The bad batch episode 5 highlights (lots of them this week!!!!)
Hunter and wrecker with their caff (they’re so dad)
AZI helping Crosshair with target practice
Crosshair’s shaky hands
Batcher choosing to hang out with Crosshair instead of omega
Omega giving older sister advice
Crosshair just Knowing when people are watching him
Batcher being fascinated by gonky
Crosshair: where my hug at 🤨🤨
Pabu golden hour
A moment of silence for the tech mention (I’m sleeping on the highway tonight)
omega baby don’t feel guilty :((
Hunter’s eyes in the sun
Mom (echo) being the conflict mediator
Batcher helping them dig
Omega taking tech’s job
Mayday :(((
Crosshair fixing the helmets
Echo plugging in the tablet with two fingers (got me giggling and kicking my feet fr)
The way hunter fell into the wyrm hole was kinda funny
Demo expert Wrecker <333
Crosshair’s rifle (and using it to pull hunter out of the wyrm hole)
Every time Crosshair called omega by her name
Batcher ready to throw hands (paws?) with the wyrm (you’re doing amazing sweetie)
Crosshair’s sniper pauldron
Batcher being crosshair’s dog
The Imperceptible Nod of Solidarity after a Near Death Experience
3/6 GROUP HUG!!!
Crosshair’s face during aforementioned hug
“I don’t even see any blood this time! That’s progress” what horrors has echo seen
“You did all you could, kid. And you did exactly what you were supposed to do: you got out of there.” Echo is so reassuring and good with omega 😭😭
The lighting
Hunter’s cheekbones
“There just might be hope for US yet”
The vulture flying away as Crosshair leaves the empire (and mayday) behind
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nerdreid · 7 years
chemistry killer
the BAU gets called in for a series of murders happening in Brooklyn, New York. when they arrive at the police precinct, they are met with an odd set of detectives, some more excited about their arrival than the others. and what is is about dr. spencer reid that fascinates detective jake peralta so much?
a/n: i’m just gonna be honest, i usually don’t like crossover fics, but i thought of this and i just had to write it because the bau team and the nine-nine squad meeting? amazing. this is probably going to be long with multiple chapters so this is only the first part. i promise it will get more interesting! also, this is alternatively titled: jake has a crush on a fbi nerd but everyone including himself is clueless
please leave some feedback if you liked it (or didn’t like it that’s good too)
Everyone in the Behavioral Analysis Unit was finishing up paperwork from prior cases and getting ready to go home. That was, until Garcia walked into the bullpen. Holding up her phone, she clarified: "Sorry my dear crime fighters, I just got a text; we have a case."
The others in the room groaned. "We just got back from Florida, please tell me it isn't Florida again", JJ said, throwing her head back in frustration.
"It is not, follow me", Garcia replied as she walked up the stairs leading to the briefing room. The others closed their files and followed her example not long thereafter.
When all the agents had taken a chair at the round table, Garcia picked up the remote and started the briefing. She frowned in disgust of the pictures that showed up on the screen. "This morning an unidentified body was found in a dumpster in Brooklyn, New York."
Reid leaned forward, "just one body? Why did they call us in?"
"Oh sweet boy wonder," Garcia shook her head, "you didn't let me finish. Two weeks ago the remains of Gerald Reynolds were discovered in an alley, just four blocks from the dumpster one." More photos appeared on the monitor. "And a week after that, the lifeless body of Ethel Hall, also in an alley behind a dumpster. That makes three."
"The local police department contacted us, so we're heading there now. Wheels up in thirty",  Hotch said. The other members of the team closed their tablets - Reid his paper file -, and started packing their stuff.
"The FBI? You mean that the actual federal bureau of investigation is taking over our case?", detective Peralta half-yelled, "I'm not sure whether this super awesome or worse than the Vulture."
"Yes. There have been three murders, which classifies as serial. That means we have the contact the FBI. Their behavioral analysis unit is flying over here as we speak. You will be working together closely", captain Holt stated matter-of-factly. "Please treat them with respect, they are the best at what they do."
Peralta scoffed, "we can solve this case by ourselves, we don't need some federal jerks to come run this place, right?"
"We have no physical evidence, no witnesses, no suspects and no leads. Admit it, there is a serial killer on the loose and we are nowhere near solving it. Let the Feds do what they gotta", Diaz said to him before returning to her desk.
Peralta sighed and let himself fall back in his office chair. He couldn't handle the fact that there were cases he couldn't solve and that outsiders were going to step in. But, on the other hand, it is kind of amazing to get to work with the FBI. What would they look like? Are they all in a full suit with a tie and cool-looking sunglasses, like in movies? That would be epic, Peralta thought to himself.
A couple of hours later the elevator dinged, and revealed six people slightly crammed in there. The first man to step out was, in fact, wearing a suit. Behind him were three more men and two women, not in suits, but still intimidating. Captain Holt walked out of his office to introduce himself. "You must be from the behavioral analysis unit, I'm captain Raymond Holt, welcome."
"Yes, I believe we spoke over the phone. Aaron Hotchner", the suit said, "this is my team: SSA's David Rossi, Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareau and dr. Spencer Reid." They all shook hands with Holt, except for dr. Reid, which earned him an odd glance. The agent waved as a form of greeting, giving the captain a sort of apologetic look.
Holt nodded, "You'll be working with our squad; sergeant Terry Jeffords and detectives Jake Peralta, Amy Santiago, Charles Boyle and Rosa Diaz. You can set up in the meeting room over there."
"Thank you." Agent Hotchner turned around to face his own team, "Morgan, I want you to go to the M.E. and see what they have to say about the cause of death. Reid, I want you to start with the geographical profile and go over possible suspects together with JJ. Prentiss and I will go to the latest crime scene. And, Dave, if you could go back to the second dump site, maybe it could tell us more about the unsub."
"You might want one of my detectives to assist you, they know the way around here", Captain Holt said. "Diaz, Santiago, Boyle, please", he ordered them over.
Agent Hotchner shook hands with Diaz, who was assigned to him and agent Prentiss, "I appreciate that, thank you."
The FBI agents and their assigned detectives exited the building, leaving dr. Reid and JJ behind. The two walked over to the meeting room, where multiple whiteboards were set up.
Peralta stood up out of his chair, "what about me? Why are you giving all the others the cool tasks?" Motioning towards the meeting room, Holt replied, "you can assist them."
"I'm not gonna sit there listening to them talking when I could be out there solving the case", Jake sighed. His captain stared at him, "Peralta, go over there. That is an order."
Groaning, the detective made his way to the table on which the two agents where sitting. The male said something to the female before standing up and grabbing a marker. He drew something on the map pinned to a board, and pointed at it while turning back to his partner.
"Wow, what's all that?", Peralta asked in reference to the multicolored arrows on the map. "The locations where the three victims were found and where they were last seen. I'm putting together a geographical profile based on those factors. Which means that the unsub probably works or lives in this area", the male agent said as he pointed to the triangle he had drawn.
Jake frowned, "unsub?"
"Unknown subject. It's what we call the offender", the man clarified.
The female turned her attention to Jake, "you're detective Peralta, right? I'm SSA Jennifer Jareau."
Jake took the hand she stuck out, "yes, Jake Peralta it is. Nice to meet you." He went to shake the male agent's hand too, but didn't get much movement in response. "I have a... eh, germ thing. Sorry. Dr. Spencer Reid", the man introduced himself.
"Cool cool coolcoolcool", Jake paused, "so, um, is there something I can do for you?"
"Actually, yes", agent Jareau said, "based on the sophistication of the crimes, we think this isn't the unsub's first time doing this. He might not have killed before, but he has probably been arrested at some point, for smaller offences like animal torture, abuse or even arson. We need all of your arrest files on those types of crimes, going back at least five years."
"Uh, sure. I'll get you a computer and a log-in code for the system"
"Actually," agent Reid said as Jake was about to leave the room, "I would like to have the paper files."
Jake was a little confused, "are you sure? There are like, hundreds of those. It would take days to get through every single one."
Agent Jareau smiled at him, "trust me, detective, it won't be a problem."
"Okay, okay, okay. You might need to help me carry all of them though."
JJ left with Jake to get the files while Reid stayed behind to work on the profile. About twenty minutes later they were on their fourth time walking back with a stack of files in their arms. In the briefing room dr. Reid was sat behind the piles of paper, flipping through them one by one. Jake put his stack next to the others. "We're almost finished, just a couple of boxes left to go through now", he told the FBI agent. He didn't get a reaction and Jake wondered if Reid had even heard what he said.
Another stroll to the archive room and dozens of files later, Jake sat down on the corner of the desk on which all the paper was lying.
JJ walked in holding another stack, "there only a couple left back there now."
When Jake made an effort to stand up, she stopped him with a friendly smile, "I'll get them."
The detective raised an eyebrow at her, but she had already left the room. Jake decided to take a chair next to agent Reid, who was still going trough the files at an incredibly high speed.  "No offence, but, are you even reading the words?", he asked.
"I am. I can read 20,000 words per minute. It's a method called speed reading where you use scanning and meta guiding to get through the text faster. Scanning is the process where one actively looks for information by organizing information in a visually hierarchical manner that showcases the interrelatedness of the information for better retrievability-", Reid replied, without removing his eyes from the paper once. "- I think I got something."
Jake blinked, surprised by the sudden amount of words spoken, "I've know idea what any of that was what you just said, but that doesn't matter. Show me what you got! -Wait, no", he bit his lip and shook his head, "that sounds wrong. never mind. What did you find?"
Reid seemed unbothered by the other man's comment and slid the file slightly in Jake's direction. He started explained his theory and how the suspect's backstory fit exactly into the preliminary profile they had. After a couple of sentences he began to use terms too complicated for Jake to understand and thus he trailed off. So, Jake let his eyes wander over to take a good look at the agent. Dr. Reid was tall and pretty skinny, which made him appear even taller than he already was. His hands were constantly moving while he was talking, but seemingly without any clear purpose. Speaking of his hands, he had long, elegant fingers that caught Jake's attention when Spencer traced a line on the map. His way of dressing was kind of odd, though. Jake would probably describe it as 'grandpa style', mostly because of the cardigan. The FBI agent was still talking and didn't detect that the other person in the room wasn't listening at all. In the waving of limbs, Jake noticed that Reid wore his watch over his sleeve.
Agent Jareau's entrance made him snap back into reality. "I got the last files. Did you find something?", she asked.
"Actually, yes", dr. Reid began, "I think we need to call Hotch about this. Look."
JJ took the paper Reid handed her and while she was reading it, her eyes widened. She took out her phone and dialed a number.
"Hotch, it's me. Yeah, Reid might've found something. Guy tortured animals almost in the exact same way as the bodies."
Even though he hadn't been paying much attention before, detective Peralta now was curious to see what this was all about. He picked up the file that JJ had put back on the table, flipped through the pages, and immediately regretted it. At the sight of mutilated pets he scrunched up his face and quickly threw the papers away. Dr. Reid noticed and shot him a puzzled glance.
Agent Jareau, who was still on the phone, turned herself to her partner, "call Garcia, we need to know everything there is on this guy."
Reid nodded and got his phone out of his pocket. An old Nokia. Now it was Jake's turn to shoot a glance, who uses those things these days?
"Hey Garcia, I'm gonna put you on speaker, hang on."
Reid's slender fingers clumsily pushed some buttons and he set the phone down on the table. A female voice spoke, "this is the oracle of miracles speaking, talk to me."
"Find out everything you can about a Rob Carrier, he might be the unsub", dr. Reid said.
A faint tapping of keys could be heard from the other side of the line. "Searching... Found it! Robert F. Carrier, born on November 23rd 1987. Works as a janitor at the Feldman Chemistry lab. Was arrested for, oh god, animal torture and has a juvie record for beating up his classmate because, quote "the turd", unquote, stole a pencil from him."
Jake snorted at the choice of words, which caused the others to give him a disapproving look. Spencer turned his attention back to the phone, "did you said Feldman Chemistry? The second victim worked there."
"You're right, Ethel Hall, one of the lead chemist in the lab. She has been working there for twenty years now, recently got another promotion", Garcia said.
"That's a connection and motive. Garcia, can you send us Carrier's-"
"Adress? Yes, already done. Sent it to the others too", she interrupted Reid. "Be safe, babies. Penelope Garcia out." There was a click; Garcia had hung up.
JJ picked her jacket up from the chair it was thrown over and said, "Hotch and Prentiss got quite something out of the dump site, but they can brief us over the phone. We will meet them at Carrier's house, let's go."
Jake pretty much jumped out of his chair, he was way too excited about there finally being some action to care what some FBI agents thought of him. They were staring at him though. "You're the lead investigator on this case, you're supposed to go first. We're only here to assist the police", agent Jareau clarified.
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