wpk12art · 15 hours
Curious question, if Halina lived in the modern day what kind of person will she be? will she be the same or slightly different🤔
If Halina lived in the modern day, she would surely be very much a nu-goth type of gal who would have antiques all over her home. Horrible with technology and surely jump at anything that does even the slightest sparking noise.
But I would say less murdery for sure, but she would mostly stay the same I would say.
But here is a sketch I did some time back of a more "Modern" Halina.
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lackaroses · 5 months
🌹Halina & Mordecai🥀
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🌹A board based off @wpk12art’s Lackadaisy OC and Mordecai 🥀
🌹Requests are open🥀
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linashirou · 2 months
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A collage I made for a selfshipper community. I just love how good @venomwalter_art is portraying Hal
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gardenlollipop · 4 months
Why Ozai is not a bad character
This seems like an outrageous take but hear me out.
My first topic of discussion is how horrible ozai's childhood must have been. His father was Azulon and the way he treated Zuko and Azura was probably has a direct correlation to how his own childhood must have been. Like that scene where his dad slapped for spilling a cup of water. He also has burns all over his body from his father, you just don't see them in the show. Or the comics. Trust me. Because there's evidence that clearly points to this.
Second, about Zuko's whole scar. 13 year old Zuko is a known deceptive, manipulative, evil worm. Think about how quickly he switched sides from the "evil" side to team avatar (suspicious). Also, it's so obvious that his scar is fake and that he reapplies it every morning and night. You can even see cosmetics in the background, and there's one scene where it's not even on his face. like could they have made it any more obvious, yet all you LOVE manipulative and lying Zuko.
Next let's talk about URSA. OH MY GOD URSA. When firebird ozai threatened to mistreat Zuko to Ursa, he was just trying to defend himself from his evil manipulative child to his equally manipulative wife. She mistreated her children and him and escaped the second she saw the chance, without a second thought towards her family. Also, the thing that's most ignored by this ignorant fandom, is how she threatened his parents that she would release fire nation noble secrets unless she could marry their son, Ozai, who was terrified of her. Also, the way he proved his love by sacrificing his own parents for her in the comic "North and South".
For Azula, I think it goes without saying how insane Azula is, not to mention how ungrateful she is towards her father in the last episode after she's made firelord even though she's not even that talented, Ozai's words not mine. Ozai also had a good reason to mistreat Azula, seeing how much she mistreated the one he loved, Mai. Even in Azula's childhood she would lie to her parents, even her father even though he clearly cared about her and was a very good parent.
Not much can be said about Iron, considering we don't see much of their relationship. Consider how negligent and uncaring Iron was towards his brother after he lost his nephew, Lu Ten. Iron instead used this to bring attention to himself. He also betrayed Ozai, putting his manipulative nephew Zuko over his own brother.
Next is Mai, she lied to the firelord to get on his good side, and in the end just betrayed him to go with Zuko and avatar. Mai might be the worst character in the show, seeing as she betrayed not only one of her closest friends, but also Ozai, the man who truly loved her. Not to mention, the only reason she liked Zuko was because he joined the avatar and she believed his side would win in the end. Because all she ever cared about was making herself look good.
AANG!! Despite the fact that he had unresolved feelings for the firelord, he still took down his love and deep down should feel ultimately guilty.
Finally, Ozai is extremely attractive. Let's start with his lovely, clear skin and his high sculpted cheekbones and beautiful glossy olive skin. Not to mention his beautiful golden shining eyes, sculpted into the perfect almond shape. He was especially attractive in the New live action. Considering his beautiful ribbed abs, his long Lucious, black locks, and even in the final battle how he still looks put together and attractive and HOT.
We need to talk about one final point, how he just wanted his kingdom and his people to be the best it could possibly. All of his actions were just him looking out for his people. He mistreated some people but he could have been a lot worse. And he was a good king. He's just very patriotic in his love for Agni kai, his people, and the color red. and bonfires. and birds. He especially loved the beautiful sight of grey smoke falling over the beautiful, white, melting snow whenever he attacked the southern water tribe.
Also he is a good king.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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lanternowl · 2 months
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Made Halina for my TSW ttrpg game. Think she turned out cool.
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irishcatman · 6 months
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This one is a special artwork made by @wpk12art both Text and Textless version
It features Allen and Halina preparing to ambush a convoy. I am currently in the middle of writing a story of Allen that will feature Halina in it so expect that sometime soon.
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snommie · 9 months
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My partner asked me to draw Halina in a leopard print swimsuit
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johndoenevermor · 7 months
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Lil gift for @linashirou, thanks for sub ☆⌒ヽ(*'、^*)chu
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rumelmakeup · 7 months
NEW IG MAKEUP REEL 💄 please click to view and like 🫶🏾 @rumelmakeup
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tossedout · 8 months
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on phantom pains, on "it was just a lot", on trying (and failing at times) to breaking the chain
the crucible // sylvia plath // doctor who s1 // kwarto waltz // the smiths // tumblr user take-me-where-the-poets-went // pinterest // glass animals
Several weeks ago (previously “Last week,”, but this took longer than expected), I was speaking (gossiping with to a criminal degree) to a friend (sometimes stranger, often "that asshole") about a mutual abuser (sensationally 2020s ahh combination of words). I confessed that I felt I would go back to that person if they gave me the chance and he replied, "They probably wouldn't even see you as good enough to take back.". He freed me in that moment and I am very grateful. I will never trade my happiness for servitude again, but I think I’ve lost inches in the idgaf war these past weeks. They aren’t sorry, I shouldn’t be either. My soul is not clean nor does it matter who’s is neater, I must find peace. (and I am!!)
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wpk12art · 8 months
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FOLKS! I am so happy to show this absolutely FANTASTIC ART by @lackadaisycats
I legit can't stop looking at this, it's so gorgeous and perfect. Halina and Mordecai look so cozy together. I am absolutely ecstatic!
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linashirou · 1 month
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I will keep you safe, Arisen.
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lecoupdedeuxveuves · 2 months
Du bist die Luft, die die Bäume streichelt, eine Hand aus dem Blau. Du bist der Flügel eines Vogels, der die Blätter nicht berührt, er gleitet.
Du bist die untergehende Sonne des Westens, voller Morgendämmerungen, ein Märchen aus den Worten, die gesprochen werden, ein Seufzer.
Was bist du - für mich - frisches Wasser, gesprudelt in der glühenden Wüste, eine Kiefer - die Schatten spendet, eine zitternde Espe - die mitleidet, für die Erfrorenen - die Sonne, für die Sterbenden - Gott. Du - strahlend in jedem Stern, der Liebe heißt.
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okuribikasou · 2 months
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irishcatman · 7 months
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Q&A How and when did Allen meet Halina?
Art done by @velichorus-k
Halina belongs to @wpk12art
This is the first time I've ever done a Q&A so let's see how this goes. Context is in Allen's story Halina helps Allen on a bunch of jobs and she eventually helps him find the man he's looking for.
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paccynka · 8 months
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8 lat czekała 😱
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