whoiseduardito · 6 months
pairing: miguel o'hara x latina!fem reader warn: green flag miguel, luis miguel's music, miguel is not traumatized, his parents were good parents and loved each other dearly. theme: domestic.
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the room filled with the familiar oranges, a vivid tint on the walls, she stands up from the bed, she just needed his touch, she needed a hug.
"mi reina" his mask dissolved, his eyes had heavy bags below them
"let me guess, more anomalies?"
"si" he sighed, walking towards her, kissing her forehead "i'm beat." he hid his face on her hair, inhaling her scent.
"look, how about you go to take a bath, while i make you something to eat?" miguel huffed
"mi reina, son como las 12" he murmured "go to sleep, i'll join you right now."
"have you eaten anything today? eh?" he froze, knowing he can't lie to y/n "eso es lo que pense, amor." she kissed his cheek, only to walk away, but miguel grasped her hand, pulling her softly back to him.
"y/n, it's not necesary, me recalentare algo."
"no." she pulled him in, kissing his lips softly, his pout being noticed on his lips, his hands nestled in her waist
"bueno, pero, podría pagarte con una pieza?"
"una pieza? there's not even music-" she chuckled when miguel began kissing her neck, and began twirling her around. "miguel-"
"lyla put some music." he murmured against her ticklish skin,
"on it!" the small hologram appeared "how about some luis miguel?"
"perfect" he hummed, all while cradlying her face, and tenderly kissing her lips, and swaying with her softly.
the song began with some classical instruments, miguel swayed with you, and then luis miguel's voice began melodiously lulling you both onto a pace
'Y me muero por llevarte al rincón de mi guarida En donde escondo un beso con matiz de una ilusión'
miguel kissed your head, leaning his head onto your hair, pulling you onto his chest, you both swayed to the romantic song.
'Se nos va acabando el trago, sin saber que es lo que hago Si contengo mis instintos o jamás te dejo ir'
"...y es que no sabes lo que tú me haces sentir" he singed softly, chuckling "did you know, my mom love's luismi? she would always play his music while cooking, and you know what my papá would do?" he twirled her and swayed with her.
"he would hug her from behind.." miguel changed your position "and would kiss her." he peppered your face with kisses "and he would help her cook." the couple swayed until the song finished
"mi reina, how would a shared bath sound?"
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gadriezmannsgirl · 9 months
Without You - P.G8
Warnings: Angst, hearbreak, Pepi is a fool, there's no happy ending and there's no second part to this🥴 Heavily suggest that you should listen to the song while reading it.
Song Inspo: Feliz Por Ti - Lasso🇻🇪
Summary: His mistakes led him to live a life without you
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You never wanted a dog No matter how much I begged Now whenever I see you You take one for a walk What changed? It wasn't me
Pedri let out a sad smile watching you laugh and have fun with him. He longs for the times when you used to be his, when he was the one making you laugh, smile and feel loved. He wishes he could undo all of his mistakes and change the thing he messed up with, the time when he took you for granted.
As he was sat down in that party, memories of when you were together flowed in through his mind, his heart hurt, his chest started laking air and his eyes became watery.
"Pon el reversa" (Put it in reverse) You give him a look and he lifted one eyebrow
"¿Y cómo hago eso?" (And how do I do that?) You laughed as Pedri shook his head
"¡Fua! ¿Acaso no me haces caso cuando hablo?" (Fua, don't you listen to me when I talk?)
"¡No es mi culpa que te veas muy guapo, me distraes!" (It's not my fault you look so handsome, you distract me!)
"Well, I am handsome, I'll give you that one..."
-_-_-_-_-_- -_-_-_-_-_-
"What are you making?" Pedri whistled gaining both of your and Rosy's attention.
"What do you think?" You smiled before lifting a croquette proudly "Your mom's teaching me how to do them so I can make them for you, whenever you get a small break from football" He smiles and wraps his arm around you
"Are they good?"
"Well... I think so, I haven't eat them. Rosy said they were good tho. Wanna try one?" You offered one, he didn't said anything but opened his mouth for you to put the croquette. He munched softly every bite as you grew nervous every time passing.
"They are perfect!" You jumped smiling wide
"¿Me estás jodiendo? No es gracioso" (Are you kidding me? It's not funny) "Are they really good?" You ask excited as he nods taking another bite. You laughed happily and threw yourself at him. "i feel like flying" You admit as he laughs putting you down before leaning in to kiss you quickly.
He stopped to watch your smile and even though your face was covered with mass, your apron looked like a mess and your hair was thrown in a messy ponytail, he still found you the most beautiful girl he eyes have ever seen "You're beautiful" You blushed and hid your face in his chest as he started laughing. Both of you, kind of, forgot that Rosy was still there, witnessing true love on it's purest form.
-_-_-_-_-_- -_-_-_-_-_-
"WE WON!" You yelled
"¡Vamos!" Pedri yelled too as you hugged each other and eventually started jumping up and down. Ferran y Eric, looking defeated.
"She cheated"
"I didn't do such a thing, sir! Learn how to be a good loser!"
"I only told you she doesn't like playing fifa" Pedri said wrapping his arms around your middle as you leaned into him "Not that she doesn't know how to play it" Pedri smiled and kissed your cheek
"I still don't like it. But I do like winning and eventually I have seen Pedri play it all the time and when I'm bored I play against him" You shrug your shoulders "I learned from my mistakes"
"I bet they were awful mistakes" Eric said as you smile
"They were. I don't know how you guys can do it every time" You huff "I'll be in the kitchen making something for you guys" You announce turning around to face your boyfriend of two years and half. "Would you like if I try that recipe Fer told me?"
"Don't push yourself too much, guapa. Even the simplest of sandwiches will be good for us" He smiled at you as you leaned in to kiss him softly
"I'll do it" Pedri sighed smiling, he rolled his eyes and you laughed at his actions
"Then do it. If you need help with anything, let me know" He asked and leaned down to kiss your cheek
He blamed on his injury for treating you like that. You didn't deserve any bit of it but he was moody and angry at everything. All he wanted to do was one of the things he loved the most, playing football. And it seemed like he was going through a circle, injury, out for x months, recovery, go back to the pitch and a new injury came in.
He still winces at the words he told you that day when you were only asking for him some love, more time together seeing as all he used to do in his injury time was play games and do recovery trainings. There were no more dates, meals together, laughing time, nothing...
"If you don't want it then you're more than welcome to leave. I don't need someone to pull me back 'cus I don't have the time"
He still remembers how your eyes widened and your face fell, his heart instantly broke but he was too proud and angry at the world to recognize the damage he had done.
But now he was paying the consequences.
I saw that you deleted the pictures with me To upload the ones of him As much as it pains me to admit it I've never seen you look so good
He remembers you walking out the door, still giving him a kiss on his cheek and wishing him the best.
Little did you know that you were what kept him doing his best. You were his motivation. But leaving him wasn't your fault, you didn't even wanted to leave however you knew your worth.
He just didn't remembered yours.
Weeks passed by and the heartache grew more and more each day, he longed for you, for you caring, for your love, for your smile, for your presence in his life.
He remembers the ache, the suffering, the cries he let out, everything he felt when he saw after 3 months of breakup how you deleted his pictures with you on social media and started slowly putting pictures with him.
He saw the pictures of your best friend's friend, having the spot he used to have. A spot beside you making you laugh and hug you. A spot he could've still had if he hadn't acted the way he did.
But don't ask me to be your friend Even if you ask me, I won't If he's what you've always wanted I'm happy for you But don't ask me to forget you Even if you ask me to, I won't If you've already fallen in love with someone else I'm happy for you, don't expect more from me
Even when he got better and was able to play, he was feeling bad, his head and feelings were a mess and that was visible by his work on and off the pitch. He stopped being the magician he used to be, he easily started losing the control of the ball, started missing big chances, even getting to the point where he almost scored an own-goal if it wasn't for Iñaki.
Everyone questioned: "What happened to their Pedri Potter?"
It was a miracle Xavi still played him, not as a titular but still, however there were times where Pedri preferred to not play at all.
But that was only inside the pitch, outside it, it was a whole different story.
He stopped being the smiley guy, stopped his joked, his mind often loosing itself in it's thoughts, his body not reacting to it. His eyes dropped and the dark circles underneath his eyes got darker and visible.
He only functioned properly to think about you and reflect on how he messed up.
The hardest thing was to give you your things Imagining me that you don't share them with someone else The hardest thing, to tell my parents That you're not coming back anymore, you moved on
When he was younger, he got told by his parents that once he had his one true love, he should never let it go because it only comes once in a lifetime. But that's exactly what he did. Fer was sad seeing his younger brother in such a state but there was nothing he could do more than being there for him, console him and trying to get him through that rough patch.
He remembers how his brother spoke to you that day you returned to pick your things up, he hates that day with all his strength, because once more he got to watch you walk away.
"Please" Fer asked you as Pedri only stood there watching you with tears running down his face. You knew what he wanted.
Give him a chance
"I'm so sorry" You shook your head softly "None of us deserves this"
Pedri's throat tightened every time he remembers the sob he let out when he heard you say that.
He knew that in that moment you were taking away every piece of you and him from each others life completely. But he wanted to be in your life and he wanted you to be in his.
However the hardest thing was to tell his parents that you were not longer going to go to Tenerife with him, that you were not longer going to help with the Tasca and that Rosy had no longer a partner in crime, that both of them won't have you as their daughter anymore.
He hated it, ha hated seeing the disappointment in their faces, the sadness and he hated it mostly because it meant that you both were really done.
But don't ask me to be your friend Even if you ask me, I won't If he's what you've always wanted I'm happy for you But don't ask me to forget you Even if you ask me to, I won't If you've already fallen in love with someone else I'm happy for you, don't expect more from me
A whole year and half has passed, he recovered, slowly gaining his life back but the heartbreak it's still there, he still remembers you and regrets it. He still loves you but has learned to overcome the fact that his actions had consequences. He knew you'll be here, he tried to mask it but everything came back to him when he saw you across the room at Frenkie and Mikky's wedding.
He still longs for you but there's nothing he could do, he broke you with words and those hurt the most. It pains him to not be the cause of you happiness but his body felt good and he was relieved for a second for the fact that you were happy.
He hopes that the guy you're dancing with now, knows how much you're worth, how good you're and that he has the most perfect girl in his hands. Hopes that he does all the things, he couldn't, didn't and wasn't able to do, because in Pedri's eyes, you deserve everything.
And while Pedri did knew it, he still took you for granted.
I can only be happy with you And you're not coming back You know I'm lying when I say I'm happy for you I'll never be happy without you
He had enough of his small suffering and decided it was time to go home... alone. He said his goodbye's, hugged the newlyweds and went to his car, to be able to breathe and be in a quiet atmosphere.
"Pedro" He heard your voice as he was pulling his car keys out of his blazer pocket. He froze. "Pedro" You repeated taking small steps to him, he looked over at you and he felt his eyes teary
"Y/N" He breathed out
"How's everything going on?" You asked
"I'm fine. What about you?"
"I'm doing well" You smile softly and he returned a smile without showing his teeth.
"I'm truly happy about it"
That sentence was half true and half lie. And you both know it. His eyes still looked at you as if you had hung up the stars, to him you did.
"I know we didn't end in the best circumstances" You begin "but I want you to know that I'm here for you if you ever need a friend, if you need someone to talk to"
"Gracias" He nods "but I still love you, Y/N" He sighs "I can't be just your friend after everything. I know I was the one who messed up and I've got to live with it, but it doesn't mean that I stopped loving you because I haven't and I can't be just pretend that it doesn't hurt me not while you clearly have moved on and are with someone else. I hope he gives you and does everything I couldn't do. I'm sorry I failed you, I failed me and I failed us"
"I'm happy for you however I can only be entirely happy with you so please, don't ask me to be your friend 'cus I can't and I won't" He let a tear out and stepped forward to give a kiss on your forehead "Take care, Y/N. Have a good night"
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Taglist: @gaviymarcsbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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Sean bienvenidos japonítasarqueológicos a una nueva entrega, en esta ocasión vengo a aclarar dudas sobre la diosa Amaterasu dicho esto comencemos. - Amaterasu aparece en los libros kojiki y Nihonshoki que son los más antiguos de Japón, dicha diosa simboliza el sol, la luz, la compasión y la verdad. Además Representa la casa real con la flor de crisantemo, también ha recibido otros nombres como: "Hirume" y "Mukatsuhime. Sus padres eran izanagi(dios creador de Japón) e izanami(diosa del infierno), izanagi al quedar contaminado de la tierra de Yomi fue a purificarse y al quitarse la ropa fueron naciendo los demás dioses y ella nació de su ojo izquierdo. Amaterasu gobernaba el Takamanohara y su hermano Susanoo era el dios del mar. - Amaterasu, estaba asustada por su hermano menor y decidió esconderse en una cueva profunda en Takamagahara llamada "Ama no Iwato" y bloqueó la entrada. Este es el famoso “Amaniwato no Kamigakure”, que el pueblo japonés sigue recreado como una de sus muchas tradiciones populares. - Como ya hablamos en otras publicaciones el sintohismo, es una religión autóctona de Japón que durante la era Meiji sería utilizada para clasificar lo japonés y de lo que no era japonés, los japoneses nunca dejaron el sintohismo de lado. La simbología de la bandera japonesa se remonta desde tiempos muy remotos. - La diosa Amaterasu tiene unos 5000 templos dedicados a ella y se llaman Shinmei Jinja. El templo se localiza dentro del santuario Ise Jingu, también conocido como (oise-san) y el templo se llama Kotai jingu. En la ciudad de Iwato en la prefectura Miyazaki se encuentra el santuario Amanoiwato donde se dice que Amaterasu fue establecida como deidad principal. Amaterasu lo podemos traducir como: Diosa del sol o como diosa solar. - 新作へようこそ、今回は天照大神の疑問を解き明かすということで、始めましょう。 - 日本最古の古事記や日本書紀に登場する天照大神は、太陽、光、慈悲、真実を象徴しています。また、菊の花で王家を表し、「ヒルメ」や「ムカツヒメ」などの別名も持っています。彼の両親はイザナギ(日本の創造神)とイザナミ(地獄の女神)でした。ヨミから大地を離れ、身を清めに行き、服を脱ぐと他の神々が生まれ、左目から生まれました。 アマテラスは高天原を治め、���のスサノオは海の神でした。 - 弟を恐れたアマテラスは、高天原の深い洞窟「天の岩戸」に身を隠し、入口をふさいだ。これが有名な「天岩戸の神隠れ」で、日本人は多くの人気のある伝統の1つとして再現し続けています. - 他の出版物ですでに説明したように、神道は日本固有の宗教であり、明治時代に日本人とそうでないものを分類するために使用されましたが、日本人は決して神道を放棄しませんでした.日本の国旗のシンボルは、非常に遠い時代にまでさかのぼります。 - 天照大神を祀るお寺は約5,000あり、神明神社と呼ばれています。このお寺は伊勢神宮内にあり、通称「お伊勢さん」とも呼ばれ、皇体神宮と呼ばれています。宮崎県岩戸市には天照大神を主祭神とする天岩戸神社がある。アマテラスは、太陽の女神または太陽の女神として翻訳できます。 - Welcome to a new installment, this time I come to clarify doubts about the goddess Amaterasu, having said that, let's begin. - Amaterasu appears in the Kojiki and Nihonshoki books, which are the oldest in Japan, this goddess symbolizes the sun, light, compassion and truth. It also represents the royal house with the chrysanthemum flower, it has also received other names such as: "Hirume" and "Mukatsuhime. His parents were izanagi (creator god of Japan) and izanami (goddess of hell), izanagi when contaminated by the earth from Yomi she went to purify herself and when she took off her clothes the other gods were born and she was born from her left eye. Amaterasu ruled the Takamanohara and her brother Susanoo was the god of the sea. - Amaterasu, scared of her younger brother, hid in a deep cave in Takamagahara called "Ama no Iwato" and blocked the entrance. This is the famous "Amaniwato no Kamigakure", which the Japanese people continue to recreate as one of their many popular traditions. - As we have already discussed in other publications, Shintoism is an indigenous religion of Japan that during the Meiji era would be used to classify what is Japanese and what was not Japanese, the Japanese never abandoned Shintoism aside. The symbology of the Japanese flag dates back to very remote times. - The goddess Amaterasu has about 5,000 temples dedicated to her and they are called Shinmei Jinja. The temple is located inside the Ise Jingu shrine, also known as (oise-san) and the temple is called Kotai jingu. In the city of Iwato in Miyazaki Prefecture is the Amanoiwato Shrine where Amaterasu is said to have been established as the chief deity. Amaterasu we can translate it as: Goddess of the sun or as solar goddess.
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thew4nder3r · 1 year
I don't know why but i just think about Miguel with a latina girlfriend but not just any latina. A mexican girl. And a lil something about us mexican girl is that we only take shit from two men. Our fathers and god. No else. 💁🏽‍♀️
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He hates how much of a chokehold you have on him.
i mean, he's the leader of the whole ass spider organization but the second he sees you mumbling in spanish oh god this man's never experienced this much fear.
one day, he had sent you on a mission to another universe and you came back soaked in rain and pissed off.
"How was it- oh shit." He quickly shut up when he saw your angry face.
"oh it went amazing." You yank your mask off and throw it to god knows where.
"Miguel i swear to fucking god the next time you send me on a mission and i come back soaking wet i WILL SNAP YOUR NECK." he knew you didn't mean it but the way you got in his face and on the tips of your toes as you yelled made his body tense.
"Su puta madre me voy a regresar a mi universo y quedarme con mi papá por que con una CHINGADA YA ME HARTE DE ANDAR PERSIGUIENDO PINCHES GENTE POR CIUDADES QUE NI CONOZCO!" You screamed and ranted about how much you hated chasing people around 24/7. "Tiene hambre mi chiquita?" God that nickname it made you melt.
"yea...very hungry." You stand up from the couch, grabbing your hair and pushing it behind you.
"I made soup." "Congrats. You didn't burn the house down." You joke and he playfully pushes your shoulder.
"How was the mission?" He asked, sitting next to you. "You were gone for a while."
you sigh. "It was okay, supongo. We caught who we needed to catch but then the rain started pouring and now i look like a soaked cat."
he grabs your hair, pulling it into a low ponytail. "So it doesn't irritate mi princesa."
How does he do this? Every time you're in a bad mood, he always makes you feel better. "Thanks." You smile. "Am i crazy or is your skin darker than last week?" You laugh. "Don't you like my skin? Or would you prefer a blonde chic who can't go outside without getting a sunburn?" You smirk at him. He comes closer to you, kissing your jawline. "I like your skin like this. Mi morenita~" you giggle. You lean in to kiss his lips but stop only an inch away from him. "I missed you..."
He HATES how everyone makes fun of him.
Lyla always tells him how "he's the boss but she's the mastermind."
One time, Hobby had gotten on his nerves and he had started to go off on him until he felt your hand on his shoulder.
"miguel. No seas grosero." Everyone went silent. Expecting Miguel to start fuming. How DARE anyone tell him what to do?!
"Fine." Everyone was so confused. "Did she?" "Yep."
"what the hell are all of you looking at?! GET OUT!!" Ahh there he is.
Once everyone had left, he pressed his body against yours and hid his face in your neck. "God i hate that kid." You laughed at how exhausted he sounded.
okay. Now we're getting into the smut part of it. So yea. 🧍‍♀️💦
God this man.
he's fucking animalistic.
"Hmm yea you like this don't you? Ohh yea cum for papi. Cum on papi's dick."
woof woof bark 😫💦
he likes when you're a brat but he'll never admit it.
"Maldita niña malcriada. What would your father think, hmm? Seeing your boyfriend fuck the brat outta you?"
He'll wrap his hand around your neck and push you deeper into the pillows of your shared bed.
He looks all high and mighty but he will melt the moment you push him down onto his chair and straddle his lap.
"Ohh yea. Muy bien chiquita." He's got a firm grip on your hips as he stares at the place where your bodies met.
he loved seeing how face contort in please. Your wavy dark hair cascading down your shoulders as you bounced on his dick.
"You like bouncing on my dick, corazón? Yea yea you do, pretty girl. Keep bouncing just like that." His praises made you clench around him causing him to let out a whimper.
this man can eat me for breakfast lunch and dinner 😘
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xjulixred45x · 6 months
What unpopular opinion of yours in the fandom of sds/4koa?
Mmhm...dificult. lets see.
They ruined Jericho: this is pretty obvious, what was the need to turn NNT's best secondary character into a PEDOPHILE? other than she's super out of character from the Jericho we know and love. This especially hurt me as a Jericho stand.
Ban x Elaine (despite being super shady) is ironically NNT's best constructed relationship😑: this rather shows how low the standards were with Nakaba in his previous work. If Elaine looked like an ADULT, I think they would be a very pretty couple, but nowadays, it makes me kind of yikes to see them before the timeskipe.
Tristan is...boring: it's not bad!! not at all! It's just that his good-natured, do-nothing-wrong attitude (thanks to his loving upbringing) is a type of attitude that I can overcome to a certain extent, but if Tristan doesn't show REAL change in the story soon, he'll move down quite a bit on my list. .
related to that-
It makes no sense for Tristan to continue trusting Chion: LET'S SEE, even if he is his cousin, it is more than obvious that Chion hid information, attacked knowing that Percival was the child of the prophecy, separated from the group to go after Gawain alone and KILL HIM....and yet Tristan still sees him as a friend??! Tristan is kind of an idiot.
Arthur had the reasons to become evil: I know it sounds contradictory compared to the other posts I made, but let's put ourselves in a situation: Arthur was treated badly by his brother all his life until he became king at the age of 15, since he was A teenager was put in charge of an entire kingdom, with a selfish teacher who, more like a student, saw him as a possible tool. The kingdom that Arthur loves was constantly under attack by conflicts caused bc two assholes(yk who i mean) of other races and that ended up causing 1- HIS DEATH, that he will be left without an arm, that AN ANCESTRAL ENTITY WILL POSSESS HIM (because of his "master") and later 2- THE DESTRUCTION OF HIS KINGDOM.
Even if we all had wanted Arthur to have continued to be the sun child that we all loved, with all that TRAUMA, the PAIN and ANGUST that he had to go through, it didn't seem very viable....FUCK YOU NAKABA---
I think is all
arruinaron a Jericho: esto es bastante obvio ¿cual era la necesidad de convertir al mejor personaje secundario de NNT en una PEDOFILA? aparte de que es super fuera de personaje de la Jericho que conocemos y amamos. esto le dolio especialmente como una Jericho stand.
El Ban x Elaine(pese a ser super turbio) es irónicamente la relación mejor construida de NNT😑: esto mas bien muestra lo bajos que eran los estándares con Nakaba en su obra anterior. si Elaine se viera como una ADUTLA, creo que serian una pareja muy bonita, pero en oa actualidad, me da algo de cosa verlos antes del timeskipe.
Tristán es...aburrido: no es malo!! para nada! solo que su actitud de niño buenachon y que no hace nada malo(gracias a su crianza amorosa) es un tipo de actitud que puedo vancar hasta cierto punto, pero si Tristán no muestra un cambio REAL en la obra pronto, descendera bastante en mi lista.
relaciónado con eso-
no tiene sentido que Tristan siga confiando en Chion: A VER, aun si es su primo, es mas que obvio que Chion oculto información, ataco a sabiendas de que Percival era el niño de la profesia, se separo del grupo para ir tras Gawain solo y MATARLO....y aun asi Tristan sigue viendolo como un amigo??! Tristan es algo idiota.
Arthur tenia las razones para volverse malvado: se que suena contradictorio en comparación a los otros post que hice, pero pongamonos en situación: a Arthur lo trato mal su hermano toda su vida hasta que se convirtió en rey a los 15 AÑOS, desde que era un adolescente le pusieron acargo de un reino entero, con una maestra egoista que mas como un alumno lo veia como una posible herramienta, el reino al que Arthur ama estaba constantemente bajo ataque por conflictos causados por dos pendejos de otras razas y que eso termino causando 1- SU MUERTE, que quedará sin brazo, que UNA ENTIDAD ANCENSTRAL LO POSEEYERA(por culpa de su "maestra")y mas tarde 2- LA DESTRUCCIÓN DE SU REINO.
aún si todos hubieramos querido que Arthur hubiera seguido siendo el niño sol que todos amamos, con todo ese TRAUMA, el DOLOR y ANGUSTIA que tuvo que pasar, no se veia muy viable....PUDRETE NAKABA---
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esuemmanuel · 4 months
Night Hunger.
Night was falling on the dull streets, the light of the luminaries flickered so that the moon could be the master of the night. I was walking down the alley with nothing but my thoughts… it was already past midnight and I could not calm the anxiety that had made me leave home. I was so hungry. Suddenly, I heard the hurried throbbing of an anguished heart that was approaching me without knowing it. The light was dim and the moon was not helping. I decided to stop to look at the body I was coming from and hid in a corner that turned into a dead end. It was cold, the wind was blowing, I could smell the scent of that hapless passerby coming closer and closer to me. It smelled of fear and hope; an exquisite mixture for my palate. I began to salivate, my throat was already swallowing what I imagined I would taste when I had that throbbing neck between my hungry jaws. I felt him coming, his footsteps stopped a few meters from my hiding place. I wanted to surprise him, but I resisted. I wanted to see it pass before my empty eyes to follow it and scare it a little more…. (I love the bitter taste of blood infected with terror).
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Hambre de Noche.
Caía la noche sobre las calles apagadas, la luz de las luminarias parpadeaban de manera que la luna podía ser la dueña de la noche. Caminaba por la callejuela sin nada más que mis pensamientos… era ya más de medianoche y no lograba calmar la ansiedad que me había hecho salir de casa. Tenía tanta hambre. De repente, escuché el pálpito presuroso de un corazón angustiado que se acercaba hacia mí sin saberlo. La luz era poca y la luna no ayudaba. Decidí detenerme para mirar el cuerpo del que venía y me escondí en una esquina que doblaba hacia un callejón sin salida. Hacía frío, el viento soplaba, pude percibir el aroma de ese desventurado paseante que se acercaba, cada vez más, a mí. Olía a miedo y a esperanza; una mezcla exquisita para mi paladar. Comencé a salivar, mi garganta tragaba ya lo que imaginaba iba a saborear cuando tuviese ese cuello palpitante entre mis hambrientas fauces. Lo sentí llegar, sus pasos se detuvieron a unos metros de mi escondite. Quise sorprenderlo, pero me resistí. Deseaba verlo pasar ante mis vacíos ojos para seguirlo y asustarlo un poco más…
(Amo el sabor amargo de la sangre infectada de terror).
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secretpostsposts · 8 months
Perdón por molestarte con preguntas. Pero me encanta Obsessive!BroZone y sus reacciones.
Estoy bastante segura de que Branch tiene bastantes cicatrices que a recolectado a lo largo de los años ya sea por defender al pueblo de las bestias (No me vas a negar que los depredador del bosque no se han sentido atraídos por el ruido y las luces brillantes de las fiestas) o porque mientras estaba construyendo su búnker este habrá colapsado un par de veces durante su construcción. ¿Cómo reaccionarian ellos al descubrirlas? (Dado que Branch las oculta con algo, lo que sea a tu gusto)
Amo tu Au. Me mantiene viva 💖💖💖
They are worried, angry, scared and two minutes away from killing something or someone. Worried and scared because his little brother was about to die many times and they were not there to keep him safe, fighting against huge animals and being almost found alive, at least John already had a vein burst from the stress of everything. angry because Branch hid the scars from them (remember when I talked about when Branch attacked that animal with the witness brothers, and that they checked him to see if he was not hiding wounds from them?; well, this is how they find the scars and I want to prove that according to me , Branch has a bite scar because of Clampers during his escape from Lonesome Flats, it's a bit important), so they are very crazy about that. Clay has a scar map, a drawing of Branch marked with the scars on his body, covering 60% of his body.
entonces te seguire manteniendo viva, jaja me alegra que te guste!
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the-offside-rule · 2 years
Pedri Gonzalez (FCBarcelona) ft. Pablo Gavi - Bakery
Requested: anon wattpad
Prompts: 6) "You never cease to amaze me."
13) "Can you just pick something so we can go?"
Warnings: nopety nope
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Pedri sighed as Gavi sat playing music as usual I his car as the pair drove around the city on their way home from training. "Tengo tanta hambre, hombre." (I'm so hungry, man.) Gavi groaned. "Lo mismo aquí. Estoy listo para irme a casa y comerme todo el refrigerador." (Same here. Im ready to go home and eat my whole fridge.) Pedri chuckled. "O, tengo una idea mejor. Tome la siguiente a la izquierda." (Or, I have a better idea. Take the next left.) Pablo said. Pedri looked at his friend confused. "Pero estoy en el carril derecho?" (But I'm in the right lane?) Pedri stated, but it came out as more of a question. "Entonces? Si te detienen, soborna al policía con tu camiseta o algo así! Toma la siguiente a la izquierda!" (So? If you get pulled over, bribe the cop with your jersey or something! Take the next left!) Pedri groaned and switched lanes, before turning in left.
"Adónde vamos?" (Where are we going?) He asked. "Tengo un amiga que tiene una panadería en esta calle. Si puedes encontrar estacionamiento, podemos entrar y comprar algo de comida." (I have a friend who owns a bakery on this street. If you can find parking we can go in and get some food.) Pedri agreed and found a place. He parked and the pair hopped out, ready to go. "Tu estacionamiento es un poco mierda." (You're parking is a bit shit.) Gavi grinned. "Ni siquiera puedes encender un auto, cállate." (You can't can't start a car, shut up.) Pedri warned, locking his car and following his friend.
As they walked into the bakery, they were welcomed by the smell of "Ana!" Y/n shouted loudly. "Your boyfriend." Pedri's eyebrows knitted in confusion. "Nice to see you too, Y/n." Pablo said in English, making Pablo even more confused. "We both speak English to one another. She's not from here." Pablo explained. "Por qué me hablas en inglés?" (Why are you speaking English to me?) Gavi sighed and turned back around. "My friend, Y/n!" The girl that appeared to be Ana said, walking out of the kitchen. "Pablo, what's up." As Pablo and Ana melted into conversation, Pedri couldn't take his eyes off the girl on the phone. He assumed she was ordering in ingredients for baking or something but he still focused on her. "Does he have a little crush?" Pedri turned quickly to see both Pablo and Ana joking about his 'puppy eyes' he had been giving Y/n.
"What?" He asked. "Definitely." Pablo answered for him. "I don't know what you're talking about but I am ready to leave." Pedri replied half serious, half joking. "Do you two want something to take with you?" Ana offered. "I don't see why not." Pablo smiled and went over to the counter to pick. Pedri followed and looked around at all the luxurious looking baked goods. He chose his and watched as Pablo went between choices. "Puedes elegir uno para que podamos irnos?" (Can you just choose something so we can leave?) Pedri said. "Puede ser más fácil para usted elegir los que no quiere! Tal vez entonces podamos reducirlo." (It would be easier to say what you don't want. Maybe that would narrow it down.) The girl at the counter chuckled at the remark as Pedri hid a proud smile. "Eres un comediante, de repente. Me pregunto porque?" Pedri knotted his brows in confusion as Ana and Pablo laughed together. He shook his head, not understanding the joke.
After what felt like eternity, Pablo finally chose. He thanked the girl and turned, ready to leave. Pedri picked up a ten euro note from his pocket and went to hand it over to the girl. "Oh, no. Pablo never pays." She said. "That's not fair, the kid has more than enough money." The girl smiled and looked to the ground. "Yes, but Pablo never pays." She repeated. "I'm not him." Pedri smiled. "Well still, I don't want the money. We don't take from Gavi." Pedri paused and looked to the left of the til and spotted a small jar, decorated with the word "papina". She followed his eyes and shot him a stern stare. "No." A wild grin appeared on his face as he took the ten euro note and placed it in the tip jar. "No-" Her hand swung to his, holding the top of it in an attempt to not let the man put the money in the jar but it was too late. There, sat amongst the copper and gold coins sat a wrinkled ten euro. "What did you do that for?" Y/n asked, nearly enraged. "I wanted to pay, you wouldn't let me."
"For good reason!" She was almost yelling now. "Which was?" Her mouth opened and closed as she thought of an answer but couldn't. "I'll take money from the til-" She felt a hand on hers. "No. Just keep it." She looked back to see the footballer. A blush crept onto her cheeks as she swallowed hard. "At least let me give you a coffee or something." She offered. "Only if I get your name." Pedri replied. "Does that usually work?" She asked, unamused. "As often as people offer me free coffee." A smile reappeared on her face once more. "Y/n. My name is Y/n." Pedri stretched his hand out over the counter. "Pedri. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too. Now, coffee?" Pedri shook his head. "Maybe another day. I can pick you up from here whenever you want and we can go for coffee." Y/n blinked. "Did you just ask me out?"
"Would you go if I did?" He asked. "No, not really." She said quickly. "Well then I'm letting you pay me back." She held in a laugh. "You're smooth." She muttered. "Not usually. But I'll be back tomorrow for you to come with me for a coffee."
Pedri turned on the car and looked back between the seats to reverse, spotting his friend grinning at him. "Que?" He asked. "Nunca dejas de sorprenderme." (You never cease to amaze me.) Gavi looked forward and laughed. "Eres especial mi amigo." (You're special, my friend Pedri.) Pedri scoffed. "Oh si? Cómo soy especial?" He looked out for traffic. "Por lo general, nunca le da a la gente la hora del día, sin embargo, se sentó a hablar contigo. No mentiré, es lo más largo que la he oído hablar y lo más feliz que la he visto." (Usually, she doesn't give people the time of day, yet she sat and spoke to you. I won't lie, that's the longest I've heard her speak and the happiest I have ever seen her.) Pedri paused and found a softened smile creeping onto his face. "Deja de sonreir, te ves como si estuvieras enamorado." (Stop smiling, you look like you're in love.) Pedri looked back to Gavi. "Hijo de puta, lo eres!" (Son of a bitch, you are!)
"No." Pedri replied quickly and drove out. "Usted está! Usted está! Estás enamorado!" (You are! You are! You are in love!)  Gavi chanted as he shook Pedri, further annoying the Spaniard beside him. "No, Pablo-"
"Me equivoco?!" (Am I wrong?)
"Un poquito, Sí!" (A little, yes!)
"Pero tengo un poco de razon no?" (But I am a little bit right, no?)
"Güey, callate!" (Mate, shut up!"
"Déjame conducir en paz!" (Just let me drive in peace!) Pedri shouted. Pablo was silent but he didn't lose his grin. "Creo que le gustas de vuelta." (I think she likes you back.) Pablo mumbled, breaking the silence. "De Verdad?" Pedri asked. "No, pero no seré la persona que te diga lo contrario." (No, but I won't be the person to tell you otherwise.) He laughed again. "puedes caminar a casa si quieres. o tal vez aprender a conducir realmente. tal vez entonces te encontrarías con una novia en lugar de reírte de mí por poder al menos intentar conseguir una." (you can walk home if you want. or maybe learn to actually drive. maybe then you'd find a girlfriend instead of laughing at me for being able to at least.) Pedri replied, his tongue nearly twisting with the speed of which he said it.
"Eso estaba demasiado lejos." (That was too far.) Pablo replied quietly. "Sí, pero cierto asi que no lo es." (Yes, but it's true so it wasn't.)
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deeptrashwitch · 5 months
Hiyya! Was about to take a nap but suddenly got a brainwave for Alicia and Alejandro so I came here as fast as I could.
If you've watched Toy Story (forgot which one), there's a scene where Buzz (the astronaut) got his Spanish button mode on accidentally and started to do some sort of dance (mating call) to Jesse (the cowgirl.)
... somehow I imagined it as one of Alejandro's antics when he's drunk and Alicia was there to fetch him. (⁠/⁠¯⁠◡⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠◡⁠)⁠/⁠¯⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
Anyway, have a nice day, buddy! Heheh.
Hi Smol ^^ I hope you had/have a good nap!
Dear...are we connected? Bc I was just thinking about Alejandro dancing with Alicia and that scene came to my mind too xd but the drunk part makes it better! Hehehehe let's write!
Alicia was sitting in front of the bar, with a glass of whiskey just poured on her hand, trying not to laugh right there. That night she went to drink with Alejandro after many years, and well, he went a bit overboard with the vodka for some reason. Now Alejandro was looking at her with his usual lovesick expression, but also with a sly shine inside his eyes, almost like he was purring.
"What is it, Alejo?" she asked with a little smile
"Quiero enamorarte" he said with a chuckle (I want to make you fell for me)
"You did before"
"Entonces quiero hacerlo de nuevo, amor" (Then I wanna do it again, love)
Then the Colonel took a hair strand, playing slightly with it before kissing it, looking at Alicia in the eyes. She scoffed with a little smile, holding the stare until Alejandro winked and stood up, kissing her cheek before going away. Meanwhile Alicia chuckled going back to her drink, waiting to see what he would do, and raised an eyebrow at the bartender's look.
"So is he drunk? Doesn't look like it" the bartender said with curiosity
"He is, he just get flirtier when he's like that" she admitted with a soft smile "I guess I'm lucky he's like that"
"Yeah, lucky you"
Then a bachata started to sound all over the bar, and between some giggles and cheerings many couples went to dance, filling the dance floor. At the same time, Alejandro walked towards Alicia with a side smile, while she giggle a bit. He extended a hand in a silemt invitation, just like the old times, and without a second Alicia took his hand before they went to dance.
Following the rythm, they started to move just staring at each other with soft smiles, at the same time Alejandro put his hand over Alicia's hips and she crossed her arms around his shoulders. It was slow and the song gave everything a sensual air, that they used on their favor, getting near and near from each other. And at some point, Alejandro hid his face in the hollow of her face, starting to pepper some kisses there, making Alicia giggle.
She passed a hand carefully over his hair for some minutes while they danced, then tugged it slightly, making him look at her with a little whine. He was already a bit dizzy and his eyes gave him away, but smiled with coquetry anyway, just for Alicia to move away using the rythm when he tried to grab her again.
"This isn't the place, cariño" she said with low voice
"¿Qué importa?" he asked, hugging her from behind as they continued dancing "quiero que todos sepan lo afortunado que soy" (why does it matter? I want everyone to know how lucky I am"
"Quiero toda la atención sobre ti, mi amor, que vean la maravillosa mujer que me ama" (I want all the attention over you, my love, let them see the marvellous woman that loves me)
"That's such a sweet gesture, but tonight isn't the night" she said moving her head a bit back, to kiss him over the jaw "she should go home"
"Por favor, aun es muy temprano~" he whined, just to shut up when Alicia turned around and grabbed his chin as she looked him directly and making him look at her (please, it still early~)
"We are going home"
"Si, amor" (Yes, love)
She let him go and walked to pay the drinks, with Alejandro following her close behind, but she said nothing for a second. Alicia had to hold back her laugh when the bartender, with who she already had a friendship, smiled and raised both thumbs. After that, they went to Alicia's house in the city...
This went away a bit from what I expected, but I like it *cackling irl* that happens when you hear bachata while writing HAHAHAHA
This isn't my especiality to write, so please tell me your opinion!
Anyway, I hope you like it @justasmolbard ! It was really funny to write! Although, Alejandro's antics didn't work as expected *wheezing*
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pascalsimp1479 · 1 year
You're my ass
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Javier Peña x fem reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, smut, mentions of murder
Description: Javi witnessed something he'd rather forget and said some things he'd rather take back. now he's just trying to make up for it. No mentions of y/n
Word count: 2.5k words
“Hola mi amor.” Javi greeted you with a tender kiss on your cheek. 
“Hey.” You smiled as you joined him at his desk “got one of those for me?” You gestured to the crowd, cigarette in his hand. He handed you the one already lit before lighting his own.
“Are you finished for the day?” He asks with the dumb  smile only you got to see.
“Yup, I was thinking I could head to the store and get some things for a good meal. What do you say?” You lean over his desk revealing just slightly too much of your chest, your outfit was practical for work l but you loved teasing Javi at work, it always made him so desperate for you. He never complained either.
“Is the meal really necessary? I have one right here.” He bit his bottom lip as his eyes scanned your body, fixing indefinitely to your chest.
“How does Arepas sound?” You blush as he takes your hand and plays with your fingers 
“Whatever you want, baby, I just have to go with Carrillo to hunt down some of Pablo’s spies later on.” He said taking a long drag of his cigarette.
“Okay then, but make sure you’re careful, last time i was in that area was to clean up the mess of another narcos shootout.” You say in a worried tone, ever since Carrillo had returned police and the neighbouring cartel had been having shootouts all around the city and every time Javier returned even the slightest bit late your mind always assumed the worse.
“¿no te preocupes estaré bien? I’ll be fine.” He smiled
“I know but promise me you won’t make any ‘heroic decisions’” 
“Baby, when have I ever done that?” He smirked sarcastically 
“¿sabes que el sarcasmo te pone como un idiota? You know sarcasm makes you sound like an ass.” You joke as you walk away.
“You know you love me.” He yelled 
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” 
You loved cooking colombian dishes, they were far better than anything you had ever made back in the states. Once the government got closer to Escobar and realised that the Us government were actually a big help, you were assigned to the DEA and that's when you met him. You were paired with agent Peña and Murphy on day to watch a suspected deal go down, you had taken shifts in watching in pairs while the other slept and to pass the time Javier tried and somewhat managed to teach you some spanish, it wasn’t perfect but it got you alot further then if you could only say hello and thank you. 
And after weeks of trying your best not to fall for his charm like pretty much every other girl in Bogotá, you finally succumbed. But unlike with every other girl Javier was crazy about you and he could never understand why, all he knew was that his body craved you and his mind longed for you. And that's what made him stay, he was yours and you were his.
It was about 8:30 that night when Javi burst through the apartment door, slamming it behind him as he threw his badge and keys on the counter top. He didn’t stop to kiss your cheek or steal the food that was being prepared. He took a bottle of bourbon and hid on the balcony, ignoring your existence and lighting a cigarette.
“Javi? Is everything okay?” You put down the food and follow him outside. He didn’t say anything, he kept his eyes on the city and took a drink from his glass. “The food is almost ready.” You add hoping to get an answer, to which he just continued to drink. “¿javi estas bien, que paso? Javi, are you okay, what happened?” 
“I’m fine” he said quietly, visibly annoyed 
“The food is ready” you repeat again
“¿No tengo hambre, está bien, por el amor de Dios, déjame en paz, mujer?” He shouted, throwing his cigarette off the balcony.
“You no I can’t understand you when you shout. Don’t fucking start. I spent hours making all this.” You yell back
“I said just leave me the fuck alone, i’m not hungry.” He huffed and then looked away and lit another cigarette.
“¿Vete a la mierda entonces? Fuck you then” you say leaving him to the balcony to continue his sulk. You spent the rest of the night in silence, watching him sit on the balcony as you ate, you could tell whatever job he had with Carrillo had really gotten to him. He never liked to talk about what he did with Carrillo but word travels round the office. You want Javi to know he could talk to you, but because of the way he spoke to you, your stubbornness made you give him the silent treatment. It was around 4am when you felt another body enter the bed, you turned over and pretend to be asleep until you felt his arms wrap around your waist and lips press into you neck.
“Is this your way of apologising?” You pull away and turn to him.
“¿Lo lamento? I’m sorry.” He said, his tone sounding genuine 
“What happened out there?” You ask
“It doesn’t matter.” He rolled onto his back and looked at the ceiling 
“It obviously does if its making you act like this.” You say resting on his chest 
“I promise I’m fine ¿no volverá a suceder? It won’t happen again” his kissed your head and wrapped his arm around you.
“¿Javi por favor dime, estoy aquí para ti? Javi please tell me, i'm here for you” you gazed into his big brown eyes giving your best puppy dog look , he sighed and began to open up.
“We rounded up some of the spies Pablo had been using to get theough the city ¿Ellos donde solo niños realmente? They where just kids really” he gluped and gripped your shoulder tightly 
“What happened, its okay.” You encouraged him
“One of the kids tried to mouth off on us. Carrillo held his gun out to one of them, thought he was just gonna   threaten him. He just pulled the trigger. Didn’t even think about it.” His breath hitched slightly 
“¿que haces? What did you do?” 
“Nothing, that's the problem, i just stood and watched” he sighed “and it makes me wonder, are we actually on the good team.” You look at him concerned, you never knew he was bottling this up
“Mi amour, of course we are. Carrillo shouldn’t have done that. He’s let his hatred for Escobar get too far.” You say kissing his cheek
“It will probably get swept under the rug.” He says 
“You have to tell me when these things bother you, its not good to bottle it up.”
“I know” he grips your waist
“¿lo digo en serio Javier? I mean it Javier” you look at him sterlny hopi g to avoid issues like this in the future. He just smiles and tumbs your cheek. “Have you eaten?” You say with a smile
“I told you baby, you’re all the food I need.” He began kissing an nibbling at your neck causing you to let out a giggle and a sigh of pleasure. You spun yourself around, straddling his waist and locking it in with your thighs. His hands began to play with the fat of your ass as you began rocking yourself against him, kissing his neck. He welcomed this touch by helping set the pace with his arms
“Fuck baby feels so good” he purred, he slifterd you shirt over you head and began kneeding your boobs, pinching the nipples. He sat up so he could lavish your chest in kisses as you continued to grind on him, the slick beginning to soak through your pantys and onto his boxer shorts. “You gonna let me taste you?” He smirked as he pinned you under him.
He slid his hand down your abdomen using his thumb to tapp delicately over your clothed cunteasing you.
“Javi please i need you.” You whimpered 
“Need what? Tell me” he asked
“You, touch me please” you begged 
“¿si eso es lo que quieres bebe? If thats what you want baby” you lifted your waist allowing him to pull the panties of, then he began his work. He kept his hands gripping on your thighs, parting your legs allowing him to leave a trail of kisses to you sweet spot where he stopped for a moment to make sure you were looking so he could watch your face when he licked that first stripe up your cunt.
“Fuck” you twitched at the sensation of him tucking in, tounge fucking you, the vibrations of his groans adding to the pleasure. He licked and sucked at your clit, he kept pressure on your thighs knowing you would often squeeze them together at the overstimulation he brought you. His movements caused a sensation of reactions throughout you body, coils tightening and loosening dieing to reach the feel of release tightening at the sensation of his tongue pushing its way into you. He pulled back for a moment to the admire the wetness he had created, still keeping his fingers circulating around your clit. “Fuck baby, got you all wet you gonna cum for me?” 
“Sí, Sí Javi” you groaned “¿tócame más por favor? Touch me more please.” You grinded into his touch, whimpering as you felt him dive in again. You could feel the knot beginning to loosen as he worked, you snake your hand through his thick dark hair pushing him In further.
“You gonna cum huh?” He mumbled between your folds
“Sí, sí fuck!” You cry as your body releases the knot and your body relaxes around you, with javi’s tongue making sure he gets you to completion.
“God damn baby” Javi smiles and sits up admiring the state he had left you, licking his fingers clean “¿Tan dulce? So sweet” you sit up on your elbows admiring the man man knelt infront of you, before you lean forward trailing your hand along the ever growing bulge of his boxers.
“Are you going to let me have my dessert?” You ask
“Be my guest.” He smirked. You continued your approach, pulling down his boxers and discarding them easily. You take him into his hand and pump him while you press kisses along his pelvis. You kiss his shaft moving upwards towards his tip, he releases a sigh of pleasure as your tongue edges around him. You carry this on for a while, enough to frustrate him., he grabs your chin and pushes his thumb into your mouth to which you began to suck on.
“¿No seas tan molesto bebé? Don’t be such a tease baby.” He bit his bottom lip as you released his thumb with a pop and moved towards his cock. You wrap your hand around his base and take his tip into your mouth and swirl your tongue around him. You push down further, swallowing as much as you can gagging slightly at his thickness, the noise he made was pornographic making the wetness between your thighs grow.  You bob your head up and down, sinking as far down as you can, moaning and making vibrations only adding to the pleasure. He hissed as you hand moved down from his base to his balls, cupping and massaging them as you sucked. He grabbed the back of your head, balling your hair and moving you up and down. “Fuck, calm down I don’t wanna cum yet.”
You moved up again, moaning as the salty taste of pre-cum hit your tongue. You swallowed happily looking up at him and watching the way he melted at your touch. He mouthed curse words and closed his eyes, wiping the sweat forming at his brow as you bobbed up and down. You felt the muscles in his butt begin to flex and he pulled you off him leaving a trail of saliva connecting his cock to your mouth. “Not yet.” He managed to speak out breathlessly 
“¿Cómo me quieres? How do you want me?” You ask leaning back on your elbows.
“¿Recuéstate boca abajo? Lay on your stomach” he demands and you follow, spreading your legs slightly so he could see you fully. He hummed and livked his fingers and began rubbing your entrance. “Still so perfect, you want me huh?” His tone deepened and his eyes became full of lust.
“Yes.” You moaned
“¿dilo apropiadamente? Say it properly” he ordered 
“¿Sí, Javi, lo quiero mucho, te necesito, fóllame por favor. Yes Javi, i want it bad i need you, fuck me please.” You begged “Javi- please I-“ he cut you off thrusting hard into you, the skin on skin sound echoing through the room. You muffled your whimpers into the mattress as he worked, pounding hard and pulling you close to him and wrapping his arm around your neck.
“Don’t silence yourself, you know I like it.” He whispered into your ear. You were both up on your knees, making it easier for him to to scrape along your g-spot.
“¿Oh Dios. si, por favor, mierda? Oh god, yes, please” you cried out.
“¿Carajo me encanta cuando hablas español? fuck I love it when you speak spanish.” He kissed your cheek and groaned of the sensation of your pussy clenching around him.
“¿oh mierda, me voy a correr joder? Oh shit I'm gonna cum.” You cried out, he understood the assignment and pounded into you harder pulling you closer reducing the distance between you. The coil releases itself around his cock again adding to the slick he was creating. Your orgasm lit a match within him, bringing him closer to his release. He pushed you down onto the bed where he pushed his hands on your lower back giving him the perfect angle to push into you all the way to the hilt. 
“¿joder bebé, eres tan apretado, vas a hacer que lo pierda. mierda? fuck baby you're so tight, you're gonna make me lose it. shit.” His hips began to stutter as his thick white ropes pumped into you. He collapsed over you while you both panted, the sweat causing your skin to stick to each other. “Pretty good meal baby.” He moved off and walked into the next room.
“Thanks mi amor.” You replied, he came back with a washcloth and wiped your legs clean.
“I’m really sorry about earlier” he climbed into the bed and pulled you towards him.
“I don’t doubt it, this city is full of people who want to kill Escobar. And a lot of them will do anything to get to him, even Carrillo.” He hummed and kissed your head 
“I’m gonna take tomorrow off, I can’t promise I'll act professionally around him.” He says lighting a cigarette 
“Or is it because you don’t want Murphy to see that you have a heart?” You laugh taking a drag from his cigarette.
“¿Tienes suerte te amo o estarías en problemas? You’re lucky I love you, or you’d be in trouble.” He did a fake laugh and took the cigarette from your hand.
“¿eres un asno? You’re an ass.” You laugh
“¿si pero soy tu culo? Yeah, but I'm your ass.”
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Eggs in a basket My workplace is usually active for just about every holiday, however, the person in charge of scheduling these events has been out the past week and nothing was scheduled in observance of Easter today. So a few of us ladies got together and decided to do our own thing in the office.
We hid some eggs around the office with different prizes inside for the employees and I would say I found a few.
I swear these are eggs I didn't hide for myself.
I managed to find a total of nine eggs with prizes ranging from a free lunch to a cute pair of earrings, my favorite however was a choice of dress from the company wardrobe. I may find a cute dress in there that I can wear next time.
Until next time, I hope you all have a wondering Easter. Huevos en una canasta Mi lugar de trabajo siempre esta activo durante casi todos los días festivos, sin embargo, la persona a cargo de programar estos eventos estuvo fuera la semana pasada y no se programó nada en conmemoración de Pascua hoy. Así que algunas de nosotras nos juntamos y decidimos hacer nuestras propias cosas en la oficina.
Escondimos algunos huevos por la oficina con diferentes premios adentro para los empleados y diría que yo me encontré algunos tambien.
Juro que estos son huevos que no escondí para mí.
Logre encontrar un total de nueve huevos con premios que iban desde un almuerzo gratis hasta un lindo par de aretes, sin embargo, mi favorito fue una elección de vestido del guardarropa de la compañía. Puede que encuentre un lindo vestido allí que pueda usar la próxima vez.
Hasta la próxima, espero que todos tengan un maravilloso Pascua.
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moiteneia · 6 months
Cell’s Moving Castle: AU Guapoduo.
g!Cellbit é um bruxo fugitivo. Vivendo escondido em seu castelo animado, possuí inúmeros nomes, disfarces e muita magia. Anos atrás fez um acordo com uma estrela, trocando sua alma e coração por proteção, mas aos poucos esse acordo, assim como fogo, está enfraquecendo, juntamente com a sua essência (a sua própria magia está se voltando contra ele).
Sempre acompanhado de dois garotinhos, Pepito e Richas, ele está a procura de algo ou alguém que ele viu em seu passado e que prometeu a ele salvar seu coração.
g!Roier é um jovem chapeleiro que vive sob a sombra de seu irmão. g!Doied é um gênio, o orgulho dos pais deles e vive no luxo e na glória, sendo treinado para lutar na guerra que assola o reino deles (o Rei g!Philza desapareceu e o reino acusa o reino vizinho - Capybara - de tê-lo sequestrado). 
Tudo corria bem, g!Roier se escondia das bombas, costurava chapéus e se escondia de todas as visitas de sua família. Tudo ótimo! 
Até que em uma certa tarde ele quase é atacado por dois soldados mau intencionados, mas, por sorte, alguém veio ajuda-lo.
-Guapito, onde você estava? Procurei por você por todo lugar!-Um rapaz loiro de enormes olhos azuis o pegou pelo braço e começou a leva-lo para longe dos dois. -Segure-se firme.-Ele sussurrou.
Momentos depois, agarrando-se no braço do outro, viu seus pés se afastando do chão.
Naquela noite, g!Roier foi amaldiçoado por uma bruxa invejosa pela atenção que o Bruxo havia dado a ele e agora, sua aparência, tal qual sua autoestima, se deteriorou, parecendo mais um velho.
Agora, ele terá que fugir da cidade e ir em busca de refúgio…Talvez um certo castelo seja o lugar certo!
AU Guapoduo:
g!Cellbit is a fugitive wizard. Living hidden in his lively castle, he has countless names, disguises and lots of magic.
Years ago he made an agreement with a star, exchanging his soul and heart for protection, but little by little this agreement, like fire, is weakening, along with his essence (his own magic is turning against him).
Always accompanied by two little boys, Pepito and Richas, he is looking for something or someone he saw in his past and who promised him to save his heart.
g!Roier is a young hatmaker who lives under his brother's shadow.
g!Doied is a genius, the pride of their parents and lives in luxury and glory, being trained to fight in the war that ravages their kingdom (King g!Philza has disappeared and the kingdom accuses the neighboring kingdom - Capybara - of having him kidnapped). Everything went well, g!Roier hid from bombs, sewed hats and hid from all his family's visitors. Everything's good!
Until one afternoon he is almost attacked by two soldiers with bad intentions, but, luckily, someone came to help him.
-Guapito, where were you? I looked for you everywhere!-A blond boy with huge blue eyes took him by the arm and started to take him away from the two. -Hold on tight.-He whispered.
Moments later, clinging to the other's arm, he saw his feet moving away from the ground.
That night, g!Roier was cursed by a witch jealous of the attention the Wizard had given him and now, his appearance, like his self-esteem, deteriorated, looking more like an old man. Now, he will have to escape the city and go in search of refuge...Maybe a certain castle is the right place!
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ultravioletqueen · 4 months
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It seems like I'm in my Hazbin Hotel era because I can think of ideas for ocs and stories for this series despite my love-hate relationship that I have with this series, I will probably use these characters as ocs for the prequel to my original project (bloody reverie ) bloody eden(wich i explore in instagram in my stories)but I like the idea of ​​this couple as ocs from hazbin hotel with biblical inspiration (removing the incest obviously, this is not alabama or northern mexico/argentina), now without further ado I introduce them:
Abel is the first human soul to go to heaven, we all know the story of Abel and his brother Cain, let's say I was inspired by the Abel of @s_affiro(has instagram,twitter and youtube channel, i love her swap au) and @wabbyhazzy to create mine by mixing my own ideas.
Abel is a warrior of heaven who has the job of protecting heaven from threats (Lofcraftian monsters, demons like Lucifer and Lilith, etc.) and unlike what it would seem from his carefree attitude, he takes his job VERY SERIOUSLY and sees it as divine duty which unconsciously makes him act proud at times, he is not at the level of Lucifer or Adam but he has a lot of pride.
His personality, as I said, is that of someone carefree but not irresponsible. He also really enjoys the simple things in life and is a very enthusiastic animal lover. He is a first-class empath and knows how to read others very well. He is also loud and outgoing.
He is married to Luluwa, his bride in life, they knew each other since they were children and from a very young age they showed interest in getting married, however Abel's death caused Luluwa to die of grief shortly after, so they ended up getting married in heaven(thats why luluwa's style has bride characteristics).
Luluwa, unlike her husband, is someone who is quiet, sensitive and gentle. She is a very wise person but usually prefers to stay away from the spotlight as much as possible (that's why she hid her heterochromia), however she likes to help others and because of this She is a matchmaker, she likes helping people find love.
The dynamic of these two is sunshine(luluwa) and sunshine protector(abel), they are both very devoted to each other(they are gomez and morticia if they were angels or pepa and felix madrigal).
Parece que estoy en mi era hazbin hotel porque se me ocurren ideas para ocs e historias de esta serie pese a mi relación amor-odio que tengo con esta misma, estos personajes probablemente los use como ocs para la precuela de mi proyecto original (bloody reverie) bloody eden pero me gusta la idea de esta pareja como ocs de hazbin hotel con inspiración biblica(quitando el incesto obviamente, esto no es alabama ni méxico/argentina del norte), ahora sin más que agregar los introduzco:
Abel es la primera alma humana en ir al cielo, todos sabemos la historia de abel y su hermano cain, digamos que me inspire en los abel de @s_affiro(tiene instagram,Twitter y canal de YouTube,me encanta su swap au)y @wabbyhazzy para crear al mio mezclando mis propias ideas.
Abel es un guerrero del cielo que tiene el trabajo de proteger al cielo de amenazas(monstruos lofcraftianos, demonios como lucifer y lilith, etc) y a diferencia de lo que parecería por su actitud despreocupada el se toma MUY EN SERIO su trabajo y lo ve como deber divino lo que de forma inconsciente lo hace actuar como alguien orgulloso a veces,no está al nivel de lucifer o adan pero tiene mucho orgullo.
Su personalidad como dije es de alguien despreocupado pero no por eso alguien irresponsable,el también disfruta mucho de cosas sencillas de la vida y es un amante de los animales muy entusiasta,el es un empatico de primera y sabe leer muy bien a los demás,también es ruidoso y extrovertido.
El esta casado con luluwa, su prometida en vida, se conocieron desde niños y desde muy jóvenes mostraron interes en casarse, sin embargo la muerte de abel hizo que luluwa muriera de pena poco después, por lo que se terminaron casando en el cielo.
Luluwa a diferencia de su esposo es alguien callada, sensible y gentil, ella es una persona muy culta pero suele preferir alejarse del reflector lo máximo posible(por eso ocultaba su heterocronomia),sin embargo ella le gusta ayudar a los demás y debido a esto es casamentera, le gusta ayudar a las personas a encontrar el amor.
La dinámica de estos dos es sunshine(luluwa) y sunshine protector(abel), ambos son muy devotos el uno con el otro(son gomez y morticia ángeles o pepa y felix madrigal).
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enkhanthor · 1 year
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Like the Henford Hiders mod for prehistoric saves, this mod hides objects that are in the world of Sulani and don't match the Prehistoric Age. Objects are not deleted from the game, they are just hidden from the player's view. Most of the hidden objects are in debug, but there are also objects from buy mode.
Assim como o mod Henford Hiders para saves pré-históricos, esse mod esconde objetos que estão no mundo de Sulani e não combinam com a Era Pré-Histórica. Os objetos não são apagados do jogo, apenas são escondidos da visão do jogador. A maioria dos objetos escondidos está no debug, mas também tem objetos do modo compra.
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This mod isn't perfect. There are still modern objects appearing in the world. These objects are from other game packs or I couldn't find them in debug through Sims 4 Studio. For now, for complete immersion in the Prehistoric Era, I recommend using the tool 2.6.6 to cover these objects with bushes. I didn't have time to test either. I hid the buoys and dirt and I don't know if that affects the conservation of the place. Chances are your Sim can't do deep dives without those buoys. I also hid that annoying colored canoe that appears next to the volcano island. So if you see a sitting Sim floating in the air, you know.
Este mod não é perfeito. Ainda tem objetos modernos aparecendo no mundo. Esses objetos são de outros pacotes de jogo ou eu não consegui encontrar no debug através do Sims 4 Studio. Por hora, para completa imersão na Era Pré-Histórica recomendo utilizar o mod tool 2.6.6 para cobrir esses objetos com arbustos. Eu também não tive tempo de testar. Escondi as boias e sujeiras e não sei se isso afeta na conservação do lugar. É provável que seu Sim não consiga fazer mergulhos profundos sem aquelas boias. Também escondi aquela canoa colorida irritante que aparece próximo à ilha do vulcão. Então, se voce ver um Sim sentado flutuando no ar, já sabe.
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I used the Simplified Modding tutorial, but I also had to go further because some objects weren’t hidden just by following the instructions. I used the Sims 4 Studio program and reset the values ​​of “Footprint”, “Rig” and “Model” in “Object Definition” of each package. Basically everywhere there was a number, I changed the values ​​to “000000…”. According to the author of the tutorial, this just hides the objects, not taking away their lighting and sound.
Eu utilizei o tutorial do Simplified Modding, mas também tive que ir além porque alguns objetos não ficaram escondidos apenas seguindo as instruções. Usei o programa Sims 4 Studio e zerei os valores de “Footprint”, “Rig” e “Model” em “Object Defintion” de cada package. Basicamente em todos os lugares onde havia uma numeração, eu mudei os valores para “000000…”. Segundo o autor do tutorial, isto apenas esconde os objetos, não tirando sua iluminação e som.
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If you download this file DO NOT USE the Sulani Hiders mod from Simplified modding. I don’t think it will conflict, but you will be using memory space in your mods folder. There is no need to have two identical files.
Se você fizer o download deste arquivo, NÃO UTILIZE o mod Sulani Hiders de Simplified modding. Eu não acredito que irá dar conflito, mas você estará usando espaço de memória na sua pasta de mods. Não há necessidade de ter dois arquivos iguais.
There are two files to download below. USE ONLY ONE VERSION. Unzip and place in your mods folder.
Há dois arquivos para baixar abaixo. UTILIZE APENAS UMA VERSÃO. Descompacte e coloque em sua pasta de mods.
This version is for those who just want to use the mod and don’t intend to modify it. It has only 96 KB on disk, 125 package files and 8 folders.
Esta versão é para quem quer apenas usar o mod e não pretende modificá-lo. Tem apenas 96 KB em disco, 125 arquivos package e 8 pastas.
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This version is for Modders. If you want to see the file and know which objects I’ve hidden, download this version. The difference is that it comes with an image named as the package. If you don’t agree with something I’ve hidden, just delete the package file and the object will reappear in your world. I recommend that you delete the images afterwards because the images increase the size of your folder to 2,25 MB and 125 files.
Esta versão é para Criadores. Se você quer ver o arquivo e saber quais objetos eu escondi, baixe está versão. A diferença é que vem uma imagem junto nomeada como o package. Se você não concordar com algo que eu escondi, apenas delete o arquivo package e o objeto voltará a aparecer em seu mundo. Recomendo que apague as imagens depois porque as imagens aumentam o tamanho da sua pasta para 2,25 MB e 125 arquivos.
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DOWNLOAD - only one - apenas um
Sulani Hiders - Prehistoric Saves
Sulani Hiders - Prehistoric Saves - for Modders
If you find any errors, please report them via the tumblr ask me.
Se encontrar algum erro, por favor informe através da caixa de mensagens do tumblr.
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goatpanic · 1 year
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Michael y Henrietta son muy unidos, aveces llego a pensar que son algo mas que amigos aunque siempre lo nieguen.
Michael and Henrietta are very close, sometimes I even think that they are more than friends although they always deny it.
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Firkle por un tiempo salia con Ike pero...bueno eso es otro tema muy sencible para nosotros... ya que Firkle sufrio mucho por un PUTO canadiense con ojos de canica, en fin cosas que pasaron...
Pero yo...
Firkle dated Ike for a while but... well that's another very sensitive topic for us... since Firkle suffered a lot for a FUCKING Canadian with marble eyes,
But I...
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I fell into the most CONFORMIST feeling
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I don't even know how I got into a relationship with Mike, the leader of the vampires.
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Solo se que pasaron cosas que nos unieron, primero fuimos enemigos, compañeros, amigos, ¿amantes? Y... ahora novios.
No sabemos como llegamos a esto pero nos gusta estar cerca uno del otro, nos gusta compartir gustos y amo a este jodido vampiro es...es... simplemente es Mike sabe como hacerme reir, sentir especial, dar buenos regalos, consejos y esta siempre para mi apoyandome y escuchandome.
I only know that things happened that brought us together, first we were enemies, companions, friends, lovers? And... now boyfriends.
We don't know how we got to this but we like to be close to each other, we like to share tastes and I love this fucking vampire it's...it's...it's just Mike knows how to make me laugh, feel special, give good gifts, advice and is always there for me, supporting and listening to me.
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For a while
I hid this from
my friends, but
until one day
I told them about my
relationship with Mike
and they supported me
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Aun recuerdo el día donde tuvimos nuestra extraña conección, fue cuando nos ayudo a darle una venganza al idiota Ike Broflovski.
I still remember the day where we had our strange connection, it was when he helped us get revenge on the idiot Ike Broflovski.
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inspiredwriter · 9 months
*se que a mi no me la película de las tortugas ninja mayhem😕😅 pero una idea se me subió en mi cabeza😃😁✨*
Mayhem Leo :*entra el apartamento* muy bien Leo sé que es tu primera cita Stefany 🥰😊💖💕*sé acomoda su chaqueta* voy a llevarla a comer pizza y una caminata en el parque y tomámos en la mano y besarnos 😁😍🤝🍕🏙️💞💝💘¡Así que no lo vayas a arruinar! 😌😤💖❣️💞*toca la puerta*
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Mayhem Stefany :*abre la puerta*hola Leo, Perdón por tardarme tú vi que arreglarme el cabello y poneme el vestido😄☺️👗👠💄💅*mueve sus orejas*ya estoy lista para nuestra cita 🥰☺️💘💞💗
Mayhem Leo :*mira a Stefany*Oh Concha, te ves muy hermosa mi gatita 😳😍💖💘💓💞
Mayhem Stefany :*se sonroja*Oh muchas gracias tortuguita eres muy dulce 😄🤭💕💝💖 ¿te encuentras bien estás un poco nervioso? 😕😟
Mayhem Leo :*traga saliva de nervios*S-si estoy bien no te preocupes Mejor vamos a nuestra cita 😅😉💗💕💗
Mayhem Mikey :*patina por la calle* muy pronto voy a llegar a la pista de patinetas el que están mis y dales mi autógrafo 😁😏🛹✨*salta de su patineta una bolera* Oh sí eso fue saltó super cool 😃😎🤟*escucha a aplusos* ¿quién está aplaudiendo? 😕👏🔊
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Mayhem Anastasia :*aplanden* ¡¡Bravo eso estuvo muy increíble!! 😃🤩👏🛹✨
Mayhem Mikey :*mira a Anastasia*(pensamientos💭) wow ~😳😍💘💓💕¿Quién es esa chica es la más linda qué he visto mi vida? 🥰😏💖💞💗*por accidente se tropieza con la patineta y cae al suelo* Ay,me dolió😣😵💫
Mayhem Anastasia : ¡Oh dios mío! 😲😱💦* se acerca a Mikey y lo ayuda a levantarlo* Mikey te encuentras bien😟🥺💕💓
Mayhem Mikey :*se soba la cabeza* Sí estoy bien señorita no me dolió tanto ☺️😉siempre me tropiezo cuando no veo por el camino mientras patino 😁😅🛹*agarra su patineta* te agradezco que me ayude a levantarme🙂☺️ ¿Cómo te llamas linda? 😏😘💖💘💕
Mayhem Anastasia :*se sonroja* Oh si, mi nombre es Anastasia y soy tu gran fan número uno que salvaste de la ciudad del mutante gigante 🥰😄🌁💖💞💘me darías tu fotógrafo😍☺️📝✨💗💕❣️
*In the pizzeria*
Mayhem Leo and Mayhem Stefany: *Sitting at the table and eating pizza*
Mayhem Leo: (Thoughts💭) Oh my shell, Stefany is so beautiful and so graceful that I’m just scared to be in her company😰😓 What if I destroy something...😖 Ehh, why did I even decide to invite her on a date?..😥
Mayhem Stefany: *Takes Leo's hand* Are you okay, Leo?🤨🍕 I think you're very nervous🥺💝💗💕
Mayhem Leo: *Swallows nervously* No, no, it's okay, my kitty, I was just thinking about something😅😁💖💘💞
Mayhem Stefany: *Wiggles her ears* Ah, very good that everything suits you😃🥰💓💖💗💕 *Takes Leo’s hand and gets up from the table* Let’s go dance, there’s such romantic music playing here🤗🕺💃🎶💘💓💕
Mayhem Leo: *Hugs Stefany's waist* Well, okay, I don't mind😅😘💝💗💞 *Dances with Stefany*
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Mayhem Stefany: Lee, tell me, do I really look good in this outfit?😅😁👗
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Mayhem Leo: What kind of question, my flower, you look great!😲😍💓💖🩷💕 *Spins Stephany* And the fact that I’m next to you doesn’t bother you?..😅 I’m so awkward turtle😥😓
Mayhem Stefany: *Hugs Leo's shoulders* Not one bit, you are the most beautiful turtle in the world, you dance amazingly, you are not awkward at all😲😤💝💗💓💞 *Drops her ears* Believe me, I know what real shame is...😓😣💦
Mayhem Leo: Oh, let's go outside then and you can tell me about it if it bothers you😟🥺💖💝💕
Mayhem Stefany: Yes, I have to tell someone about this...😟😔
Mayhem Leo and Mayhem Stefany: *Leave the pizzeria*
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Mayhem Stefany: So, little turtle, you probably think I'm perfect, but in reality I'm not at all like that😓✨ A year ago I tried to join a group of teenagers, for this I had to wear a cap that hid my cat ears and pants that hid my tail, but one day when we went to the same pizzeria where you and I were now, there was cool music playing and we started dancing to it🏪🍕🕺💃🎶 During the dance, I got so carried away that I lost my disguise and everyone saw that I was a half-mutant👥🗣️🐈🕶🧢 My friends left me after that and broke my heart😭💔 But now, after human society has accepted mutants for who they are, an autumn ball was held at the school🕺💃🍁🎶🎊That’s when I decided to gain the courage to meet people again, I put on my most beautiful dress and my mother’s beads, and then I unexpectedly met you...🥰👗📿 Just, please don’t think that I’m with you only because you popular, I'm not at all like that!😰😖 *Kisses Leo on the cheek* Muah~😚💋💗💝💖💞 I love you for who you are, but I am immensely grateful to you for saving the city from a huge mutant and giving people like me a second chance🤗🥰💘💓💗💕 *Hugs Leo*
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