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HMDC to Get Financial Support from Gov't for Hibernia Upgrades https://crudeoilfacilitators.blogspot.com/2020/12/hmdc-to-get-financial-support-from-govt.html
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Production has stopped aboard the Hibernia oil platform off the coast of St. John's after an estimated 75 barrels, or 12,000 litres, of oil spilled from a storage cell into the water.
An oil sheen was spotted Wednesday, and the company said in a news release that the spill was an "isolated activity."
The mixture of oil and water was discharged from one of the six storage cells, which contain oil and water and are always full, on the platform, said Scott Sandlin, president of Hibernia Management and Development Company (HMDC).
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Tagging: @nlpolitics @torontopoli @ontarionewsnow @abpoli @politicsofcanada
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I feel so sore but in a good kind of way. Dance company is great.
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fernandabaptiste · 5 years
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Criatividade pura 💓 (em Tatui Capital da Música) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7vp6r-HMdC/?igshid=1r9ssmvzuh3uh
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Regular followers of my blog and Twitter account will be aware of what an incredible year I have had. There have been some fine highlights along the way: A guest of Dr Lewis Owens’ at two events. One was at the residence of the Lebanese Ambassador; where I not only met Terry Waite but also John McCarthy and former captain of England, the legend and all-round top bloke Tony Adams.
Then the second was at the Royal Academy of Music where I was invited to collect a St. Martin’s Lifetime achievement award on behalf of former Colombian presidential hopeful Ingrid Betancourt. I would happily bump into Tony Adams once again as he collected his own St. Martin’s Award for his excellent service to mental health and addiction.
And, we were also joined at the Royal Academy by my good friend Jose Aguiar, a man of inspiration within the education department of HMP Pentonville.
Jose is also responsible for a few highlights as he invited me into Pentonville to speak to the guys at their celebration of success event. This event Jose and his team put on for those who have achieved within education.
  There was the recording of ‘The Secret Life of Prisons’ where 4 episodes of the prison process were recorded as podcasts by the Prison Radio Association and Prison Reform Trust. I was involved with episode 2 ‘The Cell’. Episode 1 is ‘The Arrival’, episode 3 is ‘The Visit’ and episode 4 is ‘The Release’. The link above takes you to episode 2, you’ll also find the other episodes within. I was shocked when I was asked if I would take part in a Radio 4 programme, Law in Action, presented by Joshua Rozenberg to be a guest on his show along with Paula Harriot, Phil Maguire and Brenda aka Lady P from Unchained Poetry. I mean, me, on Radio 4. Who’d have thought it?  
Right at the beginning of the year, I had the pleasure of joining up with Kate and Nina at Bird Podcast but this time at a live event that they successfully put on. I am also proud to say that Kate and Nina were recently the winners for ‘Outstanding digital media ‘ at the criminal justice alliance awards last month (November 2019).
Reppin’ ‘Our Thing’ on tour.
Kate and Nina with their award
  Another, surreal, this time, highlight came when I was asked to speak at the Magistrate’s Association AGM. Felt quite strange speaking to those I once spoke to on a stage with a screen and microphone, rather than from the dock where I affirmed my lies and not by swearing on the bible. In fact, I even began my talk with “I wasn’t sure whether to write a speech or prepare a defence statement”.
  And of course, there was the publication of ‘A Father’s Son’ what I hope to be my first of many books. A former prisoner, kicked out of school, now a published author.
The only way to separate the next from being my ultimate years’ highlight is by chronologically separating them. They have different reasons. I mean, how could speaking at the House of Commons not be right up there, plus the fact it was for Shannon Trust. My experience that day can be read here A Day to Remember. Then, there was my appearance at the home of The Open University in Milton Keynes on the red dot of the Tedx stage. It was a difficult day to enjoy at the time, but looking back it was such an incredible experience. Fortunately, the video of my talk has now been uploaded to YouTube.
  If you like my final gig of the year was actually a set of three. The More Than Words conferences 2019 for Shannon Trust. We began in Leeds, then Birmingham and the final conference was in London on the 3rd of December. I have to admit that the first one in Leeds being my real first opportunity of publically thanking Shannon Trust was more akin to Olivia Coleman’s speech at the Oscars. A few tissues were needed, by me that is. My main picture with this blog was taken at the Conference in Birmingham. By the time we got to London, I had everything I needed and wanted to say. I would like to share my full speech from the London conference, as it also contained a special message written by my good friend Mark Leech.
I would like to begin by paying respect to Jack Merritt, Jack very much understood the importance of learning together.
I’m going to read a poem that was written by Mark Leech.  I had asked Mark if I could use it here today, Mark replied saying he would be honoured and added: “perhaps it speaks for many and not just me”.
I can’t say I knew you Jack
but I wish so much I had,
We shared the same unpopular beliefs
seeing good in those, others as brand bad.
Now you’re gone my chance has passed,
but your reputation still stands tall
I really wish I’d met you, Jack
Such a shining example to us all.
RIP Jack.
For those of you who wish to read or locate it later, Mark is on Twitter, where the poem is published, as @prisonsorguk.
So, my section is called ‘What Can be’, however, there is also ‘what was’ and ‘what became’. And it’s at ‘what became’ where I wish to start.
Before I do though, I would like to read another poem, this time one of my own.
‘Listen’ relates to a few transactions that take place in prison, but none more so than the one that takes place between mentor and mentee.
One to one… They meet, maybe across a table.
A soul-less room, wet with tears, thick with pain.
Please… Just listen, before you fail me.
For a poem is not just sound it is silence as well.
We fail to listen to understand whilst providing rapid response.
The empathetic listening ear changes ways of thinking.
We listen… We learn… of others, hopes, failures, fears and dreams.
Unselfish connections in this absorbed and troubled world.
Unconditional listening, an art form… not achieved by all.
Creating a deeper bond of empathy, the trade begins.
Come quietly into my world and allow me to be me.
Failure comes when ears are closed.
Becoming a Shannon Trust mentor helped me rediscover purpose and led to ‘what become’.
In March 2016 I was nominated for and received a prisoner excellence award for excellent contribution and a positive attitude.
Almost a year later, January 2017, I was once again nominated for and received a prisoner excellence award. This time for excellent contribution and excellent team performance. I had created and was editor, with a team, of a prison magazine.
I have the nomination form from 2016 and would like to share what was said.
On the back of becoming a Shannon Trust mentor, way back when, I also became a listener. In 2016, whilst as a listener once again, a prisoner gave me these two pictures.
A few nights previously he had called me out as a listener and was close to taking his own life. He allowed me to speak, which I did the next day, with a wonderful mental health nurse at HMP Norwich. During a meeting, between the three of us, we drew up a mental health first aid kit. I was honoured he placed me at the top of the list, second on the list was colouring-in, 3rd was fishing and 4th was space. The nurse came back later with some colouring pencils and some pictures taken from a colouring book.
That night he called me out again. However, the following night I heard nothing from him, not the best night’s sleep I’ve had. My worry was unnecessary. At unlock the next morning, he was at my door to give me the pictures. I said to him that he didn’t have to do that, he said he did, because had he not coloured in these two pictures, he doubted if he’d be standing in front of me.
I want to share a case study with you of my very first mentee as a Shannon Trust mentor, but before I do, I would like to share ‘what was’ with you all.
At the age of 8, a period of sexual abuse began. I would never be a victim.
At the age of ten, I contracted meningitis. I would never be a victim.
Also, at the age of ten, I received my first police caution. And so, began my 40-year relationship with the criminal justice system. Already in possession of labels. Some I played up to, some I ignored. I would never be a victim.
I was the youngest of six, three sisters and two brothers.
We shared our parents. We shared the home. I even shared their clothes; However, my experience was an individual one. I would never be a victim.
Just as Mark Twain said, I didn’t let school get in the way of my education, although, being kicked out of the education system at 14 didn’t help.
I soon then found myself on a journey most of you that work in prison will be familiar with.
One from secure unit to prison. From child to adult. I would never be a victim.
It makes you wonder if it takes a village to raise a child, where the hell everyone goes.
My first sentence was 4 months detention centre, HMDC Blantyre House in Kent, it was 1985, I was 15.
I saw in my 16th birthday at HMDC Eastwood Park, near Bristol.
My 17th would be my real coming of age, as a YP on the 4’s B wing HMP Canterbury.
Having said that, I saw in my 18th with a night clockie at HMYCC Dover, 1987 the year of the great hurricane. He had brought me in a little cake with a candle in it. The locked door prevented me from blowing out my candle and having my cake and eating it.
I tried to grow up. In 1990 I got married, had a mortgage. Six months after my marriage, three weeks after my 21st, my mum passed away aged 59 two days before her 60th.
In 2002, I woke up on my 33rd birthday in Runwell psychiatric hospital, Essex.
Anyone getting the sense I don’t like birthdays.
Early 2004, the courts had unknowingly given me my last chance with a combination order which I never saw out before ending up back in prison.
Between 2004 and 2015 I hardly spent time out of prison.
I spent many years taking, then in 2005 I learnt the art of giving back in such a profound, but simple way.
January 2005, I had arrived at HMP Blundeston, a prison I called home on more than one occasion. Once again, I had fitted in. After a few months, I was approached by a prison officer, Dave Banks, who explained this new reading programme to me, where prisoners who can read teach prisoners who can’t read. I was immediately taken with how simple an idea it was, and what a powerful commodity that people who can read held.
So, my life with Shannon Trust began, not just as a mentor but also as a co-ordinator. And as you heard from Debbie earlier, it can change your life. It’s not just about the learners.
Talking of which, I’d now like to share with you what happened with my first mentee, Billy, or Billy the broom as we called him. Only because he kept the wing spotless, best wing cleaner ever our Billy.
One thing I learnt, being a Shannon Trust mentor is just about teaching someone to read. Billy was making great progress, not only was I teaching Billy to read, but I also listened to him, when he wanted to talk that is. Are we not both student and teacher?
“creating a deeper bond of empathy, the trade begins”
“come quietly into my world and allow me to be me”
I was on a visit one day, as was Billy, who had his mum and dad visiting. I noticed his mum get up and speak to an officer. They were both looking in my direction. I saw the prison officer nod and the lady made her way over to me.
As she got closer, I could see tears welling up in her eyes.
“David,” she said, “I’m Billy’s mum and I wanted to come over to say thank you and to give you a hug for helping my son”. I stood and hugged her. She went on to tell me how much receiving a letter from Billy had meant to them. It’s not just about learning to read.
For all I know Billy could’ve written the instructions for changing a plug, but do you know what, to his mum. It was ‘More Than Words’.
You can only imagine how I felt.
I also had an identity, okay, it didn’t help with being institutionalised but it was certainly the catalyst for this reforming man.
It wasn’t until I was homeless, addicted to crack and heroin, that I realised the man I was in prison could be the man I wanted to be in society. I then set about making it happen and stand in front of you today sharing my experiences.
And just think ladies and gentlemen. It all began with a broom, a little red book and aah, bah, ca.
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.
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                    Reflection – What can be! Regular followers of my blog and Twitter account will be aware of what an incredible year I have had.
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jhulioscessars · 5 years
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Tarde de ceviche. https://www.instagram.com/p/B5ZTA5-hmdc/?igshid=1g6n146vi3h1t
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artandlivingenergy · 5 years
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“The fascination of lost worlds has long preoccupied humanity. It is inevitable that transitory humans, students of the galaxies and computer of light-years, should entertain nostalgic yearnings for some island outside of time, some Avalon untouched by human loss. Even the scholar has not been averse to searching for the living past on islands or precipice-guarded plateaus,” Eiseley. Yes. Painted at North Arlington, NJ, Hmdc Nature Center, a view of NYC in the second panel. Yearnings for an island out of time. Islands inside. I’ll meet you there. Have a lot of love today. #abstractart When the sky becomes the land and you see through to the underbelly. #contemporaryart #natural #vista #curiosity #simplesplendor. https://www.instagram.com/p/B4FY_42nTWH/?igshid=4ixqk8ltxcuc
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atlanticcanada · 5 years
Production resumes at Hibernia after oil spill
Production is resuming at the Hibernia platform after an oil spill last month, the Hibernia Management Development Company announced Thursday.
The company says a thorough inspection was conducted to ensure the safety and security of the platform. HMDC has had extensive engagement with the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board (C-NLOPB) to complete the plan for return to production. HMDC will take the time necessary to reach full production in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.
“We are following a deliberate, staged return to production operations, and carrying out surveillance of the facility throughout the process,” said Scott Sandlin, president of HMDC. “We have the safety of our people and protection of the environment foremost on our minds as we gradually bring production back on line.”
On July 17, production at the platform was shut in, following a discharge of oil and water from a storage cell in the gravity base. HMDC has determined that the oil and water interface layer (oil and water emulsion mixture) in the storage cell was the issue. To resolve this issue, HMDC has removed the current interface layer from the storage cell and is revising its procedures to protect against future possible re-occurrence.
These revised procedures include revisions to minimum water heights in the cells and only producing into cells without residual interface. In their totality, the corrective actions brought forward from this incident provide a robust plan to manage future operations.
The post Production resumes at Hibernia after oil spill appeared first on ntv.ca.
from ntv.ca https://ift.tt/2KL2TlG
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A power outage on the Hibernia platform Saturday evening resulted in about 2,200 litres of oil spilling into the ocean.
The Hibernia Management and Development Company (HMDC) confirmed the platform lost power, causing water sprinkler systems to activate.
The sprinklers caused the waste containment drain system, which contained water and some oil, to overflow onto the platform and into the ocean, the company said in a statement.
The spill comes after an estimated 12,000 litres of oil and water spilled on July 17, resulting in oil production shutting down for nearly a month.
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Tagging: @nlpolitics @ontarionewsnow @abpoli @politicsofcanada
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rmithemusic · 5 years
If you want to learn 🎓 How To Get Your Music Video Featured On The Breakfast Club Using Google Ads, click link in my bio. 👇🏾 I'm offering a free training for independent artists who have a current or upcoming project, and want to see their music video get views and exposure. 📸 This training is only available for a LIMITED AMOUNT OF TIME. Go through the training, I walk you step by step on how to market your music 🎶 Learn more about marketing your music @custommusicdistribution _______________ #musicpromotion #musicpromo #musicmarketing #musicpromotions #independentmusic #independentartist #independentlabel #musician #musicproducer #femalesinger #musicartist #musicproducerlife #spotifyforartist #femaleproducer #unsignedartist #rapartist #rapper #singer #musicstudio #digitalmarketing #makingabeat #marketingagency #makingbeats #spotifyartist #retargeting #femalerapper #googleads #youtubeads #facebookads #instagramads https://www.instagram.com/p/B9k9QW-HMdc/?igshid=16wkha6qxd92
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jessejameshamilton · 5 years
I had to get through this crowd to have dinner... #timessquare #nyc (at Times Square, New York City) https://www.instagram.com/p/B46H0A-HMDC/?igshid=tj24s8t7xwte
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batserendipity · 5 years
Διέρρευσαν 12.000 λίτρα πετρέλαιο στον Ατλαντικό από πλατφόρμα της ExxonMobil
Διέρρευσαν 12.000 λίτρα πετρέλαιο στον Ατλαντικό από πλατφόρμα της ExxonMobil
Περίπου 12.000 λίτρα μίγματος νερού και πετρελαίου διέρρευσαν στον βόρειο Ατλαντικό Ωκεανό την Τετάρτη, εξαιτίας ατυχήματος σε εξέδρα στα ανοικτά της καναδικής νήσου Νιουφάουντλαντ (Νέα Γη), ανακοίνωσε την Πέμπτη η αμερικανική πετρελαϊκή εταιρεία ExxonMobil.
Η εκτίμηση βασίστηκε στην παρατήρηση από αέρος της κηλίδας που έχει σχηματιστεί, διευκρίνισε η HMDC, η κοινοπραξία η οποία…
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shopal-uk · 7 years
Sennheiser HMDC 26 II 600 Headphones Compare Prices buy with bitcoin
Buy with Bitcoin litecoin dash ltc btc xrp ripple Sennheiser HMDC 26 II 600 Headphones Compare Prices
Sennheiser HMDC 26 II 600 Headphones Compare Prices
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