and Zeke
Jisung’s head was finally clearing. Zeke’s head really was hard. Even though he spent most of the day under an umbrella, icing his forehead, he still had a fun time talking to Zeke. Right now, Zeke was over by the cooler, taking out some drinks. He came back with two water bottles and sat down next to Jisung.
“I figured you could use some water.” Zeke handed over one of the bottles.
“Yeah, thank you.” Jisung raised his hand to take the water, their fingers brushing against one another. Jisung felt like he could feel electricity go through his fingers. But, the little contact their fingers had was over way too quickly.
“Yeah, Jisung really needs that water.” Changbin was suddenly behind them, throwing his arms around their shoulders and pulling them closer to each other. “He’s very thirsty.” He smirks over at Zeke, wiggling his eyebrows.
Jisung’s face gained so much color, he looked like a tomato. He suddenly pushed Changbin’s face away, making him fall over in the sand.
But, Changbin’s smile never faded. Jisung and Zeke were now shoulder to shoulder, their faces inches from each other.
“Hey, there.” Zeke smirked. “So, thirsty?”
Jisung started to stutter about nothing in particular. He couldn’t even get a proper sentence out.
Zeke then wrapped an arm around Jisung’s shoulder and caressed Jisung’s cheeks with his other hand. “I don’t mind, Mon Amour.”
Jisung’s eyes flicked to Zeke’s lips. He wanted nothing more than to kiss him. And, by the looks of it, Zeke wanted the same thing. They started to lean in till their foreheads touched, then their noses brushed against the other-
“Hey.” Minho’s voice cut in, making Jisung jump away from Zeke. Minho made his way over and sat next to Jisung. “Look, I know I told you Zeke was a good kisser. But…for the love of god. Do it in private. You have an audience.”
Jisung’s face was still bright red as he glared over at Minho.
“And, I still want my shirt back.” Minho grabbed the hem of the black shirt again, pulled Jisung in and suddenly, they were wrestling again.
“You know.” Minho whispered in Jisung’s ear when Minho had him pinned, quiet enough so Zeke wouldn’t hear. “If you just gave me the shirt earlier, I wouldn’t have interrupted you.”
Changbin and Luna
Changbin was having so much fun playing cupid with everyone else, he completely forgot about himself. He scanned the area for Luna.
Once he spotted her, he walked up to her and placed his hands on his hips. “Hey, beautiful.”
Luna looked him up and down before rolling her eyes. “What do you want?”
“Well, I’m playing cupid.” He explained. “So, I figured, cupid deserved some love too. So, Luna Mitchell, would you do me the honors?” He held out his hand.
Luna looked down at his hand in disgust. “You’re joking, right?” When he didn’t immediately respond, her eyes widened. “You’re serious?”
“As a heart attack.” Changbin looked her in the eyes with a smirk. “‘Give a second chance to cupid’?”
Luna’s lips quirked up in a small smile. “‘But now, I’m left here feeling stupid’. You know, that song is about hating cupid, right?”
“Is it?” Changbin seemed genuinely surprised. “Well, maybe just skip the hating part this time?” He wiggled his fingers on his still outstretched hand. “Just give me your hand, okay?”
Luna shook her head slightly before giving him her hand. With surprising force, Changbin pulled her close till they were chest to chest. He interlaced his fingers with Luna’s, he then put his other hand on her waist and started swaying. Out of instinct, Luna put her other hand on his shoulder.
Luna lightly squeezed his shoulder. “Good to see your shoulder isn’t fucked up anymore.”
“Careful, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were feeling up my muscles.” Changbin stuck his tongue out at her. ‘Not that I’d mind, though.”
Luna rolled her eyes. “In your dreams.” But, instead of pulling away, she leaned in closer and rested her head against his chest as they continued to sway together.
Changbin started humming a melody as he rested his chin on top of Luna’s head. It’s like they were the only people on the beach. Luna was mesmerized by Changbin’s humming as she closed her eyes and listened intently.
Eventually, they parted from one another and looked into each other’s eyes.
Luna looked over to see everyone else start to pack up their things. It was darker outside than she remembered. Just how long have they been dancing?
“We should probably get going.” Changbin mumbled as he also noticed his friends packing up their things.
“Yeah.” Luna mumbled back. Then, she did something she never thought she would do. She stepped forward, leaned up, and planted a soft kiss on Changbin’s cheek before going over to her siblings. “See you later."
5 notes · View notes
stargazer-liz · 2 months
Serendipity (Poe Dameron x Original Female Character) Masterlist
Introduction & Cast Prologue Chapter I: Stranded on Jakku Chapter II: The Resistance Chapter III: Jawas, sand and a worried pilot Chapter IV: A Reminder of the Past Chapter V: A rainy first Date (coming soon)
Sora's life was turned upside down when she stranded on Jakku. A scavenger saved her life and with no family left, her ship totally destroyed and enemies on her tail, all she can do everyday is survive.
But with a pilot crash-landing on the desert planet as well, hope is no longer just a dream.
Takes place before (only in flashbacks) and during the sequel trilogy.
Also available on my Wattpad profile voidxmaze
Warnings: strong language, violence, blood, no detailed smut but close, weapons, idiots in love, fluff, so much fluff
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7 notes · View notes
forlix · 9 months
‧ ❆ ˚ 𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐲 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝・h.j.
— stars flare brightest in the absence of light, and you see his clearer than day.
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pairing・han jisung x female reader
genres・college!au, friends with benefits to lovers, snowed in trope, smut, MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS THAT INTERACT WILL BE BLOCKED, angst, ANGST, you have been warned, hurt/comfort, i can't write normal fluff to save my life, happy ending!!!, semi-slow burn
warnings・depictions of insomnia, recurring nightmares, graphic violence, character death (in the nightmare), fears of abandonment and falling in love, alcohol consumption, humans helping each other heal. smut warnings under the cut
playlist・stay - acoustic by jonah baker・all of me by big gigantic・babydoll (speed) by ari abdul・oasis by exo・volcano by han
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a/n・hi, here's my second installment of winter falls. writing this was immensely challenging and twice as meaningful, so feedback would be greatly appreciated. thank you to my may for being so fucking instrumental in piecing together this rollercoaster—this one is for you, i love you. thanks to my sahar for everything, always and forever. and thanks to all of you for being here. happy new year ♡
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smut warnings・spitplay, unprotected piv, please practice safe sex!!!, car sex, dirty talk, jisung's dick game is kinda crazy, squirting, lots of aftercare
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Every time Jisung closes his eyes, he sees somebody’s back.
It’s leaving. Traipsing somewhere he can’t follow. He tries to chase it—he always does, he never learns—but the premise doesn’t so much as surface before the ghosts circling around his ankles go for his throat instead. They snare him by the shoulders, force him to his knees, slam his forehead into the permafrost hard enough to break bone. They make sure the next time he tries to move will be the last.
So he remains, keeled over in the cold, until tearwater clings to his lower lashes in small icicles. Until bloodstained snow coats his lips like the manifestation of a curse. Until the back has disappeared.
Who does it belong to? He’s left to wonder. Where is it going?
Why can’t I follow?
Then he wakes up.
No longer does he lay awake for hours afterwards, scouring the dream’s every frame for his answers.
Now, he tosses and turns in clammy sheets until his exhaustion wins.
Now, he welcomes sleep like a miracle granted by some pitying god.
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You see him.
Through a living room packed with red-faced partygoers and dissected by oscillating strobe lights, albeit, but you see him anyways. 
Jisung can barely make out the rest of your face—he blames the lighting, or the soju, or both—but your eyes alone turn him to glass. Not a fancy vase through which the world distorts, but a simple pane that puts him and his ghosts on full display.
He hopes you like horror movies.
Felix knows you, because of course he does, and Jisung has never been happier to call the extroverted Australian his friend than when you come over to say hi. You stumble out of the crowd all smudged makeup and sweaty skin, your figure hugged by a short black dress with two diamond-shaped openings just above your hips, your glossy lips curved in a drunken smile. Jisung immediately wants it against his mouth.
Instead, it disappears behind his friend as you pull him into a quick hug. A few wisps of your hair dust over Jisung’s arm, momentarily replacing the smells of grease and vodka with cherry blossoms and vanilla.
“Lix, hey!”
“Darling, it’s good to see you! Feels like it’s been ages.”
“I know, right? How are you? How is everything?”
“Good, thank you. Just happy the semester’s over.”
“I’ll drink to that.” Then you go to lift your drink and discover thin air in its place. “Or I won’t. Whoops.”
This prompts Jisung’s first contribution to the conversation—and his first effortless laugh in a long while.
“Eventful night, huh?”
He meets your gaze from all of two feet away this time, and his knees buckle under him. That gaze, fuck. So clear and true, like a prism of glass refracting light into a rainbow. He would let you refract him a thousand times over if he had any light to give.
“Maybe,” you giggle. “Seems I’m a little too happy the semester’s over.”
“Wanna not get a drink to celebrate?”
Your expression flickers. Not in a bad way, more like you hadn’t expected him to ask so soon—or for yourself to have your answer so quickly.
A strobe light catches right under your eye and refracts the color in your blushing face. A rainbow.
“I’d like that.”
He tilts his head towards the kitchen. You give Felix’s elbow a light squeeze before moving past him; he gives Felix a glimpse of his growing smile before falling into step behind you. The blonde shakes his head, throws back the rest of his beer, then swivels at the sound of someone calling his name from across the foyer.
Felix will get drunk enough to forget the sight of you leading Jisung up the stairs, two bottles of pink lemonade tucked under your arm. Nothing stronger, as promised.
Jisung asks his question an entire minute after he intends to. “Where are we going, by the way?”
“Somewhere I can see your pretty face without having to squint,” you reply, and his stomach tumbles like a schoolboy with a valentine.
You don’t stop at the second floor. Instead, you nudge open a door Jisung swears just materialized to his left and emerge into the night air.
It’s warm for December, but he’s still met with chilly winds licking down the sides of his neck. That’s not the only reason he shudders, though. Below his feet, he finds a metal platform akin to that of a fire escape. Above his head, a staircase that looks one forceful step away from dropping off the side of the building.
You turn towards it. 
In a hurry, he sputters, “I’m, uh—I’m not sure about this.”
A beat passes. Your hold on his wrist loosens, not to let go, just to trace wordless reassurance down the back of his hand. Your fingers feel perfect sliding into the spaces between his, like drops of honey in the craters of soufflé pancakes.
“It’s safer than it looks, I promise.”
Jisung heaves a sigh. It seems saying no to you is an impossible task.
You’re right, though. The iron rungs are surprisingly rigid beneath his feet, and the two of you make it to the roof with no trouble. He does stumble when you pull him up onto the gravel, but it’s intentional, a purposeful blunder to have you closer. To snag another glimpse of that blush, another trace of that floral vanilla.
“Sorry,” he whispers almost directly upon your lips. And that earns him all three.
The next hour evades him for the most part, and Jisung is pissed about it. He’s with the woman of his dreams under a sky so clear it’s almost lustrous and he’s too shitfaced to recollect when he gave you his hoodie to wear; what you said that made his lungs capsize with how hard he laughed; how you ended up so close to each other, your legs strewn over his lap, his hands tracing over your thighs.
Thankfully, he remembers a few things. He remembers how frighteningly easy you are to talk to; he remembers your habit of smacking his stomach when you get flustered; he remembers you getting flustered a lot. He remembers the timbres of your different laughs and how your stunning features crinkle with each. He remembers feeling like a pane of glass in front of you, just like he had downstairs, and he remembers liking it, somehow. Liking the way you see through him, the way you allow him to just exist as he is. Liking the way you acknowledge his ghosts with such nonchalance, inviting them over for tea and biscuits.
He wants to remember everything about you.
It’s not often he wants to remember anything.
Eventually, your conversation comes to a natural close. In its absence, Jisung notices that the alcoholic sludge in his brain has largely diffused; with it, the rumbling bass of the party below. The full moon hangs at its highest point, blanketing the two of you with anticipatory silence, nudging you towards the only topic you’ve yet to breach.
He meets your gaze again, from all of two inches away this time, and his insides twist.
“You’re still drunk, aren’t you?”
You blink at him, not following. Then he leans his forehead against yours, lets his eyes flicker to your mouth with such unbridled want that you’re instantly dizzy—and no longer confused.
Regret pools in your eyes moments before they close. “Yes, I think so.”
Your lips are so, so close that he can feel the air shift between you when they move, can feel the soft warmth emanating from them. Jisung pulls away before he does anything stupid.
You do the stupid thing for him.
You push his shoulders to the plaster behind him, push yourself onto his lap with a swing of your body and a slotting of your legs on either side of him. 
The plush of your thighs hugging his hips, the curves of your breasts pressed against his chest, Jisung tries to stare up at you, perplexed, aroused. But you’re so close that he can’t, so he settles with whispering upon the underside of your chin, “what are you—”
“Gimme your lemonade.”
The authoritative words come out in a slurred haze, and he all but hastens to oblige. 
You pluck the plastic bottle from his wavering grasp. His empty hand hovers as if uncertain where to go. But matters as trivial as hand placement drop off his mind’s precipice as he watches you unscrew the cap, the slope of your neck illuminated by spindly moonlight, and without thinking he pushes his hands beneath the hem of your—his—hoodie.
The skin of your waist is warm and smooth where his fingertips are cold and calloused, the juxtaposition unimportant in your reciprocal desires to touch and be touched.
“Open,” you murmur.
His jaw goes slack, firstly from pure disbelief. Then, obedience. The dark locks that obstruct his vision of you fall away as his head meets the brick half-wall behind him, as if the midnight breeze itself mandated their removal.
You pour some of the pink liquid past Jisung’s parted lips. Stray rivulets slip down his cheek and vanish beneath his neckline. You break eye contact to follow their path with dilated pupils and fluttering lashes. With unadulterated desire.
He swallows, gently, and feels the sweet substance surround his tonsils.
He swallows, forcefully, when you wrap your lips around the bottle, the plastic still slathered in his spit.
The swig you take is long, deep. Your throat bobs and your eyes close as if you’re savoring a finely-aged nectar. Then your lips are popping off the opening with a soft thwock, leaving a thick strand of saliva to suspend, suspend, suspend until the very second it’s about to drop, which is when you collect the residue with a deft swipe of your tongue.
“A placeholder,” you breathe, and Jisung’s head careens. A shared bottle. An indirect kiss.
“You’re a monster,” he croaks.
You giggle and lean down, curling a hand around his cheek, pressing a wet kiss to his Adam’s apple.
“Tomorrow, if we’re both sober…”
One, two, three pecks up the length of his jaw.
“...and you still remember my address…”
A suckle to the lobe of his ear.
“...you can kiss me, for real.”
A trembling breath.
“And then some.”
Jisung moans, loudly.
Thankfully, he remembers a few things.
He shows up at your place shortly after sunset the next day. You swing open the door, your face already alight with your world-ending smile.
Then he’s kissing you like a man famished.
Jisung learns to love your back, that night. He loves its dips and curves, loves its rise and fall. Loves how it arches into him, how it looks drenched in his cum. It’s the back of his dreams.
The back in his dreams keeps walking.
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Jisung has never liked winter.
He has never liked its winds, whispering woefully as if mourning something unnamed and unseen. He has never liked its palette, whitewashing the world as if refracting a rainbow in reverse.
He has never liked cracking open his eyes and seeing the scenery of his nightmare outside his window. Nor does he like trudging over the sleet as if weighed down by the same ghosts that break him time and time again in his dreamscape. They love winter. 
And this winter, he swears, is the bitterest yet. On the nights when he’s allowed to sleep, the nightmare comes in such sharp relief that he thinks he’d rather anything else, the ghosts meaner, the blood redder, the silhouette slower. It’s an act of mercy when he’s still awake by the time bleached sunlight perforates the curtains, resting upon his salted cheeks and balled fists.
This winter, it is not just dislike that he feels towards the gray winds—it’s hatred. A maelstrom of loathing so large and dark that Jisung no longer knows where it’s headed or what it’s directed to. Or who.
When winter break comes to an end, he’s probably the only person who’s happy about it.
His friends certainly aren’t, looking like a line of angry nutcrackers with their folded arms and thunderous faces standing outside Greem Cafe.
Jisung calls out a greeting as he jogs towards them, and cue the grumbling.
“What is there to smile about? Enlighten us.” That’s Hyunjin. “I have to deal with four finals and three essays in the next five days and this guy is smiling.”
“He’s accepted his fate, I reckon.” That’s Felix. “We should do the same, boys. Let ourselves down easy, y’know?”
“No, no, he’s smiling because he remembered to bring me his chem notes.” That’s Jeongin. “You did, right? Please say you did.”
Jisung is stunned into silence. “Can I not be happy to see my friends?”
“No,” Hyunjin and Felix reply in unison.
“My bad,” he sighs.
“My notes,” Jeongin repeats.
“I have them, dude. Let’s sit down first.”
The younger boy shouts an impassioned “THANK YOU” at the sky like the clouds just saved his GPA. Jisung reaches for the door to the café, then stops at the sound of Felix’s voice.
“We’re waiting on one more person.”
He turns towards the blonde with puzzled eyes. He’d been under the impression the study session would comprise just them four.
Felix’s response falters on his tongue when he catches sight of something in the distance, and his face changes in a way Jisung’s seen before.
“Look behind you.” Felix shuffles past him, raising his voice to shout, “yo!”
Jisung glances away from the newcomer as quickly as he sees her. It’s not until his eyes pivot to the fire hydrant across the street that he processes her identity.
In one second flat, his mind clutters full. He thinks back to that party, when all it took was the sight of your smile for him to theorize you were the most exquisite thing ever made. He thinks back to the next evening, when he kissed you and verified his hypothesis. He thinks back to what followed and would continue to follow in the few days that remained before break: entwined tongues and emblazoned hickeys, whitened knuckles and whiny praise, snapping hips and shaking bedframes.
This winter, Jisung swears, is the bitterest yet.
But seeing you, the scarf wound multiple times around your neck doing nothing to hide your gorgeous smile, feels like catching a fragment of summer in his frozen hands.
“Thank god,” Felix groans before embracing you. Collapsing on you, more like. “I’m saved.”
You reach around to pat the boy on the back, your eyes brimming with laughter. “Lower your expectations, please. I did well on one exam.”
“You aced the midterm. That automatically makes you a rocket scientist,” Felix corrects, his voice muffled into the shoulder of your coat. A few beats of silence pass. Then, “this is comfy.”
“Okay, okay, let’s go get some caffeine in you,” you giggle. “We have a lot of ground to cover today.”
Felix straightens up sleepily. And sadly. “Superb.”
Jisung hangs back as you introduce yourself to Hyunjin and Jeongin. He doesn’t even notice his growing smile until you’re standing directly in front of him and for the first time in three weeks there’s the smell of cherry blossoms in the air and a rainbow shining on his face again.
“Hi,” he offers.
“Hey,” you reply.
Hyunjin is the one to shatter the prolonged silence that follows. “Are you guys betrothed?”
Felix and Jeongin stalk into the café snickering. You and Jisung trail behind with flaming cheeks.
It takes Jisung two and a half hours to talk to you again. At that point in the afternoon, Felix is napping on the second practice test you’ve given him; Hyunjin has downed three shots of pure espresso and is currently viewing his screen with concerning intensity; Jeongin is at another table on a quiet Zoom call with his chemistry T.A., Jisung’s notes clutched to his chest like a life vest. And you’re leaning back against your seat opposite to him, scrolling through your phone in what he presumes to be a well-deserved study break. As good a time as any.
He opens up his texts with you. His fingers fly across the keyboard.
Jisung: do you have plans after this?
Your eyes stutter to the top of your screen, linger there for a moment, and lock onto Jisung’s from across the table.
He presses his lips into a thin line to suppress his smile. You let yours spill over in full form, and with it comes a soft giggle that would be worth getting his number fucking blocked just to hear one more time.
Three gray dots appear before elongating into a prompt response.
Y/N: I was gonna ask you the same thing…
He’s the one who laughs this time. Fuck, you’re cute. You’re so cute.
Jisung: can i take you to dinner? Y/N: Yes, I’d love that :) Y/N: When should we leave? Jisung: 9? Y/N: Sounds good~ Jisung: cool Jisung: it’s a date Y/N: It’s a date! Y/N: Excited 💛
With that, you put your phone face down and return to work, though your lips remain privately upturned. Jisung wants to kiss them again.
He also wants to turn you into a mess on his cock again.
Or both.
He doesn’t get much studying done after that thought surfaces.
Jisung: me too <3
When nine o’clock rolls around, you and Jisung begin cleaning up your work stations in near-perfect simultaneity. There’s confusion written all over Hyunjin’s and Jeongin’s faces as they watch you swing your backpacks over your shoulders—but Felix’s expression is a blank slate as he sips from his macchiato. Your ingenuity isn’t the only reason he invited you today.
As you make your way out of the café, your shoulders brush once, twice, and then Jisung drops his hand into the space between the two of you without uttering a word. You scoop it up in your own without missing a beat.
He steps into the freezing night feeling warm all over.
“You know what I realized?” You say as you walk towards his SUV.
“What did you realize?”
“We’ve never had a sober conversation before. Can we change that tonight?”
Jisung has broken hearts before.
There’s no euphemistic way to describe his tendency to abuse the sensitive organs, to wring them out and throw them away like irrelevant trash. To juggle and drop them with a sheepish laugh like they’re nothing more than props in a circus act.
He doesn’t do it to save himself or his partners from getting hurt or any self-ingratiating bullshit like that. It’s for himself, all for himself. All to unload his balls and his mind for fifteen blissful seconds. 
There’s blood on his hands. He never cared to wash it off.
Except you are the one asking for his heart this time around, a dash of hope in your smile as you do so, and he thinks it would be his life’s greatest honor to be discarded by you.
“Sure,” he answers.
He doesn’t even last until he’s inside the car.
Your back meets the door to the passenger’s seat, guided there by his hands on your hips. From millimeters away he watches your surprise morph into understanding, then darken into lust.
“I like when we don’t talk, though.”
It’s the most annoying thing in the world to remove so many layers in such a cramped space.
Combined, your clothing forms a tower high enough to block out the driver’s window completely. An unnecessary blockade.
The glass fogs up anyways.
“Fuck, Ji, yes, right there, oh my god.”
You have your legs spread open and the back of your neck digging into the cupholder on the door. It’s not comfortable. You’re too busy getting fucked open to care.
Jisung detaches his lips from your neck to ask, “here, baby?”
The head of his cock hits that gummy spot again, harder, sweeter. You convulse, your hand scrambling for purchase in his raven locks.
“Yes, yes, yes, don’t stop, please.”
Please. The word plays over in his fuzzy mind.
It seems saying no to you is an impossible task.
His cock slips out of you and you lament the loss of contact with a high wail.
“W-why’d—where’d you go?”
He can’t help but chuckle at how incoherent you’ve become. He cradles the back of your head with a tender hand and lowers your upper body onto the leather seat, adjusting himself to your new elevation.
“Right here, beautiful. Didn’t go anywhere—promise—” 
He expels the final word through gritted teeth as he slams into you again, and the new angle is glorious. Your bodies keen in flawless harmony. Profanities tumble from his lips in a steady stream before they turn back into syllables.
“Would never go anywhere. Would never leave without making this pretty pussy cream like it deserves—holy fucking shit, baby.”
You clench around him at his words and then he’s setting a new, relentless rhythm, rocking the whole vehicle with every hearty smack of his hips against yours, your wet walls squeezing him so dreamily he thinks he sees nirvana with every thrust.
You’re enjoying it just as much, if the bubbles of spit in the corner of your mouth are any indication, and Jisung is viciously proud to be the cause. Unbelievably lucky to feel your breasts jiggling under his chest and your nails digging into the back of his neck.
“Good?” He whispers, and you nod blissfully.
“So—good, Ji, so fucking good. Your cock is perfect, fuck, I can’t even—can’t even think.”
“You’re the perfect one. Can’t believe how well your cunt takes me, shit. It’s like it was fucking made for this.”
“It was,” you breathe, and he nearly shoots his load into you at this alone. “It was, it was—oh, god, I think—think I’m gonna come—”
“Do it,” he rasps. “Come for me. Come on this cock and it’s yours.”
“Then, I will. I’ll come on your cock—make it mine. Need it so fucking bad, I’m so fucking close, oh—please—”
He anchors himself in place with a hand against the windowsill and the other travels down your body to rub fast, tight circles into your clit. You let out a wanton, prolonged moan, tilt your head back to expose him to your fluttering throat. And then you’re pulling his lips onto yours again, and the following kiss is sloppy beyond belief, the kind that can only antedate the happiest of endings.
“My cock,” you sigh into his mouth. “Mine.”
“Forever,” is the breathy response he doesn’t know if he means, the response he gives you anyways.
And then you curl your fingers in his hair. Clamp your teeth around his lower lip. Clench your thighs around his waist. There’s liquid everywhere. Tearwater spilling down the sides of your face. Release gushing all over his dick and pelvis and backseat.
He catches up the moment he realizes what’s just happened. Pulls out of you. Presses his head against the roof of his car. Spits on his hand. Pumps his pulsating cock. Sends himself over the edge you’ve just finished tripping over.
Eventually, he regains feeling in his limbs.
He opens his eyes, surveys the damage, and grins.
Your stomach is covered in ropes of white, your expression hidden behind your hands. You start shaking your head in profuse embarrassment the moment you feel his eyes on you.
“You squirted,” he says.
“I know,” you almost yell, and his grin erupts into a laugh.
He lowers himself back over you, takes your wrists, and removes them from your blushing face. He doesn’t think he’s seen you so flustered before and it has him palpitating in ways he never thought feasible.
Maybe he did mean the damn thing after all.
He pushes off the strands of hair clinging to your damp forehead and replaces them with a gentle kiss. “It was sexy as fuck and you’re everything.” 
There’s a certain softness in your eyes when he pulls away. He hopes, for your sake, it’s all in his head.
His car is in need of aftercare most of all. You shrug on your clothes with considerable effort and get to work, all while sharing comfortable chatter and easy laughter.
Those things persist during your dinner date at a nearby Chinese restaurant and the drive back to your place, which Jisung knows well enough to no longer need his GPS. Those things persist until he kisses you goodbye on your doorstep, because he would have to be fucking crazy not to after you gave him the best night he’s had in so long.
After you reminded him that he’s still capable of comfort and ease, in spite of it all.
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Snow comes a few weeks into the new year. 
This winter, it falls late, and it falls hard, like a gust of breath expelled from drawn lungs at the very last minute. Held there as if lying in wait for something unnamed and unseen. 
The gust of breath is too quiet to be heard over the one Jisung lets out against the shell of your ear. “Wait here.”
He goes to roll off you. You don’t let him just yet, darting your hand around his wrist and bringing his face back within centimeters of yours.
Han Jisung is beautiful. You knew it for the first time at that houseparty and you’ve known it every hour of every day since. But it’s always clearest to you in the afterglow, when his bare skin is golden and sticky and his delicate lips bitten to bright fuchsia. 
When his irises have gone black and you see stars, flaring in the absence of light.
You close the distance that remains between you. Your lips part with a content sigh. Your hands drift over the slant of his neck; his find home in the dips above your waist.
He breaks away once you’re both out of breath, and the pad of his thumb wipes lightly at your lower lip.
“Everything okay?”
“Yes,” you reply shyly. “I couldn’t help myself.”
The smile this brings to his face reminds you of a candle’s flame. Soft on the eyes and scalding to the touch when he presses it back against your lips. Once, twice.
“Can you wipe your cum off me now?” You whisper, and he laughs straight into your mouth.
The mattress lifts. His footsteps grow quieter. You shiver in his absence.
Only then do you notice the blizzard.
You stumble off the bed to throw your curtains aside. Snow descends from the sky like spools of unraveling yarn. The streetlights have been reduced to foggy specks, the parked cars to blurry heaps. Every sidewalk and rooftop in sight has already been slathered in ivory.
Jisung announces his return with a disbelieving whistle.
“Am I dreaming?” You murmur.
“When did that happen?”
“I have no idea.”
You don’t even notice the wild smile on your face until you turn to him and catch his reaction to it. He looks like he’s asking himself the same question.
“C’mere,” he hums, and you oblige.
He laves the warm towel over your breasts and stomach, as well as the places his release has trickled since you flung yourself to your feet. All while supporting the small of your back with a touch fatally careful, an expression wholly adoring. All evidence of just how blurry the line between sexual escapade and lover has become in two short months.
Your ribcage fucking throbs.
“You don’t seem excited,” you say.
He finishes cleaning you off. You give him a distracted thank you, noticing the sudden shadow draped over his face like a netted veil.
“I’m not,” he answers, not unkindly.
“You don’t like snow?”
“Not really.”
He circles around the bed to get dressed. You bend to pick up the clothes tossed aside earlier and drop them into your hamper, then slip into a clean pair of underwear and sweatpants.
“It’s a long story.”
Just as you reach for a top, a bundle of cloth travels in an arc across your bedroom and hooks itself around the crook of your arm. His T-shirt. 
You glance at Jisung. He’s already looking elsewhere, but his private smile makes its way onto your face as you slip it on.
“Well, I have time.” You sink into your mattress, now surrounded by his muted musk, his papyrus and petrichor. “We’ll be stuck here a while, after all.”
“Stuck?” Jisung repeats, the lanyard of his car keys dangling from the pocket of his hoodie, his feet turned towards the door.
A pregnant pause commences. His intentions dawn, and you gape.
“You’re not driving right now.”
He breaks eye contact.
That was the plan, you read in his expression.
You know better than trying to reverse a river’s current by kicking up rocks. You know better than trying to curtail the flight of an albatross by clipping its wings.
You know better than asking someone who thinks he was made to leave to stay.
And you won’t.
“I have somewhere to be early tomorrow morning,” he stammers, the lines terribly rehearsed. “The snow’s not heavy, I’ll be—”
You’re not asking.
Jisung looks at you, startled, as you glide across the bed. You place your feet on the hardwood and circle your arms around his waist. Lace your fingers upon the hollow of his back. His pulse goes uneven at your abrupt proximity.
Akin to the drag of a feather, you mouth at his cheek, then the side of his neck.
“You can stay, Jisung.”
He shudders at your words, and you’ve got him.
It’s oddly normal, the sight of him clambering into your bed in your clothing—a pair of old sweatpants and your favorite crewneck—like this isn’t the first time you’re sleeping together in your two months of sleeping together.
In fact, the only indication of anything unordinary is the floaty feeling in your stomach when your head hits the pillow and discover Jisung’s face only inches away. He drapes an arm over your waist, gathering you close. You nuzzle into the crook of his neck.
The inevitable question follows.
“Can I save the story for another time?”
“Sure,” you return, keeping your voice small. He doesn’t hear your disappointment this way. “Should we go to sleep, then?”
“We should.”
Your foreheads touch. Your noses bump together. Your eyes cross, watching the adoration pull at his. You dimly register your hand threading in his fluffy locks, his thumb running over your cheekbone. Your lashes narrowly miss the surface of his eyes, and then he tips your face up by millimeters.
You don’t remember when you fall asleep. You only recall the hour beforehand that you spend with Jisung’s lips traversing yours, like you are the ocean and he’s uncovering new waters with every bruise he prints against your throat, every suckle he leaves around your tongue.
In your dream, the roles reverse and you are the one exploring him, mapping out his constellations with wide-eyed wonder.
You wake to a black hole.
For the first five seconds, you see nothing. You hear nothing. You feel nothing. You only blink in the darkness, your mind kicking into groggy gear to ask the very good question of why you’re conscious again.
Instinct moves your hand across the mattress. Empty space greets you where Jisung should be. Unfounded dread shoves your back off the bed. You gasp, the sound seeming to echo in the cavernous silence.
Your eyes adjust enough to discern light in the crack beneath your door, and you’re wide awake.
The following events go by in a blur. You stumble out of bed and into your closet, fastening your fingers around the thickest piece of fabric you find. You fly into the living room, where the lamp by the couch is left on and the pair of worn black Converse on your doormat have gone missing.
The front door is cracked open, and through the narrow inches you spot someone hunched on the stairs outside, his dark hair dyed platinum by the awning light’s fluorescence.
Your heart stills in relief, then quickens with anxiety.
You’ve tried wearing this crewneck in January enough times to know you can’t. In fact, you suspect that it somehow soaks up the temperature, lets it seep in between its every seam until it becomes one with the bitter winds. 
But he isn’t shivering, you notice as you take a seat next to him, draping the puffer over both of your shoulders on your way down. He’s simply staring off into the bleak storm, snowflakes sitting atop his head like a coating of ash, their color matching that of his frozen skin. He’s becoming one with the bitter winds. 
At first, you don’t recognize the man in front of you.
You’re well familiar with those ring-laden hands and the whetted jawline thrown into shadow, those remnants of cologne clinging to his frame. But you have never seen that gaze before, bloodshot and bleak and belonging to somebody new. Somebody who isn’t completely here, straddling the partition between the realms of people and phantoms.
Then he lifts his eyes and you see stars, flaring in the absence of light. Your stars.
And you recognize him for the first time ever.
You drop your hand to your hip, and his fingers feel stiff and cold and perfect, sliding into the spaces between yours.
“Why don’t you like snow?” You ask.
Jisung’s eyes return to the swirling sleet, but he moves your interlocked hands to rest on his thigh, and you know that he’s with you.
He’s been having this nightmare.
It takes place in a small clearing. It’s winter, and everything is covered in snow. Not the gentle kind that you can catch on your tongue, but the unyielding kind that’s hard and dense and covered in cracks, like a lake newly frozen over.
Somebody is in front of him, walking away. He can only see their back. He wants to chase after them. He doesn’t want to be left behind. But there are ghosts nearby, and they’ll split his skull open on the permafrost and tie his windpipe into a pretty bow if he so much as dreams of pursuit. He always does. He doesn’t know how not to.
Normally, the back leaves, and he can do nothing but remain. He can direct his loathing only to the snow into which he bleeds. 
Normally, he waits for the dream to end with something bordering on boredom. He’s seen this movie too many times. He fucking hates how it ends.
This time, though, the snow tastes like something.
After the flavors deliquesce upon his tongue, his head shoots up, his eyes blowing wide as they latch onto the retreating figure. He knows who it is.
His feet scrabbles against the ice with his attempts to rise to them. He lunges forward with frenzied resolve, and that is when the ghosts snap his neck.
He wakes up.
“Cherry blossoms and vanilla.”
You blink, tearwater streaking from your eyes in silent, steaming trails.
My shampoo.
A broken sob escapes you in lieu of the rest of your sentence, and Jisung laughs, a flimsy facade that crumbles when he lifts his hand to dab at your moistened cheeks and it’s trembling.
“Silly,” he murmurs. “I’m used to it now.”
“I don’t want you to be.”
“I don’t want you to cry for me.”
“You died.”
“And I would do it again.”
This response comes without an shred of hesitation.
You first realized you had something to confess, that night in the the back of Jisung’s SUV. You’ve kept it locked away for your sake and his, even moreso. You see how fear clings to him like an unshakeable wraith, and you refuse to feed the parasite.
Now, your confession explodes from its fortress in the center of your soul and rises up your larynx. You panic like an inept security guard letting their only prisoner bolt free. Is it really the right time? Do you know what to say? Have you really thought this through? 
Too late. It’s rushing to the point of your tongue already. You suppose you’ll find out.
He saves you the trouble.
Your confession stills. 
“I don’t know if I’m okay, and I won’t try to convince you otherwise. You’d call my bluff. You’re good at that.
“But everything feels okay when I’m with you. You see me. You allow me just to exist as I am. You make me feel human again—you make me want to feel human again. You empty my mind.”
You feel as if you’ve been ejected into space naked, griping for air where there is none.
“I never believed in having somebody to lose,” he utters, gently leaning his forehead against yours. “But I would rather disappear than watch you go.”
You cradle his jaw with shaking fingers, trying and failing to quell the violence of your emotion.
“Don’t go,” he exhales.
You kiss him.
It should feel the same as before. You reach for the slant of his neck, him the dips above your waist. You sigh into him, parting your lips, and he moves into you deeper, harder, dipping into your mouth with his tongue’s pliant swipe. But there’s something new in the way you hold each other, in the seal of your mouth against his.
The line between sexual escapade and lover vanishes as if swept off the sand and into the sea. His stars come out of hiding at last and they bathe you in their residue, light your heart aglow.
Your confession resurfaces. It wants to stargaze also.
“I love you too,” you breathe.
The night comes and goes.
The two of you spend it entangling, sweating, your lips glued the expanse of his neck and the arcs of his shoulders, writing over the ghosts’ injuries with bruises of your making.
Only when the winds have faltered outside do you attempt to rest again. You are curled up in balmy bliss, utterly depleted. Jisung’s arms around your middle and legs threaded among yours bring you that much closer to slumber’s cusp.
You attribute it to your exhaustion when he mumbles something against you, and you have no idea what it means: “Thank you for refracting me.” 
Your confusion is palpable in your silence. His laugh hits the nape of your neck with a gentle puff, and he kisses the spot just beneath your ear. “Never mind.”
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