#Halal certs
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Kelantan now states non-Muslim outlets not serving Muslims won't need halal certs
Kelantan State Committee chairman Hilmi Abdullah clarified that halal certification (SPHM) is mandatory only for businesses serving Muslim customers, not for outlets catering exclusively to non-Muslims. His statement followed criticism over a policy requiring non-Muslim businesses to obtain SPHM if serving Muslims. Hilmi explained that the policy ensures compliance with local laws and promotes…
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Learnt something about me again
talked with my sister about my future plan. at first aku malu sbb takut dia ketawa but bila aku reveal it, surprisingly dia x ketawa. not only that but aku jugak dapat a valuable input for it. maybe thats what it meant to be someone yang mendengar. x judge even when my plan mcm x masuk akal. i love her for that.
the thing is WHY aku expect dia untuk ketawa? after several session of self reflection, maybe this is a trauma response. aku x berkongsi sebab to me aku dapat agak yang 9/10 orang akan ketawakan aku. and its stupid sbb whenever i shared my plan, AKU sendiri will laugh at it just to avoid getting laugh at first. its not even weird or unrealistic plan. hahaha how the fuck have i been living this entire time??
my plan is straightforward, ada kerja that relatable to investment while doing MBA, then after 3 years experience, proceed to take CFA cert. then several more years, bukak my own firm. besar cita2, but its not unrealistic. its not something someone, ESPECIALLY ME to laugh at. like bro have some self respect.
but of course career plan my sis x ketawa maybe sbb its a professional discussion but she also DIDNT laugh bila aku cerita pasal my relationship plan. the thing is aku plan nak merisik my ex. merisik ni of course traditionally used to come to the girl's family and tanya the status of the girl. given how aku sekarang blind and deaf pasal dia, i felt like that the most secure way to get to her. not to mention risik bukan datang untuk ajak couple, but untuk menjalinkan hubungan halal (cewahh). even after hearing allat, my sis still x ketawa. but she did called me stupid la. mainly because its not 1950's and now we have the technology to contact. "if you dont have any info on her, semua tempat dah kena block, what made you think dia nakkan you??". and honestly idk how to answer that logically so my answer is "sbb asyraf percaya". and that got a disgusted look lmao. then dia proceed to show me the flaw of my plan and how bad it can go wrong. kena cuci teroks guyss. enough for me to change my approach, which of course require new planning.
honestly i love my sis. shes smart and shes very considerate. shes exactly like my stepmom except she got my dad's temper. and last night, its like im speaking with my stepmom. her way to set a new perpective in my plan, gently show me what could go wrong and provide an alternative that is gentler yet still can meet my goals. made me wonder how would i turned out kalau my stepmom was alive all the way in my development phase. i missed her so much...
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lo han kuo posting: so there's two big "brands", one imported by ssa and the other by stc.

people generally like the ssa more; ssa's the one who's got the halal cert (i didn't realize that stc didn't have it; that would've been a dealbreaker. alas i'm drinking it right now). but in a more concerning matter, the ssa one lists its cane sugar as 0.7g, while the stc one has it at 7g.

people point this out when they say the stc one makes your throat more hoarse instead of soothing it. well: i tried it and it's about the same sweetness. i'd go as far as to say that the ssa one's more pleasantly sweeter. which to be fair is exactly what you want: these "natural remedies" hinge at going down as pleasantly as possible to soothe you.
also: you're playing, anyway. 0.7g of cane sugar would not register. the whole thing is 14g of just two ingredients, and you're like, hmm, i can sell more of this if i do a little typo. and you suddenly have only 0.7g of sugar. well the rest of the 13.3g must be the other ingredient then.
so one doesn't have a halal certification and the other one does but they engage in shithousery. and they say you couldn't have any choice under communism
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HALAL Certification : A Comprehensive Guide

HALAL Certification in Bangalore is crucial for businesses involved in food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and other industries targeting Muslim consumers. The certification ensures that the products comply with Islamic dietary laws and ethical standards, making them permissible for consumption or use by the Muslim community. With Bangalore being a hub for diverse industries, obtaining HALAL certification can help businesses enhance their credibility and access a growing global market. This certification not only helps in building trust but also opens doors to export opportunities in Muslim-majority countries.
Key Benefits of HALAL Certification for Bangalore-Based Businesses
Access to Global Markets: HALAL Implementation in Bangalore enables businesses to enter Muslim-majority countries, boosting export opportunities.
Increased Consumer Trust: Certified products are trusted more by Muslim consumers, helping build a loyal customer base.
Competitive Advantage: It differentiates your business from competitors who do not have the certification, adding a mark of quality.
Compliance with Global Standards: HALAL certification ensures that your production methods meet international HALAL standards, improving overall product quality.
Expanded Consumer Base: Businesses can attract not only Muslim customers but also non-Muslim consumers looking for ethical and high-quality products.
Enhanced Brand Reputation: HALAL certification adds to your brand’s credibility, fostering customer loyalty and trust.
How Much Does HALAL Certification Cost in Bangalore?
The HALAL Cost in Bangalore varies depending on several factors such as the type of product, the size of the business, and the complexity of the supply chain. Typically, the cost includes application fees, audit fees, and annual renewal charges. For small businesses, larger enterprises may incur higher costs, particularly if multiple production sites are involved. Additionally, the cost of ensuring compliance with HALAL standards, including staff training and process adjustments, should be factored into the overall budget. However, the long-term benefits, such as expanded market reach and customer trust, outweigh the initial investment.
Navigating the HALAL Certification Audit Process in Bangalore
Application Submission: The first step is to apply for HALAL certification by submitting the necessary documentation regarding your products and production processes.
Pre-Audit Evaluation: A preliminary audit is conducted to evaluate the company’s compliance with HALAL standards, including sourcing of ingredients.
On-Site Inspection: An authorized body conducts an on-site audit of the production facility to verify that all processes meet HALAL requirements.
Supply Chain Verification: The entire supply chain is reviewed to ensure that all materials, ingredients, and processes comply with Islamic law.
Corrective Actions: If non-conformities are found, the business is required to make necessary adjustments and corrections to meet the standards.
Certification and Renewal: Upon successful completion of the audit, the HALAL certificate is granted. Annual audits are conducted for renewal and continued compliance.
How to get HALAL Consultants in Bangalore ?
Please visit our company's official website at www.b2bcert.com or send an email with your requirements to contact@b2bcert.com if you would like more information on How to Find HALAL Consultants in Bangalore or if you need assistance with HALAL Certification training or consulting services in the Bangalore area. Value added is our top priority at B2B cert in order to fully understand requirements and select the most precise and economical process for your company to receive HALAL Certification.
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Hairburst, la marque végane qui prend soin de vos cheveux
Un shampoing, un après shampoing, un élixir et des vitamines. Ces produits végans et certifiés halal sont fait pour stimuler la croissance de vos cheveux. Hairburst les rend plus longs, renforcés et plus doux. Cheveux trop courts ou trop lents à pousser ? Si vous souhaitez avoir des cheveux plus longs, il faut savoir qu'il faut toujours changer ses routines capillaires. En effet, au bout d'un certain temps, les produits ont atteint leur maximum pour rendre vos cheveux en bonne santé. Donc il n'y a plus rien à faire. C'est pour cela que je vous propose une marque parmi tant d'autres, qui changera votre quotidien grâce à Hairbust. Ne vous en faites pas mesdames, tous ces produits conviennent à tous les types de cheveux. En plus, le shampoing et l'après shampoing Hairburst sentent l'avocat et la noix de coco. Des odeurs agréablement exotiques. Vous aurez des cheveux plus sains, plus épais, donc moins de fourches et renforcés tout en ayant une réduction de sébum. Saviez-vous qu'avoir un excès de sébum capillaire contribuerait à la perte de vos cheveux ? Ils ne contiennent ni de SLS (Sodium Laureth Sulfate) qui favorise la formation des pellicules et peuvent provoquer à la longue des pertes de cheveux. Ni de paraben, un conservateur qui évite le développement des champignons dans vos bouteilles de shampoings. Cependant, il engendre des dérèglements hormonaux voire certains cancers. Donc regardez bien les composants de vos produits ! A lire : Prévenir la chute de cheveux grâce à une hygiène de vie saine ? Votre routine capillaire peut s'accompagner de l'élixir Hairbust. C'est un spray multifonctionnel qui rend vos cheveux plus volumineux et brillants. Il les protège aussi de la chaleur et des UV et évite les casses. Par ailleurs, il aide à ralentir la perte des cheveux et accélère leurs pousses. Hairburst et ses vitamines Ajouté à ceux-là, vous pouvez également prendre des vitamines Hairburst pour booster la croissance de vos cheveux. Ainsi, Hairburst vous propose toute une gamme de gommes ou de comprimés. Mais laquelle choisir ? Vitamines Originales, à mâcher, à mâcher véganes, Nouvelle Maman, +35 et pour hommes sont à votre disposition. Deux options s'offrent à vous : - Vous choisissez de prendre les capsules. Donc les vitamines Originales, Nouvelle Maman, +35 ou pour hommes. Elles contribuent toute à la bonne santé de vos cheveux et contiennent plus de vitamines et de minéraux que la deuxième option. Les vitamines originales et +35 contiennent 26 ingrédients, dont des vitamines B, C et D, du collagène et des acides aminés essentiels. Il faut savoir que le collagène se trouve naturellement dans la peau, les cheveux et les ongles. Mais il s’épuise à mesure que nous vieillissons. Deux comprimés par jour. Les vitamines Nouvelle Maman sont destinées aux femmes enceintes ou qui allaitent. De plus, elles contiennent des vitamines B2, B6 et B12 qui contribuent à réduire la fatigue. Un comprimé par jour. - Vous choisissez de prendre les gommes. Donc les vitamines à mâcher ou véganes. Celles-ci sont plus faciles à avaler que les comprimés car elles se mangent comme des bonbons. Deux moyens savoureux pour obtenir des cheveux plus longs et plus sains. Les vitamines à mâcher sont à la fraise et au cassis. Deux gommes à prendre par jour. Les vitamines à mâcher véganes sont à la framboise. Deux licornes à prendre par jour. A lire : Coiffures faciles et rapides pour briller en public Avis des utilisatrices Hairbust J'utilise Hairburst depuis six mois (certes, j’ai peut-être oublié quelques jours par-ci par-là) mais la croissance a été incroyable. Mes cheveux ont toujours été lents à pousser et très fins. Mais maintenant, c’est beaucoup plus rapide, ils sont devenus vraiment plus épais et plus sains. Fit_girl_rolo utilisatrice des produits Hairburst Je suis vraiment impressionnée par cet incroyable résultat que j'ai obtenu en seulement un an ! Mes cheveux sont tellement plus forts et incroyablement brillants grâce à ma nouvelle routine capillaire Hairburst. Mashalyne utilisatrice des produits Hairburst Je ne prenais pas soins de mes cheveux et j'avais remarqué qu'ils se cassaient quand je les coiffais. Grâce à Hairburst, ils sont devenus plus souples, plus renforcés et il y a moins de fourches. Après trois mois d'utilisation, ils sont maintenant en très bonne santé. Amélie utilisatrice des produits Hairburst N'oubliez pas que la croissance de vos cheveux varie d'une personne à l'autre. Donc ces produits sont bien évidemment à utiliser sur 90 jours comme le recommande Hairburst pour avoir les effets escomptés. Read the full article
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"Halal Assurance: Certified Quality Standards"
What is the Halal certification?
HALAL Certification in Kenya process of verifying that goods, services, and institutions adhere to relevant Islamic values and Islamic dietary rules is known as halal certification. "Halal" in Islam denotes what is allowed or legal, whereas "haram" denotes what is prohibited or against the law. Certification as Halal guarantees that processes and products follow these rules.
What are the benefits of Halal certification?
Obtaining Halal certification has several advantages for both companies and customers.HALAL Implementation in Zambia It's a means for companies to get into an expanding market. Food, beverages, beauty products, medicines, modest clothes, and other products are among the main markets.
A Larger Target Market:The halal sector has tremendous growth potential and is expanding quickly. It is growing both the amount of customers it serves as well as the scope and diversity of goods and services that are offered.
Improved Reputation and Brand Image:Customers are becoming more interested in purchasing from established businesses in the current global marketplace. A company can improve its reputation and gain more customers' trust by obtaining Halal registration, which demonstrates its dedication to quality and safety.
A brand's reputation can be enhanced with halal certification. Customers know that the brand manufactures high-quality goods by it. Higher sales and profitability can result from this.
Improved Safety Standards:Muslims trust the globally accepted certification known as halal approval. The certification procedure for Halal assures that raw materials used in the manufacturing and processing of finished goods are compliant with Halal standards. To receive a Halal certification, businesses must meet stringent safety and quality requirements.
How much does the Halal certification cost?
HALAL Cost in senegal business will ultimately pay for halal certification depends on a number of standards, including:
The type and scope of the business's actions
The quantity and range of your production facilities
The quantity or range of your goods and manufacturing lines
The complexity and extent of the industrial processes
The place of operation and regularity of the audit
The certification's duration and validity
Halal certification Audit process and implementation ?
HALAL Audit in Iraq Auditors (typically one Sharia audit along with a Technological auditor) will come to the business for an examination when the application information has been validated. The following locations will be verified by the auditors as suitable for Halal certification:
Keeping records
Distribution of Wealth, handling, and processing of the product
Helping, displaying, and storing products
food safety, hygiene, and cleanliness
The general characteristics of the premises
Equipment, equipment, and machinery
Packaging and labels
The company may be required to submit criteria for the raw supplies (goods), a report on examination, or a Halal certificate for each individual component during the audit. An audit report will be written and signed by both parties after the audit is finished.
How to get Halal consultant services?
HALAL Certification Consultants in philippines Find certified consultants with experience in Halal compliance before utilizing their services to obtain B2B CERT through Halal consulting. Examine their qualifications and background, then get in touch to talk about your particular requirements. Ask them about their understanding of the industry and B2B CERT certification process during consultations. Once you've been chosen, work directly in a consultant to assure compliance as you negotiate terms and participate in the certification process. Work toward certification while participating in compliance audits and resolving any non-compliance issues. Continue to assist and communicate with the consultant in order to stay up to date on regulatory innovations and ensure continual compliance.
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Choosing and Applying BIFMA Security Measures in Bahrain
In Bahrain, compliance with the guidelines established by the Bahrain Industrial and Institutionalization Furniture Manufacturers Association is indicated by a BIFMA certification. With the help of this international certification, furniture—such as desks, office chairs, and storage units—is guaranteed to meet industry standards for sustainability, safety, and performance. Accredited testing laboratories are usually hired by manufacturers to evaluate their products in accordance with BIFMA certification in bahrain. In the event of success, the products get BIFMA certified, which raises their marketability and credibility. Organizations in Bahrain can obtain this certification to show that their furniture products meet international industry standards for quality and safety, even though BIFMA is not location-specific.
Benefits of BIFMA certification for Business running in Bahrain
International Recognition: By proving adherence to industry standards, Bahraini businesses can become more globally competitive by obtaining the BIFMA certification.
Market Access: Certification broadens the market for Bahraini furniture companies by making it easier for them to enter foreign markets where following established standards is frequently necessary.
Credibility and Trust: By guaranteeing that products fulfill strict industry standards for sustainability, durability, and safety, BIFMA certification in Jamaica fosters trust with consumers.
Competitive Advantage: In the market, certified products might have an advantage over rivals since they draw clients who value compliance and quality.
Risk Mitigation: By guaranteeing conformity to established industry norms, authorization helps mitigate risks related to recalls of products, liabilities, and legal issues.
Overview of BIFMA Audit in Bahrain
Determine Which Standards Apply:
Find out which BIFMA standards apply to the particular type of furniture that is being certified. Desks, storage units, office chairs, and sustainable practices are all covered by common standards.
Interact with a Testing Laboratory or Certification Body:
Select a testing facility or certification body that is authorized to carry out BIFMA certification in Hyderabad . You will receive guidance by means of the certification process from this organization.
Send in Samples for Examination:
Give the testing lab an accurate representation of your furniture products. The lab will carry out a number of tests in compliance with BIFMA guidelines to evaluate elements like structural integrity, longevity, and safety.
Examining and Assessing:
The furniture will be put through a battery of tests in the testing laboratory, including durability and structural evaluations, to see if it satisfies the required BIFMA standards.
How to get BIFMA consultant in Bahrain for my Business
If you would like more information about How to Find BIFMA Consultants in South Africa, or if you need assistance with HALAL training or consulting services in Bahrain, please visit our official website at www.b2bcert.com or send an email with your requirements to contact@b2bcert.com. At b2b cert, we prioritize value added in order to comprehend requirements and determine the most cost-effective and precise process for your business to obtain BIFMA certification in Bahrain.
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Eateries in Sarawak WITHOUT Halal Cert PROHIBITED to Use Ramadan or Iftar Terms
There have been several discussions about how some restaurants in Malaysia are not Halal. Now, it seems that in Sarawak, non-Halal restaurants are not allowed to use the terms Ramadan or Iftar. Eateries in Sarawak without Halal Cert prohibited to use Ramadan or iftar terms by this logic, all sellers at Bazaar Ramadan can’t sell if they don’t have halal certs. apa punya bodoh depa ni.— Hadi H.…
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SA 8000 Certification in Egypt
In Egypt, SA 8000 certification in Egypt ensures that products, services, and food follow Islamic dietary guidelines. The process to guarantee Sharia conformity includes strict examination. The General Authority for Supply Commodities oversees halal certification and evaluates sourcing, handling, and production procedures. A certification denotes adherence to Halal standards, which include the exclusion of alcohol, pork, and specific additives, and ensures hygiene and accordance with Islamic standards. This accreditation is essential for businesses that want to sell to Muslims since it encourages global trade that adheres to Islamic standards, market access, and confidence.
Process of SA 8000 Certification in Egypt
Application: Submit an application to the relevant certification body, typically the General Authority for Supply Commodities (GASC), together with details on the product or service you wish certified.
records Examine: The certifying body reviews documentation related to sourcing, production methods, ingredients, and handling protocols to confirm compliance with Sharia-compliant halal requirements.
Site Inspection: Inspectors visit the site to make sure that the buildings, equipment, and procedures adhere to Halal standards. They assess the hygiene, the whole production process, and the division of goods into Halal and non-Halal categories.
Examination and Interpretation: An extensive audit is carried out to evaluate compliance. This entails verifying that the sourcing procedures, ingredient lists, production procedures, and packaging all follow Halal requirements.
Approval and certification: A good or service may display the Halal label, signifying that it complies with Islamic dietary regulations, if the certifying organization issues the Halal certification upon successful compliance.
Continuous Conformance: Egypt's HALAL Certification in Egypt To guarantee ongoing compliance, several audits and checks are carried out, and the certification may occasionally need to be reissued.
Benefits of SA 8000 Certification in Egypt
Market Access: Getting certified opens up areas where the majority population is Muslim, both domestically and internationally, reaching a substantial consumer base interested in Halal products.
Customer Trust: The certification provides Muslim clients with peace of mind by ensuring that the commodity or service complies with Islamic dietary requirements.
International Trade: Facilitates trade by meeting the needs of halal consumers worldwide, increasing the opportunities for Egyptian businesses to sell their products.
Competitive Advantage: In markets where Halal products are in demand, Halal certification gives a competitive advantage by differentiating certified items from non-certified ones.
Ethical Reputation: Organizations that respect moral principles are renowned for their dedication to openness and compliance with Islamic law.
Enhanced Visibility: Products and services with the HACCP certification in Egypt.mark are easier to spot and identify by consumers searching for Halal options.
How to get SA 8000 Certification in Egypt
The best SA 8000 certification in Egypt is offered by B2B CERT, which offers service and implementation for SA 8000 certification in Cairo, Giza, Alexandria, and other important Egyptian cities.If you're in Egypt and searching for SA 8000 Certification, please get in touch with me at @B2BCERT.
#SA 8000 Implementation in Egypt#SA 8000 Registration in Egypt#SA 8000 Certification Services in Egypt
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SKS #salam #kasihsayang #halal #jawi #cert #maharaja #malaya (at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4zPPIkApFh/?igshid=q3i51uvgekbo
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ISO Certification in Ranchi | ISO 9001,22000,27001,45001,37001,21001
SIS Cert provides ISO Certification in Ranchi. we are the best ISO Certification body in Ranchi. We offer ISO 9001, 14001, 22000, 27001, 37001,45001& others.
SIS Certifications Pvt. Ltd is given ISO Certification in Ranchi. We are the best ISO Certification body in Ranchi Jharkhand. We give SA8000, ISO 9001 Certification ( QMS), ISO 14001 Certification(EMS), ISO 13485, ISO 21000 Certification, ISO 22000 Certification (FSMS), and ISO 27001 Certification (ISMS). ISO 29001 Certification, ISO 45001 Certification (14:33 08-11-2022OH&SMS), ISO 50001 Certification m Kosher, HALAL, and Many other Standards.
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Hopdoddy Menu Prices

Hopdoddy Menu Prices are very curious. For this reason, we have prepared the updated Hopdoddy Menu Price list for you. By following our site, you can reach up-to-date menu prices such as Hopdoddy Menu Prices. The menu prices of the Hopdoddy brand, which has many branches, are frequently searched. You can follow our website menuandprice.net for menu prices research. We offer you the most up-to-date Hopdoddy menu prices. You can find the menu prices of the brand you want to research on our website. You can also access the menu of the restaurant, cafe or fastfood store you want from the search field above. Here are the new Hopdoddy Menu prices.

hopdoddy prices
Hopdoddy Menu Prices
Hopdoddy (also known as Hopdoddy Burger Bar) is a fast casual chain specializing in burger and beer combinations. Their burgers are advertised as being made from the freshest ingredients, which compliment the beer offerings they have. Hopdoddy prices are higher than those of an average fast food burger joint. Part of that is simply because of the quality of ingredients used to create the food. Although they are mainly known for their burgers, they also offer various other items such as salads, sides, and milkshakes. If you’re over 21 and want to have a drink with your meal, they also offer a lot of different beer, wine, and mixed drinks such as Margaritas. New Hopdoddy Menu Prices; Crafted Burgers The Classic Burger$6.37The Classic Burger with Cheese$7.05The Classic Burger with Bacon & Cheese$7.74Goodnight / Good Cause$7.51Terlingua$7.74Magic Shroom$7.96Llano Poblano$7.74El Diablo$7.51Primetime$10.92Buffalo Bill$9.10Thunderbird$9.10Continental Club$7.74Ahi Tuna Burger$11.38La Bandita$7.28Hopdoddy Menu Prices Salads Hail Caesar$6.60Spinach & Arugula$8.42Baby Kale$8.42Add Beef$3.87Add Akaushi Beef$4.78Add Bison$4.78Add Tuna$4.78Add Turkey$3.87Add Chicken$3.41Add Black Bean Patty$3.41Hopdoddy Menu Prices Sides Kennebec FriesRegular$2.50Kennebec FriesLarge$5.00Parmesan Truffle Fries with Truffle Aioli$6.32Green Chile Queso with Fries$6.14Chili Con Queso with Fries$6.14Hopdoddy Menu Prices Drinks Maine Root Sodas or Iced Tea$2.50Fresh-Squeezed Ginger Lemonade$2.96Kombucha$4.09Bottled Sodas, Water, or Topo Chico$2.73Shiner, Dos XX, Original Sin Cider$3.64Lonestar$2.73Hopdoddy Menu Prices Craft Beverages Natural Vanilla Bean Milkshake$5.00All Other Milkshakes$5.46Hopdoddy Menu Prices

hopdoddy burger menu Signature Sips Classic Frozen Margarita$6.37Little Larry$3.64Bubbly Blonde$6.83The Skinny Dip$9.55Soco Sweet Tea$6.83Sangrita$6.83Black Cherry Hard Limeade$6.83Doble Fina Margarita$7.28Lil’ Prick$7.28Mighty Mule$8.19Hey, Neighbor!$7.28Hopdoddy Menu Prices Craft Draft (512) IPA$6.37(512) Pecan Porter$5.46St. Arnold Lawnmower$4.55Austin Beer Works Pearl Snap$4.55Real Ale Fireman’s #4$4.55Revolver Blood & Honey$7.28Thirsty Planet Bucket Head IPA$6.37Thirsty Planet Thirsty Goat Amber$5.46Live Oak Hefeweizen$4.55Hopdoddy Menu Prices Wine Parducci White Sustainable$4.55King Estate Pinot Gris$6.37Matanzas Creek Sauvignon Blanc$6.37Alexander Valley Chardonnay$5.46Parducci Red Sustainable$4.55Carmel Road Pinor Noir$6.37Rutherford Hill Merlot$7.28Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon$7.28Terrazas Malbec$6.37Hopdoddy Menu Prices In 2010, four friends had a goal: to set a new standard for burger bars. Hopdoddy pushed the boundaries of what’s expected by bringing together craft beer and unique burger concoctions – all with high-quality ingredients and even higher standards. Granite City Menu Prices https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXNFxDLpZkk Halal Bros Menu Prices We pride ourselves on doing things the right way, not just the easy way. When we say everything is made fresh, we mean it. We put our heart into finding the highest-quality consciously grown ingredients. You can't find the Hopdoddy experience (or Doddy Mayo) anywhere else. Honeybaked Ham Menu Prices What kind of beef does Hopdoddy use?Hopdoddy Burger Bar launched an exclusive partnership with the heart-healthy Certified Piedmontese, officially sourcing all ground beef from the purveyor. Certified Piedmontese's beef is 100-percent source verified and comes from cattle that are humanely raised on family ranches across Midwestern United States.Do Hopdoddy chicken tenders come with fries?Hand-breaded chicken tenders served with ranch. Includes hand-cut fries & your choice of kid's drink.Why is it called Hopdoddy?The name Hopdoddy is a combination of hops, a key ingredient in beer making, and “doddy,” a Scottish nickname for cows. This combination of beer and beef has garnered a lot of attention in six years, being named one of the “Best Burgers in America” by both Food & Wine and Every Day with Rachael Ray. Read the full article
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Asia Food & Beverage Co., Ltd is a beverage manufacturer and exporter founded in 2016. With the mission of providing good products to consumers around the world and meeting the success of clients, especially contributing values for society and the environment. We are gradually doing that by a young, enthusiastic, dynamic, and experienced team.
Within 5 years, we have been one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of international standard beverages in Asia. We have expanded our beverage lines to over 40 countries such as Korea, Qatar, Dubai, Jordan, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Italy, UK, US, Ghana markets…
Currently, our factory is located in loving Vietnam and is certified by HALAL, HACCP, ISO, Food Hygien Cert, GMP, we are meeting 200 containers per month.And by producing high-quality products, we bring good value to clients’ brands in their market !
We provide OEM/Private label service to partners and manufacturing the following product lines below: Natural Coconut water
Fruit juice drinks
Aloe Vera drinks
Nuts milk drink Sporty Energy Drink Herbal Tea drink
Kombucha drinks
Hard setlzer drink Sparkling drinks (fruit juice flavor) Basil seed and Chia seed drinks.
Hope all of us will work together in building good products for consumers and create more value in society.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Asia Food and Beverage company any time.
Thank you !
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Hairburst, la marque végane qui prend soin de vos cheveux
Un shampoing, un après shampoing, un élixir et des vitamines. Ces produits végans et certifiés halal sont fait pour stimuler la croissance de vos cheveux. Hairburst les rend plus longs, renforcés et plus doux. Cheveux trop courts ou trop lents à pousser ? Si vous souhaitez avoir des cheveux plus longs, il faut savoir qu'il faut toujours changer ses routines capillaires. En effet, au bout d'un certain temps, les produits ont atteint leur maximum pour rendre vos cheveux en bonne santé. Donc il n'y a plus rien à faire. C'est pour cela que je vous propose une marque parmi tant d'autres, qui changera votre quotidien grâce à Hairbust. Ne vous en faites pas mesdames, tous ces produits conviennent à tous les types de cheveux. En plus, le shampoing et l'après shampoing Hairburst sentent l'avocat et la noix de coco. Des odeurs agréablement exotiques. Vous aurez des cheveux plus sains, plus épais, donc moins de fourches et renforcés tout en ayant une réduction de sébum. Saviez-vous qu'avoir un excès de sébum capillaire contribuerait à la perte de vos cheveux ? Ils ne contiennent ni de SLS (Sodium Laureth Sulfate) qui favorise la formation des pellicules et peuvent provoquer à la longue des pertes de cheveux. Ni de paraben, un conservateur qui évite le développement des champignons dans vos bouteilles de shampoings. Cependant, il engendre des dérèglements hormonaux voire certains cancers. Donc regardez bien les composants de vos produits ! A lire : Prévenir la chute de cheveux grâce à une hygiène de vie saine ? Votre routine capillaire peut s'accompagner de l'élixir Hairbust. C'est un spray multifonctionnel qui rend vos cheveux plus volumineux et brillants. Il les protège aussi de la chaleur et des UV et évite les casses. Par ailleurs, il aide à ralentir la perte des cheveux et accélère leurs pousses. Hairburst et ses vitamines Ajouté à ceux-là, vous pouvez également prendre des vitamines Hairburst pour booster la croissance de vos cheveux. Ainsi, Hairburst vous propose toute une gamme de gommes ou de comprimés. Mais laquelle choisir ? Vitamines Originales, à mâcher, à mâcher véganes, Nouvelle Maman, +35 et pour hommes sont à votre disposition. Deux options s'offrent à vous : - Vous choisissez de prendre les capsules. Donc les vitamines Originales, Nouvelle Maman, +35 ou pour hommes. Elles contribuent toute à la bonne santé de vos cheveux et contiennent plus de vitamines et de minéraux que la deuxième option. Les vitamines originales et +35 contiennent 26 ingrédients, dont des vitamines B, C et D, du collagène et des acides aminés essentiels. Il faut savoir que le collagène se trouve naturellement dans la peau, les cheveux et les ongles. Mais il s’épuise à mesure que nous vieillissons. Deux comprimés par jour. Les vitamines Nouvelle Maman sont destinées aux femmes enceintes ou qui allaitent. De plus, elles contiennent des vitamines B2, B6 et B12 qui contribuent à réduire la fatigue. Un comprimé par jour. - Vous choisissez de prendre les gommes. Donc les vitamines à mâcher ou véganes. Celles-ci sont plus faciles à avaler que les comprimés car elles se mangent comme des bonbons. Deux moyens savoureux pour obtenir des cheveux plus longs et plus sains. Les vitamines à mâcher sont à la fraise et au cassis. Deux gommes à prendre par jour. Les vitamines à mâcher véganes sont à la framboise. Deux licornes à prendre par jour. A lire : Coiffures faciles et rapides pour briller en public Avis des utilisatrices Hairbust J'utilise Hairburst depuis six mois (certes, j’ai peut-être oublié quelques jours par-ci par-là) mais la croissance a été incroyable. Mes cheveux ont toujours été lents à pousser et très fins. Mais maintenant, c’est beaucoup plus rapide, ils sont devenus vraiment plus épais et plus sains. Fit_girl_rolo utilisatrice des produits Hairburst Je suis vraiment impressionnée par cet incroyable résultat que j'ai obtenu en seulement un an ! Mes cheveux sont tellement plus forts et incroyablement brillants grâce à ma nouvelle routine capillaire Hairburst. Mashalyne utilisatrice des produits Hairburst Je ne prenais pas soins de mes cheveux et j'avais remarqué qu'ils se cassaient quand je les coiffais. Grâce à Hairburst, ils sont devenus plus souples, plus renforcés et il y a moins de fourches. Après trois mois d'utilisation, ils sont maintenant en très bonne santé. Amélie utilisatrice des produits Hairburst N'oubliez pas que la croissance de vos cheveux varie d'une personne à l'autre. Donc ces produits sont bien évidemment à utiliser sur 90 jours comme le recommande Hairburst pour avoir les effets escomptés. Read the full article
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Non-Muslim companies hold 76% of halal certification in Penang
In Penang, non-Muslim companies make up 76% of Malaysian Halal Certification (SPHM) holders from January to June, with 462 non-Muslim and 139 Muslim companies certified. Penang Islamic Religious Council president, Datuk Mohamad Abdul Hamid, emphasized that the certification is trusted across religious and ethnic lines. The Halal certification process in Penang has been expedited, reducing wait…
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HACCP Certification in Egypt
HACCP Certification in Egypt guarantees that food, goods, and services adhere to Islamic dietary regulations. Strict inspection is required as part of the procedure to ensure Sharia compliance. Halal certification is managed by the General Authority for Supply Commodities, which also assesses sourcing, handling, and production practices. A certification guarantees cleanliness and conformity to Islamic norms by signifying compliance with Halal criteria, which include the absence of alcohol, pork, and certain additives. For companies looking to sell to Muslims, this accreditation is crucial since it promotes worldwide trade in line with Islamic principles, market access, and confidence.
Process of HACCP Certification in Egypt
Application: Send an application with information about the good or service you want certified to the appropriate certification authority, usually the General Authority for Supply Commodities (GASC).
documents Review: To verify adherence to Sharia-compliant halal standards, the certifying authority examines documents pertaining to sourcing, production techniques, ingredients, and handling procedures.
Site Inspection: To ensure that structures, tools, and practices meet Halal requirements, inspectors visit the location. They evaluate the entire production process, hygiene, and the separation of Halal and non-Halal goods.
Audit and Analysis: A comprehensive audit is conducted in order to assess compliance. This means confirming that the production processes, ingredient lists, sourcing policies, and packaging all adhere to Halal standards.
Approval and certification: When the certifying body grants the Halal certification after successful compliance, the good or service may bear the Halal label, indicating that it conforms with Islamic dietary laws.
Ongoing Compliance: HALAL Certification in Egypt Numerous audits and checks are conducted to ensure continuous compliance, and the certification may occasionally need to be renewed.
Benefits of HACCP Certification in Egypt
Market Access: Obtaining certification allows access to markets with a majority of Muslims both locally and abroad, reaching a sizable customer base that is interested in Halal goods.
Customer Trust: By guaranteeing that the good or service conforms with Islamic dietary regulations, the certification gives Muslim customers peace of mind.
International Trade: Promotes trade by satisfying the demands of consumers who are halal all over the world, giving Egyptian companies more chances to export their goods.
Competitive Advantage: By setting certified products apart from non-certified ones, Halal certification offers a competitive advantage in markets where Halal products are in demand.
Ethical Reputation: Companies that uphold ethical standards are known for their commitment to transparency and adherence to Islamic law.
Increased Visibility: Among customers looking for Halal options, the Halal certification symbol on goods and services makes them more noticeable and recognizable.
How to get HACCP Certification in Egypt
B2B CERT is the top HACCP Certification in Egypt for providing HACCP Certification in Cairo,Giza,Alexandria and other major cities in Egypt with service and implementation.
Are you looking for HACCP Certification in Egypt feel free and contact me at @B2B CERT.
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