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What is an abortion
Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus.
An abortion that occurs without intervention is known as a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. When deliberate steps are taken to end a pregnancy, it is called an induced abortion, or less frequently "induced miscarriage".
The unmodified word abortion generally refers to an induced abortion. A similar procedure after the fetus has potential to survive outside the womb is known as a "late termination of pregnancy" or less accurately as a "late term abortion
When allowed by law and performed by trained personnel, abortion is one of the safest procedures in medicine.
It is safer than carrying a pregnancy to term. Modern methods use medication or surgery for abortions. The drug mifepristone in combination with prostaglandin appears to be as safe and effective as surgery during the first and second trimester of pregnancy.
The most common surgical technique involves dilating the cervix and using a suction device. Birth control, such as the pill or intrauterine devices, can be used immediately following abortion.
When performed legally and safely on a woman who desires it, induced abortions do not increase the risk of long-term mental or physical problems.
In contrast, unsafe abortions (those performed by unskilled individuals, with hazardous equipment, or in unsanitary facilities) cause 47,000 deaths and 5 million hospital admissions each year.The World Health Organization recommends safe and legal abortions be available to all women
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Medical abortion pills
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Incomplete abortion
An incomplete abortion is an abortion that has only been partially successful. The pregnancy has ended— no fetus will develop, but your body has only expelled part of the tissue and products of pregnancy.
If you have prolonged bleeding, too much bleeding (much more than a regular menstrual period), pain in your belly that does not go away after a few days of taking the Misoprostol, pain that is unbearable, fever, continued bleeding after three weeks, or pain when pushing on your belly, you may have an incomplete abortion.
You must go to a hospital or a doctor to have an ultrasound and to get treated if you have any of these symptoms.
This is absolutely necessary because the tissue and blood that remains in the body can cause heavy bleeding or an infection. The treatment of an incomplete abortion is legal everywhere.
In countries where women can be prosecuted for having an abortion, it is not necessary to tell the medical staff that you tried to induce an abortion; you can that say that you had a spontaneous miscarriage.
There are no tests that can show that a woman has done a medical abortion. It is extremely important to treat an incomplete abortion.
The treatment for incomplete abortion is called a vacuum aspiration, or “curettage." Any clinic that can deal with complications of miscarriage can also help women with incomplete abortions, because the symptoms are the same. Sometimes treatment with 2 extra tablets of misoprostol might be enough.
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How long to wait to have sex after an abortion
It is best to wait 4-7 days after taking the Misoprostol to have sexual relations. Right after the abortion, the cervix might be slightly open, and there is a bigger risk of infection if you have sexual relations during this time.
It is normal to have irregular light bleeding for up to two weeks after a medical abortion (sometimes even longer). You can have sexual relations even if you are still bleeding. However, if you do not wish to become pregnant, it is important to use contraception every time you have sexual relations.
Although it may be several weeks after your abortion before you get your menstruation again, you could ovulate in the first week or two after your abortion, which means you could get pregnant right away. If you do not want to become pregnant right away, it is very important to start using contraceptives immediately.
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Abortions don't affect ability to get pregnant in the future
Although your menstruation may not come for several weeks after your abortion, you can ovulate (be fertile) at any time after the abortion. This means you can get pregnant right away, even if you are still having some light bleeding. If you want to avoid becoming pregnant right away, it is very important to start using contraceptives immediately.
You can use condoms and other birth control methods right away. An IUD can be put in place as soon as 4-14 days after you take the Misoprostol, even if there is still light bleeding. You can also wait to insert an IUD until your next regular period, but you will need to use another contraceptive method in the meantime if you do not want to risk becoming pregnant.
You can start hormonal contraceptive methods (pills, patch, ring, injection, implant) 1 to 3 days after using the Misoprostol. If you start birth control pills more than 3 days after using the Misoprostol, it is recommended that you use a barrier method (condoms) during the first 9 days, until the pills reach their full level of protection.
If the medical abortion did not work and you are still pregnant, the hormones used in the birth control pills, patch, implant, ring and injection are not dangerous to a developing fetus. Nevertheless, we recommend an ultrasound to confirm whether the abortion was successful or not.
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Successful medical abortion pills
A medical abortion is successful when the pregnancy stops developing and there is no need for additional medical care.
Research has shown that 99.5 % of the women who do a medical abortion in the first 9 weeks of pregnancy with mifepristone and misoprostol will have an abortion that ends the pregnancy.
Only 3% of the woman will need additional medical care. In 97% of abortions, women’s bodies will eliminate all the remains naturally and without any other medical intervention.
It is important that you understand that an abortion is a process. It takes time for the uterus to empty and for the abortion to be complete.
It is normal for the bleeding and clotting to continue for 1-3 weeks or even longer. Every woman’s body is different.
If you have extreme pain, prolonged heavy bleeding, abnormal vaginal discharge or fever, it might be a sign that you have a complication and should go to a doctor.
You should also go to the doctor and do an ultrasound after taking the medicines if you have any doubts about whether the abortion has been successful.
Many women can tell when the abortion is successful. They feel the symptoms of pregnancy (nausea, tender breasts, need to urinate) going away or have seen the embryo come out.
By having an ultrasound you can learn whether the medicines have worked and if your pregnancy has ended within a few days after the abortion.
An early ultrasound will tell you if the pregnancy has ended, but it is best wait for an ultrasound for 10 days after using Mifepristone, as only 23% of abortions are totally complete after 7 days. 71
The urine home pregnancy test can be done only 3 weeks after taking the medicines, because before 3 weeks, the pregnancy hormones are still in your body and the test might show an unreliable, falsely positive result.
Your body might need several days or weeks (until your next menstrual period) to expel the tissue and blood completely.
The ultrasound will show what is still in the uterus. Some doctors will recommend a vacuum aspiration, but if you have no pain or fever or signs of infection, it is better to wait and let your body empty naturally. A vacuum aspiration or a D & C is an invasive procedure that involves risks and can be painful.
More scientific information:
Several studies suggest that women often correctly assess whether their medical abortions are complete or not, especially with protocols that include Mifepristone.
One analysis used data from a clinical trial of Mifepristone-Misoprostol abortion in China, Cuba, and India. "Of 222 women, none incorrectly believed their abortions were complete when, in fact, they were not.
110 women incorrectly believed that the abortion was not yet complete, but this error would simply have led them to seek professional assistance, even if it were not routinely scheduled.1
Another study involving women in the United States concluded, “Women and clinicians are very accurate at determining expulsion of the gestational sac during medical abortion with Mifepristone and Misoprostol without an ultrasound or a physical exam.
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Side effects of abortion pills
The medical abortion normally causes side effects such as pain and cramping, as well as bleeding accompanied by the passage of blood clots and tissue. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, and hot flashes or fever may also occur.
A fever that starts soon after Misoprostol administration and lasts less than 24 hours and is less than 100.4 F/ 38 C is a common side effect. If the fever lasts longer than 24 hours or is higher than 100.4 F/38 C, you should seek medical attention.
An allergic reaction to the medication can cause hives (itchy welts or bumps on the skin.)
If your side effects are extreme, you may have a complication. Please refer to the question "How do you know if you have a complication and what should you do?" if you think you might be experiencing abnormal side effects.
More scientific information:Most women will experience pain and cramping during the medical abortion, in particular after using the Misoprostol.26 In most of the scientific studies on the topic, the majority of women describe the pain as only a little bit worse than the pain they experience during a menstrual period.
Some women will experience nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, but it is thought that this is an effect of early pregnancy as much as it is due to Mifepristone or Misoprostol.
Usually these side effects go away by themselves and do not require medical attention.26 Headache, mild dizziness, fever and hot flashes are symptoms that also should go away by themselves.
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Uterus tissue after an abortion
Most of the time women can see blood and tissue in their sanitary napkin or in the toilet. The (very small) embryo is usually passed within this blood and tissue in such as way that it goes unnoticed by the woman.
However, it is possible that you might see the (very small) embryo. Depending on the length of the pregnancy, a small pregnancy sac with some tissue around it may be visible.
For instance, if you are only five to six weeks pregnant, there will be no visible sac. At nine weeks, you might be able to find a sac in the blood and it is possible that you might see the embryo.
With a pregnancy of 8 or 9 weeks, the embryo is about 2,5 cm. This can be distressing.
It is best to flush everything down the toilet or to wrap the sanitary pads in a plastic bag and throw them away.
More scientific information:
At 6 or 7 weeks gestation, the embryo measures approximately 1/4 to 1/2 inch to 13 millimeters, and at 9 weeks it measures about 1 inch millimeters.
Frequently, the embryo expelled during a medical abortion is not explicitly visible because it is passed together with other pregnancy tissue and blood.
Doctors in Scotland organized a study in which women did medical abortions at home. One of the researchers, Dr. Gillian Penney of Aberdeen University, stated, “I was very surprised by the level of acceptability to home abortion amongst women.
I thought it would be frightening for women and they would want to be with the necessary staff who can give them support through the procedure and reassure them.
But women who experienced it for real genuinely felt it was something they could cope with in the home. Many preferred their own choice of companions they could have in their own home, and being able to use their own toilet facilities
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What to do after an incomplete abortion
If you do not start bleeding within 4 hours of taking Misoprostol, you should apply another 2 tablets. If you still do not bleed within 24 hours and you are positive that you were pregnant, then you either have an ectopic pregnancy or a continuing pregnancy. You should have an ultrasound.
If you experience complications such as fever, faintness, or extreme abdominal pain, then you should get medical help immediately, because you could have a ruptured ectopic pregnancy.
If you have an ectopic pregnancy, the doctor will treat it. This procedure is not considered an abortion and it is necessary to save the woman’s life. If the ultrasound shows a continuing pregnancy, you can do the medical abortion again.
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What happens after an abortion
Mifepristone alone usually does not cause any side effects before taking Misoprostol, although some women may experience light bleeding or nausea.
After using Misoprostol you should expect bleeding and cramps. Bleeding usually starts within four hours of using the pills, but it sometimes starts later.
For some women, the bleeding and cramping and also other side effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, and hot flashes or fever may occur shortly after taking Misoprostol.
Bleeding is often the first sign that the abortion has begun. If the abortion continues, bleeding and cramps become more severe.
Bleeding is often heavier than a normal menstruation, and there can be clots. The longer the pregnancy has developed, the heavier the cramps and the bleeding will be.
If the abortion is complete, the bleeding and the cramps diminish. The moment of abortion can be noticed with a peak of heavier blood loss and more pain and cramps.
Normally the bleeding will continue lightly for one to three weeks after the abortion, but times may vary. The normal menstrual period usually returns after four to six weeks.
The heaviest bleeding typically occurs 2-5 hours after using misoprostol and usually slows down within 24 hours.
The most intense cramping and bleeding generally lasts for 3-5 hours, but it can last for less or more time. Some women bleed heavily for up to 48 hours and may pass clots days or even weeks after taking the misoprostol.
This is common and is not dangerous, unless you soak through more than two maxi pads per hour for 2 hours or more or when you lose heavy cloths bigger than an orange. It is normal for your body to take time to empty the uterus completely. Every woman’s body is different.
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Abortion counselling
Get advice & abortion counselling from qualified medical professionals to help you make an informed decision about whether to have an abortion or not. We provide before & after abortion counselling to help woman deal this difficult decision Do you have concerns or queries associated with an unexpected or difficult pregnancy? Every woman is unique in how she feels after an abortion. Get information about abortion, abortion pills & the abortion processes from our qualified counselors & medical practitioners. Unplanned Pregnancy? Considering Abortion? If you’re pregnant and considering abortion, you are not alone. 1 in 5 women will have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old. For some women, choosing to end their pregnancy may be a relatively simple and easy decision to reach, for others it will be one of the most difficult choices they ever make. Our counsellors will listen to your concerns and respond to your request for information, support or counselling with our free, confidential & compassionate counselling Post abortion counselling We also provide post-abortion help and counselling to help women cope with life after an abortion. Feelings of grief, guilt, shame, depression and anxiety are normal & should be dealt with by a trained counsellor Our post abortion counselling deals with such issues as physical and emotional recovery, and contraceptive options are usually discussed.Abortion clinic Medical abortion pills Surgical abortion Womb cleaning Abortion Counselling Pregnancy termination Why abortion should be legal Abortion law Abortion statistics Womens clinic Safe abortion clinic Legal abortion clinic History of abortions
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A fetus cannot feel pain so abortion causes no harm
Given that abortion–an elective termination of pregnancy before the 20th week–does not violate anyone’s rights and does no substantial harm, and actually performs some limited positive good, there is no good reason to make abortion illegal. From a point of view outside of this affair, the killing of a neurologically inactive fetus is no greater a harm than the killing of a mouse, and in fact decidedly less–a mouse is neurologically active, and though it lacks a complex cerebral cortex, it has a brain of suitable complexity to perceive pain (and I would argue that the mouse deserves some moral consideration, though less than humans). A fetus cannot perceive pain (and perception is not quite the same thing as sensation: sensation can exist without a brain, but perception cannot). The neural structures necessary to register and record sensations of pain transmitted by the appropriate nerves either do not exist or are not functioning before the fifth month of gestation. A fetus can no more feel pain than a surgical patient under general anasthesia, or a paraplegic whose lower-body nerves continue reacting to stimuli, but cease sending signals to the brain. And we have already established that a fetus does not contain an individual human personality of any kind, any more than a brain-dead adult does. With no perception of pain, and no loss of an individual personality, the act of abortion causes no immediate harm. However, there may be indirect harm caused by abortion. For instance, there may be unacceptable medical risks to the mother, as there always are with any surgical procedure, even surgery of the outpatient variety. But I doubt such risks are unacceptable enough to warrant making the procedure illegal. I recently had elective surgery to remove a benign cyst from my wrist. This required general anasthesia and a 45-minute cutting-and-suturing of my flesh. The risks I voluntarily undertook were no less and almost certainly greater than the risks attending competently-performed abortions (especially chemical abortions). Since it would be absurd to outlaw the procedure I underwent, it would be absurd to outlaw abortion on the same ground. Mothers should be informed of the risks, as all surgical patients should be, but they should not be denied the right to voluntarily accept those risks. Whether there is any other kind of harm caused by abortion which would justify outlawing it remains to be seen. Something must briefly be said about the risks of sex in general, since sex–voluntary or involuntary–is itself necessary for abortion to ever become an issue. The fact that celibacy is always safer than being sexually active is irrelevant here, since most things we do are more dangerous than not doing them (such as driving rather than walking to the theatre), and if it were appropriate to force everyone to live safely, then not only should abortion be illegal, but so should sex in all but the most limited of circumstances (and so should driving a car for that matter). I will assume no one wishes to argue for such an Orwellian society. Abortion clinic Medical abortion pills Surgical abortion Womb cleaning Abortion Counselling Pregnancy termination Why abortion should be legal Abortion law Abortion statistics Womens clinic Safe abortion clinic Legal abortion clinic History of abortions
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When is abortion legal?
Some societies ban abortion almost completely while others permit it in certain cases. Such societies usually lay down a maximum age after which the foetus must not be aborted, regardless of the circumstances.
At various times some of the following have been allowed in some societies:
abortion for the sake of the mother’s health
abortion where a pregnancy is the result of a crime
abortion where the child of the pregnancy would have an ‘ unacceptable quality of life’ such as cases where the child would have
abortion for social reasons, including:
abortion as a matter of government policy
including her mental health
such as crimes like rape, incest, or child abuse
serious physical handicaps,
serious genetic problems,
serious mental defects
mother unable to cope with a child (or another child),
mother being too young to cope with a child
as a way of regulating population size
as a way of regulating groups within a population
as a way of improving the population
Most opponents of abortion agree that abortion for the sake of the mother’s health can be morally acceptable if there is a real risk of serious damage to the mother. Abortion for social reasons is usually least acceptable to opponents.
In South Africa abortion is legal & as long as you are over 16 you do not require the consent of anyone to have an abortion.
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Abortion Performs a Limited Positive Good
First, abortion is a notable benefit to society. The harm to a society that is caused by an excess of unchecked population growth is severe and well-documented. The ability of societies to check population growth without legalizing abortion has proven nearly non-existent: there are few countries in which abortion is outlawed or stigmatized that are not suffering harshly from overcrowding, with all the attendant economic, criminal, or political troubles. In contrast, most nations that allow the procedure are maintaining stable populations with nearly zero growth, and exhibiting more or less general prosperity. From a purely pragmatic perspective aimed at the interests of the commonwealth, abortion is at best a great benefit to mankind and at worst a necessary evil. And for women who regard zero growth as a moral imperative, abortion can even be a moral necessity from their point of view–although this would be better called a matter of principle, so as to distinguish this personal belief from the morally universal.Second, abortion is a significant benefit for the individual woman. The risks of death or permanent disability certainly must be greater for a woman who carries a fetus to term and bears a child, prematurely or not, than for a woman who aborts before the third trimester of her pregnancy. And the social and economic ruin that can ensue from an untimely motherhood is a serious harm as well, and although this could be alleviated by recourse to adoption, free medical care for pregnant women, and public welfare for women unable to work as a consequence of their pregnancy, these solutions are not as simple as they sound, and are not so universally available as people might think (even the United States, among the wealthiest of nations, has no such welfare system in place, not to mention a very poor excuse for a medicare system, and there is no desirable option for orphans in nations like India or Chad). Moreover, the potential physical harm from bearing a child simply cannot be alleviated. Abortion thus supplies some benefit for many women. Contact us and you will get the best among the best abortion care. Abortion clinic Medical abortion pills Surgical abortion Womb cleaning Abortion Counselling Pregnancy termination Why abortion should be legal Abortion law Abortion statistics Womens clinic Safe abortion clinic Legal abortion clinic History of abortions
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Abortion decision
If you’re pregnant and considering abortion, you are not alone. 1 in 3 UK women will have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old.
We help thousands of women with unplanned pregnancy counselling, and abortion treatment every year. We can help you too.
We make sure that you have enough support to help you decide if abortion, adoption or parenting is right for you.
Most women we see are sure they want a termination and don’t need counselling – we make sure they are treated quickly, safely and conveniently.
Other women are undecided about their next step, they want to talk about their pregnancy so we offer them counselling. 10-15% of women who approach us decide to continue with their pregnancy.
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Women’s rights arguments in favour of abortion
Women’s rights arguments in favour of abortion Here are some of the women’s rights arguments in favour of abortion:
women have a moral right to decide what to do with their bodies
the right to abortion is vital for gender equality
the right to abortion is vital for individual women to achieve their full potential
banning abortion puts women at risk by forcing them to use illegal abortionists
the right to abortion should be part of a portfolio of pregnancy rights that enables women to make a truly free choice whether to end a pregnancy
This argument reminds us that even in the abortion debate, we should regard the woman as a person and not just as a container for the foetus. We should therefore give great consideration to her rights and needs as well as those of the unborn.
Pro-choice women’s rights activists do not take a casual or callous attitude to the foetus; the opposite is usually true, and most of them acknowledge that choosing an abortion is usually a case of choosing the least bad of several bad courses of action.
Abortion affects women disproportionately
Abortion is an important element of women’s rights because women are more affected by the abortion debate than men, both individually (if they are considering an abortion) and as a gender.
Pregnancy has an enormous effect on the woman involved. As Sarah Weddington put it to the US Supreme Court in Roe v Wade:
A pregnancy to a woman is perhaps one of the most determinative aspects of her life. It disrupts her body. It disrupts her education. It disrupts her employment. And it often disrupts her entire family life.
Sarah Weddington in Roe v Wade
And Mrs Weddington continued:
And we feel that, because of the impact on the woman, this … is a matter which is of such fundamental and basic concern to the woman involved that she should be allowed to make the choice as to whether to continue or to terminate her pregnancy.
Sarah Weddington in Roe v Wade
And the philosopher Judith Jarvis Thomson wrote:
…a great deal turns for women on whether abortion is or is not available.
If abortion rights are denied, then a constraint is imposed on women’s freedom to act in a way that is of great importance to them, both for its own sake and for the sake of their achievement of equality;
and if the constraint is imposed on the ground that the foetus has a right to life from the moment of conception, then it is imposed on a ground that neither reason nor the rest of morality requires women to accept, or even to give any weight at all.
Judith Jarvis Thomson
Bodily rights
Many people regard the right to control one’s own body as a key moral right. If women are not allowed to abort an unwanted foetus they are deprived of this right.
The simplest form of the women’s rights argument in favour of abortion goes like this:
a woman has the right to decide what she can and can’t do with her body
the foetus exists inside a woman’s body
a woman has the right to decide whether the foetus remains in her body
therefore a pregnant woman has the right to abort the foetus
The issue brings many ideas about human rights into brutally sharp focus.
every human being has the right to own their own body
a foetus is part of a woman’s body
therefore that woman has the right to abort a foetus they are carrying
The important US Supreme Court decision in Roe v Wade to some extent supported that view when it ruled that a woman’s right to terminate her pregnancy came under the freedom of personal choice in family matters and was protected by the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution.
This leads some people to claim is that it is unethical to ban abortion because doing so denies freedom of choice to women and forces ‘the unwilling to bear the unwanted’.
Opponents of this argument usually attack the idea that a foetus is ‘part’ of a woman’s body. They argue that a foetus is not the same sort of thing as a leg or a liver: it is not just a part of a woman’s body, but is (to some extent) a separate ‘person’ with its own right to life.
A second objection to this argument is that people do not have the complete right to control their bodies. All people are subject to various restrictions on what they do with their bodies – and some of these restrictions (laws against suicide or euthanasia) are just as invasive.
Childbearing, freedom and equality
The women’s liberation movement sees abortion rights as vital for gender equality.
They say that if a woman is not allowed to have an abortion she is not only forced to continue the pregnancy to birth but also expected by society to support and look after the resulting child for many years to come (unless she can get someone else to do so).
They argue that only if women have the right to choose whether or not to have children can they achieve equality with men: men don’t get pregnant, and so aren’t restricted in the same way.
Furthermore, they say, women’s freedom and life choices are limited by bearing children, and the stereotypes, social customs, and oppressive duties that went with it.
They also regard the right to control one’s own body as a key moral right, and one that women could only achieve if they had were entitled to abort an unwanted foetus.
No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother.
Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood
In summary:
women need free access to abortion in order to achieve full political, social, and economic equality with men
women need the right to abortion in order to have the same freedoms as men
women need the right to abortion to have full rights over their own bodies (including the right to decide whether or not to carry a foetus to birth) – without this right they do not have the same moral status as men
The US Supreme Court decision in Roe v Wade, which gave women a right to abortion (under certain conditions) is seen by many as having transformed the status of women in the USA.
This landmark decision… not only protects rights of bodily integrity and autonomy, but has enabled millions of women to participate fully and equally in society.
Kathryn Kolbert (1992)
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