#HR 6819
cilginfizikcilervbi · 2 years
En Yakın Kara Delik Keşfedildi
En Yakın Kara Delik Keşfedildi
En Yakın Kara Delik Keşfedildi Yıldızsal ara delikler, çok yoğun kütleli yıldızların ömürlerinin sonunda devasa bir patlama olan süpernova sonucunda meydana gelirler. Samanyolu’nda tahmini 100 milyondan fazla yıldızsal kara delik olduğu düşünülüyor. Buna karşın günümüze kadar yalnız bir kaç düzinesi keşfedilebildi. NSF’nin NOIRLab tarafından işletilen Uluslararası İkizler Gözlemevi’ni kullanan…
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many-fictives · 2 months
⭐️ | The Fictives of Many, The HR 6819 Col. !!
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💜 | ABOUT 🌐 ✨
This is a vent blog !! While fandom can be a source of comfort and escapism for singlets and plurals alike, it's a source of trauma and discomfort for us*. We* don't see fandom has being inherently bad. We* just have a different experience with fandom and our* sources compared to the norm. This blog is our* space to talk about and explore our* experiences.
⭐️ | COLLECTIVE iNFO !! ✧ — Many ✦ — adult (30s) ✧ — xeno/xenos/xenoself or xenoselves ✦ — it/its/itself or itselves ✧ — they+/them+/their+/theirs+/theirself+ or theirselves+ ✦ — pro-endo
「 ✧ banner credit ✧ 」
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01 ; ★ ABOUT ME 。 ┆✧ NAME — Near ┆✦ PRNS — he/him/his/himself ┆✧ SOURCE — Death Note [ canon divergent ] ┆✦ ROLE — subsys core ┆✧ AGE — adult ╰ – – – – – – – ☆彡
✅ Fandom Interaction okay; just know I& am NOT your blorbo. However, if something I& post resonates with your interpretation of Near, you're more than welcome to reblog.
⚠️ Fictkin and Fictives are welcome to interact so long as you're not in my& DNi; I& am NOT looking for source mates though.
⛔️ DNI: L fictkin & fictives, Watari fictkin & fictives, Roger fictkin & fictives, Light fictkin & fictives, Takada fictkin & fictives, Mikami fictkin and fictives.
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02 ; ★ ABOUT ME 。 ┆✧ NAME — Nathan Prescott ┆✦ PRNS — he/him/his/himself ┆✧ SOURCE — Life Is Strange [ canon compliant AU ] ┆✦ ROLE — anger holder, trauma EP ┆✧ AGE — 19 ╰ – – – – – – – ☆彡
✅ doubles (fictkin and fictives) and sourcemates are fine to interact so long as you're not a dick. I'm not looking for friends though.
⚠️ fandom interaction is on thin ice. As long as you're normal (not a Nathan hater & not a fan that sees Nathan as a uwu softboy) you're fine to interact.
⛔️ Nathan haters, obviously. I'm just as angry and traumatized as my source. Just because you have a parasocial or whatever relationship with fictional Nathan doesn't mean I know you like that. Fuck with me and you'll have to deal with our* protector!!!
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03 ; ★ ABOUT ME 。 ┆✧ NAME — Benry ┆✦ PRNS — he/him/his/himself ┆✧ SOURCE — HLVRAI [ canon compliant ] ┆✦ ROLE — translator, co-host ┆✧ AGE — adult, agenul ╰ – – – – – – – ☆彡
⛔️ FANDOM DNI. SOURCEMATES DNI. DOUBLES DNI. Anyone else is free to interact.
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04 ; ★ ABOUT ME 。 ┆✧ NAME — Blah Blah/Eddie Oswald ┆✦ PRNS — he/him/his/himself ┆✧ SOURCE — Brandon Rogers [ canon compliant ] ┆✦ ROLE — fragment ┆✧ AGE — adult ╰ – – – – – – – ☆彡
✅ fandom, source mates & doubles okay to interact. Send me any alcohol emoji to help me cope with the weirdos I live with!!
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05 ; ★ ABOUT ME 。 ┆✧ NAME — Peter Ballard ┆✦ PRNS — he/him/his/himself ┆✧ SOURCE — Stranger Things [ source separation ] ┆✦ ROLE — Nursery Caregiver ┆✧ AGE — adult ╰ – – – – – – – ☆彡
⚠️ anyone can interact! I have no connection to my source outside being an orderly in the Rainbow Room. I'm specifically an introject of Peter Ballard. I have NO connection to Henry Creel. I have NO connection to Vecna. I have NO connection to Hawkins Lab, or Brenner. I have NO powers. I'm essentially a fragment/NPC that's wearing Peter Ballard as a mask. I probably won't use this blog much!
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gaetaniu · 10 months
Secondo gli astronomi, le rare stelle di tipo Be sono in realtà sistemi stellari tripli
HR 6819, una binaria stretta composta da una stella di tipo B spogliata (sullo sfondo) e da una stella Be in rapida rotazione (in primo piano). Le stelle di tipo Be costituiscono quasi il 20% della popolazione stellare B e sono stelle in rapida rotazione circondate da un disco. Sebbene queste stelle siano note da circa 150 anni – essendo state identificate per la prima volta dal famoso astronomo…
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zevordofzeday · 1 year
HR 6819
HR 6819, also known as HD 167128 or QV Telescopii (abbreviated QV Tel), is a double star system in the southern constellation of Telescopium. It is in the south-western corner of the constellation, near Pavo to the south and Ara to the west. The system appears as a variable star that is dimly visible to the naked eye with an apparent magnitude that ranges from 5.32 down to 5.39, which is comparable to the maximum brightness of the planet Uranus. It is about 1,120 light years from the Sun, and is drifting farther away at a rate of 9.4 km/s. Due to its location in the sky, it is visible only to observers south of 33°N latitude.
A May 2020 study hypothesized that the system contained two stars and a black hole, which would have been the closest known black hole, and the first one in a system visible to the naked eye. A study in July of the same year concluded that rather than a triple system it was much more likely to be a black hole and a star orbiting at one distance from here and another star at a different distance. Three further papers in 2020 and one in 2022 concluded that HR 6819 is simply a binary system with two mainstream stars and no black hole at all.
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scienza-magia · 2 years
Un buco nero a "soli" mille anni luce dalla Terra
Scoperto Gaia BH1, il buco nero più vicino alla Terra (e non dobbiamo preoccuparci). Gaia BH1 si trova a 1.600 anni luce dal nostro Pianeta ed è un buco nero quiescente, quindi non pericoloso. Ma resta un mistero da chiarire. È stato scoperto il buco nero più vicino alla Terra, a circa 1.600 anni luce: si chiama Gaia BH1, ha una massa di circa 10 volte quella del Sole, e attorno ad esso gli orbita una stella proprio simile alla nostra, nella costellazione dell'Ofiuco.
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Zoomando verso il buco nero Gaia BH1. Sfondo: regione della Via Lattea; Pannello 1: un'immagine della stella in orbita attorno al buco nero Gaia BH1; Pannello 2: ricostruita l'orbita della stella; Pannello 3: effetti relativistici di curvatura della luce che sarebbero visibili se potessimo vedere da vicino una stella e un buco nero. T. Müller (MPIA) / ESA/Gaia/DPAC, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO Voler sapere dove si trova il buco nero più vicino alla Terra non è un desiderio puramente scientifico, ma anche pratico, per sapere se dobbiamo preoccuparci o meno. Ebbene, se il buco nero appena scoperto è davvero quello più prossimo a noi, non dobbiamo assolutamente avere timore: trovandosi, infatti, a circa 1.600 anni luce dal nostro Pianeta, vuol dire che viaggiando alla velocità di 300.000 chilometri al secondo, ci si impiega ben 1.600 anni per arrivarci. La scoperta è stata pubblicata con un articolo apparso sul MonthyNotices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Al buco nero è stata data la sigla Gaia BH1 in quanto inizialmente osservato dal telescopio spaziale Gaia. Le ricerche sono continuate grazie alle osservazioni eseguite con il telescopio Gemini North, alle Hawaii. La scoperta si è resa possibile grazie alle osservazioni spettroscopiche del moto della compagna del buco nero, in altre parole osservando il comportamento della luce emessa dalla stella che orbita attorno al buco nero a una distanza pari a quella a cui il nostro Pianeta orbita attorno al Sole. Questo buco nero sembra essere quiescente, e quindi in nessun modo pericoloso. Al contrario, il buco nero che precedentemente deteneva il record, che si trova circa tre volte più lontano dalla Terra rispetto a Gaia BH1, è attivo, ed emette grandi quantità di radiazioni X che sono il frutto del consumo di materiale che attrae dalla stella compagna. Per questo è stato anche più semplice da individuare. La gara tra astronomi. La ricerca del buco nero più vicino alla Terra è una sorta di sfida tra alcuni astronomi e non sono mancate false illusioni. Circa due anni fa, ad esempio, l'Eso aveva emesso un comunicato stampa che rivendicava la scoperta del buco nero stellare più vicino alla Terra, chiamato HR 6819. Il buco nero, anch'esso quiescente, sembrava far parte di un sistema triplo di stelle che dista solo mille anni luce dalla Terra. Ma dopo poco, Kareem El-Badry, astrofisico presso il Center for Astrophysics Harvard & Smithsonian e il Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, e primo autore dell'articolo che descrive la scoperta di Gaia BH1, smentiva l'esistenza del buco nero. Una smentita che è poi stata di mostrata anche da altri astronomi. Ma c'è un mistero. Gaia BH1 sembra non ammettere errori di valutazione, anche se per alcuni esiste un problema: la stella che avrebbe dato origine al buco nero dovrebbe essere vissuta solo pochi milioni di anni, in quanto era una stella molto massiccia, con una massa di circa 20 volte quella del Sole. Ebbene, quando esplose dovrebbe aver inghiottito la stella che le orbita attorno - che nel momento in cui esplose non era ancora una vera e propria stella in grado di "bruciare" idrogeno. Ma ciò non è avvenuto. Questo mistero deve ancora essere spiegato perché il tutto non concorda con i modelli accettati universalmente della nascita e dell'evoluzione delle stelle binarie. Read the full article
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chibinotan · 4 years
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Closest Black Hole to Earth
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startswithabang · 4 years
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How Close To Earth Is The Closest Black Hole?
“Sagittarius A*, at the center of the Milky Way, is the closest supermassive black hole, some 25,000 light-years distant. A smaller one — just 6.6 solar masses — orbits a Sun-like star just 3,500 light-years away: V616 Monocerotis. That distance record was shattered last week, by trinary system HR 6819: two stars and a black hole 1,000 light-years distant. It's the only black hole-containing system visible to the naked eye.”
Within the context of General Relativity, black holes were predicted to exist way back in 1916: just months after Einstein first presented his completed theory to the world. But it wasn’t until 1964 that the first black hole was seen observationally: Cygnus X-1. Through a myriad of different techniques, we’ve now identified enormous numbers of black holes, but had never seen one closer than a few thousand light-years away.
All of that changed last week, when the naked-eye system HR 6819 was discovered to have a black hole inside it. It’s just 1,000 light-years away! Meet your new record-holder.
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The closest black hole to the solar system ever spotted may be just 1,000 light-years away. This newfound dark neighbor is at least 4.2 times as massive as the sun, and lives with two ordinary stars whose funny orbits gave the black hole’s presence away, astronomers report May 6 in Astronomy & Astrophysics.
Astronomers expect the Milky Way to harbor between 100 million and a billion black holes with masses between a few and 100 times the sun’s. But most of those black holes are invisible. “If it’s lonely out there without a companion, you’ll never find it,” says astrophysicist Thomas Rivinius of the European Southern Observatory in Santiago, Chile.
The few dozen small black holes that have been spotted so far interact violently with their environments, gobbling up gas from a companion star and heating the gas until it emits X-rays (SN: 4/4/18). The previous nearest known black hole, called V616 Mon, emits X-rays from about 3,200 light-years away.
The new neighbor black hole, called HR 6819, is not actively eating and so is invisible, the researchers say. But it appears to have two companions: one star that the black hole orbits every 40 days that is heavier and hotter than the sun as well as a more distant, massive star orbiting the star-black hole pair that is rotating so fast that it’s almost breaking apart. The motions of those two stars first suggested something weighing at least four solar masses must be orbiting with them, unseen.
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ovnihoje · 4 years
Astrônomos encontram buraco negro mais próximo da Terra, e é algo estranho
Astrônomos encontram buraco negro mais próximo da Terra, e é algo estranho
Este é o primeiro sistema estelar com um buraco negro que pode ser visto a olho nu.
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Astrônomos encontram buraco negro mais próximo da Terra, e é algo estranhoIlustração. Crédito: NEXT DOOR ASTRONOMICALLY
Astrônomos do Observatório Europeu do Sul (ESO) afirmam ter visto o buraco negro mais próximo da Terra.
O buraco negro fica a apenas 1.000 anos-luz da Terra – tão perto que o sistema em…
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cronosmos · 4 years
Agujero negro más cercano a la Tierra podría no ser un agujero negro
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Agujero negro más cercano a la Tierra podría no ser un agujero negro
Un objeto descubierto por científicos hace un tiempo, y que fue catalogado como un agujero negro, no sería…
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wananoro · 4 years
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This Black Hole is Just 1000 Light Years Away From Earth, The Closest One Known as Yet
This Black Hole is Just 1000 Light Years Away From Earth, The Closest One Known as Yet
Wide-field view of the region of the sky where HR 6819 is located (Image: ESO)
The ESO says that the hidden black hole in HR 6819 is one of the very first stellar-mass black holes found that do not interact violently with their immediate environment and, therefore, appear truly black.
Last Updated: May 7, 2020, 9:34 AM IST
A new black hole has been discovered, and it is…
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superpte · 4 years
Dark Black Hole Next Door
Dark Black Hole Next Door
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HR 6819, is a double star system, about 1,000 light-years away, or roughly 9.5 thousand, million, million kilometers, in the Constellation Telescopium. On the scale of the galaxy, it’s next door. Usually Black Holes are detected by the sparks of material furiously accelerated as it falls towards the hole (“Accretion” BH). Copious X-rays are emitted. However, this phenomenon arises typically when…
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timespanner · 4 years
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entertainmentnerdly · 4 years
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HR 6819: First known visible star system with a black hole, in the constellation of Telescopium. via /r/space https://ift.tt/2WAmP1S
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arko006-blog · 4 years
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Black Hole Closest to Earth Discovered, and It Is ‘Silent’ Astronomers from the European Southern Observatory (ESO) have discovered a new black hole lying just 1,000 light-years away from Earth.
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