#HI HI ty for the ask <3 sorry it languished for several days. i have been going through it in the allergy dept
made-nondescript · 1 year
hihihihihihihihihi i am rotating your mumscar superhero au in my head like The Micowave and consider:
grian is both cuteguy AND a hero-critical reporter and does not consider it hypocritical in the Slightest
also consider that he immediately clocks what's going on w/ mumbo and scar before they even really admit mutual feelings and he is just Revelling in the chaos of knowing everything as there's tabloids surrounding hotguy's new secret partner and mumbo comes home late a lot more with orange lipstick in his moustache (idk I'm spitballing here) and grain is just like >:3 he sees ALL
i think it would be funny hehe
also i just GAH the idea you have of their cheesy meetcute is SO ADORABLE IM GHJDFKSLSFJKGHDFJLS;FGH THATS SO SWEET i love this au so much we need more silly mumscar aus
Oh, he IMMEDIATELY clocks Mumbo because he's not nearly as subtle as he thinks he is and tends to get a bit too in his head after he comes home. Sometimes he'll stumble in at 3am and Grian is fulling sitting in the kitchen and Mumbo doesn't even notice. It's like he's fully cartoon floating through the apartment covered in kissy marks. Sickening, frankly! Grian just wants to enjoy his cereal.
I am...deeply amused by the concept that Grian is both Cuteguy AND a sort of journalist. I suppose there is truly no better way to control your public image than to become the foremost influencer about Hotguy and Cuteguy yourself. It's genius. There's no possible way this could blow up in his face.
I think he would print a bunch of teeny tiny details about Scar that would just absolutely drive him mad. Like nothing private or sensitive or something that only Grian would know, but just a little something. Like, "Hotguy talks, walks, and looks like a man who has seen Topgun more times than he's got bitches." <- this is a bad example actually but i think its funny and I'm not deleting it. Probably more something like what Scar's favorite candy bar is or something. Scar usually assumes that he must have said it at some point, but he totally hadn't.
Hotguy and Cuteguy's relationship is like, VERY silly. They work well together and undeniably compliment each other in the field but the moment they don't have a shared goal they get at each other a little bit. Not in a sincere, aggressive kind of way. You know the vibe. Just a lot of ribbing and shoving each other around.
Scar has joked multiple times that Cuteguy and That One Reporter would REALLY get along without ANY clue of how close he is to the reality. Mumbo would be the first one to get to the bottom of that mystery. It'd be promptly followed by a chewing out session for Grian because like, what the fuck, man?
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siren-dragon · 7 years
La La Land -- (Ardyn Izunia x Reader) Ch.1
Ta da! I’m back everyone, writing a serious fanfic again! :D
Anyway, this fic is based on a prompt I made myself as well as a headcanon I had and another I have seen floating around. And I am tagging @poisonous-panda, @valkyrieofardyn, @ardynium, and @maty-yami. Enjoy!
Summary: Perhaps there are more to Ardyn’s illusions than what he let’s on...
‘Illusions are dangerous people, they have no flaws.’  -Sabrina, 1995
Chapter 1 - First Meeting
The moon shined brightly in the evening sky, bathing all of Eos in a luminescent glow. Out on the ocean the waves silently carried the semi-conscious body of a man toward the shoreline of Lucis, crashing against the sand. He winced in pain as the salt water beat against his back before slowly rising to his knees and crawling out of the surf. He coughed harshly before his arms lost their strength, causing him to fall against the sand once more as darkness clouded his vision.
Was that…a voice?
“Hello? Is someone there?”
Were those damn daemons taunting him once more?
“By the Six! Are you alright?!”
A light started to make its way toward him, though the figure accompanying it was impossible to make out. He felt the vibration of their movements as the mysterious person fell into the sand beside him. A hand; soft as silk and warm as fire placed itself gently against his skin, turning his head to face the night sky.
“He’s still alive…. Don’t worry sir, you’ll be alright.”
If he had the strength he would have laughed, for nothing would be such a way for him ever again….
When he awoke once more, the sharp pain he felt from his wounds had been reduced to a dull ache. Glancing around at his surroundings it appeared as if he was within a small bedroom, a welcome change from that stone prison he had languished away in. Hazy memories flittered about his mind, slowly falling into place as he pieced together what had happened after his escape. He remembered water….and waves; the ocean? And then…a voice…
“Oh, thank Shiva! I was worried you would not wake up.”
He turned to the source of the voice and saw a young woman standing within the doorway. Her (h/c) hair was tied into twin braids, tossed over her shoulders and tied with twin ruby-red ribbons. Clad in a simple dark blue dress with a matching pale blue apron, the young girl appeared to be nothing more than a simple farm girl. Yet those (e/c) eyes seemed to pierce right through him worse than any blade could. They held an air of regality that not even the Oracle herself could measure to.
The young woman approached the bed calmly, placing the tray in her hands atop the old, wooden bedside table. “Your wounds were rather severe, but fortunately no infection has set in. You truly had me worried, lying unconscious on the shoreline like that.”
“…Where….am I….” Ardyn croaked, his voice soft and frail.
“On the Border of Duscae and Leide, by the Vannath Coast,” the woman replied as she poured tea into a cup. “I found you on the shoreline of Galdin Quay and you have been asleep for the past 3 days. Here, this will help.”
Ardyn remained silent as the mysterious woman helped him drink, the hot beverage soothing his throat before she lowered the blanket to reach his injuries. “You are quite fortunate I found you before the rubyshears or daemons did.”
He tensed slightly at the mention of the nocturnal monstrosities. Within the dark shadows of his mind he could feel the churning abyss that hosted the Horde. They all cackled gleefully at the mention of their brethren, the continuous horrors they whispered to him caused Ardyn to wince as if physically struck. It was too much…and it had to stop. Stop it…. please…s-stop…stop it.…STOP IT!
Suddenly he felt a pressure upon his hand and a warmth that chased away the chill that enveloped his mind. Ardyn glanced to the young woman, who had taken hold of his hand between her own. It felt like a life-line within the black waters of darkness he was drowning in. She smiled kindly at him; an expression he had not been on the receiving end of in a long…. a long time. “Do not worry, you’re safe. Rest.”
Ardyn fell back against the bed once more and closed his eyes, exhaustion returning in full. Yet the comforting weight that held his hand made him relax as he drifted into oblivion….
The next time he had awoke, sunlight was shined through the open window as a soft breeze danced throughout the room. Slowly he rose, the injuries upon his person nothing more than scars upon his body, curtesy of his lineage. He exited the bedroom into a small communal living space with an attached kitchen; the space was modest, but clean. Laying upon the floor beside the fireplace was the woman who had saved him, asleep and bundled amongst spare blankets to beat back the evening chill.
Ardyn glanced to her before looking about the home, biting his lip in thought before a decision was made. Quickly he grabbed what items of use there were; placing food into a satchel alongside any item of value he could sell for money. Tying a cloak about his shoulders he glanced back at the woman asleep on the floor and exiting the cottage.
Ardyn raced across the grassy fields and rocky terrain, cursing his lack of footwear; though he knew that farm girl wouldn’t have any shoes appropriate for his own feet. Yet it was a long trip to Insomnia if he was near Galdin Quay and hopefully, he would be able to acquire some more necessities.
As he approached the fishing village, Ardyn couldn’t help but stare at the sight of it. Strange buildings he had never seen before lined the coast as people cheerfully called out to their neighbors. The store owners tried to entice customers for a purchase as children milled about playing with what looked like a strange black and white ball. A loud horn sounded behind him, causing Ardyn to jump in surprise and jolt him out of his distracted state.
“Get out of the road!” A man shouted angrily at him from within the black, metal beast he sat inside of. He gave Ardyn a rude gesture before the monstrous beast roared and sped down the road.
W-What is this place?! Am I even in Lucis? He thought to himself with a slight panic.
“Excuse me sir, are you alright?” Another man, though this one blonde, dressed in a uniform, and much kinder, spoke to him. “You are not injured correct?”
“I am fine, thank you.” Ardyn answered defensively.
The man stared at his rugged appearance, dirty clothes, and bare feet with suspicion. “Sir, might I ask where it is you are going?”
“I don’t understand why that would be any of your business.”
“Sir, I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to show me your bag.” The man spoke, his tone now serious.
Ardyn froze, grasping the bag tightly. “No, I will not. Now please, leave me alone or I’ll- “
“Ah, there you are my dear!”
The two men turned to the source of the voice and Ardyn stared in horror at the sight of the woman whom he had stolen from. Yet instead of a look of anger or even disgust, the young girl smiled and took hold of his arm. “I’ve been looking for you all morning. Thank you for finding him Magnus.”
“You know this man (f/n)?” The uniformed man, Magnus spoke, a tone of disbelief evident in his voice.
The young woman holding his arm nodded, “he is a old friend of mine from Lestallum that has come to visit. I’m sorry if he seems a bit out of sorts, he was attacked by daemons on his way here. And now that I think of it, you should be resting a bit more, my dear.”
Ardyn watched as Magnus shifted his gaze between the two, suspicion written across his face. “Then I’ll just leave you to your errands. Have a good day (f/n) and try to keep your friend out of trouble, alright?”
“Of course, and thank you again Magnus!” The woman, (f/n) was it? Spoke to the departing Magnus.
When it was just the two of them Ardyn heard the woman release a sigh of relief. She turned to face him and gave him a wry smile before holding out her hand to him. “Come, let’s get you back home.”
He frowned stared at the offered hand. “Why are you helping me?”
“Because I want to.”
The woman blinked, “I’m sorry?”
“Ardyn is my name.”
She grinned at him, the expression causing her (e/c) eyes to shine brighter than the sun. “A pleasure Ardyn, I am (f/n).”
And once again he took hold of her hand, of the life-line that would save him so many times….
He leaned against the metal railing of the pier, staring off into the distance at the island that sat off the coast of the bay. Ardyn couldn’t help but snort at name that was bestowed upon it. Only a fallen angel had graced that accursed hellhole.
“This place truly has changed, hasn’t it?”
Ardyn turned his gaze from the island of Angelgard and glanced at the young woman standing beside him. She was dressed in a simple sundress gown of white, the hem coming just below her knees and swaying in the ocean breeze. Her (h/c) hair was twisted into two braids, both tossed in front of her shoulders and tied by thin indigo ribbons. She turned her (e/c) eyes to his own as a cheeky smile slowly spread across her lips. “I do hope you are not going to rob a poor young woman again.”
He chuckled, “a tempting offer, my dear. Though I fear that I’ve not the need nor time to perform such a heinous deed. ”
“How fortunate for you, as you wouldn’t have someone to come to your aid if you did.”
The woman looked back to the island of Angelgard, an expression of thoughtfulness coming across her face. “Will you tell me what happened? On the island?”
Ardyn’s grin fell, causing him to take on a more stoic expression as he turned back to face the island. “Perhaps another time, my dear.”
“Why not? You have all the time in the world.”
The words felt more painful than any physical blow, causing him to spin around in anger at his companion; only to find her gone. He gripped the steel railing and sighed, knowing he had chased her away once more. But she would return…she always returned.
“Excuse me sir,” an attendant spoke. “I’m afraid the ferries are currently out of service, I do apologize for the inconvenience.”
Ardyn tossed the attendant a charming smile, “it is no trouble at all. Thank you for your service.” He spoke before leaving the pier.
The attendant watched the man disappear before looking around the pier, a frown coming to their face. “That’s strange, no one’s here. I could have sworn I heard him speaking to someone….”
Let me know what you guys think and I’ll work on chapter 2 when I can. See ya everybody! ^_^
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