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stormbreaker-290 · 8 months ago
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Malware for you, my friend :)
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bobodemais · 2 months ago
Gently tosses Gunner fanart because ISTG he might have me in a chokehold... [He does, plz help, I can't breathe]
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Sorry if it doesn't look good, might've just been the autism-
((might regret this UvU))
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"These hair follicles on my arms in your magnificent art made me realize that I would look beautiful with a beard. Maybe I'll stop shaving... Also, thanks for the fanart!"
☆ (Completely ignores the fact that he is in the Satan pose)
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dreamtydraw · 7 months ago
Really fun comission I got to work on !!!
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hierocherry · 2 years ago
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lifeweaver doodle 😢
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psychojetcocktail · 4 months ago
Oh my… i apreciate it greatly, ty
I was actually thinking of putting Arcade in a fancy one with fur hehe
my bones hurtttttt
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kagehiradaily · 1 year ago
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day four - fan friday 🎬 art by @sub-zeromoron
brinfing this back because well . its mika
hes so prettey thank u fridge for drawing him for me
actually\ i dobt know how im gobba ask perms becsude im sxaredvof everythibg...
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lamperts-rokea · 6 months ago
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i drew your stupid ugly self and your stupid ugly boyfriend hi [ooc]
"...that, uh.. thing.. isn't my boyfriend. But, uh, I appreciate the sentiment.. I think." [His light flickers a bit, and he immediately shuts it off.]
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red-room-studi0 · 1 year ago
Neverhood AU Sona ref sheet (TW: Blood)
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For anybody asking: "What the fuck is The Neverhood???" The Neverhood is a goofy and wacky click and point adventure clay animated game that isn't known worldwide, The Neverhood came out with a second game called Skull Monkeys which is technically a sequel to the first game cuz it's continuation of the first game. The Neverhood does have lore and some of it is a little bit dark but other than that it's mostly goofy lol-. Armikrog is the same as The Neverhood but with it's own story and takes place somewhere else. Both The Neverhood and Armikrog take place in the same universe which is prettey cool. So yeah That's that for ya.
Ok so allow me to explain the Corrupt version:
sooo in the Neverhood there is a king named Hoborg, creator and father of the Neverhood and his sons. Hoborg wears a crown, as he is the ruler of the Neverhood. Only Hoborg can wear the crown anyone who takes his crown and wears it will become corrupt, meaning that they are not the normal versions of themselves anymore. HOWEVER, the corrupt versions of the Hoodioans (Hoborgs sons) will look NOTHING like what I've drawn here. Her body functions like the human body (as well at the average female body), she can feel pain, bleeds and can very much die. She is much different than the Hoodians. SO if she wears the crown THIS is what she will look like and the transformation is PAINFUL. Her Corruption transformation pain will stay with her for the rest of her life AND her corrupted body will slowly lose skin and muscle showing bone, making her lose blood. So her corrupted body will slowly kill her.
Sooo yeah If she ever wears the crown she will die in the worst way possible. There is however a cure for her specifically if that somehow ever happens, The cure takes a lot of time and effort to make and the cure provides rare ingredients. The ingredients are unknown but only a certain skull monkey scientist knows how to make it and is the only one who knows how to make it and provide the cure. I forgot to mention when she is Corrupted she is still the same in terms of mentally consciousness, but she can act violent having urges to destroy kill and maul.
SO I will now actually introduce my Neverhood AU sona: Her name is Annabelle (of course) and she wasn't made by Hoborg. It has never been known how she got in the Neverhood in the first place cuz she woke up found by Willie trombone, Even Hoborg said that he didn't even make her but still considered her as Hoborgs Daughter anyway. Annabelle's friends are Klaymen, Willie Trombone, Kroopsie (Neverhood sona made by @g-starthefirst ) and Tommynaut (Annabelle has a secret crush on Tommynaut and no one knows that yet lol-.). Annabelle is just as tall as Klaymen and she is also a prettey strong one, Annabelle has also become one of Hoborgs defenders when he is in danger. Annabelle does whatever she likes and sometimes keeps to herself when she feels like she wants to be alone. She likes to hang out with her friends whenever she likes or is invited. Annabelle also has a pet! He is a dog like bunny and Annabelle named him Zach, Zack was gifted to her from Tommynaut so that way Annabelle has someone to be with, take care of and talk to whenever she feels really lonely.
Zach (I'll probably do a redesign of him soon):
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Annabelle often talks to Zack and her friends when she feels down or just really wants too, But sometimes she wont and bottle up some of her feelings and thoughts. She also often has trouble asking for help afraid that people will see her as dumb, stupid or whatever so she really struggles with some tasks. Annabelle has a creative mind so she likes to draw and make her own jewelry (she made the bracelets earrings and necklace herself, she found mini skulls lying around her home and didn't know where they came from so she just made them into jewelry). She is also a fashionable one too, She often gets her clothes from the Skull Monkey planet and also gets them custom made (she also makes her own fashion designs and shows them to the Skull monkey tailor), Annabelle gets her clothes for free since she is also a defender and protector of the Neverhood and Hoborg. Lucky lol-. Also Annabelle is like around 20 years old, Cuz her age and Name is all she remembers since she woke up. She remembers her likes and dislikes and her hobbies but not her past memories (oop- did I just vaguely mention some lore??? :333)
Uhhh that's about It about Annabelle, I'll make updates and/or edits if anything new pops up or changes lol-.
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fayelero · 9 months ago
it has been days I wanted to write a story of nishinoya x reader but I’m out of ideas rn😀 like I tried so many plots but it was sooo boring🥲 but I thought maybe about : photography club girl x him but how can I write that ?? Like he see her okayyyy she’s prettey okayyy but then ?????? omg I dunno what to do 😞 if u have any ideas or requests : SEND ME A MESSAGE. I do requests so do not hesitate I’ll be so happy to write for you !! Anyway let’s think for now.
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evil-catboys-fan · 2 years ago
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he's so. prettey.
he looks like he's about to scam me for money and y'know i WILL give him my wallet
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insomniackae · 2 years ago
- Someone to Hold -
(F!Reader x Kaeya) | Fluff, rusty writing, grammar and word mistakes, short asf
Eyyo Im back with a rusty piece of work featuring, drum roll please! Kaeya! Who would've guess huh? This one is sooo short ngl. I think this is the first time I wrote fluff with no angst whatsoever sooooo rookie fic tbh
"Hey, fancy joining me at the tavern for a bit?"
" How could I decline if you ask me with that charming face?"
Kaeya chuckles after hearing your words. It's not like he never receive such compliments before, so it's a wonder why it felt so different when it came from a beauty such as yourself.
That was the first interaction you had with the Cavalry Captain. You both soon became "friends" . It was obvious that you have some sort of romantic attraction to the captain, though it seems like the captain doesn't realize it. Or does he?
"Say, [name]. Why is it that I always see you wandering around without your partner?" Kaeya asked when he helped you carry some boxes to your home.
You laughed at his question and answered, "Isn't it obvious? I don't have a partner, silly. I don't even have exes or admirers " Though, it seems like Kaeya doesn't believe that.
"What? That's impossible! How can a fair maiden such as yourself doesn't have a partner?" Your face redden by his " hidden" compliment.
"If it's that unbelievable, how about you become my first one?" You draw your step faster, leaving Kaeya behind with a stunned look.
One night in a drunken state you blurted out how lonely you are, how you wish there's someone who is willing to be your partner , hugs you to sleep and all romantic fantasies you had to Kaeya while he carried you on his back to your home.
"I alsho want someone to be lovey dovey wih you knourr! I want SOMEONE to kish mey forrhead wen I wake up" Your word may be slurred but kaeya gets everything.
"Hey Kae! Hmmmm won't yuo date meee???" You move kaeya's head to the side to look at him properly. His blue locks hits your face but you don't care, you were mesmerized by his beauty and handsomeness. "You are shoooooooo prettey you knourrr?!?!?"
Out of no where tear spills out of your eyes, sobbing on his shoulder uncontrollably. "Hey? Why are you crying [name]? Are you okay?" Kaeya puts you on the ground, letting you stand by yourself. He bend down to take a look at your shaking figure.
You look at him teary eyed, crying as you say " I luvw you you knouw?! You're just soo nice and I just can't {inaudable} - " Kaeya pulls you into a hug as you cry in his arms. Even though you were crying, kaeya was blushing with a smile as bright as the sun.
You woke up with an awful hangover the next day. Not only that, you remembered everything you said to him the night before. Embarrassed and mortified, you avoided the poor Cavalry Captain for almost a week.
Kaeya calls out your name while knocking your door. You decided to no longer avoid him and answered the door. As soon as you open the door, the tall figure wrap his arms around your anatomy. "Why are you avoiding me?"
"Im sorry, I was just... ashamed" Your apology drew a smile on kaeya's face.
"Ashamed? Why would you be ashamed? Is it because of your confession?"
You nodded, indicating that what he said is indeed the truth. Kaeya laughs and place a kiss on your forehead.
"I love you too, [name]."
A kiss on your right cheek
"I love how beautiful you are"
A kiss on your left cheek
"I love how kind you are"
A kiss under your right eye
"I love how adorable you can be"
A kiss on the left
"I love you, so so much."
And you both share a kiss of two mouth. That day, you finally have someone to kiss you goodmorning, cook breakfast with and hug you to sleep.
The sound of bird chirping and singing gleefully brighten up the morning atmosphere. You open your eyes and behold the most charming ice boy sleeping next to you. Observing his face features, from his locks of blue hair, to his lips. You cup his face and rub his slightly rough lips with your thumb. Wondering if this is all a dream.
"Good morning princess." Kaeya leans into your hand and give you a kiss on your forehead.
"Good morning handsome, did you have a good night sleep?"
Your boyfriend nodded and pulls you closer to his shirtless figure. Keeping you as close as possible to him. "There is no night where I can't sleep if I have you in my arms''
You chuckles after hearing his claim. " I would love to cuddle more but you need to go to work, dear." A low groan came from kaeya, a tad bit upset by the thought of leaving you just to go to work.
"Can't we stay like this for a little more? Just 5 minutes I promise. Pleaseeee!". He begs you to cuddle him more. Though, you won't be deceived by his empty promises.
You know that if you stay there being hugged by him, kaeya won't move a budge. So you untangle yourself from his arms and walks to the bathroom to take a morning shower. "Won't you come and join me, boyfriend?"
"Oh I would love to".
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mendesxruel · 3 years ago
OMG did you see ruel's announcement for let the grass grow which is coming out on mARCH 11?!?!? IM FREAKING OUT AH IM SO EXCITED R1 IS COMING
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okay i need to calm down :D
He's so perfect 🥲
he is. he's so prettey
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thisaccisdead · 4 years ago
TYY i have been wanting to draw lomg hair roman for quite some time now so this was a good excuse shsjsj ;__;
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slutdge · 5 years ago
what are your favorite lewks for every slipknot member
Oh god oh jeeze ok
Sid: prettey Vol. 3 hair, but honorable mentions to the rat tail and all the obnoxious colors he’s dyed his mohawk
Joey: I know it’s not Slipknot, but Murderdolls’ first album, the lipstick, the dress and the platforms like,,, hell yeah,,
Paul: all eras because Paul is the superior member of Slipknot, no i will not be taking any criticism on that
Chris: The Gray Chapter bc hair prettey
Jim: right before WANYK when his hair was still long, why did he cut it, I’m so pissed off about that.
Craig: spikey self titled boy, that mask was creepy as hell, I love it
Shawn: WANYK but I cannot publicly disclose the reasons kfjnfgkKWJEVNVKEN
Mick: WANYK also, he’s at like Premium Beef right now, please throw me at a brick wall and break my spine
Corey: stupid ass bisexual cotton candy hair motherfucker
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real-retail-stories · 5 years ago
I work in a deli at a grocery store. We also do fried chicken. We have a hot bar that we serve lunch/dinner at but we close it at 6pm. I was in the bakery doing cupcakes(our deli and bakery are connected to each other). My coworker was cooking fried chicken to put out for the floor. So this guy comes over asking if i can serve him from the hot bar. The guy is a regular and is in the store like every other day. He comes of really nice but is actually an asshole. Well i go over to the hot bar and realize that it is turned off and in look at the time and it’s 6:15. I ask my coworker how long it has been off and she says 30 minutes. I then tell him that everything in there would be under temperature and i cant sell it to him. He then threatened to get a manager. All he wanted was tenders and i tell him that its going to take a while, especially when my coworker is still in the middle of dropping chicken in the fryer. So her and the customer compromise to make something quicker and she says its going to be about 25 minutes. He says he’s fine with that. So I go to the freezer and grab my coworker a bag of what she needed and i go back to the bakery. Only a few minutes go by and the dude goes to the customer service desk where one of our managers is. Our manager then comes back and asks about the food and my coworker said that she had it in the fryer cooking. The customer says that he doesn’t understand why other customers are able to get special orders but him. I think he was referring to people who order stuff a day or longer ahead of time. Like if he wanted something specific and wanted it garented he could of ordered it a day ahead or just go to an actual restaurant or fast food. So after he ahd gotten his food, he had come over to me and told me it was would of been quicker to do the tenders and that we wasted 45 minutes of his time that he wont get back. It was not 45 minutes and would of been a lot longer to do tenders. And he also said the we were incompetent.
This dude has complained for years that the service at our store is horrible. Even writing a mean letter about our department head saying that she is the worst and should be fired. Even going as far as complaining to corporate. He is really nice most days. But we are prettey sure he is bipolar. He even blamed me and our department head that we should of cooked the chicken instead of my coworker. Probably claiming that it would of been faster.
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lesbiheon · 5 years ago
yall over here capable of typing out a decent idea, talk about certain traits or things u like about him... pathetic.... i, a ceo of hyungheon lifestyle, actual alfa of expressing my love, can and will only speak in a most incomprehensible way that is humanly possible. that's said my additional statement to the first one will be: KHAKJSDHJKHjkashJKHSADJKHJK GOD HE BE ALSO SO U KNO ,, , ,PP B PRETTEY Y , , ASJDKLSADKLJKLjhsdjk it's real gay hours now. u triggered The Gay in me now :\\
Actual picture of you when we talk about Hyungwon:
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what do you love most about Hyungwon?
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