official-goat-posts · 2 months
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Paws at you/aff
aw yay! i love having my ribs opened!
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jjs-brainrot · 2 months
Hello, Friend
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Goodnight, Friend
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¹I've tried to send this ask a day or two ago and It never sent so if you see this three times please ignore it u~u
She has so much swag...
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thenevermermaid · 13 days
@boombambaby continued from here
The mermaid surfaced in the indoor pool, tossing her long blonde hair out of her face, silvery tail flicking behind her. “I’m sorry if I offend you, Your Majesty,” she sassed, head resting on her arms on the edge of the pool. Him calling her a fish made her frown.
She had been dragged in with some fishing nets from the ocean and had been transported by cart to the kitchens in a pile of seafood, but she had tip-toed off on legs with a magical starfish and a blanket around her when no one was looking, found the lake, and jumped in. The Emperor’s indoor pool had looked so . . . inviting. Refreshing and luxurious. She couldn’t fight the allure to return to the water, after all. Even if the freshwater instead of saltwater was bothering her slightly.
“But maybe if they hadn’t been fishing up a seafood dinner for you, I wouldn’t have been pulled up with a net and ended up here,” she said soberly with a pout.
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thesunnybear · 1 month
I'm kitz from wattpad lmao-
Mhmmmmmm!!! >w<
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cliffandthekid-archive · 11 months
@dontpetmeibite started following you
If Cliffjumper had the capacity to yawn, he'd probably be cracking his faceplates in half by now. As it was, the red 'bot still rubbed hard at his optics as he came down the ramp of a borrowed shuttle, before squinting blearily at his new surroundings.
Primus, he was really looking forward to a long nap.
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shira-the-jewid · 13 days
What's your favorite part about being both Jewish AND a Druid? How do these two paths speak to you together on a soul level? 💜
I love the importance of nature in both Judaism and Druidry! I mean, Judaism even has a holiday for trees 😄 I can look at nature from both a Jewish and Druid perspective. I also like that both paths are very spiritual in general
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alteregozowie · 4 days
"Yeh' know, we got more in common than yeh' think. Both from th' same decade. Both have shitty fuckin' fathers that we preferred dead. Yeh' know, the little things." (Random ass one liner starter for you)
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"Except I went into radio, and you went in to porn! Isn't that neat?"
And he said it with such enthusiasm too, like he really said something profound. Said it with his entire chest.
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idreamofticklehugs · 3 months
7, 15, 26: Face up or face down tickles?
Hiya friend!!
7. What are your hobbies/interests?
I love reading, listening to music/singing, dancing, playing volleyball, motorcycle rides, and of course, tickling
15. What is one thing you can't stand? (This could be anything at all)
Ooo ok first is my irrational phobia of spiders. Absolutely HATE them tickle spiders being the exception and people who don’t treat others kindly especially the people who are helping them, like customer service
26. Face up or face down tickles
I’m going to say face up because more spots are vulnerable tho I do have a story time for face down. My Ler has gotten me on the floor face down and straddled me once and almost exclusively focused on my underarms. I have never shrieked and screamed through my laughter so much it tickled so insanely badly. I had my chin resting on my hands so my armpits were bent, not pulled taut. So while I loved how much it tickled, it was a little bit harder to breathe being on the floor, which obviously doesn’t give at all lol. It’s the only time my safeword has even entered my mind. I didn’t say it because I was having way too much fun, I could still breathe ok, and I also knew the timer we had set to tell me it was time to go home would be going off not much later and that would be the last time he tickled me that night. So facedown is super fun but I’m going with face up because my ribs require light touch which is more difficult from behind and my stomach is my other favorite spot 🤭
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littledollll · 9 months
Heyo, how's you. I'm just stopping by to say hi and that I keep getting sugar momma's texting me asking for me to be their sugar baby lol. That's 3 since September
It’s finals week, im a little dead. But mostly doing very well! I miss writing a bunch and interacting with my anons and moots here definitely. Totally random but a friend guilted me “the seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo” today and I think it was the highlight of my month.
Idk man babe maybe you should get on those offers, we love free money here. AND being praised and spoiled for existing? Sounds grand.
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clatoera · 10 months
hey I'm obsessed with clato too btw in case you were wondering
❤️❤️❤️ but also
🔫🔫🔫Slide in the DMs🔫🔫🔫
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mirazia1200 · 2 months
* a bored winged kitty invades y'all's inbox! *
- Mod Cosmos
Meww!!! Mew mew meowww!!!! Friend!!
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littleb00ger · 5 months
When ur not busy , Can you make me a small space outfit with dinosaurs and the colors green or blue ?
Sure I can do that! I will likely be able to make it on Monday or Tuesday for you ^^
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lokisgoodgirl · 11 months
Sorry I haven’t interacted lately but I have something to share!
Omg that is so cute 🥺🥺🥺😆 thank you my lovely!!! I highly encourage all writers to click that link for some home truthin!
I've missed your lil face! I was hoping everything was okay. You know what its like, sometimes people take some time out or have things going on and you don't wanna be all up in their business but it's so lovely to have you back around (HUGGGS) 💕🤗
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hacash · 5 months
Bothering you with a question/statement
Bothering you with a reply/statement.
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spacecluster · 11 months
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Are we best friends now? I think we're best friends now
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