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deliasmoothie · 2 days ago
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So basically... he runs a neat hotel with said best friend now
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Looking forward to meeting this guy, befriending him, and then seeing him use a death beam to kill countless Pokemon, then for him to revive his best friend only for that best friend to hate him for his actions and leave him and then we get to build an enormous graveyard for everyone he killed.
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sicklilspidey · 6 years ago
I Love You 3000 (appendicitis)
It's currently Saturday afternoon and Peter had nothing better to do than sit on the couch and watch movies with his sister Morgan. Peter absolutely loved days like this, between his patrolling and training with his dad, he felt like he didn't spend as much time as he would like with his little sister. Peter started thinking about when he was her age and how different his life was back then. Don't get him wrong, he loves his life now with the Stark's but sometimes he missed his real parents. He also missed his aunt May but knew she had his best interests in mind when she gave Tony full parental rights over him.
“ Look bubba, he touched the butt” morgan said laughing, which snapped peter out of his thoughts. They were watching finding nemo for what felt like the fifteenth time that day. Peter couldn't help but giggle at how enthusiastic Morgan was. Suddenly he got a sharp pain in his stomach which caused him to hiss. It caught morgans attention.
“Are you okay bubba” she asked sympathetically. “Yeah, bug im fine, dont worry about me” he responded trying to reassure her. 
“I'm not a bug, you are” she giggled. “ no silly, it was just a nickname, but you're not technically wrong” he laughed, even though he was still in pain.
“ I think im gonna go get some food, do you want anything” he asked. “ POPCORN” morgan yelled. Peter had never heard here say something that excitedly and he couldn't help but smile. While he was in the kitchen, he searched through the cabinets looking for something to soothe the throbbing in his gut.
“Can I help you find something” the voice made peter jump. 
“Woah kid, i didn't mean to startle you” tony said through his laughter.
 “Dad, you know not to sneak up on me” peter said, face red with embarrassment.
"Your spidey senses off or something” tony asked while ruffling his son's hair.
 “Stooooop, and i don't know, maybe they're just being slow because im tired” peter whined. 
“How could you be tired, all you've done today is watch nemo a thousand times” tony replied.
 “Hey, in my defense it's a good movie” Peter said as they both laughed.
 "Back to my original question since we got off topic. What were you looking for" Tony asked. Peter hesitated. He didnt want his dad worrying about him because he had a stupid stomach ache.
 “Just looking for some tums, all the popcorn we've been eating is giving me indigestion” peter replied. ‘Really Peter, indigestion. That's the stupidest lie ever’ he thought to himself. Appearently it wasnt too stupid because Tony seemed to have bought it. 
“Okay, well if that's the case i'd say lay off on the popcorn then” tony said as he walked out of the kitchen.peter knew he couldn't risk getting caught, he had too much going on this coming up week and he couldn't afford a sick day. He made his way back to the living room and plopped onto the couch. 
“ Hey! Wheres my popcorn” he hear morgan say from the floor.
 “Shit, i'm sorry. I totally spaced it” he replied
“Language “ she giggled. Peter dozed off soon after that.  When he woke up it was dark and he noticed morgan wasn't in the room anymore. He also noticed a blanket on himself. 'mom must have put it on me when she got Morgan' he thought. He went to sit help and realized the pain in his stomach was still there and it had worsened. He decided it would be best to sleep it off. 'Maybe if i get a good night's rest in my own bed it will help' he thought. Little did he know, he couldn't have been more wrong. 
When peter woke up to say he was in agony was an understatement. He was in so much pain he didn't want to move, but he knew he had to. He had a show to put on for people so no one knew that he was sick. He decided he'd skip on his morning patrol, which was unusual for him, he just knew not much would happen in the morning. He made his way done to the kitchen and the smell of bacon hit him like a ton of red bricks. 
"Hope your hungry. I've been cooking for two hours to make sure I had enough for tony, Morgan, you, and that monster you call a metabolism" peper laughed as she saw Peter walked through the doorway. Tony and morgan were already at their usual spot at the table.
"Hey, Albert Einstein called and said he wants his hair back" tony said making fun of his son's bed head.
"Good one daddy" morgan laughed.
"Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week" tony said while bowing. Pepper laughed from the kitchen.
When breakfast finally made it to the table, peter couldn't stand to look at it, but he knew he had it eat it. He slowly forced himself to take bite after bite until he was sure no one would ask him any questions. When he was done he went back up to his room to shower, then he crawled back into bed.
The next few days were relatively the same. Peter would wake up wanting to scream because of how bad his stomach was hurting, he'd force himself to eat, throw up after words and repeat the cycle over and over again.
When he woke up on Wednesday morning something was different. The pain in gis stomach moved. It wasn't all over but now it made itself at home on his lower right abdomen. Peter moaned when he got up and did the routine he'd been doing since Sunday morning. He was about to climb in bed after puking his guts out when tony walked in.
"Hey kiddo, steve and Natasha are here and they want to spar. Get your workout gear on and meet me upstairs" he said before leaving again
Peter sighed. The last thing he wanted to do was spar, but he knew he had to keep the act up. So he got up, changed and made his way to the sparring facility upstairs.
"Hey spiderling, glad you could join us" Natasha said, shooting peter a smile. He nodded in response and went to sit next to his dad on the bench.
"Okay, listen up. Natasha, you're with Tony, and kid, you're with me" steve said walking into the facility. Peter wanted to bolt. He knew there was no way this would end well and he was right.
Peter's spidey sense was on the fritz and he was having a hard time concentrating. He knew he got a few hits in but that's all he could recall before Steve hits his right side at full force. Peter was done, he couldn't hide it any longer. He doubled over and started coughing.
"Woah kid, sorry didn't mean to knock the wind outta ya" steve said making his way to peter. When he made it to peter he froze.
"What's going on over there" natasha asked. When she didn't get a response she decided to go see what was happening herself. "Holy shit, tony you better come help your kid. Im calling bruce down here. I'll have him bring a gurney." natasha yelled while running toward the door. So many things were running through Tony's mind but he knew he had to get to his kid. When he made it to Peter, he wasn't expecting such a horrific site. Peter was now on the ground cradling his stomach and next to him was a small puddle of blood. Tony didn't know what to say he just knew he had to leap into action. 
" Friday, call pepper and tell her we need her up here ASAP" tony yelled.
"Already done sir, Ms. Romanoff and Dr. Banner are coming down the hall also sir" friday responded.
Tony picked peter up and rushed him to the door.
"Tony im so sorry i-" steve started but tony cut him off.
"Not now Steve, I have to save my son" he said with tears in his eyes.
Tony met bruce and natasha at the door and laid peters limp body on the gurney. 
"What is going on, friday said you needed m-" pepper stopped talking when she saw peter.
"What happened?" she asked, tearing up.
"I'm not one hundred percent sure yet but my best bet is appendicitis" bruce said before rushing peter to the medbay.
"Mommy what's wrong with him" morgan cried. " its okay sweetie, he's just got an ouchy in his tummy, uncle bruce and daddy are taking him to the medbay, and they'll make peter all better" pepper told her distraught daughter. "Y-you promise" morgan stuttered. " I promise" pepper replied.
Pepper couldn't help but think how she didnt notice something was off with her son.
"I didn't know, i'm so sor-" steve began to say to pepper.
"Save it steve, i've got to get to peter" and with that she picked up morgan and ran to the medbay.
When she got there she saw four doctors hooking peter up to different machines.
" bruce confirmed its his appendix, they're getting him ready for surgery" tony told his wife. " how could we not have noticed. I honestly feel like i've failed as a father" Tony added while starting to tear up again.
"Don't say that! How could we have known. He was keeping it a secret and he did one hell of a job keeping it" pepper said.
The doctors wheeled peter out of the room and into the OR.
"Mommy, where are they taking him" Morgan asked.
"They're gonna go fix your brothers ouchy and make him all better just like I told you" pepper said.
Time began to pass and both Tony and Pepper were becoming impatient. They just wanted to know their son was okay. Just then Bruce walked into the room.
"Is he okay? Did everything go well? Did save my kid?" Tony started spitting out questions left and right.
"Yes, peter is just fine he's in recovery right now and should wake up in about half an hour. If you come with me i'll take you to him." bruce said.
Before they went anywhere, morgan walked up to bruce and said " Thank you for fixing my bubba's ouchy, uncle Bruce". Bruce couldn't help but smile at the five year old.
When they made it to peter, tony was taken back. He's seen the kid in a hospital bed multiple times because of being injured on the job, but this time it was different. Peter looked so small and fragile, like the smallest gust of wind could shatter him into a million pieces.
Soon peter began stirring and he opened his eyes.
"Hey my little spiderling, how are you feeling" pepper asked.
"I've been better" peter mumbled
" ill say, why didn't you tell us you weren't feeling well. I wouldn't have asked you to spar with us." tony said.
"Tony chill out, he's only been awake for a few minutes. The lecturing can wait. Let's be grateful our son is still here" pepper said.
"You're right, im sorry. I'm really happy you're okay" he told peter. Peter nodded in acknowledgement
"Mommy, can i get up there with him" morgan asked. Pepper looked at Peter, who nodded.
"Yes baby, but you have to be careful" she said picking her daughter up. She set her on the bed. Margan careful made her way up to peters face. 
"Don't ever scare me like that again, mister" she said shaking her finger in his face. Peter smiled.
"Im sorry bug, i didn't mean to scare you. I love you" he said to her.
Morgan grabbed Peter's face and smushed hers against it. "I love you 3000" she responded.
"Wait hey, that's our thing" tony said pretending to be shocked. 
Everyone laughed.
It took a few days but peter healed up quick and was back out patrolling and kicking his dad's ass in training.
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abortionclinica-blog · 6 years ago
Why Did You Choose Abortion
I know it was the right decision Im 26 now and I had an abortion a few months ago when I was 25. The father was mentally, verbally, and physically abusive. It took about 2 hours to get to the clinic, and the whole ride up the he tortured me. Threatened to put me on the side of the road, and alse told me he was going to spit on me. Which he actually did a few weeks after i got the abortion. We were riding in the car going somewhere, and he got offended at something I said. Then he literally spit in my face twice while he was driving my car. That whole situation was a nightmare. Of course I was depressed about my decision. But the father was a habitual felon, which means he’ll never have a decent career. Which also means he could never fully provide for me and my child. Which was even more reason why I got it done. I came from a pretty stable background. My parents have been married for 31 years, and are still married. And this is what I wanted for my child. My worst nightmare has always been becoming a single mom… —fourapples single parent I choose abortion became I don’t want to be single, I want to be married before I have another one. I���m having problems with the man who I’m pregnant with now so I know what its gonna be like if I have this baby. —Guest Renee Sad I was 13 an pregnant. My family would not talk to me. I did it, but I wish I dis not. I saw the baby dead. Me sad, I had now no dischion because the baby was already dead. God bless that baby and make the deivil hount me! I am agents that method of death! I wish that was never invented or not ligail! —Guest Kerrie Ann Heath Choice I am a very lucky 27year old woman. I work for a wonderful, inspiring non profit and live a life filled with the love and support of great friends and a brilliant, kind fiance. Even with these circumstances, I was not ready financially or emotionally for motherhood. I am grateful I live in a place that allows me to make this type of choice. —Guest Linda it’s hard to explain… but i’ll try me and my bf have been together 7 months i found out i was pregnant and didn’t want to tell any famiy until i was sure of what i was gonna do, i’m in foster care just graduated hs my bf has no job and lives in another state, i love him with all my heart but felt like he was presuring me to have a baby as a way to sort of keep me, i wanted it somedays others i couldn’t dream of my kid having a life like i have… horrible! so when i went to the doctors i took the pills and so my bf wouldn’t kill me i madeit look like a miscarriage, i feel awful for that. but i see it’s not the right time i want a baby still just wait a year or two, i knew itwould be a hard pregnancy because i was already having sicknessand complications early on… i just can’t help but wonder… what if??? but i’m kinda glad i was given another chance to just live… find myself… i’m a baby, i can’t have a baby —Guest rayray I know it was for the best Well I had my abortion today at 6 wks. I have 3 kids a 7 yr old, 3 yr old, and 1 yr old!!! I’m happily married but pretty much living check to check. This was the hardest choice of my life but this how I chose it: I want the best for my kids…I want to be financially, emotionally, mentally stable home for my kids, which Im struggling to but I am for my babies now, but bringing another one I honestly believe I could provide all that but not in a happy home because me and hubby would be more stressed. More stressed working not seeing kids much due to hubby would have to work 2 jobs, stretching our attentions and individual quality time kids do need and sometimes I slack on due to be so tired from work then straight to kids. Basically I just want to get on the right track before bringing another in, I don’t want to be half ass parents to my kids, it wouldnt be fair to them including the one I gave back to god to save for me a little later. It’s SO hard always will be but for the best —Guest JaaZZEe It works if you work it. This is for all of you who are on the fence about abortion. I was 18, and living with my boyfriend. I fell pregnant when I was a senior in highschool. We were so in love. He worked a low paying job, and I was attending school full time. I remember thinking, “Are we really ready for a child?” Of course, like all couples who are in a involved relationship, we had discussed the possibility of children. He wanted to wait, and me being an idealist, decided that I wanted a baby. And I’d received what I’d asked for. Although, I briefly toyed with the idea of abortion, considering our age, income, not to mention our precarious living situation! I quickly decided that abortion was not the answer for me. My husband joined the army to support us, and can now say that we have over $3000 in savings. My son is 2, and I’m actually attending my first year of college! It can be done ladies. Believe me, I’m doing it. I began with nothing, and here I sit, smiling at the greatest joy in my life, my baby. —ReedJess 24 YEARS OLD WELL I JUST HAD MY ABORTION IM 24 AND AN ESCORT AND I HAD MANY SEXUAL PARTNERS AND DIDNT HAVE A CLUE OF WHO THE FATHER COULD BE SO I FELT ABORTION WAS THE ONLY OPTION .. BUT I REGRET IT KNOW I WISH I WOULD HAVE KEPT IT .. I ALWAYS USED PROTECTION WITH ALL OF MY CLIENTS I DONT KNOW HOW THIS HAPPEN I DONT RECALL A CONDOM EVER BREAKING…RIP TO MY UNBORN CHILD —Guest MICHELLE MOORE Everyday Struggle I just had a abortion 3 weeks ago and it was the worst thing I have ever did in my life. I found out early that I was pregnant and from the jump my boyfriend wanted a abortion. Reading and watching videos had me terrified and deep down I didn’t want to do it. I was ready to deal with my angry parents instead of getting the abortion. The day of my procedure I cried the entire time of the process though it was only 5mmins and I was drugged. I can still remember every detail. I stopped my bleeding and my body is doing better but emotionally I’m torn. My boyfriend waited until after it was over to say he wish we could of kept it. Now I’m going through depression because I only got the abortion because of him and my parents. I still have my ultra picture I even got it as my screensaver on my phone.I’m only 20 yrs old but I know me and my boyfriend would of been great parents. I just need to learn how to deal with the fact that my baby is gone —Guest Guest Teary Eyed Mom hlhs. I kept my son… but there was a bit of debating of whether we would or not. My boyfriend and I were 18 and we found out about Thomas heart condition …… I want to just say I read one readers response aaout her baby having a heart problem and I don’t think you should regret it. Yea, I cry thinking about how close I came to not having my son… but he suffered his first few months of life. He’s had two open heart surgeries and one more on the way and I’m 20 years old trying tp be as mature as I can be and deal with the stress. You made the decision so your child would feelno pain. And they aren’t. Do not ever regret that. —Guest heart problems… me and my bf i was pregant for 1months so my bf told me to abortion the baby —Guest it was my bf faults why I chose abortion I was only 22 years old and the father of my unborn child was 27 years older than me I make an ok living but I am still in college. I was not only scared for my future but scared for my chld and the longevity of a relationship with the father —Guest julycw The most important choice 3 years ago I became pregnant when a condom broke and the morning after pill didn’t work. It was a difficult choice to make, and one that I think about everyday. Even though I think about my decision everyday, I feel that it is so important as women that we stand up for this option to remain our choice. Remember that if you make this decision, it is yours and yours alone, don’t let anybody make you feel less of a human for making it. You will become part of a secret sisterhood because society puts you there, but don’t let that be a negative. It is your body, your choice, and everyday that goes by becomes a little easier. Don’t punish yourself, being a parent is a huge responsibility, and carrying a child to term and giving it up for adoption is just as hard as abortion. Don’t let someone bully you into this decision either, sit down alone and think about what’s best for you, and what you really want. Then make your decision. Good Luck and remember you will be ok in the end. —Guest guest1234 Not the best decision I chose abortion because I was trying to please some else and I thought it would be the easier way out…I also chose it because I let my parents fill my head up with the negative things and how my life would change drastically if I had the baby. I also had people tell me how i would regret having the abortion done but i didn’t listen. I could do it all over again I have chosen to have the baby instead of getting rid of it. My advice to any women would be that getting the abortion is not the answer you should thing positive. There isnt anything negative about having your baby in your life and loving them unconditionally. —Guest Chloe I had to do it I had an abortion 10 years ago. After finding out I was pregnant, I knew straight away what I had to do. I was in a violent and sexually abusive relationship and was very trapped and I certainly didn’t want to bring a child into that sort of life. I felt like I was offered no support at all and was left in a waiting list until over 4 months, which obviously meant that I could not just take a tablet. I am happy to say that I am now out of that relationship and since moved on, but 9 years later, I still feel sad sometimes and often think what if, especially as I still have no children of my own yet. I strongly recommend that people seriously consider what they are doing when they make this decision, I certainly did not think it would effect me like it has. —Guest Sadtimes Too Young To Be Pregnant!!!!!! Now 17. I hate that i got an abortion because I couldn’t take care of my baby. It was hard. I know I was only 16 and I shouldn’t been having sex. I couldn’t take care of it. I’m Only in the 10th grade. I got the abortion and afterwards I started feeling bad. My boyfriend and I decided to tell our parents what we had done. They told us they were going to be there for us. And all that time we thought they were going to be mad about. They were really mad when they found out what we did. They told us we shouldn’t have done that. Now we are trying to move on. Hopefully in the future we wont make that mistake again. —Guest Shay I took MY decision I was with my new boyfriend for about 8 months when I learned I was pregnant . Already a mother of 3 kids from my first marriage, I did not want my boyfriend to feel he had to stay with me . It was too early in our relationship. We decided not to keep the baby . I had a medical abortion and never regretted it . We moved a few months later and started living together . We are now maried and we have two boys aged 10 and 7. I know he stayed with me and my children because he loved me not because I was the mother of his child . I’ve never regretted my decision and I even told my daughter when she was 14 about my abortion so that she never feels guilty if she has to make this choice . It is our live before being the baby’s life. —Guest frenchie The reason why I’m 18 and I graduate in May. I just found out that I’m 5 weeks pregnant. This has been a very scary moment. I planned on going to college in the fall, but now I don’t know what to do. The baby’s father is 26. He has a good job but also has two other kids. I live with my aunt and her and my whole family hates him. But I care for him, he says that he would help take care of the baby but he isn’t ready for us to move in together and be in a relationship. I feel like he is using me. My aunt and him want me to get an abortion, and I do too a little, but it’s not morally right and god will never forgive me. But my whole family will be disappointed if I tell them I’m pregnant. I kinda want to keep it. So I got an abortion. —Guest Kerry I’ve done it both ways…. I had a child in 2008 when I was at the end of my sophomore year of college. When I’d found out I was pregnant with him eight months prior, I never even considered an abortion. 2 1/2 years later, I became pregnant again. I had been using the pill, although not quite religiously. The guy didn’t want the child; abortion was his choice. I, however, wavered on it. On the one hand, I wanted the child. On the other, I was about to graduate and having a baby would keep me from getting a job and supporting my son. So, even though my friends told me to keep the baby, I was scared into an abortion. Raising two children was scary. I wasn’t sure I was capable of handling it. So, at 12.3 weeks, I got it done. At the time, I still didn’t want to do it but I was scared. The ultrasound picture haunts me. I feel like I’m in hell on earth. I wish I had kept the baby. I cry every day and night thinking about what I did to that baby. Keep the baby! Consider adoption over abortion. You will be much happier —Guest Neveragain88 A tough decision I had an abortion when I was 17 in Oct. 2006. It was really hard for me but I knew right when I found out I was pregnant that it was what I wanted to do. I wasn’t in the place in my life that I wanted to be in, and I was having such a hard time with my boyfriend at the time. He liked my sister, was emotionally abusive, I really couldn’t see myself with him forever, I couldn’t see myself going through this and being happy, and I didn’t want to be stuck with an a** forever so I called for the appointment. Two years later right before we broke up my ex told everyone we knew that I did it (no one but my family and him knew). It really is a very hard decision to make for any woman. I still feel sad about it every now and then especially now that I just recently had a baby (almost on the anniversary date of the abortion). But I don’t regret that I did it. I was right about most of the reasons why I didn’t want to go through with the pregnancy. Hope this helps someone out there —krs23 My reasons I was 18 when I had an abortion. Fresh out of high school, father was still married but separated. Being young and dumb, I was gullible in thinking his separation from his wife meant that I was something special (ha). I still lived at home, was making little over minimum wage (1981, pennies on the dollar), could no way afford a baby, and biggest reason of all….would have lost support and respect of my family. To have the baby would have defied all practical logic and it made sense to me. All I could see was dismal future, unhappiness, and a child with a father who was pissed off that the baby was born. I believe babies need to come into the world with both parents loving, open arms. Life is hard enough. People under duress are not in right frame of mind to make life-altering moral and ethical decisions; which is usually frame of mind when a women finds herself with an unplanned, unexpected pregnancy. I could just see myself on welfare. No way. —soosoo13579 Silent No More I had an abortion at 16. I was not encouraged by anyone to choose life , only death. Doctors on what was called a therapeutic abortion committee at the time told my parents that an abortion would be the best solution. They said it was a simple procedure and reassured my parents that I would return to school the next day unaffected. It was a lie! There was physical , emotional , psychological and spiritual pain that followed for many years. It’s been 31 yrs and I can honestly say,the abortion did not solve any problems for me. Instead , it created more problems such as drinking , drugging and promiscuity. I’ve had 5 miscarriages during my marriage and I believe they were a result of scar tissue from having a surgical abortion. I’ve also been treated for depression for many years. I’ve become involved with a campaign called “Silent No More” where I’ve found much support from others who have experienced abortion as well. I realized that I did not have to suffer alone and there is hope! —Guest Dale Not sure I just found out I was pregnant the other day. I immediately went to the doctor and confirmed everything. I’m 26 years old. I have always been very careful (birth control and smart decisions). We had a lapse in the birth control and in the 3 weeks without, even being “careful” didn’t stop this. I know my boyfriend (who I was ready to end things with) doesn’t want a child and has made that very clear. We didn’t have the best relationship while we were together. I guess I’m really a little unsure. I always thought I would have an abortion if this happened before I was married and stable but I never thought I would be 26 facing this. My body has already started changing (I’m only about 3/4 weeks) and to know there is a little person inside of me that God gave me makes this the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make. —Guest Guest234 not sure what to do I’m about 9 weeks pregnant and I don’t know how to deal with it. I’m in my first year at college and the father wants nothing to do with me or the baby (it was a one night stand). I have told my family, however I am not coping and I keep thinking how I have ruined my life. However, I don’t think I could go through with an abortion. Adoption is also not an option. I don’t know what to do. —Guest guilty Right Reason but still hard I had an abortion last week. I was 16 weeks and 2 days along. I had to have the abortion as my baby had a horrible illness that would have given him a short and sad life. My husband and I know that it was the right thing to do but it is still so hard to deal with. We are young but we know that we would have been really good parents. I find that I am getting really angry at people with trivial problems and parents who treat their children badly. It is not something I ever want to do again and I never wanted to have to do it in the first place. —Guest Sarah Debating my 3rd abortion I had my first abortion when I was 21. My boyfriend at the time was having another baby with someone else who was further along. I decided that I didn’t want my baby to have to deal with questions of why he/she had a sibling the same age that wasn’t my child. I should have left but decided to stay with him. I got pregnant six months later. I miscarried around the time the other woman delivered. We found out the other baby wasn’t even his. We tried to make the relationship work after all the drama, I got pregnant again when I was 23. The pain of the drama/abortions before was intense and my morning sickness was so bad, I had a surgical abortion. We decided to try to make it work and moved to another city and now I am 10 weeks. I feel the need to have another abortion and just move away to another city. This time my friends and family know. I thought it would be different because I didn’t tell them before but I wish I would have just gotten a medical abortion when I found out. —Guest Andrea Best thing I ever did… ..well, I’m not trying to imply that minor surgery was fun, or anything. But it was a lot more fun than having an unwanted child would have been. I’ve never wanted children; there was an odd birth control failure (surprised my doctor). Fortunately there was a safe, easy plan B. And there you go…I HATE it when people kiss up to the right and say that abortion is always a “difficult”, “sad” choice. For many of us, who either don’t want children or realize the time isn’t right,and who don’t confuse zygotes with actual children, it’s the only choice, the responsible, caring one, and one for which we’re very grateful. Obviously I’ll never regret it. —Guest gina The worse thing I’ve ever done I am 26 years old and just recently got an abortion 3 days ago  …. I am separated from my husband and we have two beautiful children …. I was not financially stable in any means to raise another baby as a single mom . My soon to be ex husband hardly has anything to do with our children as it is … It was a quick decision I made one weekend with my best friend …. I was 10 weeks pregnant and had the dnc procedure . It was the worse pain I have ever went through in my entire life !!! Afterwards I feel like a murderer like I was supposed to take care of my baby and love it but I let some stranger dismember it and suck it out until it was no longer living …. Please for the love of god if your thinking of doing this DON’T !!! I made the worst mistake of my life and wish so much I could take it back bit it’s too late !! This will haunt me for the rest of my life  !! —Guest Mary may I will always regret it I had my abortion when I was 42. There was alot of pressure from my family and my husband to terminate the pregnancy. I am still saddened at the thought of what I did. Still angry at my husband and most times I don’t want him to touch me. The abortion was 3 years ago. I don’t see this relationship going anywhere. I don’t respect my husband for coercing me into aborting. What type of man does that to the women he loves? I see him as a coward now. —Guest JC Facing the hardest decision I am 28 and having an abortion tomorrow. This was a really hard decision for me. I’m 15 weeks and I can feel my little baby move… I even have pictures of him from the ultrasound. During my ultrasound the doctor discovered that my baby is at an increased risk for heart complications, but there is no way to know for sure until the baby is 22 weeks and by then it would be too late to terminate. My baby also has an increased risk for down syndrome. I believe it would be unfair to the baby and my four year old little girl to have a baby with serious ailments such as these. I wanted another baby so bad and there’s no way of knowing 100% if the baby actually has a serious problem. I’m so scared! I have no idea what to do! —Guest Shy The Worst Feeling In The World I fell pregnant at 19 years old. I was in no way ready. I had been kicked out of home with no money and only the clothes on my back. I stayed with my boyfriend’s cousin who did not support us because we didn’t pay to stay. My boyfriend is abusive. He has a severe anger problem and has done things that make me cry just thinking of it. I had the abortion in May 2009. I couldn’t handle the emotional pain and guilt. But I feared for myself and the baby because I had no home, and if I went back to my family my dad would have killed me. I can never live it down and I think of it all the time. I fell pregnant again just a few months later. I knew I did not want to go through it again. So I kept it and gave birth to the most beautiful baby boy. I cannot be happier. I’m pregnant again. It’s only been a few months. I live with my parents and they strictly told me no more. I don’t know what to do I feel guilty as ever. I read pro-life comments & feel like a murderer. I don’t want to be. :’( —Guest Guest20 Regret it every day of my life I regret it every day of my life. I did it because I was a coward and was scared how others including my own family would perceive me. I never had a loving relationship with my mother. I wish I could convince other girls never to do this. A child is a blessing. It will forever haunt me and make me feel sadness even though I have other children. It took away my peace and happiness. I still laugh and smile but it has been many years and I think of it nearly every day. I feel the safest place for your baby should be your womb…where they are warm and protected. To think I let some doctor rip my baby out with a cold sterile instrument makes me feel such sadness. I pray to God that he will forgive me and I pray one day I will be able to see my babies face and finally find peace. If my daughter is ever faced with this I will love and support her and would never want her to consider abortion as an option. It does not solve anything–this world is just so messed up that we think it is ok. —Guest Amanda never trust sweet talk from a guy well my boyfriend and i were having a serious conversation about sexual relasonships and having a baby while i was only 15. He started doing some sweet talk that got to me, i feel for it.He said that no matter what happened between us our baby will always be taken care of and will recive the best from us.He would never let me down or leave me alone with the baby we will have.He would man up and take responciblity like he should do.So now i have fallen for all of that and got peragnant.2 weeks later i tell him about or futher baby and he goes nuts on me and he douthed about him being the father.He starts talking alot of crap that i dident expect.he and mention ABORTION i told him if he was crazy.I would never kill my baby he respnded ur the crazy one for planning to have a baby on your own with out a father and no job or no one to depend on or ask for help cause i wont be here to raise that baby thats not even mine.i started thinking and i relized an]bortion was all i could choose. —Guest samantha I am confused I have had a rough life. I was 1 of 5 children growing up. My mom was an addict. At an early age I started looking for love in all the wrong places. I ended up pregnant by age 12 when my mom forced me to have an abortion. At that age I hated her but now that I look back it was the best decision for me at that time. At the age of 16 I got pregnant and had a son. 6 months after I had my son, at the age of 17 I got pregnant again on the pill and I made the decision to get an abortion. At the age of 18 I got pregnant and had a miscarriage. 3 months later I was pregnant again and had a baby girl at the age of 19. I was married by the age of 20. My husband went to prison and I ended up becoming addicted to pain pills. I was pregnant 3 times over a 2 year period and got an abortion each time. I wasn’t on birth control at that point. I don’t know what the hell I was doing. I got clean & once my husband came home I got pregnant immediately and had a 2nd miscarriage. Got pregnant again and had a girl July 1st 2010 and I’m pregnant again while on the pill. I am lost. —Guest DMCS Lives with you I have had two abortions. It has taken me a long time to move forward in my life from it. I was suicidal for months after, depressed, and didn’t want to leave my apt. after my second abortion. The first one was very hard and I told myself I would never allow this to happen again. I was semi-involved with a guy friend who swore up and down that he was not able to get a woman pregnant because a doctor told him he would probably not have children, after an injury to the area. We ended up having sex and within a month found out on Fathers day that I was pregnant. I wanted to die because I had got into the same situation, I recently moved to my new apt., and could not afford another child because I have a 4 year old. I had a bad experince being left while pregnant with my lst child, and never wanted to be in the same situation again.I didn’t trust my guy friend to be a parent equally,and he was not right in his life at the time. I chose it and I regret it. —Guest Kate I had the abortion I had already published a piece of the story. At 8 weeks pregnant I found out my husband was talking to this girl. I confronted him about it and he took off. Never came back, never cared. That same week I got fired from my job. It all seemed just too much. I was crying all the time. I even asked my husband to try to work things out but he refused. He said I should spend my pregnancy in my home country (what nerve) and come deliver here is the USA. He said he’d help me financially and would be involve in the baby’s life… All while declaring he was never going to stop smoking pot or go to school to get a career. How can he support two adults, a baby and his habit on a server’s salary? It was not the right environment for a baby and I simply couldn’t do it on my own with no friends or family and a newborn. I had the abortion 5 days ago. I felt at piece with my decision. Well now I just feel empty and angry towards my husband. —Guest Scare and lonely Lost… I had an abortion in October 2009 and went through a lot of emotional turmoil. It totally messes you up. If your relationship with your boyfriend is dicey, it further messes you up. I was also on Accutane which causes fatal problems to the fetus so I had no choice but to abort. However, my boyfriend became an emotional wreck. He started becoming more distant. We lost both sexual and emotional intimacy. A year later, last month, Oct 2010, I had another abortion. This time, I really wanted to keep the baby. It was with the same guy, but we had too many arguments and he didn’t let me keep the baby. He is never there for me. In fact, he is on a trip (business and pleasure) and he hardly talks to me on the phone. My life is a mess. I don’t deem myself “right” for anyone. I have lost self confidence, self worth and I feel helpless. I was totally pro life and these 2 decisions which I couldn’t control one because of the medication and other because of the man, have left me devastated. —Guest Shway forgiveness I’m a Christian Minister and I want to say that God totally understands what we go through. I’d urge the women who still feel awful regret so many years on to find some help – maybe counselling or a good understanding church minister, and find ways to heal. If you feel you did wrong, ask God to forgive you. If you know you didn’t really have a choice at the time, ask God to help you forgive yourself. All any of us can do is make the best decision we can at the time, with the resources and understanding we have at the time. God understands that. and God understands how so often women get left to make such difficult decisions. If you are reading and haven’t decided whether to have an abortion or not yet, do follow the advice of women on here and get some proper sensible advice of all the options available to you. You’ll be confused and in a panic right now, and we all need some help working out what to do when we’re stuck. Hoping you’ll find peace. —Guest ray It was the best choice My husband and I are both in our 30s, finished with college and in professional careers. I have a 9-yr old child from a prior relationship, and I have a good relationship with his dad. My husband is physically and verbally abusive, and he has been for nearly a year. We separated in early August (2.5 months ago) after I told him he needed to leave or I would have him arrested (he was hurting me again.) He has done this many times, even in front of my child and in front of neighbors, yet somehow he finds a way to blame me for his anger. He has been coming over to spend time with me and my son a few times a week, often staying the night. He was talking about reconciliation, lots of couples counseling, even started taking meds. Then I found out I was pregnant, and that day he told me to have an abortion and he signed a lease elsewhere. He told me if I didn’t have one, he would make my life hell (he’s a lawyer, and I’m on his health insurance, and he makes most our income.) I chose an abortion. —Guest Kerry Terrible decision to have to make I was in school when I realized I was pregnant. I was engaged (now married) and being a mother is something I had wanted my whole life but at the time the thought of having to tell friends and family and the worry about not finishing school was overwhelming. Having said that, the decision to get the abortion was the worst decision I ever made. Years later, my life feels like its not what it should be. For me personally, the abortion has been traumatic and has left me terrified of intimacy but at the same time, overly desperate to be pregnant again. Whether you are pro-life or pro-choice and no matter how old you are or what your situation is, I really urge anyone thinking about having an abortion to really think about it. It’s amazing how a decision that seems logical can turn out to be so haunting. I hope and pray that anyone looking here for advice will benefit from the stories of those who have been through it. —linstelino The hardest decision I had my second abortion 4 days ago and I’m doing ok. My first abortion was 3 years ago and letting go of that was the hardest thing I have ever done. I was filled with guilt, regret and lots of “what ifs,” but counseling helped a great deal as did forgiving myself. I had the first and second abortion for numerous reasons from money to career and lots of other factors. While I know my partner and I could have raised 2 well adjusted kids we just were not in the position to do it. The hardest thing for me was not to worry about what other people thought about me and abortion but to accept I made the best decision for me and my future. This second abortion I have not felt bad at all. While my partner and I agreed on the decision it was ultimately my choice and I know it’s going to be ok. When we choose to have kids, I want to be excited and happy and look at the ultrasound pictures and know that this is what I want. Please don’t live in regret and guilt, it’s the worst thing. —Guest Guest M I don’t know what to do I’ll be 29 in a week, and my appointment to get an abortion is 3 days after. I am pregnant out of a complete lack of responsibility of my husband and I. He’s younger than me though, so I guess I’ll take the bigger blame. This would be my third abortion and I feel devastated even thinking about it. Both physically and emotionally, abortions are a really hard thing to deal with. I just don’t feel at all ready for a baby. I am working (well hardly as I’m sleepy and nauseous for most of the time I’m awake) my husband is unemployed and looking for a job. Besides the morality of it all, I don’t think we are in the condition of making a baby happy… and new life deserves happy parents that want to provide with a great environment for them, not like I don’t want to…just don’t know how. I feel so alone and sad. —Guest scared and lonely Alone in college facing the decision I was 17 when I chose abortion. I was 8 weeks and 6 days along. I had been pro-life my entire life being raised by a pro life mother. When I found out I was pregnant, I wanted to keep it. My boyfriend, who is still the love of my life made it a point that we were young with bright futures ahead of us. We weren’t ready. I went against everything I believed in because I loved him so much. After the abortion, I had this haunting fear or “what if he died, I would have nothing.” Despite my fears, I am completely healed from the abortion now even though my motherly instinct wants a baby more than anything. Now I am 18, and found out that my birth control has failed me. I am 12 weeks along. I haven’t told my boyfriend yet. I’m in college now all alone. I have no close friends or family where I am. I feel like abortion is my only option yet again. I am too far along to even have an abortion without a ride home. I don’t know where to begin. —Guest Brianna didn’t know my stance I don’t want to count the months it has been. I get emotional reading stories of regret, whereas before, I wouldn’t have had a connection. It is something you have to go through to relate to. I didn’t want to have an abortion. I knew I was pregnant but my partner refused to believe me because he thought (and still thinks) he is a genius at the rhythm/pull-out method. Before we got together, I said I would get an abortion if we got pregnant, but once I knew I was…it wasn’t far from our wedding date. This made me feel that it was okay since we were getting married. I started talking to the embryo, telling it ‘daddy’ will be home soon’, but since daddy was so ignorant, he wouldn’t believe I was pregnant and let me go on that way happily for the 7 weeks. I really don’t believe I will ever be as close to him as I was before HIS decision to terminate. I had thought of moving to Europe and giving it up for adoption, but I’m no feminist, so I let him manipulate me. —Guest manipulated Didn’t want to leave my 6 year old son I chose abortion so that I wouldn’t have to leave my soon-to-be ex husband’s house and I could stay with my 6 year old son. My “ex” told me that if I kept my baby (I was pregnant by my boyfriend) I would have to get the F out of the house. And I want to be with my son, and I know I wouldn’t have won custody in the divorce because when I left him I didn’t take my son with me because I was living in my jeep. Now I just want a baby and move out. I realize I was pressured into it. I had the abortion and my ex still tells me to get out of the house anyway. It was a big mistake. —bonolarryedge Why I had an abortion I went through with a surgical termination for a few reasons, I was too far gone for the medical and I was fully asleep for this option. Having the actual abortion took about 4-5 weeks to decide, as maternal as I am it was just not the right time for myself or my boyfriend. I think the hardest thing is mentally fighting against nature during the whole thing. I have had problems since health wise and so you need to be sure it is for you. I would be happy to answer questions from others and know your story. —Guest Clover My abortion is my only regret. I couldn’t even type my guest name without tearing up. I hate the fact that I am a mom, I know I am, but no one else does. I hate seeing pregnant women further along in their pregnancies than I was. I hate seeing young mothers with their babies. And the worse is seeing young couples with their babies. My baby’s father threatened to leave if I kept our baby. Now we are married, and I regret my decision more than ever. Because he probably would have stayed no matter what. He was probably just scared too. It was the worst experience of my life. And I will NEVER make that mistake again. I don’t know when I will ever have the opportunity to have children again, as my husband doesn’t want a baby. Even if we do, I do not think that I will ever feel complete. I never got to meet my baby….never got to hold my baby. And I am the only person to blame. —Guest Guest mommy of an angel No regrets…it was for the best… I was 20 and dealing with a mentally abusive, drug and alcohol addicted husband and raising a 1 year old with no money and no real place of residency. In my mind it was bad enough raising one child in that environment. Why do that to another? Thinking over the decision it wasn’t that hard. I know I could have adopted out the child to a family in need but I couldn’t do that either. To me that was harder — knowing about a child somewhere out there — rather than terminating the pregnancy. In the end it turned out to be the best thing for me. It got me out of a horrible scary marriage and back on track with giving my child and myself a life. —Guest Jessica I am glad to be able to make my choices I am a mother of 2 kids and in a happy marriage. This pregnancy is an accident and we never wanted more than 2 kids. I feel if I have the 3rd one at this stage, I will compromise on the upbringing of my other 2 that have been brought into this world with best intentions. I will hate to see that happen and at the same time do not want to compromise my future for the sake of something that we never wanted. I know I am making the right decision for the long term happiness of my family. Sorry, if my decision hurts anyone’s faith, but I being the pregnant lady has the right to do so! —Guest Almost 35 The freedom of choice I was going to have an abortion in 1996, I was 15 and afraid. I waited too long and couldn’t get one. Adoption was out of the question, I kept him. He is now 13 years old. I didn’t get a GED untill I was 21 and now at 29 I am going back to college. I have 2 children on 13 the other 10. I love them very much, but it was very hard getting here (to a stable point in my life). We have been on welfare, homeless and I have done things that I will regret for the rest of my life. My children deserved so much better than what we had. God sent me a man to help me get an education and to get out of the roach-infested drug area we were living in. I would still be working a dead end job and my children would still be neglected since I couldnt afford child care. I would tell girls that were in my situation to really weigh their options. I am thankful that the option was and is legal. —Guest Tanaya Pregnant, but do not want it… I realized over the past couple of years that I do not want children. I even thought I probably couldn’t have them. I was careless, though, and now my boyfriend and I agree we should terminate. It’s been difficult, because I know it has a little heartbeat, but I do NOT want children. I may change my mind in a year or two, and hopefully will be able to have them then, and afford them (I’ve been out of work for almost a year now and he doesn’t make much), but I am not in a place to deal with an infant right now. I never thought I’d be here, and I don’t wish these conflicted feelings on anyone, but I am SOOO glad we have options! My support people have said that whatever decision I make is the right one. I’m trusting them. —Guest Syriana Best Decision for My Family My husband of six years and I separated after I finished my first year of law school. After fighting it out many months with a counselor, we agreed to share custody of our two children aged 2 and 5. He moved thirty-five miles away to pastor a church in D.C. while I continued to live, work and attend graduate school in Baltimore. It was a very traumatic time for the children who did not understand what was happening to the family. I found the younger child sleepwalking at times when “visiting” me. The older child, previously very precocious, had a few episodes of soiling her underwear. This obviously was a frightening, unstable time for our small ones–as separation/divorce tends to be for children of all ages. One weekend, my husband & I attended a wedding of friends and were intimate with each other afterward. Loneliness, I guess. The condom broke, and a few weeks later that I learned that I was pregnant. Wanting to spare our children further trauma, I aborted the pregnancy. —Guest writer2 16 & pregnant I was 16 when I got pregnant by this boy I was in love with, and he was my first love. On Thanksgiving Day we decided to finally use a condom and it broke. We didn’t think anything of it because nothing had happened to us before, so we finished. One month later I didn’t get my period so I told him At first he tried to deny it, but he couldn’t. He knew it was his. Out of the 3 months I was pregnant I saw him 5 times. He didn’t call me. Instead, he he would text. We would argue because I wanted the baby and he didn’t. But I guess he really didn’t understand and his aunt was pressuring him too. The day of my abortion he went with me. I was nervous. They said they were giving me an ultrasound, so I went to get the ultrasound. I remember laying on the table with a bright light in my face, and my legs in the air. I got a shot called “twilight” it was to make you sleep, but I only felt drunk. I was in so much pain physically, mentally and emotionally. —angie1992 Why I did it I was 18. Father was my married boss who had no intention of leaving his wife and said he didn’t want 3 kids (he had two already). I was working at fast food minimum wage job, still living with parents, in college…..and terrified of my mother finding out, family response, anger from family at having baby when I could not support it and anger at who father was. At time, never considered anything but abortion as quickly as I could (6 weeks). I was terrified. Sure life went on as planned afterward, but what would my life be like now had I had the baby? My parents never would have rejected me/baby, father would have had to face his wife with the truth, the baby would have been an amazing person (just like my son), since father was smart and good looking. I threw away a perfect human being to avoid facing reality and so I could go on having fun with my friends without responsibility. That’s really the truth, deep down. —Guest Soo No regrets I went through a very bad time a few years back. My ex boyfriend got me into drugs, and I became dependent on heroin. I started stripping to buy what I needed to survive everyday. I was on the pill at first, but I couldn’t get to the clinic all the time to refill my prescription since I didn’t have a car. I thought I couldn’t get pregnant. It was about three months after stopping the pills. I hadn’t had my period for months because I didn’t take the placebos at the end of the month, I just went straight to the next pack. I thought the pills were still affecting my reproductive ability, so it was safe to have sex. I was wrong. I could not have a baby like this. In this situation. No way. I knew I was pregnant at about three and a half weeks. I took ru-486 at four weeks. I knew I was pregnant because I listened to my body. I knew I couldn’t bring a child into the world because I listened to my heart and my brain. I am better now. I have a wonderful life. I am happy. I stand by my choice. —Guest A Healed Soul I didn’t effect me… Until now (cont.) Well, we went through with the abortion at 12 weeks, and of course there was emotional turmoil from both of us for a bit, but we both felt like we had made the best decision. It’s been nearly five years, without me giving it much thought. My husband and I recently had our first son. I love him so much, and as stressed as I am, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. But, now, all I can feel is guilt. 12 weeks. They can move. They are developing facial features. I look at my son, and it haunts me to think that he’s missing a sibling. I feel like it’s completely my fault. I can easily say that I do have regrets about the abortion. But, at the same time, I feel like my husband and I would be much worse off if I hadn’t had the abortion. I know for a fact that if I had continued the pregnancy that neither he, nor I would have been able to give up the child. Not to mention that my husband would be in jail at this time due to the pregnancy. Research. Weigh your options. Remember, it’s YOUR choice. —Guest Rika I didn’t effect me… Until now I was 15 when I had my abortion. I was a freshman in high school and had been dating my 17 year old boyfriend (now husband) for over a year. We had been practicing safe sex, but a slip up led to the pregnancy. Neither of us wanted to have the abortion, but being raised in a Mormon family, I knew that he and I would be subject to judgment and ridicule behind closed doors. Even so, what ultimately drew us to our decision was the looming fact that if my grandfather had found out, he would have reported my boyfriend for statutory rape, and he would have been registered as a sex offender for the rest of his life. We also knew that neither of us were ready to care for the child. We both grew up in poor situations involving poverty and drug usage from our parents and we did not want that environment for our child. My mother passed when I was 11 and my siblings and I were being raised by my grandmother. She had enough stress. (I’m going to continue in another post.) —Guest Rika i made the right decision i had an abortion when i was 18. i used to be completely against abortions untill i got pregnant. all these people that say abortion is wrong and put down women who have had an abortion dont know what it feels like. when you experience the situation personally its alot more understanding. i hate when people go on and on about how wrong it is.. they dont know how it feels to be a struggeling pregnant teenager obviously!! i think about my abortion every single day and i sometimes even wonder what if.. but in my heart i know that it was the right decision. —Guest caitlyn Confused Well im 6 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child. I am married. own house and car but my husband is the only one working. My last pregnancy I was sick for the full 9 months. Wasnt sure if me or my daughter was going to make it. Now here I am today. Its been 4 days and ive eaten nothing. Ive thrown up over 15 times. Ive passed out. Heart trouble….just too much stress. And I dont think I am ready to go thru this again. I feel like im nearly at death sometimes. —Guest JJ A choice I am a mother of one very needy 3 year old child, every minute of everyday I spend w/ him, I think back to my pregnancy and the first 2 years of his life. I am married to a wonderful man, with anxiety. And me I am fresh out of a pregnancy/ post partum depression. I am much better now, I’m 85 percent sure I’m having an abortion, when my son was a 0mos-24 mos. my husband worked 12-14 hours a day, away from my family or his, I had no help, there were times I wanted to hurt my child, I never did, but there were times I felt very close, and if you are any kind of honest mom in that situation you understand my feelings. I felt like a bad mom for my feelings, anger, resentment, frustration. I gained 85 lbs with my first pregnancy, and 3 years later I’ve only lost 35lbs of what I gained, it has put a strain on me mentally, and physically, I had a surgery 8wks ago. I’m having an abortion b/c I don’t feel I or my hub. Can handle another child physically or mentally. —Guest Dawna Angels Above. I’ve had 2 abortions and I’m 21 years old. The first I was 14 and had been raped. I couldn’t support myself let alone raise a child and didnt want to be reminded of my rapist every time I looked at my child. 2nd I was 18 and not living in a safe environment. Alot of violence and drug dealings going on around me. I knew it was the best decision for those circumstances at those times in my life but it still scars me to this day. I look at a child and get emotional. I am now 7 weeks pregnant and leaving the father as he mentally and emotionally abuses me. I would rather be a single mum than abort again. It just hurts to much. Think carefully before deciding to abort ladies. —Guest Mandz25 what to do? I was 21 and I had already had one with my sons father, Wowzers here comes another, but I was scared to have two kids and not be able to raise them properly because babies arent cheap. Plus my bd has other kids so we both said it was best we aint wont our baby to have to want for anything. So we decided to do it. I think of the lil angel a lot though. —Guest Ms.Leta why i choose it cus i have a babe and my bf ws not working although he wanted the babe so bad bt i couldnt deal with the fact that i have to suport the babe alone, its been two months now and he got work and my relatioship with him is real not going, has dumped me several times and is cheating with another, when i ask him he says he wants a babe and wil do anything to get it with sumone who is willing… so i wul say it was not the best decision i made.. —Guest beeve I wish my situation was better I was 27, separated from my ex-husband who had fathered 3 kids with his mistress during our 5 year marriage. When he sent me divorce papers out of the blue (that’s when I found out about the kids) we separated… I moved into my car and he moved in with her. He was happy. I wasn’t. So I went out and wanted to numb the pain of loneliness and depression and I slept with my closest guy friend. (Background – I have pcos and endometerosis and rarely have periods) so I thought everything was ok. It wasn’t. I went in for a routine check up on my cysts and found out I was pregnant. My ex found out and he and his insane family began to threaten me. When I told my only friend, he was there for me, and thrilled that I was carrying his child. I was shocked. But everyone in his family demanded that I abort or else. And since I had no job, no money, living out of my car with my only support being my friend whose family always hated me… I did what everyone wanted. It still hurts to this day. —Guest none kayleighr 2011 i had one yesterday at 12 weeks and ive never felt more relieved, i know its not nice but i want to bring a kid up when i have my own house and have worked and give it a good life instead of bringing a child up on benifits and income support i dont want to be relying on the goverment as they treat u like s..t and stop ur money when they feel like it then u end up living in a hostel struggling for food and cloths no thanks i made the right decision i know that now even though i was scared right up to the day. i hope to have a baby one day when im ready and give it a great life. —Guest kayleigh 2011 How about because I didn’t want a kid? And it was an excellent decision. The thought of having a 7 yr old today is enough to make me jump for joy that I wasn’t a religious nut who felt guilt-tripped into having a child. It is depressing that women still feel like they have to come up with a sentimental excuse to have an abortion. I had an abortion because I have a brain. I was 17. I am an intelligent person who wanted to go to college and work (which I did.) My life is significantly better due to my decision to have an abortion. Furthermore, all scientific evidence supports that fetuses in the 1st trimester cannot feel pain and are not self-aware. Actually, these anti-choicers should have more of a problem eating meat than aborting an early fetus. There is no good reason to feel bad about having an abortion unless you were forced to have one. The world would be a much better place (less poverty, starvation, etc) if more women chose this option. Just because you have a uterus, it doesn’t mean you need to fill it with a kid! —Guest Ashley Confused I have just found out that i am pregnant, feelin very intense, scared and dont no how to tell anyone, confused whether to keep it or not! : ( as i have never been in a relationship with the father, it was all a bit of fun, he already has a child with his previuos partner and doesnt want anymore.. I darent tell him as i think too much of him, but i think about this unborn baby it cripples me, i dont no what to do —Guest Jackii hard times i had a abortion almost 12 years ago and i still reget it so much i was on my early 20′s with 3 boys i had a very hard life but after i had the abortion i never had kids again i regret it so much i been living with this n i feel so bad i can’t forgive myself —Guest regret what i did Tomorrow… My date for a medical abortion is tomorrow – 10 Dec 2011, I told my 4 year long boyfriend that I am pregnant last night (I am 35 and he 50) he immediately told me to have an abortion, that the night we conceived we were both drunk and that our relationship is not based on love but lust. He also asked me to sign a letter stating that I do not have any financial or other claims against him and waive my rights if i decide to go ahead and have the child, which I did this morning. I am having this abortion because i dont want a child to live in these types of circumstances -I am NOT going to explain to him/her one day that they arent wanted and I made that choice by choosing to be with such a pr*ck in the first place. EVERY CHILD has a right to a REAL life, NOT HALF a chance. I am giving myself a second chance in life, I choose to learn from my mistakes and not to destroy my heart in the process. My heart goes out to all of you, and all the best for a REAL future. —Guest Guest Mich Thank you I have never had to consider abortion, and was never pressured to have one. I have been conflicted about the legality of abortion for many years, and staggered by the millions of lives that have been lost since it became legal. I am Roman Catholic, and I do believe that abortion is a sin, since taking a life should never come without spiritual consequences. However we have a loving God, who forgives us our truly awful choices, if we truly repent. With your stories, I have decided that abortion should be legal until such time as our country so loves its children that they and their mothers are assured of care and of protection from the beginning of pregnancy and for as long as required. When there are no longer tens of thousands of children in foster care because they have all been adopted, then the country can make abortion illegal. Until then, there isn’t enough love in it for all, and women should have the right to abort in a safe and legal way, if they feel they have to. —trentriverwoman Really confused Im 17 nd my bf just turned 22, im 7 weeks and i have no idea what to do, my dad once told me if I ever get pregnet ,thall he would kick me out, and I would have to live with my bf, my bf lives with his mom and can barley afford himself, on top of that I feel like hes pressuring me to abort, deep down inside I dont, my mom and his mom say no, my bf tells me yes and im scared wat my dad will do.. —Guest Just pray Theres more ways out I was 14 when I had a abortion I wanted tht bby more than anything I was forced to have a abortion by my.mom.now I regret it.more than anything I have to go true life knowing I killed a poor bby. It.doesnt matter if u have the money or not theres is plenty of.more ways.out. Its only been a year and i still feel sad and depresed but theres noo turning now . I just wish this thing was ilegal or something. —Guest Not a good choice An Unresolved Issue I primarily did it out of shame, but it left me carrying guilt and shame the rest of my life. I was 20 and not married. I couldn’t bear having my very large, strict, Roman Catholic family learn that I was pregnant or that I would have a child out of wedlock. The irony is that the strict pro-life religion under which I was raised is what sent me running to the abortion clinic. I still feel haunted over the fact that I took this life. Adoption didn’t seem like a viable option, because the pregnancy would have been public and I would still have to bear the shame and stigma brought on by my family, my faith, and society. However, I could never escape my own judgement of myself. There will always be abortions until society becomes more forgiving and accepting of mistakes. I still think abortion is taking a life, but I see it as a form of self defense on the woman’s part. It is sad that an innocent child is caught in the middle. —Guest Haunted Dark Time I grew up in an abusive household. My mom was helpless and timid; always crying. My dad terrorized us. I swore that I would never get around someone similar. Unfortunately, my first serious boyfriend was much like my father and through fear and intimidation (and because it was what I was used to), I fell right back into a pattern of doing what I was told. He didn’t abuse me physically, but he was very obsessive/possessive and I was afraid of him. I was still very afraid of having to show my body to anyone, so I didn’t seek birth control from a clinic. Instead I used drugstore methods, though he would often force himself on me . He and I fought and my family fought with me because they didn’t like him. It became worse when he started drinking. I went to a clinic alone and was attacked by protesters. I never felt so alone, scared and sad in my life. I wish someone would have helped me. I wish I had the courage to say what was going on. I was 20 at the time, 28 now. It will always hurt. —yoruame You do you. you wanna have a baby? have a baby! if you don’t then theres adoption or abortion. It is YOUR choice ladies. not anyone else’s to decide for you. I personally had an abortion for lots of reasons. i don’t regret it. some do. it all depends on you! There are mean nasty ass people out there who will degrade and belittle you n will say nasty things. f*** ‘em. Only YOU know whats best for you the baby n the father, if he didn’t help get you pregnant then lose his balls n run once you found out. If anyone don’t agree with abortion… Then i suggest they don’t have one then, huh?!? —loretta.k Jesus Saves! I was sinning and very young. I knew if I had a baby out of wedlock I would shame my family and no man would ever make his wife. I feel confident about my decision to have an abortion because it was the decision that most benefited ME. Now I have a loving husband (who never has to find out) a Huge bank account, a beautiful house we had built brand new, three 2011 cars and 3 healthy (non bastard) children and a family that loves me. Praise the lord, Jesus has forgiven me, I am free of my sins. No matter what we do in this life, it’s between us and GOD! He gave me this body to do with what I CHOOSE! It’s NO ONE’S Business if we have had an abortion. You don’t have to tell anyone, I didn’t. God Bless —Guest Mellissa Harmon Worst decision of my life I had it about 2 months ago i am a 20 year old college student who had alot going on. Internship, had about a semester on my bachelors. Had just opened a small store with my friend. Things were really moving, and me and my boyfriend who had a very good job had just met actually it was about a month into our relationship i found out. I felt like i didnt really know him enough to have to deal with this person for 18 more years i also felt that i had done alot since i was 16 and being the best that i could be at everything i tried. Then i went and got pregnant and i just saw every bad possibility coming from this situation. College going up in flames, internship denying me another year. Just my life being over. Then my parents were forcing us to get married. He was older than me 31 to be exact, and i just wasnt ready. So i did it, july 14th i got rid of it. Right before i went in a nun urged me not to. I should of listened cause now everyday i feel empty. Empty as a glass. —Guest Sucks i regret myself yesterday only i did abortion(28th sept 2011) and today i am in total emotional turmoil, i am regretting and blaming my husband as well. he did not support me to have this baby so i had to abort my child and i also would like to request all the women never do such kind of mistake in your. this is indeed a murder in my view. children are the gift of god, they have the right to live. —Guest niru mishra No regrets I was in a relationship where I was controlled to the point where my ex didn’t want me to take birth control. I fought with him saying that I didn’t want a child at this time. So I tried to sneak birth control , and he abused me when he found out. He controlled and manipulated me so much that I wasn’t allowed to wear low cut shirts, skirts, make up, bathing suits, have any guy friends etc. So it came to the day that I was pregnant. I didn’t want to have a child, I wanted to wait till I was financially settled and educated enough to properly care for a child. I am not mentally ill, a horrible person and selfish, I was someone that was young and in a bad situation. So I chose to abort. To this day, I am fortunate that abortion is available, because I don’t know what I would be doing right now with a child, its hard enough to get by. His family were alcoholics and had a lot of problems, I didn’t want a child brought up in that life. I didn’t want a child at that time, period. —Guest Anonymous to be responsible Having an abortion when I was much younger was the responsible thing to do. My bf and I would have had to marry. I was very immature and emotionally unstable and my bf eventually came to understand that he was gay. I wanted to have a traditional family, and because I was easily able to procure an abortion (safe and nearly painless), I was allowed to grow up and have the family I wanted. Although society generally is more understanding now of single mothers, some families and cultural communities are still incredibly backwards. We should not make these women suffer because we do not walk in their shoes. —faneta few regrets I know I wouldn’t have the family and children I have now if I had not had an abortion 30 yrs ago. My main emotion afterwards was relief. My bf did not want the child or to marry. So although I wish I hadn’t gotten pregnant that first time, my 2 children would not exist. I’m so sick of these pro-lifers who don’t give a thought to the suffering of women and girls in truly desperate situations. The quality of life of an autonomous human being is more important that the life of a potential autonomous human being. Although they don’t mean to be, prolifers are really pro-suffering (esp. as it relates to sexual sin). The only authentic prolifers are those who are also 100% antiwar, like the Quakers. The rest are just unwitting sheep joining the religious patriarchy to keep women under control. You are not murderers! Stand up for your right to determine the course of your life, and respect other women’s. Ignore those who want to you to suffer emotionally just so they can feel superior. —faneta no support I had a abortion a week ago it hurts so bad.The reason I did it I had no type of support from my mother or the guy I was with. I cry almost everyday but I decided to heal myself by lighting a candle and praying for gods forgiveness and asking my baby for forgiveness.I know in my heart I will never get another abortion. —Guest Dj Why I chose abortion. I’ve had two abortion when I was 20 and 22. I was in a relationship with a man who didn’t have a job, depressed and has bipolar mother. I couldn’t see myself being with him and raising his children, I was panicking what I should do. After the first one I said never again to abortion. I was pregnant with 2nd child, I decided to tell my parents to keep the baby. I brought my ex, his mother, and our parents together to talk about what to do. My ex was all about talk, never went through and promised his words. So I said, I can’t do it. I cried so much but I knew I had to do it. I am pregnant again right now and decided to have one once again. I am now 26years old. I am trying to further my career and my current boyfriend still has to finish school. He doesn’t believe in abortion but he says he understands my point of view. I want to marry him someday and a child when we really want one. I feel terrible, ignorant, and selfish but I decided to do this for us. —Guest Lori More than money The cost of an abortion is much more than money. As some one who made that uneducated choice, I have had to live regret. I look at my children today and know that they are missing 2 siblings. My hope is that if you are reading this and feel that abortion is the only answer for you – you will open your heart to the child in your womb and know that you have been given this opportunity to choose life and love this child. There is always a way – when you look for it. —Wonderfullymade812 no regrets newfound love for being young I found out i was pregnant at16 it was the beginning of my junior year my bf wanted me to have it but it just wasnt realistic im a teenager my worries are school and work as they should be not supporting and raising a child my mom noticed i was pregnant before i did bc of the morning sickness im so lucky my mom was super supportive of my decision to get an abortion after having the procedure i was in a euphoria of relief and motivation to get the most out of life i come from a middle class family good grades there was no way i was going to end up broke single and un educated not to mention the burden i would place on my parents they have already raised children people who have kids when there still kids end up having mid life crisises feeling like theyv missed out on life they never really grow up life has so much to offer getting an abortion was the best decision of my life it gave me the option to have a life i appreciate being young so much more now and that i am truly greatful for —marge0000 Thought I couldnt get pregnant I’m 37, wz seeing 31 he has no kids. We met Jan. He said he wanted a baby with me in May. I read on the Internet it wz harder for women over 35. 25%-50%, weed smokers have slow sperm swimmers he’s 1, getting off the pill takes 1 yr. On 7/23 I conceived with 1 try only that month! On 8/6 I brk it off. On 8/12 I find out I’m pregnant. He said it’s ok but he’s someone. Rearing a child fatherless is not an option for me. He feels I trapped him. He’s 31, no kids, no car, lives with mom. I have 2 kids and a professional job. His anger & inability to father has made my choice. I’ve cried ALOT. I repent my own stupidity. I stopped pill, after he said he wanted baby in may. After an inconsistent cycle I said to himi stopped the pill. It went over his head. He thinks I trapped him. I have 2 kids and professional Job. He does not want to b dad. I dont want a fatherless child —Guest 37 After 2 and a half years i am healed I was 20 years of age at that time and i was so afraid. I really felt like keeping the baby but my boyfriend said no and i never ever really healed after that until i met my current Boyfriend. He is the greatest thing in my life, he helped me understand and get myself to forgive myself and as i stumbled upon this sight it truly made me realize how healed i am! And the best thing of all is that God forgave me, i truly feel that in my heart and i am so happy all the time! God gave me a gift in a form i would never ever have guessed would be possible. my advice would be to let God give you something to help you forgive yourself and be open towards God and have faith! it sometimes takes long but in the end it helped me through things i never would have before! —Guest Doreena Consider This I dont mean to be inappropriate by posting about the other side of the fence, I really dont. After reading many of these posts, I feel if I can advise one pregnant woman about what the other side of the fence is like, perhaps it could forever change her life forever. I considered abortion, I considered it long and hard. I even had the keys in hand, ready to head to a clinic a few times. They never made it to the cars ignition though. Abortion processes are not pretty, and I couldnt rip the child out chunk by chunk, I wasnt going to have a practicioner do if for me. I really wondered what it would have been like to have a long career. I am 21, my boyfriend is 23, our daughter is a month old. Loving her has been a process, notsomething that came easy when I was pregnant. But I am NOT broken on the inside, as it sounds many women are that have the procedure. I couldnt do it because my future is not more important than my daughter’s no matter what. When theres a will theres a way. —Guest Sarah Abortion clinic https://www.abortionsclinic.co.za Medical abortion pills https://www.abortionsclinic.co.za/medical-abortion-pills.html Surgical abortion https://www.abortionsclinic.co.za/surgical-abortion.html Womb cleaning https://www.abortionsclinic.co.za/womb-cleaning.html Abortion Counselling https://www.abortionsclinic.co.za/abortion-counseling.html Pregnancy termination https://www.abortionsclinic.co.za/pregnancy-termination.html Why abortion should be legal https://www.abortionsclinic.co.za/why-abortion-should-be-legal.html Abortion law https://www.abortionsclinic.co.za/abortion-law.html Abortion statistics https://www.abortionsclinic.co.za/abortion-statistics.html Womens clinic https://www.abortionsclinic.co.za Safe abortion clinic https://www.abortionsclinic.co.za Legal abortion clinic https://www.abortionsclinic.co.za History of abortions https://www.abortionsclinic.co.za/history-of-abortion.html
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