meow-and-ink-demon · 9 months
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I always will think that he do
He maybe is a mistake, but he was also a victim of all this :(
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ashhh-14 · 9 months
Tropes? Tropes but make it good
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Characters- Diluc, Kaeya, Bennett, Albedo, Razor, Venti, Zhongli, Xiao, Baizhu, Xingqui, Chongyun, Tartaglia, Heizou, Ayato, Gorou, Thoma, Itto, Scaramouce, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Cyno, Tighnari, Neuvillette, Lyney, Wriothesley, Freminet,
Warning- suggestive in chongyun's (dw he's aged up here bubs)
Note- All characters are aged, a dot '.' Meaning scene change , font meaning past memory.
A/n- hope you enjoy!
Doctor patient dynamic
Gentle hands rubbing your back constantly as your coughing fit seemed endless once again. "I-I don't think I'll be able to watch the next lantern right with you like I promised doctor Baizhu." You smiled through the pain, the said man sighing, "Stop doubting my abilities as a Doctor (Y/n). You'll get better." Running his hand through your hair as you layed down, exhaustion making your eyes droop close. "I'll make sure of it, my Little Violet."
Childhood friends to lovers
"Look what I made!" He looked up as you placed something on his head, one hand coming up to touch it, " A flower crown?" "Mhm. Just for you!" He blushed.
"I got you something Kaveh~" He turned to you from where he was writing his thesis, "(Y/n) how many times do I have to say you don't have to buy me art supplies. Um let me buy you lunch as repayment." He looked into your eyes with a gentle gaze as you hopped on the desk beside his papers, placing a box. "Too bad. I already made some for the both of us." "(Y/-" his words got cut short as you gently placed your finger on his lips, "shush Kaveh."
Al haitham
Academic rivals to lovers
"Ugh not again." You muttered under your breath as you looked at the list of top scorers. "Try harder. Maybe you'll be able to get a little better if you work on your gold fish attention span." A voice came as someone passed by, knowing very well who this person was as you sighed in irritation.
Soft clicks of shoes were the only echos in the house of daena as Al haitham made his way towards a bookshelf, his eyes falling onto a figure. He placed his book on the table gently, rounding the table, he placed the pen down from your hand as he placed his cloak on your shoulders, covering you to keep you warm as he pushed the hair away from your face. "Stop pushing yourself so hard."
Grumpy x Sunshine
"Oh c'mon would it kill you to come with me?" You pleaded as your partner kept ignoring your request, "There's no point in me going with you-" "I think you should go with them. It'll broaden your spectrum and give you a new way of looking at things." A gentle voice came as your eyes sparkled at the person. "See?! Even Lesser Lord Kusunali agrees with me!" "NOT YOU TOO " He yelled, grumbling. You pout, crossing your arms over your chest as you stood up, "I'll be leaving Lord Kusunali, since he doesn't want to go, I'll go and ask Cyno. I heard there's a new card back released there too, he'll be happy to come with me." Nahida blinked up at you as you started walking, observing how your frown turned into a sly smirk as soon as a hand gripped your wrist. "Not happening. I'm coming with you."
Co workers to lovers
"Hmm how long do you think this water will last us here Cyno?" You eyed the big bag of water in your hand as you kept walking on the flaming sand in the middle of the desert, "It should last us till tonight. Don't worry, there's a village nearby, we can restock our supplies and get some well desserved rest." You looked at Cyno, unamused "Get it? It's because we're in a dese-" For the first time he cut himself from his explanation, you sighing as if the heavens saved you as he told you to stay put, going to converse with a group of eremites that were closeby. You took a seat in the shade of a giant rock. 'Wait, why is he coming back with a-' "Get on it. Your feet aren't used to the hot sand of the desert, they're already red from the external temperature, it'd be bad if they get blisters. I borrowed us this Sumpter Beast, we'll return this on our way back." Your face started getting warmer, whether it was because of the temperature of desert or your general Mahamatra, you didn't know.
Student teacher dynamic
"Ow!" A book came in contact with your head as you sat on the chair listening to your master's unending lecture. "So the next time I see you head into a withering zone all on your own, I'll be cutting down your sweets that you love so much." Your eyes widened at that, not your sweets! "What did my sweets ever do to you! Plus, I had it covered in the whithering zone!" Smack "Ouch! Stop hitting me-!" Your breath got caught in your throat as Tighnari placed his book under your chin, tilting it upwards as he brought his face close to yours, looking into your eyes, "Next time you won't be doing something so reckless. Okay my Lotus?"
Undercover agent(you) to lovers
[ (C/n) -> cover name]
"I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going!" You apologised to the young looking male. "Oh it's totally fine. Don't worry about it" He smiled, asking what your name was. "(C/n)" You replied, your smile widening when he asked if you'd like to go get a cup of coffee with him.
"Can you actually be serious for once Heizou?" You rolled your eyes as you kept walking through Chinju forest, sighing at your companion's carefree nature. He chuckled, " You want me to be serious huh?" You nodded," yes! It'd be- wa-!" Your sentence was cut off as your back hit a tree bark, your eyes leveling with none other than Heizou's himself. You shifted as he gazed at you in silence, noticing how he got much closer as each moment passed. His lips barely apart from your ear, he whispered, "Is this serious enough for you?.....(Y/n)."
Eternal acquaintances to lovers
"You guys just loveee drawing on his face while he's sleeping don't you" you chuckled, feeling the cool breeze as other 4 yakshas drew little shapes on the face of the one sleeping. "Oh you know his expression is priceless whenever he finds out what we did!" Bosacius laughed.
"Do you ever know when to take a break?!" You were used to scolding him, and he was used to hearing it. A little too used to it. "Don't you smile when I'm here telling you to take care of yourself!"
Your eyes opened slowly, sounds of fireworks and a hand stroking your hair waking you up. You rubbed the haze out of your eyes, "Did they already start?" You pushed yourself up from what you thought to be ground, but lifting your head up you realised it was, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-" He shushed you, gazing down at you gently as his thumb stroked your cheek. Your face grew warm as you sat up to avoid his stare, only to be turned around, feeling his head on your shoulder, his breath on your neck sending shivers down your spine. "S-Shouldn't you watch the fireworks as well?" You stuttered out, not able to focus on the display yourself. He just sighed, tightening his grip around you.
Newly shifted neighbours to lovers
He was in the middle of pouring himself some freshly brewed tea when a knock landed on his door. Your head tilted upwards to look at the tall male. You didn't know what you expected your neighbour to look like but you certainly didn't think of this. He looked... ethereal. "Umm I just shifted here and please take this." You handed him a paper bag. He looked at it and then at you, smiling, "Grace me with your company over some tea?"
"You really don't have to stay up this late for me." You said apologetically to the man sitting beside you, helping you with your thesis you had to write last minute. "It's totally okay. So as I was saying, this part of Liyue------" this went on for hours until he saw you rubbing your eyes. He chuckled," Is Liyue's history that boring?" "Wha- no of course not! It's interesting. I've never thought Liyue had so much to it." You smiled. A large hand came up to cup your cheek, making you look at him, and suddenly you realised how close you two were sitting for all this time. "Sleep's evident in your eyes" he noted as your eyes became hazy with sleep, "I'll take you to bed. My little dove."
Klee's babysitter to lovers
"Klee no bombing the fishes again!!" You said to the little girl, so done with her shenanigans for this week. The little girl pouted, looking down until an idea popped into her head, "Lets go see Albedo then!" She smiled.
The little ball of sunshine was sleeping peacefully in the corner of Albedo's lab wrapped in two blankets while you laid beside her, trying to fall asleep as well because you had nothing to do and there was nothing Albedo needed help with, but the cold was making it too difficult. Were you actually jealous of a little girl's pyro vision? Absolutely not. You don't know when you fell asleep, or rather, passed out.
'Oh. They're both sleeping peacefully.' He walked up to the two of you, quickly noting how your face looked a little pale. His fingertips touched your skin 'Cold' he thought.
The little girl was the first one awake," Albedo! I had this dre-" she cut herself short when she noticed her brother sleeping too...while holding you close to his chest. "Maybe Klee should sleep some more~!"
Pack members to lovers
The chase of two little pups continued in wolvendom until they reached Andreas, where they started their chase back to their destination, their minds on the piece of juicy meat the winner will get.
Some things never really change, like you and Razor having a game of chase. The difference is, however, he's chasing you this time and you two's size differences now that you've all grown up. You landed on the ground with a soft thud, your back hitting the soft grass as you saw Razor on top of you, his skin glistening in sweat as he gave you a cheery smile, "I won again (n/n)!" You playfully rolled your eyes, "Yeah yeah I get you're faster than m- eep-! Razor-!" You giggled, trying to move away as he started licking your face and neck. His hands tightened around your wrists," No running far anymore" He whined.
Strangers to lovers
"But I asked for that popsicle first!"
"And I saw it first!"
"I'm their regular customer!"
"Not like I have them once a year!"
You bit off a little chunk of Chongun's icy popsicle," Hey what did I say about no having my popsicle!" You laughed, getting closer to him all of a sudden," Well if you don't want to share this popsicle, I can always make do with the other one you have~" thump
Yes he fainted.
[Childhood known] Bartender-owner relationship to lovers
"If you'd like, you can work at my tavern. I can use the help and you can use the money." A kind offer he made to his childhood neighbour when you came back from sumeru and needed a job, not wanting to stay away from your homeland.
A soft cry left your lips when a broken glass shard pricked your hand, you continued picking up the glass pieces the customer accidentally broke, ignoring the bleeding hand 'I'd have to mop the floor anyway.' A strong yet gentle grip pulled you up and towards the sink to wash and dress your wound, "Why'd you ignore it?" You bit your lip, not knowing how to answer. "Be careful next time." He sighed.
The number of people were relatively less today, maybe because of the windbloom festival, giving you an opportunity to relax and unwind with a drink yourself. The door opened as you turned your head to see who it was. "Ah master Diluc! Let me go get you some grape juice-" You were about to stand up when two arms caged you against the counter, leaning towards you," Stop calling me that. It's Diluc for you. Just Diluc."
Contract marriage
'To stay with party A's family and take care of party A's siblings, treat A like a husband in front of A's family. The contract shall last for three years.'
Signed, (Y/n)
It's been 2 years since you signed that contract, staying with Childe's family wasn't bad, they all treated you very nicely and that a corner of your heart knew that your family was now out of bankruptcy because of this, you were content....for the most part anyway.
"Look who's home~!" A very excited Childe emerged through the main door, his servants taking away the bags he was carrying as he picked up Teucer. "I brought you Mr. Cyclopes figurine Teucer!" You smiled to yourself as you watched each of his sibling hug their older brother, used to watching the scene from afar at this point. What you didn't expect was him making his way up to you, his height towering over yours as you looked up at him confused, your face flushing as he pulled you closer to him by your waist, kissing your forehead, "How have you been my love?"
"G-Good." You stuttered out. All his siblings left the living room to give you two some privacy, happy to see the sight. He brushed the strands away from your face, looking into your eyes," Sorry about that. But I missed you. I don't know why, maybe because I look forward to seeing you now." Your eyes widened, "And... I want to take you with me the next time I leave. If you'll join me."
'Because It's not just a contract to me anymore (Y/n).' He thought.
Library crushes to lovers
Your eyes peeked over the book to look at the blue haired male, quickly hiding behind it again as his eyes fell on you. "Oh god please tell me he didn't see me." You muttered to yourself.
"The realm of humans was known as the Zhongzhou, while the gods reside in Shenxiao. At the end of-------" he kept explaining the plot of his favourite book, not like you weren't listening, but half your focus was on looking at him.
"Umm (Y/n). There's this new book shop that opened in north Liyue. Will you join me tomorrow?" Both your faces were warm when he said the words as you nodded shyly.
Oni dynamic
"Haha I won again! Take that (Y/n)!" The little oni jumped up as he came out victorious again. "Alright alright no need to rub it in the face Mr. Onikabuto."
"Do you really have to leave (Y/n)?" You nodded as tears pricked your eyes, hearing the sad tone from your oni friend who you've always heard cheery no matter the situation.
"As my great partner (Y/n) came back after years of staying in Natlan, they'll be joining the one and oni Arataki gang! Isn't that great!?" The said oni swung an arm around your shoulder as you ducked, "Your arm's heavy Itto!" "Of course it is I'm an Oni you know! You don't expect me to weigh like a twing do you?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "But boss should we trust them? I mean-" "Well of course! I know (Y/n) for agesss do you think I'll take just anyone into the great Arataki gang huh!?" He pointed smugly to himself as you sighed. Yup, he'll never change, and you won't have him any other way.
Kamisato ayato
Arrange marriage
Your eyes faced the floor of komore teahouse during the whole conversation of your father and the head of Kamisato Clan, accompanied with his sister and their most trusted servant. You saw the two Clan heads shaking hands from the corner of your eyes, knowing everything is sealed. You never even saw what your to-be husband looked like.
"Wouldn't you look at me even now (Y/n)?" Gentle voice of your soon to-be husband spoke as he held both your hands in his significantly bigger ones as the priest made preparations to start the wedding rituals. You swallowed nervously as you slowly looked up, your eyes falling on the mesmerizing lilac ones.
An arm wrapped around your waist from behind while the other one took away the hairbrush in your hand, placing it on the dresser as kisses were placed on your neck," My gorgeous wife." You closed your eyes, leaning your head back against his shoulder," Says the man who gave that word a meaning."
Adventurer-medic to lovers
"Yup, bad luck again." You sighed as you bandaged his knee again. "I'm sorry (Y/n), for troubling you so much. I try to be careful but..." he rubbed the back of his head. "I know Benny, not your fault, just your luck." He nodded, giving you a thumbs up and a cheery smile as you finished bandaging his wound. "Butttt" you intergected when he was about to say something, "Nothing some tasty Chicken-Mushroom Skewers can't solve!" His eyes started sparkling the moment you said those words, making you giggle. "Yay let's go!"
Crew mates to lovers
"Wait up please!" You yelled to the ship that was about to leave the docks of Inazuma. You ran as fast as you could against the wooden planks 'Bad day to be wearing a Kimono damn it.' Apparently your voice wasn't loud enough for the Captain of The Crux to hear and your heart already started grimacing the loss of boarding the ship just a foot away as it started leaving. A sudden gust of wind lifted you up as your eyes closed shut in terror, the next time you opened them, you were on the ship, with nothing but a maple leaf in your hand.
You were leaning against the railing of the ship, looking at the vast ocean in fasination until a strong gust of wind passed, swaying your footing, almost tumbling you over but a hand to your wrist pulled you back just in time before it could happen. Your breath was caught in the throat due to the event, and because of the stranger with platinum hair and ruby eyes that saved your life. He was.... breathtaking. "Careful, the wind can be flickering unexpectedly once in a while. It's a vast ocean after all." He smiled.
Troublemaker and muse
You raised an eyebrow as your beer fell off the table, a person climbing on it instead. You looked up to see who it was, silently grimacing over your spilled beer. "Are you gonna pay for my beer or not" you said looking up at him while he ran his fingers along the lyre, "I'll pay you back with my wonderful performance~!" You sighed in irritation.
Your form busted through the tavern's door in the middle of the night, scanning over your surroundings before your eyes landed on the mop of green you were looking for. You swiftly made your way over, carrying the windy bard over your shoulder like a potato sack as you slid a pouch of mora in master Diluc's direction with an apologetic smile. "Put me downnnn I wanna kiss you!!" He whined on your shoulder as your face matched Master Diluc's hair.
Ayaka's best friend
"Here let me help you with that." He took the heavy looking bags from your hand just as you entered the Kamisato estate. "Ah thank you Thoma." You smiled at him.
"I'm also inviting (Y/n)." Ayaka spoke to her brother over supper and Thoma couldn't help but chime in," If they're coming, It'd be great if I can make their favourite dish." Ayaka and Ayato gave each other knowing looks as Thoma looked between them, confused, "Did I say something wrong?"
"I'm sure (Y/n) could use some help for this event. I hand this task to you Thoma." Said Ayaka as she gently pushed him into a room and slid the door closed so he couldn't escape. "Thoma it's you-!" You squeaked, surprised by the sudden entrance. "Y-Yes Lady (Y/n). Lady Ayaka said I should help you if you were to face any difficulties. So do you need any assistance?" He scratched the back of his head. Your eyes fell onto the kimono belt in your head and then at him, your cheeks warming, "N-No it's fine." He wordlessly came towards you, taking the fabric from your hand, silently waiting for you to turn around as permission. You did, your breath getting caught in your throat as you felt his hands do their work, his hot breath hitting the back of your neck. A few moments passed, your head becoming lightheaded with each second until he did the final knot, whispering in your ear, "It's done, my princess."
Subordinates to lovers
"Bear with it" you said as you poured the disinfectant over your commander's bleeding gash. He suppressed a hiss as you blowed on the wound in hopes to make it feel less burning. "Can you be more careful Gorou? There was no reason for you to come in front of me to stop that arrow!" You glared at him. "Your mother entrusted you to me (Y/n)" he tried reasoning. "As if Lady Kokomi didn't tell me to bring you back safe and sound!" He just chuckled at that.
You were laying down on the make shift infirmary's bed when a very happy Gorou emerged through the door, out of breath as if he ran all this way (yes he did) "(Y/n)! We did it! The war's over!" He ran over to you and hugged you tightly, you noticing how his tail was swaying back and forth. You chuckled. "I'm so happy (Y/n)! I can finally ask your mother for your hand in marri-" Your eyes widened.
"Oh god i shouldn't have said it like that- (Y/n)? (Y/n)?! Oh god don't faint-!"
Mhm, franatic Gorou is pretty cutee~
Fake dating
"Oh~, who is this pretty person beside you Kaeya?" Lisa ask, intrigued. "My partner." Kaeya smiled.
That was five months ago.
You two sawyed from side to side to the silent beat of the music as you looked at him, "So when is your 'target' arriving Kaeya? It's been 4 hours." "Oh don't worry. He'll be here soon enough. My brother can be a little late. He is returning to Mondstadt after months after all." He replied, looking into your eyes just as the venue's door opened to reveal the said man. In the blink of an eye, Kaeya's face was buried in the crook of your neck, " The hell are you doing?!" You whisper yelled at the man, not knowing what he was up to now. If you knew something about Kaeya, it was his unpredictable mind. "Just making sure my brother believes this of course. He has very keen eyes for lies you see. I want to prove to him that I can infact find an adequate partner for myself." "You sure it's not because of that 5 dozen wine bottles he put at stake." "That's just an added bonus!" He smirked as he rose up to his full height, taking your chin in between his finger and thumb, bringing your face closer to his, " Plus, Who knows? I might actually persue it to make it real."
Second chance [mates][immortal reader- non specified species]
"I'll wait for you" said the man you loved so dearly with a solemn look in his eyes. "Don't" was all you said before you departed to the underworld, having not done anything wrong yet having no choice.
A hundred years passed since your own lover sealed your verdict, your heart wrenching with pain each time you think of it. 'He had his reasons. It's for the sake of fontaine.' Your heart longed for the hydro dragon, but you've made your heart think that 'He must have wanted this.'
The day finally came when you reached the surface again, and what you didn't expect was to see him waiting at the entrance. "Neuvillette...." You whispered, your eyes trying to drink back the tears they started producing on their own. The said man walked towards you in slow strides, his mind detached from his surroundings except you. Strong arms engulfed you in a delicate embrace, cradling you against his chest as if you were made of porcelain. And as much as your mind told you to pull away, your hands only gripped him tighter, crying against him. A few moments passed when you looked up at him, " Where's your partner?" Your heart broke as you asked that question, but you needed to know. "Right in front of me." He whispered. It was hard for you to believe him, you expected him to move on. "Did you forget.." he started, his lips placing a delicate kiss on the corner of your lips," That dragons mate for life?"
Classic Husband x Wife
As soon as you stepped foot into your husband's office, the door being shut behind you, you heard fumbling noise. You made your way up the rounded stairs, crossing your arms over your chest as you made your way over to him, "Don't tell me you're drinking tea again Wriothesley." You narrowed your eyes at him. "No of course not. Why would I drink more when you set a boundary of 7 per day" he chuckled. "Oh?" You raised an eyebrow, leaning against his desk as you wiped the corner of his lips," What's this then?" You showed him the sugar powder on your fingertip. He chuckled nervously, "You see-"
Gentle kisses across your face is what woke you up, your hand tightening against the fabric....wait. You looked up and around you, realising you're in Wriothesley's office and in his lap, clutching onto his shirt. He softly kissed your forehead," Morning sunshine. Ready to go to the surface today?"
Opposites attract
"Well someone looks a little out of it on a fine day like this." Your footsteps came to a halt as a guy stopped in front of you. His hand came up and passed by the side of your hair," Let me make it a little better" he chuckled as he pulled a rose 'out of your hair.' It was pretty, you thought taking it from him and giving him a small smile,"Thank you."
You pulled him along with you by his ear gently while he tried keeping up with your pace," I was just entertaining them!" He reasoned as you continued walking," You were clearly still there when they told you they didn't wanna see your tricks." "But it looked like they could use some help!" He whined. "Not everyone deserves you lifting up their spirits Lyney." You sighed. "Well, I can always lift your spirits up. If you know what I mean." Bonk
Fated divers
Your hands splashed the water around you as oxygen depleted at a fast rate from your body, you tried tugging on the vines tightly wrapped around your foot in hopes to break them but they won't let up. You extended your arms up in an attempt to swim back to the surface but it was becoming harder by the second. It wasn't long before black dots started covering your vision and you started sinking further down.
Your eyes open with a start, the endless water still surrounding you but there was a stranger, with his lips on yours.
"Hey there Freminet~!"
"Oh hi (Y/n)" he gave you a small smile, looking up from where he was tinkering with clockwork. "I got you Seabird Sojourn!" You smiled as you sat beside him, looking closely at the details of his doing. You took his hand into yours, making his freckled cheeks blush a pink hue," Let's eat first before it gets cold."
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Written by Yours truly
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So angsty but what If s/o got pregnant but because hormones are a bitch they just ran off to have the kid alone ,
they still love the scelly but by the time the hormones wear off they are to ashamed to go back and the scelly dad doesn't know until one day they see a toddler that is very obviously theirs
Undertale Sans - He stays dead silent. That's probably the more hurt he never had been in his life. You try to talk, but he doesn't want to hear it. Not now, not in front of the kid. He tells you that he can hear what you have to say, but not before a few days. He needs to calm down and to think first. When you explain, he's still not sure if he's ready to forgive you. It was a very stressful period for him, and for you, obviously, but... He doesn't know if he wants to keep going in this relationship. He will learned to know the kid, sure, he wants to get involved, but with you, he's not sure. He needs time.
Undertale Papyrus - He is watching you from far away, both hopeful and terrified. He spend the last two years wondering why you suddenly disappeared, but at the same time... If you wanted to see him again, you would have by now, right? When he sees the tiny skeleton kid runs to him in curiosity as he saw another skeleton for the first time in his life though, Papyrus is shocked and can't obviously just stay silent. He comes to you to confront you. You didn't expect to see him, nor him being very straightforward asking for how long they counted to hide him the kid, a bit more roughly that he wanted too. He just wants to understand. When you finally explain, he looks at you in disbelief. He's quite hurt you didn't think one second he could help and prefered to run away, but he's kinda relieved it was just this. He forgives you. Not to the point everything goes back as it was, but he would like to start seeing you more often, and who knows what will happen next, ok?
Underswap Sans - When he sees the kid, he freaks out. When you notice him, it's too late. He runs back to his car and leaves. He doesn't want to hear anything you said. You leaving two years ago hurt him so much and he moved on now. He doesn't want to know. He was better not knowing. When he comes home, he locks in his room and decides to sleep to forget, feeling sick.
Underswap Papyrus - He feels betrayed. You two wanted a child for so long, and here you are, with his kid, two years after you left him suddenly. Honey is speechless, trying so hard to hold back his tears. He's disgusted. You try to say something, but he snaps back and tells you he doesn't want to hear it. He doesn't care. He is too hurt. You don't know anything he went through since you're gone, going through another depression. Honey is very fusional with his S/O, and being heartbroken can kill him. This is a dealbreaker. You two will only meet again in court, as he wants to keep his child half the time. He refused to talk to you during the entire process, and anythime you come to give him or pick the child up.
Underfell Sans - He doesn't blame S/O. He's no dad material and he would probably have been a terrible father. Maybe it's for the best. He's a bit sour, but respects you decision. He decides to stay hidden and not interact with you. You didn't notice him, it's better that way. He feels like a coward, but that what he desserves, right? People like him don't get happy things.
Underfell Papyrus - You jump in fear as a very crossed skeleton walks to you. Edge immediately screams at you and asks for explanations, pointing at the kid. You're so scared you start to cry, and he takes a step back to calm down. He didn't want to make you upset, not really. He's just so frustrated! He had been searching for you for months! He can't believe you just disappeared! Is your trust in him so low that you thought he wouldn't know you two had a child? He knows he's not the model father, but still, he could have learned! You took this from him, and he is so hurt he struggles to even talk. He wants to understand you and forgive you, but it will take time. Long, long time. Right now, he is too angry for this.
Horrortale Sans - ... He might have forgot you disappeared and just come randomly hug you, purring and so happy to see you. You are devastated he is not even mad at you. Oak can tell something is wrong, but he doesn't care. He just wants to hug his S/O. Then his eyes fall of the child. ... Uh. He's pretty sure even if his memory is bad, he would have remembered this. Oh well, guess he's a dad now. Oak will insists you come home with him. You accept out of guilt. Willow, though, will not welcome you with open arms so get ready. He will take you eyes in eyes and ask what exactly you're doing. It's not because his brother has memory problems that you have to abuse his trust like this. That's not right, and if you are not honest with him about what happened, he will sure do it himself.
Horrortale Papyrus - He was just doing groceries when he bumps into you. He can't even believe it and had to blink three times to make sure it's real. You're not even looking him in the eyes. And you have a skeleton child. He's hyperventilating and needs to sit down for a minute. When you run to him to see if he's ok, he jerks back, screaming he doesn't want you to touch him. He's so lost, hurt and scared right now. Why the hell did you hide this from him?! He thought something happened to you, he searched you for months in the forest, the mountain, the nearby cities, and all this time you were here?! How could you do this to him? He doesn't understand. Even with your explanation, he can't understand. He blamed himself, he even thought you were dead at one point! If you didn't want to raise a kid with him, you could have said it. He knows he is not looking good, but this is just cruel. You tell him it's not what you think of him and that you still love him, but he cuts you. People don't do that to people they love. He doesn't want to hear anything more from you. Not now, at least. He's going home and cries for hours, before feeling guilty and reconsider maybe trying to understand better. But not right away.
Swapfell Sans - Nox just got out of two years of therapy, where people told him it was not his fault, that he did nothing wrong and that you probably had a reason to do so that is not related to him. He tried to believe it, really, but as soon as he's seeing you? Everything is gone. He can only feel guilt, even though he has no idea why. He comes to you and apologize. He doesn't know for why, but it has to be something he did, so he apologizes again and again, begging you to come home, that he's sorry if he hurt you, he knows he's a terrible person and he understands if you never wants to see him again. You look at him, horrified, and tells him nothing is his faults, and what happened to you. Nox half believe it, he's still too in shock he found you again. You accept to go back home to talk to him. It's only where he noticed the kid. He's quite speechless. Rus won't be so friendly towards you though, and might even threat you if you dare to hurt his brother this bad again. You weren't there when he became a wreck, he was. You better be careful or he swears he's not going to be that nice to you.
Swapfell Papyrus - He's not mad, he's even happy to see he has a kid. But... That's it. Rus moved on. He tells you he got tired of waiting for you and moved on. He's with someone else now. He can take the kid once in a while and helps financially, but that's it. You had your reason to flee, he respects that, but you just can't just expect him to wait for you for two years. It's not the first time it arrives to him, he learned to move on quickly. He's glad you're fine, and will gladly be friends if you still wants too.
Fellswap Gold Sans - You'll never know he saw you. You'll just find checks in your mailbox for the kid needs, every month. He doesn't want an explanation, what's done is done. He just wants you to know he is still here if you need him and he hopes you'll find the courage to talk to him one of these days. He's patient.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Coffee is crying in your arms, trembling. He is so relieved you're back, even though he just found you randomly in the park. He tries desperately to drag you home, begging you to come back with him, that he's not mad and he needs you. You're so overwhelmed that you let him drag you where he wants. When you're coming home though, Wine is staring through your soul. He says nothing, but the second you're alone, he's very politely asking you to choose wisely what you will do next, because if you hurt his brother again, there's an high chance your kid will become an orphan. You're hyperventilating, really scared. He doesn't care. He's not helping his brother with his heart break again.
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melodystark · 1 year
SPOILER (edit like 3 times sorry)
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Westworld 4x08 : Que sera sera
Alert spoilers
They fail. They completely fail. Like, they suceed to get the best failure, but it's still a fail : the world that OG Dolores wanted, where humans and hosts could coexist, can't happen anymore. Or it can but only in the Sublime. Or maybe not ?
-First, Maeve isn't back ?! Like, okay, it's logical : ot would be giving too much credit to Charlores to hope she brought her back, and anyway, if Maeve was back, it would probably to die in this episode. It's better if she comes back in next season. I think they need characters in the real world actually, Caleb and Frankie are still there. But if the last episode was really the last we see of Maeve, I would be really disappointed : look at how the deaths of OG Dolores in season 3, Bernard and Charlores were sacralised, with music and emotion, concluding well their characters arcs, and tell that if she really dies, Maeve, who is an as much important character than them, doesn't desserve the same treatment and not being shot in the head by surprise.
-Clementine, Clementine, Clementine...can someone explain me the point of this character : like, she's first a host in the park, then Wyatt's pawn, then Charlotte Hale's pawn, then Maeve's friend but truly this time, then Charlores's pawn, and she's finally free, only to be an obstacle in Caleb and Frankie's way and only the years she spent with Charlores seem to count. Her relationship with Maeve doesn't even count, and actually it's correct because they were friends only in lifes imposed by humans. She's just a plot device actually ? If it's that, fine, but I don't understand why there's so much focus on her.
-NOOOOO STUBBS ! I know that Bernard said he wasn't going to survive, but i hoped that, maybe, Bernard lied because he was the one who was going to die and he couldn't say it to Stubbs. Well, maybe Stubbs' pearl hasn't been destroyed, if Charlores survived because William didn't shoot her precisely on the center of her head, Stubbs shouldn't be dead because Clementine opened his head by his eye. But Bernard said it was the end for him...but he said the same to Maeve and I think the writers need characters in the real world, so let's see in next season.
-Let's talk a little about Frankie and Caleb's surviving : it's useless. Like, if the real world is really meant to be abandoned, we actually don't care to know if Frankie is going to survive, the only important thing is to know if Charlores is going to stop William. We could see the last scene, so we would know that Frankie got a "happy ending", but spending so much time on them ? And the point of not seeing Caleb dying ? I think, before collapsing, he's the one who'll bring Maeve back next season. And I think that these characters, who stayed in the real world, have still a role to play for the last test, and for the new world. Dolores judged the Sublime as a golden cage in season 2, so I don't think it is the next world.
-Charlores has been my favourite character this season : her tragic (and, well, desserved) end is, in my opinion, as suceed as OG Dolores' end at the end of season 3. After trying to build the best world for her kind while not even knowing what is good for her, she realized how she messed up everything, creating a world in which extinction is the only possible ending, and she accepts to play her last role, to do the last thing she can do for her kind, before ending her life because she's not the one who can build the world she wanted. That's really the version of Dolores who got the most tragic story. I especially love the moment where she told host!William that he's not William, even if he imitated him and lived in his body, because that's the same for her : even if she imitated Charlotte Hale and lived in her body, she still is more Dolores than Hale, and we can see it in this episode.
-And Christina...I don't understand. Like, I understand how she was in the world, I understand that she got a travel to consciousness like Dolores did in season 1, speaking to herself with characters of her own creation before understanding it was her own voice. But I don't understand...is she OG Dolores ? The fact that she had her own travel to consciousness, different of OG Dolores' own travel, and reached a different conclusion (while OG Dolores concluded that humanity should be destroyed, and even of she redeemed herself after, it was too late because she had created Charlores and doomed the world, Christina, despite of Teddy's instances, actually her own instances, wants to gives humanity a last chance, a last test, which gives hope for the future) implies that she is not OG Dolores, but another version who started at the beginning and followed a new path, but the facts that Charlores called her Dolores and that Christina said she remembered everything implies that she is OG Dolores. But in this case, how ? OG Dolores' data were erased. Is Christina's pearl OG Dolores's pearl ? I feel like we don't get answers. But Christina has a new game...I think it's fidelity test, and it connects the dots with the season 2 post-credits scene : if William can "change his code", then everyone can.
-You could think that I'm complaining about this episode, but I really enjoyed it, and I enjoyed all the season. The situation of season 2 inversed with the hosts reacting to the humans becoming crazy was great and fun, this season is actually the first which made me ship Dolores and Teddy (wait, it wasn't actually Teddy, did I ship selfcest ?), the fight between Charlores and the man in Black was great, the scenes between Frankie and Caleb were touching. But. This season feels more like a defeat in order to prepare the victory at the end of the show, in season 5. And I really want to see it. So please HBO, renew Westworld for a fifth season.
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heironymus-lex · 1 year
small thoughts about RE8 Mercenaries bc it seems to be the least talked about game mode but ive played a lot of it and you should try it:
it's fun to explore levels we've already seen from a new perspective in this mode, mowing down enemies and racking up combos is satisfying and a little addictive. You can perfect every level with practice and kill every enemy in a single combo, I find it much more enjoyable with the melee characters than the ranged characters, though.
I like that Heisenberg smokes between combos, im surprised I haven't seen more of his fans hyped about this, very sexy detail. I like how excited he gets when you kill miranda in the bloody village, he desserved to get his shot at her. He is the best character to play mercenaries as, it goes from an above average rail shooter to a very satisfying hack and slash with his hammer. I wish he would be nicer to moreau when he fights him, though. I find it very difficult to kill moreau in mercenaries, and in general, he desserved better.
Dimitresque is very fun to play as, her special moves are very silly and campy, and I love the sheer delight she gets from massacering enemies. it's satisfying to stred through enemies on lower difficulties, but on hard she feels underpowered which kind of betrays her character. if you look down you can see her boobs, by the way, in case you wanted that.
Chris is a really boring addition to me, when you only have him and Ethan to play as he's a welcome change of pace, but he's made totally obsolete by Heisenberg. I'm sure he's fun for fans of the Resident Evil series as a whole though, I'm only a devotee of RE8.
I'm biased, but I think The Duke would have been a much more interesting choice for a mercenaries playable character. Slower movement in exchange for massive damage capacity, weilding weapons that ethan has sold to him maybe, food based power-ups, teleportation based special moves? I think he would bring a lot of whimsy to the gameplay, it's always fun to have a jolly and jovial chatecter absolutely pulverising enemies. The problem with this though is that doing so would require revealing more about Duke, and part of his intrigue is how vague and liminal he is. His characterization also spills into his environments, all his elaborate shop setups add a lot to his character design and I'm not sure how well he would work in other environments that are not his own. His isolation from the rest of the game makes him a great comfort to players any I wonder if that would be ruined by throwing him into the action. I just know he could kick ass given the opportunity. It's probably just a game mechanic and not necessarily reflective of in-game lore, especially since mercenaries is extended universe gameplay, but I think it's telling of his secret strength that even the lords can't attack him in his merchant room. Maybe when I get SSS on all the stages this will be my reward. I want to be able to see his boobs like we get to see dimitresque's, its only fair. I would also like to petition for Capcom to let him have his full range of animations when he's in his merchant room, if you wait around too long he gets trapped in an endless loop of burning himself with his cigar! Poor baby!
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songmingisthighs · 2 years
Wow, Yunho really fucked up this time. Like, FOR REAL. I think it's time to say goodbye to this relationship. He just really doesn't understand anything. Poor YN having to deal with this BS all the time. He really needs a lesson to understand "you don't know what you have until you lose it". This is another level of IDGAF about my girl and YN desserves something better. :( I'm very thankful for his friends acting like REAL friends and Hwa calling out Joong. And also, poor bear, he cares a lot about YN and can't do anything. :((( I don't know what will happen next. :'((((((
all in favor of kicking ald!yunho to the curb say aye
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quegoestothemovies · 3 months
Poor Things Review
Thoughts: right off the bat i did not like it. something about a grown woman playing a baby was a bit unsettling. in my opinion the movie did not stop being upsetting until the third act when she is reading more for pleasure. maybe it is because of my sexual orientation or lack thereof that most of the first act was unnecessary. The ending left me feeling more relieved than anything that the movie was finally over. anyways.... moving onto the criteria
if i was teaching someone about life for the first time would i show them this movie. No. i cant think of any movies at the time of writing this. but there has to be more movies that say the same thing but better.
would i watch in the theater multiple times. No. i didnt even watch this movie in theaters. not sure if my experience would have been better or worse. but as of right now i would not see this movie again.
would i listen to the soundtrack outside of the movie. surprisingly yes. the wired and on edge feel to them weirdly appealed to me
is the movie too long? if i were to leave for a portion of the movie would it still make sense. this movie was paced really well. if i left at any point of the movie i would have missed some crucial part of her development which is odd considering at least in the middle it was just a lot of sex scenes in between the good bits lmao
was the movie quotable. no not really but her name is fun to say.
is the plot dissectable. oh hell yeah. it still is weird that 'god' chose to do what he did and then grew emotion. like that is absurd. he is only human so what did he think would happen.
can i feel the love for this movie. yes. the amount of detail it must have taken to create a set that is both futuristic and archaic. the actors expressions and emma stone! she definitely desserved her oscar win for this movie. all the effort definitely makes this movie should be recognized
is the film beautiful. yes. no comment
is the movie timeless mmm no
would i own the movie. No. yeah im glad i watched this movie at least once but i wouldnt watch this again unless i forgot the plot completely.
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lordarsonizzzzt · 1 year
These will be the last Isaac facts for now because I'm working on something. Also, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight.
Isaac has a bad habit of overeating when he's stressed or upset. He eats too much too fast and ends up vomiting everything. And then he's back to eating again.
He doesn't hold a grudge against Clef for killing his family. If anything, he blames himself for not being able to fix everything.
Ever since the day Clef was involved in the accident that caused Isaac's fourth death, the two of them actually get along quite well. It doesn't stop Clef from being an ass tho.
Isaac's assistant, Camila, always brings him a small quantity of catnip when Isaac is feeling down. She likes taking care of him, he reminds her of the cat she had when she was a child.
He likes looking in the mirror when he cries because it can go two ways. One, he looks really pretty so he stops crying to get a better look at himself. Two, he looks stupid and gets embarrassed so he stops crying and gets back to work.
-Cat dad anon
I wanna give Isaac the love he desservers *pat pat*
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beantrolls · 1 year
AND wbw for darvin :)
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full name: Darvin Renals Dosnee
gender: Guy... for now
sexuality: Bi
pronouns: He/Him ... For now! (Eventually She/He... but shhh, she doesn't know about that yet)
family: His momma was a bird lusus! She exploded. He's not all that beat up about it
birthplace: Iospos Brooding Caverns
job: Well he's pretty much destined to be a battery... but he'd love to program the worker drones and work as an architect
phobias: Highbloods, flying ships, swarms of bugs
morality alignment?: A little selfserving bitch Lawful Neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - ...
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: introvert. leave him alone
organized/disorganized: disorganized. the only parts of his room that aren't covered in trash are the parts he hasn't gotten to yet
close minded/open-minded: close minded
calm/anxious: anxious. always sticking his foot in his mouth
disagreeable/agreeable: disagreeable. he's. the worst.
cautious/reckless: it depends! recklessly shoving his foot in his mouth in front of highbloods? always. even if he initially tries his best, he inevitably fails.
patient/impatient: SOO IMPATIENT
outspoken/reserved: outspoken. he has nothing good to say.
leader/follower: follower who thinks he's a leader.
empathetic/unemphatic: unempathetic. really guys, he just sucks.
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic! he shouldn't be, but he is!
traditional/modern: traditional
hard-working/lazy: lazy "genius". unfortunately for everyone else he tends to succeed without trying.
otp: ANIESE/DARVIN FOREVERRRR it's not allowed to be canon because he's bad and awful and aniese desserves better. spot goes to antemh/darvin instead.
brotp: Darvin/Growen... Darvin/Acklin. he needs some sense beat into him
notp: Darvin and Aniese.
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Shimura Tenko:
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S/O is convinced they are an amazing cook, but in fact it's horrible. It's not just bad, it's almost food poisoning at this point. Will the skeleton find the strength to tell them?
Undertale Sans - He will, eventually. Man, Papyrus was already not the best cook, but you, it's a whole another level. Sans thought this was over forever once Toriel taught his brother how to cook, but it's not. He's bringing you to Toriel and begs her to save his life by teaching you how to not kill pizzas.
Undertale Papyrus - He doesn't want to hurt your feeling so he eats everything as fast as he can to not feel any of this. You take that as the fact he loved your cooking and that you should give him more. You put down another plate for him. Papyrus thanks you but he is dying inside. He will insist you spend time with Toriel, not explaining why, but man, he will sure explain to Toriel the hell he is living in. Save a skeleton man.
Underswap Sans - Well thank god he's not home at lunch. He gives your food to his colleagues (two had to go to the hospital so far) and goes buy some fast food. He acts like nothing happens when he's coming home. Honey is cooking in the evening, to everyone's relief. When he really doesn't have the choice, he teleports the food outside as soon as you're not looking lol.
Underswap Papyrus - He loves you but please get the hell out of his kitchen. He's honest with you right away, and calls you out a bit abruptly, but someone had to do it. But that's fine because he is a great cook and he can show you how it's done. Please let him show you, he swears you won't regret it.
Underfell Sans and Papyrus - Red's life is a nightmare. Between you trying to poison him and Edge trying to kill him with broken glass lasagnas, he has enough. One evening, he snaps at the both of you and screams that instead of trying to kill him, you should take cooking lessons to finally stop exterminating the culinary art. The two of you are offended, but Edge and you actually listen to him for once, after they get over their huge broken ego. Red never had been so relieved.
Horrortale Sans and Papyrus - They don't really care. It's still food, and they ate worst than this. You made it for them, it would be horrible to just refuse it. Willow will still trying discretly to give you tips so you can improve. But they will never complain, not their style.
Swapfell Sans - He looks at you, he looks at the plate, then just "no." "What do you mean no?" "i won't eat this. take it away." "But..." "no." He won't touch it, he doesn't care if it hurts your feelings. His survival skills are better than yours.
Swapfell Papyrus - He's a trashcan, he eats gladly everything you give him. Nox thinks it's a mistake that you two are a couple. Clearly you won't survive a month alone. Please reconsider.
Fellswap Gold Sans and Papyrus - Wine panicks and teleports your food in his brother's stomach. Coffee falls on the floor, agonizing. Hum. You should probably do something. After that, Coffee is scared of you and calls you nothing but "food murderer". You know you desserve it.
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Billy IS brave
Ok I’m mad. But not about what max said.
Max : « I thought maybe billy didn’t deserved to be saved » « I prayed for something to happen to him »
I don’t know if she was truthful or she if just lied to bait Vecna, but even if she said the truth, I don’t blame her. Billy was awful to her.
What I don’t like is that Billy’s abuse by his father was NEVER mentioned. I don’t know if max knew or didn’t. I hope she didn’t, or maybe just had suspicions. If she didn’t, then okay. She has this step older brother that is awful, always screaming at her, always mad, violent. I get her. Her feelings are understandable, even tho they don’t match AT ALL with what she said in her letter to billy in vol 1, but that is just bad writing. You don’t do a 180° turn on 2 characters dynamic and a character’s grief in 3 episodes. That is why I decided to think she was lying, or grossly exaggerating in order to attract Vecna.
What I’m mad about is Vecna saying « you are brave Max, not like your brother ».
Billy put up with his father’s abuse all his life.
Billy, as a CHILD, rushed his violent father to protect his mother (s3 flashbacks). That alone is a sign of bravery like no others.
Then, Billy, after freeing himself from the MF, did not run away but faced that giant monster. He had no weapons, nothing but his bare hands. He had witness the MF’s power with his own eyes, being manipulated for days.
But still, he grabbed the MF tentacules to protect El and then got killed. Before he died, he didn’t cried for help or tried to escape. He fucking screamed with anger at the MF, he faced him with no fear visible.
Anyway, go rewatch his death scene if you want, but if you think he was a coward, I can’t understand you.
Then in his dying breath, he said sorry to Max.
I can’t understand why they added that line. That « billy is not brave » line. That line that take all Billy had left: his bravery. The only quality that was visible through all his anger from his abusive upbringing. The quality he was remembered for : the one who sacrificed himself to save El and the other’s life.
I feel so sad for his character, I can’t even express it right.
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allmyzolu · 3 years
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💞🌈 A Bugs Bunny post, cause I love him so much and I want the best for him 🌈💞
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moonilit · 3 years
No thoughts, head empty just ”Cryo users are the ones who had their hearts broken by the cruelty of this world” and Keaya got his vision when Diluc almost killed him meaning his heart was broken at that mome-
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romy350-romyakari · 5 years
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They feaking pull a Neku case on Sora.
This two boys deserve better than be launch again to another deal there that soon.
I feel bad for Shiki and Beat. Beat is the only one that saw what happen to Neku and has to tell the rest this and it hurts me bc Shiki and Neku were about to continue talking later and shopping the next day ; ;
Good is we know Sora will made it back and we will see it but idk about Neku if they leave the saga unfinished like this...
The bond between Neku and Shiki is strong, she feel the tragedy coming *sobs intensify*
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