#Hami Sweet
crevicedwelling · 1 year
Élise had a rather indulgent meal this week, a pair of banded crickets fed with hami melon. she doesn’t have as much of a sweet tooth (toothplate?) as some of my others, but she ate the entirety of her meal, including the juicy sweet melon-filled organs.
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paganimagevault · 2 years
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Female Europid Mummy from the Necropolis of Subexi III, Grave M6, Turfan District, Xinjiang. 5th-3rd C. BCE. Source: Baumer, Christoph.The history of Central Asia. Vol.1. The age of the steppe warriors. London : I.B. Tauris, 2012. pg. 218 left DS329.4 .B38 2012. Image via University of Pennsylvania. See maps in the post before this one for a better understanding of the geography discussed.
"Section 26 – The Kingdom of Nearer [i.e. Southern] Jushi 車師前 (Turfan)
1. ‘Nearer Jushi’ 車師前 refers to the kingdom or state centered in the Turfan oasis or, sometimes, to the tribe which controlled it. There can be no question that Nearer Jushi refers here to the Turfan Oasis. See for example: CICA, p. 183, n. 618; also note 1.5 above. For the etymology of the name Turfan see Bailey (1985), pp. 99-100, which is summed up in his sentence: “The name turpana- is then from *druva-pāna- ‘having safe protection’, a name suitable for a walled place.”
“One other oasis town is currently under excavation. At Yarghul (Jiaohe), 10 km (16 miles) [sic – this should read 10 miles (16 km)] west of Turpan, archaeologists have been excavating remains of the old Jushi capital, a long (1,700 m (5,580 ft)) but narrow (200 m (656 ft)) town between two rivers. From the Han period they uncovered vast collective shaft tombs (one was nearly 10 m (33 ft) deep). The bodies had apparently already been removed from these tombs but accompanying them were other pits containing form one to four horse sacrifices, with tens of horses for each of the larger burials.” Mallory and Mair (2000), pp. 165 and 167.
“Some 300 km (186 miles) to the west of Qumul [Hami] lie [mummy] sites in the vicinity of the Turpan oasis that have been assigned to the Ayding Lake (Aidinghu) culture. The lake itself occupies the lowest point in the Turpan region (at 156 m (512 ft) below sea level it is the lowest spot on earth after the Dead Sea). According to accounts of the historical period, this was later the territory of the Gushi, a people who ‘lived in tents, followed the grasses and waters, and had considerable knowledge of agriculture. They owned cattle, horses, camels, sheep and goats. They were proficient with bows and arrows.’ They were also noted for harassing travellers moving northwards along the Silk Road from Krorän, and the territories of the Gushi and the kingdom of Krorän were linked in the account of Zhang Qian, presumably because both were under the control of the Xiongnu. In the years around 60 BC, Gushi fell to the Chinese and was subsequently known as Jushi (a different transcription of the same name).” Mallory and Mair (2000), pp. 143-144.
“History records that in 108 BC Turpan was inhabited by farmers and traders of Indo-European stock who spoke a language belonging to the Tokharian group, an extinct Indo-Persian language [actually more closely related to Celtic languages]. Whoever occupied the oasis commanded the northern trade route and the rich caravans that passed through annually. During the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220) control over the route see-sawed between Xiongnu and Han. Until the fifth century, the capital of this kingdom was Jiaohe.” Bonavia (1988), p. 131.
“Turpan is principally an agricultural oasis, famed for its grape products – seedless white raisins (which are exported internationally) and wines (mostly sweet). It is some 80 metres (260 feet) below sea level, and nearby Aiding Lake, at 154 metres (505 feet) below sea level, is the lowest continental point in the world.” Ibid. p. 137.
“The toponym Turfan is also a variation of Tuharan. Along the routes of Eurasia there are many other place names recorded in various Chinese forms that are actually variations of Tuharan.” Liu (2001), p. 268."
-Notes to The Western Regions according to the Hou Hanshu. Second Edition (Extensively Revised and Expanded). John E. Hill. University of Washington.
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luckylunatix · 15 days
Halloween Horror Nights is starting up again and I feel like I should inform all y'all who love it of these sweet little bears:
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These 3 are mascots of HHN in Japan and they are as fascinating in their lore as they are adorable
Hamikuma/ハミクマ (middle): Hamikuma has been a part of the event since about 2021, starting as a walk around character inhabiting the Scarezones until graduating to the official icon of the event in 2022, when he was given a stage show called Hamikuma Psycho Circus. His backstory states he was once a circus bear who was very popular with audiences because he was very cute and danced in a very unique way, but his fellow performers became jealous and also suspected he wasn't really a bear. They ended up murdering him and burning down the bigtop to destroy the evidence, but Hamikuma managed to survive when a demon known as the Death Bringer bore his way into Hamikuma's belly. Now he gets to live on and party when Halloween comes around, but unfortunately his gaping stomach wound is now basically a portal to Hell.
Hamikuma SOUL/ハミクマソウル (right): Hamikuma's soul incarnate, introduced last year as part of the Zombie de Dance stage show. They reside in a place called YOU ME LAND.
Hamikuma Punk/ハミクマパンク (left): The latest Hamikuma, who'll be introduced to this year's HHN. He represents the anger and resentment inside of Hamikuma (I'm assuming because being murdered and turned into a Hell portal would make anyone kinda pissed off). He'll be appearing alongside the other Hamikumas during the Shout it Out Party.
I feel like there's not enough discussion of Hamikuma and Japan's HHN here on Tumblr, despite how HHN seems to have a genuine fandom here, so here's hoping this might spark some interest in it.
"ハミクマ DEATH!"
Some sources (so you can read more and to prove I didn't pull all of this out of my butt):
(Some sources may need to be translated. The last source is also where I got the image above from. I'd also advise looking them up on YouTube to see them in action because they are VERY fun to watch dance around.)
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cdragons · 11 months
Fall Family Chaos Fun - An Ikaris x Persephone!Eternal Halloween Oneshot
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Pairings: Sephia x Ikaris Word Count: ~2.1k Summary: A lil'l slice of insight to how Ikaris' and Sephia's home life goes in the fall with their three gremlins angels. This fic also introduces a lot of new characters that will make strong appearances in future works of this AU! Warning(s): Heavy petting on Ikaris' part (man's a horndog for our Sephie), Aggie is a menace who takes after her Aunt Kaety, Ikaris is older than dirt and doesn't understand teens, Laurie being a teen, and Sephia & Arthur just being adorable
Notes: Yes, I know that Halloween has technically passed, but I had midterms and projects during the time so I'm using the rest of the season as a Free Fall fics pass until December. So this oneshot was beta read by the ever-so lovely @ethereal-athalia, who has so graciously sacrificed herself agreed to beta read all of my fics for the upcoming future while my usual beta reader @valeskafics, is currently really busy with law school until the foreseeable future! Even so, please go visit her blog because she is one of the best writers on Tumblr, especially if you are a fan of Ewan Mitchell, and the HOTD/GOT universe! If you have read any of my past works, you know that my girl @ethereal-athalia is pretty much the co-parent of this Eternals AU idea, and I absolutely love sharing ideas with her, and making connections to make these fics more interesting. Anyway, please be kind and enjoy!
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Somewhere deep in an enchanted forest hidden from most of the world, there stood an impressive house. This house was the home to a very special family. It was built by a beautiful woman and her besotted husband, and became their home for them and their three incredible children. Every day the home was laughter and peace and a calming air-
-unless it was October, December, summer, or… actually, it hard to remember when the word “calm” could be used to describe their home.
“Which one Aggie?”
“The one that had the pretty gold swirls and stars! I need it to match with Hamy!”
“Aggie sweetie, I put it on the chair next to Pope Butterscotch the Golden Sheep!”
“Thanks mommy!”
“Mama? Have you seen Bun-Bun?”
“Bun-Bun had an accident with the breakfast this morning, so I put him in the wash! But he should be waiting for you in the dryer!”
“Thanks, Da!”
A frazzled Ikaris crouched on top of the stairwell, scrubbing away the evidence of markers and crayons from the wall-paint. When the colored outlines were only just barely visible, he made his way down the stairwell to find the one person whose sole presence would wash away all his fatigue. Standing over the massive sink - bathed in golden sunlight - stood the love of his eternal and immortal life. You were washing the vegetables that came from their gardens. Ikaris saw an array of vegetables – carrots that ranged from yellow to dark purple, deep red beetroots and radishes, a mountain of spinach, and a pumpkin of impressive size (just to new a few).
With sweat running down her brow and small streaks of dirt on your cheek, you was a vision of pure beauty. Ikaris could spend all his time listing all the parts he loved about you, and the Earth would long be dead from war and famine and any other forms of destruction that came from humanity. No time with you would be enough- it would never be enough. Wrapping his arms around your waist, Ikaris lowered his head until his nose was pressed into the crook of your neck.
Taking in a deep breath, your natural essence of clean and fresh aromas overtook his senses as a wave of calm washed over him. Your natural perfume mixed with the notes of your sweat formed a new sweet and tantalizing fragrance that caused a growl to emerge deep from his throat as Ikaris started to lay kisses over your skin. Given your deep connection to the Earth, your scent always seemed to change with the seasons. As the autumn chill chased away the summer breeze, gone were the fresh and soft fragrances of grapefruit and sandalwood. But Ikaris did not mind the loss as he took notice of notes of patchouli and orange. Reaching behind you to stroke your husband’s hair, you let a light chuckle escape under your breath.
“If you’re hoping to get lucky,” you teased with a mirthful smirk, “I would suggest that you wait until I am not sweating like a pig with dirt all over me.”
“Please,” Ikaris scoffed, “you say that if I haven’t taken you in the dirt a thousand times by now, each time leaving you more flushed with sweat than you washing some greens.” He emphasized his point by creeping his hands under your the massive green and cream flannel you stole from his closet until he reached your breasts. His eyes widened slightly at the lack of a certain apparel, until the corners of his mouth curled to a lecherous grin.
“No bra today?” He whispered with a low and husky tone. “Such a naughty flower, I wonder if I touched you down there, would I find your cunt bare and dripping, or your underwear soaked?” He pinched your nipple to emphasize his point, and let his ears drink in your soft mewling.
“Ikaris,” you rasped, “our kids could walk in any moment-”
Lightly chuckling at the immediate downfallen expression on your husband’s face in response to their children’s call to him. Turning your head to press a kiss on his furrowed brow, you reassured him that you would play the mediator this time.
“And while I’m at it,” you reasoned, “you can check on our less problematic son.”
“Laurie?” Ikaris’ expression immediately shifted to worry. “Is he alright? Has he experienced any chest pains or breathing troubles? He barely finished his breakfast this morning. Do I need to call Kaet-”
“No, no, no,” you reassured, already on damage control to prevent her husband from hovering over their firstborn like he had when Laurie was still a baby. “He’s just been holed up in his room all day, and I want to make sure that he isn’t overly stressed about anything.” You pressed her palm on his face, and stroked your thumb across his cheek. “Don’t worry so much, it might just be teen angst – Sersi told us that it’s very common at his age!”
Still a bit disturbed at his son’s unusual behavior, Ikaris quickly kissed your palm before making his way up the deep mahogany stairwell. Thinking over the past few months, Ikaris was making mental notes of his son’s strange behavior. He knew that it wasn’t his studies or his athletics at school, but he was acting more secretive. He would come home later than usual, check his phone more frequently, and even finish his meals as quickly as possible to dash to his room.
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Quickly flying past the many rooms – including the one that was currently occupied by his two youngest children, who were still arguing over the correct ownership over a particularly shiny ribbon – he finally made it to the end of the hall where his first child’s room was located. On the deep red-stained wood was a little piece of signage that was covered in laurel leaves with the only negative space spelling out “Laurie.” Softly knocking three times twice (a little signal between father and son) before a soft voice was heard through the door.
“Come in,” called out his son as Ikaris gently opened the door, a faint creak screeched out from the worn-down hinge and its pin. At first glance, the main focus of the room would be the queen-sized bed frame with a hand-embroidered eggshell-white cotton quilt, or the thousands of stars that were painted on the ceiling, or even the gilded golden crossbow hanging over his bed. But all the Eternal could focus on was the sight of his eldest child, Laurus Orion Harris, or “Laurie” as was so lovingly dubbed by his glorious wife. And he couldn’t help but feel immense pride in the fact that he had any part (even if it was only genetically) in creating the child in front of him.
“Everything alright dad?” Laurie asked.
“Yeah, everything’s okay,” Ikaris replied, “well, your mother is trying to separate your brother and sister over a very sparkly ribbon. But other than that, everything is fine.” He paused for a minute to notice that his eldest was acting a bit antsy, as if he was expecting something very important. “But are you sure there isn’t anything bothering you?”
“Huh, what do you mean?”
“Well, it’s just unusual for you to be holed up in your room. It’s usually not because of your studies because your Aunt Sersi always tells your mum and me how well you’re doing. At the very least, you’d probably be outside enjoying the changing leaves with your horse.” Ikaris tried not to seem too intrusive, his son had the right to his own privacy after all, and he trusted him to always make good choices. But with everything he had seen for the past few months, he wanted to make sure that Laurie wasn’t involved in anything dangerous. “I just want you to know that if there’s anything that’s at all bothering you, me or your mum are always going to be there to listen.”
Laurie took in what his dad said, and decided that it wouldn’t hurt to tell him a little bit. “Well, now that you mention it. I was just wondering…do you think Uncle Gil and Aunt Thena will bring Mara and Uriel over for Hamish’s birthday?”
And suddenly everything was clear for Ikaris. It was no wonder his child had been acting so nervous lately.
“Laurie,” he began, “are you worried over how you’ll act around Thena’s new ward?”
When his fourteen-year-old son’s face turned bright red, Ikaris knew he hit the nail on the head.
“You know, if you’re really that worried, I can ask Thena and Gil to maybe reconsider coming this year. I am sure they’ll understand, it’s only been a little over a year since-”
“NO! That’s alright!” Laurie was so panicked that he didn’t even notice his voice cracking, “I don’t want to do that to Hamish, he looks forward to all of us coming together for his birthday. And I rarely see Uncle Gil and Aunt Thena that much as it is – plus, Aggie seems to be alright with her, and Arthur is already getting along with Uriel really well. So…I just want to make sure that she knows that she’s welcome and…safe with us.”
“Oh my sweet boy,” mentally sorrowed Ikaris, “that little fire hellion has got him petrified.” No matter how long since it’s been since he last fought, the Eternal would tell when someone was trying to put on a brave face. Not wanting to embarrass his son, Ikaris decided that it would be best to just drop the matter for now. Worst case scenario, he would no issue to take matters in his own hands if that little flame demon tried to pull anything on Laurie like she had the first time.
“Alright,” he relented, “but you shouldn’t worry so much. I’m sure that you two will soon be good friends. But if there is anything that happens with her that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, you tell me or you mum straight away. Do you understand that?”
“Yeah dad, I understand.”
“Good, I want you to know that-”
Letting out a deep sigh before walking over to the foot of the bed next to his son, Ikaris swept aside a bit of his unruly curls to drop a quick kiss on the top of his forehead. A wave of rosemary and frankincense wafted into his nose.
“Seems like your mum needs some help,” he chuckled, “remember what I told you. I love you.”
“Love you too dad,” replied Laurie as he watched his father walk out of his room and closing the door. He tried his best to gather his thoughts for the upcoming holiday, but that was easier said than done.
“Agalia Sersi Harris!” He heard his mother yell out – which happened very rarely. “You tell Germain to lower your brother on the ground this instant young lady!”
Not being able to hold back the laugh escape his throat, Laurie let out a series of soft chuckles. He thought back to all of the comments his friends at his school would make about his family.
They would marvel over how his mum would always make sure his lunches would look so delicious, and laugh whenever he never rejected her hugs and kisses.
Sometimes, they’d jealously gripe over how close he would be with his dad because he would always be there for his games and always act so proud of how he played – even if he did terribly.
There was the occasional snide comment about how Aggie would act so uppity and prissy, and then they’d immediately piss themselves at the sight of her barreling toward them at full speed to deliver her fury.
And then they would talk about how weird it’d be whenever Little Ari would always try to play with them, and Laurie would never brush him off and make sure that there was a way to include him.
It made the young man sad to realize that it wasn’t considered “normal” to be so close to your own parents and siblings. But if being a “normal” meant having to pretend that he didn’t have most incredible family in the history of the world, then he would gladly wear the title “freak” proudly.
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I hope you enjoyed reading this fic! Please drop a like if you did enjoy it, and also a reblog or comment if you look forward to reading more!
Tagging: @valeskafics, @ethereal-athalia, @aphroditesmoon, @3vergr3en, @its-actually-minicika, @asa-do-your-thing, @dreaming-for-an-escape, @hypnoticmistake, @vikingqueen28, @tacorice, @deanthomaswhore, @angelnyx, @getawaycardotmp3, @redheadspark, @sunphyre, @bambiandbam, @diaryofapillowprincess, @karimac, @spacetalbot, @beananacake, @snowprincesa1, @littledoveofchaos, @prettyvintageafternoon, @themeanestlittlewitch
Let me know in the comments if you would like to be tagged!
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meep9898 · 22 days
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If Hami-chan is so worried about wasting the dessert, she should eat some slices herself. Unlike Evelyn, the shipgirl’s tummy doesn’t have to digest an absurd amount of sweets that were forcefully fed to her…
But even if the feeding stops, the rubs should continue. Hamanami’s delicate fingers and tender tummy rubs are comforting…
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mings-lore-library · 1 year
So here’s where I’ll do lore drops and some roleplays with my OCs if ya wanna. Send asks about any of them.
Real quick brief lore, we have
Ming- My main OC. She’s a demon princess, she’s got it all. She was raised by the ninja turtles and is a ninja. She’s short and can’t swim and allergic to wasps.
Victoria- Ming’s evil clone. Created by darkness and Ming’s DNA. She eats wasps for breakfast just to flex on Ming and her inferiority. She’s evil evil. Ish. Possibly redeemable?
Damien- Ming’s twin brother. He loves sex, drugs and alcohol. He’s been raised as a prince, and by that I mean spoiled as fuck. He gets his way, whether he has to use force or not.
Rex- Vampire boy. He’s a sharpshooter and he loves basketball. He likes Ming, but he’s fine just being friends if she is. Also he’s secretly a clone.
Ted- Rex’s twin brother. A werewolf. He was nearly mauled to death so his transformations hurt more than they should. Pretty smart, but mostly cares about biology. They’re both Latino.
Tweet- Ghoul. Spanish. Albino. His real name is Daniel but everybody calls him Tweet and nobody knows why. He’s a hacker. A computer whiz. He also has black tentacles that sprout from his back. He can barely control them and they scare him.
Kyle Wu- He’s a drummer he’s a rockstar! He ain’t very bright but he’s a sweet guy. His parents immigrated from China when he was nine, and his “American name” was Kyle up until he was 17, when he decided he wanted to be called his birth name, too, and combined them. He’s also a wizard. He loves his ace girlfriend.
Elsa- Tweet’s girlfriend and Kyle Wu’s twin sister. She’s a pretty girl, and she’s a witch. She’s also polyamorous and very much pansexual, so she’s flirted with Ming a few times. She loves her birds!
Hami- Kyle Wu’s girlfriend. She’s a vampire from Cuba who isn’t afraid to get in a fist-fight. Her parents enrolled her in boxing classes when she was younger to try to let out her anger issues, but now she has anger issues and can throw a punch. She’s very proud of who she is and thinks bats are for sissies. Asexual and proud of it.
Ivy- Ted’s girlfriend and Tweet’s cousin. Both her and Tweet were raised by their grandparents. She’s very sweet but very shy. She loves horses and she’s a werewolf, just like Ted.
Those are my main 10. I’ll include my other OCs under this cut (there’s a lot) (the list is probably incomplete)
My Little Pony OCs
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Starblood can transform into a griffin, is trans, emo, Japanese, and Ming’s future wife and “father” of their future biological daughter.
Alyssa- Ex-Girlfriend to Ming, used to be Christian. Mortal.
Oak- So, technically she’s my first OC. Anything to do with dinosaurs, that’s her. She raised a T Rex by hand and several other babies that are all named after most of my other OCs lol. Because the dinosaurs were the first form of lots of my OCs.
Sky- I found a place for her. She is Ming’s current girlfriend and also a forest fairy. She’s South African and short and chubby and has bright blue hair and vampire fangs. She’s great. I love her.
Lucifer and Arianna- Ming and Damien’s parents. (Allegedly). Devil and Angel.
Mien- In some iterations, she is Ming’s mother. She was the first version of her mother.
Angennika- Ming’s daughter in Mutant Mayhem. Her middle name is Ming because Ming is currently trapped in a crystal, so her mother (Starblood) calls her Ming. But she actually prefers Angie.
Spruce- Victoria’s twin and Damien’s evil clone. He’s not evil. At all. He sucks at it.
Samar- Hami’s evil clown. She’s ACTUALLY evil, and irredeemable unlike Victoria and Spruce. I was going to make an evil clone for each of my main ten but considering Victoria is ALREADY an evil clone and Rex is a not-evil clone too, that might be hard.
Ducky- Tweet’s baby sister. He will do anything to protect her.
Pebbles- Ducky’s best friend and Rex and Ted’s little sister. Real name is Roxanne.
Razor and Martha- Rex, Ted and Pebbles’s parents. Vampires. In some iterations, Razor is Lucifer’s secret boyfriend.
Alex- Ted’s real identical twin brother. When Theodore and Alexander were young they were both kidnapped. Ted was found safely but Alex was never found. In heartache, and to give his young son his best friend back, Razor used Alex’s DNA to create Rex. Which nobody found out the truth… until Alex showed up on their doorstep 15 years later.
Angel- So in some iterations, Ming’s mother is Mien. And in a universe that Mien is her mother and Ming is raised by the turtles, Ming has a younger sister. That’s Angel. Mien’s second daughter.
Angel Draxum- So y’all know Baron Draxum? He has a daughter. Who was kidnapped and raised by Ming as her older sister.
This list is in no way complete and I will add more OCs as I remember them (or create them)
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paintedscales · 8 months
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"The years really seem to fly by..."
Relatively quick GPose shots done for a WoLQotD in the FFXIV Swap Discord of "What would your WoLkid adult lives look like?"
Light drabbles about their adult lives under the cut.
The twins, Fleurette and Cyrielle, are quite different when it comes to what they prefer in terms of keeping the peace. :') Fleur is more politically-focused after hers and her sister's adventuring days, while Cyrielle really took a shine to it, and uses the abilities she learned from their parents to fend off threats and keep people safe (her favorites are the resummons of Primals from the tribes that aren't fully cleansed of enthrallment, or even are still radical enough to keep their beliefs).
Hami is just a sweet baby. He can fend for himself, but he likes the growth and flourishing of things; insects, arachnids, and other creepy crawlies the most! As a pre-teen, he makes his intention clear on wanting to go to Sharlayan to learn more about bugs, their habitats, diets, and anatomy. He's got plans on earning his archon marks for his knowledge in entomology!
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* comes out oh her jujutsu kaisen hole* Merry Christmas. I hope you are having a good time. May I request for Agni and Estinien with their kiddos baking holiday sweets
Agnes Currai Varlineau watched Laurent as he carefully piped frosting to make a smiley face on the giant snowman cookie she had baked earlier. But wait there's more! Peppermint brownies are now in the oven because my grumpy dragon requested them for Starlight this year. "Laure sweetie, it doesn't have to be perfect." She said, ruffling his hair.
She recognized the determined look on his face as one that belonged to his father. "Mummy, it's got to look better than Pip's." Oh for fuck's sake, these two are very different twins than Hami and Marc. They're at least working together on the same giant snowman cookie.
"They will both be lovely, I'm sure." Glancing at Esme (she's making a Pretty Princess Snowman) and Celestine (I'm not sure what she's going for but it's very nice), she smiled. "Bapa is going to be so impressed when he sees all your snowmen."
"When's he coming home?" Hami asked.
"Soon. He just went to the market to get a few more things for dinner tonight." Need more hamsa for the curry. It's a Varlineau family favorite! "Then Sylv, Auri, and Maeva can decorate the last snowman cookie together." Well, as "together" as two young children and a baby can. Our first Starlight since Maeva arrived...so much has changed and yet...
Things remain the same.
Agnes sighed. "Be nice to your brother. Both your snowmen look lovely, and most importantly--"
Esme beamed. "Will taste great! Because Mummy is the best baker ever!"
The front door opened with Estinien pushing what he called "the damnable contraption" otherwise known as the Garlond Super Stroller Version 9.0. Maeva strapped in on the top "seat" with Sylv and Auri on the bottom. I think it's ingenious! "Mummy isn't just the best baker ever, Es. She's simply the best." He smirked, unbuckling the boys who ran to their mother, and then picked up a cooing Maeva. I'm frankly shocked he didn't say, "She's simply the breast." Maybe later! He gave his wife a kiss on the cheek, whispering, "Simply the breast, my angel."
"Bapa, look at my snowman!"
"No look at mine!"
"No MINE!"
Estinien laughed heartily and sat at the large kitchen table. "I'll see everyone's, don't worry, and remember Auri and Sylv need to decorate theirs." He glanced at Agnes. "Mind grabbing a bottle from the icebox? I think the littlest miss is hungry."
Nodding, she went to the icebox and smiled to herself.
Everything changes, and yet nothing truly changes. My not-so-little family...I adore you all.
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amingethia · 1 year
Lucifer, picking out a birthday party for the twins: This place is perfect! My sweet little daughter will love it!
Ming, halfway across the city, handcuffed to two soldiers watching Hami fist-fight Samar: Rip her face off! Fill it with salt and sew it back on!
Hami and Samar: *both pause and stare for a second*
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mandajiu · 1 year
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So, this is some interesting sugar all over the 3088 groups; screenshot from Pekomi. The screenwriter (or a screenwriter) of Nothing But You (Nothing But 30 etc) just posted something said by 88 in sharing a video about NBY!
Honestly I'm not sure if I get the joke - assume it is implying that 88 is hot in the day and cold at night or vice versa lol Someone going to have to walk me through the meaning of this “temperature difference.” I feel you have to know the language pretty well to get the nuances of this fun fact about why Xinjiang Hami melon is so sweet.
But why would the screenwriter of the drama share this?
INTEResting though.
Today everyone is waiting for the stars to promote 30's drama! Let's see if 88 dares to do so this week. I suspect she will wait. Maybe Huge, Yangmi will do it first then she can share it or post? Who knows. Let's see.
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cr @迪脱脱 
This new official photo of 88's seems to be sending some kind of message with the hands lol Lots of interpretations. Could be WWF-related but no one else is doing this. Points to 5 and 3 to me, but I'm biased.
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bugsybitties · 9 months
Skull European Hamster Bitty
Name: Hamy
Size (length): 5" (mini), 8" (full size), 1' (bara)
Personality: Calm, sweet, easygoing, 
Likes: Grains, foraging, burrowing
Dislikes: Confined spaces, sudden loud sounds, bright lights
Compatibility: Hamys are usually solitary, but can exist with other bitties in a small household if given their own space.
Feeding habits: Hamys are omnivores but primarily eat mostly plant material. 
Additional info: Hamys can be both nocturnal and crepuscular (awake at dawn and dusk). And have a fine velvet like fuz covering their bones.
It is a good idea to keep hamys in an enclosure large enough to allow for running and foraging. The deeper the bedding, the better. Aim to allow for the bitty to be able to dig down at least a few inches.
For enrichment it is important to provide a very large wheel and to sprinkle novel treats around their cage (or in substrate like hay) daily to encourage foraging and add items to chew on.
Zone: Indoor - plains
In Universe: Hamys are commonly seen as a very (if somewhat mistakenly) easy and beginner friendly bitty, while they are not difficult to take care of their large enclosures and need to provide daily stimuli make them just a little more than beginner bitties.
Difficulty: Basic - intermediate
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nedpng · 1 year
i feel like my universe, my world has been torn in half and my soul is free-floating in the vast emptiness between the two pieces. i am at peace with her loss, i know she didnt suffer and she knew she was loved until the absolute end. but im only human im selfish. I want her, I want to hold her again, I want her kisses and purrs again, she completed me she made me happy she loved me. this grief is so profound and painful and i know nothing will ever make it go away. i could become stronger and grow around the black hole in the shape of her. it doesnt matter if its 10 minutes, 10 hours, 10 days, 10 months, 10 years… the moment i think slightly too hard about the loss it will always feel exactly the same as it did the night we said goodbye. i love my sweet sweet kitty so much, its the only thing just as big as the grief i feel. and is this grief not also a testament to the love i had for her? for the love she gave us? the love between a cat and a human can be so pure. just a guy and their little creature who cant talk, cant do taxes, cant drive a car, but nevertheless is the greatest companion and source of love one can get. she left behind her sister, Hami, who now looks for her in her usual spots :( everyone in my family is somber and sad about this, sometimes we just sit together and cry and talk about memories of her. im happy she knew just how much joy and love she gave us and that she received. no one ever mistreated her. she was never gravely sick. she enjoyed good food, she got lots of kisses and hugs, she got to explore gardens, she got to play with her sister and stepsisters, she got to enjoy so many tasty treats and was always hearing us laugh and smile at her. she slept surrounded by her loved ones, always laying on or next to me, my siblings, my mom, my dad, the other cats. my mom still subconsciously bends her knees when she lays down to make room for sheegwa in her spot on the corner of the bed.
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bluepoodle7 · 1 year
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#GoldenHamiMelon #FreshFruit #FreshMelon #FreshGoldenHamiMelonReview
I tried the Golden Hami Melon and it was pretty good.
This was melon had a light cantaloupe taste and was lightly sweet tasting.
This melon was firm and lightly crunchy in texture.
This was lightly sweet tasting to me and stated like eating a green banana which are not overly sugary but lightly sweet.
I would eat this again.
Got at Meijer.
Calories I found for this Hami Melon.
Hami Melons Nutrition Facts - Eat This Much
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bilbao-song · 2 years
it is 9:19 at night and i am thinking that the hami melon i'm eating straight out of the fridge is too cold on my teeth but it's so sweet and crisp i cannot stop to acknowledge the ache
despite my aversion to melons i do understand your pain as someone who used to have ungodly sweet sensitivity but complete unwillingness to not eat sweet foods
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wealthypioneers · 2 years
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Rare Chinese Hongyun Hami Melon 哈密瓜 Large 4-5lb fruits Sweet & Crunch Non-GMO, Organic, Heirloom B10 Hami Sweet is an improved hybrid variety of the famous Xin-Jiang Hami melon from western China. Fruits are uniform, light yellow with well-netted skin and oblong in shape, weighing 5-7 lbs. The flesh is very crispy and sweet (16% sugar content). The plant grows very well in mild climates and is strongly resistant to powdery mildew. The football-shaped Hami. Beloved for centuries in China, this sweet golden melon with salmon-colored flesh offers its own surprise — a refreshing crunch like an Asian pear. Hami melons, also known as snow melons, are a variety of muskmelon with a netted-rind and orange flesh rimmed with green. These melons have a flavor that is reminiscent of savory honeydew splashed with honey, cloudberry, and spice. These melons are sweet and strongly fragrant with a crisp flesh that becomes succulent and velvety soft when ripe. Hami melons are ripe when the skin gives to light pressure and the ends start emanating a strong and discernible melon aroma. Full Sun Sprouts in 7-14 Days Lifecycle: annual (vegetable) Ideal Germination Temperature: 75-85F Seed Depth: 1/2 inch Plant Spacing: 18" Frost Hardy: No Hardiness Zones: 3-10 Days To Maturity (# Days) 85-95 Sowing Method: Transplant Plant Scientific Name: Cucumis melo 100% Non-GMO, Organic, Heirloom, Open Air Pollinated Seeds Hami melons are large, averaging 20 to 30 centimeters in length and 12 to 16 centimeters in diameter, and have an oblong shape with elongated, blunt, and curved ends. There are many different varieties of Hami melons appearing in slightly different sizes and shapes, generally weighing between 6 to 11 pounds. The rind is thick, hard, and found in shades of golden yellow, salmon, green, brown, to yellow with green streaks, depending on the cultivar. The rind also exhibits unique textural elements such as netting, rough patches, cracks, or being completely smooth. Underneath the surface, the flesh is dense, semi-aqueous, and firm, ranging in color from orange, coral, yellow to white. There is also a large central cavity filled with stringy fibers and oval, cream-colored seeds. Hami melons are known for their firm, crunchy, and succulent texture and fragrant floral aroma, released when the fruit reaches peak maturity. When selecting Hami melons, they should feel heavy for their size and have some give when pressed near the stem end. The melons also contain a high sugar content, creating a refreshing, sweet, and fruity flavor with tropical and honeyed nuances. Hami melons, botanically classified as Cucumis melo, are ancient Asian muskmelons belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family. The name Hami is a general term used to describe over 200 different varieties of sweet and floral melons that originated in northwestern China. In the present day, Hami melons are one of the most widely cultivated melons in China and have experienced worldwide success, grown as a specialty melon in other parts of Asia, Europe, Australia, and the United States. The melons are known for their sweet flesh, often reaching 16 to 23 Brix, a measurement of sugar, and the flesh is tender and crisp, offering a unique sensory experience. Hami melons are also known as Hamigua, Chinese Hami melon, and Snow melon, primarily consumed fresh or incorporated into a variety of sweet and savory culinary applications. Nutritional Value Hami melons are an excellent source of vitamin C to strengthen the immune system, vitamin A to maintain healthy organ functioning, and antioxidants to protect the cells against free radical damage. The melons also contain fiber to regulate the digestive tract, potassium to balance fluid levels, and lower amounts of magnesium, B vitamins, and calcium. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, melons are believed to cool the body, reduce lung irritation, including coughs, and restore qi or bodily energy. Melons provide a sweet and colorful addition to summer meals, and they can be grown in the home garden. In addition to the typical cantaloupe and honeydew melons, gardeners can grow other varieties such as banana melons. Before Planting: A light, well-drained soil with a pH of 7.0 and a southern exposure is ideal. Good soil moisture is important in the early stages of growth and during pollination when fruits are setting. Planting: For direct seeding, sow 1-2 weeks after the last frost when soil is warm, above 70°F, 3 seeds every 18″, 1/2″ deep, thinning to 1 plant/spot. Space rows 6′ apart. For transplanting, sow indoors 3 weeks before the last frost and transplant outside. Plant 2-3 seeds per pot, about 1/4″ deep. Keep temperature 80-90°F until germination. Handle young plants carefully and never let the soil dry out. Grow seedlings at 75°F. Reduce water and temperature for a week to harden seedlings. When the weather is frost-free, warm, and settled, transplant 2-3′ apart in rows 6′ apart or thin to 1 plant/pot or cell with scissors and transplant 18″ apart. Even hardened melon seedlings are tender. Do not disturb roots when transplanting, and water thoroughly. Watering: Melons need a steady supply of water, and soil needs to be damped but not flooded, approximately 1 inch a week. Fertilizer: Prior to planting, mix aged manure and compost into the soil. Melons are heavy feeders, so fertilize at planting and throughout the growing season with a 5-5-5 or 10-10-10 granular fertilizer. Do not let the granules come in contact with the plant. Days to Maturity: A ripe melon should be very easy to remove from the vine. For a cantaloupe, the netting pattern on the melon becomes more visible and a crack appears at the base of the stem when it was ripe. For a honeydew, the color becomes creamy. Most melon varieties are ready for harvest when the gray-green color begins to change to pale yellow and when a light tug separates the fruit from the vine. Some melon types, like honeydew, Charentais, canary, Spanish, and Crenshaw are overripe by the time the stem can be tugged from the fruit. (See each variety for days to maturity) Harvesting: Melons must be cut from the vine. All melons should be stored at 90% relative humidity. Store ripe melons at 40-45°F for 7-14 days. Tips: Cut off watering 1 week before harvest. This will give a more flavorful, concentrated melon. Over watering before harvest can cause a bland taste. FREE GIFT when you order 5 items or more. Free gift is full of surprise seeds which may include single or mixed varieties. Note: No tracking # will be provided to make the shipping cost-effective for us and free for you. Returns & exchanges Not accepted. But please contact me if you have problems with your order http://springsofeden.myshopify.com/products/rare-chinese-hongyun-hami-melon-哈密瓜-large-4-5lb-fruits-sweet-crunch-non-gmo-organic-heirloom-b10
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wateryourgender · 2 years
a subtype of mochifoodic specifically related to Hami Melon flavoured mochi. may feel sweet, squishy, soft and a bit fruity.
pronoun suggestions: mel/melon hami/melon melon/mochi mochi/mochis or mo/chi
name suggestions: mochi mellon / melon melony
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