caninerants · 11 months
HBRewritten: my version's timeline
I'm back in the fucking building again?! /Ref
First of all: I won't be taking Season 2 as inspiration for this rewrite. I'll just use Season 1 as a blueprint of sorts, and maybe a bit of HH.
Ok then
Woe, rewriting be upon ye:
I'll build the world from it's history, and then fit the plot of HB into it. This is simply because I personally don't see sense in Viv's worldbuilding of HB, and personally, it's one of it's weakest points due to this.
Here's a rough timeline + explanation
Creation of the Earth, God, The creation of all creatures, Angels, Humans, that stuff!
Lucifer, unlike most of his kin, becomes disappointed with how God manages the creation. Is it because there's no free will? Does he legitimately think he could do better? It's up to interpretation tbh
During this time, God creates the underworld, not as a jail but rather as a testing site. He is a omnipresent being that just popped into existence after all.
Rallying, Rebellion, Fall:
Lucifer convinces some of his fellow kin that the direction God is taking his Plan is deeply flawed and that an uprising is needed. He gets some powerful allies on his side, and a gnarly rebellion starts. God banishes Lucifer and his allies to the underworld, as although he is majorly angry, he also does care for Lucifer (he was his most beautiful angel in Christian canon, after all) and he wants to keep tabs on them.
The Seven:
Lucifer and his allies get vanished to the Underworld, right?
And here's a thing. Creatures already lived in there, Imps.
(This part could explain why imps are the only hellborns without magic)
So, Lucifer is also majorly pissed, right? He wanted the Heavenly throne, he wanted to usurp God, he wanted that, he wanted more.
Him, along with the allies that fell with him, become rulers of this realm by force, although they don't have power over the realm itself (yet), perhaps as a way to at least rule something.
Lucifer occasionally sneaks out, using angelic power to possess animals in the living world.
The apple bite thing happens, God banishes humans out of Eden, Lucifer was being a bit silly.
This occured God's wrath, badly
A war occurs due to this, and it ends up, tensely, in a agreement.
i . People who don't summit to God will be sent to Hell
ii. Lucifer has full control over the sinners and the realm's physical features (so that he leaves Earth alone)
iii . God can, and will, send angels to check upon Hell to see that Lucifer isn't trying to usurp him again
Tense times:
Due to this agreement, Lucifer and his gang is suddenly given a whole place to change as they please, as long as they torture sinners and don't usurp God.
This is when the seven levels of hell, and the rest of the hellborns, are created; Lucifer was smart enough to see that if he limited his angelborn kin they could try and usurp him, so he divides the realm and trusts it to each of his kin.
Sin time:
And the sinners start coming and they won't start coming
The standard hell is created:
What it says. Sinners are tortured in all of the realms in multiple ways, using hellborn as torturers. Eventually, the Seven start getting bored of this. It's all the same!
More fallen angels:
Between the time of the proto-apocalypse, and this era, a bunch of angels fall from grace and end up in Hell. Lucifer, who may be fine with torturing random humans but not fellow angels, kinda doesn't know what to do. Eventually a sort of noble system sprouts out of this, with the level of power being directly correlated with prestige because that's how it is.
Some demons, partly to get more sinners and partly to spite God, try to pass over to earth to spread chaos. God does Not like this, which directly leads to the next era
Solomonic era:
During this era is when the 72 demons are exorcised by Solomon thanks to God, and forced to, y'know, build a temple, reveal their weaknesses, and then get sealed until Babylonia frees them on Earth.
This is a very turbulent era, as some important folk, like Asmodeus, are basically kidnapped. Eventually they get freed and return, but the title of the tome written by Solomon about them, the Ars Goetia, becomes a symbol of shame for the affected demons and a description: The goetia
Eventually, though, a funny thing happens: in a twist of irony, the Goetia, having been brought to Earth via divine intervention, "learn" better and more efficient ways to connect the Hell realms with Earth, and even redevelop the angelic powers they were blessed with prior to falling, and with this bring. This brings a lot of respect for them, and centuries later being a Goetia became a symbol of pride.
Life crisis:
Despite life being good for the demonic overlords and the Seven are flat out tired of the monotone life they have. Torturing sinners for eternity gets boring as hell
Asmodeus is especially tired of this, and after travelling out of Hell multiple times during the 16th and 17th century, and getting into hijinks, he returns in his own time with an idea.
(small note: this whole part about Asmodeus is directly based on plays and satirical stories made during the 1600s and 1700s, which had Asmodeus as a main character, and portray him positively as a critic of mankind)
What if we let the human souls intermingle with demons, instead of just torturing them, to see what happens?
Premodern Era:
The rest of the Seven where, frankly, quite appalled by this but also Quite interested about what could come out of this.
(This is the origin of the Hell we see in the HB universe)
So... They do it! Slowly integrating new sinners to hellborn society, and hoping something fun comes out of this
And it does!
Eventually, it becomes more noticeable that letting sinners do what they want makes it easier to tempt humans to sin, and also let's sinners develop and grow in power, which is eventually found to actually make the Seven more powerful too.
Basically, it was all a huge success
Eventually, there's too many sinners around, and although the power surge is good, it also makes it harder to control Hell's population. Rebellions begin to sprout in different parts of Hell due to discontent, and Lucifer does the unthinkable
He calls his papa God
The negotiation:
Hell and Heaven get into a series of tense, tense negotiations. Partly because Hell technically broke part of the conditions imposed. Partly because God isn't pleased with there being too many sinners
Another agreement is settled, and this time, Hell isn't really forced to torture folk. How did they convince God? Sheer spite, dear reader.
But, there's a tradeoff:
In return, God can eliminate sinful creatures when the overpopulation gets too bad, as a way to send the message that torturing people for eternity gave before.
Sinners, unlike hellborn, don't have a natural life cycle, as they are technically dead, so this elimination ends up being a yearly heaven-sent killing spree.
The Seven don't like this, not because people die but because this comes with the inherent risk of losing hellborn, which is a tedious task to recreate them, and angelborn/fallen angels, which are basically so powerful it's impossible to recreate one if it dies.
Great change:
The Seven realize that, when God orders a Elimination, it is a automated event of sorts: killer angels come, eliminate folks until a number is reached, and leave as quickly as they came. They don't transverse more of what they NEED to, which gives Lucifer an idea.
What if we cram all the sinners together in a place? That way, when the killing starts, the angels will just kill in a single place. No need to worry over the actually important demons if they're somewhere else
Modern era:
The great migration happens, and sinners are crammed and forced to be on the same ring, at all times.
This system is not perfect, a few sinners do fall between the cracks and are able to cross to other rings, but it is a choice that needs enormous efforts to accomplish, and most sinners are too compliant, too enamoured by the temptations and sin to try and do something.
Tension is high in the upper angelic castes, and there's a known yet unspoken understanding that a Hell-Heaven war could erupt at any time
So yeah, that is the timeline of my HB rewrite!
I didn't get into as much detail as I could like to, and there's probably a few holes in the timeline I will iron out eventually
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