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fratboycipher · 2 months ago
for the oc ask meme:
break and nightmare for bit
failure, future, and pain for fan :)
for bitflip
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
a handful of things! chief among them untreated psychosis and close behind it, killing the guy he currently derives all of his safety and security from. that second one would get him even on his meds i think
whats it look like? well, a psychotic break-- becomes withdrawn, violent, jumpy. cornered-animal type behavior. keep your hands out of biting distance
and yep, mattie has. he was weird about it. it did not end well for anyone, by which i mean somebodies corpse ended up getting cannibalized. bummer!
nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
he doesnt have nightmares unless hes already in a bad state, which is to say unmedicated and not feelin safe. when he Is, the nightmares are mainly just unspecified freaky things that he wakes up from distressed but cant remember, or extremely mundane ones of realistic bad things happening he cant quite seperate from reality. he didnt really deal with them so much as just sometimes he was even more jumpy than usual, or hed half to take a bit to readjust to things that clearly had not actually happened he has not specifically mentioned them to anyone but thats just bc hes never seen the need to. however once he did greet mattie with "huh, you arent bleeding" and then didnt elaborate
for fan
failure: What’s your OC’s greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
i mean, he doesnt really consider anything in his life a failure, hes a surprisingly positive "bummer! oh well better luck next time" guy. like nothing really haunts him and regret isnt really an emotion he like, has great access too. gun to his head if he had to pick something he'd say not hightailing it out the window when tea screamed and hoping the whole situation got attributed to a weird dream, but thats not so much regret as he didnt much enjoy getting baker acted and would preferred to have avoided it. also he thinks its kind of embarassing
on that note yeah hes moved past it. hes moved so far past it that it makes tea mad does anyone else know? i mean like, faelan and probably other people hes friendly enough to talk to regularly have heard it cuz he tells it as a funny story sometimes. oh and everyone who was following his active longfic at the time on ao3 sorta-knows bc he missed a bunch of updates and then updated with the note "sorry i got baker acted"
future: What’s the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it’s a possibility?
related to the above, getting sectioned again but this time for more than 72-hours. in a broader sense, being forced back on medication followed by confinement. he reaaaaaaaally does not like antipsychotics hes taking steps to avoid it like obeying his restraining order zealously and being legally considered dead by everyone who knew him and stuff like that. its working out great! completely non-sarcastically actually hes well aware its a possibility, and he says thumbs down
pain: What’s the worst pain your OC has ever felt? Do they have a high pain tolerance?
you are asking this question to a man who got partially dissolved by acid during sex once and thought it was great fun
though if you ask him directly what the worst pain hes ever felt is, he cant really answer it all that properly, because his brain kind of skips around a lot of those parts in order to maintain his "im a normal guy who hasnt like, died" delusion. so he cant provide an unbiased ranking exactly. as for pain he Can remember and rank, probably the time he dislocated his shoulder, not even from anything dramatic or over the top, he just fell out of a tree when he was like 8 his pain tolerance is like, normalish high, with the caveat of the brain skipping mentioned above, but hes also just the kind of guy who will walk on a sprained ankle because hes got somewhere to be regardless. however he is a HUGE whiny baby about basic burns. like they can be barely worth noting tiny injuries and he'll be whinging about it the whole time its healing. he just hates them
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amethystsoda · 2 months ago
ari to me you are the chosen one who doesn't realize it! the main character! the magical girl who falls into an enchanted pool and finds out her true destiny!
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jinstronaut · 4 months ago
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happy 32nd birthday, kim seokjin (김석진) !
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channelslam · 2 months ago
carlitos giving his future doubles partner a behind the scenes tour 🙂‍↕️
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miifu666 · 7 days ago
what does Wukong like the most about Suklha?
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"Forcing me to choose?? Hah!Not possible!"
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"But... whenever i look at her i feel all my worries dissapear, she has that sort of comfort for me."
Taglist : @phoenixeclipse-lmkau @skymoral @tuskstudioart @whatisev04 @forge-the-idiot @masterqueso @monkieshad0w
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kusanagihaku · 1 month ago
Pick up line doodle with sho? If you’re still doing them ofc
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u can’t see it but he started sweating right after u arrived!! 🔥
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pizzaapeteer · 1 year ago
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ME CUZ YOU LOVE ME 🫠🥰 and I got a sneaky boop - I be sleeping I promise 👀💛 ilyyysm
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So I can experience an evil boop 👀👀👀
This is one scary boop!
I’m absolutely terrified!
No, no, this is theeee cutest boooooooop ever!
I’m melting for this evil boop 🥹
Still gotta be careful, so I’m gonna go with a quick boop for you!! You won’t know what booped you…
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I LOVE YOU PIZZAAPETEER! Love you big time! But make sure you get enough sleep, okay?! Lots of love!!!! 💛
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ennabear · 3 months ago
loser sevika is so funny to me because i feel like everyone in zaun thinks she's so scary. but the whole time she's so quiet not to be menacing but just because she's awkward. i feel like nobody really teases her for her loserness until reader comes along and realizes oh this lady isn't scary she's a NERD (and sevika gets SOOOOO fucking turned on when u do tease her... omg.)
she gets so scared to open her mouth because what if she messes up and makes a complete fool of herself?? in front of silco and the chembarons and anyone else important??? and what if people start to realize that she’s a big fat LOSER instead of a real scary lady????
AND I WANNA TEASE HER SO BADDD AWWW i wanna call her shy and point out when she blushes so hard her whole head is red and call her a nerd when she goes on long rambles about the most random things ever… with her big beautiful brain full of knowledge that she gate keeps ofc…
and the way she would get WET!!!! when you tease her. literally making an entire lake in her boxers, and she’s so fucking obvious about it ITS SO CUTE she’s like biting her lip and rubbing her legs together and her eyes are big and sparkly… holy shit i need to write a real drabble about this NOW.
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keychains | stickers | prints
kenny ortega looked me in the eye and said i am going to give you a girl that is so traumatized and 3 himbo ghosts that are also traumatized and they are in a band and they are going to heal together. and i said kenny you wild son of a gun you know me better than i know myself
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vampireboba · 7 months ago
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six characters (all chosen by my beautiful gf) ♡
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inkykeiji · 9 months ago
Sugar daddy Sunday with a brat, sugar daddy Sunday with a brat, sugar daddy Sunday with a brat!!!!
anon you literally took me out with this because he is SUCH a perfect character for that role uGH!!! not only is sunday disgustingly wealthy, but he also desperately desires complete and total dominance and control—which is what makes him ripe for a bratty lil baby (especially if he gets to withhold certain privileges as a result of being Daddy). 
sunday’s word is ultimate, decorous and divine, and what he says goes, irregardless of how many fits you throw or feet you stomp or fists you ball up in anger, defiance, or fury. he tells you he doesn’t enjoy inflicting punishment on you—and while his voice is cold, stern, and full of veracity, that sharp glimmer in his eye suggests otherwise—but that he must dole out such discipline, as it is his duty as your Daddy; to guide, to teach, to mold, to correct.
his retributions vary depending on the severity of the act you’ve committed, ranging from merely revoking privileges (technology, later bed time, sweets, his credit card) to full on physical punishments (spanking your bare ass while wearing his gloves seeming to be the one he favours most often, but he is not above using canes and the like on you if he believes it to be ‘necessary’ to sear whatever lesson he’s trying to teach into that pretty little brain of yours), and you can bet your ass he’s got a meticulously worked out system in place that decides what the punishment will be, proportional to the transgression. 
he acts as if it’s exasperating, as if your disobedience is exhausting, yet he can’t seem to smother those tiny twitches tugging at the corners of his lips any time you push back, any time you challenge him, that glint in his eye flaring to something bright and blazing, despite his features being etched in stone. because although he’d never admit it, he does love enforcing (his specific brand of) justice; he does love exerting that power over you as he shepherds you back onto the path of the righteous, just as a blessed man should; he does love the utter and complete iron-fisted dominance it affords him.
but sunday doesn’t love being your Daddy just because of the absolute control it instils in him; he also loves being your Daddy when you’re good, well-behaved and obedient. oh, then he’s sweeter than sugar and just as corrosive; he spoils you fucking rotten. it’s one of his favourite things to do, showering you with expensive gifts and extravagant outings—lace-trimmed silk and red bottom shoes and multi-day spa getaways and lavish restaurants…all until that indulgence erodes your obedience, turns you into something naughty and saucy again, something greedy and entitled, something he has to fix.
and then, he repeats the whole process over.
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bigidiotenergytm · 26 days ago
Not asking your Epic characters but I wanted to tell you that I adore your artstyle and your characters 💙
Odysseus’s hair seems very fluff, Poseidon might be scary but he cool and so is Zeus !
Continue with the amazing art 🫶✨ you rock
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symphonypikachu · 11 months ago
for your sketch ideas - older becky teasing damian?? (Love your art!)
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Becky: You know you could just use a whisk to get rid of those pesky bruises... no need to wear a turtle neck in the spring! 🤭
Damian: *internally combusting*
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comikbook · 5 months ago
Im sorry people wanna kiss you so bad 😔 but heaven forbid they understand symbolism in art? Love the school kid outfit with the rosery meeting the concept of consumption, feels very touched by religious themes (little halo, robes, pound of flesh, etc)
its just so hard being so sexy and talented and funny with such a fat ass no one gets it </3
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rpfofficial · 4 months ago
hello ethan i was admiring your pinned post and noticed the beautiful rpf is fine image but i cannot place who the guys are in the top left pic and it is killing me... they are so familiar but i cannot figure it out and i know i'll be kicking myself when you tell me
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but they are old in the photo i used which is so important because love perseveres ❤️
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dearestxiao · 1 year ago
Family dinner with Childe is hell because of his younger siblings. What are you going to do? Break his sibling’s hearts by saying all the horrible things their brother actually does to you?? Your beef is with Childe, not his family. These are innocent kids.
And Childe knows that you wouldn’t break their heart, which is why he can get away with a LOT more than he can when you’re alone
You’re stuck even more than you are when you’re alone. And you’re forced to smile and act happy and like you love Childe, because the alternative is even more pain all around for everyone. -Woof Woof
yes yes yes right!!! you dread family dinners with childe. they're the sole and only nights childe is able to completely back you into a corner and get you to play along into the role of a sweet, lovely couple. childe's whole family can just see how happy he is around you, and that extends to his precious younger siblings, who gleam up at you with bright innocent eyes filled with utter admiration. they've adored you since the very day ajax first brought you home. and he adores how they make you pull off such a good performance.
they're just so happy! they're not blind to just how in love their brother is, far from it. this is made especially so with how childe is able to get away with smothering you with as much love (sweet kisses, an arm constantly wrapped around your waist, big bear hugs, all of the things you'd usually pull away from) as humanly possible due to the fact you can't pull away, not infront of everyones watchful eye. it fuels their curiosity and adoration. they can't help but to ask you so, so many questions at the dinner table as everyone watches. they ask you about how you've met and how you two fell in love. they nail down how loving he is towards you and isn't ajax just the greatest? they ask if you plan to get married anytime soon and ask if you're going to be their sibling-in-law. they even exclaim that you two should be married under the tsarista, that way you'd never, ever be split away from one another.
you feel like a bug being inspected under a microscope, especially as childe is watching you carefully with a soft little smile on his face.
and you (forcibly) descend into an award-winning act while you chat with everyone, smiling and speaking in as gleeful of a tone as you could muster up while you try to hold back showing off your sheer discomfort. you answer every question as satisfactory as you can while still trying to perserve your dignity. the soft squeezes your hand recieves from childe as you speak serve as a motivator, a little reminder that he's listening to each and every word coming out of your mouth. you never stray even an inch away from the script because you know better than that.
they bring you gifts some of your visits, usually small crafts they've made specially for you. they make 'wedding rings' and 'bouquets' for you and ajax out of whatever materials they can find. they draw family portraits with you, their future sibling-in-law, included, little stick-men figures depicting you and childe and the rest of the large family holding hands. you thank them (sometimes awkwardly, usually begrungedly) for each and every little thing that they gift you no matter just how uncomfortable it makes you.
and truthfully, it all hits you right in the heart and hard. childe, of course, loves to take advantage of this.
because how could you possibly hurt them? how could you ever even think of removing those precious little smiles off of their faces by telling them the truth? how could you ruin their perception of childe, who they love and adore more than you could ever even begin to imagine? no, your grievance is with the man himself, not them.
you're less unsure of what to do in this situation and instead more aware that there's nothing that can be done. you wish, desperately, that you could tell any of them, even his parents, of the truth, show them who their son really is, but why would they believe you? he treats you so lovingly, he's practically an angel to you.
what's worse is that you know deep down that it wouldn't even matter if they did believe you. I mean, they haven't seen him this happy since before he had disappeared all these years ago. why would they ever want to take that away from him? the bottom line is, they'd give anything to keep him like that.
(also, truth be told, most of them have probably already catched on but simply do not care).
after the nights over, childe loves to give you a sweet peck on the cheek as he exclaims just how good you've done. but, truth be told, he can't help but notice just how bare that ring finger is. maybe his family is right. maybe he should hurry up and 'seal the deal' already. maybe his precious little siblings deserve a 'sibling-in-law' as amazing as you.
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