cyancherub · 2 years
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streaminn · 1 year
Tongues & Teeth I (wenclair)
lil au where its after season one and semester break, more explanation in my past posts tbh but essentially Enid feels like she’s doesn’t deserve to be standing by Wednesday and does smth about it until some other pack of werewolves come strolling into town.
includes more indepth werewolf lore and mannerism
Perhaps it was the fact that Wednesday finally settled down after the whirlwind of events that is her first semester but she could not help but note that something seemed off.
She curses at herself for feeling so unsettled, you would think being away from the institution she so desperately tried to escape from at the start would be relieving but instead it left her with an irritating tingling underneath her skin and she did not know why.
Was it her abode? No, she did not think so.
Everything seemed the same in the Addams manor: Pugsley’s incessant cheap attempts at assault still lingered every moment, Thing scuttled around like the spy he is and her Parents continue to scorch her eyes with their over the top affections.
(She does not mention that emptiness in her arms, the shiver in her skin everytime she brushes near someone.
Something was wrong and she can not figure out why.
Perhaps she is ill?)
It is when she goes to visit the town's mall for a family outing, two weeks away from Nevermore, that she is sharply reminded of what's missing.
It was the background song of a song that strikes her like a sword. It had a familiar nauseating tune, so loud and so Enid that she had to physically stop at the sudden ache in her chest at the remembrance of her friend.
“No wonder,” Wednesday murmurs, pointedly ignoring her Mother’s look. 
Enid truly left her mark and to think she had slipped Wednesday’s mind is inexcusable. An Addams always honours their words and distance wasn’t supposed to make her forget.
Safe to say, after some scouring through the brick of a phone for the necessary information, she goes and sends a message.
Wednesday knows that her roommate is a phone addict, always having it on her body when she could and she vaguely remembers how fast it would appear whenever a notification would sound.
She was not unsettled when after an hour or so, no reply had come with her message. She also had not reread her words to make sure she came off wrong.
Enid, How has your early break treated you? It has been a while since we have come in contact and the fault lies with me. I may have forgotten to exchange information when Xavier has gifted me this phone. Do tell me about your recent days. Sincerely, Wednesday Addams.
Was it too blunt? Too sharp, too uncaring?
Wednesday didn’t know and so she settled with ending the night early, anything to pass the churning in her gut.
In the morning, she felt the crawling of bugs scuttling along her stomach when she opened the phone. Her heart felt like the repeating banging of the doorbell as she stood up fully.
Enid Sinclair has sent (6) message.
OMG WEDNESDAY?? THE Wednesday Addams!?
You type like a nerd 😮
Pls dont kill me, this isi all slash jay
Joking! All jokin
My days just go so much better now! Bc leik omg, i genuinely didnt expect this
This is amazing weds im telllin u
It brings something to her face, to see such familiar words. Although some of the diction was confusing, Wednesday chalked it up to being an Enid thing. Just with her words, it's almost like Enid was chattering right away next to her.
Wednesday and Enid continue to text all throughout their break like this. Always in the mornings then picking up in the afternoon.  One totally unaware of what is happening to the other.
Enid doesn’t frequent the library, simply because it isn’t exactly one of the most well known places in her town. Why was this being brought up? Well her mother kicked her out of the house, murmuring to stay out of trouble because another pack of wolves is coming to town. 
It made Enid slouch, a frown on her lips. She’s a little high strung but she doesn’t cause trouble unless someone starts it.
It's not her fault her brothers got too physical, she was just repaying the favour.
So now here she is, in a library. Why is she in the Library? Well, it's because the smell of old books caught her attention. It was so irritating, being so sensitive to smells because holy moly do people stink but here? In the aisles of dusty shelves and old paper, it's almost like she’s standing next to Wednesday again.
A part of her whines at the loss of lavender and ink, that was what's missing. She was missing Wednesday and she got reminded of it when she got her texts just this morning.
God, she really really missed that girl.
Who knew being in such close proximity made her so clingy?
But it's okay! They were texting and omygod does that make her heart race. She could spend her whole day doing this, except Wednesday has stuff to do and she’s left staring at the block of text.
With a sigh, Enid pulls a random book from the shelf, admiring the simple name pressed on its side. Ravens and Wolves, how curious. She was about to open it until the chime of the library bell alerts her to a newcomer.
Normally she wouldn’t really care, a glance maybe and then back to her own world. Until a smell hits her sensitive nose and she staggers back like a newborn deer.
The scent of overwhelming ash fills the building, one that makes her hiss and attempt to plug her nose with a hand. God, these powers! so infuriating. There's something else in the air, something the other wolf is projecting but it's so hard to focus when her eyes are watering.
It's when she sees someone's shoes on the corner of her vision does Enid finally look up. In the sea of overwhelming fear pouring over her head, a flash of confusion and annoyance strikes her brain. Who does this wolf think he is? To corner a teen like this, it almost makes her wonder what Wednesday would do.
Probably stab him but that isn't allowed here.
So her hand tightens on the spine of the book as her body screams at her to run. She does want to follow but a part of her doesn’t want to move and she agrees.
Because honestly, what's with people and prodding and pushing? 
She’s just here, trying to read and then some asshole comes to stare her down. This wasn’t just over some book either because she has never felt such curiosity and amusement oozing off someone more than now.
With a frown, Enid places the book back and quickly shuts off her phone before pocketing it. Not liking the way his eyes seem to stare at it for a moment.
He certainly didn’t seem that imposing, but he just had this serial killer vibe that made her give a shaky smile in turn, anything to try and keep the peace.  The man just tilts his head in reply, giving a lip closed smile in turn. 
It makes the hairs on her neck rise.
Honestly, she would’ve assumed the guy was harmless if it weren't for the amount of edgy vibes wafting off like smoke, just about threatening to choke her out. It claws at her senses and Enid doesn’t know if he’s even doing it on purpose.
It's like the air around him was naturally dense, making it hard to even stand so close.
“So you’re the blood moon pup,” he starts and the mention of that night has Enid growling, eyes narrowed as she stands straight. When had she slouched?
Blood moon this, blood moon that. She doesn’t know much of the significance other than the fact that it's a special night and that her parents told her to be hush about it. The other werewolf gave her side eyes but it never went more than that.
Almost immediately, the air went from slowly suffocating to thick and absolutely choking and Enid swallows on another instinctive growl. Oh shit-
The wolf is still smiling and in fact, it seems to have gotten bigger - amused - but Enid can see the hint of anticipation, of threat in his lips. Her mind screams at that, clawing at her shoulders and she steps back, trying to push down such bothersome instincts.
“Don’t be like that,” he chides, stepping forward as his lips pulled into a showcase of teeth. “I’m just curious about the late bloomer and it's not everyday a pup shifts in a blood moon.”
He says it's important, like a symbolism from some god. Enid is reminded of a delusional preacher at this moment. Honestly she should care about why so many people seem to care about the moon, but there was no point. She could shift now, she could protect now- 
That's all that matters.
Protecting what hers.
Protecting Wednesday.
“What about it?” she grits out.
He taps at his cheek and Enid remembers the scar on her face. She has it bared to the world to see, even securing a clip to keep her hair. She should be slouched about it, vanity was all she had before she shifted but now?
It was a trophy, a sign that she had taken care of what's her.
“I simply wonder what a pup like you had to go through to shift on that night,” he murmurs, all easy words and shrugging shoulders. “You’re an abnormality, did you know that?”
Those words nearly make her see red. Abnormal, outcast, not like the rest-
Who is this asshole to think he can say what he wants?
“What about it!?” she barks back, voice rising as she steps forward, ignoring the aching pressure rising in her chest. “I had to fight for someone and I would do it again and again if I had to!”
(Wednesday was choking and so small in that fuckers hands and she never felt such rage before, burning and coiling under her skin.
She blacks out after Wednesday calls for her. 
Enid wakes up naked and there's blood under her nails and something sticking onto her throat.)
Her words immediately tempered off as unease began scratching up her spine. Something is screaming at her to shut up, to stay away. Normally she would’ve chalked it out as her instincts being crazy about someone unnecessary but she has never felt like this before and the want to run suddenly comes. 
Other packwolves don’t feel like this, not even the pack leader that takes charge of her family. It's like there's a shroud hanging around the wolf’s shoulders, like a curl of death’s veil so ready to swallow her whole.
He’s terrifying, but if there’s one thing Enid is good at, it’s fake it till you make it.
“It's not everyday I meet such a pup with no manners,” he says. “You can call me Romulus and you’re Enid Sinclair, yes?”
“Just Enid,” she chokes out, trying to force down the churning in her stomach. His name rings a few bells and it suddenly hits her. This was the alpha, the pack leader of the wolves visiting.  What's the leader doing interacting with a kid like her? “What do you want from me?”
It makes her step back and she watches how the older wolf seems to follow her movements easily, trailing after like a creep until she’s caught against a wall. It makes a sound bubble out from her chest as she scowls. 
He laughs, throaty and almost borderline a growl. “Right, sorry Just Enid.” He waves his hand and she watches the tips of sharp nails.
It's not like she can just run, he’s standing at her only exit and despite the pride in her stomach, Enid has no choice but to cower. Her lips pulled back into a snarl and fully unleashed the low growl from her throat.
“So feisty,” he says, giving a lil chuckle.
Romulus laughs, all teeth in display as he leans to meet her eyes. Ice blue, she notes. Similar to hers.
It makes Enid’s face scrunch.
“Is that all you came here to say?” she asks, staring at him with a face completely open to her distaste. She knew other werewolves can be weird as hell, but to think that they were this weird. He looked too calm and if the glimmer in his eyes said anything, entertained as well. Even with her growling, he didn’t seem to take her as a threat.
If he keeps pushing, then she’ll fully fight back. Pack leader or no, no one is going to push her around like this. It's insulting- Wednesday would never stand for this!
It was unnerving. Even the sight of her teeth or claws was enough to make someone pause but not this guy.
“Hmm…” Every bone in Enid's body tensed as the older wolf reached out, and her eyes widened as the hand drew closer to her face. She briefly believed the man was going to destroy her eyes, but instead, he gently plucked at a lock of her coloured hair while twirling his finger over it.  "Every other day, go to the library. You're a very interesting kid. I want to know more."
No, no way.
Romulus didn't react negatively to the blatant disrespect; instead, he just hummed softly, his eyes gleaming brightly in the faint light of the building and his face expressionless. Enid would have been concerned, even terrified, but she is too furious to give a damn.
Enough with the passivity, Wednesday would not stand for this stuff any longer!
“Back away! Don't you see how weird you seem right now?” Smacking the hand away from her head, Enid growled. "You're sounding like a creep!"
"I'm the creep?" he laughs. "weren't you the one staring at that gadget off yours? Addams was it?"
Enid felt all of the air leave her lungs, shoulders rising as she tensed up. What did he say?
"What're you trying to imply you sick fuck!?"
She expected a shout back, instead...
For almost three seconds, everything in their small space was silent - aside from Enid's growls - before a louder, more menacing rumbling literally halted the younger blonde in her tracks.
Romulus didn't growl. He wasn't showing teeth, and neither were his lips pushed back. He no longer has that unsettlingly blank expression; instead, a slight smile is pulling at the corner of his lips and he looks pleasantly amused. He doesn't appear to be a threat at all, but the deep rumbling from his chest startled Enid and caused her to spill out a whine before she could control herself. Even though it sounded like a warning rather than a typical growl, this one  seemed more like a gentle reprimand aimed to get her to stop acting out without actually scaring her.
That only scared Enid even more.
Enid's eyes widened as her whining subsided, completely dumbfounded by her own response. She was used to being growled at by other pack leaders, who have also warned and scolded her but she's never felt a reaction like that, not even when some of the wolves at school snapped at her in the beginning. Sure,  she may have grudgingly stopped, but she never complained and she never caved so quickly. Enid was right. This wolf was a problem; something about him was off; like every part of her knew he wasn't a typical wolf.
“That’s better.” The older blonde cooed, hand reaching forward to comb through the pup’s hair gently and this time Enid was too in shock to slap the hand away. “I assure you, I have no interest in anything like that. Late shifting at a blood moon is particularly odd in my life so I'm curious.” Enid could only weakly glare at the title. “So humour me, you wouldn’t want anything to happen to that…” he seems to humm before giving a smile, all teeth and fangs on display. “Wednesday, right? You should really keep your phone shut, pup.”
“Leave her alone!” She hissed, tone on the verge of sounding desperate and far from the angry, defensive growling from before. She barely got out of a Hyde attack and a part of her fears what will happen if she goes against a whole pack but she isn’t going to turn her back to one person that holds her like she’s precious. “If you think I won't claw your face out simply because you're some bigshot then you're wrong!”
“Then just talk with me, come to the library every other day and i don't need to drag not just your friend but your whole pack." The subtle threat wasn’t even subtle at all and Enid just glared harder. “That’s all I want.” Romulus continues, removing his hand from Enid’s hair and trailing down the side of her face before drawing back.
So she tears her eyes away and nods because fuck, she couldn’t exactly say no, now could she?
She grits her teeth as she searches the other man’s face for a minute, trying to find something, anything, that could show this was a trick. But his expression is frustratingly equal parts soft and terribly amused. There’s no hint of danger nor anger there, even after he growled at Enid, even after the pup had been constantly disrespectful as a way to get the man to just go away.
Enid clenched her hands into fists to stop them from shaking. She was never this violent, never this quick to anger and that made her hesitate, made her think. This is fine, she tries to reassure herself. If she can handle a pompous werewolf, she can handle whatever dumb noble Wednesday’s family could throw at her.
Her scars ache at the touch and it's a reminder of what Enid is willing to do for Wednesday.
“That’s it?” She whispered, the fire burning in her slowing down to ambers.
“That’s it.” The wolf echoed.
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dadsbongos · 4 years
👉🏻👈🏻 any characters you like reacting to their s/o getting a ball python? (im getting one soon and im super excited!!!)
sorry if you gave me too much power and i accidentally missed all the characters you wanted :(( but yay! ball pythons are so cool, i love that for you anon
Request for: Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki, Dabi, Denki Kaminari Warnings: if you don’t like snakes this prolly isn’t for you ~~~
Izuku Midoriya:
📓Kinda scared of snakes but he’s very supportive!! 📓”I’ll love your snake! It’ll be the only one I like.” 📓Has to refrain from passing out when you show him your baby :( 📓He wants to be there to be like “wow cool pet” 📓But he also wants to not have a nervous breakdown in front of his hottie gf 📓The only real paradox that isn’t really a paradox
Shoto Todoroki:
🍜”Nice.” 🍜He doesn’t know how to express his emotions so he just :) 🍜”Very cool, (Y/n), good job.” 🍜Feels kinda bad because he KNOWS his encouragement sounds so lazy and disinterested 🍜But it’s not, he swears 🍜He’s really excited for you but he has no clue how to show it
🔥Badass😎 🔥He leiks snakes a lot 🔥He’ll help with anything you need, he just wants to see the snake 🔥They’re his favorite animal so obviously he’s gonna go over just for your python 🔥”Oh… your human’s still here…” 🔥He loves you, but that snake is brilliant
Denki Kaminari:
⚡“Poggers. Can we make out now?” ⚡He’s veryyy happy and excited for you ⚡He’s not as scared as Midoriya, but he wouldn’t hold one ⚡But don’t let that distract you, he’s very excited for you ⚡Tries helping by setting up the enclosure, buying food, etc ⚡Probably holds a distance when you first get the python but after awhile he’s like “dope snake, can i touch it?”
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just passing by. i stumbled to a recording from last year, funny how an argument between us was caught, i think it was around that time when the music for folio was ongoing. na miss ko tuloy guluhin kayo at tumambay sa office, although it's nothing grand, it was comforting to just stay there.
alam mo ba doon sa recording you were asking if requirement ba to become better when you love someone. wala lang, napaisip lang din ulit ako, sinagot ko naman yung tanong noon pero bakit ganyan topic? parehas naman tayong ni minsan hindi naman nagkaroon ng love life, ikaw lang pala jHajshs jK½
on the other note, my friends are urging me to get a love life lately. realized na it's not for me, after they also made point na im unlikely to get one bc of the people who tried to hit it with me but still failed. pero, siguro i just like the idea of having one but i just dont see myself actually committing to something. malas naman niya kung ganoon, baka puro negative things lang ambag ko sa relationship namin :') tsaka feel ko they deserve better hahajs leik, they are pretty and talented and it's always scaring the shit out of me when someone of that spectrum confesses na they like me. like, me? pero sa totoo lang, from time to time i have this what if, i mean, i was sooo close to having a jowa, but i fucked it up at ang excuse ko lang sakanya ay mutually exclusive events lang kami 😥 feel ko we would last until today, considering our personalities, chill siya, chill ako. ayaw ko rin ng hassle, so why bother going through a breakup? neways, it never happened, though our friend was literally shooting us with hurtful eyes as if we betrayed him, eh hindi man nga naging kami pero feel ko lang na kwento niya sa kaibigan namin na ganoon ang setup—kahit hindi naman.
di ko rin alam bakit ganito na naman pinagsasabi ko, baka gusto ko rin talaga ng jowa, maybe it's that season again lol. baka nga sawa ka na sa ganitong kwento ;-;
just... recover well, so i can mess with you longer.
ur problem child
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hi, hello, i'm once again here.
warning: my existentialist self is highkey active tonight, throwing me a lot of questions.
there's been quite a lot of stuff going on with me or even nothing because i have mostly forgotten them. i was learning a language after failing again to focus in reviewing for cets [im sort of aiming for upd or dlsu csb, even though i'm not academically inclined nor can i stand reviewing for more than ten minutes... in short i'm smoothly not making a progress with my future], when it felt like the wind was tapping my back as if asking me to look outside the window—then there was the sky, all loving and hopeful. i really want to become a farmer in this lifetime, even more better if i could be of any help to them.
time and time again, my anger boils down to circumstances and the system. mula sa mga inilalatag nila na batas, ginagawang aksyon, lahat, hindi makatarungan pero sila—ang mga magsasaka ay naririyan pa rin at pilit na itinatali ng gobyerno sa mga sakahan at binabaon sa lupa. minsan, ang hirap lunukin ng kanin, kung literal na dugo't pawis na ang puhunan.
lately, i've become afraid of voicing out my opinions on twitter; afraid that my thinking greatly differs from how the mass suggests for me to think. later on, i've become more accepting of the fact that the way people approach circumstances can differ. if the goal is all for better, your opinion matters not.
sa tingin ko talaga may mali sa pamamaraan ng mga nangunguna sa pagkundena sa gobyerno. there weren't many battles that were won solely out of anger alone. we should become wiser. more than that, we should be critical and rational. honestly, i'm disappointed. i know some of those who are mass leading under those 'notorious' opposition orgs. i personally know them. and yet i couldn't reach out nor argue with them. it doesn't make any sense. they should know better. tell me, how do you fight a fight when you're already inside that casket? they shouldn't sacrifice lives (not even theirs) that easily when it's avoidable. they should learn how to strategize, should they want to obtain the most prized checkmate. it's almost as if they are giving the predators the satisfaction in laughing because of their course of action that's already expected by them.
*sighs* i'm really just, nothing, compared to the grand schemes of this universe. i can't do anything. this all, is making me feel unworthy and equally unimportant.
anyway, enough of that gloomy shit, i joined an international essay contest ! my cousin, the pisay guy (stayed at our house for about four days with his litol sister which is btw chaotic and exhausting) encouraged me to go for it,,, ang loko super late magsabi and like woah the deadline was last june 15. [spoilers: i made it in time] the theme was: a letter from ur 2030 self to the u now lmao. i made three different essays, and im freaking anxious. my bestfriend told me it was gr8. but yes... i don't know wtf cramming na naman. baka im feeling pressured since i was a finalist last 2018 in another int. essay contest hosted in europe. bUt Ye,,, this time it's in asia but still world wide. bsidjdhkdjs i passed it on a whim. susej be face palming on how impulsive i have become,,, forgive me father 😔✊🏻
iM eXCITED 2 make kwento abt the essay with you in the future becos it's 2030 alex !!! or at least how i imagined it to be,,, like me,,, being a farmer and creating an org befitting of my ideals or finding the people with alike visions or smthn... who knows... pero i really felt shitty about the 700 word limit what a bummer smh
so yeah, hello, that was... quite a lot... thanks for having me again [i don't know which direction the first sentence led me wtf pwede na ba akong conversationalist 'di nauubusan ng topic pero naliligaw kasi di ko alam pinagsasabi ko, gusto kong sabihin, at iniisip ko—i guess not aha]
major kumusta na like wtf ive heard may case na sa sta. rita? i hope u r doing really really really fine leik stay safe and make xTRA ingat ok
time checc: 4:56AM, this litol being still doesn't know what the concept of time is :D
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