#Ha SeonHo soft icons
mitenchii · 5 years
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rkwon · 4 years
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he isn’t sure what’s worse — the nagging guilt and greed that both a fanmeeting and a vlive for a forgettable recently-debuted idol is far too much, or the small yet persistent voice in the back of his head that tells him no one will show up, that anyone who does is just waiting for him to do something stupid. the little live icon mocks him as he shuffles in his seat, leans in closer to see the details of the livestream. the viewer count jumps from zero, to a hundred and beyond, but what he’s most concerned about is the speed the comments move and how small they are. he retreats, resting his back straight against the back of the chair and pulling the sleeves of his jumper down over his palms before he waves.
“hello,” he greets, quiet and shy. his cheeks are a soft pink and it’s likely the tips of his ears are, too, though conveniently hidden by his overgrowing, curled hair. “I’m de:code’s milo. ah, force of habit. my name is in the live title, right?” his laugh is airy. “it’s my birthday today.” he continues, letting the any and every thought that comes to mind roll off his tongue. “thank you for all the well wishes! I saw some of the comments on social media— well, I saw lots of cake emojis. this is the first year I haven’t gotten to eat mum’s cake on my birthday. ming— magnus’ mum always bakes each of us a cake on our birthdays, but I was so busy today that I couldn’t go home.” he sits forward once more to read what he can of the fast-paced comments. “oh! don’t worry, don’t worry. we’re going home over the weekend to see his parents, so we’ll have cake then! I’ll bring slices home to the dorms for all the members.” 
he pauses to read again, clearly struggling even when he moves closer. he’s long-sighted, but the font is so small that it’s hard to see regardless. “did the members get me anything?” he reads with a tilt of the head. growing up, won rarely received presents on his birthdays. sometimes he’d get a little cash from his parents, or a hand-me-down, until he met mingyu and thus began the traditions of spending as much of the day with the kims as possible. though he still doesn’t think too much of material gifts, he cherishes the thought each of them have always put into choosing something for him — either for its sentimental value, love and effort put into creating them, or relevancy to his interests. he chuckles to himself as he remembers the time mingyu bought him two bottles of coca-cola knowing he had been craving it but unable to afford any. “so far, a.c’s gift is top of the ranking. when I woke up for practice this morning, he gave me the biggest hug before I could even make it to the bathroom to start getting ready. I think it’s going to be tough to beat cute cuddles from our youngest.” he teases, concentrating so hard on reading once again that his phone vibrating on the table just out of frame startles him. 
he glances down to check, unable to hold back a grin. his eyes trail back to the camera, lips pursed, then to his phone as he picks it up. “magnus just texted me. he’s watching from the dorms; everyone say hi!” he waves. “he’s nagging me. he’s telling me to put my glasses on, but I don’t have them with me...” a pout tugs at his bottom lip. “I’m long-sighted!” he answers when he spots the question before it scrolls off screen. “ah, he text again. he asked me where they are. ah... I think I left them on the bedside table. it’s fine, though! I can manage; I can see! I always take them off to sleep so they don’t get broken— but then I forgot to pick them up before I left earlier. this is my tmi for the day.” he laughs, leaning forward again. a few notes about wanting something more interesting for his tmi catching his eye. honestly, he isn’t really sure what constitutes a tmi in the first place — he’d just heard it around on other idols’ vlives and broadcasts. still reading, he hums to the beat of another buzz of his phone. “ah, he’s good to me. magnus is coming to deliver them!” he sucks in a deep breath, resting his chin against the palm of his hand, his elbow propped on the table. 
“oppa, why do you look so good? hyung, what should i eat to look like you?” he reads, chuckling loudly until his nose starts to crinkle. “cheetos.” he answers simply, still eyeing the comments. “they’re my favourite snack. I would always try to save up my allowance and treat myself to a bag when I could.” more messages flood in about which flavours, about other snacks he enjoys and what his favourite food is, but won catches one about his voice that makes his cheeks flush so bright that he instinctively leans back in the hopes that it becomes less noticeable. “to the person who said they loved my voice and that it was one of their favourites, thank you! that’s an honour... just in de:code, we have so many talented vocalists. I’m happy that you enjoy my singing. or is it my talking voice?” he all but giggles. “I’ve been told since my early teens that I have a really deep voice. I might get in trouble with him for telling you this but I always thought it was just in comparison to mingyu — his voice dropped after mine even though he’s a little older. I thought my voice can’t be that deep, but it really was all that time.” he hums, noticing a surprised question. “mhmm! I used to be taller, but now mingyu has a few centimetres on me. a lot of the de:code members are either very tall or very short. even though I’m tall, almost everyone around me my whole life has been taller than me. mingyu’s step dad is taller than me, too. I’m not tall enough! I want a couple more centimetres but I think it’s too late for me now...” he pouts once more, but it doesn’t last long. “did it hurt when you fell from the sky? did it hurt when you did?” his counter is embarrassing but he’d have had that same red tint to his cheeks either way so why not? 
i entered for the chance to come to your birthday fanmeeting but i didn't get chosen ): but i am glad you are doing a vlive and that i can still see you on your birthday. i hope that you've had a very enjoyable day, milo, i love you 😭 happy birthday!! 
“ah, that comment disappeared before I could read it out loud, but I saw it! thank you! I’m sorry there wasn’t a chance for you to come to the fanmeeting; I’m glad I could do a vlive for anyone who couldn’t make it. I was really surprised, actually. I was... kind of worried no one would come.” he laughs now, but he almost hadn’t slept last night stressing about it. perhaps it still hasn’t quite sunk in yet that he’s really an idol — in one of the top five companies, no less. “you can thank magnus when he gets here for persuading me to do both the fanmeeting and this vlive. I really wanted to do the vlive especially, but I was worried I wouldn’t be very entertaining. are you having fun?” his grin is probably a little too hopeful, but his viewers at least humour him. “you are? that’s a relief. but... should we listen to the music? what songs are everyone listening to lately? I’ve been listening to ‘love is the way’ by red velvet a lot.” he begins to sing a little as he scrolls through the music player on his phone, periodically glancing back up to catch a few comments. 
however, he squeaks when the door to the practice room clicks open suddenly. 
“ah, my knight in shining armour!” he’s all sparkling eyes and wide grins as he looks at mingyu off camera, arms raising to grabby hands at the glasses case in his boyfriend’s hands. “my glasses! oh, how I’ve missed you.” it takes an embarrassing amount of force to prize open the case as mingyu busies himself taking off his jacket. he pushes the frame up his nose, blinks a few times to adjust to the change. “that’s so much better. gyu, come sit with me.” he pats the chair beside him he’d saved just in case anyone popped in. he suspects seonho will bounce in later ( literally ), though he had hoped mingyu would come to lend him a hand soon after he started, too. said jacket is draped over the back of won’s chair, though he doesn’t realise until he feels the weight of the fabric brush his arms. he barely has chance to turn around before mingyu’s arms hang around his shoulders, pulling him back towards his chest. they sway, left to right to left to right, to the rhythm of mingyu’s gentle “happy birthday to you”, won’s grin growing to crinkle not only the bridge of his nose but the corners of his eyes, too. he’s still in a daze when he gets a birthday kiss to the cheek, mingyu finally taking his seat. 
dumbly, won replies, “hi,” then realises, “oh, you weren’t talking to me— that’s embarrassing. a-anyway, what were we talking about? oh! songs. what songs you’re listening to lately. what have you been listening to, gyu? ah, I don’t think all of you have been listening to gorilla twenty-four-seven. you can tell us the truth, you know, we won’t tell anyone! it’ll be our little secret. shh.” once mingyu’s settled, he answers.
"if you have been listening to gorilla twenty-four-seven, though, I would like to personally thank you... but also encourage you to take a break to listen to to you 2020 by teen top and o sole mio by per_se." won hums in agreement, turning back to the comments. 
“someone else just said o sole mio, too.” he tries to point it out, but the message is long gone before he can even raise a finger. “you guys are so fast... there’s so many of you here.” there’s wonder in his voice, disbelief at the numbers displayed in the top left. are that many people really watching him sit around? and sending him that many hearts? he almost feels like crying. “I’m really bad with technology.” he admits, trying unsuccessfully to scroll back to some older messages before mingyu gently nudges his hand aside to take over. “our manager had to set up the live for me. he asked me what emojis I wanted in the title and I didn’t even know what to answer. I only know like, five emojis, and the cake one just makes me hungry.” he hums, patting his stomach once, then again for good measure. “what I mean is if I don’t see your comment, it’s probably a combination of bad eyesight and the speed the little feed moves, please don’t feel disheartened! keep sending it if I haven’t answered! w-wait, will they get banned for that? is it spam? word it differently each time!” he advises, though truthfully, he has no idea how it works. 
eventually, he spots one he feels he has to address, even if he isn’t too sure how best to answer it. “do I have any tips for someone that wants to be an idol...” he reads. “I know it probably feels a little like a boring answer and a given, but hard work absolutely pays off. also, if you don’t pass an audition, it does not mean you didn’t work hard or aren’t talented; there’s so much more to it than that. the casting agents might be looking for something specific for a group already planned out, for example.” for a moment, he pauses, purses his lips as he tries to piece together the words he’s looking for. “I think you should always be yourself and make yourself proud. your time will come; the agent or company that sees your worth and potential is the one you want to work with, anyway, right? practice as much as you can, but practice healthily and enjoy it. if you’re not having fun, take a break. it’s important to pace yourself and be good to yourself. there were times before I went on the mgas where I didn’t dance for weeks because I wasn’t in the right head space, but when I came back to it, I wanted to put more into it because I enjoyed it again and missed it. don’t build a bad relationship with performing. do it because you love it. a-ah, I think I got a little off topic there. do you have anything to add, gyu?” he smiles at his boyfriend as he begins to speak. 
“hm? oh... yeah! don't give up. I know that's probably irritating to hear after a while of trying as hard as you can, but I know how easy it can be to get disheartened. if it's really what you want, you can take a break if it'll help, but get back up and keep fighting for it. sometimes, doubt will make you think that it's pointless and that you should settle for something more ‘realistic’, and other people might urge you to, too, but don't listen to any of that. if you know in your heart that you can do it and it's truly what you want, don't let anyone or anything beat that dream out of you. you can do it!” 
for a little while, they continue to answer questions he spots in the comments — ones they realistically can answer, anyway. too many people are asking about a comeback or upcoming plans and he’s almost certain they aren’t allowed to even hint at anything or face their company’s wrath. between telling everyone for the tenth time that he rooms with seonho and mingyu, his curiosity gets the better of him as he eyes the bag mingyu brought with him. 
“what else did you bring?” subtlety hasn’t really ever been his forte. “you brought a whole bag with you just for my glasses?” his voice has dropped to a mumble, but it’s likely viewers can still hear him. the stream is the furthest from his mind as mingyu smiles and reaches for said bag, dragging it closer and as his hand delves inside, won’s neck cranes to see. 
“stop trying to peek, it's supposed to be a surprise!” won huffs as mingyu laughs fondly. “I brought you a birthday snack, too, in case you were hungry. you're welcome.” 
he should be embarrassed by the gasp that parts his lips but at the sight of cheetos ( and other snacks, but cheetos! ), his image is long forgotten. “ah, kim mingyu... once again my knight in shining armour.” he teases, fingers itching to tear open the top of the packet. “I haven’t had cheetos in a long time even though they’re my favourite.” he tells the camera. “I know earlier I said that to look like me you have to eat cheetos and that’s true, but I don’t know if any of you watched us on the mgas in season four but... I was very small. my height hasn’t changed; I’ve long since stopped growing.” he pouts shortly. “but I was very thin. I started working out with mingyu when we signed to royal and eventually some of the other trainees when I got more confident. these days I could bench press mingyu! I’m telling you! I had to stop eating cheetos, though, so you have to let me know if it was worth it; do I look good?” briefly, and embarrassingly, he flexes one arm, losing what little cool he had at mingyu’s over-dramatic ‘woah!’ and amused chuckle. “a-ah, n-no, don’t ask me to prove it. you just have to trust me!” he giggles, finally popping the first cheese puff into his mouth. 
“I want to play a game, but I don’t know what we can play with everyone. someone suggested we watch videos of ourselves on youtube, but I don’t think I’m quite used to seeing my own face in public yet.” his laugh is gentle and his cheeks pink. “maybe next time. leave suggestions in the comments and we’ll prepare something next ti—” 
his squeak gets caught in his throat when the door flies open, mingyu’s hand patting his back to help him catch his breath again. seonho’s bouncing over in all his glory, a shit-eating grin on his cute face. his arms wrap around his shoulders as mingyu’s had not too long ago and won can’t help but smile. “another very special guest.” the comments explode, ‘maknae on top’ filling the screen and won’s nose wrinkles in another laugh. he pulls mingyu’s chair closer and nudges his boyfriend to the side so that the three of them can fit across two seats, seonho settling in beside him to respond to comments with them. periodically, he offers the two cheetos, watching secretly with a hungry stomach as their hands dip into the bag. 
he doesn’t realise quite how long they’ve been live until someone says they have to go to bed to get up early in the morning. his eyes widen at the forty minute timer on the display and with a small content sigh, he turns to each of the boys beside him. “I think it’s about time we rounded this live off, right? it’s getting late and everyone should be getting plenty of rest.” with waves and a chorus of ‘bye!’s and ‘sleep well!’s, mingyu and seonho are out of frame for won to say his final goodbye for the night. 
he clears his throat, leaning in a little closer and adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose. “everyone, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming to spend my birthday with me, whether you came for five or forty minutes.” his smile is gentler than it has been the entire stream, his teeth just starting to show. honestly, he never believed today would go so well and he’s relieved that mingyu was able to persuade him to do it at all. he had been stubborn, stuck in his insecurities and worries, but he felt good now — like floating on a cloud high above the sky on a fair, lightly breezy day. “I’m so grateful for every second we spent together. I’ve had some really strange birthdays over the years,” he chuckles, “but this is definitely one I’ll never forget. it’s been an incredibly happy day; I hope you’ve all had just as wonderful of a time whatever it is you’ve been doing. plus, it’s friday! the weekend starts now, huh?” he purses his lips, then hums. “make sure to get lots of rest and stay healthy so we can keep meeting like this, okay? thank you again. goodnight, everyone! thank you for all the birthday wishes! bye bye!” he waves and waves for a good thirty seconds as the comments roll in to say goodnight in return. “a-ah, guys— how do I end it?” with a pair of laughs off camera, the live cuts off. 
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emperorhwangs · 7 years
if you have to ship the minbooties with wanna one members (aside from minhyun) who would you ship with who and why?
this came out way too long so sorry your thumb is probably gonna be jacked as fuck
@hwangminyeo : I would probably ship Abby with Bae Jinyoung if it weren’t illegal ahahhahah because I see Abby as the glue who is capable of bringing everyone together. She was the one who reached out to me to invite me into the minbooties gc and I’m honestly so thankful because I’ve gotten to know 5 absolutely beautiful and entertaining mintrash that are able to make you feel so warm inside through just a few words over LINE that it’s unbelievable, and I’m so so thankful. She’s the type of person who is gentle, friendly, and patient enough to coax literally anyone out of their shell, and she always makes people feel included. She’s always feeding us well with Minhyun content bc she knows the Minbooties get hungry at all times of the day, so she’s really caring and sweet. I think that she’s exactly the type of person who would be able to coax Baejin out of the walls he puts up and then he’d feel so free and relaxed with her. He’s so different from his seemingly cold “deepdark” exterior and we all know he’s a sweetheart that I think would just coincide with Abby’s super relaxed and giving personality and they’d be so compatible and be able to have great times together. But if we’re going to stay with legal relationships, then I’d definitely ship Abby with Daniel. Abby takes on a lot by constantly feeding us and being selfless that she doesn’t take enough time for herself, so someone as loving/caring/lighthearted as Daniel would go perfectly with her to ease some of that stress. Daniel would undoubtedly put her needs before all else and probably has endless patience and would always be laughing at everything she does but also be super attractive at the same time like wtf. Not to mention he can be so damn RUDE and I bet abby has a secret kink for that hhoohohoho. Abby has amazing visuals that really compliment Daniel’s. While most of the Minbooties have either soft visuals or colder, elegant visuals, Abby’s visuals definitely give off a more “sexy” vibe? Sorry ABBY LOLOL PLS DONT CRINGE but Daniel is the same; he can look like a peach bunny and then BOOM he’s stroking his thigh and you’re pregnant. 
@hyuncakes/ @cafewoozi : I would ship Bonnie with Jihoon (you guys are probably so wtf while reading this but hear me out). When you search the word “pure” in the dictionary, Bonnie’s picture shows up. She is incredibly perceptive and picks up on the little things you say while texting her and she always replies with such sweet, wholehearted things. I literally cannot properly describe how nice Bonnie is; she’s the type of person that seems like she would give the best hugs in the entire world. She’ll reply to messages that you’ve sent a long time ago because she’s the type of person who will always make sure you are feeling loved and validated (which everyone always wants and I appreciate you so much for it). She’s really rational, mature, and down-to-earth and basically the type of person that you’d always want to be around with because just talking to her will brighten your day. If Bonnie were a feeling, she’d be the feeling of that warm pocket of sunlight that comes through the window and hits a certain part of the room and its the perfect light to nap under because its the perfect warmth and comfort omf does this even make any sense because ?? But she doesn’t seem to see what a catch she is and Park Jihoon seems like the type of person that would be sooooooo sweet and attentive and almost overly caring for his s/o, and he would give all the love and attention Bonnie deserves. Bonnie is, imo, the mom friend who stays reasonable and can be a really calming person if you start to rage too much; just her presence is very calming? If that makes any sense lololol. She’s definitely a secret nasty as well, though, and we’ve all seen that Jihoon can be RUDE AS HELL when he wants to, and I think he could adequately quench the thiRST if ;)))))))) ykwim :))))))))))) Jihoon and Bonnie would be a really dynamic couple full of cutesy dates and lots of skinship and you’d see them on the streets together with Bonnie wearing Jihoons’ sweatshirt or smth and you’d just get that feeling of “i WANT THAT” 
@minhwangs ok sarah is so DAMN thiRSTY lol but me as well i am 2nd sinner and she’s lowkey crazy too so I think I would ship her with Ong. She’s got a really bright, active personality and overall is someone that I think is really fun to be around. Not to mention, I think she would look really nice with Ong as their visual are similar to me in a way. Sarah is actually my ideal visual (lol that sounds so creepy whOOP) but I really really think that girls that have a defined, angular, and sharp facial structure are soosososso beautiful like I reALLy REALLY like Sarah’s facial structure SO MUCH it’s UNHEALTHY. Her bone structure is the LITERAL VISUAL DEFINITION OF IDEAL FACIAL STRUCTURE imo and Ong also has prominent, defined facial features. Their babies would be literal visual gods straight out the womb. I think a relationship between Ong and Sarah would be lighthearted and carefree as both of them strike me as fun-loving people.  They would have a lot of great, memorable times and double as best friends, not just a couple. Ong also definitely softens for girls and I don’t have any doubt that he’ll be very cutesy with his s/o, even if he’s annoying the other 70% of the time. He’d take really good care of Sarah and put her needs first whenever it truly mattered. Because both of them are such bright and energetic people, I think they’d be able to lift eachother’s spirits in dark times. Sarah tends to give a lot; I think she’s pretty selfless from what I can tell in the messaging patterns? She responds to every message and she’s also so considerate (i was spamming a gc with her about smtm and she didn’t want to trash everyone else’s feed so she suggested a pm, which I didn’t even consider). But she also forgets to take care of herself sometimes (go to sleep, sarah!) and I know Ong would make sure to care for her. As carefree and jovial  as he may seem, Ong is highly intelligent. He’d be able to properly care for her in his own weird Ong way, maybe even without her realizing he’s always looking out for her. He’d probably guise it in a joke but he’d be really just making sure that she was in the absolute best condition possible. He’d probably playfully protest at everything that Sarah suggests but he’d undoubtedly go along with everything she suggests, just to make her happy. 
@2hyeons I would ship Ying with Minyeoooo~~~ Firstly on a purely superficial level, both of them have similar visuals in that they are coldly attractive, like ice. It’s a weird way to describe her, but Ying’s appearance is very elegant and sophisticated; she gives off a particular aura that Minhyun’s resting visual also gives. She’s the quietest in the group chat but she always says the absolute sweetest things and you can feel her warmth, friendliness, and kindness through her messages. Her actual personality is a contrast against her ice queen visuals because she’s so warm-hearted, which I find to be extremely similar to Minhyun. When I first saw Minhyun on pd101 (the scene where he forgot the lyrics during his reevaluations) my exact thoughts were “wow, he’s gorgeous but probably a dick” (which was SO OFF). I also think that Ying has her SHIT TOGETHER, like she has her priorities in order and is very intelligent and probably works really hard, just like Minhyun. Nu’est members chose Minhyun as their smartest member. His work ethic is incredible. He isn’t naturally a dancer (if you couldn’t tel from the iconic minbooty dance), but he slaves away so he can pull off his parts flawlessly. In the older Nu’est videos, you can pick up on his quick-witted personality that I think would balance really really well with Ying. He’s softened as he’s matured and I think he would be sosososso compatible with Ying in that he would find her intelligence endlessly attractive, as well as her dedication and work ethic. Ying is also an explosion of personality when she tumbles in; she always offers us adamant support against hateful anons and also is the same level of absolute t r a s h for the minbooty like you will 100000% catch her bein thirsty as HELL. She’d be able to make Minhyun laugh a lot with her radiant personality and humor. He’s extremely caring and selfless, so he’d watch over Ying well. Ying doesn’t acknowledge that she’s an actual empress, and Minhyun would make sure to let her know every single day. I think Ying would appreaciate Minhyun’s love for skinship and his affection (look at how he treats Ren+Seonho+Baejin) and they’d have the absolute CUTEST couple moments.
@luminous-point OK so STORYTIME: when I first entered the minbooties gc and had no idea who anyone was or what they looked like, I assumed that Reni had used a female idol that I didn’t know as her profile pic. I legitimately 1000% thought that she was an idol based off of her picture and I slowly slowly came to the realization that the picture wasn’t of an idol and was actually indeed RENI herself. I was in absolute shock and for the first week or two that I was in the gc, every time I opened it and saw her little icon I would just think “she is seriously so pretty” and be genuinely in awe. Ok anyways. I would ship Reni with Ha Sungwoon~ I noticed Sungwoon right away the very first episode of PD101 when they did that little segment on the strong visuals of the season and they showed a literal .5 second clip of his face but i was absolutely HOOKED on him since then. He was my absolute favorite visual in the first episode, and then his evaluation performance absolutely blew me away. Talent and visual = Reni. Both Reni and Sungwoon have very strong visuals that I absolutely am in love with, and both are extremely hardworking and talented. Reni is seriously sosososososso important to the minbooties and I appreciate her so much, though I’ve never told her. She’s dually very mature/level-headed yet also etremely playful/fun/bright. She slaves away subbing Nu’est content to give happiness to the fandom and pours so much and time and effort into it just for other people’s enjoyment. Whenever she encounters an issue, she approaches it in a very calm, collected manner that I really respect, and I think that Sungwoon would find it incredibly attractive. Sungwoon is extremely hardworking and imo, underrated. His performance in “Downpour” was most memorable to me, and he was also the very first person to nail the entire “Never” choreography when everyone else could barely get through the first portion and they still voted him off the team smH so both of them don’t get their hardwork acknowledged nearly enough. Reni is also WILD AF (don’t deny it) and I think Sungwoon is definitely the type that’d like that have a really really good time so they’d have really amazing, unbeatably fun dates. Sungwoon is also the type to dote on and be really really loving towards his s/o, which I think would be great for Reni. Reni is super super big sister vibes~ I wanted to EAT my own arm because of college apps and she offered to help and take time out of her own day to read over my essays and gave such amazing advice, so I want someone who I know would treat their s/o like a literally precious jewel for Reni.  
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minyeodan · 7 years
your reply about the minbooties was very cute, i'm not the same anon but i've always admired you and want to thank you for your translations. just wondering because you mentioned if that there are different reasons why you would ship min with each minbooties, could you list why hehe you don't have to if you don't want to ^^
i’m honestly kind of shocked that people care about what i have to say??? and about the minbooties?? LOL am i being too low in self-esteem? >
i’ll answer about why i ship each minbooties sinner with minhyun under the cut!
@2hyeons​ ying and minhyun are really similar, it’s probably why i like them both so much as human beings and want to protect them? they won’t complain but instead just endure… they are really loving. there have been a few times ying has reached out to me privately when i expressed feeling sad to check in, and i really appreciated that so much. and i imagine that’s how minhyun does it for jonghyun… i think ying and min are very similar in that they are genuinely kind-hearted, immediately likeable, and very warm-hearted. they are sincere and GOOD at what they do, but don’t brag about their achievements. they make you feel valued as a human being when they talk to you, so as a couple they’d be the pairing you wouldn’t mind third wheeling :)
@cafewoozi​ (hyuncakes) my impression of bonnie is that she’s really cheerful and positive! minhyun’s way of speech is really like… idk when it’s translated you miss a lot of the nuances T_T but it’s a really soft, pretty way of talking! and bonnie is kinda the equivalent in english – never says things critically, always kindly. they are also both the type to always acknowledge everyone in a group. like bonnie will always make effort to acknowledge something said even if it was hours ago lol because she really cares about everyone feeling valued. minhyun is also a behind-the-scenes kind of leader, like when jong was teaching hyunbin, minhyun is always next to him helping him. and that’s like the perfect example of how i see bonnie’s personality – quietly there, always supporting but never taking the spotlight.
@emperorhwangs​ rui is so, so funny but also like, aggressively affectionate?? she’s kind of like seonho LOLOL just shooting love beams everywhere and iconic no matter what she does. i think she’d bring a ton of excitement + love to minhyun, and he’d act annoyed with her but he actually really loves it. she’s also extremely supportive – i’d once talked about feeling stressed about something and she was like ‘I’M HERE’ and it’s like wow, how is she only 17?? she’s really mature & gives off these unnie vibes sometimes lol and this paradox of her being both lovey + mature matches with minhyun, who’s the squishy loving puppy in nu’est but acts as an admirable hyung in wanna one.
@hwangminyeo​ abby’s visuals and sweet personality go really well with minhyun. she acts like a leader for our gc (our sinner leader!) – even though i was the one who kind of suggested the gc, i didn’t want to handle the logistics bc im so bad at stuff like that >
@minhwangs​ sarah is the cutest little bean. ahhh okay so she’s just super, super funny and so open about worshipping the minbooty??? so i think her relationship with min would be like baekmin! min is known as the ‘baekho controller’ so i think he’d give sarah witty responses to all her funny antics. but sarah is also extremely thoughtful, even though at first you might think she’s just an energetic person. she’s quite mature and so i think at times when minhyun is having a hard time, she’d be able to give him real support by both making him laugh but also providing a lot of kind words and hugs. i think she’d be perceptive of how he’s feeling even when he’s trying to hide it and would respond appropriately and accordingly – like if he’s trying to hide his sadness, she’d point it out and emphasize he doesn’t have to hide it, and that she’s there for him?
ahahahah i feel like this turned into a love letter for each of the minbooties (hi bebs i love you all!) but anyway this is why i think they match with minhyun!!! :D
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seonnho · 7 years
Your thoughts on the official members of Wanna One?
first off their group name makes me sknfdjksknjds but what can we do !!
daniel - i’m quite neutral towards him, i think he’s a great dude and talented but i’m not gonna scream over him or anything. was a bit miffed at emoji gate and how after open up won some of his fans were like…. super happy over the fact that he still won in the end…lowkey glorifying cheating…uh ok….also got kinda tired of mnet milking the lil woojin/daniel relationship when they kept showing daniel’s reactions to everything single thing woojin did but that’s not his fault at all and CONGRATS ON FIRST PLACE FOR HIM !! …..just very neutral i’m not over the moon or anything  
jihoon - also very neutral…i watched the nayana performance when it first came out and i had a very adverse reaction to his wink oOPS so i was kinda like wut. @ his popularity. he can dance !!! not too sure about his singing/rapping since all that comes to mind is that blasted high note in boy in luv. he’s reeeeally cute but again i’m not gonna scream over him i’m so jealous of his eye shape? it’s so pretty and his jeojang makes me laugh and he’s a smart kid!! like wearing neon shoelaces so ppl can spot him better and all that stuff 
daehwi - i rlly liked daehwi’s energy in his intro vids (THE BOX AHHH) cause he seemed so confident and stuff but i have to admit i got pretty pissed at the whole avengers thing, i know he got evil edited and it’s a competition so of course you’d want to win but i just didn’t like how everyone targeted the team with F’s and D’s :/ that was everyone’s mentality tho so not his fault !! i’m over that though and i’m glad he made it !!! he’s a rlly fast learner and his dancing is so good!! and singing too and that english pronunciation !!! his friendship with somi is so wonderful too
jaehwan - vocal god kim jaehwan !!! i like him a lot and i’m shocked he ranked 4th but he deserves it !!!! i’m really happy that he got to debut with minhyun but i’m sad about sewoon :^(( their relationship is so nice and he’s rlly quirky and i his psychopathic laughter skjfkndknjsd. i think he’s a much needed addition to the group vocally…he works rlly hard at dance too and he pulled off sorry sorry and never rlly well….OFFICIAL GOAT OF THE SHOW THAT LETTUCE GIF I’M CRYING
seongwoo - ong deserves it !!!!! what else can i say LOL i’m rlly happy he gets to debut !! he dances well and doesn’t he like….rank real high with male fans WHICH IS !!!!! also super funny sdfgnkds pLS i look forward to seeing more of him and i rlly like his stage presence !!
woojin - my dude……he went from like 75th place to 6th i’m banging pots n pans outside my house rn i thought he was rlly good looking (wHEW) during the audition and i liked his rapping? SO HE WAS ON MY RADAR SINCE THEN and that center performance !!!!! sealed the deal i rlly like his rapping voice and dancing and he’s so cute fdnkjskdnfjs also his dark past i’m screaming i hope that side of him comes out more !!! he performed never with shingles i’m just……..u deserve everything woojin….aLSO SNAGGLETOOTH….ALL I’M GONNA SAY..
guanlin - i love swaggy rapper guanlin a lot and when his gummy smile comes out i’m just like awWWW !!! tbh cube trainees were so precious and endearing? u can make the argument that he’s not talented, only 6 months of training but i just really enjoyed seeing his growth throughout the show. i was scared bc he seemed to have given up during practice for nayana when he was in D class but i think everything turned out ok! he surprised me when he made so many suggestions for the fear performance with the rest of the team i was like !!! yeah! go guanlin!!! and i think he could use some work on enunciation during rapping, esp english (when boa pointed that out i was like :O me too) he’s a curious kid and willing to learn i think that’s one of his really good qualities and also his drop to 20th sdknkfjskndjs i was like hey…..if ur gonna keep him in the top 11 for the majority of the show LET HIM STAY THERE TF…i love guanlin i’m glad he made it :’)
jisung - i’m glad jisung made it !!! when i heard the ranking announcement i was like hey!! u made it !!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! and when his dad did the circle clap thing i drowned in my tears but i’m looking forward to seeing him on variety shows!! his singing is also rlly nice and maybe he has the best chance of being leader? i’m glad he made it.
minhyun - uM THE ENTIRE REASON I WATCHED THIS SHITFEST WAS FOR NU’EST AND MINHYUN IS MY BIAS AND WHEN HE MADE IT I STARTED BAWLING IT WAS NOT OK my mentality was i’d be happy if minhyun and jonghyun made it but that….did not….happen fuckgnfjdsfdks he looked so sad when everything ended idek what to think but !!! i’ll be supporting him wholeheartedly during his time with wanna one. he has a rlly good eye? he formed the iconic justice league and basically predicted the exact order of the never team n his voice is so soft n nice and i think god blessed him with long legs and good physique anyways i love minhyun a lot i hope i get to see him happy again
jinyoung - uh…………….being very honest here not one of my choices for top 11 so i wasn’t cheering when 10th place was announced :’(( i don’t hate him and every trainee has worked hard but….ok he gained confidence throughout the show!!! that’s real good to hear but i do not like his singing? sounds more like screaming to me idk why the vocal trainers were praising him sjkdkfnds it’s not like i’m qualified to analyze singing but i’m not a big fan of it…..at this point u can prob tell i have something against previous avenger team members…can’t exactly pinpoint what…i guess i don’t get the hype around them/their looks but i will try to warm up to him!! he also bit jihoon tf and his friendship with daehwi is so pure
sungwoon - i like sungwoon!! i had this dream about him n it was horror related and very gruesome and just ???? why tf but after that i was like ok….ha sungwoon…..ok……i see u…..i felt bad for him getting kicked out of never when he did the dance perfectly PLUS HE CAN SING and pure cinnamon roll !!! i don’t have much to say LOL i’m not mad over him being 11th it’s just at that point i was devastated over jonghyun’s rank so i basically tuned out most of top 2 and 11th place reveals :///
THIS IS SO LONG LOL i’m still sad about jonghyun and samuel and i was rlly hoping seonho and hyungseob could make it but THIS IS REALITY AND I’M GOING TO ACCEPT IT AND SUPPORT THEM 
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winking · 7 years
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1). Favorite brotp/otp?
hmmmmm......probably daehwi n jinyoung just because they r so sweet to each other :’) i love jinhwi...i think thats their name fjewknfe but also i love jisung n ong fwjnjkfewn they r soo funny
2). Who is your bias?
my bias LOL listen im a daehwi stan and something happened suddenly i love baejin but then again when i made this blog i had the url baejinsgf sooo... both of them r my biases 
3). What Wanna One activity are you looking forward to? (ex: variety show, kcon, cf, etc.)
im looking forward to their dorm reality show....r they making one????? also variety shows esp weekly idol .... ioi on weekly idol was iconic they loved yoojung so much
4). What concept do you think is fit for their debut?
idk.. i was thinking abt this yesterday.... mayb like a bf vibe nfjkew i feel like its gonna be something similar to super hot... i dont want them to do a cute concept fjewn pls... they should do a kickboxing concept nfjewknjk idk they should be astronauts on the moon anything as long as the song is good 7). First impression of each member/Did it change?
Jisung: old: hes funny // new: hes still funny but also nice love him
Sungwoon: old: hes okay i guess he didnt grab my attention // new: i love u sungwoon u deserve the entire world? handsome? n the best voice? king
Minhyun: old: hes my fav from nuest... hes so pretty and sparkly wow // new: still my fav from nuest.... i love minhyun so much hes my boyfriend 
Seongwoo: old: wow so talented? hes going to debut.... i love him already (cause he sang what i like) new: pretty much the same also hes more handsome plus hes funny king of comedy 
Jaehwan: old: his voice is rlly good // new: YOO jaehwan main vocal!!! i love his laugh so much 
Daniel: old: hes okay ? // new: hes still okay but hes my bro n he has a really cute smile 
Woojin: old: who // new: woojin is the most talented person in wanna one best rapper best dancer in the world basically i hype him up too much also his smile so cute.......i love woojin
Jinyoung: old: hes cute but also ?? (since i never saw his performance i didnt kno if he was good or just pretty) // new: i am baejins girlfriend ? i love him so mjuch his face? so tiny? how?? visual? angel? one of a kind? his smile? is so cute hes adorable he has such a nice voice n a really unique singing voice did i mention talent? did u see him in oh little girl? no? well go see him being a sparkly prince? him dancing to growl? talent HANDS ON ME CENTER WOW i love u baejin 
Daehwi: old: omg hes so cuteeeeeeee i love u idk jihoon anymore // new: the same i love him the same !!!! i thot he was talented from the first time i saw him
Guanlin: old: hmm idk why everyone likes him plus i prefer seonho at least he has a personality  // new: i love u guan lin my son of 15 years a rap star he deserves to debut 
14). If Mnet allowed for one member to be added, would you add a member? If so, who?
hmm im not sure i feel like youngmin other trainees hav their group already............like theres nuest n the yuehua boys ? sewoon is being a super star by his own i think either youngmin seonho or haknyeon dont hate me ...theyre alone....
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mitenchii · 5 years
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mitenchii · 5 years
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mitenchii · 5 years
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mitenchii · 5 years
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