#Halloween so soon already omg
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Nicky's mom has got it going on (Part 4)
Word count: 3700
Warnings: pool sex, fingering, vibrating underwear, almost getting caught, think that's it
A/N: guys i finally wrote it omg the day has arrived
It’s been a week since the Halloween party, a week since your best friend’s mom fucked your brains out.
You wish you could say that you regretted it, but that would be a lie.
Yet every time you hang out with Nicky, you feel your heart squeeze. It would kill him if he found out, and you knew that you would never be able to tell him.
But your thoughts still found their way back to the older woman, the way her fingers felt curling inside you, the way she tasted when she was riding your face.
You weren’t sure when the next time you were going to see her was. School is picking up as you were going into Thanksgiving break soon, and you know Nicky is feeling the stress too.
But the next Saturday, the weather is lovely and Nicky invites you over for a pool day at his house. It’s the first time the New Jersey winter has climbed into the 70s, and you’re both determined to make the most of it.
And you’ll get to see Agatha again.
The thought makes your stomach twist and turn, both with nerves and excitement.
She had dragged you back upstairs after you made that quip about your lover being just ‘alright’ to Nicky and she had put you in your place.
Three orgasms later, she had finally let you leave the room to go back downstairs to the party, but after all the guests left and her son had gone to bed, she came into the guest room so you could return the favor.
The next morning, she was gone from the bed by the time you’d woken up and you couldn’t help but feel disappointed, even though you obviously knew she couldn’t stay. It was risky regardless, having sex with your best friend’s mom with him right down the hall, so there was no need to push it.
And when you had gone downstairs, Nicky was already there, laughing at your disheveled state. Agatha had given you a heated glance, but that had been it.
That was the last time you’d spoken to her.
And now you’re going swimming at their house, where Agatha may or may not be there.
You hope she will, but you do know that she might be working.
Just in case, you put on one of your most flattering bikinis, a purple number that leaves little to the imagination.
It’s a dangerous game to play, especially since Nicky will be there, but you miss the older woman. And you don’t really know where things stand with her, so you figure this will be a great way to find out.
You throw a towel into a bag with some sunscreen and drive over to their house, your heart rate picking up as you get closer.
Nicky opens the door.
“Hey!” He exclaims. “Ready for the first pool day since summer?”
You step into the house, eyes peeled for his mom. “You know it. It’s been too long. I’ve missed the sun.”
No sign of her. You try your best not to feel too down; you knew her working would be a possibility. But the fresh warm air on their back patio makes you temporarily forget about the older woman and you take a deep breath.
Nicky disturbs your moment of peace by cannonballing into the pool, splashing you with water. You glare at him, pretending to be mad, before quickly stripping off your clothes and jumping in as well.
The two of you play around for what seems like forever, and you’ve missed having this much fun with your best friend. With school and work, it seems like the two of you haven’t just hung out in a while, and this was a desperately needed break from all that stress.
“Finally warm enough for a swim, hm?” You hear a voice ring out from the deck. You whirl around to see Agatha Harkness standing there, regal as ever. She makes your mouth run dry when her eyes shift to you, a brow raising ever slightly at the sight of you in the swim suit.
“Wanna join?” Nicky asks and playfully flicks water at his mom. She gasps with mock outrage and then laughs.
“Give me a second to go put on my suit. As long as y/n doesn’t mind if I hop in?” She turns her full attention to you, expectantly waiting for an answer, but your brain has short-circuited at the thought of her in a swimsuit.
“Oh, yeah, no, that would be fine,” you stammer out and she smirks knowingly. When she goes back inside, Nicky douses your face with water.
“Dude, what is going on between you and my mom?” He asks, and you choke, spiraling into a coughing fit.
You’re still struggling to breathe, but you force out: “What do you mean?” Panic grips your heart and you’re so afraid of what he’s going to say next.
“Like, you know, you’re always turning red around her and stuff. Oh my god, do you think she’s hot?” He whispers, eyes widening.
“What?” You snap, protests locked and loaded on your tongue, but he just laughs.
“You’re not the first person to think she’s a MILF. I don’t think she’s into girls though,” he says, fake sadness in his voice, and you almost choke again.
If only he knew.
She sure seemed into girls when her fingers and tongue were buried in your cunt a week ago.
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” you say hastily and duck underwater to hide your burning cheeks.
When you resurface for air, Agatha is standing there on the deck wearing a one-piece black suit with a low cut revealing quite an eyeful of her magnificent cleavage. You have to clench your teeth together tightly when she gives you a wink before walking down the steps into the water. She lets out an exaggerated moan, surely just to mess with you, at the feel and you have to bite back a whimper at the sound.
She gets all the way to the ground before she pauses. “Shoot, I was going to bring out some lemonade for everyone. Nicky, would you be a dear and go get it? Maybe some snacks too?”
Nicky, ever the mama’s boy, obeys without hesitation. He jumps out of the pool, grabs his towel, and hurries into the house.
Agatha immediately paces on you and you back up until your back hits the wall facing the door, feeling a spark in your stomach at the glint in her eye.
“Hey,” she whispers when she’s a hair away from you and you can’t stop from looking down at her lips.
Her hands come to grasp onto your bare waist and you gasp. “Hi,” you croak, your body already leaning into her touch that you’ve sorely missed this week. She pulls you by your hips into a kiss that you quickly pull away from (after giving in for a second or two, of course). “Nicky could come back at any minute,” you hiss and she just chuckles.
“You didn’t seem too concerned with my son catching us the other night with how loud you were moaning my name,” she teases, dropping her head down to press her lips against the chlorinated skin on your neck. You shudder at the feeling and your head drops back slightly.
The feeling in your belly stirs when she fits a thigh between your legs. “Agatha,” you whimper and slowly roll your hips against the firm muscle. Your hands come up to trace her biceps and she smirks. She presses harder and your lips part, but then she steps back and removes her leg.
“Nicky could come back at any minute,” she throws your words back in your face and you groan.
You chew on your lip and think about it. Pouring lemonade and getting snacks won’t take very long, so it would be better to be careful.
But like she said, that hasn’t stopped either of you before. So you seductively turn around, rest your arms on the deck, and tilt your head over your shoulder while you sway your ass back and forth.
She chuckles darkly and in an instant, her front is against your back and her hand dips down around your body to play with the edge of your bottoms.
“Are you sure you want to play this game, sweetheart?” She asks, voice low in your ear, and you nod eagerly. Her fingers crawl inside your suit and she finds your clit immediately, rubbing small circles around it.
Your head falls back against hers as you let out a small noise. You’ve missed her hands on you so much.
She continues her administrations, dipping a finger down every so often to collect wetness from your pussy. Even in the water, she can feel how turned on you’ve become and her teeth graze your earlobe. She keeps drawing out small gasps from your mouth with her movements and she finally has enough of her teasing and slides her middle finger into you.
“God, Agatha,” you groan, grinding your hips to get her deeper.
She tuts. “What was that?”
The words come tumbling out of your mouth. “Fuck, Mommy, please, I need more.” She gives a sound of approval and slides another finger in, curling them perfectly.
She’s panting open-mouthed against your neck, fucking her two fingers into you so well, when all of a sudden, the sliding glass door opens. Agatha and you both freeze, and your heart pounds.
“Hey, mom,” Nicky calls, walking out while reading the label on a box of crackers. Agatha gives you a quick thrust with her fingers and you bite your lip before you give yourselves away. “Do you think these are okay? The expiration date was–” He finally looks up to find his mom pressing his best friend against the pool wall. “–what are you guys doing?”
You feel like you’re going to throw up.
“Her swimsuit top was getting loose so I was just helping her tie it tighter,” Agatha says behind you, stroking your clit with her thumb, and you tense. You’re not sure you’ve breathed since Nicky walked out. Thankfully, from the way you’re angled and with how far away Nicky is standing, he can’t see Agatha’s hand down the front of your suit.
He seems to buy it though. “So crackers or no crackers?”
And you’re finally able to exhale. You can feel the tension literally seep out of your body.
But Agatha shifts forward so think about it, which forces her fingers in deeper, and you clamp your teeth down so hard on your tongue that you taste blood.
“You know, I’m getting hungrier, why don’t we make something–” But she cuts off in a gasp, because in the middle of her sentence, you clench your walls around her as payback. “For lunch?” She finishes weakly, but Nicky nods in agreement, none the wiser. “So we’ll get out and get dressed, yeah?” She asks you, and you catch her eye and give your hips a tiny roll. She gives you a warning look and the corners of your mouth tug into a smirk.
It feels good to gain a bit of leverage over her sometimes.
“Okay, sounds good, I’ll be inside whenever you weirdos decide to come in,” Nicky says, having had enough of whatever you and his mom are doing.
When the door finally closes, Agatha sinks her teeth into your shoulder and you moan loudly. “That’s for teasing,” she says and pulls her hand out of your cunt. You whine at the emptiness and turn around to face her, aching for release.
“But–” you start and she splashes you gently to shut you up.
“Maybe later. But we need to go in now before Nicky actually gets suspicious.”
You grumble, but you know she has a point, so you begrudgingly get out of the pool, Agatha behind you, and you grab your towel to dry off. As you’re looking through your tote bag that you brought, you realize something.
“Fuck, I forgot underwear,” you curse, mostly to yourself, but the older woman happens to be right next to you and hears it.
You know she’s smirking before you even look at her. “You can borrow some of mine,” she says, all sickly sweet, and you just know she’s up to something.
Once the two of you are sufficiently dry, you follow her back into the house and up the stairs to her bedroom. She had told Nicky that she was letting you borrow something and you figured it was going to just be a quick trip.
Which is unfortunate for you, because you are still dripping. You can feel the mess between your thighs with each step and it’s becoming uncomfortable.
But you’re good, and you just stand there awkwardly while Agatha roots around in her drawer, shoving aside a multitude of other pairs that you’re sure would work perfectly, until she pulls out a lacy black pair and holds them out to you.
“Put these on,” she says, grinning wolfishly, and you hesitantly reach out and take them. Just to tease, or at least maybe level the playing field for whatever she has planned, you keep eye contact while you reach behind you and untie your top.
Her jaw slackens when you finally peel the fabric from your breasts and you can see her hands twitch, like it’s painful for her to not just reach out and touch you.
And then her lips part when you start to slide your bottoms down and you can feel her eyes burning into you. When they’re around your feet, you kick them at her and she catches them in one hand, staring at them like her brain just shut off.
“Mom!” Nicky’s voice rings through the heated silence in the room and Agatha shakes out of her daze.
She fluffs her hair with her hand and throws your suit back to you. “Get dressed and come back downstairs quickly,” she orders, stripping naked and throwing on a crewneck and sweatpants, slipping something you can’t discern from the underwear drawer quickly into her pocket, before you even have a chance to ogle.
Agatha runs out of the room and you hear her footsteps on the stairs and you turn back to the underwear she gave you. It’s thick and you can tell it is some special pair, but you have no idea what it is.
So you put on your jean shorts and your t-shirt, comb through your wet hair, and go back downstairs.
Agatha is helping Nicky make grilled cheeses but they both turn around when they hear you enter the kitchen.
“There you are,” Nicky comments, while his mom gives you a wink.
You walk over to them and rest your hands on the counter, observing what they’re doing. “What can I do to help?”
And that’s when you feel it: vibrations against your clit that have you gasping and doubling over in shock and at the intensity.
Nicky rushes to your side and cries your name out, but when the rumbling suddenly stops and you’re able to lift your head, you see Agatha wearing a wicked smirk.
The underwear.
That’s why she wanted you to put them on, so she could tease you right in front of her son without actually risking being caught touching you. The thing she put in h
“Are you okay?” Nicky asks again, shaking your shoulders. You stand up, instinctively bracing yourself against the countertop just in case she tries to do it again.
You shoot Agatha a look before answering. “Yeah, sorry, just cramps,” you lie. To his credit, he doesn’t seem to be grossed out, he just helps you over to sit down on the couch.
“Why don’t you just rest then and let us take care of the food?” He offers sweetly and you give him a smile.
If only his mother was as nice as him.
The second Nicky walks away, the vibrations start again and you have to bite down on your finger to keep from moaning. You can feel Agatha’s eyes on you as you start to sweat from how good it feels and your face is burning.
In typical Agatha fashion, she teases you while she and Nicky finish making lunch by turning it up and then down or making it pulse against your clit. You can feel just how absolutely soaked you are and you squirm back and forth on the couch, silently begging for more.
“Do you want anything besides the sandwich?” Nicky asks you and you open your mouth to respond but have to instantly snap it shut when Agatha turns it up even more.
You take a deep breath and try to ignore the buzzing against the most sensitive part of your body. “I’m okay, thanks.” Your voice trembles from the effort of staying composed and you can see Agatha’s shoulders shaking with contained laughter.
Nicky brings over two plates and sets one down in front of you. He sits in the chair adjacent to the couch while Agatha plops down next to you.
“You doing okay, hon?” She asks, reaching over to pat your leg and her touch makes you clench around nothing. You dig your fingernails into your palms to stop yourself from grabbing her hand and shoving it down your shorts.
The teasing is maddening.
“Yeah, good,” you rasp, glaring at her while simultaneously pleading with your eyes to be let out of your misery.
It’s like she knows exactly when you’re about to cum because she either stops the vibrations entirely or slows them down to where you can barely feel anything at all.
You try to focus on eating the grilled cheese, but you can’t stop your hips from undulating, no matter how hard you try. It gets so bad that Agatha throws a blanket over you, muttering something about how cold you look so Nicky doesn’t question it.
With the extra privacy, you’re free to shift your weight more to angle the vibrations better against your clit. You can feel the rumbles throughout your entire pussy and you can feel your mind slowly losing the ability to think.
You set down your plate, maybe three bites taken out of the food, and toss the other half of the blanket over Agatha’s legs. Thankfully, Nicky is flipping through the TV channels so he doesn’t notice.
Agatha watches your face carefully when your hand digs into her thigh through her pants as she turns up the intensity, watching every little twitch of your eyebrows as you try to keep it together.
And then, she suddenly reaches over under the blanket to cup your pussy and press the crotch of the panties against you hard, and a moan tears its way out of your throat. You have to fake a cough to cover it up, but luckily Nicky doesn’t look over.
Her hand is gone as soon as it appeared and you’re left rhythmlessly stuttering your hips, frantically chasing the high you so desperately need.
But it doesn’t come.
Agatha keeps you on edge for almost twenty minutes, turning it up and down and off completely and then back on, and you’re practically panting into the blanket because you can’t breathe too loudly.
It’s the sweetest torture one could bear.
And then finally, finally, Nicky stands up and announces that he has to go to the bathroom.
The moment he leaves the room, you literally throw yourself into Agatha’s lap, straddling her waist and grinding against her, each movement against her stomach pressing the toy in the underwear harder to your clit.
“Agatha, Mommy, please,” you gasp against her lips and her fingers make their way down into your shorts. Instead of dipping into the underwear though, they go in-between them and your jeans so she can directly position the piece right where she wants it.
Her other finger fumbles with something in her pocket, the remote, you’re guessing, and you sink your teeth into her neck before the high-pitched whine can escape at the heightened intensity.
“Better hurry up,” she taunts and you buck your hips at her tone. “You don’t want my son coming back in to find you cumming all over his mommy, do you?”
You shake your head at the rhetorical question and focus on how the vibrations feel against you. You can feel them throughout your whole body and you’re getting so close.
“Please, please, I need more,” you beg, having been kept on the edge for so long that you don’t think you can cum from just this.
But Agatha always knows what you need, even after only spending one night with you.
She pushes the underwear to the side to slide three fingers into you easily, curves them just right, and that coupled with the vibration still against your clit makes you explode.
You bite her again to muffle your cries while you grind, dragging your orgasm out as much as you can.
And then the toilet flushes and you hear the sink running. By the time it turns off, you’ve wiped your sweaty forehead and are sitting back in your normal spot, readjusting the blanket.
Nicky walks back in just as Agatha pops her fingers into her mouth, sucking the taste of you off. Your body clenches weakly at the sight of that and of course she sees it and smirks.
“Everything okay in here? Thought I heard something,” Nicky asks. You keep your eyes peeled on the TV even though you can see Agatha’s smile out of the corner of your eye.
“Just the show,” she says casually and Nicky accepts it, settling back down in the chair.
Agatha leans closer and chuckles quietly into your ear. “Next time, you need to make less noise.”
And it’s impossible to miss the way your body shivers at the promise of a next time.
#agatha harkness x fem!reader#agatha harkness x reader#agatha x reader#agatha x you#agatha harkness x you#agatha harkness smut#agatha smut#agatha all along
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Imagine on Halloween the Supersons trio are dressed as their parents, Damian Batman, Jon Superman, and Wonderboy!Reader having to be with his mom's lol
Pair: Superson Trio
Summary: going trick or treat wearing the costumes of their parents, only one of them is embarrassed.
Genre: Fluff.
|| note: the boys are 13 also I love this idea! ||

“Mommm!” Y/N yelled embarrassed, he didn’t expect to wear his mom’s costume. Well he did, he just thought it would be pants for the costume, but no. It was her usual costume she fights in daily. Rope, crown, shield, and sword. And the blue and gold-colored high waisted star printed skater skirt. With shorts under them of course. Diana smiles at her son, “Cmon pumpkin. You look like a mini me as of now!” Diana takes another picture of the boy who held a flustered face. He immediately covered his face embarrassed.
“I hope Damian and Jon aren’t coming…” y/n says to himself. “Actually they’re outside right now.” Diana says with a smile, taking one last photo of Y/N. “What?! No, no! Those two idiots can’t see me like this!” Diana narrowed her eyes at her child. “Why not. Do you not appreciate looking like a warrior?” Y/N opened his mouth to argue but the motherly glare dared for the boy to say something. Shutting his mouth he groaned, “Whatever.” Diana goes to the door and opens it for Bruce and Clark to enter with their mini them.
Damian was dressed as Batman, and Jonathan as his father, Superman. The boys were excited to see how Y/N would look, and boy did they have a laugh at the Amazon male. Damian held a hand to his mouth as Jon cackled holding his stomach. “Omg! -wheeze- you’re wearing a skirt!” Jonathan says pointing to Y/N who looked ready to punch Jonathan. “So what! Warriors wore skirts regardless of gender like men.” Y/N huffs and pokes Jonathan hard at his chest.
Damian was done laughing, wrapping an arm around the angry Amazon. “Prince, it’s fine to be Wonder Woman. At least you look like a warrior still.” Damian says snickering. Jonathan nodded smiling, Y/N shrugged off the arm of the boy wonder. “Whatever, let’s just go trick or treating.” Y/N walked pass the two boys who immediately followed after the Amazon male. Clark smiles at the trio, he had finished chatting up with Bruce and Diana. “Okay kiddos, let’s get this rolling!” Clark says opening his truck, Jon gets in quickly with a smile, excited. Damian grabbed Y/N’s hand gently and helped the Amazon male in like a gentle man. Damian held a smug grin, Y/N glared at Damian and pulled his hand back.
“Stop that.” “Of course your majesty.” “Ughhh!”
The car ride was calming for the less, Y/N had his arms crossed over his chest. Damian was looking outside of the window as Jon was singing songs with his father. Damian peeked over at the boy between him and Jon. He couldn’t help but smile, the boy was gorgeous. Jon was doing the same, the two boys haven’t noticed they were staring at the Amazon male for so long to the point Y/N felt irritated at the feeling of the stares. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer bozos.” Damian smirked. “I wished I’d taken a photo.” Y/N whipped his head at the boy.
“Watch yourself Wayne.” Y/N says with a glare. Jon laughed a little. Finally Clark stopped in the middle of a busy neighborhood. “Alright kids, remember I’ll be right here and if you kids need me. I’m already listening for yall.” Clark says pointing to his ears. “Thanks pops!” Jon says happily, exiting the truck. Jon helped Y/N out, he didn’t care that the sassy Amazon male didn’t need help. But it felt good for Jon to help the boy out.
“Let’s have funnn!” Jonathan says excitedly with Damian and Y/N smiling at the golden retriever boy. “Let’s!” Y/N soon yelled out with a wide smiled. And the trio started to go nuts, going for the big houses. Damian was of course getting gasps as he was the son of a billionaire. Y/N and Jon was having fun seeing adults suck up for Damian and then Jon. Jon for his adorable looks. Y/N was smiling at his bag of candy, he didn’t notice some boys and girls staring at him. Protectively, Jon and Damian blocked Y/N from their view. They continued their trick and treating. Damian slickly putting some of his candy in Y/N’s bag.
It was going great! Until some kids had seen the Amazon boy, kids from the school Y/N goes to. The kids were a bunch of idiots with no hobbies except to make fun of others, and they seen Y/N with the two supersons.
“Hey sissy!” Y/N immediately turned around with a hardened expression, the Amazon male didn’t see how Damian and Jon was already in a formation by the Amazon boy. “I didn’t know that Y/N Prince was a sissy! Can’t wait to tell the school this.” The kid said, Y/N walked forward, wiping his sword out. “You dare make fun of me!” The kid snickered, “That’s a toy sword, what are you gonna do princ—" with a quick slash in the air, the tire of the bike was flattened. The air was quiet with a smug Amazon boy, a proud Wayne, and surprised Kent. “What’s that? That’s the sound of a flatten tire. NOW SCRAM!” Y/N yelled pointing his sword in the direction the kids came from.
The kids grabbed their bearings and ran off, but the kid still had one thing to say. “You’re still a sissy!” Y/N growled under his breath, ready to chase them before Jon placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder. Shaking his head no, Damian had a smug look with crossed arms.
“That was amazing Prince. Very amazing.” Damian says standing by Jon and Y/N. “Dude.” Jon says not impressed by his best friend’s antics.
Y/N scoffs and puts his sword back into its hold. “Whatever..let’s just get more candy and head home. “ the Amazon boy walks away from the two, the two can clearly sense something had trouble the boy. Jon and Damian look at each other and immediately try and corner the boy. But Y/N was speed walking through crowds of children. “Y/N.” Damian says, Y/N almost stopped but kept walking. Jon sighs and immediately grabbed Y/N, “Dude. Whatever that guy said to you earlier, isn’t true. You’re still the most masculine boy I ever known!” Jon says with a soft smile.
Damian nods, smoothly interlocking his fingers with the Amazon boy. Y/N blinked at his two best friends. “I..-sigh- thank you for your concern but it’s not that.” Damian and Jon raised a brow. “Then what is it Y/N?” Damian asked. Y/N looks down embarrassed. “I’m cold….” The chilly air of fall had hit the boy’s legs ever since they had exited the truck of the Kent. Jon and Damian laughed. “That’s all?” Damian asked. Y/N nodded with a sunken in lip. “Alright, let’s hurry this up then.” Damian says pointing up by the street.
With a still embarrassed Amazon, Damian and Jon wrapped their capes around the boy. It brought them closer as the two boys held each hand of Y/N. Walking through the neighborhood for the end of the night of Halloween.
#wonderboy!reader#wonder boy#wonder boy!reader#amazon!reader#amazon#dc fluff#dc x male reader#dc x reader#dc imagine#damian wayne#damian wayne x male reader#dc comics x reader#damian al ghul x male reader#damian wayne x you#damian wayne x reader#dc Robin#Batman#Bruce Wayne#Clark Kent#Superman#superboy#superboy x reader#robin x reader#dc superboy#diana prince#wonder woman#jonathan kent x male reader#jonathan kent#jon kent x male reader#jonathan kent x reader
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SUMMARY :: where Y/N and Chris have been in a stable relationship hidden from the media for years, until they were forced by it to do a soft launch
FEATURING Chris Sturniolo x actress!reader
WARNINGS :: none
AUTHOR'S NOTE :: that is my work, I DON'T authorize any form of plagiarism; copy, "inspiration" or translation! | english isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error

tagged: ynsinstagram , strangerthingstv
liked by ynsinstagram, sturniolotriplets and 12,748,207 others
netflix ALIVE. BROKEN. FINAL SEASON. #StrangerThings5 soon, only on Netflix.
view all 853,472 comments
fallontonight OMG OMG OMG OMG
ynfan5 WHEN????? IT'S BEEN 2 YEARS 😭
ynfan3 if they kill Y/N, I'll die too
stfan7 we NEED bts pics right now!!!
ynsinstagram 📼
ynfan9 you traumatized us after season 4
stfan4 ready to run into a brick wall
ynfan2 alexa play running up that hill by kate bush

liked by matthew.sturniolo, madisonbeer and 392,273 others
christophersturniolo where's my Nancy at?
view all 10,739 comments
sturniolofan1 I VOLUNTEER
sturniolofan4 OMG????
sturniolofan8 apparently my name is Nancy now
ynandsturniolofan2 NETFLIX COME HERE ‼️
matthew.sturniolo guess you've got the wrong character buddy
sturniolofan6 what's that supposed to mean 😭
ynandsturniolofan3 HAPPY HALLOWEEN
madisonbeer can I be Robin?
nicolassturniolo 📼

(for the sake of it, pretend this is chris 😭)
liked by sturniolofan6, ynfan4 and 1,028,299 others
people YouTuber Christopher Sturniolo was seen on the set of Stranger Things early today, in Atlanta. Unknown sources stated that he was about to enter the trailer of actress Y/N Y/L/N, holding two containers with food and calling her "baby".
view all 839,744 comments
ynfan6 who?
ynfan3 oh no, here we go again
sturniolofan4 what the ACTUAL FUCK?????
sturniolofan5 it all makes sense now
ynfan9 he's so out of her league
sturniolofan2 girl stfu
ynfan12 they're not even dating, what're you saying
ynfun5 why is he kinda
sturniolofan0 hot? yeah, we know
ynandsturniolofan1 now that would be my dream couple right there
sturniolofan17 NO WAY he went from LA to Atlanta only to see her filming 😩 shut up I love them already 🙌🏻
ynfan0 wait bc they would look so cute together 😞

tagged: milliebobbybrown , djotime , calebmclaughlin , gatenm123
liked by nicolassturniolo, haileybieber and 4,082,299 others
ynsinstagram was attacked by a demogorgon and his crew for the tenth time, does that mean I'm tough?
view all 946,732 comments
ynandsturniolofan4 the pic of steve with the bat from 1st season while filming the 5th 🧐
sturniolofan3 IKR??? I'm going insane rn with all those theories
ynfan3 the most stunning person ON EARTH
ynfan9 I need to know who she's looking at on the 5th pic with THAT look
stfan2 time to rebinge all 4 seasons for the 10th time
milliebobbybrown Y/N tough girl era
ynsinstagram 🤟🏻💪🏻
calebmclaughlin when I grow up I want to fly like you
christophersturniolo the toughest
(this comment was deleted)
ynfan1 I DID AND OMG???? what's happening 😭
ynandsturniolofan3 I'M GONNA COLAPSW

liked by djotime, matthew.sturniolo and 528,369 others
christophersturniolo let's exchange the experience ✨️🕹📼
view all 374,483 comments
stfan3 is that the headphones Y/N used on 4th season?
ynfan8 oh, hey joe, strange seeing you around here 🤡
sturniolofan6 isn't he Steve on ST?
ynfan8 yeah 😭
sturniolofan7 FAMILY VIDEO????
sturnioloandynfan3 wtf are you doing at Steve's and Robin's work? 🧐
nicolassturniolo kate bush at its peak
sturniolofan0 THE MOST HANDSOME ‼️
ynfan12 the cassete... anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?
sturniolofan4 yeah...
ynfan16 totally
sturnioloandynfan18 my heart is going insane right now

liked by christophersturniolo, milliebobbybrown and 4,498,699 others
ynsinstagram red converse is the new hype, madmax called it
view all 1,838,713 comments
ynfan6 no fucking way
stfan5 soft launch! soft launch! soft launch!
sturniolofan14 I'm in shock
sturniolofan13 chris got a girlfriend and she's the most angelic girl in the world 😭
ynfan5 WE LOST HER 😞
milliebobbybrown your taste in clothes is awful
ynandsturniolofan8 at least her taste in guys is better
nattyiceofficial cuties 🩷
ynsinstagram I love you natty!

tagged: ynsinstagram
liked by ynsinstagram, sturniolotriplets and 1,738,699 others
christophersturniolo found my Nancy guys!
view all 838,713 comments
ynfan2 oh my god
sturniolofan6 NO WAY CHRIS GOT A GIRL FR
sturniolofan9 she's so fucking pretty
ynfan4 how did he do it?
matthew.sturniolo simp simp simp
christophersturniolo you would be the same if you bagged a girl like mine
sturniolofan5 THIS IS TOO CUTE STOP
ynfan0 the rizz is insane
ynfan13 they're both so fucking lucky omh
nicolassturniolo FINALLY 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
sturniolofan3 I just know nick was dying to let this information out
josephquinn so happy for you two!!
dacremontgomery take care of my little sister, man
christophersturniolo always

tagged: ynsinstagram , christophersturniolo
liked by ynsinstagram, christophersturniolo and 7,498,699 others
enews During the interview "Y/N Y/L/N on Max Mayfield's Journey | Stranger Things | Netflix", Y/N commented on her romantic relationship with YouTuber Christopher Sturniolo, "... we've been together for two years, I met him on the street in Los Angeles when Nick (Nicolas Sturniolo, Christopher brother) came to ask for a picture and I immediately recognized them, I mean, who don't know the Sturniolo Triplets, right?", "... he makes me the happiest I've ever been. Being a girl who grew up in the spotlight, he makes me feel normal."
If you want to know more about Y/N, her role as Max Mayfield, and her relationship, check the link in our bio.
view all 3,838,713 comments
ynfan4 she's the cutest, omg
sturniolofan8 I want what these bitches have
ynfan0 she is glowing
sturnioloandynfan2 she's so in love 🥹
sturniolofan5 he is too! have you seen the triplets last video?
ynfan12 he can't stop talking about her 😭
christophersturniolo ❤️
ynsinstagram 🩷
© vanteguccir
#chris sturniolo#chris sturniolo x reader#sturniolo x reader#sturniolo triplets#matt sturniolo#nick sturniolo#x reader#chris sturniolo x reader fluff#chris sturniolo x fem reader#chris sturniolo imagine#chris sturniolo x you#chris sturniolo x yn#chris sturniolo x actress reader#chris sturniolo x reader instagram#christopher owen sturniolo#christopher sturniolo x reader#christopher sturniolo#chris fanfic#chris sturniolo fanfiction#chris sturniolo fanfic#chris sturniolo fic#chris sturniolo fluff#chris sturniolo oneshot#oneshot#fanfic#imagine#instagram#actress reader#actress#stranger things
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idk if u do these type of shi but imagine gunwook as ghostface for halloween and he tried scaring u but it js turned u on 🤧🤧
got it from this vid https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSjRQDou9/
Omg of course I do! And I know it's not Halloween rn (happy new year 😭 to whenever this gets posted) but DAYUMN.
This may not be accurate so bare with me:
Gunwook loved the idea when you suggested him to be dressed up as Ghostface cause who wouldn't want to do that for their girlfriend? He 100% would do it, no hesitation. Luckily, you had nothing planned except for going trick or treating so you both planned how to make the most out of it. Even before that day you'd always call and he'd try and act like Ghostface. Flirting? That's his specialty. He'd probably try and sound psycho but that would only make you both laugh, while he asks: "Was that accurate, baby? Or do I need to work more on it?"
But on Halloween? He'd be so into character, already wearing the mask and the shoot out fit (hear me out it would suit this situation so much) while you wore whatever you had in plan. And while he's waiting for you to get ready at home he decides to try and scare you. So of course, he hid somewhere while letting you get ready. As soon as you finished up, you went to look at him, wanting his opinion which led to you looking around the whole house just for him to scare you.
It worked. Kind of. But it made you feel more wet than scared, and when he saw how you were pressing your thighs together he'd just pick you up like nothing while you asked "Babe, what are you doing?" which he'd say somethig like "Shut the fuck up, slut." while he back to your bedroom, throw you onto the bed and got on top of you. It wasn't long before both your clothes were discarded, your legs hanging off at his forearms as he holds them while he's thrusting his cock in and out of you, while also having the mask on, making everything more exciting.
He'd talk so dirty too like "Shit...pussy's so good, baby." "You're taking my cock so well, bun." "Gonna fuck you full of my cum, make sure you can't walk after." while he rolls his hips against yours, your hands fisting the sheets and eyes rolled back as the room fills with your moans and his groans and grunts of pleasure. Let's just say...he really did fufill his words and you had to skip trick or treating for some cuddles :3
#zb1 hard hours#zb1 hard thoughts#zb1 smut#zerobaseone hard hours#zerobaseone hard thoughts#zerobaseone smut#gunwook hard hours#gunwook smut#park gunwook hard hours#park gunwook smut
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Ok just saw the clown idea and lowkey? it works.
I think Josh would also def be into some weird Clown shit
Maybe som.. Josh and his gf fucking while theyre both in clown makeup omg... hello...
soo this is from EARLY. FEBRUARY. shit be crazy, enjoy my until dawn followers i know you guys are starving </3
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🃘 ₊˚ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ ... ╰┈➤ 𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚗𝚒𝚗' 𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍 ₊˚ 🂼
♫ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: the boy is mine by ariana grande (2:54)
✰ pairing: josh washington x clown!makeup!fem!reader
✰ cw: smut (obvi), clown makeup kink, dirty talk, pictures taken during sex, p in v sex, blowjob, swearing
✰ word count: 1.2k+
✰ summary: josh comes home to see his girlfriend trying on clown makeup for an upcoming halloween party, he found himself kind of into it.. LOLLLl ✰ a/n: uh i made it rainbow cuz, clowns?? ALSO THE NAME IS SO CRINGE IM SO SORRY I HAD TO DO IT. uh reader isnt like.. her entire thing isnt that she does clown makeup alr.....
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༺colour chart༻ reader ❀ josh !!
smut below the cut <3
There was a halloween party upcoming, Jess was throwing it at her place and you were planning on not really going - wanting to stay home and watch cheesy horror movies with snacks galore. But, you already knew that wasn't the case. Jess managed to convince or more like guilt tripped you into attending the party, you wanted to go as something simple - nothing too complex, just wanting to go as a standard clown.
Your first trial of makeup nearly made Chris pass out, too gory and too scary for a party like Jess'. Back to the drawing board you went, which is why you found yourself sitting in front of your floor length mirror - fiddling with all different types of face paints and eyeshadows.
You were so focused on the process you didnt even notice Josh walking into the room, his eyes immediately clocking you. His body froze up, watching as you touched up your lips with red lipstick. "Holy.. shit." He was almost shellshocked, watching every mannerism and movement closely. You capped the lipstick, tossing it with the rest of your makeup. "What?--" You smiled up at him, "Do I not look pretty?" You'd bat your eyelashes at him.
"...You-- you look so hot, god." He looked at you like it was wrong to feel that way, "Are you turned on right now?" "Maybe." "Josh--" "Keep it on, please?" He'd plead, moving to stand next to you - looking down at your sitting form. You'd stand up, crossing your arms. He'd grab your arm, pulling you towards him. Your hands instinctively placed themselves on his chest to steady yourself as he locks you in a kiss.
As his tongue slipped into your mouth it soon became open mouthed and sloppy, nothing but tongue and teeth. You'd pull back, giggling as you saw the red lipstick you just applied smeared across Josh' lips.
"You got a little--" "It's fine, I don't care." He'd grab your hips, moving you towards your bed. "I can't take you seriously like that--" You giggled a bit, trying to wipe the lipstick off of him with your sleeve. He'd grab your wrist, placing it back down to your side - his other hand moving up to your mouth, his thumb slipping in between your lips as you held your mouth open. "Off the bed, on your knees." It wasn't really an option, more of a demand and you'd happily agree.
You settled on the floor next to the edge of the bed, your hands moving to unbutton your shirt as you saw Josh settle infront of you - making quick work with pulling off his belt. His hands fumbled a bit as he felt your gaze on him - you grabbed his hands pushing them aside, unbuttoning and zipping his jeans. Josh lifted his hips watching his jeans pool around his knees. You licked your lips at the obvious tent in his boxers, immediately pulling his already hard cock out of his boxers.
"You're into some weird shit, Joshie." "Hey--" You cut him off as you spat directly onto the red, swollen head of his cock - earning a groan from him. You placed kitten licks to the tip, circling around the edge of the head. "Stop being a fucking tease--" He threaded a hand into your hair, taking note of how you licked a stripe up the underside of his cock.
You eventually worked his cock into your mouth, inch by agonising inch. As you felt him twitch in your mouth, you felt the head grazing the back of your throat earning a moan from your own mouth as more heat pooled between your thighs.
Josh started to direct your movements on his cock, his hand bobbing your head back and foward on his cock - his pace soon increasing. You felt tears prickle in your eyes from the brutal speed accompanied by the ache in your jaw and knees from the positioning. He'd pull you off his cock after you feel his hips stuttering a bit, a string of saliva connecting your lips and the tip of his dick.
You felt like a mess, some evident tear stains down your cheeks - no doubt smearing your makeup you were trying to perfect. Josh would pull you to your feet, moving you so you were standing between his legs.
"So pretty, sweetheart." He'd smirk as he wiped the smudged lipstick off your chin and lips - obsessed with it. "My makeup is ruined, isn't it?" Your voice sounded hoarse from your previous activities, "It adds to it, makes you so much fucking hotter."
Josh would pull you into yet another passionate kiss, he tasted himself on your tongue but was more obsessed with the taste of your remaining lipstick, cherry - it's like you were trying to kill him.
He'd pull you down to the bed, settling you comfortably against the pillows as he crawled atop of you - making light work with your jeans as they were soon discarded along with your panties. His fingers were dragged between your folds, picking up some of your arousal as he placed his fingers in his mouth, the sound sultry. He let out a groan, "So sweet.." He'd smirk, watching how wide your eyes were.
He'd drag his cock agonisingly slow between your folds, taking note of your moans. He slowly pushed himself into your pussy, loving how you instinctively clenched around him - so tight and precious.
He didnt give you much time to adjust, but his eyes were trained on you - on your face, on your smudged makeup. His hips moved at a brutal pace, the sounds filling the room along with your breathless pants and moans paired with his groans and sweet words.
Almost as it was impulsive, Josh leaned down and licked a stripe up the side of your face - a loud moan leaving your lips as his hand moved to your clit, fingers circling the bud like it was made to do so. Then you came, so fucking hard around his cock. Josh's hips stuttered as well as he pulled out of your sweet heat - as much as he wanted to cum deep inside of you, pumping his cock a few times - spurting out cum onto your stomach as satisfied groans left his lips.
As you came down from your highs, your eyes closed - basking in the moment that's when you heard Josh's weight dip in the bed as he reached over for his phone - swiping to his camera as he held it up high, your torso and face visible. "Smile baby, smile for the camera--" You giggled as you tried to cover your face and the camera, Josh managed to snag a picture of you - a smile gracing your face, your makeup smudged, your hair damp with sweat. Josh leaned back onto his heels, "Oh-- that's a good one." He snickered as he looked at it, "That's now my lock screen." "What?--" You sat up, whining as you tried to grab the phone but he held it out of reach. "Josh.." "You look so cute baby, cmon. I bet Jess would love to see this shit." As you continued to try and grab it, he placed a hand to your hip - shutting you up with a single kiss, "I want to see this makeup a lot more often." "Your wish is my command.." You said with a smirk, chasing yet another kiss from him.
#josh washington smut#until dawn#until dawn smut#josh washington#josh washington x reader#josh washington until dawn#clowncore#until dawn au#until dawn josh washington#clown kink#x reader#smut#spaceycat
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OKAY!!! Hear me out...
Lemonade AU but holiday drabbles!!
Like the thought of y/n spending Christmas at the Barnes household makes me 😭
Or like y/n forcing Bucky to dress up for Halloween or vice versa 💘💘💘💘 and Winnie can’t help but laugh at their ridiculous costumes
OMG this au is underrated, yessss and we're just in time for Christmas. We love our sweet College Bucky with his pretty older reader (for reference, Bucky is in his early to mid 20's and reader is later 20's to mid 30's or just pick your own ages)
Lemonade Lemonade AU drabble Sour
Bucky spent the whole day with his mama putting up the tree and getting the lights set up outside. His nose and cheeks are red from the cold and he runs straight to you to warm up. You coo at how cute he looks, letting him nuzzle his face into your neck for warmth, sighing contently. He smirks, slipping his icy cold hands up your sweater making you squeal but he doesn't relent, hugging you tighter, stealing all your body heat. Imagine how excited Bucky gets when you come over later in the evening, dressed in the comfiest of clothes; his college sweats and hoodie which you love so much. You giggle at the way he trails behind you as you make your way to the kitchen, letting down the bottle of wine you bought for you and Winnie to share later.
Christmas is in a few days and you've already spoiled him by filling his stocking to the top and he's acts like a little kid, poking and prodding at the little gifts you've wrapped up, blushing whenever you catch him.
"Bucky, put that down, you'll get to see what I got you soon" You shake your head while he pouts, still clutching onto a red box.
"Just one, c'mon" He whines, only setting it down when you tempt him with some hot chocolate. He doesn't want you to lift a finger though so he scoops you up in his arms, plopping you down on the kitchen island before getting started on making some. He knows you love his ma's recipe and he's perfected it, seeing her make it every year, chopping a few slabs of dark and milk chocolate.
"Wan exta marmallows?" His voice is muffled after stuffing about 3 in his mouth and you snort in response, while he blinks at you with his cheeks full.
"Yes please, baby" You kiss his sugary sweet lips while he adds them to your mug, before pouring some for himself as well.
It would not be Christmas without cookies and it's a Barnes holiday tradition. Winnie and Becca join to measure ingredients and roll out dough while George gets started on a roast for dinner. It's absolutely chaotic and you wouldn't want to be anywhere else, surrounded by love in the kitchen, your cheeks heating up every time Bucky tries to sneak in a kiss when no one is looking.
As usual, this wasn't meant to be part of the story BUT imagine on Christmas day, everyone is unwrapping presents and its a house full of wrapping, sparkles, bows, hot chocolate and cookies. Winnie got everyone matching Pj's like she does every year. Steve and his family had joined as well, adding to the madness while Bucky cozies up with you on the couch, the fire place keeping you toasty along with how warm your boyfriend is.
Winnie gives George a knowing smile, the both of them proud of the son they raised, their little boy head over heels in love with you and ready to treat you right. They also know the gift you'd just opened from him isn't what he actually got you.
He brings you your actual gift later that evening when it's just the two of you in his room. A tiny box, wrapped perfectly with a gold bow on top. Everyone knew exactly what Bucky is up to because he'd been planning this for months. Working extra shifts, saving money on the side, anything and everything he could do just for this.
For you.
"Open it" he whispers, nervous while you pull at the bow, the both of you sitting in his bed.
"Jamie-baby, what did you do" You gasp, lifting the box, tears already welling along your lash line. The little diamonds on the tennis bracelet sparkle under the low light with a small note on the inside, reading from your Jamie.
"I-I couldn't get you anything for stocking because I wanted to get you this" He says with a small smile, feeling bad he couldn't spoil you more the way you deserved. "Do you like it?"
You wordlessly nod, biting down on your lip to keep from crying while he takes the box from you because you want him to put it on you. He takes the dainty bracelet, carefully clasping it around your hand, admiring how pretty it looks on you.
"You didn't have to baby" You whisper, sniffling while he pulls you onto his lap, "Bubba, it's too much-
He shuts you up with a kiss, shaking his head.
"It's not too much for you. I wanna spoil you" His puppy eyes are so sincere; you're it for him and he's it for you.
Let's not act like the night doesn't end with you wearing just the tennis bracelet with your hands covering each others mouths to keep your voices down while he-
#bucky barnes fluff#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes x y/n#bucky x reader#bucky barnes x f!reader#bucky barnes x female reader#bucky x y/n#bucky barnes x you#bucky barnes fanfiction#bucky barnes#Bucky barnes x f reader#college bucky barnes#college bucky au#bucky college au#college bucky#holiday bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader fluff#bucky barnes x older reader#bucky x older reader#bucky banres#bucky barnes fan fic#bucky barnes fan fiction#bucky barnes fanfic#bucky fan fiction#bucky fan fic#bucky fanfic#james buchanan barnes#james bucky barnes#james bucky buchanan barnes#bucky barens holiday drabble
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can you please do some hcs for having nick as your best friend?

— best friend headcannons with nick. ⸰ 𖥔 ͙
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, not proofread.
a/n: i love y’alls reqs omg 🙁

— i just know he’s a clingy ass best friend idc. wants to take you anywhere and everywhere he goes simply because he enjoys your presence that much.
— this mf would definitely show up to your house unannounced. he’d text you asking if he can come over and as soon as you say yes he’s like “good because i was waiting outside”.
— he’s so unserious. convinces you to make up a fake language in an uber as you’re going home from a party. needless to mention you were both wasted (+ the uber driver was incredibly confused LMFAO).
— he loves going out to eat with you. nothing fancy, you could go out and eat mcdonald’s and he’d be the happiest man on earth because he gets to gossip with you.
— you two bully matt and chris together. as soon as nick found out about the chester picture on akinator, he made your clueless ass play just to see it. (spoiler alert: both of you ended up crying with laughter on the floor– chris was pissed.)
— he wants you involved in everything. before going on tour, he asked you to help him practice basketball because he wanted to take his brothers down LMAO.
— loves going shopping with you. he gives you the greatest advice on fashion and you do the same for him. (you always get at least four matching outfits).
— adding onto the matching thing, y’all will always be matching it’s so funny. at some point people start to think you’re his long lost sister because oh my god. the hair is always matching. he’s blonde? nah, both of you are going blonde. you’re going back to brunette? he’s going back too.
— getting your nails done with him is so fun. you two always go together. he helps you pick out your design duh.
— great with advice!! he may seem really unserious but if you’re having a deep conversation or just overall need some advice, he’s always there willing to help you.
— drinking with him is so fun bye. i know he’s a sucker for smirnoff argue w the wall! sometimes you’ll both get a little tipsy and either you start talking about the true meaning of life and what your purpose on earth is or what color a dog’s vision really is.
— he’s the type of friend that’ll send you at least 50 tiktoks daily and 20 reels. laughs at the stupidest shit LMAOO. half of the reels are cats dancing or something.
— he’s a gift giver trust. whether it’s something small like your usual coffee order or something huge on your birthday, he loves giving you gifts.
— y’all have a sibling type of relationship. you never argue. obviously you’re bound to have disagreements but those are solved in two seconds LMAO. matt and chris get so confused because one minute you’re yelling at each other and the next you’re laughing your ass off at some tiktok nick showed you.
— matching halloween costumes duh. it could literally be june and he’d already have at least ten ideas on what to go as for halloween.
— every sunday you go and get ice cream and tell each other everything about your week.
— you have a shared spotify playlist just so you can update each other on what music you’ve been listening to lately.
#lucvly#nick sturniolo imagine#nick sturniolo x you#nick sturniolo x reader#nick sturniolo#nicolas sturniolo#sturniolo triplets#sturniolo x reader#sturniolo fanfic#sturniolo edit#chris sturniolo fluff#chris sturniolo#chris sturniolo x reader#chris sturniolo x you#christopher sturniolo#matt sturniolo#matt sturniolo x reader#matt sturniolo x you#chris sturniolo imagine#matt sturniolo fluff#matt sturniolo imagine
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OMG I ALREADY LOVE UR BLOG!! May I request the D,S and Y from the N$SW alphabet for harvey ???
A/N: yes yes!! Halloween is soon and I’m excited even though I have no costume and I’m not doing anything. Does anyone have plans?
Tw: sexual content (minors dni)
Alphabet post Masterlist
D-Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
The porn he watches is VERY specific. He cannot watch just anything, and after meeting the farmer(you) he starts looking for porn that has a person that looks like you. He will never admit this, but he DOES watch those and imagines you and him in those scenarios, feels very guilty about it.
S-Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
I don’t think he has a lot of stamina, but he is working on it. I think since it was showing that he was exercising with the women and doing their…Zumba? Jazzercise?? He is panting and everything when you see him, so I think his stamina is decent but not as good as it can be. I think he could go 2 maybe 3 rounds before he taps out for the night. He lasts decently well, enough for you to be pleasured and happy. How long he takes between rounds determines how many rounds he can go.
Y-Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Not the horniest of men in general. Like he isn’t constantly thinking about sex, or constantly getting a hard on. I think he is in his 30s so he has more control than the others do. HOWEVER I do think he gets a higher sex drive when he is in a relationship. So as soon as he starts dating you he starts getting horny CONSTANTLY, but it’s only because of you. So it really depends.
#stardew valley#sdv#stardew#sdv headcanons#stardew headcanon#stardew valley headcanons#sdv smut#stardew smut#stardew valley smut#stardew valley x reader#stardew x reader#sdv x reader#sdv hcs#stardew hcs#stardew valley hcs#sdv harvey#stardew harvey#stardew valley harvey#sdv harvey x reader#stardew Harvey x reader#stardew valley Harvey x reader#sdv bachelors#stardew bachelors#stardew valley bachelors#nsfwalphabet
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Hi!! I'm sorry if this is weird or anything but I just realized that I found your blog almost a year ago now!!! (We're about 2 weeks off from my actual first ask but shhh shhhhh same difference. almost a year)
I just thought that was really cool because it definitely hasn't felt that long was all. But it may also just be me?? Idk. I hope you've been well and enjoying twst Halloween tho!! Been eating up the Skully content I get in my notifs :-) he's so so silly I love him aaa
But yeah no !! Almost a year since I found your fics!! I thought that was really cool :D! Woo ! I went back to my first ask to confirm this btw and I think it's really funny I was all "if I send another ask I'll include an anon tag just in case" like yeah man we totally didn't send any more after that. definitely didn't happen lmao
- :3 anon
Hiiii, :3 anon!!!! 💖💖
OMG A WHOLE YEAR ALREADY??? Σ(°ロ°) it feels like it was only yesterday. I feel like 2023 went by much too quickly. >_< what even happened during that year!!!! LOL I’ll know soon enough when all of the music and social apps do their yearly reviews. :D
AAAAA but I also remember that ask!! As if we didn’t chat plenty of times after that hehe. It’s always so fun to read your asks, :3 anon!!!! And it’s a delight to see you in the inbox!!! I’m happy we can exchange ideas and thoughts!!! A very celebratory cheers for this one year!!!! May there be many more to come!!! ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪ thank you for being here and staying with my blog for the year!!!!
And I’m doing very well!! <3 I hope it’s the same for you. If it isn’t, I’m sending you all the good vibes in the world!! You’ve got this! ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ and the Halloween event……… OMG SO MANY THOUGHTS!!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! OTL even that cutie Skully…… lots of love for him hehe. Thank you for eating up the Skully content. He’s just so fun to write for and so very silly!!! It’s a Rollo situation all over again,,, this level of obsession... T^T

#sweet messages#:3 anon#it’s the akira meme with him#GET OUT OF MY HEAD SKULLY OTL PLEASE#i haven’t thought about tako in so long… no fic ideas for him#THIS CAN’T GO ON ANY LONGER AAAAAAAAA
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Buggy Is My Treat This Halloween!
Several sexy Buggy items have typically made their way to me recently. Some of which were preordered too. We shall begin with this drool worthy pin! *omg* It was a Mercari find and I'm extremely delighted to have come across it!
Funko Pop! figures, it's time for me to willingly admit I'm not genuinely a huge fan of the human ones. However, this one came from Comic Con and there was a mighty need for me to obtain it some how!
Pictured here, is one of the few human Funko Pop! figures that I actually like! Thus, it was preordered the moment I learned that it existed! Buggy's post time skip look just pairs well with the general design of these figures!
The Log Collection card is already in my ever-growing collection. However, this graded version was reasonably cheap, so I couldn't resist adding it.
This specific card…I truly have a love hate relationship with it! The terrible humiliation that Buggy has endured just breaks my heart...
It's that time again too! A shipping request will soon be submitted with Buyee. However, there won't be a lot in this package. I kind of splurged on something expensive! *whoops* My pocketbook will never stop weeping! *lol*
#collectibles#collection#my pocketbook weeps#buggy the clown#captain buggy#one piece#one piece buggy#that which i have obtained#card collecting#enamel pins
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more than just a dream - 005, 6am
pairing: college!ellie x reader
synopsis: you transfer to a new school where you only know one person; your childhood best friend. he invited you to a beginning of the year party to meet some new people, but one person, in particular, catches your eye... his other best friend.
genre: social media au, fluff
series masterlist -- previous chapter -- next chapter

bria 🧚
jesseee 😙😙
hot dog with mustard
hot dog with ketchup
jesseee 😙😙
bria 🧚
😭 anyone else besides those 2 answer pls....
im gonna be ghostface !!
bria 🧚 ❤️ a message
bria 🧚
i love that omg
what ab u ellie?
eh idk i dont feel like dressing up
bria 🧚
BOOO boring tomatoes tomatoes
dina ❤️ a message
jesseee 😙😙 ❤️ a message
y/n ❤️ a message
come on u literally have to wear SOMETHING
jesseee 😙😙
yk who u kinda look like
y/n ❤️ a message
ellie left the groupchat
jesseee 😙😙 added ellie to the groupchat
jesseee 😙😙
ellie if u dress up as pennywise ill actually pay u
how much r we talking ab......
bria 🧚 ❤️ a message
bria 🧚
oh i will
$20 is $20

dina 💋
hi do u know where y/n is? she spammed me a few minutes ago but i was talking to bria but now i cant find her anywhere
shes ob the table
singing and dacnging
ik shes wearung a hot dog costuke but she looks hotrn
so hot omh
dina 💋
oh ok so ur very drunk rn
ik shes wearung a hot dog costuke but she looks hotrn ur GONNEEE LMFAO i wont let u forget u said this
focus focus we'll talk later thank you ill go find her
mmkkhkkk cya
jesseee 😙😙
do ygs know where y/n is
i havent seen her since the party last night and its 6 am already
bria 🧚
im with her rn i had to take her to the hospital
she fell off a table and broke her wrist
jesseee 😙😙
oh my god
holy shit is she ok?
aw poor girl :(
bria 🧚
holy shit is she ok? yeah she will be
shes honestly more upset she didnt get to see u in ur pennywise costume...
oh thank GOD she didn't
i looked ridiculous
ok miss 'idc what she thinks ab me'
dina this isnt the gc with just us and jesse
bria 🧚
uh is there something i dont know
oml no theres nothing just forget it
oh shit
im sorry
dina deleted 6 messages
a/n; this is my version of a cliffhanger.. also i just realized this is the halfway point in this series and they havent even realized they like each other...... LMFAOOO

i enjoy slowburns a lot actually if u couldnt tell
it will get more interesting soon tho pROMISE
taglist: @ximtiredx @gold-dustwomxn @elliesinterlude @fireflyels @trulygnomed @deluluwh-0-re @elliewilliamsmissingfingerss @emluvselandabs @ariianelle @jokerpokimoon @lonelyfooryouonly @lil-elliesgf @yuaaa05 @ourautumn86 @ucannotcompare
#ellie williams#tlou game#the last of us#tlou 2#ellie williams x reader#wlw#ellie williams fluff#tlou part 2#jesse tlou#dina woodward#the last of us fanfiction#tlou smau#lesbian
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Hey Zoe!! It’s the girl who cut her fingers lolz tho I don’t want you to only know me by that so if it’s ok I’ll start using the swan emoji :D 🦢 Or the kiwi 🥝 idk. Anyway, since Halloween is tomorrow I was wondering what you think Abs and Ellie’s costumes would be and if they would be into the idea of couple costumes. Don’t know if you’ve already been asked this but just wanted to know your thoughts 🙏🏻 also, how are you?! Hope you’re having a good week and have a fun Halloween if you celebrate :D <3 🎃
hey!!! omg you can use any emoji you want, both the swan and the kiwi are so cute! i'm doing okay, thank you for asking <3 we don't really celebrate halloween in my country but if you do, i hope you have the best time!! ily
i'm no expert but this is what i think!!
if they did individual costumes, i think ellie would either do something hyper specific that like maybe one person gets (film bro tendencies) OR she would be like… a traffic cone. something very silly that somehow still works for her. but me personally? i would dress her up as jim from treasure planet. if you get the vision i love you
i can see abby saying that she doesn't care but as soon as she picks a costume and gets excited about it, it becomes unacceptable for it to be anything except perfect. she has to get every detail right!! goes out of her way to get a realistic firefighter jacket and is so offended when you wanna take it off of her (she'll do it of course, she just needs a little coaxing! and perhaps a kiss or two)
as far as couple costumes, i think ellie would pick yours! she gets ideas all throughout the year and writes them down in her notes app. it's a yearly tradition for her to sit you down and go through all of them asking for your thoughts (and maybe softly guiding you to pick the one she happens to like the most) (they're all some guy and his cool hot girlfriend but that's what she loves). please please please be jesse and jane from breaking bad with her, she'll be so happy <3
abby, however, will literally be whatever you want. she completely lets you take the lead. doesn't care about the details because she doesn't mind looking silly if it makes you happy! how can she feel stupid when you're so excited about it? i think she would have fun literally just being your accessory, like if you're a cute mushroom fairy she'll be the moss. and if you wanna do mia from the princess diaries, she'll look hot in any of chris pine's outfits <3 abby would also slay as emmett from twilight if you wanted to be rosalie!! she's got the built for it and she basically already dresses like him
#modern!ellie#ellie williams x reader#ellie williams headcanons#modern!abby#abby anderson x reader#abby anderson headcanons
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first post!! short n sweet
choso x reader fluff
warnings: ummmmm mentions of halloween and and yuji and pokemon and marriage 😭 idk
walmart during the halloween season is never something you want to miss. inflatable ghosts over 10 feet tall dot along the aisles, and there is a good chance to find yourself a cute bat hairclip for only a couple bucks. but if you already have most of your costume put together, walmart during the halloween season may seem kind of boring. it’s not exactly fun to walk in for colored hair spray and immediately leave, so of course you have to do some poking around! new mascara would be nice, maybe a new juice flavor to try, and choso said he needs new earbuds.
choso’s not surprised to see a large plushie in your shopping bag when you return home. you never fail to return with one when you make a trip out, and he hopes it’s something that will never change about you. you’re always always proud of your purchases, but it seems very much so today.
“what’s this?” he asks as you hold it out to his hands.
he recognizes the squishmallow tag, but not the character. he’s sure he would be able to recognize the character if it was something you enjoyed. instead of responding, you point to the eyes of the plush.
“hmm? what is it, babes?”
“look. it’s like yuji!” and you smile so wide until your eyes disappear and your hands curl into balls.
unbeknownst to choso, he is looking at a togepi squishmallow you found abandoned on a shelf by electronics.
“the lines next to his eyes and the spiky hair! and he’s sooooo cute!”
in that moment, he knows he’ll be marrying you. as soon as he gushes to yuji about this and find the perfect ring, of course.

inspired by the squishmallow i just bought 😈😈 i’ve been wanted to buy it for a couple months because it’s so cute but i’m not a big pokemon fan but then i saw a post saying togepi looks like yuji so i was like omg i NEEEED
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spoilers (you already know)
back at it with some humming!
JOHN MY BELOVED !!!! youre so bitchy i love him
harpers hill mention omg (harpers hill hijinks coming soon)
“MY BOOK HMPH 😤” girl 😭😭
“i didnt realise” yes because you cant see and john is like really really dumb
it kills me that john is bitching about oscar not finding anything but like what information have you contributed in the last 3 episodes
ive missed bullying john
malevolent is a comedy and i will stand by that
mmm rain sounds
“can you imagine hahah” yes i can it was the best arc of the show send tweet
well you havent seen his face
whys john being so quiet all of a sudden?
“i suppose ill just watch again” SOMEONE IS A JEALOUS GIRL
arthur ignoring john….. the girls are going to DIVORCE
“not you sorry ^_^” and then he goes back to ignoring john?? girl
oh wait that was very sweet
sorry arthur speaking to john like that just destroyed me
“its not because i dont care 💛” “…yes?” oscar this isnt about you
poor guy though he must be so confused
arthurs tone changes so much when he speaks to john
someone get john a pair of glasses either that or he was too busy daydreaming to see the turnoff
oh of course john would want to split off because he hasnt ever seen a horror movie arthur if you die then it’s your fault for not showing him the movie 🙄
“we might have to sleep in the car” okayyyy
oh so now john wants to give him info because he deserves to know
aaaand now he doesnt want to tell him. we love a hypocritical king !!!
return of the canadian sourry
you dont need to sound so smug that he looks hurt john 😭😭
okay oscar love the existential crisis while reading very relatable
is he gonna say arthur is his purpose
oh for fucks sake
NOT THE SOFT “oscar”
ok oscar is def into arthur and arthur saying “i don’t believe in god” is like rejection. this is how unrequited blindfaith can still win.
also god believes in you? well john and kayne sure seem to believe in him for what its worth
oscar nooo dont devote yourself to arthur that never ends well
john i dont care about oscar either but you have got to stop laying it on so think jfc
john the undefeated more like john the opportunist
“woAH” same john same
oooh so john can see auras now basically?
what monster are we gonna find in the barn 👀
oh that sounds fun actually though /j
ok i love how prominent the dreamlands are this episode i was just thinking about how good it was
john just wants his alone time with arthur because he cant answer his questions
“i need another set of eyes” thats like the one thing john can do it must be kinda sad to like, not be able to fully do the one thing you used to be great at
“ *gasp* a forgotten one :0” john dont act like you know what that means
hey is john a forgotten one then. is he. is he though.
can everyone except arthur feel the weirdness of places
john its ok if you didnt see it you dont need to justify yourself ❤️🩹
john sounds almost scared to go in the basement lol
the stairs are gonna give out at a later date im calling it
what could possibly happen in the last 15 minutes
a door ajar omg is that a wtnv reference
did arthur almost die by getting crushed by a bunch of furniture
oh a barricade i know what this is about
oh happy halloween btw guys
my honest reaction too john
what… what did you just sink into….
oh hole in roof, cool
arthur pay attention oscar hes gonna set hjmself on fire on accident
the jarthur was too busy analysing the painting to pay attention to oscar
oh he wants to cut it off ok
jfc 7 minutes oh no
question: how strong is arthur physically
“A TOWEL!” “A TOWEL?” as i said a comedy
you know its weird that i can handle this fine but couldnt deal with the michael torture in the woe.begone finale
oh ok hes fine sort of ok
the music goes so hard again
that arthur was so scared
ok the arms alive run
or get john to arm wrestle it idk
“what thE fUCK WHAT THE FUCK” my daily vocabulary
and oscar was right :)
arthur you could at least carry him instead of dragging him that poor poor man
i find it amusing that this mostly happened because of jarthur studying a painting and ignoring the man currently in possession of their braincells
indeed what do we do now
and thats a wrap! oh boy what an episode i have THOUGTHTS (oscar is not surviving this)
i know like maybe 2 people read this type of posts but i enjoy making and reading them back. so if youd like me to keep going with these i will :)
#malevolent#malevolent podcast#unhinged aromantics#arthur lester#john doe#john malevolent#arthur malevolent#malevolent john#malevolent arthur#oscar malevolent#malevolent oscar#malevolent spoilers#mr scratch#malevolent part 37
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MCL NewGen Ep 9 Commentary
I poured blood, sweat, tears, and money to finish this episode. I fought my inner demons to convince myself that they didn't deserved my money but here we are: with a concluded episode and me with 30 euros less in my bank account 🥲 As always, this post will obviously contain spoilers under the cut so beware~
Ngl after the disaster of episode 8 I had zero (0) hopes for this new one, I wasn’t even excited after everything that happened last month (e-girl pack, episode 8, Halloween event and so on) but I have to admit, this one surprisingly exceeded my low expectations by a landslide by finally giving some insight on the LIs about time i might say.
But first thing first, the cost. This episode was hella expensive, I spent 2604 aps, of which 1832 were free. I'm following Jason's route so I know it's more expensive than the others but I didn't imagine this much. I genuinely hope the others will be shorter and that this was just an exception given the backstories cause I can't handle every ep being like this 😩
As a Jason's girlie, I was ecstatic about this episode. For once, his presence was well-contextualized, he didn’t come off like a stalker and we weren’t the damsel in distress. I didn’t expect him to start trauma-dumping on Candy so soon, considering they don’t see each other as often compared to the other LIs, but I’m glad we got to know him better. I really hope Candy’s attitude toward him will start to soften 'cause she’s always on guard around him and it’d be nice to see her relax and trust him a little more, especially after the intimate moment they experienced in this ep.
I must admit tho the premise didn't really appeal to me and I was skeptical this would be another silly ep with all the Devenementiel crew doing stuff but luckily it wasn't. It all starts with Devon telling us that, starting the next day, a group of interns will be joining the team and it turns out these are Devon’s younger brothers, Gebril and Joen.
Overall I liked the time spent with them. I agree that there were a lot of unnecessary moments and some parts I could’ve gladly skipped but it was a cute scenario, and finally we get to meet some new characters for a change also idk but Joen's attitude kinda reminds me of Armin oh I miss himm
Since we're here let’s already get to the sore spot of this whole ep: the whole Tasha situation. I don’t care if it’s wrong to have beef with my fictional sister, but I’m honestly speechless at how she and their mom acted during the internship situation. You knew for months that you needed to pick a company for your internship and yet, the night before, you have no plans because you delayed the application?? And now you’re asking me to call up my boss at 8 pm to beg him to include you in the internship that’s supposed to start tomorrow? Are you out of your mind?!?
Also isn’t the whole traineeship supposed to be organized by the school? I’m not sure how it works in France, but I was quite confused—here in Italy the school usually guides you through the process and handles all the paperwork. It’s unusual for students to be left on their own in a situation like this...
And the mom is even worse cause she just says "I don’t want to judge you for how you’re acting with her because if I were in your shoes I wouldn’t know what to do either" like uhmm you’re the mother, not me?? If you knew about this the whole time –and she knew for months– why didn’t she help Tasha earlier? Or better yet, why didn’t Tasha ask us weeks ago instead of the evening before? And yet they’re just chilling while playing cards omg you have no idea how much this stressed me out it's so stupid but yet so infuriating like the fact that they only have a bathroom in a mega villa but whatever i guess.
After we refuse to help her, Tasha mysteriously ends up joining Goldreamz for her internship. I’m honestly confused, once again, about how this happened because the night before no company had accepted her and now suddenly she's got the job?? Did Jason see her candidacy last minute right before clocking out the office? If I missed something pls let me know cause I genuinely can't wrap my head around it lol.
What a way to twist things...
But anyway, I honestly liked this option. I admit I would have never imagined this plot for his route but I’m glad they went this way. I loved seeing Candy’s reaction when Tasha told her about working with "the devil" and I also enjoyed her reactions to the ambiguous conversation between Candy and Jason in his office watch Tasha being the first to get the hints about their situationship lol
Maybe it's for the better, we don't want to let our lil sis know we blew up big time our first solo project.
Once Tasha leaves, Candy asks Jason wtf he’s doing and he assures her that he doesn’t have any ulterior motives. He just thought it would be an amusing situation for both him and Candy. After a quick recap, we get a better understanding of Candy and Tasha's relationship. It seems like there’s a bit of a rivalry/competition between the sisters—something I would have never guessed, considering we've only seen Tasha about three times since the beginning but okay. I only wish to see more of their sisterhood but I guess we won't any sooner since she's going to her father for a while, that sucks.
After some usual bantering, we find out that Jason envies our relationship with Tasha since he’s an only child, which leads him to open up a bit about his past. We learn that he found comfort in solitude, often isolating himself by going out on his father's boat in the middle of the ocean. I admit this was unexpected, I never would’ve guessed he’d be so into the marine world - as we'll see soon in the rowboat scene. It adds a surprisingly nice contrast to his otherwise business-like persona.
Touched by Jason’s childhood story, Candy spontaneously suggests they take a boat ride right then and there, to experience the peace and solitude he felt throughout his childhood. This was a cute gesture from Candy ngl, I thought she would simply nod and listen to his story but no. This is the first time she takes such an important first step with him in their relationship and I'm proud of her.
But, once arrived tho she has to ruin everything destroying the cute little moment...
Oh my God. You strangely enough managed to get him to open up about his difficult childhood and you still can’t help but joke about him being the big bad guy? Ugh I take back whatever I said about you Candy, you're dumb.
Thankfully, Jason doesn’t seem that much bothered by her comment and they get on the rowboat. I was lowkey hoping for a cute moment where he offers her his hand to help her aboard but nope, doesn’t happen. Honestly I’m convinced this is his subtle payback for that insensitive joke, if so props to you J.
Anyway, he starts rowing and soon we find ourselves in the middle of the lake. This is where the heart of the episode unfolds imo. We finally get a glimpse into his family history. Jason opens up about his father, a scientist deeply passionate about the ocean, that tragically passed away shortly before he turned 19.
This is the moment where I truly lost it. I swear, I was a sobbing mess.
Jason’s vulnerability hit me harder than I expected. We already knew about his father, but hearing him tell the whole story was tough. I can barely imagine what he went through at such a pivotal age. The emotional distance between him and his mother after she got remarried definitely played a big role and when you add his strained relationship with his stepfather into the mix, it’s impossible not to feel for him. It's such a tragic backstory, I hope they don’t mess it up from here on out. My pookie deserves better :(
As for the special scene, it wasn't that much but I liked it. Unfortunately, I can't post the screenshots since I’ve hit the limit per post sigh but it was such a sweet and heartwarming moment. It offered a smooth transition from the heaviness of the conversation to their usual playful banter and I really appreciated how it slowly lightened up the mood without taking away from the emotional depth of his story. I have to admit, I wasn’t really a fan of the illustration. The setting and moment were adorable - it totally gave me Rapunzel vibes with all the whimsy and charm - but Jason’s expression feels off, it’s almost like he’s a villain plotting revenge rather than being swept up in the moment lol. Plus his proportions seem a little strange mmh. Candy, on the other hand, looks gorgeous so gg.
And that’s it. Afterwards, Jason accompanies Candy back to her house, reminding her that despite the little walk down memory lane, things haven’t changed between them in his eyes, and he expects the same from her. Oh, and let’s not forget she owes him an intimate story too as if the whole Ioan drama wasn’t enough.
With that, he leaves and the episode ends with Candy having her same old crisis whenever she spends a little time with Jason.
Now, I’m really curious to see if Jason opening up will actually shift things between them or if it’ll stay the same old. At this point, Candy doesn’t have much of an excuse to keep trash-talking him - he hasn’t done anything to harm her or Devenementiel, yet, and he’s actually been there to help her on multiple occasions. I’m hoping she drops the whole “he’s the devil” mindset because he’s honestly shown more support than hostility in the latest eps.
But honestly I can't hide that rn I'm more worried about the next episode. Thomas having an incident was on everyone’s bingo card -even though I didn’t expect it to happen this early- but here we are. I’ve got so much repressed trauma from everything with Lysander that I genuinely have no idea what to expect next 🫠
#i just hope this is just bv failing their marketing move#and that nothing actually happens to him so early in game#maybe we'll see his mother or iris again?? mmh#also “what am i doing?” you ask yourself candy???#you're mingling with the enemy#and admit it you love it lol#mclng#mcl new gen spoilers#mcl new gen#mclng ep 9
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