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‘Is blogging still relevant in the age of TikToks and Instagram?’
By: naomicindy

Blogging used to be the thing back in the day. Remember those early 2000s vibes? A person with a quirky blog could be the coolest internet celeb. But now, with TikTok and Instagram dominating our screens, you might wonder—does blogging even matter anymore? Or is it just this outdated, long-winded thing nobody has time for? Honestly, it’s not as simple as “blogging is dead.” The truth is, blogging has evolved—and it’s still holding its ground in ways that TikTok and Instagram can’t always match.
Okay, sure, TikTok and Instagram are unbeatable when it comes to grabbing attention fast. I mean, who isn’t glued to their screen scrolling through Reels or laughing at some random TikTok trend? They’re quick, colorful, and honestly kind of addictive. But here’s the thing—when you need actual depth, like more than 15 seconds of dancing or a cute outfit inspo clip, you’re not going to find that on TikTok or Instagram. Blogs, though? They give you space to dig deeper, tell real stories, and share insights without a time crunch (Clover, 2024). They’re like the cozy library of the internet—always there when you need them.

Take fashion, for example. Fashion blogging was huge before influencers started popping off on Instagram. It wasn’t just about posting cute outfits—it was a whole vibe of storytelling, trend predictions, and personal branding (Suwaidi, 2016). And instead of disappearing, blogging evolved into something more business-y, with bloggers turning their sites into full-blown careers. I read about this study by Pedroni (2023) that said fashion blogging adapted to the rise of Instagram and TikTok, proving it’s not stuck in the past but rolling with the times.
What’s cool about blogs is how flexible they are. They can be your go-to for in-depth guides, tutorials, or opinion pieces. Like, think about it—have you ever seen a 15-second TikTok really explain how to build something or go into the details of why a trend works? TikToks and Reels might give you a quick “wow” moment, but if you’re genuinely interested, you’ll probably end up Googling for more info—and guess where you’ll land? A blog. Blogs and short-form content can totally complement each other this way. Imagine watching a TikTok on how to upcycle old clothes and then clicking a link to read the full DIY steps on a blog. Perfect match.
Also, blogs offer something social media can’t always guarantee: control. On TikTok or Instagram, you’re at the mercy of algorithms. One day your content is popping, and the next, it’s ghosted—like, what happened, girl? Blogs don’t have that problem. They’re your space to shine, with no algorithm randomly deciding if your post deserves to be seen. Plus, owning your blog feels like building your personal empire—it’s yours. It’s not just some rented corner on social media.

That said, I get why some people think blogs aren’t “cool” anymore. Like, who has time to sit and read long posts when you can get bite-sized entertainment in seconds? Attention spans are getting shorter, and younger audiences are all about that quick, fun content. But here’s the twist: blogs are adapting too. They’re not just walls of text anymore. Think embedded videos, clickable infographics, photo galleries, and even interactive polls. It’s not about competing with TikTok—it’s about finding ways to work alongside it.
This is where hybrid content strategies come in. Let’s say you’re a creator with a blog. You could use TikTok to post snappy, catchy videos to grab people’s attention and then guide them to your blog for the full story. It’s like giving your audience the best of both worlds. Studies like one by Haenlein et al. (2020) show that cross-platform strategies are actually super effective for keeping your content relevant across different types of audiences.
And let’s not forget how blogs build credibility. Anyone can pop off with a viral TikTok, but blogs let you prove you know your stuff. Want to be taken seriously in your niche? A blog is like your personal portfolio. It shows you’re dedicated enough to create something lasting, not just chasing the next trend. I’ve seen creators use blogs to land brand partnerships and build legit careers, which feels a lot more stable than relying solely on social media hype (Nguyen, 2023).

Of course, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Blogging isn’t easy, and it’s definitely not as fast-paced as TikTok or Instagram. It takes time to write posts, make them visually appealing, and keep your readers interested. And let’s be real—getting people to read blogs can feel like an uphill battle when everyone’s distracted by shorter content. But the key is knowing how to balance both. It’s not about “blogging vs. TikTok.” It’s about using each platform for what it’s best at and letting them support each other.
So yeah, TikTok and Instagram might be the stars of the moment, but blogging isn’t going anywhere. It’s still a unique, valuable tool for creators who want to go deeper, share their expertise, or simply have a digital space they truly own. And when blogs and social media team up? That’s when the magic happens. Blogging isn’t just surviving—it’s thriving, just in a way that makes sense for today’s digital world.
Bleier, A., Fossen, B. L., & Shapira, M. (2024, September). On the role of social media platforms in the creator economy. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 41(3), 411-426. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167811624000545
Clover, P. (2024, September 24). Do people still read blogs? what you must know in 2024. Polly Clover Writes. https://www.pollycloverwrites.com/blog/do-people-still-read-blogs
Haenlein, M., Anadol, E., Farnsworth, T., Hugo, H., Hunichen, J., & Welte, D. (2020, November). Navigating the new era of influencer marketing: How to be successful on Instagram, TikTok, & Co. California management review, 63(1), 5-25. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/346208319_Navigating_the_New_Era_of_Influencer_Marketing_How_to_be_Successful_on_Instagram_TikTok_Co
Nguyen, E. (2023, October 19). Are influencer partnerships the inevitable future of business?. BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20231013-are-influencer-partnerships-the-inevitable-future-of-business
Pedroni, M. (2022, January). Two decades of fashion blogging and influencing: A critical overview. Fashion Theory, 27(2), 237-268. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/357622594_Two_Decades_of_Fashion_Blogging_and_Influencing_A_Critical_Overview
Suwaidi, R. A. (2016, April 26). Sail Magazine. Sail Magazine - Community, Culture, Creativity. https://sailemagazine.com/2016/04/growth-and-ascent-of-fashion-bloggers/
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IST3310.01 - The Social Media EcoSystem
For the purposes of this blog, we were instructed to review Social Media Ecosystem and Its Influence on Small Business Strategic Practices by Shirumisha C. Kwayu (2020).
When developing a small business and determining business strategies, a place that many people turn to in order to increase operational efficiency is the social media ecosystem. We've been talking about social media as primarily social networking and interest-sharing, but there are actually several different types of platforms aside from these, as referenced by Kwayu in his article. Kaplan and Haenlein (2009) talk about virtual social worlds like Second Life, collaborative projects like Wikipedia, and content communities like YouTube, to name a few. Kwayu also utilizes several platforms that wouldn't be considered social media by most, but do fall under the general definitions of a social platform. For his business, Kwayu uses platforms such as ParcelsApp for tracking and logistics, and Wave and PayPal for financial operations.
Social media allows for small businesses to become interconnected with the grander web of global communications and media. Having an online social presence makes a business more approachable, even from simply having an account, because it shows that the company is aiming to connect themselves and stay up-to-date with developing technologies. Social media allows for consumers to quickly gain information about your business and its offerings, as well as providing easy methods of contact. There are countless business deals and transactions being made daily through various forms of social media that otherwise would not have been completed without existing on the platforms they did.
Social media allows for businesses to gain a foothold in their operations, providing a place for people to communicate and/or sell with a low threshold for entry. When businesses can launch from an elevated starting point, rather than building from the ground up, they're able to grow more quickly and focus on other areas in operations. With that, the loop can be closed and your social media ecosystem can begin to funnel into your business, which funnels into your ecosystem, and so on.
Two of the biggest hurdles for small businesses (also mentioned in Kwayu's article) are knowing how to establish an ecosystem and knowing what social media platforms to use, and how to use them. We had previously discussed in class on what types of businesses are best suited for different platforms, and I'll be honest, I wasn't aware of some of that information before we had looked over it. It's important to know not only what your target audience uses regularly, but also the types of content on each platform that is the most responsive for your business niche. The graphic below is a little outdated (2022), but it helps to showcase some of the ways that different industries are better suited for certain social networks than others.

Before hopping on Facebook and creating an account for your brand, make sure to do your research and find out where it is that you should create accounts at, and how to best market yourself on those platforms. It may not be feasible for your business, but it also may be good to hire a social media coordinator or enlist the services of an advisor to handle that side of your business. The establishment of social media ecosystems can help grow your business, but just as a natural ecosystem, it has to be well maintained and stable before it will reap any benefits.
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Pelatihan Digital Marketing: Panduan dan Perspektif dari Para Ahli
Digital marketing telah menjadi elemen kunci dalam strategi bisnis modern. Untuk meraih keunggulan kompetitif dan beradaptasi dengan perkembangan teknologi, pelatihan digital marketing menjadi sangat penting. Artikel ini akan mengeksplorasi berbagai aspek pelatihan digital marketing berdasarkan pandangan para ahli, serta memberikan panduan komprehensif tentang cara memanfaatkan pelatihan ini untuk mencapai hasil optimal.
I. Pentingnya Pelatihan Digital Marketing
Digital marketing mencakup berbagai teknik dan strategi yang digunakan untuk mempromosikan produk atau layanan melalui saluran digital. Menurut Philip Kotler dan Kevin Lane Keller dalam Marketing Management, digital marketing memungkinkan perusahaan untuk menjangkau audiens yang lebih luas dan lebih tersegmentasi dengan biaya yang lebih efisien dibandingkan dengan pemasaran tradisional. Pelatihan dalam bidang ini penting karena membantu individu dan organisasi memahami dan menerapkan teknik-teknik digital marketing yang efektif.
II. Komponen Utama Pelatihan Digital Marketing
Pelatihan digital marketing umumnya mencakup beberapa komponen utama, yang masing-masing memiliki peran penting dalam membangun keterampilan dan pengetahuan di bidang ini. Berikut adalah komponen utama pelatihan digital marketing, berdasarkan pandangan para ahli:
1. Strategi dan Perencanaan Digital Marketing
Menurut David Chaffey dalam Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation, and Practice, pemahaman mendalam tentang strategi dan perencanaan adalah fondasi dari pelatihan digital marketing. Ini mencakup pembuatan rencana marketing digital yang terintegrasi, penetapan tujuan yang jelas, dan penilaian audiens target. Pelatihan ini membantu peserta untuk merancang strategi yang selaras dengan tujuan bisnis dan kebutuhan audiens.
2. Optimasi Mesin Pencari (SEO)
SEO adalah teknik yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan visibilitas situs web dalam hasil pencarian organik di mesin pencari. Rand Fishkin dalam The Art of SEO menekankan bahwa SEO mencakup penelitian kata kunci, optimasi on-page, dan off-page. Pelatihan SEO mencakup cara melakukan penelitian kata kunci, optimasi struktur situs, dan membangun tautan (link building) untuk meningkatkan peringkat di mesin pencari.
3. Pemasaran Konten (Content Marketing)
Pemasaran konten adalah strategi yang berfokus pada pembuatan dan distribusi konten yang relevan dan berharga untuk menarik dan mempertahankan audiens. Joe Pulizzi dalam Epic Content Marketing menekankan pentingnya konten yang berkualitas untuk membangun otoritas dan kepercayaan. Pelatihan ini mengajarkan peserta cara membuat konten yang menarik, merencanakan kalender konten, dan mengukur efektivitas konten.
4. Pemasaran Media Sosial (Social Media Marketing)
Pemasaran media sosial melibatkan penggunaan platform seperti Facebook, LinkedIn, dan Instagram untuk berinteraksi dengan audiens dan mempromosikan produk atau layanan. Kaplan dan Haenlein dalam Social Media: The New Hybrid Element of the Promotion Mix menggarisbawahi pentingnya media sosial dalam membangun hubungan dengan audiens dan meningkatkan keterlibatan. Pelatihan media sosial mencakup strategi pembuatan konten, manajemen kampanye, dan analisis performa di berbagai platform.
5. Email Marketing
Email marketing adalah metode yang efektif untuk berkomunikasi langsung dengan audiens melalui email. Dave Chaffey dalam Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation, and Practice menjelaskan bahwa email marketing memungkinkan pengiriman pesan yang dipersonalisasi dan tersegmentasi. Pelatihan ini mencakup cara merancang kampanye email yang efektif, segmentasi daftar email, dan analisis hasil kampanye.
6. Analitik dan Pengukuran (Analytics and Measurement)
Analitik web dan pengukuran kinerja adalah aspek penting dalam digital marketing. Kaushik dalam Web Analytics 2.0 menjelaskan bahwa analitik memungkinkan untuk mengukur dan mengevaluasi efektivitas kampanye marketing. Pelatihan ini mencakup penggunaan alat analitik seperti Google Analytics untuk melacak trafik situs web, konversi, dan metrik kinerja lainnya.
III. Metode Pelatihan Digital Marketing
Pelatihan digital marketing dapat disampaikan melalui berbagai metode, masing-masing memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan tergantung pada kebutuhan peserta dan tujuan pelatihan. Berikut adalah beberapa metode pelatihan yang umum digunakan:
1. Pelatihan Online
Pelatihan online menawarkan fleksibilitas tinggi dan dapat diakses dari mana saja. Kursus online sering kali mencakup modul yang dapat diakses secara mandiri, video pembelajaran, dan kuis interaktif. Platform seperti Coursera, Udemy, dan LinkedIn Learning menyediakan berbagai kursus dalam digital marketing. Kelebihan dari pelatihan online adalah kemampuan untuk belajar dengan kecepatan sendiri dan akses ke materi pembelajaran dari berbagai sumber.
2. Pelatihan Kelas Tatap Muka
Pelatihan tatap muka biasanya diselenggarakan dalam format workshop atau seminar di lokasi fisik. Menurut para ahli, pelatihan tatap muka memungkinkan interaksi langsung antara peserta dan instruktur, serta kesempatan untuk berkolaborasi dan bertukar ide. Kelebihannya termasuk kesempatan untuk mendapatkan umpan balik langsung dan jaringan dengan profesional lain di bidang yang sama.
3. Pelatihan Hybrid
Pelatihan hybrid menggabungkan elemen pelatihan online dan tatap muka. Metode ini menawarkan fleksibilitas pelatihan online dengan keuntungan tambahan dari sesi tatap muka untuk diskusi mendalam dan praktik langsung. Metode ini sering digunakan oleh institusi pendidikan dan perusahaan yang ingin memberikan pelatihan yang komprehensif dan terintegrasi.
4. Sertifikasi dan Program Akademis
Sertifikasi profesional dan program akademis adalah opsi bagi mereka yang ingin mendapatkan kualifikasi resmi dalam digital marketing. Program sertifikasi dari institusi seperti Google, HubSpot, dan Facebook menawarkan kredensial yang diakui di industri. Selain itu, beberapa universitas menawarkan gelar dan diploma dalam digital marketing, memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam dan terstruktur tentang bidang ini.
IV. Manfaat Pelatihan Digital Marketing
Pelatihan digital marketing menawarkan berbagai manfaat baik untuk individu maupun organisasi:
1. Peningkatan Keterampilan dan Pengetahuan
Pelatihan digital marketing membantu peserta untuk mengembangkan keterampilan teknis dan strategis yang diperlukan untuk merancang dan mengelola kampanye digital yang efektif. Ini termasuk keterampilan dalam SEO, pemasaran konten, media sosial, dan analitik.
2. Peningkatan Daya Saing
Dengan mengikuti pelatihan digital marketing, individu dapat meningkatkan daya saing mereka di pasar kerja. Kualifikasi dan keterampilan yang diperoleh dapat membantu dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan di bidang digital marketing atau memajukan karir mereka di perusahaan yang ada.
3. Optimalisasi Strategi Marketing
Organisasi yang mengikuti pelatihan digital marketing dapat mengoptimalkan strategi marketing mereka, meningkatkan efisiensi kampanye, dan memaksimalkan ROI. Dengan memahami teknik dan alat digital marketing, organisasi dapat membuat keputusan yang lebih informasi dan strategi yang lebih terarah.
4. Adaptasi Terhadap Perubahan Teknologi
Digital marketing adalah bidang yang berkembang pesat dengan teknologi yang terus berubah. Pelatihan memastikan bahwa peserta tetap terinformasi tentang tren terbaru dan teknologi terbaru, memungkinkan mereka untuk beradaptasi dengan perubahan dan menerapkan praktik terbaik.
V. Kesimpulan Pelatihan digital marketing merupakan investasi penting bagi individu dan organisasi yang ingin memanfaatkan potensi pemasaran digital secara maksimal. Dengan memahami komponen utama pelatihan seperti strategi, SEO, pemasaran konten, media sosial, email marketing, dan analitik web, peserta dapat mengembangkan keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk merancang dan mengelola kampanye digital yang sukses. Metode pelatihan yang beragam, termasuk online, tatap muka, dan hybrid, menawarkan fleksibilitas dan aksesibilitas yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan peserta. Melalui pelatihan yang efektif, individu dapat meningkatkan keterampilan mereka, sementara organisasi dapat mengoptimalkan strategi marketing mereka untuk mencapai hasil yang lebih baik di pasar digital yang kompetitif.
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FritzBox Beiträge zum Thema DNS Server
AVM - FritzBox (https://avm.de/service/fritzbox/fritzbox-7590/wissensdatenbank/publication/show/193_DNS-Server-in-der-FRITZ-Box-einrichten/) Auf der offiziellen AVM Webseite wird erklärt, wie man den DNS Server in der FritzBox einrichtet.
Chip - FritzBox (https://praxistipps.chip.de/fritzbox-dns-server-aendern-so-gehts_33105) Ein Beitrag von Chip zeigt Schritt für Schritt, wie man den DNS Server in der FritzBox ändern kann.
Computer Bild - FritzBox (https://www.computerbild.de/artikel/cb-Tipps-Internet-FRITZ-BOX-DNS-Server-aendern-so-geht-einfach-23701311.html) Computer Bild erklärt einfach und verständlich, wie man den DNS Server in der FritzBox ändert.
Netzwerk Total - FritzBox (https://netzwerktotal.de/fritzb.webspace/fritz.box/dns.htm) Auf Netzwerk Total wird ausführlich erklärt, wie man den DNS Server in der FritzBox konfiguriert.
Giga - FritzBox (https://www.giga.de/tipp/fritz-box-dns-server-aendern-so-gehts/) Giga zeigt eine einfache Anleitung, wie man den DNS Server in der FritzBox ändern kann.
FritzBox Blog (https://www.fritzblog.eu/fritzbox-dns-server-aendern/) Der FritzBox Blog erklärt, wie man den DNS Server in der FritzBox ändern kann.
Tipps & Tricks - FritzBox (https://www.tipps-tricks-kniffe.de/fritzbox-einen-anderen-dns-server-einrichten/) Hier findet man eine Anleitung zum Ändern des DNS Servers in der FritzBox.
Frankys Web - FritzBox (https://www.fragenzubezahlung.de/computer/hardware/router/dns-server-fritzbox-manuell-einstellen-anleitung-wie-geht-das/) Frankys Web zeigt, wie man den DNS Server manuell in der FritzBox einstellt.
IT-Blog24 - FritzBox (https://www.it-blog24.de/dns-server-fritzbox-aendern/) Hier wird erklärt, wie man den DNS Server in der FritzBox ändert.
RobbyQs - FritzBox (https://www.robbyqs.it/dieselbe/block-und-dns-sperren-entsperren/) RobbyQs zeigt, wie man Block- und DNS-Sperren in der FritzBox aufheben kann.
Mein-MMO - FritzBox (https://mein-mmo.de/dns-server-fritzbox-aendern/) Mein-MMO erklärt, wie man den DNS Server in der FritzBox ändern kann.
PC Magazin - FritzBox (https://www.pc-magazin.de/ratgeber/fritzbos-dns-server-einstellen-3199749.html) Hier findet man eine Anleitung zum Einstellen des DNS Servers in der FritzBox.
PCgo - FritzBox (https://www.pcgo.de/ratgeber/festgelegt-dns-server-in-der-fritzbox-wechseln/) PCgo erklärt, wie man den festgelegten DNS Server in der FritzBox ändern kann.
Netzwelt - FritzBox (https://www.netzwelt.de/anleitung/167415-fritzbox-dns-server-aendern.html) Netzwelt zeigt, wie man den DNS Server in der FritzBox ändert.
Der Tutonaut - FritzBox (https://tutonaut.de/so-gehts-dns-server-in-der-fritzbox-aendern-ipvergleich/) Der Tutonaut erklärt, wie man den DNS Server in der FritzBox ändern kann.
Schieb - FritzBox (https://schieb.de/330640/fritzbox-7270-z-dns-server-adresse-aendern) Hier wird gezeigt, wie man die DNS-Server-Adresse in der FritzBox 7270 ändern kann.
Blogseite - FritzBox (https://www.blogseite.com/fritzbox-dns-server-aendern-so-gehts/) Blogseite gibt eine Anleitung zum Ändern des DNS Servers in der FritzBox.
Techfacts - FritzBox (https://www.techfacts.de/ratgeber/sicherheit/fritzbox-dns-server-aendern-so-gehts/) Hier wird erklärt, wie man den DNS Server in der FritzBox ändern kann.
Trick Works - FritzBox (https://trick-bei-works.de/fritz-routers-dns-server-aendern/) Trick Works zeigt, wie man den DNS Server in der FritzBox ändert.
Winfuture - FritzBox (https://winfuture.de/videos/Hardware/Fritzbox-DNS-Server-aendern-19926.html) Winfuture hat ein Video, das erklärt, wie man den DNS Server in der FritzBox ändern kann.
Computerblues - FritzBox (https://www.computerblues.de/dns-server-fritzbox-aendern/) Computerblues zeigt Schritt für Schritt, wie man den DNS Server in der FritzBox ändern kann.
Web Insider - FritzBox (https://www.web-insider.de/fritzbox-dns-server-aendern-14-9) Web Insider gibt eine Anleitung zum Ändern des DNS Servers in der FritzBox.
Haenlein-Software - FritzBox (https://www.haenlein-software.com/programme/netze-technik/eigener-dns-server/) Hier wird erklärt, wie man einen eigenen DNS Server in der FritzBox einrichten kann.
Giga - FritzBox (https://www.schieb.de/330640/fritzbox-7270-z-dns-server-adresse-aendern) Ein Beitrag von Giga zeigt, wie man die DNS Server Adresse in der FritzBox 7270 ändern kann.
DSLWEB - FritzBox (https://www.dslweb.de/fritz-box-dns-server-aendern.php) DSLWEB erklärt, wie man den DNS Server in der FritzBox ändern kann.
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Week 5
Title: Platformization with the application Web 1.0 and Web 2.0
The evolution of the Internet is often described in terms of the transition from Web 1.0, or the "Static Web," to Web 2.0, the "Interactive Web." This change is not only a technical revolution but also completely changes the way people use online web platforms. In that context, online features and interactions are completely changed in terms of experience
Web 1.0: The Foundation of the Internet
Web 1.0 was characterized by static web pages that served as digital showcases, providing information without supporting user interaction or content contribution. Nath, K (2014) describes the web as a "read-only" medium, where the flow of information is one-way, from content creator to consumer. For example, Typical applications of this era are static websites and landing pages. A common characteristic of applications in the web era is that they do not allow users to interact directly on the platform. Therefore, the Web 1.0 era prioritized content consumption over creation with a clear distinction between content creators and consumers in accessing the web separately.
So, it can be concluded that the weakness of the Web 1.0 technological infrastructure is the lack of dynamic content and user interaction, highlighting a one-way communication model that limits social interaction and creativity. collaborative content (O'Reilly, 2010).
Transition to Web 2.0: A paradigm shift
The advent of Web 2.0 represents a paradigm shift towards a more interactive and participatory Internet. O'Reilly (2010) defines Web 2.0 as the second generation of the Internet, characterized by platforms that support collaboration, social networks, and user-generated content. This era saw the emergence of blogs, social networks and wikis with examples of Facebook, Twitter or blogs like Tumblr. The delivery setup allows users to be both content creators and consumers. Hence, the development of technology such as AJAX and RSS feeds has promoted data sharing and real-time interaction, transforming the user experience from static consumption to dynamic interaction (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). The main reason may attract
Platformization and its meaning
"Platformization" is a direct consequence of the Web 2.0 era, characterized by the development of digital platforms that focus on diverse forms of online interaction. Van Dijck and Poell (2019) identify "platformization" as reflecting the increasing dominance of a few large platforms, such as Google, Facebook and Amazon, over online content and commerce. These platforms have reshaped the digital landscape, influencing not only how content is consumed and distributed but also how economic and social interactions are mediated online. Furthermore, platformization reflects the process of transferring the experience of using social networks and the ability of users to adapt to the times.
Nath, K., Dhar, S., & Basishtha, S. (2014). Web 1.0 to Web 3.0-Evolution of the Web and its various challenges. In 2014 International Conference on Reliability Optimization and Information Technology (ICROIT) (pp. 86-89). IEEE.
Fuchs, C., Hofkirchner, W., Schafranek, M., Raffl, C., Sandoval, M., & Bichler, R. (2010). Theoretical foundations of the web: cognition, communication, and co-operation. Towards an understanding of Web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0. Future internet, 2(1), 41-59.
Kaplan, A. M., & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business horizons, 53(1), 59-68.
Van Dijck, J., Nieborg, D., & Poell, T. (2019). Reframing platform power. Internet Policy Review, 8(2), 1-18.
O’reilly, T. (2010). What is web 2.0. Online communication and collaboration: A reader, 226-235.
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Blog 8 Week 10 Misinformation and Its Correction
Despite acknowledging a few reasons for how Web 2.0 amplified the circulation of misinformation Lewandowsky et al. (2012) identified several long-existing sources of misinformation including unintended inaccuracies from insufficient information, rumors and fiction, governments, corporate vested interests, and the media prior to the era of the internet. The identification of misinformation sources may debunk the taken-for-granted technological determinist view that the internet is the main culprit for the spreading of misinformation since the dissemination has a long root before the internet era.
The readily circulation of misinformation on the internet might be due to the functionalities of Web 2.0 characterized by participatory creation, sharing, and engagement of User-Generated Content (UGC) (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010). Thus, internet users could publish content across media platforms without the checks of gatekeepers, namely the journalists or editors, and the veracity and validity of content are subjective to variability (Lewandowsky et al., 2012). Moreover, online information in multimedia formats could be more accessible and straightforward than seeking advice from professionals, since users could search for information within a few clicks, and therefore netizens might seek for advice online despite the information potentially containing misleading messages (Lewandowsky et al., 2012). These two reasons manifest the role of the internet in exacerbating the proliferation of false information, but the main reason lies in existing sources of misinformation, such as mistakes resulting from deficit in information or different parties vying for vested interests.
Kaplan, A.M. and Haenlein, M., 2010. Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business horizons, 53(1), pp.59-68.
Lewandowsky, S., Ecker, U.K., Seifert, C.M., Schwarz, N. and Cook, J., 2012. Misinformation and its correction: Continued influence and successful debiasing. Psychological science in the public interest, 13(3), pp.106-131.
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‘Is blogging still relevant in the age of TikToks and Instagram?’

In a world captivated by short video clips and snap images, the art of blogging may have become less relevant in this era but not entirely irrelevant. Blogging acts as the sanctuary of substance, offering depth, insight, and a timeless legacy. Where social media posts come and go in the blink of an eye, blogs are here to stand the test of time. But it's important to recognize that blogging doesn't just belong to the realm of traditional text-based content as it has evolved to encompass various forms, including video blogs, known as vlogs. Michael Haenlein (2020) highlights this evolution, which demonstrates the adaptability and enduring relevance of blogging in the digital landscape.
One of the key distinctions between blogs and platforms like TikTok is the depth of content they provide. According to Haenlein (2020), TikTok excels at delivering quick, engaging snippets whereas blogs can dive deep into subjects, offering readers a comprehensive understanding. Whether it's a step-by-step tutorial, an in-depth analysis, or a thought-provoking essay, the insights from the article reaffirm that blogs are the go-to destination for those seeking more than just a passing glance at a topic. Moreover, it's essential to recognize that blogging isn't confined to standalone websites. Many influencers and content creators have harnessed the power of social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube to host their blogs. These platforms offer a rich medium for bloggers to share their insights, experiences, and expertise through video content. This connection between traditional blogging and the world of social media demonstrates that blogging isn't an outdated practice but a evolving one.
By utilizing these platforms, bloggers can effectively cater to diverse audiences, a concept that is great. Short video clips on TikTok might capture the attention of one segment, while longer, in-depth blog posts or vlogs on the same topic can engage another. This flexibility, makes blogging an ideal choice for content creators looking to provide value on multiple levels.
Another advantage of blogging, especially in its traditional text-based form, is its positive impact on search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines like Google tend to favor text-based content for indexing and ranking. Blogs, with their keyword-rich articles, structured layouts, and interlinking, can significantly boost a website's SEO, driving organic traffic over an extended period. This is a benefit not to be underestimated in an era where online visibility can make or break a digital presence.
Blogging remains a formidable marketing tool, if not more so. Recent research from Data Box reveals that 68% of marketers find blogging even more effective than it was just two years ago. So, despite the abundance of blogs on the internet, there's a clear consensus that blogging continues to deliver results.
Taking a look on the other side of the coin:
While blogging has undoubtedly been a cornerstone of digital marketing, it's essential to address the elephant in the room. In an era dominated by short, snappy social media content, does blogging still hold its ground? Some argue that social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter have revolutionized how we consume information. Their bite-sized content offers instant gratification and seems to cater better to our decreasing attention spans. In this context, dedicating time and resources to long-form blogging might seem outdated and inefficient.
It's a valid concern, and there's no denying that social media has reshaped the digital landscape. However, the enduring relevance of blogging lies in its unique ability to provide depth, insight, and a timeless legacy. While social media posts come and go in the blink of an eye, blogs stand the test of time.
Furthermore, it's a misconception that blogging and social media are mutually exclusive. In reality, they can complement each other seamlessly. Many successful bloggers have adapted to the changing digital landscape by incorporating video content, often referred to as 'vlogs,' into their blogs. This connection highlights the versatility of blogging; it can exist in various forms, including video content on social media platforms.
Blogging isn't just about lengthy articles anymore; it's about providing content on multiple levels. It's a medium that allows for in-depth exploration of topics, making it suitable for audiences seeking more than just surface-level information. In a world where information is abundant but often shallow, blogging offers authenticity.
So, while social media platforms provide quick fixes of information and entertainment, blogging thrives by offering a refuge for those hungry for valuable insights, comprehensive guides, and in-depth analysis. It's not a matter of choosing one over the other; it's about leveraging both to create a well-rounded digital presence. The argument isn't about condemning social media, it's about recognizing that blogging remains an indispensable tool for those seeking more than just surface-level information. It's a medium that encourages thoughtful discourse, fosters expertise, and leaves a lasting impact.
Reference Haenlein, M., Anadol, E., Farnsworth, T., Hugo, H., Hunichen, J., & Welte, D. (2020). Navigating the New Era of Influencer Marketing: How to be Successful on Instagram, TikTok, & Co. California Management Review, 63(1), 5–25. https://doi.org/10.1177/0008125620958166
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Azorín-Richarte, D., Orduna-Malea, E., & Ontalba-Ruipérez, J. A. (2016). Connectivity networks between technology companies through a longitudinal metric analysis of user mentions in Twitter. Spanish Journal of Scientific Documentation, 39(3), 140. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324064659_Systematic_mapping_on_social_media_and_its_relation_to_business
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Nafees et al., 2020 L. Nafees, C.M. Cook, J.E. Stoddard The impact of the social media influencer power on consumer attitudes toward the brand: the mediating/moderating role of social media influencer source credibility Atlantic Marketing Journal, 9 (1) (2020), p.3 https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/amj/vol9/iss1/3
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Hrsg.: Carl Haenlein, Text von Carsten Ahrens, Kestner Gesellschaft, Kiki Smith, All Creatures Great And Small, 1998, Hannover, S.89.
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Kaplan, A. M., & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business Horizons, 53(1), 59–68. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bushor.2009.09.003
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Blog Post #1
Date: 29/07/20
How To Use Social Media Marketing To Build A Successful Business
Have you ever thought about how many hours you typically spend on social media every day?
- In Australia, the average time spent on social media is 2 hours and 16 minutes, however this may vary between each individual.
If you have an iPhone, use the ‘Screen Time’ function on settings to calculate your daily usage on social media. I was shocked by my daily average of 5 hours and 36 minutes.

Image source: https://www.broadbandsearch.net/blog/average-daily-time-on-social-media
How to efficiently use social media to support and build small businesses
Social media platforms are classified into four categories:
- Community
- Publishing
- Commerce
- Entertainment
Having a good understanding of your influence on social media can be helpful to build a stronger economy and support local businesses.
During the pandemic of COVID-19, many individuals have started to build their own small businesses from the comfort of their own home. At a time like this, you should consider supporting these businesses and appreciate the effort and creativity that benefits both the producer and consumer.
Social media for big and small businesses and how to effectively attract customers
The introduction of Web 2.0 and social media marketing has greatly improved the growth of businesses in modern society with the disruption of technology.
Guideline for businesses to successfully implement social media marketing (Kaplan, A.M. & Haenlein, M 2010): AIHUN: - Active - Interesting - Humble - Unprofessional - Honesty
Using a boring approach and disengaging customers is a loss for your business, as marketing has adapted to social media trends and influencers.
Interesting and engaging > boring and professional
The purpose of social media can be categorised as community, publishing, commerce and entertainment where businesses have their own strengths and weaknesses. Depending on your personal preference of social media platforms, which category do you fit into?
Will you support small businesses while being aware of your impact on social media? Or perhaps use these social media marketing tips and feel inspired to create your own small business with all the time you have in the upcoming months.
Comment below your ideas for your own small business or dream side hustle.
Broadbandsearch, 2020, ‘Average Time Spent Daily On Social Media (Latest 2020 Data), Accessed 27 July 2020 <https://www.broadbandsearch.net/blog/average-daily-time-on-social-media>
RMIT University, 2020, ‘Seminar 2- Social Media Marketing’ by Torgeir Aleti
Kaplan, A.M. & Haenlein, M, 2010, ‘Users of the world, unite! The Challenges and opportunities of Social Media’, Business Horizons, (53,1), pp. 59-68.
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Is Tumblr a blog or a social network site?
Tumblr is arguably both a blog and social network site. Tumblr is widely considered as a blog, and its purpose fits accordingly with the meaning of the word blog - which originated from the word ‘weblog’ that is ‘derived from the act of logging the web during browsing hence web+log’. (Rioja, 2018). Tumblr is considered a ‘microblog’ which means that it is a smaller blogging platform that provides social media features.
Social media has been defined as ‘a group of internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0′, which allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content’. (Kaplan and Haenlein 2010: p.60). Tumblr has many features that allow the creation for user-generated content by enabling users to post various forms of content such as text posts, audio posts, photos, videos, and more. Other users are able to follow each other, tag each other in posts, like, reblog, these are the tools that Tumblr grants users in order to interact with each other. Tumblr keeps count of the like and reblog interactions on posts by displaying the number of ‘notes’ on each post, which can accumulate up to millions of interactions. These abundances are evidence in the prevalence of a Tumblr community. The New Republic magazine has written an article about the community of Tumblr youths, and their collective identity. The New Republic describes Tumblr’s ‘brand of humor’ as ‘micro-humiliations, tiny moments of social awkwardness that can feel absolutely crushing for a teenager figuring out how to be a person in the world’. Tumblr, unlike other social networks has become more of a personal platform for teenagers to be vulnerable and expressive about their innermost feelings, each post’s success can depend on its relatability to others. Common themes of relatability on Tumblr are heartbreak, self help, self deprecation, school induced anxiety and minority struggles.
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Making Social Media Work For Your Business
Online Entertainment and the Improvement of the Internet 2.0
Intended to be spread through friendly collaboration, Virtual Entertainment depends on openness and buyer convenience. Making the most of the far reaching utilization of the Web, virtual entertainment utilizes electronic advancements to draw in particular media sources in discourse with each other. Web-based entertainment has carried majority rules system to the scattering of data and information, giving a voice to the overall population, changing the majority from content purchasers to content makers. Virtual entertainment has been characterized by Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein as "a gathering of Web puts together application that form with respect to the philosophical and mechanical underpinnings of Web 2.0 and that permit the creation and trade of client produced content." Numerous business have begun to exploit this "client produced content", otherwise called "customer created media". The boundless utilization of online entertainment has made the data age one stride further into what is becoming known as "The Consideration Age"
ALSO VISIT:-How Social Media Can Help Your Business
With such a lot of content accessible on the web thus many voices adding to electronic discussions, the inquiry in play presently becomes how to catch the consideration of the majority and transcend the commotion that has been made by the steady web-based media "buzz". Recognizing any one specific webpage, individual or thought on the web takes a lot of inventiveness and development. This need has made an entirely different pool of experts who spend significant time in driving rush hour gridlock or consideration regarding a particular Web "website" or spot. Since everybody has a voice, the objective is to turn into an "authority" in a specific field or on a particular subject. A lot of turning into an authority is fostering a following.
Organizations huge and little have started to exploit this thought and the office of client created content and shopper produced media to involve their clients as showcasing instruments. With a couple of straightforward motivations, business need to ability to involve their clients as advertisers, expanding brand openness and positive shopper input. With the broad reach of web-based entertainment locales, for example, Twitter, messages and data can be spread in a flash to great many people across the globe.
Different types of web-based entertainment incorporate systems administration locales, for example, Facebook and LinkedIn, online discussions, for example, Wikipedia, media sharing devices like YouTube and MySpace (likewise a long range interpersonal communication website) web recordings, social bookmarking, sites, video blogs and informal organization conglomeration stages.
With the far and wide utilization of online media and the pervasiveness of the Web, it is in each business' wellbeing to make the most of virtual entertainment as a promoting and deals device. In the US, person to person communication represents 11% ever spent on the Web. Over a fourth of Web page visits in the US were to top person to person communication destinations. Twitter processes more than one billion tweets every month and midpoints around 40 million tweets each day. While these numbers might appear to be faltering, they are expanding consistently.
There are numerous ways organizations can utilize web-based entertainment and Web advertising for their potential benefit. By making their own internet based profiles, they can foster following web-based through destinations like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, as well as dispersing content through Wikipedia, a business blog and their site. Since the objective of virtual entertainment is to begin and spread discussion, organizations bring to the table for a mark of interest, be it through fascinating substance or a motivation with regards to trade for taking part in a data trade.

Organizations can likewise utilize the data that destinations, for example, Facebook offer about their clients to target Web promoting at a particular market. Since Facebook freely shares data, for example, occupation, area, military status, instructive foundation and interests, it is not difficult to plan and target promoting efforts at a particular gathering of clients.
Assuming that done well, online media can be utilized to have the purchaser do the promoting. Like a store selling a shirt with their image name printed across the front, organizations can involve their clients as their own publicizing devices. For instance, in the event that a business makes a Facebook fan page that they welcome their clients to join by offering a straightforward impetus, for example, a coupon or admittance to "insider data", their business name will be shown on their fan's all's profiles in the live newsfeed of their fans' all's companions. By expanding openness, they will extend their following, in this way acquiring clients.
Social versus Modern Media
Media can be inexactly characterized as "a source where individuals gain data, training, news, and so forth" Online media is unmistakable from modern media in that it is for the most part undeniably more affordable and more open. Anybody can distribute web-based entertainment, while modern media as a rule requires critical monetary support. While both social and modern media have broad come to, the capacity to create online entertainment is accessible to anybody. Web-based entertainment is likewise undeniably more easy to understand. Anybody with admittance to the Web can make a Facebook profile or pursue Twitter with no exceptional preparation. Modern media makers, then again, have quite often gotten some kind of advanced education represent considerable authority in the field. Maybe where the two structures vary most is in the way that web-based entertainment can be distributed progressively. While there is a delay between a happened occasion and the data being distributed in a paper, web-based entertainment is communicated momentarily. The facts confirm that journalists can communicate in real time to TV, yet they must be in one spot at one time whereas social media clients can convey data from huge number of various sources. Take the new tremor in Chile, for instance. While a couple of columnists and camera teams could show live film from a particular focal point, anybody with a PC or cellphone could immediately send refreshes on the thing was going on from any place they were, consequently giving a huge number of live data sources on the thing was occurring progressively. On account of the idea of the Web, virtual entertainment is extremely durable though modern media is destructible. On the other hand, nonetheless, when modern media is distributed, it can't be altered or modified. Then again, virtual entertainment can be changed in a split second.
Web 2.0
The expression "Web 2.0" first became possibly the most important factor not long before the new thousand years when Darcy DiNucci involved it in an article she expounded on the fate of the Web. While the web was once a static spot for social occasion data, it has now turned into a functioning gathering for data sharing and improvement. The term began to turn out to be all the more generally utilized in 2004 when O'Reilley Media and MediaLive facilitated the principal Web 2.0 gathering. Web 2.0 doesn't be guaranteed to allude to confounded innovation updates, yet rather to how the web is utilized, and the advanced capacity to interface with it.
Web 2.0 revolves around involving the Web as a stage. Clients can do definitely something other than recover information. Clients presently can communicate with site highlights (post remarks, live visit, transfer pictures, music and video, and so on) as well as store, oversee and possess information that they post.
Virtual Entertainment is a huge piece of the idea of Web 2.0. Having the option to have live discussions, immediately broadcast data to huge number of clients simultaneously as well as collaborate with different sources (live or modernized) has changed the Web from a library into a jungle gym.
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Week 10 - Social Media Posts
After the previous week’s successful completion of video editing work. With the edited videos, this week we created some social media contents for the Beriwck Dodgers Baseball Club. Good social media management requires regular engagement of posts with followers and fans. So we created three video pieces of content for the week. The first video is captioned as Insider Diaries which includes some fun rapid questions with the player Gabby Bevan. The video caption can be continued as insider series in the future to showcase some fun activities. Second post includes some amazing shots and game moments which makes for interesting content for the viewers. Third post mostly includes some amazing pictures captured while playing which is then edited and mixed altogether to present it in a video form. These contents are then presented to various social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, and then websites as well.
On completing the above activity we learnt unique writing style for captions and content. Also with the creative thinking skill we could come up with some good content ideas. After editing videos for posts, we next started doing competitor market research so as to reach maximum audience.
Companies use social media (Azorín-Richarte et al., 2016) to support the creation and development of brand-oriented communities (Kaplan & Haen- lein, 2010). Social media can lead to improved brand visibility (Nafees, Cook, Nikolov, & Stoddard, 2021). Social media Increases the brand visibility, attract sponsorship, social media video content increases the trust of the brand. It helps in Promoting the players of the club, audience gets access to favorite players performance. Knowledge about the upcoming events of the club, access to live events of the sports club, updates about their favourite player’s score, a glimpse into a players practice session, behind scene videos make the fans curious and engage with them while supporting a greater following.
Azorín-Richarte, D., Orduna-Malea, E., & Ontalba-Ruipérez, J. A. (2016). Connectivity networks between technology companies through a longitudinal metric analysis of user mentions in Twitter. Spanish Journal of Scientific Documentation, 39(3), 140. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324064659_Systematic_mapping_on_social_media_and_its_relation_to_business
Kaplan, A. M., & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media. Business Horizons, 53, 59–68 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324064659_Systematic_mapping_on_social_media_and_its_relation_to_business
Nafees et al., 2020 L. Nafees, C.M. Cook, J.E. Stoddard The impact of the social media influencer power on consumer attitudes toward the brand: the mediating/moderating role of social media influencer source credibility Atlantic Marketing Journal, 9 (1) (2020), p.3 https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/amj/vol9/iss1/3
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Hrsg.: Carl Haenlein, Text von Carsten Ahrens, Kestner Gesellschaft, Kiki Smith, All Creatures Great And Small, 1998, Hannover.
Alle Kreaturen, große und kleine Tiere, Bildnisse menschlicher Körper, Eiskristalle und sogar Monde vereinte Kiki Smith zu einer fabelhaften Welt, an dessen gestalterischen Mitteln sie sich an den Erinnerungen eines Traumes bediente. Die Versonnen- und Zartheit der Dinge täuschen, denn es ging vielmehr um deren Zerstörung und unser gebrochenes Verhältnis zur Natur. Ihre Arbeit hat etwas märchenhaftes, dessen Moral unser Verhalten überdenken lassen soll. Wie positionieren wir uns als Betrachter:innen ihrer Werke innerhalb des irdischen Gefüges? In der Ausstellung vereinte Kiki Smith abstrakte und figurative Formen zu einer Narration, die mit verschiedenen Sinnen und Gefühle erfahren werden sollte. Die Ausstellung war ein Zusammenspiel poetischer, mythologischer, natürlicher und märchenhafter Erzählungen, um deren ungefilterten und gleichzeitig phantasievollen Betrachtung es der Künstlerin ging.
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