#HR-V 2020
bomberqueen17 · 1 year
car shopping part 1
ok i had capslock on when i started typing this and i startled myself, lol. i am. a bit tired and punchy. BUT. All hail my lovely middle-little sister, who volunteered to come take me to car dealerships last night.
Here are my extremely scientific notes on how that went, so that I can narrow down my car choices for definitely for sure:
1) Honda: we went to a Honda dealership, and my mom has a CR-V which I've driven and it's... fine, so I tried the HR-V, which is smaller. The sales guy immediately without asking was like "here you want this one" and had me test-drive a used 2020 model-- low mileage, nice car, but used. "Won't be here in a couple days tho, act fast," he said, and gave me his card. I'd told him this was the very first car of my search and I wasn't in a hurry. He didn't show me anything new, or tell me about anything new, but did say there were often quite long waits for new cars. Gotcha. Like, I'm not mad, but I'm also not going to pay $23,9 for a three-year old car when the current year's model is $24k. You know? I don't care how long the warranty is.
2) Subaru: we went because it was right there. Wandered around the parking lot. Crosstreks look... lower now?? somehow?? than mine? Much lower, don't know why. Specs said same ground clearance but. I'd have to look up what the specs were in 2014. Sales guy came out, asked if we wanted to see anything. M-L said I should try the Forester, so I was like sure, why not; one of the farm workers has a 2020 Outback I figured I'd ask his opinion on, and actually the part time veg helper guy has a recent Outback too, so there's no shortage of those around. So I test-drove a Forester. And like. I hadn't even got out of the parking lot and the guy was like, all casual, "so how's the visibility," and I really looked around and was like holy shit okay i can see through time so I really liked it. It was a higher-end package (had a huge sunroof, i actually really liked that, i'm a shallow bitch i guess) and kept trying to nanny me about leaving the lane on the winding back road but the guy reached over and pressed the button that disables that and it stopped yelling at me, which was great. Anyway. I did not expect that. M-L and I theorized about what kind of guy I'd be to be a Forester guy. "A middle-aged wealthy lesbian with a lot of large dogs," M-L said, and I was immediately depressed to realize that only one of those things is actually applicable. I have no wife and no large dogs. These are major failings of my life. But. I mean. We don't always end up the person we thought we'd be when we were nineteen.
3) Then we got to the Ford dealership, and a guy named Joey was like "ay what's up," and i listed the cars I was interested in and he was like "i can't get those or those but I got Broncos, let's go see one" and walked incredibly fast out into the parking lot without looking like he was hurrying, seriously it was eerie how fast he walked while looking like he was just ambling, and he led us to a "cactus gray" Bronco Sport, said "you wanna try this one? aight hang on" and went back into the building. I was like uh sure, we poked around the parking lot, and then he came back, handed me the key, was like "yah you two go for it, you know the roads around here? yah go see if you like it, I'll be here til eight." and off we went, slightly bemused. But yes, we were quite near M-L's house so she led us around a winding path. The Bronco's hood takes up rather a lot of the view out of the windshield. I raised my seat, which helped slightly. I could not find the right edge of the car and kept straying over into the shoulder. It was so boxy. The visibility out of the windows wasn't fantastic. But it had a lot of zoom and handled all right. Not terrible. I'm not a Ford Bronco guy I don't think, but I liked the Ford dealership folks, they were funny.
The sales manager came out and talked to me briefly and was like "well i mean how many cars are you looking for" and i was like "i have a spreadsheet" and he was like "a what now" and i got my phone out and showed him the spreadsheet Dude made and he was like "your guy is something else" and i was like "i mean, he sure is", and I did feel better about not being a wealthy middle-aged lesbian with large dogs if this is what I have instead but like. I mean. The road not taken etc.
"take notes," M-L said as we got home (after i bought her a sushi dinner bc there was a place right by the dealership and also i wanted sushi), and i was like "yah ok" but this is my notes. i'm sure i'll be able to make sense of them later.
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Star Trek and the problem of political salience
So, I've been thinking a lot about the Shaw/Seven deadnaming controversy and I think much of what has happened in terms of the level of outrage about it - which probably wasn't entirely what the writers were going for - is the ongoing problem of Star Trek using contemporary political issues to signal things about character and, in this case, having it backfire on them, just a little.
To explain, first what I think the writers were going for was a quick shorthand way of signaling that Shaw was a bit of a dick, but a redeemable one (hence he was always going to call Seven, Seven by the end of his character arc). However, two things got in the way of that and has resulted, at least in the Tumblr and Twittersphere, of a not insubstantial number of Trek fans celebrating his death (because deadnaming someone is clearly death-worthy) and harassing people who openly either like Shaw or, even worse, ship Shaw/Seven.
Why did this go somewhat awry? I think there are two reasons.
The first is that they just didn't think it through when they wrote it. Not only do people openly call Seven, Hansen (without any blow back from her) in earlier seasons of Picard (and not just in the fascist S2 version of the UFP), but now that she is in Starfleet, she must have a name on file. I've said this before. Either that name is Annika Hansen, in which case it is on her to change it, and neither Shaw (nor the rest of the crew) can really use another name for her because the computer won't recognize it. Unless we're expecting them all to shift between names depending on whether they are talking to her or referring to her with the onboard computer.
OR her name is Seven in the system. But narratively that's not going to work, because then Shaw would HAVE to call her Seven or, again the computer wouldn't recognize her. Since he refers to her as Hansen when talking to the computer we have to assume that is her name in the Starfleet HR system. If she has a problem with it, she needs to change it, I can't imagine Starfleet cares what people want to call themselves, nor make it difficult for people to change their names in the system.
So that's just careless writing, they were trying to make a point, and didn't really think through the whole process, relying on the contemporary political zeitgeist to do the work for them.
Which brings us to the second issue. Picard S3 was written in 2020/2021 and largely filmed in 2021. At that time, while deadnaming was something that was talked about and recognized, and understood to be a very bad thing, we were only at the start of the culture wars shifting to Republicans focusing on attacking trans rights (because up until last summer they still had abortion as their go-to wedge issue). Since the Dobbs v. Jackson Supreme court ruling, and the relatively buoyant performance of the Democrats in the 2022 Midterm elections, Republicans have gone all out at the local, state and national level on attacking every aspect of the trans community's existence - from the ability to legal change names to the process of transition itself, to the ability of trans people to exist in society without harassment.
And not unexpectedly, there has been a huge surge in support for the trans community, which means that any indication of disrespect is now a much more politically charged issue than it was even this time last year. So what the writers intended to be throw away signifier of tension between captain and XO, has become a huge red flag of abuse.
Using a contemporary issue in this way is much more fraught than it used to be because, for a variety of reasons, the political zeitgeist changes much more rapidly in the 21st century than it ever did before.
So tl;dr; I don't think Shaw was ever meant to be an irredeemable asshole, I just think the writers did a piss poor job trying to demonstrate friction between him and Seven and the political situation has changed in such a way that the issue they chose has become so much more salient in the last year.
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whatgoesonppl · 2 days
@yoonminschoice it says no blogs found so idk if you made it but still I'll tag.
Not someone who thinks any of BTS members are dating but i do think jikook are closest
Not posting this to make you look at jikook differently or anything cause who cares
1) Why was BH pushing Jikook if fandom's fav ships has always been Taekook, Yoonmin, Nmajin and sope and vmin are everyone's fav the safe ships. vmin actually is most liked after Taekook so why not taekook, vmin or anyone else? What profit was BH going to make off of jkkrs who hardly existed in 2016? where ppl used to send members questions like "Does jk likes jm?"?? I'll make a special post just for "fanservice" since y'all love using jkk and fanservice.
2) JK also said that jm has suggested a travel show yrs ago but it didn't happen or "Nothing came out of it" so using ur logic should i say BH was stopping them?
3) If a "Flat" content of yoonmin would to air tell me yoonminer wouldn't buy it or watch?
4) All the points u made about what YOU think jkkrs think of jkk can be applied to all yoonminers as well cause despite jm being more muscled and an inch taller than yg ynmners still wanna play bad boy yoongi and princes jm like hundreads of ynmnrs on twitter says the same so you're being Hypocrite there.
5) If i sit here and talk about the member who has encouraged jm I'm pretty sure jk's compilation would be more than that of any other members cause he's been the one who encouraged jm along with other members to make his first ever song cover nd was also the one with whom jm did it, jm hasn't gotten vocal lessons so over the yrs he has thanked jk for always giving him advices and lessons, he said the same for MUSE as well didn't he? has said same during dyna as well as in 2021 in their magzines. so who's been helpful towards jm?
Physical and Verbal affection
i) Showed up to his practice and his doc live even tho he simply could have gone home after his home, wanted to join his music show but didn't know schedule which again everyone knows he doesn't check GC like other members do so he never has idea about ANY members' schedules but he somehow has always seen/watched and is aware of jimin's content
ii) made a whole 1.5 hrs live specifically for jm which he never did for any members who released albums before jm or after jm.
iii) Telling him "Even if you're not no1 you're always number 1 to me", "eveb if i don't say it I'm always watching you"
iv) congratulating him even on his small winnings, always singing his songs, knowing every single song of jm's, knowing lyrics to them, never misssing to play ever single new release of jm's.
v) Telling him for his dance
vi) Cooking for jm so many times that when asked jin to make jm's profile he mentioned jk as jm's cook in 2020 which was 4 yrs ago even tho yg and jin also cooks but jk surely is jm's cook. Do i need to mention all the times he's cooked for jm? The big pancake specially for jm because he had penalties even tho jin was also going to do penalties, The whole AYS being jk cooking for jm? Knows what type of food jm loves from spices to sour food etc.
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Taking interests in his interests
• Knowing lyrics to every song of his like no one would ever know if asked to sing happens when you listen to same songs and take interest in it.
• Playing video games together
• Working out together and being boxing partners as well but funnily they never shared their videos together but they share same boxing coach.
• Talking with another every single thing because there's no judgement, From silly talks to serious topics everything.
Wants his affection
• everytime he does something he waits for jm's praises, goes to his room when he's alone because he wants jimin's presence and his affection.
• "You know my heart, I love you"
• "Jiminie hyung is the hyung who gives me most comfort"
• "He's my catalyst, he's honey in my life"
• "Jiminie hyung is my charm"
• "jiminie hyung is my you're me I'm you"
• "My heart connects to Jiminie hyung the most when we make eye contact on stage"
• "Jiminie hyung stimulates me on and off stage"
• "I promised to go to the moon with jungkookie"- jimin wouldn't say it if the bond is not Mutual.
• I'm pretty sure jimin would want someone to come to him to comfort when he's crying and jungkook has done that for jm always.
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There's many but i won't link all.
There's 11 years of jikook content so if you had paid attention you'd have known Many of the things they have said about eachother.
jimin himself has said that Jungkook is bad at expressing himself and that's why he's a cutie and "jungkook is mine" point is jm understand jk and jk gives jm what he wants. makes sure that his actions are enough to convey his love.
You said jk needs someone who will see him as equal and that's why jm has let jk drop honorifics with him the most even tho jk had initially denied Tae when tae asked him to. jungkook who is not verbally expressive with other members yaps alot in front of jm all because he knows jm will listen to him and will not judge. They themselves had said that they're copies of eachother so how is that happening if both don't think of eachother as equal?
jimin babies taehyung just as much so I'm sure you don't think that means jm don't see taehyung as equal.
Gonna skip the middle part cause that ain't even important.
Why does everyone of shippers wanna talk about 2023 did BTS become friends in 2023 or what? what about the years before that?
The contrast with yoonmin points.....
1) Went to jk to NYC and was present with him before his first ever solo performance in the solo era in another country. wouldn't happen if he didn't want to.
2) Jimin enlisted with Jungkook using the Buddy program and will be with jungkook for 18 months, and get to see jungkook for 18 months.
3) jimin has been with jungl for his b'days every year since they left the dorms. at least 3 times i can mention don't have to stick to only 2023. and none of them said they didn't meet e/o on b'days in 2023 so i won't know that.
4) interesting how jm and jk have been boxing partners since some 2021 yet they never posted together like tae did with jk. I hope you know this information.
5) my guy has been wearing yg's, taeyang's, tae's merch.
6) He's celebrating jungkook's songs and his project since forever and even in 2023, I'm sure you watched AYS as well.
7) Said sorry to jungkook that he couldn't attend his small concert because he was busy that day when there's no need to say sorry in the first place.
What jungkook did for jimin...
1) Jungkook made a whole 1.5 hrs live only for jm never for anyone else.
2) has played every single new jimin song that dropped in 2023 even though all members were dropping their songs as well but jungkook didn't play them till around oct 2023 and before that he played yoongi's album months after when he went to yg's concert when his album had dropped a month after jm.
3) He might not know jm's schedule because everyone knows he doesn't check GC through which every member gets updates on other members like tae, jm, yg etc YET jk knew when smf2 teaser was dropping asked everyone to look forward to it. watched 1st suchwita only because of jm. Watched most of jimin content that would drop. Hasn't missed anything that jm released in 2023 and has hyped everything on his lives throughout 2023.
4) Now we know jungkook hardly ever mention which members he met unless, we know most of his hangouts with other members because of other members hardly ever jk.
5) if i remember correctly jk said jm comes to him and says preuriri to 3D to the point he was worried he himself would say it because jm always used to come to him and say it to him, jm said they talked about music for hrs and he's showed new things he's learned to jk to ask what he thinks he pretty much has been around jk in second half.
Now about making time then it was 2022 when jm visited jk for his b'day like he does EVERY year even tho he was busy working on music with new producer that flew to sk a day before but jm still made sure he'll be with jk. He has denied jungkook more than once for hangouts because their schedules never matched unlike yoongi, jimin and hobi who were working at the same time so jm got to spent a lot of time with them like how he went out with hobi from company for his b'day etc. Went to jk all by himself because HE WNTES not because anyone asked him, HE wanted the show and jungkook agreed without any hesitation. mind you in all three trips they both were busy so how can you say jm made time for yoongi as if he didn't go on 3 trips with jk by making time off of his busy schedule? you talked as if jm made time only for yg so how do you think he did AYS? those trips were in between their busy schedules and those trips were their escape from that busy environment just like 2017 Japan trip was their escape from wtv going on at that time. Cam this cam that yet both were upset while leaving their last location, jungkook said those Trips were the best of his life even tho he's travelled the world multiple times. never saw jm be this upset when leaving ITS location or any Bon Voyage location even tho jk said he gets upset at the end of every trip. If i remember correctly jm said him and jk and one of jin-yg was the last ones to leave the dorms The key point here was he knew him and jk were the last but he was confused btw if it was jin or yg who was with them so what does that tell you?
Funny how people question them when these are the two men who decided to serve in military together for 18 months but they still have to prove their closeness to others lol. It's not that anyone has a problem with you believing yoonmin are romantically involved that's fine but it's the nitpicking over jikook that gets me. It's always "let's talk about 2023 since i have most of my ship moments from 2023" as if yrs before them don't matter. Too many things can be nitpicked on yoonmin's part but we Won't go there.
This is a roughly made post with things i can remember from the top of my head. I know there's tens of errors and typos which i hope will be ignored. Dk if it will reach you since you made it unavailable but still....
Also saw you talking about jkkrs disrespecting jm and jk the other day in jkk tag but i think nothing beats yoonminers HATING jm to the point the first thing ynmners do is defend all NSFW arts and go and write a fic based on it mocking the hate jm gets. Y'all should really think about that first. And quotes are loving it btw.
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mostlyfate · 9 months
Hi :) what are your faves kdrama ?
Hi hi! :D Whenever I get ask about favorite dramas my perspective always seems to change as time goes by tbh! Here's an old ask from 2021 that included my favorite kdramas — but now I'm honestly really picky with what I call a "favorite" drama. Like yes, I still very much enjoyed past ones I called a favorite but if I had to put it in a category it'd be that I just enjoyed it a lot in the moment. If that makes any sort of sense 😭 For a drama to be a favorite I literally need to feel some sort of attachment to it. So if I would give a list of fave kdramas it would literally be like just one ngl 😅 But anyways I'll list kdramas that I enjoyed watching and would recommend giving a try! (read until the end for that one favorite kdrama haha)
— My Lovely Boxer | episodes: 12, duration: 1hr. 10 min. genres: drama, romance, sports. » Main leads chemistry and bickering 💯
— Destined With You | episodes: 16, duration: 1hr. 10 min. genres: comedy, fantasy, romance. » Plot 🙅‍♀️ Couple being sick in love w each other 👌
— May It Please the Court | episodes: 12, duration: 1hr. 5 min. genres: comedy, drama, law. » Fun, fun leads! Great chemistry, great acting, love me a law drama. 👩‍⚖️
— One Dollar Lawyer | episodes: 12, duration: 1hr. 10 min. genres: comedy, drama, law. » All around fun characters, great fits. Wacky scenes? ✓ Serious scenes? ✓
2021 and previous years:
— Idol: The Coup (2021) | episodes: 12, duration: 1hr. 25 min. genres: drama, music, youth. » If you're in the mood for an drama about idols... great music ✓ intense chemistry ✓
— To My Star (2021) + (Season 2!) | episodes: 09, duration: 0hr. 15 min. genres: comedy, romance, youth. » 🫶 Such an enjoyable watch, honestly! 🫶
— One the Woman (2021) | episodes: 16, duration: 1hr. 10 min. genres: comedy, mystery, romance. » idk i just remember enjoying this one with a lot of laughs! and honey lee kills it every time!!
— 365: Repeat the Year (2020) | episodes: 24, duration: 0 hr. 35 min. genres: fantasy, mystery, thriller. » I loved this drama a lot and the main two leads were everything!! 🥹
— Run On (2020) | episodes: 16, duration: 1 hr. 15 min. genres: life, romance, sports. » such a treat it was! everyone was chaotic, ki seon-gyeom i miss u 🤏
— Live On (2020) | episodes: 08, duration: 1 hr. 3 min. genres: comedy, romance, youth. » i remember loving female leads growth!! and the leads relationship was v cute!
— Radio Romance (2018) | episodes: 16, duration: 1 hr. 10 min. genres: business, comedy, romance. » 🫶 it's just a kdrama i love a lot 😭 and had a blast rewatching last january 😭 might be bias bc im in love with yoon doojoon lol but the first time i watched back in 2018 i didn't know much about him and i remember enjoying it then as well. idk i just love it and enjoyed it to the fullest. ✨
— While You Were Sleeping (2017) | episodes: 32, duration: 30 min. genres: comedy, fantasy, mystery, romance, thriller. » "So, the first kdrama I ever watched! It holds a special place in my heart because of that fact! The soundtrack for this drama also... I remember listening to it on repeat for a while after finishing." < What I previously said which still holds true! >
— Guardian: The Lonely and Great God (2016) | episodes: 16, duration: 1 hr. 22 min. genres: comedy, fantasy, melodrama, romance, supernatural. » Not me just rewatching this a bit ago... still v funny and iconic 😭
+ A Business Proposal (2022), A Piece of Your Mind (2020), Extraordinary You (2019), Strong Woman Do Bong Soon (2017), Secret Forest (2017) + season 2 (2020)
I'm probably missing others I enjoyed but these are like the ones I remember the most enjoying. I mean I have like the worst memory soo 😅
Drumroll my favorite kdrama?!?
— Splash Splash Love (2015) | episodes: 02, duration: 1 hr. 10 min. genres: comedy, historical, romance, supernatural. » "This one isn’t an full length drama but a special. It’s just a fun and charming drama? Like not exactly sure what about it made me love it so much? but I do and it’s an easy/quick watch. :)"
+ I know what made me love it so much = yoon doojoon (once again) 😂 for real though, I just love this special to pieces. and i wish it was an actual full-length drama 😭 like it's everything and i always think about it every now and then 🥺 their chemistry was everything! their acting was so good! i am so sad we didnt get moreee 😭😭😭
anyways!! i'm just a weird when it comes to something being a favorite like i only have one all time favorite drama ever (Talio Fukushu Daiko no Futari, 2020.) that i never shut up about and that's itt. 😅😭
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apinyachakriiauto · 2 years
แนะนำรถยนต์มือสองสุราษฎร์ธานี อัพเดทล่าสุด 2023
รถมือสองสุราษฎร์ธานีราคาเริ่มต้นที่เท่าไร มีรุ่นใดน่าใช้งานบ้าง แนะนำรถมือสอง สุราษฎร์ ภาคใต้ มะขามเตี้ย เมือง สุราษฎร์ธานี ตลาดนัดรถมือสอง สุราษฎร์ธานี เป็นเจ้าของรถมือสองสภาพดีราคาถูกได้ง่ายๆ
จังหวัดสุราษฎร์ธานีนับเป็นอีกจังหวัดหนึ่งในภาคใต้ที่มีขนาดใหญ่และมีประชากรอาศัยอยู่เป็นจำนวนมาก กอปรกับสภาพเศรษฐกิจของจังหวัดสุราษฎร์ธานีที่มีความโดดเด่นทั้งในด้านเกษตรและการท่องเที่ยวซึ่งมีนักท่องเที่ยวปีละกว่าล้านคนเข้ามาท่องเที่ยวในจังหวัดนี้ส่งผลให้ตลาดนัดรถมือสอง สุราษฎร์ธานีเองก็มีความคึกคักอยู่โดยตลอด อีกทั้งรถยนต์มือสองสุราษฎร์ธานีก็มีให้เลือกในหลากหลายรุ่นทั้งรถอเนกประสงค์ SUV , รถกระบะ 4 ประตู รถกระบะตอนเดียว กระบะแค็บ , รถเก็งซีดาน 4 ประตู และรถแบรนด์ยอดนิยมจากยุโรปทั้ง BMW และ Mercedes Benz เสริมด้วยเต็นท์รถมือสองสุราษฎร์ธานีมีให้เลือกชมในหลายร้านโดยเฉพาะรถมือสอง สุราษฎร์ ภาคใต้ มะขามเตี้ย เมือง สุราษฎร์ธานีซึ่งถือเป็นแหล่งใหญ่ที่คนสุราษฎร์ธานีมักไปเลือกชมรถมือสองกัน นอกจากนี้แล้วยังมีรถบ้านสุราษฎร์ธานีให้เลือกชมอีกเช่นเดียวกันในเว็บไซต์ Chobrod.com ตลาดรถออนไลน์ที่มีรถมือสองสุราษ ฟรีดาวน์ให้เลือกมากที่สุดในไทย
อัพเดทราคารถยนต์มือสองสุราษฎร์ธานี ล่าสุด 2023
รถมือสอง สุราษฎร์ธานี Honda Jazz รุ่น 1.5 S i-VTEC ปี 2021 ราคาประมาณ 550,000 บาท
รถมือสอง สุราษฎร์ธานี Toyota Hilux Revo รุ่น 2.4 Z Edition J Plus ปี 2020 ราคาประมาณ 485,000 บาท
รถมือสอง สุราษฎร์ธานี Isuzu D-Max รุ่น 1.9 Space Cab L DA ปี 2019 ราคาประมาณ 510,000 บาท
รถมือสอง สุราษฎร์ธานี BMW รุ่น X4 2.0 xDrive 20d M Sport 4WD ปี 2018 ราคาประมาณ 1,990,000 บาท
รถมือสองสุราษ ฟรีดาวน์ Honda HR-V รุ่น 1.8 E Limited ปี 2017 ราคาประมาณ 599,000 บาท
รถมือสองสุราษ ฟรีดาวน์ Mercedes Benz C350e 2.0 e AMG Dynamic ปี 2016 ราคาประมาณ 1,490,000 บาท
มือสองสุราษฎร์ธานี Honda CR-V รุ่น 2.0 E ปี 2015 ราคาประมาณ 539,000 บาท
มือสองสุราษฎร์ธานี Toyota Camry รุ่น 2.0 G ปี 2014 ราคาประมาณ 530,000 บาท
รถยนต์มือสองสุราษฎร์ธานี Honda Brio รุ่น 1.2 Amaze S ปี 2013 ราคาประมาณ 278,000 บาท
รถยนต์มือสองสุราษฎร์ธานี Toyota Fortuner รุ่น 3.0 V ปี 2007 ราคาประมาณ 458,000 บาท
จากการสำรวจประกาศขายรถมือสองสุราษฎร์ธานีในเว็บไซต์ Chobrod.com ตลาดรถออนไลน์ชั้นนำที่ดีที่สุดในประเทศไทยพบรถบ้านสุราษฎร์ธานีเป็นจำนวนมาก โดยมีราคาจำหน่ายเริ่มต้นที่ประมาณ 200,000 บาท ถึง 1,000,000 บาท โดยเฉพาะรถในกลุ่มอเนกประสงค์แฮทช์แบ็ก 5 ประตู เช่น Honda CR-V ปี 2014 ราคาเริ่มต้นประมาณ 530,000 บาท และ Suzuki Swift รุ่น 2.1 GL ปี 2017 ราคาประมาณ 348,000 บาท เท่านั้น ซึ่งถือว่ามีราคาไม่สูงนักเมื่อเปรียบเทียบกับราคาจำหน่ายรถ SUV ในปัจจุบัน สำหรับรถในกลุ่ม SUV เหล่านี้สามารถตอบโจทย์การใช้งานได้อย่างหลากหลายทั้งเป็นรถครอบครัวเนื่องจากมีเบาะนั่งภายในที่สามารถบรรจุผู้โดยสารได้มากถึง 5 ที่นั่ง เสริมด้วยโครงสร้างตัวถังที่มักจะถูกดีไซน์ให้มีรูปทรงที่ปราดเปรียวมีความคล่องตัวสูงและห้องโดยสารที่มีขนาดใหญ่ 
ในส่วนของผู้ที่มีความสนใจรถ PPV ขนาด 7 ที่นั่งก็ยังมี Toyota Fortuner ปี 2017 มีราคาเริ่มต้นเพียง 450,000 บาท และ Ford Everest ปี 2015 ราคาเริ่มต้นที่ 790,000 บาท สามารถรองรับการใช้งานในรูปแบบรถครอบครัวได้เป็นอย่างดีด้วยห้องโดยสารที่มีขนาดใหญ่พร้อมฟังก์ชั่นอำนวยความสะดวกที่ครบครันซึ่งถือเป็นจุดเด่นของรถรุ่นนี้ กอปรกับการติดตั้งเบาะนั่งภายในที่มีมาให้ถึง 7 ที่นั่งจึงสามารถรองรับการใช้งานในรูปแบบรถครอบครัวได้เป็นอย่างดี เสริมด้วยระบบขับเคลื่อนที่มีให้เลือกใช้งานทั้งในรูปแบบรถขับเคลื่อน 2 ล้อ 2WD และระบบขับเคลื่อน 4 ล้อ 4WD ซึ่งสามารถรองรับการใช้งานในเส้นทางทุรกันดารและการขับขี่แบบออฟโรดได้อีกด้วย
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นอกจากนี้แล้วตลาดนัดรถมือสอง สุราษฎร์ธานี รวมไปถึงเต็นท์รถมือสองสุราษฎร์ธานียังมีให้เลือกชมในหลากหลายพื้นที่เกือบทั่วทั้งจังหวัดโดยเฉพาะรถมือสอง สุราษฎร์ ภาคใต้ มะขามเตี้ย เมือง สุราษฎร์ธานีซึ่งนับเป็นศูนย์รวมในการจำหน่ายรถมือสองในเมืองสุราษฏร์ธานีพร้อมโปรโมชั่นรถมือสองสุราษ ฟรีดาวน์ให้ท่านได้เป็นเจ้าของรถคันโปรดได้อย่างง่ายดายอีกด้วย หากสนใจรถมือสองสุราษฎร์ธานีสามารถค้นหาข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ Chobrod.com
การซื้อขายรถมือสองสุราษฎร์ธานีสามารถที่จะทำได้ในหลากหลายวิธีทั้งจากการซื้อยังเต็นท์รถมือสองโดยตรงซึ่งมีตั้งอยู่เกือบทั่วทั้งจังหวัดโดยเฉพาะรถมือสอง สุราษฎร์ ภาคใต้ มะขามเตี้ย เมือง สุราษฎร์ธานีซึ่งถือเป็นศูนย์รวมจำหน่ายรถยนต์มือสองที่มีให้เลือกหลากหลายเต็นท์พร้อมราคาจำหน่ายที่ไม่สูงมากนักเพียงแค่ท่านเดินทางเข้าไปสอบถามรายละเอียดรถรุ่นที่ท่านต้องการพร้อมราคาจำหน่ายซึ่งท่านจะได้รับข้อมูลรายละเอียดรถอย่างครบถ้วนพร้อมทั้งตรวจสอบสภาพรถและเจรจาทดลองขับได้โดยตรง อีกทั้งเต็นท์รถมือสองตลาดนัดรถมือสอง สุราษฎร์ธานีโดยส่วนใหญ่รถที่นำมาจำหน่ายมักจะเป็นรถบ้านสุราษฎร์ธานีโดยตรงซึ่งมีสภาพดี ราคาถูกและมีความน่าเชื่อถือ อีกทั้งยังได้รับโปรโมชั่นเด็ดรถมือสองสุราษ ฟรีดาวน์ที่ช่วยให้ท่านสามารถเป็นเจ้าของรถมือสองคันที่ต้องการได้อย่างง่ายดายมากยิ่งขึ้นในราคาที่ประหยัดมากที่สุด
อย่างไรก็ตามนอกจากการซื้อขายรถยนต์มือสองโดยตรงที่เต็นท์รถแล้วยังมีการค้นหารถมือสองในช่องทางออนไลน์อีกรูปแบบหนึ่งผ่านเว็บไซต์ Chobrod.com ตลาดรถออนไลน์ชั้นนำที่รวบรวมเอารถมือสองสุราษ ฟรีดาวน์และรถบ้านสุราษฎร์ธานีเอาไว้ให้ท่านเลือกชมมากที่สุดในประเทศไทย เพียงแค่ท่านเปิดเว็บไซต์ Chobrod.com พร้อมระบุจังหวัดที่ต้องการค้นหารถ เช่น สุราษฎร์ธานีแล้วกดค้นหาท่านก็จะได้พบกับรถยนต์มือสองสุราษฎร์ธานี ราคาถูก สภาพดี เป็นจำนวนมาก หรือ หากท่านต้องการขายรถบ้านสุราษฎร์ธานี เจ้าของขายเองก็สามารถที่จะลงประกาศได้ฟรีไม่มีค่าใช้จ่ายเพียงระบุรายละเอียดของรถพร้อมภาพประกอบให้ครบถ้วนประกาศขายรถมือสองสุราษฎร์ธานีของท่านก็จะได้รับการอนุมัติโพสต์และกระจายไปยังแพลตฟอร์มต่างๆของ Chobrod.com เพื่อช่วยให้ท่านสามารถขายรถมือสองสุราษฎร์ธานีได้อย่างรวดเร็วมากที่สุดในราคาที่ท่านพึงพอใจมากที่สุดอีกด้วย
หากท่านสนใจรถยนต์มือสองสุราษฎร์ธานี รถมือสอง สุราษฎร์ ภาคใต้ มะขามเตี้ย เมือง สุราษฎร์ธานี ค้นหารถบ้านสุราษฎร์ธานี สภาพดี ราคาถูก เจ้าของขายเอง มีความน่าเชื่อถือ เปรียบเทียบราคารถมือสองสุราษฎร์ธานี ตรวจเช็คราคารถมือสองสุราษ ฟรีดาวน์ เลือกรถมือสองสุราษฎร์ธานีรุ่นที่ตอบสนองต่อการใช้งานของท่านได้ที่ Chobrod.com ตลาดรถออนไลน์ชั้นนำที่ดีที่สุดในประเทศไทย
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furymint · 2 years
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2022 Creator Reflection
1. ppt meme
the thing im happiest with this year, tbh! i put a lot of work and care into each slide—and i think it shows. at the same time, this thing i made to help my writing be more accessible just became something that required a commitment to read from its length. i hope anyone that read it found it worthwhile! i love rereading it myself.
2. free
jillian’s prophecy attacked again. new florence + the machine song, new bri edit. my motivation to create things has been really low so i tried to limit myself to only devoting an hr or so to this simple edit. i think its cute
3. goal of the century
it doesnt look like i did a lot to this edit, but i added a lot of lighting to it. it was nice editing a picture of lselle and it reminded me a bit of how fun it was to have something i wanted to badly in the game as the seagull minion
4. the loneliest
this one took a few days to complete. i listened to maneskin a lot in the car this year to keep my spirits up, so its ironic that this is the only song i made something for. i used a lot of bad pics to make it so it was a greater struggle than it couldve been, but im still happy w the way it came out even if it didnt linger in my head afterwards
5. will it snow? [nsfw]
it took me a very long time to write this and, altho its not remotely close to my usual vibe, i think its well done. mostly i think it was a v good exercise for all that never made it into the final product. i wrote three different carriage scenes to find the heart of whole piece. 
❌ impulsivity > fury > humiliation > resolve
(hoare’s outside, nol jumps out w no plan but to confront him, realizes how stupid he is when hoare a) insults him or b) escapes him, and he determines that he can do nothing until the recital in the evening)
❌ impulsivity > rationale > protectiveness > calm
(hoare’s outside, nol jumps out w no plan but to confront him, realizes how stupid he is before he moves away, so he gets back in the carriage, still mad with adrenaline, embarrassment, and the #masculine impulse of protection all manifested in possessiveness, then a gradual lowering of hackles)
✔️ ostracism > fear > rationale > calm
(looping back to the fake community at the beginning, a return to his fear of societal expectations & his lack of a community where he can be himself, the value of secrecy, the joy of secrecy)
i always loved the original carriage scene and im glad i got to actually finish it. i didnt get to do armistice day this year and i also didnt finish may other things, but at least i have this.
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i have to confront more and more often that my drive to engage w ffxiv is almost depleted, and its a really really lonely feeling. i dont know what ill do in the new year about it. i know ill continue my literature work/research and keep drafting my outline for a complete transition of nol and eli into wwi austria-hungary. i want to write more!
past reflections:  2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021
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geneajournals · 2 months
Taxi Driver | 52 Ancestors
Aaron Arnold Guice, Sr. (1899-1972), son of Chapel and Laura Ann (Harris) Guice, was born on 29 August 1899 in Mount Andrew, Barbour County, Alabama. He married Ola Mae Scovil on 26 December 1920 in Mount Andrew.
By 1922 Aaron and Ola Mae had relocated to Birmingham, Jefferson County, Alabama. Their five known children were all born in Birmingham:
Aaron Arnold Guice, Jr. (1922-1943)
Mytice Valerie Guice (April 1923 - May 1923)
Samuel T. Guice (1924-2000)
Valencia V. Guice (1927-2002)
Clivetta L. Guice (1931-2021)
Aaron was imbued with an entrepreneurial spirit. In the 1930s and 1940s the city of Birmingham, Alabama enacted strict Jim Crow laws. A copy of Birmingham’s Racial Segregation Ordinances can be found here. One ordinance required separate taxi services for Blacks and Whites. Jitneys (unlicensed taxicabs) became a crucial part of Black neighborhoods. Aaron Guice recognized an opportunity and started working as a jitney driver.
In 1941 Mr. Guice is listed as the person at Union Cab Company to call for service.[1]
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The Weekly Review [Birmingham, Alabama], 25 April 1941, p. 2, col. 4
Aaron registered for the World War II Draft in February 1942. At the time of his registration Aaron was employed by Union Cab Company.[2]
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World War II Draft Registration card for Aaron Guice.
A 1943 newspaper article referred to “…Aaron A. Guice, well-known taxi cab owner and operator….” [3]
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The Birmingham [Alabama] News, 10 October 1943, p. 4-A, col. 6
In the 1946 Birmingham City Directory, Aaron A. Guice is listed as Vice President of the Birmingham Taxi Club Association.[4]
By 1950 Aaron Guice was the Vice President of Apex Cab and his oldest daughter, Valencia, worked in the office.[5] In the 1950 U.S. Census, Aaron and Valencia Guice are enumerated as follows:
Line 10- Aaron Guice; Head; B; M; age 50; married; born AL; worked 56 hrs as Taxi Driver/Private; own account. Line 12: Valencia Guice; Daughter; B; F; age 23; nev married; born AL; worked 56 hrs as switchboard operator for taxi cab co. [6]
One of the challenges of being a taxi driver is the risk of violence. Aaron was a victim of physical assault and robbery in September 1957.[7]
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The Birmingham [Alabama] News, 17 July 2024, page B-Two, col. 1
The 1960 Birmingham City Directory, lists Aaron Guice as the proprietor of Guice A A Taxi Cab Company. Aaron’s youngest child, Clivetta is listed as a clerk for Guice Taxi. Aaron Guice and his brother David Guice are also listed as the proprietors of Guice Bros Service Station.[8]
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1960 Birmingham City directory, listing for Guice.
Guice A A Taxi Cab Company was located on the first floor of the Pythian Temple of Alabama.
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Pythian Temple, 310 18th Street North, Birmingham, Alabama. Chris Pruitt, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons.
Aaron Arnold Guice, Sr. is my husband's maternal grandfather.
 “Union Taxi Drivers Meet,” The Weekly Review [Birmingham, Alabama], 25 April 1941, p. 2, col. 4, for “Mr. Guice”, imaged, Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com/image/572448612 : accessed 17 July 2024).
 "Alabama, World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1940-1945," database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS8J-13VK-H : accessed 25 April 2024) > digital 102630618 > image 2157 of 2513, imaged card for Aaron Guice, serial no. 2279, order no. 2194-A, Draft Board 17, Birmingham, Jefferson County, Alabama; citing NARA "Draft Registration Cards for Alabama, 10/16/1940 – 3/31/1947." Records of the Selective Service System, 1926 - 1975, RG 147, National Archives at St. Louis, Missouri. Images digitized by Ancestry. 
Oscar W. Adams, "What Negroes Are Doing," The Birmingham [Alabama] News, 10 October 1943, p. 4-A, col. 6, for "Aaron A. Guice"; imaged, Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com/image/573515227 : accessed 16 February 2020).
Polk’s Birmingham (Jefferson County, Ala.) City Directory, 1946 (Richmond: R. L. Polk & Co., 1946), 298, entry for “Guice Aaron A”; imaged in “U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995,” Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/2469/images/12961924 : accessed 9 February 2021), image 153 of 688.
Polk’s Birmingham (Jefferson County, Ala.) City Directory, 1950-51 (Richmond: R. L. Polk & Co, 1951), 357, entry for “Guice Aaron A” and “Guice Valencia”; imaged in” U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995,” Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/2469/images/12801713 : accessed 17 July 2024), image 182 of 280.
1950 U.S. census, Jefferson County, Alabama, population schedule, Birmingham, enumeration district (ED) 68-1, sheet 71, household 154, line 10 [Aaron Guice], line 12 [Valencia Guice]; digital images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QHN-PQH7-Y979-5 : accessed 4 May 2022) > digital file 108811855 > image 35 of 40; citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm T628, roll 742.  
“Cab driver slugged, robbed of $75 watch,” The Birmingham [Alabama] News, 17 July 2024, page B-Two, column 1, for “A. A. Guice”; imaged, Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com/image/575034656 : accessed 7 March 2021).
 R. L. Polk, compiler, Polk’s Birmingham (Jefferson County, Ala.) City Directory 1960 (Richmond:  R. L. Polk Directory Co., 1960), 507, “Guice A A Guice Taxi Cab Co” and “Guice Bros Service Station”; imaged “U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995”, database, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/2469/images/12698344 : accessed 8 March 2021), image 432 of 1281.
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
{D I G I M O N} Adventure+02 + “The B e g i n n i n g” (very minimal Kizuna) x “A p o l o g i z e” (Mini-Preview) Clip {David A r c h u l e t a} Live Concert Ver. + {+2020!}/{Kizuna!}KOUxTAI, {02!}KENxSUKE, (Implied/Former?/Un-requited) TaixS o r axto/Yamaxchi, {S o r a does not appear Yet} + TAKERU & A n g e m o n; + TAICHI & H I K A R I (Overall 02-Leaning +KouxTai)
“I’m hearing what you say…”
“Take a F A L L {?}”–
“I Need you like a H e a r t needs a B E A T– … BUT that’s N O T H I N G {N E W…}”
“{’XXXXX’} like the A N G E L…"
"IT'S TOO-- (???)"
{Note: Contains very minimal seconds-long spoiler shots of The Beginning!Takeru, near end of film; +The Beginning!Koushiro, opening scene; More spoilery shots of Rui, also from opening scenes (Tower scene) + middle part BIG spoiler (Rui’s eye & Ukkomon) {Notes: Eye T r a u m a; B l o o d}
Original S o n g © O.n.e.R.e.p.u.b.l.i.c A r c h u l e t a cover from Aug 1st ‘09’s S u n r i s e, F. L. C o n c e r t {“Hey O.P., can you explain that gap in your blog history of this f ANDOM—???”} [Do you hear them coming in???]
*Edited in about 25~ overall (Preparing for this however took at least 1~2~ hrs) More possibly to come in the future!!
{*Slightly L O U D at points!!} (*Contains cheering, as its L I V E Ver.)
by Me/@koushirouizumi {DO NOT Repost} {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT Reproduce my Work/Vid-Edit’s Without my Permission Under any Circumstances}
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aardrian · 4 months
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A little light breakfast at the hotel, a light walk across campus, a light mention in the AccessU legal update, a light lunch because they ran out at the conference, a light 3¼ hours workshop delivery (no pics), and a little light walking over the university seal.
The slide text:
Case Updates (7 of 9).
Lighthouse for the Blind v. ADP TotalSource (CA State Court) - filed Sept 2020, settled Oct 2021:
• Class action against payroll processing and HR company.
• Used overlay for accessibility - didn't work.
• Settlement requires accessibility fixes and prohibits use of overlays.
SLAPP suits:
• AudioEye v Roselli: filed in 2023 in NY state court against digital accessibility expert who spoke out against AudioEye's false claims that they could make inaccessible sites accessible through overlay.
• Settled January 2024 and case dismissed.
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whatsonforperth · 6 months
Honda fuel pump defect affects thousands
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Tens of thousands of Hondas are being recalled due to a fuel pump defect.
The federal transport department said the manufacturing error could cause the engine to stall while driving, or fail to start, in 52,051 cars.
All variants of nine common Honda models built from 2017 to 2020 are affected — Accord, City, Civic, Civic Type R, CR-V, Honda Odyssey, HR-V, Jazz and NSX.
“Due to an improper manufacturing process, a component within the fuel pump could swell causing the fuel pump to become inoperative,” the government recall notice read.
To read news in detail: https://www.news.com.au/national/breaking-news/serious-injury-or-death-honda-fuel-pump-recall-affects-thousands/news-story/d7338375882fe5e444baedc62c1af99f
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bomberqueen17 · 1 year
car etc update
I have driven so many cars. I'll witter on about them behind the cut but first I have to share a brief story of Reno the cat.
This morning Reno the cat was out by the greenhouse as I came in to stop at the house for breakfast. He was staring nobly off into the distance, no brain cell in his head whatsoever, just wind whistling between his ears.
A bit later, I'd had breakfast and was getting myself together to do some work today (which I promise I'm doing I'm just taking a Tumblr break, the first this week basically, so there), and I saw him sitting on the shelf at the porch window, staring in. Ah, I thought, he wants to come inside, because that is often how he signals that. So I went over to the door, and opened it.
He saw me and meowed excitedly, and clumsily made his way down off the shelf, which he doesn't know how to do gracefully. I stood waiting with the door open because this is the only thing one can really do, or Reno will get too confused to come in.
As he made it to the door, his sister Whiskey had clearly had enough; she also likes to go in and out the door and needs it held open a long time so she can stare through it and make her decision. The two of them share a brain cell and she usually has it. it's not a very bright brain cell. She shot out the door precisely as he was about to come in it.
This distracted him so much he turned around and followed her, which made her hiss at him and run away, and he could not help but chase her. I yelled his name and he stopped and then saw me and remembered he had wanted to come in the door. I called his name and he finally came in the door. I let go of the door, which has one of those pneumatic soft-closer thingies on it, so it mostly shut behind him but then bounced back open to hiss shut softer.
As it bounced back open, he turned and ran back out the door.
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[image description: the garden, through the large metal mesh of the deer fence, in a sea of dewy green grass and plants with some distant trees in the background, and in the foreground is a cinder block counterweighting the planting bench canopy to keep the wind from catching it, and a white cat litter bucket in the mid-ground (presumably with transplanting supplies in it); just beyond the legs of the planting bench, Reno the cat, who is gray and white, is sitting upright looking the other way, ears cocked forward as he gazes out over the garden.]
Anyway, cars--
I have now test-driven a Honda HR-V, a Subaru Forester, a Jeep Compass, a Jeep Renegade, a Nissan Kicks, a Volkswagen Taos, a Mazda CX-30 and a Mazda CX-5. And then I also drove a Subaru Outback, a 2020 Limited trim package that's now crossed the US several times and has had a young man intermittently living in it for some time, and said young man (who works here) was excited to tell me all about it and show me the Steering Assist which I can't deny would be pretty sweet if I was driving across the entire country.
Of those, the only interesting ones were the Subaru Forester and the Jeep Renegade. The Renegade is a Fiat really, made in Italy, and the thing I liked about it was super dumb-- it's so boxy and upright that the driver's seat is intensely vertical, your legs are really under you and you're sitting up high but with plenty of headspace, so it's sort of vaugely like a Wrangler only not quite so punishingly uncomfortable to handle, and it looks like a fucking Lego toy car but I tell you what I bet that four wheel drive is pretty sweet. Also 9.7 inches of ground clearance, hard to argue with.
The others were all fine, really, and the Mazda CX-5 downright pleasant-- good balance of cargo and headspace with reasonable fuel economy, good adjustability, friendly technology though a lot of that is probably just that Dude has been driving a Mazda since 2016 or so and as the passenger I've had to learn to navigate the technology. (M-L was excited that the star button might take you to space-- no, it's radio favorites-- and the paper airplane might be messages? no, it's navigation.)
I have a terrible feeling that for all my diligence and research I'm still going to wind up back in a fucking Subaru. I did get the scoop on the local dealership, a friend of M-Ls has a 4-year old Forester that she loves from that dealership which she hates despite it having almost the same last name as her. (One letter different. You'd think you could leverage that into them being nice to you. Guess not.)
I'm taking the Amtrak this weekend out to Rochester and it's going to be incredibly complicated to get back home. I looked at my schedule-- I'd been vaguely thinking I had two weeks off in a row coming up but i do not so either I'm going to take the Amtrak a whole lot over the next month and a half or I'd better just buy a fucking car. Blargh.
I haven't tried Kia or Hyundai and I missed Toyota because the Nissan guy wasted so much of my time (he was very clearly waiting for a specific car to come back from being test driven but not saying so, and finally M-L was like "genuinely we do not care what color" so he was like ok and went and got the one of the two other ones and then was like "there's no gas in this we gotta go get gas" arghhh anyway) that the Toyota dealership closed. I also have a dodge hornet on the list but they were all in the shop, which is weird. ("Naw there's some check engine light issue they all need a software reset over," said the guy, and i was like what does that mean and will that happen after i buy them, but he was like "don't worry about it" and we drove jeeps instead so okay?) And there's a couple of chevys and a ford and i'm really tired.
I've actually liked most of the sales people so that's been fun. We did genuinely shock the Mazda salesman when I admitted to being 44. "I was thinking you were young enough to be my daughter," he said, "but that's how old I am."
None of them have been able to figure out that M-L and I are sisters. M-L reports that occasionally I'll mention my partner having made me a spreadsheet, or that my partner drives a Mazda, and I often will use he pronouns for him, and she's like "I can feel them not looking at me because they'd all assumed I was the wife" which is hilarious. I mean for context we are very, very similar in appearance, similar coloring, similar size and shape, we really do resemble one another, but we have slightly different cheekbones/jaws/face shapes, so we're not identical or anything; we just have an obvious family resemblance. I guess it's not super normal to go car shopping with a sibling but I don't understand why it's so unexpected. As the like, bonus level, often we'll tell stories about Our Mom or Our Dad and we're clearly both telling the story? So I feel like it shouldn't be such a shock.
I'll be mildly annoyed if I wind up just buying the second goddamned car i test drove but on the other hand at least i'll know I bought it on purpose.
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buyurparts · 8 months
Evolution of Honda's Airbag Safety Features: A Decade of Dedication
There is an important safety feature of Honda's airbag system, by offering extra protection in the happening of an accident. Before talking about Honda's safety features, it is important to know how they have changed and become better over the years.
Beginning with the 2013 Honda Accord airbag system that was meant to make passengers safer. The airbags were put in the car so that they would have less of an effect in a crash. When there was a head crash, the steering wheel cushion was very important for saving the driver. This was a major turning point in car safety, and it shows how committed Honda is to keeping on the cutting edge of technology.
Honda still put a lot of thought into the 2014 Honda Accord airbag system. Adding airbags to the steering wheel made things even better and showed that the company was serious about making drivers safer. The focus on airbag technology stayed the same, and with each model year came new and improved features.
The 2015Honda Accordairbagscontinued to have a strong safety system. Specifically, the airbags in the steering wheel were improved to better protect the driver in the event of a crash. Honda's continued dedication to passenger safety was shown by the progress made in airbag activation and design.
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The 2016 Honda Civic Steering Wheel Airbag took the airbag system to the next level. Focusing on making cars safer wasn't just limited to the Accord; it showed that Honda was serious about adding improved safety features to all of its cars. Customers liked this approach, which made Honda a good choice for people who want to make sure their cars are safe.
Honda made big steps forward in airbag technology by adding 2018 Honda Accord Driver Knee Airbag. This addition made a big difference in the general safety features, adding an extra layer of defense in some crash situations. Honda has always been trying to stay ahead of safety improvements, and the way airbags have changed over time in their cars shows that.
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Moving on to the 2019 Honda Accord airbag, the safety system was still a big deal. With improvements in airbag design and release, the company's commitment to customer safety stayed strong. Honda made sure that their cars had the newest and best airbag systems, which was shown by the 2019 Accord. They wanted to stay on the cutting edge of safety technology.
Let's talk about the Honda CR-V airbag now. Like the Accord, the CR-V has a high-tech safety system that is meant to protect people inside during crashes. While that was going on, the 2019 Honda CR-V tail lights that made the car safer overall.
The 2019 Honda Hrv Airbags also had a more improved safety system. This model shows that the brand is even more dedicated to safety across all its different car models. Adding full airbag systems to SUVs like the HR-V showed that Honda was serious about making sure people were safe in all kinds of driving situations.
In the year 2020 Honda CR-V Headlights came out with better headlights. Headlights are an important part of a car's safety system, even though they are not directly connected to airbags. They help with sight and general road safety. Honda's attention on improving different safety features, like headlights, showed that they were serious about giving customers a complete safety package.
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I-9 Form Update: Remote Verification & Reinspection Rules (2020-2023)
#FormI9 #I9Form #BusinessImmigration #EVerify #HR #HumanResource #Employment
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eastcoastchipkeys · 1 year
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2020 Honda HR-V (add key)
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umapalavraqueajude · 1 year
28 de agosto...
Dia da libertação de Hong Kong 1945
Dia do Voluntariado
Dia do Leoísmo
Dia do Bancário
Dia do Avicultor
Aniversário de:
Araguari MG
Augusto Severo RN
Belém AL
Capela SE
Guaramirim SC
Itabaiana SE
Itararé SP
Lagoa da Canoa AL
Moju PA
Palmácia CE
Rio de Contas BA
Ruy Barbosa BA
Tupi Paulista SP
1789 William Herschel descobre uma nova lua de Saturno: Encélado.
1845 Publicada a primeira edição da revista Scientific American.
1893 É criado o Museu Paulista da USP.
1929 O dirigível Graf Zeppelin completa a sua 1ª volta ao mundo, realizada em 20 dias e 4 hrs.
1937 A Toyota Motor se torna uma empresa independente.
1941 Entra no ar o primeiro programa noticioso do rádio brasileiro, Repórter Esso.
1993 A sonda espacial Galileo descobre uma lua, + tarde chamada Dactyl, em torno de 243 Ida, a 1ª lua asteroide conhecida.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1749-1832
Raul Cortez 1932-2006
José Eduardo dos Santos 1942-2022
Morreram neste dia…
Afonso V de Portugal 1432-1481
Gastão de Orléans, Conde d'Eu 1842-1922
Chadwick Boseman 1976-2020
By (Insta) @dracmore1
✧・゚* ✧・゚✧・゚*✧✧・゚* ✧・゚✧・゚*✧
@simoneval01 -SP
@libriano.sn -BA
@dayvton_almeida &
@editoraserpoeta -PE
@dracmore1 -RJ
@na_companhia_da_poesia -PR
@daliiatavaress -RN
@pocaodruida -RJ
@thalesimplesmente -SE
@loucura_condescendente -SE
@lulacapistrano -RN
@jacksonpadd -SC
@brito.raffael &
@rafaelgamboa.ft -SP
@pedro.vale.1293 -POR
✧・゚* ✧・゚✧・゚*✧✧・゚* ✧・゚✧・゚*✧
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Justin's eindejaarslijstje 2020
• Name: Justin den Hamer • Age: 32 • Job: People Partner (HR business partner) •  Remember or forget 2020: One year anniversary (remember), for the rest forget 2020 • Best movie of 2020: Queen & slim  • 2020s bingewatch show: The Mandelorian • Best song of 2020: 
so into you  - childish gambino (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfQHEpf2q8k) • Best dish of 2020: 
suya • Most memorable moment of euforism in 2020:  • On scale 1 to 10: what do you give the year 2020: 6 • Biggest surprise in 2020: No nice surprises I can think of • 2020’s missed opportunity: ? • Best joke of 2020: ?  • What have you learned in 2020: Try to find joy in smaal things  • In 2020 it was the first time that I: Spens most of my time in own house.  • Your nummer one top song in Spotify: Handsome - Chance the rapper  • Goals for 2021: Get out and 
live life again (stupid codiv) 
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