#Haluaisin vaan ajaa kotiin katsomaan mikä tilanne ja sulkea ne kraanat mutta kun sinne on 4 tunnin matka
cedrellaw · 3 years
Spending Christmas at my mom's, aka I'm away for almost three days. And I let the tap open in both the bathroom and kitchen. Like little drop at the time, because my house is old and the pipes are shit. The weather is also cold and changing, which means that the pipes are likely to freeze when not used.
So me being "clever" thought it would be okay-ish to leave the drip. But right now I can't sleep because I'm afraid it will flood at my house. And I'm feeling so fucking stupid for doing that. I mean the sinks are open, there shouldn't be a flood, but I'm scared.
I'll be back home in less than two days, and I know it cannot flood that bad. It's only a drop! And my sinks are open! And if they are not, I have a drain in my bathroom (which is covered by a fucking mat!), and my kitchen sink is kinda big. But it's dripping on the side were isn't that additional drain.
Fuckfuckfuck. I did try to find out how fast a sink fills, but to no avil. And I already plotted to tell the incurance company that I didn't leave the taps open if anything happens. But I can't lie. And now I have confessed this in Tumblr, so this is evidence.
I will never do anything like this again. I'll take the frozen and unworking pipes any day over this anxiety I have now.
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