shroudingmists · 6 years
Lockwood, ❛ are you just going to stand there the whole time? ❜
(Bless you for actually finally making me write something with these two–omg. This one will definitely be a bit (edit: oh my god, I went nuts) longer, ‘cause I have the feeling I need to pop in some lore stuff, too. Not that y’all are here for lore stuff, but ‘YANNO.)
“They still haven’t…?” Amaterasu trailed off, gratefully extending her mug to Cecelia, who poured hot water into it. The clan’s matriarch shook her head, but couldn’t help wear the most shit-eating grin she could manage.
“I mean, it’s kind of cute,” she sighed, her rich voice still thick with sleep. “The respect those two have for one another is…”
“Outstanding,” the Pearlcatcher finished her best friend and leader’s sentence, leaning her cheek–still indented with pillow marks–onto her palm. “You’re right, it is cute. I’m simply curious as to…why, however. It’s not as if I’d ask him, though. I respect the both of them too much for that.”
Cecelia slid onto the bench next to her counterpart with a nod, rolling her shoulders to loosen them. “Do you know that Lockwood has mated with someone from every Flight?”
Amaterasu nearly spat out a mouthful of hot tea, instead choking on it oh so gracefully. Somewhere between a fit of laughter and disbelief, she shook her head. “No.”
“Oh, yes,” Cecelia hummed, amused, curling her bare toes on the floor below. “It’s not that it’s a secret, mind–it’s simply something he doesn’t think much of. But all the travel he did when he was younger? Before he found me? It had a lot of…benefits.”
Amaterasu, blinking both bright blue eyes in surprise, popped her lips. The question lingered, and lingered…
“And yes, there are details. He remembers them all fondly–they apparently meant a great deal to him. Once in a while, he writes letters. It’s good to keep up with the other Flights, after all–we both believe that. And this is another way he does so. Other than correspondence from you Ambassadors, of course,” Cecelia corrected herself, smiling fondly at her dear friend. “I’d never begrudge him that, ever.”
Amaterasu’s cheeks warmed at the expression on Cecelia’s face, and she sighed into her mug. “You two are…amazing. I could never hope to be–”
“You are, and don’t think that you aren’t–please, do not,” the matriarch spoke firmly, but calmly. Rubbing her eye patch calmly with one finger, she nodded. “For setting aside your former beliefs, to allow them to–”
“I was foolish, and childish. But I suppose that happens when you grow up with those beliefs. I saw pairs mated to multiple others, but I always thought it was…forbidden. Secret. Dirty, even,” the linguist hummed, thoughtful with her words. “But when I came here, when I saw the love that they had for each other…when we all spoke, together, about it? My mind was clear.”
“Lots of things change. Or can, really. It’s amazing, isn’t it?” the former Fae hummed, stretching her arms above her head. And then, she tilted her head, motioning to herself with a quick flick of her fingers. “Case in point. But…” she trailed off.
Amaterasu tipped her head, curiously. “…but?”
“Something felt different with him, this morning. When we were doing patrol, he seemed a bit distracted. He’s a little…” she laughed, pursing her soft lips together. “He’s a little, ahem. Antsy, I think.”
“Do you think…soon, then?” the Pearlcatcher whispered, hopefully–perhaps a bit proudly.
Cecelia nodded, and lifted her mug. “Here’s to hoping.”
And when their mugs clicked merrily together, they laughed–heartily–damn near spilling the contents on themselves all over again.
Sitting at his desk, leaning on the back two legs of his chair, Terrato balanced a pencil between his nose and upper lip. It was certainly not like him to zone out so terribly during his work, but…
It seemed that he wasn’t the only one distracted, as of late. And he noticed that he had been, very much so. He wondered why that was, often. He had every need taken care of, or so he believed…so what was missing, that he kept a weather-eye out for? Hm.
Shifting, slightly, he got only a slight warning skid–the already unbalanced chair’s legs tipping out from beneath him. Rearing up with a muffled yelp, there were suddenly hands on his shoulders, the chair once again resting beneath his backside. Heart pounding, pencil abandoned on the floor, he twisted his head around to see…
“Now that’s…a very interesting way to study,” Lockwood laughed, his brilliant green eyes shining in the golden light from the window. “Takes talent, ‘mon,” his accent drawled, sending a rather firm chill down Terrato’s spine. “I hope I didn’t scare you, it wasn’t me intention.”
Terrato shook his head, offering Lockwood a calm smile–even if his heart still pounded. “No, no,” his always-quiet voice whispered. “I’ve just been a bit distracted this morning, I think. Might need a strong cup of Vashon’s coffee, though I’d be up ‘til next morning,” he sighed.
It was then, he realized that the clan leader had waltzed into his room in naught but a towel. It wasn’t like it was the first time he’d done it, of course, but this time was…well…
“U–uh, did you…did you get a nice bath? You just got back from patrol, yes?” his voice squeaked out. “D–did it…did it go w–”
But he didn’t have time to finish, the mouth above his suddenly on his. By the Lady of Glade, he could have barely thought before. But now? His eyes fluttered shut, mouth opening without much thought, to let Lockwood’s tongue slide in.
“We’ve…both been distracted, haven’t we?” Lockwood ventured, peppering kisses to his precious mate’s lower lip. It only took a moment until they dappled his chin, making a lazy line down to the side of his neck. “I was thinking about you, this morning. We been…together for a while, right?”
Terrato shivered, managing only a breath of an ‘uh-huh’ as his fingers brushed carefully through his mate’s heavily dreadlocked hair. “It feels like…forever, hasn’t it? Like we…like we knew each other in another life?”
Lockwood’s eyes widened. Terrato flinched, as if he’d said something wrong–but it was because tears had welled into his eyes, and they’d surprised the Guardian greatly. “I–I, uh–I can’t, why am…why am I–?” he startled, rubbing his hand up his cheek frantically. “I? I’m sorry?” the man let the words fall from his lips in a tumble, only to be met with a kiss again.
But, it’s true. Every word of it, the rational portion of his brain sighed in annoyance.
“When…when I saw you out there in the Labyrinth for the first time, you’d been watching me for a while. I be right about that part at least, right?” Lockwood questioned, curiously, brushing his thumb softly across a splash of freckles on that lovely face. When Terrato nodded, he leaned into his palm, and kissed it.
“I thought you’d find it odd, and I couldn’t find the words to express the draw I felt to you,” Terrato sighed, as his mate busied himself with pressing kisses a little more and more urgently to his neck. “The–the sheer–ohhh…” he moaned, a whimper bubbling up behind it. “The sheer calm you exuded, your…grace, the…” the words that normally came so easily were definitely hard to find, with something very noticeable pressing up against his inner leg. His hands floundered a bit, before finding his hips–gripping, carefully.
Not carefully enough, however, that the thin towel that covered Lockwood had any chance at all of staying up. Fluttering to the floor, a wash of heat pooled all the way to the Spiral’s ears.
Lockwood laughed–loud, booming, causing the smaller man to hide against him. “I didn’t do that on purpose!” he yelped, though a lilt of laughter followed after.
“I mean, it…make it much easier, I guess?” the man whispered against his hair, fingertips tracing his mate’s hipbone. When Terrato finally got the nerve, he peeked down. Blinking, it took a great deal of effort to not let his jaw drop.
A hand slid under his chin, and pulled up.
“Are you just gonna’ stand there the whole time? Or…?” he murmured, even as his mate’s face melded into his large palm again. Oh, he loved it when he did that…
But he loved it even more when he found that he was being nudged backwards, and took the short time until his back hit Terrato’s bed, to undo his pants. Reaching for him, the clan’s historian slid surprisingly easily onto his bare legs–just below his waist. Biting his lip, he seemed to watch in pure fascination. Thinking. The Summoner’s lips pulled into a grin–when he got like this, he was so…beautiful. Stunningly so, even hauntingly so.
“I’ve never been with a man before,” he finally admitted, brushing his fingertips up Lockwood’s length, marveling as he felt it tremble under his touch. “But all I do know is that I—I want you to–” he stumbled again, shoulders a bit tense. “Can I–?”
“Don’t ask, my heart. Do.”
Terrato shuddered. He always knew what to say. And he always knew how to look insanely amazing while saying it, that much was for certain.
Sitting up, he carefully maneuvered himself out of his slacks. It wasn’t as graceful as he’d hoped it would be–given his position–but he was rewarded by a kiss once he’d slipped onto his hands and knees to greet his mate face-to-face. Pursing his lips a bit after he’d kissed him, Terrato dug around beside them for a moment. When he presented Lockwood with a small bottle, he flushed again.
It was half empty, and Lockwood needn’t ask why–but he did anyways: “you been testing it out?”
A little nod, and the Spiral swallowed the lump in his throat. “It was hard, at first, but I…I want to, for you. It’s been, ah. An experience, that’s for sure,” he laughed, trying to lighten the fluttering of his heart.
And when he’d merged back into reality, he realized that it had taken Lockwood exceptionally little time to flip the bottle’s cap open, and apply it liberally to his fingers. Well….well, damn. He’s good. Very good.
It took no words between the two of them, as it hadn’t when they’d first met. He laid on his mate’s chest, breathing in his scent deeply at his neck. The liquid was cool only for a moment, but it still made his breath hitch, especially as a finger pressed into him.
It was so different than when he did it to himself. He shouldn’t have been surprised, but certainly was, especially when he found himself being spread further to accommodate Lockwood’s touch. Arching, he pressed his aching member between their stomachs, breath quickening.
“Relax…just a little more,” the man beneath him soothed, twitching his fingertips inside, getting a good feel for things. “There…much better…” he sighed, rolling his hips slowly, already eager for what he knew was now inevitable. “So…warm…warm like the sun under the leaves…”
Terrato whimpered, rolling eagerly into his touch. Too much…too much, it’s been too long, I can’t…
And he moved without much thought, sitting above Lockwood with a surprisingly eager expression. A mix of a smile, and…coyness? Was he being coy with him? Lady of Glade preserve him.
He was much thicker than his fingers (not that this really surprised him, per se), and it took a moment or so (and a couple deep breaths, for certain) to position things just perfectly. Twining their fingers together, Lockwood’s expression was enough to help him through it…it always would be.
The noises that followed were enough to drive him completely insane–he was sure of it. His soft little moans, his startles, his gasps, everything, could have ended him right then and there. But Lockwood heaved in a breath he realized he hadn’t taken in ages, and arched his hips. I’m…I’m inside him. I’m all the way inside him, I–
“B–big…you’re really big,” Terrato giggled, lovedrunk. Glancing a hand down his own stomach, he drifted his fingertips on the wonderfully soft patch of hair that trailed along it. He couldn’t help envision how far it went in, really, it was…exciting. “All of it…inside…”
Lockwood’s vision dimmed. Or, did it brighten, as more sunlight began leaking in from the horizon? Either way, he was sure that Terrato had a halo gracing his soft, sandy hair. Without second thought, he took his hips in his hands, and moved.
The Spiral made no effort in being quiet, and he loved it.
He loved the way his head tossed as he took pleasure in finding the best spots inside. He loved the way that he rubbed himself, a hand on his cock, one at his sensitive nipple. He loved each and every noise, and their varying pitches.
And yet, it still wasn’t enough–not until his back lifted from the bed. Embracing Terrato, his hips bucked frantically.
When the man was moaning into his shoulder, that…yes…that was it. Clinging desperately to him, he felt his nails running down every inch of his dark skin that he could manage…and he loved that, too.
His legs unfolded like a flower to either side of him, the balls of his feet dug so deeply into the down comforter, that he thought he’d rip right through it. The view was nothing short of spectacular, and he took care to stroke those freckled thighs over and over again. Batting his hand out of the way gently, he stroked Terrato himself, in time with his thrusts.
If no one had heard them before, they’d certainly hear them now–because Lockwood’s voice had joined in Terrato’s chorus of pleasure. He could hardly help it, it was…so freeing. And when he buried his head into his neck, he closed his eyes, and allowed himself to be entirely lost there.
My Terrato. My mate. My life, my heart. Finally, we are…
“L–Lock, I– “
“I know…I know, me too, I…” the Guardian breathed heavily, barely able to catch any air at all.  “Together…we gotta’…together…”
Terrato sobbed a moan into his hair, grip growing weaker as his toes picked up the slack to curl even tighter. “Inside me! Please, I–!” he wailed, bucking with such a rhythm that even surprised his mate.
Lockwood’s throat tightened, and he realized he’d begun to purr.
His pupils dilated, heavily, something inside snapping.
With his mouth on Terrato’s neck, he marked him without second thought. Both with a bruise the size of the Behemoth, and inside alike–coming with a muffled growl of pleasure. Especially since he had gotten his wish: a splash of fluid between their stomachs, that made his body pulse deliciously over and over again.
Terrato’s eyes were wide above, entire body trembling as he clung desperately to Lockwood’s entire head.
He’s…he’s still purring…and–and he? Oh…oh, my sweet Glade Lady. How…? How was this–?
“Terrato…” Lockwood strained, barely able to find his voice. It may have been a little bit harder, due to his face being crushed against his mate’s slender chest…but that was beside the point. When he finally felt his grip loosen, he gazed upward into the surprised face above.
Without a word, he leaned up, and rubbed his own against it.
He scented him without second thought, thick eyelashes fluttering each time he dipped in again. His mate leaned into each and every touch, whimpering. He knew what it was, they both did, and there was no denying it–not now.
“…proxy?” Terrato whispered, kissing Lockwood’s forehead.
“Yes–yes, I think so,” the Guardian sighed, pressing his face over and over again into that beautiful freckled skin. “I should’ve known…I should’ve…”
“Shhh. We know now. That’s all that matters, right…?”
Lockwood peered up. Swallowing, he extended his hand, as was ritual.
Without hesitation, it was taken, and their fingers twined.
“…I accept you, Lockwood, Druid of the Mists, as my Guardian. From this moment on, and for all time. May I be worthy as a Charge, may I guide you, as you protect me. May we be together, bonded, into eternity. As I know you in this life, may I find you in the next,” Terrato’s words quivered, fat tears rolling down his cheeks.
Those words, he’d heard from so many clan members. He’d heard them countless times, and now he…
Lockwood bowed his head, kissing the hand in his own.
“May I protect you, and may you guide me as you will. May me scales be your armor, and me words be your comfort. May I be with you until our last days. May our final breaths be breathed as one, and may our hearts meld into the Labyrinth…forever…”
The last word escaped strained, tears falling hotly from his lovely green eyes. Words he’d spoken before, with Cecelia. And he’d meant every one of them, just as he had now.
Terrato threw his arms around him again, and burrowed tightly. “I love you, Lockwood. I love you..so much…”
Lockwood squeezed around his shoulders and chest, shivering. “Love you more.”
The day passed, from morning until night, without their appearance into the clan’s daily life.
No one questioned this, but everyone certainly celebrated it.
And when they finally emerged to the nightly bonfire, they found the entire clan waiting for them this time. The Fireflies were already dancing, and mead flowed freely from casks that Iavor had hauled out into the clan grounds.
Lockwood and Terrato glanced at one another…and laughed.
“I–I guess they heard us,” Terrato sputtered. Despite this, he took Lockwood’s hand in his own, firmly. And together, they walked as one.
Cecelia’s single eye shone freely with tears of pride.
Amaterasu, holding onto her arm, beamed brightly.
And they greeted their mates into their arms, arms interlinking into one solid embrace.
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