#HONESTLY THOUGH i think i have been lucky that a lot of my favorite scifi has had typically mindful people behind it
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milfbrainrot ¡ 6 months ago
i am enjoying this show but i do think it's a good case study in how... not to worldbuild jlskdfklj.
i know it's not trying to be that deep, so it really is fine, but it's been kinda interesting to me picking up on things i don't think makes sense with the hidden connective tissue for what each society is supposed to be like and how they have developed from the present?
like everyone in most cultures thinks girls are fine and equal to men (ex. the moclan baby situation) and even if it's through an alien acceptance lens they're fine with gays (bortus and klyden) and even maybe chill with trans stuff ("ur kid can decide when she's old enough" in theory) etc.
but there are also so many jokes that stem from inequality that you wouldn't really think about unless you really considered it, like the Standard Straight Marriage Jokes you get with ed and kelly dependent on marital gender roles or alara having trouble with boyfriends who don't want a gf who's stronger than them (even though maybe the issue is her just being scary strong generally, it does come off like her super strength was almost created for the sake of "haha strong woman you would not expect it from" and to then make jokes that would hit with a modern non-introspective audience) etc.
if society has developed and done the work to actually get to a place of equality in these areas then those jokes and casual attitudes would be much less likely, and it makes sense to me that the guy behind family guy would not understand that or care because he is trying to appeal to a very standard modern audience the only way he knows how (uncreative jokes stuck in an outdated status quo).
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boymounter ¡ 5 years ago
oops just got deep in my likes and found a post @taurusfem tagged me in like a week ago 
nickname: don’t think i really have one! briar’s already pretty short yknow? of course ladies are all welcome to call me whatever they want
zodiac: angry sun asshole moon sexy rising. or so i’ve heard
height: like 175ish which is apparently like 5′9
last thing i searched: “175 cm to in” lmao
favorite musicians: according to spotify my current top 5 are hozier, awolnation, andrew bird, barns courtney and grandson. probably about right !
song stuck in my head: laura palmer by bastille !
if you had a time machine would you go back to the past or into the future: genuinely truly honestly i would pull some sort of lottery ticket scam immediately. other than that i’m good here, i mean the past doesn’t even have minecraft and the future is scary :/
do i get asks: occasionally random questions or stuff about working out. the odd thirst question lol. but not really so much !
would you rather be rich or famous: money for sure. i don’t really want to be in the public eye, i’d probably get roasted on twitter for getting spotted doing weird shit like trying to commune with sparrows as i’m feeding them
following: only 51!
lucky number: 19, maybe 4 and 9 also
amount of sleep: i try to hit like 8.5 but it doesn’t always work out. but usually from 9:30-6 during the week
dream job: kinda think i’m getting into it right now! i’m doing joinery which is pretty cool
what i’m wearing: pink fluffy pjs.... my cat loves them :(
dream trip: i’d love to check out wales/scotland/ireland sometime..... maybe the states but i’d only go for the ladies, as an actual destination it’s unilaterally repulsive :/
if you were an animal what would you be: cat... watch me take a nap in this sunbeam on like a dormer windowsill
what are some of your favorite books/films/games/shows/etc: mostly fantasy stuff for books... all of tamora pierce’s stuff, wicked lovely, dragonriders of pern, the belgariad etc.. for movies i mostly like scifi stuff esp if it’s got time travel themes because that’s sexy as hell. recently i saw happy death day which was pretty good! as for games it’s usually chill/casualish stuff like minecraft/terraria/stardew/harvest moon/acnl but i also get SUPER completionisty into pokemon whenever a new game comes out.. catch me 100 hours deep competitively breeding and IV training shinies lol. that being said probably my 2 absolute favourite games that i replay from time to time are antichamber and the talos principle, including the expansion pack. currently i’m mostly just playing various minecraft modpacks though.
i don’t really watch a lot of tv though, mostly bones or panel shows and shit (8 out of 10 cats does countdown & would i lie to you atm). i have been watching ‘the boys’ and that’s pretty good though. also of course my all time favourites are buffy, adventure time and dr who!
play any instruments: i did a few years of guitar and can still do okay if i pick one up at a pub or something, plus i played the tenor horn for a while and my tutor said i had excellent fingering and lip action :/
languages: english, some maori and nz sign language, whatever remnants of 4 years of college japanese still exist in my brain, a bit of irish gaelic
describe your aesthetic: like dress sense? gym rat frat boy, but make it dyke
i’m not much of a tagger but @thelastmagnolia @lune @honeybellarke @homoboreanaz @lesbianpersephone if y’all feel like it, and anyone else who’s keen
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justfcrkicks ¡ 6 years ago
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01. what’s your name/alias you go by ??
it’s not my real name but i go by cody online, usually.
02. what’s your age ??
nineteen, almost twenty. i feel 12 tho
03. what’s your zodiac sign ??
aries! i added the exclamation point bc we’re supposed to be assertive but i didn’t get the memo.
04. what’s your ethnicity ??
umm what ISN’T my ethnicity is a better question haha. but no i’m mostly italian/sicilian, lots of different other european countries too, and also part native american, but sadly the only person that even knew what tribe was my grandmother who never really shared those details with anyone before her passing.
05. what’s your nationality ??
i am a US citizen :)
06. what’s your favorite band and/or musical artist ??
i can never answer this because i like pretty much every genre of music and my “favorite” is constantly in flux but right now i’ve been listening to a lot of greta van fleet, eminem, harry styles, joyner lucas, tenacious d, and also one specific willie nelson song has been on a constant loop when i’m not listening to the other stuff.
07. what’s your dream job ??
i don’t really have one tbh. lots of people do and that’s awesome, but sometimes people don’t believe me when i say the only thing that matters is that i don’t hate the job and it earns me enough money to live comfortably, maybe own a small house, reasonably priced car, etc. 
08. what’s one place you would love to visit ??
alpha centauri
09. what’s your favorite tv show ??
another one of those things where i can’t pick a favorite. i’ve been enjoying arrow, riverdale, titans, the ranch, sabrina, supergirl, the flash, legacies, and legends of tomorrow lately though. i’m also a big fan of general hospital, the 100, izombie, lucifer, and stranger things.
10. what’s your favorite movie ??
um... tough one but i have always had a soft spot for Joe Dirt, or The New Guy. Also, I really liked Why Him with James Franco, Bryan Cranston, and Zoey Deutch. I mean, not the greatest movies ever but they’re what come to mind when asked, so... lol
11. what’s your favorite song ??
as of the past couple weeks? “cruel cruel world” by willie nelson, or “unshaken” by d’angelo. for weeks before that it was “lucky you” by eminem & joyner lucas. but i really, unironically love “only in america” by riff raff. the video is hilarious and it just puts me in a good mood.
12. what’s your favorite sport ??
is watching tv a sport? haha video games is a sport, right...?
13. what’s your favorite food ??
pizza. or cereal. i have difficulty picking favorites if you couldn’t tell.
14. what’s your favorite face claim to use ??
chris wood or paul wesley, usually. i’ve just used them a lot and gotten used to them. i tried to justify chris wood for john but he’s way too buff to be john and his skinny gifs don’t look nearly enough like john to make any sense.
15. what’s your least favorite face claim ??
andy ballsack biersack. emma roberts. those two bring up bad memories. dylan o’brien. idk why, i like him well enough as an actor. i’m not necessarily opposed to rping with any of them though
16. what’s your favorite canon character to play ??
i played kai parker for a while. that was fun.
17. what’s your sexuality ??
heterosexual. i legitimately cannot remember a time i wasn’t into girls. as a toddler i’d play with barbies to take the clothes off lmfao
18. what’s the last movie you saw in a cinema/theater ??
batman v superman i think. it’s been way too long.
19. what’s the worst injury you’ve ever had ??
i’ve had some bad ones. i broke my wrist/hand in a few different places, which wasn’t too bad. had a sprained/fractured ankle which didn’t heal for like a year. but the worst was when i got assassin’s creed brotherhood as a kid and laid on my stomach across the whole couch, propped up on my elbows for like 7 hours straight. my back was in a u shape the whole time and when i finally moved, that was the moment i realized i fucked up lol
20. what’s a random or interesting fact about you ??
um.... idk i’m boring but maybe that i have lost 120lbs 
21. do you listen to music while you write ??
sometimes. if i find a good playlist (i’m too lazy to make one) that’s not too distracting then sometimes i’ll use it for a while but other times i just like the silence.
22. are you a morning, day, evening, or night writer ??
night. no matter how hard i try my sleep schedule always gets turned upside down eventually to where i get up at like 6 pm and go to sleep at like 10 am, so i usually only write while the skies are dark lol
23. have you ever roleplayed intoxicated ??
nope. i’ve never had a drink or done drugs so that’d be a neat trick. lol
24. what language or languages do you speak ??
only english. i’m probably too dumb to learn another language tbh. though for a while after playing assassin’s creed 2 i’d say random italian sentences and call people “stronzo!”
25. how long have you roleplayed ??
i mean technically i’ve been rping since i was 8 on myspace, but i didn’t move on to legit rp until i was like 11 or 12, then i went to rp.me for a while, then finally got to tumblr around 2012-2013. 
26. favorite roleplay genre ??
i don’t really have one, but i was once in a scifi rp that changed my view on what groups can be, and i think it was my favorite experience ever. everyone was so close and friendly and that made the rp even more fun, so now a good scifi rp brings up those memories for me and makes me enjoy that genre even more.
27. one sound you hate & one you love ??
ok so the sound i hate is nails scratching cotton. not a chalkboard, oddly enough that’s tolerable to me, but nails scratching up against cotton... i have no idea why but it sends chills down my spine lmfao
i love the sound of a crackling fire though. or rain. or rain and a crackling fire. 
28. do you believe in ghosts ??
hell yes i do. pls don’t hurt me ghosts i believe in u
29. do you believe in aliens ??
do i think aliens exist? yes. do i think we’ve been visited by aliens, or that we’re even close enough for them to know we exist? not necessarily. but i do like the ancient alien theory that we were visited by aliens a long time ago and taught stuff. especially when you consider that so many cultures, even those that had no way of being in contact with each other are so similar, have similar thought processes, and progressed at similar rates.
30. do you believe in true love ??
yes & no. i believe that initial attractions can be very powerful in producing a “love at first sight” feeling, but no one is just meant to love another person. i believe you can grow to feel “true love” for anyone assuming the right circumstances.
31. do you hold grudges ??
i’d like to think i don’t but i know i do, at least in the back of my mind. sort of forgive but not forget, but also never 100% forgiving either? idk.
32. do you have any obsessions right now ??
red dead redemption 2. big shock, i know haha. i just can’t get over the ending, the characters, the music, the world, etc. 
33. do you drive & if so, have you ever been in a crash ??
nope & nope
34. do you like the smell of gasoline ??
nooooo it makes me feel sick, honestly.
35. do you prefer writing fluff, angst, or smut ??
all of the above! each has its merits, and writing too much of one thing can get old and make the others feel more appealing. smut gets old the quickest though imo, even though i’ve run a smut rp in the past haha
36. are you in a relationship ??
are you? lmao
37. grab the nearest book to you and turn to page 23, what is the 17the line ??
well it’s a comic/graphic novel so there’s not 17 lines on that page but the second to last line is “and edward nigma... did you know that when the riddler was first transferred to arkham, they had to keep moving him from cell to cell to keep him from being able to formulate an escape?” it’s Batman Volume 10: Epilogue by Snyder & Capullo.
38. put your playlist on shuffle and list the first four songs that pop up:
1. Santeria by Sublime 2. Money Trees by Kendrick Lamar 3. Heart Shaped Box by Nirvana 4. Ladders by Mac Miller
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sapphireorison ¡ 7 years ago
Ten Writer Questions Tag PT.2
Tagged by @the-bookdevourer :)
Do you have anyone (authors, family, friends, etc.) that has inspired your writing? I write like I must breathe, and I get inspiration from everywhere. When I was wee, I devoured the teen section at my local library, so a lot of my early author-inspiration is from 80s and 90s scifi and fantasy authors, like Anne McCaffrey and Diane Duane and Jane Yolen and Patricia C. Wrede. And, admittedly, Piers Anthony and Lovecraft, though those latter two... :considers: You know how when you read a book and you go ‘wow this is terrible but I can’t put it down’? Best figure out why you can put it down. I also get a lot of inspiration from my friends in what they yearn to have written that’s not out there yet. It makes me want to write that, and in learning more about what they want that simply doesn’t exist yet, I become a better writer. 
When did you first start writing? And what was it about? Very, very early. I wrote stuff for school, mostly, cute little stories about nonsense based on whatever book or series I was obsessed with at the time. Beyond that, I ‘wrote’ plays for me and my sister to perform for my family, and then in HS moved on to trying to figure out novels. I’ve always created stories in my head, and because I was primed by the types of books I loved (big, epic, glorious) that was always my goal. So I would fiddle around with the beginnings of them. It’s only been within the last ten years or so that I’ve started finishing them, and they’ve gotten closer to what I have in my head as the kind of books I need to write.
 How long have you been working on your current project? It feels like ages, but I don’t think it’s been more than a year and a half at most, perhaps two. This one was percolating for a long time before I started writing because I had the concept first, then the characters, and then the world, and only after a while did I have any inkling of a plot and I know better than to start without a plot by now.
 Of all your OCs, which do you relate to the most? Why? My earlier OCs were more ‘me’ than any of the ones I have now. But the one I relate to most was one from a very, very early attempt at a fantasy novel. She was a bookish protagonist with a demon stitched to her soul whose goal was to usher a younger demon-possessed girl to someone, somewhere, that could help her. :considers: Even that teeny explanation feels like a direct window into my head. My OCs now are very much not me. The only one even faintly close to me is the fellow who I’ve iterated through over the years. He’s the one I relate to the most because I’ve used him the most. He’s full of well over a decade of experiences in various media as I’ve tried to find a home for him. 
Tropes are often looked down on, but which one(s) do you enjoy and use? Fake relationships, mutually requited slow-burn pining, and messy reunions after one of the people thinks they’ve lost the other forever. All of those are for romance. In general, though, I love the ‘weird uncle’ trope, where an antagonist gets beaten and then sort of gets absorbed into the protag’s family because they’re not bad they’re just, you know, themselves. I also fucking love the trope where touch is a huge indicator of trust, where names are important so that when someone start using a different name (for themselves or another) it means a major character change behind-the-scenes, and I really really love affectionate bickering. I don’t even know if that’s a trope, but it’s great.
 Do you have a set schedule for when you write? No. Well, sort of. I prefer to write in the evenings, after about 5 or 6pm, and write for about four hours in a coffee shop or at the kitchen table. This is, mind, the /optimal/ writing situation. I don’t usually get a chance to write as long, or as often, as I know makes me happiest. This was the schedule I used to polish off two longfics I wrote and now that I don’t get to do this every/most nights, my monthly progress is much lower. I’m lucky if I do 10k a month. 
When you’re writing, do you write in chronological order or wherever you feel? I gotta do chronological. But, like, chronological for the *book* not the story. My brain views things very much as cause-and-effect, specifically about what am I causing the reader to think at this point in time and how will that effect how they view this later scene. So even if things are out of place and there are flashbacks and so on, I have to write from the beginning of the book to the end otherwise I can’t develop the later parts properly because I’m missing pieces that need to be included. 
What’s your favorite part about starting a new project? Worldbuilding! I’ll start 600-word prompts, build out a fucking massive world, and then tidy up the prompt and move on to something else. Unique worlds rev my engine, and whenever I feel bored or stale on a current project I’ll build out a world-prompt and it’ll refresh me to come back to my primary project.
What’s one thing about your current project that you’re excited about? It’s so much more action-y than I thought it would be. Stuff is happening! Things are gonna explode!  There’s way more mystery involved than anticipated because there’s so much to explain I’ve had to pick and choose what to reveal. And, honestly, I’ve lived with the characters so long in my head that I’m just excited to find out how they feel about each other and what they want out of the world--the kind of stuff I can only find out by making them interact and seeing if I need to tweak. 
 Do you have any writing goals that you want to accomplish by the end of the year? Halfway through Current Project and hopefully finishing a fic that I, uh, abandoned during the last chapter. The rest is posted and I’ve let it sit for two years. T_T Conveniently, there are several months (including Nano) to work on Current Project, and ‘halfway’ is only another 20k for me. So I am fairly confident I can hit that one at least. :) 
For the 10 new questions, here are the ones I liked from Bookie’s list along with a couple from mine and one or two of my own creation: 
What’s your favorite thing about your writing? 
What’s your favorite character you’ve written and why are they your fav? 
What makes your writing unique? 
Describe your antagonist’s ‘villain song’ as if they were a Disney Villain.
Which of your characters (OCs) is the one you most relate to? Why? 
What are you favorite tropes? 
What inspired your current project? 
There are lots of different media types that you could write! What is your ‘primary’ type of media that you write? Short story? Novels? Novellas? Comics? Plays? Roleplays? Video game scripts? TV show or movie scripts? Where do most of your words go? And, to follow up, what type of writing is your current project? Which types have you done? Which do you like? Do you have a favorite? 
What’s your favorite genre to read? To write? Why does it draw you?
Do you have any writing goals you’d like to accomplish by the end of the year?
I’m supposed to tag people, but I am shy and tagging is scary. If you follow me and you do the writing thing, I really wanna hear from you. :D I will even reply and it will be super exciting.
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