rocketxpilot · 17 days
After being in so many dead fandoms and rare pairs, coming back to Bagginshield is like an all you can eat buffet.
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letaliabane · 2 months
Its been awhile but I have been working on the next 'Care For' chapter as promised. Here is a sneak peak.
'I know my request may have been sudden for your visit and that I've already asked plenty from you during our travels. But I needed to attend to a matter of urgency that needed your assistance.'
'Oh? And what might that be?'
Thorin sighed. 'I need your assistance in finding Y/N.'
Gandalf's eyebrows raise ever so slightly. 'Oh? Is that so?'
'Don't play coy with me Gandalf. I've been told that Kili saw you take her away when I was injured. I've been searching and searching, and I haven't found her. All I want ... All I want is to see her again.'
Gandalf took in Thorin's appearance. Though he carried himself with confidence, he could see the pain in Thprin's eyes, the longing. Dark shadows creased beneath his eyes, jaw tight and locked.
Coming soon!
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tamurilofrivendell · 10 months
Sleeping Beauty | Chapter 16
Previous Chapters [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] Read on AO3 [x]
Pairing: Thranduil/Fem. Reader Summary: A Sleeping Beauty inspired tale with Thranduil the Elvenking, and a female elf living in Mirkwood under the care of Radagast, who is actually the ‘lost’ daughter of the late High King Gil-Galad. Taglist: @jinlizz-dragondrama @firelightinferno @bubbleyukismile @coopsgirl @achromaticerebus @sleepyamygdala @smalltownbigheart @qmabailor @genderfluid-anime-goth @0chemicalwaste0 @deadunicorn159 @silvercobra @thesunschild777
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It was dark as you stood beneath the trees. You couldn't really explain what had possessed you to sneak out like that. There had been something... some sort of sound... but as you tried to recall it now, it slipped right out of your memory and left you confused.
It had seemed to come from a large tapestry hanging in the corner of the room, not the door as you had originally assumed. Cautiously, you had inched closer to the tapestry and then peeled it back from the wall, shocked to find another door there. You had felt a little uneasy about opening it, instead wanting to go and find Radagast but the sound... kept your focus turning back so intently towards this door that you had inevitably opened it and stepped into what turned out to be a secret passageway. You'd followed this passageway down, down, down into the dark... and come out, not in a dungeon or outside of the palace as you had originally assumed... but back in your clearing.
It did not make any sense.
The clearing was hours away so how could you be here now when you had just been in the Elvenking's palace? When you turned, there was absolutely no indication of how you had got here. No mysterious door. Just trees and darkness.
Frowning, you walked further into the middle of the clearing. Two steps in you came to a half as a sudden wind picked up around you, whipping your hair up around your face. Something about it felt unnatural and as quickly as it started, it ceased, and you were left standing frozen with your heart pounding in your ears.
"Hello, Lothíriel." A woman's voice sounded from behind you, causing you to spin on your heel, eyes wide with panic.
"Oh!" You exclaimed as you slowly relaxed. You recognised her.
The woman you had met before in this same clearing not that long ago. She had seemed in danger, scared. She'd said someone had been chasing her and you had wondered what happened to her as she had vanished as quickly as she had come.
"You! Are you alright?" You asked, studying her as you took a step towards her. She looked okay. She did not look hurt and she had clearly not been captured.
"Oh, please, I am fine. Do not worry about me." She said sweetly, her expression melting into a look of concern. "What about you?"
You eyed her, not sure what she meant. "What about me?"
"I hear you are being forced to marry that awful king." She said, her face a perfect expression of concern.
You blinked at her. "How...?" How could she possibly know such a thing?
"Oh. The birds, dear. They talk to me, you see. I came back here looking for you and they told me all about it." The Enchantress lied with ease. The birds, in fact, would come nowhere near her but you did not need to know. She had watched and she had learned and she knew that if you thought that the birds trusted her, you were more likely to do so as well.
You relaxed a little and glanced down at the ground, looking unhappy. Yes, you did feel as if you were being forced to marry him even if nobody had really said outright that you would be other than Radagast saying both of your parents had wanted it to be so. "Is he really... so awful?" You asked then, looking back up at her with worry in your eyes.
Her face changed and she looked back at you very gravely indeed, nodding slowly. "I... am afraid so, my dear." She tsk'd softly. "He is a... very, very cruel man."
You could feel your panic rising with each word this woman spoke and you looked around the clearing as if expecting to be set upon. You thought of Thranduil and wished - oh, how you wished - that you had not come so late and that he was still here so you could run away with him. "I do not want to marry him!" You exclaimed, turning back to the woman with wide, fearful eyes. He was truly awful? Cruel? You were starting to get frightened.
"Oh, darling, do not worry!" She came towards you then and she slid an arm around your shoulder and she gave you what was supposed to be a reassuring squeeze. "I will help you."
"You... will?"
"Of course I will." She said firmly, giving you a smile. "I can tell you are a kind girl. You do not deserve to marry an evil man. I will help you, Lothíriel, I will take you somewhere safe. I promise."
Your eyes remained on Luithien's face, looking at her with some confusion but unable to fully form a proper thought in your head about most of this. There was something in you now that was urging you to simply just go along with whatever it was that she said, despite the fact that it still made no sense how you had ended up back in the clearing when moments ago you had been so far away, and that you really did not know this woman.
"Alright." You agreed, against your better judgement but this part of you was quiet now, as if it had been tied down and held at bay by some force far stronger than you.
The Enchantress smiled at you kindly but inside she felt victorious. She had you. She had you, finally, in her grasp. You were far from safety and you were under her thrall and you could not fight it. Neither the wizard nor the king would get here in time.
"Come." She said in her soft, melodic voice as she turned and led you from the clearing and through the forest.
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"Come on!" Thranduil barked, sounding tense. He sat on the back of a large brown horse, opting not to take his elk straight back out into the forest. The animal needed a rest. He was desperate to find you as quickly as possible but he was not cruel.
Feren behind him was moving too slowly for Thranduil's liking and, after another few seconds of waiting around for him and the wizard, the Elvenking huffed and then spurred the horse on without another word, riding away from the palace grounds, past the settlement, and disappearing into the trees.
Feren and Radagast were left staring after him but Thranduil did not care. He didn't look back, keeping his gaze fixed firmly ahead as he rode determinedly through the forest. He did not know how long ago you left, how far you could have gotten, or if you would even know the way home from here and he was slightly worried you might end up lost. As he rode, his eyes flickered every which way, keen elven sight seeking you at every turn.
He could not believe you had been here the whole time! That you were her! It was insanity and yet it was happening. Gil-Galad's daughter had been here in this forest all these years, under his very nose, and he had been none the wiser! He was both angry and elated.
Thranduil's thoughts turned towards the Enchantress as he rode, his expression darkening as she came into his mind. That witch... he should have driven her out fully when he'd first found her here. Of course, he had tried, but he was hard on himself. He should have been stronger. The harm she could do if she found you... it did not bear thinking about.
The curse.
No. No, he could not think like that. He would not think like that. You would be fine, you would be okay. Thranduil would find you and then he would finally tell you the truth of his identity and take you back to the safety of his palace and everything would be fine again.
He had to believe that. He had to.
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After a time, the dark tower came into view and your feet stilled, eyes wide as you stared up at it.
What was this place?
"You... live here?" You asked, turning to the woman at your side once more. Her arm was still firmly around your shoulder. It had been done to seem reassuring but it was actually to keep you in place. Not that she expected the slight spell upon your mind to waver but she did want to be safe rather than sorry.
She turned her face to look at you and she smirked slightly. "For now." She said, giving you a tug and leading you further along the path towards the fortress. She hid here, rather than lived here. The elves did not really come near it and it was currently abandoned and she used it as her base.
You had never been this far in your life. You had always stayed around the cottage and the clearing, and down to the river but no further, not really. This did not seem like a very nice place but you were quite helpless to do anything about it as you were ushered up to the heavy doors and then pulled inside.
The doors shut behind you with a loud, echoing thud that seemed almost to seal your doom. A chill went through you that you could not ignore, yet you almost felt as if you had no real free will to turn and try to push your way back outside. It was almost like you were in a dream.
Dream. Asleep. Forever. Run.
Your mind tried to fight it but it was no good, and the voices were drowned out, pushed away until they were no more than a slight tickle in the back of your head.
The Enchantress let her arm drop from around your shoulders, drawing your full attention once more. She stepped away from you and moved over to a table in the corner of the room. The outside of the fortress itself had been foreboding. Black and tall, dark and dreary, and the inside was no different.
Luithien had said she lived here but it did not look very lived in. The furniture was scarce, the place felt cold, and it just seemed as if this was not somewhere anyone would stay. At least... not anyone good.
You looked up at her again, finding her gaze on you. She looked a little bit different now. Her eyes were not as kind and she was staring at you so intently that it felt uncomfortable. "What is this place?" You asked quietly.
"Have you ever read a map of the area?" She asked in return.
You blinked, a bit thrown by the question but you nodded all the same. "I mean, yes... a while ago."
The Enchantress smiled. "The fortress you stand in now, is built on Amon Lanc."
There was a silence. Amon Lanc. The first thing that came to mind was that King Oropher had once resided here with his people until they had moved, as things began to grow dark. You were kept in seclusion, secrecy, and you had been sheltered beyond belief but that did not mean you knew nothing at all. You knew the history of the forest you lived in, just as you'd known the history of Gil-Galad without knowing who he was to you. Radagast's book collection had been cleverly curated.
As if reading your mind, the Enchantress' smile curved into a smirk. She knew that you'd know everything by now, that you'd have been told of your past and that the kings and even the queens would perhaps be in the forefront of your mind.
"Yes. Oropher." The name fell from her lips with a little bit of disdain, unable to help herself. "He and his folk used to stay here, in the dwellings that now lie abandoned." She hummed, some flicker in her eyes that had not been there before.
She took a step towards you and this time, as she did, you stepped back. She was beginning to unnerve you.
When you moved away from her, she looked surprised for a moment, as if she had not expected it. She stood still and stared at you in silence for a minute, studying you with one thin eyebrow lifted in curiosity, and then her expression turned into mild amusement.
Oh. There was something inside you that was not entirely fooled. That was interesting. So you were perhaps stronger than you looked, were you? No matter. It would just make it more fun, she decided. More amusing when you ultimately fell.
"Something the matter?" She asked innocently and the sweet sound of her voice rang false somewhere in the back of your head.
You stared back at her. "No." But it was a lie and, much to your own frustration, your voice shook just a little. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. What was it?
The Enchantress extended a hand and beckoned you closer. "Come here, Anarórë." The words left her lips as a firm command. "I have something for you."
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tiny-tini-imagines · 1 year
Oh, hello— gosh dang a new writer? Instant support, sending love— mate, your writing Is awesome. Could I ask for a Legolas hc? (Lemme hop on the Legolas chain for a sec— his dad’s taking up way too much space in the back compartment—) Legolas with an elf s/o who.. ‘isn’t like other elves..’?’ OKAY— it may sound ridiculous but hold on— like an elf that does thing differently from other? You know how elves are usually quite regal and stuff.. has their priorities straight, mild mannered and all that?— take all that, and throw it out the window. Bc this elf believes that they should live their long-ass life span to the fullest and not really think too hard on how other view them and such? Chaotic and all that, but down to earth? The total opposite of what a normal elf would act.
Feel free to ignore this (and my incessant rambling) have a nice day!
Hey! Thank you so so so much for your support and kind words. I'm so happy that you enjoyed my writing, and let me tell you - I absolutely love your request! Funny enough, I once started a ff with a human character as Legolas s/o who had no manners, but imagining it with an elf sounds even cooler. Hope that's what you had in mind...
Headcanons - Lord of the rings
summary: Legolas and a s/o non typical elf
(added: what they would say to them, or about them)
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Initial Antipathy: At first, Legolas might not get along too well with them, finding their chaotic and unpredictable nature somewhat jarring compared to his usual elven decorum.
Protective Streak: Despite their incredible strength and speed, Legolas can't help but feel protective of them. They often worry about their safety, which leads to some tension in their interactions. (They often insist that they don't need Legolas's protection and can handle themselves, telling him to go and take care of himself, but it's their way of shielding their true feelings for them.)
"Their strength and resilience are astounding, and I find myself in awe of their ability to face danger head-on, even when it terrifies me."
Eloquent Disagreements: Legolas and his elf s/o have a fair share of passionate disagreements, especially in the beginning. They engage in eloquent debates where they challenge each other's perspectives, making their interactions both fiery and intellectually stimulating. Anyway, Legolas would often find himself speechless, because they don't mince their words and says what they really think, over time he gets used to it and likes it a little bit more, especially since he can't afford to speak like them as the Prince of Mirkwood .
"I must respectfully disagree. While your unorthodox approach is certainly intriguing, I believe tradition and preservation of elven customs hold their own merit in our world." - legolas in an arguement between them
Archery Lessons: One way Legolas tries to bridge the gap between their personalities is by offering archery lessons. He's patient as he teaches them, finding solace in the shared moments at the archery range. (They might not be too good in archery, but have a very unique and stunning way to handle their sword.)
Language: They're known for their sometimes rude language, (which Gimli secretly appreciates). Legolas would just shake his head from time to time, but secretly thinking that it's kind of brave.(Legolas understands that this is their way of expressing emotions. He appreciates the sincerity behind their words and actions.)
Revealing Their Feelings: Eventually, it's them who reveals their feelings first, unable to contain their affection any longer. Legolas is taken by surprise but soon reciprocates with their own heartfelt admission. (They would say it in a very untypical way for an elf, maybe even curse, after Legolas has put himself in unnecessary danger, and pull him into a tight embrace in an unelvish way)
Surprise and Stunned Silence: Legolas is initially taken completely by surprise. He's used to elven decorum and the more reserved expressions of affection, so their outburst catches him off guard.
Conflicting Emotions: He experiences a whirlwind of emotions in that moment - surprise, confusion, but mostly a deep warmth in his heart.
S/o: "Damn! By the stars, Legolas! What were you thinking you fool, charging in like that? I thought I lost you, stupid elf!" They exclaim, their voice laced with worry and frustration, a slip of affectionate concern coloring their words. They immediately pull him in a tight embrace Legolas: His eyes widen in surprise at their outburst, the genuine worry in their tone catching him off guard. "I... I did not mean to cause you such distress. But know that my heart swells with gratitude for your concern."
The Impact of Danger: The fact that their confession comes after he put himself in unnecessary danger makes Legolas acutely aware of the depth of their concern and love for him. It's a realization that touches him deeply. + (This moment reinforces his protective instinct. Legolas becomes even more committed to keeping them safe, knowing how deeply they care for him.)
After Revealing Feelings: After their feelings are out, they share tender moments amidst their chaotic adventures. Legolas becomes more understanding of their free-spirited nature, and they appreciate his unwavering support.
"Meeting you has been the greatest adventure of my life, and I look forward to many more chapters of our story together."
Bridging Differences: As their love deepens, they learn to appreciate each other's strengths and differences. Legolas discovers that their boldness complements his wisdom, and he becomes more open to spontaneity.
Shared Adventures: Legolas is drawn to their adventurous spirit. He finds himself relishing the excitement of their escapades, even if they often involve unconventional ways and risks. (They have an insatiable thirst for adventure and are always dragging Legolas into daring escapades and exploration.)
Meeting Thranduil: Legolas knows that introducing his s/o to his father, Thranduil, won't be easy. The King of Mirkwood has high expectations for his son's choice and wants him to make a more traditional choice for a partner, but eventually, even Thranduil comes to admire their fierce independence and the happiness she brings to Legolas. + (They absolutely refuse to bow or show deference to anyone, not even to the King of Mirkwood. Their boldness both amuses and confounds Legolas and Thranduil.)
"Ada, I must admit, they are unlike any elf I have ever known. Their spirit is untamed, their heart bold, and they defy convention in a way that is both bewildering and strangely admirable."
Balancing Act: Their relationship is a delightful balancing act between Legolas's regal upbringing and their chaotic, down-to-earth approach to life. Together, they bring out the best in each other, forging an unbreakable bond.
Appreciation of Imperfection: Through his s/o, Legolas learns to appreciate imperfection and the beauty life's unpredictability. He discovers that perfection is not always the most fulfilling path.
"In your presence, I've come to understand that there is beauty in imperfection, and I cherish every moment we share, even when chaos reigns around us."
Respect for Individuality: Legolas deeply respects their individuality and appreciates the fact that they don't conform to typical elven norms. He admires their strength of character and their willingness to be true to themselves.
Encouragement and Support: He is a source of unwavering encouragement and support for them. Legolas understands that their unconventional approach to life is a part of what makes them special, and he never tries to change or suppress it.
A Gentle Hand: He has a gentle and caring touch, especially when it comes to tending to any injuries or scrapes they may acquire during their daring exploits (and especially since they're a bit chaotic and maybe somtimes even clumsly when paying too much attention to Legolas and not their surroundings.) Legolas takes great care in ensuring their well-being. (They would not admid that they need help at first, so Legolas does it without any words or asking, always making sure they're all right.)
Affectionate Gestures: Legolas is not one to shy away from showing affection. He expresses his love through tender gestures, whether it's a soft touch, a warm smile, or an embrace. However, the moment his s/o started feeling comfortable showing off their relationship, they'd often hug Legolas thightly (sometimes to his surprise, but he secretly enjoys them a lot).
Hair: He'd let them play with his hair, but don't expect them to braid it, since they can't do it and it would just get tangled (Legolas tried to teach them, but gave up after several attempts.) However he would sometimes braid their hair, if they asked him, tho they mostly like to keep it open
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Kissing Bilbo Baggins was what he was always meant to do. He had been born to meet him, to be with him, to support and hold him, in any capacity. The hobbit’s lips were softer than expected, seeing as they’d been traveling through the wilderness for so long. Thorin’s must have been rough and chapped, which must have been why Bilbo pulled away, pulling a whine of displeasure from the dwarf. 
“Y-you can’t change your mind now. I don’t think I could survive you changing your mind.” Blubbered the smaller of the two as he caressed Thorin’s beard with his fingers. 
“I told you, there is nothing you can do that would make me change my mind,” Thorin murmured with desire. “Nor my heart. Nor soul. Nor body.” He kissed the hobbit between each statement, each kiss more feverish than the last. “Bilbo Baggins, I am yours…til Arda is gone, and built anew, and even past it. I will never stop loving you.” Thorin vowed, his eyes misting over slightly as had never felt so terribly complete until now. 
~The Unkindly West~
Rating: E
Words: 12,778
Chapters: 1/1 (complete)
...I'm not the best at watercolor, and it didn't show up how I wanted it to, so I did a little bit of poor photo editing to it...but I just wanted to draw the sweetness of these two... I have so many ideas for this AU, but I lack the capacity to actually do more than this one shot, as I truly just wanted to be able to write a completed fic. Chosen Horizons is still going, but I needed to complete something...
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edwardallenpoe · 4 months
fanfiction rlly have you out here looking up the ages and timelines of side character's children's ages just for two lines of dialogue😭😭
Like. I haven't watched Lord Of The Rings yet so I'm not sure but I don't even think Polo Baggins or his children had mored than five seconds total screentime. Like. The wiki for Polo didn't even have his date of death. We just don't know. I was so prepared to just make somebody up but bam. Now I have a small hyperfixation on Polo Baggins, first cousin removed of Bilbo Baggins.
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lotus0kid · 10 months
The Hobbit: Bond of Rescue (6/6)
AO3 link. While on his regular trade route between the Shire and the Blue Mountains, former adventurer Bilbo saves young Fili and Kili from wolves. By dwarrow tradition, this creates a bond between him and the children's family, which takes the form of a betrothal to Thorin, who is not too pleased to learn he is duty-bound to marry to a total stranger.
((The Hobbit: Unexpected Collaboration 2023 entry co-written with @sharedyourperilsthorin. A mash-up of two prompts:
Bilbo used to be a genuine adventurer, but he put up the travel pack when his father died and didn't pick it back up until the quest for Erebor
Thorin is determined to hate whoever he is being forced to marry right up until he meets him
Hope you enjoy!))
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frosticenow · 1 year
Masterlist l Frosticenow
This is the Masterlist of all my fics.  I will try and keep it updated as much as possible.  All the the fics are posted on AO3.
Modern Girl in Middle Earth
Young Man's Fancy was Turned into the Spring
Relationships: Fíli (Tolkien)/Original Female Character(s) Rating: Mature
Fíli son of Víli and Dís, brother to Kíli and sister-son and heir to Thorin Oakenshield has gone missing without a trace. While his family in the Blue Mountains mourn him, the young prince finds himself in a world different from the one he has always known.
Diamond in the Garden
Relationships: Bilbo Baggins/ Thorin Oakenshield, Fíli/Original Female Character(s) Rating: Mature (also note this had mpreg in it)
It has been just over three years since the Battle of the Five Armies, and Bilbo had created a life for himself back in the Shire. Most of his friends and family wont speak to him and he lives with a shadow of fear the the dwarrow of Erebor will come back for him and find out about his secret. Unexpected visitors appear on his doorstep on day throwing what he thought he knew into chaos.
Flower that Never Die
Relationships: Bilbo Baggins/ Thorin Oakenshield Rating: Teen
Thorin is trying to support his family by leaving the safety of the mountain. Traveling to the Shire seems like the best way.
Finished  Note:  I am planning on reworking this and increasing the length soonish.  I also did this for @thorinsspringforge 2023 with @consultingpacha who’s companion piece you can see here.
Thorin/Original Female Character
The Thread of Life
Thorin Oakenshield/Original Female Character (s) Rating: Explicit specifically for chapters 4 and 6
Thorin Oakenshield begins his question with a small token. The handmade handkerchief was a small memento from the dwarrowdam he had loved in secret.
This was written for the Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang 2022. It is a collaboration with @lathalea, who created the beautiful piece of embroidery and prompt.
A Funny Thing happened in Gondor
Thorin Oakenshield/Original Female Character (s) Rating: Explicit
Thorin is travelling to the Mannish kingdoms to make trade agreements and strengthen Erebor. The first stop is Minas Tirith, where the Steward of Gondor uses politics as a game. Thorin finds an unlikely ally.
Finished Note:  I did this for @thorinsspringforge 2023 with @legolasbadass who’s companion piece you can see here.
Three Bracelets and a Loaf of Bread
Rating: General 
Dis works hard with and for her people. Even if little dwarflings are being spoiled by their adad (father).
This is for The Hobbit and Unexpected Collaboration 2022.
For the Prompt: Everything about Dis
This was written for THUC2022 with @ragsweas Finished
Frerin/Original Female Character
Oh Brother Where Art Thou
Rating: Teen and Up
In which an injured Prince Frerin finds himself in an unlikely position with his memories gone and surrounded by peculiar creatures with large feet and a fondness for being kind.
For the prompt: 25 - Injured and on his last leg, Frerin didn't know where to go after he was left on the battlefield of Khazad-dum. Part of The Hobbit an Unexpected Collaboration 2022 event.
This was written for THUC2022 with @biblophilefox82 Finished
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My favorite fics with Fem Bilbo
multiple pairings
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rocketxpilot · 22 days
I just want a fic where Bilbo manipulates and gaslights Thorin during his gold sickness, like not even to take control of Erebor or the Arkenstone or anything, just for the hell of it.
Like don't get me wrong I love fics where Bilbo is kind and tries to claw him back with love, but sometimes I just want a dark story where Thorin isn't the raging feral asshole and Bilbo isn't a shining angel of wholesomeness.
I love thorin so much why do I want to put him through the mental and emotional ringer??
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cakesandtea · 1 year
In the heart of the Shire, nestled amidst rolling hills and vibrantly flowering gardens, lies a cosy hobbit library. This haven of knowledge, affectionately known as the Greenleaf Library, invites visitors and locals alike into a world of literary treasures and intellectual exploration.
Just before you go inside you are greeted by a quaint stone statue of a taller than average Hobbit, ivy covering their feet and ankles. They look familiar but you're struggling to place just where you've seen them before. The circular wooden door, weathered by time, creaks open to reveal a warm and inviting interior. Soft sunlight filters through the windows, casting a gentle glow upon rows of meticulously organized shelves.
The scent of aged parchment and ink fills the air. Wooden floors creak ever so slightly underfoot, whispering tales of countless hobbits who have tread upon them in pursuit of knowledge and adventure.
The shelves, overflowing with books of all shapes and sizes, create a symphony of colors and textures. Leather-bound tomes, their spines embossed with intricate designs, share space with well-loved paperbacks and handwritten manuscripts. The collection spans generations, offering a treasure trove of stories, histories, and wisdom.
In cosy, intimate reading nooks scattered throughout the library, plush armchairs beckon visitors to sink into their embrace. The crackling fireplace casts a warm glow, providing the perfect ambiance for leisurely reading or engaging conversations among hobbit scholars. As long as they can avoid the occasional tiny spitting embers.
A large ancient oak table stands proudly in the centre, straining with scattered open books, piles of battered tomes and ink stained quills. It is here that hobbits gather for lively discussions, sharing their insights and discoveries over cups of steaming, sweet black tea. The walls are littered with intricate maps and sketches, capturing the essence of Middle-earth and inspiring the imaginations of those who enter.
Greenleaf is more than just a repository of books. It is a sanctuary; a place where hobbits embark on intellectual journeys, broadening horizons while deepening their love for stories and learning. It is a testament to the rich tapestry of hobbit culture and their appreciation for the written word. All are welcome here.
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『 Wanderlust 』 The Hobbit/LOTR | You; Reader Insert; Second-Person Point of View; Gender Neutral
Rating: T | Warnings for this fic: Prejudice
Summary: Found an old notebook with an old plot bunny involving a reader that finds themselves in Arda. Curiously, they appear to be immortal and have found themselves in a time well before the events of The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings. The story was meant to lead up to the events of The Hobbit but I just never got around to it. Regardless, I really enjoyed this drabble so I decided I might as well share it!
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It's peculiar. Foreign and unknown, yet familiar. You know these places, its people. But only as fantasy—as beloved fiction, its words printed upon pages spread between a multitude of books. Its people and places have flashed across video screens; music and song played for the ears of countless people.
Sometimes, when you're surrounded by the sheer splendor of the world around you, you forget that you don't belong here. That you're a stranger in an even stranger land.
Sometimes, you can fool yourself into believing that you belong.
When you stand before the bubbling brooks and streams that stem from the Anduin, the Great River, or when you find yourself winding beneath and between the ancient trees of forests with even older denizens, you're able to lose yourself. Perhaps it's best that you do, in those brief, fleeting moments. You can forget all that you have lost; all that is missing—that is so vastly, indescribably different. And all of it you will likely never see again.
You don't know how long you have been wandering these lands—stopped counting when you came to the startling realization that over a year had passed. You had been leaving little more than tallies scribbled in an old notebook, so weathered and clearly showing its age.
You don't count anymore. You're too freighted to.
You fear what the numbers might say.
Sometimes you draw people's portraits. Or peddle images depicting your strange, unfamiliar world to those that find them interesting.
"Wherever do you come up with such strange imagery?" they ask. You smile and tell them it's a place you often see in your dreams, a place that your dream self calls home and is always in search of.
They always laugh at that—call you a queer, interesting fellow. You joke and laugh along, agreeing it is a strange vision, is it not? If your voice or face give way to your melancholy, none have ever commented, though you have seen the fleeting looks of pity they give (you dare not try to decipher the others).
The people whisper about you. They used to be friendly—often toeing the line between concern and wary suspicion. Now, however, you find the former to be in short supply.
The Men—your own kind (though often you pause and ask yourself: are they really?)—are the worst. What had started as concern, as sincere worries for your safety, have long since turned bitter. Now they hide from you—turn you away with hissed curses, calling you "witch" and saying your "kind" are not welcome.
You don't understand what they mean by that, no matter how many times you hear it—don't know who your "kind" are supposed to be. You try not to dwell on it when they call you a witch. It goes without saying that the moniker is no term of endearment.
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For the dreaming - Chapter one (Thorin x Reader)
Story: Five years after the battle of Five armies, everybody live their own life. Thorin is the king, but lost one of his arm and he has PTSD, Kili is still try to be with Tauriel and Fili walks on his own path.
The king sometimes hear a voice, and with time, this is the only thing, who helps him, to not give up.
One day, Thorin agrees to marry Clarissa (not the reader) in an arranged marriage, because he and the dwarves need a heir.
Every royal in Middle Earth goes to Erebor to festive, thats why, where Thranduil bring his daughter, the half elf half mermaid reader. Nobody knew about your existence, even Legolas too, because your mother were always nervous and tried to protect you. And thats where your journey begins.
Hearts will break.
But true love always find a way.
Taglist: @mrsdurin
Notes: English is not my native language, so sorry for the mistakes
Slowly the winter came to the end, and spring begin to bloom. Middle-earth was in the fifth year after the Battle of the Five Armies. The residents slowly returned to their old lives, buildings were rebuild, some wounds healed, warm summers passed, but there were painful points that never heal. Thorin, King of the Dwarves, paid for the victory with his left arm, but Kili and Fili escaped unscathed. Everyone was happy, yet something oppressive settled on Erebor and its people. They were happy, they laughed, they cheered, they worked hard so that the once great kingdom would become the old one again, but something changed. Thorin was no longer himself, he experienced the absence of his arm as a loss, even though the kingdom flourished, he turned even more inward, which got to the point, where he did not liked to meet anyone, outside of his inner circle, in person. He did his royal duties, but soon dwarves started to gossip, that he is already weak and don’t have potency anymore, the servants often heard strange sounds from his suite, as if a lion was ravaging and roaring, moreover, he did not even manage to produce an heir, he simply could not find a woman who would take him or see in him that thing, that he was looking for into women, although he didn't really wanted to find his One yet, because he knew, that something was wrong with himself. Along with his arm, he lost faith, hope and love, sometimes he would have liked to overturn the huge table in the throne room, especially when that day played out again before his eyes. He often thought about what he could have done differently, at times he tried to reassure himself that Erebor finally belonged to the dwarves again and that Fili and Kili were alive. Kili was still courting to Tauriel, but what could he do ? They loved each other and it seemed like it was serious and the elf woman was slowly getting used to commuting between Mirkwood and Erebor. Unlike his younger brother, Fili often disappeared, even for weeks. At the beginning, he spoke before he went to away, but with time, he didn’t said a word, but he always returned, sometimes worn, in blood-soaked clothes, but he was never wounded. Each of them processed the darkness of war differently, Kili became more kind and Fili became more mysterious. In addition, Thorin has recently started hearing voices, at first he thought he was mad, but thanks to Gandalf's magic, it turned out that it was not an illness, but the voice of a real person. The king heard, a girl, whose words were sweet and whose words were tinkling, even if he did not hear clearly, only from a distance, and sometimes poorly. Thorin loved those moments, and in time, he realized how much he wanted to hear her more. He didn't know the girl, but something stirred in him. Sometimes he imagined what it might be like. Blond? Brown? Low? High? It didn't matter as long as he could hear her. In time, he found himself fleeing to her.
"I don't want to go" it was that sweet voice again, but now it was tormented and sad.
Thorin raised his head at the sad wake-up call. He grunted and got out of bed. Looking out the window, he could already see that it was dawning. He wondered what happened with his hope? Pain? Injured? Surely not. He shook his head.
"Then don't go" he whispered "Come to me"
Sometimes he answered to her, because he wanted to believe that the other could hear him, and that maybe one day, one fine day, they would meet.
He got up and put on his black tunic, pants and fur. His younger brother is visiting him today to discuss an important matter. Pressured by the people, he commissioned her to help him choose a wife, and now he found someone. He didn't felt he liked it, but he had duties as a king, and sometimes it meant painful decisions.
 It was just him and Dain in the room. In front of them was a portrait of a smiling female dwarf with brown eyes, red hair and a red beard in a green dress.
"Then it's settled," the younger man happily slapped the table.
Thorin just sighed worriedly. He agreed to marry Dain's wife's sister. He also realized that he had to produce an heir, and for lack of a better one, he trusted his brother. Gandalf already expressed his opinion a few days ago that he didn't think it was a good idea and that he should wait, but Clarissa came from a good family, and maybe they will even love each other with time. Even the king knew in his heart that this was impossible, but he had to fake it. He thought he would be relieved by the decision, but it only weighed down an even bigger stone on his heart, and he thought of that voice again. He wondered where she is now?
After the meeting, Thorin stared sadly out of the window. The clouds were gathering. He had called Kili and Fili to him a few minutes ago, and he was waiting for them to announce the big news to them, before the whole Middle-earth was filled with the news that Thorin, Son of Thrain, King of Erebor, King of the Dwarves, was getting married. Try as he might, he couldn't picture himself at her wedding. Dain left to fetch the bride as fast as he could, and then the courtship period would officially begin, and with it, the reception of guests, who would stay until the end of the ceremony, and some even until the end of the week-long celebration. It seemed like too many tasks to organize and not enough time for that. His gaze drifted to the location of his missing arm. He still felt pain many times. If it hadn't been for that damned Azog, he wouldn't be living as a cripple now. With his good hand, he hit the table so hard that it split in two with a great crack, and an animalistic, angry  growl broke out from his loungs. He was there again that day. Azog broke out from under the ice, but he still had time to jump away, and the next moment everything was covered in blood, and his left arm was lying on the ground. Thorin didn't felt the pain, only the adrenaline rushing through him. Then he saw Fili and Kili on the ground, and something inside him snapped, and from there, the image broke. The next thing he remembers was when Azog's severed head being carried away by the water, and Gandalf and Bilbo helping his nephews.
Two guards burst through the door, but Thorin waved them off, still panting and struggling with his pounding heart. He was used to these attacks, but because of this, he also became insecure about himself, because they could happen at any time.
"You called us" Fili appeared, followed by Kili.
"Yes…" Thorin sat back down "I'm getting married and you must be present"
In dwarven culture, marriage was a larger ceremony, where the heirs to the throne had to be by their ruler's side throughout, thus indicating their dedication and loyalty to the king and the new queen.
"But uncle" spoke up Kili "Isn't it early? Besides, Fili wanted to go find someone today," he grinned at his brother, who just shook his head.
"That can wait" sighed Fili sadly.
"Who do you need to find?" Thorin raised one eye in interest.
"Someone who saved my life and became a good friend of me" he answered more quietly as he looked at the floor.
"After the ceremony" Thorin growled.
When the king announced who the bride was, the boys were amazed, because they knew her by sight and hearing, and hated her. Clarissa was a fury, who was good for nothing and no one, and Dain's staff hated her because she fired the servants and talked to them like they were nobody. Kili looked knowingly at Fili, who just nodded. They will crucify her so that woman will run away on her own and never think of setting foot in Erebor again.
 When you entered the gates of Mirkwood's palace, you were amazed. You didn't want to come here, but after the death of your mother, your father decided it was time for you to get to know the upper world and its people. Thranduil was acknowledged as his daughter, but this whole world was new to you. You were used to the water, the happy, endless swimmings, the many friendly aquatic animals, and the hiding lifestyle. You learned early, that the world on earth was too complicated and often aggressive, races killed each other for shiny treasures that were valued more than anything else. The mermaids, they had nothing and yet they had everything. Treasures from sunken ships were always thrown in one place, in a ditch, their homes were in caves, which were decorated with seaweeds and shells. Hierarchy existed here as well, but it was more similar to that of a wolf pack, where the leader, the most experienced, did everything he could to ensure that the team survived, the weaker and injured were helped, and the stronger were given more serious tasks. However, this closed community was often dangerous for outsiders. If a foreign species got close to them, with the exception of animals, they killed it, so that no one would know where they lived. Half-breeds were considered really special because mermaids didn't mix with others, in history, you were the third one they knew about, so you always felt a bit like an outsider. You didn't really belong to either the water or the earth, and at night, you liked to sit on the rocks and enjoy the light of the moon, and in the spring, the smell of freshly blooming flowers. Thranduil helped where he could, you even met Legolas a few times and he treated her like a sister, with love, even though he was afraid of water. And now you were sitting on Thranduil's stag as the elves stared at you, heading for the throne room.
Your father sat on the throne, beside him stood Legolas and a female elf you had heard of named Tauriel. Your brother rushed over and helped you off the animal, which you thanked and just stared at the huge room. The road leading here was friendly, although a bit dark, but you thought the green leaves and colorful flowers were amazing.
“I'm glad you're here” Legolas hugged you happily “That's Tauriel” he pointed at the woman as you bowed.
"I am pleased, Lady Tauriel"
You would have touched your tails as mermaids as hello, but now all that was left was what you had learned from others, and you hugged her as well, which the other woman happily reciprocated.
Thranduil walked slowly down the stairs. His head was adorned with a crown, his steps resembled of a cat, and you wondered why you didn't inherit the grace from him. On dry land, you felt more awkward and in danger because you couldn't move quickly, and you hated walking because you felt the ground wobble under your feet, causing you to trip sometimes.
Thranduil stopped in front of you and looked you over carefully, then hummed appreciatively. You wore the blue, long dress, that he sent to you. But suddenly there was some upheaval. 2 guards appeared holding Fili and Kili tightly. All eyes were on them, and the atmosphere changed from calm to chaotic.
"Fili?" you asked in disbelief, but relieved.
The blonde dwarf just smiled, ran up to you and kissed your hand. Kili took this opportunity to pull Tauriel in for a deep kiss.
"What are you doing here? Do they want to hurt you?” Fili asked worriedly and reached for his sword, but you put your hand on his and shook your head.
"I have come to my father"
The dwarf looked a little confused as he considered the situation, then his gaze drifted to Thranduil and he scowled. You were somewhat close to Fili. A few years ago, you mutually saved each other's lives, he freed you from a fisherman's net, and you pulled him to the shore, when he almost drowned. Since then, he has visited many times and you have talked about all kinds of things. You even let him stroke your pink and blue tail. For mermaids, their tales were the mot important, so let Fili to touch yours meant you trusted  him and vica versa.
"May I know what you were doing here unannounced?" Thranduil snapped gruffly and wanted to kill the dwarves with his eyes, who didn't seem to care, and even smiled at him.
“We came because Thorin invited you to his wedding” Fili said the words easily “And I hope you come too” he smiled dreamily at you as you blushed but didn't answer.
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wisteryuu · 9 months
Hullo dearest one! ☺️💛 For the WIP Ask Game, please can you tell me about Chrysopoeia? I’m so intrigued!! Also, call me biased, but I’d like to hear about any fics for The Hobbit, please!
Howdy that is me ‼️
Chrysopoeia is a Haikyuu fantasy AU that I left unfinished from 2016, and I read the notes I had for it recently and remembered how much I adored the idea. So I want to pick it back up! The first 2 chapters are here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5608300
The plot follows different houses of alchemist/magic users based off the different teams in the anime as they work to summon spirits for the crown for an unkown reason, while a revolution begins to brew from rumored spirits that have gone AWOL. Insert court intrigue, magic worldbuilding and whump, and a large web of character connections 💫
As for Hobbit fics!!! I have two projects I'm working on.
1) hello my old heart
This is a canon-compliant fic where Bilbo goes back to the Shire and tries to cope with his loss, along with raising Frodo, and over the years he begins to see the ghosts of three particular dwarves around Bag End. Cue sadness, emotional whump, and some healing squeezed in there hopefully! I've written a few pages for it, but the fic is mostly in the outline stages.
2) Our Future Days AU
This is the BIG BOY!!! It's my grand fix-it AU longfic where nobody dies and Frodo gets raised in Erebor and Bagginshield become girldads via cabbage patch hobbit babies 💫
It's also largely in the planning stages but I've written about 1k into the first chapter. The worldbuilding has been SO MUCH FUN and includes (but not limitied to): one spreadsheet to track ages and events, dozens of reference bookmarks, and a 60+ slide powerpoint to keep track of floor plans/layouts for various locations. I'm......maybe having TOO much fun with the worldbuilding and need someone to kick my ass into gear actually writing it 🥲
Hope you enjoyed hearing about your picks my dear 💛✨
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wolfsbane-and-nettles · 10 months
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“Chosen Horizons” will return Friday, December 1st!
Update schedule for “Chosen Horizons” will be every Friday, around 5pm CST!
Chapter 22: No Rest For The Weary
Chapter 23: Strange Company
Chapter 24: Healing Hearts, Mending Bonds
Chapter 25: Mine
If you missed the last chapter, “Hell Or High Water” you can read it here:
If you haven’t read any of this yet, but are interested, you can start with the prologue here:
Most importantly, if you’ve not read “Hesitate” yet, give it a quick read before Chapter 26 is released, as it is the back story for Thranduil, Legolas, and Tauriel, and will make certain aspects of the company’s time in Mirkwood much more interesting and meaningful. You can read that here:
Thank you, and I hope you enjoy!
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I have no idea who came up with the addition to the cabbage patch Hobbits trope that the faunts just crawl out of the dirt and tell you their names, but it is batshit insane I absolutely love it
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