yourlocalgreg · 2 months
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HAPPY BIRYHDAY @yari-saber
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slayedfrr · 2 months
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @yari-saber !!!!!!!
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thefvrious · 1 year
affiliated with @ghostsxagain
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full name: yaritza xochitl hermano nicknames: angel, yari birthday: november 7 age: 23 gender/pronouns: nonbinary, they/them hometown: los angeles, california sign: scorpio religion: agnostic orientation: queer occupation: tattoo apprentice family: cruz hermano (father), diego verdugo (seahorse dad), javier hermano (brother), itzayana hermano (sister), joaquin hermano (brother) +: intelligent, compassionate, loyal, observant -: volatile, aggressive, closed-off, self-deprecating blurb: life was good growing up in the hermano household. no complaints about their parents or their siblings, except the random minor tiff -- nobody's perfect. yaritza will be the first one to tell you that their parents have one of those true love stories -- that diego got lucky in finding a man like cruz, because not many exist like that. yari wants to be like him, wants to be that for somebody -- even if romance isn't the first thing on their mind. they've got a penchant for making dumb decisions in the heat of the moment, and their knuckles are almost always bruised. they're grateful to have the family they have, though, because it means they can still live at home and pursue the career and lifestyle that makes them happy.
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tyiaunia-harris · 3 years
Happy Birthday Wy 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊
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yarichin-imagines · 3 years
can i get some toxic relationship headcanons with each of the boys? thank you <3
TW: toxic relationships, jealousy, gaslighting, mindbreak (reader getting used to/happy with toxicity), dubcon, hints of yandere, etc.
toono - insecurity
Toono just can’t seem to convince himself you truly love him. It leads to him closing off and pitying himself quite a bit. He treats the relationship like something else he’s bound to fuck up, and he shouldn’t get too attached. That leads to your relationship feeling half-baked.
kashima - jealous
Kashima is not paranoid! He trusts you 100%. It's everyone else he doesn't trust. He gets a little more than hot under the collar when he starts noticing you do nothing to stop guys from buying you drinks at a club— you accept the drinks! that you apologize to the perverts who grope you when the try to slide past you on a crowded metro, and blush when you catch them staring. Steam practically pours out of his ears. He will drag you by your wrist, his grip searing hot and twisting hard against the skin -- it hurts, but he's too angry to notice now. Doesn't matter if it's at school, at a club, and it doesn't matter if it's the morning, noon or night. He'll have you against something in seconds, muttering expletives, even going so far as to threaten live's if someone has the audacity to cozy up to you right in front of him. It's unfathomable, it's like nobody can see that you so obviously belong to him. After all, you're his girl. He's the one you come home to, the only one who gets to touch you, hold you, to fuck you, to see you in every state of mind, to see you break, and to see you cum. For him. Just for him. If he wasn't such a good fuck when he's all worked up, surely you'd have had the sense to leave him, but that just isn't the case with Kashima. . .
yacchan - communication issues
Yacchan can’t communicate, but it isn’t for a lack of talking. He has built up a wall after years of being inferior, so when someone tries to push the boundaries a bit and open him up, he gets very defensive. He gets hostile and sarcastic, even in his body language, moving as if he’s preparing to fight. He just can’t handle criticism because he’s been given so much shit through his life, he interprets criticism as hate and feels a need to defend himself. He doesn’t want to let anyone break down his walls that he has spent so long putting up to protect himself.
Shikatani - perfectionist
Shika doesn’t want anything to happen if he doesn’t know it’ll go exactly as he planned. All the dates need to go perfect or it ends with him in tears because he ‘fucked it all up’. Even if the mess up ends in you two having an equally great time, he can’t get over how it didn’t go perfectly. This also sort of plays into a lack of communication as he doesn’t want to bring up things that could cause arguments.
akemi - gaslighting
To be honest, it gets a little fuzzy trying to remember what life was like before Keiichi Akemi.
“Why worry about it?” he would always say. “I’ll take care of everything. Just don’t think about it, ‘kay?”
How could you refuse a life planned out for you down to the tee? Schedules were structure, and without structure, you’d definitely fall apart.
“What would you do without me?”
Please don’t leave me!
“If you don’t exercise, you’ll get fat again, like before. You don’t want to be fat again right?”
You’re right! I’m sorry!
“I’m only doing this because I love you, ya know.”
You don’t remember before, but you do know that nobody has ever loved you the way Akemi does now, nobody else loves you as much as Akemi does now.
And nobody ever will.
itome - lack of communication
While Yacchan and Shikatani have their own communication issues, Itome doesn’t communicate at all, mostly due to his crippling insecurity. He is silent most of the time, always defaulting to whatever you want to do. He just hopes that you won’t leave if he agrees to do what you want all the time. He gets so scared of losing you, he’ll end up crying late at night. If you notice and ask him what’s wrong, he violently insists he’s fine and nothing’s wrong. “It’s fine” is a catchphrase of his. This leads to a relationship in a stalemate where neither of you know if the other is genuinely happy.
yuri - disrespect (being late, “forgetting” events, unsupportive)
When it was three minutes past your reservation, you didn’t even notice. You weren’t even bothered when he forgot about your recital banquet, after all, he probably just got tied up with club logistics, a vice president does have a lot of responsibilities.
He never really saw the point of your artwork, but what was one opinion out of many? After all, yours was the one that mattered. Right?
At least he was looking at it, although, for extended periods at a time, with a puzzled expression, that would morph into a frustrated confusion before it transformed into complete disgust.
But so what?
Soon, he was a half hour late to reservations, an hour when the days were really bad. He started blowing off your showcases. And when you found the card you’d designed yourself for his birthday in the trash? Or overheard him describing your art as “kiddy! kiddy! ugly?” What were you supposed to do?
Flowers and orgasms were fine and dandy of course, but every anniversary forgotten and every piece you found hidden in a closet was just another knife to your chest, albeit a warning that went in one ear and out another.
tamura - controlling
"Absolutely not."
It has to be the tenth outfit you've presented for your boyfriend's approval, and despite your opaque tights (an improvement over the lace ones the last few 'fits) the dress is "still too short." If not the dress nor the tights, the heels are "too alluring" and your makeup is "too provocative."
Tamura takes it upon himself to pick your outfit and makeup, and unless you're putting on his own personal burlesque show, chances are the colors are neutral or non-flattering and the makeup is almost completely natural, truly.
Sometimes it's nice not having to worry, knowing you can sleep in a little later because your boyfriend has planned out your daily look and perfectly portioned your breakfast and lunchbox. Then there’s the rest of the times, when you have to time out your trips to the mall so that you come home when Tamura is out and hide your shopping bags in your car. But all of it’s no use.
He’s one step ahead of you every time. He has pictures of your gas meter daily, he tracks your location, and eventually, he takes you everywhere you go and sets a curfew.
If you post a picture with a guy on your socials, he wants the receipts, he wants the goddamn family tree proving that the schmuck’s your first cousin, or else. Or else, being that he shuts down your socials, happens anyway of course.
You get used to it. You don’t get to decide anymore, he decides for you, when you wake up, eat, cum, and what you wear, what you know, what you think and isn’t that just sweet?
jimmy - stalking
This one is kind of obvious. Jimmy HAS to know where you are, what you’re doing, who you’re with, and when you’ll be back. He can be found following you places or looking through your things. Though, when he finds out these things, he doesn’t get angry. He just broods and pities himself for a long time. He ends up making you feel obligated to tell him everything, and there’s always something that makes him upset about it.
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jellyjam · 2 years
THANK YOU YARIE<3333 i hope you have a great day too :D
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Happy birthday!! I wish you the best wishes!!!
Sad we are both not the same age anymore but that’s fine you are my elder hehe
Thanks Yari!! 🧡
Don't worry, the day will come again when we're the same age. For now I shall take the title of elder with pride :p
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waterloou · 3 years
Happy Birthday, Queenie
Queenie’s birthday after her father has passed. Requested by @s-s-southsideserpentine
Queenie felt herself being shaken gently awake on the couch, and a gentle voice chimed in.
“Yari, Yari wake up.”
“Hmm?” She opened one eye to see the blurry vision of her cousin standing above her.
“Come on, I’m gonna take you somewhere.”
“Hmm?” She let herself be pulled up by him.
It was dark outside.
“What time is it?”
“Early, but it’s tradition, isn’t it?”
Queenie yawned, “what is?”
“You’ll see. Let’s go.” Angel herded his younger cousin into the car, and made sure she’d buckled herself in.
“It’s so early.”
“That’s the whole point” she perked up at that, looking out the window.
“W-what day is it?” Queenie could feel her lip start to wobble. Angel didn’t answer, instead turning on the radio to a low volume.
Queenie pulled her knees up to her chest as a Michael Jackson song started up.
They drove until they reached a sunflower field.
“No.” Queenie’s stomach dropped, she looked at Angel, “why are we here?” She croaked.
“It’s tradition. Tia Malma wanted you to keep to this…”
“But...papa.” Her voice was a strained whisper now.
“He would want you to enjoy your birthday.” Angel undid his seatbelt and turned towards her, “but I can take you home if-“
“What do you wanna do?”
Queenie hesitated, before carefully undoing her seatbelt and getting out of the car. Angel followed suit.
She walked down the side of the road through the sunflowers, until she reached a lone tree, and sat at the base.
When Angel reached her, Queenie had rested her head against the trunk, eyes fixed on the brightening horizon.
They sat there for a while in silence; watching the sky burst into reds, yellows, and oranges as the sun rose higher and higher.
Queenie rested her head on Angel’s shoulder, a sniffle escaping her. He wrapped an arm around his cousin’s shoulders, resting his head against hers, eyes not leaving the sky.
“Thank you.” He could barely hear her, as she squeezed his hand.
For the first time since that dreadful night, Queenie felt at peace. If she closed her eyes, it was as if her father was there with her. He would want her to enjoy the day, even if he wasn’t present.
Angel felt the girl drifting off, and let her nap for a little while.
“Happy Birthday” he whispered, a soft smile spreading to his face as the girl’s gangly arms wrapped around him.
Tag: @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle @humangrumpycat @annibunnysworld @thecaptainsgingersnap
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Happy Birthday Dimitri! (A bit late, I'm Sorry!) *Rides up to him on the back of a beautiful dark dappled steel gray war horse. He is massive, and tall, easily able to carry someone of Dimitri's hight and weight without an issue. At her invisible cue he bows to Dimitri and she quickly slides off, before he returns to his full impressive height once more. With a radiant smile she hands Dimitri the reins* "Happy Birthday King Dimitri!" *She bows quickly* "I hope Kage Yari will serve you well."
(Hands Mun a tray of fresh baked Christmas Cookies and a mug of hot chocolate. I don't know how to make macaroons! Sorry! 😔)
(Oh! And "Kage Yari" is Shadow Spear" in Japanese. Or my best guess per Google lol!)
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I- You’ve chosen to give me a horse as a gift? Thank you very much! And I thank you for your birthday wishes, I understand that some people may have been busy yesterday and I don’t hold that against them. But thank you for this horse, he’s very beautiful. *strokes his mane* I can not thank you enough for such a generous gift.
// Thanks for the cocoa and cookies! It’s ok if you don’t know how to make macrons, I don’t either. I don’t really have a lot of baking knowledge in general, so I’ll gladly accept anything you can make!
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yariibu · 4 years
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HEADCANON →   koshiro itome’s backstory .
koshiro is an only child whose father passed away before he was born . ever since the very day he was born , he was very close with his mother . his mother is just as kind & gentle as he is & is a very beautiful woman , though she’s on the shorter side , koshiro inherited pretty much all of his physical features from her . they always spent a lot of time together , & she was always nothing but accepting of anything koshiro ever wanted to do or be .
when koshiro was 7 , his mother started seeing another man . koshiro didn’t have anything against him , he actually rather liked him , & he was happy that his mother was happy again . they got married & koshiro got to be the ring bearer in the wedding . he was happy to know what it felt like to have a dad , & he thought his home life was perfect now that this man was in their lives , helping them out in many ways . 
until koshiro’s 8th birthday . given it fell on a weekday , his step-father had a very rough day at work & came home drunk . his mother was working late & wasn’t home yet . koshiro wasn’t sure what to do , since he’d never seen his step-father drunk before . he tried asking him questions , only to have them turned down or vagued while he kept drinking . while trying to help , his step-father suddenly became violent & slapped koshiro across the face . when he fell to the ground , koshiro only remembers his weight falling on top of him , & the bottom half of his clothing being removed . everything else was completely numb , as if his body shut down to the point that he couldn’t even push his step-father off of him or scream for help . & like a light switch , his step-father suddenly realized what he was doing to his step-son , frantically apologizing , redressing him , & begging for his forgiveness & not to tell his mother .
so he never did . to this day , koshiro’s mother still has no idea that her new husband raped her son . he makes her happy , & koshiro couldn’t bring himself to ruin that happiness for her because he liked seeing his mother smile so much . so , instead , he carried that fear of that man with him through the rest of his childhood , teaching himself not to freak out when he was in the same room as him , & locking himself in his room if he was left in the house alone with him . he did everything he could so his mother would never find out about that night . & so that koshiro could finally feel a sense of sanity again , he chose to go to a university a few hours away . 
koshiro heard about the yari-bu after he started dating his boyfriend ( at the time ) , keiichi . at first , he was hesitant to join , but he wanted to learn how to make sex a positive experience for himself instead of something to fear . 
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zaynbirthday-blog · 6 years
Happy Birthday Zangel!
I hope you're having an amazing day but also I wish that you have an incredible year 'cause I'm quite sure that you've been working so hard and you deserve all of the happiness, success, love and health that this world has. Little do you know how many things you've done for us, you changed so much lives and gave us so many reasons to keep smiling and being alive. You're a light in our lifes and we're all so proud of you. You always manage to make every song special even though we all perceive it differently. Lots of Love, Yaris.
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asacredwar-rp · 6 years
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Character Information
Name: Edward “Ted” Tonks (he/him)
Age: 16
Blood Status: Muggleborn
House: Hufflepuff
Year: 6th
Allegiance: The Resistance
Faceclaim: Jordan Fisher
Extracurriculars: Chaser, Charms Club
Positive Traits:    +Honest, +Patient, +Empathetic
Negative Traits:    -Disorganized, -Passive, -Regretful
Wanted Connections:
Ex-girl/boyfriend - Someone who he dated for a while, and they broke up because he realized he liked someone else (Andromeda). This is a person he can either be on good or bad terms with at the moment.
Close friends - A few people who he’s probably been friends with since first year. Hopefully at least one other muggleborn that he can relate to.
Current Connections:
Remus Lupin - Geeks out about muggle things 
Andromeda Black - Has a soft spot for 
Phoebe Greengrass - Terrified of, tries to avoid
The Tonks household is a warm one. Though it wasn’t always that way, not until Edwards mother left them after his acceptance to Hogwarts. She’d always known he was different, treating him as such up until his letter arrived on his 11th birthday. Her departure left his father to raise him, and his brother and sister on his own. It seemingly only caused his father to love them even more though, not minding the fact that his youngest was different from the rest. While it was difficult for the family, they got through everything together. Even as his older siblings got older, moving out and into new homes with their significant others, they had chosen to stay close by.
Having to suddenly live away from his family for a majority of the year proved hard for the boy, already taking its toll during the first train ride. Thankfully he had found fellow first years to sit with, and made friends both within and outside of his house. It didn’t stop the homesickness from settling in his chest every once in a while. Ted decided to throw himself into his studies, perhaps then he would have more to write about rather than just everything is ‘going well’. If he did well then his family would surely be happy for him. Which is where his love for Charms class began. Quickly deciding to join the club, and anticipating second year for when he’d be able to join Quidditch. Within Hogwarts, he found two of his passions.
Healing. Something he discovered he enjoyed during his fourth year, after a bad fall from the Quidditch pitch that resulted in a trip to the Hospital Wing. While it might not be seen as the most masculine of professions, it fascinated him to watch bones regrow and snap back into place. The difference between muggle medicine and wizarding medicine astonished the boy. How much more advanced wizards were, as something that would take weeks or even months simply took them a few hours. Ted often times wondered if he annoyed Madame Pomfrey with all the questions he asks during his hours spent there. But he figured she must secretly enjoy the company, or else she would have kicked him out a long time ago.
The only other thing that caught his attention just as much was a girl named Andromeda Black. The girl was the same year as him, and apart of the charms club. At first he hadn’t thought much on how he seemingly went out of his way to help her if he could, figuring he would do it for anyone. But when he became sad over not knowing what her favorite food or color was, he realized it was something more. She always appeared to keep her distance though, and who was he to push her to come closer?
There was only one thing he would change if he could, and it would be to stop being so soft. Even when he tries to stick up for himself, he finds himself taking back what he’s said or making the situation even worse. It’s not as if he’s not capable of defending himself, he would just rather someone pick on him rather than someone else. Which might’ve been how he’d become a target of sorts. Growing accustomed of the label. Even though he tried to avoid it, he just found himself freezing up instead of defending himself. If it were someone else, he felt as if he would fight back. But it was always Phoebe, for years now, making him habituated and unable to do anything. It was the one thing he would never tell his family. The one thing he wished he could change.
Interested in Ted Tonks?  He is closed and being played by Yari.
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transparentheartz · 3 years
day 8!!! feeling really festive today, i'm sitting in a coffee shop writing this which is fun!!
barnes and nobles!! omg that's so cool, i've always always wanted to work in a bookshop, but i think i romanticised it a lot. i'd say you're dead on your feet after your shifts! i find helping customers can either be really sweet or plain nasty... holiday hours are the worst, we're staying open until half ten now, which means i'll get home at 11 :((( it's so late
reading in the car is the best, i used to be able to do it but now i find i get the tiniest bit queasy sometimes but not on buses!! headphones are such a neccessity with my fam, no one really likes my music. that's cool that your dad listens to old music tho, do you like any of it?
i try so hard not to think about the ariana grande concert, it's terrifying so i can definitely see why you'd be anxious. the astroworld thing terrified me, i couldn't sleep after seeing one of the videos (it popped up on my tiktok without a tw and it was horrible). my mam is really hollistic and believes in guardian angels so it's rubbed off on me a bit and i like to trust i'm protected all the time, it's small but it helps. i was looking at olivia rodrigo tickets too!! i really want to bring my younger sister to it, i told her my plan yesterday and she started crying bc she was so happy <333
i think when you like something that much it becomes so personal to talk to someone about it, i think unless they understand it, there's always a fear they'll mock it... i regret letting my family know in some ways but then again, i literally can't not talk about it especially when something big is happening in the fandom!
how did you find school? (high school, i think, i call it secondary school, from like 14-18 ish) i didn't mind it, i liked watching people interact more than getting involved, so i was never faced with the whole weed or alcohol or boys obsession... i always told myself i do it all in college tbh, now i'm in second yr and still haven't "gone mad"
i think that's really lovely tho, it saves you money and makes sure you'll genuinely enjoy the books. yeah sarah j maas is problematic but she's so well known i always use her to get a sense of what ppl read... harry potter aus are supreme, i can't imagine writing one, it would be such an undertaking, also to get the vibes right is sooo hard!
oh ouch, that sounds sore! my mam put me off getting my nose pierced bc she always said it was sorer than giving birth (she's a drama queen!!) but i think they're dead cool! which was sorer septum or normal nose piercing?
i'm so sorry to hear about pepper, losing a pet is horrible. but at least you still have xena to look after! ahaha shitzshu are cute tho!
yeah makeup is hard, i've so much admiration for people who can do it properly! sometimes i'll just curl my eyelashes bc i won't be other to deal with mascara. i love that you cry when you laugh (not in a werid way!!), it shows you're really genuine
i'm the oldest, i've two little sisters who i love. they're acc great tbh, even tho they can drive me mad. you've a sister right?
i have a black toyota yaris, she's small and kinda moody with chaging gears but she's a car so i don't complain, you?
this question<33 i love music sm. the last 3 songs were probably silver by nic nim, sour milk by dylan and you're not harry styles by dylan which is kinda ironic haha what about you?
do you play any instrumments or sing?
are you in college? bc i know you said you're working part time..
have a great day! <3
- your ss <33
firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
welcome to being twenty, hope you enjoy it and hope you have an amazing day.
yeah, it's a lot more work than i thought it'd be but i don't hate it. i like the people i work with (expect one manager) and it's not hard. same, we close at 10, i'll probably leave around 10:30 after cleaning up, then i won't get home til 11 because of the holiday hours.
uh,, some of it. other songs i'm just like 'what is this' lol. it really just depends on the song and how it sounds.
yeah, i can't watch the astroworld videos they make me so sad and it's so horrible to even think about i can't imagine what the families of those people are going through. The date for olivia's concert that is close to me is the around the time i'm supposed to go out of town for a wedding so idk if i'll be able to go :( but if you and your sister get to go i hope you have fun !
high school.. i hated 9th grade (age 13/14) i wore headphones in almost every class, i didn't talk to anyone except for in two of my classes. i hardly went that year to the point that i almost didn't move on to 10th grade. then i went to school for i think the first few weeks for 10th grade then transferred to online school. i did online school for the rest of highschool. I just didn't like being there and i didn't really care for anyone i went to school with, i didn't consider any of them my real friends, just school friends who i never hung out with outside of school soo yeah lol.
also all through out school (even elementary and in college now) i was considered the 'quiet smart' one. though i was only considered smart because i was quiet. i have a hard time talking to new people, so i usually didn't speak unless someone spoke to me first.
harry potter aus are just .. sooo good i can't describe how much i love them for some reason.
so getting the piercings and the healing process i would say the normal nose piercing was sorer. but neither were so bad to the point that i was in extreme pain. there's a sweet spot in your septum, so if the piercer doesn't put the needle in the right spot, then it can definitely hurt really bad but mine was like a tiny pinch and that was it. the normal one hurt more, not sure why probably cause there is more cartilage there. but i love them both.
yeah i really miss her but it's okay i'll always love her. some shitzshus are ugly tho lol.
omg yeah i used to watch makeup tutorials and i could never do what they do. and lol yeah tears just come out like nothing when i laugh its odd but thank you haha
i am the youngest, i have eight, yes eight, sister and no brothers. it's all very confusing lol maybe i'll explain it to you when secret santas are revealed. love all them it was wild growing up with them in a small house but fun too.
i have a silver honda pilot (2008), the one with three rows of seats so she's a bit big but i'm tall so i need a big car. my grandad is a mechanic and owns car shops so he would always give my family cars if he had ones to give. the honda was in a car accident and brought to his shop, he fixed it up and gave it to me. (I googled your car bc i dont know what any car looks like by its name, so tiny lol its cute tho!)
I love dylan, i don't remember how i found her music but i never met anyone else who listens to her so thats cool. last three songs for me were burning bridges by bea miller, wish i never met you by loote, and i miss you, im sorry by gracie abrams.
i dont sing i have a horrible voice lol. i dont play instruments either. i had to play the trumpet in 8th grade but i hardly did it and hardly brought the instrument to school with me.
i am in college. i hate it. school is one of the most hated things in my life. im so behind in work and idk if i'll pass this semester. i can hardly bring myself to care but i also have a fear of failing so.. yeah. your in school right? do you know what you're going for? i don't so thats fun !
hope you have/had an amazing day :)
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viperfang · 6 years
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HAPPY BDAY NEO!!   honestly i really didn’t even kno it was ur bday until i realised u was countin down on discord... like i found out last night and we alll know it. i always say i’m gonna keep this messages short but u kno that’s not gonna happen bc i have a tendency to ramble on and on abt nothin in particular. u just mean so so much 2 me ever since we started talkin fr and have always been there for me. i love u so so much
i think i first followed u on jumin’s blog... maybe on reece? or the blog i took a break on, i really can’t rememba but ik that i followed u first ( me followin sum1 first? more likely than u think! ) your portrayal of jumin is so fuckin good and i don’t care what any1 says, nobody is changin my mind on that. you know every aspect of his character and don’t linger on dumb things he’s said / done and it’s one of the unique things about ur portrayal, u really do emphasise on the realism of his character, which imo is a huge fragment of the game itself.. and what makes mysme different from all other games
everyth u do is so good. you are such a talented person, whether u put in effort w ur canons or ur ocs. it’s amazin to see the amount of dedication gone into them and i really wish that more people would pay attention bc u rlly did invent mutant ocs... xmen who?? idk her! my fav is .. prolly james and not jus cuz he’s a gemini KLFDSJKLF nah but honestly, the amount of effort u put into ur ocs and their backgrounds / npcs... whew.... when’s the novel comin out? i would honestly read a novel centered around them bc they’re such good and in depth characters 
i’m so glad u replied to that ooc post bc ur one of the people i’ve grown close to the in the span of ( roughly ) a year and ur so funny and full of puns... like i don’t know where u get them all from FJSDK I THINK I DID COMMENT ON IT ON JUMIN’S BLOG BC IM P SURE ALL UR TAGS WERE CAT PUNS. you are such a good person. i love how passionate u are about ur characters and ik i’m bad w plottin but the most fun part abt plottin w u or even talkin abt our charas is the fact that i get to put my characters into scenarios w urs and we get to predict their reactions and literally all the time we do this, it’s so fun ?? you make me so effortlessly happy and i hope u know that i’m always here for u, no matta what
i know you’ve been on / off tumblr for a while but i really do love it when i see u on the dash and it makes me want to post more regularly too bc i love seein u on there, it makes me so happy and lucky to know that i have a friend like u, i really don’t know how to put this into a cohesive sentence but like i’m typin this out and i’m just thinkin about how much u mean to me and feelin overwhelmed w the amount of love i feel for u
i really hope to see more of u on the dash and ik ur busy w uni as well, so i wish u the best w that. i’m so glad that we talk, i care abt u so so much and i want u to be completely comfortable on this site ( even when it’s like That ) i hope u have the best birthday bc u really do deserve so much and i hope u know that when i get enough cash i’ll b askin u for ur wishlist or smth. i love u so so much, happy neo day, birthday!  [drives off in my toyota yaris]  ❤  / @variforme
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cbg-eja · 4 years
Friday - September 18 - Day 21
BIEN: Swab day! Nagising ako ng mga bandang 2:30 am sa sobrang lamiggg nakatulog rin naman ako agad after mag isip isip Hahaha then nagising ako mga 6:00 am na d. Alam mo ba sinama ko sa impake yung jacket na binigay mo and yung ribbon dun sa cake na binigay mo na color gold baka kakasi pag balik ko wala na dun nag loloko kasi minsan yung lock nung main door ko kaya pag balik lalagyan namin ng second lock, okay na mawala lahat wag lang yung mga bigay mo! Hahaha 😂
Mga bandang 10:30 am na ako nasundo then diretso kami sa Pampanga to be honest kinakabahan ako Hahaha baka kasi nandun ka di ba Hahaha 😂
Ayun saglit lang pala nag papaswab dumating kami dun mga 12:00 pm na,12:30 pm tapos na kami buti konti lang taoooo sakit nung sa throat Hahaha mas nasaktan ako dun kesa dun sa ilong tas after lunch diretso balik na sa Tarlac d
Mga 3:00 pm kadating na ako dito sa bahay bili agad ako ng cake and ice cream gusto ko nga ikaw papiliin ko sa cake eh Hahaha sabi ko nalang yung chocolate cake nalang na may halong dark chocolate yun fave nating flavor ng cake eh Hahaha 😂 para satin talaga yun eh hindi kay mama Hahaha jk 😂 pero sarap sya ddd. Grabe sobra busog daming nakaeeeeen Hahaha
Saw your ig stories today dami nyo ring food busog ka din sigurooo then nag donate ka ng dugo di ba d? ano type mo? kasi ako ikaw eh! yieee Hahaha corny 😂 Type O kasi akooo gusto ko din nung key chain mong San Miguel! Hahaha ang ganda d
Eto na nga kita ko mga post mo sa Tumblr d yung super drained ka, pagod, kailangan mo ng peace of mind tas nag post ka pa dun sa account na parakaycbg na your really on your verge na. I’m super worried talaga sayo nun d kinakabahan ako na ewan 😔 tas eto namang si Renz nice timing din ito convo namin
Renz: Pre yung jowa mo na BPG. San nakatira?
Me: Bakit pre?
Renz: Pre malapit ba siya megamall? May papasuyo ako sana pre. Boto nako sakanya pre.
Me: Puta ka kinabahan ako sayo. Tangina ka putaaa kala ko may nang yari na HAHAHAHA puta ka. Di kami nag uusap ngayon.
Renz: Hahahahahaha naydamo (mura to sa kapampangan, tangina ata yan Haha)
Pre kausapin mo naman sige na
Me: Sa 29 pa kami mag uusap
Renz: Tang inang yan. Pre bilang isang kaibigan tatanawin ko ng malaking utang na loob.
Me: Puta ka talaga kala ko may alam ka sa nang yayari sakanya ngayon Hahaha nakikita ko post nya e parang may ngyari
Renz: Ay ganon Hahahaha Pre kilala naman niya ako diba. Pero malapit ba siya megamall?
Me: Malayo Metro Manila sya sa St. Jude
Renz: Aydana, sayang naman. Wala ka kilala na malapit sa megamall pre
Me: Wala na
Ayun tumigil naman rin sa kakakulit d Hahaha sakto timing nya kala ko talaga alam nya nang yayari sayo. Sa sobrang worried di ko na napigilan itext ka tas yung reply mo pa nun parang galit kaya mas nag worried ako na may nagawa ba akong mali.
Then we talked from 11:00 pm to 6:00 am record breaking ano po Hahaha we talked about update in life, work, and kung ano ano pa ang kulit kulit at gulo gulo mo eh Hahaha basta super saya ko kapag kausap kita, syempre super kinilig diiin! Yieeee HAHAHA 😂☺🥰 landeeee pero thank you talaga d at sinagot mo tawag ko at sana nahanap mo yung peace of mind na gusto mo sabi ko nga na lagi mong tatandaan na sa'yo lang ako, buong buo, 101% I’m all yours, pag mamay-ari mo na ako, Edrianne Joy Escobal Ascuncion property na po ito. I want to say so bad those 3 magical words to you kagabi but gusto ko tayo na pag sinabi ko ulit sayo yun d but thank you thank you talaga! Sana lahat ng napag usapan natin is magawa natin soooon, gusto nakita makasama, I wanna hold you, hug you, kiss you, pag masdan ka habang natutulog, gisingin ka, pag luto ka, asarin ka at madami pang iba! Mamimiss nanaman kitaaaa muriiit usap tayo sooon. 😘
DIANE:  Its a Friday and pumasok ako today kasi its kain day sa office hahahaha. I made Spam Musubi and buti na lang gusto naman nila hahahha may dala ring chinese food yung isang manager kaya busog na busog kami. May blood donation drive dito sa Head Office tapos nagkayayaan kami na magdonate. GURL HILO AKO HAHAHA nakakaubos pala ng energy to tas kinailangan na kami bumalik sa office kaya di kami masyado nakapahinga. Antok na antok kami pagkabalik. Alsoooo, happy birthday to your mom!! Nakita ko parang umuwi ka ng Tarlac idk bat ka nakauwi hahaha pero naisip ko na swab test mo nga pala ngayon Mga 8 nakauwi na din ako naligo tapos magpapahinga na sana ako kasi inaantok talaga ako.
May aaminin ako, di naman sa pakialamera ako or what pero from time to time eh nachecheck ko ung ig story ng ex mo. Hindi naman account ko ung pinangchecheck ko pero nakikita ko ung posts nya. Hindi ako nakapagcheck these past few days pero today sabi ko bago ako matulog parang gusto kong magcheck ng profile nya. Nakakairita, grabe. Di ko alam kung nananadya ba yun pero to post something like that? I understand bago pa lang kayo naghiwalay at isa rin to sa mga kinakatakutan ko pero ayaw pa ba nyang pakawalan ka? I would completely understand because I know nagsisisi siya sa pagbabalewala sayo pero gurl you had your chance, why didn’t you take it? I dont want to own you yet dahil wala pa naman so wala akong magagawa. The choice is always up to you. Alam ko namang nagfofollowan pa rin kayo at wala sanang kaso sakin yun. Alam nya kung nasaan ka ngayon. Pero grabe hahaha wala na ako masabi. Iba talaga ung naiisip ko. Promise, sumangga sa utak ko na mag-let go na lang dahil hindi ko talaga kaya na walang peace of mind, mas mababaliw ako. Gusto ko lang talaga matahimik sorry. Kaya nagpost ako dun sa blog intended for you kasi yun talaga nararamadaman ko. Nanghihina pa ako at hindi makapag-isip ng tama. Writing this before ako makatulog, sana okay ako kinabukasan. Sorry this is what I feel.
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Yari!! I’m so sorry to keep you waiting lovely, but I hope this is worth the wait! I loved reading all about Pandora, especially her personality and background story, and I think she’ll be a super interesting addition to our dashboard, where I can not wait to see her on!
Check out our acceptance checklist right here on what to do next!
EST, 8/10
possible alt FCs in case you don’t like Emily are Elle Fanning, Penelope Mitchell, and Johanna Brady. Mischief Managed
Full Name:
Pandora Irene Clarke aka Pan or Dora
Emily Kinney
Birthday and Age:
January 21 1959, 18 years old.
House and Year:
Ravenclaw, seventh year
Sexuality/Romantic Orientation:
Pansexual / panromantic
Astronomy club, gobstones club
Born with a silver spoon in your mouth, but not the same kind that purebloods have. Never lacked anything, but never wanted. Adults always claiming you had an old soul, a more practical one. With your nose always in a book, people often times overlook you. They don’t realize you’re years ahead of them, already inventing spells. Though some believe them to be impractical, others know them to be genius.
Personality traits:
+ intelligent
+ Imaginative
+  Trusting
- gullible
- Impulsive
- Quirky
In the muggle world the Clarke family is well known for its long line of scientists, dating back to Ancient Greece. Pandora’s own parents were scientists, forever working to prove things that seemed impossible. When they first discovered their youngest daughter was magical, they wondered if she somehow held all the unanswered questions they had about the universe. After experimentations on their young daughter, the ministry stepped in and obliterated their memories of her magic. In order for Pandora to stay with them she had to hide her magic, themselves even convinced Hogwarts was just a private school. Even though her two older brothers seemed jealous she got to leave, they also could tell she was different. Although they just believed it had to do more with the fact that she was even smarter than they were.
Because of the secrets she hid from her family, Pandora grew up as a rather lonely child. One of her earliest memories that she could actually recall was being told by the ministry that if her parents found out she’d be removed from her home, which was certainly not what she wanted. Plus, it wasn’t too long until she was able to go off to Hogwarts, where she was able to be herself. She even acquired a cat which she affectionately named Nubs due to his extra toes. She was also happy to be sorted into Ravenclaw, seeing how she was always trying to further her knowledge. Unlike her parents though, she found regular science to be rather boring and didn’t bother with it.
It was magic and how it worked, that’s what she quickly became enchanted by. Often times going off from her regular assignments, and trying to create something of her own making. If she were instructed to make a potion, Professor Slughorn quickly discovered that if he didn’t watch her she would try very the ingredients in it on purpose. Adding too much of one ingredient, and too little of another, often times making a completely different potion. It wasn’t just potions class that she did this in either. Often times purposely switching up words and their pronunciations when instructed to cast a spell. Detention quickly became something she automatically went to, whether she actually had it or not.
In the girls mind she had many friends, just about everyone in the castle! People were always coming up to her and asking for help, whether it be papers or projects. And she was happy to help, most of them only taking her no more than an hour to complete. At first a few people had offered to pay her for the help, especially her regulars. But to her their friendship was enough, she couldn’t see that they didn’t truly think of her as their friend. A few people had suggested to her before that these people weren’t her friends, and that she should stop helping them. But she’d spent so much time avoiding her family that she wasn’t about to start ignoring her classmates for no good reason. Plus it wasn’t like it was actually causing her much hard.
Seeing how she was a seventh year, she knew that she would need to find something to do after school was over. She figured that her work would probably be useful in the department of mysteries somehow, seeing how they were very interested in her. Or rather what she was recently working on. She was well aware of the fact that the imperius curse was used to control others. She hadn’t meant to get so infatuated with it, but her curiosity was sparked while reading about unforgivable curses. It was different from others, seeing how people could resist it, but it was hard to do so. She was wondering if there would be a way for someone else to remove the curse from someone else. Sure there was no way that was currently known, but didn’t everything start off unknown?
At least that was the reasoning that she’d told the ministry when questioned about her use of the forbidden curse. She’s sense gotten several warnings from them to stop her experiments, but what they don’t know is that she’s getting closer to finding the solution. She also can’t help but feel like they might not want her to find the solution. Although she couldn’t see why they wouldn’t.
Xenophilius Lovegood: Finds interesting, wants to get to know better.
Augustus Rookwood: Often does favors for. Believes to be friends.
Severus Snape: Believes to be intelligent and similar. Thinks he could possibly help with her spell making.
Additional Info:
thin , round face
An owl
Long walks, the rain, nature,
Loud parties, being treated like she’s stupid, lying
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