#HTML website
madlyfluffy · 7 months
Yearly reminder to everyone trying to find alternatives to tumblr/social media in general: go make a Neocities account and teach yourself basic HTML and post your art/writing/shitposts there.
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It does take extra time to set up (but there are templates out there!) but it is so so worth it to have a site that is 100% YOURS!
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You don’t even have to be that good at coding. I’m not. My site is not very accessible via mobile devices but that is fine with me (keeps me off my phone) but there are plenty of ways to make your site mobile friendly. There are plenty of bare bones/accessible sites I adore purely for the media on it.
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Imagine having your site on your phone and showing someone- hey! I coded this from scratch. And I didn’t even have to pay a company like squarespace. All your images, links, writings, in one place. I have my fandom edits, memes, fanart, and custom graphics there.
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Neocities has a very bare bones follower and comment system, but you can disable this if you want your site to truly abstain from any social media-isms. I use it because its a great way to meet other webmasters and get help with coding problems. Neocities isn't an exact replacement for Tumblr (no reblogging here) but html coding is an invaluable skill to know, as is keeping a personal website in this day in age.
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The awesome thing about having your own website is if, god forbid, Neocities goes down, you can move your site to any other number of hosting platforms (like Teacake.org). Your site is truly YOURS, and no one else (shitty tech CEO cough cough) can take it away from you.
If you need help getting started, I recommend checking out sadgrl.online. (More links to resources in the comments section of this post).
I know neocities has been talked about before, especially within my follower circle, but I thought I'd bring it up again for anyone unaware of this awesome platform.
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kennykenbee · 1 year
Tumblr would appricate this more than shittok I think
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nightfalldeepness · 1 year
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Study sessions, revisions and some flowers from my garden. Perfect trio
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skull-shore · 1 year
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i've been learning and practicing all of the basics of html and now i'm going to go into all the perks of css!! that's actually the part i've been looking forward to most, i love design and aesthetic and CSS helps me do that!:) excited
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snoozealarms · 11 months
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How to end a frontend developer's career
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scottland-manor · 9 months
need neocities advice
im trying to get this kind of character card vibe for a neocities page but CANNOT figure out if i just dont understand columns or if i should be trying to do this in a table. my issue is that whenever i do my columns, the second one just..... sticks to the bottom of the first?????
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this is whats happening 😭 how do i center these fuckers!!!!! i want the basic layout working so my brain will let me start drawing things for it again
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if anyone has set up something similar to this and it works with at least 5 entries please god i am on my hands and knees begging you to let me look at your homework
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koshekdev · 10 months
Cursed-ads Neocities Project
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cursed-ads is a neocities page I started a year ago. It's like a sketch book - it is not meant to be polished, it's just bunch of little ideas I make into web pages when I'm not motivated enough to work on some of my bigger projects. The concept is scam pages from the earlier days of the internet. I just love making mock ads XD I used to love ads in general when I was little, it was the only thing that could calm me down (shoutout to Orbitrek) @v4mp1r3fr34k helps me with homepage banners < 3 as stated on the homepage, she's the photoshop wizard hehe
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bennizone · 1 year
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💚💚💚 FRIENDS, if you're on desktop, 💚💚💚
check out my portfolio site ?! sadly doesn't work as well on mobile, but has a link to a simplified version (carrd) so yanno
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abrandnewshadow · 1 month
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omfg why was this bookmarked
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forest-is-sleepy · 1 year
Theres a piece that was loosely based on rt's miitopia playthrough and the discord that spawned from that in there lmaoooo yall should go look at it!
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izicodes · 2 years
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I found my very first websites I made after getting back to coding a year ago! I found it in my old old Replit account and I was shocked because I thought I lost it completely!! 😞
The Burning Witches website is very bad, not responsive and things are all over the place BUT it was my one of my first! I will definitely take time to improve it a lot with the new skills I know now, maybe even add some stuff.
The Lana Del Rey music player webpage was simple and nice, I liked it a lot. It took me forever to make it but now it's something I could make in like 20 mins! I also want to revamp that page too and maybe make a proper music player with more songs added to it 🤔
But yeah! Those are my first webpages! Links below to see the websites, if interested! :
The Burning Witches band website: GitHub | Live Page
Lana Del Rey's Music Player: GitHub | Live Page
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raviws23 · 11 months
Exploring the Basics of HTML: A Journey into Web Development with an Online Compiler for HTML
In the vast universe of web development, HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the essential building block that transforms creative ideas into interactive web experiences. HTML provides the structural foundation for web content, allowing web developers to create well-organized and readable web pages. In this article, we will embark on a journey into the basics of HTML, exploring its core elements and their functions. Additionally, we will introduce you to a valuable resource: the Online Compiler for HTML, a tool that empowers aspiring web developers to experiment, test, and refine their HTML skills in a practical and user-friendly online environment.
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HTML: The Language of the Web
HTML is the language of the web, serving as a markup language that defines the structure of web content. Its fundamental elements, or tags, are used to identify and format various aspects of a web page. Let's dive into some of the basic elements that form the foundation of HTML:
1. HTML Document Structure: An HTML document starts with the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration, which defines the document type. It is followed by the <html> element, which encapsulates the entire document. The document is divided into two main sections: the <head> and the <body>. The <head> contains metadata and information about the document, such as the page title, while the <body> contains the visible content.
2. Headings: Headings are essential for structuring content and providing hierarchy to text. HTML offers six levels of headings, from <h1> (the highest level) to <h6> (the lowest level). Headings help create a clear and organized content structure.
3. Paragraphs: To create paragraphs of text, the <p> element is used. This element defines blocks of text separated by blank lines and is a fundamental tool for organizing and formatting content.
4. Lists: HTML allows for the creation of both ordered (numbered) and unordered (bulleted) lists. Ordered lists are created with the <ol> element and list items with <li>. Unordered lists are created with the <ul> element, also with list items using `<li>.
5. Links: Hyperlinks are a crucial feature of the web. HTML provides the <a> (anchor) element for creating links. The href attribute within the <a> element specifies the URL of the page or resource to which the link should navigate.
6. Images: To embed images in a web page, HTML employs the <img> element. The src attribute within the <img> element points to the image file's location.
Introducing the Online Compiler for HTML
To practice and experiment with these basic HTML elements, there's a valuable resource at your disposal: the Online Compiler for HTML. This user-friendly online tool allows aspiring web developers to write, modify, and test HTML code in a practical environment. What sets it apart is its real-time rendering feature, enabling users to see immediate results as they make changes to their HTML code. It's an ideal platform for beginners and experienced developers alike to fine-tune their HTML skills and explore the language's capabilities.
Conclusion: The Journey Begins
Understanding the basics of HTML is the first step in your journey into the world of web development. HTML's fundamental elements serve as the building blocks upon which you'll construct your web pages. With the assistance of the Online Compiler for HTML, you have a practical and interactive resource to help you explore and master the language. As you become more proficient in HTML, you'll gain the ability to structure content, create links, and embed images, laying the foundation for the websites and web applications of the future. The journey into web development has just begun, and HTML is your trusty guide.
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i have an important state competition
if anyone who sees this can just take a look at my website for the competition and then fill out the review form it would help me out sososo much
links here:
The Family Forge Website
Review Form for website
again, thank you
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nightfalldeepness · 1 year
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Coffee, work and old Hindi songs for my soul💕💕
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skull-shore · 1 year
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04&05.july23,wed ; internship
ughhh that PHP todo-list is driving me insaaaane! the people at my internship are really nice and helpful, tho my social anxiety is not really good at asking for help and i keep trying to do most of it myself. yesterday i did not get any further, there was no way for me to ever think of any type of succes. today, tho, i finally connected the mySQL database to my PHP index and i can actually add to dos, give them priorities, a date and check them off as "done":))
i am really proud of that and tomorrow i will try to insert a "delete" button to delete tasks, maybe i'll have some time and add some CSS to it to make it a bit prettier:) i'll see what i can doooo aghhh everytime i go home my brain is smoking tho it is really fun to try out new things and test things out!!
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snoozealarms · 1 year
Apple Style CTA Reveal with CSS scroll-driven animations Source Code https://democoding.in/codepen-ideas/apple-style-cta-reveal-with-css-scroll-driven-animations-2dk8
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