;; hacked
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◘ rosemary "rosie" young ◘ ◘ megaera ◘ the furies ◘ ◘ "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" ◘
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xfuries · 7 years ago
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[ STELLA MAEVE. FEMALE. SHE/HER. ] ROSEMARY YOUNG aka MEGAERA has been a member of the God Club for THREE YEARS. This time around they are TWENTY SIX years old and a HACKER. They INDIFFERENT about returning to Olympus because EITHER WAY SHE STILL GETS TO PUNISH PEOPLE. Currently they only possess the power of ILLUSION MANIPULATION
here i am back at it again with another character. a little late on the intro but i’m still just as excited. like this post and i will come plot with you!!
t  h  e    f  u  r  i  e  s
• the furies were three sisters who were in charge of helping to hunt down and punish people who deserved it. their crimes could have been for a various reasons, murder, infidelity, crimes against the gods, ect
• often times they hunted people down and either would bring them to the underworld or drive them into madness
• couldn’t even escape them after death since they oversaw the torture of people in the underworld
• they were described in a various different ways. often they looked like maidens but sometimes with batwings and snakes in their hair (real cute shit) but yeah they can be preeetty scary looking
r  o  s  e  m  a  r  y
• rosie had a fairly normal childhood growing up, as she would say it was nothing all that exciting. she grew up right outside of cherokee reservation and would spend a lot of time there since her mother was a member but her father was not.
• rosie always had a love for computers. her father was a computer engineer and from a young age he taught her everything she needed to know about it. from there it grew into a love and she began teaching herself more and more
• that being said she was also a little bit of a wild child too. her teenage years were filled with sneaking out to parties and doing crazy things with her friends
• when she was seventeen she had recently broken up with her boyfriend who was not too happy about that. he began releasing private pictures she had sent him. absolutely humiliated and having no one to help her she knew she had to do something
• she used the skills her dad had taught her and ones she picked up herself to hack her ex-boyfriend. she managed to get the photos deleted and dig up some dirt on him. once the new information was released he very quickly got into trouble and was suspended.
• while she wasn’t taking down a huge conspiracy it felt good to be able to stand up for herself like that. soon she began trying to help other girls like her and from there she kept branching out and branching out
• she moved out for new york for school when she graduated and studied computer engineering like her father. 
• in the city her hacking business began to thrive. she’s the type of person you come to when you need help. if someone is stalking you, or posting pictures of you, trying to hurt you. she’s the one to come to. most of the time she does it for free, because she just wants justice for the people hurt
• like everyone else when she turned 21 the gods club came to her. of course at first she thought they were insane and she brushed them off. it wasn’t until her powers started fully forming that she started getting and idea that they might be right. it wasn’t until she caused a horrible illusion for someone she had been hunting down that she finally gave in and joined the club
h e a d c a n n o n s
•  she is not used to being called rosemary at all. for the most part it’s either rosie or rose. rosemary just feels so formal to her
• she’s got one of the biggest sweetooths around. seriously it’s so easy to bribe her with candy. she falls for it every time
• there is nothing rosie loves more than a good night out on the town. sure she’s a huge computer nerd/nerd in general but she LOOOVES going out. get ready to be brought out to a bar or dancing.
• rosie may or may not get into fights sometimes. for instance if she’s out at a bar and someone says something rude about one of her friends you know there is going to be a fight. or at least she will try one until her friends drag her away. she little but she will fight you
• rosie is incredibly smart, she has almost a photographic memory which comes in handy a lot in her line of business. but she will just spout random facts at you sometimes
• she secretly goes out every week and plays her tabletop D&D game with a crowd of her friends. she’s not ashamed of being a nerd
• honestly though she’s a dork and will talk about star wars to you for like 10000 hours. does she have a million star wars jokes lined up and ready to go? yes.
•  why can’t you count on yoda to pick up the tab? because he’s always a little short! see here is a beautiful example of what is in store for you
• she’s a bit claustrophobic and HATES small spaces
• rosie’s started to build a name for herself in the underground world of hacking. she’s known as the serpent. 
•while she is happy to take on jobs for people, she also is constantly on the look out for any big breaks she can help solve. there are bad people out in the world who are hurting innocent people and she wants to be there to bring them down
• when she isn’t hacking she’s mostly freelancing as a IT type person.
honestly i’m open for all kinds of plots. happy to actually plots things out or just see where things go if we want. i’m down for whatever!
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