#HOWEVER; I am tired of seeing people get butchered over the internet for being into this shit
celinolesunshine · 2 years
I think it’s time I announce something.
With the rise of all of the AI art in the community, and the upkeep of newer AI-generating art applications such as Midjourney, ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion, there’s clearly been an equal, if not more significant amount of protest against it.
I’ve had a couple anonymous people in my ask box wonder what my stance on this is, and after seeing such strong opinions on how this is taken across the board, I feel like I have the ability to say I’m quite biased.
my *quite unpopular, very controversial opinion* is that I really can’t say much on the matter at all.
my father works at the forefront of this industry. From what I know, he’s taking his own models and not only training them on public domain photos, but also coding his own algorithmic models to be able to use for himself. He’s working to create versions of the Stable Diffusion model that will let you accurately provide a picture of yourself to turn into the opposite gender, with an aim at providing some clarity for gender-curious people.
this kind of thing makes him so happy, and everything he does is based on his own prompts or his own pictures. His models are trained, yes, and I’m not sure where from, but he means no harm by being a business owner with a nerdy personality and playing around with AI art generation.
I’m disappointed and yet understanding of the issue people have with these models being trained on art or people tweaking pictures to their own liking and calling it “their art” because they ran it through a program. But I don’t think the problem exactly lies in the models themselves.
People aren’t looking around wondering what they can make their models steal that day. It’s not the developers that are making people so fucking brutal about their hive-minded opinion; it’s the fear of not being able to keep their own work safe.
And I get it. But get over yourselves for a second, respectfully, because some people feel like we’re being personally attacked for being at the front of the development in this community. It feels like first-hand bullying, like we’ve done something completely and utterly criminal and nobody will look at us the same.
which, part of it I expect. I kind of like what it’s done. For the sake of science and artistic expansion, I’m all for it. But as an artist myself, I’m equal parts gung-ho and ‘no, thank you’ when I think about my pieces being used in a model. The thought of my art being stolen makes me terrified. But I’m curious to know what it will bring us.
I don’t want un-artistic people to be able to get their hands on this stuff and believe they’re better than the people who slaved for hours on their own art simply because they knew what words to put in a generator (believe me, people are fuckin’ SPECIFIC), but I want it to become a power tool; a backbone. And I think that seasoned artists are afraid to use it as their own.
It’s time I speak about AI art. My opinion is that while I’m hesitant to either let my art into the programs or use it myself and feel comfortable letting other people use my style, I’m afraid when it comes to things like style-stealing. But, I think that it’s an amazing tool with well-thought-out programs and models, people are just too afraid to see it or use it. But the people with the hive-minded opinion of “fuck all people who participate, go kys” need to take a breather and remember they’re bullying real people when they say things like that. Like me. And my dad. My father works with AI-generation companies. So back the hell off, respectfully. :)
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lovecolibri · 1 year
SaL anon here friend and I don't know about you but I'm so, so tired. Amazing how the rush of excitement I got at seeing the promo pics for an actual dramatic emergency could instantly be taken out by a 7 second promo. I feel like KR got the news well before the official announcement and said "I'm going to turn this finale into everything I want", and basically decided to push everyone but Buck to the sidelines and make them observers while pairing him with her failed self-insert. And ugh, the only thing equally as bad as the prospect of L being involved in saving everyone is the prospect of the emergency just being like a quarter of the episode and us wasting the rest of the time on wrapping up Buck's many, many, many storylines. I know we don't know for sure this is what would happen, but KR has given us no reason to think it won't. Frankly I think we should let ABC know that should they, in taking over 911, choose to retcon anything (or everything) from the last two seasons we're okay with that, and no questions will be asked.
And yeah, I can definitely agree that while Buck taking over during a crisis would be a nice way to get closure on his doubts from episode 1, the path there (if one can call it a path, which implies it goes somewhere) makes absolutely no sense. I don't even want to think about how they are going to shove Natalia (I think she's around next episode?...still) and a baby into the whole mess. I honestly would have easily taken 50% less Buck this season if they had just taken the time do the leadership arc well and have this grand emergency to show that off.
So while I'm kind of resigned on the finale for OG, I have a bit more hope for the LS one, though I too am hard side-eyeing the "earn the wedding" comments. Who exactly has to earn this wedding? The audience? They make the effort to tune in regularly despite some pretty shitty writing choices, I think they're owed a debt. The characters? Not sure how two people being in an long-term relationship and seeing each other through hardships hasn't earned them a wedding. We'll see what happens, but at this point its the odds are 50/50 that this "tragedy" will involve either a hospital or a crime scene (or both)
Hi my friend! I have been under the weather this week and ended up being out of town all day today so I am *literally* tired, but also I am WITH you on my excitement for the finale getting sucked away by half that promo being of L and her once again butchering line delivery on something as minimal as "mayday" 🙄 I already got my hopes up for a good firefam feels focused episode and got let down by 6x11 SO HARD, so I'm just going to operate under the worst assumptions that way I can, hopefully, end the episode with a "could have been worse I guess". Although I went into 6x17 with zero expectations and the show still managed to let me down anyway soooo 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
I'm sure KR knew something was up, the negotiations were *rough* last year so I'm sure they were all told to prepare. And since it's something the show usually does, wrapping up nicely each season, it won't feel out of place, however I'm also worried the emergency won't be that long. Seasons 2-4 all had a cliffhanger in the penultimate episode to get people to tune in to the finale but 6x17 did NOT give people a lot of reason to HAVE to tune in. At least s5 made the effort of showing that firetruck crash like 8000 times over the week and making it look like Bobby was in danger, even if it was just a 5 min emergency that ultimately didn't do anything at all or affect anyone. They couldn't even be bothered to give a promo until Friday and without a cliffhanger, what's the hook to draw everyone in for the finale? Because you know those casual viewers are scouring the internet for news about the show, hell, most of them probably figured with no promo that 6x17 WAS the finale! Madney got engaged which is usually a season finale thing so I wonder how many of them though that was it!
"I honestly would have easily taken 50% less Buck this season if they had just taken the time do the leadership arc well and have this grand emergency to show that off." 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 SAAAAAAAME. They should have spent less time trying to turn everything about his storylines into a joke and actually delved into HIS emotions more. Instead we got the whole sperm baby now being about some rando characters we don't even know or care about's emotions for some reason?! His death being turned into "haha funny math skills for ONE episode only!" And this whole death doula thing where we haven't even heard them actually really talking about anything and what we did see was her being DEEPLY insensitive and unempathetic for her line of work, and then a parade of Buck's awful choices to remind everyone of them for??? What reason exactly? To give her a reason to leave? When after what we've seen we....didn't even need her in the first place? Like, WHAT has she actually said or done that has actually been meaningful or addressed Buck's death? We saw some of the aftermath in his talk with Eddie at the cemetery but what purpose besides giving Buck another LI he met on a call is she actually serving? Anything important could have been imparted by a victim at a call, and that triggered Buck to talk to someone in his firefam (OR HIS THERAPIST FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST!), and given us a peek into Buck's head about it. Instead we have wasted all this time on what? An excuse to bring two of the most audience hated characters back? WHAT?! Like, literally, who allowed this to happen? WHOMST in that production team looked at this absolute mess that KR presented as an idea and said "yeah, that works!" ?!?!?!?! Sorry, I'm too grouchy to try and make sense of this, it's just SO stupid and such a waste of time, the ONE thing KR is good at.
As for LS, I still haven't gotten to watch last week's episode. I'm hoping to watch it tomorrow but at this point I'm just watching that show with an "eh. This might as well happen I guess" because I'm out of energy for much more than that. I've seen some of the spec floating around but mostly I'm just excited that we were all right and Paul is officiating. Bobby is gonna be sooooo jealous. But for real, WHAT is this idea on shows that characters have to "earn" happiness and that always meaning that someone like, dies, or they have to be miserable in 98% of the episodes to get one or two happy scenes before the next tragedy strikes? Because I think the WRITING should have to earn the payoff and neither show has managed to do that this season.
Here's expecting the worst so we aren't TOO disappointed, while holding space to be happy if Andrew manages to get around the nonsense KR insisted on to give us a decent emergency because I doubt we'll get a satisfying wrap up for anything else on the Buck or Eddie front. Maybe we'll get extra lucky and the backlash after this week (and on that TVLine article, seriously what did they expect with that question?) will get L's scenes cut as much as possible again. For old times sake. Pretty much every article comment space, review space, and SM space I've seen has been pretty clear about KR needing to be gone so here's hoping ABC is taking notes! At the very least, their promo team can't possible be worse, right?
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