#HORRIBLY artblocked today
mpekamitzii · 1 year
they're tiny!!
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Nora and Teo were inseparable since they were born,both adventure seeking troublemakers that were a pain to deal with if you were a teacher.When they were separated in class for the first time, teo met Sydney.A few hours later,he introduced them to his cousin, Nora, who was chasing plants at the time and was covered in mud.It didnt take long for them to become friends!
Their early teens designs are directly inspired from their original designs i made for them when i was 16 !! her pink overalls were so iconic to me at the time
Also shout out to my friend for suggesting i give teo a sand aura. all pharaoh's curse memes apply
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shiwakekgenyo · 1 year
I'm having an artblock rn, but today i made some little drawins bc i wanted to try my new markers, and i missed the feeling of drawing something.
So i drew some of my favourite amine characters (and I will draw more in the future). They are not the best I ever did but I'm happy that I finaly did something that isn't that horrible.
And sorry for my bad English ^_^
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diviedrawn · 1 year
I had time to actually draw today but artblock said no and feeling the aftermath of a horrible burn out resulted in me binging lots of breaking bad instead whoops
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psychic-waffles · 2 years
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sometimes u just gotta give up and draw chen minghao
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whitebookposts · 4 years
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Yet again, me trying to get out of my artblock using my favorite blogs as inspirations. Today I bring you, yet again, a drawing that is inspired by @krabandkrill ask blog (go check them out). So, you might be wandering - what is on the pictures? Well... not so long ago I was going trough the archives of the blog and found an ask where Krill told us about her “krill family”. And I’ve got a sudden idea - what if their family was also reborn as sky kids (adults)? And so, I decided to draw this. Here I drew Leilei’s big brother, little sister, and the triplets. Now, right now, only the name of Krill’s big brother is known, so I decided to give others replacement names. Of course, it’s not canon, and all the names will be decided by the original creator. Now, I’ve come up with the designs according by what is known from the blog so far, but of course these designs are probably very far away from what @awful-little-goose has in mind.  The next part is basically me rambling about how I came up with the designs, plus a lot of headcanons ---- Azazel: He\Him. Leilei’s big brother. His name was revealed not so long ago. In the blog, he is described as a warrior, so I decided to give him a big and tough body, kind like Tsadi’s - big body, small head (really, did you saw Tsadi’s head? It’s too small for his body! I couldn’t stop laughing because of this for 10 minutes). Because Azazel is located near the crashed ship, I decided to give him some elements of clothing of “Saluting Captain” spirit that is also there.  Abaddon: (note: she is kinda also my oc, so I might get a little bit over my head with her, sorry) She\Her. Leilei’s younger sister. Her name was not revealed yet, so I named her “Abaddon”, after the demon of distraction. Since she is described as a fierce warrior, I thought this name would fit her. Leilei described her as being smaller then others, so I drew her as the shortest one from the bunch. Because of her small body, she developed a very fierce personality, and I believe it would follow her even after reincarnation, so that’s why she wears a helmet and holds a spear, even as a sky kid. The helmet is inspired by the helmet of the “fainting warrior”, because the spirit is in the location before her.  Nanael: Doesn’t have a specific pronouns. You can call them however you like, but is usually called “he\him” due to their more masculine appearance. okay, okay, hold up. I know that the character never appeared in the blog, BUT. This character is the skykidification (?) of the little manta we see each time we enter the location of the first Krill. Even before I discovered the blog, I always wandered why does this manta always comes back, even tough the krill always attack them. And so, the ship has sailed. So when I drew Abaddon, I couldn’t resist and drew Nanael too. Now, they are named “Nanael” after my guardian angel (my mom ones checked the name of my guardian angel by my birthday for fun, and the name stuck with me). Nanael is a young manta - he didn’t evolve into an atla (this is how they’re called, right?), but he is not a child. Let’s say that they are a late teen. A very determined manta, who will not stop until he gets what he wants (in this case - Abaddon). Since he isn’t sent down for a mission like Remiel, he doesn’t have a veil like her. Is an aspiring musician, tough... they don’t really understand that their music abilities are at zero. The only one who can listen to his horrible music is Abaddon.  The triplets: you will never know their pronounces, the king stole them. I decided to call the three like that because the names were pretty similar, so I thought it would be cute for triplets. They are all named after powerful demons. I based their clothing on the clothing of “Lookout Scout”, because he is in the same location as they appear. Forcas’es helmet is based on the helmet of the same spirit. I decided to color their clothes in more colorful colors, because they are described as more cheery and wild (played pranks on everyone)’ but I’ve probably did it too much, so I think I will change it later. Forenus is the feral one of the three - a party animal, the initiator of all the pranks, a very talkative person. Foras is the smart one - the one who comes up wuth the ideas for the pranks. More introverted and less social. Forcas is the logical one - the voice of reason of the group. Is always happy to participate in the pranks, but will be the one to stop it if they get out of hand. More cold and tough then the others, yet still a pleasant person to be around.  --- Anyway, I should stop with my rambling... sorry if it’s too cringy, I just get lost in my headcanons and ideas ><
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Caught up!
Since I'm still stuck in a horrible case of artblock this month I've been catching up with my fave animes for the past few days. Finally caught up with Psycho Pass and LOGH DNT today! Finished Kogami's movie earlier and it was splendid, Kogami in a tub and in traditional clothing anyone? Haha fanservice aside, it explained how he got into foreign affairs in S3. I should've watched this before the new series but I got too excited lolz.
I finally got to continue DNT, i waited for the episodes to pile up. It looked like the story progressed too fast in this version, but thankfully I have watched the OVA so I was spared a bit from the confusion. I won't deny that even the original still stirred my braincells a whole lot but my strategy in this kind of genre is just to go with the flow. At least I can still recall most of the notable characters and events. Also, the "Red" flag has been raised already. I recall being very much devastated when it happened in the original even when everyone saw it coming. Ready for a second round of heartbreak, self?
Anyways I also really dig the new designs of the spaceships. I particularly love Dusty's Triglav which looks so OP. Dusty's looking mighty fine as well. He was like, my top 3 crush in the series after the two MCs. Of course Merkatz my old man is in my top 5. I was so happy when he finally appeared in the new series. He's one of my fave characters in the show, his character reminds me of Captain Okita in Space Battleship Yamato.
Jessica Edwards passing is done and I can't remember Yang wearing sunglasses in the OVA. Anyways there was more exposition about their relationship in the OVA and at one point they even almost kissed. Poor Yang. I shipped them a lot y'know. Also the future kaiserine has entered stage, and my first impression was that her voice sounded too girly. She sounded more mature in the OVA.
In connection to that incoming unfortunate event at Geiesberg, I dread that episode when Reinhard had to annihilate an entire planet and the guilt will be tormenting him for as long as he lived. Coz curse you Oberstein!
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askneruandhaku · 6 years
You guys have a very nice voice...i saw you awesome cover from a user called Urabe-san! In youtube, he now how to work with yours voicebanks ^-^
Boring non fun PSA in times of artblock
I want to touch on this because I was thinking about it today. I know about the covers from Urabe-san/Tsubaki-kun and there’s another thing mod knows. Spanish.
Sadly, from reading the descriptions, I discovered Urabe-san uses a pirated/pocaloid Hatsune Miku and Rin to produce his covers. That is not ok. This blog doesn’t support pitching down/nightcoring songs or using pirating vocaloids to make derivative covers, it gives Neru and Haku a horrible name and it’s one of the reasons people started disliking them.
If you guys want legitimate Neru (with low Rin config) and Haku covers with project diva PVs i recommend Krystal Petal
Detecting piracy is quite tricky but
+watch out for people who are uuusually from hispanic countries (hate saying this but tbh the promoters of pocaloid and people who run the blog are hispanic, and piracy is not taken seriously there at all. I’m from the spanish speaking community so i know this stuff - -)+mysteriously own a LOT of expensive Vocaloids (he seems to “own” Xin hua, Akari, Yukari, Fukase, Miku, Rin/Len, Flower, Kaito, Meiko, Azuki and Matcha, VY1, Luka, Piko, Kiyoteru, Gakupo, Arsloid, Una, Galaco, Sachiko, Lumi, Rana, Kokone, Unitychan, Nemu, Gumi… come on guys. Not even successful producers who make money from using vocaloid have this amount of vocaloids)+ read the description because sometimes they will shamelessly mention it:
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Be careful overall when listening to fanloid covers. Generally, i don’t recommend it, i recommend sticking to original songs. I think people misunderstood the Neru and Haku using other character’s voices -this wasn’t used to make “Neru and Haku covers” but because they needed ANY voice available to create songs about these funny characters and Miku is all they had at the time (and eventually low Rin started being used in Japan as well for some Neru originals when Rin was released). It’s not like they spammed covers or pitched songs for them like we do in the west…
Let’s not forget the fun about fanloids isn’t really the music anyway, but the characters and their personalities! They’re meant to be enjoyed the opposite way of how we enjoy vocaloids. I do enjoy a Neru/Haku “cover” now and again but don’t go hunting for them much because 90% of them are not reliable and probably breaking legality in some way;;
Side note, for fanloid music check out OwataP, YowaneP, NanameueP, KousakuP, YogarasuP, PowercodeP, Sou-san (at piapro), Sekai SeifukuP, AkariP and many more songs you can find in VocaDB if you search for Haku or Neru as vocalists, or nico! Just… mostly anywhere but youtube //sweats
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most-afa-lr-blog · 7 years
You know how doctors recommend taking care of your health? To not look over things that might concern your health? I didn’t take care of my artblock and it turned to a lifeblock. I don’t seem to have the ability to live anymore. I want to stop breathing I forgot how to eat today And I don’t seem to remember how to make friends with people And that’s all there is to living? So if I can’t see myself doing these kind of stuff I should start planning my suicide right? Like when it doesn’t matter what I eat who I talk to or whether I’m breathing or not why would I force myself to live? What would give me the strength to keep on wasting energy on getting worth while I can end it now? Like is there any fool out there who thinks it’s going to get better? Well…. wrooooooooong!!! It’s not. You’ll have a peak if you ever have one and then it’s a big fucking downfall till you die. And you’re not going to die healthy, you know? You’re going to die horribly so why not having your own choice of how you die? Huh? You can do it? Can’t you?
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stargazerspringles · 3 years
Update time!
Howdy! It’s about time I’ve updated my tumblr again, I am very very sorry about that! It’s been over half a month and I didn’t think that school work and artblock would be such a horrible combination. School has been rough, a lot of homework, tests, etc. and with summer break coming up quickly now there’s been double the amount of work to do!
As for artblock- well it’s just artblock, hopefully it will go away soon! I have many ideas in store, ranging from drawing different fandoms such as BWW (Balan Wonderworld), TPoH (The Property of Hate), and even Batim (Bendy and the ink machine)! I can’t keep any promises for the most part that I’ll push out projects for these fandoms such as AUs (Alternate universes) or animations but I’ll try my best to make drawings or sketches for them all!
And finally to end my ramblings, I’d like to thank all of you! I just checked my tumblr today to find that I have 144 followers! So thank you all so very much! That’s such a huge number!!! :0
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